Body of mystery child found in lake


Body of mystery child found in lake
Worldwide Activity Local Exper tise
Corstjens Warsaw
Telephone: +48 22 7377200, 7036200
Polish News
Friday 26th March 2010
Issue 12 (63)
Body of mystery child found in lake
Cops baffled over ID of
dead boy
© Policja Śląska
olice have launched a massive inquiry in an effort to establish the identify of a mysterious child found dead
and floating in a lake near the border town
of Cieszyn.
Investigators believe that the boy, believed
to be aged around three years old, was the
victim of violence after the post-mortem
revealed that an abdominal trauma had
ruptured his small intestine, which resulted,
prosecutors said, in peritonitis.
The autopsy also suggested that the boy
had not been on the lake long before he
was discovered. A group of teenagers had
raised the alarm when they saw the body in
the water and told their parents.
The fact that no-one has claimed the child,
despite massive publicity surrounding the case,
has fuelled suspicions that the boy met a tragic
end at the hands of a murderer or murderers,
and did not die as a result of an accident.
“Our first line of inquiry is that this was
a criminal act,” said Andrzej Matejuk,
commander of the Cieszyn police. “We
are assuming that the guardians of the
child attacked him because we have had no
reports of a disappearance.
“As a general rule in such cases, after a few
minutes or hours the parents or guardians
notify the police of a child’s disappearance,”
he continued. “We find it very surprising
that this has not happened so far.”
The young child has not been reported missing leading to suspicions of foul play
Miroslawa Katna, a child welfare expert
from the Committee for the Protection of
Child Rights, also suggested that violence
had played an ugly hand.
“The lack of interest, in my view, is
obvious,” she said. “Nobody is looking for
the child which means something has led
to this situation; this is a classic example of
violence against a child.”
In an effort to establish an identity,
and having drawn a blank in their
homeland, Polish police have launched
an international investigation. Police in
the Czech Republic, just a stone’s throw
from where the body was found, have been
brought in but with no new leads.
Investigators have also fielded phone
calls from Germany, France and Norway.
Although police report getting dozens
of calls from abroad none of them have
thrown any light on just who the mystery
boy might be.
Cops bag drug haul
Petrol attack on police
Plea for Europe 2020 changes
Police have uncovered what they believe
to be the largest cannabis plantation ever
discovered in Poland.
The 1,000 square metre room in the
small village of Radzwice, Wielkopolska,
contained over 10,000 hemp plants, which,
along with 150 kg of dried plant and 40 kg
of ready packaged marijuana, is worth an
estimated PLN 1 mln.
Hieronim M., a 47-year-old man
from the small village of Komorze
Przybyslawskie near Jarocin, greeted
a bailiff accompanied by two police
officers by dousing them in petrol
and then set the police officers on
fire when they approached him. The
two officers were both injured, one of
them seriously.
In the lead up to Thursday’s opening of
the EU economic summit, Prime Minister
Donald Tusk appealed to leaders of the
community’s 27 members to make changes
to the Europe 2020 strategy. He also met
with prime ministers from other central
European nations to discuss ways to
further regional interests at the two-day
The New Poland Express I Friday 26th March 2010 I
News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Regional news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
What’s on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Sport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
nyone hoping
for fireworks
debate between presidential hopefuls messers Sikorski and Komorowski
been deeply bummed. Anyone believing
the hullabaloo about a vigorous cut and
thrust debate on foreign and domestic policy would’ve been head-scratching at the
complete lack of either.
There were two high points. One was
Komorowski stirring from a moment of
comatose to suggest artificial insemination
be the privilege of the rich. He probably
didn’t mean it to sound like that but he got
a roasting anyway. The other was an eyeful
of Joanna Mucha’s legs - the Page 3 Girl of
Polish politics who insisted on turning up.
The fizz surrounding both didn’t last long.
And what of Sikorski? Oxford-educated,
fluent in foreign languages, a prize-winning
journalist, the right type of wife - of all
Poland’s MPs he seems to have the right
credentials, despite being described as
being a bit flaky - he once claimed British
citizenship, then dumped it, fed Britain’s MI6
intelligence whilst working as a freelance
journalist in Afghanistan, if rumours are to
be believed, and later quit as defence minister
in Kaczynski’s 2005 government. Flaky and
opportunist runs the argument.
Yet, during Sunday’s debate he failed
to seize any opportunity, failed to say
anything of interest or relevance, failed
to show anything expected of a president.
A few lame quips about the speaker of the
Sejm came up, but not really the sort of
stuff needed for presidential office.
The present incumbent is often slammed
for his homo-xeno-Euro-phobic views.
His dwarf-like stature doesn’t do him
many favours either. And yet Kaczynski
does stand up for Poland and he does have
beliefs. With a decision on who will go
forward being made on Saturday, we have
yet to see what Sikorski and Komorowski
believe in.
“There was as much emotion as watching
a snail race.” PiS MP Joachim Brudzinski
describing the PO presidential candidate
1689 - Kazimierz
sentenced to death by burning at the
stake due to his atheist beliefs. A noble,
landowner and philosopher, Lyszczynski
later went on to become martyr of the
atheist cause - particularly in communist
WIYP Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Paderewskiego 1 • 81-831 Sopot
tel. +48 58 555 9818 • tel/fax. +48 58 555 0831 •
“It’s good that someone is recalling the
Church’s teachings and what road should
be followed by Christians who cannot have
children for various reasons - that adoption
is the best solution,” Father Kazimierz
Sowa, director of, on the IVF bills
currently making their way parliament.
“We have decided not to investigate the
matter as it does not actually involve any
criminal activity.” Mariusz Rosinski, head
prosecutor for the Torun region, on the
controversial urban street wear ad that has
had everybody talking.
1927 - The bugle call from St. Mary’s
Church’s Tower in Krakow is broadcasted
on radio for the first time. The tower,
located in the old market square, is one
of the city’s major attractions, drawing
crowds of tourists every day.
1966 - Famed surgeon and professor of
medicine Wiktor Bross conducts the first
successful kidney transplant in Poland.
The NPE weekend QUIZ
Dear Sir,
Having read the article about the club
in Krakow where the guy hand his hand
chopped off, I’d just like to say that tougher
regulations need to be brought in.
Like many people, I’ve been to such clubs on
stag parties, but when entering a place like the
one mentioned, one has to be on their guard as
the usual ‘rules’ and ‘regulations’ go out of the
window. I’m not saying that the guy deserved
what happened, but that strip bars seem to
think they operate under a different law.
Let this be a stark warning to those who
use such places.
For this week’s
competition, we’ve
got two tickets
for the Symphony
Concert at Warsaw’s
XVth century Royal
Castle on 8th April.
