general news - Papers Past
general news - Papers Past
ZealndHr. TheNew Vol. T-No. FOR NELSON, WE3TPORT, GREYMOUTH, AND HOKITIKI. npHE s. s. *> CRUICKSHANK, SMART HAVE TO ABKIVE, T. Whitwell, Esq., Commander, will leave the • PEE ' WAVERLEY,' FROM CHINA, Government Wharf, Onehunga, THIS DAY (Friday), at 12 o'clock noon. CHESTS TEA "1 CkEZ ditto Rates of Passage. 1 UU 825 half-cheals ditto 1020 boxes ditto ditto Steerago. Cabin. 150 rolle Matting To Nelson £4 10 0 £3 0 0 lea Oil, Preserves To' Westport, Greymoutb, Ivory and Lacquered Ware 4 0 0 and Hokitika 6 0 0 &C. &C, &C, CRUICKSHANK, SUAIiT & CO., Agents. THIS DAY (FRIDAY), at ~. 'EXCELSIOR,' FROM LONDON. 100 ditto Martell'a ditto 20 qr.-casks ditto ditto 200 cases Old Tom 75 ditto Ginger Wine 11 qr.-casks Bernard's Malt Whiskey 100 cases ditto ditto ditto 10 Qr.-casks Greenlee's and Colville's ditto 100 cases Blood, Wolfe, and Oo.'s Stout 100 ditto Dawson'? Aleand Stout 6 bales 3-bushel Bags 7 trunks J. Dawson and Son's Boots and 0 o'clock, morning. ROYAL ALFRED' FRUIT. AUCKLAND TO SHORTLAND, Reti'Ksist. the Same liUr. Shoes Consignment of Price's Safes, 24 to 3S inches TIME TABLE. From Auckland to Shortland. September 25, Friday, 9 o'clock, morning September 26, Saturday, 0 o'clock, morning &0., &C. &C, PES ' SIAM,' FROM LONDON. 25 eases Hine's Brandy Colvilla'a 10 qr.-casfes Greenlee's and From Shortland to Auckland. The 'Maori Chief will leave the Creek, September 25, Friday, 1 o'clock, afternoon September 26, Saturday, 1 o'clock,afternoon. Whiskey 250 casts Martell's Brandy 18 qr.-cosks ditto ditto CRUIOKSHANK, SMART, GOLD-FIELD. & *. CO., High-street, Sept. 24, 1868. .. Sharps STEAM BETWEEN AUCKLAND AND TAPU. Bran rPHB Favorite Steamship BONE DUST OTAGO OATMEAL on completion of overhaul, will be placed solely on the above line. j ■ ' , FOR „ SUPERFINE THE P.S. LADY BOWEN ' ' NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Agent. September 22, 1868. FIRE 3 to MEN BUST, Practical Farming Arbitrator, Valutho Return of the b.s. ' Go-ahead' from the ator, &d. Capitalists assisted in the Selection tho 23rd o Mines, on or about WEDNESDAY, npENDEPS are required for COMPLETING a instant, tho undersigned will bo prepared to SUPPLY or Adaptation of Country Properties. Address MESSRS. K. BAIRD & CO., X CUTTING and MAKING that portion of tho KAWAKAWA COALS at the Queen-street Wharf, Seed Merchants, NEW NORTH ROAD near Mr. George Bray's in quantities of ono ton or more, at Queen-street, Auckland. corner. Specification to be seen at Mr. 0. Tothill'b, 30s. PER TON, CASH. Shortland-street, from 24th current to Ist October. HENRY GILFILLAN, MUSIC! MUSIC!! MOSIO !!! Agont. ,| Septombor 10, 1868. 81 Queon-street, PIANOFORTES. GRAHAM'S TOWN TEMPERANCE HOTEL, SUBSCRIBER has for Sale or Hire, three TOOKEY'S FLAT. MR. J. W. PREECE Good Instruments will Delivor and Tune the intimate that ho has THIS DAY received same in Auckland or Shortland free of extra charge. in partnership with him Mh. W. A. GRAHAM For terms, &c, address B. Hunt, Hebaed Office. 0. DAVIDSON, PnoPEiETon. in his business as Native Land Agent, &c. Tho firm will in future be carried on in the namo ON SALE, of PREECE and GRAHAM. DAVIDSON tako? this opportunity of thankOffices, Crescent Chambers, Shortland-street, BEEF SYDNEY Orders left the office of Laishle? at Auckland. Woolpacks, Kerosene ing his friendsand tho public for theirpast patronage and Co., Pollen-street, Shortiand, will be attended American Chairs i to. Otago Oatmeal, Butter and as tho alterations aro now completed, at a largo Paper—Tea and Writing Tea, Sugar, Lobsters referonco to tho above Mess-s. Peebob and outlay, nothing has been left undone that would add Soap, Candles Giuham beg to state that that they will bo pre&0., &o. &c, parde to negotiate the purchase or leaso ofNativeLands to the Comfort of his Visitors. in all parts of tho provinco, and to undertako the EXCELSIOR' 'SIAM.' survey of tho some and conduct tho proceedings AND ' PEG ARRIVE, Tho ROOMS aro lofty and spacious, tho ventilation under tho Native Lands Act, for tho purpose of TO 230 bags Dressed Rice, each 56 lbs; proving a good title. Chicory, Marmalade Auckland, sth September, IS6B. perfect throughout, and the accommodation for &o. &c., &.C, MOUNT ALBERT HIGHWAY DISTRICT. alterations, and will re-commence running between Auckland and ShortA2g2|\ ■HraSffiKfe land in about ten days. M. NICCOL, .. TENDERS 19th September, 1868. J- l .. Custom-houße-stroet, Agent. Auckland, September 23, 1868. , t?Wc#r ' E. BAIED AND BACEHOKBE,* SEEDBMEN W. H. SjrwAED; Esq., Commander, having the greater portion of her ca go engagsd, will meet with quick despatch. She has splendid accommodation for saloon passengers. For freight or paspage, apply to & CO., ORUICKSHANK, SMART, CO., WILL EEMOVE f\S TO AND ||§|llp; ffIEE ' will sail THI3 punctually. * PREMISES, Clipper Cutter "*" WANDERER,' DAY (Friday), at 12 o'elock NOW OCCUPIED R. HORNE, Agent, Canada Buildings. MR. TO. MEARS, VICTOEIA-STEEET, And it will be the ADJOINING to Special KEEP SUCH A TABLE Aim of the proprietor as to merit general approval, and at allhours. THE UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA. rip HE favorite cutter 0&k BY Travellers replete with every convenience. FOR WANGAREI DIR2OT. .<- 'WANGAREI,' Anbbbsox, Master, will sail as above THIS DAY (Friday), at 0 p.m. Freight or Passage apply to QTJEEN-STEEET Noto tho Address— HOUSE. CHARLES DAVIDSON, E. B. SHALDEES PEOrniETOE, toannounce that he has HE-COMMENCED BUSINESS as DRAPER and CLOTHIER, OWEN-STREET, GRAHAM'S TOWN, THAMES. HY. P. HAYWAED, under the style of Shalbers & C0.," three doors UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MAKER, from the Savings' Bank, where he will receive suc(Late of Shcrtland Crescent,) cessive supplies of the Nowest Goods of the Best N.B.—Patronised by Lord Burleigh on his visit to and selling at tho Lowest Remuthe Diggings. taken those more central premises Quality, Price. purposes He hopes by strict attention to merit situated in QUESN-3TUEET (two doors nerative of the liberal patronage formerly accorded .above the Bank of New Zealand), avails himself of a renewal this opportunity to \hank his former friends and to him. REDUCED PRICE OF Customers for their liberal support during tho time he Terms: Cash. attenShortland-street, hopes by prompt and WILSON'S was in tion to all orders with which he may be favoured, to "PRACTICAL STATUTES OF NEW merit a share of public patronage. BRITISH BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE. ZEALAND." 65, QUEEN-STREET, Auckland. rfIHE Undersigned has REMOVED his BUSI- TO"ALT? CALF, £3 3?. FULL LAW CALF, £3 -1 NEE 3 to 87 SHORTLAND-STREET, five L.L 10s.; or per post for ss. extra por vol. All orders to bo accompanied with remittance, and N. B.—H. P. H. wishes to call attention to his doors below tho lato New Zealander Office. !«gr N. B.—Boots and Shoes of every description addressed to the publisher, Price much lewer than List, ptesent it being so mado to order. . formerly. EDWARD WAYTE, WILLIAM TEOENE. I Lato "iVarTE Batgeb, No connection with say other house in town. For J. KOBERTON & Vr' ANTED,—TWO COAOH BUILDEfiS "and TWO Good COACH PAINTERS.—AppIy and Co. "TOr ANTED—Three Good VV 0. G. Quick & Co. GROOMS. - Apply to buy, for Cash, OATEN or GRASS HAY, at Quick Co.'s. TTTANTED YY & TO MINEP.S, MERCHANTS, AND BUSINESS MEN. CO. BEGS TTfTAISTKD TO BE KNOWN that PARCELS, V? ' PACKAGES, and FSEIGHr of all descriptions can be CONVEYED and DELIVERED to and from all parts of the CITY and GOLDFIELDS, quicker, cheaper, and safer though HUNT'S STEAMBOA1 1 AND CITY EXPRESS AND PARCELS DELIVERY COMPANY, any other means. All Goods must be delivered through the offices, whore receipts will be given, and the safe delivery of the same, -with the utmost despatch, guaranteed. Office : Lower Queen-street. , *IHE "THAMES ADVERTISER" may be obL tained at the Heraed Office. r three resAND LODGING.—Two find comfortable Board pectable persons BOARD and Lodging Mrs. W. Abthub's, Upper Queenor can at street (late Mrs. Parsons' residence). Between Epsom and Shortland Crescent, finder will be LOST— PAISLEY SHAWL. Office. —T. returning waided a re- The it to the Heraid on Whitsok. n On Tuesday evening, a BUNCH OP KEYS. On leaving the same at the Hbbald ;' Office the finder will be rewarded. LOST— One Month LOST! For Ever! B.C. tatting!! of seeing E.G.within, WILLthebepleasure ! or ARCH., CLARK, land-street & SON, Wabzhousescbi.-, Short- Town and Country Rent and FG. Debt CoEector and Commißsion Agent,Robetton Buildings, Queen-street._ EWINGTON, a mO DIGGERS.—CHEAP OUTFITS at S. _L R. VAite's, National Mart. & J. TO LEND, " HAVING I | ; & PROSPECTUS OF THE GOLDEN CUP GOLD MINING COMPANY (REGISTERED). Capital £4,000, in 400 shares of £10 each. Manager: H. Stevenson. Provisional Directors: Moses Montague I .Tamos Wallace B. W. Mugill I J. E. Dodd Bank : Union Bank of Australia. : J. E. Macdonald. Solicitor Secretary : Thomas Spencer. Aitken, KEESING, DOITSH, AND KEESING, and Retail DRAPERS and CLOTHIERS, opposite the Bank of New Zealand, Queen-street. WHOLESALE NEW STRAWBERRY/, DUKE OF EDINBURGH, Raised by Mr. Lippiatt, Mount Albert. rpEIS Strawberry stands unrivalled by any for JL size, flavour, and beauty, and far excels in its fruit-bearing capabilities all yet introduced. It Has been spoken of in the very highest terms by the entire Auckland Presp, and competent judges pronounced in every way incomparable. The undersigned beg to inform all parties who have registered orders with them for plants of the Strawberry that they are now Duke op Eddtbuege Mr. Lippiatt having still a ready for delivery. undisposed of, intending purchasers small number orders without delay. forward their pleaße will Price 3a. per dozen, or 20s. per 100 plants. R. BAIRD & CO., Stichbury's Buildings, HI Queen-street. ijgp N. B.—A Choice Collection of Newest Rosea. THE THAMES GOLD-FIELD. BOWLEY'S EXPRESS. C. ROWLEY, PROPRIETOR. NEWS AND ADVERTISINGAGENCY, POIiIiEN-STBBEr, Shobtland. Parcels from a dwt. upwards carefully delivered on any rart of the Gold-field. The LETTER EXPRESS, which ia managed Bolely by the Proprietor, affords the utmost convenience to Merchants, Travellers, and Diggers in the forwarding of general business. GENERAL tjgj- Agent for New Zealand Hebald and other Colonialpapers. all ALLAWAY'S DINING- BOOMS, BROWN-STREET, GRAHAM'S TOWN, THAMES GOLD-FIELDS.' others are this Establishment, ACCOMMODATION. ~ MORTON JONES, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION" AGENT, \ WILLOUGHBY STREET, To arrive by ' Mary Grant,' an'l Daily Expected, FAIRY POTA-f A A TONS OF PRIME PORT a Fine Sample .or Seed or Eating. I {}{) EATON DEV7OLF, SHORTLAND, THAMES GOLD Wharf, Auckland. August 31,1SGS. of England and Loch Earn claims, three and a-half acres in extent. 'I he Company is formed in order to T. & S. MOEBIN erect machinery, for which there is not a bettor site Have on Sale, on the whole gold-fields, tho Company having three PACKS, hundred and fifty feet of the Waiotahi Crock. Tho OAHA WOOL large claim abounds in n'ch leaders, from which a Best Quality. quantity of splendid speeim'ns have been taken out, and aro being taken out daily; a large quantity of AND NOW LANDING, EX quartz is ready for crushing. 2SO paM up shares are STEAMSHIP JOHN PENN.' retained by tho original shareholders, leaving 120 to bo offered "to tho public at £1 per share, to bo paid ALE. onapplication; £4 on allotment. When further calls NELSON b given. Calls to ba • are made, 14. days' noti-o -v :li work. regulated by tho piOfj.' DODSON'S PRIZE MEDAL Orders for shares ran De ootained from Samuel TTOOPRB SUPERIOR ALE, in quitterCochrano and Son's, Auckland; D. J. O'Keeffo; and XX XXX VERY hhcls. at the Company's office, Messrs. Spencer and Co.s, casks and owEfr Willoughby-Etrcet, Shortiand. Acent for Province of Auckland, H. STEVEN3CN, ShortlnEd-Bireet. FIELD. CO., WHOLESALE SHIPPING AND FAMILY BUTCHERS, • & Queen-street they All the rooms are lofty,, lined, and newly furnished. A handsomely furnished Sitting-room, for tho usa of visitors, commanding a view of Tararua. POTATOES, POTATOES, ON SALE, solicited to patronisa will find where VISITORS and GOOD LIVING and FIRST-CLASS SLEEPING H. .B. MORTON, CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET. Septomber Sth, 18GS. rpilE claim of tho above Company is known as tho X Golden Cup, Waiotahi Creek, adjoining Bank FISHER W QUEEX-STKEET, COKXEIt & OF DUEHAM-STREET, AUCKLAND. Pheasants, alive or dead. Poultry always on hand. 3000 Prime Homo-cured Bacon. ' * Manager. sums of £1,000, £2,000, in and £3,000, on Freehold Security.—Apply to MONEY Agent. Land W. IN COMMODIOUS | THOSE LARGE ; PRIME MONDAY NEXT, the 28th instant, August 5, 1868. THE BEG 3 to AND PRODUCE AGENTS, High-3treet. FOR COROMANDEL. \%? 1 FOE LONDON DIRECT. " & Cobb RD. ON ■ r T 'HE renowned Clipper ship t-^K? ; tK .2. ANTED—A Good COACH3MITH.—AppIy to Cousins Atkihs, Victoria Carriage Factory. Vr' — .. CASH PURCHASERS OF FLAX. BELL BROTHERS. „ H. M. JEHVIS, for the Ship ' Racehorse.' ° — THE & POTATOES leaving Auckland Every Monday Tuesday „ "W" ANTED—A COOK: IT 4 pply u hoard. ! ' SUBSCRIBERS .. Returning from Tapu Every Monday | "Wednesday j ,1 j Friday Thursday Saturday And | And Saturday Hour 3 of departure -will be duly advortised. WANTED— & HAY, PRES3ED AND LOOSE BACON, BUTTER, LARD 'HALCYON,' — UpKV, >- i ... COPIES ] will leave the Qaeen-Btreet D. Wharf for Shortland THIS DAY (Friday), at 4'30 CUSTOM-HO USE-STREET, pjn., landing passengers at Tookey'a Flat. Fabbs: TTAVING completed their arrangements for a 7s. 6d. Fore Cabin 6s. Od. Saloon REGfJLAR SUPPLY of the UNDERMENT. MAOKY, Agent. TIONED ARTICLES, are prepared to sell at tho September 25, 1863. LOWEST CASH PRICES. THE PIONEER BOAT FOR SHORTLAND. NEWCASTLE COAL Landing Passengers at Tookey's Flat free of charge. BAY OF ISLANDS COAL rpHE Favourite p. e. 5 >-L In quantities to suit purchasers, delivered in town 'ENTERPRISE NO. 2/ or suburbs, from their Depot on the Wood Captain Seos, THIS DAY (Friday), at 4, p.m. Wharf FARES: Maize, Whole or Crushed 4s. Fore Cabki 6s. Saloon Oats, Seed and Feed Cargo as before. H\B.—The first and only boat that goes up the Barley Creek HOLMES BROTHERS. Flour, Best Quality aa Hotel, A SITUATION by an experienced DAIRYMAN and his Wife. Good refeiences. —Address P.G., HeraldOffice. j j BELL BROTHERS, Sellabs, Master, .. A at | TAURANGA' ' & ' FEMALE SERVANT.—AppIy Wakefield-street. WANTED— the Fitzroy & — TO rp.HE fast-sailing s.s. |iPlg||i£: V? Man, a SITUATION as BARMAN. Firstclass reference.—Apply to H. Hadtkb, Exchange Hotel. TO IMPOUNDED ICO cases Old Tom 120 quarters Malt 20 pockets Hops 3 hales G. and A. Gordon's Canvas &c. &c, &c, Boats leave Tookey's Flat and Graham's Town for the steamer every day at the same hour as the «Maori Chief.' S. HAGUE SMITH. THAMES TKTANTED—by a thorough experienced Young j < THE THE ICO cases Hennessy's Brandy fast-sailing powerful paddle steamer, 66 horse power, X - PER FAREWELL SOIREE TO MR. JOHN FLETCHER. O'KEEFFE will sell by private contract e 33 FEET of LAND, having a frontage to NOTICE. abovo will be held in the Pitt-street WeaPollen-street, by a depth of 165 feet, being part of leyan Sunday Bchool, THIS (Friday) EVENAllotment 31b, Town of Shortland, together with all -r™ ING, at half-past 6 o'clock. TO ARMY AND NAVY OUT-PENSIONEKS IN Buildings erected thereon, consisting of American 2s. each, may be obtained at Mr. Caley's, Tickets, Bowling Saloon and Officos, Blacksmith's Shop, and Mr. Edson's, or Mr. Wollsman's, Queen-streot. THE AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Four-room Cottage. Scholars' Tickets, Is. each, to bo had at Mr. Calev's D. J. O'Keeffe can confidently recommend this only. J mHE PAYMENT OF PENSIONERS for tho on- property as a very desirable investment, carried on JL suing quarter will be made as follows, viz.:— as at present, or for the purpose of erecting oxtendod NOTICE. Auckland—Friday, October 2, from 9 a.m. to 1 premises. Full particulars as to rontal and income from the p.m., at tho Commissariat Office. SHAREHOLDERS in the following Claims Onehunga—Friday, October 9, at 11 a.m., at the Bowling Saloon and Blacksmith's Shop will bo furare invited to ATTEND a MEETING, to be nished to intending purchasers on application to the Victoria Hotol. held id Messrs. Cbxhckshans, Siubt anb Co.'s Otahuhu—Wednesday, October 7, at 9 a.m., at undersigned. Offices, Queen and High-streets, on SA'IURDAY ' ' D. J. O'KEEFFE, the Criterion Hotel. next, 26th instant, at 7 o'clock, p.m., to consider the 'Auctioneer. Druvy—Wednesday, October 7, at noon, at the desirability of FORMING the same into a COMFarmer's Hotel. PANY under the Limited Liability Act, 1866, Paumuro—Monday, October 5, at 9 a.m., at tho TO SADDLERS, &c. viz. :— Ferry Hotel. YOUNG CANADIAN at noon, at 5, Mr. Ilowick—Monday, October LET, in Otahuhu, convenient to the Post Crow's house. AMERICAN EAGLE Office, a GOOD SHOP and DWELLINGHOUSE, now doing a fir3t-claas business in tho KYBEE PASS Any Pensioners who may bo unavoidably absent on abovo line, the present occupant (Mr. McMillan) PAI MARIRE tho abovo days must apply on or before tho 20th being obliged to leave for the Thames on pressing October, otherwise no payment will bo made to them business. THISTLE until tho following puartcr. Vossession can b.i had in 1-1 days from date. SCOTIA For further particulars apply at 44, Queen-street, Army, Navy, and East India Company'shalf-pay, STAB, OF THE WEST Irish Constabulary and Civil Servico Pensioners, will or above dates. JOHN HALL, not be paid on any of the BON ACCORD INNES Otahuhu. D.A.C.Gb, FRANCIS BUCKLEY'S MOUNTAIN Military Accountant. All situated on the Moanatairi Creek, ShortMOUNT VILLA, MOUNT SMART ROAD, Military Accountant's Office, land. ONEHUNGA, Auckland, 21st Septomber, 186S. EICHAIID EATON, rrO BE LET OR SOLD, cheap. The house is Sec. pro tem. new, recently papered, and seven-roomed. Queen-street, Auckland, Flower garden, croquet ground, &c. September 22, 18G8. Apply on tho Premises, or to Mr. B. N. Manley, NOTICE. Wyndham-streot, Auckland. CipHE SHAREHOLDERS of the CAPE OF J. GOOD HOPE Claim, Moanatairi, are reat thoPublic Pound, Otahuhu, on mO LET—A HOUSE in GRAFTON ROAD, quested tomeet at the Stores of Messes Buchanan JL lately occupiod by Mr. John Taylor.—Apply to September 23rd, 1868, by John Seath, for tresStewaut, Queen-street, Auckland, on MONDAY B. GittoS, Wyndham-streot. pass in enclosed paddock at Mangaro : NEXT, at 4.15 p.m. Business—To consider the proper working of the 1 Red and White Steer, open horns LET—A PLOT of LAND near the bottom 1 White Cow, strawberry neck, red oars, cooked of Wakefield-street, with Five-room Cottage, claim. September 24th, 1868. horns Stablo, and Coach-house. —Apply' to J. Pbobebt, 1 Red and White Heifer, open horns near the Toll Bar, Newton. 1 Bed Foley Heifer FAREWELL ADDRESS TO THE BISHOP OF mO LET,—Those commodious |BRIOK PREMI1 Red Yearling Steer, white on holly, open horns NEW ZEALAND. 1 Yellow Cow, branded like HH on"off rump, opon JL SBS in Durham-street, at present in the occupation of W. J. Hurst Co. Also, the Largo Scoria horns of the above will lie for signature at Built STORE, with an approach fromDurham and 1 Whito Heifer, brindle nock, open horns the following places until tho 26th instant: 1 Yellow and White Cow, indistinct brand on off Albert streets; most valuable for a Storing WareBank of New Zealand, rump, broken horn house. For furthor Darticulars apply to J. Botjlteb, Union Bank of Australia, 1 Bed Cow, white on belly, indistinct brand on Shortland; or to J. Tonson Gahliok, Queen-street, Bank of New South Wales, hoop horns Auckland. near rump, New Zealand Insurance Company, 1 Red and White Cow, open horns, indistinct HOTEL, HORSEB and LET.—Tho COACH fjpO brand on offrump } Booksellers. Queen-street.—Apply to Willum Rose, A Yellow and Whito Steer, branded like HA on Thames Hotel, Auckland; or to S. Cochrane and off rump, hoop horns TO PREVENT MIBTAKES, 1 White Cow, red on head and neck, indhtinct Son, Fort-sttoet, Auckland. brand on off rump, and like Ton near rump are requested to notice that there are Public fIHHE Villago situated tho of SALE,—A FARM in Yearling open Red whito hornß Bull, face, 1 on 1 TWO MEMBEKS of the MEDICAL PROOtahuhu, containing 13 acres, all down in grass, 1 Whito Cow, branded like J B on off rump, FESSION NAMED NICHOLSON in this ProKitchen, Stables, Dairy, with House, Eight-roomed broken horn vince—one residing at Shortland Crescent. Auokland, 1 White Cow, strawberry neck, brown oars, and Outhouset complete.—Apply, to F. Kisslimc, the other at Princes-street, Onehunga. Land Agent, 74, Queen-atreot. brandedlike E on nocr rump These gentlemen are in no way connected. 1Red and White Cow, open horns Damages, 3d. each. FOR SALE, NOTICE. OUT OF S.S. 'MIDGE.' If not claimed within eleven days from tho date of this notice, application will be made to THE THAMES MINER'S GUIDE. a Justice of the Peace for an order for tho A PAIR OF DIRECT-ACTING VERTICAL sale of fho above-mentioned Cattle, ngreeably to J\. TRUNK bCRRW ENGINES, of 25-horso can have their COPIES Buppliod the provisions of the Impounding Act 1867. Power nominal, made by the celebrated makers J. THIS DAY, September 22. Edwabd JOHN HALL, and W. Dudgeon, of London.' Wayte, Publisher, Auckland and Skortland. Poundkeepar. Length of stroke 16 inches Public Pound, ; 22 inches. Diameter of cylinder Otahuhu, September 23, 1868. HIGH SCHOOL, AUCKLAND. Also, TUBULAR BOILER, about 8 feet diameter by 8 feet long, with DONKEY ENGINE complete. FOURTH QUARTER will commence on readyTO ENGINEERS, CARPENTERS, AND and for immediate All in perfect order, use. TUESDAY, 29th instant. May be seen at Messrs. Mabbmeld and Co.'S BRICKLAYERS. McRAE, Rector. FARQUHAR Works. Apply to CFiENDEBS will be received by the Undersigned on THAMES GOLD-FIELD WATER-RACE L. D. NATHAN CO. L behalf of theWaiotahi Gold Mining Company, OOMPANY. Registered, until MONDAY, the 28th inst, for tho THOMAS' GEORGE ERECTION of CRUSHING MACHINERY, &c, the levels and otherinformation aro A S soon as PRICES CURRENT. also for sotting Boiler and Engine. Plans and speciJ\. complete a Prospectus of the Thames Goldfications to bo seen on the Claim, Waiotahi Creek, Field "Water-Race Company will be laid before the and at the Warehouse of Messrs. T. H. Burnsido FLOUR, Star brand, public. Co., Queen-Etroet, Auckland. 0 £21 0 por ton HENRY WRIGG WILLIAM VICKERY, Engineer. 19 0 0 Buperfine Family Flour, per ton Civil .Engineer. Thames, September 21,1868. 18 0 0 .. Canterbury Flour, per ton Auckland, 10th Sept., 186S. Mateo Meal, por ton 5 0 0 .. Bran, por ton .. TO BUILDERS. FIRE! FIRE! Wheat Meal a nd Sharps Maizo and Oats at lowest rates. are invited until NOON of the 28th pump the ASSISTING at Engines will bo paid Is. 6d. an hour for the instant, for tho ERECTION of a COACH BACON. of mill-fed Also, a quantity FACTORY in Elliott-street, &c, for Messrs. Quick first hour and Is. per hour afterwards. Queen-street Wharf, and Co. A. ASHER, August 28th, 1868. Plane, &c, at ray office, Victoria-street. Superintendent Auckland Fire Brigade. RICHARD KEALS, Architect. AGRICULTURAL AGENCY. BAY OF ISLANDS COAL. DJ. " tS5r Passages must be booked at our office before 11 o'clock. Auckland, September 25, ISGS. [DAILY. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. CO., & WINE, SPIBIT, AND GENERAL MERCHANTS, 'KENNEDY,' 1868. AUCKLAND, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER. 25, 1509.] ! ! the -P«bUo mEI£ UNDERSIGNED begs to inform PRIVAIifI J_ that heicg in possession of a the very best SLAUGHTER-HOUSE, ho can supply quality at most reasonable terms and prices. Wholethe market: ruliug in sale prices loss than those Storekeepers at the Thames will he supplied witxi most favorablo tcrros. iient, Salt beef, Bacon, &c.,on in A krpe stock on hand. Largo estubh.-hments advantageous to try quality al find it town will llr e " A. DORNWELL, "-' Shortland-sUest* THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, AUCKLAND, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1868. 2 GhongAhYow and Sumyuk, Chinamen, ■who were 1 disposal of smaU lots for trade purposee at £17 in. passengers in the ship Dayspring, hound from Hong I . —: Favourite, p.s., from the Thames.—Maloolm>Nioool, Kong tq.jtois port. The eyideace of. several of the' I ,■■■■ _•' '•■.; paesengefrp revealed gross dereliction of duty on; ths; agent. ";. THIS DAY> Go-ahead,1 s.s., from Russell.—Gilfillan and" Co.,' ■part ofijCaptain Middleton during thejpassHge. Tho I)ayspring Bailed from the port of.HongKong on the" .agentß. , ', 3 rienced, and quotations ':^; ui, . Tamam •20fch -pttMiy, with ninety-six" at SUPERFINE TWEED-TROUSERS, Lalla Kookh, p.s., (new 8 cloßin g rates of 3s 8d for New European passengers. The erew consisted of four and 3s nT ll d to 4E No. 1, p. 8., (on farry Bervice). for Tasmanian. A parcel O COATS, VESTS, AND' SUITS, CRIMEAN Enterprise Europeans (without a first mate), and a number of Gemini, s.s., (on ferry service). South Sea Islander*. After having been at sea for tinues to improvein value, and a SHIRTS, &c. Jane., b.s..,(repairing). shipment of Royal Alfred, p.s., from the Thames.—S. H. Smith, about sixty days all hands were placed on a short bushels, to land, was taker, up at equal to 10*6on allowance of rations. Gn reaching coldlatitudes tho We hear of an invoice of 12S agent. of bar and ro ro a & tons TURRELL TONES Halcyon, s.s., from the Thames.—H. M. Jervis, crew became sick, and scorbutic symptoms became having changed bunds on terms withheld. The manifest among the passengers. On or about tho isnot much agent. Will Bell by auction, This Day (Friday), Septemprivately a doing 10th of Augusta sourvy patient expired, and after have been .old at £26. The i sugar; ration*. Enterprise, No. 2, p.s., from the Thames; ber 25th, at 11 o'olock, sound portion of the Racehorse, ship, from London (loading for England that date _' the Chinamen commenced to die fist.' Aie-en-Ciels cargo of Bour bon sugars will TO CLOSE CONSIGNMSNT3, The provisions supplied to the passengers were Ibe offered for public sale to-morrow —Cruickshank, Smart and Co., agents. N those served out to the Bhip's crew—in tea* are getting more into CASES CLOTHIaG, comprising Superfine Prince Begent, b.irquo, from Newcastle.