bulletin in a new window.


bulletin in a new window.
Sunday Eucharist
Saturday at 7:00 pm, Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00 am
Weekday Masses - Listed Inside
Reconciliation (Confession)
1/2 hour prior to every Mass or by appointment
3rd Sunday - Applications in the Parish Office.
Six months notice and a marriage course required.
Children’s Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy at the 9:00 am Sunday Mass from
Sept-June: ages 4-7 (3 yr. olds accompanied by parent)
Call Shari Lorenz at 364-6916
Mass for Healing
First Fridays of the month at 7:00 pm,
Usually October to June
Adoration Chapel
Continuous Adoration from Mon. 9am until
Saturday at 6 pm. Call Don at 364-1185
Bereavement Ministry
Visiting, literature, informative sessions.
Co-ordinator Mary Del Guidice Call the parish office.
Ministry to the Sick & Aged
Notify the parish office to arrange for a visit or the
administering of the Sacraments.
Catholic Women’s League (C.W.L.)
Spirit-filled women praying, growing, serving,
sharing. President: Diane McNichol 506-3609
Knights of Columbus (K of C)
Grand Knight: Gary Fedy 364-4187
St. Vincent de Paul Society
For assistance or information contact Parish Office
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Light of Life Prayer Group
Call Ted Zettel 519-881-8773
Natural Family Planning
Private consultation with a certified couple.
Call Matt & Tracy Claassen 519-506-5665.
Prayer Network Call Pat Murphy 379-3000 or
Yvonne Gonder 369-2644 to relay prayer requests.
Youth Ministry
The Mustard Seeds: Youth (Gr. 8 - 12)
Not Ashamed: Jr. Youth (Gr. 6 - 7)
Altar Serving Ministry (Gr. 4 & up)
Children’s Liturgy: 9 am Mass
The Rosary Group
Most weekdays following Mass
Funeral & Burial Arrangements
When death occurs in your family, please advise the
parish immediately and we will assist you in making
liturgical arrangements.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA group sessions beginning each September.
RCIA is for adults who are interested in
membership in the Roman Catholic Church.
Please contact the Parish Office at 364-1973.
Diocesan Vocation Director: Rev. W. Kuzma
905-528-7988 ext 2240, at the diocesan web site
For information, call Bruce-Grey Catholic District
School Board at 364-5820, or Holy Family
Elementary School at 364-2760 or Sacred Heart
High at 881-1900. For French Immersion call
Immaculate Conception School, Formosa at 367-2900.
Trustee: Robyn Garvey (Wiseman) 364-6155
Welcome to
Holy Family Parish
in Hanover, in the Diocese of Hamilton,
352 - 10th Ave. Hanover, On N4N 2N6
(519) 364-1973 Fax: 364-5671
E-Mail: info@holyfamily.ca
Website: www.holyfamily.ca
PASTOR: Rev. Gary Schlack, P.P.
Youth Minister: Sam Zettel
Pastoral Minister: Cheryl Chornaby
Parish Secretary: Anne Rehkopf
Parish Bookkeeper: Cheryl Chornaby
Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:30-12, 1-4 pm
Bulletin deadline: 4:00 pm Wednesday
Parish Membership
We encourage everyone who regularly shares in the Sunday Eucharist at our
church to become a registered member. To register, please fill out a
registration form found on the table in the narthex and drop it in the collection
basket or drop by the parish office.
Sunday Offering Envelopes or Pre-Authorized Remittance are available on
request and will provide you with a year end income tax receipt for your church
donations. Please advise the office of address changes.
Mission - St. Anne’s, Chesley
Catholic Women’s League (C.W.L.): President Jane Godin 363-2472
Knights of Columbus (K of C): Joe Walsh 363-2840
Rosary Group: Mary Biermans 363-3446 (meet every Tuesday morning)
Reflect on Today’s Gospel
1. Re-read Mark 10: 46-52
2. How do you respond when a
beggar approaches you? Why?
3. If Jesus asked you “What do you
want me to do for you?” what would
you say?
Dear Parishioners,
The Hanover OCC shoeboxes are available on
your way out or into church. Inside each is a
pamphlet giving information as to what can be
packed, label for the gender and age
of recipient, request for prayers, and
other ways to donate to the OCC
shoebox campaign. This year the
shoeboxes going to the Kitchener
collection centre will be shipping
boxes to Haiti, Nepal, Ukraine, Chile,
Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Senegal.
