Give me back my child sobs mum


Give me back my child sobs mum
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Polish News
Friday 10th December 2010
Issue 49 (100)
Give me back my child sobs mum
Nationwide hunt still on
for missing girl
desperate mother has pleaded for
her daughter to be returned after
the 14-year-old girl went missing
on her way to school.
Wanda Skwara said that without her
daughter Ewelina “she had nothing to
live for”, beseeching any kidnapper “to
please give me back my child”.
The plea came as over 200 police
officers, firemen, soldiers and volunteers
carried out an intensive search for the
Ewelina in and around the central town
of Sluzewo.
The girl, who stands 146 centimetres
tall, has brown hair and blue eyes, went
missing on the morning of December 8.
“The latest information that we have
is that the girl went to school on her
bike at 7:10 in the morning; since then
there has been no sign of her,” said Piotr
Bieniak, a police spokesman. “The bike
she was riding has signs of damage that
indicate the girl was in an accident. But
she could also have been abducted.”
He added that police had enlisted the
help of a helicopter from the Warsaw
police equipped with thermal-imaging
equipment, which could scour the
frozen countryside for any signs of life
as temperatures dropped well below
Despite the damage to the bike
14-year-old Ewalina has been missing since Wednesday morning
suggesting that it was hit by a car, no
collisions were reported to the police,
raising the possibility that the girl may
have been hit by a vehicle and then
removed from the scene by the driver.
surrounded the damaged bike revealed
no signs of the girl moving off by
herself, and her Puma backpack, which
she carried her schoolbooks in, has also
Police have checked local hospitals to
see if the girl, who was wearing a blue
and black checked jacket and a green
woollen hat when she went missing,
had been checked in unconscious. They
have also quizzed friends and family
members to see if they could cast any
light on the girl’s whereabouts.
Local authorities have alleged that a
failure by the regional government to
clear roads of snow may have forced the
girl to cycle in the centre of the road,
and thus may have contributed to any
Police have appealed to anybody who
has information on the missing girl to
come forward.
Death while waiting
Radioactive blunder
Snow season - A costly business
A 56-year-old woman has died in
hospital after six days of waiting for surgery
for her broken leg.
The as-yet unnamed woman, a patient
at Warsaw’s Dzieciatka Jezus hospital,
was told she could not be operated on due
to the facility not having the appropriate
orthopaedic screws.
Seven canisters containing a radioactive
isotope of cobalt have been reported missing by the State Atomic Agency (PAA) from
the defunct Ursus iron foundry in Lublin.
The matter has been reported to the police
who have passed it on to the Internal Security Agency (ABW). As long as the cobalt remains inside the canisters, there is no danger
to the environment.
With the snow showing no sign of letting
up anytime soon, local governments will
be forced to fork out an estimated PLN 1.3
bln clearing roads and public places over
the winter period.
Local authorities in the nation’s capital
spent PLN 100 mln moving snow last year,
although this year the figure is expected to
be slightly less.
The New Poland Express I Friday 10th December 2010 I
News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Regional news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
What’s on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Sport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
From the editor
Quotes of the week
This week in history
“Filling out my visa, I had to answer the
question ‘Are you a terrorist?’ During communist times I was a terrorist. I didn’t know
whether to write the truth or lie. But I could
not lie to the US.” Komorowski makes light
of the recent Poland-US visa talks.
1948 - The Polish United Workers’ Party
(PZPR) is founded. Based on the theories
of Marxism-Leninism, the party’s main
goal was to create a communist society and
promote communism around the globe.
1981 - Martial Law is declared in Poland. During the period of strict political
oppression, which was lifted in July 1983,
thousands of activists were interned without charges and around 100 people killed.
1989 - Anti-revolutionary forces pull
down Nowa Huta’s Lenin statue. The creation of Nowa Huta (‘The New Steel Mill’)
began at the end of the 1940s, with an aim
to build a ‘Communist Utopia’. The giant bronze statue of Lenin, who lived in
Krakow between 1912-1914 was a prominent feature of Plac Centralny.
osing a child for
even a few minutes can seem
like an eternity. Every
parent knows the heartstopping dread that
comes when their toddler wanders off - and the overwhelming relief when they are safely back in their arms.
So the sight of distraught mum Wanda
Skwara breaking down on camera this week
and pleading for the safe return of her missing
14-year-old daughter Ewelina would have sent
chills down the spine of every parent.
The red bike that Ewelina rode to school
Wednesday morning, as she did every morning,
and that was found lying crumpled on the side
of a road is every parents’ nightmare.
And with the harrowing reminder that
children go missing every day, few parents
will not be now thinking ‘thank God that
wasn’t my daughter.’
According to statistics from missing
people centre ITAKA, last month alone
they had 97 children added on to their
missing list. Of that 35 were aged 10 or
younger, 62 were between 10 and 17 years
old. They still haven’t been found.
And that doesn’t take into account the
hundreds more that have been reported to
the police.
Some do turn up, alive and well. They’ve
either stayed over at friends and forgot to
tell their parents, or they’ve got lost before
finding their way safely home. We can only
hope this is the case with Ewelina.
