hoby doesn`t tell you how to be a leader it provides you
hoby doesn`t tell you how to be a leader it provides you
HOBY DOESN'T TELL YOU HOW TO BE A LEADER, IT PROVIDES YOU WITH THE TOOLS NECESSARY TO BE A SUCCESSFUL ONE! @Hogue_Luke Spring 2012 Spring 2014 Dear HOBY Ambassador: I hope that your outstanding HOBY Leadership Seminar has motivated you to become even more active in your school and community. You have demonstrated an ability to lead and positively influence others. Most importantly, I think you have learned a lot about yourself and how to become a successful leader in your community. Please read the materials included in this EXCELeration Kit. There are more opportunities to get involved with HOBY on a local, national, and international level. This includes joining a HOBY Alumni Chapter, attending the World Leadership Congress (WLC), attending the Advanced Leadership Academy (ALA) your junior or senior year, and completing our 100-hour Leadership for Service challenge. It’s up to you to make it happen! To motivate you to accomplish your goals, sign the enclosed “Passport to the Future” and post it as a reminder of your commitment to your community. Don’t forget to tell your friends and family about your HOBY experience. Also, share with your school principal and guidance counselor how your HOBY experience will make you a better leader in your school and community. Finally, make sure your school sends another sophomore student to next year’s seminar and offer to help with the selection process! The future is yours and HOBY is very proud to have touched your life along the way. HOBY hugs! Javier La Fianza President & Chief Executive Officer LIFE WITH HOBY Your HOBY program was an OUTSTANDING experience! However, your life with HOBY is just beginning. Here are a few ways you can further your leadership training and stay involved with HOBY on a local, national, and international level. Join your local HOBY Alumni Chapter HOBY Alumni Chapters are comprised of HOBY Alumni that promote continued educational and leadership opportunities through personal/professional development and hands-on, volunteerism, and leadership skill-building activities. To get involved, email alumni@hoby.org and request to be connected to your local Alumni Chapter. Complete the Leadership for Service (L4S) Challenge HOBY challenges all Ambassadors to complete a minimum of 100 hours of community service through the Leadership for Service (L4S) Program. Students have one year from their HOBY program to perform and log volunteer service hours on HOBY’s L4S website. At the completion of the challenge, students receive a certificate of recognition from HOBY, The President’s Volunteer Service Award, scholarship opportunities, and more. For more information, visit http://www.hoby.org/leadership-for-service. Attend the World Leadership Congress (WLC) After Your Seminar All HOBY Leadership Seminar Alumni are eligible to attend the World Leadership Congress (WLC), which brings together more than 400 national and international students for a week-long, intensive educational program. The WLC is designed to allow students to discover their own personal leadership potential while becoming responsible and responsive global citizens. For more information, visit http://www.hoby.org/world-leadership-congress. Attend the Advanced Leadership Academy (ALA) Your Junior or Senior Year The Advanced Leadership Academy is the next level of leadership development. The universitystyle curriculum is designed for high school juniors and seniors, HOBY Alumni and non-Alumni, to advance their skills and implement a service project. Participants (known as Project Managers) learn what it takes to become an agent of change in their community. For more information, contact Vicki Ferrence Ray at ala@hoby.org or visit http://www.hoby.org/advanced-leadershipacademy. Join in the