—Master, inferior towere b not only inferior in quality, but seri- much less difference betweenfavour, thero e inB now faefc they agent. Tweed Trousers, Tweed Suits, Sooteh Tweeds, buyers and seller! than curtailed in quantity. After a miserable pas- existed a short Men's Crimean Shirts, Boys' and Youths' Crimean Tell, barque, from Newcastle.—Henderson and Mac- ously time ago. A line of 100 half-ches g sage of 104 days she droppedher anchor off Queenswas disposed of, ex Tekli, at 2s. farlano, agonis. Shirts, Boys' and Youths' White Regatta Shirts, Two lines of ordiParamount, barque, from Sap Francisco.—J. S. cliff on the 4th instant. Previously to slipping the nary congous were also placed, ex Isabella Brow White Counterpanes, Sheetings, i, anchor a Chinese doctor, who was one of the pas- at satisfactory usrM es. Tno Maofirlane, agent. unsold balance of &c. sengers, die of thescurvy, and during the following &c, &c, Bita, brig, from Tahiti.—J. S. Muofarlane, agents. Mobile_s cargo was under offer, and expected tothe be night another Chinaman succumbed to the loath- closed for; but owing to the arrival of Astrea, brig, from Kaipara.—Thornton, Smith, and the Fromm, some disease. Both bodies were subsequently thrown Firth, agents. and Katarina Maria, with ten car°6ei overboard without having any kind ,of weight since Saturday, the transaction & Bell, Heather from Newcastle.—J. Boberton brig, could not be carric 1 THIS DAY. arriving attached to them. On in Bay, Hobaon's agents. through. Messrs. Towns and Co.'s poition of Co., the Alice Cameron, barque, from Sydney.—Henderson & and after tho vessel had anchored, another unfortu- JJromms cargo will be offered by auction on Wednesnate passenger died, and his body wa3 likewise clay. Since the sale of a large HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & EFFECTS, Macfariane, agones. line of JDKZ geneva, Sea Gull, brigantino, from Napier,—Brown, Campbell thrown over the side of the vessel—with lull strength and contents, there has beon a cHARMONIUM, PIANO, WASHING the additional precaution in & Co., this instance siderable demand for twenly-iottle case agents, shipments, AND MANGLING- MACHINE, of having a weight attached to it. The as this description of package is getting very Southern Cross, schooner, from Norfolk Island. much second of mate' the vessel swore that into lavor.— Argus. LIBRARY OF BOO.KS, &c. Derwent, brig, from Newcastle.—Master, agent. the Bait fish dolfld out to the unfortunate Chinese Joanna, schooner, from Wangapoa. j* was not fit food for Europeans while the ample Midge schooner, (undergoing alterations). —L. D. WESLEY COLLEGE, QUEEN-BTRET. TASMANIA.. statements made by other witnesses examined tesNathan and Co., agents. Our files from Hobarfc Town are to the 2nd tified to the fact of there not being a single antiscorfrom Rußsell. Queen, Bohooner, C. ARTHXiR & SON butic article of diet on board tho vessel. One of the and from Launceston to the 3rd inst. The Hobart Exceptor, schooner, from Bay of Telands. cabin passengers, whose evidence had not been taken, Town Mercury of the former date states that a few Hare been favoured with instructions from Mr. Sea Breeze, schooner, from Bay of Islands. and who is at present suffering from theeffects of the small lots of wheat, which arrived by c-aft and waeJohn Fletcher to sell by auction, at Wesley Herald, schooner, from Bay of Islands. disease, vros conveyed to Williamstown yesterday, but gon, sold readily at 7s. Flour, £17; sharps, £7 to College, Upper Queen-street, This Day (Friday), Zephyr, ochooner, from Russell. £8 ; bran Is oats, 2s 6d to 2s 9d; hay, £3 10s to he afterwardß left for Melbourne, where he was adMary Thompson, schooner, from Kp.'.para.—Combes mitted at 11 o'clock, into the hospital. This gentleman hasresided £4 ; potatoes, £4 to £4 103. & Daldy, agents. FURNITURE and EFFECTS. From the Launceston Examiner of the 3rd we take Canton in for long time, and haß become intimately outter, from Ahipara. the following: A Lot of Single Iron and Wood Bedsteads, Marwell, acquainted, not only with the conversational langu"Wo have little to note in the breadstuff} Blankets, Counterpanes, 2 Half Tester Bodsteads, age of the Chinese, but also with most of their domesPROJECTED DEPARTURES. Mattrassos, Palliasses, Feather and other Fillows, tio manners and customs. "Under these circumstances market, business remaining remarkably qniet. Cane and other Chairs, Easy Chairs, Couches, Fob London. —Racehorse, early. the coroner deemed it necessary to postpone the Ihe wnoWe price for flour may be rfated at Rivbbread—Gemini, daily, at 11 a.m. CouchHair Cloth, Fenders and Fireirons, Carpets, to ±,lb, though wo have no transactions further hearing of tho case before proceeding with the to Matting, Clocks, Largo Tables, Toilet Tables and Thasieb.—Royal Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, examination of Captain Middleton. The proceedings record but a fair trade has been dona in sme'i and Tauranga, to-day. will bo resumed at three o'clock to-morrow. One of parcels for local consumption at £16 to £18. Ware, Glasses, Kitchen Range, &a. The few Sydney.—Alice Plated and Glassware the passengers by the Dayspring died yesterday at the lots of wheat offering are readily purchased at 6s 6d. Cameron, early. and 63 9d has been given in the country for some Bay op IsliAnds.—Soa Breeze, to-day. A Pair of Globes, Harmonium, Piano Melbourne Hospital, and an inqu«st will be held toNelson and Socthbbn Pobts.—Kennedy, s.s., day by the city coroner.—Melbourne Argus, Septem- few lots; the quantity offering, however, is very A good Ladies' Saddle of School and other Bookß. ber small. Bran, through the scarcity of wheat and the A Largo Library 8. to-day. few mills running, cannot be purchased under lj 4d Napieb.—Star of the South, early. Zephte.—The schooner Zephyr, Captain Clendon, to Is sd. Oats, in which there is nothing doing and tggr Catalogues are now ready, and may be had at none offering, aro nominal at 2s 9d to Bs. Potatoes arrired from Bay evening, the of Islands last with Tell, a Custom House. Entbbed Outw*bds. tho Mart. full cargo of coals. She left the Bay on "Wednesday are scarce, there being hardly sufficient for home con. barque, 321 tons, Stephenson, for Newcastle, sumption, and cannot now be bought far less than last. The Auckland.—The s.s. Auckland, Captain £310s, without bags. Hay, whichis in better demand IMPORTS. TO-MORROW. Harris, was announced in the West Coast Times to and not so plentiful, is worth £4." Per Prinoe Regent, from Newcastle: 300 tons leave for the Manukau on the 19th instant, with pasPRODUCE, GROCERIES, HOUSEHOLD coals, W. J. Hurßt & Co.—Master, agent. Bengers for the Auckland gold-fields. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Per Mary Thompson, from Kaipara: 225 cases Pmncbbb Alice.—The Auckland brig Princess FURNITURE, Our Adelaide files are to the 4thinstant We take 131 do. do., W. Graham.—Coombes & Daldy, Alice, Captain Kiddey, arrived at Lyttelton from the following from gum, the Advertiser of that date &o. &c, &c, agents. Sydney on the morning of the 18th instant, with a Corn Market—The market remains remarkably general cargo. quiet. We haTe not heard of any transactions in The work of opening a channel through the South wheat or flour, and prices are PRINCE BEGENT. OF ARRIVAL THE the nominally 30 Onions, same as POTATOES, Spit, at the spot where the old south, channel was "f AA BAQS GOODTea, The barque Prince Regent, Captain Moßurney, situate, commenced yesterday in right good earnest. last, viz., wheat, 63 to 6s 9d; flour,£17 to £18." Soap, Spice, Ale, &o. JLUU kegs Butter, arrived in harbour yesterday morning, from Newmen : were employed throughout the eighty and secondAbout new Furniture and Effects, Houiehold castle, bringing a full cargo of coal consigned to Mr. THE SUN.—HIGH WATER. hand; Badsteadi, wood and iron; Wood Chairs. W. J. Hurst. The Prinoe Begent sailed on the 6th day, and ouch progress has been made that it ia exFbom Chatham's Almanac. Cane Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Pier Glasses, Toilet instant, and during the first four days was becalmed pected that by this evening the work will be comGlasses, Tublei, squaro and loo; Couohe*, a large within sight of the coast. A favourablebreeze then pleted, and a new opening made from theriver to the which will be navigable enough for all vessels. Date. Sunrise. Snn,.f 'I m & Witet.' Bar Screen, &o. sprang up and brought her up to the Three Kings, sea, Meanwhile measures are being taken for damming ' Morn, j Even. Drapery and Clothing, Crimean Shirts, Coats, which were sighted on the 15th instant. Since then the oldnorth channel, so as to obtain the assistanceup 1 if Captain Moßurney has been detained on the coast n. m. n. M. h. M. e. x. Trousers, Blankets, Mattrasaes, &o. volume, through newly the whole of water thechannel Friday, Sept. 25 3 49 5 51 Westerly and S.E. gales, with 0.40 with succession of J.SQ a Poultry, &c. opened.— West Coast Times, Bept, 18. heavy rain and lightning. Mast Thompson.—The schooner Mary Thompson, METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. Captain O'Connell, arrived in harbour yesterday C. ARTHUR & SON Made at 7 ARRIVAL OF THE GO-A-HEAD. morning with 50 tons of kauri gum, from 'Kaipara. Rain la The b.s. Go-ahead, Capt. Mundle,returned fromher The Mary Thompsom has experienced strong Easterly September. BaromKterI ThprmniTip+nr Will sell the above, at their Mart, Queen-street, To'""mometor. 24 wtaa afternoon, Bay yesterday throughout. o'olock noon. of Islands and S.E. winds The of this vessel cargo morrow (Saturday), at 12 first trip to the Max. Min. hcrara. will be transhipped on board the fiacehorse, for bringing one hundred tons of ooal and BBveral pai. p.m. i. London. Thur. 21 20.90 5S 51 W. 0.35 sengers. The Go-ahead left the Bay at 5.30 The Harwell.—The cutter Marwell, Captain on Wednesday, and experienced N.E. and N.W. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Hardiman, has made an excellent passage ta Ahipara winds throughout. Peacock, Optician. T. Passengers—Messrs. Johnson (4), Chappell, Scott, and back, having made the passage down in three days, and the return trip in feur days. She left SEPTEMBER 24. Smith, Dickson, Gilfillan, and White. MARRIAGES. Btrong last, passed Ahipara Tuesday experienced off Kawau and The schooner Zephyr was on the BURGESS.—S3IART VESSELS IN HABBOOB, Sales by Auction. j Sales by Auction. ' Sales by Auction. [This docs not include coasting cutters.] '— ■ ] : THIS DAT. ' ~■ ( / —~ ;;• — VALUABLE QUARTZ CRUSHING MACHINERY, APPLES, MAIZE, JAMS, KEEOSENE, VESTAS, BLACKING, TEA, BUTTEB, &c Sec, See., Known as Scanlan & Co.'s, Karaka Creek. , D. J. O'IEEFFE Begs to announce that ho has boon favoured with APPLES, -t >)(\ CASES instructions from tho Proprietors to sell by auction Jama XfcJU 50 cases Maize This Day (Friday), at 12 o'clock, noon, 100 bags THAT VALUABLE QUARTZ CRUSHKerosene 60 cases ING PLANT erected on tho Karaka, and 10 cases Yestas CO.'S MACHINE, conknown as SCANLAN 5 cases Blading, (Day & Martin) sisting of— 50 boxes Tea Engine, Beversing 14-horse-power Gear, complete 10 casks Butter S Head Stampers 1 case Manilla Cigars, duty paid. Bipple Tables, complete 2 Retorts, Dishes, and Buckets The- above will be Bold by Auction by the SubBottles Quicksilver, 781bs. each 2 scribers on the promises formerly ocoupien by Messrs. 1 4-cwt. Weighing Machine Thomas Macky and Co., Queen-street. 4 Weather-board Buildings, viz.— 1 Building, 30x20 feet—Battery 30x14 feet—Stable 1 Terms at Sale. 1 24x12 feet—Engine House 14*12 foet—Office 1 300-feet Fluming Shoot SAMUEL COCHRANE, Auctioneer. The whole erected upon an Acre of Ground. ALL & „ ' „ * Also, The FIBST WATER EIGHT on the KARAKA. GREEK. At 2 o'clock. ° „ 5 „ TO-MOBBOW. z"Cr ?De if .-, j 3 \ At 11 o'clock. - ■ * I ' THIS DAY. I ; Torms at Sale. TO GENTLEMEN OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION. VALUABLE LAW D. LLBBAEY. HOUSEHOLD J. O'KEEFFE, Auctioneer. & — ; SAMUEL COCHEANE & SON Have been favoured with instructions from the Hon. H. Bartley to sell at the Stores, Fort-street, on ■ T. Saturday next, 26th inst., at 2 o'clock, TTIS VALUABLE LAW LIBRARY. PURIRI GOLD-FIELD. "* BETWEEN SHORTLAND AND OHLNE- Full particulars in Saturday's insue. MURI. SAMUEL COCHEANE, Auctioneer. IMPORTANT PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. :— at the only Deep Water Frontage, Puriri Creek, halfway Ist October, between Shortland and the Ohinomuri, and on the highway to Waikato and Tauranga Districts. ""' FURNITURE of the above well-known family hot«l; if Bubstmtial and comfortable. THE Full particulars in a future issue. SAMUEL COCHEANE Auctioneers. & — " OAABUILDINS ALLOTMENTS MASONIC HOTEL, NOETH SHORE. The subscriber will sell, on the premises, at half-past tern o'clook, — THE PURIRI SON, —. AND OHLNEMTTRI COUNTRY Abounds with the finest Agricultural and Pastoral Land, and has one ofthe finest Streams in New Zea- TO-MOEEOW. land (the Thames THE HAYMAEKET. river) as a highway. The Purir- . , District is known to bo highly auriferous, and popu- For sale by auction, To-morrow (Saturday), at 12 lation and industry are only required to develop its o'clock, resources, and to add to the general wealth of tho WELL-BitED HORSE 'MEDOBA,' by Herald.' colony. n the 24th September, at the resieasterly and N.E. winds throughout. Sne brings a dence of the father 01 the bridegroom, by the Key. A, 65 cases consigned to Mr. C. MacDonald, Euenezcr. eldest son of Mr. Bureess, ParneU, Davis, and 9 tonß to Mr. Bowman, a passenger by to Eliza, fourth daughter ofMr. Samuel Smart, CapeTo\nu ARRIVALS. THE WRECK OFF THE THREE KINGS. South Africa. the Marwell. Captain Hardiman reports sighting a EURTHEB, PABTICUIABS. Tauranga, b.s., Sollare, from tho Thames, with the lGth inst., In the Waimata cutter off theNorth Cape, also two schooners on the BAKER—BEDGGOOD.-On Cburcli, by the Rev. E- B. Clarke, Joseph, son of the BUCKLAND. ALFRED D. J. O'Keefie bogs to announce that ho will sell, passengers. cutter Marwell arrived in harbor yesterday coast bound out. The schooner Ivanhoe was sightod The Rev. C. Baker, of Auckland, to Eliza, second daughter Royal Alfred, p.e., Farquhar, from the Thames, afternoon from Ahipara, and brings further news off Parengarenga on Tuesday last. of the late Air. John Bedggood, of Waimate, Bay ot with passengers. on an early date (having authority from tho ProIslands. rejpecting the wreck disDovered, bb reported in our Duke of Edinburgh, p.s., Marks, from tho Thames, columns, by the Hannah Jfewton and Little Fred SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. with passengers. prietors), between the Three Kings and Cape Marie Van Die, CHIEF POST OFFICE. Go-Ahend, s.s., 105 tons, Mundlo, from Bay of men. We learn that the natives at Ahipara picked Shoktujcd-sxeeei. Islands, with coals. ARRIVAL OF THB RANGATIRA. up, about a fortnight ago, a ship's compasß with a t 200 BUILDING ALLOTMENTS the Townin follow :— as barque, Moßurney, 257 tons from Ma'ls close THE HAYMAEKET. Prince Hegent, Rangatira, s.b., 174 tons, Seymour, from Wanganui, brass top, as also two wooden boxes covered with For Shortland and Hastings, p?r p.s. Royal Alfred, this Tairua, with timber. leather, considerably broken and withou the contents. with 287 sheep, and 40 head cattle, and 16 steerage ship of Puriri. morning, at 8 o'clock. Astrea, brig, 250 tons, Koordors, from Kaipara, Large quantities of timber, spars, and portions of a passengers. For Nelson, Westport, Hokitika, &c, per Kennedy, thi! with timber. The For Sale by auction, on Saturday next, at twelve hull were blso Btrewn along the beach. vessel's Lithographic Plans will be published immodiatoly day, at 10.30 a.m. Donald McLean, schooner, 40 tonß, Baker, from spars havo been forwarded to Hokianga. Nothing o'clock, For Kapanga, per Wanderer, this day, at 11 a-m. ARRIVAL OF THE KENNEDY. Bay of Islands via the Thames, in ballast. further, however, has been ascertained of the name and Captain For "Whitwell, Newcastle, N.S.W., per Tell, this day, at 11 a.m. Kennedy, distributed to the and future arrived Public, The s.s. in undermentioned HORSE STOCK— advertiseZephyr, schooner, 60 tons, Clendon, from Bay of of the ill-fated ship or of her crew, but no other conFor Jlangapai, "vVanparei Heads, Waipn, and Wangarei, the West Coast, with A four-year old Draught Gelcing, by Iron Islands, with coals. at than that a large vessel has the Manukau yesterday, from ba arrived per Wangarei, this day, at 5 p.m. can clusion again indicate details leaves ments will abouf 60 passengers. The Kennedy at Duke,' staunch in any kind of Harness in connection with, the Mary Thompson, schooner, 49 tons, O'Connell, gono to For the United Kingdom, North and South America, West pieces and too probably with the loss of all noon to-day for the West Coast. A Staunch two-year old Filly, by ! Iron Duke' from Kaipara, with gum. Indies, &c., via Panama, the RegisteredLetter and Money hands. 1 ditto ditto Filly, ditto ditto property. The following is a list of passengers:—Saloon— Order Mails will close on Friday, October 2, at 5 p.m., Marwell, cutter, 28 tons, Hardiman, from Ahipara, and the Mails for Ordinary Letters and Newspapers tha Messrs. Taylor, Pickard, Levick, Mrs. Duncan and 1 ditto ditto Colt, by' Young Baron Clyde' with gum. following morning at 9 o'clock. ARRIVAL OF THE ,'BRIG ASTREA. Aged Mare, in foal to Iron Duke' Flans can be procured at tho offices of Mesirs. three children, Mrs. O'Donnell. Stoerago—Messrs. Stag, cutter, 18 tons, Simpson, from Maraiti, with W. COUBMT, Chief Postmtster. Handsome Pony Mare and Foal, carries a lady firewood. Tho fineDutch iron hrigantine, Captain J. Koorders, Fullorton, Oonnard, Cowley, Cowen, Harrington, Ditto ditto Filly, by Dandy Tom,' broken to Jouk Roeerton & Co., Queen-street, Auckland; Mr. arrivod in harbour, from Kaipara, yesterday, after an Howard, Collens, Canning, Murphy, McDonald, Gazelle, cutter, 29 tonß, Jeggar, from Great Barchildren, and 2 saddle NOTICE OF SALES, MEETINGS, &c. rier with firewood. oxccllont run of five days. The Astrea sailed from Bray, Harley, Tom, Robinson, Veitch YearlingPony Colt, by Orion' Da HlrSch, Shortland; and at the office of the unJulia, cutter, 17 tons, from Hot Springs, with Kaipara Heads (Okaka Bay) on Saturday last, the Fulton, Johnson, Morrow, Radcliffe, Brown, Calder, This Day. Ditto ditto Filly, ditto firewood. 19th instant, with a south-easterly wind and fine Roberts (2), "Weir, Graft, Donnard, McDavit, PhilSalo of Household Furniture, Harmonium, Piano, Books, &e., Two-year-old Filly, by ' Potentate,' unbroken dersigned, Exchange Sale Roomß, Pollen-street. Margaret, cutter, 21 tons, from Matakana, with weather, in company with tho throe-masted Bchooner lips, Sooth, Harpur, Atkinson, Kelling, Moriarty, by Messrs. C. Arthur Son, at Wesley College, at 11 Two-year-old Colt, ditto, ditto. o'clock. firewood. Little Fred, Captain Davies, for Melbourne. The Turner, McCarthy, Wylan, Tangudis, Rowe, LarDuncan, McArthur, Make, Jams, Hurley, Fahey, Kelly, of timber for the cargo Apples, sawn Salo of kin, Kerosene, Vestas, fee, by Messrs, Waterlily, cutter, 29 tons, Allan, from Tairua, Astrea Ib loaded with a S. Cochrane Son, on the premises formerly occupied by with timber. Union Sash and Door Company. On leavingKaipara Cusley, Overend, Winter, Carter, Carmedy, Dugle, Messrs. T. Macky Co., Queen-street, at 11 o'clock. ALFEED BUCKLAND. Kennedy, Wright, Maria McLiver, Grae, Welan, D. J. O'KEEFFE, Warner, Peter Oracroft, cutter, 19 tons, Eagloton, from the she found no sea or Bwell on the bar. Cape Sale of Tweed Trousers, Coats, Vests, and Suits, &c„ by & Co., Thames, in ballast. Van Diemon was sighted on Sunday, at noon, where Guthrie, and Fraser.—Cruickshank, Smart, Messrs. Turrell and Tonks, at 11 o'clock. Auctioneer. she met with a very heavy easterly sea and south- agents. Sale of Quartz Crushing Machinery, Buildings, &c.,by Mr. D. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. J. O'Keeffe, at Shortland, at noon. easterly gales, which continued until Wednesday DEPARTURES. The Airedale, with the Panama mail, is due in the Farewell Soiree to Mr. John Fletcher, in the Pitt-street TVeswhen a light N.E. breeze sprung up. During Royal Alfred, p.s., Farquhar, for'tho Thames, with lust, leyan Manukau, School-room, at half-past 0. easterly ports, to-day. and from Kelson and Southern very heavy the whole passage passengors. Tho cutter Flora Macdonald, Captain Wilson, south-easterly seas prevailed, causing the vessel to NEWMAEKIET SALE YAEDS. Duke of Edinburgh, p.s., Marks, for the labour very muoh. No more land was sighted after sailed from Onshunga yesterday, for Kaipara, with a TO CORRESPONDENTS. Thames, with passengers. TO-MORROW. cormaking Capa Maria Van Diemen until Wednesday general cargo. A corhest>osde*t asks. Could you publish a course of given, Tauranga, s.s., Sellars, for tho Thames, with night, when, at about eleven o'clock, the Hen and as. JohnPenn may bo expected in the ManuThe respondence in which a certain numberof facts arc WM. HUNTEE & CO. mentioned, but the author of the facts will not and names from the West Coast and with passengots. being Nelson, the kau very to-day, made weather out, Chickens were WHEAT! WHEAT! WHEAT! submit to his name being published. An answer in your Esther, hrigantine, 80 tons, for Wellington, in thick time withrainthreatening. The pilot was diggers. Will sell by auction, at the Newmarket Yards, next \»ill oblige." 'When our correspondent sends us the ballaßt: The s.s. Rangatira arrived at the Manukau from ' manuscript we shall he in a position to reply to his question. on Monday next, the 28thinstant, takon on board in the afternoon of yesterday, and at Argo, Bchooner, 32 tonß, Davios, for Wangarei, 4 p.m. the vessel was anchored off the North Head, Wanganui, at 9 p.m. last night, with 40 head of The letter of Anthropos has, it seems, already appeared in A A HEAD FAT AND STORE CATTLE, ex S. JONES with sundries. and IS steerage ' print. the wind blowing hard from W.N.W. at the time, cattle, 287 sheop, 8 kegs of butter, Sea Breeze,' from Bay of Islands Helen, schooner, Will Bell by auction, at tho Brunswick Buildings, Charles, in ballast. 24 tons, Rickottß, for Port tho tido running out. , Nothing remarkable was passengers. She experienced line weather through6 Good Working Bullocks To-morrow (Saturday), 26th instant, at 11 o'clock, observed during the passage. Yesterday morning out. 22 two and three-year old Steers, ex Argo, Jane, schoonor, 37 tons, Holler, for Tauranga, Bignted a cuttor, schooner, and steamer coming up. from Wangarei SACKS-WHEAT, with sundries. r*f\ Captain Koorders reports that the barque Eliza COMMERCIAL. more or less damaged. OvJ Agnes, cuttor, 23 tons, Carbiaß, for Povorty Bay, Shoirp, CaptainJGay, would in all probability sail for SPECTEMtFB. AGEIJDO. with sundries. thy voice bourne, from Kuipara, yesterday, with a cargo of At One o'clock. Give every man thine ear, but few AUCKLAND. Otahuhu, cutter, 18 tons, McAiuey, for Shortland, Mol Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment. timbor. true -with potatoes. This above all,—To thine omi sell heday, X&w Zkma.-xd Herald Office, And it must follow, as the night the Julia, cutter, 17 tons, Unthank, for Hot Springs, September 24. JONES' Thou canst not then bo false to any man," £462 arms Revenue.—Duties, 9s; SUFFERINGS AT SEA. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. in ballast. Customs Miranda, cutter, 23 tons, Judd, for Wangoroi. AUCKLAND, FRIDAY, SEPT. 25, 1868. Auction Mart, Willoughby-atroet, close to PollenFROM fees, sa. Id.•, light dues, £5 17a. 9d.; port charges, Wahapu, cutter, 15 tons, Bacon, tor Shortland, in DREADFUL ACCOUNT OF A YOYACre £112s 10d.—Total, £475 Is lOd. IMPORTANT SALE OF CATTLE, SHEEP, street, and adjoining tlio Union Bank of Australia, ballaßt. TO MELBOOENE. HONG KONG Measra Bamuol Oochrano and Sou sold, this day, at wrote specially Shortlnd, Thames GoWnAd. Giaftou Road It is some time since wo cutter, 19 tons, Murray, for tho Thames, Tho barque Dayspr'rag, which has arrived in. port tbo residence o£ Jotm Taylor, HOESES, IMPLEMENTS, brings (who is removing to the Thames), a portion of his respecting the gold-fields. Its wants and with sundries. passage, a protracted Hong Kong, alter from &c., &o. &C, Mary Ann, ketcb, 18 tons, Steward, for the a sad tale of suffering and disease and death amongst carefully selected household furniture, :it very satis- requirements are the same now as they have her passengers and crew. The Dayspring, Captain factory prices. , Ihe following are a few of the been over since it was first opened, and the PROYISIOSS, EURNITURE, and Thames, with sundries. George Middleton, sailed from Hong Kong on May articles sold, with their prices, which show a steady wars and means of obtaining those wants WM. HUNTEE & CO. MISCELLANEOUS SALE every SATURDAY 20, with two European passengers in the cabin, and incroase on the value of good furniture:—Walnut VESSELS EXPEOTED. by adopting the plans which Have received instructions fro-n the Trustees of the at 2 o'clock. ninoty-Bix Chinese" in the steerage. Thopassage at pianoforte (by Stoddard and S>n), with music stool, cau only he have advocated. The _ inThree Kings Institution, to bb)l by auction, on H.M.b.s. Rosario, from a cruise. outset, in consequence of light winds and calms, £30 12s 6d; drawing-room suite, £27 10s; double from the first we iho Wednesday, the 30th inßt., on the place, 15s clock, ItIKIBTGt SHARES and ALLOTMENT SALE3 if.M.a.e. Blanche, from Kngland via Sydney. terests at stake are so important, that it is was very todioua, and when about a month out from iron bedstead £5 10s ; rimu wardrobe, £7 once a Fortnight (every 2nd TUESDAY), at 12 Horo, s.a., from Melbourne and Sydnoy. pictures Chineso and with gl.iss shade, £0. Tho paintings Hon" Kong, scurvy broke out amongst the DAIRY O O W 8, necessary to look facts steadily in the face, o'clock. Lord Ashley, s.b., from Southern ports, duo Ist. passengers. Tho first caso which terminated fatally were all sold at eood prices. XI in Milk, and forward in Calf and to devise a practical and efficient remedy !