Edit page - Hospital Radio Stafford


Edit page - Hospital Radio Stafford
in this issue ...
A Message from the Foundation Trust .................................................................. 3
Hi Pop Picker ................................................................................................................ 4
Doesn’t Time Fly ............................................................................................................ 7
HRS Manager Role ...................................................................................................... 8
The Voice of a Friend – 40 Years and Still Going Strong .............................. 10
Forty Years with Hospital Radio Stafford .......................................................... 11
A Moment in HRS History ...................................................................................... 13
What Our Patients Say About Us .......................................................................... 14
Art and All My Jazz! .................................................................................................. 15
How to Listen to Hospital Radio Stafford .......................................................... 16
Please Play My Favourite Song ............................................................................ 18
Welcome to the Monday Request Show .......................................................... 19
Community People with Dee Richardson ........................................................ 20
Tony Crooke Presents ... .......................................................................................... 21
Enter Our Very Own Girl Friday ............................................................................ 22
Our Sponsored Bike Ride ...................................................................................... 23
Super Sheila Raises Funds ...................................................................................... 26
Why Don’t You Join HRS? ...................................................................................... 27
The Staffordshire Famous People Quiz .............................................................. 28
The Dreaded Lurgy .................................................................................................... 30
Well Man ...................................................................................................................... 31
Helplines ...................................................................................................................... 32
Care in the Community .......................................................................................... 38
A Healthy Lifestyle ...................................................................................................... 40
Spot the Saying .......................................................................................................... 43
Spot the Ad ................................................................................................................ 44
Registered Charity No 504126
Published for Hospital Radio Stafford by Hospital Radio Publications 01245 465246
email: mail@hospital-radio-publications.co.uk
© Hospital Radio Publications 2012
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Do you have some time to spare?
If so, we need you to join our team of volunteers at Stafford and Cannock Hospitals.
Our volunteers make a huge contribution to the experience of our patients, visitors and staff.
Our volunteers help in a variety of ways:
Assisting on wards
Providing chaplaincy support
Capturing the experience of patients
Meeting and greeting our visitors
Supporting the hospital radio… and much more
We try to match the skills and experiences of individuals to the roles available.
We also support college students to assist them with their college course and offer future
employers a reference for volunteers who have carried out over 100 hours of service.
Volunteering is open to everyone over the age of 18. No qualifications are required - support
and training is provided.
If you are interested in volunteering, contact the PALS office on:
Phone: 01785 230811 (24 hour voicemail).
Or by e-mailing: PALS@midstaffs.nhs.uk
Please support the advertisers ... without their kind support this publication would not have been possible
A Message from the Foundation Trust
Being stuck in hospital can be a miserable
experience and so anything that cheers us up
is very welcome indeed!
Hospital Radio is an absolutely invaluable
contribution to the life of our hospital and we
owe a great debt to the volunteers of Hospital
Radio Stafford for the work they do. Their visits
to wards to chat and collect requests invariably
cheer our patients and there is nothing better
than a favourite piece of music to lift the spirit.
We are very proud of our long association
with Hospital Radio Stafford, which dates back
to the early 1970s and look forward to this
continuing vigorously in the future.
Professor John Caldwell
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Hi Pop Pickers
It has been four years now that I
have been co-presenting a show with
Hospital Radio Stafford as a presenter
on Monday afternoons collecting
requests from the patients on the
wards and reading them on air.
Now the hierarchy at HRS have
had a mental breakdown and
decided to give me a show of my
very own on Wednesday afternoons
between 3 and 5pm.
The bosses have said you can
‘drive the desk’ alone, excuse me I
always thought you drove a car or a
van! And I remember when a desk
was where you wrote letters and
paid bills but this studio desk had
buttons, faders and all sorts (not the
sweets). I asked what a fader was
and was informed it turns the music
up and down…why can’t they call it,
er, a volume control!!
Anyway I pushed some buttons
and I am sure I heard a spacecraft
leave the Mir Space Station, I felt like
a Star Trek Captain.
I was then told to put the cans on
my head and was looking for some
baked bean cans, strange I thought?
It suddenly dawned on me they
meant headphones!!
Well, I thought, here I go. I
introduced my first record, which was
incidentally ‘I Will Survive’ by Gloria
Gaynor, a favourite with some
patients; I thought this was
appropriate for me. I thought I did
great announcing, ‘this is Keith
Hibberts live on HRS, till I thought it
would be no good if I was dead!
Anyway, I thought I was fabulous
until I looked at the microphone and
realised that I had not switched the
fader up!
It is surprising how your voice
changes when on air and announce
things in a posh voice like ‘This is
Starfford HorsePital Radio’. What? an
Horsepital for Red Rum or Mr ED the
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
I soon used my normal voice.
The show gets on its way but panic
sets in when you realise you have
not got a CD or disc ready for the
next request. But technology comes
into play and I select a song from the
computer selection list. Clever, eh!
Bring the fader up. Remember the
fader? Listen Pop Pickers, we are
We must remember who the
station is for. Yes, the patients.
They like to smile at themselves as
some songs requested are: Angels by
Robbie Williams, Please Release Me
by Englebert Whotsit, Help me make
it through the night by Gladys Knight
and The Animals’ We Got to Get Out
of this Place.
But jesting aside, I love visiting the
wards as you always receive such a
warm welcome especially when I
introduce myself to the ladies as the
hospital stripagram. That raises a few
I tell them I charge 30p an leg, 20p
an arm and £1.50 for a full body but
have to come back when it is dark as
I have seen this excuse for a body. I
have had no takers, odd that.
When I visit the men’s ward, I tell
them I am from Camelot, the lottery
people and have a cheque for £6
million to share with a lucky chap ...
funny this, I always have a show hands.
There are some patients who do
not want a request or a mention on
the air but just want to chat and all
HRS presenters are happy to do just
that, as Hospital Radio Stafford’s
motto is ‘The Voice of a Friend’,
It is rewarding to feel that I am
putting something back into the
community and having a good time
as well.
Keith Hibberts
Visit our website www.hrstafford.org.uk
Please support the advertisers ... without their kind support this publication would not have been possible
Doesn’t Time Fly ...
In the last Patients’ Guide, I
wrote about my need for a ‘new
hobby’ and my subsequent
experiences of joining Hospital
Radio Stafford in January 2009.