International Tour Program Explore other countries and cultures through HOBY’s International Tour Program. Designed for high school and college students, this 8- or 9-day tour takes participants on a professional guided tour of some of the world’s most exciting and historic destinations. HOBY Alumni, siblings, and friends are invited to participate. For more information, visit http://www.hoby.org/internationaltour-programs. Start a Community Leadership Workshop (CLeW) CLeWs are one-day HOBY Leadership Workshops that are coordinated by Alumni like you! In addition to making an excellent L4S project, CLeWs provide the HOBY opportunity to high school freshmen and begin their leadership experience with HOBY. For more information about starting a CLeW, please visit http://www.hoby.org/community-leadership-workshops. PASSPORT to the FUTURE “Tomorrow is Now” As a HOBY Ambassador, I acknowledge that I CAN and WILL make a difference. I PLEDGE To continue to learn how to think for myself; To use my unique potential as a force for good in our ongoing experience and in shaping a world at peace; To be responsible for an informed opinion; To be a steward of my own destiny; To share with others a reverence for life in a spirit of love; and To complete 100 hours of community service. Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________ HOBY’s Leadership for Service HOBY challenges all Ambassadors to complete a minimum of 100 hours of community service! HOBY’s Leadership for Service (L4S) Program recognizes and awards Alumni who complete our challenge. You have one year from the completion of your CLeW, Leadership Seminar, World Leadership Congress (WLC), or Advanced Leadership Academy (ALA) to perform and log your volunteer service hours on HOBY’s L4S website. For your efforts, you will receive a certificate of recognition from HOBY, The President’s Volunteer Service Award, and more. Visit www.hoby.org/leadership-for-service for more information. Log and track your volunteer hours right on our website! Following your HOBY Program, you will receive an email containing your L4S username and password. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead 1. Visit https://reg.hoby.org/HOBYL4S 2. Enter your L4S username and password, then log in. 3. Click the “Personal Information” tab and complete all the information, including a security question and answer. 4. Change your password by clicking the “Change” link next to the stars representing your current password. 5. Write down your username and new password so you don’t forget. 6. Click the “Projects” tab to begin logging your service hours! For questions regarding Leadership for Service, visit www.hoby.org/alumni-faqs or email L4S@hoby.org REGISTER TODAY! BECOME A CHANGE LEADER IN YOUR COMMUNITY +2%<·V$GYDQFHG /HDGHUVKLS$FDGHP\ $/$ LV GHVLJQHG IRU KLJK VFKRRO MXQLRUV DQG VHQLRUV ZKR ZDQW WR activate and lead changeLQWKHLUFRPPXQLWLHV3DUWLFLSDQWVDUHLPPHUVHGLQcollege-level curriculaWKDWLQYLWHV VWXGHQWVWRHQKDQFHWKHLUVHOINQRZOHGJHDQGOHDGHUVKLSGHYHORSPHQWZKLOHIDFLOLWDWLQJSRVLWLYHVRFLDOFKDQJH $IWHU SDUWLFLSDQWV VSHQG WLPH GLVFXVVLQJ DQG OHDUQLQJ DERXW WKH UROH RI OHDGHUV LQ WUDQVIRUPLQJ FRPPXQLWLHV WKH\craft a one-year project action planDURXQGDVSHFLILFVHUYLFHRUVRFLDOHQWHUSULVH7KH\return home as change makers³HTXLSSHGZLWKOHDGHUVKLSVNLOOVSURMHFWPDQDJHPHQWNQRZOHGJHDQGVXSSRUWIURP$/$ SURMHFWFRDFKHVDVWKH\LPSOHPHQWWKHLUSURMHFWVDQGDGYDQFHpositive changeLQWKHLUFRPPXQLWLHV JOIN US BUT DON’T JUST TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT… NOVEMBER 6 - 11, 2014 ASHEVILLE, NC RIDGECREST CONFERENCE CENTER (1 Ridgecrest Dr. Black Mountain, NC 28711) Nearby Airports: CLT (Charlotte) and AVL (Asheville) Memories for a lifetime! #hobyala @mallorykeough Change doesn’t have to affect everyone; if you can positively influence one person, you succeeded. #activ8change #HOBYALA @bstacc72 TO