The programme
will be Ludwig
‘Symphony No2 D-Major, Op.36’ and
Franz Schubert’s ‘Symphony No5,
in B-Major D 485’ directed by Kai
Performed by the Musicae Antiquae
Collegium Varsoviense orchestra, this
is an evening not to be missed and here
is your chance to attend free of charge.
Dear Sir,
So more Polish kids are brandishing knives
in schools these days? Well given the choice
between whether my children were sent to an
inner-city school in like likes of Manchester,
Glasgow or Nottingham or to one in Poland,
I know hands down which I’d chose.
Poland might not exactly be utopia, but
it’s a darn-sight safer than the majority of
the cities and towns that I left behind in the
UK eight years ago.
Nick H.
Publisher: WIYP Sp. z o.o.
Editor-in-Chief: Ed Wight
Assistant Editors:
Karolina Montygierd - Łojbo
Steve Sibbald
Staff Writer: Matt Day
Nationwide & Sports:
Graham Crawford
Business: Tom Anessi
Travel: Alex Webber
All you need to do, is tell us in which
city was Kai Bauman born?
Last week’s winner was Jay Martin.
For your chance to be this week’s winner,
send in your answers to the following
Events: Klaudia Mampe
Vaughan Elliott, Łukasz Jankowski
Graphic Designer: Tomáš Haman
Sales Director: Malgorzata Drzaszcz (
Maps: © Hiuppo
Krzysztof Lisiak,
Filharmonia Śląska
The New Poland Express I Friday 26th March 2010 I
Breast cancer Recall of Chinese poison cups
ad outrage
eminist groups have castigated a
breast cancer awareness campaign
saying that it could encourage sexual
harassment at work.
The groups took exception to the slogan “I
check the breasts of my workers on my own”,
which had been included in the programme
of a hospital in Opole aimed at encouraging
employers to make sure their female
employees are screened for breast cancer.
“This is a sexist slogan that obviously brings
sexual molestation to mind,” the head of the
Feminoteka foundation, Joanna Piotrowska,
was quoted on the website as saying. “This
campaign treats women as objects and is not
far removed from advertisements in which
girls flaunt their breasts over car bonnets,”
she added. “I wonder if this would be equally
funny if it were changed to ‘I check the
penises of my workers on my own’.”
Elzbieta Radziszewska, the government’s
equality ombudsman, also took exception to
the slogan, calling on the hospital to change it.
But Wieslaw Kaczmarek, the head of
Opole’s cancer prevention programme,
defended the slogan arguing that
controversy is part of the desired effect.
“We were looking for a way to reach
women, and I think that we have succeeded,”
he said. “The slogan is a unique way to draw
attention to an important issue. It may be
provocative, but that is what we wanted.”
But this argument may cut little ice with
the slogan’s critics.
The Centre for Women’s Rights claims
that sexual harassment at work remains
a serious and under-reported problem
in Poland. The NGO says that in many
cases shame or fearing of losing their
jobs stops victims reporting the problem
to the police. One report found that 25
per cent of women in the workplace had
experienced unwelcome sexual advances
from a colleague.
Earlier this year Andrzej Lepper, one
of Poland’s most famous politicians, was
found guilty of soliciting sex in return for
granting a woman a job, while Stanislaw
Lyzwinski, a Lepper aid, was found guilty
of rape and sentenced to five years in gaol.
But at least one woman saw the funny
side of the campaign.
“We all laughed, both men and women,
when the boss read out the campaign
materials,” the newspaper Gazeta
Wyborcza quoted Iza, a 25-year-old
working in an Opole law firm, as saying.
“For me the slogan has little to do with
sexual harassment.”
number of mugs on sale up and
down the country have been found
to contain toxic chemicals.
The 220 ml cups featuring the inscription
“Capuccino” (sic) on the side were found
to contain traces of the harmful metals
cadmium and lead after being delivered to
a number of stores nationwide for general
While sanitary inspectors have issued
emergency warnings that all mugs be
returned immediately, they say there
is no way of knowing precisely how
many have been sold since they hit the
“We do not know exactly how many
there are on the market, but the figure goes
into tens of thousands. At the moment
we are concentrating on collecting them
back from the stores,” says Wojciech
Piotrowiak, from the firm that imported
the goods.
According to the State Sanitary
Inspection, drinking from the cups can
lead to eventual poisoning. As stated by
the National Institute of Public Health: “...
Even brief contact between the mouth and
the cup is likely to exceed the weekly dose
of lead and cadmium tolerated by the body.”
“During the audit, we found that the
cups have been sold to customers. We have
issued warnings that they should not be
used for drinking liquids or eating other
foods. In such instances, supermarkets
must accept and refund the defective
products,” says Jolanta Gill of the District
Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in
“All customers who purchase our cups,
will be able to return them. To carry out
this operation as smoothly as possible,
customers will not have to show a receipt as
proof of purchase,” says a official Carrefour
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The New Poland Express I Friday 26th March 2010 I
Auschwitz documents found
hidden in local house
ocuments discovered in a house
near Auschwitz concentration
camp could provide new information on Doctor Josef Mengele, the infamous Angel of Death who conducted horrific experiments on prisoners.
Historians from the Auschwitz museum
explained that a homeowner had found
around 280 documents relating to the work
of the SS while carrying out a renovation
on his house in Oswiecim.
“These original documents,
bear the names of main
murderers from Auschwitz .”
It is believed that they had lain
undisturbed for 65 years after being
hidden there before Soviet troops liberated
the camp in early 1945.
“This is a really important discovery
because the names on the documents
are not those of ordinary SS members
but high-profile Nazi criminals such as
Josef Mengele, the doctor known for his
appalling experiments on twins,” said
Adam Cyra of the Auschwitz-Birkenau
Memorial and Museum. “These original
documents, bear the names of main
murderers from Auschwitz.”
Dr Mengele’s name appeared on two
documents related to sugar and butter
rations, although on one it appeared to be
misspelled as “Dr. Josef Mergerle”. Other
names appearing on ration books were
those of Horst Fischer and Fritz Klein,
both of whom were executed for crimes
against humanity after the war.
Other files relate to Doctor Victor
Capesius, one of Mengele’s henchman and
a pharmacologist who became known as
the “chemist of Auschwitz”.
Camp survivors said he force fed
prisoners with experimental drugs to see
how they would react.
“I remember one of the SS doctors
[Capesius] holding my jaw open and
forcing pills down my throat. I’m still very
wary of men wearing white coats,” Zoe
Polanska-Palmer, an Auschwitz survivor,
told a BBC documentary.
Capesius was convicted by a German
court after the war for his work in Auschwitz
and sentenced to nine years in jail.
