Detail of the eagle weathervain sitting proudly on top of the gazebo
Detail of the eagle weathervain sitting proudly on top of the gazebo
July 2011 Detail of the eagle weathervain sitting proudly on top of the gazebo Gazebo, almost ready for all outdoor functions. Continuing to Serve he Minnesota Chapter of the Paralyzed Veterans of America is a non-profit organization. Minnesota Paralyzed Our funding is primarily received from donations. The Paralyzed Veterans of America is Veterans of America the name of our parent organization, and is chartered by the Congress of the United States One Veterans Drive of America. All members of the Paralyzed Veterans of America, have sustained a spinal SCI-238 injury or disease. If you have any questions, or you would like to make a donation to our Minneapolis, MN 55417 organization, please write to the address or call the numbers listed on this page Monday - Thursday: ny and all articles that appear in this newsletter, is the opinion of the author of 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM said article, and not necessarily those of its members, Board of Directors, or that Friday: of this organization. Any advertising that appears in this newsletter, is paid for by 8:00 AM - 1:30 PM the business or organization that placed the advertisement. The Minnesota Paralyzed Phone: 612-467-2263 Veterans of America, by printing said advertisements, does not endorse and shall not Toll Free: 1-800-663-6782 Fax: 612-726-9472 be held liable for any claims of any kind against said business or organization. Email: he Minnesota Paralyzed Veterans of America’s newsletter will be published Executive Director 9 times per year. The editor and/or assistant may edit all articles for content, Richard F. Jost grammar, clarity and punctuation. Phone: 612-467-1651 Email: — Richard F. Jost, Editor. Officers President Thomas R. Fjerstad, PRP Vice-President Russ Osborne Secretary Eric Webster Treasurer John Christensen The Minnesota Past President Charlie Wittwer Board of Directors PVA Chapter is Volume 17, Issue 7 Leo Dondlinger – Todd Kemery Northern Highlights actively seeking new Tom Fjerstad – Dave Langsdale Bill Frisby – Dave Hallis Magic Wheels 3 members, if you know Ken Klein President’s Report 3 of a Veteran with a National Director Executive Director’s Report 4 Thomas R. Fjerstad, PRP spinal cord injury or National Service Officers Report 5 National Service Offices disease, please have Jason Stephenson – 612-629-7022 MNPVA Brunch 5 Senior Benefits Advocate SCI-141 the Veteran contact Sports Director’s Report 6,7 Jim Arndt – 612-629-7021 2011 Upcoming Election 8 the Minnesota PVA Vocational Rehab. Program SCI-139 Kempf 9 One Veterans Drive Chapter office at Minneapolis, MN 55417 August Calendar and Schedule 10 612-467-2263 or Tami Anderson – NSO III Oakdale Parade 11 Federal Building Room 194B 1-800-663-6782 and Rollx 12 St. Paul, MN 55111 we will give him or 612-970-5668 Twins Tickets 13 1-800-795-3609 her the Membership Fishing Schedule 13 FTS 612-970-5668 Cummings Mobility 14 Application to Northern Highlights Staff Editor Richard F. Jost Inspirational Thoughts 15 complete. The Circulation Dianna Way T A T Table of Contents Northern Highlights Advertising Rates Please call the office for rates. 612-467-2263 or 1-800-663-6782 membership application is also on our website at Membership Report 15 Welcome New Members 15 In Rememberance 15 August Birthdays 15 President’s Report - Thomas R. Fjerstad, PRP June 7th - 9th, 2011, the PVA Site Visit Team was in Minneapolis for its annual visit to the SCI Center. The team met with staff and evaluated the progress the center has made since their visit in May of 2010. I sat in on the meetings with staff along with our Executive Director Ric Jost. I would like to thank Hospital Director Steven P. Kleinglass for his part in facilitating a smooth visit. I would also like to thank SCI Chief Dr. Gary Goldish and SCI Nurse Manager Cassandra Miller-Hardwick for making staff available at the requested times. On Thursday June 8th a formal dedication ceremony took place for the opening of the second Minneapolis VA Fisher House. Their ceremony began at 10:00 a.m. I was tied up with the PVA Site Visit but PVA was represented at the dedication by Executive Director Ric Jost. After the conclusion of the site visit interviews the National PVA site team members were able to take a late tour of the new Fisher House. The chapter funded picnic gazebo located directly outside of the SCI Center was unfortunately not ready for the chapter picnic, however; a ribbon cutting ceremony will be held this summer and we will let everyone know the date as soon as arrangements have been finalized. I was scheduled to be in Washington DC