THE FUTURE IS YOURS! Hugh O`Brian Youth Leadership Futures Kit


THE FUTURE IS YOURS! Hugh O`Brian Youth Leadership Futures Kit
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership
Futures Kit
Spring 2007
Dear HOBY Ambassador:
After you have returned home and have had at least three good nights’ sleep, please read this. Smile!
I hope that your HOBY seminar experience has motivated you to become even more active in your
school and community. You have demonstrated an ability to influence others and to lead; this was
evident by your selection to attend your HOBY Leadership Seminar. Most important, I think you
have learned a lot about yourself and how “special” you are now and how truly “outstanding” you can
be in the future.
Please read the material included in this Futures Kit. There are a number of opportunities to get
involved over the next year. Ways to get involved include presenting a one day ‘HOBY Community
Leadership Workshop (CLeW)’ for your classmates, getting involved with your local HOBY Alumni
chapter, and becoming involved with HOBY programs in your area. This time it’s up to you to make
it happen. As a reminder to yourself and your commitment to your community, sign the enclosed
“Passport to the Future.”
Please share this and your HOBY experience with your ‘special’ loving parents or guardians. You
wouldn’t be ‘special’ if they weren’t. Also share this and your HOBY experience with your school
principal and guidance counselor, and ask to be part of your school’s HOBY selection team next fall.
Nobody knows better then you what the HOBY experience is all about and what we are looking for!!
We are counting on you to pass the torch of spirit and make sure your school selects an Ambassador
for next year’s seminar.
Please always remember you are “special.” THINK “special,” my young friend, and you will always be
“special!” No matter what you decide to do in life, I am interested in YOU making a difference, and I
truly believe you will make a difference. The future is yours and I’m very proud to have touched your
life along the way.
HOBY hugs!
Founder & Chair of the Executive Committee
P. S. Please consider writing me a short letter on your birthday each year. My one reward is knowing
where you are in life and the outstanding things you will be doing – please take the time to do this!
Your letter will mean the “world” to me, and I WILL write you back!!
Life with HOBY….
Your HOBY seminar was an “OUTSTANDING” experience! Your Life with
HOBY is just beginning though. Here are a few ways you can further your
leadership skills and stay involved on a local, national and international
Join your local HOBY Alumni Chapter
HOBY Alumni Chapters are comprised of HOBY Alumni that promote
continued educational and leadership opportunities through
personal/professional development and hands-on, leadership skill-building
activities. To get involved with an Alumni Chapter in your area, see a
committee member at your seminar or visit the Alumni section of HOBY’s
Web site at
Pass the Torch of Spirit
This past year, someone at your high school took the time to go through
the process of selecting you and registering you for HOBY. Now, it is your
responsibility to make sure that your school puts forth the same effort next
year to register a deserving sophomore. HOBY Registration packets will be
mailed to your school next September, continue checking in with your
school HOBY Contact Person to make sure that they received it and offer
your assistance with the student selection process. HOBY challenges you
to Pass the Torch of Spirit to the next generation of HOBY.
Start a Community Leadership Workshop (CLeW)
CLeWs are one-day HOBY leadership workshops that are coordinated by
Alumni like you. In addition to making an excellent L4S project, a CLeW
gives the HOBY opportunity to freshmen in High School to begin their
leadership experience with HOBY. If you need more information on how
to get started, please see HOBY’s Web site at
Attend the World Leadership Congress (WLC)
All HOBY Alumni are eligible to attend the World Leadership Congress
(WLC), HOBY’s “Super Bowl” of seminars, scheduled for July 19-27, 2007 at
The George Washington University in Washington DC. For program
curriculum, fees and reservation information, please see the WLC section
of HOBY’s Website at
“Tomorrow is Now”
As a HOBY Ambassador, I acknowledge
that I CAN and WILL make a difference and,
To continue to learn how to think for myself;
To use my unique potential as a force for good in our
ongoing experience and in shaping a world at peace;
To be responsible for an informed opinion;
To be a steward of my own destiny to share with others
a reverence for life in a spirit of love; and
To complete 100 hours of community service.
Name: ________________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________
Post Seminar Press Release
Announcing HOBY Ambassador Attendance
Contact Name and Position
Phone Number, FAX Number, E-mail Address
_____________________________ recently attended the ____________________________ Hugh
(Ambassador Name)
O’Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Seminar held ______________ at __________________________.
