online guide: june 2006
online guide: june 2006
ONLINE GUIDE: JUNE 2006 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 29 MONDAY 4:00a HBO 5:00 MAX 5:15 HBO 7:00 HBO Scooby-Doo & the Cyber Chase Vanity Fair Anacondas: The Hunt... Last Letters Home: Voices of American Troops From the Battlefields of Iraq Batman Cry Baby Empire Falls: Part 1 George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead Deep Cover Empire Falls: Part 2 Kicking & Screaming Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Next of Kin King’s Ransom Unknown Soldier: Searching for a Father The Grudge In Good Company George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead Hold Up Baghdad ER Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Kicking & Screaming Bikini Chain Gang Closer Consequence Stephen King’s Silver Bullet Mike Epps: Inappropriate Behavior Amistad Hard Hunted: Andy Sidaris Film 7:20 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:30 HBO MAX 11:05 MAX 11:30 HBO 1:00p HBO MAX 2:35 MAX 2:45 HBO 4:30 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:45 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:15 HBO 9:35 MAX 10:55 HBO 11:00 MAX 12:40a MAX 12:45 HBO 1:45 HBO 2:20 MAX 30 5:20 MAX 6:15 HBO 7:15 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:35p MAX 1:30 HBO 2:30 MAX 3:45 HBO 4:15 MAX The Movie-2000 Time After Time Joe Versus the Volcano Ricochet Days of Thunder War of the Worlds One Fine Day The Blood of Heroes Held Up Jack Spider-Man 2 The Second Arrival The Terminal Sliver CATCH UP WITH BIG LOVE See the first 11 episodes of Big Love May 30-June 2 at 8 PM/7C on HBO! 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 10:30 HBO MAX 11:45 MAX 12:15a MAX 12:40 HBO 2:10 HBO 2:35 MAX Big Love War of the Worlds Big Love The Perfect Man Carlito’s Way Countdown to Tarver-Hopkins Spider-Man 2 The Bikini Escort Company Sex Games Cancun The Hunt for Red October Live Wire Trial by Jury Les Miserables 31 WEDNESDAY 4:00a HBO Star Trek VI: 5:30 6:00 7:00 7:45 9:30 9:35 MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 11:10 MAX 11:15 HBO 1:00p HBO 2:00 2:30 4:00 4:15 5:45 6:00 6:15 7:00 8:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:35 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:05 MAX 11:10 HBO 11:40 MAX 12:45a HBO 1:10 MAX 2:35 HBO 3:10 MAX The Undiscovered Country Prehysteria Monster-In-Law Ray Father of the Bride Father of the Bride Part II George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead Continental Divide Son of the Mask Billie Jean King: Portrait of a Pioneer Shrek 2 Something the Lord Made The Wash Monster-In-Law The Chronicles of Riddick Making of Monster-In-Law Big Love White Noise Big Love Big Love George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead The Sopranos Sex Games Cancun Baghdad ER Emmanuelle in Space Everyday People TNT Jesus’ Son The Chronicles of Riddick The Temp Jeremiah Johnson 1 THURSDAY 4:15a HBO 5:00 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:45 MAX 7:30 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:15 HBO 11:00 HBO MAX 11:45 HBO 12:30p MAX 1:30 HBO 2:30 MAX 4:00 HBO MAX 5:45 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:50 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:20 MAX 12:15a HBO 1:10 MAX 2:00 HBO 3:00 MAX Lassie Because of Winn-Dixie Weekend at Bernie’s II Terms of Endearment Envy Collateral Major League II Indian Point: Imagining the Unimaginable Top Secret! Napoleon Dynamite The Upside of Anger Batman Begins If Looks Could Kill Envy Meet the Fockers HBO First Look A Prairie Home Companion Big Love Collateral Big Love Big Love Indecent Proposal Am I Good in Bed? Real Sex 31 Batman Begins Genie in a String Bikini Point of No Return Maria Full of Grace I Heart Huckabees Fearless Meet the Fockers 2 FRIDAY 4:05a HBO The Witches 5:00 MAX Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (And Don’t Come Back!) 5:45 HBO The Crucible 6:15 MAX Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 8:00 HBO Forever Young 8:40 MAX Cheech & Chong’s 9:45 HBO 10:15 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:00 MAX 1:45p MAX 2:00 HBO 3:20 MAX 3:45 HBO 4:00 HBO 5:45 MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:10 MAX 10:40 MAX 12:00 MAX 12:25a HBO 2:15 MAX 2:25 HBO Next Movie Camilla Trespass Clear and Present Danger Shadow of Doubt Taxi Blankman Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban The Making of Cinderella Man Sommersby MAX Spoken & Stirred: June 2006 Big Love Flight of the Phoenix Big Love Big Love U.S. Marshals The Sopranos Clear and Present Danger Sex Games Cancun Busty Cops 2 The Exorcist Exorcist: The Beginning Girl 6 Garden State MAX WEDNESDAY REPLAY IN GOOD COMPANY 6:00P TUESDAY 4:00a MAX Favela Rising 4:30 HBO Pokemon: MAY/JUNE 2006 BIG LOVE SM 6:00P SATURDAY 4:15 5:30 5:45 7:00 7:05 8:30 9:15 10:05 11:30 HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 11:45 HBO 1:05p MAX 1:30 HBO 3:00 MAX 3:45 HBO 5:00 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:30 MAX 8:30 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:30 HBO MAX 11:00 MAX 12:30a MAX 12:45 HBO 2:05 HBO MAX Back in Training Madhouse The Stepsister Shelter Dogs Ocean’s Twelve Garfield the Movie The Hidden II Million Dollar Baby Love & Sex HBO First Look A Prairie Home Companion Action Jackson Kicking & Screaming The Associate Batman & Robin The Hard Way Ocean’s Twelve The Wedding Date Star Wars: Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith City of Angels Countdown to Tarver-Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Smith Countdown to Taylor-Wright The Sopranos Million Dollar Baby Sex Games Cancun Sexy Movie Wayne’s World George Carlin: Life Is Worth Losing Star Wars: Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith Mr. & Mrs. Smith HBO SATURDAY NIGHT GEORGE A. ROMERO’S 8:00P LAND OF THE DEAD 3 4:05a MAX Police Academy 3: BIG LOVE SM 6:00P U.S. MARSHALS 8:00P 4 4:05a MAX 4:30 HBO 5:00 HBO 5:30 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:30 MAX 8:15 HBO 9:00 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO MAX 12:45p HBO 1:00 MAX 2:30 HBO 3:10 MAX 4:15 HBO 5:40 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:30 HBO 7:00 HBO 7:45 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:25 HBO 12:50a MAX 1:10 HBO 1:20 MAX 1:40 HBO 3:00 MAX Around the Bend Pandemic: Facing AIDS Brazil Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 My Life First Daughter Surviving Christmas Major League II House of Wax Smashed: Toxic Tales... Napoleon Dynamite Soul Food The Perfect Man Heartbreak Ridge Envy Man on Fire First Daughter The Day After Tomorrow Entourage Entourage The Sopranos 2006 Finale MAX Spoken & Stirred: June 2006 Big Love Season Finale House of Wax The Perfect Man Intimate Sessions Intimate Sessions The Sex Inspectors: Real Sex... Impulse Butter Sex Games Cancun The Chris Rock Show Club Paradise Twin Peaks-Fire Walk With Me The Day After Tomorrow HBO DRAMA SERIES STAR WARS: EPISODE III 6:00P REVENGE OF THE SITH SUNDAY 7:00P THE SOPRANOS® 2006 FINALE PROGRAM SCHEDULE 5 MONDAY 6 4:00a HBO 4:30 HBO 5:05 MAX 6:30 MAX The Tale of Hagler-Leonard Last Action Hero Play It Again, Sam Mom and Dad Save the World Ray Mr. & Mrs. Smith Countdown to Taylor-Wright Miss Congeniality 2 Escape From Alcatraz HBO First Look A Prairie Home Companion The Rock Heir to an Execution: A Granddaughter’s Story Last Action Hero Friday the 13th, Part V: A New Beginning Without Limits Millions Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous Mr. & Mrs. Smith Plastic Disasters The Rock HBO First Look A Prairie Home Companion Countdown to Taylor-Wright Full Metal Jacket Nightcap Nightcap Mr. & Mrs. Smith The Making of Constantine Scent of a Woman Stiletto Dance Left of the Dial Superman II 4:30a HBO The Making of 6:45 8:00 9:30 10:00 10:05 12:00 HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX 12:15p HBO 2:00 HBO 2:20 MAX 4:00 MAX 4:15 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:15 HBO 9:45 HBO 10:15 MAX 10:45 MAX 11:15 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:05a HBO 1:20 MAX 2:45 HBO 3:00 MAX 5:00 5:10 6:45 7:00 9:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 11:15 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:00 HBO 1:00p MAX 2:15 HBO 2:30 MAX 4:10 MAX 4:30 HBO 6:00 MAX 6:15 HBO 6:30 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:50a HBO 1:30 MAX 2:00 MAX 2:15 HBO 3:30 HBO Madagascar Critters 4 House Arrest Million Dollar Baby War of the Worlds Star Wars: Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith Spanglish Full Eclipse Dead Drunk: The Kevin Tunell Story LifeStories: Families in Crisis Ocean’s Twelve Shark Tale Batman & Robin Trespass Point of No Return Lassie War of the Worlds HBO First Look The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Star Wars: Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith True Romance Big Love The Sopranos The Sex Spa The Girl Next Door Internal Affairs Elephant Sex Games Cancun Big Wednesday Tracey Ullman: Live & Exposed HBO Transmission Test 7 WEDNESDAY 4:00a MAX 5:00 HBO 6:10 MAX 6:30 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:15 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 12:00 MAX 12:30p HBO 2:00 MAX 2:30 HBO 4:00 MAX 4:15 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 10:00 MAX 10:30 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 12:05a MAX 12:45 HBO 2:05 MAX 2:20 HBO The Mission Madhouse Out to Sea Blankman City of Angels Kicking & Screaming Batman Begins Flight of the Phoenix Mr. & Mrs. Smith Pontiac Moon Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Napoleon Dynamite Indecent Proposal Kicking & Screaming Big Love The Siege The Sopranos Batman Begins Mr. & Mrs. Smith Sex Games Cancun Countdown to Tarver-Hopkins Dangerous Passions Aces: Iron Eagle III The Siege Dirty War The Paper Chase Back in Business MAX WEDNESDAY REPLAY PLASTIC DISASTERS 8:00P TUESDAY TRUE ROMANCE 8:00P JUNE 2006 8 4:00a HBO MAX 5:30 HBO 5:40 MAX 7:00 HBO 7:30 MAX 8:30 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 11:30 MAX 11:45 HBO 1:10p MAX 2:00 HBO 3:00 MAX 4:15 HBO 4:30 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:45 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:05 HBO 9:45 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:30 MAX 10:55 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:30 MAX 12:35a HBO 1:30 MAX 1:35 HBO MR. & MRS. SMITH 8:00P THURSDAY 9 Black Beauty Who’s That Girl Gordy Prelude to a Kiss Breakin’ All the Rules Man on Fire Camilla The Perfect Man Jingle All the Way Third Degree Burn Last Action Hero The Jacket Batman Dancing With Danger HBO First Look The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Breakin’ All the Rules Trilogy of Terror II The Perfect Man Lean on Me HBO First Look A Prairie Home Companion Baghdad ER Man on Fire The Sex Inspectors: A Real Sex International British Import HBO First Look The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Big Love The Pleasure Zone Gus Van Sant’s Last Days The Pleasure Zone Blue Collar Plastic Disasters The Killing Fields The English Patient 4:00a MAX The Detective 4:15 HBO Revenge of the Nerds III: The Next Generation 6:00 HBO Batman & Robin MAX Bill and Ted’s 7:30 8:15 9:30 10:30 MAX HBO MAX HBO 11:45 HBO 12:00 MAX 1:30p HBO MAX 3:05 MAX 3:15 HBO 3:30 HBO 4:30 MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 MAX 11:10 HBO 11:25 HBO 11:45 MAX 1:05a HBO 2:00 MAX 3:05 HBO Excellent Adventure The Upside of Anger Ocean’s Twelve Superman Shelter Dogs America Undercover First Daughter Surviving Christmas Envy Nothing but Trouble Garfield the Movie HBO First Look A Prairie Home Companion The Phantom of the Opera The Wedding Date Constantine Phenomenon The Sopranos War of the Worlds Ocean’s Twelve Sex Games Cancun Bikini a Go Go HBO First Look A Prairie Home Companion Rapid Fire