at a strategic planning meeting June 20th -21st but personal commitments did not allow for me to be away from home on those dates. I was in attendance by teleconference and looked forward to discussing one of the items on the agenda, PVA’s aging and declining membership. This is a situation not unique to PVA but is a concern of virtually every Veteran’s Service Organization. The chapter just received approval from the National Office to embark on a new fund-raising venture. We will now be active in a vehicle donation program similar to those you have probably seen for DAV and Courage Center. We will provide information on the program to every member in the near future. Once you receive this information your assistance in getting the word out will help generate much needed funds to operate our programs. I have also been participating on a committee reviewing the PVA National Bylaws. The first review was simply for inconsistencies and redundancy. This review has generated 25 proposed amendments which will be considered at the National PVA convention in Woodlands, Texas the end of August. Many of you are anxiously preparing for the National Veterans Wheelchair Games being held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania August 1st - 6th, 2011, I wish you the best of luck and safe travels. Geared wheels proven to reduce shoulder pain by over 55%1 — ® 2-gear MaNUaL wheeLS without batteries or motors! NEW! Medicare approved Climb with ease. Similar to bicycle technology, shifting into low gear eases the challenge of inclines and uneven terrain. HCPCS Code E2227 Hill holding. When in low gear, this automatic feature prevents the wheelchair from rolling backwards. Increased downhill control. In low gear, stopping is easier because only half the force is needed. VETERANS! Call today to arrange a test drive at your local VA or to receive a free product DVD! Barry Long, magicwheels® user since 2004. “With magicwheels® I can live without shoulder pain, which benefits me and my family.” 1 866-624-4294 VA Contract #V797P-3144M Isn’t it time to shift gears? 1 Finley, M.A., Rodgers, M.M. “Effect of 2-Speed Geared Manual Wheelchair Propulsion on Shoulder Pain and Function.” Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Vol. 88, December 2007, pgs 1622-1627. 3 Executive Directors Report - Ric Jost The VA Medical Center hosted a dedication ceremony for the new Fisher House II on June 9, 2011. I was fortunate enough to be invited to the ceremony and be a part of this historic event. Steven Kleinglass (Director of the Minneapolis VA Health Care Systems started the program with the welcome and introduction of the official party. Janet Murphy (Director VA Midwest Health Care Network) and Ton McDonough (Chair, Bryan McDonough Military Heroes Foundation) also gave opening remarks. Keynote Speakers were Robert Petzel, MD (US Department Veterans Affairs Under Secretary for Health) and Kenneth Fisher (Chairman and CEO, Board of Trustees Fisher House Foundation), “The Minneapolis VAHCS received its first Fisher House in 1995. Since that time, the Minneapolis VAHCS was designated as one of four Polytrauma VA Medical centers. The Minneapolis VAHCS became part of a national VA network of SCI Centers when the Cord Injury/Disorder (SCI/D) Center was added. The center provides acute rehabilitations, primary care and sustaining care for veterans with spinal cord injury and disorder. The facility includes a 30-bed inpatient unit with four ventilator dependent beds, outpatient clinics, therapies and offices. The Minneapolis 10 bedroom Fisher House has provided many families with comfortable lodging in their time of need for the past 16 years. However, with the expansion of medical services being provided to our veterans, the number of families requesting lodging has increased as well. The second Fisher House with its 20 bedroom suites will increase our ability to meet the needs of these families. We are most thankful to Fisher House Foundation for this second beautiful “home3 away-from-home” and the comfort it will bring families for many years to come”. At the dedication I had the honor of meeting Michael J. Fitzmaurice. I guess you might ask who is Michael J. Fitsmaurice? Well, he is an aging solider originally from North Dakota and attended the dedication with his wife. He is one of the best of the best!! He is a Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient. If you want to read his story, you can go the following website: www.congressionalmedalofhonor ( and click on recipients and then type in his name and his story will come up The Minnesota Twins walked the corridors and visited patient rooms of the Minneapolis VA Health Care Systems on Wednesday June 15, 2011. While visiting patients in the SCI Center and the main hospital; they signed autographs, had photos taken and gave away hats and jerseys to the patients. For more on this story go to the twins home page at www. and scroll down to Inside Community and click on “Twins Hope Week” for the photos of the players with the patients at the SCI/D Center. This was a great day for the Minnesota Twins, SCI patients and staff. They were in the middle of their 8 game winning streak when they stopped by the Minneapolis VA Medical Center and the SCI Unit. This was a great morale booster for the troops. Maybe they should stop by more often? 