REGISTER VISIT WWW.HOBY.ORG/ADVANCEDLEADERSHIP-ACADEMY Registration closes October 15, 2014 #ACTIV8CHANGE | #HOBYALA FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT Vicki Ferrence Ray 818-851-3980 x306 ALA@hoby.org Connect with us HOBY @HOBY HOBY HOBY HOBY doesn’t tell you how to be a leader, it provides you with the tools necessary to be a successful one! #HOBYALA | #activ8change @Hogue_Luke www.hoby.org | blog.hoby.org #HOBYALA #activ8change action plan displayed to remind me everyday, that I WILL make a difference. @brookeswrite in partnership with SIGN UP TODAY FOR AN ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME! 2015 GLOBAL STUDENT LEADERS SUMMIT EDUCATION AS A HUMAN RIGHT :RXOGQ·W\RXOLNHWRVSHQGGD\VZLWKIHOORZ+2%<$PEDVVDGRUVIURPDURXQG WKHFRXQWU\H[SORULQJ(XURSHGLVFRYHULQJKLVWRULFORFDWLRQV\RX·YHRQO\UHDG DERXWDQGSDUWLFLSDWHLQDWZRGD\OHDGHUVKLSFRQIHUHQFHLQ'DYRV6ZLW]HUODQG" JOIN US IMMERSIVE CULTURAL TOUR & LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE June 18 - 30, 2015 #$"5!"#5&5& # TO LEARN MORE VISIT WWW.HOBY.ORG/ INTERNATIONAL-TOUR-PROGRAMS CONTACT Cheryl Brenn, Director of International Programs at brennc@hoby.org or 818-851-3980 x 309 Connect with us: HOBY @HOBY HOBY HOBY Enjoy a two day leadership conference in Davos, Switzerland, home of the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting, focusing on innovation and the future of education. Guided tours of F F F F Amsterdam Paris Geneva Davos Historic Site Visits F Anne Frank’s House F The Hague F UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) F United Nations office in Geneva Meet other amazing HOBY Ambassadors from around the country and forge lifelong friendships! www.hoby.org | blog.hoby.org HOBY Hugs aren’t just for the seminar! Scientific studies have shown that people who are regularly hugged by their close family and friends have: More upbeat moods Reduced heart rates Lower blood pressure Increased nerve activity Reduced levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) Increased levels of oxytocin (a hormone which promotes bonding) For those times you can't hug, send a HOBY Hug instead! With just a $5 donation, HOBY will send a HOBY HUG to whomever you wish. It's easy. It supports HOBY Programs. And it makes your friends and family just as happy as a real hug!* https://reg.hoby.org/donations/ I’m sorry I can’t be there to hug you. That’s OK. I feel your HOBY hug. *not scientifically proven, but pretty likely —NEW RELEASE— HUGH O’BRIAN—Or What’s Left of Him I Him t of s Lef What an or n this lively memoir of one of TV and filmdom’s most memorable actors, readers are taken on a sixty-plus-year journey that continues to this day. Hugh O’Brian’s style of self-discipline, enterprise, and tenacity, learned from his Marine Corps dad, carried him from being the youngest Marine Corps drill instructor in history to a legendary career as TV’s Wyatt Earp, versatile movie roles, Broadway and stage shows, as well as numerous guest appearances. But it was a life-changing trip to Africa to meet the famed humanitarian Dr. Albert Schweitzer that set O’Brian on a new path—the founding of the Hugh O’Brian Youth (HOBY) organization to develop young leaders, which now boasts over 425,000 alumni and growing. The book includes over 100 photos, plus Forewords by two special friends—Debbie Reynolds and Hugh Hefner. K BOO RS ISHE PUBL ORK NETW Order your copy today! Yes! I’d love a book! Check Options: THard cover $21.95 TSoft cover $17.95 (Add $6 for shipping & handling, CA state residents please add 9% sales tax—Will ship in 4 weeks) Name__________________________________________ Total (incl. $6 S&H + 9% CA sales tax if applicable) $_______ Address_________________________________________ Payment Options: City, State, Zip___________________________________ Make check payable to Hugh O’Brian and send to: 2934 1/2 Beverly Glen