Well, three years later and a
little older but not necessarily
wiser, I’m still here and loving
every minute!
I’ve consolidated my earlier
training and now present two
shows a week. One on Friday
evenings, unsurprisingly called
Friday Night with Colin Smith
and David Hickenbottom and
one on Sundays called Sunday
Lunch with Colin Smith.
Dave and Joe are two young
men who show a keen interest
in making hospital radio a long
term commitment and both
have excellent communication
skills and even better musical
tastes. I’m really kept on my
toes these days by these two
very keen-eyed youngsters who
are both quick learners and not
afraid to suggest new features
and ideas to keep the shows as
fresh and interesting as
possible. Hope I can keep up!
So now I find myself
mentoring the next generation
of presenters and suddenly feel
very old. Oh well, onwards and
Incidentally, I also play an
active role on the Executive
Committee of Hospital Radio
Stafford, contributing to the day
to day running of the radio
station and trying to keep the
profile raised in the community,
so much so that I even have an
official job – Secretary.
Here are a couple of photos
of my ‘boys’.
Colin with Joe Perry who now has his own show on
David, who works with me on Friday nights
If you think you have the type
of skills and attributes to take
Hospital Radio Stafford
to infinity and beyond
(or at least into the 2020s)
why not join us and experience
a brilliant new hobby.
Colin Smith
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
HRS Manager Role
Hospital Radio Stafford is run by an
elected committee of members who
take on various roles of the service,
ensuring that the volunteers are
recruited, the bills are paid, the publicity
is released, the technicals are working
and everyone is doing their bit
according to our role and purpose.
As manager of Hospital Radio
Stafford, it’s my role to ensure that
everything is running smoothly and that
any issues are dealt with. This can
range from sickness cover, advice,
support, scheduling issues and anything
else that the service needs.
Hospital Radio Stafford is part of a
community – the hospital community
and those who serve it. We are one of a
small number of charities serving the
Cannock and Stafford Hospitals,
together with the mainstream
supporting services, all of which provide
a unique avenue of contact to those
who are receiving treatment in hospital.
I have been involved with community
services throughout Staffordshire and the
West Midlands for over twenty years now,
both as a paid career and as a volunteer.
Working with people in the
community and supporting people
through traumatic times has been part
of my role over the years. As well as
providing support to find employment
and training opportunities for
individuals and groups.
I’ve also always had a passion for
radio – from the crackly shortwave
services of years ago, to the offshore
giants of yesteryear, I’ve been a fan.
So the combination of radio and
offering support to people, both face to
face and over the airwaves, seemed too
good to resist! So I joined Hospital
I’ve been involved with HRS for well
over six years now, starting as a regular
volunteer with a regular programme
slot. I returned to the role as manager
in 2011, having undertaken this role
also in 2008. It’s rewarding because
you meet some lovely people. The
patients are wonderful and HRS often
receives compliments about our
volunteers and programmes.
We have an excellent relationship
with the Trust, ranging from the hard
working staff on the wards, to the
equally hardworking managers who
oversee everything.
Hospital Radio is unique as we only
serve the hospitals. We are not on FM,
DAB or satellite – our purpose is for the
benefit of the patients in hospital.
Our volunteers go around the wards,
meeting the patients, chatting to them
and bringing the friendly face of our
service, to what for some people can be
a worrying period in their lives, due to
illness or accident.
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
We will tune their radios in so that
they can listen to us ... and we will play
music requests for them to enjoy.
Our slogan is ‘The voice of a friend’
and that’s what we aim to be during a
stay in hospital.
HRS has over 40 dedicated
volunteers who devote a lot of their
time to this service. Bringing comfort to
others, through the music requested
and through face to face contacts on
the ward is at the heart of all HRS’s
fully trained volunteers
We value our volunteers, without
whom we would not have a service and
the patients would not have friendly
faces and good music to listen to.
I’m proud to be the Manager of a team
who prides itself in putting the interests
of our listeners, the patients, as number
one priority of our service delivery.
I’m also proud to be the manager of
an award-winning, respected service
that has been serving our hospital
community since 1972.
During that time there have been
many changes to our hospitals and
HRS. Over the coming years, I anticipate
there will be more changes to come.
HRS will continue to adapt and develop
its listenership and provide an important
part of voluntary service delivery to all
patients in our partner hospitals.
Andrew Hill
If you would like to join Hospital Radio Stafford, why not visit
our website and request an application form and perhaps you
could make a difference to someone’s life whilst in hospital.
Hospital Radio Stafford 01785 223456
www.hrstafford.org.uk Follow us on Twitter @hrstafford
Visit our website www.hrstafford.org.uk
‘The Voice of a Friend’
Forty Years and Still Going Strong ...
In the United Kingdom and other
places worldwide, there is a tradition of
broadcasting that has its roots in 1926
when Englishman Thomas Hanstock
came up with the idea of creating small
radio stations to serve and entertain
hospital patients.
Here at Stafford, we cannot go back
to 1926 but to January 1972 when
Hospital Radio Stafford (HRS) began
broadcasting locally from a studio
beneath the stage at St George’s
Our ‘control desk’ was a huge piece
of kit which once served presenters at
the BBC.
Our record library was a wardrobe
containing quite a number of vinyl 78,
45 and 33 rpm records and the index
was a drawer full of dog-eared cards
bearing the title and artist.
In September 1978, Hospital Radio
Stafford moved from beneath the stage
to a two-storey building known as ‘Rear
Lodge’ on the outskirts of Stafford
Hospital where the new studio was
officially opened by Chris Tarrant.
Such was the expertise of our
engineers that we lost only one day of
broadcasting whilst making the move!
Forty years after that initial broadcast
and the ex-BBC desk now takes the
form of two fully equipped state of the
art studios, the wardrobe is a library
containing 2,600 CDs, 3,500 LPs and
8,000 single records, all of which are
computer indexed instead of dog-eared
cards and the 15 volunteers are over 40
keen members.