44 National Service Officer’s Report - Tami Anderson Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Chapter 35 (38 USC 35; 38 CFR 21.3030) Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance is a program of education or special restorative training for eligible children, spouses and surviving spouses. The educational assistance may not exceed 45 months or the equivalent in part-time training. If it is determined that it will take longer than 45 months for special restorative training; under certain circumstances it will be authorized. Eligibility for Chapter 35 educational benefits are children, a spouse or a surviving spouse of a veteran who died or is permanently and totally disabled as the result of a service-connected disability; or a veteran who died from any cause while such service-connected disability was in existence; or a service member missing in action or captured in the line of duty by a hostile force; or a service member forcibly detained or interned in the line of duty by a foreign government or power; or a service member who is hospitalized or receiving outpatient treatment for a service connected permanent and total disability and is likely to be discharged for that disability. The period of eligibility for a child usually will begin on the child’s 18th birthday or on successful completion of secondary schooling. Eligibility will generally end on the child’s 26th birthday. There are some instances where the child may be eligible before their 18th birthday and extend past their 26th birthday. The period of eligibility for a spouse, (after October 27, 1986); eligibility is the effective date of the rating or date of notification or any date between these two dates that is specified. Benefits will end for the spouse 10 years from the date the VA finds you eligible or the date of death of the veteran. If the VA rated the veteran permanently and totally disabled with an effective date of 3 years from discharge a spouse will remain eligible for 20 years from the effective date of the rating. The period of eligibility for a surviving spouse ends 20 years from the date of death. For more information, please contact Tami Anderson, National Service Officer at 612-970-5668 or Jason Stephenson, Senior Benefits Advocate at 612-629-7022; or go to the VA website and put in Chapter 35 educational benefits. MNPVA CHAPTER Brunch Date The MNPVA Chapter will host a brunch this year instead of a banquet, following is the information, so please mark your calendar and we hope to see you all there: Who: What: When: Where: All MNPVA members and their quests MNPVA Bruch and Awards Ceremony Sunday September 25, 2011 Marriott Hotel – Minneapolis Airport (across from the Mall of America) Location: 2020 East American Boulevard Bloomington, Minnesota 55425 Phone: 952-854-7441 Time: 11:30 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Please come and experience this new venture and enjoy a great buffet brunch. 5 Sport’s Director’s Report - Todd Kemery Avast Ye Mates and you Land Lubbers! This month we will give you a chance to turn in your shore legs and close one eye and squint out the other and utter arrrrgh after each sentence. Yes, I’m talking about all things water related. Operation Liberty and Wayzata Community Sailing Center are hosting an evening of sailing on Wednesday July 20, 2011, from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm which includes a picnic dinner and sailing for veterans and their families. There is an application process to help inform Wayzata Community Sailing Center on how many will attend and what level of disability to help set up the boats properly. Detailed information about this event, including the personal information application, can be downloaded at our website www. If you are unable to use the web site for any reason, call me at the MNPVA Chapter office at 612-467-2263 or 1-800-663-6782 and I will help you get your vitals into sailing center. This is a time sensitive event so please act upon this as soon as possible; deadline to sign up for this event is July 10, 2011. Don’t forget about our Mille Lacs Lake fishing