But with massive media coverage failing
to result in reports of a little girl being taken
to hospital and with no friends popping up
to say ‘It’s ok, she’s with us’, as the hunt for
little Ewelina stretches into its third day
that hope is beginning to dwindle.
And the news Friday morning that another
missing 14-year-old was found strangled to death
and buried by an 18-year-old friend won’t help.
At the moment it seems only one person
knows what really happened Wednesday
morning. And that is the person who left
Ewelina’s red bike lying by the side of the road.
“It’s a routine visit which only benefits the
USA.” Jaroslaw kaczynski is unimpressed
with President Komorowski’s meeting
with Barack Obama.
“Russia has opted for a softer approach
with the West as it is afraid of China and
the threat from so-called ‘Islamic’ countries.
The question is, will we too use this approach?” PiS politician Jaroslaw Sellin on
what he believes are Russia’s hidden motives.
Have Your Say
The NPE weekend QUIZ
Re: The smoking ban
Last weekend, when standing in an open
car park, here in Poland, someone came
speeding towards me in their car with its
horn screaming at me. I had to jump aside, to
avoid being hit! It wasn’t until the driver got
out and threatened me with physical violence,
that I realised what his problem was... I was
smoking in a public place... Since then I
realised that I was in fact a victim of a hatecrime because I am a smoker. And what’s
worse, is that because there is a smoking ban
now here in Poland, he (incorrectly) believed
that he had the law on his side.
The harm of the smoking bans is greater
than the infringement of our rights. It
creates division and hatred in our society.
John, Lodz
This week
100th edition, we’ve
got a belter
of a prize
for you good
folk out there - a double invitation to
see Smokie perform live with their symphony orchestra.
Re: The new Warsaw National Stadium.
Sounds like the people who produced
the business plan for this project were
the same people who led the Millennium
Dome project in London. Invariably the
consultants employed - at usually massive
sums - clearly don’t think too far outside of
their comfort zones. The idea of using it for
concerts though does sound the way to go.
George, Bath, UK
To get your name in the hat, just tell
us the title of Smokie’s most recent
album, released this year.
Publisher: WIYP Sp. z o.o.
WIYP Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Paderewskiego 1 • 81-831 Sopot
tel. +48 58 555 9818 • tel/fax. +48 58 555 0831 •
Editor-in-Chief: Ed Wight
Chief Writer:
Steve Sibbald
Staff Writer: Matt Day
Nationwide & Sports:
Graham Crawford
Events: Klaudia Mampe
Vaughan Elliott, Łukasz Jankowski
Players on the European rock circuit
for over 40 years, the band will be
treating the audience to such classics as
‘Have you Ever See the Rain’, ‘I’ll Meet
you at Midnight’ and of course, ‘Living
Next Door to Alice’.
Well done to Maria Panek and Jitka
Beye for picking up last week’s prizes. For
a chance to win, just send your answers
Graphic Designer: Tomáš Haman
Sales Director: Malgorzata Drzaszcz
The New Poland Express I Friday 10th December 2010 I
Russian visit stirs Death while waiting
mixed reactions A
he Russian president jetted into Poland this week on a state visit hoping to build on warming relations
between the two historical foes.
Mr Medvedev arrived in Warsaw to a
reception much different to that which
greeted the visit of Vladimir Putin, then
Russian president, in 2002.
Then the bloody history between the two
nations and mutual distrust clouded the
relationship, but this time Mr Medvedev
was quick to praise an apparent new
understanding between the two countries.
“Today is a great day in Polish-Russian
relations,” said the Russian president. “The
spirit of our relations is changing.
“For a very long time the ghosts of the past
loomed over those relations. It doesn’t mean
that the past has disappeared, it doesn’t
mean that there are no issues linked to the
past that would remain,” he continued. “It
is important that we are starting again to
listen to one another. That we are ready to
discuss the most difficult, the darkest and
most weighing pages in our mutual history.”
Bronislaw Komorowski, the Polish
president, struck a similar note.
“The bad drought in Polish-Russian
relations has come to an end,” he said at
a news conference held after deals were
signed on closer business and economic
Speaking at a press conference just
before the visit, Radek Sikorski, the foreign
minister, said that both countries have
“strong cultural bonds”, and that Poland
sought the same spirit of reconciliation
that it had experienced with Germany”.
Relations between the two countries have
profited from what many perceive as the
more pragmatic approach of the Donald
Tusk government in dealing with the Russian
bear, and Moscow’s rapid and sympathetic
reaction to the Smolensk disaster.
But for all the diplomatic hand shaking
and back slapping differences remained.
The Wikileaks documents revealed that
Poland remains suspicious of Russian
intentions, with one diplomat asking for
“American boots on the ground” to deter
Russian aggression.
At the same time demonstrations in
all of Poland’s major cities against the
Medvedev visit made it clear that not all
Poles approved of his presence.
Law and Justice politicians also accused
the government of betraying Polish
interests in order to curry favour with
56-year-old woman has died in
hospital after six days of waiting
for surgery for her broken leg.
The as-yet unnamed woman, a patient
at Warsaw’s Dzieciatka Jezus hospital,
was told she could not be operated on due
to the facility not having the appropriate
orthopaedic screws.
