Minnesota Flight Log - General EW Rawlings Chapter
Minnesota Flight Log - General EW Rawlings Chapter
Minnesota Flight Log Vol. 23, No. 2 Gen. E.W. Rawlings Chapter #213 Air Force Association Twin Cities, Minnesota EDUCATE ADVOCATE SUPPORT Minnesota Flight Log is published quarterly for the members of the Rawlings chapter of the Air Force Association. Members may view the newsletter on the chapter website, www.rawlingsafa.org. To report problems or to submit items, call Bob McGonigal at 953.884.1625, or by email at mcgonigal67@earthlink.net. CHAPTER 213 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL U.S. Air Force Apr-Jun 2011 GET LINKED IN to Chapter News Once on the internet, go to 'www. Linkedin.com. In the search box at the top, type in 'Rawlings Chapter.' You will be prompted to either 'join the group' or to create a free account so that you can join the group. Once you join, you will be emailed about news, information, and discussions about the Rawlings Chapter and its work in the Twin Cities community. President Vic Seavers Vice Pres Heidi Priestley Treasurer Ralph Delperdang Secretary David Pohlen VP Aero Ed Vic Seavers VP Char Gam Bruce Roberts VP Ldr Dev Garrett Sampson VP Comm Part TBD VP Govt Relatn Daniel Murphy JROTC (in 4 local High Schools) 500 VP Vets Aff Julie Eszlinger-Jensen Veterans Members Events 1513 VP Mbrshp Bob McGonigal American Aviation Heritage Soc. 5000 VP Mentors Garrett Sampson Flying Gopher VIDEO AVAILABLE ON-LINE You may now see the video made from the WWII Women Veterans luncheon our chapter sponsored in 2008. Thanks to Larry Sagstetter, you can go to www.rawlings-afa.org and click on the link to view the video. Thanks! Larry. 2011 APPROVED $$ GIVING 875 PAST PRESIDENTS Wings of the North 2500 Glenn Shull Flywell Flying Club 1000 Gary Chambers National Eagle Center COMMUNITY PARTNERS Adventium Labs The Swarm Lacrosse Team 156 Some of our PROJECTED $$ GIVING U of M (Mpls) ROTC 2000 Mrs.Doyle Larson USA Today News U of St.Thomas ROTC 2000 Fat Lorenzo's First Command Civil Air Patrol 3000 MN Aviation Academy 4000 Visions of Exploration 12000 James Industries MISCO Speaker Company ArcLight Technology Consulting Military Recognition Program 4000 4th Annual MAC-V Benefit Event The Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans, a non-profit, 501(c) 3 organization, will be holding their event on Friday, September 23, 2011 at the 934th Fort Snelling Officers' Club, 395 Hwy 5 and Post Rd, St.Paul MN 55111. The event starts with a Silent Auction and Raffle, an Appetizer Reception with Live Music by the Tom Hipps Trio. Dinner with Welcome and a brief program followed by Live Music. The MAC-V's mission is to provide assistance throughout Minnesota to positively motivated veterans and their families who are homeless or experiencing other life crises. Their purpose is to directly help veterans and their families affected by homelessness in Minnesota. It strives to serve, inform, educate, and train others to carry a message of hope. It aims to set a national standard for respectfully meeting housing and supportive needs of veterans while maintaining the worth and dignity of all those involved. Through outreach offices in Minneapolis, Duluth, and Mankato, MAC-V provides and coordinates services for veterans in need throughout Minnesota in the areas of housing, employment, and legal assistance. They collaborate with other service providers to connect veterans to a full range of services. Their statewide focus, non-duplication of services provided are the key to their success. Tickets to the event, donations, and additional information on the event, Serving Those Who Have Served Us First, please contact MAC-V at 651.291.8756, or at www.mac-v.org. Membership Data—Apr/May/Jun Recruited 12 Transferred in 27 Transferred out 3 Deceased/ Canceled 3 Auto Affiliated 27 Renewed 89 End of June total 891 Chapter Meeting snapshots