Fall 2013 Annual Report - Maine Coast Memorial Hospital


Fall 2013 Annual Report - Maine Coast Memorial Hospital
Annual Report 2012-2013
memorial hospital
Celebrating 50 Years
memorial hospital
Board of Trustees
A Tradition
of Fine
Between 2012 and 2013
The Eleanor Widener Dixon Memorial Clinic and
the Southwest Harbor Medical Center each celebrated 50 years of providing healthcare to
our communities. Congratulations to everyone who devotes
their time and energy to these facilities and to the patients who
visit them!
Rebecca J. Sargent, Esq., Chair
Adin M. Tooker, Vice Chair
Debra A. Ehrlenbach, Treasurer
Robert J. Williams, Secretary
Sheena E. Whittaker, MD,
President Medical Staff
Charles D. Therrien,
Michelle H. Beal
Robert A. Beekman, MD
Christopher B. Brown
Edith R. Dixon
Jeffrey R. Dow, CPA
Thomas J. Fernald
Alan J. Goldstein
Daniel A. Hurley, III
Scott A. Kimball
Sean T. Maloney, MD
Alan H. Nauss, MD
Karen W. Stanley
Kevin B. Tesseo
Nicholas S. Vachon, DPM
Matthew C. Worthen
Letter from a patient
On the Inside
Celebrating 50 Years
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inside front cover
Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Mary Dow Center . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Patient Centered Medical Home 4
Maine Coast
Healthcare Foundation . . . . . . . . 5
Meaningful Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Financial Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Medical Staff . . . . . inside back cover
Mission Statement . . . . . back cover
“Acadia Woods” by Patrick Downey
Quality Medical Care for All
t the end of World War II, Dr. Edward
O’Meara, a physician here in Ellsworth, had a vision: a modern rural hospital
in Ellsworth to serve the people of Hancock
County. He wanted to build a “Mayo Clinic
North.” The Hospital opened its doors on
November 11, 1956. It took the generosity
and support of many people in the community who were not just supportive, but genuinely committed to that vision. They
helped make it happen.
Since that eventful time almost 60 years
ago, healthcare has seen dramatic changes.
Charlie Therrien, CEO, and Rebecca J. Sargent, Chair Board of Trustees
Just think how the practice of medicine has
changed during that time – from new technology to new wonder drugs. Maine Coast Memorial has changed over the decades as well, successfully adding new specialties and advanced technology,
facilities such as the
The challenges
Maine Coast Memorial
Mary Dow Center and
are different,
Hospital Gets an “A!”
the F. Eugene Dixon, Jr.
but our vision
Emergency Center, exLeapfrog Group, an independent national
our presence in
has not changed
nonprofit entity run by employers and other large
the communities, and
purchasers of health benefits recognized MCMH
forming important partnerships with other organiwith an “A” Hospital Safety Score in 2013. The
A, B, C, D, or F scores are assigned to U.S. hospiOur collective vision for MCMH today has not
tals based on preventable medical errors, injuries,
fundamentally changed over the past 57 years: to be
accidents, and infections.
recognized as the regional and statewide leader in
Calculated by The Leapfrog Group’s eightproviding excellence in healthcare. And just as chalmember Blue Ribbon Expert Panel, the Hospital
lenges were faced in making the Hospital’s vision a
Safety Score uses 26 measures of publicly availreality, we face equally daunting challenges today.
able hospital safety data to produce a single score
Our ability to face these challenges head on and sucrepresenting a hospital’s overall capacity to keep
ceed will take the ideas, talent and hard work of
patients safe from infections, injuries, and medeveryone. Most importantly, it will take commitical and medication errors.
ment – the commitment of everyone associated with
To see Maine Coast Memorial Hospital’s
the hospital.
scores as they compare nationally and locally,
We know that with your continued support and
visit the Hospital Safety Score website at
commitment, MCMH will continue to grow and
www.hospitalsafetyscore.org, which provides
provide excellent care to this community well into
information on a broad spectrum of hospital serthe 21st century. Thank you to our staff and the
vices, processes and the safety, quality, and efficommunity for all you do.
ciency of the care they provide.
Charlie Therrien, CEO
Rebecca J. Sargent, Board Chair
Annual Report 2012 - 2013 ■ 1
Mary Dow Center Grand Opening
Community support from 388 donors,
resulted in charitable gifts of over $800,000.
MCMH and our patients are extremely fortunate to
have the support from individuals, foundations, and
businesses, to allow for a project of this magnitude.
Jack Frost, Executive Director
Maine Coast Healthcare Foundation
On Sunday, January 20, 2013 Maine Coast Memorial Hospital
invited community members to visit and tour the new Mary Dow
Center for Cancer Care constructed adjacent to the front entrance
of the Hospital. The public was welcomed with a ribbon cutting
ceremony followed by guided tours of the $3.4 million dollar
Founded in 1997, the Mary Dow Center has grown from its
original location with 1,500 square feet, to its new home of 6,500
square feet. The new center provides a brighter and more comfortable space for patients to receive
their care, while still being treated
by the same caring and dedicated
Dr. Philip Brooks, Patrick Downey, and Jayne Wixon RN, CRNI,
Clinical Nurse Manager of the Mary Dow Center. Mr. Downey, a
local photographer whose parents were both treated at the Mary
Dow Center, donated this image of Acadia Woods to the center.
Annual Report
2012 - 2013
Mary Dow, RN, was a dedicated and
tireless caregiver for more than forty
years. She was a role model, respected colleague, and beloved
friend to an entire community. The
Mary Dow Center for Cancer Care
is a fitting tribute to her desire for
local oncology services and celebrates her dedication to hard work
and caring.
A quiet alcove
for family & friends
11 infusion bays
designed for comfort needs,
with 6 of the bays
providing for a communal
patient experience and
5 private rooms
A dedicated
based on the
American Society
of Health-System
A garden
to promote
tranquility and
street level
A welcome
that is relaxing
and comfortable
private exam/
Did you know?
In addition to chemotherapy, the
Mary Dow Center offers specialized
treatments for
■ Osteoporosis
■ Anemia
■ Multiple Sclerosis
■ Immune Deficiencies
■ Neurological Diseases
■ Blood Transfusions
1997: 1,363 Infusion Treatments
2013: 4,407 Infusion Treatments
An increase of more than 223%
Annual Report 2012 - 2013 ■ 3
Patient Centered
Medical Home:
A Different Approach to Healthcare
Beginning in January 2013 The Eleanor Widener
Dixon Memorial Clinic became one of 75 clinics in
the state of Maine to enter into the Maine Quality
Counts patient centered medical home pilot program.
Cindy Johnson, RN and Kenneth
What is a Patient Centered
Medical Home?
A patient centered “medical home” is an
approach to providing primary care; it is
not a place, but a team of healthcare professionals working together to help people
become as healthy as possible.
What does it mean to
be a part of the pilot program?
The Eleanor Widener Dixon Memorial Clinic is implementing
ten Core Expectations addressing key practice changes. The ultimate goal of a patient centered medical home is to sustain and
revitalize primary care both to improve health outcomes for all
Maine people and to reduce overall healthcare costs.
What are the “Core Expectations”
and how are we meeting them?