The ex-BBC desk
Above us there were keen amateur
drama enthusiasts rehearsing their
latest production on the stage so we
had to attempt to play music whilst
they ran around and make
announcements during the occasional
lull. Yes, it sounds full of difficulties but
the 15 or so dedicated volunteers
ensured our listeners were duly
In those early days, we broadcast to
the General Infirmary, St George’s and
Kingsmead Hospitals in Stafford,
Yarnfield, Groudslow and Standon Hall
near Eccleshall and the Ivy House in
The author at the new desk
We now broadcast 24 hours per day,
365 days a year to Stafford Hospital and
Cannock Chase Hospital so, as patients,
you are never far from ‘the Voice of a
Alan Merrick, BEM
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
40 Years with Hospital Radio Stafford
At the 2012 Annual General Meeting,
Long Service certificates were presented
to four members who have made a
significant contribution to the success of
this hospital radio service during their
40 years of membership.
They are: Alan Merrick BEM, Mike
Bayley, Art Chatfield and Anton Emery.
Certificates were presented to Alan,
Mike and Anton by Lisa James,
Volunteer Co-ordinator for Mid Staffs
NHS Foundation Trust who
congratulated Hospital Radio Stafford
and thanked its volunteers for
dedicating their time to such a worthy
and much appreciated service.
Alan had the pleasure of presenting
Art’s certificate a few days later.
Here’s to the next 40 years!
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Are you looking
for accommodation?
We currently have 1 bedroom flats available to rent at
Compton Close, Lichfield Rd, Stafford and Foregate Court, Gaol Square,
Stafford and Sneydlands, Bryans Lane, Rugeley.
These properties are suitable for a single person aged 60 and over.
For more information please contact Eileen Irwin on
0800 781 0401
The Association also has 1 and 2 bedroom
flats for singles and couples aged 18+ at
The Keep, Milton Grove, Stafford and
The Garth Estate, Moss Pit, Stafford.
For an application form please call
0800 781 0401
Sanctuary Housing Association is an exempt charity
12 Please support the advertisers ... without their kind support this publication would not have been possible
A Moment in HRS History
The Mayor of Stafford visits our studio
During my 18 years with Hospital
Radio Stafford, I have met many
interesting people but it was indeed a
pleasure when the Mayor of Stafford,
Councillor Malcolm Millichap, attended
the studio during the Wednesday
Requests programme I co-present with
Alan Merrick. The Mayor was a member
of Hospital Radio some years ago when
he and Alan jointly presented a
programme called ‘By the Fireside’ and
then Malcolm presented his own
classical music show.
So it was that, on 11th August 2010,
the chauffeur driven Mayoral car drew
up at the studio door and out stepped
Malcolm complete with his official
chain of office.
During the programme the Mayor
read out a few requests, chatted by
phone to a couple of patients and told
us of his busy Mayoral life. I was keen
to hear how the Mayoress coped with
her role and was pleased to hear that
she managed to enjoy every part of it
and was able to present herself in
different attire at most of her
appointments. Typical of us ladies! I
even had the chance of holding the
official Mayoral Badge of Office, which
is steeped in history and very valuable.
Before leaving, the Mayor asked if he
could make a return visit before his
term of office expired and this he did
on 13th April 2011.
In keeping with his request we
arranged the programme so that
Malcolm could present some of his
favourite classical pieces, combined
with patients’ requests, which made up
an enjoyable hour of music and chat.
Not once, but twice, I had the honour
to share our studio with the Mayor of
Stafford and I appreciate the fact he
was able to spare us a few hours of his
busy year.
Val Walker
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
What did our patients say about
Hospital Radio Stafford during 2011?
Relaxing music at night
Thanks t
HRS. List o all at
ened all t
in hospit
al. Home
Stoke tod
Enjoyed Richard & Marie’s
show. Thanks for playing Don
Williams and Jim Reeves
Thanks for a fu
two hours 8-0p n
Good show
8–10pm Tuesday
Staff request
the facility to
hear HRS music
HRS has been
my lifeline
Why can’t my friends and
family tune-in when they
request a song for me?
Thanks for excellent
entertainment provid
by HRS during 7 we
stay in Stafford Ho
June – July 2011
Let’s see what we can improve
during 2012 and beyond to
make this service even better!
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Thanks so much
for playing my music
Praise indeed for HR s
Likes the Co
and 50s/60s show
een in
Tony has b eeks
hospital fo
HRS has
and sa
and we
kept him ‘s
g a grand jo
are all doin
Very grate
Always listens to HRS and
commented on how good a job
everybody involved does. Says
HRS is very worthwhile and
enjoys listening very much
Art and All My Jazz!
I am frequently asked ‘How did you
get involved in Hospital Radio Stafford?’
And to satisfy the many who have
asked this question over the past forty
years, I have asked our Public Relations
Officer to record my involvement with
the service, on paper.
It began in the summer of 1971 when
I saw a letter which a Malcolm Salmon
had written in the local press asking if
any local residents would be interested
in setting-up a hospital radio service.
From an early age, I have always liked
listening to music and was lucky to
inherit an old wind-up gramophone and
a pile of 78rpm records from my parents.
These were played over and over again
and this lead me on to collecting more
records until I had amassed over 20,000
78s, a collection which was later
supplemented, from 1960 onwards, by
numerous 45s and LPs.
I had many friends who also liked
listening to music and I was always
happy to share mine with them.
When I read Malcolm Salmon’s letter, I
saw an opportunity to share my music
with a wider audience so I replied offering
to place my collection at the disposal of
the radio station – if it was successful.
A few days later I received a visit
from a gentleman holding my letter
who I invited to view my collection and
he was, what I can only describe as,
‘completely gob-smacked’! His name
was George Mellett.
‘You’re definitely in’ he told me and I
later attended the inaugural meeting to
set up the station which became
known as Hospital Radio Stafford, with
me ending up being Record Librarian –
talk about a ‘busman’s holiday‘!
This led on to the question of
whether I was interested in presenting
a programme to which I replied ’yes’,
particularly as it was on the subject of
jazz – my favourite subject.
So my very first 30 minute
programme was compiled from 78s
from my vast collection and all
subsequent programmes up to this very
day have been compiled from my own
personal collection of records. A ‘record’
in itself!
Over the 40 years as a presenter, I
have presented a range of programmes
including a Country & Western/Folk
show on a Sunday afternoon; Art’s
Musical Lunchbox on a Monday
lunchtimes plus many request
programmes and one-off specials. I
cannot calculate the hours which I have
actually been ‘on air’ but I wouldn’t
have missed a minute of it!
I was once asked ’do you like CDs?’