Circle #177, Bel Air, CA 90077 Phone number____________________________________ Email___________________________________________ T Check T PayPal If you want to use PayPal, please go to hughobrian.me and fill out the order form. Media Contact: 1DPH (PDLODGGUHVVSKRQHQXPEHU AREA HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORE ATTENDS HUGH O’BRIAN YOUTH LEADERSHIP SEMINAR +2%<6WDWH/HDGHUVKLS6HPLQDUVSURYLGH\RXWKZLWKXQLTXHOHDGHUVKLSWUDLQLQJWRHTXLSWKHPZLWKWKHWRROV WKH\QHHGWRPDNHDSRVLWLYHFKDQJHLQWKHLUKRPHVFKRRODQGFRPPXQLW\ &,7<6WDWH'DWH±6WXGHQWQDPHDUHVLGHQWRI&LW\6WDWHUHFHQWO\DWWHQGHGWKH+XJK2¶%ULDQ<RXWK /HDGHUVKLS6HPLQDUKHOGDW6HPLQDU6LWH/RFDWLRQLQ&LW\6WDWH/DVW1DPHMRLQHGPRUHWKDQRI DWWHQGHHVRWKHU\RXQJKLJKVFKRROOHDGHUVIURPWKHUHJLRQ5HSUHVHQWLQJ+LJK6FKRRO1DPH)LUVW1DPHLV WKHVRQGDXJKWHURI3DUHQWV¶1DPHV (DFKVSULQJVHOHFWDUHDVRSKRPRUHVIURPSXEOLFDQGSULYDWHKLJKVFKRROVFRQYHQHDWRQHRIWKH6WDWH /HDGHUVKLS6HPLQDUVDFURVVWKHFRXQWU\WRUHFRJQL]HWKHLUOHDGHUVKLSWDOHQWVDQGDSSO\WKHPWREHFRPLQJ HIIHFWLYHDQGHWKLFDOOHDGHUV6WXGHQWSDUWLFLSDQWVNQRZQDV+2%<$PEDVVDGRUVWDNHSDUWLQKDQGVRQ DFWLYLWLHVPHHWOHDGHUVLQWKHLUVWDWHDQGH[SORUHWKHLURZQSHUVRQDOOHDGHUVKLSVNLOOVZKLOHOHDUQLQJKRZWROHDG RWKHUVDQGPDNHDSRVLWLYHLPSDFWLQWKHLUFRPPXQLW\ $WWKHHQGRIWKHLUVHPLQDUV+2%<$PEDVVDGRUVDUHFKDOOHQJHGWRJLYHEDFNE\VHUYLQJDWOHDVWYROXQWHHU KRXUVLQWKHLUFRPPXQLWLHV6WXGHQWVZKRFRPSOHWHWKH/HDGHUVKLSIRU6HUYLFH/6&KDOOHQJHZLWKLQ PRQWKVRIWKHLUVHPLQDUDUHHOLJLEOHIRUWKH+2%</6&KDOOHQJH$ZDUGDQGWKH3UHVLGHQW¶V9ROXQWHHU6HUYLFH $ZDUG$OXPQLZKRORJKRXUVRIVHUYLFHUHFHLYHWKH3UHVLGHQW¶V&DOOWR6HUYLFH$ZDUGIURP+2%<7R GDWH+2%<$PEDVVDGRUVKDYHSHUIRUPHGRYHUPLOOLRQKRXUVRIYROXQWHHUVHUYLFHLQWKHLUFRPPXQLWLHV )ROORZLQJDPRWLYDWLRQDOPHHWLQJZLWK'U$OEHUW6FKZHLW]HUGXULQJDWULSWR$IULFDLQ$FWRU+XJK 2¶%ULDQZDVLQVSLUHGWRHVWDEOLVK+XJK2¶%ULDQ<RXWK/HDGHUVKLS³2QHRIWKHWKLQJV'U6FKZHLW]HUVDLGWR PHZDVWKDWWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWWKLQJLQHGXFDWLRQZDVWRWHDFK\RXQJSHRSOHWRWKLQNIRUWKHPVHOYHV´2¶%ULDQ VDLG³)URPWKDWLQVSLUDWLRQDQGZLWKWKHVXSSRUWRIRWKHUVZKREHOLHYHLQ\RXWKDQGWKH$PHULFDQGUHDP, VWDUWHG+2%<WRVHHNRXWUHFRJQL]HDQGGHYHORSRXWVWDQGLQJOHDGHUVKLSSRWHQWLDODPRQJRXUQDWLRQ¶V\RXWK´ )RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQDERXW+2%<SURJUDPVDQGVSRQVRUVKLSRSSRUWXQLWLHVFRQWDFW+2%<&RQWDFW1DPH DQG,QIR )RU\HDUVHugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY)KDVKHOSHGWRFXOWLYDWHOHDGHUVE\LQVSLULQJDJOREDO FRPPXQLW\RI\RXWKDQGYROXQWHHUVWRDOLIHGHGLFDWHGWROHDGHUVKLSVHUYLFHDQGLQQRYDWLRQ+2%<SURJUDPV DQQXDOO\SURYLGHPRUHWKDQORFDODQGLQWHUQDWLRQDOKLJKVFKRROVWXGHQWVWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRSDUWLFLSDWHLQ XQLTXHOHDGHUVKLSWUDLQLQJVHUYLFHOHDUQLQJDQGPRWLYDWLRQEXLOGLQJH[SHULHQFHV+2%<DOVRSURYLGHVDGXOWV WKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRPDNHDVLJQLILFDQWLPSDFWRQWKHOLYHVRI\RXWKE\YROXQWHHULQJDQGWRGD\PRUHWKDQ YROXQWHHUVDQQXDOO\DQGRYHUDOXPQLSURXGO\PDNHXSWKH+2%<IDPLO\)RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQRQ +2%<YLVLWZZZKRE\RUJ³/LNH´+XJK2¶%ULDQ<RXWK/HDGHUVKLSRQ)DFHERRNDW KWWSVZZZIDFHERRNFRP+2%<DQGIROORZWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQRQ7ZLWWHUYLD#+2%< +2%<7KH)LUVW)LIW\<HDUV A book to commemorate the first fifty years of HOBY 3ULFH $50.00 each (includes shipping costs) Quantity ____ x 50.00 = $_______ ([SHFWHG6KLS'DWH 2-3 weeks after receipt of order form, unless rush is indicated (for an additional cost) 3D\PHQW0HWKRG Check (Make payable to “HOBY”) Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover only): Name on Card Credit Card Number Billing Address Exp. Date _____________ / CVC Number City, State, and Zip Email Daytime Phone &9&LVWKHWKUHHRUIRXUGLJLWVHFXULW\FRGHORFDWHGRQWKHEDFNRIWKHFDUG ,DJUHHWRSD\WKHWRWDODPRXQWDFFRUGLQJWRWKHFDUG LVVXHU Total to be charged: $ Cardholder Signature: 6XEPLW2UGHUVDQG3D\PHQWVWR HOBY 31255 Cedar Valley Drive, Suite 327 Westlake Village, CA 91362 Attn: Book Orders 6KLSSLQJ,QIRUPDWLRQ Same as billing name