andrzej piasek piaseczny


andrzej piasek piaseczny
Polish News
Friday 24th January 2014
Issue 4 (251)
Heavy snow causes winter woes
Train passengers
and commuters
left stranded
© TVN24
he first blast of cold weather to hit
Poland this winter brought chaos
and havoc to the country’s railway
network with scores of trains delayed while
others became stranded.
Along with the traditional hazard of
snowdrifts blocking lines, the difficult
situation was exacerbated by freezing rain
which froze points, caused problems with
overhead power lines and led to trains
failing to gain traction on ice-covered
One of the worst cases was the fate of
the express from Gdansk to Wroclaw that
was due to arrive at 6am on January 19, but
instead lurched in at 10pm.
PKP, the national railway operator,
reported on January 20 that icing had
caused 120 technical faults across the
country, leading to 80 trains being over
an hour late, with the worst situations
occurring in western Poland.
In Wielkopolskie one train lost all
power, resulting in a difficult time for its
“We have no electricity, no heating,
no water, no food and nobody knows
anything,” a stranded passenger told TVN
24 on the phone, before they were rescued
by bus.
Travellers right around the country were affected with many trains coming to a standstill
Compounding the woes of the travelling
public were traffic jams as train passengers
took to their cars in an effort beat the
delays. Warsaw commuters reported heavy
congestion as the mix of extra cars and
difficult driving conditions led to gridlock
on the city’s main artery roads.
While many travellers had to endure
winter cold as they waited for their trains,
Elzbieta Bienkowska, the infrastructure
minister, felt the heat for apparently
unsympathetic comments she made
during a television interview.
“To passengers I can say only this: I’m sorry
we have such a climate. There is nothing we
can do: PKP Intercity has done all it can to
protect the passengers. I know it’s perhaps
not very media-friendly but every person in
Poland knows what winter is like in Poland.
And when winter comes sometimes things
happen: like ice on the lines.”
Her remarks triggered a storm of
criticism and even forced Donald Tusk to
“It was an unfortunate thing to say and
no doubt unpleasant for people who had to
endure the cold while waiting for trains,”
the PM told journalists. “If the comments
upset someone, then I am sorry and I
NATIONALp.4 REGIONALp.8 businessp.10
Trynkiewicz debate
Siege lifted
Poland tops list for business
There has been much in the press this
week regarding convicted sex offender
Mariusz Trynkiewicz and his upcoming
parole date.
Trynkiewicz was originally sentenced to
death back in 1989 for the murder of four
boys, however following the end of Communism all those awaiting the death penalty were handed 25 year prison sentences
At around midnight on Sunday police
successfully ended a standoff in the village
of Trzebule, in which a 46-year-old man
barricaded himself in his house, together with his wife and son as captives, and
threatened to blow the property up. The
entire incident lasted almost eight hours,
before the wife and son were released and
the man himself taken into custody.
There were reports in the press this week
as Bloomberg heaped praise on Poland,
naming it the “best place to do business in
Eastern Europe and Central Asia”.
According to news site TVN24, there
were a few different reasons behind Bloomberg’s decision, the main ones being the
country’s “growing market of consumers
and ever-increasing infrastructure.”
The New Poland Express I Friday 24th January 2014 I
News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Regional news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
What’s on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Sport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
From the editor
Quotes of the week
This week in history
scouring the
Polish press
and TV stations for all
the latest goings-on,
we do occasionally find
time to check out other
international news, and there was an interesting little piece that caught our eye this
week - Polish vodka getting the thumbs up
from UK actor Hugh Laurie.
“In my opinion Mr Trynkiewicz will be
released. It won’t be possible to complete all
these measures in time for him to remain in
prison. But with the appropriate security,
it will be possible to ensure that there is
no danger posed from his side.” Attorney
General Andrzej Seremet gives his views
on one of the most hotly-debated topics of
the week.
1913 (29.01) - Teatr Polski opens in Warsaw.
During WWII it was renamed Theater der
Stadt Warschau and was eventually burned
down. Photos of the building pre-war can be
seen hanging up inside today.
The quirky story made the Huffington
Post (as well as a number of other
newspapers around the world) after
Laurie tweeted to his 300,000 Twitter
followers: “I’d boycott Russian goods if
I could think of a single thing they made
besides the rest of the world depressed,”
and then “Russian vodka is OK if you
need to clean the oven. For drinking, it
must henceforth be Polish.”
Whether Hugh is actually a genuine
fan of Poland’s wicked sauce or not is
another matter and most reports have
suggested (probably correctly) that the
comments have more to do with Russia’s
President Vladimir Putin saying that his
country would welcome homosexuals to
the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics as long
as they “left the children in peace”.
Either way, it’s nice to see the old
Polski vodka getting a bit of international
recognition from such a well-known
British voice, even if it is a slightly
backhanded compliment. But while I
agree with the general sentiment (various
bleary-eyed friends and relatives have
‘thanked’ me over the years after overenthusiastically knocking back their
Christmas presents all in one sitting),
there are plenty of places around Poland
that specialise in similar “oven cleaning”
concoctions which are best left well
alone. Speaking of which - it’s time to
sign off and bring out the shot glasses
and the rubber gloves...
“There are no words that can describe
the the crazy hate campaign that has been
fuelled by the right-wing media and PiS
politicians against me, my wife and the
foundation.” WOSP charity President
Jerzy Owsiak hits back after last week’s
allegations against him.
2007 (24.01) - Polish actress Krystyna
Feldman dies. Born in 1916 in Lemberg,
Austria-Hungary (now Lviv, Ukraine) Krystyna
made her debut in the movie ‘Celuloza’ (1953)
and won a number of awards over the years
including Best Actress at Gdynia’s Polish Film
Festival for her part in ‘Moj Nikifor’.
Have Your Say
The NPE weekend QUIZ
Re: the letter from Michal in Australia
Doesn’t he mean “Without Poles England
would have lost the Battle of Britain and
WWII and thus all the English would be
speaking German”? Some mistake surely.
Still, speaking as an Australian-born
Australian citizen, it’s good to see a Polish
immigrant to Australia so nicely settling
into the casual racism which seems to
characterise certain sections of Australian
society; given his views on indigenous
English, one shudders to think what his
views on indigenous Australians could be.
Well, well! What’s
in store for you this
week? The chance
to win a double invite to see Gioacchino Rossini’s La
Cenerentola (Cinderella) in Warsaw on January 31, that’s
PS Got to love the intelligence of the
skinhead tw*ts who name their antimuslim organisation the PLO!