Along with providing a rare insight into
the lives of some Nazi Germany’s most
infamous characters, the documents also
cast some light on the day to day running
of the death camp. Among the files were
150 blank ration coupons and death
A German language map of the area
surrounding the camp was also found.
Just how the files ended up in the house
remains a mystery.
Cops bag huge
drug haul
olice have uncovered what they believe to be the largest cannabis plantation ever discovered in Poland.
The 1,000 square metre room in the small
village of Radzwice, Wielkopolska, located
underneath a dry cleaners, contained over
10,000 hemp plants, which, along with 150
kg of dried plant and 40 kg of ready packaged
marijuana, is worth an estimated PLN 1 mln.
The chamber had been specially adapted
for the purpose of growing the plant,
featuring specialised lighting and a fully
automated and computerised irrigation
system. Housed inside were plants at
various stages of development - from tiny
seedlings to fully grown 1.5 metre high
bushes ready to be prepared for sale.
Precautionary escape routes had also been
installed, allowing those ‘working’ the chance
to flee into the forest, although it’s believed
that nobody managed to escape the raid.
“We arrested nine people on the spot,
including the property’s owner,” says
Wielkopolska police spokesman Andrzej
“The detainees are all male, aged
between 24 to 47, and are all wanted in
connection with other offences including
violent conduct and fraud. One of those
arrested has been on the wanted list since
2007 for drug smuggling.”
The men now all face a minimum of
three years behind bars.
Pyjas corpse to be exhumed
The IPN wants to exhume the body of Stanislaw
Pyjas, the student believed to have been
assassinated by the SB communist secret service.
Pyjas, a member of the anticommunist students’
movement, was found dead in May 1977 in
Krakow, in what was made to look like an accident.
“The Pyjas family has waited for more than 30
years and we put great hope in this investigation.
On his tomb is the quote: ‘Waiting, not counting
the days until someone beats this wall’. Now
we believe that this wall of lies built around the
death will be destroyed,” says relative Agnieszka
Jail for dog killer
A man faces two years in prison for beating a dog
to death with a hammer in broad daylight.
The incident, which took place in the town of
Krasnik, occurred after the man agreed to take
the unwanted pet in exchange for a token fee of
PLN 40.
“The previous owner already had two other
dogs and offered the money as an incentive
to someone to take care of it,” says police
spokesman Janusz Majewski.
Controversial ad OK
The Torun Prosecutor’s Office has stated that
there will be no investigation into the controversial
clothes advert featuring a skateboarder holding a
gun to a policeman’s head.
The ad, featuring the slogan “On your knees dog”
has caused outrage, especially in the wake of the
recent murder of an officer in Warsaw.
“It’s a dangerous ad, simply scandalous and is by
no means just an illustration of youthful rebellion,”
says Renata Ropska, an advertising specialist at
the School of Social Psychology in Warsaw.
Cash point pull out
Police in Bielsko are searching for a gang of
thieves who tried to steal a cash machine using
a tractor.
“The perpetrators attached a rope with steel
fasteners to the ATM and, tied the other end to
the vehicle,” said a Bielsko press officer.
It is believed that the group were interrupted
during the attempted robbery and fled the scene.
Phone tapping case reopened
Warsaw’s District Court has reopened the case of
the journalist phone tapping scandal.
In July 2008, it was alleged that journalists from
TVN, Rzeczpospolita and Wojciech Sumlinski (who
at the time was under investigation for trying to
sell parts of a confidential report on the military
secret service) were victims of wire tapping by the
Internal Security Agency (ABW).
Despite Poznan’s Prosecutor’s Office ordering
deputy head of ABW Jacek Maka to apologise for
an infringement of civil rights last year, the case is
now to be reinvestigated.
The New Poland Express I Friday 26th March 2010 I
Man threatens to blow up block
itizens in Poznan were forced to
evacuate their flats this week after
police received a phone call from
a man threatening to blow up his apartment.
Piotr W., 55, was initially unwilling to
talk with anyone and a stalemate quickly
arose. After a while however, officers began
to negotiate with him and when the door to
his first floor flat eventually opened, he was
wrestled to the floor.
Once inside the apartment, located in
the busy Wilda district, officers found
two blocks of TNT (approximately 400
“If the bomb had been detonated, his flat
would definitely not be there now,” claims
one officer who was at the scene. “I don’t
know what would have happened to the
actual apartment block itself, but it’s very
likely that it would have suffered serious
damage too.”
“We did not have any time to grab
anything or take anything out with us.
We were just told we had to flee from the
flat because nobody was sure if or when
there was going to be an explosion,” says
neighbour Janina Bialy.
“I would not have expected such an
outbreak of violence from the man.
He was fairly quiet, kept himself to
himself and had little contact with
people. But he certainly did not look
According to police however, Piotr
W. was known to have a history of heart
trouble and alcohol abuse.
“At the time of his arrest, the man had
alcohol in his system. There was also
another drunk man in the apartment,”
says Zbigniew Paszkiewicz a spokesman
for the Wielkopolska police.
He now faces a potential eight years in
The New Poland Express I Friday 26th March 2010 I
Bringing you the best from across the regions.
If you have any news for Graham, send him an email at
t has been said
that the past is a
foreign country.
This is brilliantly
demonstrated by extraordinary footage
that came to light
recently, filmed in Poland in the 1930s
by American cameraman Julien Bryan.
Watching these images, there is the realisation that all too soon the twin evils of
Nazism and Stalinism were about to descend on these people. You almost want to
scream at them to warn them.
Brutal robbers caught
dansk police this
week arrested
two men who carried
out a series of brutal
car thefts, targeting
off their children at
school. Police have
identified at least six victims of the same men.
“The moment they stopped outside the
school, nursery school or at home, the bandits
approached them and punched them, most often
in the face, then took their car keys and drove off.
They were extremely violent. One victim had her
teeth knocked out, another has a broken nose, yet
another had her fingers broken,” Blazej Bakiewicz
of Gdansk Regional Police Headquarters told
reporters from Gazeta Trojmiasto.
The two men, aged 27 and 32, were arrested
in the Suchanino area of the city as they
emerged from a weightlifting gym. A search
of the men’s flats revealed a special implement
for breaking car locks and a quantity of dried
plant matter, most likely marihuana.
Arena gets roof
he first parts of the roof have arrived on
the site of the PGE Arena in Gdansk as
construction continues apace. The roof has
been designed to withstand strong winds.
A model of the stadium was subjected to
stringent testing in a wind tunnel facility in
Germany. The model easily withstood gusts
of up to 200km/h, which are virtually nonexistent in this part of the continent.
One of the more amazing scenes
is shot in Warsaw, near the Chopin
memorial. The park is chock full of
prams - a virtual gridlock of bawling
infants. The prams are interesting from
an engineering point of view, but it also
makes one pause to think what people
did for entertainment on long, cold
wintry evenings.