’Technical rubbish’, I replied, ’you can’t
beat the hiss of a steel needle or stylus
on shellac or vinyl. That’s what gives
you the atmosphere as you watch the
record revolving and the stylus moving
across the record surface. Not a boxholding disc machine’. I just prefer vinyl.
Technologically, CDs may be better
but lets face it, Edison got it right. Why
should I be attracted to CDs (that look
like shaving mirrors) when shellac and
vinyl rule? Long live vinyl!
Art Chatfield
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
All your party needs, under one roof.
Costumes, Accessories, Balloons,
Hen/Stag Parties Novelties,
Party Goods and much more.
8 Princes Street Stafford :-
01785 255007
If you are a patient in Stafford
Hospital, you will need to register
with Hospedia. This should only take
a couple of minutes and all that will
be required is your name and maybe
your home post code.
To register at the bedside simply
pick up the telephone handset (on
the left hand side of the unit) and
press the green operator button. The
operator takes your details and issues
a personal extension number to
activate the Hospedia bedside unit.
The help desk is manned 24 hours
a day but there may be a delay on
occasions. Please be tolerant and
remember that the call is free.
When you are connected, you can
listen to HRS and five other radio
stations, every one free of charge.
To contact you in hospital ask
friends and loved ones to call you on
07046 38 followed by your personal
extension number.
To enjoy the entertainment features
and make outgoing telephone calls, a
Freedom payment card is required
and offered from a one hour bundle
through to a 12 day bundle,
depending on stay. Vending machines
dispensing Freedom cards are located
throughout the hospital.
To listen to Hospital Radio Stafford,
press the green ’radio’ button. The
receiver will display the channel
name on the bottom of the screen.
Hospital Radio can be found by
scrolling the six radio channels using
the buttons on the bottom of the
We hope you enjoy listening.
You can listen to us on either the
headphones or the unit speakers by
pressing the button.
Remember, Hospital Radio
Stafford is free.
HRS is one of the many services
available to you free of charge.
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Your personal bedside Communication
and Information system ...
Visit our website www.hrstafford.org.uk
Please Play My Favourite Song
When you listen to hospital radio, do you think, ’I wish they
would play my favourite song’ or ‘I would love to hear some
classical, jazz or maybe some country and western music’.
Well, it’s really easy; there are four ways to do this.
On the Hospedia
television unit by
your bedside, just
pick up the
telephone and
dial *800 and
instantly you will
be in touch with Hospital
Radio Stafford. Simply request your
favourite piece of music from the
radio presenter and we will play it
especially for you. It’s that easy.
If you are dab hand
at texting on your
mobile ‘phone you
can also request
your favourite
song or
dedication by
texting HRS on 07704
872546. Please remember calls
are charged at your network rate.
Our Hospital Radio
presenters regularly
visit the Wards to
ask patients if they
would like a song
played on air,
and are always
available for a chat.
If you have a friend or
relative in either
Stafford or Cannock
Chase Hospital and
you would like to
dedicate some
music and a
message to them, dial
from home on 01785 223456. You
don’t even have to be in the hospital!
So there are four easy
ways to get your request
played on the radio ...
1. Dial *800 from your hospital
2. Text your request to
07704 872546
3. Request your song from the
HRS presenter visiting your ward
4. Telephone direct from home
on 01785 223456
You say it, we’ll play it!
And the good thing is –
it’s free.
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Welcome to the Monday Request Show
Sheila and John have teamed up
again to present their Monday
Afternoon Request Show.
They visit three wards at Stafford
Hospital, including the Shugborough
Children’s Ward, where they meet the
young patients who keep up to date
with what is happening in the pop
world. However, the children sometimes
look amazed that Sheila and John,
because of their maturity, understand
about the latest chart toppers.
Sheila also regularly interviews live on
air representatives from The Chase
Citizens’ Advice Bureau. She asks a
multitude of questions about a variety
of topics with one thing in mind – to
alleviate some of the problems and
anxieties patients may have.
Patients are also encouraged to
‘phone in using the free ‘phone number
*800 to ask any question they wish.
This service is completely confidential,
no name or ward number is asked for
or given out over the air.
Anyone who would like further
information and expert advice, please
contact the County Advice Line number
0844 4111444 which covers Cannock,
Rugeley, Stafford and Penkridge. Sheila
will announce the telephone number
and address on air during her
Many other members of the public
sector are also interviewed on Sheila
and John’s programme to explain about
their roles in the community.
Sheila is also part of the Saturday ‘crew’
and collects requests from Cannock
Chase Hospital which she plays on her
programme on a Saturday afternoon.
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Community People with Dee Richardson
Auctioneer, Ben Gamble
Golf Coach, George Boden
There's nothing like a good chat is
there? When I look back over the years
and remember listening to so many
people from all walks of life I've met
through Community People, it makes
me smile and brings to mind how lucky
I am to live in this community.
From the Fire, Police and Ambulance
services, Hospital Consultants,
Management, Security and local
dignitaries to people who have lived in
the area all their lives, talking about
their background and jobs.
Phyl Wright
More recently my guests have
included a representative of The Royal
British Legion, a Musical Director, a
farmer and a Staffordshire Hoard Guide.
The show runs for half an hour and
includes a couple of choices of the
guests' favourite music. Honestly, I'm not
kidding you their music choices are
amazing ... eg a 90-year old choosing
rock ‘n’ roll! So long live ‘a good old chat’,
I can't wait to meet my future guests so
... Look out – you could be next!
Dee Richardson
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Tony Crooke presents ...
HRS Country & Rock ‘n’ Roll, Classic Country
and The Golden Years of Rock ‘n’ Roll
I began collecting rock ‘n’ roll records
in the fifties – Paul Anka, Buddy Holly,
Pat Boone, etc. I was a Buddy Holly fan,
my brother an Elvis fan.
I followed the pop scene through the
fifties and early sixties and with the
outset of the Mersey sound, my interest
drifted to country music.
My country collection only took off
whilst living in Australia where country
music was readily available with
American television country shows aired
It was there I began a lifelong
following and collecting records of all
the major artists and many fringe
With the introduction of CDs, lots of
back catalogue items which were long
deleted have now become available.
I have played music in various venues
for line dance events and have been
the resident DJ for all but one of the 17
Wolvestock Country Music Festivals that
attracts between 3000 and 5000
people over two days every July.