Re: Right-wing gang patrol
Is ‘freedom of association’ not a principle in
Poland ? How would these tough guys feel if
they fell in love with a (say) Italian or Spanish
girl but were dissuaded from associating
with her because she was “swarthy”. Or is the
PLO just a bunch of unpleasant racists ?
Chumbawanderer - wloclawek
Publisher: WIYP Sp. z o.o.
Editor-in-Chief: Steve Sibbald
WIYP Sp. z o.o. • ul. Bohaterow Monte Cassino 6/1, 81-805 Sopot
tel. +48 58 555 9818 • tel/fax. +48 58 555 0831 •
1925 (24.01) - The decision to erect the
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw
is made. Located on Pilsudski Square,
the tomb is lit by an eternal flame and
accompanied by an on-duty guard.
Chief Writer: Steve Sibbald
In total, Rossini wrote 39 operas,
becoming one of the most popular
composers in his lifetime. La Cenerentola is certainly one of his most
well-known and with both Anna
Radziejewska and Elzbieta Wroblewska-Rydzewska at the helm, this is
bound to be a beaut.
The performance takes place at the
Warsaw Chamber Opera and to see it
for free, all you have to do is tell us on
which street it is located.
As always, send your answers into:
Graham Crawford
Events: Anna Hojan
Janina Krzysiak
Sports: Michal Zachodny
Graphic Designer: Tomáš Haman
Sales Director: Malgorzata Drzaszcz
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The New Poland Express I Friday 24th January 2014 I
here has been much in the press
this week regarding convicted sex
offender Mariusz Trynkiewicz and
his upcoming parole date.
Trynkiewicz was originally sentenced to
death back in 1989 for the murder of four
boys, however following the end of Communism all those awaiting the death penalty were handed 25 year prison sentences
With a parole hearing set for February
10, the District Court in Rzeszow has assigned a team of experts - a sexologist and
two psychiatrists - to asses Trynkiewicz as
there are major fears that he may re-offend.
The team has until January 31 to submit its
opinion, reports TVN.
Rzeczpospolita writes that if he is indeed
granted parole, then authorities may be
forced to monitor him round the clock - a
task which will require a total of 25 police
officers and 11 squad cars.
“We have the experience and expertise.
I am convinced that we can handle things
properly,” Interior Minister Bartlomiej
Sienkiewicz told reporters on Wednesday.
He went onto add that the police will be
doing everything in their power to avoid
the two main dangers; the first being the
chances of Trynkiewicz re-offending and
the second of him being targeted and attacked by members of the public.
Twin death tragedy
nitial findings by an autopsy on unborn
twins who died in the final stages of
pregnancy have added to the mystery
and controversy surrounding the deaths.
The unborn babies died in the early hours
of January 17 in a hospital in the town
of Wloclawek after a caesarean section,
scheduled for Thursday, was postponed till
the following day.
Pathologists probing the deaths of the
twins found that respiratory-circulatory
failure was the probable cause of the death.
But investigators added that further tests
were still to be carried out, and that the
children were in good health and showed
no signs of malformations or injuries that
could have contributed to their deaths.
The news the children suffered from
no medical problems fuelled allegations
that doctors and, possibly, the health
service as a whole, had caused the deaths
by negligence. The possibility of human
error had already triggered a criminal
investigation by the prosecutor’s office
and the establishment of a committee of
enquiry the Health Ministry.
The story started on the last day of
2013 when the twins’ mother, 33-yearold Ewa Szydlowska, was admitted into
the Regional Specialist Hospital Fr.
Popieluszki in Wloclawek suffering from
hypertension symptoms. After spending
a fortnight at the hospital she was sent
home on January 13 after being assured all
was well. Later in the week she returned
to hospital on the 17th, and her husband
claims that a gynaecologist recommended
an immediate caesarean.
But the operation was cancelled after the
hospital said nobody capable of conducting
a USG scan was on duty. The children were
found to be dead in the womb just after
midnight on January 17.
In the immediate wake of the tragedy
Krzysztof Malatynski, the hospital Director,
suspended Dr Waldemar Uszynski, the head
of the gynaecological department. But he
stressed the suspension was for the doctor’s
behaviour after the deaths, explaining he
had failed to inform his superiors promptly
and failed to provide psychological care for
the bereaved mother.
“I do not entirely know what happened
and so will await the results of the
prosecutor’s office and the committee
appointed by the Health Ministry,” Mr
Malatynski told a press conference, adding
that only then would he draw “any possible
Dr Uszynski’s suspension was backed by
Bartosz Arlukowicz, the Health Minister.
“We will check everything but if anybody
neglected their duties they will suffer the
consequences,” he stated.
The twins’ deaths piled pressure on the
minister, who has already come in for
criticism for apparently failing to introduce
reforms to the country’s creaking health
system promised in the government’s
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The New Poland Express I Friday 24th January 2014 I
Gender committee sparks row Smuggling
drugs in rugs
he first meeting of a cross-party
parliamentary committee formed
to stop the spread of “gender ideology” ended in controversy after Poland’s
first, and only, transgender MP walked out.
Anna Grodzka, an MP from the socially
liberal Your Movement (TR) party, said she
could not take part in the meeting because
all members had to sign a declaration
affirming their opposition to a host of
issues, including same-sex marriage and
child adoption by homosexual couples.
“I didn’t come here to preach but to
listen,” a disappointed Ms Grodzka told
journalists after leaving the meeting,
adding that her principles prevented her
from signing the declaration despite her
having a sincere interest in the subject.
“You’re trying to create a demon from
the ideology of gender, but there is no
such demon,” continued Ms Grodzka. She
also said that she believed the declaration
might have been a ploy to get her off the
But the MP’s departure won little
sympathy from the committee’s members.
Andrzej Dera, an MP from conservative
United Poland (SP) party, said “you cannot
be a member of a parliamentary group
whose aim is to restrict the propagation of
gender ideology, if you are a supporter of
that ideology.”
something of a political hot potato in
Poland since last year when Archbishop
Jozef Michalik, the Catholic Church in
Poland, attacked what he called the “new
ideology of gender”.
Siding with the archbishop the
parliamentary committee has vowed to
put a brake on what it considers to be the
pernicious spread of the “ideology”.
The committee has taken issue, for
example, with the fact that nursery
school children can borrow from
libraries a book called “And Tango
Makes Three”. Conservatives have
criticised the book because Tango is
a penguin chick raised by two male
penguins over a period of six years, and
Mr Dera highlighted it as something
that could distort a child’s image of a
traditional family.
But the existence of the committee
and its make-up was slammed Marek
Poznanski, another Your Movement MP.