Demonstrated Leadership: We
have identified at least one primary care physician as a leader
within our practices. The Medical Director has made a commitment to improve care and implement the PCMH model.
Team Based Approach to Care:
We are adding clinical pharmacists, RN Care Managers and
social workers to practices.
outcomes and are identifying
resources and care processes to
reduce those risks.
Practice Integrated Care Management: We added an RN Care
Manager at our Resort Way
clinic complex and will be adding two more this fiscal year.
Behavioral Physical Health Integration: We have partnered with
Community Health and Counseling.
Enhanced Access: We have introduced Saturday clinic hours and
have daily openings in our schedules for same-day appointments.
Inclusion of Patients & Families:
We have developed patient advisory committees.
Population Risk Stratification &
Management: We have a process
in place to proactively help our
patients most at risk for adverse
Connection to Community: Five
of our clinics are part of the
MaineCare Health Homes program and the Community Care
All Maine Coast Memorial Hospital primary care clinics will be qualified as Patient
Centered Medical Homes. Our current goal
is to have Southwest Harbor Medical Center, Ellsworth Internal Medicine, Ellsworth
Family Practice, and Ellsworth Pediatrics
Team that go directly to the
patients’ homes. The Community Care Team communicates
directly with health care providers through the patient’s electronic medical record.
Commitment to Reducing Waste:
We are helping to reduce avoidable hospitalizations through
improved coordination of care,
improving care transitions and
reducing avoidable re-admissions to reduce avoidable emergency department visits.
Integration of Health Information Technology: We are involved in Health InfoNet and are
preparing to launch patient portals.
recognized through NCQA as Patient Centered Medical Homes by December 31,
To learn more about Patient Centered
Medical Homes, please visit the website
Leading with purpose
The Maine Coast Healthcare Foundation
Over the past decade, the Foundation has offered
various planned giving options to meet the needs
and wishes of our donors. In 2013, the Foundation
Board of Directors enthusiastically endorsed a plan
to offer Named Funds which allow donors to memorialize and honor their loved ones or to create a fund
that supports a particular cause. We are overwhelmed with the response. To date, six named
funds have been established and over $100,000 has
been invested. These contributions will ultimately
lead to thousands of dollars in annual support for
hospital programming, capital improvements, and
patient services.
Jack A. Frost, Executive Director
Jeffrey W. Jones, Board Chair
Photo courtesy of Jeanne W. Jones
once again says “Thank You” to all of you who are
entrusting us with your personal contributions. Your
gifts to the Foundation help Maine Coast Memorial
Hospital provide life-saving and life-changing services for the many patients and families who seek
medical care. In fiscal year 2013, the Foundation
provided $110,276 to the Hospital which will be
used for facility improvements in the maternity unit.
Jack A. Frost, Executive Director (left) and Jeffrey Jones,
Board Chair
Every donor makes a difference
WE THANK all who gave to the Maine Coast
Healthcare Foundation – those whose names
are listed on our permanent Legacy Society
plaque and those who have chosen to remain
anonymous. You are making a difference in
the lives of family, friends, neighbors, and all
who depend on the life-saving and health-promoting services of Maine Coast Memorial
Hospital. You have our enduring gratitude.
Board of Trustees
Trustees of Maine Coast
Healthcare Foundation volunteer their time and expertise, acting as an independent fiduciary. Their primary
responsibility involves gift
acceptance oversight and
the management of endowment funds for the benefit
of Maine Coast Memorial
Jeffrey W. Jones, Esq., Chair
Lauri E. Fernald, Vice Chair
Charles B. Alexander, MD,
Paul L. Tracy, Treasurer
Nancy P. Aronson
Barbara D. Clark
Douglas W. Endicott
Ruth S. Foster
Roberta S. Kuriloff, Esq.
Patricia K. Quirk, CPA
Larry D. Smith, Sr.
David J. Wells
Robert J. Williams
Rebecca J. Sargent, Esq.,
Ex Officio
Charles D. Therrien, CEO,
Ex Officio
Jack A. Frost,
Executive Director
Alan J. Goldstein, Honorary
John P. Lynch, Sr., Honorary
We are always going to need good hospitals.
My husband Gordon meant the world to me, and I know
he would want me to support Maine Coast Memorial
Hospital. I will continue to donate to his memorial named
fund because it makes a difference for others.
Mrs. Madeline Hamersley, Sorrento, ME
Annual Report 2012 - 2013 ■ 5
Investing in
to Improve
Meaningful Use
Meaningful Use promotes electronic med-
Information Exchange. Patients visiting
ical records to improve health care in the
another part of the state in need of medical
United States and for the past year Maine
care have their own medical information
Coast Memorial Hospital has been working
available through a secure computer net-
hard to expand its Electronic Medical
work. This improves the speed and care
Record (EMR) system.
patients receive and ensures records of care
Right now information captured in our
received while away are available to their
computer system is available to other hospi-
doctor for follow up and reference during
tals in Maine through the Maine Health
future visits.
“There is a lot of work
involved to make the
changes needed to
meet Meaningful Use,
but the end results will
be worth the effort.”
– Deb Swanberg, RN
Meaningful Use
The benefits of the Meaningful Use of EMRs:
Meaningful Use
is using certified
electronic health
record (EHR)
technology to:
Improve quality,
safety, efficiency,
and reduce health
Engage patients
and family
Improve care
coordination and
public health
Complete, accurate information
available in a timely fashion. This information can be shared with your physician even if they are not a part of Maine
Coast Memorial Hospital.
■ Better access to information for all
the health care providers and patients.
Discharge information and education is
available on paper as well as on a disc.
■ Patient empowerment: Access to
your healthcare information means you
can be more informed and take charge
of your care.
Maintain privacy
and security of
patient health
Patient Safety: The computer can be
programmed to set display reminders
and warnings when certain conditions
are met. Medication safety is improved
through interaction checking for possible allergies, reactions with other medications, and checks to see that appropriate doses have been ordered.
■ Patient education: Hospitals across
the nation are collecting/reporting information related to issues like smoking
cessation education, dietary education
for weight control, and diabetes.
The national rollout of Meaningful Use
is a multi-year process that started in
2010 and will conclude in 2016.
Annual Report 2012 - 2013 ■ 6
Finance & Statistics
2012-2013 Summary
$ 82,600,759
$ 83,379,402
Patient Service Revenue
Provisions for Bad Debts
Total Net Patient Service Revenue
Other Operating Revenue
Total revenues
$ 4,723,936
$ 5,246,401
$ 77,876,823
$ 78,133,001
$ 2,295,682
$ 1,794,348
$ 80,172,505
$ 79,927,349
Babies Delivered
Amount Paid to Employees
$ 50,031,159
$ 52,576,833
Amount Paid to Suppliers
$ 26,397,566
$ 24,026,570
Patients Admitted
Other Expenses
Total Expenses
$ 4,119,250
$ 4,348,266
$ 80,547,975
$ 80,951,669
Revenue vs. Expenses
$ (375,470)
Community Benefit
$ 2,805,000
Medicare & Medicaid Service Shortfalls
Total Community Benefit
Cases Treated
Charity Care (cost)
Physician Services Subsidy
$ (1,024,320 )
Surgical Cases
Office Visits
$ 8,219,934
MCMH Prescription
Assistance Program
8,076 Medications
From July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 we helped
661 patients (with 219 new patients) get 8,076
medications with a cash value of $5,109,634.08.