and address Fax: 818-851-3999 Email: hoby@hoby.org See below: Name Address City, State, and Zip Email Daytime Phone HOBY PRESENTS THE ✔ RAISES SAT AND ACT TEST SCORES AND 8 PROV EN COLLEG E SUCC ESS PRODU CTS ON A SINGLE DVD RO M ONLY $ 24.00 SAVES THOUSANDS IN COLLEGE COSTS ✔ FINANCIAL AID, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS, ATHLETIC PROGRAMS, WORK STUDY... EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO GET INTO, PAY FOR, AND SUCCEED IN THE COLLEGE OF YOUR CHOICE Look out for the total college success program during your seminar weekend or find us online at WWW.HOBY.ORG Designed for PC and MAC The Successful Student Guide to the SAT-ACT eBooks Peer-to-Peer eBooks with embedded videos featuring practice questions and diagnostic tests for SAT and ACT. The ONLY study guide in the nation featuring proven successful students, showing you how to get it right. Cutting Edge! The Complete Guide to College Financing & Admissions This award-winning and proven effective interactive program takes the guesswork out of the college process (with a special emphasis on Scholarships); taking you by the hand and providing critical information, as well as hundreds of researched web links enabling you to focus on getting into and paying for the college of your choice. Don’t make any college-related decisions until you use this program! Will Save You Thousands of Dollars! Understanding Athletic Recruiting This dynamic book will open your eyes and help you navigate the daunting world of college athletics. If you think you have what it takes to be a college athlete (in any sport) you must read this book! College Options Foundation’s Student Planning Guide A detailed, month-by-month planning guide for all college-bound high school students. Takes Out The Guesswork! My College Options® This proprietary internet-based destination was created exclusively for students to explore, with their parents, counselors or teachers, or on their own, the full range of opportunities after high school – special emphasis on the college search process. Zero Hour Threat I and II Interactive and award-winning action games which combine unimaginable adrenaline-pumping excitement with skill building for math and vocabulary, all designed to help get you the SAT or ACT score you want. You won’t believe what you’ll absorb… while saving the planet. Proven Successful! Register today for... Hugh O'Brian with HOBY Ambassadors at the Congressional Award Gold Dinner in Washington, D.C. MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION For more information check out: The Congressional Award’s website Registration is simple! 1. Complete the Online Registration Form 2. Print and sign the wavier 3. Send wavier and a check for $15 made out to The Congressional Award to The Congressional Award P.O. Box 77440 Washington, D.C. 20013 Also, check out our program book for more details! HOBY Ambassadors attend the Congressional Award Gold Ceremony to receive their medals. Economics for Leaders Outstanding Opportunity For HOBY Alumni! (College credit available) Economics for Leaders (EFL) is a week-long, residential program for high school juniors held on university campuses nationwide. EFL combines leadership and economic instruction. Classes are taught by nationally recognized economics professors and leadership instructors selected for their expertise and teaching effectiveness. EFL builds valuable leadership skills and helps students develop long-lasting connections, and according to many EFL alumni is, “one of the best experiences of their lives.” Program Goals: : Develop leadership skills that will prepare you for the 21st century economy : Acquire an appreciation of how economic reasoning is integral to decision-making : Learn about the concepts affecting our global economy : Develop friendships, have fun, and become a more effective leader