Once you have completed packing your OCC
shoebox please return them to Holy Family Parish.
Tables will be set up on which the filled boxes can
be placed. The final collection date is Sunday,
November 15, 2015. The gifts will be blessed by
Father Gary at the three masses over that
weekend. Thank you for bringing joy into the life
of a child who has never received a gift prior to
your shoebox.
Mission Trips:
Parishioner going on Missionary Trip
Maurice Voisin is participating in his second
Medical Mission to poor areas of Nicaragua in
January 2016. Tax deductible donations can be
made out to: FOTOCAN (Friends of the Orphans
Canada) to assist with costs in drilling two wells,
building up to 30 Banos (outdoor toilets) and
medical supplies and can be dropped off at the
church office prior to December 31, 2015. Thank
you for your consideration.
Another Parishioner going on a Mission Trip
Anne Hahn has the unique opportunity to travel to
Costa Rica on December 27th ! She will be part of
a Family team of 20-25 Canadians including her
daughter, Alissa Magwood and grandson 11 year
old Connor Magwood, long-time supporters of
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. In
Costa Rica, they will be distributing Operation
Christmas Child shoe box gifts, helping at dental
and eye glasses clinics, and serving in Children’s
Ministry. They would truly appreciate your prayers
as they prepare for this ministry, endeavouring to
touch the lives of Costa Rican children and their
Dear Lord Jesus,
We thank you for these among us who are going
forth to share your goodness with the poor. Bless
their efforts and all those who have supported the
cause. Grant them good health, a joy filled heart
and safe travel. May we all grow more mindful of
those in our midst who are in need. Amen
Rosary, pale green. Claim at the parish office
MASS INTENTIONS October 26 - November 1st, 2015
7:00 pm
Danny Craig - Melanie
Int. of Lisa Dulovic
Gord Rody - Brian & Susan Sakal
Don Ducharme - Doug & Elaine Hill & Family
Brenda Dimeck - Jennifer & Harvey
Fr. Gary is away the remainder of the week at the Diocesan Priests Seminar.
Please pray for all our priests.
SUNDAY LITURGIES - Feast of All Saints
Saturday Vigil Mass
7:00 pm
Marilyn Rivest - Robert & Elisabeth Hess
Sunday Masses
9:00 am For all the people of the Parish
11:00 am
Lorne Weber - Noreen & family
Parish News
Help us “Let the Parish Lights Shine”
Lighting Project In an effort to realize energy cost savings of over $3800
per year, the Fundraising Committee of Holy Family Parish is embarking
on a series of fundraising events in an effort to purchase 71 energy
efficient lights from FES Canada. These lights will replace the existing
lights within the Parish. If our parish can raise enough funds to purchase
these lights prior to Dec. 31st we will be eligible to receive a government
energy rebate of $5,149.86 which will be used towards other capital and/
or mission related initiatives within the Parish.
Our first fundraiser is a Chili Supper! Friday, Nov. 13th, 4:30 - 7:30
pm in the Lenhard Room. Tickets: $12., children 10 - 5 $6. under 5 free.
Draw Table Too! Mark your calendar and plan to attend.
Meals on Wheels Volunteers Needed About 5 times a year our
parish co-ordinates the drivers for Meals on Wheels which serves the
elderly and/or recuperating in the community. Volunteers needed from
approx. 11:30 am - 12:30 pm to accompany another, to deliver these
around Hanover. Could you offer 1 hour, 5 times a year? Call 364-3855
33 days to Morning Glory
Sign up now in the Narthex for the book “33 days to Morning Glory” a
consecration to Mary in preparation for the Year of Mercy. Book costs
$5.00. for this self lead retreat with reflections for each day. Let us all
start together on Friday, November 6th. We will have special
consecration prayers for our parish following the 33 days of reflection.
This is a great opportunity to slow down and spend 15 minutes each day
growing in your faith. Consider doing it as a couple or family and see
how the love of God and the intercession of the Blessed Mother will move
you closer to one another and to Jesus Christ.
Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide: Speaking from the Evidence
Dr. Margaret Cottle a dynamic speaker, who would be happy to answer
any questions that people may have, is coming to Hanover on Thurs, Oct.