Hours Donated
Thank you
to all those who
cared enough to
enhance the patient
Annual Report 2012 - 2013 ■ 7
We thank
the generosity of
friends & neighbors
Thank you to the many friends of Maine Coast
Memorial Hospital who generously support our
mission, “Improving our communities with
excellence in health care.” The following list
recognizes gifts and
pledges received in
Fiscal Year 2013.
(July 1, 2012 to
June 30, 2013)
Edith R. Dixon
Bruce Blake
Charles Butt
Maine Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Leo & Son Crane Service, Inc.
Maine Coast Healthcare Foundation
Bruce and Ellin Dixon Miller
Vernon and Lois Shapazian
Bangor Savings Bank
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
Mr. and Mrs. David A.
Bristol, Sr.
Camden National Bank
Cherryfield Foods
Eleanor Widener Dixon
Memorial Clinic
Fisher Charitable Foundation
Estate of Mary E. Franklin
Alan and Vicki Goldstein Ocean Reef Foundation,
Goldstein Charitable Fund
Hannaford Charitable
Allen C. & Leurene F.
Hodgkins Trust Fund
Machias Savings Bank
Bob and Susan Merrill
Merrill Furniture
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Small
Larry and Jeanette Smith
Charles Alexander and
Timothy McCormick
Atlantic Landscape
Construction, Inc. - Tim
and Sam Francis & Chad
and Michelle Francis
Bangor Hydro Electric
Patricia Bartlett
James M. Cohen
The Colket Family
Foundation - Ruth M.
Colket and Tristram C.
Colket, Jr.
Dahl-Chase Pathology
Darling’s Auto Mall and
Darling’s Chevrolet
Jeffrey and Alice Dow
Domenic Efter and Arlyn
Whitelaw, including a
match by Ameriprise
Lauri E. Fernald
R.H. Foster Energy, LLC
Estate of Dorothy Gaspar
Town of Hancock
Daniel A. Hurley, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Maritime Radiology Associates, P.C. - G. Michael
and Barbara Maresca
Dr. Lawrence and Anne Piazza
Winthrop A. Short
Charlie and Ellen Therrien
Paul and Melissa Tracy
Viking, Inc.
The Winter Harbor Agency
Jasper Wyman & Son
Acadia Trust, N.A.
Bruce and Betty Adams
Aetna, Inc.
Alexander's Uniforms
Allen Insurance and Financial
Ameriprise Financial
Associated Builders, Inc.
Bag Ali
Bangor Daily News
Bangor Savings Bank
Bruce Becque
Dr. Robert and Ellen
Linda M. Bennett
Cameron and Heather Bird
Carolyn Blake
Jim Bradley and Jamie
Broughman Builders - Mike
and Daisy Wight
James and Janice Bruner
Debra K. Bumbaugh
Wayne and Linda Buzzell
Jim and Cheryl Callnan
Claire W. Carlson
Polly and Bill Ceckler
Nathaniel Chafee
Chipper's Restaurant Charles Butterwick
Barbara D. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B.
Clay, III
Coastal Med Tech, Inc.
Howard P. Colhoun Family
Community Foundation for
Greater Buffalo, Fisher
Family Fund
Cindy Cowing
Marcia and Steve Crabtree
Tracie Crane
Grant from the Crosby
Consolidated Fund of the
Maine Community
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver S.
Kerry and Deborah Tice
Dead River Company
Florence deGozzaldi
Ed and Pat DeWitt
Eaton Peabody
EBS Building Supplies
Margaret A. Edgecomb
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lincoln
Ehrlenbach, Jr.
Ellsworth American
Ellsworth RI, LLC
Dr. Dianna and Mr. Ben
FairPoint Communications
Thomas and Carroll Fernald
Judith Fisher
Ruth Foster
Town of Franklin
D. Chris Frauenhofer and
Kelly Fitzgerald
Jack and Brenda Frost
Laurence Garceau
John and Marion Donahue
Gibson Financial Solutions,
Inc. - Anne C. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Temple Grassi E. Newbold & Margaret
duPont Smith Foundation
Greenway Equipment Sales
Madeline H. Hamersley
Elizabeth M. Hardy
Albert and Barbara Harmon
Neil and Katherine Heidinger
Jerri A. Holt
Dione W. Hutchinson
Investment Management &
Consulting Group
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Irons
Richard Jeffcote
Jeffrey and Jeanne Jones
Jordan Fernald
William and Nancy Kales
Jacquelynn E. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keith
Kelco Industries
Dugald and Liliane Kell
Christopher Krause, RN
Roberta Kuriloff and Bernice
Richard Larson and Sheena
Leaders for Today, LLC
Daune Lord, RN and Richard
Hines, MD
John and Ann Lynch
John and Teresa Lynch
Harry Madeira
Mrs. Helen Madeira
Maine Community
Maine Health Access
Maine Savings Federal Credit
Mainely Vinyl, Inc.
Sean and Andrea Maloney
Elizabeth Hastings McMullan
and Kaveh Haghkerdar
Town of Milbridge
Arthur M. Morison and
Dr. Amy E. Tan
Jonathan Lee Morren
Alan and Kathleen Nauss
Joan V. Netland
NewLand Nursery &
No Frills Oil Company, Inc.
Patricia Gates Norris
Nova Compliance Group, a
Hall Render Company
Grant from the Ocean Ledges
Fund of the Maine
Community Foundation
John F. Partridge
The Pepsi Bottling
Group, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Reginald T.
Quirk Auto Group
Quirk Hyundai
Irving S. Ray & Ada H. Ray
Memorial Fund
James W. Rhoads, Rhoads
Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. David Robb
Rotary Club of Ellsworth
Mr. and Mrs. William Russell
Rebecca J. Sargent
Town of Sedgwick
Henry and Peggy Sharpe,
Sharpe Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T.
Silsby, II
Skip and Carol Smith
Karen W. Stanley
Stanley Subaru - Mark and
Samantha Politte
Town of Steuben
Sumner Memorial High
Sutherland Weston Marketing
Kevin and Jackie Tesseo
Ray and Diana Tesson
The First, N.A.
Estate of Judith J. Thompson
Adin and Heather Tooker
Town of Trenton
Wallace Tent & Party Rental Brian and Sara Spencer
Marian and David Wells
Janice and Julian White, Jr.
Willey and Grant
Robert and Geraldine
Williams, including a
match by IBM
Willis North America, Inc.
Patrick and Nina Wilson
Philip D. Wilson, Jr., MD
Town of Winter Harbor
Witham Family Properties
Jayne Wixon
WNSX 97.7 - Mark Osborne
and Natalie Knox
Reginald and Phyllis Young
Acadia Dental Arts - Peter F.
Meyer, DDS
Donald M. Ahern, DDS Dental Associates, Inc.
Janeanne R. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Audiology Center of Maine
Constance L. Babcock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K.
Alan L. Baker
Bayside Transport, Inc. Susan Brown
Everett and Michelle Beal
Ray and Arlyss Becker
Blue Hill Laundry
Services, Inc.
Denis Bouffard and Monica
Jim and Ellen Boughman
Bragdon-Kelley Funeral
Homes, Inc.