-tar of tho Mouth, 8.8., from Napier. occurred on August 10, and sinco then scarcely a day S. Jones held an extensive Bale of wines, teas, for 12 2 and 3-year-old Heifers Mr. Excelsior, imip, from London (sailed May 16 ) No evils which are seen and acknowledgedpassed without ono or more of tho unfortunate BUgar?, &c. at his mart, to-day. There was a very OUT DOOR SALES punctually attended to. 5 Store Cows, with Calves haß tho number of good attendance, and highly satisfactory prices were -I'he little <>-old that is obtained is a standard G942, 2nd dia. p and of this dying disoase, creatures Well-bred Bulls 2 Siam, ship, from London (sailed July 4th.) No. 819 And_ no , objection against the Thames. souls which left Hong Kong in this most unforobtained, as will be seen from the following list 11 band-fed Heifers and Stuers Will bavo on Private Sale, 2nd die. p. hps been reduced to between twonty arid bond)—half-chests, Is Gd to Is 8d chests, wonder. Persons at a distance will especially 8 Weaned Calves Hay, Maize, Oats, Potatoes, Beef, Cheese, and Ida Zieglor, Bhip, from London (loading.) No. 76, tunate ship mortality is oven now going on—two 'i-eaa (in 5-lod; thirty, I'he 210 Leicester Ewes, with lambs at side accordingly. Reports Is 6d to Is 3d sugars (inbond),Ko. 1 Co.'s,4 Butter; Building Materials, Bricks, Limo, Timber, 9d. look to this, and judge 2nd dis. p. 4 Leicester Rams, bred by Mr. E. McLean or throe of tho passengers having died' since tho wines (in bond) -sherry, quarter-casks, 5s to os °r Shingle, and Eoncing Materials, Eirowood and Coo], Celestoa, barquo, from San Francisco. No. 1016, lid; primrose which may be more or less exaggerated arrived at tho Heads, 'l'he master appears to "Free goods—VPanganui butter, 9}, 3 Draught Horses, and 1 3-year-old Draught vessel at the Lowest Prices. the number otnett b die. p. Colt have acted in an unaccountably strange manner,as soap, 23s Gd ; colza oil, 6s 3d: Uerosine, 33; sperm the richness of claims, of quartz ot Novelty, barque, from Sydney. No. 6421, 2nd dis. p. he had the bodies thrown overboard in coming up tho candles, Is 4d ; oatmeal, 2Jd. leaders struck, of the 1 Swing Plough, 1 Potatoe Plough, 2 pair of Mining Shares in some of the best Claims now for Wavorley, brig, from Hong Kong. No. 2540, Ist bay. Whethor this was dono iu ignorance or otherdo very Harrows obtained and ready for dis p. wise of the port regulations will d-jubtless bo elicited WANGANUr. Holler, Scarifier, 1 Avery's Weighing Ma- sale. Building Allotments in Shortland, Graham's a gold export. ot the absence little in good brig:, Town and do. From Tahiti. £27 Suburbs, Moa, No. 7138, 2nd at tho inquest, which will beheld to-dnj on the body chine, Flour Mill Flour, Adelaide, silk dressed, per ton £26 to requisite w Palteha, brig, from Newcastle 2 Drajß and. Harness, Dairy Utensils, &c. of one of tho passengers who died after tho do in. per lOOlbs, £1 10s; flour, New ZaaWnd, P r Hence the prime 1 y crushing Margarithu, brig, from Mauritius. Also, barque had anchored. It is very rarely that such a ton, £22; do. do. per lOOlbs, £14s; oats, colonial, and this can only be obtained schooner, mais?, Stanley, Japan. from per in these waters as bushel, Ss; is witnessed that the largo 'bushel, Has a sad hpcctaeie over 3s to 4a; wheat, Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. enclosed yard, suitable for sale yards per in which quart, the sharp*, per lOOlbs, 8s to presontod yesterday, aud the senior immigration crushed, rjer bushel, of Live Stock vrMjh, will bo received and Bold aB Neva, sohoouer, from Tahiti. claims h.uc oeen pu Eugenie, Bchoonor, from Tahiti. No. 3654, Ist dis. p. officer, Mr. Gossott, on discovering the state of 10s; pollard, per lOOlbs, 10s to 12s; bran, per lavo-c inaioritv oi required. Luncheon at 12 o'clock. men who had no pnmous experience by Onward, schooner, from Dunodin. matt«rs on board, at once sout for Messrs. M'Lean bushel, la to Is 4d; coal, Newcastle, JN'.S.W., per off to .J , mining -md v,-ho had no capital F ITanny, schooner, from Melbourne, No. 3781, Ist aud Figg to adopt measures for tho alleviation of the ton 46s to £2 10s do. Wcet YVauganui, per ton, 40s m quart/, The above sale being on account of the farm going Conaignmont of all kinds of goods shall receive dis. im^*l, p. justice humanity, machinery. sako of well the as as 22. Times, Sept. sufferers. For £2 6d.— to 2s J /, tohe let will be unreserved. The Cows are good prompt attention and obtain n to to them, and speedy account Bales and Australia, achooncr, from Melbourne. it )H imperative that a strict and stringont investigamilkers; the Leicester Ewes and Lambs are first- remittances. No charge sh-i-os enabled them to protect Fiery Cross, sehoonor, from Norfolk Island. class, and can bo recommended; the Horses are in tion should be made into all tho circumstances MELBOURNE. But as this money evapoclaim. livo continue Ivanhoe, schooner, from Mongonui. good condition, and good workers. connocted with this most painful affin'r. The inquest Business in the import markets presents no signs will find it impossible to HuntroFK, schooner, from Russell. Tjebmb : Under £50 Cash, above that sum was held on the 7th, aud tho following summary of Cash or do not yield gold, no of improvement no trans ictions cf any consequence which Chillengo, schooner, from Hussell. MORTON JONES, to hold claims Approved Bills at 3 months, bearing 10 per cent. evidence is givou : —"Dr. Maclean, district coroner, having In breadbeen reported throughout the Tauranga, sehoonor, from Hussell. how much of the precious metal commenced an inquiry at Williamstown yesterday, Interest, for flour is strictly limited to the matter Auctioneer. Dancing Wave, schooner, from Port Chalmers, into tho circumstances connected with the deaths of stuffs the demand THE (Veatiiek.—Fine; Wind, yestorday morning. N.W. cargo of kauri gum, ' THE ' | ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' & & & 1 " ' The New Zealand Herald. ' | ) | I , : ' iAvon, | i PRODUCE | ; -11JGOOD :— ; ; i dto quantity crushing■ g°\* I ; ss; | ; ■ ; onX , XXoJ 1 •„.,,„ J " „ THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, AUCKLAND, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1868. the obstinacy of the ultra Hauhau party, and it will probably take some two or three'weeks further negotiation aud exercise of Mr. Mackay's persuasive skill to overcome their scruples. In the meantime it is necessary that Mr. Mackay should be left unmolested in the discharge of a work of so much importance to this community, aud we therefore trust that no attempt will be made to prospect for gold in the forbidden neighbourhood whilst the ncgociations are pending. Any attempt of this kind would probably lead to a collision with the obstinate portion of the tribe, and effectually frustrate the completion of an arrangement which must prove of an incalculable benefit to the mining interest of this goldfield, and likewise prevent the carrying out of arrangements entered into with the friendly natives of the Ohinemuri district. A word to the wise is sufficient. I who, from the sale of a portion of their interest and the weekly wage accruing to them under that sale, have sufficient to satisfy their wants, aud prefer loafing about with a shilling or two in their pocket to drink, rather than honestly set to work to do their duty to their fellow workers and to him whom they have sold a portion of a share. There are scores of cases in which this has taken and is now taking place, and it is producing its natural fruit of causing purchasers to be very chary indeed in making their arrangements. ISTow this and the want of machinery, which these shareholders can never supply, is simply killing the goose that lays the golden egg. Speculators cannot month after month pay a considerable amount to men who do little or no work, or continue to have an interest in — J i " claims which, from whatever cause, cannot show some return. And we can foresee very serious consequences as the result of the present system. The only protection from idle and dishonest men is the formation of a company. Then the idle aud the dishonest can be sent about their business, and the claim can be fairly developed. But there are other circumstances to be " " " j i " — ] notice. It has been well-known that it has been an utter impossibility to work the claims at the Thames during the past winter. It is utterly impossible'to do so now, and will be so for months to come. Impassable roads, want of machinery, want of " water, will continue to be great drawbacks. Now, why have regulations in force compelling merely make-believe work in a claim to protect it from being jumped, where the above inseparable difficulties exist ? Why not take a wide view of the subject and grant protection to claims in a liberal manner, and alco to allow others for a time to be undermanned, while certain difficul- —" Thames until they have a more secure title for the land which they must purchase at a heavy price, and for the costly machinery they mußt erect upon it. | : ■ The Tapu Mint.—This claim is turning out some excellent stuff. Like most of the Tapu claims it rejoices in mullocky leaders. These are as good as alluvial ground to their owners, for the rotten quartz can be first washed and then crushed. In the case of the Tapu Mint the rotten quartz is yielding at the washing Borne 20dwts., or loz. to the dish, of clean gold leafy and wire-drawn. Very excellent hard stone has also been struck in the same claim. Odd Fellows' Hall. —The usual entertainment of singing, dancing, &e., was gone through last evening by Mr. Hydes, Miss Gordon and the Empire Coloured Troupe, before an admiring audience. We understand that the Troupe intend shortly to leave Auckland, so that all who have not yet had an opportunity of spending an evening at the Odd Fellows' Hall will do well to pay a visit to that place of amusement as soon as possible. Diggers and Lawyebs.—ln a number of the Melbourne Punch of May last, there was an excellent cartoon, well-conceived and most artistically drawn. It represents a meeting of two diggers in the Australian bush, fine stalwart fellows they look, too, but in both cases the expression of countenance is most woebegone. One of these pioneers of wealth, who has evidently been falling a tree and is taking a spell," leaning upon his axe, and smoking a well colored clay, salutes his friend with, Hulloa, Bill 1 Where are you off to ?" Bill, who is burthened with a neatly rolled swag over his right shoulder, and has a billy" in his hand, replies sadly, Why, Jim, I'm going to emigrate A man used once to be able to live on tho diggings, but what with tho Wardens' Courts, and Ccurts of Mines, and tho Supreme Court, and the Privy Council, to say nothing of Borough Beaksand Petty Sessions, the lawyern get all the tin ;' and the companies, after providing for their privato swindles, have nothing left to pay the working miner with. So I'm off." REMARKABLE TbIAL FOE POISONING.—The Berlin Correspondent of the Daily News says: In a causes celebres just tried at Poscn, the prisoner's crimes almost eclipse those of the notorious Palmer. A master book-binder, named Wittmann, was accused of having poisoned six persons in six yoars, namely, his four wives and two children. Wittmann had worked as journeyman for a book-binder named Pirsch, of Wollin, where he mado the acquaintance of Mario Gehm, Pirsch's housekeeper. Wittmann was on a visit at Wollin at the end of 1858 and beginning of 1859, on January 1 of which year Pirsch died very suddenly, and Marie Gehm, according to a previous arrangement, came into possession of all his property. Soon after this Wittmann commenced business in Wollin, and in Fobruary,J 1860, married Marie Gehm, who, in addition to Firsch's property had also inherited some money through the sudden death of an aunt. Two sons, John and Paul, were the result of this marriage. Mrs. Wittmann died very suddonly in 1862, leaving all her property to her husband and two children, of whom the eldest died in tho same mysterious manner three monthi later. In June, 1862, Wittmann married his second wife Charlotte Hohn, who possesed some fortune. The latter mado her will in the following December, leaving everything to her husband, and died a week afterwards. _ In April, 1864, Wittmann married his third wife, Augusta Eornotzky, who was richer than her predecessor. Her fate may be described in almost the same words. Sho died in August, 1865, leaving her property between her husband and mother. Only two months after her death Wittmann married his fourth, and by far the richest wife, the widow Bose, who had one child by her first husband. This child sickened immediately after its mother's wedding, and died in a day or two, by which tho fourth Mrs. Wittmann inherited its property. Wittmann then removed from Wollin to Posen. It is hardly necessary to add that tho fourth Mrs. Wittmann's life was not of very long duration, as she died in September 1866, having made a will in favor of her husband a month or two before. Under the pretext that sho had died of cholera Wittmann had made arrangements for burying her tho day after her death. But the extraordinary mortality in the Wittmann family had attention. The police already created here took the matter up, and their first strengthened when suspicions were they found thatWittmanhad called in no medical treatment Wittman was arrested just as the funeral procession was about to start, and the burial of tho body was prohibited. On searching the house, a large lump of arsenic, sufficient to poison a hundred persons, was found locked up in a chest. All the bodies of Wittman's former wives, as also those of his_ two children, were then exhumed, and submitted to a chemical investigation. The result was tho same in all six cases; a large quantity of arsenic was detected, and there could not bo • tho shadow of a doubt that Wittman h a(i poisoned his four wives and two children. Ho has been found guilty and sentenced to death. If we consider that the raotivo for these crimes was no higher passion than avarice, and then remember tho relation in which he stood to his victims, and tho deliberate perfidy with which he entered upon those relations, I doubt if the whole record of crime can show a blacker case. Indeed it is not improbable that he committed eight murders, as the very sudden death of Pirsch during Wittmann's visit, and also of his first wife's aunt, are extremely suspicious coincidences under tho circumstances." " - " " " ' —" A SYMPATHISER WITH THE PRESS. AYankkk editor thus confesses to have had dealings with Satan—for the good of hisreaders, of course : I was sitting in my study, when I heard a knock at tho door. Como in,' I said when the door opened, and who should walk in hut—Satan! How d'ye do?'said he. 'Pretty What are you about ? Prewell,' said I. Yes,' said I. 'Ah ! I paring your leader P dare say you think you aro doing a great deal of good?' J Well,' said I, 'not so much as I could wish; hut a little good, I hope.' You have a largo lot of readers/ said he. Well, pretty well for that,' I said. ' And I dare say them,' proud of said Satan. you aro very No,' said 1, 'thatl am not; for not one-third of them pay for their papers !' You don't say so,' saift he. Yes, that I do,' said I—' not one-third of them pay for their papers !' Well,' said ho, then they are an immoral lot; but let mc have the list—l think I can do a trifle myscllMwith such people." |* —" ' ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' —' ' | at the Thames cannot be ' —" would, under favorable conditions, develope the gold-field, is being spent in paying wages where work even cannot possibly be given in return. The presumed object of stringent regulations about protection, is to compel the ground being worked, thisvery stringency defeats their own object, for a merely nominal and utterly worthless amount of labor will satisfy the law, but then that labor is draining awaythe capital that isrequired forobtaining machinery and skilled labor. Most serious losses will of necessity be caused by the present system. It takes a long time to construct machinery even when the capital is obtained, but it takes still longer when tbe capital baa to be found, and more especially when that which would have been available has been spent in utterly useless work. The evil is beginning to cure itseli to a small extent. Speculators are a great deal more cautious, and the work of obtaining goldfrom'.tbe quartz will notbefacilitated by constant buying and selling shares, but by planting machinery oji the ground, by forming companies to work claims', and proceeding in a scientific and business-like manner. The seratchings and burrowings called mining in any sense of the term. Nor will capitalists be induced to invest in the " " carrying on operations in a thoroughly practical and efficient manner. This result, as we have before stated, will never be obtained at the Thames without the combination of skill and capital. There is another thing which requires on the lull sides " " considered. Hitherto persons who have had a claim considered theirs was so much superior to everything around them that they would not amalgamate with others. Now this may sometimes be true, but iu very many cases it will be found to be the best for several adjoining claims to amalgamate, and form themselves into a company, and by putting a fair and moderate value on their shares to induce capitalists to join them, and so assist in obtaining machinery, good roads, water, and all the requisites for ties stand in the way of 'profitable labor being employed? Who benefits by the system which has hitherto been pursued ? No one, in reality. While the capital that The Whaef Toll Case.—Mr. Beckham will give his decision on the question of the liability of her Majesty's mail contractors to pay wharf dues, this morning. ComicalIncident.—Late yesterday afternoon the repose of High-street was disturbed by startling cries and ejaculationsindicative of despairing humanity. Tho attention of the alert custodians of the peace of our streets having been attracted by the unusual sounds, they were speedily discovered to proceed from the offices of Mr. Hannaford.Sharebroker, over the stores of Mr. Oldham. Ladders wore procured and the unfortunate gentleman was, by tho assistance of several volunteers, speedily released from a disagreeable predicament. It appears that Mr. Hannaford had been so absorbed in matters of business that he had been heedless of the fact of Mr. Oldham shutting up his store, and had consequently been safely secured in his own office. THE SOUTH. Lost Children.—The police received inforthe the arrival the of Br yesterday in Manukau mation last evening that two little boys, sons of s.s. Kennedy, we have received Grey River Mrs. Cole, liokeby-street,had strayed from their and Hokitika papers to the 19th instant. home during the evening, and had not sincebeen The want of confidence motion of Mr. Mc- heard of. They are aged respectively six and Lean on the native question has not yet come four years ; tho oldest was dressed in a tweed on for discussion. The proposal of Mr. Trayers coat and trousers, and the younger had on a to suspend the standing orders that it might white pinafore, and both of them wore Scotch take precedence of other business, was opposed caps. by the Ministry, and rejected by a majority of Police Court.—Yesterday, at this Court, 38 to 81. The House proceeded with thedebate one native aud two Europeans were punished in on the motion of Mr. Fox, which was still under the usual manner for getting drunk. John discussion, but it was believed that a division Whelan was fined £1 and costs for riding on tho would be taken on the 20th. footpath in Queen-street. Robert Haywood The Kennedy brings up some 63 diggers for and William Walters were prosecuted by Sergt. the Thames. The Westland papers are making Eeilly for allowing nuisances to accumulate on frantic efforts to cry down the Thames Gold- their premises, and were each fined 40s and fields, lest Westland lose her population, but costs. Edward Good, for allowing three pigs we hear that there are hundreds who rely on to go at large, was also mulcted in tho sum of private information only waiting the putting on 40s and costs. A seaman, and the steward of of vessels to bring them Northwards. The s.s. the brig Rita, for being absentwithoutleave, was Auckland was to leave forManukau on the 19th sent to Mount Eden Stockade for a week each, instant. hut as they were exempted from hard labour, l.lsewkere we give the Wellington and Nelson the punishment will not be very severe. A telegrams from the Westland papers. It will native was brought up in custody charged with be seen that at Nelson an indignation meeting stealing a decanter of brandy from the Duke of of the electors has been held, at which Mr. Staf- Marlborough Hotel, but as the Resident Magisford's policy was condemned, and he himself trate only can deal with natives for such an called upon to resign his seat in the Assembly. offence, tho prisoner was remanded till this From the Hokiiika Star of the 17th we learn morning. There wero two cases of assault on that the sea was making great encroachments the charge sheet, but the parties seemed to have on the township. The Star says : changed their minds, not troubling the MagisWe should bo afraid to say what oxtent of beach trate to interfere, as neither complainants or the north channel has carried away into tho sea defendants put in an appearance. Piling during the last forty-eight bonis. It is reci. -ned by the Agony."—Yesterday, wc some at 90ft. and others considerably more. To tho noticed in Messrs. Uptons, stationers, Queenfact that the West side of Uovell-streot is i.i ,-reat street, a cleverly executed cartoon (which lias danger we cannot blind ourselves. Our liopa photographed) in which this over-taxed ia that when the groynes which wero laid and badly-governedcolony is depicted under tho down somo months ago are reached by the channel guise of an animal which has furnished many water they will prevent any further encroachment downwards. until some other channel than tho present ono is a text, from the days of Issachar Tho New Zealand donkey, however, less fortuopened artificially or by natural causes. Those who feel greatly alarmed at the near proapect of their nate than his Hebrew prototype, has not tho properties being washed away may find some comfort consolation of feeling that he simply couches in the fact that these groynes and tho largo length betwixt two burdens," —in his case it is full a of double and triple facines, which are at present score. Piled tior on tier, is seen bundles covered with sand, will havo tho same deterring labelled red tape," Defence department," effect they had at the time they were employed to "officialism," "pensions," &c, while tho whole protect the rear of roii-Sovell-streot. We hope, and is surmounted by a large package bearing Much are inclined to believe, this will be tho case. the ominous words Consolidated Loan, depends upon the serenity of t'no weather and the £7,000,000," on which Jack Maori is reclining, calmness of the sea for the next few days. pulling a weed, and smiling serenely and Since writing the above, by the arrival of tho benignantly upon the wretched ass which is s.s. Rangatira in the Manukau, we have papers dragging him along ; the noblo savage apto the 22nd inst. The division on Mr. Fox's pears in full dress," that is, to say, hii wardmotion of want of confidence in the Ministry, robe is if anything more scant than that of the and other extracts, will be found in another traditional Cingalese lady—a pair of garters and column. a hair-pin. The political Jehu, Mr. Stafford, We may expect the Airedale in the Manukau is vainly endeavouring to get the donkey to go to-day, and it is probable that she may bring up —notwithstanding thathe has dextrously held the Auckland portion of the Panama Mail. out to view a carrot, on which seven shillings" is invitingly inscribed and from which the 'We have been requested to state that Mr. sagacious brute after a coquettish sniffis turning disgust. with Further down the hill (for down do with the George Strong had nothing to get- the hill, slowly but surely, tho whole party are ting up of the rush to Mercury Bay; that he the Colonial Hall, Treasurer, Mr. going,) Actng has neither stores, land, or any other interest iu appears Income-tax in hand. No one looking that locality. the unfortunate tho animal, in at cartoon abovo Sale of Books, Fubnituee, &c, To-day.— alluded to, —evidently bearing the marks of It will be seen from our advertising columns having seen better days,—will fail to have that Messrs. Arthur will hold a very extensive brought to his recollection youthful reminissale of valuable books, furniture, &c, at the cences of twopence more, and up goes tho Wesleyan College, Upper Queen-street, to-day. donkey !" And in view of its manifold burdens, The library of books is well worthy the atten- he will feel that at the antipodes, in this case as tion of the student as well as the general reader. in many others, old world phrases need reversal, It comprises copies of all the generally known for the probable issue is—" twopence more, and classic authors, ancientand modern, mathemati- doxai goes the donkey !" cal works, atlasses, and materials for scholastic The sharp passage of arms is repurposes. The sale of books is to commence at ported following in the Otaijo Daily Times as having two o'clock. The Grey River Argus of the 17th instant taken place in the Supreme Court, Dunedin, the hearing of the case Jones v. Orbell, Jfews was brought to town yesterday, during says : in which the defendant was ejected from his by a storekeeper, that a nugget weighing 120 farm : Mr. Smythies, formerly of Auckland : ounces bad been found in a claim in the Moonthe first of this case, I have had every light District, and that it wouldbe brought to From possible obstacle town in a few days. Should this prove to be Honor. I don't thrown in my way by your know whetherit is because Mr. correct, the nugget just unearthed is the largest Jones is a rich man. The Judge: Mr. Smyyet found on the West Coast." thies, if are guilty of impertinence to me, I you The Peivate Letter Boxes at tbe Post will commit you. I have sat upon the bench Office.