_____________________________ joined more than _________ other young leaders representing as many
(Ambassador Name)
(# of Students)
high schools from throughout ________________________.
HOBY Leadership Seminars bring together a select group of high school sophomores to interact
with groups of distinguished leaders in business, government, education and the professions to discuss
present and future issues. The goal is to provide the youths a stimulating forum for learning about the free
market and democratic process while broadening their understanding of their leadership potential and quest
for self-development. HOBY leaders are also challenged to return to their communities to perform at least
100 hours of community service within 12 months following the Seminar.
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership was established in 1958 by the popular actor Hugh O’Brian
following a visit to Africa where he was inspired by a meeting with Dr. Albert Schweitzer. “One of the
things Schweitzer said to me was that the most important thing in education was to teach young people to
think for themselves,” O’Brian said. “From that inspiration, and with the support of others who believe in
youth and the American dream, I started HOBY to seek out, recognize, and develop outstanding leadership
potential among our nation’s youth.”
Further information about HOBY seminars, activities and sponsorship opportunities in
_________________________ is available by calling __________________________________________.
(Contact Name and Number)
Leadership for Service 2007
HOBY challenges all
Ambassadors to complete
a minimum of 100 hours
of community service!
To help young people, like yourself, realize
the personal and social benefits of volunteerism and service, HOBY’s Leadership for
Service Program rewards and recognizes
ambassadors who complete a minimum of
100 hours of community service within one
year of the completion of their seminar.
Why volunteer?
Volunteering can be a fun and life-changing experience— much like the HOBY
seminar! Share your HOBY spirit with those around you, and serve your community in the leadership role of volunteerism.
Need Ideas for “Community Service”?
Your community service project can be almost any altruistic service in which you donate your time and energy to improve your
community and the lives of others. Be creative in finding volunteer activities that are fun and enjoyable, but also enhance the
quality of life for those around you. The range of possible community service activities is virtually limitless and can include:
• Coordinating a Community Leadership Workshops
• Tutoring elementary school students
• Reading stories to seniors in retirement communities
• Volunteering at various service organizations
• Coordinating fundraisers for local charities
• Going to /L4S/volunteerism for resources and information on volunteering needs near you.
“The best way to
find yourself is to loose
yourself in the
service of others.”
“How wonderful
that no one need wait
a single
moment to
improve the world.”
Anne Frank
You can log and track your volunteer hours
right on our website!
Visit HOBY’s website at
In the left hand column, click on Alumni Area, Leadership
for Service, then Log-in Page (Or visit
Click on the link to establish a user name and password for
yourself, then you’re in!
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Example is not the main
thing in influencing others.
It is the only thing.
Albert Schweitzer
HOBY Alumni with Hugh at the 2006
Leadership Awards Dinner in New York City.
Don’t miss an unforgettable experience! Join HOBY as we celebrate great leaders at the
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New York City
November 2007
Los Angeles
May 2008
Who better than our alumni to show the strong spirit of HOBY? We are counting on you!
Your attendance at our prestigious awards
dinners is vital—who better than our
impressive alumni to send a clear message
that HOBY is a meaningful investment
in today’s young leaders!
Enjoy an inspirational evening to visit with
old friends, meet our most recent HOBY
Ambassadors, and share your meaningful
HOBY stories with our honorees and
generous supporters. By attending this
event you can perpetuate the HOBY legacy
by making sure your voice is heard by
key leaders in the world today.
Jennifer Holliday, the original
"Dreamgirl" from Broadway gives
an impressive performance.
Alumna Saskia Blaha addressing
dinner guests about how HOBY
has changed her life.
Take advantage of our special discounted
offer to alumni, volunteers and their guests,
by reserving your tickets today.
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Visit today for all
of your official HOBY gear!
Are you ready to spread the HOBY
Spirit through a CLeW?
Plan your own one-day Community Leadership Workshop (CLeW) with
the help of HOBY alumni and volunteers. Apply to the Inspirational
Magnets Grant Program, which provides assistance in funding your
The Inspirational Magnets Book Project and grant program, seeks to encourage HOBY alumni
like you, to stay involved with HOBY. Inspirational Magnets hope more HOBY alumni will take
on the challenge of planning a CLeW with financial assistance from this program.