I am able to cover country music
from 1924 to the present day and rock
‘n’ roll from 1948 to the mid sixties and
therefore I can mix the content of the
programmes to include songs and
artistes not normally on the general
play lists.
I joined HRS in 1976 and following
training, began presenting request
programmes and also the rock ‘n’ roll
and country programmes.
In addition, my music taste varies to
some degree from Bach to Beyonce
hence my collection contains music
from most genres.
Tony Crooke
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Enter Our Very Own Girl Friday...
Dee Richardson
Queen of Comedy,
Dee, says ...
‘Laughter is the best
medicine and starts
our weekend off with
a smile on Fridays!’
There’s so much Love, Laughter, Joy
and Celebration for me between 1 and
3pm on a Friday and it’s all because of
you – yes, you new Mums, Dads and
wonderful babies on Ward 9 and SCBU.
I’m sure you’ve heard the great lines
from Louis Armstrong’s classic song
‘What a Wonderful World’ ...
I hear babies cry
I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more
Than I’ll ever know.
Oh how true that is and do you
know – your babies seem far more
advanced than in my day and not only
that, you Mums are going home in no
time at all (mind you, the thought of
listening to me for two hours soon
speeds things up!
‘Who’s this visiting now?’
Oh, your name’s Dee. Come on
quick, grab that bag, we want to break
free!’ (with apologies to Queen)
Of course, the love and pride in Ward
9 and SCBU is shared by all you
Grandparents. I know how special
Grandchildren are – it’s brilliant isn’t it –
all the fun and no responsibility!
Thinking about being responsible leads
me on to the roles of all the staff on
Maternity and Special Care Baby Unit.
Aren’t they amazing. All Parents I’ve met
over the years have sung their praises
and I’d like to say a big thank you to
them not only for their professionalism,
dedication and care but for the
welcome they always give me.
It’s a privilege to have a peep at your
tiny new ‘celebrities’ and to offer
congratulations on behalf of Hospital
Radio Stafford.
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Sponsored Bike Ride
Hi, I’m Richard Birtles and I have
been a presenter on HRS for nearly five
years. I present a two hour Request
show on a Tuesday night between 8
and 10pm.
Recently a group of twelve presenters
and friends completed a bike ride to
raise funds for HRS. My co-host at the
time, Sam Ostrowchow, organised the
ride from BBC Radio Stoke back to the
HRS studio at Stafford Hospital.
We set off from Stoke at 9.30am. It
was a cold but dry day and we made
good progress along the towpath of the
canal towards Stone; stopping at certain
points to phone into the HRS studios.
We arrived at Stone at 11am. Liquid
refreshment in a pub was much
After we got going on the final leg to
Stafford, the weather turned for the
worse ... it rained and rained and rained
but we persevered and reached our
destination about 1.30pm.
A good day which we all enjoyed and
made £300 for HRS funds which made
it worth the effort.
Special thanks to the Titanic Pub in
Stafford who provided transport for the
bikes to Stoke and much-needed
refreshments after the ride.
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Please support the advertisers ... without their kind support this publication would not have been possible
Are you safe from fire?
Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service
is urging Staffordshire residents to
book a free home fire risk check – it
may just save your life.
A home fire risk check involves
Firefighters or a Service Technician
visiting your home to give fire safety
advice and fitting free equipment,
such as smoke alarms, to ensure you
are safer in your home. They will also
help you plan escape routes so you
and your family know how to get out
of your property should your main exit
be blocked in a fire.
Head of Risk Reduction, Glynn
Luznyj said: ‘Unfortunately a lot of
people think they will never have a
house fire, they think it won’t happen
to them. People need to stop thinking
it will never happen to them, it may
do and a home fire risk check will
ensure you are as prepared as
possible for any eventuality.
‘Although home fire risk checks are
open to everyone we prioritise checks
to the elderly and vulnerable as these
people are often less mobile and
would therefore find it more difficult
to get out of their property should a
fire occur.
‘The vast majority of our fatal house
fires in recent years have involved
elderly people, so we really need to
ensure they are as safe in their homes
as possible. So if you book yourself a
home fire risk check, book one for
your elderly relatives and friends at the
same time.’
Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service
also have a Push the Button campaign
which encourages Staffordshire’s
residents to ensure that their smoke
alarms work by testing them on a
weekly basis.
Glynn added: ‘Although research
shows us approximately nine out of
ten people have smoke alarms a
shocking seven out of ten don’t test
them. A smoke alarm can only save
your life if it works and the best way
to check it works is to push the button
once a week.’
The Service created a video featuring
firefighters and staff to help remind
people to Push the Button. The video
was released in 2010 and has since
gone viral, reaching almost 77,000 hits
on YouTube. The video can be viewed
via the Service’s website or official
YouTube channel:
To book a free Home Fire Risk
Check contact: 0800 0241 999. You
can also book online at
For all other non-emergency
enquiries contact: 08451 22 11 55 or
log onto: www.staffordshirefire.gov.uk
or www.direct.gov.uk/firekills. In an
emergency dial 999.
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Super Sheila Raises Funds
Sheila Yard with Mrs Eva Eustace, Chair of
Cannock Ladies Probus Club
Hospital Radio Stafford relies on its
volunteers to serve the patients on the
wards of Stafford and Cannock
Most of our volunteers are involved in
meeting the patients on the wards and
also playing music requests over the
airwaves of HRS.
Away from the studios, as a
registered charity, HRS has to raise
money to ensure that our valued
service can survive. Without the kind
donations, through public generosity,
grants and sponsorship, our radio
service would not exist for the benefit
of the patients.
There are many ways that Hospital
Radio raises funds. One of them is
through Sheila Yard’s contribution of
providing talks about Hospital Radio to
a variety of organisations in the local
Sheila is an active and long standing
volunteer for HRS and many local
organisations have invited her to
present talks on the subject of hospital
radio and have kindly made a donation
to the radio for Sheila’s time.
In fact, over recent years Sheila has
raised several hundred pounds towards
the cost of refurbishing Studio One.
All the talks have been well received,
enabling the wider community to
understand the work that everyone
does at HRS to keep the patients of
Stafford and Cannock Hospitals
entertained and informed during their
stay on the wards.
If you belong to a club or
organisation and would like Sheila to
speak about the work that we do,
please telephone our studios on 01785
223456 and leave a message. Sheila
will contact you in due course.