—lt would greatly conduce to the connow for sixteen years, and I never yet had to venience of the public and the safety of the resort to the power of committal; but I will build'ng, brick and stone though it be, if the not submit to impertinence. After the conclugas were kept turned on until at least 10 o'clock sion of the case, the Judge (who, on the p.m., in the lobby where the private letter boxes of the Jury, had directed Mr. Smythies return not to are situated. Persons have occasion to go to leave the Court) said : I did not take sufficient their boxes after dark, and the usual plan notice of the gross insult offered to me by you is strike match. The a adopted to consequence to-day, because I desired not to do anything may be that some night a lighted match may that could tend to prejudice the case fall upon the wood-work of the framing instead of your client. I now think it of upon the stone floor, and a conflagration the upon me to notice that insult, incumbent and to result. give you an opportunity of it. A fine rich leader was struck in the United You accused me of thwarting retracting because you, I last. The Gold Mining Company on Tuesday favoredthe rich as against the poor. That is a leader is nine inches thick, and fine specimens most unjust accusation ; and I now an give you are being taken out every day. There is an exopportunity of apologising, and of making retensive reef and a large body of payable quartz paration for the insult; and if you do not do on this which is situate the Waiotahi claim, in so, I shall take very serious notice of it. Mr. Creek, a few yards from the machinery on the Smythies was understood to say that ho had no beach. The claim extends on both sides of the intention of saying anything disrespectful to creek. Tbe manager is about to put a drive the Court. In the heat of the moment, he no under the creek, where he expects to strike it doubt did say something about the Tick and the heavy. poor; but Tho Judge :It amounted to Increase in the Thames Police.—Mr. tho accusation which I have stated. Commissioner Waughton returned from the say of mo outside this Court, I shallWhat you treat with Thames by tbe Eoyal, Alfred s.s., yesterday silent contempt. Of what you say in this afternoon. The three constables who accom- Court, I am bound to take notice. Mr. panied him down from town have been stationed Smythies was understood to that h'e was at Graham's Town, and the Commissioner has very sorry if he said anythingsay which bore tho rented a small house in the immediate vicinity interpretation stated by his of the residence of Mr. .Robert Graham, for the very great respect for his Honor; for he had Honor's and position of tern. These a police station uro purposes character. He certainly did not wish or intend men will hold nightly communication with the to say anything such as was attributed to him ; Shortland police, and thus the lonely neighbour- and whatever he did say dropped from him in hood between Graham's Town and Shortland the heat of the moment, and without any intenwill be much safer for travellers than hitherto. tion of its being disrespectful. The We understand that in a few days we may hear suppose that that is intended as an Judge I apology of some rather important results from the Com- and I accept it as such." ' missioner's visit, he having been on the look-out Case A of Mistaken Identity.—An exfor transgressors of the law, and having made traordinary case of mistaken identity has como some discoveries that will probably prove awk- to our knowledge (says the Arr/us). About two ward for some of the residents at the Thames. months ago, a man was found' dead or dying in The following will show the slackness of the rerandah of a house in trade on the West Coast. The West Coasi inquest subsequently held Hotham. At the A meeting of number of persons testified upon the body, a Times of the 18thinstant says : to its being that of a unemployed compositors is convened for eleven man named Collard. some of the witnesses o'clock to-morrow, at Hansen's Assembly stating that they had known the for a Rooms. The advertisement calling the meeting considerable period. A verdict deceased of from states that business of importance is to be con- sanguineous apoplexy was returned,death and the sidered." Inends of the deceased in England were written Magistbate's —There was to, informing them of Resident Cottbt. the event. The day before no case of much interest heard before the Resiyesterday, the man Collard appeared in dent Magistrate yesterday. In giving judgment alive, and in his usual health, after some Hotham months' for plaintiff in the case of Garratt v. Dornwell, sojourn in the country. The terror of the female which was an action for damagesreceived by the members of the household where presented ho plaintiff in a collision with a cart belonging to himself was extreme, until he had satisfied them the defendant, on Friday evening last, in the ho was real flesh and blood, and not a ghost, Eyber Pass, His Worship commented upon the lhis seems to have been one of those curious fact of vehicles not being compelled by law to instances of personal resemblance that are somecarry lights after dark, and said that he was times read about in novels or seen upon the surprised that accidents were not more frequent. stage, but which are generally regarded as In the case of Feltus v. Perrier, in which judg- existing only in the imaginations of fertile ment was given for plaintiff last Court day in writers, or ingenious dramatists. The storycase was default of appearance, application was made for reported to the police yesterday, as it is of a rehearing, on the ground that defendant was some importance for the genuine to not aware of the case being on the list for that establish his identity, inasmuch ag heCollard has been day; the application was granted, defendant to in the receipt of an annnity, of which courso pay the costs of the Court; the case will there- will have been discontinued on the news of his j there may lie in their claim. The practical effect of the system so far has been, that holders of shares have sold a portion of their interest to persons in Auckland, that the latter have continuously paid wages for the working of the claim, that in very many instances little or no work has been done beyond the mere protection of tho claim, and so a* very large amount of mouey has been just as much wasted as if it had been paid to the men to walk about the streets of Auckland. .Now this state of things cannot continue. Speculators are already wakening to the stern realities of tho case. The Thames gold-field is not what is popularly known as "a poor man's diggings." It is not a diggings where unskilled labor can do just as well as skilled labor. It requires, and can only be worked by, tho combination of skill and capital. This being the case there is uo other mode of raising the necessary capital to employ the skill and obtain machinery except by forming companies for that purpose. The longer this process is delayed the greater will bo the loss of capital and labor, a loss to both tho men who own a part of and work the claim, and to those who purchase into it. Six or eight men own a claim, they sell say half a share each for a certain sum and a stipulated amount paid weekly. There arc probably two classes of men in the lot, one consisting of those who are anxious to work and develope their claim, the other, THE OHINEMURI. We yesterday published the announcement of the determination of the Upper Thames natives to open the whole of the land between the present southern boundary of the goldfield and the mountain ridgcj this side of the Te Aroha mountain, and the terms on. which the natives are willing to open it. It would seem that our Thames cotemporary has also been placed in possession of the same reliable information as imparted to this journal, as will be seen by the subjoined extract from its issue of yesterday. Our readers may rely upon the correctness of our report of yesterday, as we were in a position to speak authoritatively on the matter:— MB. MACKAY'S VISIT TO OHIK&MUBI. THE COUNTEY TO BE OPENED TO . PB.OSPEOTOKS. Mr. Mackay returned from his Tisit to Ohinemuri last evening, and we are happy to announce that the result of his mission is so far successful that ive are in a position to state a majority of the natives are willing to throw up their lands for gold-mining purposes. There is still, however, a little difficulty arising from fore be reheard next Thursday. —" supposed death. HIGHWAY DISTRICT DEPUTATIO. Adeeutation, consisting ofMessrs Bollard, Holloway and other gentlemen residing at the Whau, waited upon His Honor the DeputySuperintendent yesterday nnd presented a memorial signedby a large number of Whau residents, praying that the portion of the Mount Albert District lying between Oakley's Creek and tho Whau Creek might be formed into n separate Highway District under the name of the Whau District. His Honor said that he should have much pleasure in aocording to thoir wishes and would communicate with tho chairman of the Mount Albort Highway District Board on the Bubject. We understand that there is not liko\y to be any opposition to the movement, and that therefore there is every probability of the speedy announcement of the Whau District in tho Gazelle. A Maiden's Solddoquy.—Poetry rs Peobh.—'Tis wond'rous strange how great tho change since I ■was in my teenß; then I had a beau and a billet-doux, and joinod tho gayest scenes. But lovers now have ceused to vow; no way they now contrive to poison, hang, or drown themselves—because I'm thirty-five. Once, if- tho night was a'er so bright, I ne'or abroad could roam, without the bliss, the honour, mies, of fleeing you safe home." But now I go, through rain or snow—fatigued and scarce alive—through all the dark, without a spark—because I'm thirty-fire. " LATER 3 SOUTHERN NEWS. AEEIVAL OF THE EANGATIEA. DEFEAT OF MR. FOX'S MOTION, Departments have agreed to close the public offices at 2 p.m. to-morrow, to enable the Government servants to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased Chief. It will be seen from our advertising columns that the Militia officers of this district are requested to attend in uniform.— Wanganui Times, Sept. 22. MAJOEITY OF SEVEN FOE THE LATEST SOUTHERN TELEGRAMS. GOVEENMENT. Br the arrival of the Eangatira (s.s.) in the Manukau early this morning we have Wanganui papers to the 22nd instant. The Panama mail had not been telegraphed to Wanganni up to that date. Wo take the following from the Wanganui Times of the 22nd:— EESULT OF THE DEBATE OH ME, FOX'S MOTION. On Friday night the debate on Mr. Fox's "want of confidence" motion closed, the House divided, and Ministers had a majority of seven. Provinces and individual members have been bought over, but the bribery and corruption of the present Ministry have now become flagrant that Mr. McLean's motion on the na-so tive policy of the Government, which comes on to-night will further prepare the country for the action which the colony should take at the approaching general election. It is well for the colony that this is the last session of the present parliament. Mr. Stafford will not dare to face the electors of Nelson, and but Very few of his subservient coadjutors need attempt to face their constituents. We anxiously await the division list of Friday night which may possibly reach us early this morning. DIVISION LIST. The following is the divisionlist on Mr. Pox's Want of Confidence Motion. Our member, Mr. Harrison, very wisely abstained from voting at all, as he had still a lurking for old friends, but could not conscientiously vote against the wishes of a majority of his constituents Ayes, 37. Noes, 30. :— Messrs. Atkinson Ball Barff Messrs. Armstrong Baigent Bunny Burns Brandon Brown Cargill Borlaso Bradshaw Carleton Collins Curtis Clark Cox Dignan Eyes Gallagher Graham Hcaphy Hall Hull Macfarlane, G. Macfarlane, T. Haughton Harrison McLean Main O'Eorke Kenny Reynolds Hepburn Hankinson Jollie Ormond Parker Kerr Rolleston Studholme Mervyn Mitchell O'Neill, J. O'Neill, C. Potts Paterson Patterson Bead Russell Richmond Stafford Swan Wells Wilson Wood Tellers. Ludlam Stevens Taylor Travers Tancred Tareha Vogel Williamson Tellebs. Bell Fox Campbell The result, in favor of the Government, was received with cheers. The House then ad- journed. WESTLAND IN THE GENERAL. ASSEMBLY. [BS StTBMAIONE TELEGBA2H.] (From the SohitiJca Star's Special Correspondent) Wellington, Friday, Sept. 18,3-40 p.m. Last night another motion of want of confidence was brought forward by Mr. M'Lean, relating to the management of native affairs. The discussion was kept up nntil the hour for going on with the orders of the day, when Mr. Travers moved that the orderi be postponed until Mr, M'JJean's motion was disposed of. The Government opposed the motion, and a division took place whioh resulted as follows:—In favor of Government, 38; againßt, 31. The debate on Pox's resolution was thencontinued. Harrison spoke for an hour. He expressed his dissent from the proposal to discontinue to the province their share of the consolidated revenue, and said it was not a popularjbnt only a fashionable proposition with more of romance than praotical reality about it. If it would reduce the taxation, it would be a different thing; but neither the Government or the Opposition had shown that any suchreduction would follow. Abit stood it was a mere sham, because the capitation Bchemeß of each party weie only another form of sharing in the consolidated revenue; and each scheme was grossly unjußt to particular portions of the colony, and especially to those which, like Westland, had all the work to do whioh the older provinces had to do twenty yoari ago ; and yet it was to be deprived of the whole of its revenue from taxation. He blamed the Tiraasurer for having negleoted to iuclude Westland in his financial scheme of adjustment, although proportionately it would be the largest sufferer and but for Mr. Hall's interest in the affairs of the County, he would have characterised his negligence by a much stronger term. He proceeded critically to review the financial proposals of both parties. Under the Government scneme Westland would lose £10,000 of surplus revenue, and only receive £5,396 capitation to pay police and gaols, which cost £11,500. On the other hand, Mr. Fox proposed to give a capitation of thirty shillings, but left loanß to be locally charged, and harbours, and police, and g*ols to be maintained by provinces. Mr. Fox's proposal for Westland would as stand follows: Capitation allowance £23,127; to pay charge on loans of Canterbury, £22,000 ; police and gaols, £11,600; and harbour, £3000; thus leaving a deficienoy to be paid out of the Land Fund of £18,373 per annum. He told the House that under either schemeunless a considerable compensation was made to Westland they might as well sponge it from the map of Hew Zealand—so far The Government sb any progress was concerned. did propose to leave the question of adjustment open, but the Opposition proposed no adjustment whatever and had throughout the session opposed every obS stacla in way of a motion to have the Canterbury Debt question referred to a Select Committee for readjustment. Mr. Harrisoncalled theattention of the Houao to the faot that Westland was a district of 7000 square miles, and had contributed nearly a million to colonial revenue in four years, and had exported four millions worth of gold. He asked—what would have been the position of the Colony but for the gold-fields of Westland ? It could not have paid its liabilities. It was a mistake to suppose thatits gold-fields were exhausted. If the County only had means to open up the country, Westland was capable of wonderful development, and of contributing largely to the fortunes of the Colony, for many years to come. Whilst protesting against both financial schemes he felt hound to vote against Mr. Fox becausehis proposals were tenfold worse than those of the Government, and becauße he had neither faith or confidence in his ; — party. Mr. Harrison was loudly cheeredat the conclusion of his speech. I think that when the question of adjustment comes on we shall be able to get a substantial compensation for Westland. It is understood that Mr. Bariff will speak to- THE FRONT. night. The division is not likely to oome off until toYesterday considerable excitement prevailed of exciting morrow. throughout the town in consequence rumours from tho Front. Reliable intelligence Mr. Hall brings in a bill to free newspaper exmay come to handbefore we go to press, but all changes. September 17. that we can recommend our readers toplace re- liance upon as yet is what follows:—Colonel Haultain despatched a trooper who arrived here on Sunday night with despatches for the Government which were forwarded by the s.s. Wanganui at one o'clock yesterday. He has ordered two Armstrong guns from Wellington, which, we suppose, are intended for the protection of Patea and not for field service. We can also state as a fact that our friend and friendly Tauroa, who has so long, and in a friendly way continued to make free with the settlers' property, appropriating it as his own, has done us the favor of going over with the Pakakohi to Tito Eowaru, and that tho settlers at thisside of the Patea River have been politely ordered to clear off bag and baggage" by to-morrow— Wednesday—under certain pains and penalties. It is useless to speculate we anxiously await further authentic intelligence. " ; The Wanqanui Chronicle of September 22nd We have no information from the says Front since our last publication. Abundance of rumors of all kinds get into circulation, but they should be received with caution. It is said that Colonel Haultain has offered to give up a large portion of tho confiscated territory to the rebels if they will allow us to hold the remainder in peace. We decline to believe that any proposition so monstrous could have been made. It is possible we may require to concentrate our force for a time at Patea, but that is a very different thing from acknowledging our inability to hold the country ultimately. In fact, wc must fight for this land whether we like it or no. The savages will compel us. Kelinquish one portion, and they 'will claim another, and yet another, until they claim and fight for all. The Patea will go first, the Waitotara nest, and. Wanganui in the long run. No we are in for it, and wo must fight, however long and harrassing tho fight may be. But it was surely never known that a number of Anglo-Saxon settlers could not hold their own against a horde of savages! Kemp.—Tho mantle of Hon Kingi falls upon the shoulders of his nephew Kemp, who, although a young man, has been through more campaigns upon tho East and West Coasts, and been more frequently engaged in assisting our troops with his men than any other chief we know of. He is now at the front, and if we mistake not, the very day that Hori Kingi died, Kemp and his men wore on the eve of a battle. They determined to fight one more battle with All Col. McDonnell against Tito Kowaru. Kemp's battles have been under McDonnell's although he to leave refused command, and him, provoked to do so, until this, their last battle under the present administration, is fought together.—Ibid Native Ihtelugenoe.—Lt.-Col.McDonnell proceeded yesterday morning to attack Titokowaru in the new position he had fortified near Turo Taro Mokai. Tho enemy evacuated their entrenched position at the approach of our force, and retreated into the bush. Every available dray is said to have been sent from Patea to Waihi for the purpose of removing stores, &c. The latter place is to be given up, and the only posts to be retained are Patea and Manawapou. Evening Herald, Sept. 22. The Ftjnebal of~Hoei Kingi.—The funeral of this lamented chief will take place to-morrow_W ednesday—at the Putiki Church Yard, at 3 p.m. We earnestly hope that a large number of the European population will be present to show their respect to the memory of the deceased, and their appreciation of the services which for many years he had rendered to tho settlers in this town and surrounding districts. We are requested to state that tho Heads of —" : ; Harrisson was declared for Government, though disapproved of their policy. Fox's proposals would prove favourably to Westland if impartially oonßidered. Muoh desire felthere that you should send a delegate. Native disturbances are turning out to be very serious. THE MINISTERIAL POLICY.—DISAFFEC* HON AT NELSON. Nblbok', Tuesday, Sept. 15, 7.10 p.m. A densely orowded meeting wbb held last night in the Provincial Hall; Mr. Edwards, Chairman. Resolutions were carried unanimously as follows: —Ist. That the Ministerial financial measures are unsound,and calculated to act unjustly to the colony, 2nd. That thescheme for imposing annual charges for Provincial debts on all Provinces indiscriminately, is flagrantly unjust to Nelson —which by past frugality is entitled to exemption from greater burdens thus laid on the inhabitants. 3rd. Considering the manner in which Mr. Stafford hag sacrificed Kelson interests, this meeting is of opinion that the connection between him and the electors should cease, and that he be requested to resign his seat as representative in the General Assembly. 4th. That it is highly objeotioDable that such measures should be deoidedby the present Assembly, and that the opinion of the electors should be taken by summoning a new Parliament. (From the Grey River Argus, September 17.) "Westpobt, Wednesday. Fresh gold has been struct on the fourth terrace north of the Caledonian. The lead has been proved for four miles. The John Penn is on the slip at Nelson. LATEST AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. the s.s. Kennedy we have Melbourne files to By the Bth instant. Sydney, September 7. A London letter states that Sydney won both, the rifle matches that were shot simultaneously, and that Bushell won the first prize at the long ranges, instead of Rigby, as previously reported. Bishop, the rider of the Derby winner, the Duke, has beed. presented with a gold-mounted whip in honor of his unexpected victory. The coal companies of Newcastle are endeavouring to make new arrangements amongst themselves for the purpose of again raising prices to about their former standard. In the case of Chishohii v. Macaulay, the full Court decided in favour of the free selector's right of impounding. Commodore Lambert returned to-day from his cruise in the South Seas. The E.M.S.S. Avoca, with the English mail, arrived at 2 o'clock yesterday morning, and her letters were delivered at an early hour. The Zephyr has brought 11,000 cases of gin. The markets are inactive. Rowland Hill rode a great deal, and by exercise preservedvigorous health. On one occasion, when asked by a medical friend what physician and apothecary he employed, to be always so well, he replied, My phyoioian has been a horse, and my apothecary an ass." A Yankee riding on a railroad was disposed to astonish the other paasengers -with tough stories. At last he mentioned that one of his neighbours owned an immense dairy, and made a million poundsof oheese yearly. The Yankeeperoeiving that his veracity was in d«nger of being questioned, appealed to aI speak of Deacon friend, "True, isn't it, Mr. Y-e-B," replied the friend, "that is, 1 Brown." don't know as I ever know Deacon Brown, though I heard precisely how many pounds ofbutter and cheeße twelve saw miHfl he makes a year; but I know he has that all go by buttermilk." " — " ? 25, 1868. THE .;JSBW ZEALAHi) HEBALI), AUCKLAND, FRIDAY,'.'SEPTEMBER lano, which sum -was coveted by mortgages and SUPREME COURT.