Philip and Astri Brooks
Mary A. Brown
Peter and Sally Bryant
Robert and Hope Buckner
Orin Buetens, MD
Cape Air
CAPTrust Financial Advisors
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chafee
Luanne Chipman
Traci W. Clair
Cleary Law Office
Coastal Eye Care, PA
Coca Cola of Northern New
Heidi Cook
Martin R. Curlik
Maggie Dahl
Jeffrey and Alice Dow
Scott Dufresne, MD
Ellsworth Hannaford
W.S. Emerson Company, Inc.
John and Janan Eppig
Executive Health Resources
George Eyerer, MD
Fight Like a Quilter
Leslie and Brad Fletcher
Perry and Heather Fowler
Ruth Fraley
Full Circle Printing Solutions
- Scott and Michelle
Jane E. Gerlach, CNM
Sally Gibson
Mrs. Frank Gilley
Town of Gouldsboro
Grindstone Association
Thomas and Dr. Virginia
Hancock Dental, LLC - Peter
C. Cummings, DMD
Michael A. Hendrix
Tasha Hofmann, DO
Malen R. Hsu
Mr. Hans A. Huber
IBM Matching Grants
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jellison
Richard and Bailey Johnson
Key Bank
Scott A. Kimball
King Electric, Inc. - Jeffrey S.
Kevin Kitagawa, MD
JoAnne Lambdin
Town of Lamoine
The Hon. Elizabeth O'Neill
LaStaiti (Ret.) and The Rev.
Dr. Edward R. Dufresne
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Lee, Jr.
Lincoln Financial Group
Hope M. Linnehan
Roberta Lochte-Jones
Loving Touch In-Home Care
- Donna Greeley
Jill N. Lundin
Thomas and Jane MacDonald
Debora MacGown
Maine Coast Memorial
Hospital Katahdin Center
Town of Mariaville
Tim and Tara Mason
Doris Masten and Ronald
Margaret C. McDowell
Roxanne McKenna
Kristen McNulty, MD
Richard Merrill
Mayur K. Movalia, MD
Walter N. Muth, MD
Joe and Tammy Nabozny
Albert P. Neilson
Town of Orland
Paul and Terri Ouellette
Performance Foodservice NorthCenter
Stephen Pfister, MD
Frank and Bette Pierson
Daniel A. Pileggi and
Bronwyn Kortge-Pileggi
Kara L. Piper
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton F.
Potter, III
Persis G. Ray
David Renedo, MD
Richard Riemersma, MD
Phelps T. and M.L. Riley
Tina and Jerry Rosenberg
Jane and Bob Sanderson
Sargent Real Estate
Rebecca J. Sargent, Esq., LLC
Mary W. Schley, MD
Schoodic Insurance Services
Starie L. Seay and Geoffrey S.
Donna S. Shea
Chung Shum, MD
Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Silsby, Jr.
Marek Skacel, MD
SMRT, Inc.
Sorrento Dental Associates
Town of Sorrento
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E.
Spencer, Jr.
Charles and Orice Stinson
Carol E. Trask, MD
Nick and Dottie Vachon
Town of Waltham
Ted Webersinn and Susan
Nancy White and John Burns
Winter Harbor Food Service
Mr. and Mrs. Caswell Wood
Jody R. Woods
Wayne Wright
Jay Jia Ye, MD
Laurie E. Yntema, MD
Acadia Area ATVers
Karen and Bill Aichele
Patricia M. Aldridge
Nancy P. Alexander
Beverly Allen
Donald and Maryann Allen
Sylvia Allen
Amica Companies Foundation
Anonymous (33)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Patricia and Earle Archer
David D. Ashenden
A.A. Atherton & Sons
Col, USN (Ret.) and Mrs.
Robert F. Atwell, III
Kathleen Atwood
Jeff Austin and Amber Gray
Auto Buff
Awards, Signage & Trophies
Alfred Bachner
Carolyn Ball
Francis and Jane Ballard
Warner J. Banes
Bangor Savings Bank
Barbee Construction
Marla Schay Barker
Barren View Golf Course
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Robin Bartlett
Richard and Wendy-Lee
C. Diann Bauersfeld
Gloria S. Beal
Caroline G. Beckjord
Jean D. Beckley
Susan and Peter Bedard
Michael W. Bednar
Lester and Judy Bell
William and Patricia Bell
Frieda A. Beltzer
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Benjamin, II
Tiffany Benner
Margaret and John Bennett
Fred Berry
Bethlehem Lodge No. 35
Shana Bickford
Bruce and Pam Bicknell
Billings Diesel & Marine
Service, Inc.
Hubert and Carol Billings
Julia H. Bixby
Susan T. Blaisdell
Margaret Liv Blom, MD, PA
Peter and Carol Blyberg
John Boddy and Jenny
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. John L.
Harriet and Kenneth Bowden
Mr. and Mrs. N.R. Bowditch
Cher and Tom Bowen
Carl and Marilyn Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel
Allen Brainerd
Kristen and Ian Braun
Morris W. Brewer
Carolyn Bright
Bruce and Linda Britton
Lisa and Peter Broberg
Dr. and Mrs. William
Bucky and Maureen Brooks
Brown & Milliken Agency
Eric and Jewel Brown
Jay and Beth Brown
Shepard Brown
Stacie T. Brown
Diane D. Browning
Susan Bruce and Frederick
Karen Bruck, MD
John Brushwein
The Bunkers-Alden &
Marion, Alden Jr., & Rose,
Michael, Samantha & Tyler
Doris K. Bunker
Hubert J. Burks, Jr.
Catherine Butler
David and Jessica Butler
Miranda Byard
Nell E. Byers
Cadillac Mountain Sports
Andrew A. Cadot
Frederick Cahn
Ralph and Mary Cahoon
H.E. Callahan Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Charlene and Chuck
Mary and Steven Cameron
Kay M. Campbell
Larry and Marguerite Capen
Mary-Lou Carey, RN
Arden C. Carlisle
Richard and Rose Lee Carlisle
Evelyn S. Carpenter
Glenice B. Carpenter
Albert and Sandra Carter
Elizabeth D. Carter
Gene and Dianne Carter
Yvonne Carter
Curtis P. Chafee
Denise Chandler
China Hill
Chipman’s Lobster Corp.
Kenneth and Jonette Christian
Jeff and Melissa Clark
Robin Clarke
Peter and Judy Classen
Peter and Julie Clay
Clukey’s Auto Supply
Sandra and Stephen Collier
Mr. and Mrs. James Speir
Tom and Molly Collins
Janice Collucci and Susan
Jane and Bill Conary
Sandra Conners
David Cooper
Tonya Cornish, RN
Carolyn Corro
Sarah Corson and Dick Atlee
Irene C. Côté
Wilfred and Judith Côté
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Sheree Craig
Kandi Crawford
Moira Creaser
Mary Jo Cross
Rebecca J. Cross
Crystal Limousine
Donald Cullinane
Verlina Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J.
Edward and Elisabeth Curran
Norman and Judith Dakin
Raymond H. Daley, Sr.