If you would like to join Hospital Radio Stafford,
why not visit our website and request an
application form and perhaps you could make
a difference to someone’s life whilst in hospital.
Hospital Radio Stafford 01785 223456
Follow us on Twitter @hrstafford
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Why Don’t You Join HRS?
To maintain its award-winning service to patients and staff in Stafford
and Cannock Hospitals, Hospital Radio Stafford always needs new recruits
must be aged 16 or over
interested in working with people
interested in ward visiting • in good health
have good communication skills
willing to join in fundraising activities
able to make a weekly commitment
interested in music beyond your own tastes
To join HRS you need to complete an
application form, available from
recruitment@hrstafford.org.uk or write to
Recruitment, Hospital Radio Stafford, Rear
Lodge, Knight Avenue, Stafford ST16 3QA or
you can print an application form
from the website.
You will start a three month probation period,
when you will receive training and be assigned to
a regular programme. The Hospital Trust will
undertake a Criminal Records check on each
applicant. If all goes to plan, you'll be relieved of
a modest membership fee and
become a member.
Welcome to becoming a member of
the award-winning service to patients
and staff in Stafford. We look forward
to your being a member for many
years to come.
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
The Staffordshire Famous People Quiz
Below you will find 20 questions about famous people who were born right
here in Staffordshire, see how many you can get right ...
1 Musician Graeme Edge was born in
Rocester in 1942, which famous pop
group, around since the 1960s, is he a
member of?
9 Staffordshire's most successful
singer was born in 1974 in the Potteries
and is known for his love of Port Vale
Football Club, name him...
2 Which singer was born in Burton
upon Trent in 1954 and had hits in the
eighties including ‘Different for Girls’
and ‘Is She Really Going Out With Him’?
10 The writer Arnold Bennett was
born in Hanley in 1867. What was his
famous novel written in 1902 and set in
the Potteries called?
3 The singer Julian Cope was raised
in Tamworth, had success with his band
in the eighties and a massive hit with
‘Reward’ in 1981. What was the group?
11 Which actor and comedian was
born in North Staffordshire in 1962 and
is best known for TV programmes
including ‘They Think Its All Over’ and
‘Room 101’?
4 Rock musician Lemmy was born in
Stoke on Trent, which band does he
5 Which famous writer was named
after a picturesque lake in North
6 Famous engineer Reginald Mitchell,
born in Kidsgrove in 1895, is
remembered for designing which
famous World War 2 aircraft?
7 Stafford's most famous son was
born in 1593, who was he?
8 Possibly Staffordshire's most
successful sportsman, nicknamed ‘The
Power’ and born in Stoke on Trent in
1960. Who is he?
12 Former Whitesnake guitarist Mel
Galley, Deep Purple bass player Glenn
Hughes and footballer Stan Collymore
come from which Staffordshire town?
13 Staffordshire's most famous
photographer died in 2006. Who was he?
14 A statue of which one of England's
most famous and best loved footballers
stands outside the Potteries Shopping
Centre in Hanley?
15 18th century thespian David
Garrick, DJ Richard Allinson, actress
Helen Baxendale and writer and poet
Samuel Johnson all hail from which
Staffordshire city?
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
16 Possibly the world's most famous
pottery manufacturer was born in
Burslem in 1730 and his name is still
synonymous with quality china ware to
this day. Who was he?
17 Which world famous company
was started by Joseph Cyril Bamford in
Uttoxeter in 1945.
18 Edward Smith was born in Hanley
in 1850. Which ship did he become the
captain of?
19 Which Stafford born actor is
famous for starring in the comedy
series ‘Men Behaving Badly’?
20 Which comedian from Stafford
wrote a best selling book about his
travels around the world with the aim
of meeting as many people as possible
with the same name as him?
by Shaun Geraghty
If you would like to join
Hospital Radio Stafford
why not visit
our website and
request an application
form and perhaps
you could make a
difference to someone’s
life whilst in hospital.
Hospital Radio Stafford
01785 223456
Follow us on Twitter
answers page 44
Visit our website www.hrstafford.org.uk
The Dreaded Lurgy
Visiting the wards to get requests, I
accidently walked into the Accident and
Emergency department (no pun
intended) but I must have looked
ghastly! At once a doctor and nurse
rushed towards me and before I knew
it I was on the trolley.
Then the nurse sliced through my
string vest which my mom had bought
me in 1975 for Christmas; she was
ruthless with those scissors and in two
minutes I had that many wires and
tubes in me I looked like Boris Karloff’s
The doctor (I’m sure his name tag
read Crippen) said they were going to
monitor me because of my funny
complexion. Uh! He then asked if I
suffered with any abnormalities to
which I replied I have tennis elbow but
have never played it but I did watch
Wimbledon a lot this year! And also the
gas bill gives me the heebie jeebies ...
‘have I had any alcohol’? he asked. ‘I
had some wine gums last night, does
that count?’
I kept saying I’ve only come to read
the meter! But it fell on deaf ears. I
even told them I knew what was going
on as I regularly watched Holby City
and Casualty every week.
In the end I gave up and lay back and
watched the world go by and rested
with a lovely nurse feeding me with
chocolate digestive biscuits and cups of
tea (very nice).
A chap was wheeled in who had
been practising toxaloffy/toxsocklifly ...
archery ... with his young son who
thought he was Robin Hood and
thought his dad was the Sheriff of
Nottingham. The man said he had a bit
of a headache. I’m sure the arrow in his
head did not help but the chap said he
could not see the point in it, archery
that is, not the arrow!
The patient in the next bed to me
was bandaged head to foot ... he had
been given a pogo stick for his birthday
and decided to test it in his lounge and
was enjoying himself until he hit the
ceiling and the chandelier.
An hour later the paramedics brought
a lady in with her left leg trapped
behind her head and her right leg back
to front, apparently she had been
following instructions from her yoga
book but page 17 and 18 got stuck
together ... she missed a page and did
herself an injustice!
I was there for about four hours
listening to hospital radio obviously and
watching the world go by when Doctor
Crippen asked if my face was okay and
gave me a mirror to look at my mush.
Eureka! I could now see what the
problem was now! That morning a gang
of us at HRS were painting the studio
walls with red emulsion paint and it
had splashed all over my face giving me
the appearance of having the dreaded
After a good scrubbing down by a
herculean nurse named Helga I was
spick and span and discharged with a
flea in my ear..