May – Awards Banquet discussed 20 minutes of WWII Glider program UST ROTC commissioning 16 Silver Wings starting new program – Active America. PowerPoint presentation. JROTC-Thanks for support. Official Honor Society program: Kitty Hawk Society made presentation to Vic Seavers. Lindberg Chapter Presentation for “Veterans in the Arts” a new interface program. Contact Bob McGonigal for information. Wings of the North Air Expo coming up For the Visions of Exploration, we were able to approve 100 classrooms in getting the USA Today newspaper and lesson plans. Thanks to Jane Vail. 934th rep, CMS Steve Orwig reviewed some of the deployments statistics and encouraged support by contacting Family Readiness at 6127131000. Major Priestley presented another opportunity to honor our service members: the “2011 Festival of Tribute & Honor”, sponsored by the New Hope Community Services of America, Inc. Go to www.nhcsa-mn.org for complete details Go to www.Rawlings-afa.org for more information June—20 - 30minutes more on the WWII glider program, “Silent Wings”. Thanks to Bruce and Vicky Roberts for their dedicated involvement with our charitable gambling venture. CAP noted their upcoming events, including the summer Encampment at Camp Ripley. Dorothea Johns gave a short presentation on the Armed Forces Service Center, Terminal 1 at the MSP airport. Volunteers are needed. Contact Bob McGonigal for more information. He volunteers one 4 hour block of time one day a month. April's Annual Awards Banquet Eagle and handler were from the National Eagle Center, Wabasha, MN Colors posted by Civil Air Patrol of Minnesota POW / MIA ceremony, U of M's ROTC Rawlings Chapter Teacher of the Year from Richfield Middle School: Ms. Julie White and Chapter President, Vic Seavers 2011 Annual Award Banquet Recipients MN Civil Air Patrol Air National Guard C/2LT Matthew Bruffey 133rd Airlift Wing C/Capt Matthew Frame SrA Kathryn Morrill, 133rd LRS C/MAJ Nicholas Trombley TSG Jacob Norsten, 133rd LRS Capt Shelly Supan MSG John Kubes, 133rd LRS Capt Gail Kephart MSG Derrick Schmitt, 133rd MXS MN JROTC SMS David Gonsoski, 133rd CES Park HS-C/LTC Rebecca Willenbring Air Force Reserve Woodbury HS-C/LTC Erin Cahill 934th Airlift Wing Johnson HS-Cadet Vong Thao SrA Emily Erickson, 27th APS North HS-C/MAJ Michael Munson TSG Ryan Ricci, 934th AW ROTC MSG Charles Brynteson, 96th AS U of St.Thomas C/Capt Lauren Schlichting SMS Donald Scott, 934th MXS U of Minnesota Cadet Corey Wohlers Capt Troy Fiesel, 934th AW Rawlings Chapter SSG Matthew Heiman, 934th CES Teacher of the Year Front Right, Vic Seavers, Rawlings Chapter president, and AFA's Vice Chairman of the Board, Justin Faiferlick. Ms. Julie White 2011 CAP Summer Encampment – a snapshot or two The 2011 summer Encampment at Camp Ripley occurred June 11 – 18. Cadets who went had a variety of reasons to attend. According to “The Gremlin”, the Encampment's daily news paper, it was the basic desire to excel in CAP activities and mission. Some individuals said they wanted to test themselves over a week's worth of intense training with exacting performance standards, or they had a desire to do something different over the summer, or a desire to serve in the military, or they had a need for discipline. According to Capt. Nash Pherson, Encampment's Commander, “The primary goal of Encampment is to learn, grow, develop, and be challenged.” If you're interested in more photos, stories, and complete overview, go to the Encampment's website at www.cadetleadership.org/. Turn sound on for youtube videos, browse through hundreds of photos, read the daily paper, The Gremlin, which is where the photos and text for this article were obtained. Thanks to Kevin Sliwinski for the links. ed. Bob McGonigal Inprocessing PT Land Navigation Confidence Course Vollyball Competition Inspection Gas mask sim training Graduation
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