—In Bankruptoy. notico on tho ground,' but not the one produced. securing a margin of one inch of Smooth water, conpromissory notes. I cir.not tell what thoss promisTho Warden's Office notices were posted. I did not sequently any finely divide,! mercury, that may have tlio Cliicf Justice. Before his Ilonor sory uutos wero. Since 1865 I have kept books. I examine thorn, Tho reasons of protection are true. boon puffed from the stamper boxes, is thoro caught which, hare been kept, The important services, oa^ machiand until had bookß in May, 1867. I have not those books would erect buried tho the in recess of ripplo box. We did not give ft bond that we EH TIMS. MILNK MACHATTIE. rendered in case of fire, by a small organised here. but This Biinple contrivance was introduced by the comI have not given them to the trustee in the Saturday, on ontho Lancashire Lass nery. I was bankrupt appeared the ; TTeaketh on behalf of the estate, Mr. Mowbray. I don't know where that ground day. pany's amalgamator Fire "Brigade,', proves ~most, satisfactorily. (Jfr. ytevens) ou who aesires mo they are. did not see complainants on tho and othor I believe . from thorn. Saturday that whe. eaa formorly ho might find as much silver Hr.Gillies ou behalf of Mr. Muefarlaue Mr. Cochrane (formerly sequestrator of raj advantages to bo gained by this establishment Lass on Lancashire not on the did work I in every creditor?. estate) has them. lam willing to give them up if I and the desirability of encouraging them date in. the protootion at which (or fine'y divided mercury) as half a pound on tho Monday. The or proof examine the tlio to for Bcsl'oth asked Court Mr. could get them. I have net received theßo promis7th. I instructed Small- blankets, now, for all practical purposes, their use possible, way. ' With'this View so append THE THAMES GOLD FIELD the claim was taken up ib theand which wero refused by tho trU3toe. sory notes from Henderson instructed Young to might bo dispensed with. Messrs. Bucklandand Gib- of debts, Macfarlane. I p re the information of those who have just joined man to pog out tho ground, Gillies submitted that now the bankrupt ought sumo they have them still. and Till-. by tho Taipari. lormed on eo with the I advanced £650 to Mr. bons, hero, Saturday pleased which has been for their last visit out two mora on the W. H. wero the Brigade; ua the creditors peg examination, undergo SriOKTLAND. to liia final for purchase of native lands. I paid altogether superintendence four men's ground had been pegged out before contrivanee.'as well as satisfied of its utility, that it is, were thereby excluded from entering into any ar- King Insurance Companies under the The over £1200 to the natives. I had sold the land (FHOJI OCK OWN COEBESrONDENT.) of Mr. A. Asher;a few hints taken from a new this to tho best of my balief. Mr. Hmallman got his I am informed, their intention to adopt it at their rangement. before May, 1807, to three or four parties, Messrs. By. Fires, Fire 24. Bhareby pegging out. Ido not know anytbinpjabov.t machine on tho Karaka. As a matter of interoat work, by Mr. C. Young, Honor said ho must ask tho trustee if he had burn and others, for about His to visitors this £3300. The total profit w&b to goldfield I may mention that any report to make as to whi>t had been done, or o'.so Ho could look out for hiin: The few daysfino weather wo have had cheored the Matthew's interest. Engines,'and Fire Brigades,. about £1500. Cannot siy when I received. pay ment been Belf. Mefsrs. Fisher Bros., sharobrokors, have displayed the Court would have adjourned for no purpohe. to providing not only an diggers to increased energy; the. hills have land. was The general indifferencefor for this it before May, 1867. I sold specimons from several good claims '1 hink .By Mr. Dodd (for Taipari): Tnipari's claims wore in their window extinguishing fires but teeming with mon endeavouring,to mako up for lest The trustee (Mr. fliowbriiy) pnsaeniod his report. on bills which I handed oTer to lienderson efficient and proper plant & Macfar. trained time. The weathor Ims been again showory; but I pegged out somo hours after tho other ground. here. Their office is quito the centre o£ attraction, in. answer to a. question from tho lane. HeEketh Mr. the also that of a properly instructed and well thinfcthat item I £650 advanced to Mr. King and certainly the specimens exhibited are exceedingly Court, said the necesaar-. majority required by the of fine weather. Taipari holds two shares in tho claim. brigade of men to work thorn and direct or superin- am thinking wo shall now get a spell for the not to Ryburn is land sold and others. I I wbb Williamson, Jones, crushing anything behalf of and vie with of tho kind rich, at will 1 Act had not been established to enable the creditors Mr. Bovoridge, on Tho Povorty Company intend having a making urrangemonts with King for the purchase of tend tho operations of controlling and extinguishing seen in Shortland. Ono view must convince state roady the Kurunui battery on Friday. I shall anxiously and Smiillraan, agreed to a judgmont, and Mr. Dodd havo to accept a deed of composition. fires 88 well as keep them in an efficientand land Maraitai. received back from the at I sceptical deposit most of the rich £500. him of tho precious severely look for'the result, as tho uhuTto bo oruihod consists also, on behalf of Taipari. to he deplored Mr. Gillies asked if tho proof of debt could stand me £150, as appearß in my present for instant use, is greatly Jamos H. Smallman deposed: I am holder of a metal in this locality, only requiring enterprise and when a creditorhad disposed of his debt as mentioned He still owes is the small of about 4cwt. of their rithott specimens. They havo to he reprehended. Not less culpable schedule. I received the £500 at various times. I through. right. "At about midnight of the 7th of capital for its development. miner's amongst many quartz put about of to be report. in trustee's found to exist also 25 tons the inclination which is have kept no books since May, 1867. I have a few An accident, which might havo had more serious too many inTho All Nations.—There is to bo a crushing of o August Young carao to my tont and made'a stateliia Honor said he should like to hear tho question influential and well to do persons in assisting results, occurred to-day to a miner named John argued. His own impression was that he could not memoranda. I have not got them with me. I h&vo thos<? cwt. of rich specimens next week. A good yield is ment. Ifo brought a message from some other perstances, towards encouraging and not given them up to my trustee.' 1 cannot tell at following o'clook the At about seven on Chamborlin. lie was working in a cuttiug at the I'dinain ns say nothing son. creditor on the estate if it went whose courage, spirit, and foresight, toprompt them expected. has now morning wo went on tho Lancashire Lass claim and Tapu Mint claim, when about a ton of earth fell upon into tho hands of another creditor of tho estate; what dates I received the £500 from King. I don't feelings, Xhe Dawn of Hope.—This protty claima crushing of higher and more creditable the nentre him. His mates at onco extricated him, and Dr. on tho other hand, if it wont into the hands of any think I have received very much since I filed art pegged about five men's ground. I put task of trying to over 260 tons of quartz out, and will get to undertake the too often thanklessestablish what at weqk.aftor next at tho Victoria battoryj a shoot is peg in next tho Fiory Oross. Mr. Matthews put in M'Lood was Bent for. Although much shaken, it is enc who was not already a creditor, the dobt Bhould schedule. I received the greater portion of this tho. change this sad state of affairs and money during the time my estate was sequestrated, Robinson thore the otherpeg which completod that lino. satisfactory to know that no limbs wero fructurod.— still be represented. any moment may bo found, evou by its greatest bciug get the quart? to tho road; when I did not hand it over to the sequestrator of ray result is put in tho bottom corner peg of tho other 200 foot I Thames Advertiser, Sept. 21. Mr. lieskelh said he would ask tho Court if it estate, 1 used present opponeuts, at possibly no very distant date, the carriage to the machino is oasy. The it for my own purposes. I bought pegged.. Young and I then put in tho top cornor peg, wcro competent to give an opinion to examine sevelooked forward to with aomo interest. one of the greatest benefits and safeguards. land with somo of it. I lived on it, ground. havo comtho five mon's which completed vritnessess, simply to show that the majority sold spent somo of it for lawyer's fees. some'of and Sweeney's, how the TJnion Company, underral volunteer that remembered tho It should bo tent and THE DEAN OF CANTERBURY ON RITUI cannot lay their debts; and to «xamiuo into tho proofs offered honour- menced crushing at tho Victoria battory, and the Aftor this wo wont back to tho I handed over to Henderson and Macfarlane whether eight takes without fee or reward tho labours of anperpetual Mitchell and othora at about saw by tho trustee; and to say, under tho 209th section, a promissory note ALISM AND DISSENT. result is highly encouraging. of Canning's. Messrs. Henderson ableand ardous calling-one fraught with not sure The appeal in the Belmont caso comes on for o'clock, oh tno Fiery Cross. I am was whether tho majority wore actually in favour of the and Macfarlane may have held hills, between peril to life and limb that in the darkest night and The hundredth anniversary of the Countess of bankrupt. takon Court, when tho two mon's ground for Taipari Distriot at fho next, Monday on If six porfonii'sohi their debts to one and Mr. iamb. I think, however, thoy did notmyself argument heat of burning ground. notico tho at took hold up. in the most droary storm, in tho nico taken I saw a on Huntingdon's College place meeting Cheshunt armed point up. It was wintor, ho is Auckland. This case not ouly involves a person, he surely could not come to a Mr. Lamb's bills as security for their claimß against summer, in the inoßt intense cold of of lm of law, but also a great amount of capital, tho On the Bth ot August, hetwoen ton and eleven, two last week, and was attended by the Dean of with six proxies, and vote as six different creditors. my estate. owed Messrs. Henderson I found faithful and fearless in the discharge and asked and Macfarsporty on complainants of tho Ho made remarkable pr camo a ground Canterbury. speech in of tho Mr. Ufiiiies argued that this was no caso for the or station, defendants seeking to got possession debis, one of £1000 and another of £1266. onerous duties, regardless aliko of rankconquor to show tho corner proposing Prosperity to Cheshunt College." Court to unter into. It was purely a matter i'or the lane two the valued at fivo thousand pounds without tho payment for our pegs. I sent Kobinson but is the same debt as I now put in my present poverty or riches, so that he can of the Fiory Cross to them, and also the now At present, when High Churchand Low Church creditor himself. The question now was, however, That fees. farthing boyond lawyers' peg of a ravages. fearful and control his Echedule of £2266 7s 9d. Messrs. Henderson held ruthless tyrant I havo just hoard that Bishop Solwyn intends ground. At the races Young said.we had bettor are being weighed in the balance, the remarks ;f the proof of tho debt had been properly or impro- the samo mortgage as they hold now for that debt. In forming a voluntoer firo brigade some little dis- visiting this placo, and preaching hero next Sunday. give Jouos a sharo in tho Lancashire Lass. I said, of the reverend prolate arc of importance. In perly admitted. I think there are two mortgages, but am not cretion should bo used in selecting from tho candi- His Lordship may bo sure tho diggers will give him a very well. I presume ho meant his own share. I course of his observations he said—This certain. ilr. Keoksth quota! from an affidavit made by the I presumed at that time that the mortgage college and' Ono dates such as are physically qualified for tho duties cordial welcome. saw fivo of tho pegs wo put in last Saturday. where the 'bankrupt considered that he bankrupt, to P.K.'s would cover their debt. I have not paid anyme, as I read its documents, a very represents Mitchell and required of,them; for though there may bo many missing. Graham's showed them to machine, was I Mr. crushing of Kelly's stuff at two cau-:esof action —one against Henderson and thing to them since then, The had to bo mombors sacred of mutual I uwy slate that I do not principle—that hearty recogniwho aro in every, other way qualified Maofarlane, another against ids late partner, which of which there is about two hundred tons, was Husk. Three of tho pogs had beon removed, and we still, if they have not that strength of body required stopped, owing to tho machinery! breaking down. found tlio holes, whoro tho pegs had beon covered tion of one anothor as sorvauts of our common would materially affect the interests ol creditors, and think they hold any promissory notes now. At the are called Lord. We, in this land, have he therefore declined receiving his discharge until time I first sequestrated my estate into the hsmdß of (Applause.) to enable them to fulfil the duties firemen up yesterday. again commenced work with leaves. however, Mr. Cochrane I had no furniture nor pertonal by tho They, on to perform without being knockod J effects. By Mr. Macdonald : Wo peggod-out for Mitchell, been long endeavouring to make our Christianity thfise causes of action weru finally settled. I hear that some persons—who should have at I have none now to hand over. lam iu ■wettings they ate safe to encounter, it would be (Hear, hear.) Young, Matthews, and tho othora. I have not stand on its narrowest point. been examplos in the development and prosHis Honor ruled that h<s would hear the bankrupt occupation of a house. I hnva a considerable least brigade by a efficiency the of •wrong to jeopardise And the inevitable result of equilibrium on the and any other collateral evidence, but would withare to bo included given my slmro to Mitchell. of these fields family, consisting of nine individuals. I occupy having one or more of its members on the sick list perity tho disreputablo class called "jumpers ;" T doposed: Glovor remember tho has followed. It has been passed an hold for a timo the certificate of having the apex Pobert Blake (Applause.) with a house, but don't know to whomit belongs. I pay am Bth of August. Early that morning I accompanied unstable equilibrium. whenits services were required. It should also be if tho report bo truo, (Hear.) Our Englioh final examination until the creditors hsd an opportuwhich I £1 a-weekrontal. It belongs to the trustees of the constantly borne in mind that a volunteer brigado credibly informed it is, those persons will bring dis- the defendant to tho Fiory Cross claim, and was on Christianity had to bo propped all round. nity of muking arrangements. late Mr. Carruth. I hada lease of it andcould not shouldnot be started as a plaything to fiil| up leisure credit ion themselvee. I refrain at presont from tho boundary ot tho Lancashire Lass claim, but saw (Hear, hear.) So thickly, indeed that many JT. S. Mowbray, provisioned trustee in this matter, get rid of it. It is furnished. The furniture belongs time,but be established for, and strictly maintained mentioning tho circumstances, and names of tho per- nono of the plaintiffs there. the Bth ".Sept. a Bpecial meeting examined. On was have failed discern the itself for the building of the to to Mr. Partington. It became his becauso I ondorted as, a protection to the lifo and property Abol Flotchor deposed: I rocollect Saturday, tho multitude of shores that surrounded it. sons, until I get fuller particulars. Tho act hits of creditors was held at my office. I produce proofs bills to certain parties, and the Bank of New South It is evident that it be if and it must bo neighbourhood; caused great excitemont. Unless so">e protection is Bth of August. I was going to the Fiery Cross claim high time that this .vain experiment were made by (creditors at that meoting. There Wales sold my furniture to Mr. Partington on a considered an honour in the timo of war to assut in afforded to capital on this field, woe betido tho Auckthe Supieme between 7 and 8 o'clock when I overtook defendant wore also three debts proved against mo. I believe he bought it from the destruction of life and property because it is land goldfiolds. They will to abandoned to a sot of and the last witnoss. Whon noar tho Fiery Cross abandoned—high time that wo changed our Court by affidavit. I produce a list of proofs judgment the sheriff, and Mr. Swanson advanced the .money. considered desirable to do so, it must be esteemed and favor of violoncu David Young aid Smallman showed mo the courso, and try whether wo cannot attain proofs that I allowed. I admitted the following It whose" instincts wharo men are in in some and limbs time last year. Mr. Partington never was stable equilibrium by setting our English equally as honourable to risk one's lifo debts, J. \V. Eroece, D. E. Clarkson, W. took the furniture away. He left it in,my possession. nsw ground, and took mo to tho enntro peg. It is litigation. I shall return to the subjocr. It may bo true that of the preservation of life and property in the timo of new Warden, took his now called tho Lancashire Lass. Thopog was near Christianity on its base. Graham, Xirkwood, & Co., S. Cochthe Broad, Co., Esq.* Gregg Lowthor 1 have not paid him any interest.- He bought it and peace. Consequently the post of a volunteer firecongratulated the boundary of tho Fiery Cross. I did not seo any this roversal of position will require great causeat on tho Bench yesterday, and was rane, and Mwsrs. Henderson and Macfarlane, pay him back he man should be sought only by those who fully by there, although I remained two hours. tion and delicacy of handling. Two things are amounting to a Bum of say £1,000. I lejected rho left me tho us 6of it. If 1 could profession, of tho to Bovoridge plaintiffs behalf of the Mr. on would be willius; take it. A portion of the debt due understand the importance of the duties they under- which ho suitably roplied. I saw a document postod on a tree on tho Lancashire certainly are true—that tho process cannot be following claims, —J. Cadman £9, on the ground to Mr. Preece was for commission for the purchase strength of courage have the and take to perform, accomplished unless the artificial props be struck that tho voucher bore date for a sum of £9 lent on of Sir. Maekay has returned from Ohiiiemnri, and it Lass claim. the land that I sold for £3000. The debt due to body necessary to enable them to encounter tho work is expected that these fields will be opened in about a Robert Gillott deposed: I am working in the away—(applause)—and that, when it is accomthe 30th June, 8 days after the filing of the declara- Mr. "W. S. Cochrane is for rent of an office in his and j'udgmentand perseverance strictly to obey the month. to work there on claim. went I Lancashire Lasß will no longer be wanted, fvow, 'ion of insolvency. I rejected (be claim of W. S. premises. I paid rent up to the Ist March last. plished, they orders of their superintendent either at drills or at The sharo market, ia exceedingly dull; I hear of no the 24th of August, at 8 a.m. On arriving some it has seemed to myself, and also to others, Uoohrane for six months rent from Maroh 31st to 31st There are two or three chairs and a desk in it. I fires; for it will frequently happen that the salvation speculation. . , objected to my working thoro. None of the that tho day has come for setting one's hands Soptember. I also rejected the claim of Kobert sold the Eafe. Cannot say when ; perhaps a month of life and property may at any moment depend on interest in the Cartert' Machine, Moiuiatoiri, plaintiffs wore on the ground whon the names were with advantage to this work. And this has been Home for £14 8s 5d as the claimant was not entitled or five weeks before I filed my schodule. I got £15 A the ooolness of an individual volunteer, and tho and half jcsturdayby taken and numbers of miners' rights given. near the Hokianga, claim, was tsoU having made over his estate to several trustees, and for it. I lived upon that money. I got tho loan of exaotneßs and readiness with which he obeys his public William Husk deposed that he wont round the a further reason why I stand here to-day as the theproxy being only signed by one of the trustees. I £9 auction for £'200. from Mr. Cadman on the 26th of May. (Minutes orders. machino on tho Farm-il chim is Lancashire Lass claim on Saturday lasi to show the proposer to you of prosperity to your college— objected to it because the majority of the trustees had of previous examination read.) sito for the The firemanhas to I was nonsuited in A few momentsreflection on what a ; ita position w wiy good, pegs, and found the contro peg thrown out, but saw that we may, if it be God's will, inaugurate, or not signed, and a statement made at tho meeting an action I brought against Mr. J. 8. Macfarlane. perform when called on to attend a Are will show the being rapidly prepared at least give expresssion to, a spirit of hearty that the other two trustees declined to sign. I also placed. originally, whereit had been tho of cauio my going into the Tho costs wore not great importance of his being thoroughly acquainted lovingrecognition of one another as brothers and rejected a claim of £29 on behalf of :Mr. Brookfield. Bankruptcy This closed tho defendant's caso. WARDEN'S COURT—SHOHTLAND. Court. It was a fortnight after being with the-principles of fire extinguishing, and how to addressed the and God's work. But Court, in equals (Loud cheering.) concluding part {deMitchell then of Brookfield's In Mr. the Mr. nonsuitod that I went into the Court. He ranks as Septembek 23. carry out his duties in the most perfect manner, of characterised the conduct of tho plaintiffs as that of thero is yet another roason, arising from claration, it was stated that ho held no security a crcdito* on the estate to that amount (£35). I was his being under the strictest discipline, and most ) (Beforo Mnjor Koddell, persons who prefer stealing the nests of others to circumstances within the Established Church except a promissory note, which was not thenarrived a defendant in an action in tho Supreme Court at the complete subordination to those under whose control huildiug such for thomßolves. It was in evidence herself. It is no matter of dispute that her at maturity. (From the ThamesAdvertiser, September 24.) instance of Mr. Tothill, who obtained judgment he may be placed; for tho least dereliction from hiß Ihe Court: Could not all these proofs be corrected against me. That was the cause of my going into that at whatorer timo tho men went on to the ground lieformation vesture was a coat of many colors. duty or the slightest want of subordination or obeHICK V. GBEGQ —AIUoURNFD JUDOJIKNT. it was taken up. Ho matter be determined. thoro when tho were not so _ : they and let the main the lines the Bankruptoy Court. The amount of tho judgment hjd (Laughter.) Though in dience to hia officers can scarcely be unattended with been deferred This enso, in which judgment contended that tho ground was pegged out in accor.Examination continued : I received the following was £129 12a o*d in addition to the costß. (Judgment, were severed, there were not wanting pieces most injuriousresults. some days, is ono of i'no-o frequently before tho aj against tho bankrupt, J. O. Morrin plaintiffs before tho arrived, byo-laws with the of debts dance proofs summons, and judge's order put in as evidence.) original scarlet—(renewed laughter)— It should be the pride and emulationof every fire- Court, in which tho evu'.<'i,co of 0:10 party is directly and that Ihoreforo they had no right to ask to be of the £12 19s lid; KWayto, £8 10s 9d; W. J. Hurst, I in the five creditors before mentioned so a3 man to discharge his duties promptly and with perand flatly contradicted by the other, under circum- put in possession of tho ground. 