Now who do I see for a
compensation form for cutting up my
string vest!
Get well soon!
Keith Hibberts
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Well Man
It has come round to that time of the
year for my Well Man test. Blood and
wee test, etc. I booked my appointment
with the clinic and collected a plastic
container for a urine test, I have always
used a miniature whisky bottle before!
Last year I left it on the bus! Someone
must have had a shock that night,
(wow, this is funny tasting Bell’s, yuk!)
On arrival at the clinic I was
introduced to Nurse D. Rackular who
sat me down in her dungeon, I mean
her surgery. Nurse D struggled to roll up
my sleeve, I think the masking tape
wrapped round the cuffs did not help
but with the help of NHS scissors the
deed was done.
She showed me the needle which
resembled a bodkin needle they used
to repair carpets with! After tapping the
vein with her fingers to bring it up for
insertion, I am sure I heard her tapping
an Abba song from the Hospital Radio
unit, anyway with the vein risen and
with a gleam in Nurse D’s eyes, the
needle was inserted. (I am sure it came
out the other side of my arm) the red
stuff poured out and fed into what
seemed like empty milk bottles and
labelled (I am sure she wrote
Transylvania on one bottle) After what
seemed a lifetime but was
about a minute, a
kiddies plaster with a
picture of Noddy was
stuck on my arm and I
was sent on my merry way.
I seemed to limp out the
clinic as all the blood was
taken from my left
side; I resembled an
ashen Hunchback of
Notre Dame. Three
days later after a
diet of kidneys to
replenish the blood
and some Mackeson
stout (any excuse)
I was back to
normal, if I can call
myself normal.
Oh and by the way, I forgot to
mention about the, you know, the err
urine sample ... I promised the wife
extra housekeeping to do it for me, I
just couldn’t give anymore myself!
A few days later I received a ‘phone
call from Nurse D who informed me
that my blood tests were okay ... and by
the way, congratulations you’re
expecting a baby!
Keith Hibberts
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Age Concern
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alzheimers Society
Autism Networks
British Heart
British Red Cross
Carers Association
Southern Stafford
Cerebral Palsy
County Air Ambulance
Crossroads Care
Diabetes UK
Dial UK
01785 247606
0844 561 7079
01785 607060
08457 697555
01270 501901
01270 580444
0121 722 8350
01785 279840
01785 606675
0808 800 333
0800 1111
01384 241133
01782 268391
020 7424 1000
01302 310123
Disabled Living
0845 130 9177
Help the Aged
01785 819740
Home Start
01782 280850
Learning Disability
0808 808 1111
Marie Curie Cancer
01785 241523
01922 712046/611255
01785 785830
01782 262212
National Blood Service
0845 7711711
NHS Direct
0845 4647
0808 800 5000
01785 241286
Parkinsons Disease
01782 625255
Pre School Learning
01785 713915
01782 683050
01785 817885
Royal British Legion
01785 226663
01782 215755
Salvation Army
01785 257676
01785 243333
01785 252175
Stafford Furniture
01785 606674
Crisis Pregnancy Counselling
Pregnancy Loss & Post Abortion
Free Pregnancy Testing
Information on Housing
Phone: 01922 712046 / 611255
email: walsall@lifecharity.org.uk
National Helpline: 0808 802 5433
Text LIFECARE followed by your
message to 88020
For more information visit
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Staffordshire Link
Stafford Mental Health
Stafford Voluntary
Stafford Women’s Aid
St John Ambulance
Stop Smoking
Stroke Association
Sure Start
Talk to Frank
Victim Support
Voluntary Action
01785 887990
0808 800 2234
01785 606670
0870 2700 123
08700 257124
0800 0434 304
01782 416139
01782 344910
0800 776600
01785 715666
01782 683030
For enquiries, details of local
programmes and events phone
01785 257676
The Royal British
legion provides
financial, social
and emotional
support to millions
who have served
or are currently
serving in the
Armed Forces and
their dependants.
Nearly 9.5 million people are eligible
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financial aid in urgent crises, or help
homeless ex-service people get back
on their feet. We also advise people
on compensation claims and offer
careers advice for those looking to
make a fresh start after leaving the
If you are a serving soldier or
ex-service and need help, please
contact our office for friendly advice -
01785 226663
Many things can cause sleepless nights.
Worry being one of them. Generally those
worries can be talked over with someone
close and often sorted out.
Sometimes, however, that ‘someone’
may not be around. It could be that the
worry is about that person or, in some
cases, you may well be on your own. Kept
to yourself, these worries will often get
bigger and your sleepless nights get longer.
If you feel that you have nobody to talk
to, there is an option:
Consider talking to Samaritans
It does help sometimes to talk to
somebody that does not know you and
that keeps whatever is said, to themselves.
The Samaritans can be contacted at
ANY time day or night, in fact whenever
YOU want to talk.
If sleepless nights are a problem, or
your worries are starting to affect your
quality of life then please consider talking
to Samaritans.
The telephone number is Stafford
(01785) 243333
Visit our website www.hrstafford.org.uk
Please support the advertisers ... without their kind support this publication would not have been possible
If you would like to join Hospital Radio Stafford, why not visit
our website and request an application form and perhaps you
could make a difference to someone’s life whilst in hospital.
Hospital Radio Stafford 01785 223456
Follow us on Twitter @hrstafford
Broadcasting to Stafford and Cannock Chase Hospitals
Please support the advertisers ... without their kind support this publication would not have been possible
The Largest Provider of Agency Nurses
in the West Midlands goes Platinum
In March 2012, Medacs Healthcare’s
Nursing division was awarded Platinum
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NHS West Midlands.
As a supplier under the HTE Nursing
Framework, Medacs Healthcare provides
temporary nurses, theatre staff and
healthcare staff to more than 40 West
Midland trusts, strengthening our
position as the region’s largest provider
of agency nursing staff.
The audit measures how many of the
nurses and healthcare assistants
supplied are fully compliant and have
completed up-to-date documentation.
It’s an important way of ensuring
temporary nursing agencies are
supplying competent people to the NHS.
More about Medacs
With over 20 years’ experience, Medacs
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Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Leave your own home, why?