outings. You are allowed to participate more than once and you are encouraged to bring your families. Captain Ron is more than capable and his boat is large enough for power chairs and manual combined. Call the MNPVA Chapter office at 612-467-2263 or 1-800-663-6782 to tell us what date you want to go and how many will be in your group. Earlier this month, four members from the MNPVA Chapter, (John Christensen, Ken Klien, Hank Ebert and I), were able to attend a new Camp Ripley Veteran’s event, Trolling for Troops. We were given the option to fish either the Mississippi River or Lake Mille Lacs and since we currently have a Mille Lacs Lake fishing opportunity in place, the four of us chose the river to fish from. The boats were prop less and set up for river travel including a shallow draft of three inches. The unique aspect of this event was to pair a veteran with a recently returned service member and a guide and added the incentive to see which boat caught the most fish for the day. The fishing was great but the most rewarding result was the interaction between the veterans and the active duty/National Guardsmen. The opportunity to share experiences past and present between the new and old military was beyond measure. This new event used the same format as the deer and turkey hunts; food, lodging, boats and their guides were taken care of through the shared efforts of the different service organizations, the Command at Camp Ripley and Dennis Erie of the St. Cloud V.A. Recreational Therapy Department. This will be an annual event and I hope those of you who can, will accept the invitation next year. A few land events need to be addressed starting with July 13, 2011, from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. is the date of our 2nd Annual Mini Games to be held at our SCI/D center. Please come and experience and try, if you wish, in the numerous examples of what our team members will participate in at the Veterans Games in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Come and meet the Minnesota athletes who will be traveling to Pittsburg this year. The intent is to demonstrate as well as include inpatient and anyone else who is willing to try. Table Tennis, Nine Ball, Track and Field, Hand cycle, Rugby, Basketball, Softball, Ramp Bowling, Slalom (obstacle course), Weight lifting, Power Soccer and Power Slalom. There is an open invitation to those of all abilities to try or at least observe the different events. Last but not least, there will be food and drink. You may want to plan on checking out our new sports court and gazebo while you are here. 6 There is a NWPA 9-Ball Classic pool tournament scheduled August 5th -7th, 2011 at John Christiansen catches the BIG ONE!!!! Todd Kemery crusin the river looking for the perfect spot to fish. Sport’s Director’s Report - Todd Kemery Continued the Ramada Inn in Rochester, Minnesota. Contact information should be made to Mitchell Paulson at 507-285-1815. Our chapter will be represented by at least two members plus any of you who wish to include yourselves. Bowling continues at Eden Prairie and with a slight adjustment in procedure in Wyoming. The change in Wyoming concerns payment. Instead of running a tab, payment will be made by the individual member and those receipts will be turned into the office along with the mileage sheet no later than the 10th of the month to receive reimbursement. Any questions to these changes can be addressed by calling the MNPVA Chapter office. I’d like to close this month’s sports report with a small mention not as Sports Director but as a Minnesota team athlete of the National Veteran’s Wheelchair Games. Tuesday June 14, 2011, our office received a call concerning a fellow Minnesota teammate of the games; Mike Hancock USMC Vietnam Veteran and Veteran’s games athlete since 2005, passed away suddenly. Mike had many friends with our small family of coaches and annual returning team members. Mike’s large but quiet and gentle demeanor will forever be missed. Mike’s spirit and memory will always be with us who had the privilege to spend time with him. Wherever we gather and speak of the games, Mike will be there among us - Semper Fi Marine. (More thoughts on our website at in the sports section) TSA Expands Wounded Warrior Security Program To All Veterans Many Paralyzed Veterans of America (Paralyzed Veterans) members have made complaints about problems with airport security, such as being requested to get out of their wheelchairs, remove their shoes, or display personal medical devices. Now an existing Transportation Security Administration (TSA) program for injured service members has recently been expanded to permit veterans to proceed through security safely and with dignity. Initially, the