Thomas Dallaire
Barb Brown Dalton
Mike and Kathy Damp
Amanda Davis
Charles and Yvonne Davis
Daniel Davis
Jim Davis
June A. Davis
Anastasia Dayhoff-Osage
Deborah de Moulpied
Anne P.R. Dean
Jacquelyn and Joel Dearborn
Deborah A. Decker
Deborah DeRaps
The Family of John A.
DeRaps, Sr.
Sandra DeWitt
Amy Dickens
Walt and Karen Dickes
Bud and Joan DiFluri
Richard C. Dimond
Mr. and Mrs. Morris L.
Nina and William Doak
(continued on page 10)
Annual Report 2012 - 2013 ■ 9
(continued from page 9)
Arthur and Marjorie Dole
Thomas and Corinna
Richard J. Donaher
Mary Donohue
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B.
Kathleen Doucette
Down East Family YMCA
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Patrick Downey
Thomas Wayne Downey, MD
Sherrie A. Downing, PA-C
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Drake
Carolyn and Jules Drenzek
Richard and Helen Dudman
Susan Dugas, RN
Brenda Duggan
Gerald and Nancy Dumas
Raymonde H. Dumont, MD
Patricia C. Dunbar
Susan and James Dunleavey
Richard Dworkis
Eastern Building Performance,
LLC - Robin and
Christopher Barstow
Mr. Dwight L. Eaton
Linda and Gary Eaton
Eden Surgical Associates
Katie Edgecomb
The Ehrlenbach Family Lincoln & Debbie, Erin,
Scott, Matthew & Joshua
Collins, and Ashley, Aaron
& Brielle Johnson
Richard and Nancy
Ehrlenbach, Maria Griffin,
Kevin and Heidi Bryer &
Anne Ekberg
Ellsworth Chain Saw
Ellsworth Giant Sub Mr. and Mrs. Walton T.
Ellsworth Lioness Club
Ellsworth Mobil Mart
Ellsworth Self Storage
Bev and Doug Elwell
Emerson Energy Fuels, Inc. Lawrence Emerson
Douglas W. Endicott
Catherine McGraw Engel
Jackie, Chad, Abbie and
Samantha Erwin
Tom Estes
Louise C. Evans
Frederick Eversole
Stephen Fay and Martha
Diane Fehrenbach, CNM
Bob and Jean Fernald
Angelo and Carolyn Ferraro
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferriday
Michael Field
Charles Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Firlotte
First Impressions Hair Studio
L. Fish
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fisher
Dorothy R. Fitch
Kelly H. Fitzpatrick
Gladys and Arthur Fiveland
Barrie L. Flagg
FM Global Foundation
Debra and Adam Foster
Evelyn W. Foster
Melissa and Matt Foster
Robert and Renee Foster
Perry J. Fowler & Dad
Patricia D. Frank
Fraser Associates
Architects, PC
Fred’s Coffee
Mr. and Mrs. S.W. French
Brian Friedmann
Friends & Family Market
Lance and Anne Funderburk
Mary D. Furth
Gallagher’s Salon
Allan W. Gaspar
Mr. and Mrs. William Geel
Naomi and Al Gerstein
John F. Gibbons
Maureen and Robert Giffin
Rev. and Mrs. John R.
Gilman Electric
Maureen P. Giunta
Barbara L. Glass
Mary Cox Golden
Dr. and Mrs. Bradley
David and Lorna Goodrich
Joann Goodwin
Connie Lee Gordon
John and Marie Gower
Dr. Risa Granick
Fred Grant
Amber L. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Green
Peter and Lorna Greene
Hunt Gressitt and Robert
Roger and Julie Grindle
Mr. John A. Grundman
Gulf Electricity
Michael Guyette and Marinka
James and Susan Haines
Hairbenders - Tracy L. Eaton
Hale & Hamlin, LLC
Carol and Harold Hall
Richard L. Hall
Robert W. and Melissa G.
Mike and Julie Hammer
Hancock County-Bar Harbor
Karen Hancock
Rodney L. Hanscom
Joyce and Dick Harding
Denny Harmon
Rhonda Harmon
Gwen J. Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W.
Harrison, Jr.
Rachel Hartley
Candy and Richard Haskell
M. Lorraine Haskell
Steven Haskell
Patricia Haslam
Rita Haslam
Mr. and Mrs. Thurston E.
Richard and Betty Hatch
Katharine L. Hathaway
Hawkes & Quirk, LLC Patricia K. Quirk
Dr. and Mrs. Leonidas B.
Judy and Peter Haynes
Health Search New England
Keith R. Heavrin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Errol L. Heisser
Nicholas and Tiffany Henry
Keith Herklotz
Herrick and Salsbury Stephen and Lisa Salsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Hershoff
Steven and Terry Higgins
Rob Hilbrink
Ann T. Hillman
Hilltop Mobil-on-theRun/Freshies
Barbara Hocking
Chuck Hodge
Mary S. Hodges-Stone
Earl Hodgkins
Paul M. Hogan
Kathy Hoke
Betsey Holtzmann
Theresa F. Hopkins
Dr. and Mrs. Marc Horowitz
Richard F. Houghton
Howard and Skiles Howard
Sonya Hubbard
Ann Humphrey and Aaron
Glazer, including a match
by FM Global Foundation
Abigail Hunt
Sally Hutchins
Elaine and Kenneth Hyams
Investment Management &
Consulting Group
Island Designs - Chong C.
Lim and Judith A. Lim
Gay Lynn and Mel Jackson
Carol Tiffin James
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Lynesta C. Jellison
Margaret Jenner, MD
AnnaLisa Jeyte
Joyce M. Johnston
Jeffrey Jones
Kenneth and Marie Jones
Jones Real Estate Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton F. Jones
Calvin C. Jordan
Diane Jordan
Jessica and Nathan Jordan
Joseph and Mary Jordan
Margaret Ackerman Jordan
Marshall and Patsy Jordan
Patrick, Rhonda, Bridget, Asa
and Orion Jordan
Jordan’s Snack Bar
Phyllis Karseboom
Janet and Adrian Kavanagh
Thomas G. Keiser
Eleanor L. Kelleher
Mary Kellett
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R.
James and Vicky Kelley
William and Betty Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. James M.
David and Pamela Kelly
Dennis Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Donald and Linda
Alison King
Janice, Judie, Julie and Jamie
Lee W. Kitchen
Sally T.F. Knapp
Barbara Kneeland
Lola Knight
Bruce Koegler
Pamela Kropp-Anderson
Jeffrey A. and Cheryl A. Kugel
Loren Kujawa
Helen E. Kurtz
Dee LaCasce
Roger and Lea Lane
Senator and Mrs. Brian D.
Marie Langlois, MT, M.ED
Elizabeth Laverack, MD
Judy Lawson and Bruce
Stephen M. Leackfeldt
Beatrice Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Linwood
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Lewis
Larry and Lois Libby
Martha E. Limeburner
Heather and John
Linnehan, Jr.
Lois W. Lock
Sylvia Lock
John and Julie Logan
Rosemary and Dave Loring
Heather Lothrop
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lovejoy
Paula Luhrs, RN
Mrs. Marie H. Lundahl
Anne and Carl Lusby
The Lynam Agency
Mr. and Mrs. J.D.