110 had done and hero and there a tinsel ornament remained, £o 5s 7d ; S. H. Smith, £12 0s Ms J. T. McEelvie, to bought obtain a majority to. carry out my proposed fect subordination; to be energetic, zealous, and stances which leave the Court no hope that any everything necessary to maiutain his own right in tolerated lor old customs' sake, and for the were also J. S. Macfarlane, C. arrangement. On the 7th January, 1867, I received 6d. There 2s £7 things all courageous in time of danger, and above misconception of tho fact* could account for tho sake of thosewho cared for it. And when fault Tothill, and Kewman Ewen's debts, which had a sum of £700 from Messrs. Henderson, and MacfarI thoMr.caBO. to be cool in the time of greatest escitement. tie discrepancy. was found with us, there were many who would been proved in theCourt. These last votes amounted lane to return a bill due by one of there. I don't Macdonald replied. Bhould act quickly and think judiciously in all cases feelings Tho plnintiff claims to bo the lawful possessor of a with them judgmont day. say—and my represented six. There remember if thereis any other name on the bill. In reserved until own went of which Gilles nest to eight, Mr. Tho Court of emergency for in no case it may be said are these sleeping half-sharo in the Bolfa«t Claim, and up to that we were far from disliking the effect of an was a majority of two against the bankrupt. Upon March I received from them £410 9s for-a similar points more necessary than in firemen, from tho very tho 30th of May held it undisputod. At that tiruo consider that three of thego votes purpose. I believe I have these bills, and will give occasional stripe of warm colour, or the glitter consideration I THTJE3DAY, SEPTEMBER 24. circumstances under which they have to pursue tho holder of the working half parts with his inteof an occasional spangle and tho more so, as which I sustained for the creditors I ought them up if they are not destroyed. (Beforo Lowther Broad, Esq., judgo.) their arduous and too often thanklesscalling. rest, not by sale, but, to uso his words, neglected Hurst, .Smith, and The witness was re-examined by Mr. Hesketh. at three centuries' wear had toned down and to hr.vo rejected, viz, given a majority considerable leDgth. For want of a proper comprehension of the tJheory it," and Gregg (tho defendant) "jumped" it. Had THOMAS V LESSOXO. harmonised all so that in the brightness there McEelvie. That would have possoßaion of fire extinguishing, a thorough capability of carry- ho at this time and prior to the negloot given notico claiui for of share the a in amount of the debts This was a The total bankrupt. for the the richness Gustave yon der Heyde: I proved the debt due to no incongruity and in ing out their duties, and the want of coolness and to plaintiff, and tho plaintiff had omittod to repre- Kftta claim, Waiotahi, ollegod to bo illegally hold by was no glare, the majority was very small—l think Henderson and Macfarlane, amounting to £2266 7s But the case is now widely altered. (Hear, hear.) which carriedrejecting judgmentto guide them undei the great escitement sent the share, defendant would ho undoubtedly defendant. those three I have mentioned 9d, the total amount for which we claim subject to £300. After of a fire, it has happened that fires have been driven entitled to what ho .now (seeks, but this doos not Mr. Dodd appeared for plaintiff. Mr. Cash for Men have arisen who are for renewing and the amount would not be more than £326. mortgages. I became.a partner in the firm in July, widening these same scarlet lines who want in instead of out, life h»3 been crushed by falling appear to ho done. Garland, tho working share- defendant. By Mr. Gillies: 1 should have had to have admit18R6. Thomas Hondorson ceased to be a member of the Vatican bo and I told Hick to dyed plaintiff princip'e walls which might have been rendered secure had a holder, in cross-examination eaya from evidence that had send them to them tho to It appeared to tho firm at tho same time. This is the same sum as ted two had I applied the samo thought been given to their safety—doors and win- that Gregg had got tho share." Tbiß is after Gregg's taken possession of tho Bharo undor nn ordor from trimmed, and the spangles to be 'regilt and that The would creditors. then vote did the for in July, 1867,by Thomas Macfarlaao. to was dows have been broken in, increasing thereby the possession, and at what time subaoquent is not Mr. Machay, on account of tho sharo being loft un- multiplied. Now, I say, if we arc going to have Ibeen equal. There wouldhave been no majority The proved £1000 in the provious affidavit paid by 'Messrs. destructive powers of the flames, at another time thoy shewn. represented for four days by defendant. refit, let the duffle grey havo its say in the on either side. Henderson and Macfarlane to the Bank of-Auckland have been closed, and lifo sacrificed by suffocation or Defendant had up to tho Bth Juno been working Defendant proved that protection had boon granted, matter likewise. Hear, Mr. Hosketh said he would now apply to havo an was part of the sum which I have proved. It was (Laughter, and, burning —all of which need not have happened had a half Bhare in the same claim, and on that date by and that the noeoaaary paper had been put up on tho hear.") Let us mend up and renew the home- affidavit by Mr. Webster with rogard to tho debt to not due to Thomas Henderson and Macfarlane in there been that proper education, dis Spline, and Dorrnission of the "Warden (which screens him from ground, and his Worship hold that tho claim hod been July, 1867, but to the firm as at present constituted, Give us fair play all round. Mr. Tothill. coolness which are so necessary to on efficient and rule 9) took possession of tho Eharo, tho working half properly protected, and gave judgment for defen- spun as well. Mr. Gillies objected, as he knew nothing of this viz.", Mr. T. Macfarlane, ■ Mr. G. Henderson, and (Loud applauso.) If the bright bits arc to beneficial performance of their duties. forfeited by Garland and ako the sleeping half dant. myself. affidavit. When Mr. T.Henderson left the firm all cross the water for burnishing, let the sober It will invariably be found that a medium sized claimed hy plaintiff. EOWIiBT, V. rATTEESOK. tc the following effect: That liabilities and assets were assigned to the new firm. The affidavit looms, and Kow according to tha Regulations, and in view jman of vigorous mind, active habits, a moderate held bills Mr. Macgrogor for plaintiff, and Mr. Cash for material be sent to our own ho must, therefore, have been in error bankruptcy of Webster Macfarlane Mr. before tho Mr. liver, cool in danger, of an enterprising, bold disposi- of the ruling of the Court before, tho plain- defendant. Tho complainant appliod to be put in let our working bauds have the re-weaving as security for a debt due by one Bruce to Webster, in stating in his affidavit that the debt was due to tion, good and even temper, and in the habit of tiff should have received notice of tho omission possession of a sharo in tho Cuckoo claim, which of it. If accidental remnants are to be and that at the request of Machattie, Bruce convoyed himself and Thomas Henderson. No security or practisingrowing or athletic exercises, will make a of Garland, his wages' man (rule 8). This ho had taken up undor authority of tho Wardon, on cherished, much more the main fabric, him as additional security certain lands at Wan- satisfaction for this debt was given except a mortnigh class efficient volunteer fireman. Remember, does not appear to havo been done. And the ground that tho claim was improperly manned, woven as it was amidst prayers, and tears, and to garei. Thoso bills had not been paid. At tho bankgage on certain household properties in- Hobsonfew things look more ridiculous than a volunteer although for tho defenco, it is proved that plain- Tho Warden subsequently (?avo the dofendant also anguish, and blood. And then, when the motstreet, which mortgage we now hold. On the same date ruptcy of Mr. Webster he handed over to Mr. Webfireman cither so short and small that his helmet tiff lived close to tho creek, between the claim an authority to appropriate tho sharo in question, loy vesture is ready, raw in its colors, and with- ster of Sydney those bills in order to enable him to Mr. Macfarlane madeanother affidavit respecting a seems to be the greatest portion that can be seon, or and his whare," and that therefore ho had means of and tho case was now brought to decido which, of tho much lands am if wero of mistaken his creditors. These tho toning ages, I further sum of £1266 7s. 9d, for which Bum the firm pay a composition to knowing how his share was represented; it may be applicants was ontitlod to possession. Tho Court out ■o long and lanky that he might stand on tho lee John Bull do not elect to have tho whole conveyed to Mr. Webster to assure Mr. Machattie holda a mortgage as per deed, No. 33769. Thesamo side of a rope yarn.' Such as these cannot prove to also argued for the plaintiff that when the plaintiff considered tho Wardon'a orders as of very little have might against and remarks apply in this case. • The whole debt was against any claim Mr. Webster —to relegate the scarlet be otherwise than eminently unqualified for the work lived bo near there was an equal opportunity for value; if tho sharo had beon relinquished in accord- garment homespun were handed then due to the firm as at present constituted. (The spangles to tho Vatican, and label them him. When thobills became due they the and duties of a volunteer fireman. Mr. the defendent to notice him as required. tho it Warden's Tothill Bued ance with Act would require no collect. Mr. witnoss.was examined at length as to the,various Wot wanted." (Cheers.) For this reason also, over to Mr. Tothill to Another very important point which volunteer The plaintiff seems to havo neglected his interests order to take possession (of it. The evidence clearly on those hills, and obtained judgment, and items as in the account proved by Mr. Thomas Macfire brigades should constantly keep in mind and although such attention does not appear to be .showed that tho defondant had beon absent from tho I heartily wish prosperity to this and to like Mach'ittie farlane.) Afr. Hall was liable as well as MrrMacliattho mortgage still remained unsatisfied. most carefully avoid\ is that of turning their engines obligatory but tho Court cannot believe that doclaim for two days, and judgment would therefore institutions ; prosperity—let the word be truly said thatho would not apply to hava tio for the amount of the promissory note to which Hosktfth Mi hear.) dissentitself. For (Hear, hack of the coaohes, his, plaintiff's rights, pass for tho plaintiff. into to run about with their friends for fondant was ignorant understood—to his name was attached. -The £700 cash,was given this debt oxpunged until Mr. Tothill had an opporto either the Bake of novelty, the admiration of the and nowhere docs he scorn to havo taken the prethis is your truo prosperity—not to swell vastly tunitv to reply to the affidavit. to Mr. Machattie to retire a promissory-note due gaping crowd, or to please the whims and fancies of caution of noticing him before applying for tho numbers—not to flourish on the ruins or Air. us. It was Mr. Machattie's promissory, note. I don't I was a creditor apparent in Morrin J. C. examined: HASTINGS (TAPU CREEK). the best in I proved those who know no better, and think it Bomothing written authority. to there it, by If give of other churches—but another think it was endorsed Machatlio's. I havo sold the debt oiuco Next comes the question of the paying of tho Is. \ loud' to makebelievo that they really are firemen, 22nd September, 1868. example of this godly purity, this ordorly the loth of September. Tho trustee has the had been another name on thebill we should'doubtless but take precious good care to avoid being of any wages on the 30th June. The plaintiff on the ono As intimated in my last, I visited yestorday tho method, of tho English faith; to lay up for about it. I made a declaration m have made use ofit. The promissory note by Blake which sold I date on practical utility in thohour of need. side swears it was as wages tho defendantreceived it, machine of Mosßrß. Buekland and 00., with a view of it to Mr. Machattie and endorsed by him we have put and us such store of this garment, proof of tho debt on the 4th September. I soldthe So important an undertaking as an establishment on the other hand defendant avors it was a gratuitous being ablo to inform ycrr roader« of tho result of our yourselvesmoth Blake became incan corrupt, that in the crisis on that day, at tho same lime that Ito sell it to down to thedebit of Machattie. maturity. We never for preserving life and property from the ravages of present as drink monoy, and a witness is brought late crushings. By tho courtesy of tho manager which no going God that solvent betore tho billarrived at we may bless declaration. I know that I was fire is far too serious and matter of fact an nffuir, forward to substantiate Wb version of tho fact. The overy information and explanation were most readily of England's Church The sum £410 9s Blake's For out of estate. a got KichmT.d. cent Mr. note, ine whetherit be volunteer or paid, to admit of being Court cannotand does not boliovo that tho defendant, afforded mo. They woro crushing at tho time for wo' possess Dissenters. (Loud applause.) promissory an Mr. Gillies said be was quite willing to admit all was also given to retire a turned into a plaything; and it must be evident, who, working beforo as a shareholder in tho claim, tha Tapu Gold Mining Company (lato Mclsaacs'), these reasons I, an • outsider, but not promissory note £93 15s 6d from Canning to Macfacts. hold Canfrom a moment's consideration, that such a course must have known tho names of his co-partners, whoso work hud been hindorod tho past week owing unsympathisiug one, say heartily—may God these still we Examination continued: I received tho money hattie, and endorsed by him to us,received something cannot either add to its utility or the favour with accepted thiß in any way but as the wages—the same to thoir shoot being out of order. The stuff being bless and prosper this college and its work. ning liable. "We have recently about tho time I signed it. a which it ought to be viewed and its services appre- as Garland had. sAis too much to suppose that ho put through tho machine had beon taken from tho (Loud applause.) by Mr. Gillies: I have given a from Mr. Canning on account of that note. It was Cross-examined ciated by the public. bill transwas ignorant of HRSPb claim on tho share, and thin Burfaoo; it was showing well upon tho tables, were some executed deed a trilling amount. There but havo not money, very for that receipt It should be a groat point with all volunteers to must .have been known to him if not beforo, at least and is expected to realißO sozs to the ton, Tho Thero actions between Mr. Lamb andMr. Machattie. of assignment for it. charged - agaiMt avoid tho foolish and unbusinesslike system of bawl- when the affair of tho registration formß took place. company have about 150 tons of the above ready Jo9H Bii,LTNo3i3irs.—lt strains a man's philosophoe Mr Hesketh applied for an adjournment until he might be somo .of Mr. Lamb's bills he gets beat. The on which both Mr. ing and shouting to each other at fires, as this adds apply The Court deems it its duty to support those in for crushing. The samo company yesterday, whilst tiie wust kind tow luff whon to no notice that ho would Machattie. hold bill I certain creditors Mr. in no small degree to the confusion then existing, lawful possession of any interest unless,fully satisfied taking down a fresh face, exposed a rich lodo or principal difference between luxury and a necessary (rave thoir debts expunged. Those creditors were Lamb and Mr. Machattie's names appear. The proit is have and rarely fails to cauße some misunderstanding from of an absoluto and wilful breach of the Rules and leader of from four to five foet in thickness, from is the price. Whenever thoinsoul is in grief perties for which we hold mortgages are valued at smiles, it is taking Messrs. Wayto and Tothill. at orders being mistaken or unnoticed because confoun- Regulations entailing forfeiture, but at tho same time which a good prospect wag obtainod by washing. taking root, and when it is naa £200 for theleasehold property, and the otherwill Mr. Gilließ objected to the adjournment, as no ded with tho noise of the crowd. Thewhistle affords it cannotbut remark that in, this case the plaintiff Only ono set of stampors was at work at tho time, the wing. Give the devil is due," but be careful thero £1127. I will take that amount for them—and present whom he wished to examine. witnesses sorrow Evra has a ready means of signalling, and one not easily misto him. a all the inconveniences and other much due week or expense has brought table being already cleaned waiting for tho stuff ain't it 3 twin T. M. Machattie, deposed: The statement of hind myself over to keep the offer open for taken for by being made so as to give a peculiar which this action may have caused him by his apathy from tho Comet claim, who have about 50 tons ioy the fun ov scratching almost pays for having ;• , month if you like. _■; class accounts produced is true and correct. tone or note, and bo many sounds being made to and indifforonco to his own interests and it was his ready to send to tho machine. time Tho Prospectors' tho 'each. Those familys who are really fust By Mr. Hesketh: "Wehave settlea with Mr. Lamb Cross-examined ly Mr. Gillies: I was at one That represent each other, orders may be ensily issued duty, though not onjoinod by. the Regulations, to (Golden Spur) havo had another crushing of 20 tons, never ar afraid that tha shall git cheated or thoir to lend Mr. object did not security. "Wo S. Macfarlane. with J. and taken Mr. partnership ar in fainilys always • without the confusion invariably accompanying the look after himself. ' yielding loss, to tho ton. They also havo 20 tons respectability, while the codfish dissolved about the 31st March, Machattie the £700, as we then held the mortgage tor other system, or in any way detracting. from tho The defendant sought to benefit himßolf of his moro ready to forward. As the stuff sent to tho ma- nervous lest tba mito. It won't do to stir up a man partnership was '' carrying on business as a £3 000. business-like feeling which ought to exist both in the carolossnoßßj and had he gone about it in a legiti- cliino from this claim is out of a sandstone loador whon ho is thinking, onny more than it will a pan ov 1865. Have Bince been ago. By Mr. Gillies We took Lamb's account over. about fifteen or eighteen months members and the lookers on-; in fact, a feeling of mate manner by noticing the plaintiff, tho Court on the face, from which a largs quantity can be milk when the cream iB rising. It is easy enuli to merchant until agent, We enabled him to square with Machattie and toot acting as a I have been commission Since then .satisfaction and pleasure would hardly fail to be felt would have tnisday given judgment in his favour. taken, and as the moans of access to tho ma- raiso the devil, but he's a hard crop to reap. trying to over tEo account. We do not hold anything »g«»»at but my timo has been more occupied in by all parties at seeing the dutieß properly and matter. Tho Oourt gives, judgment for the plaintiff,each chino is eaßy, the above yield gives a satisfactory How Local Insensibility to Pain iei Caused.— affairs with my late partner-going Lamb now which are connected with this own reefficiently carried out in a quiet and unexcited manreturn to the shareholders. They are meantimo The fumes of chloroform, ether and nurous oxido wind up my party,to pay his own costs. to the Court-I trying to Whatever We hold of Mr. Lamb's are on his ner. engaged in gotting out tho stone from a ricnor loader narcotist tho brain, and sometimes produce dangerous backwards and forwards LONO AND PAETT T. MITCHBLI,. under your had at house you sponsibility. which 3,1,1. see my books assm The volunteer fireman, besides a, determined perThis case has been adjourned from a previous lately struck. and oven fatal remits. What does modern surgery W. S. Cochrane Was examined, and prored f» peculiar circumstances: severance at drills and exercises, calculated to make sitting, at which the plaintiffs case.was taken. The Panama Bouto olaim ore at present puddling do to avoid such misfortune ? Simply this : A mm very wore V'r Gillies wi-hed to know if the witness painful fl". exquisitely him perfect in his duties, and thoroughly efficient in or an evidence for tho defendant of his The on arm, impertiwas. proceeded some their stuff, previous to sending it to tho with a wen Mr. Gilliesasked for a- summons to examine thus 'to insult •■counsel. Ho had put no all points connected with the extinguishing of fires, with.—Mr. Mitchell conducted liis o (wn case. machine. The shareholders in this claim deserve felon" on his fingor, can now look down quietly nent Partington. to tho witness. question and amilo at a body, cultivate coolness and steadiness t oiitbrs tho should carefully, Charles Featherßtone Mitchell deposed in am a every praise for their ontorpriso, they having, with upon theknife as it An order was made to issue the !«»,„,. Ilia Honor said he had not hoard the statement. his work; so thathe may never be guilty of that most minor, and oho.of tho defendants in this'actiohl On tho assistance of neighbouring olaims, 'succeeded iu most remarkable coincidence, end ono peculiarly The case was then adjourned to the sth JSovemDer. continued : In May 1867, I filed my Examination unpardonable fault—rashness— —from which so many Friday,- the Bth of August, I gave iristrtiotibris to outting a good road from their olaim to tha machine, asroeable to himself, namely, ho does not feel the BB C. BURTON. (Petition , and my schedules of estate. discharge disasters |havo and - will arise but coolness and David Young to go to J. H. Smallman, and about over the spur of the • hills backing tho township, a slightest degree of pain.. This condition of tilings is netition and that time an action was Mr. Hesketh appplied for the final steadiness must not degenerate into a lounging, daylight next morning went on to the ground, distance of about throa miles. Messrs. Buckland offected by the absence of heat; or otherwise cold. schodulo produced.) Atand a late partner. I do not There was no opposition. j, „v-„„t- nnd myself pending between that be frozen if a supersede ovorybody part and and prompt. dawdling way, arriving there about seven or eight o'clook. Smallsmartness and Oo.'a maohine appears to bo in moßt oxcollont Tt is well known to trmtee. He «£ There being no appearance of the *"k™P*. ca« ness of action. Coolness and intrepidity work well man, Matthews, Robinßon, and liavid Young wore on working order. Mr. J". Cochrane was appointed Tho amalgamator informed mo or benumbed with cold, its sensibility is for the time think I believe no trustee not having undeigone his last examination, the was appointed sequestrator. together,and.rarely fail to be most successful whore- tho ground. Fletcher and , Hanson, aocompariied thot, owing to the good plates and strong chemicals being lost "Without the least trouble, in any temadjourned. not under realised was was property My .. ever employed,; but a rash, headlong, thoughtless me. Smallman showed the corner pog of theLan- used, tho amalgam is all caught on tho first plate. perature, and at any time of day, the surgoon has it was appointed. My estate was re-vested in mo by BE T AICKHf* he had been way of going to workis most reprehensible inasmuch cashire Lass, and the bearings of tho claim of four General confidence is now felt in tho working of this in his powor, by means of a little instrument ho can that bankruptcy. January 1868, in conseIn this case Mr. OiUi« stated that aaltl0 as the consequences are seldom confined to,the olfon- men's ground, aspogged out by them, in consequence machine,—indeod, it may bo said to bo eocond to carry in his pocket, of producing cold soveral degrees an order of the Court abouthaving been taken beyond °PP towithdroWß proceedings f;h of no London, quence of Bichardson, discharge, Tvhich dor, and their results can rarely be foretold. For of the.mossage from me. The ground, was pegged nono on tho Thames goldfiold. For tho information bolowzero. It is to Mr. The matter entirely lapsed. Hoketh applied for 1"" Ming my petition. this reason, if ho has no regard for himself, he ought out for myself, Smallman, Matthews, Yoijng, and of your readors I -will mention a novel featuro introthat the world is indebted for the introduction of this ot 18b , viz . gr Bchedulo my are in The'dobts mentioned l at least to have a little for others. To such as might Fletcher, as far as I could tell. I did not Bee any of duced in thiß machine, by which the noed of blankets method of causing local insensibility by means of Ewen, and Preece I believe are Thiß 'concluded the bnrin.ass. fanoy a rash Btyle of going to work lookß bold and the plaintiffs oa the claim I remained at ib almost done away with. The bottom of tho table ether. Dr. Henry H. Bigelow, of Boston, has dis- Smith, Newman The debt to same as in my present schedule. businesslike, they may be assured that the contrary the Fiery Cross whare until 10 or 11, and was at the is smoothly rounded off, and a wooden ripple box covered that a similar result may be attained by n the Messrs. Kenderhis hand, waii is wiped off. A thin old man, with a rag-bag in iB the case; and the author has frequently noticed on bank before 12. On the 10th(Monday) I was at the placed beneath, across tho outer edge of which is substance called chigolene, which is a very volatile tho Bank of Auckland £1000 of it. The balance such occasions as he has met with it, that ridicule Warden's office at 10 a.m., and got protection'for fixed a batten of f-incb. wide and f-inch thick, product of pbtroloam, and which, with a boiling point son and Macfarlane paid I don't know how x paid such a W was compromised. on the street. ' The deposit a.;of seven days. Before this protection expired the race projecting inwards. and contemptjare its. just and proper reward. I Thus the water from the at 70 degrees, will, when atomized, congoal tho skin £1500, quamt-looMng weasked tho £319 in cash, and so settled the debt. bank that the -naturei the to ten protection cannot resist week beneath from five temptation seconds; came in, and at the ond of that time plates, before passing on to the blanket table, and the textures in Some persons to show to the Bank of Australasia for supposed they«imoth e re?- ; Uon in caught in the ripple box. The rounding of 75 degrees below zero being easily produced in a few wi>s also indebted -burchased some land at 1 akin,' u off* and make themselves conspicuous by all sorts of I had six men puton wages on the claim. -'■■ I'. •vi.icc, £319 I afterwards "to know" ho replied, in a squeaking absurdities and anties, running up.anddown ladders, , By.Mr. _Macdoriald:,.The document-produced is the end of the table causes- it to flow evonly minutes. With such an apparatus (ar.da gteafftit-ore in full satisfaction tho bank it over ww «"**** hereabout handed Btudy and capering about on balconies or roofs, in and out of not in the same state as when signed by tho Warden. into tho box, and beforo it can escape it is it has created iu tho medical world), a man may in put down I debt. 1 paid £100 forit. Bomewhete." doors and windows, when no earthly necessity for The words O. F. Mitchell and party and Nos. of caught by tho batten, which causes a revolution of anatomy on hia own porsou, and dissect himself with for tho that schedule £600«s due to Henderson and MaclarBuob. proceedings, or, as they have been ■well called, miner's tights were put in afterwards. I poßted a water contrary to the uotion of the tables, thereby omparatively trifling inconvenience. 4 'gymnastic exercises,' exists. All such "diculous proceedings as these are to bo carofully avoided by all firemen who desire to appreciate their P lonlikeand to havo it appreciated, and besides this,, would resulting keep clear of the coneequonces frequently FIRE BRIGADES. . j I entiled J | ! j ~ | i «, | ; " i | — | j &. 1 & — ; J i ; " ; ; —" : : ! " " ' I " . ; ; I I 1 . , i 1' " ; • ' ,' ; " ; . : , " „ : .. , „„ :• . :: ' n • I inducted ; , . & , '■ ■ ' Kh" £"ir , f' *<* ffiE..HB'W ZEALAND HERALD, AUCKLAND, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1868. (FBOII OTTE OTVN COBEESPONDENT.) IMPORTANT NOTICE TO September 22. DEPENDED CASES. GaSBA Tt v. Dobxwbix.—Claim for damages receivedi a collision with def ..dant's cart.—Mr. Jas.Busse for plaintiff, Mr. b* sK eth fordefendant— osed that he was driving towards NewPlaintiff .1 market it < walk down Kyber Pass road near the' cutting, when ho saw a vehicle coming up the road on his right. The titno was about 7 p.m. There was another cart at a distance coming at a gallop on e road. Plaintiff called out and |juiied up, but no notice was taken by tho driver. Immediately upon plaintiff pulling up, a collision took place. Plaintiff's vohiele was a ono horse express. The other vehiale was Mr. Dornwell's ono horse cart. Pluintifl was thrown out and when he got up the horse was out of its harness. Tho homes, back band, breeching, and reins were broken. The damago to the harness was to the amount of 30s. Plaintiff received several bruises and was trampled on by his own horse. One rib was fractured, and there was a severe contusion of the chest. The damage to tho express was to tho amount of £2. Plaintiff paid that sum for repairs. Plaintiff was absent from work for '2£ days, and valued his time at £1 per day. Tho hcrse'ti legs woro much cut, and ho was damaged to the amount of£2. Dornwell's driver and two other men wero in the cart.