There are stark juxtapositions of an ubermodern futurist world of Bauhaus design
- slick waltzers on a revolving dancefloor,
and idyllic images of simple country
folk - a group of women with their plaid
shawls and matching skirts and petticoats
ambling together.
The most striking thing, though, is
the beautiful architecture and the busy,
cheerful people. You can’t help thinking
what Poland might be like today if it
had been able to continue developing
uninterrupted. No Katyn, no Auschwitz,
no communism. It’s a thought which is
in equal measure pointless yet poignant.
Bryan made the films to show Americans
a slice of life in a distant exotic country.
Today, they serve the same purpose in their
country of origin.
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London cab invasion
he streets of Warsaw could soon
be swarming with
the familiar London
black cabs, but painted yellow like taxis in
New York, with the
first four examples already operating for the Wawa Taxi Company
in the city. The invasion is the direct result of
the London Taxi Company’s decision to start
manufacturing the famous vehicles in a lefthand-drive version, opening up the entire
European market.
Wawa Taxi wasted no time in ordering
the first four of their new fleet and hope to
expand the fleet up to one hundred. The
taxis feature the traditional yellow and red
chequer stripe along the side of Warsaw taxis,
otherwise the vehicles are exactly the same as
those that cruise either side of the Thames.
Hot air over wind
nea Operator,
that oversees the
distribution network in
north-western Poland, has been fined
PLN 11 mln by the
Race to construction
t may still be a construction site, but the
National Stadium has already hosted
its first sporting event - a two motorbike
scramble late at night through the halfbuilt arena. The race was organised by
the manufacturer of a well-known energy
drink and featured Tadek Blazusiak and
Ronnie Renner, two of the world’s top enduro riders.
The biggest surprise for the riders
was how advanced the building work is.
“What I saw today was way ahead of what
I imagined, I never thought they were
so far ahead. Still, it was great racing
through a building site - it doesn’t happen
every day,” Blazusiak told reporters from
The route for the race led across
the eventual playing surface, up some
steps, around the rim of the stadium
and in and around various elements
of the construction. After falling
behind to begin with, Blazusiak soon
Office of Competition and Consumer
Protection (UOKiK) for delaying the construction of a wind farm. The charges were
brought against the firm by three Szczecinbased companies, EPA, Notos and Nauto,
who complained that the company was
deliberately delaying carrying out the necessary surveys, and not carrying them out
properly when they did, so as to obstruct
the companies in setting up a wind-farm.
Enea has the right to appeal the decision.
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caught his colleague and ultimately
the pair crossed the finish line in a
dead heat.
Death leap from balcony
34-year-old Radom man barricaded
himself in his room then, as police
called for assistance, jumped to his death
from the eighth floor balcony this Tuesday evening. Police had been called to the
scene of a domestic argument in one of the
city’s tower blocks.
Three officers arrived at the scene,
where they found the young man and his
parents. The man had barricaded the door
to his room and refused to let anyone in.
Following discussions with the family
police called an ambulance to the scene,
but while they were waiting for it to
arrive they heard the man scream after
hurling himself off the bedroom balcony.
The man died instantly. Prosecutors are
investigating to ensure the officers treated
the incident properly.
Greener grass
zczecin’s Al. Piastow is to get a PLN
20 mln makeover using special technology to enable trams to glide along an
avenue of grass. “The tram lines are made
of ready elements which click together
like blocks of Lego. There’s nothing to
break. No unsightly rubble or cinders. It
should last thirty to forty years,” Krystian Wawrzyniak of Szczecin Tramways
told reporters.
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The New Poland Express I Friday 26th March 2010 I
Petrol attack on police
Dear Dead Person, please…
ieronim M.,
47-yearold man from the
small village of
Komorze Przybyslawskie near Jarocin, greeted a bailiff accompanied
by two police officers by dousing them
in petrol and then set the police officers on fire when they approached him.
The two officers were both injured, one
of them very seriously, in the incident
which took place early Tuesday morning. Prosecutors intend to press charges
of attempted murder against the man,
who is currently being questioned in
“I don’t know how much he owes in
total, I requested police assistance as it
was not my first visit to the man and I
knew it would be difficult,” the bailiff,
Jerzy Kujawski, told reporters. This time it
concerned a debt of about three thousand
One police officer suffered only slight
burns to his hand and was able to return
home, but the other officer suffered second
degree burns to the face, neck, chest and
shoulder. The bailiff described how he had
used his coat to put the flames out and how
he had tried to remove the officer’s shirt
but found it had stuck to the man’s body.
The seriously injured officer is in a stable
condition in a burns unit in a Poznan
Jerzy Kujawski, who has been a bailiff
for sixteen years, told reporters, “This is
the first time I’ve experienced anything
like this. There have been other dangerous
incidents, but nobody ever tried to set
me on fire. It’s just a job like any other. I
mean, if you were owed something, you’d
want to get it back. And not through a debt
collector, but via the law. This isn’t a banana
republic. What happened was terrible. Will
I give up? No.”
Following the incident, there have
been calls for an investigation into the
flammability of police clothing. The
uniforms are supposed to be fire-resistant,
but this was clearly not the case here as
the officers were described as “blazing like
neta Glowania
Gornicza was rather
shocked this week
on receiving a letter
from her pension
fund manager, Aegon, requesting her,
now she was deceased, to send them her
death certificate. Only a week earlier her
13-year-old daughter had been traumatised by a similar letter from the company
informing her of her mother’s death.
“This is insane! First they kill me off, and
later from beyond the grave I’m commanded
to supply the certificate of my own death.
How can anything so absurd happen?”
commented an upset Ms Glowania.
Hubert Kostrzynski, a press officer for
Aegon, told reporters that it was not a
mistake, but standard procedure. “It might
seem somewhat ghoulish, but when one of
our investors dies without naming their
inheritors, the best way of finding them is
by writing directly to the deceased.”
Aegon was informed by ZUS, the social
security body, of Ms Glowania’s death,
probably as a result of a clerical error on a
form submitted by the woman’s employer.
ZUS failed to verify the information
and declared the woman dead. A ZUS
spokesperson apologised to Ms Glowania
and has assured her that there will not be any
troublesome repercussions from the mistake.
Ms Glowania was not mollified, though,
and told reporters she intends to sue for
damages. “I’m not letting them get away
with it! They’ve done my family real harm.”
Riverdance insult continues
olice have continued their prosecution
of multiple sclerosis sufferer Danuta
Switala of Katowice for disturbing the
peace during an attack of the disease
(see NPE 7/58), which led to a neighbour
knocking on her door to complain of her
“Irish dancing”. Despite a media outcry
and incontrovertible evidence that Ms
Switala is seriously ill, a Katowice court
fined her PLN 100 in absentia – not even
giving her a chance to defend herself.