Glenn and Joanne
Jennifer Madore
Patrick and Karen Maguire
Jonathan and Michelle
Robert Maietta
Maine Coast Memorial
Hospital Emergency Room
Maine Fire Protection Systems
Maine Shellfish
Company, Inc.
Mainely Music - Chris
Robert and Kathleen Malaney
Ted Mallette
Cathy and Barry Malmrose
Sigrid and David Marden
Marlboro Maine Associates
Howard and Margaret
Marshall - Fidelity
Charitable, H.M. Marshall
Charitable Fund
Edwin Marsten
Patricia and Robert Matey
Margaret McAloon
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E.
Sarah McCloskey
Lorna J. McCormick
Andrew McCullough
Engineering Consultants
M. Lorraine McDermott
Paul and Jane McDermott
Creighton McShane
Lesli McVay
Alice Menard
Merchant’s Auto
John and Carol Merrifield
Abigail Miller
Edward and Lillian Miller
Jeff Miller
Pam and Ralph Miller
Glenn Milligan and Michele
J.C. Milliken Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Debra Mitchell-Dow
Phyllis and Larry Mobraaten
Mr. and Mrs. A. Harry
Renata Moise and Antonio
Donald E. Moore
Linda A. Morin
Douglas G. Moxham
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G.
Michael G. Murnik, MD
James and Lynn Murphy
John H. Murphy
Ted and Suzanne Murphy,
including a match by
Amica Companies
Co-Workers of Bobby Myrick
Chan Myrick
David and Janice Myrick
NAPA Auto Parts
Flora Nason
Enid and Bill Neleski
Gail and Christopher Nelson
Shirley C. Nelson
The New York Community
Trust, Pyewacket Fund
Dr. Larry Newman
Susan and Jarvis Newman
Gillian Newstead and Robert
Trudy L. Nickerson
Katie Nightingale
Clayton and Marcia Nowell
Melissa Nowell
Gail S. Noyes
Joyce Noyes
Francis E. Nuzzo
Alan and Judith Obenauf
Oceanside Animal Hospital Daryl A. Burmeister, DVM
Douglas and The Rev. Lynn
Mark Osborne
Peter J. Ossanna, MD
Susan G. Ostertag, MD
Ida W. Page
Katherine Page, Alan and
Nicholas Hein
Michael and Heather Parker
Hadley Parrot, MD
Phyllis Partridge
Pat’s Pizza
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C.
Jim Patterson
Nancy Patterson
Thomas M. and Michelle C.
PCT Communications
Dr. and Mrs. James C.
Mrs. Stephen Pearson
Pamala Pellon-Irwin
Dennis R. Perham
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E.
David Peterkin
Monica L. Pettegrow
R. Anderson Pew
Carl Philbrick
Jamie and Tom Pickering
Charles and Lena Pierpont
Kim Pinkham
Dr. Paula Pitha-Rowe
Shirley L. Plummer
June Pohlman
Greg and Marcia Politi
Velma E. Pollard
Chuck Pollock
Nancy M. Pool
Marianne L. and Martin H.
Michael and Judith Povich
Deborah Preble
Prestige Homes, Inc.
Patricia K. Quirk
Maryann Radford
Kimberly Ramsey
Dwayne Ray
George and Betty Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Ray, III
Jean C. Raymond
Jeffrey Raymond
John E. Raymond, III
Kathleen J. Raynor
Realty of Maine
Barbara L. Redburn
John and Gail Reeves
Paul A. and Dartha C. Reid
Tina M. Reiff
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Reinke
Dana Reiter
Kathryn Rensenbrink, MD
Bobbi-Jo Rice
Melissa Rice
Mr. and Mrs. John
Corey and Bridget Rickard
Kenneth and Margaret Riddell
Tacy Ridlon
Marta Rieman and Bart
Susan Ries
Ring’s Paving Company, Inc.
Clint and Eleanor Ritchie
Caroline and Jim Rittenhouse
George G. Robbins
Ruth Kittredge Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Roberts
Vera Helen Robertson
Nicole Robichaud, RN
Rockett Computer
Frank Roosevelt
J.T. Rosborough, Inc.
The Rosemurgy Family
Ed and Kaye Rosenquist
Colleen J. Lemon Ross
David Rubinow
Cynthia Foy Rupp - Fidelity
Charitable, Cynthia Foy
Rupp Charitable Gift Fund
Joseph P. Ryan
Mary Allison Rylands
Helene and Charles Saindon
Amanda Salsbury
The Children of Casper G.
Sargent, Jr. and Teresa L.
Sargent - Anne, Janice,
Teri, Jean, Ruth and Dan
Weltha E. Sargent
Wilma F. Sargent
Mr. and Mrs. Alden C.
Martha Sawyer
Peter S. Sawyer
Joyce M. Schaub
Dale and Marilyn Schevenieus
Mary W. Schley Fund,
Community Foundation of
the Chattahoochee Valley
Henry Schmelzer and Cynthia
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Schoodic Animal Hospital,
PC - Jenny K. Rees, DVM
Jean and Raymond V.J.
Schrag - Fidelity
Charitable, Raymond V.J.
Schrag Family Fund
Dr. and Mrs. John N.
John and Nancy Scott
Roberta M. Scott
Scott’s Landscaping, Inc.
Seaboard Federal Credit
Ira Seekins
Peter and Lucy Bell Sellers
Robert Seltzer
Sew & Save, Inc.
Anne W. Shapiro
Roberta Sharp
Wallace Sheive
Steven and Brenda Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sheridan
Debra and Kevin Shissler
Lindsay Shopland
Jordan J. Shubert, MD
George E. Sickles
Sandra Sigmon and Ken
Clement M. Silvestro
Simone’s - Samm Osage and
Charlie Dayhoff
Simons Hancock Farms Ronald and Marie Simons
Carole and Geddes
Simpson, Jr.
George R. and Janice J.
Dr. and Mrs. Davor Sklizovic
SledgeSational Snacks
Roxanne T. Sly
Teresa and Christian Smart
Petr Smejkal, MD
Smile Design
Christopher Smith
Geoffrey Smith
Ms. M.J. Smith
Marjorie B. Smith
Peg and Albie Smith
Kent and Melissa Soebbing
Sorrento Fire Department and
Sorrento Fire Department
Hayden and Jeanne Soule
Lori M. Soule
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Rick and Rochelle Sprague
Jonathan Stanley
Tom Starno - Starnotes DJ
Roland and Sally Stebbins
Jeffrey Stein and Pam Zeller
Jon Steinman
Kristen Stiles
Joanne Stinson and Beth
Kay F. Stinson
William T. and Joanne M.
James and Laurie Stone
Lil and Greg Stone
Storage Plus, LLC - Mark and
Nancy Remick
Leslie Stratton, Jr.
Kassandra Strout
Thomas L. Sullivan
Micki Sumpter
Superior Builders
Brent Sutherland
Lynne Svec
Deborah M. Swanberg
Terri Swanson
Anne Lovell Swenson
T & M Building, Inc.