TSA worked with the Department of Defense (DOD) to create a program to ease the airport screening process for injured service members. Since 2005 DOD’s Program has included TSA staff on a 24-hour, 7-day a week basis. When an injured service member provided flight information to the center, TSA staff would guide the passenger through the security process. The TSA liaison officer notified the appropriate federal security director at relevant airports to ensure that any security screening required at those airports would be conducted by TSA screening experts with empathy and respect Recently, this program became available to all veterans, so anyone who has served in the military can take advantage. The veteran or service member should contact the Operations Center’s 24-72 hours before a confirmed flight at the tollfree number (888) 262-2396 with flight information. The passenger may also email the call center at MSIJSOC@DHS. GOV with the itinerary. Callers will be connected to a TSA liaison officer who will notify security officials as described above. The hotline will not be able to assist if the call is more than 72 hours or less than 24 hours before the flight is scheduled to leave. Several Paralyzed Veterans members have used this program with positive results and good things to say about TSA! 7 2011 Upcoming Election ALL MINNESOTA PVA MEMBERS 2011 UPCOMING ELECTION The MNPVA Chapter is accepting nominations for all officers’ and two board positions!! The Minnesota PVA Chapter elections for Officers and Board of Directors are fast approaching. Nominations for candidates for all officer positions and two (2) Board of Directors positions will be taken from June 15, 2011, to July 15, 2011. The following positions are up for re-election: • • • • • President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Two (2) Board of Director positions We would like everyone to take a moment to give serious thought to who would fit into these positions, when submitting your list of candidates. All candidates must be voting members of the Minnesota Paralyzed Veterans of America Chapter, before taking office with MNPVA; they must become certified by the National PVA before your name is placed on the ballot in August. Officers are elected for a one (1) year term and Board members are elected for a three (3) year term and all elected officials should be available for the following commitments during their time of service: • Attend monthly Board Meetings – half day commitment plus travel time • Serve on Committees – a minimum of two committers per board member which requires additional time also • Attend Chapter Functions – annual picnic, annual banquet and any other function requested by the president • The passion and desire to assist this chapter and this Nation’s Veterans When submitting your nominations for candidates you must follow these guidelines: • Nominations must be in writing • You must include your name when submitting your choice of candidates • You must be a voting member of this chapter • You must specify what position you want each individual to be considered for when submitting your nominations Please mail in your choice for candidates to the MNPVA office at the following address: Minnesota Paralyzed Veterans of America Attention: Secretary Eric Webster 1Veterans Drive, SCI-238 Minneapolis, MN 55417 We need persons who are willing to contribute time and effort to the well-being of the chapter. Respectfully submitted, Eric Webster, Chapter Secretary 88 New Digital Accelerator Ring adapts itself to your speed Cars have progressed from here... about your hand controls? DARIOS lets you drive with both hands on the wheel. Just press the ring to accelerate. Brake with the left- or right-hand brake integrated in the dashboard. Your knee area remains free of metal parts. The steering wheel can still be tilted and all airbags including the knee-airbag remain functional. DARIOS adapts its sensitivity to the speed of your car: - At low speed the acceleration is smooth and progressive - At high speed the acceleration is responsive and dynamic. DARIOS is VA accepted. KEMPF features nationwide free at-home pick-up and delivery and at-home service. Users’ comments: “It’s amazing how precise it is!” “It’s 100 times better than any accelerator I’ve used in 30 years!” “. . . the system appears a part of the original equipment of the vehicle.” KEMPF is a member of NMEDA. Call for a free demo-DVD and brochure 1-888-4-KEMPF-US 1-888-453-6738 9 august 2011 Birthstone: peridot Flower: gladiolus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JULY 2011 W T S M T 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 S M 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 SEPTEMBER 