“This is just a United Poland travelling
circus trying to scare people about gender,”
said the MP. “This is not a parliamentary
committee but a United Poland
Away from the spat over the committee
an academic questioned the validity of the
term “gender ideology”.
In an interview for TVN news,
Malgorzata Fuszara, a lecturer in gender
studies at Warsaw University, said the term
was incorrect as it “indicated that gender is
not just about biology but something that
has a social context”.
uthorities were left delighted this
week after preventing a major stash
of heroin from being smuggled
into the country in Persian rugs.
According to TVN24, approximately 15
kilograms of the drug was seized in a joint
operation between the Central Bureau of
Investigation (CBS) and customs officers.
It is believed that the drugs were being
smuggled in from Iran although authorities
are so far revealing little information.
“Andrzej P. has so far pleaded not
guilty to the charges which he may face.
He has told us that he was unaware of
what was in the consignment, however
prosecutors are unsure at this time and
the court has requested the right to
keep the man detained for now,” Renata
Mazur, a spokeswoman for the District
Attorney’s Office in Warsaw, told the
Reports state that the three rugs
contained around five kilograms of the
drug each, with the heroin placed inside
thin plastic tubes which were then sewn
into the material. Both the CBS and
customs officers have emphasised that
it is a unique method and one which, as
far as they are aware, has not been used
It is estimated that the drugs have a
black market value of PLN 15 mln.
The New Poland Express I Friday 24th January 2014 I
What a w*nker
Authorities in Krakow are warning tram users
to keep their eyes peeled for a man who
has taken to masturbating whilst travelling.
According to Fakt, the skinny man is aged
around 30-35-years-old and is working the
number 13 tram line.
When approached the offender is said to
have replied “girls like it because they never
Police are asking for any help which may lead
to his identification.
Deep death under the ice
There were tragic scenes in the north-eastern
city of Olsztyn this week when a fisherman died
in a frozen lake.
According to TVN, the 48-year-old was
reportedly trying to make his way across the
lake when the ice broke 50 meters in. Despite
attempts to resuscitate him, he lost his life.
Slawomir Filipowicz, a spokesman for Olsztyn
Fire Service said they recovered a body 2.5
meters under the water.
Confused over crisis?
A new study released this week shows
that the majority of Poles believe that the
country’s economy is still being affected by
the economic crisis.
According to TNS OBOP
Poland, 62 percent of respondents held such
a view. It also found that two thirds of those
asked said Poland was going about things
in the wrong way, while 14 percent could not
answer the question.
It’s just snot right says court
Law and Justice (PiS) Euro MP was
this week forced to apologise to a
group of former high school students for calling them “jumped-up little
snot rags” after they demanded religious
symbols were removed from their school.
According to TVN24, the Supreme
Court demanded Ryszard Legutko
apologise and stump up a PLN 5,000 fine
for an “infringement of human rights”.
The case relates to a petition dating back to
November 2009 when a group of high school
students in Wroclaw sent off a petition to the
European Court of Human Rights calling
for all religious symbols to be taken down.
However Mr Legutko, himself a former
Education Minister, did not appreciate the
move and labelled them “jumped-up little
snot rags molly-coddled by their parents”.
Two students felt their personal rights
had been infringed and decided to sue
Mr Legutko. The Supreme Court however
ruled that there had been a violation of
such rights and stressed that due to his
status and position the comments were
particularly unfair.
The MEP appealed the decision, stating
that the students had “had their five
minutes in the public eye”, however his
appeal has been turned down.
New languages for Auschwitz
t was reported on Tuesday that the official Auschwitz website has introduced
a number of new languages to its online lessons section.
The site, which previously only had its
lessons in English and Polish, now features
four new languages - Arabic, Persian,
Portuguese and Spanish - in a bid to help
it appeal to a wider range of people, writes
Gazeta Wyborcza.
According to the Head of the Centre
for Education and Deputy Director of the
Museum Andrzej Kacorzyk, those visiting the
former death camp did play a role in what new
languages were chosen, although he stressed
this wasn’t the only factor. For example, last
year more that 52,000 people of Hispanic
origin visited, however the decision to choose
Spanish and Portuguese is more an attempt to
reach those living in South America who may
find it hard to travel to Poland, he stated.
“When it came to visitor numbers, we
receive almost no Arabic speakers. But
at the same time we realise that it is in
countries that speak this language that the
story of the Holocaust is often distorted or
politically exploited,” Mr Kacorzyk said.
“Young people who do not speak English
should have the opportunity to find out the
truth in their mother tongue.”
The New Poland Express I Friday 24th January 2014 I
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Without rhyme or region
return this week
to the situation in
Legnica where 500
people face losing their
driving licences because of a bureaucratic
bungle. The authorities approved the results
of a driving school which was not licensed
to conduct courses. As a result, a lot of people’s theory tests have been retrospectively
declared invalid and the Town Hall has decreed - hand back your driving licenses.
This is a monstrous abuse of these people
- who took the exam in good faith and have
Court red-handed?
arsaw’s Municipal Waste
Management Authority (MPO) is
suing the National
Appeals Chamber
(KIO) for releasing
public about their finances and cost calculations, in an expert opinion drawn up for
the chamber.
“The KIO, by releasing confidential
information has acted to our detriment.
The figures were illegally published,
despite carrying a confidentiality clause.
We consider the KIO’s actions to be
scandalous,” Krzysztof Balanda, head of
the MPO, told reporters.
The expert analysis was called for after
the tender process for the capital’s nine
regions saw the MPO win five of them.
been driving now for several years, some as
far back as 2006. You can’t take rights away
from people once they have established
them and been exercising them, in many
cases needing their driving licenses for
Now, I see that at least one of these
people is suing Legnica’s president. “He
failed in his responsibilities and has acted
to our detriment,” the man told reporters.
How absolutely brilliant. I really hope
he wins (though experience tells me a
pusillanimous prosecutor will drop the
What really beggars belief is the complete
paucity of imagination in officialdom. They
look at the rules and can’t think outside
them - hence the need for a private citizen
to prosecute.
All it would take to sort things out
would be to recognise it was not these
people’s fault and give them six months
to re-take (and of course pass) their
theory test at a recognised centre. If
they fail to do so by May, then take away
their licenses, but in the meantime,
don’t destroy their lives because public
servants screwed things up. That’s just
insane, and cruel.
It’s theirs not to reason why, theirs but to
do or die, into the valley of death, walked
the 500 - or perhaps took the bus.
The private companies Bys and Remondis
appealed against those decisions, accusing
MPO of falsely reducing their rates to win
the tenders.