—Cross-examined by Mr. Hesketh: I offerod to take 30s from Mr. Dornwell, "out did not then know the extent of tho damage.—Defendant deposed that he had seen the plaintiff's horse, and it "was only slightly scratched. Plaintiff had refuted to let him see the cart that morning, fie had previously seen the cart, and should estimate the damage ot about His boy drovo to the harness at 10s. ss, and that He had paid 30s into Court and costp, the sum plaintiff had first, asked.—The Court enquired of plaintiff as to whether he carried lights after dark, and received a reply in tho negative.—His Worship the cart. said that it was a greut wonder there wero not more accidents since thore was no law to compel vehicles to carry lamps at night. It was not the first accident that had occurred of late, and he hoped that the City Board would turn its attention to the matter. As to the present case there was nothing to throw discredit upon plaintiff's evidence, and there had apparently been very culpable carelessness on tho part of defendant's servant, and be should therefore give judgment for plaintiff £10. Thobkbeovgh v. James. —Claim £9 10s for wages. Mr. J. Eussell for plaintiff, Mr. Joy for defendant. Judgment for plaintiff £7 10. Afpucation foii bk-heaking Felttts v. Pekkibb. —Mr. lieveridge for plaintiff, Mr. McCormick for defendant. This was a mction of application made by defendant through his counsel, Mr. McOormick for a rehearing. An affidavit was put into Court from defendant, stating that he was unaware that the case ■was cominihg on for hearing on the 17th instant, and ■wasjconsequently absent. —Mr. Beveridge submitted that defendant should have communicated at an earlier date as to his ignorance of the time of trial. He also put in an affidavit, and it appeared there had been altogether some misapprehension. Mr. Beveridge said that his client objected to a now examination since there had been great delay on the paTt of defendant in bringing the matter to an issue. After some discussion on both sides the Court considered that it was evident defendant had relied on an uncertainty, but the affidavit of the other side did not contradict that cf the defendant, and under the circum•tances a new hearing might be granted. The de« fondant must howeverpay the costs of the Court. The Court then roße. — POLICE COURT.— Thursday. I have for some time beet, unable to Bond yonany news of interest to the comm city at large, as we are merely working our way in it ÜBUal manner of new settlements. There haß boen within the Inst few months a considerable exchange ot i-vnd from the hands of the military settlers to those of men of capital, consequently a greater quantity of land has been reclaimed, and is now under crop, than would havo been the case had theland remained in the possoseiou of tho former proprietors. Nevertheless, I must say that some of jo remaining Third Waikato Begimont who havo St- tied on their farms, are doing well for themsolve and tho district. On W. .nesday last tho Resident Magistrate held a sittinp uore. The only case for trial was that of Robinson, a licenced publican, for Belling two glasses of brandy on Sunday to one of the Armod Constabulary. The case arose out of a tight between two of the troopers of tho above-named force, having been obliged to resort to fisticuffs to Bottlo a slight disputo which had arisen between them whilo in a stato of inebriety. Ono of the culprits, on his examination before his commanding officer, confeasod to having obtained tho casus belli from Mr. Robinson. Thereupon the aforesaid officer, who is a Justice of the Peace, felt it incumbent upon him to issue a summons to the publican who was guilty of supplying tho stimulant. After hearing the ovidence, which was of a very extraordinary nature, the Magistrate wbb about to inflict a penalty of five pounds and costs, when the aforesaid officer stated that, as it was the first time any publican in Cambridge had been brought before the Bench on such a chargo, ho hoped the smallest fine possible would be inflicted. In accordance with this suggestion a fine of £1 ss. waß decreed with costs. As an example of tho way in which tho Government is economising,l may mention that the Constabulary, who are certainly not overpaid, have to find candles for themselves whon on guard. der Tait, and MichaelDunn, were Bach fined 5i and coits for this offence, or undergo 24 hours imprisonment* ElDCfd on ran Footpath.—John Whelan was charged by Constable Morrison with n breach of the Municipal Police Act, by riding his horse on the footpath in Queen-street on the previous opening.— MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, &c. AMONGST THE SICK AND DESTITUTE. To the Editor of the Herald. "And though 'tis counterfeit and brass, I never found it fail to pass." Sir, —A silly article bearing tho above heading appeared in your morning contemporary's issue of the 21st. Without discussing tho necessity of an article on such a subject, the puerile tone of the one in question must have been apparent to any one who E. fob CASH. Horrock' J6-inch Long Cloth, 7Jd per yard. Goodu- iloached Calico, at 6d per yard. Unblea- led Sheeting. Four bales of'BLANKETS, White, Blue, and " " " " " " ' • " " " to-morrow morning. Lord Brougham was speaking one night in the House of Lords, when his Lordship experienced some interruption from a conversation which was carried on during his speech by the Dukes of Cumberland and Wellington. Taking occasion in tlio course of his argument to explain the word illustrious," ho said that wo Eornetimes use that word conventionally, and sometimes generally. For instance," said the noble lord, we apply it by courtesy to the royal duke who is talking so loudly, and who has dono nothing whoever to deservo it, whilst we apply it in its primary and real signification to tho illustrious duke whom his Royal Highness is addressing." " 4 : PREMISES £2,000,000. Fibb Depabtmijnt. are average el.- use. AllJbg-.dmate claims will be promptly paid by the undersigned, without deductions. jiFB Anti-Humbug. Auckland, Sept. 23, 1868. WILLIAM GREGG CO. HAVE ON HAND AND FOR. SALE, liaw and Roasted Tlantation, in Bond COFFHES, or Duty Paid RE-OPENED. Bazaar Yards, July 2, 1868. © ri o <J co FOB GOOD VALUE. IN GEOCEEIES AND PEOVISIONS J. W. SHAW, 25 ZA to pi O W g 3 <i ORDERS carefully executed. Goods packed and delivered in Town or to boat FREE of JL, H * © 55 <j ... ... ~, s. 2 2 3 d. 0 6 0 3 6 ... ... ~, ... ~, .. ... ~, ... ... Candles, beat Auckland, per lb Candles, Sperms, F.W., per lb Soap, Household, per bar ... igg- H £3 9 possible price for cash, and the conneqnent over- crowded state of our late Store, compelled ns to seek H Ph MESSRS. GRAHAM, KIRZWOOD, BANK OF CO. „ „ „ „ ~ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ ~ ~ „ „ ILLIAM GREGG & CO., WHOLESALE COFFEE AXD SPICE MERCHANTS, 13 AND 15, WKJDHASI-SIIiSET, AV3KLASD. TJIANOFOETifi AND HARMONIUM TUNING I. _ AND REGULATING.—WM. COWAN, Papakura^ Papatoitoi Papatoitoi Papakura Drury QUEEN-STREET, Otahuhu Auokiand Notice.—Special Conveyances can b» ordered by telegram to meet the Waikato steamers. BOOKING OFFI03: "Viotobia-steeet. AMEBICAN COACH FACTORY AND SHOEING FOBGE. after making extensive QUICK MESSES. alteration their Premises, prepared take in all kinds of Coach work—having always & CO., to ABERDEEN WINCEYS, t> SILKS, PAISLEY SILK SHAWLS, VELVET MANTLES AND are now on to hand a largo Stock of American Material. Carriages and Buggies of eve*y description made to order »a thePremises; also, Repairs done and guaranteed to be tuned out in first-class style. N.3.—Horses Shod on the premises by experienced workmen. JACKETS, HATS, BONNETS, ETC. 8' W. CEOWTHEE, VICTORIA LIVERY AND BAI2 STABLES AIBEBT-BTREET, AUCKLAND SALT WATEE BATHS, 3 (Close to Wyndham-street.) BREAKWATER. 0 9 FOR HIRE, and Close CARRIAGES, Broughams BATHS ARE OPEN DAILY, from Sun- Prom the comprehensive nature of our Stock, we or open, -with single or double Buggies, hooded Wax Vestas, per dozen rise to Sunset. 0 10 aeata; SaddleHorses, &c. feel justified in soliciting TheLADIES' BATHS are now completed. Any number of Grey Horses for Wedding Partiei PICKLES. SAUCES, OILS, VINEGAR, Hours for Ladies' (during which a Red Flag wii» suitable conveyances for meeting families at OneFLOUR, MAIZE MEAL, POTATOES, be hoisted) 10 till I during the week, and 9 till naifhunga, Point Russell, &c, reduced rates. BACON, &c, &c, THE PATRONAGE OF CUSTOMERS OF THE Every attention to Livery and Bait Horses. past 10 on Sundays. At lowest prices. LATE STEM: OP TERMS: Orders by letter or telegraph, solicited. tamily Tickets to admit— J. ¥. SHA¥, ONE. TWO. THSBB. POTJB. CRITERION GEAHAM, KIEKWOOD, & CO., £ 150, QUEEN-STEEET, s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. LIVEET AND BAIT STABLES, Yearly \220330 3 13 6440 OPPOSITE THE MARKET PLACE Half-yearly ll 6 01 17 62362 10 0 AND ALSO THE CUSTOMERS OF (Adjoining the Thistle" Hotel,) AUCKLAND. Quarterly (0 15 01261661 10 0 QUEEN-STREET. Monthly 7 0 7 6 0 116 013 6 015 O And one-fourth of the single ticket for every addi- MESSES. A. CLAEK & SON, tional person. SMITH BEOTHEES, Single Bath, 6d. All to be paid in advance. PIANOS ! PIANOS ! PROPRIETORS, The latter well-known Firm having retired from the ROBERT SOMERVILLE, to announce to their friends and the Secretary. TO ARRIVE EX 'EXCELSIOR' AND FOLRetail Business. public generally that they have opened the LOWING VESSELS, above Stables, and hope, by strict attention to busiBOKE DUST ! BONE DUST ! PIANOFORTES, by the best and most oeleness, to merit a fair share of their patronage. %r\ Ei 'Harriet King,' and 'Alice Cameron.' U> \J bruted makers of London and Paris, selected by one of the first Professors of the day. tgg» Horses, Buggies, Cabs, 4c, always on hand BONE FLOUR, AND BONE for Hire. All Instruments warranted and exchanged within six months if required. DUST. offer sincere thanks Horses broken for Doubleand Single Harness. Saddle, we our old Customers To our W. J. HURST & CO., ALarge Selection of IQS, Queen-street. and efforts, we past Open of our feel allhours of night and day. iggp for their appreciation NEW MUSIC Auckland, September 18,1868. ... Soap, best Auckland, bar Kerosene, per gallon ,„ ... .. ... ... ... .„ ~. 0 10 3 3 OPEN THE ' " BEG FINE favoured us during N.8.—426 hags Prime Maizo, on board tho Alice assured that those who bo kindly Cameron.' Dealers supplied at Wholesale Rates. a period of general depression will not forget us now W. J. H. that the blessing of prosperity is egually'universal. BONE DUST! BONE DUST! ' WEBB & BALLAOHEY, ROYAL HAKMONIUM AND PIANOFORTE SALOON, , Wellesley-street- KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES, & FOR :— AUCZLANdT and Description ofBuilding, alphabetically arranged, *^..ic.—Price reasonable. DR. C P. PISCHEE, QAN3 SOUOI, EMILY PLACE. At home for consultation from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Musical Instrument Maker, Piano Eorte Timor, ice. E™^ICEOPATniC PnABMACT ie BE. Orders left at Messrs. Wayte & Bats-ki's Q.utenX MOVJtD from Queen-Btreot to Dr. 0. F, ctreot, .Auckland —T'rins moderate. Fischer's Residence, Eniity Place. T , N.B.—Horses bought <md sold on commission. GLUTINISED FOE w Otahuhu Auckland Leave Drury at 8 a-m. . for Leave Auckland at S p.m. for Otahuhu NEW ZEALAND, BONE DUST, warranted pure and free from adulteration, price £9 per ton, 2,2401b5., bags inoluded. For theconvenience of LADIES, our DRAPERY J. BYOROFT CO. rpHE VAST INCREASED the demand for these Onehunga Bono Milh. COUGH LOZENGES, 8 and the numerous ESTABLISHMENT iB separate from the Testimonials constantly received, fully justify the ijgp A Bupply kopt in Auakland at Stonb Bbos., Proprietor in asserting they are the beet and safest Stores, Queen-Btreet. CLOTHING. yet offered to the Public for the cure of the following complaints:—Asthma, Winter Cough, Hoarseness BONE DUST. Shortnoss of Breath, and other Pulmonary Maladie3. SALE, by the undersigned, at tho Wharf, Sold in Boxes and Tinß, of various sizes, by T Otahuhu Keating, Chomist, 79, St. Paul's Churchyard, Lonl and J-inoh FINE BONE DUST, imJ-inch Gold retail by all Druggists, &c. dun. Ginger DOITSH & KEESING, ported by Mr. J. Dilworth, and well-known to KEESING, C: /raways be of superior quality. Cinnamon MAP OP THE CITY OP WM. MACKY. Pimento Wharf, Otahuhu, Sept. 4,1868. DRAPERS AND CLOTHIERS, Mixed Spico in 1 oz. packets, plain and fancy SALE at the Herald Office, BPLENDID boxes MAPS of the CITY OF . AUCKLAND, 6 feet Mixed Spice in tins, assorted sizes HAWKE'S BAY STEAM BOILING DOWN 3 inches by S feet 9 inches. They POBMBBIiT can he had Eessncc of Lemon and Assorted Essence COMPANY (LIMITED). mounted or in sets, coloured or plain. The Map is Ground Rice in 1 lb. tin foil packets accompanied with a Descriptive Schedule giving the Chicory, Barry's and Brotchie's Heclions, Barnes of the Streets, Numbers on Houses, PRESERVED SPICED MEATS. MESSRS. D. GRAHAM & CO.'S PREMISES, „ Drury Papakora Papatoitoi Bazorback Queen's Redoubt Maungatawhiri Creek Bussell's Point OPPOSITE THE DRAPERY, PRENCH MERINOS, 6J 0 4 6 ..,0 1 Martyn'sFarm & g 1 6 0 6J 0 5 0 0 Night- OOAOHEB DAILY Leave Auckland Leave Bussell's Point at 8 a.m. for at S a.m. for Ma-mgatawhiri Creek Otahuhu Papatoitoi Queen's Eedoubt Papakura Bazorback Drury Martyn's Farm g o o? & we have purchased, at an ontlay of £6,000, |j o Ho una Messrs. Quick 00. having purchased the whole of Mr. Habdington's extensive Stock of Open and or premisoa combining greater facility for the proper Covered Carriages, are now prepared to supply Carriages of every description for weddings, &0., in display of their immense stock, and larger space for any quantity, with Grey Horses, with or without Postillions. All orders left at the Booking Office will bs the acoommodaiioa of customers. With this view punctually attended to. WHEBE WE HAVE OPENED WITH A NEW STOCK OF « Open ali First-class Carriages, Broughams Waggonette and Buggies, covered and open, Bingle and double seated ; also, Lad ins and Gentlemen's Saddle Horses. AUCKLAND, pq 3D r-j AND BAIT STABLES VIOTORIA-STEUEI". FOR HIKE: jußt principle of selling new goods at the loweßt p w St=> 39 3113 P g - ... g g Jo la Good Congou Teas, per lb. Fine Teas, with Pekoe or green, per lb. Extra Fine, with ditto per lb. Choicest Teas, strong full flavoured, per lb Fießh Ground Coffee, per lb., Is. 2d., Ib - 4d., and Sugar, No. 1, per lb ' Sugar, light brown, per lb. . M _, charge. CASH QUOTATIONS. g < «3 R QM s HH* QUEEN-BTEEET. .. LITEEY LATILY OCCUPIED BT ?Q <ft W -43 q thy ... our CO. & introduction of a system of business foundedon the © - Currants, best.., Raisins, very fine, per lb. Oatmeal, Barley, Rice, per lb. fTIIIB! great, success which haß resulted from XXX •» 150, COBB <X> GEOCEEIES!! GEOCEEIES! 50 lb tins Peppers, Black or White, Whole or Ground Ditto, packed in £-lb tins and upwards Ditto, Cayenne, in 1 oz. (cruets), 2 oz., and i oz. bottleß, and in bulk Jlnstards, Colman's, !it 1, 5, and 7 lb. tine Ditto, ditto, It, and 1 lb. bottles Ditto, Keen's, 7 lb. tinß Currie Powders, Morton's, -J and 1 lb. bottles Chocolate and Cocoa, Fry's, Barry's, and Taylor's Ditto, French, 1 lb. packets Arrowroot, 1 and 7 lb. tins Kutmegs, v.'hcio or ground in tins or bulk Cloves „ 8 a.m. 3 p.m. on commission. Depabtment. In this Branch every facility and advantage will be afforded to Insurers Zri Ditto, packed in 1, 2, 3, 4, G, 7, 12, 14, 20, and ~ ajn. Special Omnibuses will be -waiting at Onehunga for the arrival of Steamers and Shipping, day and night. Livery and Bait Stables. Horses Bought and Sold THE EXTENSIVE PREMISES To Arriio bv each Panama Mail. & 4 p.m. On Sundays, 9 and 4 p.m. Howick for Auckland Auckland for Howick ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RISKS BATES. exempt from The Policies of this Company HOBBS, " " Capital OPPOSITE "ARMY AND NAVY HOTEL, UPPER QUEBN STREET. " " 4 p.m. 5 p.m. On Sundays, 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Muslin and lace Curtains, " " George Shadbolt was brought before W. N. f-'earancke, yesterday morning, charged with having stolen from theHamilton Hotel a quantity of eloihcs, The charge &c, the property of Mr. Peter Payne. was fully proved, and the prisoner sentenced to six months hard labour. Considerable disappointment w.ib felt here by the arrival of tho mail carrier to-day without tho mails. It appears that in consequence of the weight of the mails for the Upper Waikato being so great the carrier from Point Jtussell to Ngaruawahia could not bring the whole but left those for this place and Cambridge to be forwarded after him. Mr. Inspector Moule obligingly sent one of the Mounted Constables to bring them from the litter place, which he did, arriving here at 11 p.m. the lateness of the hour our postmaster kindly issued tho letters fo a large concourse of persons in waiting. The Cambridge portion of the mail will be forwarded INSURANCE COMPANY. Grey Sheetings, Counterpanes, Toilet Covers, Towels, " " Tina Table. Leave Auckland. Leave Onehunga. 8 a.m. 8.40 a.m. 10 a.m. (return ticket) 10 a.m. (return ticket) 12 12 2 p.m. 2 p.m. DRAPERY FIRE AND LIFE. one of the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks HAS the trouble to read it. Verbosity, monotony, and improbability, are its chief if not its only characteristics. heard vague rumours of The writer states the vast increase of the customs revenue." Why, when writing on a subject of such importance, didhe trust to vague rumours," when tho means of ascertaining the exact facts were so readily accessible. The use of such a phrase as a ghost of a shadow of a degree of certainty," would lead one to suppose that he was paid by his chiefs," for his professional services, at per line. Then follows a repetition of a small joke which appeared in the Cross's columns some days ago, relative to the departure of tho Provincial Secretary for Wel- " anything definite. EOYAL HO BBS, of DRAPERY and CLOTHING for purchasers to soloct from, consisting of several thousands of pounds'wor f h of the newest and best Goods, all larked at tho lowest payingebioe of which are took " After considerable conversation, in which the chairman and Messrs. Aitkin, Morris, Mahon, and others took part, the meeting broke up without arriving at AUCKLAND AND ONEHtTNGA GEORGE P. PIERCE, " " held at the Hamilton Hotel, on tho 19th instant, to consider the subject of the rate, and truselected tees to be at the meeting of settlers under the Highways Act on the 29.K instant. There was a good attendance. Mr. John Knox in the chair. &c. JUNCTION DEAPEEY "WAEEHOUSE, —HUDIDRAS. BAZAAR OMNIBUSES. : Manager. R — trict was &c. HEAD OFFICES Comer ol Queen and Shortland-streets. IMPEBIAL A DAY GRAHAM'S MABINE CAPITAL £250,000. " COnRE3PONDE3T.) Septembee 22. The preliminary meeting of the settlers of this dis- A HD MABINE '* A Tf I E B The high position and reputation of thiß Company he maintained by tVu Agency, and parties Table Oil Cloth, Table will favouring the underpinned with their business »hal Damask, Woollen Damasks, and every requisite for receive every facility ana attention. peoplo furnishing. GEORGE WM. JONES, 3,800 pairs of Women's White Cotton Hose, all Acting Agent. prices and sizes. Agenoy, Auckland Queen-street, Just Opened, a Large Stock of Men's superior July 16, 1868. Black and Drab SOFT FRENCH FELT HATS, all at 7s 6d each INSURANCE COMPANY, Good Cotton Tick, by tho piece, to mattress SOUTHERN Correspondence. makers, 9d per yard. MELBOURNE. JrBT Opbned, a choice lot of Plain, Chocked, and Oor corresponience columns beiDfi open to all, we do not 1b per yard. BISKS (Hulls included) ACCEPTED hold ourselves responsible for any opinions exprossod therein. Striped LINEN GINGHAMS, at CUKRENT BATES. Correspondents are requested to write only on one side ot the Drab Glace Cloths, new, for Ladies' Dresses, at paper, and, to prevent mistakes, they should write as legibly yard. SMART & CO., ORUIOKSHANK, per Hid as possible High-street. Ladies' Josephine Kid Gloves, very choice September 1, 1868. THE MERCURY BAY RUSH. A Large Stock of best Linen-faced Collars, for Gents, To the Editor of tho Hebald. INSUr.ANOE COMPANY OB And a Largo Stock of the best CLOTHING ever Sm,—My name having appeared among the party LONDON. into this market. brought of prospectors, I have to explain that Messrs. Marshall and Shnrpe placed me on the list with my consent, Capital—£l,6oo,ooo. believing that their statement was true. I had not N/.B.—A discount allowod to parties furnishing been on the ground myßclf, but was led with the hotels or boarding houses. Agent—SAMUEL JACKSON, Fort-street. rush one among the others.—l am, &e., TERMS—CASH, AND NO ABATEMENT. Waitee Williamson. September 24, 1868. Defendant pleaded guilty, and statei that his horse had become restive, and scurried off the ntreet; that it was purely accidental. —In reply to his Worship lington. The writer then states that he was surprised" to the constable stated that he believed the defendant find that ministers of the various denominations had could not help it.—A fine of £1 and costs of Court recived circulars, stating that the Government had was impoeed, which defendant paid. no funds for granting out-door relief. It is somewhat Breach op Municipal Police Act.—Robert Hay- singular that a person whose business it is to collect wood was charged by Sergeant Reilly with a breach news should have experienced a feeling of surprise" of this Act, in allowing a quantity of filth toaccumuon hearing what had been notified to tho general late in an ash-pit in the passage bstween Queen-streat public, through the daily papers, a week or ten days' appeared for the and High-ttreet. Mr. defendant, who pleaded guilty, and stated that his before. The person who drew his attention to the pleasant client had a carter regularly enghged to remove the look of business-men as they affectionately refuse from his place, and on the day in question he Banguine chinked the loose silvor in their breeches pockets was late in doing so.—Sergeant Reilly did not wish been sadly in want of better employment. have must to press for a heavy penalty, but would insist on The taudry verbosity which follows about "penny defendant keeping this place regularly clean.—A fine a living," making out a case for the poor and of £2 and costs *as imposed. "my peregrinations," "the approval of William Walters, Queen-strpet, was also charged needy," chiefs," affliction and honest povorty being too by same complainant with allowing a quantity of my sacred to be trifled with for the gratification of mere manure to accumulate in his enclosed yard, at curiosity," my professional duties," &c, So., the rear of his business premises, and with allowing strengthen the idea that tho writer is paid in propora water-closet to overflow.—In the absence of delength tion the of his effusion ; and his allusions to fendant Mr. Elliott, who is in Mr. Walter's employ- to his ch'ef suggests the opinion that he is either ment, appeared and pleaded guilty.—A like fino as an aboriginal or a near descendant of one. in the preceding case was imposed,namely, £2 and Leaving generalities, our narrator proceeds to uosts. describe a remarkable old man who has been a tea Breach of thb iHPOtrcrDiNG Act.—Edmund merchant and planter in the West Indies;" tho two Gord was charged by Sergeant Keiily with a breach occupations seem rather incompatible, as the old of thlß Act, by allowing his pigs to be at large in gentleman would have to import tea, and attend to Hobson-street and neighbourboood.—Defendant his plantation besides; but his subsequent slang conpleaded guilty, and a fine of £2 and costs was versation and allusions to the place yonder sugimposed in this case also. gest that the ex "tea merchant and planter" must Larceny by a Native. —Hoani, a Maori, was sadly forgotten his manners. charged with stealing a decanter of brandy from the have Incident No. 10 is certainly to use tho reporter's Malborough Hotel, value lGs.—Mr. Brown was awn expression, a remarkable case —a very rebut as the case could only bo markable case if true—like tho ointment which present to the dealt with by the Resident Magistrate, a remand was good lady sells, miraculous." granted till to-morrow. 13 is a ead one, but needs no exagNo. Incident Breach op the Meechant Shipping Act.— geration to increase its sadness. Two of the children Edward Butcher, steward, and James Ryan, seaman, —a little boy and girl—being respectively aged 21 both belonging the brig Kita, were charged by and 15. William Sdwards, master of that vessel, with being The last paragraph but one states that many other absent withont leave.—Prisoners pleaded guilty.— cases could be mentioned showing far greater misery Mr. Hill, jun., who appeared for the master of the than those he has mentioned. Is it not a little singu■Teasel, said the absence of these men had caused the lar that a person trying to make out a case for the captain considerable inconvenience, bat as they had poor and needy should suppress the very cases of pleaded guilty, he would leave tho case with their most likely to insure commiseration ? Worships to deal with.—The Court sentenced them destitution The whole article shows how much harm may be each to be imprisoned one week without hard labor, done to a good cause by unskilful advocacy. Had forfeiting two dayo' wages. the writer contented himself with a Bimple narration Ihere were two cases of assault, but neither comof facts, without eentimentalism or slang, and imagiplainant nor defendants put in an appearance. nary conversation, he would have earned the thanks of the poor and tho respect of their well wishers.—l HAMILTON. am, &c, (PEO3I NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY. DRAPERY " (Before W. Young, Esq., J.P., and Reader Wood, Esq., J.P.) Dbukkknivßss.