Heartbreak Ridge Full Metal Jacket War of the Worlds Rory O’Shea Was Here 10 4:00a MAX 5:00 HBO 5:35 MAX 7:15 MAX 7:30 HBO 9:15 HBO 9:30 HBO 9:40 MAX 11:20 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:30p HBO 1:35 MAX 3:20 MAX 4:00 HBO 5:15 MAX 5:30 MAX 6:00 HBO 8:00 HBO SATURDAY 11 SUNDAY Anastasia Batman Begins Class Act Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Millions HBO First Look The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Clear and Present Danger Taxi The Rock The Grudge Batman Begins Switch Meet the Fockers Miss Congeniality 2 MAX Spoken & Stirred: June 2006 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban The Skeleton Key Lewis Black: Red, White & Screwed Unleashed The Sopranos Sex Games Cancun L.A. Confidential Busty Cops 2 Trespass Hard to Kill She Hate Me 4:15a HBO 5:20 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:10 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:10 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:15 HBO 11:00 MAX Curly Sue She’s Having a Baby Ray Mr. & Mrs. Smith Breakin’ All the Rules Star Trek III: Search for Spock The Making of Robots Last Action Hero George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead Star Wars: Episode III Picture Perfect Shadow of Doubt HBO First Look A Prairie Home Companion Ray Flight of the Phoenix The Wire Mr. & Mrs. Smith Deadwood Entourage George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead Lucky Louie Dane Cook’s Tourgasm Star Wars: Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith The Sex Spa Executive Target Love at Large Sex Games Cancun Flight of the Phoenix Talkin’ Dirty After Dark The Last of the Mohicans Bread and Roses MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:20 MAX 11:40 MAX 12:20a HBO 1:20 MAX 2:00 HBO Legendary Nights: The Tale of Hagler-Leonard 2:30 HBO The Skeleton Key 3:40 MAX Unleashed HBO SATURDAY NIGHT BAGHDAD ER 8:00P FRIDAY 8:00P WAR OF THE WORLDS 12:30p HBO MAX 2:15 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:15 HBO 4:00 MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:35 HBO MAX 11:00 MAX 11:55 HBO 12:40a MAX 1:10 MAX 1:35 HBO 3:05 HBO MAX HBO DRAMA SERIES THE SKELETON KEY 6:00P 7:00P DEADWOOD® SEASON PREMIERE PROGRAM SCHEDULE 12 MONDAY 5:00a HBO MAX 7:05 MAX 7:30 HBO 8:00 HBO 9:15 MAX 9:45 HBO 10:00 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:45 HBO 1:00p MAX 1:30 HBO 2:40 MAX 3:45 HBO 4:15 MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:45 MAX 8:00 8:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 10:55 11:00 MAX HBO HBO MAX MAX HBO MAX 12:30a HBO MAX 1:40 HBO 2:30 MAX Batman Begins There Was a Crooked Man... Missing Dead Drunk: The Kevin Tunell Story LifeStories: Families in Crisis In the Name of Love: A Texas Tragedy Unleashed The Making of Cinderella Man Forever Young Collateral Blankman Marvin’s Room Batman Action Jackson Batman & Robin The Jacket Batman Begins Unleashed MAX Spoken & Stirred: June 2006 City of Angels Lucky Louie The Girl Next Door Hotel Erotica Hotel Erotica Dirty War Friday the 13th, Part VI: Jason Lives Baghdad ER Indecent Proposal Naked Collateral 13 TUESDAY 4:00a HBO Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 4:30 MAX Fandango 5:30 HBO Scooby-Doo 2: 6:05 MAX 7:00 HBO 7:30 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 MAX 10:30 HBO 10:35 MAX 12:15p MAX 12:30 HBO 2:30 MAX 3:00 HBO 4:30 MAX 4:45 HBO 6:00 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:30 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:35 HBO 11:20 MAX 11:40 HBO 1:00a MAX 1:25 HBO 1:30 MAX 1:55 HBO 2:25 HBO 3:15 MAX Monsters Unleashed Garfield the Movie The Perfect Man Deadly Voyage HBO Original Movie Millions The Wedding Date The Skeleton Key Crocodile Dundee Heartbreak Ridge The Phantom of the Opera House of Wax The Perfect Man Jingle All the Way The Grudge Why Do Fools Fall in Love Countdown to Taylor-Wright The Skeleton Key The Wedding Date Deadwood House of Wax Lucky Louie Plastic Disasters Sexual Surrender Consenting Adults Sex Games Cancun Entourage Capone Dane Cook’s Tourgasm Garden State Crimen Ferpecto 14 WEDNESDAY 4:15a HBO 5:00 MAX 5:30 HBO 7:15 HBO MAX 7:30 HBO 8:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:30 HBO Bugs Bunny’s 3rd Movie The Sundowners First Daughter HBO First Look Prairie Home... The Outsiders Ray Unleashed Breakin’ All the Rules The Stepsister Smashed: Toxic Tales of Teens and Alcohol Vision Quest Miss Congeniality 2 How I Got Into College Making of Cinderella Man First Daughter Man on Fire Ocean’s Twelve U.S. Marshals HBO First Look A Prairie Home Companion Deadwood Lucky Louie Unleashed Entourage Lewis Black: Red, White & Screwed Sex Games Cancun Miss Congeniality 2 Sexy Movie Man on Fire The Accused Deadwood Skin Game The Door in the Floor 12:00 MAX 12:30p HBO 1:50 MAX 2:30 HBO 2:45 HBO 3:20 MAX 4:30 HBO 5:45 MAX 6:45 HBO 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:05 HBO 10:20 MAX 11:50 MAX 12:05a HBO 2:00 HBO 2:15 MAX 3:00 HBO JUNE 2006 15 THURSDAY 4:00a MAX The Carpetbaggers 4:55 HBO Revenge of the Nerds III: 6:30 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO 8:30 MAX 10:30 HBO MAX 12:15p MAX 1:00 HBO 2:00 HBO MAX 4:05 MAX 4:15 HBO 5:45 MAX 6:00 6:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 10:30 HBO 11:35 MAX 12:15a HBO 12:50 HBO 1:10 MAX 2:45 MAX 2:50 HBO The Next Generation Heir to an Execution: A Granddaughter’s Story Mr. & Mrs. Smith Million Dollar Baby Flight of the Phoenix Clear and Present Danger The Hamburg Cell A Better Way to Die Indian Point: Imagining... The Crucible Mr. & Mrs. Smith George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead Million Dollar Baby MAX Spoken & Stirred: June 2006 Soul Food The Girl Next Door Mr. & Mrs. Smith Dane Cook’s Tourgasm Real Sex 26: Lessons in Love and Lust Entourage George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead Butter Zebra Lounge Lucky Louie Exorcist: The Beginning Blazing Saddles Total Eclipse Imaginary Heroes MAX WEDNESDAY REPLAY BATMAN BEGINSTM 6:00P THE WEDDING DATE 8:00P UNLEASHED 8:00P 16 4:40a MAX 4:45 HBO 6:30 HBO 6:45 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:50 MAX 9:30 HBO 9:45 HBO 10:45 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:30p MAX 1:15 HBO 2:30 3:00 4:30 5:15 5:30 HBO 6:00 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:05 MAX 10:35 HBO MAX 12:05a MAX 12:15 HBO 1:55 HBO 2:00 MAX 3:00 HBO THE GIRL NEXT DOOR 6:30P MAX HBO MAX HBO 8:00P FRIDAY 17 SATURDAY 18 An Unmarried Woman Lassie Pandemic: Facing AIDS Brazil The Day After Tomorrow Star Wars: Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith The Associate The Making of Robots Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed The Jacket Millions I’ll Do Anything In the Name of Love: A Texas Tragedy Body Heat Last Action Hero Love & Sex HBO First Look The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Star Wars: Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith Indecent Proposal Deadwood The Day After Tomorrow Lucky Louie Entourage Dane Cook’s Tourgasm Sex Games Cancun Aces: Iron Eagle III Dangerous Passions The Hard Way The Big Fall An Actual Autopsy With Dr. Michael Baden... True Romance The Fabulous Baker Boys 4:00a MAX 5:00 HBO 5:20 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:05 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:30 HBO Daffy Duck’s Movie... Black Beauty Bad Medicine Gordy House of Wax Robots Shark Tale The Tale of Hagler-Leonard Countdown to Taylor-Wright Star Wars: Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith Why Do Fools Fall in Love Trilogy of Terror II First Daughter Collateral Napoleon Dynamite The Siege Robots Madagascar House of Wax HBO World Championship Boxing Live! Taylor vs. Wright Cry Wolf Sex Games Cancun Entourage Bikini a Go Go Lucky Louie Hide and Seek Collateral The Chris Rock Show Sea of Love Mississippi Burning Madagascar Cry Wolf 4:45a HBO The Making of THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW MAX 12:30p MAX 1:00 HBO 2:00 MAX 2:45 HBO 4:00 MAX 4:30 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 7:30 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:30 MAX 10:00 HBO MAX 10:30 HBO 11:05 HBO 11:20 MAX 12:50a HBO 1:20 HBO MAX 3:15 HBO 3:30 MAX HBO SATURDAY NIGHT 5:00 HBO MAX 6:35 MAX 6:45 HBO 8:30 HBO MAX 10:30 MAX 10:45 HBO 12:15p MAX 1:00 HBO 2:00 MAX 3:30 HBO 4:15 MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 6:30 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:15 HBO 11:35 MAX 1:00a HBO MAX 1:30 MAX 2:00 HBO 3:00 MAX Scooby-Doo 2 Critters 4 Paternity Dad The Skeleton Key Batman War of the Worlds Because of Winn-Dixie Batman & Robin Uncommon Valor Batman Begins Spanglish Clear and Present Danger Fathers’ Day The Wire The Moon and the Son... Jingle All the Way Deadwood Entourage War of the Worlds Lucky Louie Dane Cook’s Tourgasm The Skeleton Key Friday the 13th, Part V: A New Beginning Shaun of the Dead Busty Cops 2 Dennis Miller: All In Sex Games Cancun The Blue Iguana Thunderheart Miracle in the Rain HBO COMEDY SERIES WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 7:30P BOXING® LIVE! SUNDAY ENTOURAGESM 8:00P PROGRAM SCHEDULE 19 MONDAY 4:05a HBO 4:20 HBO 4:50 MAX 6:30 HBO MAX 6:45 HBO 8:20 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:00 HBO MAX 12:15p HBO 12:30 MAX 1:30 HBO 2:00 MAX 3:50 MAX 4:00 HBO 4:15 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 7:30 MAX 8:00 MAX 8:15 HBO 8:30 HBO 9:30 HBO 9:50 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:20 MAX 10:50 MAX 12:25a HBO 12:30 MAX 12:50 HBO 2:30 HBO 2:50 MAX The Making of Robots The Crucible Hooper HBO First Look Prairie Home.. I Heart Huckabees Curly Sue PCU Breakin’ All the Rules MAX Spoken & Stirred: June 2006 Million Dollar Baby Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Shelter Dogs Cry Wolf Star Wars: Episode III Lean on Me Phenomenon HBO First Look Prairie Home... The Perfect Man Million Dollar Baby Cry Wolf MAX on Set Man on Fire Point of No Return HBO First Look Superman... Lewis Black: Red, White & Screwed Lucky Louie Hotel Erotica Star Wars: Episode III Hotel Erotica Sexual Surrender A Real Sex Xtra: Pornucopia She Hate Me Love at Large Tango & Cash The Bad Seed 20 4:15a HBO 5:00 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:00 HBO MAX 8:30 MAX 8:45 HBO 10:05 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:15p HBO 2:00 HBO MAX 4:05 MAX 4:30 HBO 5:45 MAX 6:15 HBO 6:30 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 9:35 10:00 10:05 10:30 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 12:10a HBO 12:40 HBO MAX 1:10 HBO MAX 2:30 HBO 3:30 MAX POINT OF NO RETURN 8:00P TUESDAY 21 WEDNESDAY 22 THURSDAY 23 FRIDAY Pontiac Moon Miracle on 34th Street Smashed: Toxic Tales... Napoleon Dynamite Seven Minutes in Heaven George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead Blankman Executive Target Madagascar U.S. Marshals HBO First Look Fast/Furious... Forever Young Ray Everybody’s All-American Taxi Napoleon Dynamite The Rock HBO First Look Fast/Furious... Madagascar Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead Deadwood Intimate Sessions Lucky Louie Intimate Sessions Resident Evil: Apocalypse U.S. Marshals Entourage Dane Cook’s Tourgasm Sex Games Cancun George Carlin: Life Is Worth... The Rock The Mambo Kings MAX Transmission Test 4:15a HBO The Making of Scooby-Doo 2: 4:00a HBO 4:50 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:00 HBO 7:00 MAX 7:30 HBO 8:30 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO Scooby-Doo 2 Samson and Delilah The Making of Madagascar Madhouse The Wedding Date Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel The Witches Mississippi Burning Star Wars: Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith Unleashed Picture Perfect Batman & Robin Impulse Dead Drunk: The Kevin Tunell Story First Daughter The Moon