Ms Switala is determined to fight the fine,
imposed only on the basis of police reports,
and has lodged an appeal, which will be
heard in May. “I can’t afford it, and I consider
the judgement as insulting. During an attack
I can’t control what happens with my body.”
Dr Adam Bodnar of the Helsinki Human
Rights Foundation told reporters from
Gazeta Katowice, “This case demands our
intervention and one of our representatives
is certain to appear in court for her.”
After the story broke in February two
high-ranking officers paid Ms Switala a visit
at home and spent hours trying to persuade
her that the police had no choice but to act as
they had. Katowice Police’s press officer, Jacek
Pytel, this week commented in the same vein,
“It’s not our job to assess whether somebody’s
condition of health affected their behaviour.
Everybody has a right to seek justice in court.
We have no further comment.”
Send comments
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The New Poland Express I Friday 26th March 2010 I
Express trains slow to arrive
Delays in PKP Intercity’s express trains have
totalled more than 5,000 minutes so far this
year. The company blames the problem on the
poor state of its locomotives, half of which are
not fully operational. Delays of up to 20 minute
have become common on routes between
major cities, but refunds are less so because the
procedure for obtaining them is complicated and
Medical tourism big business
As many as 330,000 people travel to Poland
every year for voluntary medical procedures not
covered in their own countries, according to a
new report. The average patient spends some
PLN 4,500 on costly dental services, like setting
crowns and implants, and cosmetic surgery,
such as breast implantations. Prices for such
procedures in Poland are often less than half
those of neighbouring countries like Germany
and Sweden.
2 .2%
WIG-20 stock index rises during the week of
March 19-26.
1 bln
Online retail sales in Poland rose 36% in 2009,
surpassing this major revenue milestone.
Poland’s unemployment rate in February
shows 400,000 more people out of work than
one year ago.
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Plea for Europe 2020 changes
n the lead up to Thursday’s opening of the
EU economic summit, Prime Minister
Donald Tusk appealed to leaders of the
community’s 27 members to make changes
to the Europe 2020 strategy. He also met with
prime ministers from other central European nations to discuss ways to further regional
interests at the two-day meeting.
Tusk sent a letter to the leaders of all the EU
member states explaining Poland’s concerns
over the 10-year economic strategy set to
replace the one adopted in Lisbon a decade
ago. The new plan was released in draft form
in early March and is due to be adopted
during the current summit meeting.
The Europe 2020 plan calls for
development in the coming decade of a
greener, more competitive, knowledgebased economy. It does not go far enough
for Warsaw in promoting efforts to reduce
regional economic disparities, like those
dividing “new” and “old” EU countries.
According to Gazeta Wyborcza, the
letter sent by Tusk proposes the EU
investments to secure future economic
growth. “Last year, the EU allocated EUR
1 bln to develop broadband internet. The
US devoted 7 billion dollars for the same
purpose,” Tusk writes.
Gaining support for continued EU
funding of investments in transport and
energy infrastructure is another goal
of Poland’s delegation at the meeting.
“Our priorities relate to Polish economic
development, particularly on road, rail,
energy, internet and broadband,” Minister
for European Affairs Mikolaj Dowgielewicz
told Polskie Radio.
In a separate lobbying effort, the leaders
of the so-called Vysehrad Group – Poland,
Slovakia, Hungary, and the Czech Republic
- met with EC head Jose Manuel Barroso
on Thursday ahead of the summit opening.
They discussed the common needs of
central European countries and the role
they could play in providing aid to Greece,
according to TVN24.
At the meeting with Barroso, Tusk
proposed drawing on the IMF as a source
of funds to help Greece, a position also
supported by Germany. The EU could then
provide supplementary aid, as needed.
Greece’s problems are likely to be a hot
topic at the general summit meeting, since
member states have expressed division on
the question of what sort of aid package, if
any, the EU should offer.
Tusk expressed Poland’s readiness to
take part in providing financial support to
Greece. “Poland is ready to participate in any
European assistance package for Greece that
extends beyond Eurozone members,” he said.
EU Commissioner Olli Rehn suggested
that a “final solution” needs to be found
at the meeting for how to deal with the
question of aid for Greece.
“We are prepared to take part in such
a solidarity aid package to the extent that
our means allow,” Tusk said in response.
EC issues finance warnings
oland needs to consolidate its finances more quickly, the European
Commission said in its response to
the convergence plan for adopting the euro
submitted by the country.
The EC said that Poland has to make such
changes if it expects to cut its budget deficit to 3
percent of GDP by 2012, as foreseen in its plan.
“Fiscal consolidation is far behind schedule
even though it is the most important part
of the plan. These projections are based on
favourable macroeconomic assumptions
and based on predictions for 2011-2012
expenditures,” the EC’s response reads.
Poland’s current convergence plan
envisages bringing the government deficit
from 7.2 percent of GDP in 2009 to 2.9
percent by 2012. This is in line with the
recommendations of the EC back in July,
but in the updated response it warned that
additional measures need to be taken to
ensure the plan’s feasibility.
Given the projections for economic
growth of some 3 percent in 2010 and the
structural nature of Poland’s budget deficit,
Brussels feels that more substantial reforms
must be carried out and more clearly defined
spending cuts need made sooner.
“In the Polish plan, the most ambitious year
is 2012, and not 2011, which is - as it turns out
- an election year,” a source in the EC told PAP.
EU Commissioner Olli Rehn did not specify
what specific reforms he expects Poland to
carry out, but he did express his optimism.
“I am aware of the lively public debate going
on in Poland on this subject, and I know that
Prime Minister Donald Tusk has made some
very encouraging pronouncements on the
subject, so we can expect a more intensive
consolidation,” he added.
The government has an alternative
scenario based on less optimistic prognoses
in which its deficit target would be reached
in 2013 rather than 2012.
The New Poland Express I Friday 26th March 2010 I
o I guess that’s
the end of winter.
About ten days ago
the snowflakes were the
size of golf balls and I
was dressed like a giant
rabbit. Now it appears
we’ve skipped spring altogether and
moved straight to summer. I’m not complaining – in about five minutes yesterday I saw seventy four reasons to live in
Poland for the rest of my life, and every
single one of those was tall, blonde and
balanced on skyscraper heels. I feel like
I’ve climbed out of a coffin to find I’m in
a Bounty ad. Life tastes good all of a sudden, and so does Warsaw.
I barely made it out of last week, and
that was because of two vile Mexican
restaurants that had emergency services
on red alert. Poland doesn’t just get
Mexican food wrong, it butchers it like
Jack the Ripper. Cilantro gets swapped
for cabbage, tortillas by toast and salsa
sacrificed for ketchup. Are the Polish
restaurants in Mexico City this bad?