Eligibility: If you are currently a junior in high school, you can attend an Economics for Leaders program. Highly qualified sophomores will be considered. Expenses: Most lodging, meals, and materials are covered by the Foundation for Teaching Economics. There is a site-specific program fee, ranging from $600 – $1,400. Admissions: Admission to EFL is competitive, with admission decisions based on leadership potential, maturity, and vision. Check www.fte.org/student-programs/economics-for-leaders-program/ for openings near you. Contact: Joyce Gordon 530.757.4637 jgordon@fte.org www.fte.org Online applications available www.fte.org/student-programs/economics-for-leaders-program/ Visit us at www.fte.org Get inspired: Host or attend an Oxfam America Hunger Banquet® event “” Everyone on earth has the same basic needs; it is only our circumstances— where we live and the culture into which we are born—that differ. Some are born into relative prosperity and security, while millions, through no choice of their own, are born into poverty. —From the Oxfam America Hunger Banquet® event script What’s it all about? How do I get started? One in seven people goes hungry. But hunger is not about too many people and too little food. Our rich and bountiful planet produces enough food to feed every woman, man, and child on earth. Hunger is about power. Its roots lie in inequalities in access to resources. The results are illiteracy, poverty, war, and the inability of families to grow or buy food. Go to oxfamamerica.org/hungerbanquet to download a free toolkit with step-by-step instructions on how to organize your own Oxfam America Hunger Banquet event, as well as plenty of other tools to help you get the word out. You’ll also hear from other supporters and find out who’s hosting an Oxfam America Hunger Banquet in your community. Few experiences bring to life these inequalities more powerfully than an Oxfam America Hunger Banquet event. Unique and memorable, the Oxfam America Hunger Banquet allows organizers and participants alike to experience firsthand how our decisions affect others in the world. Oxfam America Here’s how it works: Guests draw tickets at random that assign them to a high-, middle-, or low-income tier, based on the latest statistics about the number of people living in poverty. Each income level receives a corresponding meal—filling and nutritious or sparse and simple. When the meal is done, guests are invited to share their thoughts and take action. After an Oxfam America Hunger Banquet event, few participants leave with full stomachs, but all possess a greater understanding of hunger and poverty—and are motivated to do something to help We’re an international relief and development organization that creates lasting solutions to poverty, hunger, and injustice. We are part of Oxfam, a confederation of 15 Oxfams working in more than 90 countries. Together with individuals and local groups in these countries, we save lives, help people overcome poverty, and fight for social justice. Learn more about us at oxfamamerica.org. “” The students found immense value in the experience, and for many it was a life-changing event. —Kristal A. Gerdes, professor and Oxfam America Hunger Banquet® event organizer, Menomonie, Wisconsin Working together to end poverty and injustice Oxfam America | 226 Causeway Street, 5th Floor | Boston, MA 02114-2206 | (800) 77-OXFAM | oxfamamerica.org/actfast Photo: James Rodriguez / Oxfam America © 2011 Oxfam America, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Oxfam America and Hunger Banquet are registered trademarks of Oxfam America, Inc., and the Oxfam logo is a registered trademark of Stichting Oxfam International. None of the trademarks may be used without permission of the owner. Printed on 100 percent postconsumer recycled paper. 1106057
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