Mr Balanda told reporters that the
information made public in the report has
led to an avalanche of criticism and severely
damaged the organisation’s image. “We
spent months preparing for the tenders
and our calculations were accurate, which
we shall demonstrate when we overturn
the expert’s opinion.”
K., who also fell prey to the pair, had
been drinking together when they came
across their young victim, Pawel N., on
the street - also somewhat drunk. Adrian
J. and Miroslaw M. grabbed the man and
bundled him into the car they were in.
He was taken to a barn on Adrian J.’s
farm where the owner decided that Pawel
and Leon were going to fight for his
The two were abused verbally, punched
and kicked until they began half-heartedly
to box. This soon bored Adrian J. who then
pushed them into the boiler house. Leon K.
told prosecutors, “Adrian asked the lad if he
was cold, and when he nodded yes, he got an
acetylene torch and started burning him with
it!” The two soon bored of tormenting their
victim and took him to a remote field, where
they dumped him, beaten and semi-clothed.
A few days later, police identified the
barn where he had been held and arrested
Adrian J. and Miroslaw M. The two now
face up to 15 years in prison.
Torture terror
ochaczew prosecutors this week formally charged 29-year-old Adrian J.
and 49-year-old Miroslaw M. with the kidnap and brutal torture of a 20-year-old in
the city last November. Adrian J. also faces
four further charges, including coercion,
as he is said to have forced the man to engage in a bare-knuckle fight.
According to Fakt, the two men, as well
as a third colleague, 53-year-old Leon
The New Poland Express I Friday 24th January 2014 I
Flash, bang, wallop!
Siege lifted
fficers of the
Central Bureau
(CBS) released spectacular video this
week of a raid on
a car stealing gang
that has been operating in the Lodzkie and Malopolskie regions. In total, across the week and in other
operations, police arrested 12 people.
“They’re aged from 23 to 54 years of age.
They’re all Polish citizens of Polish and
Roma ethnicity,” commented Joanna Kacka
for Lodz police. Among those arrested was
a 49-year-old regarded as the group’s leader.
According to detectives, the group has been
stealing luxury cars since 2010. Those arrested
heard a total of 13 charges of acting as part of an
organised criminal gang, 31 charges of money
laundering and the group’s leader was additionally
charged with heading a criminal gang.
“Two people have been remanded in
custody, the remaining ten are under police
supervision orders,” said Kacka. The film
shows how officers stormed the residence,
using flash-bang grenades before moving
in to subdue the men inside.
Police seized 19 vehicles that were
purportedly stolen from Western European
countries between 2011-2013. The cars’
value tops out at an impressive PLN 3.5 mln.
The gang used second hand car dealerships
to sell the vehicles on and launder the
money, as well as a forger who provided fake
German and Italian documents.
The supposed leader of the group was
almost arrested last year, but rammed a police
vehicle before escaping in a hail of bullets.
t around midnight on Sunday police successfully ended a
standoff in the village of Trzebule, in
which a 46-year-old
himself in his house, together with his
wife and son as captives, and threatened
to blow the property up. The entire incident lasted almost eight hours, before the
wife and son were released and the man
himself taken into custody. The man’s
brother-in-law told reporters that the man
was not well, saying, “He’s been having
some head treatment.”
Slawomir Konieczny, for Lubuskie
police, stated, “The negotiations took a
long time. Above all, we had to bear in
mind, there was a woman and a child
inside. He kept talking about how he
had a gas bottle rigged to explode. So we
decided to storm the place. A SWAT team
entered the property, and immediately
disabled the 46-year-old, leading him
The woman and her son were released
unharmed, where they were joined by
the man’s 16-year-old daughter, who had
managed to escape earlier by herself and
inform relatives who called the police.
Police say they have an idea what set off
the man’s behaviour, but were unwilling
to explain any further, other than to say,
“It all seems to indicate it was a matter
between family members. No one outside
the family was in any way involved.
As well as police, fire officers and
ambulances were all called to the scene,
and another family living in the same
building were forced to evacuate their
home, however, as soon as the police
operation ended, they were able to
Green light for pedestrians
edestrians will get an easier life at weekends in Lodz, as the city’s roads authority are altering the traffic lights so they don’t
have to wait for a break in traffic, instead
cars will have to wait their turn.
“We’re going to start a pedestrian-friendly
system on days when there’s less traffic,”
explained Wojciech Kubik, for Lodz Roads
and Transport Authority (ZDT). Where
usually pedestrians have to press a button and
wait for a green light to cross, under the new
system the light will be permanently green
until sensors detect an approaching vehicle,
which will then allow the driver to proceed
after a short wait. The change doesn’t require
any changes to the infrastructure, other than
to re-program the lights.
“We’re trialling the change for now. If it
works, we’ll introduce it at more lights, for
example near schools,” said Kubik.
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The New Poland Express I Friday 24th January 2014 I
Shale we dance?
Cat killer in court
an Leon Energy
this week announced positive results from a test well,
drilling for shale gas
near Gdansk. The
well apparently provided 45-60,000 cubic feet of gas daily,
despite the bore hole not having been entirely free of fracking fluids. The company
estimate that the well could eventually
produce from 200-400,000 cubic feet daily,
once the fluids have been cleansed.
“This is the most promising vertical well in the
search for shale gas in Poland so far,” commented
Oisin Fanning, the company’s Executive
Chairman in a statement. Now, horizontal
drilling will commence there and tested as soon
as possible. That will provide final confirmation
of whether a commercially viable well is there,
probably in October of this year.
“San Leon has already applied for
permission for vertical drilling. Now
everything depends how quickly it’s issued,”
Dennis McKee, CEO of United Oilfield
Services, a company collaborating with San
Leon on the project, told reporters.
By the end of 2013, around 50 test wells
for shale gas had been drilled.
he case of a former
student accused of
killing 20 cats will
be held in camera, it
was decided at an initial hearing in Zabrze
Regional Court this week. Animal welfare
activists attended the hearing, demanding
a more severe punishment for the young
man and holding a banner declaring, “Cats
today, people tomorrow - we’re all on the
radar for psychopaths.”
The student allegedly took part in a cat
adoption scheme and was supposed to
provide information about the well-being of
the animals, which he failed to do. However,
he asked for more cats to adopt, making the
owner suspicious, so she called the police.
Officers established the man had adopted
more than a dozen cats over the Internet,
Silly bus-tard
23-year-old Gdynia bus driver landed
himself in hot water, and out of a job,
when it was revealed during a spot check
that he doesn’t in fact have a driving licence.
Despite this, the man had been ferrying
passengers on various lines for several days.