Chris and Lynda TademaWielandt
Paul and Pamela Talalay
Jane E. Tannehill
C. Powers Taylor
Dudbridge T. and Rosa Taylor
Jen Taylor
Laura W. Thomas
Velma Thomas
Deborah and Robert
Paul and Joanne Thormann
Christopher Thornton
Leslie and Mildred Thurston
Tideway Market
Rosemary Tilden
Jayme Titus
Rose and Jeff Toothaker
Collene and Mark Torres
Joan M. Torrey
Mary Donnell Townley
Fran Trefts
William and Patricia Treworgy
Julie L. Tuell, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
George R. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Tweedie
Tammy Tyler
Sheila Unvala
William Van Horn
John C. Van Pelt, MD and
Karen J. Blaisdell
Lester and Cynthia Vandegrift
Pat and Karen Vanzura
Dr. Pierre and Mary Vauthy
Evelyn A. Vistica
James and Kim Wadman
Robert Waldner
Josephine E. Warren
Washing Baby Elephants
Paul Waters
Mary Lou Weaver
Carnes Weeks, Jr., MD
Weinberger Foundation
Mary E. Welch
Bradford and Alice Wellman
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wescott
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E.
Thomas B. Wheatley
Charles Wheeler and Fran
Ernest Wheeler and Lynn
A.R. Whitten & Son, Inc
Winston H. and Thelma N.
J. Scott Whitney
Nancy R. Whitney
Estate of Virginia P. Whitney
Cook and Lori Whitten
Truth Whitten
Myrna Wierenga
Gary and Susan Wilens
Jim Willey
Raymond and Laurie
Rich Williams
S. Craige Williamson, MD
Elois Y. Willis
Maxine Willis
Matthew A. Wilson, PA-C
Miranda D. Wilson
Wind River Capital
Management, Inc.
Charlotte and Troy Winger
Winter Harbor 5 & 10, Inc.
Winter Harbor Yacht Club
Marion and Bill Wise
Robert Wiswell
The Family of Ming M.
Wong, PhD
Victor and Michaeleen Wood
Lorraine N. Woodruff
Dale and Janet Woodward
Jon D. Woodward & Sons
Hillary Worcester
Mark and Constance
Kay Yates
Jo, Joyce and Steven Yonis
John Yonis
Brenda Young
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Joseph and JoAnne Young
Karen Jo Young
Young’s Market - Gouldsboro
Roy P. Zandomenega
(continued on page 12)
Annual Report 2012 - 2013 ■ 11
In honor of
Samuel C. Allen
Melvin and Joanne Anderson
Katharine S. Becque
Doris K. Bunker
Saralyn Byard
Paul M. Denoncourt, MD
Edith R. Dixon
Jeffrey R. Dow
Ruth S. Foster
Brenda and Jack Frost
Katherine Frost
Faye Hayes
Katherine Heidinger
Malen Hsu
Douglas T. Jones
Robert and Josephine Kord
Lena Leavitt
Guy A. Phillips
The Quirk Family
Suzanne Schrag
Marcia Yntema
In memory of
Paul Lock, Sr. and Thomas
Philip and Elizabeth Lovell
Harry H. Luhrs
Zulma Madrell
Clara Mains
Leah F. Malaney
Mary Elizabeth Marshall
Lisa Martin
Julie Mason
Chris McAloon, Lt.Col.,
James McAlpine, Sr.
Timothy McAlpine
Christine A. McHugh
James C. McKinnon
Delmont N. Merrill
James and Norma Moon
George and Ramona Moore
Kathleen M. Moore
Roland and Cecile Morin
Mary E. Myrick
Keith Newman
Dorothy Nuzzo
JoAnn Palumbo
Hazel T. Perkins
Warren and Evelyn Perry
Thomas L. Pollard
Rose Etta Potter
Mary Quirk
Robert A. Ray, Sr.
John and Georgia Raymond
Marvin W. Redburn
Eva Reich, MD
Mrs. Frances B. Rentschler
Suzanne Reynolds
Jerry Rickard
Gordon E. Robbins
Allen W. Roberts
Brenda Robinson
Christine Lynn Rutecki
Charles R. Sanborn, Sr.
Auneka A. (Nicky) Austin
John Bauersfeld
Margaret Stebbins Blake
Marilyn Chandler
Lyndon Colby and Emily
Pete and Mary Colvin &
Sharon Colvin
M. Elaine Conary
Anita Cousins
Joanne G. Cowen
Barbara L. Crowley
Eleanor S. Daley
Audrey Jean Williams
Hollenbeck Davis
John Allen DeRaps
Henry DeWitt
F. Eugene Dixon, Jr.
Michael Doucette
Mary Dow, RN
Stephen and Doreen Downey
Malcolm “Friday” Edgecomb
David Allen Eversole
Raymond and Donald Fish
J. Edward Foley
Charles B. Frank
Mary Patriss Garland
Dr. Frank Gilley
Harry R. Goodwin
Rev. Peter P. Gorham
Grandma Mary
Carolyn R. Grant
Kelly Griffin
Barbara A. Hall
Carl R. Hardy, Jr.
Pamela Harmon
Mark and Alice Harrington,
Charles Waldo, & Thelma
Pamela Jean Haviland Haskell
The Hemmingson and
Boughman Families
William Holloway
Gretchen C. Hussey
Harold A. Huston
Kay Jacobson
Edward E. Jellison
Wilton F. Jones, Sr.
Dorothy B. Jordan
Teresa Poulin Kane
A. Kaplan, MD
Jerry Kaufman
Frederick W. Kneeland, Sr.
Owen Thomas Krause
Gynell Kujawa
James M. Kurtz
Dr. Morris “Mo” Lambdin
Eleanore Rose LeTourneau
Charlene Clemens, RTRM, using the new Computer
Assisted Diagnostic software purchased with the proceeds
of the 2013 Chefs’ Gala. The CAD system helps our radiologist scan digital images for typical appearances and highlight conspicuous sections.
Casper G. Sargent, Jr. and
Teresa L. Sargent
Robert M. Sargent
Sonya D. Sawyer
Ruth C. and S. Rus Schay
Corris Sittnick
Mary Helen Smith
Brenda Soper
Virginia “Ginni” Spaulding
Richard Davis Stanley
Alison Bixby Stone
Joyce S. Stratton
Harris G. Strong
Victoria Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll S.
Katherine and Burton Van
Gertrude Wagner
Emma J. “Bonnie” Whalen
Bruce Wierenga
James Willis
Ming M. Wong, PhD
Natalie and Elmer Yates
Gifts in kind
44 Degrees North Restaurant
Acadia View Bed & Breakfast
Allen’s Blueberry Freezer, Inc.
Amica Companies
Atlantic Brewing Company
Bangor Metro
Bangor Savings Bank
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
Blueberry Hill
Boston Red Sox
Mr. and Mrs. William Brehm
Mary Bryant
The Bud Connection
Burger King
Camden National Bank
Bruce Cameron
Cape Air
Charlie’s Pizza
Chester Pike’s Galley
China Hill
Cleonice Bistro/Maine Grind
Cross Insurance
Crystal Transport
Martin R. Curlik, MD
D.C. Air & Seafood, Inc.
Dunkin’ Donuts
Domenic Efter and Arlyn
Ellsworth Area Chamber of
Ellsworth Hannaford
Ellsworth Subway
Finelli Pizzeria
Fisherman’s Inn
Tom Folsom
Ruth Foster Corporation
Garbo Lobster
Garelick Farms
Getchell Brothers, Inc.