29th at 7 pm at the Hanover Missionary Church 628 11th St. Dr. Cottle
unpacks the Supreme Court decision and what it could mean for Canada.
She also talks about what has happened in other jurisdictions. Dr. Cottle
is a member of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine,
the Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians and the Latin American
Palliative Care Assoc. She serves on the boards for Euthanasia
Prevention Coalition of Canada and the Christian Advocacy Society of
Greater Vancouver. She has been a member of the Physicians Resource
Council for Focus on the Family for 25 yrs. All are welcome to come learn
more on this topic. This is a collaboration with Hanover churches:
Hanover Missionary Church, Hanover Salvation Army, Hope Community
Church, & Holy Family Parish.
Holy Family School - Shopping Night Thurs. Nov. 5th from
5 - 8:30 pm The whole community is invited to come out and shop!
Proceeds will go to Holy Family School playground improvements.
Campbell’s Labels
Don’t forget to save Campbell’s Labels so the parish can acquire free
merchandise. A complete list is available on the table beside the
Campbell’s Deposit Box. Note that Habitant Soup Labels, Prego
Sauce and others earn points in addition to regular soup.
Grandparents Matter…Fostering Love, Family and Faith
Parents and grandparents play a very special role in the life of their
children and grandchildren. Parents of adult children have to
continue loving their children, while not interfering in their lives;
grandparents have to engage with their grandchildren while
respecting their children’s rights as parents. Family relationships and
time should be positive, productive and fun. Come and share an
enlightening and thought provoking time on how to accentuate the
positive with both your adult children and grandchildren! The
presenter for the evening is Teresa Hartnett, Director of Family
Ministry for the Diocese of Hamilton. Join us at St. Mary of the
Assumption Parish Hall (554 – 15th Street East, Owen
Sound) on Monday, Nov. 2nd from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. There is
no charge for this event & no need to register in advance.
Fundraising Dance
Sat. Nov. 21st, 8 pm - 12 midnight at the Hanover Columbus
Centre. Dance to a Live Band "Revised Country Way"
Admission $12., light lunch provided. Proceeds to South Western
Fiddle & Step Dance Assoc. & the Hanover Pregnancy Centre
Ministries Schedules
Gift Bearers Next Weekend
7:00 pm - Robin & Jenn Oberle & Family
9:00 am - Noreen Weber
11:00 am - Eva & Kazimer Korczak
Scripture Readings for the Week
Mon: Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2, 4, 6-7ab, 20-21;
Lk 13:10-17
Tues: Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 13:18-21
Wed: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16
Thurs: Rom 8:31b-39; Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31;
Lk 13:31-35
Fri: Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 14:1-6
Sat: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94:12-13a,
14-15, 17-18; Lk 14:1, 7-11
Sun: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3;
Mt 5:1-12a
What’s Happenin’ in Youth
The Mustard Seeds Halloween Food Drive
Friday, October 30, 2015 after school until 8pm.
Dress for the weather! Bring a wagon or cart if
you have one. Grade 8's encouraged to attend!
Grey Bruce Singers Present: Believe!
A mix of Christian & Secular Holiday Melodies
Thurs. Nov 19th, 8 pm, Friday Nov. 20th, 8 pm, Sat. Nov. 21st 3 pm
& 8 pm, Sun. Nov. 22nd, 3 pm at the Hanover Civic Theatre
443 10th Ave @ 10th St. Tickets $20. ($5. child 12 & under)
available after Oct. 21 at the Hanover Public Library 364-1420
Card Games Please join the Sacred Heart Parish Walkerton Senior
Committee for Progressive Euchre & Progressive Solo Card Games
every Thursday at 1:30 p.m. in the Church Hall.
Ladies Retreat Weekend
Queen of the Apostles Renewal Centre Nov. 20 - 22nd. Theme:
“Become an Icon of Jesus.” Preached by the Centre Team. For
more info or to register please call 905-278-5229
St. Joseph’s CWL Fowl Supper
Sun. Oct. 25th, from 4 - 6 pm at the Cargill Community Centre
Adults $15., Children (5-10) $6. Tickets at the door, take out
available. Everyone Welcome.