Kazimierz Galkiewicz, head of the local
transport company in Gdynia, told reporters,
that the man had had his documents taken
from him by police on New Year’s Eve, when
he accumulated too many penalty points.
“The driver failed to report the situation
and, as if nothing had happened, carried on
driving,” admitted Galkiewicz.
The matter came to light during an
unannounced inspection of documents.
“Before setting off our drivers are tested for
sobriety and can be checked at random for
licenses. On one such inspection, it turned out
that the man didn’t have his driving license on
him. He initially claimed he’d left it at home.
Later, he supplied a written statement that he’d
lost his license for accruing too many penalty
points,” explained Galkiewicz.
The man had been working as a bus driver
for about a year. He has been disciplinarily
dismissed. Galkiewicz added, that if he had
only come clean about the situation, “He could
have taken unpaid leave, or got a non-driving
position, now, he’ll never work for us again.”
from February to May 2013. In the man’s
flat, police uncovered evidence showing
the man had tortured the animals before
killing them.
Initially, the man admitted the killings,
but he has since retracted that statement. If
found guilty, he faces a maximum of three
years in prison - something animal rights
groups feel is too little.
“We’re here above all to show that these
weren’t merely cats. They were 20 living
creatures that have feelings like we do,
which were brutally murdered,” Marlena
Rowniak from the Hope for a Home
Animal Welfare Association.
The court decided the case should be
heard in camera, due to the emotions it
has aroused, a decision which angered
the animal rights groups. Aleksandra
Babecka, for Viva Action for Animals said
bluntly, “If the court doesn’t react, we’ll
take matters into our own hands.”
The New Poland Express I Friday 24th January 2014 I
Poland tops list for business
here were reports in the press this
week as Bloomberg heaped praise
on Poland, naming it the “best place
to do business in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”.
According to news site TVN24, there were
a few different reasons behind Bloomberg’s
decision, the main ones being the country’s
“growing market of consumers and everincreasing infrastructure.”
“This former Communist country of
38.5 million people has proved itself to
be the European Union’s fastest-growing
economy since the debt crisis of 2008 - and
the only nation to avoid recession since,” it
On the negative side however, it did
highlight two issues it considered to be
particular problems; the expensive and
lengthy process of starting up a new
business. “Bureaucracy and the complicated
legal system here is still the biggest economic
problem here in Poland,” says Roman
Rewald, board member of the American
Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw.
On a global-scale, Poland was ranked
26th out of the 214 nations that were
Send comments and letters to
What’s going on
in Poland?
Worldwide Activity Local Exper tise
Corstjens Warsaw
Telephone: +48 22 7377200, 7036200
Polish News
Friday 16th April 2010
Poles looking more positive
Canadian Dollar
Czech Koruna
Danish Krone
Hungarian Forint
Japanese Yen
Norwegian Krone
Pound Sterling
Russian Ruble
Swedish Krona
Swiss Franc
US Dollar
100 HUF
100 JPY
PSE branches out
It was announced this week that Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne
(Poland’s state owned transmission system operator) will continue to
invest millions this year in order to establish cross-border connections
with countries such as Germany, Ukraine and Lithuania.
According to TVN24, the operator is estimated to have
spent somewhere in the region of PLN 700 mln last year
- PLN 450 mln of which is thought to have been on new
lines and substations and PLN 160 for modernising its
It is believed that by 2018, the firm will have
invested a total of PLN 8 bln in such areas.
Country comes together
to mourn victims
that things would in fact get worse, says
TVN. A small group of those questioned
(3 percent) hoped to improve their lot
either by travelling abroad or through
“Almost half of us expect that this
year will be more prosperous than the
previous one. Only six percent of those
asked openly stated that taking out a
loan is the best solution and this is a
healthy attitude. It shows we are getting
smarter,” says Adam Lacki, President of
the National Debt Register Economic
Information Bureau.
The amount that industrial production grew during the
last month of 2013 (year on year), according to GUS.
PLN 4221.5
The average gross wage for Polish companies in
December 2013, states GUS.
Top for outsourcing
Poland is Europe’s leader (and globally third) when it
comes to outsourcing said the Association of BusinessY
Service Leaders (ABSL) on Thursday.
According to Puls Biznesu, three of the world’s top 100
outsourcing cities were from Poland, with Krakow sitting
top in 9th place having moved up one place since last
year. Warsaw has moved up four places and now sits
32nd, while Wroclaw is in 65th, compared to 75th the year
t took five seconds to transform Poland from a country bustling with
confidence into one wracked with
grief on a scale not seen since the Second
World War.
At some point on a nondescript Saturday
morning on April 10, the aircraft carrying
the president, his wife and 94 others
clipped a tree with its left wing as it
approached Smolensk airport in western
Russia. Five seconds later, now devoid of
one wing, it barrel rolled anti-clockwise,
before slamming roof first into the ground.
As news of the accident broke in Poland,
and one by one television channels
interrupted their regular services, news
readers struggled to contain their emotions
as they realised the devastating blow the
Smolensk disaster had dealt the country.
Along with President Kaczynski, and
Maria his wife, the casualty list read like a
who’s who of the Polish elite.
The head of the national bank, the
chief of the armed forces, the heads of the
navy and air force, two ministers, leading
politicians and dozens of others. Many
household names in Poland; now all dead.
The irony that the Tupolev Tu-154
crashed at it was carrying a delegation
to mark the 70th-anniversary of the
Katyn massacre, when Stalin’s henchman
slaughtered Poland’s best, was not lost.
ew statistics released this week
state that one third of Poles are optimistic about their financial prospects this year.
According to research carried out by
the National Debt Register Economic
Information Bureau, 33 percent believe
that they will be financially better off this
year thanks to a better job, a promotion,
a wise investment or even a win on the
Almost as many (29 percent) couldn’t
see their situation changing and close
to one quarter of those asked believed
Issue 15 (66)
Poland hit by second Katyn tragedy
Warsaw’s Presidential Palace has become the focal point of the nation’s grief
“The Soviets killed Polish elites in Katyn
70 years ago. Today, the Polish elite died
there while getting ready to pay homage to
the Poles killed there,” said Lech Walesa.
former president, described Katyn as a
“cursed place, and of horrible symbolism”.
As Poles absorbed what Donald Tusk
called the “most tragic event in Poland’s
post-war history” thousands began to
make their way to the presidential palace
in central Warsaw, which was to become
the focal point of national mourning.