and the Son... City of Angels Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Star Wars: Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith Garfield the Movie Unleashed Dane Cook’s Tourgasm Atlantic City Hookers: It Ain’t E-Z Being a Ho Busty Cops 2 Entourage Hard to Kill The Wedding Date Lucky Louie Night Moves Hide and Seek Switch Rory O’Shea Was Here 4:00a MAX 4:15 HBO 6:00 HBO 6:45 MAX 8:00 HBO 8:30 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:30 MAX 12:00 HBO The New Land Critters 4 Miss Congeniality 2 Perfect Witness Black Beauty Collateral The Phantom of the Opera Gimme an “F” HBO First Look The Fast and the Furious: Toyko Drift The Grudge MAX Spoken & Stirred: June 2006 Shark Tale Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous Why Do Fools Fall in Love Major League II Collateral Ocean’s Twelve House of Wax Deadwood The Siege Lucky Louie Entourage Dane Cook’s Tourgasm Sex Games Cancun Lewis Black: Red, White & Screwed Sexual Surrender L.A. Confidential Uncommon Valor The Tale of Hagler-Leonard Stiletto Dance Flashback Falling in Love 4:30 HBO 5:00 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:00 MAX 7:45 HBO 8:30 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:30 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:30p MAX 2:00 HBO 2:15 MAX 3:45 HBO 4:00 MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:30 MAX 10:00 MAX 10:45 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:45a HBO 1:20 MAX 2:25 HBO 3:05 MAX 3:25 HBO Monsters Unleashed Gordy Up at the Villa Envy Cry Wolf The Skeleton Key Regarding Henry Clear and Present Danger Mr. & Mrs. Smith Sommersby Class Act Envy Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Batman Soul Food Plastic Disasters Meet the Fockers Deadwood Lucky Louie Cry Wolf Entourage The Skeleton Key Sex Games Cancun Mr. & Mrs. Smith The Last of the Mohicans Bikini a Go Go Gus Van Sant’s Last Days A Better Way to Die Deadwood Trespass The Chris Rock Show MAX WEDNESDAY REPLAY MADAGASCAR 6:30P JUNE 2006 10:40 MAX 12:20p MAX 12:30 HBO 2:05 MAX 2:45 HBO 3:15 4:00 4:30 5:00 6:00 HBO 6:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 MAX MAX HBO HBO 9:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:30 HBO 11:05 MAX 12:10a HBO 12:35 MAX 12:40 HBO 2:15 MAX 2:25 HBO CRY WOLF 8:00P HBO MAX MAX HBO 5:00P REAL SPORTS WITH BRYANT GUMBELSM 12:15p HBO MAX 12:30 MAX 2:00 HBO MAX 4:00 HBO MAX 5:45 HBO 6:00 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 10:30 HBO MAX 11:30 HBO 12:05a MAX 1:50 HBO MAX 2:20 HBO 3:30 MAX 24 SATURDAY 4:15a HBO Blankman 5:20 MAX Easy Come, Easy Go 6:00 HBO Star Wars: Episode III7:00 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:30 HBO MAX 9:45 HBO 11:30 HBO 11:35 MAX 1:00p HBO 1:30 MAX 3:30 HBO 3:35 5:30 6:00 8:00 8:30 MAX MAX HBO MAX HBO 10:10 MAX 10:40 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:15 HBO 11:45 HBO 12:15a MAX 1:25 HBO 1:55 HBO 2:10 MAX 2:15 HBO Revenge of the Sith Man on Fire Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel The Making of Cinderella Man The Day After Tomorrow The Perfect Man Breakin’ All the Rules Internal Affairs Ray Phenomenon Star Wars: Episode IIIRevenge of the Sith Point of No Return Man on Fire Cinderella Man The Ring Two HBO Boxing After Dark Brock vs. Ibragimov; Julio vs. Quintana Sex Games Cancun Dangerous Passions Entourage Lucky Louie Resident Evil: Apocalypse Body Heat The Chris Rock Show The Making of Cinderella Man The Ring Two Cinderella Man HBO SATURDAY NIGHT HOUSE OF WAX 6:00P 25 the Furious: Toyko Drift 5:00 HBO Weekend at Bernie’s II 6:30 HBO Madagascar MAX Cry Wolf 8:00 HBO Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters... MAX Without Limits 9:30 HBO HBO First Look 9:45 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:45 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:45p MAX 2:00 HBO 4:15 HBO MAX 4:30 HBO 6:00 HBO 6:30 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:15 MAX 10:30 HBO 10:40 MAX 11:10 MAX 12:20a HBO 12:50 MAX 1:10 HBO 1:20 MAX 2:45 HBO 3:00 MAX CINDERELLA MAN 6:00P SUNDAY 4:20a MAX Marathon Man 4:45 HBO HBO First Look The Fast and Superman Returns Ocean’s Twelve The Jacket Indecent Proposal Miss Congeniality 2 Harry Potter/Prisoner... Million Dollar Baby HBO First Look Fast/Furious... U.S. Marshals Madagascar The Wire Cry Wolf Deadwood Entourage The Exorcist Lucky Louie Dane Cook’s Tourgasm Plastic Disasters Passion Cove Tango & Cash Passion Cove Taxi Am I Good in Bed? Real Sex 31 Sex Games Cancun Firestorm Third Degree Burn Maria Full of Grace The Old Man and the Sea LUCKY LOUIESM 8:30P PROGRAM SCHEDULE 26 MONDAY 4:30a HBO MAX 5:00 HBO 6:00 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:30 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:15 HBO 9:30 HBO 9:35 MAX 10:15 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:05p MAX 1:45 HBO The Making of Madagascar Empire Records The Witches War of the Worlds Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Lassie Club Paradise The Making of Cinderella Man Indian Point: Imagining... The Ring Two The Skeleton Key Garfield the Movie First Daughter Love & Sex HBO First Look Superman Returns The Phantom of the Opera Surviving Christmas War of the Worlds The Grudge Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel The Ring Two The Skeleton Key Flight of the Phoenix HBO First Look Superman... Hide and Seek The Pleasure Zone A Real Sex Xtra: Pornucopia The Pleasure Zone Pros & Cons The Hidden II The Mother Imaginary Heroes Midway The Shape of Things 2:00 2:30 4:00 4:30 6:00 HBO MAX MAX HBO HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:15 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO 10:15 MAX 10:45 HBO MAX 11:15 HBO MAX 12:50a MAX 1:05 HBO 2:45 MAX 3:00 HBO 27 TUESDAY 4:45a HBO Curly Sue 5:00 MAX Houdini 6:30 HBO Dead Drunk: 6:45 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:30 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:05p MAX 1:30 HBO 2:00 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:45 5:30 5:45 8:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 10:30 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:30a HBO 1:00 HBO 1:05 MAX 1:30 HBO 1:35 MAX 3:40 MAX The Kevin Tunell Story Lifestories: Families in Crisis The Impostors Cinderella Man Mr. & Mrs. Smith Last Action Hero Blazing Saddles Envy City of Angels Breakin’ All the Rules Unleashed Clear and Present Danger The Siege Cinderella Man Heartbreak Ridge Lewis Black: Red, White & Screwed Mr. & Mrs. Smith Deadwood Lucky Louie Unleashed Exorcist: The Beginning Busty Cops 2 Entourage Dane Cook’s Tourgasm Sex Games Cancun L.A. Confidential Mr. & Mrs. Smith The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing 28 WEDNESDAY 4:00a HBO 5:30 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 7:20 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:30 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:00 MAX 12:30p HBO 12:45 MAX 1:30 HBO 2:30 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:15 4:30 5:30 6:30 7:00 8:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:10 MAX 10:40 MAX 10:50 HBO 11:10 MAX 11:35 MAX 12:25a HBO 1:20 MAX 2:15 HBO 3:10 MAX Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 Madagascar Local Hero In the Name of Love: A Texas Tragedy The Ring Two Million Dollar Baby The Wedding Date Camilla Fathers’ Day Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Goodbye Lover Weekend at Bernie’s II The Associate HBO First Look Superman Returns Million Dollar Baby The Upside of Anger Madagascar The Wedding Date Deadwood Lucky Louie The Ring Two Entourage Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Am I Good in Bed? Real Sex 31 Sex Games Cancun The Best Sex Ever Firestorm The Best Sex Ever Shadow of Doubt The Girl Next Door The Hamburg Cell Consenting Adults Madame Sousatzka MAX WEDNESDAY REPLAY 8:15P FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX 8:00P LEWIS BLACK: RED, WHITE & SCREWED THE RING TWO 8:00P JUNE/JULY 2006 29 THURSDAY 30 FRIDAY 1 4:00a HBO 5:15 MAX 5:45 HBO 6:00 HBO 7:00 MAX 8:00 HBO 8:30 HBO 8:45 MAX 10:15 HBO 11:00 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:15p MAX 2:30 HBO 3:15 MAX 4:30 HBO Millions Stand and Deliver HBO First Look Superman... Miss Congeniality 2 Taxi Pandemic: Facing AIDS Brazil The Skeleton Key U.S. Marshals The Grudge Spanglish Ray The Hard Way Miss Congeniality 2 The Day After Tomorrow HBO First Look The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Ocean’s Twelve Superman Boffo! Tinseltown’s Bombs and Blockbusters Superman II Dane Cook’s Tourgasm Shock Video 2004 HBO First Look Superman Returns Entourage Nightcap Rapid Fire Nightcap The Day After Tomorrow Lucky Louie Lewis Black: Red, White... Cheech & Chong’s Next Movie An Actual Autopsy With Dr. Michael Baden We Don’t Live Here Anymore U.S. Marshals 4:30a HBO 5:05 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:00 MAX 8:15 HBO 8:30 HBO 8:50 MAX 10:30 HBO MAX 11:00 MAX 11:30 HBO 1:05p MAX 1:15 HBO 2:45 MAX 3:00 HBO 4:00 HBO 4:15 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX Gordy Leave Her to Heaven Batman Point of No Return HBO First Look Superman... Sommersby Cry Wolf Smashed: Toxic Tales... The Moon and the Son... The Newton Boys Major League II Wayne’s World Napoleon Dynamite Cry Wolf Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel HBO First Look Superman... Forever Young Internal Affairs Deadwood George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead Deadwood Deadwood Meet the Fockers Lucky Louie Entourage Dane Cook’s Tourgasm Sex Games Cancun Back in Business Genie in a String Bikini George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead A Real Sex Xtra: Pornucopia Shaun of the Dead Action Jackson Pet Sematary II Point of No Return 4:00a HBO The Making of 4:45 HBO 5:30 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:45 MAX HBO HBO HBO 10:00 HBO 10:10 MAX 10:30 HBO 10:40 MAX 11:10 MAX 12:10a HBO 12:40 HBO 1:15 MAX 1:40 HBO 2:45 HBO 2:50 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 10:30 HBO 10:35 MAX 11:50 MAX 12:05a HBO 12:30 HBO 1:30 MAX 2:15 HBO 3:10 MAX BOFFO! TINSELTOWN’S BOMBS AND 6:00P 7:00P BLOCKBUSTERS 4:15 5:00 6:00 6:30 7:45 SATURDAY HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 8:30 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:20 MAX 12:30p HBO MAX 2:00 MAX 2:30 HBO 4:00 MAX 4:15 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 7:45 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:15 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:15 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:35 MAX 11:50 HBO 1:15a MAX 1:35 HBO 2:50 MAX 3:05 HBO Batman Begins Small Time Crooks Dunston Checks In The Skeleton Key Mr. & Mrs. Smith Speed 2: Cruise Control French Kiss Independence Day Conan: The Barbarian I, Robot Duplicates Harlem Nights The Skeleton Key Mr. & Mrs. Smith A Cinderella Story Must Love Dogs The Shadow Entourage Fever Pitch Independence Day Sex Games Cancun Call Girl Wives Taxicab Confessions: New York, New York Showdown Ricochet Trippin’ Desert Saints Fever Pitch Must Love Dogs 2 SUNDAY 4:35a MAX House of Wax 4:45 HBO Tweety’s High 6:00 6:05 7:30 7:50 HBO MAX HBO MAX 9:15 HBO 9:30 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 1:00p MAX 1:30 HBO 1:45 HBO 2:30 MAX 4:00 HBO 4:20 MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:30 HBO MAX 11:00 MAX 12:00 HBO 12:45a MAX 12:50 HBO 1:20 MAX 2:50 HBO 3:05 HBO MAX Flying Adventure Crossworlds Don’t Tell Mom/Babysitter’s... Catwoman Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Shark Tale Twister Cinderella Man Cry-Baby Criminal The Making of Catwoman The Hunt for Red October Sprung Catwoman Dodgeball: A True Underdog... The Wire Twister Deadwood Entourage Seed of Chucky Lucky Louie Dane Cook’s Tourgasm Cinderella Man Behind Bedroom Doors Bloodmoon Thinking XXX Sex Games