The Grasshopper Shop
Grindstone Neck of
Maine, LLC
Harbor Treasures Sea Glass
Helen’s Restaurant
Hilt’s Landscaping
Home Depot
Interstate Brands Corp.
J & B Atlantic Company
Johnston’s Orchards
Jeffrey W. Jones, Esq.
Kelco Industries
Key Bank
Le Domaine
Machias Savings Bank
Maine Distributors
The Maine Grind
C.H. Matthews
Roxanne McKenna
Mike’s Country Store
Morton’s Moo
Mother’s Mud Studio
Mount Desert Island Spring
Nautica Pub
No Frills Oil
Tammy Packie
Pat’s Pizza
The Pepsi Bottling
Group, Inc.
Pyramid Studios
Riverside Café
Rooster Brother, Inc.
Sea Dog Brewing Company
Shaw’s - Osco
Stanley Subaru
State Street Market
Stone Soup
Sylvia’s Café
U.S. Bells
Nick and Dottie Vachon
Steve and Nichole Vachon
Winter Harbor Co-op
We have made every effort to
ensure the accuracy of this list. If
you see an error, please notify
Malen Hsu, Development Assistant at mhsu@mainehospital.org
or call (207) 664-5311, ext. 2030.
Telephone 207-664-5311 ■ Toll free 1-888-645-8829 ■ www.mainehospital.org
Leonidas B. Hayes, MD
Leo H. Siegel, MD
John C. Van Pelt, MD
■ Anesthesiology
■ Obstetrics/Gynecology
■ Family Medicine
John Frankland, MD
Peter W. Just, MD
Stacey Henner-Walden, DO
Marta C. Rieman, MD
■ Dermatology
Richard Littlefield, DO
Kristen McNulty, MD
Kathleen J. Ober, MD
Norman L. Sykes, MD
■ Ophthalmology
■ Emergency Medicine
Margaret L. Blom, MD
Lawrence Piazza, MD
Isaac Rudloe, MD
Thomas Flynn, MD
Timber Gorman, MD
Walter N. Muth, MD
Isaac Rudloe, MD
James G. Baldwin, DO
Kenneth G. Christian, MD
Arthur G. Manning, DO
Susan A. Parlin, MD
Daniel Reinke, MD
■ Family Medicine
Thomas A. Adams, MD
Bartholomew R. Clayton, MD
Kerry W. Crowley, MD
Casey S. Hanson, MD
Tasha Hofmann, DO
Sean T. Maloney, MD
Kathleen K. McCall, MD
Michael G. Murnik, MD
Joseph P. Nabozny, MD
Lucille Poulin, MD
Starie Seay, MD
Christina Seed, DO
■ Gastroenterology
■ Orthopedics
Paul M. Denoncourt, MD
Craig Hankins, MD
S. Craige Williamson, MD
■ Otolaryngology
Davor Sklizovic, MD
■ Pain Management
Peter W. Just, MD
■ Pathology
■ Pediatrics
Robert A. Beekman, MD
Douglas N. MacGregor, MD
Stephen H. Nightingale, MD
Tiffany Rudloe, MD
Sheena Whittaker, MD
■ Podiatry
■ Geriatrics
Nicholas S. Vachon, DPM
Kerry W. Crowley, MD
Richard A. LaRocco, MD
■ Radiology
Karen Bruck, MD
Elizabeth Laverack, MD
Peter J. Ossanna, MD
Stephen Ruda, DO
Petr Smejkal, MD
■ Internal Medicine
Richard A. LaRocco, MD
Stephen H. Nightingale, MD
Kathryn Rensenbrink, MD
Douglas L. Trenkle, DO
Peter Witham, MD
Patricia L. Wyshak, MD
Laurie E. Yntema, MD
■ Oral and Maxillofacial
William Deighan, DMD
Mark Grubb, DDS
■ Rehabilitation
Peter R. Goebel, MD
■ Surgery
Amy E. Tan, MD
Carol Trask, MD
Gary W. Farmer, MD
■ Hospitalist
■ Ophthalmology
Brain R. Ewy, DO
■ Rheumatology
Stephanie Gartner, MD
■ Surgery
Kendra Blount, MD
Mary M. Collins, MD
Lloyd Harmon, MD
Charles E. Hendricks, MD
Michael J. Mason, MD
■ Urology
Martin Curlik, MD
■ Behavioral Health
Raymonde H. Dumont, MD
Margaret Jenner, DO
■ Cardiology
Chae Choi, MD
■ Hematology/Oncology
Astrid Andreescu, MD
Philip Brooks, MD
Audrey Garrett, MD
Karin Giordano, MD
Sheila K. Pascual, MD
■ Internal Medicine
Jane Garfield, MD
■ Neurology
Suzanne Bourque, MD
Sally Kirkpatrick, MD
■ Neurosurgery
Neurosurgery of Maine
■ Pediatric Orthopedics
John M. Roberts, MD
■ Pathology
Dahl-Chase Pathology Associates
A publication of Maine Coast Memorial Hospital. For more information
contact Marketing and Public Relations Office, 207-664-5337.
Design: Mary Greene Design, Ellsworth, Maine. © 2013. All rights reserved.
Jill Ahern, CRNA
Margaret Beaulac, FNP
Dennis M. Chinoy, PA-C
Monica Coffey, CRNA
Maureen Daviault, CRNA
Max Daviault, CRNA
Sherrie A. Downing, PA-C
Ocean Dunton, PA-C
Diane Fehrenbach, CNM
Jane Gerlach, CNM
Wendy Gignoux, FNP
Hunt Gressitt, PA-C
James Grossman, PA-C
Heidi Harmon, FNP
Rachel K. Hartley, FNP
Jane Haslam, CRNA
Hilary Hudson, PA-C
Lauren Hunter, CNM
Glen Hymas, CRNA
Lisa Keene, PA-C
Lori-Ann Knowles, PNP
Ann Lynch, PA-C
Thomas F. MacDonald, PA-C
Paul Mazgaj, CRNA
Renata Moise, CNM
Heather Morrison, CRNA
Christopher Nelson, PA-C
Suzanne Norgang, CNM
Aoife O’Brien, CNM
Paul Ouellette, PA-C
Pamala Pellon-Irwin, FNP
Diana Porter, FNP
Giselle Robertson, FNP
Jeffrey Scheff, CRNA
Chris Schleif, CRNA
Laura Schneider, CRNA
Rachael Sharp, CRNA
Roberta H. Sharp, FNP
Katharine Sherrill, PA-C
Everett Steinbarger, PA-C
Mary Talley, CRNA
Myra C. Whorton, CRNA
Matthew A. Wilson, PA-C
Kate Worcester, PA-C
Lucia Young, PhD
memorial hospital
50 Union Street, Ellsworth, Maine 04605
888-645-8829 ■ 207-664-5311
Improving our communities with
excellence in health care.
To be recognized as the regional
and statewide leader in providing
excellence in health and wellness
To provide timely access to
medical services which address
individual, family and community
health care needs.
To provide a supportive, safe
and engaging work environment
for our employees.
Core Values
Maine Coast Memorial Hospital
has been awarded The Joint
Commission's Gold Seal of
Accreditation reflecting our
commitment to meeting the
highest performance standards for
patient safety and quality care.