This is your chance to help motivate tomorrow’s leaders
Applications for Inspirational Magnets Grants are available at Direct
questions or comments to Matt Craig at
Congress ‘07
Space is Limited!
You can register
until June 19,
2007, or until the
program reaches
capacity, whichever
is sooner.
For more info go to or
contact Noora Elkoussy, Director of
International Programs at 310-4744370 ext. 311 or elkoussyn@hoby.
Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership
10880 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 410
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Ready for Another
Exciting HOBY
You had a blast at your local leadership seminar; you
made new friends, you learned how to be a part of a team,
you learned that there are actually special skills everyone
needs to lead—you learned more than you thought. Now
it’s time to move on to the next level—HOBY’s World Leadership Congress (WLC). Join
400 students from all over the
world in HOBY’s signature international program. Take part
in panel discussions and workshops, learn from renown leaders, make friends from all over
the world who also want to
make a difference, and develop your leadership skills further while exploring Washington DC.
WHO: 400 US and international 10th Grade
WHAT: 2007 World Leadership Congress
WHEN: July 19 -27, 2007
WHERE: George Washington University,
Washington, D.C.
“The program changed my life.
I can accept now who I am and
what I stand for. I can also
know, now, that there are people out there like me...people
who really want to change their
world. I cannot express what
this does to my outlook on life.
Even my friends at home have
said that I’ve changed since
WLC for the better.” —WLC ‘06
The goal of the 5 Promises Ambassadors Network is to engage hundreds of young people across the
country in service and leadership around the Five Promises. This network includes young people
between the ages of 12 and 25. Ambassadors are invited to participate in monthly web chats and
conference calls to develop their leadership skills and discuss issues and topics relevant to fulfilling the
Five Promises. In addition, each ambassador is given access to our interactive website where they are
able to create their own profile, track and develop leadership projects, learn about other ambassadors, and
download useful leadership and project planning resources.
Pledge leadership and service around the Five
Create a personal profile and provide a
monthly update via our interactive website;
Participate in monthly conference calls or
web chats;
Organize a service project to take place on
National Youth Service Day, April 20-22,
2007 focused on one or more of the Five
Complete one of 15 optional activities within
school year term and submit a follow-up
report with outcome information.
Access to network of peer leaders;
Training and skill development;
Customized press releases sent to local
Welcome letter sent to parents and members
of Congress;
Monthly newsletter that includes tips,
resources and a column to highlight Network
Opportunity to earn the President's Volunteer
Service Award.
“Never doubt that
a small group of
lthoughtful, committed citizens
can change the world.
dIndeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
It’s simple- send your name, address, phone number and email
address to:
Please email questions to
Explore Your
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Studying abroad with Intrax, you will have a
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Call Intrax Study Abroad to apply
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The Congressional Award
Earn The Congressional Award!
Fast Facts on America’s Award for Youth
• What is The Congressional Award?
The Congressional Award is a public private partnership created by Congress to promote and recognize
achievement, initiative and service in America’s youth, ages 14 to 23. The Congressional Award provides a
unique opportunity for young people to set and achieve personally challenging goals that build character and
foster community service, personal development and citizenship. To earn a Congressional Award, participants
set and achieve individual goals in four program areas:
voluntary public service
physical fitness
personal development
All young people are equally able to earn The Congressional Award, because goals are set based on individual
interest, need and ability. A young person is not selected to receive The Congressional Award; he or she earns it.
How are adults involved in the program?
Adult volunteers play a very important role in The Congressional Award program. Adults advise participants on
an individual basis, helping them set challenging but achievable goals. Adults also validate participants’
activities in the four program areas.
How are the awards presented?
Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate recognize their constituents who earn Bronze
and Silver Congressional Award Medals at local, citywide or statewide ceremonies. The Gold Congressional
Award ceremony is held annually in the U.S. Capitol and is presided over by the leadership of the House and
Senate. An unlimited number of Congressional Awards may be earned throughout the country.
How does the program operate locally?
The National Office of the Congressional Award Foundation works with Congressional delegations, schools and
communities to increase and promote participation in the program. In some areas of the country, Congressional
Award Councils promote and administer the program at the local level, with assistance from the National Office.
How is the program funded?