Cancun Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist Sunset Grill The Making of Catwoman Bootmen The Panic in Needle Park HBO SATURDAY NIGHT DEADWOOD® MUST LOVE DOGS 6:00P 9:00P DANE COOK’S TOURGASM PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX A THE ACCUSED Jodie Foster won her first Best Actress Oscar® (1988) for her performance as the victim of a gang rape at a bar. With Kelly McGillis. (AL,N,RP,SC,V) R-1:50. HBO June 14 CDEh ACES: IRON EAGLE III Louis Gossett Jr. returns to the skies for another mission as a famed fighter pilot in this sequel. With Rachel McLish and Paul Freeman. (AL,V) R-1:39. HBO June 7,16 CDh ACTION JACKSON A Detroit cop takes on a dirty auto executive responsible for brutal union slayings. Carl Weathers, Craig T. Nelson, Vanity, Sharon Stone star. (AL,GV,N) R-1:36. MAX June 3,12,30 CDEH AN ACTUAL AUTOPSY WITH DR. MICHAEL BADEN AND A RE-EXAMINATION OF AUTOPSY’S MOST COMPLEX CASES America Undercover Dr. Baden performs an actual autopsy for HBO cameras. (AC,BN,V) TVMA/V-1:00. HBO June 16,29 CSE AM I GOOD IN BED? REAL SEX 31 This white-hot edition of Real Sex includes a visit to an erotic masquerade party. (AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:45. HBO June 1,25,28 CSE ANASTASIA Glorious animation and a starstudded cast of voices spin this stellar musical fable of royalty, risk and romance. G-1:35. MAX June 10 CDEH AROUND THE BEND Four generations of men embark on a sentimental journey after they are reunited. Christopher Walken. (AL, MV,N,SC) R-1:23. MAX June 4 CDEH THE ASSOCIATE Whoopi Goldberg makes waves on Wall Street when she starts a rival firm in this comedy. (AC,AL,BN) PG131:54. MAX June 3,16,28 CDEH ATLANTIC CITY HOOKERS: IT AIN’T E-Z BEING A HO’ America Undercover This film focuses on purveyors of the world’s oldest profession in Atlantic City. (AC,GL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:00. HBO June 22 CSE B BACK IN BUSINESS Dopey cops take on crooked cops in this madcap actioncomedy. Brian Bosworth, Joe Torry. (AC,AL, BN,V) R-1:33. HBO June 7,30 CDE BAD MEDICINE A medical school has more cockroaches than students! Steve Guttenberg, Alan Arkin, Julie Hagerty star. (AC,AL) PG13-1:38. MAX June 17 CE THE BAD SEED A classic 1956 shocker about a murderous little girl. Nancy Kelly and Patty McCormack star. (AC,MV) B/W; TVPG/V,D-2:09. MAX June 19 CE BAGHDAD ER An unforgettable look inside the U.S. Army’s premier medical facility in Iraq. Directed by 11-time Emmy®-winner Jon Alpert. Widescreen. (AC,AL,GV,N) TVMA/ V,S,L-1:04. HBO June 8,12 CSEh BATMAN Michael Keaton is the mysterious crime-fighter of Gotham City who takes on the devious Joker (Jack Nicholson) in this imaginative Tim Burton film. (AL,V) PG132:06. HBO June 8,12,18,21,30 CDEh BATMAN & ROBIN Batman and Robin fight to save Gotham from utter destruction. Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Clooney, Chris O’Donnell star. (AC,AL,V) PG13-2:05. HBO June 3,6,9,12,18,22 CDEh BATMAN BEGINS Christian Bale flawlessly fills the bat-suit of the Caped Crusader in director Christopher Nolan’s dark reimagining of the Batman saga. (V) PG13-2:20. HBO June 1,7,10,12,18 C5Eh BECAUSE OF WINN-DIXIE A lonely little girl bonds with a friendly stray dog in this endearing adaptation of Kate DiCamillo’s novel. Jeff Daniels, Cicely Tyson star. (MV) PG-1:46. MAX June 1,18 CDEH THE BEST SEX EVER Erotic series about a talk-radio goddess (Angela Davies) who hosts a nightly program in which callers ring in to divulge their most arousing experiences. 17: The Seduction of Veronica (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:26. MAX June 28 CS; 18: Bad Boys (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:25. MAX June 28 CS A BETTER WAY TO DIE A police officer’s plan to quit the force takes a frightening turn when he is mistaken for someone else. Andre Braugher, Scott Wiper. (AC,AL,BN,V) R-1:41. MAX June 15,21 CDEH THE BIG FALL L.A. gumshoe C. Thomas Howell finds trouble when a sexy woman hires him to find her missing brother. (AC, AL,V) R-1:35. HBO June 16 CSEh BIG LOVE Season One finale of HBO’s allnew series with Bill Paxton as a polygamist living in suburban Salt Lake City with his three wives and seven kids. Widescreen. 06: Roberta’s Funeral (AC,AL) TVMA/L:51. HBO June 1 C5Eh; 07: Eviction (AC,AL,V) TVMA-:55. HBO June 1 C5Eh; 08: Easter (AC,AL) TVMA/ L-:53. HBO June 1 C5Eh; 09: A Barbecue for Betty (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:51. HBO June 2 C5Eh; 10: The Baptism (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:54. HBO June 2 C5Eh; 11: Where There’s a Will (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:55. HBO June 2 C5 Eh; 12: The Ceremony (AC,AL) TVMA/ L-:48. HBO June 4,6,7,8 C5Eh BIG WEDNESDAY Time tests the bonds of friendship for three surfing buddies. JanMichael Vincent, William Katt, Gary Busey. (AC,AL) PG-2:00. MAX June 6 CDE BIKINI A GO GO A bikini shop stock boy unwittingly gives his girlfriend a magical necklace that transforms her into a raging nymphomaniac. Beverly Lynne. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:16. MAX June 9,17,21 CS BILL & TED’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE Two time-traveling dudes gather famous characters from history in order to pass a test. Keanu Reeves, Alex Winter. (AL,MV) PG-1:30. MAX June 9 CDEH BLACK BEAUTY A horse narrates the story of his life, from carefree colthood through dreary days as a coach horse in this adaptation of the beloved book. Sean Bean. G-1:28. HBO June 8,17,23 CDEh BLANKMAN Damon Wayans is a nerdy inventor who decides to become a crime fighting superhero. David Alan Grier and Robin Givens co-star. (AL,V) PG13-1:36. HBO June 2,7,12,20,24 CDEh BLAZING SADDLES Mel Brooks directed this western-comedy classic with Cleavon Little as a black sheriff in a very white Old West town! Gene Wilder, Harvey Korman. (AC,AL,V) R-1:33. MAX June 15,27 CE BLUE COLLAR Richard Pryor, Harvey Keitel and Yaphet Kotto star in this compelling drama about auto workers who discover corruption within their union. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:54. MAX June 8 CEH THE BLUE IGUANA A bounty hunter’s search for a cool $50 million in loot leads him to a lawless Mexican border town. Dean Stockwell. (AC,AL,V) R-1:30. MAX June 18 CD BODY HEAT A sultry married woman leads a lawyer into a dazzling web of sex and murder. William Hurt, Kathleen Turner. (AL, N,V) R-1:53. MAX June 16,24 CEH BOFFO! TINSELTOWN’S BOMBS AND BLOCKBUSTERS A celebration of the movies—both hits and flops—and their hold on the public’s imagination. (AC,AL,BN,V) TVMA/V,L-1:15. HBO June 29 CSE BON VOYAGE, CHARLIE BROWN (AND DON’T COME BACK!) Charlie Brown and the “Peanuts” gang head to France in this animated tale. G-1:16. MAX June 2 CE BOXING HBO's World Championship Boxing returns with an exciting 12-round middleweight championship fight between Jermain Taylor and Winky Wright. (AL) TVPG/L-2:27. HBO June 17 CSEh BOXING AFTER DARK Fight doubleheader headlined by a heavyweight bout between Calvin Brock and Timur Ibragimov. Plus, Joel Julio vs. Carlos Quintana in a welterweight fight. (AL) TVPG/L-2:12. HBO June 24 BREAD AND ROSES A young illegal immigrant finds herself at the forefront of a movement to form a janitors’ union. Pilar Padilla, Adrien Brody. English/Subtitled. (AC,AL,MV) R-1:51. MAX June 11 CD BREAKIN’ ALL THE RULES Jamie Foxx unwittingly becomes a break-up guru for men in this comedy of mistaken identity. Morris Chestnut. (AC,AL) PG13-1:25. HBO June 8,11,14,19,24,27 C5Eh BUGS BUNNY’S 3RD MOVIE: 1001 RABBIT TALES Wisecracking varmint Bugs Bunny stars in this collection of new and classic cartoons. G-1:14. HBO June 14 C BUSTY COPS 2 The Busty Cops are back on a wild romp to catch a robber. Nikki Nova, Katie James. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-1:19. MAX June 2,10,18,22,27 H BUTTER The L.A. music scene rocks to a deadly beat in this whodunit about a blues star’s murder. Ernie Hudson. (AC,AL,BN,V) R-1:40. HBO June 4,15 CDEh C CAMILLA A frustrated singer/songwriter undertakes an unlikely road trip with a quirky elderly friend. Jessica Tandy, Bridget Fonda and Elias Koteas star. (AC,AL,BN) PG13-1:31. HBO June 2,8,28 CDEh CAPONE Ben Gazzara stars as notorious gangster “Scarface” Al Capone, who ruled the mob in lawless 1920s Chicago. With Susan Blakely and Sylvester Stallone. (AL,BN,V) R-1:41. MAX June 13 CE THE CARPETBAGGERS George Peppard and Carroll Baker star in the searing, sinful 1964 version of Harold Robbins’ best-seller. (AC,AL,MV) PG-2:30. MAX June 15 CSE CHEECH & CHONG’S NEXT MOVIE The follow-up to Cheech & Chong’s Up in Smoke finds the joint-toking duo on another hilarious series of adventures. (AC,AL,BN) R-1:35. MAX June 2,29 CEH THE CHRIS ROCK SHOW Chris Rock hosts this talk show. 23: Wynton Marsalis/Biz Markie (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:29. HBO June 4, 24 CS; 24: D.L. Hughley/Outkast (AC, AL) TVMA/L-:29. HBO June 17,21 CD CINDERELLA MAN Russell Crowe soars as Depression-era boxer James J. Braddock whose comeback captivated America. Renée Zellweger, Paul Giamatti star. (AL,V) PG13-2:24. HBO June 24,27 C5Eh CINEMAX SPOKEN & STIRRED: JUNE 2006 Hollywood insiders meet for drinks and candid, funny, off-the-cuff conversations about the movie business and its stars. :12. MAX June 2,4,10,12,15,19,23 CS CITY OF ANGELS An angel considers leaving his spiritual life behind for the love of a woman. Nicolas Cage, Meg Ryan and Dennis Franz star. (AC,N,V) PG13-1:54. MAX June 3,7,12,22,27 CDEH CLASS ACT A rich nerd and a poor guy from the ’hood trade places in class in this comedy with “Kid” and “Play.” (AC,AL) PG13-1:38. MAX June 10,21 CDEH CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER CIA agent Jack Ryan (Harrison Ford) takes on a Colombian drug cartel in this thriller based on Tom Clancy’s novel. (AC,AL,V) PG13-2:21. HBO June 2,10,15,18,21,27 CDEh CLUB PARADISE Normalcy takes a holiday when Robin Williams opens up a Caribbean resort in this comedy! With Peter O’Toole, Rick Moranis, Eugene Levy, Jimmy Cliff. (AL) PG13-1:35. MAX June 4,26 CDEH COLLATERAL A ruthless assassin forces a cabbie to chauffeur him to a series of planned hits over the course of a seamy L.A. night. Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx. (AL,V) R-2:00. MAX June 1,12,17,23 CDEH CONSENTING ADULTS A man who plots a wife-swap with his neighbor ends up in hot water when the neighbor’s wife turns up dead. Kevin Kline, Kevin Spacey. (AL,N,SC, V) R-1:39. HBO June 13,28 CDEh CONSTANTINE Keanu Reeves stars as a chain-smoking anti-hero whose ability to see angels and demons prompts him to fight for his salvation. Rachel Weisz. (AC,AL, BN,V) R-2:01. HBO June 9 C5Eh COUNTDOWN TO TARVER-HOPKINS A preview of the highly anticipated light heavyweight championship fight between Antonio Tarver and Bernard Hopkins. (AL) TVPG/L-:27. HBO June 3,7 CSE COUNTDOWN TO TAYLOR-WRIGHT The June 17, 2006 middleweight title fight between Jermain Taylor and Winky Wright is previewed in this HBO Sports special. (AL) TVPG/L-:27. HBO June 3,5,13,17 CS CRIMEN FERPECTO (THE PERFECT CRIME) Darkly comic tale about a departmentstore Casanova who is beholden to an ugly co-worker. Guillermo Toledo. (AC,AL,N,V) TVMA/V,S,L-1:43. MAX June 13 SE CRITTERS 4 An intergalactic salvage ship picks up a capsule floating in space that contains voracious critters in this horror flick. Don Keith Opper stars. (AL,V) PG131:34. HBO June 6,18,23 CSh “CROCODILE” DUNDEE Aussie crocodile hunter Paul Hogan follows American reporter Linda Kozlowski from the Outback to the Big Apple in this hit film. (AC,AL) PG13-1:38. MAX June 13 CDEH THE CRUCIBLE In this drama about the Salem witch trials, a woman’s passion and jealousy leads to trouble in her community. Daniel Day-Lewis, Winona Ryder. (N,V) PG132:03. HBO June 2,15,19 CDEh PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX CRY WOLF A twisted game sets a series of brutal murders into motion at a rural prep school. Lindy Booth, Julian Morris, Jared Padalecki star. (AC,AL,SC,V) PG13-1:30. MAX June 17,19,21,25,30 CDEH CURLY SUE A lovable con man and his even more lovable nine-year-old sidekick melt the heart of an icy lady lawyer. James Belushi, Kelly Lynch, Alisan Porter. (AL) PG1:42. HBO June 11,19,27 CDEh D DAD Circumstances force a hard-charging Wall Street executive to re-establish bonds with his father and his son in this drama. Ted Danson and Jack Lemmon star. (AL) PG-1:57. MAX June 18 CDEH DAFFY DUCK’S MOVIE: FANTASTIC ISLAND Daffy finds himself on a magical tropical island. G-1:18. MAX June 17 CE DANCING WITH DANGER A detective becomes involved with a mysterious woman who may be connected to several murders in this thriller. Cheryl Ladd stars. (AC,V) PG13-1:31. MAX June 8 CSE DANE COOK’S TOURGASM Stand-up star Dane Cook and three fellow comics set out on tour in this late-night comedy series. Widescreen. 