2011 T W T 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 July and August Schedule of Events August 1-5 National Veterans Wheelchair Games, July 4 Independence Day – Holiday Office Closed Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania August 2 Bingo Veteran’s Home – 7:00 p.m. July 5 Holiday – Office Closed August 3 UVLC Meeting – 9:30 a.m. July 5 Bingo Veteran’s Home – 7:00 p.m. August 15 Election ballots received by members July 6 UVLC Meeting – 9:30 a.m. August 16 BOD Meeting July 13 Fishing from 5:00 P.M to 9:00 Mille August 17 Fishing from 5:00 P.M to 9:00 P.M. at Mille Lacs Lake in Isle, Minnesota at Scenic Lacs Lake in Isle, Minnesota at Scenic Bay Resort, please call the MNPVA office Bay Resort, please call the MNPVA office if you plan on attending so we have enough if you plan on attending so we have enough food for everyone food for everyone July 15 Nominations for Election Closed at end of August 30 Election ballots due by close of business day business day July 19 BOD Meeting July 27 Armistice Day Hospital Visitation: Monday through Friday Bowling South: Thursday mornings starting at 11:00 a.m. at Eden Prairie Bowling Lanes in Eden Prairie, Minnesota 10 Please call the MNPVA office if you plan on attending any of the above activities at 612-467-2263 or 1-800-663-6782 or via email at 15 Oakdale Parade The Minnesota PVA Chapter ready to march in the 2011 Oakdale, Minnesota parade on Thursday evening June 23, 2011. All of the volunteers walked along the side handing out candy, flags and Minnesota PVA Chapter buttons while MNPVA members rode behind the van in their handcyles, quad rugby chair and power wheelchairs. John Way drove the MNPVA van. Everyone had a great time and are looking forward to doing this next year. 11 A 2.5-ton salute. “ Improving people's lives. That's the essence of the Rollx story and the mission of our entire organization. And we feel a special and personal appreciation for military veterans, who have sacrificed so much for our country. Our commitment is demonstrated not only by the quality of our vehicles, but also by our ongoing and enthusiastic support for programs that help veterans live richer, fuller lives. The PVA National Trapshoot Circuit For nearly a decade, Rollx has been a proud sponsor of the PVA National Trapshoot Circuit. The circuit gives individuals with disabilities an opportunity to participate in the recreational and competitive sport of trapshooting. National Veterans Wheelchair Games Several of our members have purchased your vehicles, and all of them have given your company high marks. On behalf of our association and its members, plus the disabled community you serve, thank you for your efforts to provide a quality product and service. ” Kenneth Snow, Vice President California Paralyzed Veterans Association (CPVA) “ Rollx is honored to be a multi-year sponsor of the National Veterans Wheelchair Games, the world’s largest annual wheelchair sports competition. Wounded Warrior program In 2004 Rollx started providing vans free-of-charge to wounded troops returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan. Our mission for the Rollx Wounded Warrior Program: Reach the most deserving service members in ways we can provide the most benefit. Rollx has gone above and beyond in their selfless and compassionate service to our injured service members and their families. Most often, these vans are provided to the families during a time of greatest need. The adaptive vehicles are a means for these service members to enhance their quality of life through increased mobility. ” Karen Guenther, Founder and President Semper Fi Fund Find your ride. Live your life. Visit for more details, latest inventory, pricing and rebates Factory Direct With Rollx, you buy directly from the manufacturer, which means no middleman and more money in your pocket. 12 Nation’s Largest Inventory More than 200 full-size and minivans are in stock, including a large inventory of quality refurbished vehicles. 6591 W. Hwy 13, Savage, MN 55378 Phone: 1.800.956.6668 VA Paperwork Personal Touch We work on your behalf, directly with the Department of Veterans Affairs, state and county agencies and other third-parties. Rollx is the only manufacturer that features at-home delivery and at-home service. Fax: 952.890.1903 Your LIfe. Your Ride.