Created by Public Law 96-114, the Congressional Award Act, The Congressional Award receives no federal
funding. It is fully funded by charitable contributions. Congress does assist the program by authorizing the U.S.
Mint to strike the medals presented to the recipients. In addition, in-kind support is provided through the use of
two rooms in the Ford House Office Building for the National Office. The Congressional Award covers the cost
of all its equipment, postage and supplies, and remits the cost of phone service to the U.S. Treasury.
For more information or to register on line, visit our web site at
Economics for Leaders
This prestigious leadership program teaches skills needed by tomorrow’s leaders in
an intense week of activities, discussions, simulations, and lectures. You will
participate in interactive simulations and exercises that demonstrate the
fundamentals of leadership in diverse situations. College professors will teach you
the economic reasoning skills needed to analyze national and international issues. In
addition to outstanding learning opportunities, you will have one of the most enjoyable
weeks of your summer.
“ I filled out the FTE application the same day I got it.
If it was associated with HOBY, I knew it had to be
good. Well, it was beyond good. It was FANTASTIC!!
Never before has anything made such a tremendous
impact on me.”
Andrea Luecking
Decatur, Illinois
EFL features the following benefits to students:
y Free room and board
y Free curriculum with activities, simulations,
and lecture outlines
y Choice of numerous sites throughout the U.S.
y Training from nationally recognized instructors
y 30 students accepted per program
For more information, visit us online at
What’s it all about?
Junior Optimist Octagon
International (JOOI –
pronounced “joy”) is the
umbrella organization for
Alpha, Junior and Octagon
Clubs. It is composed of
more than 18,000 members in
over 650 Clubs throughout the United
States, Canada, the Caribbean and France.
Alpha Clubs are for children ages 6 to 9
years of age. These Clubs focus on learning
about volunteerism and teamwork. Alpha
Clubs do not elect officers.
Junior Clubs are for youth ages 10 to 13. These
members elect officers and plan their projects. This
particular age group focuses on learning leadership
skills and serving the needs of others. This group
also does more social events with other Club
Octagon Clubs are for youth ages
14 to 18. These Clubs hone
their leadership skills, identify
needs in their local
community, and plan
projects and fundraisers to
address those needs. This
group works hard and plays
hard in various social activities.
Most JOOI Clubs are built in schools but do not
have to be. There are many community-based JOOI
Clubs and some JOOI Clubs partner with other
organizations such as Boys and Girls Clubs to form a
JOOI Club.
An Optimist Club should sponsor JOOI Clubs but
it is not a requirement. The JOOI members benefit
from being mentored by Adult Club members and it
is one of the best ways to have a direct influence in
“Bringing Out the Best in Kids.”
In areas where sponsorship by an Optimist Club is
not available, JOOI Clubs can be built after receiving
permission from the District Governor. These Clubs
fall under the administration of the District and are
usually built in a school.
The cost for a JOOI Club breaks
down like this. There is a one-time
$50 fee for Enrollment. JOOI
Clubs bill annually. Each year
there is a Club Registration fee of
$60 US per Club and
membership dues are $8 US per
year for the first 50 members. Any
Members over 50 are not required to
pay membership dues. The maximum any
JOOI Club pays per year is $400 US.
For more information about JOOI Clubs contact:
Ellen Groves, JOOI Director
4494 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108
10:57 AM
Page 1
Since 1968, Presidential Classroom has offered a wide range
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Come to Washington, DC to attend Presidential Classroom.
There are 15 programs to choose from throughout the
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1.800.441.6533 or visit
Are you looking for help with your youth service, youth leadership, or service-learning
program? Are you a young person trying to find youth volunteer opportunities? Are you a
school or an agency wondering how you can create volunteer opportunities for youth?
Your local Volunteer Centers may be able to help! A Volunteer Center is a communitybased organization that mobilizes people and resources to deliver creative solutions to
community problems. Below are examples of how your local Volunteer Center might help
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Centers often maintain a bank of volunteer opportunities in your community. They match skills and interests with
an agency or project that needs volunteers or can simply refer you to an agency who is looking for volunteers. Because of
their unique status Volunteer Centers also have knowledge about the needs or issues facing the community, so you can take
on the challenge of creating your own project to help solve them.