A small patch of flowers and candles
left by mourners expanded and grew,
carpeting the pavement and the road in
a tribute to those who had died. Political
differences vanquished by grief, thousands
upon thousands of people made their way
to the palace to pay their respects in quiet
The outpouring of sympathy for the
victims spoke volumes for the shock
and sadness that had touched Poles; it
also spoke volumes for the decency of
Don’t blame pilot
Two frozen minutes
NBP in turmoil
The parents of the pilot in charge of flying
the presidential plane have begged the world
not to blame their son for the crash.
Captain Arkadiusz Protasiuka was the
man responsible for landing the Polish
Air Force Tu-154M safely in Russia on
Saturday 10th April, but, for reason still
unknown, he was unable to successfully
carry out his task.
At noon on Sunday across the nation two
minutes silence was observed in memory
of the people that died in the air crash in
Smolensk. The silence was then pierced by
the claxons and sirens of local authority
warning systems and police vehicles. To
this mournful orchestra of wails, the Polish nation stood to attention and reflected
on their loss in the forests near Katyn.
The tragic death of the head of the
National Bank of Poland Slawomir
Skrzypek in Saturday’s plane crash leaves
questions open about who will replace
him, and how his loss will affect monetary
policy and other issues.
The succession issue is a major one, since
both the parliament and the president
must make the choice jointly.
Get a round-up of the
major Polish news,
business, entertainment
and sports in English
each week by
subscribing free to our
PDF. Visit us at
AGS Warsaw_In Your Pocket ad_(w)58mm X (h)47mm_Hires.pdf
The New Poland Express I Friday 24th January 2014 I
Love & souL vaLentine’s Day ConCert
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Congress Hall
nce again
we turn to
Wa r s aw
for reviews of some
E S S E N T I A L of the most recent
C I T Y G U I D E S ethnic restaurant
openings in the
capital city. Remember, you can follow the links to our website (warsaw. for more information, including photos, opening hours,
contact info and more, as well as the
chance to leave your own comments
about these and other venues around
Warsaw. Look for the latest edition of
Warsaw In Your Pocket to hit the market February 4th, stay warm and enjoy
the weekend.
Dos Tacos
Al. Jerozolimskie 123A
The 5th floor of the Millennium
Plaza business and retail building
may not be the most attractive of
settings for visitors to the city but
Dos Tacos is popular with the people
who work there, including the staff
of the Mexican Embassy. The darkly
lit interior features a host of Mexican
style nick-nacks, a colour scheme
inspired by the country’s flag and
a neat mosaic covered bar. The
owner, Angelika Luengas Kałamaga,
constructs the dishes from her own
family’s traditional recipes and the
sexy drinks come courtesy of top
Polish mixer Łukasz Klocek.
La Viña
ul. Tarczyńska 1,
entrance from Raszyńska
La Vina successfully brings a little
slice of Spain to Warsaw. A wine bar,
tapas bar, restaurant and shop are all
combined in this light and smart space.
The wines are all sourced from northern
Spain and selected by the Spanish boss
(who is also a part owner of the Bodegas
Santa Rufino vineyard), and the kitchen
is under the control of two chefs from
Malaga. Top food, refined wines,
fantastically friendly staff and a lovely
attitude towards demystifying the
snobbery of the quality wine scene in
Warsaw makes this one of our favourite
places in town.
Le Bistro Rozbrat
ul. Rozbrat 44A
Unpretentious, uncluttered and
wickedly stylish, Le Bistro brings the
tastes and ambience of an authentic
Parisian eatery to Warsaw. The menu
features a range of classic French
dishes with contemporary tweaking
kept to a minimum. The wines are
all sourced by the owner directly,
and the range includes some brilliant
propositions from small scale
vineyards specialising in traditional
and organic production methods. Top
off the whole ‘expérience française’
with the fact that the French owner,
Alain Budzyk, is one of the most
amiable and passionate hosts you will
meet in the city.
Al. Solidarności 129/131
This brightly decorated and dimly
lit restaurant may well be one of the
smallest curry houses you ever visit the downstairs area hosts a staggering
two tables with a further four at the
top of the mini staircase - but the
simply presented and extremely well
priced meals on the extensive menu
are outstanding. A big hit with locals
and the ex-pat curry fetish fraternity,
we visited early on a Sunday afternoon
and the place was packed. It’s easy
enough to find a more elegant and
significantly more expensive Indian
restaurant in Warsaw, but the quality
of the food makes this tiny restaurant
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
The New Poland Express I Friday 24th January 2014 I
10.10 Thursday - 30.03 Sunday
Accelerating Science
Copernicus Science Centre, ul. Wybrzeże
Kościuszkowskie 20, tel. (+48) 22 596 41 00,
The Copernicus Science Centre is not only
very modern and well done, they also have
the most interesting special events and
temporary exhibitions - and aren’t we glad
that someone is effectively popularising
science in this country! The centre recently
teamed up with none other than CERN, the
European Organisation of Nuclear Research
you might know from the recent Higgs
boson discovery (god particle, anyone?) or
from Dan Brown’s less-than-scientificallyaccurate (but still pretty thrilling!) thriller
Angels and Demons. The exhibition will
show you all we currently know about the
origins of the universe and the mysteries
behind elementary particles, as well as
explain the functioning of the Large Hadron
Collider, the huge high-energy accelerator
located underneath Geneva, where all the
science and magic takes place.QOpen
09:00 - 18:00; Sat, Sun 10:00 - 19:00. Closed
Mon. Last entrance 1 hour before closing.
Admission 25/16zł, family ticket 66zł.
17.01 Friday - 17.03 Monday
Yinka Shonibare. Selected Works
Wrocław Contemporary Museum, Pl.
Strzegomski 2a (Fabryczna), tel. (+48) 71 356
42 67,
Yinka Shonibare is a British-Nigerian artist
whose work is so prominent that it was
displayed at Tate Britain, the National Gallery
in London, the Brooklyn Museum, and
the Museum of African Art in Washington,
D.C., among others. He explores themes of
colonialism, post-colonialism, and cultural
identity, and is known for his theatrical
and complex pieces, including elements
such as headless mannequins, ballerinas,
and wild animals - but he is perhaps most
recognizable for his use of vividly colored
fabric. This exposition includes a series
of his photographs entitled Fake Death
Pictures, portraying the death of Lord
Nelson, tragically deceased at the Battle of
Trafalgar; a video showing a singer dressed
as Nelson’s wife performing an aria from La
Traviata; and Revolution Kid, a sculpture of
a fox-head mannequin holding a replica of
Colonel Gaddafi’s gun.