Fortunately there is one place that
shoots the trend and that’s a veteran
favourite of mine, the Warsaw Tortilla
Factory. Now I remember this place when
it was in Ground Zero, a black chamber
in a former nuclear shelter. The location
has since changed (Wilcza 46, if you
don’t know), and so have the owners,
28 .03 Sunday - Richard Bona
Wytwórnia Club, ul. Łąkowa 29, tel. (+48) 42 631 80
00.QConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets 60-90zł. Available
at Cultural Information Centre, ul. Piotrkowska 102A, D-3
(Open 10:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun).
26 .03 Friday - The Subways
Eskulap, ul. Przybyszewskiego 39 (Grunwald),
tel. (+48) 42 631 80 00.QConcert starts at 20:00.
Tickets 55/49zł. Available at
but one thing remains constant: quality.
I don’t think there’s a place that does
Tex-Mex better, and if ever I’m to have
my ashes scattered let it be somewhere
by their kitchen. I’m not aware of any
other place in Poland that makes their
tortillas from scratch, and neither am I
aware of another restaurant that gets the
salsa this right. I like to feel like I’ve eaten
a sock full of dynamite, and the mango
habanero does that each time.
You bet they’ve got Poland’s best
burrito, but I’ve now found even more
reason to give them chunks of pay
cheque. The menu – revamped last week
– has it all from battered jalapenos to
what I’m told are some rather fab ribs,
and the changes don’t stall with the food.
Lined up are tequila promos, football
screenings, bucket of beer nights and
live music from Warsaw’s very own Bob
Dylan: Lindsay Martell, a familiar name
among all who appreciate live music
round here.
So it goes without saying you’ll find me
in WTF this weekend, though that said
I promise to be starting in Kwadrat, a
brilliant new bar practically opposite. It’s
a bit like going round a friend’s house, at
least it would be if your mate had seven
tables, and while it doesn’t look like much
it’s got a star staff, cheap prices, fast wifi,
no attitude and quality lager – how many
places get to say that in Warsaw?
28 .03 Sunday - Classical Sunday Music Concerts
Immersion Club, ul. Bohaterów Monte Cassino
36/5, tel. (+48) 58 710 84 41.QConcert starts at
19:00. Admission free.
29 .03 Monday - Chopin inspires Gainsbourg
Great Theatre - National Opera, Pl. Teatralny 1, tel.
(+48) 22 826 50 19QConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets 70230zł. Available at and EMPiK, ul. Nowy
Świat 15/17 (Open 09:00 - 22:00, Sun 11:00 - 19:00).
Thai Relax
studio tradycyjnego
masażu tajskiego
Massage Studio
ul. Zwycięzców 28 lok. 32 (first floor)
Warsaw - Saska Kępa
tel. +48 22 242 83 89
mob. +48 600 298 912
31 .03 Wednesday - Method Man
Stodoła, ul. Batorego 10, tel. (+48) 22
825 60 31.QConcert starts at 20:00.
Tickets 99/120zł. Available www.eventim.
pl and Stodoła’s box office (Open 09:00
- 21:00, Sat 09:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun,
26 .03 Friday - Rokia Traore
Palladium, ul. Złota 7/9, tel. (+48) 22 825 60
31.QConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets 90-160zł.
Available at
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
The New Poland Express I Friday 26th March 2010 I
31 .03 Wednesday - Lent Concert - Stabat mater
Old Town Hall, ul. Korzenna 33/35, tel. (+48)
58 301 10 51
Stabat Mater is a thirteenth century hymn,
one of the most powerful surviving we
are told. It meditates on the suffering of
the virgin Mary during Christ’s crucifixion
and is sung at the liturgy on the memorial
of Our Lady of Sorrows.Besides G.B.
Pergolesi’s interpretation of Stabat Mater,
the programme also includes arias from
Bach and Haydn’s oratorios with Radosław
Kurek on piano, Karolina Gorgol-Zaborniak
(soprano) and Magdalena Rybicka
(mezosoprano).QConcert starts at 18:00.
Tickets 12/8zł. Available at Old Town Hall,s
box office (09:00 - 18:00, Sat, Sun 10:00 18:00) and before the event.
29 .03 Monday - 05 .04 Monday
Misteria Paschalia
28 .03 Sunday - K-1 World GP 2010
Torwar, ul. Łazienkowska 6a, tel. (+48) 22 831
02 89
29 .03 Monday - 02 .04 Friday - Easter Bazaar
Blue City, Al. Jerozolimskie 179, tel. (+48) 22
824 45 55
If you’re here for a visit, this is a great chance
to sample the delights of Polish traditional
Easter food. There will be stalls with Easter
Eggs painted and otherwise, rams and lambs
(sheep basically) made of bread and sweets
as well as other local specialities. Come along
and see dishes being prepared, they are
so ‘distinctive’ we have demurred from any
attempts to translate them, you’ll have to see
for yourself.QOpen 10:00 - 22:00, Sun 10:00
- 20:00.
27 .03 Saturday - 31 .03 Wednesday - Easter
Tables Festival & Fair
St. John’s Cathedral, ul. Świetojańska 8, tel.
(+48) 22 831 02 89,
The purpose of this double event is to
show to the widest possible audience
traditional Polish Easter celebrations. It
includes a promotion of local produce
while the first days of the event will see
the biggest egg in Poland being painted,
it’s due to break all records we are told.
QOpen 12:00 - 20:00, Sat, Sun 09:00 20:00. Admission free.
tel. (+48) 12 424 96 50,
This early music festival has been taking place every
Easter since 2004 and, not surprisingly, focusses on
the religious sounds of Holy Week. It is a rare occasion
to listen to the best performers of early music in
Europe. The artists include Il Giardino Armonico,
La Venexiana, Accademia Bizantina, Europa
Galante, Cappella della Pietà de’ Turchini and Les
Musiciens du Louvre-Grenoble. The concerts will
take place mainly in the Kraków Philharmonic, B-4,
ul. Zwierzyniecka 1, St. Catherine’s Church, D-7,
ul. Augustiańska 7 and St. Francis’ Basilica, C-4, Pl.
Wszystkich Świętich 5.QTickets 80-200zł. Available
at City Information Point, C-3, ul. Św. Jana 2 (Open
10:00 - 18:00).
This is one of the biggest fighting sports
events in Poland with the best heavy weight
K-1 fighters coming to Warsaw. The winner will
take part in the K-1 World GP Final 16 fighting
gala. If that means as much to you as it does to
me, you need to know that in K-1 competitors
use various far eastern martial arts and many
have transferred from more orthodox pugilistic
past-times like boxing or even American
football.QEvent starts at 18:00. Tickets 30400zł. Available at and EMPiK,
ul. Nowy Świat 15/17 (Open 09:00 - 22:00, Sun
11:00 - 19:00).