Community Resources
Volunteer Centers can connect you with the larger field of community service. They know of other area non-profit
organizations that might be able to assist you in gathering information on specific causes such as rainforest destruction, heart
disease, AIDS, etc. Many have partnerships or programs with schools that actually provide young people with volunteer
opportunities. Volunteer Centers might also give you names of businesses and organizations that want to collaborate with
volunteers or know of businesses that have employee volunteer programs with which you can work in partnership. Many also
keep video and publication libraries on information like youth service, service-learning and youth leadership.
Building Capacity
Many Volunteer Centers facilitate training and technical assistance opportunities for organizations around key issues in
volunteer management, including youth service, service learning and youth leadership. Many Volunteer Centers also act as
facilitators for networking groups (brown bag lunches on youth service, youth service regional networks) which can help you
make connections and get the information you need to get young people involved in service.
Volunteer Centers believe in recognizing volunteers for their hard work. Many sponsor local recognition programs or have
information about state and national recognition programs. They can also assist you with ideas and opportunities to recognize
youth volunteers.
To find out where your local volunteer Center is call
1-800-VOLUNTEER or visit
The Points of Light Foundation • 1400 Eye Street, NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
phone: 202-729-8000 • fax: 202-729-8100
e-mail: • Visit our Website at
Build long lasting friendships while leaving lasting impressions with
the people who need you most in your community. Get involved
with the American Red Cross Youth and Young Adult Programs and
Services, and find out how you can help!
With the Red Cross, HOBY Ambassadors can become a valued part
of Red Cross teams assisting their communities with training that
may include first aid, CPR/AED, babysitting, Aquatics---lifeguarding, swimming and water safety programs, and preparing for a
disaster. You will also learn about the fundamental principles of the
Red Cross and international humanitarian law.
Leadership opportunities abound, including participation in
leadership camps, holding a position on your local chapter’s board or
blood region’s board, helping during times of disaster, organizing
blood drives, implementing or assisting with community service
projects, becoming involved with local Red Cross mentoring
programs, or becoming a champion for international disaster relief,
when needed.
Volunteers have always been at the heart of the American Red
Cross. In fact, for every one Red Cross employee, there are 37
volunteers! Your Red Cross provides you with the opportunity to
learn new skills and reach out to your community and across the
As a Red Cross volunteer, you can organize other teens and young
adults in your community by forming a Red Cross club to support
national and international Red Cross programs, become part of the
Red Cross disaster response team at your chapter, or become
involved with other service learning projects. Whatever you decide
to do, there is something meaningful for you!
To become involved or to learn more contact your local chapter of
the American Red Cross, or visit
JANUARY 8, 2008
PROGRAM: Any 2008 summer departure program; summer, academic semester or academic year
ELIGIBILITY: Scholarship covers $3000.00 of the program tuition. (Tuition information can be found on the YFU
USA website at Students must be an alumnus/alumna of a HOBY Leadership program. Students must
hold a 2.0 or higher grade point average on a 4.0 scale for summer programs, and a 3.0 or higher for semester and year
programs. Applicant must be a US citizen. Previous YFU scholarship students are not eligible.
Applicant's birthday must fall between 9/1/89 and 6/15/93 for the summer programs, and 4/1/90 and 7/15/93 for the
semester and year programs.
APPLICATION FEE: $35.00 Non-refundable fee, payable to YFU
• Application fee of $35 (non-refundable)
• 1 American Overseas Application
Round-trip international travel
Round-trip domestic travel
Placement with a carefully selected host family
Regional orientation for scholarship recipients and parents
Preparatory materials
Support services in host country
• Balance of the program tuition after the $3000 scholarship has been credited due two weeks after notification
• Passport
• Visa fees (if necessary)
• Any excess luggage tariffs
• Required overseas medical insurance (many insurance policies will cover students while traveling abroad)
• Personal spending money
• Upon returning home, scholarship winners are expected to complete at least one presentation in their school or
community to share their experiences, teach others about the culture in their host country, and encourage other
students to participate in foreign exchange.
Financial need may be evaluated when awarding this scholarship. Please check the appropriate box on the Payment page
of the American Overseas application if you would like your financial situation to be considered as a factor when
selecting the recipients of this scholarship.
All applicants will be notified by mail of their status in April.
For more information regarding YFU and the scholarship selection process call 1-800TEENAGE or visit us at
*Scholarship Programs are subject to change or cancellation without prior notice*