26.01 Sunday
Andrzej Piaseczny - Winter Songs
Jagiellonian Univeristy Auditorium Maximum,
ul. Krupnicza 35, tel. (+48) 12 619 23 03
Andrzej Piaseczny, aka Piasek (that’s “Sand”
for you non-Polish-speakers), is a singer,
actor, and TV personality - he used to play
in the Polish soap Złotopolscy, which isn’t
necessarily something to be proud of. He also
represented Poland in the 2001 Eurovision
Song Competition, but only got 20th place we’ve done better. Zimowe Piosenki (Winter
Songs) is his newest album, a platinum-selling
collection of carols recorded with Seweryn
Krajewski and released in time for Christmas
of 2012.QConcert starts at 18:30. Tickets 70160zł. Available at and Empik
(Galeria Krakowska, ul. Pawia 5; open 09:00 22:00, Sun 10:00 - 21:00).
25.01 Saturday - Marika Unplugged
Wytwórnia Club, ul. Łąkowa 29, tel. (+48) 42
636 40 53,
Marika is a busy little bee - in the past
year and a bit she hosted two seasons of
the hit singing reality show The Voice of
Poland, released not one, but two albums
(the energetic Momenty and the acoustic
and subdued ChilliZET Live Sessions),
gave countless interviews, and appeared
on magazine covers. The thirty-something
vocalist, lyricist, and radio host has also
been nominated for three Fryderyk awards
over the course of her career.QConcert
starts at 20:00. Tickets 40zł. Available
at and Empik (ul. Jana
Karskiego 5, Manufaktura, open 10:00 22:00, Sun 10:00 - 21:00).
31.01 Friday - Gioacchino Rossini
- La Cenerentola (Cinderella)
Warsaw Chamber Opera, Al. Solidarności
76b, tel. (+48) 22 625 75 10, www.
Famous composer Gioachino Rossini wrote
39 operas, becoming the most popular
opera composer in history at the time of
his life. His most famous works include the
timeless comedies The Barber of Seville and
La Cenerentola, performed with undying
enthusiasm year after year. The skilled
singers taking on the title role will be Anna
Radziejewska and Elżbieta WróblewskaRydzewska.QEvent starts at 19:00. Tickets
40-110zł. Available at Warsaw Chamber
Opera box office (Open 11:00 - 19:00; Sat,
Sun 3 hours before the spectacle. Closed
01.01 Wednesday - 31.03 Monday
Chopin Concerts at the Bonerowski Palace
Bonerowski Palace, ul. Św. Jana 1, tel. (+48)
604 09 35 70,
Enjoy the music of Poland’s greatest composer,
Fryderyk Chopin, as performed by pianists
Witold Wilczek, Weronika Krówka, Dobróchna
Krówka, Kazuko Tsuji and others. Glass of
wine is included in the price.QConcerts start
everyday at 19:00. Tickets 55zł. Available before
the concerts.
08.12 Sunday - 26.01 Sunday - Zbigniew Kaja
National Museum, Al. Marcinkowskiego 9, tel.
(+48) 61 856 80 00,
Zbigniew Kaja was a graphic artist from Poznań
who contributed greatly to the Polish School of
Posters with his characteristic works done with
techniques as diverse as monotyping, linocut
printing, and hand-drawing. He received a
multitude of prizes for his art, including the Order
of Polonia Restituta in 1979. This retrospective
exhibition will showcase numerous works and
emphasize the artist’s ties to the city.QOpen
09:00 - 15:00, Fri 12:00 - 21:00; Sat, Sun 11:00
- 18:00. Closed Mon. Last entrance 30 minutes
before closing. Admission 12/8-1zł.
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
The New Poland Express I Friday 24th January 2014 I
Pointless friendlies to stop
dam Nawałka, now fourth month
in the job of Poland national team
coach, could not look much happier
after two wins out of two, two clean sheets
and several positive opinions around. After all, beating Norway and Moldova in just
three days should bring a bit of bright light
into gloomy months of the typical Polish
Not really, no. Not only because both
games were friendlies - even though
some of the most famous club managers
would argue that any kind of test matches
during the season are needed. But Adam
Nawałka, in the fashion similar to every
other Poland coach from the last decade,
took footballers from Ekstraklasa on a
10-days long trip to UEA in the middle
of their pre-season. This hardly made and
still makes sense.
Not least because of the opponents.
Norway brought Morten Gamst-Pedersen
with them, who played in the Premier
League for Blackburn, but gave their
goalkeeper, almost forty years of age
now, a debut. Moldova’s goalkeeper, Ilie
Cebanu, known pretty well from his poor
form at Wisla Krakow 4 years ago, lately
played competitive football only for the
national team in the least fashionable
It would be, however, unfair to say that
Nawałka picked the best. He brought
several players who never were, should
be or will be in contention for the spot
in the starting line up. Łukasz Madej,
for example, was maybe once Youth
European Champion but his career never
hit the right track and at the age of 32
he shouldn’t be bothered at all. Adam
Kokoszka might have tasted the world of
big football once he was around at Serie
A club, but his current season at Śląsk is
proving that his decision making as for
a center-back is poor to say the least - 10
yellow cards suggest just that.
The list could go on - Szymon
Pawłowski, once touted as the most
elegant player in the league has become
just one of the league’s attacking
midfielders, nothing more. Michał
Kucharczyk struggles for playing time
at Legia Warsaw. Rafał Leszczyński and
Maciej Wilusz are playing in the league
below Ekstraklasa.
It would be alright if Nawałka tried
to check the youngsters - and indeed, if
you looked at Linetty (Lech) and Golla
(Pogoń) they took their chances well - but
the average age of his squad for those two
games was well above 25. What was the
need to bring the U21 coach along with the
team can be anyone’s guess.
Obviously, Nawałka was forced to glue
any side for both games because of ongoing and soon ending contract with
Sportfive, who sells the right to Poland’s
matches. The numbers always have to
be correct. Thankfully Zbigniew Boniek
rightly promised to cut such unneeded
travels in the middle of winter and during
pre-season break. But again - he said so
one year ago, so why we should trust things
will change?
Much was written recently, that because
of poor run of results over last 6 years since that qualification for Euro 2008 - has
cost the national team a reputation. Not
really, no. This is a side with potential and
good quality players, but the reputation is
getting hammered when footballers that
never deserved a spot or an appearance are
given a shot. Such pointless friendlies have
been put into Poland’s football calendar
long before Boniek and Nawałka, but the
latters choices have proved that even with
the last opportunity, he hardly wanted to
change the way it went.
For the sake of the team - Lewandowskis,
Błaszczykowskis and others - the national
squad should be always about the best,
either in terms of quality or form. Too
many average or well below average
performers were given the chance to be
proud of their one or a few appearances in
the national team. Those who decide about
it, Boniek and Nawałka - both legends of
the country, should have know better.