29 .03 Monday - Umbilical Brothers
Rotunda, ul. Oleandry 1, tel. (+48) 12 633 61 60.
If you’re waylaid in Poland, this is your chance to
catch live what has become a bit of a youtube
sensation around the world, and not least of all in
PL (tickets will go as fast as that Umbilical Brothers
meme went around the office) where cabaret
continues to be an active and revered artform.
These two Australian boys do it a bit differently
though. Masters of pantomime and improvisational
comedy, Shane Dundas and David Collins use
audience participation to constantly create original
acts that combine slapstick comedy, sound effects
(beatboxing), bits of dialogue, occasional puppetry
and generally clownish hijinks. Hilarious and highly
recommended, check it out online and act fast
if you want to get tickets. In addition to Kraków,
their act is travelling through Warsaw, Poznań and
Katowice.QEvent starts at 18:00. Tickets 90/70zł.
Available at Rotunda box office (Open 10:00 - 13:00,
16:00 - 19:00, Sat, Sun depending on repertoire).
Until Saturday 03 .04 - Ludwig van Beethoven
Easter Festival
tel. (+48) 22 331 91 91
The theme of this year’s festival is “Beethoven,
music and the phenomenon of piano.Year of
Chopin and Schuman”. A broad canvas which
is sure to include some excellent concerts. Over
the 14 days we can hear the following excellent
pianists: Elisabeth Leonskaja, Eric Le Sage, Louis
Lortie, Janusz Olejniczak, Pavel Gililov, Michaela
Ursuleasa, Ian Yungwook Yoo and Marc Yu.
The conductors include Charles Dutoit, Antoni
Wit, Long Yu, Paavo Järvi, Leopold and Łukasz
Borowicz and the soloists will be Jian Wang,
Arto Noras, Rainer Honeck, Helena Juntunen,
Christiane Oelze, Annely Peebo, Paul Groves,
Wojtek Gierlach, Dan Karlström and Günther
Groissböck.QAvailable at Empik (ul. Złota 59,
B-3. Open 10:00 - 22:00, Sun 10:00 - 20:00). Full
schedule available at
Tickets 10-220zł.
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
The New Poland Express I Friday 26th March 2010 I
Piraeus on top in battle of ports
Lewandowski to Dortmund
Lech Poznan’s star striker Robert
Lewandowski is on the brink of a EUR 5mln
move to Bundesliga side Borussia Dortmund.
Przeglad Sportowe claim agents from the
German club will be heading to Wielkopolska
in early April to do a deal for the striker who
is currently top scorer in the Ekstraklasa
and a fixture in the national side. “We’ve
been observing him for a very long time.
The only question is what Lewandowski’s
price is at this moment. It all rests on that,”
Michael Zorc, Dortmund’s sporting director
commented. However, Lewandowski has
many admirers and it remains to be seen
whether EUR 4.5 mln will be enough to prise
the striker away from the Poznan side, or
whether other suitors will come forward with
higher offers.
Wisla find their mojo
Like London buses, after waiting 392 minutes
for their first goal of the season, three came
at once for Wisla Krakow, keeping the
stumbling leader top of the Polish league.
The return of Henryk Kasperczak as coach did
the trick as, after a nervous first 60 minutes
against Lechia Gdansk, Marcelo hit the net
from a Malecki free kick. The sense of relief
was palpable, and a newly confident Wisla
went on to score two more goals in quick
succession and retain their two point lead
over Lech Poznan at the top of the table.
rokom Asecco Gdynia are on the
verge of being eliminated from the
European League in the quarterfinal playoffs after losing twice in a week to
Greek side Olympiacos Piraeus. The playoffs are in the form of a first to three contest, and despite having home advantage
for the next games, Prokom will have real
difficulty getting past the Greek side.
In the first match this week, on Tuesday,
Gdynia started brightly enough, opening
up an 11-0 lead in the first quarter, stopping
the Greek side from scoring for the first six
minutes. The second quarter was fairly
metronomic as the two sides went toe to
toe with rarely more than a point between
them. By the end of the third quarter,
though, Olympiacos had a seven point lead
which they never looked like relinquishing.
The final quarter began badly for
the Polish side as Olympiacos briefly
threatened to run away with the match,
opening up an 11 point lead, but then took
their foot off the pedal. The Poles hung in
doggedly and in the final 90 seconds the
gap was down to 2 points, but a missed
rebound gave the Greeks the ball and they
prevailed 83-79.
The Thursday night meeting followed a
similar pattern to the first, with the two
sides closely matched, but the Greeks
always looking like they had extra gears
to move through when the occasion arose.
This time Olympiacos always held the
upper hand, opening up an 11 point lead in
the first quarter.
Prokom hung on well and managed to
outpoint the Greeks in the second and third
quarters, but not by enough to close the gap.
In the final quarter Piraeus outscored the
Poles by 7 points to rack up a 90-73 victory
and put one foot already in the semis.
The effort made by the Polish side was
immense, but the squad was simply too
thin in comparison with the team from
Piraeus. Before the playoffs, Prokom’s
Lithuanian trainer, Tomas Pacesas, had
commented that the Greeks were a match
for Barcelona in strength and on Thursday
night was left rueing that the game had
gone on, “Five minutes too long.”
The Greeks simply had too long a bench
and so their players were fresher in the
closing portions of the match. In particular
it was the Lithuanian Linas Kleiza, bought
for USD 6 mln from the NBA that made
the difference between the two sides. It
might have been possible for Prokom to
stop Kleiza alone, but the trio of Kleiza,
Papaloukos and Teodosic was simply too
much for the plucky Poles.
The next matches are scheduled to take
place in Gdynia on March 30 and, should
Prokom win, on April 1.
Marek questioned
ornelia Marek, the disgraced
Olympic skier caught doping,
went in front of a disciplinary
committee of the Polish Skiing Union
(PZN) to explain herself this Wednesday
at 9am. The entire incident is descending into farce as the committee claims it
lacks the powers to investigate properly
and everyone potentially involved in the
affair is denying any knowledge. For her
part Marek turned up still insisting, “I
didn’t take anything.” She later elaborated at a press conference, “I have no
idea how EPO got into my system.” She
categorically stated that the only person
who gave her injections was her physiotherapist, the Ukrainian Vitaly Trypolski, and that she thought they were,
“regenerating substances and vitamins.”
Trypolski in turn has admitted giving
her injections but insists there was no
doping involved.