01: (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:28. HBO June 11,13,15,16 CSh; 02: (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:30. HBO June 18,20,22,23 CSh; 03: (AC,AL,BN) TVMA/L-:27. HBO June 25,27,29,30 CSh DANGEROUS PASSIONS A detective looks into a music producer’s suspicious suicide in this steamy erotic thriller. (AC,AL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V,S,L-1:31. MAX June 7,16,24 CS THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW Global warming results in a series of cataclysmic natural disasters. Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ian Holm star. (AL,MV) PG132:04. MAX June 4,16,24,29 CDEH DEAD DRUNK: THE KEVIN TUNELL STORY LifeStories: Families in Crisis Story of a teen’s drunk-driving accident. (AL) TVPG/L:30. HBO June 6,12,22,27 CSE DEADLY VOYAGE HBO Original Movie A terrifying drama, based on a true story, of murder on the high seas. Omar Epps. (AC,AL, BN,GV) R-1:32. MAX June 13 CDEH DEADWOOD The Season Three premiere of HBO’s award-winning drama series that focuses on the ruthless power struggle among the inhabitants of an American frontier town. Widescreen. 25: Tell Your God to Ready for Blood (AC,BN,GL,V) TVMA-:53. HBO June 11,13,14,16,30 C5Eh; 26: I am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For (AC,GL,N,V) TVMA/L-:52. HBO June 18,20,21,23,30 C5Eh; 27: True Colors (AC,BN,GL) TVMA-:51. HBO June 25,27,28,30 C5Eh DENNIS MILLER: ALL IN Dennis Miller headlines this stand-up special taped at The Coliseum at Caesar’s Palace. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO June 18 CD THE DETECTIVE Frank Sinatra plays a hard-boiled New York City police detective in this tough, candid 1968 drama. (AC, AL,V) TV14/V,L,D-1:54. MAX June 9 CE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS Thriving con men Michael Caine and Steve Martin wage a bet to continue swindling a French Riviera town in this comical remake. (AC, AL) PG-1:50. MAX June 7 CDEH DIRTY WAR HBO Original Movie This alarming thriller chronicles a hypothetical story of a terrorist “dirty bomb” attack in Widescreen. (AC,AL,N,V) London. TVMA/V,S,L-1:30. HBO June 7,12 CSE THE DOOR IN THE FLOOR A teen writer spends a summer with a quirky children’s author and his emotionally devastated wife. Jeff Bridges, Kim Basinger. (AL,MV,N,SC) R-1:51. HBO June 14 C5Eh E EASY COME, EASY GO Ex-Navy frogman Elvis Presley discovers sunken treasure in this 1967 musical. Pat Harrington, Elsa Lanchester. (AC) PG-1:35. MAX June 24 E ELEPHANT HBO Original Movie An ordinary day at a typical American high school takes a tragic turn. Timothy Bottoms. (AC,AL,GV) R-1:21. HBO June 6 C5Eh EMPIRE RECORDS A record-store manager tries to prevent the business from being taken over by a big chain. With Anthony LaPaglia, Liv Tyler and Renée Zellweger. (AC,AL) PG13-1:30. MAX June 26 CDE THE ENGLISH PATIENT The life of a dying burn victim is revealed to a compassionate nurse in this 1996 Best Picture Oscar®winner. Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche. (AL, N,V) R-2:42. HBO June 8 C5Eh ENTOURAGE The Season Three premiere of HBO’s hit comedy series about a hot young actor and his pals in Hollywood. 21: Exodus (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:30. HBO June 4 CDEh; 22: The Abyss (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:27. HBO June 4 CDEh; 23: Aquamom (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:27. HBO June 11,13,14,15,16,17 CDEh; 24: One Day in the Valley (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:27. HBO June 18,20,21,22,23,24 CDEh; 25: Dominated (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:27. HBO June 25,27,28,29,30 CDEh ENVY Envy drives a stake between two buddies when one becomes filthy rich. Ben Stiller, Jack Black. (AC,AL) PG13-1:39. HBO June 1,4,9,21,27 C5Eh ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ Clint Eastwood leads a prison break from the seemingly inescapable fortress known as Alcatraz in this fact-based drama. Patrick McGoohan. (AL,V) PG-1:52. MAX June 5 CEH EVERYBODY’S ALL-AMERICAN Bittersweet look at the starry-eyed romance between a rugged football star and his trophy wife. With Dennis Quaid and Jessica Lange. (AL, N,V) R-2:07. MAX June 20 CDEH EXECUTIVE TARGET A stunt car driver is the only man who can stop a plot to kidnap the president. Michael Madsen. (AC,AL,BN, V) R-1:36. MAX June 11,20 CSEH THE EXORCIST William Friedkin’s director’s cut of the shocking horror classic about a girl who is possessed by a demon. Linda Blair, Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Jason Miller. (AL,GV) R-2:12. MAX June 2,25 CDE EXORCIST: THE BEGINNING Prequel to The Exorcist about Fr. Merrin’s first demonic battle. Stellan Skarsgård. (AL,BN,GV) R1:54. HBO June 2,15,27 C5Eh F THE FABULOUS BAKER BOYS Michelle Pfeiffer sizzles as a world-weary singer who sparks a lousy night club duo. (AL,BN) R-1:54. HBO June 16 CDEh FALLING IN LOVE Meryl Streep and Robert De Niro star in this romance about two married people who become involved in a passionate affair. Harvey Keitel, Dianne Wiest. (AC,AL) PG13-1:46. MAX June 23 CE FANDANGO Five college friends have one last fling—a road trip across Texas— before going their separate ways. Kevin Costner, Judd Nelson, Sam Robards. (AL, BN) PG-1:31. MAX June 13 CDEH FATHERS’ DAY Billy Crystal and Robin Williams play two men out to find a youth whom each believes is his son. Julia LouisDreyfus, Nastassja Kinski. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:39. MAX June 18,28 CDEH FEARLESS After walking away from a harrowing airplane crash, a man begins to withdraw from his wife and family. Jeff Bridges, Isabella Rossellini, Rosie Perez. (AC, AL,MV) R-2:02. HBO June 1 CDEh FIRESTORM Smoke-jumpers battle fires and escaped convicts in this fiery actionthriller. Howie Long, Scott Glenn. (AC,AL,V) R-1:29. HBO June 25,28 CDEh FIRST DAUGHTER The daughter of a United States president seeks normalcy within the confines of a prestigious California university. Katie Holmes. (MV) PG-1:45. HBO June 4,9,14,17,22,26 C5Eh FLASHBACK Culture-clash comedy about a straight-arrow federal agent who has to haul in a hippie throwback on an old rap. Dennis Hopper and Kiefer Sutherland star. (AL,V) R-1:48. HBO June 23 CDEh FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX A jet crashes in the uninhabited Gobi desert leaving the crew desperate to find a way out in this remake. Dennis Quaid. (AL,MV) PG13-1:53. MAX June 2,7,11,15,26 CDEH FOREVER YOUNG Mel Gibson stars as a grieving 1939 test pilot who is frozen in a cryogenics experiment—and doesn’t wake up until 1992. Jamie Lee Curtis. (AL,BN) PG1:42. HBO June 2,12,20,30 CDEh FRIDAY THE 13TH PART V: A NEW BEGINNING Jason—or a psycho in a hockey mask—is stalking residents of a camp for troubled teens in this slasher sequel. (AC,AL,GV,N) R-1:32. MAX June 5,18 CE FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VI: JASON LIVES The long-dead Jason is jolted back to knife-wielding life in this shocking sequel. With Thom Mathews, Jennifer Cooke. (AC,AL,GV) R-1:27. MAX June 12 CSE FULL ECLIPSE HBO Original Movie Young L.A. cop Mario Van Peebles is chosen for a group of vigilante cops who have a real edge—they’re werewolves! (AC,AL,GV,N) R-1:37. MAX June 6 CSEH FULL METAL JACKET Stanley Kubrick’s blistering, graphic look into the ferocious soul of the Vietnam War. Matthew Modine. (AC,AL,GV) R-1:56. HBO June 5,9 CEh G GARDEN STATE An emotionally stunted actor experiences an awakening when he returns to his New Jersey hometown for the funeral of his mother. Zach Braff. (AC,AL,MV) R-1:42. HBO June 2,13 C5Eh GARFIELD THE MOVIE Jim Davis’ lasagnaloving comic-strip feline makes a beeline for the big screen in this comedy. Breckin Meyer, Jennifer Love Hewitt. (MV) PG-1:20. MAX June 3,9,13,22,26 CDEH GENIE IN A STRING BIKINI Erotic wishes come true for a U.S. Army major who discovers two genies in bottles who must satisfy all of his desires. (AC,MV,N,SC) TVMA/S-1:17. MAX June 1,30 CS GEORGE A. ROMERO’S LAND OF THE DEAD Surviving humans live in a metropolitan barricade whose gates hold out the living dead. Simon Baker. (AC,AL,GV,SC) R-1:33. MAX June 11,15,20,30 CDEH GEORGE CARLIN: LIFE IS WORTH LOSING George Carlin unveils a hilarious catalogue of pungent observations in his 13th HBO stand-up comedy special. (AC,AL) TVMA/L1:14. HBO June 3,20 CDH GIMME AN “F” A cheerleader competition is the setting for this rowdy teen comedy. Stephen Shellen, Mark Keyloun, Jennifer Cooke. (AC,N) R-1:40. MAX June 23 E GIRL 6 Spike Lee comedy with Theresa Randle as an aspiring actress who takes a job as a phone-sex operator—and likes it! Isaiah Washington, Debi Mazar, Jenifer Lewis. (AC,AL,N) R-1:48. MAX June 2 CDE THE GIRL IN THE RED VELVET SWING Joan Collins is the gorgeous girl whose charms lead to murder in this 1955 drama. (AC,MV) TVPG/V,D-1:49. MAX June 27 S THE GIRL NEXT DOOR A bookish highschool teen falls for a porn star who moves in next door to him. Emile Hirsch, Elisha Cuthbert, Timothy Olyphant. (AL,MV,N,SC) R1:49. HBO June 6,12,15,28 C5Eh GOODBYE LOVER Patricia Arquette stars in this comedy-thriller that is loaded with murder, deception and passion! (AC,AL, BN,V) R-1:41. MAX June 28 CDEH GORDY A chatty piglet joins the corporate world to save his swine family from slaughter. With Doug Stone, Tom Lester. G1:30. HBO June 8,17,21,30 CDEh THE GRUDGE An unremarkable suburban home is the setting for a brutal crime and its vengeful supernatural aftermath in this frightening remake of Ju-On: The Grudge. Sarah Michelle Gellar. (MV) PG13-1:31. HBO June 10,13,23,26,29 C5Eh GUS VAN SANT’S LAST DAYS An insecure rock star’s final moments before suicide are documented in this drama. Michael Pitt, Lukas Haas, Asia Argento. (AC,AL,BN) R-1:37. HBO June 8,21 C5eh H THE HAMBURG CELL HBO Original Movie A daring look at a group of young Islamic men who were transformed into Al Qaeda killers. Widescreen. (AC,AL,V) TV14/V,L,D1:46. MAX June 15,28 CSEH HARD TO KILL Steven Seagal hunts the evil politician who left him for dead in this action flick. Kelly LeBrock. (AC,AL,BN,GV) R-1:36. HBO June 10,22 C5Eh THE HARD WAY James Woods and Michael J. Fox clash in this comedy about a tough cop whose hunt for a killer is impeded by a method-acting movie star. (AC,AL,MV) R-1:51. MAX June 3,16,29 CDEH HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN Young wizard Harry Potter and his friends enter adolescence facing a dark new series of threats in this enchanting third installment. Daniel Radcliffe. (MV) PG2:22. MAX June 2,10,19,25 CDEH PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX HBO FIRST LOOK Behind-the-scenes look. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift :13. HBO June 6,8,10,16,20,23,25,29; A Prairie Home Companion :13. HBO June 1,3,5,8,9,11,14,19; Superman Returns :13. HBO June 19,25,26,28,29,30 HEARTBREAK RIDGE Clint Eastwood is a Marine sergeant whose final tour of duty is to whip a sorry platoon of green recruits into battleworthy shape. (AL,BN,V) R-2:10. MAX June 4,9,13,27 CDEH HEIR TO AN EXECUTION: A GRANDDAUGHTER’S STORY America Undercover A filmmaker looks at her grandparents, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Widescreen. (AC) TVPG/D-1:32. HBO June 5,15 CSE THE HIDDEN II Two people team up to stop the spread of alien offspring in this sequel. Raphael Sbarge, Kate Hodge. (AC,AL,GV, N,SC) R-1:33. MAX June 3,26 CSH HIDE AND SEEK A shrink’s traumatized daughter begins seeing a scary imaginary friend. Robert De Niro, Dakota Fanning, Famke Janssen, Elisabeth Shue. (AL,V) R1:41. HBO June 17,22,26 C5Eh HOOPER Burt Reynolds takes off as an aging but high-flying stuntman in this delightful comedy. Sally Field, Jan-Michael Vincent, Brian Keith, John Marley, Robert Klein. (AL,MV) PG-1:40. MAX June 19 C HOTEL EROTICA Erotic series. 14: Maid Service (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:29. MAX June 12 CS; 15: Talking Dirty (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:29. MAX June 12 CS; 16: Stakeout (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:30. MAX June 19 CS; 17: Lisa Comes Out (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:30. MAX June 19 CS HOUDINI Tony Curtis stars as Harry Houdini, the master magician who astounded audiences all over the world. Janet Leigh. TVG-1:46. MAX June 27 CE HOUSE ARREST Two kids lock their bickering parents in the basement in this comedy. With Jamie Lee Curtis. (AC,AL,MV) PG-1:49. MAX June 6 CDEH HOUSE OF WAX A road trip comes to a grisly end for six young people in this spine-tingling horror remake. Chad Michael Murray, Elisha Cuthbert. (AC,AL,SC,V) R1:53. MAX June 4,13,17,23 CDEH HOW I GOT INTO COLLEGE A lovestruck slacker struggles to get onto a top-notch campus after he falls for the lovely class president. Anthony Edwards, Corey Parker. (AL) PG13-1:27. MAX June 14 CDEH I I HEART HUCKABEES An environmentalist poet hires a pair of existential detectives to help him understand his life in this quirky comedy. Dustin Hoffman stars. (AC,AL,BN, MV) R-1:47. MAX June 1,19 CDEH IF LOOKS COULD KILL Richard Grieco battles a fiendish plot for world domination after he is mistaken for a secret agent. (AC,AL, MV) PG13-1:28. MAX June 1 CDEH I’LL DO ANYTHING An unemployed actor fights the Hollywood system in this comedy. With Nick Nolte, Albert Brooks. (AC,AL,BN) PG13-1:56. MAX June 16 CDEH IMAGINARY HEROES Sigourney Weaver stars as a mother trying to keep her sanity as her family splinters in the aftermath of a devastating tragedy. Emile Hirsch. (AC,AL) R-1:51. HBO June 15,26 C5Eh THE IMPOSTORS Madcap farce about two improvisational actors who take refuge aboard a ship of fools. Stanley Tucci. (AC,AL, MV) R-1:41. MAX June 27 CDEH IMPULSE Theresa Russell heats up the screen as a gorgeous vice cop who gets too close to her work in this tale. (AL,N,V) R-1:49. MAX June 4,22 CDH IN THE NAME OF LOVE: A TEXAS TRAGEDY A wealthy paraplegic falls for a poor girl to his family’s disdain. Michael Hayden. (AC,MV) TVPG/V,D-1:32. HBO June 12,16,28 SE INDECENT PROPOSAL Robert Redford offers cash-for-sex to a broke couple. Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson. (AC,AL,BN) R-1:57. MAX June 1,7,12,16,25 CDEH INDIAN POINT: IMAGINING THE UNIMAGINABLE America Undercover A cautionary look at the consequences of an accident or attack on Indian Point nuclear facility. (AC) TVPG/D-:42. HBO June 1,15,26 CSE INTERNAL AFFAIRS Andy Garcia stars as a hotshot LAPD investigator who finds himself up against bad cop Richard Gere. (AL,BN,V) R-1:55. MAX June 6,24,30 CDEH INTIMATE SESSIONS Adult series. 01: Tamara (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:27. MAX June 4 CS; 02: Elena (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:26. MAX June 4 CS; 03: Celeste (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:29. MAX June 20 CS; 04: Mary (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:27. MAX June 20 CS J THE JACKET A wounded Gulf War veteran lands in a terrifying predicament between his past and his future in this mindbending tale. Adrien Brody. (AC,AL,BN,V) R1:43. MAX June 8,12,16,25 CDEH JINGLE ALL THE WAY Christmas Eve finds Arnold Schwarzenegger on a desperate search for a hard-to-find toy for his son. (MV) PG-1:30. MAX June 8,13,18 CDEH K KICKING & SCREAMING A salesman and his ultra-competitive father take their rivalry to the soccer field as opposing coaches. Will Ferrell, Robert Duvall. (MV) PG-1:35. HBO June 3,7 C5Eh THE KILLING FIELDS A man’s struggle for survival amidst the ravages of war. With Sam Waterston and 1984 Best Supporting Actor Oscar®-winner Haing S. Ngor. (AC,AL,GV) R-2:22. MAX June 8 CDE L L.A. CONFIDENTIAL First-rate film noir based on James Ellroy’s novel about corrupt cops and murder in 1950s L.A. Kevin Spacey, Russell Crowe. (AC,AL,N,V) R-2:18. HBO June 10,23,27 CDEh LASSIE A city family is adopted by a beautiful collie upon their move to the country in this family favorite. Helen Slater, Thomas Guiry, Richard Farnsworth. (MV) PG-1:35. HBO June 1,6,16,26 CDE LAST ACTION HERO A young boy helps his movie hero both on- and off-screen in this action-fantasy. Arnold Schwarzenegger, F. Murray Abraham, Art Carney. (AL,V) PG132:11. HBO June 5,8,11,16,27 CDEh THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS Daniel DayLewis stars as a white man raised by Indians who comes to the aid of two women. Madeleine Stowe, Russell Means. (AC,AL,V) R-1:53. HBO June 11,21 CD LEAN ON ME The inspiring true story of a controversial educator’s battle to eliminate crime and drugs in his high school. Morgan Freeman and Beverly Todd star. (AL,V) PG13-1:49. MAX June 8,19 CDEH LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN Gene Tierney is awesome as a homicidal woman in love! Cornel Wilde, Jeanne Crain, Vincent Price. (AC) TVPG/D-1:50. MAX June 30 CE LEFT OF THE DIAL America Undercover A documentary look at the efforts to launch the liberal Air America Radio Network. (AL) TVMA/L-1:37. HBO June 5 CSE LEGENDARY NIGHTS: THE TALE OF HAGLER-LEONARD A close, controversial fight between Sugar Ray Leonard and devastating puncher Marvin Hagler. TVPG:27. HBO June 5,10,17,23 CSE LEWIS BLACK: RED, WHITE & SCREWED Lewis Black’s second HBO special is an hour of frenetic, no-holds-barred stand-up comedy taped in front of a live crowd at the Warner Theatre in Washington, D.C. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO June 10,14,19,23,27,29 LOCAL HERO An oil exec’s deal to buy a Scottish village is stymied by an eccentric beachcomber, a mermaid and canny locals in this comedy. Burt Lancaster, Peter Riegert. (AC,AL) PG-1:51. MAX June 28 CH LOVE & SEX An article about oral sex lands a young magazine writer in trouble…and gets her thinking about her past relationships. Famke Janssen. (AC,AL) TVMA/L1:22. MAX June 3,16,26 CDEH LOVE AT LARGE A private detective is hired to keep an eye on a client’s boyfriend—only to be followed himself. Tom Berenger, Elizabeth Perkins. (AC,AL,BN,V) R-1:37. HBO June 11,19 CDEh LUCKY LOUIE All-new HBO comedy series that takes a fresh and funny look into blue collar domestic life. Created by and starring Louis C.K. Also with Pamela S. Adlon, Mike Hagerty and Laura Kightlinger. 01: Pilot (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:32. HBO June 11,12,13,14,15,16,17 CSEh; 02: Kim’s O (AC,AL,BN) TVMA/L-:27. HBO June 18,19,20,21,22,23,24 CSEh; 03: A Mugging Story (AC,AL,N) TVMA/S,L-:25. HBO June 25,27,28,29,30 CSEh M MADAGASCAR The call of the wild gets a quartet of spoiled zoo animals crated off to the jungle for an eye-opening adventure in this animated comedy hit. (MV) PG-1:26. HBO June 17,20,25,28 C5Eh MADAME SOUSATZKA Shirley MacLaine brings magic to the title character: a plump, once-renowned piano teacher whose teen prodigy lights up her London flat. (AC,AL) PG13-2:01. MAX June 28 CDEH MADHOUSE A married couple buys a home only to become overrun by their obnoxious houseguests in this comedy. Kirstie Alley and John Larroquette star. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:30. HBO June 3,7,22 CDEh MAJOR LEAGUE II The Cleveland Indians go from division champs to major-league chumps in this comedy sequel. Charlie Sheen, Tom Berenger, Corbin Bernsen. (AL) PG-1:45. HBO June 1,4,23,30 CDEh THE MAKING OF... Behind-the-scenes previews. Cinderella Man (AL,MV) TVPG/V, L-:13. HBO June 2,12,14,24,26 CSE; Constantine (AL,V) TV14/V,L-:13. HBO June 5 CS; Madagascar TVG-:25. HBO June 6,22,26 CSE; Robots (MV) TVY7:13. HBO June 11,16,19 CSE; ScoobyDoo 2: Monsters Unleashed Widescreen. (MV) TVPG/V-:13. HBO June 18,21 CS THE MAMBO KINGS Two Cuban brothers come to the U.S. in the ’50s with dreams of making it big as musicians. Armand Assante and Antonio Banderas star. (AC,AL, N) R-1:42. HBO June 20 CDEh MAN ON FIRE A bodyguard hunts the creeps responsible for a little girl’s abduction. Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Christopher Walken. (AC,GL,GV) R-2:26. MAX June 4,8,14,24 CDEH MARATHON MAN Is it safe? Dustin Hoffman definitely doesn’t think so as an innocent grad student pursued by ex-Nazi Laurence Olivier in this 1976 thriller. Roy Scheider. (AC,AL,V) R-2:05. MAX June 25 CE MARIA FULL OF GRACE HBO Original Movie A Colombian girl becomes a drug “mule.” Catalina Sandino Moreno. Widescreen. (AC, AL,V) R-1:41. HBO June 1,25 C5Eh MARVIN’S ROOM Meryl Streep and Diane Keaton star as estranged sisters who reunite at their father’s sickbed. Also starring Leonardo DiCaprio. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:38. MAX June 12 CDEH MAX ON SET Behind-the-scenes previews. Man on Fire (AC,AL,V) TV14/V,L,D-:12. MAX June 19 CSE MEET THE FOCKERS The Byrnes family heads South to meet the Fockers in this riotous sequel to Meet the Parents. Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller. (AC,AL) PG13-1:55. MAX June 1,10,21,30 CDEH MIDWAY Charlton Heston and Henry Fonda lead the U.S. into the epic World War II Battle of Midway in this thrilling war film. (AL,MV) PG-2:11. MAX June 26 CEH MILLION DOLLAR BABY Clint Eastwood’s 2004 Best Picture Oscar®-winner about a boxing coach and his new trainee. Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman. (AC,AL,V) PG132:13. HBO June 3,6,15,19,25,28 C5Eh MILLIONS Two young boys coping with the death of their mother find a bag full of stolen money in this fantasy. James Nesbitt, Daisy Donovan, Alex Etel. (MV) PG-1:39. HBO June 5,10,13,16,29 C5Eh MIRACLE IN THE RAIN A lonely N.Y. secretary finds brief happiness with a soldier from Kansas in this 1956 WWII romance. With Eileen Heckart and Barbara Nichols. B/W; TVG-1:47. MAX June 18 C MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET Remake about a department-store exec who finds a Santa Claus who believes he is the real deal! Richard Attenborough, Elizabeth Perkins. (AL) PG-1:54. MAX June 20 CDEH MISS CONGENIALITY 2: ARMED AND FABULOUS Sandra Bullock stars in this hilarious sequel. (MV) PG13-1:55. HBO June 5,10,14,23,25,29 C5Eh MISSING A man searches Chile for his son, who disappeared during the coup of 1973. Jack Lemmon, Sissy Spacek. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG-2:03. MAX June 12 CEH THE MISSION Jeremy Irons is a priest trying to start a mission in South America. Robert De Niro, Aidan Quinn co-star. (AC, N,V) PG-2:05. MAX June 7 CDEH PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX MISSISSIPPI BURNING The true story of the 1964 disappearances of three civilrights activists in Mississippi. Gene Hackman and Willem Dafoe star. (AC,AL,MV) R-2:07. MAX June 17,22 CDEH MOM AND DAD SAVE THE WORLD Riotous comedy about a California couple who are kidnapped by a lovestruck intergalactic despot. With Jon Lovitz. (AC,AL) PG-1:28. MAX June 5 CDH THE MOON AND THE SON: AN IMAGINED CONVERSATION Cinemax Reel Life 2005 Oscar®-winning Short Film (Animated) that depicts a father-son conversation. (AC) TVPG/D-:28. MAX June 18,22,30 CS THE MOTHER An aging widowed mother makes waves within her family when she seduces her daughter’s lover in this British film. Anne Reid, Daniel Craig. (AC,AL,MV,N) R-1:52. MAX June 26 CDEH MR. & MRS. SMITH Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie star as married assassins who are assigned to whack each other! PG13-2:00. MAX June 3,5,7,11,15,21,27 CDEH MY LIFE When a hotshot exec and fatherto-be learns he’s dying of cancer, he makes a video for the child he may never know. Michael Keaton, Nicole Kidman. (AC, AL) PG13-1:57. MAX June 4 CSEH N NAKED A brilliant, angry working class man with nothing to look forward to uses and discards people according to his whims. David Thewlis stars. (AC,AL,N,RP,V) TVMA/V,S,L-2:12. HBO June 12 CDh NAPOLEON DYNAMITE The cult comedy that follows the oddball adventures of a frizzy-haired high-school loser. Jon Heder, Jon Gries, Aaron Ruell. (AL,MV) PG-1:35. HBO June 1,4,7,17,20,30 C5Eh THE NEW LAND The pioneer saga of the 1800s that began in The Emigrants is concluded in this moving drama. Max von Sydow, Liv Ullman and Eddie Axberg star. (AC,AL,V) PG-2:39. MAX June 23 THE NEWTON BOYS True story of bankrobbing brothers. Matthew McConaughey, Ethan Hawke, Skeet Ulrich. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG13-2:02. MAX June 30 CDEH NIGHT MOVES Private eye Gene Hackman goes in search of a runaway girl in this suspense-thriller. With Susan Clark, James Woods. (N,V) R-1:39. MAX June 22 CE NIGHTCAP Erotic series. 01: Illicit Affairs (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:28. MAX June 29 CS; 02: Vivid Imagination (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S:29. MAX June 29 CS; 03: Sense of Touch (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:29. MAX June 5 CS; 04: Everyone Has a Price (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:29. MAX June 5 CS NOTHING BUT TROUBLE Chevy Chase and Demi Moore are trapped in a mansion crammed with contraptions. John Candy. (AL) PG13-1:33. MAX June 9 CDEH O OCEAN’S TWELVE George Clooney and his merry band of crooks attempt a series of wild heists in this sequel to Ocean’s Eleven. Brad Pitt, Matt Damon. (AC,AL) PG13-2:05. HBO June 3,6,9,14,23,25,29 C5Eh THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA Spencer Tracy plays the aging fisherman of Ernest Hemingway’s classic novel who battles a huge marlin. TVG-1:27. MAX June 25 CE OUT TO SEA Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon team up as phony dance hosts in this shipboard comedy. Dyan Cannon. (AC,AL) PG13-1:47. MAX June 7 CDE THE OUTSIDERS Francis Ford Coppola helmed this compelling tale of a teen class war. Matt Dillon, C. Thomas Howell, Patrick Swayze, Tom Cruise, Ralph Macchio star. (AC,AL,V) PG-1:31. MAX June 14 CD P PANDEMIC: FACING AIDS: BRAZIL A look at a man with AIDS who has treatments provided by the Brazilian government. (AC) TV14/D-:28. HBO June 4,16,29 CSE THE PAPER CHASE A law student works to impress his haughty Harvard professor who happens to be his girlfriend’s father. Timothy Bottoms, John Houseman. (AC,AL) PG-1:51. MAX June 7 CEH PASSION COVE Adult series. 03: Lights, Camera, Action (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:27. MAX June 25 CS; 04: Blind Date (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:27. MAX June 25 CS PATERNITY Burt Reynolds looks for a lady who will have his baby. Beverly D’Angelo. (AC,AL) PG-1:33. MAX June 18 CE PCU Offensive college slackers defend their house against political correctness. Jeremy Piven, Chris Young, David Spade. (AC,AL) PG13-1:21. MAX June 19 CDEH THE PERFECT MAN Hilary Duff concocts the ideal suitor for her single mom. Heather Locklear, Chris Noth co-star. (AC) PG-1:41. HBO June 4,8,13,19,24 C5Eh PERFECT WITNESS HBO Original Movie A man is torn between his love for his family and his desire for justice when he takes a stand against crime. Brian Dennehy. (AL,V) R-1:41. MAX June 23 CSH PET SEMATARY TWO A new kid in town discovers the cemetery’s horrifying secret in this sequel. Edward Furlong. (AC,AL,BN, GV) R-1:40. HBO June 30 CDEh THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA Joel Schumacher’s stirring update of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Broadway smash. Gerard Butler, Emmy Rossum. (BN,V) PG13-2:21. HBO June 9,13,23,26 C5Eh PHENOMENON John Travolta stars in this tale about a small-town mechanic who suddenly develops incredible intellectual powers. With Forest Whitaker. (BN,MV) PG2:03. MAX June 9,19,24 CDEH PICTURE PERFECT A man-hunting miss turns the corporate ladder into a dizzying seesaw. Jennifer Aniston stars. (AC,AL) PG13-1:42. MAX June 11,22 CDEH PLASTIC DISASTERS A look at the dark side of plastic surgery featuring three cases that went horrifically wrong. (AC,N) TVMA/ S-1:00. HBO June 5,8,13,21,25 CSE PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM Woody Allen is a schnook who tries to be a stud with the help of Humphrey Bogart’s ghost in this comedy. (AC,AL) PG-1:25. MAX June 5 C THE PLEASURE ZONE Adult series. 05: His Tale, Her Tale (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:30. MAX June 8 CS; 06: Chat Room (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:29. MAX June 8 CS; 07: What’s Past is Past (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX June 26 CS; 08: All Outta Love (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:30. MAX June 26 CS POINT OF NO RETURN Bridget Fonda plays a beautiful, violent cop-killing junkie who is given a choice: die for her crime or become a government assassin! (AC,AL,V) R-1:48. MAX June 1,6,19,24,30 CDEH POLICE ACADEMY 3: BACK IN TRAINING In their third mad caper, the loony crimebusters try to save their beloved academy from being closed! Steve Guttenberg. (AC) PG-1:24. MAX June 3 CE PONTIAC MOON The Apollo moon landing sends Ted Danson and his son off on a voyage of self-discovery—and healing— in this quirky comedy/drama. (AL,MV) PG13-1:47. HBO June 7,20 CDEh PRELUDE TO A KISS Alec Baldwin and Meg Ryan star in this romantic comedydrama about a couple who learn that love comes in many disguises. (AC,AL) PG131:45. MAX June 8 CDEH PROS & CONS An accountant framed for embezzlement teams up with a pair of cons to plan a revenge scheme. Larry Miller, Tommy Davidson. (AC,AL,V) R-1:44. HBO June 26 CDEh R RAPID FIRE Brandon Lee plays a pacifist college student who is unwillingly drawn into a violent Chicago drug war. (AC,AL,V) R-1:35. HBO June 9,29 CDE RAY Jamie Foxx won the 2004 Best Actor Oscar® for his portrayal of music pioneer Ray Charles in this “engrossing” (Variety) biographical drama. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-2:32. HBO June 5,11,14,20,24,29 C5Eh REAL SEX 26: LESSONS IN LOVE AND LUST Sizzling adults-only special featuring five captivating courses that definitely won’t put you to sleep! (AC,GL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:02. HBO June 15 CSE A REAL SEX XTRA: PORNUCOPIA: GOING DOWN IN THE VALLEY Adult series. 04: The Business of Kink (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-:23. HBO June 17,19,26,30 CSE REAL SPORTS WITH BRYANT GUMBEL HBO’s Emmy®-winning sports-magazine that goes beyond the scores and stats to look at the world of sports. 111: (AL) TVPG/ L-:58. HBO June 20,22,24,26,28,30 CSE REGARDING HENRY A rich Manhattan lawyer finds his world turned upside-down when he is left with amnesia. Harrison Ford and Annette Bening star. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:47. MAX June 21 CDEH RESIDENT EVIL: APOCALYPSE Alice is in Horrorland—again—in this bloody sequel that pits the lovely heroine against flesheating zombies. Milla Jovovich. (AL,BN,GV) R-1:34. HBO June 20,24 C5Eh REVENGE OF THE NERDS III: THE NEXT GENERATION Frat boys go after the geeks and the original nerds come to the rescue! With Robert Carradine, Curtis Armstrong. (AC) TVPG/D-1:33. HBO June 9,15 SE THE RING TWO The vengeful ghost of a murdered girl continues to haunt a young reporter and her son. Naomi Watts, Simon Baker, David Dorfman. (AL,V) TVMA/V,L2:08. MAX June 24,26,28 CSh ROBOTS A young robot with dreams of becoming an inventor must take on a corrupt corporate monolith in this dazzling animated picture. Voice: Ewan McGregor. (MV) PG-1:30. HBO June 17 C5Eh THE ROCK Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage team up to stop a threat to chemically attack San Francisco with weapons launched from Alcatraz Island. (AC,AL,V) R2:16. MAX June 5,10,20 CDEH RORY O’SHEA WAS HERE A hooligan with muscular dystrophy inspires another disabled man. James McAvoy, Steven Robertson. (AL) R-1:44. HBO June 9,22 C5Eh S SAMSON AND DELILAH Cecil B. DeMille’s 1950 biblical epic with Victor Mature, Hedy Lamarr, Angela Lansbury and George Sanders. TVG-2:07. MAX June 22 CE SCENT OF A WOMAN A student escorts an irascible blind ex-military officer on an impulsive excursion around New York City. Al Pacino and Chris O’Donnell star. (AC,AL, MV) R-2:36. HBO June 5 CDEh SCOOBY-DOO 2: MONSTERS UNLEASHED Monsters from the Mystery, Inc. gang’s past return to life in this sequel. Freddie Prinze Jr., Sarah Michelle Gellar. (MV) PG1:32. HBO June 13,16,22,25 C5Eh SEA OF LOVE Al Pacino stars as a cop who seeks out a serial killer preying on personal ad purchasers in this thriller. (AC,GL,N, SC,V) R-1:53. HBO June 17 CDEh SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN Engaging comedy-drama about three teens on their way to maturity. Jennifer Connelly. (AC,AL,BN) PG13-1:28. MAX June 20 CE SEX GAMES CANCUN Erotic series. 04: Same Time, Next Year (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-:29. MAX June 3 CSH; 05: Sexual Politics (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX June 2,4,6,7,10 CSH; 06: Hot Stuff (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX June 9,11, 13,14,17 CSH; 07: Rock On (AC,AL, N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX June 16,18,20,21, 24 CSH; 08: Handy (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA-:30. MAX June 23,25,27,28 CSH; 09: The Kelsey Mudd Show (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX June 30 CSH THE SEX INSPECTORS: A REAL SEX INTERNATIONAL BRITISH IMPORT Two sex experts scrutinize the love lives of real couples. 06: Mark and Bina (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:36. HBO June 4,8 CSE THE SEX SPA A detective probes a murder case centered around a spa where massages end with an erotic twist. (AC,N, SC,V) TVMA/V,S-1:26. MAX June 6,11 CS SEXUAL SURRENDER A company man complicates his love life when his boss demands he seduce a rival. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:35. MAX June 13,19,23 CS SEXY MOVIE A novice filmmaker steps out from behind the camera to helm a sexy porno flick. Kelly Couch, G. Alan Harris. (AC,AL,N,SC) R-1:26. MAX June 3,14 CS SHADOW OF DOUBT An ace attorney defends a rap star charged with murder. Melanie Griffith, Tom Berenger star. (AC,AL, N,V) R-1:42. MAX June 2,11,28 CDE THE SHAPE OF THINGS An unlikely affair between two graduate students sours and leads to complications with another couple. Rachel Weisz, Paul Rudd. (AC,AL) R-1:37. HBO June 26 C5Eh SHARK TALE Animated comedy with a mob twist. Voices of Will Smith, Robert De Niro, Renée Zellweger, Angelina Jolie. (MV) PG-1:30. MAX June 6,17,23 CDEH PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX SHAUN OF THE DEAD A bumbling salesman tries to lead his family and friends to the safety of his favorite pub after London is overrun by zombies. Simon Pegg. (AL,GV) R-1:39. HBO June 18,30 C5Eh SHE HATE ME A fired business exec discovers he can earn a living helping female couples achieve parenthood in this Spike Lee film. Anthony Mackie. (AC,AL,N, V) R-2:19. MAX June 10,19 CDEH SHE’S HAVING A BABY John Hughes’ comedy about a young couple facing the joys and trials of marriage. Kevin Bacon, Elizabeth McGovern and Alec Baldwin star. (AC,AL) PG13-1:46. MAX June 11 CDE SHELTER DOGS America Undercover An intimate look at an upstate New York dog shelter whose owner considers euthanasia a humane option for overly aggressive dogs. (AC) TV14/D-1:13. HBO June 3,9,19 CSE SHOCK VIDEO 2004: TOO HOT FOR THE BOX America Undercover HBO’s tenth visit to the Shock Video archives for the world’s most notorious and naughty TV. (AC,AL, N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:44. HBO June 29 CSE THE SIEGE Terrorists target New York City in this highly charged thriller. Denzel Washington, Annette Bening, Bruce Willis and Tony Shalhoub star. (AC,AL,BN,V) R1:56. MAX June 7,17,23,27 CDEH THE SKELETON KEY “Hoodoo” magic haunts a young nurse after she takes a job on a creepy Bayou plantation. Kate Hudson, Gena Rowlands. (BN,MV) PG13-1:44. HBO June 10,13,18,21,26,29 C5Eh SKIN GAME Two con artists pull a clever scam as they wander through pre-Civil War Kansas and Missouri. James Garner. (AL,MV) PG-1:42. MAX June 14 CE SMASHED: TOXIC TALES OF TEENS AND ALCOHOL Six cases of young people who wound up in the University of Maryland's Shock Trauma Hospital as a result of alcohol-related accidents. (AC,AL) TV14/ L,D-:53. HBO June 4,14,20,30 CSE SOMMERSBY Richard Gere and Jodie Foster star in this romantic mystery about a man who may not be who he claims to be. Bill Pullman, James Earl Jones. (AC,V) PG131:53. HBO June 2,21,30 CDEh THE SOPRANOS The 2006 finale of HBO’s hit drama series. James Gandolfini stars. Widescreen. 75: Moe n’ Joe (AC,AL) TVMA/ L-:54. HBO June 2 C5Eh; 76: Cold Stones (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO June 3 C5Eh; 77: Kaisha (AC,AL) TVMA/ L-:57. HBO June 4,6,7,9,10 C5Eh SOUL FOOD A middle-class black family’s triumphs and trials come to the fore over a warm and wonderful table. Vanessa L. Williams, Vivica A. Fox star. (AC,AL,BN,MV) R-1:55. MAX June 4,15,21 CDEH SPANGLISH A single Mexican mother is hired as a housekeeper for a dysfunctional L.A. family. Adam Sandler, Téa Leoni, Paz Vega, Cloris Leachman. (AC,AL) PG132:11. MAX June 6,18,29 CDEH STAND AND DELIVER A teacher turns disgruntled teenagers into academic champions. Starring Edward James Olmos, Lou Diamond Phillips and Andy Garcia. (AL) PG-1:43. MAX June 29 CEH STAR TREK III: THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK The deceased Spock’s body and soul are separated and must be reunited on the planet Vulcan. William Shatner stars. (V) PG-1:45. MAX June 11,21 CDEH STAR WARS: EPISODE III–REVENGE OF THE SITH George Lucas’ sixth and final installment in the epic Star Wars series. Ewan McGregor. (MV) PG13-2:20. HBO June 3,6,11,16,17,19,22,24 C5Eh THE STEPSISTER A daughter suspects her stepfamily of murder when her dad suddenly dies. Rena Sofer, Linda Evans. (AC,BN,MV) PG13-1:31. MAX June 3,14 CSE STILETTO DANCE Eric Roberts and Romano Orzari star as Buffalo cops who go undercover to nail a Russian mob boss. (AC,AL, N,V) R-1:37. MAX June 5,23 CDEH THE SUNDOWNERS Robert Mitchum and Deborah Kerr star in this acclaimed 1960 classic about a sheepherder and his family in rugged Australia. With Peter Ustinov, Glynis Johns. TVG-2:13. MAX June 14 CE SUPERBABIES: BABY GENIUSES 2 A gang of super-intelligent toddlers must save the world from a global villain in this sequel. Jon Voight, Scott Baio, Vanessa Angel. (MV) PG-1:29. HBO June 4,13,28 C5Eh SUPERMAN Christopher Reeve stars as the Man of Steel in this classic. Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder. (AL,MV) PG-2:23. MAX June 9,29 CDE SUPERMAN II The Man of Steel battles three Kryptonian villains trying to conquer Earth. Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder. (AC, V) PG-2:07. MAX June 5,29 CDEH SURVIVING CHRISTMAS A rich, but clearly disturbed young man pays a family to take him in for the holidays. Ben Affleck, James Gandolfini, Christina Applegate. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:31. MAX June 4,9,26 CDEH SWITCH A dead man is not allowed to enter Heaven unless he can go back as a female and find a woman on Earth who likes him. Ellen Barkin, Jimmy Smits. (AC,AL) R-1:43. MAX June 10,22 CDEH T TALKIN’ DIRTY AFTER DARK The laughs and love lives of a handful of raunchy stand-up comics. Martin Lawrence. (AC,AL, BN,MV) R-1:27. HBO June 11 CSh TANGO & CASH Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell are rival cops who are forced to team up after they are framed by devious drug lord Jack Palance. (AL,BN,GV) R-1:44. HBO June 19,25 CDEh TAXI A New York cop and a freewheeling cabbie team up in this comedy. Queen Latifah, Jimmy Fallon. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:37. MAX June 2,10,20,25,29 CDEH TERMS OF ENDEARMENT Tear-jerking 1983 Oscar®-winning Best Picture about a turbulent mother-daughter relationship. Shirley MacLaine, Jack Nicholson. (AC,AL) PG-2:12. MAX June 1 CSEH THERE WAS A CROOKED MAN... A cocky convict tempts a prison warden with a half million dollars he has hidden. Kirk Douglas. (AL,MV,N) R-2:04. MAX June 12 CE THIRD DEGREE BURN HBO Original Movie Private eye Treat Williams is accused of murdering his lover’s husband. (AC,AL,N,V) TVMA/V,S,L-1:37. MAX June 8,25 CSH THUNDERHEART A young FBI agent investigates murder on a South Dakota Indian reservation. Val Kilmer. (AC,AL,BN,V) R-1:59. HBO June 18 CDEh TOP SECRET! Val Kilmer plays a hot rock star drawn into a Cold War conspiracy in East Germany. Omar Sharif, Jeremy Kemp. (AC,MV) PG-1:30. MAX June 1 CDE TOTAL ECLIPSE French poets Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine embark on a relationship that nearly destroys them both. Leonardo DiCaprio, David Thewlis. (AC, AL,N,V) R-1:51. MAX June 15 CDH TRACEY ULLMAN: LIVE & EXPOSED Tracey Ullman explores the twists, turns and triumphs that have shaped her remarkable life and multiple personas. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-1:13. HBO June 6 CD TRESPASS Two firemen stumble into the middle of a gang war when they try to recover stolen gold. Bill Paxton, Ice-T. (AC,AL,V) R1:41. MAX June 2,6,10,21 CDEH TRILOGY OF TERROR II Dan Curtis’ deadly Zuni fetish doll that frightened audiences in 1975 returns to terrorize a new victim in this horror anthology. Lysette Anthony. (AC,AL,V) R-1:30. MAX June 8,17 CSE TRUE ROMANCE Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette play lovebirds on the run in this “vibrant, grisly, gleefully amoral road movie” (The New York Times). (AC,BN, GL,GV) TVMA-2:01. MAX June 6,16 CD TWIN PEAKS–FIRE WALK WITH ME The last week in the life of Laura Palmer is chronicled. Sheryl Lee, Ray Wise. (AC, AL,N,SC,V) R-2:15. HBO June 4 CDh U UNCOMMON VALOR Gene Hackman leads a do-or-die rescue mission into Southeast Asia to find his M.I.A. son. With Fred Ward. (AL,V) R-1:45. MAX June 18,23 CSE UNLEASHED Jet Li stars as a gangster’s mindless enforcer who escapes his caged existence. Bob Hoskins, Morgan Freeman. R1:42. MAX June 10,12,14,22,27 CSEH AN UNMARRIED WOMAN Life after divorce takes some amusing and frustrating turns. Jill Clayburgh, Alan Bates. (AL,N) R-2:04. MAX June 16 CE UP AT THE VILLA A British widow is inundated with romantic propositions. Kristin Scott Thomas, Sean Penn. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:55. MAX June 21 CDEH THE UPSIDE OF ANGER An embittered woman drowns her sorrows in alcohol along with her ex-baseball star neighbor. Joan Allen, Kevin Costner. (AC,AL,V) R1:57. MAX June 1,9,28 CDEH U.S. MARSHALS Sensational sequel to The Fugitive starring Tommy Lee Jones and Wesley Snipes. (AC,AL,V) PG13-2:11. MAX June 2,14,20,25,29 CDEH V VISION QUEST A teenage wrestler grapples with two obsessions: winning the state championship and the heart of a woman. Matthew Modine, Linda Fiorentino. (AL,V) R-1:48. MAX June 14 CDEH W WAR OF THE WORLDS Tom Cruise stars in Steven Spielberg’s thrilling adaptation of H.G. Wells’ tale about an alien civilization’s hostile attack of planet Earth. (AC,V) PG131:57. MAX June 6,9,18,26 CDEH WAYNE’S WORLD Mike Myers and Dana Carvey are a riot as screwballs Wayne and Garth who run an underground TV show on local access cable TV. Tia Carrere. (AC,AL) PG13-1:34. MAX June 3,30 CDEH WE DON’T LIVE HERE ANYMORE Two amorous couples complicate their marriages and friendship by adultery. Mark Ruffalo, Laura Dern, Naomi Watts, Peter Krause. (AC, AL) R-1:39. HBO June 29 C5Eh THE WEDDING DATE A young woman hires a debonair male escort to attend a wedding in this romantic comedy. Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney. (BN) PG13-1:29. MAX June 3,9,13,22,28 CDEH WEEKEND AT BERNIE’S II Bernie’s still dead, but he’s having a great time in the Virgin Islands. Andrew McCarthy. (AL,MV) PG-1:29. HBO June 1,25,28 CDEh WHO’S THAT GIRL Madonna stars as an ex-con who ropes an uptight yuppie into helping her find out who framed her. (AL) PG-1:34. MAX June 8 CDEH WHY DO FOOLS FALL IN LOVE Three women battle in court over singer Frankie Lymon—and unexpectedly bond. (AC,AL,BN, V) R-1:56. MAX June 13,17,23 CDEH THE WIRE Encore plays of HBO’s hit series. 26: Time After Time (AC,GL,V) TVMA/V,L:59. HBO June 11 C5E; 27: All Due Respect (AC,GL,GV) TVMA/V,L-:59. HBO June 18 C5E; 28: Dead Soldiers (AC,GL,GV, N) TVMA/V,S,L-:59. HBO June 25 C5E THE WITCHES A boy is pitted against the wickedest witch. Anjelica Huston. (AC) PG1:32. HBO June 2,22,26 CDEh WITHOUT LIMITS The life of Olympic runner Steve Prefontaine. Billy Crudup. (AC,AL,BN) PG13-1:58. MAX June 5,25 CDEH Z ZEBRA LOUNGE A couple’s foray into swinging turns dangerous. Stephen Baldwin. (AC, AL,N,V) R-1:32. MAX June 15 CDEH PLEASE NOTE: We now use the following new TV Parental Guidelines. We hope that, used in conjunction with our usual content advisories, they will help you make more informed viewing decisions. TVY Appropriate for all children TVY7 Directed to older children TVG For General audiences TVPG Parental guidance suggested TV14 Parental guidance strongly suggested TVMA Mature audiences only Below is a detailed list of content advisories for our programs to help you make more informed viewing decisions for you and your family. They also appear on HBO at the start of each program. AC Adult content BN Brief nudity AL Adult language N Nudity GL Graphic language SC Strong sexual MV Mild violence content V Violence RP Rape GV Graphic Violence C indicates closed-captioned programs. Special decoder needed. s indicates programs in stereo, where available. d indicates programs with Dolby Surround Encoding, where available. Registered TM of Dolby Laboratories. Used with permission. E indica programas en español, donde fuesen disponibles. h indicates high definition (HD) version will air on HD feed, where available. In homes using HD feed, E function is not accessible. 5 indicates programs in Dolby Digital 5.1, where available. © 2006 Home Box Office, Inc. All rights reserved. HBO®, Cinemax®, MAX®, The Sopranos®, Deadwood®, World Championship Boxing®, Boxing After Dark®, Big LoveSM, Real Sports With Bryant GumbelSM, The WireSM Lucky LouieSM, EntourageSM and HBO Documentary FilmsSM are service marks of Home Box Office, Inc. Oscar and the Academy Award are registered trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Exclusive titles are exclusive on national pay cable to HBO during the term of their license. HBO reserves the right to make a schedule change or program substitution without notice. ROBOTS ™ & © 2005 Fox. Batman Begins™ & ©2005 DC COMICS INC. All Rights Reserved. Star Wars © 2005 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved. Harry Potter © 2004 Warner Bros. Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K. Rowling. HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. All Rights Reserved. Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. COMING IN JULY… WAR OF THE WORLDS WEDDING CRASHERS ON HBO ON CINEMAX REBOUND SERENITY ON HBO ON CINEMAX
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