If you want to live as
independently as possible, you may
need support to stay in your own
Social services department at your
local authority can provide a range of
services to help. For example, you
may need help with cleaning or
would find it useful t have a bath rail
fitted. You may be entitled to financial
help to maintain your own home.
To find out what sort of help you
could get, you will need to have a
health and social care assessment
from your local social services team.
You may also be entitled to ‘direct
payments’. These are local council
payments available for anyone who
has been assessed as needing help
from social services and who would
like to buy in services instead of
receiving them from the local council.
For example, direct payments could
be used to pay a home help.
When the time comes and you feel
you can benefit from help with daily
living, there is an option that enables
you to remain at home and receive
the care and support needed. There’s
no place like your own home, for
privacy, comfort, recovery and
Giving up your independence and
moving into a residential care home
is usually a one way move, receiving
help at home postpones that event,
allowing you to remain part of your
local community.
Care at home can take the form of
regular visits to help with things like
dressing, washing, cooking, cleaning
and shopping. When recovering from
illness many doctors agree patients
recuperate better and quicker in their
own homes.
Home comforts and freedom of
choice are top priority at any age so
why should you change priorities
when you get older.
Making your home easier to
live in
You may find making adaptations
to your home – like adding hand
rails, draught excluders or bath hoists
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
– useful. You can get advice from
your local social services department
and, in some cases, receive financial
assistance to alter your home.
If shopping is difficult, you may
want to consider internet shopping.
Some shops and supermarkets
deliver shopping to your door. You
may be able to get financial help to
warm your home. If you are a carer
you may benefit from getting some
help at home. Perhaps it would be
useful if the person you care for
visited a day centre for a few hours to
let you have some personal time. You
may also benefit from some home
help like cleaning.
The provision of meals as a
community care service could mean a
daily delivery of a meal or the delivery
of a weekly or monthly supply of
frozen food or provision of meals at a
day centre or lunch club.
Visit our website www.hrstafford.org.uk
Whatever your age, fitness level or
body shape, it’s never too soon or
too late to start thinking about living
healthily. You can take a step towards
healthy living by making a few basic
changes to your daily life.
Walk more: Take the stairs instead of
the lift; use your lunch hour to have
a half-hour walk; walk instead of
driving short distances.
Exercise: Walking short distances
instead of driving them and taking
the stairs instead of the lift are just
two ways of building exercise into
your daily life.
Eat better: Try to eat more fruit and
veg and less fat, salt and sugar.
Ensure you eat a good amount of
starchy foods (rice, bread, pasta and
potatoes) and some protein-rich
foods like meat, fish, eggs and
Cut salt: Most of us are eating far
too much salt through bought soups,
sauces, biscuits, cereals and ready
We only need 6 grams of salt a day –
a teaspoonful.
Drink more water: Our bodies need
six to eight glasses or two litres of
water every day to ensure everything
is in good working order.
Diet and nutrition: What you eat is
important. Your diet can affect how
well you feel. If you eat the right
foods, you can protect yourself and
decrease your chances of getting ill –
from minor ailments to more serious
In the UK, we eat an average of
three portions of fruit and veg per
day, we really need to have five daily
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Visit our website www.hrstafford.org.uk
Markets in Cannock Chase
Cannock and Rugeley have been holding
markets since the 13th century when the
original Royal Charter was first issued. The
markets are situated in the town centres and
offer a diverse range of products and
services. There are currently 61 stalls in
Cannock Market Hall, 27 stalls in the Prince
of Wales and 45 stalls in Rugeley market Hall.
The three council markets in the area are:
Cannock Market Hall, Market Hall Street,
Cannock; Prince of Wales, Church Street, Cannock
Rugeley Market Hall, Bees Lane, Rugeley.
Cannock Chase Shopmobility
The service now runs from Cannock and
Rugeley Indoor Markets and is available on
Market Days 9.30am-3.30pm (Cannock-Tues,
Fri, Sat. Rugeley-Tues,Thurs,Fri,Sat)
To ensure availability please book at least
24 hours in advance by calling Cannock
Indoor Market on 01543 464558 or Rugeley
Market on 01889 584845.
If you`re not already a scheme member,
you`ll need to register and pay a one-off
registration fee of £5. You`ll need two valid
forms of identity, showing proof of name and
address. Hire charge is just £1.50 an hour for
a motorised scooter.
Please support the advertisers ... without their kind support this publication would not have been possible
Spot the Saying
See if you can decipher the brainteasers below.
They could be phrases, sayings, titles or expressions.
Hospital Radio Stafford .. the voice of a friend
Spot the Ad
Below are parts of various advertisements that appear somewhere
in this magazine. Can you find them and name the advertiser?
ANSWERS: Staffordshire Famous People Quiz: 1 The Moody Blues; 2 Joe Jackson; 3 The Teardrop
Explodes; 4 Motorhead; 5 Rudyard Kipling; 6 The Spitfire; 7 Izaak Walton; 8 Phil Taylor; 9 Robbie
Williams; 10 Anna of the Five Towns; 11 Nick Hancock; 12 Cannock; 13 Patrick Lichfield (The Earl
of Lichfield); 14 Stanley Matthews; 15 Lichfield; 16
Josiah Wedgwood; 17 JCB; 18 The Titanic; 19 Neil
Morrissey; 20 Dave Gorman.
Spot the Saying: Sleeping bag; mind over matter;
look behind you; twinkle, twinkle, little star; back
garden; bend over backwards; jack in a box;
ground rules; tooth fairy; little white lies; split
level; catch up
Hospital Radio Stafford is grateful for contributions from all authors of articles. However, neither the Hospital nor the Hospital Radio can
accept responsibility for the veracity of the advertisement or articles which appear in this magazine. The publisher has endeavoured to
ensure that all information and artwork inside this magazine is correct at the time of going to press. © Hospital Radio Publications 20112
Please support the advertisers ... without their kind support this publication would not have been possible
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offer a number of services to enable home owners and
private tenants to continue living independently in their own
home, rather than moving to alternative accommodation.
How we can help you
Our staff will give you free advice and talk you through
different options and services which may benefit you and
improve your quality of life.
We Provide the Following Services
Home Safety Check
Home Fire risk Checks
Health through Warmth
Home Improvement, Repairs & Adaptations
Equity Release
For further information contact you local office
Stafford 01785 619630
Cannock, Lichfield, Tamworth & South Staffordshire
0203 535 3670