We also offer: squash, soccer, fitness and organize events
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The New Poland Express I Friday 26th March 2010 I
Modern apartment in the Old Town
Powisle Apartment For Sale
Learn Polish for free
Apartment FOR RENT at Krakowskie Przedmiescie
Str., near the Royal Castle, quiet, view at the park, 1
bedroom, fully equipped and furnished, high standard,
modern, cozy, perfect for hard working person who
needs worry-free accommodation in Warsaw.
Contact: Renata Mróz
Tel. +48-501-15-74-73
I am selling my 80m2 flat on ul. Szara.
2nd floor, no lift. Flat to be modernised.
Block is renovated. Perfect location in
the park. 999,000pln or best offer..
The Centre for Polish Studies is running a
competition for learners of Polish to study for free.
Entrance runs until the beginning of May.
Contact: tel. 693041085
For more details on how to enter and
gain the chance of learning Polish for
free go to or call
Marta Werbanowska on 22 826 19 04
Panel beater/auto body techn .
Camouflage Uniforms Wanted
Apartment for sale - Warsaw
EXPERIENCED heavy collision technician
for our body shop in Oslo Norway. We
prefer an individual that is experienced
with modern equipment, possesses solid
technical knowledge,experienced with
Car-O-Liner bench, measuring systems.
I’m looking to buy Polish camouflage
uniforms from communist period up to
present day. Good price’s offered depending
on the item and the condition.
Central Warsaw near Royal Route.
Built in 1912. 1st floor of four.
Modernised with original features retained.
Just under 100 m2.
Price 1.94M PLN.
Photographs available on request.
Telephone: 0725 857 475
Summerhouse at Mazurian Lake
Downtown Studio+Sunny Balcony
Apartment to let - Warsaw
Fed up with weekends in Warsaw?
Need hide-away from the big town?
Charming summerhouse 2 hrs from
Warsaw to rent. Ideal for families w/kids
and pets. Full season rent possible.
To rent from July 2010: Charming studio with
living room, kitchenette, bathroom, and
sunny balcony. Fully furnished, renovated,
wooden floor, 24 sqm. Washing Machine,
DSL + WiFi, Phone. 3 mins from Metro
“Ratusz” in quiet street w/ Parking.
Apartment to let downton wasrsaw
200 metres from metro centrum.
Please call monika luther - davies for full
details and photos 0048 601 81 81 70.
Polish or English
Flat for Sale in Warsaw - Anin
Private Spanish Lessons
Canadian fluently bilingual able to
clarify and solve linguistic problems
for those seriously interested.
Spacious & quiet flat of 132m2, 5 rooms (4 bedrooms)
ideal for family with children
- separate, fully furnished kitchen with dining space,
- large and bright living room,
- four bedrooms, two bathrooms,
- garage.
Many shops in immediate surroundings, also
playschools primary and secondary schools.
Spanish teacher (NATIVE SPEAKER) with
experience in private tuition. I would be happy
to teach you spanish and improve your level with
intensive and funny lessons.
Contact Elena, 722 15 58 10,
Warsaw downtown area.
Price 50 zl/60 min.
Land for rent/lease near Warsaw
Private Polish/English Lessons
Villa to rent
2,640 hctr of land near Radom and Białobrzegow
for long term lease.
Ideal logistics/transport/warehousing, petrol
station/LPG service. Entry from all sides including
highway E7. Located in Maksymilianów.
Possibility to rent in parts. Line for electricity and
other utilities included. Price 5 zł/M2 to negotiate.
Contact: Dinesh Sharma Mob:+48-500-122-836
Professional and experienced teacher available
for private tuition. Polish and English language
lessons for adults and children which are
interesting, effective, and fun. Also, private tuition
for schoolchildren. Contact Anna on 0602 312
Stunning wooden villa to rent in Zakopane. Newly
built wooden house, sleeps 8, uninterrupted
views of mountains, close to slopes, stylish
contemporary decor, sauna, cinema room - from
€750 per week.
The New Poland Express I Friday 26th March 2010 I
GAA in Warsaw
Tri-City Toastmasters
Cumann Warszawa.Poland’s first and only GAA
club is up and running and is looking for players
of all levels, all nationalities and both sexes. We
offer weekly training, competitive games and
regular social events as well as fresh oranges at
half time.
Contact Eoin at 0518-425-587 or
When: The club meets on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th
Wednesday of each month
Where: ul. Kartuska 5, second floor, 80-103
Phone: 504 304 764
We are a Polish and Expat social group who organise a
walk/run in a forest, park or around the city, followed by
a few beers (or whatever takes your fancy!). We meet at
the Marriott hotel on alternate Saturdays at 2pm. “Hash
House Harriers” is an international group, which was
originally established in Malaysia 70 years ago.
All are welcome. For details, call Martin at 502-052-958.
Email or
Toastmasters club
International Women’s Group
International Rotary Club
Toastmasters club (Polska) invites all to its weekly
meetings. Toastmasters is the international
organization for learning the art of public
speaking and enhancing leadership skills.
Meetings every Wednesday at 19.00 at the Palace
of Culture 12th floor (premises of Collegium
Civitas) - entrance from ul. Marszałkowska side.
For more details visit or
call Etan at 696-292-451
Meetings are held twice a month on the first
Monday (at rotating locations between 10:30
and 12:30) and the third Monday of the month at
Restauracja Tapa y Toro located in the Zlote Trasy
Shopping Mall (ul. Zlota 59) from 10:00 - 11:00.
For more information see or
contact us at
International Rotary Club - Warszawa Wilanow is
the only English speaking Rotary Club in Warsaw.
Visiting Rotarians are warmly welcomed
to join the weekly meetings held at the
Polonia Palace Hotel, Al. Jerozolimskie 45.
Tuesday’s at 12:00, except the last Tuesday
of each month when the meeting is at 19:00.
For more information: +48 601 897 731
Poznan International Church
Gospel Baptist CHURCH
Expat meetings
Every Sunday at 10:00
Contact details: It’s simple at P.I.C..
Come and experience God through current music and
relevant teaching. Grow in your relationship with God
and others by making friends and joining a small group.
Serve God and people by being generous with the gifts
God has given you. Go and make a difference in the
world by sharing the love of Christ.
ul. Czerniowiecka 4, Warsaw. Services are held
in Polish and English languages: Sun. 11:00
(Sunday School), 12:00 (AM service), 18:00 (PM
Service), Thurs. 19:00. For more information
contact: Pastor Paul Sock, mob. 0500-270-990,
Meeting English speakers in Warsaw just got a
whole load easier. We don’t teach you Salsa,
we make you pay for your own drinks, but
we do promise to give you the premier multicultural event of the week at Warsaw’s very own
Professional Wednesday Meetup.
Contact - or 691535566
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