—Kororemoho (a native), Alexan- PURCHASERS or i CAMBRIDGE. THTTKSnAT. (Before T. Beckham Esq. It.M.) 5 ' RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT. abovo Company are now prepared to ofi ,ct tuate any ordors that may bo forwarded to them for their Preserved Spiced and Corned Moats, consisting of Mutton Hams, Fletches (rolled), Loins, and Tongues. Also, Refined Mutton Tallow. Retailers will ho liberally dealt with. Orderß will bo punctually attended to with accuracy and despatch. THE Address, NORCOTT ATKINS, Secretary and Manager, Napier. QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, OPPOSITE 'YOUNG INVINCIBLE.' FOR SALE,—YOUNG INVINCIBLE, a dappled grey, 6 years old, of large bone and remarkably temper, probably the best heavy Draught good Entire in the Province. Also, A first-class Major Entire Colt, rising 8 yearsold. Applv to W._HUNTER & CO. * EED TJ CED PEICE OF THE "HERALD." TO SUBSCRIBERS, ADVERTISERS AND OTHERS. THE TIMES, and to place the luxury TO SUIT of FIRST-CLASS DAILY MORNING within the of every Citizen and a means PAPER Settler of Auckland, the Proprietor of the NEW ZEALAND HERALD" has resolved that, fromlAe FIRST OF APRIL, 1868, the SUBSCRIPTION to this Papee shall be REDUCED to IOS. PER QUARTER. " No effort will be spared to supply the LATEST AMD of all current events and to make the "HERALD" the best and most seliabie boitbce ob nrpoBMATiON' in the Province. ptoeest particulars THE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. Liberal Terms will be made with Advertisers. THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, AUCKLAND, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1888. 6 Thames Advertisements. NOTICE S. TO VISITORS TO THE THAMES GOLD-FIELDS. J. & R. A.LEXANDEE BAENETT'S OASES -|/\ OF rjIHE NEW Premises lately Messrs. Thos. Macky & irj the occupation of Co., Queen-street. New Spring Dress Materials (Opposite Captain Bdtt's). OWEN UNDERSIGNED is about REMOVJJG to those Spacious DBAPBBY DINING BOOMS, POLLEN-STREET, SHORTLAND, BEMOVAL. VAILB OPENED THIS DAY . OF HENRYS. MEYERS. Poplinettes and French Delaines & ON GRAHAM SALE, G. W. OWEN AT 0. PETSCHLER'S STOKES Hate on Sale No 3, O A QR.-OABKS MARTELL'S DABK BRANDY IF QUEEN STREET, tJ\J 10 qr.-caska Martell's Pale Brandy '20 hhd. WI Rum, 30 op EX S.S.' HEEO,'«NIL DESPERANDTJM/ 5 hhd WI Hum, 10 op 7 J casks Rum. 30 op 'KATE,' &c. 100 cases Marteli's Pale Brandy 100 cases Vinegrower's Pale Brandy MARTELL'S AND £A QUAP.TEK.-OASKB 50 cases 3 Dogger Pale Brandy OU HBNNESST'S PALE BEANDY 25 cases Associated Vineyard Pale Brandy 25 hhds. do. do. 100 cases Chatonet Pale Brandy 60 hhds. Lowndes' Preston's Bum, 12 & 30 o.p, 40 cases Oampbleton Whiskey 20 quarter-caskß do. do. 100 Red Oases Geneva 250 eases Martell's Brandy 100 Green Cases Geneva 200 key eases and anohor brands Geneva, 4 Butt 3 Sherry 100 half-cases clo. do. do. 5 i casks Pherry, Royal Armß 200 cases Old Tom, Lowndes', Burnett's and 40 i-casks Shorry Cosen'a, 1, 2, 3, and 4 Bernard's diamond 100 caßeu Dunville's Whiskey 41 i-ousks 1, S., ?•, nnd 4, VariousBrands 30 quarter-casks do. 35 J-casks Port 20 quarter-casks Mackenzie's Whiskey 25 c:ises Piper's Ohampagno SO casus Stewart's Sirklißton do. 400 dozen liichnrdson's Stout 150 cases 3-dagger Brandy 150 dozen Richardson's Stout 100 G. Edouard do. 25 cases Orange Bitters 50 A. V. O. do. 100 cases Bottled Sherry CO Mouniar's do. 100 cases Bottled Port 20 Dark Brandy 20 Bernard's Orange Bitters Stoughton's 10 25 chests Fine Congou Tea, Zephyr 60 Bernard's Ginger Wino 30 -J-chcißts Fine Congou Tea, Zephyr 20 quarter-casks Sherry 30 Fine Congou Tea, Ernest Maria 10 Port Wine 30 i-cheats Finest Congou Tea, Ernest Maria 1 ;, Amontillado Sherry 25 i-ehests Fines'- Congou Tea, Catherine 1 Madeira n 10 J-chosts Finesr, Congou Tea, Capsongmoon 120 cases Champagne, various brands 250 boxer Fine Congou Tea '20 Sparkling Moselle No. 2 10 tons Waito Crystal Bugar 6 t-teinwcin 10 tons Yellow Crystal Sugar 20 Lindeman's Cawarra Hock 10 tons Light Countor Sugar 2u 4 tons Yellow Counter Sugar Claret, in pitta and quarts 4 tons Brown Counter Sugar 100 casus Victoria Stout 40 boxes Tobacco, 10s. and 12s. 50 casks Jeffrey's do. 20 £-caeks Champion's Vinegar, No. 24 15 cases Raspberry Balm 40 tierces Primo Mess Beef 20 100 boxes Koubaix Sperm Candles Claret 20 hhds. Whitbread's Stout And a varied as?oriment of Groceries Has os Sais, gQ f\ TONS OOMPAN/FS Ho. 1 SUGAR 1U 200 mats White Crystals 10 tons Light Yellow Sugar 10 tons Yellow Counter do. CO casks Crushed Loaf do. 75 half-chests Fine Congou Tea, Catherine No. 86 100 half-chests Medium do. do. 100 bcxes very fino Tea, India 20 boxes Gunpowder do. "Venezuela" 100 boxes Bolmont Sperm Candles 100 boxos Nova Stearino, FW CO boxes Mould Candles, eaoh 60 lbs 20 cases half-pints Salad Oil Summer Wincoyß French Merinos and Coburgs Ribbons—White, Blue, &o. " Corsets and Stays THE Gossatnor and Hair Nets BLACK BUGLE GIMPS, INSERTIONS and FRINGES MOANATAIKI RESTAURANT, 10 cases pints 5 cases quarts 10 cases half pints Prints—Spring Patterns G. HOPKINS attention to his NEW ESTABLISHBJEGSto callwhere ho trusts every accommodation MfiNT, ED' trill b3 found. Flf.nnela and Ti'indow Hollands tho day, with good attenand mode-rate charges. HEAL 3 at; all hours of dance CLOTHING. May 22. Trowsers, in Bedford Cord, Doeskin GRAHAM'S TOWN Black Cloth, Tweed and Mole THIRST-CLASS ; CrimeanShirts, HOTEL. FAMILY Private Booms for Families. and Black Plush and Felt Hats and.Silk Handkerohiofs Black Paris and Shell Hats Neck Ties, &c, &c. C. DAVIDSON, 10 20 Proprietor. Pbopeieios: CORNER OF CHARLES DAYIDSON. QUEEN AND WYNDHAM STREETS. CHABGES. following is the SCALE OF CHARGES, THE viz: Breakfast 6d: Is. Dinner Bed ... ... ... ... ... 2s. Is. 6d: : Lunch can be had at any hour. W. J. HURST HOUES. & CO., QTJEEN-STEEET, Breakfast, 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Dinner, 12 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sundays, Te3, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sale the undermentioned Articles. "DAVE Parties arriving by Steamers, can be accommodated at all hours. N.B.—Gentlemen aro requested to pay as called for. No smoking will be permitted in the bed-rooms. MESSES. McGIXLEY & CLAEK to inform the Public that they hare commenced Business at their offices, Pollen-street, Bhortland, as MINING AGENTS, SHAREBROKERS, ARBITRATORS, VALUERS, LAND AGENTS, &c, and are now prepared to negociate the Purchase or Salo of Shares, Allotments, &c, and to transact General Mining Agency Business. BEG The facts of iYCr. McGinlejt having been successfully engaged as a Practical Miner upon thesa Goldfields (which are in so many respects different from other known Gold-bearing Quartz Mines), from their very commencement—his thorough knowledge of a large proportion of the Claims—and Messrs. McG. and O.'s extensive acquaintance with the Mining Communi'y, anri their ling business connection with the Auckland public, induco the belief that they will receive a fair share of support. They bog to state that all Commissions entrusted to their charge, whether to Purchase or Sell, will receive their most careful attention. That they will spare no effort to have always the best and most reliable information on Mining Matters with which they will be happy to supply either Intending Purchasers or Miners. That all Claims in which they may have shareß for sale will be carefully inspected by themselves. That they will make it their constant endeavour to give such advice, and to transact their business in such a manner as Ehstll be to the satisfaction and best advantage of thosewhose -"nterests shall be committed to their charge. That they will nee the utmost care with regard to all matters affecting the interests of Purchasers through their Agency. That their Share Lists, which contain many valuable shares, a number of which are in First-class Claims, and well worthy the attention of Intending Purchasers, may be teen at their offiVe, where Messrs. McGh and C. may be personally consulted. Pollen-., treet, Shoitland. any kaeatta gold-fields, shoetland town. the Thames' "W. COALS! COALS!! COALS!!! Bay of Islands 1 Screened or TJnsoreoned, in Newcastle Store or ox Bhip at Wharf. ) Blacksmith's Nuts English Coke Superphosphate of Li mo, or Dissolved Bone Manure Bone Flour Bone Dust—fine and coaiße Very superior Pressed Hay Very superior Loose do. Straw Oats—Feed and Seed Maize—New Zealandand Sydney, Whole or Crushed Bran and Bharpß cases Black and White Pepper cases Assorted Sauces MAIZE MEAL: hotel. to inform Visitors, Business Men, Miners, BEGS &c, that ho has OPENED the abovo HOTEL (second hous3 the Landing-place). 70 Maize Meal Maize Flour of & Co., to THAMES HOTEL (SeoDnd Hotel from tho Landing-place). JEWELLER, N - S 'J? R E B T (Opposite tho Union Bonk of Australia), OASHPURCHASERS OFKAURI GUM. H ShephcTd Plaids CHAS. CANNING respectfully intimate to his Friends and MESSES. BEETHAM, WALKEE& CO., SURVEYORS, iJTNI.N'G AGENTS, VALUERS, ARBITRATORS AND GHAREBROKEES. "D.00K3 dail are open at their Offices, PomenktkeisT, f-Jioin-LAND, for the Hale and purchase Wht re lh9 rinciP ttls may be consulted ' JLf Auckland Agents— P WOULD that ho has OPENED tho CITY OAFE, whore ho Oustomera is GOLD EX TOOLS supplied at MASEFIELD CO., Albert-street. , & 01 , CITY CAFE, SHORTLAND CRESCENT. ! ! & c> & and hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of that patronage no liberally accorded him for tho past 13 years. AS" D ORVS-mQ 0 U MACHINESandof every description. 2000 LSOILEICS, of any size, made £J\J\J\J RETORT3.,nd AIIJfKES' snortoet notice. prepared to supply LUNCHEONS, SOOP3, COFFEE, S. Cochkakb & Son. GOLD! GOLD!! CAPE. .. 'EACEHOESE,' On Sale, *!?*• CURLEI) H R SE HAIE, i D ° largo or small quantities. T. & S. MOEEIN, WHOLESALE & R3XAIL IRONMONGERS, Canada BuiLDinas, Queen-street. froSroto.'^^ H. KOHN. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, Opposite Union Bank of Australia. (Established 1860), AND „ Junction Stoke, 252, Queen-st., AUCKLAND. J. M. FRENCH, IMPOETEE AND FAMILY GEOCEB, „ inform the Public that, having just BEGS received, late arrivals, of FIRST-CLASS to ex 5 eases French Fruits French Prunes 2 10 Coleman's Starch 5 barrels Apples 4 cases Curry Powder 5 Sauces 20 H. L.'b Vinegar 5 Caster Oil 10 pockets Sussex Hops „ s. d. 0 10 per tia 0 9J l 0 Soap (Household) 0 9 per ba» Soap (Beat Auckland) 010 New Raisins (finest quality) ..0 8 per lb. Sardines, £-tins „ Lobster Jams..... „ & „ „ „ „ „ New Currants (finestquality)..o 5£ Sugs,r(No. 1) o 5JSugar (light brown) 0 5 Rice(Patna) ..0 3| Bice (Java) 0 4 Melbourne Composite Moulds 0 6JWhybrow's Pickles 1 0 per bottle Eerosine (3s 3d gallon) 0 11 per quart „ 5 cases Painkiller Norton's Camomile Pills 1 Cockle's Pills 1 12 Philipson's assorted Perfumery „ „ „ „ „ ~ Prints 1 Ohlorodyne 1 Keating's Lozenges 10 kegs Carbonate of Soda 2 cases Tartaric A cid 1 case assorted Essences „ „ „ 33-in. WashedMediums 32-in. nnd 36-in. Scotch Shirtingß 32-in. Crewdson's Mediums 2 and 5 32-in. and 3G-in. Horrock's A.B.H.M. 2, 8.8.8. 36-in. Horrock'a Twills M.B. and F. 1 TOBACCO. Holloway's Pills and Ointment Fine Cavendish Tobacco 8s Gd per b. Finest Cavendish Tobscco.... 3s lOd 4d per cake Matches lOd per doe. .... „ „ COFPEE. „ Finlay's Shirtings „ COFFEE 3 roasted and premises, and packed in air-tight FINE lb. upwards Good Coffee, per lb. Best Coffee, „ „ Nd. 1 CONGOU TEA per lb. 2 0 per lb. No. 2 FINE TEA ~26 No. 3 RICH PEKOE lULL FLAVOURED per lb. 3 O No. 4 FINEST SELECTED per lb. 3 6 These Teas are a rich combination of many rare Black Teas, and the Large Sale they command proves that they are generally appreciated. Twopence per lb. discount alowod on 6 lbs-and upwards of No. 2 Tea, aud threepence per lb. on 6 lbs. and upwards of Nob. 3 and 4 Teas, for Cash. SUNDKDJS. 1 'cbeo Playing Cards and ale Abticles in the Teams at the Lowest Price. All Articles guaranteed to be of geod quality. GOODS DELIVERED. Orders from the Country promptly executed, and Fmub, Maize, sent to Boat or Carrier AUCKLAND. PACK 5 6 2 2 cases lion's Army Bluchers cases Calf Klastio Sides cases Navy Oxonians cases Whito Drill Oxonians 2 cases Women's Patent Slippers 20 truii';s Ladies' and Childs' Boots 5 truuks Ladies' Black Cashmere chabgb. J. SADDLES. & A. WISEMAN, BAY ON ISLANDS COAL COMPANY SADDLERS, QUEEN-STREET, (LIMITED). on hand, and make to order, "THE OTAGO PATTERN PACK SADDLES," as future no Coals will be supplied by this Com- made by them for the Waikato campaign, samples of pany except by an order from the Secretary to which were sent to England, and are now adopted by the War Department. Having undergone_ a the Manager at the Kawa Kawa Mines. By order of the -Board of Directors. course of trial at Woolwich and Aldershot with UILFILLAN, J. A. advantageous results, they have been adopted in Secretary. preference to the original military saddles for the Abyssinian campaign, as stated by the* Times of Septomber, 1567. WAITEMATA FLO CTR MILLS HAVE AND "THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD" TEEiIS OF ADVEETISEITENTS. lsThreelinea ls °fFour lines °f2s 6d Eight lines Aid 2d. for each additional line. BISCUIT FACTORY. &c. of WHAT HAHM TO LOOK IN AND JUDGE? NOTICE. IN 2 caBCB Cutlery 1 caso Shop Twine, assorted 2 cases Eimmel'a Assorted Perfumos 2 cases Bimmel's Pomudes 10 caseß Hora's Oil 2 cases Kimmel's Oil 1 caso Holloway's Pills and Ointment 3 cases Pain Killer ~ ... „ C. PETSCHLEE, QTJEEN-STEEET, ''; . 14 consumption. 1 case Ginghims 1 easo men's brown Half-hose 1 case stitched Silk Hatß 1 case diggers' Flannel Shirts. 1 bale Fancy Long Shawls 1 bale Fancy Tartan Squares 24-in. Black French Glaces 1 case Ladies' Straw Hats, Fully Trimmed, 1 2 ... ; 102 pieces Chinese Matting 20 trunks Boots and Shoes 5 bales S-4 Grey Calico 5 32 and 36 inch do. 12 cases Fancy Prints 2 boles Blue Prints 6 oases Fancy Crimean Shirts 3 do. Shepherd do. 6 cases Scotch Twill Shirts bales Blanket super 5 3 1 caso Imitition Crimean Bhirtß 2 cases Horrock's Cloth 1 caso Tweed Trowsers '" s. d. ... TEAS EOE THE MILLION. J. M. F. would mll special attention to his recent shipment of FIRST-OLAas TEAB, which have been selected with great care, especially for general family „ HOSIERY. White Ootton Hose Ditto Brown ditto, rough and dressed Ditto Fancy Cotton ditto Mon's Brown Ootton half Hoso Men's Fancy Striped Grey and Fancy Striped Merino Men's Grey Military £ Hoee Men's Grey Worsted do Men's AlloaKnits Men's Flannel Shirts Men's Merino Vests Ladies' Undor Clothing ground on the canisters, from 1 EEAL YALTJE EOE MONEY' „ Women's now styles „ 200 kegs American Nails, 1£ to 4 inch 175 "WireNails, 1J to 2 inch 10 cases Muntz Metal, 16 to 22 oz. Spencer Repeating Carbines 1 2 Short American Shovels 40 boxes Charcoal Tin Plates IO IX 2 tons Corrugated Iron 2 cases .American Axe Handles 4 bales Corks 2 cases Carpet Folding Chairs Hocking Chairs 2 4 bales Grocer's Paper 50 drums Boiled and Raw Oil 2 tons White Lead 1 case Saddles Sash Lines 1 12 bottles Quicksilver 2 bales Sole Leather Kip do. 1 5 cwt. French Kid do. 1 ton Manila Hope, £ to 3 inch 10 boxes Fancy Pipes "India t'hhtings 30-in. and 32-in. nnd 36-in. Grey Domestics , 72-in. Grey Sheetings 30-in. Grey T. Cloth (24's) 4-4 Rough Browns 4.-4 Brown Hollands and Grass Clothß Fringed Towels Brown and White Turkish ditto Bluo Dungaree American Drills and Du.'ks Brown Liuon Drills White Cotton Drills 6-8 and 7-S Cambrio Handkerchiefs, hemmed nnd boxed Imitation Silk ditto 5-8 and 7-S ScotchLawn, bordered Book Muslins Swiss Spots aiii Checked ditto Muelinettes Harness and Lappot Bookß 90in Mosquito Nets Haberdashery of all kinds Clarke's Keels, 100and 200 BRE AD, FIRST QUALITY 2,0001ba. CABIN £22 Cabin Bread, second quality, £20 per ■- - - Saloon Biscuits, 4d per lb. Lunch Biscuits (sweet and plain), 7dpersib. Digestive Biscuits, 6d per lb. A constant Bupplv alwaye on hand, at HENDEKSON & MACFABLANE'S, Agents. 1 trunk Maid's assorted Drab and Black OWEN AND GRAHAM. a large supply GENERAX GROCERIES, imported especially for hisretail trade, with pleasure he gives his cash quotations;— 5 quarter-casks Champion's Vinegar „ 5 bales Flour j'ags, 50s. 5 bales Flour Bugs, 100s. 5 bales 3 Bushel Bags. • STEEET," - „ & licic' WABEHOITSE, VICTORIA „ c.ises cases Saddlery Girthß, Bridles, Stirrups, Leathers, TEA VIOTOEIA MAHT 3 „ Turkey red Twills 32-in. and 36-in. Super long Oloths 20 AT THE PEOPLE'S ! CITY QUALITY AND CHEAPNESS COMBINED „ I I ROSE, PROPRIETOR. SPECIAL NOTICE 2 bale 3 Paper Bags Brown Paper 4 20 boxes Eleme Baisins 25 Cape do. 2 eases Sultana do. 80 boxes Muscatel do. 10 barrels Currants 1 case Figs 6 boxes Jordan Almonds 10 cases Preserved Ginger 10 Lobsters 10 Jams 10 Batty's Salad Oil 5 Keillor's Marmalade 10 barrels Irish Pork 100 boxes C. J's Boap 25 boxes Mould Candles 20 cases Sago 100 boxes Belmont Sperm Candles 50 Neva Soenn do. 5 tons Melbourne Soap 20 bags Black Pepper 10 cases H. & L. Pickles „ I W. Bice, Oatmoal, Flour Paste Blacking, Black Lead Tartaric Acid, Painkiller Epsom Salts, in loz. packets Cream Tarrar, Carbonate Soda Mixed Spice and Pimento ' -Sennets i-pint and pint Salad Oil Colours d Hair Oil Borwick's Baking Powder Pickles and fc>anceß lea and Perriu'c Sauce Capers and Currie Powder Coleman's Mustard, in bottles and tins Ground and Whole Pepper Light and Dark Blue Coleman's Starch Twelvetrees' Soap Powders Clothes Lines and Pegs Hops, Carraway Seeds Shoe and Paint Brushes Bye Grass Seed Pork, Bacon, and Salmon Prime Salt Butter Cheese &c &c., &c. -> Barry's Chicory V mid i'ouths' Fancies Linen meed Paper Collars cases Boys' nnd Men's F.P. caps cist; „ ~ Confectionery cases „ ' Passengers per steamers accommodated at all hours. Auckland, AS much pleasure in informing tho inhabitants ot Auckland and surrounding districts that he nas °P° ned business in tho above-named branoh and soliwti nS their patronage takes the «™T' *? d of"i recommending opportunity his well assorted stock of Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery. Every article warranted genuine, and if not aDproved of will be exchanged. My policy is -OaHh, quick sales,small profits, and to satisfy overy ono. Watches of overy description from £2 2s. to £50 48 «* Relets, ' English and Oolonial-made Wedding and Keener e Kings, from 12s. 6d. Speotacles to suit all sights. Tho Watchmaking Businoss, inoluding the Rerjairing, Regulating, m,d Cleaning of Watches and Clocks will be curried on under his own supervision and, from tho long experience he has had in the branch in first-clu3s establishments in Europe, ho will not fail to obtain tho confidence of those who niav favour him witli their custom. Watches OJoanod and warranted for twelve months for ss. Orders taken for the manufacture of Cups. Claret Jugs, Inkstands, 4c. Brooch Pins Gd. each. „ ,i ditto 9-8 Kavy'White Hiid Oranjja 7-8 Kavy and White* Fancy Prints cuses Bottled AIo Q, U B E REMEMBER THE 5 tons Patna Bice 2 tons Java hice 40 boxes Tobacco, tens 5 quarter-tierces Negrohead Tobacco 1 ton Loaf iSugar 10 tons Companies No. 1 Sugar 3 do. Y 3 no mark do. 5 tons Pine Salt 10 casks Baltpetre 3 cases Havana Manila Cigars 15 Sardines 2 tons Java Coffee 2 cases Men's Felt Hats 1 chsc Puggerahs WATCH AND CLOCK MAKEE AND Btich-buet'b Auction Mabt. ivi>e 3 NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! • H. KOHN, w QUEEN-STREET, Next Dooe 1 1 2 25 coses Botttod Fruits 10 casks Jar Blacking 20 kecrs Carbonato Soda 2 cases Baking Powder 13 casks Soda Crystals 2 caseß Mußcatoll Raisins 25 cases Mixed Pickles 40 cases O. & B. Jams 100 boxes Belmont Sperm Candles 5 caseß Candied Lornon Peel host quality "W. J. HURST tation Crimean Shirts 5 onrcs Men's Fnn-y Crimean 400 bngs Salt rom It contains superior accommodation, combined with every comfort, at moderate charges, and he solicits their patronage. Every information respecting the Gold-field can oe obtained. coses Downer's Kerosene bugs Primo Sydney Mnize bags Tusmania Oats tons Silk Dressed Flour cases PD Pain Killer bales Corn tracks, 2§lbs. TO ARRIVE PER 'EXORLSIOR,' 'LORD ASHLEY,' AND ■ NOVELTY.' 100 cases Dunville's Whiskey 10 qr.-cusks do. do. 100 cases Kartell's Palo Brandy 20 cases Tartaric Acid POTATOES: Seed Potatoes Prime Pioked do., for family use balf-ehests Pino Congou Tea 126 boxes do. do. 2 hulf-clie3ts Tea 0 boxes Orango Pekoe TO ARRIVE PER 'ESOELSIOB' & «BIAM.' 9-4 10-4 Scarlet Blankets Ditto Blue ditto Ditto Mixed Grey and Brown ditto Ditto White mediums, and Biipers 1 bale White Toilet Quilts 1 bale Blue Alhambra Quilts 14 cases Miller's Mole Trowsers 2 cases Drab and White Leamington ditto 180 dozen Duck and Drill Trowsers 10 cases Men'g Tweed Clothing 1 oano Blue Diagonal Sacs 1 caoe Blue Diagonal Suits 10 bales Men's Scotch Twill Shirts 2 bales Boys' and Youths' do 6 bales Byzantine and VenetianCheoka 6 bales Regatta Shirts, in papers 2 cases ditto, in boxes 2 cases White Long Clot Shirts 100 dozen Men's Printed Swansdown and Imi- 50 cases Geneva, Koy Brandy 50 cases Burnett's Old Tom 20 qr.-casks superior Port Wino IS qr.-casks superior Sherry 100 casks Port and Sherry 10 cases Australiun Wino 20 cases Sparkling Moselle,No. 2 60 cnses Bottled Stout Cape Barley, for green stuff White, Red, and Oowgrasa Olover-Seeda „ 100 TO ARRIVE ,PER 'EXCELSIOR.' 200 boxes Crushed Loaf Su ar in 561b: 1 case Miller's British Baking Powder 5 cases B. and P. Corn Flour 20 kegs Oatmeal 10 cases Salad Oil 10 cases Castor Oil 20 cases Starch 10 cases Mustard 10 casks Soda Crystals 3 cases Tartaric Acid 10 casks Champion's Vinegar 120 kegs White Zinc Paint 40 drums Linseed Oil 25 cases Raisins 20 cases Currants 100 boxes Ogleby'a Candlea 400 bags Rice 100 red cases Geneva 100 green cases Geneva 50 cases Old Tom 12 qr.-caska Martell's Brandy 25 boxes Cavendish Tobacco WINES AND SPIRITS. 15J- casks kartell's Palo Brandy 3 hhds. Dark ditto 50 cases Kartell's Pale Brandy 60 caßes usiocintcd Palo Brandy 60 cases U.V.P. 50 cises Campagno Palo Brandy lOi casks Hum, 27 to 30 o.p. 5 hhds. ditto, 7 o.p. 100 cases Dunvilles' Whisky dO cuses Oampbolton Whiskey 27 cases Jamieson's Irish Whiskoy PEOVENDEE AND SEEDS: 4 „ 1 bale Woolpaeks 1 ease Dessicatod Milk 10 casea Amorican Choira 10 coie.4 Castor Oil, in bulk 1 case Assorted Brushwore 3 cases American Brooms 2 bales Corks 20 caska Primo Mess Beef. ARTIFICIAL MANUEES: Bolivia Guano Peruvian Guano Maiden Island Q-aano FLOUR: Californian E O S E 200 250 100 25 5 3 „ , ■-< 10 kegs Saltpetre „ Jib. Currie Powder 5 cases, each 2 cwt., B. and P. CornFlour 20 boxes Kingsford's ditto •4 cases Soap Powder, in gross boxes 10 casltß Soda Crystals 20 casks Salmon, each 1 owt. 10 cases Hair Oil, £ pints 5 cases Column's Mustard 20 cases Jib. tins Sardines 10 cases Jib. ditto ditto 10 cases Lea and Porrin's Bauco 5 eases Ooco& and Chocolate 3 cases Patent Groats 25 cases Plaid Vestas 20 cases Company's 250's ditto 2 cases Epsom Salts, 7 lb. boxes 7 cases Day and Martin'Paste Blaoking 1 ease Mixed Spico 10 caics Hams and Bacon 4 cases Assorted Confectionery 75 boxes McDougnls TD Pipos 20 kegs Primo Potted Butter 10 cases Port Cooper Cheese 5 cases Kippered Herrings 2 cases Cream Tartar 15 csbcs Table Salt in Jars 10 casks Split Peas NATIONAL MART, „ „ 5 cases GBAHAM'S TOWN TEMPERANCE HOTEL. „ „ 15 boxes Mottled ditto 10j barrols dried Apples 5 bales Hops, lS67's 3 cases Sago Hosiery Board and Residence Jloderate. „ „ 2 cases Figs ) 3 bales ifoyal Hand 2 bales Toa Paper 2 bales Paper Bags 10 casks Saltpetre 5 tons Auckland Soap 3 tons Melbourne ditto Cloth Ooats „ „ > TEMPSKAtCCE HOTEL, OWEK-STBEET, GbAHASI'S TOWS', ThAJIES. „ „ j GOOD Black Glaccs and Gros Black Sill,-, Patent and Ribbon Volreta SEDS, do. do. Castor Oil 10 cases lib tins Salmon 25 cases lib tins Lobators 10 casoß lib and 21b tins Oysters 20 cases Pickles, eiich 3 dozen 50 cases "Whybrow's Vineprar, each 3 dozen 12 qr.-casks Champion's Vinegar 24 oases Starch, Coleman's 10 cases Blue, light and dark 47 boxes superior tons Tobacco 3 cases fino Aromatic do. 0 qr.-iierces Necrobciid 5 oases Cigars, Manillas and Trabucos 100 bags, each 1 cwt., Java Rice 28 packages Catmeul 50 eases lib tins tlcbart Town Jam 50 cases, each GOlbs, Jam, in jars 10 cases Bryco's Marmalado 25 boxes Raisins 1 5 casks Currants Now Eruit KID GLOVES TOOKEY'S FLAT. " ' TO VISITORS AND OTHERS TO THAMES GOLDFIELDS. • ••< I morning to ten at night. & HAS ON SALTS Ladios Belts and Belt Ribbons HALJ-aHBBW OHOIOB 30 cases 3'ams 9 tons Assorted Sugars Coffee in Canister from lib 3 cwt. Cocoaand Chocolate 20 barrels Currants 40 boxes Baisins 170 boxes Soap Scented Soap 200 boxes Price's, &c., Candles Mould Candles 140 cases Kerosene 45 cases Lobsters 8 cases Oysters 10 cases Salmon and Sardines Anchovy Paste 20 boxes Corn Flour 7 cases Robinson's Patent Groats Robinson's Barley 5 eases Pearl Sago and Tapioca 150 bags Maize 60 bags Salt 16 casks Champion Vinegar 15 cases Tobacco 8 cases Wax Vestas 22 cwt. Paper Bags Shop Twine and Tea Paper 4 cases Red Herrings NOTICE OF REMOVAL riHHE undersigned havo, This Day, REMOVED to JL their NEW PREMISES in Vulcan lane, known as Graham's Buildings. IRELAND BROS. Vuloan Lane, August 19,1868. SUBSCRIPTION. if booked. 110s.per Quarter; 12s.3d.6u.each. i Private Sitting and Bed-rooms can always be had; the attendance is good, the chaigos moderate, and Meals are served at all hours from half-past six in the Shepherd's Checks j . i ABARNETT HBNEY S. MEYERS, QUEEN-STEEET, Mottled and Black Alpaccas , QUEEN-STREET "WHARF OHBBTB AND "' havirts completed his NEW and EXTENSIVE PREMISES in PollenBhortland, desire to call the attontion of aU street, Visitors to the Thames Gold-fields to his large and and BED-BOOMS, DINING handsomely fitted where he trusts overy accommodation'will ho found and first-class sleeping in tho -way of :;ood living, accommodation. - - Single copies, at the Office, WjudAdvertisements will bo received of insertions required Mtto ham-strect, and the number copy, .they wul be inserted otherwie clearlv written on the charged accordingly. until countcrmandeit and laily by Accnr.Ai.-i>, New ZMiAXD.-Friulea and published Erinbng bteam W C Wilson, Propristnr, ut Kstabiislimeat, Vyudbam-street, (a tow dcors irom Queen; hi3 Geucn.l M eueet).