The place to
spend the
Tortilla Factory
ul. Wilcza 46
tel. 022 621-8622
For more
on Polish football
read Michal’s blog
or follow him on
Twitter @polishscout
The New Poland Express I Friday 24th January 2014 I
Place your free ads and community
news here. Email
48sqm for rent near Łazienki
Apartment for sale in Sopot
I have 48 sqm flat for rent in Warsaw. Located
on Mokotów / Gagarina St. Details: 2 bedrooms,
kitchen. Furnished. Price 1700 PLN/M plus MEDIA
54 sq, m 1-bedroom flat in the heart of Sopot, 50m
from the beach. Perfect bachelor pad or for a young
5% off this price for direct purchase.
Contact: +48 603 933 158
Tel: 510 837 458,
Mountaineering books wanted
Warsaw Apartment to let
Unique House for rent
Looking to purchase mountaineering books
(either in English or Polish) signed by famous
Polish mountaineers - such as Jerzy Kukuczka or
Wanda Rutkiewich. Any help gratefully received.
Modern refurbished apartment to let on
Marszalkowska street central Warsaw.
For full details and photos please call Monika.
Contact: Monika on 0048 601 818 170.
Or e-mail
To rent a luxurious 336 sqm new house in
prestigious part of Zalesie Dolne, Piaseczno.
Designed in co-operation with Feng Shui
specialist. Rent PLN 10000 per month plus
Researcher sought
uroczy i piękny Siberian
Konstancin; 5 bedroom house with swimming
pool and sauna and football pitch. Parking for 3+
cars; 4000 m2 plot. Availability from August 2013.
Rent PLN 3750 per month plus utilities
Graduate with excellent English, Polish sought to
help research history\memoir book in Poland.
uroczy i piękny Siberian Husky szczenięta gotowy
do przyłączenia nowych domów. vet sprawdzane
i szczepione również. kontakt
Elementary school teacher
English Tutoring Service
Studio For Rent in Ochota
Meridian International Elementary School is
looking for English native speaker: early child
education teacher - grades 0-3.
I am a native English speaker offering private
English language lessons in the city of Warsaw.
Feel free to respond to this ad for more
information about private tutoring.
Large 40 sqm furnished studio apartment
available to rent in prestigious Stara Ochota.
Ul. Uniwersytecka 1. PLN2300/mo + utilities.
Call Marynia at 663 331 833.
Joe Connah
Contact: Tel: 22 756 3232,
Contact: Please send your CV in English on
Place your
classified ad
Personal ads
are for free
Send us 360
characters (including
spaces) with a
heading of no more
than 30 characters
The New Poland Express I Friday 24th January 2014 I
Community Groups:
Place free listings for
your community groups here. Email
English Speaking Expat Group in Slaskie Region
American Home Study Program
Gospel Baptist Church in Warsaw Welcomes You!
All expats are welcome to attend our meeting in
the city of Bielsko Biala.
Small group of qualified English speaking
teachers available from September to supervise
full time American home study program grades
1-8 in Warsaw area.
Sunday 11:00, Thursday 18:00, ul. Grochowska 324 paw. 8
(Close to Wedel chocolate and Lays chips)
Gospel Singing
Bible Preaching & Teaching
Children’s Program in English
Family oriented
Services in English and Polish languages!
For more information contact: Pastor P. E. Sock
Tel. 48 500 270 990, E-mail:
Toastmasters International
English Speaking Expat Group
International community for Warsaw’s Expats
Toastmasters invites everyone to their Wednesday
evening’ meetings. Toastmasters is an international
organization for improving Public Speaking and
presentation skills. Guests welcome without any
obligation apart from a short introduction.
Check for current location and
updated news or call Etan at 696-292-451
A good way to make new friends: English-language
players sought for game that constructs collective story
narratives using high-level language communication
and a few simple rules. Wholesome fun.
Be cordially invited to join Warsaw Entertain - a
networking group which brings foreigners and local
people together in order to have fun while participating
in social events and meeting up with new people
in Warsaw. We organize events or just bring people
Poznan International Ladies Club
Free conversation lessons
Church of England in Poland
Meetings on the first Wednesday of the month
(September - June)
Andersia Hotel, Restaurant Mosaica, 9:30 AM
Continental breakfast (cost 30 zl)
Social time and information about upcoming
Free conversation lessons take place at KLUB
DIALOGU, Krakowskie Przedmieście 13/156
(entrance from Tokarzewskiego) every Saturday at
11:00 am and 12:10 pm.
Please call: 22-498-1010
or email us: if you are interested
We welcome Anglicans, Episcopalians and all others
interested, to celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday
morning at 10.30 am. Join us for light refreshments
after the service to learn more about the activities
of our church.
Place: Res Sacra Miser Chapel, ul. Krakowskie
Przedmiescie 62, Warsaw.
The Sikh Community
Role Playing Game in Warsaw
Poland Tartan Army
The Sikh Community of Warsaw meets each Sunday
at the Sikh Gurudwara in Rashyn, Ul Na Skraju
56. All are welcome. Kirtan starts at midday and
langar is served after the Bhog at about 1400. For
more information contact 22 868 4541. The Sikh
faith is about equality, honesty and standing up
to oppression. Anyone visiting the Guru’s house is
welcome, in return for due respect and consideration
of the Sikh faith.
International English-speaking group in Warsaw,
mostly foreign professionals, play tabletop
Dungeons & Dragons fortnightly. No experience
necessary but fluent English proficiency is
required. Have a good time. Play some games.
Meet new friends. Open your imagination. More
info: Facebook group: or
A new Poland Tartan Army Facebook group
has been created. If you are a fan of Scottish
football and our national team please
join the group by visiting Facebook and
conducting a search for Poland Tartan Army.
If anyone, who is not a part of Facebook,
is interested in this idea then please email to register your interest.
International Women’s Group
We are a Polish and Expat social group who organise a
walk/run in a forest, park or around the city, followed by
a few beers (or whatever takes your fancy!). We meet at
the Marriott hotel on alternate Saturdays at 2pm. “Hash
House Harriers” is an international group, which was
originally established in Malaysia 70 years ago.
All are welcome. For details, call Martin at 502-052-958.
Email or
IWG Warsaw is a social group for International
ladies in Warsaw. We offer a wide range of
activities and it’s a great way to meet women in
the community and have fun! Please feel free
to come and try one of our meetings or coffee
Contact: Please call George for further information
regarding our upcoming events. 789084673
For further details feel free to contact Barbara by
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