Next Sunday we are going to focus on the two
great commandments. What did Jesus say they
Ten Thousand Villages Festival at Hanover Mennonite Church
Nov. 5th & 6th, 9am - 9 pm, Nov. 7th 9 am - 4 pm A world of Fair
Trade Gifts Handmade for you! For more info: 519-364-5897
Please keep in your prayers the eternal
happiness of Eileen Smith of our parish,
Hamilton Diocesan Prayer Calendar
Join in praying for the following this week:
Mon: Rev. Ernest Varosi, C.R.
Tues: Rev. Jim Wahl, C.R.
Wed: Deceased Hamilton Priests
Thurs: Rev. Joseph Sach
Fri: Rev. Angelico Valeriote
Sat: Rev. Angus Smith
Touch of Humour
A group of Canadians were travelling by tour bus through Holland.
As they stopped at a cheese farm a young guide led them through
the process of chess making explaining that goats milk was used.
She showed the group a lovely hillside where many
goats were grazing. These she explained “are the
older goats put out to pasture when they no longer
produce.” She then asked “What do you do in Canada
with your old goats?”
A spry old gentleman in the back answered,
“They send us on bus tours!”
Meet God, Make Disciples, Move Mountains
Liturgy Corner
The Children’s Liturgy Program
Serves Our Faith Community at
the Sunday 9 am Mass
Brydie Munroe, sister of Jack (MaryAnn) Dunne
And those who are sick: especially Cajetan Pinto, Lucas
Reinhart, Pauline Danyluk, Marjorie Spielmacher &
Gord Bowen
Last Weekend’s
Church Support
Holy Family Church
Evangelization 797.00
Syria Aid
155 envelopes used
Your church
offering is
necessary &
May the Lord
bless you
100 fold.
St. Anne’s Church
Thank you for your generosity!
We thank the following businesses for supporting
the production of our bulletin.
Travis Rivest
Enterprises Inc.
Unique, Affordable, Fabulous Fashion
For Women
Downtown Hanover (Across from Beckers Shoes)
Open Tuesday to Saturday
Find us on Facebook!
1645 Bruce Rd 10, RR #3, Chesley
Located in the Heart of Scone
A weekend getaway makes a
great gift idea! Call
Nancy Boerkamp
Craig, McDonald,
Ins. Brokers Ltd.
467 - 10th St. Suite 200
Hanover, On N4N 1R3
Email: mikecraig@cmrinsurance.com
Website: www.crminsurance.ca
Larry Grummett
If it’s insurance,
we offer it!
517-10th Street
Hanover, ON N4N 1R4
Jeff Schlosser
Licenced Insurance Broker
16 acres - All Season Fun & Adventure, Great Food!
Your Best Insurance Is
An Insurance Broker
Saugeenview Family Getaway B & B
Walkerton Office
Open: Mon. - Fri. 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Saturday, 9:30 - 12 noon
Sales Representative
10% of my proceeds
are donated to seminarian support.
Hanover Office
Pro-Life Second Hand Store
Garafraxa St., Durham
Pat Murphy
208 - 10th St. Hanover, ON N4N 1N7
• Real Estate/Mortgages • Corporate/Commercial Law
• Family Law • Wills & Estates
Home Auto Farm
Commercial Life
Office: 519-364-3711 Res: 519-364-2268
Cell: 519-379-3000
Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries Public
Helping you renovate inside & out!
Phone: (519) 364-2380
Leather and Suede
coats and jackets
cleaned and
refinished to look
Design &
Retaining & Rockwalls
Flagstone & Natural Stone
Unilock Patio Walkways & Driveways
Pond Water Features
Call Travis
640 13th Ave
Hanover, ON
N4N 2X1
(Christian Automotive Repair Service)
See brochure in the Narthex for more details.
Home & Auto
= Big Savings
Construction & Renovation Services / Insulated (ICF) &
Traditional Concrete Foundations Walkways, Patios & Decks
Landscape / Retaining Walls & Interlock Construction
Sales Representative
Office: (519) 364-4700
Home: (519) 799-5558
Cell: (519) 379-SOLD (7653)
E-mail: sold@bmts.com
If you’re looking
to sell or buy
property . . .
The Property Shoppe
Real Estate Brokerage
443 10th St. Hanover N4N 1P8
Fax: 519-364-0700
Res: 519-364-0323
Under 25
Great Rates
Come by and see us - Paul, Chyrille & Andy Lehman
at 425 10th St., Hanover 519-364-4479
& at 7 Victoria St. Walkerton 519-507-4479
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