™ MNPVA 2011 FISHING SCHEDULE NOTE!! Another day in July has been added to the fishing schedule ** Date Wednesday July 13, 2011 **Wednesday July 27, 2011 Wednesday August 17, 2011 Wednesday September 7, 2011 Time 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. We have scheduled Wednesday as the day for the fishing trips this year and we hope it will work for all of you anglers. Please call the MNPVA office for each fishing trip you plan on attending at 612-467-2263 or 1-800-6636782 or via email at so we will know how much food to buy for everyone. NOTE!! We will schedule the MNPVA van for the fishing trips this summer for those of you that would like to go fishing but do not want to drive. You will have to call the office by Monday at the latest of the week that a fishing trip is scheduled so we can make arrangements. We wish all of you anglers a great fishing season!! Twins Tickets The Minnesota PVA Chapter has purchased season tickets for the Minnesota Twins games for the 2011 season. If you are interested in attending a game, please choose a date from the schedule. July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 15 16 17 18 29 20 21 22 23 24 August 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 September 5 6 7 16 17 18 20 21 22 26 27 28 Please call the MNPVA Chapter office for one of the dates that you and one guest would like to attend a Twins game at the Target Stadium at 612-467-2263 or 1-800-663-6782. NOTE!! The chapter will NOT pay for any food transportation or beverages purchased or any parking fees. 13 Wheelchair Accessible Transportation MINNESOTA’S NUMBER ONE MOBILITY RESOURCE. Cummings Mobility Offers The Most Diverse Selection Of Lowered Floor Minivans In The State. We Stock Brands Such As: Chrysler, Dodge, Toyota, Honda, Ford & More. Our Large Selection Of In-Stock Inventory Means You Can Try It Before Your Buy.* No More Shopping From A Catalog On One Of The Most Expensive Puchases Many People Make. For Over 30 Years, Cummings Mobility Has Been Offering Top Quality, Accessible Transportaion At Affordable Prices To Minnesotan’s. Give Us A Call Before You Make Your Next Vehicle Purchase And See Why We Are Minnesota’s Number One Mobility Resource. The BraunAbility Toyota Rampvan Two Twin Cities Locations Albertville & Roseville, MN To St . C 94 lou d Ou 6540 Jansen Ave. NE Albertville, MN 55301 Phone: 763-497-0103 37 19 tle tM Jansen Ave. NE Albertville Location Albertville Location 94 35E 1755 W. County Road C Roseville, MN 55113 Phone: 651-633-7887 694 35W 694 35E 36 36 Snelling Ave. N 35W Roseville Location County Rd. C Fairview Ave. N County Rd. C Get More Detailed Maps At: 35E 1-800-NEW-LIFT The BraunAbility Dodge/Chrysler WHEELCHAIR LIFTS SCOOTER LIFTS HITCH LIFTS TRUCK CONVERSIONS HAND CONTROLS TIEDOWNS TRANSFER SEATS DRIVING CONTROLS PLUS MUCH MORE Visit Us Online 1414 37 To Tw & Ro in Cities Stor seville e 19 694 1 Mile East Of 35W On County Road C. NEW/USED SALES SERVICE RENTAL VANS Exit 202 Albertville Snelling Ave. N Roseville Location 94 37 Culvers Here Fairview Ave. N The BraunAbility Honda Entervan all Exit 201 Inspirational Thoughts – Leo Dondlinger Membership Report Dave Hallis Current Membership is at 331 Service Connected = 145 Non Service Connected = 186 Lamentations 3:21-23 Yet this I call to mind Welcome New Members David C. Pedersen and Donald H. Tessmer, Jr. and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail; they are new every morning; Remebering our Deceased Members The MNPVA Chapter office mourns the loss of the following members: Donald L. Brown, Stephen D. Shores and Rudolph Melino The chapter extends its deepest sympathy to their family and friends during this time of sorrow. great is your faithfulness. AUGUST BIRTHDAYS Roger E. Zachow Kirk J. Williams Randall J. Starr Delmo T. Graff Charles E. Myers Michael T. Hedlund Robert A. Janu John D. Curry Darryl W. Palmquist Todd A. Kemery Steven D. Hallis Donald J. Johnson Michael A. Sondrol Charles W. Kent Dale S. Meltz Robert P. Melberg David C. Pedersen Cyril N. Reinert David L. Anderson Richard W. Docksteader Donald C. Simons Donald W. Meyer John Lewerke Thomas A. Geisler Richard S. Anderson Daryl Rudquist Jeffrey C. Porter James R. Whitney Henry E. Etzler Donald E. Soring Dale Dordal Seantell N. Frank John C. Albert Paul D. Hanks Patricia A. Schaniel David E. Gustafson Shawna M. Lasiuk Michael S. Fosnot Charles A. Johnston Steven Johanson 1515 1 Veterans Dr. SC1-238 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417 First Name: ___________________________________________ MI:____________________ Last Name:___________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________ State:______________ Zip:______________ Home Phone: (_______ ) _____________________E-mail:_______________________________ Birth Date:______/_____ /_____ Membership ID Number _______________________________
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he Minnesota Paralyzed Veterans of America’s newsletter will be published 12
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times per year. The editor and/or assistant may edit all articles for content,
Richard F. Jost