According to daily Fakt, the patient
was not given anticoagulants - a drug to
prevent the clotting of blood - for three
days and only received one single dosage
after she personally requested it.
The death is now under full investigation.
“We want an explanation as to how
the accident occurred and whether the
patient was the victim of neglect,” said
Piotr Olechno, a spokesman for Poland’s
Ministry of Health.
Duszkiewicz, stressed that standard surgery
of this nature should be carried out as soon
as possible, preferably within a few hours.
“There are exceptions to this rule, but any
patient waiting for surgery needs to be given
anticoagulants, the amount of which should
be judged on each separate case,” he said.
“A patient should not have to wait for
an operation due to a lack of orthopaedic
equipment. If the problem cannot
be resolved, then the patient must be
transferred to another hospital.”
But Deputy Director of the hospital
Wlodzimierz Wisniewski argues that the
woman received the correct treatment.
“The patient was treated as she should have
been while she was waiting. Unfortunately
there were complications before her
surgery and it had to be temporarily put
He continued, “And besides, even if her
leg had have been in plaster, so what? We
sometimes have cases like this where we
wait six to eight weeks before treatment.”
The New Poland Express I Friday 10th December 2010 I
PJN policies
Tragic pile-ups shock nation
‘Unprecedented’ O
he leaders of a breakaway faction of
Law and Justice have started to put
policies together ahead of forming a
party early next year.
Pawel Poncyliusz, one of the founders
of the Poland is the Most Important
Association (PJN) and once a leading
Law and Justice (PiS) figure, said that
they are getting ready to launch the new
organisation as a new party on the Polish
political scene.
“We will try to establish a party at the
beginning of next year,” Mr Poncyliusz told
NPE. “At the moment we are travelling,
meeting supporters, and trying to create a
new party structure.”
He added the organisation’s members
were consulting with supporters in order
to provide flesh on the ideological bones of
the nascent party.
Marek Migalski, another of the rebels,
said that by basing its polices on what
people want means that they are doing
what no Polish politicians have done
“This is an unprecedented move in
Polish politics,” Mr Migalski said, adding
that the public would also be able to offer
their suggestions via the internet.
Another policy decision could also
involve changing the name from Poland is
the Most Important to Poland Comes First.
Up until now the Poland is the Most
Important people have had to talk in bold,
if rather vague, statements.
“We will draw upon the conservative,
Christian tradition,” said Mr Migalski at
a recent press conference, while Elzbieta
Jakubiak spoke about “the expansion of
democracy”. Mr Poncyliusz, keeping to the
lofty terms, spoke about creating a Poland
“secure and prosperous, fair and free”.
But not all have been bowled over by the
grand words.
Jerzy Wenderlich from the Democratic
Left Alliance (SLD) said that for all their
fine talk the PiS breakaways once supported
a government that “was a laughing stock in
the world” and belonged to a party that
had close ties with controversial priest and
media mogul Father Tadeusz Rydzyk.
Poland is the Most Important has also
drawn criticism from the mainstream
media for failing to define what it actually
stands for and how, in specific terms, it
differs from Law and Justice.
According to Mr Poncyliusz, the new
organisation has around 12,000 supporters
at the moment.
ne person was killed and approximately 40 left injured this week in
two separate car pile-ups that occurred simultaneously on the S-1 Expressway in Silesia.
In total, an estimated 70 vehicles were
involved in the two accidents, although
authorities have yet to release any official
information as to the causes of the
“Initially we had information coming
through about several vehicles, but then
we started to get news that there may be
at least a dozen,” Aneta Golebiowska of
the Silesian Fire Department told TVN.
Send comments
and letters to
“At the moment we think that the fog is
to blame.”
ser v ices
dif f icu lt y getting to t he pile-ups as
t he t wo routes were blocked in bot h
directions, causing around seven
hours of traf f ic jams and genera l
chaos on t he road.
Amazingly however, only six people
were taken to hospital, two of whom were
in a serious condition.
“We believe that the person who
died was probably a driver, whose car
collided with a truck,” TVN reported
from the scene of the accident. “Only
a few people were taken to hospital,
but in total the emergency ser vices
have helped out about 40 people. The
exact number of vehicles involved in
the crash has still not been released,
but it is estimated to be around 6070.”
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Unexpected gift for Santa
An angry mother in Grudziak was forced to see off
a drunken santa from her doorstep, by kicking him
between his legs.
The 37-year-old man, who was returning from a
fancy-dress party, turned up banging on the door
demanding booze.
“He was stinking drunk and very loud. Then he
tried to get into the house,” said the mum.
“I asked him to leave but he refused and became
abusive so I kicked him very hard right where it
would hurt most. His bells won’t be jingling very
much for a long time.”
Police detained the man for the night on drunk
and disorderly charges.
Journos trusted over leaders
A new report shows that the Polish public trust
journalists more than they do politicians or priests.
According to the study, conducted by SMG /
KRC, 75 percent responded that they have more
trust in those who write for their newspapers than
those who run the country.
Just over half stated that they believed news
reports should contain the whole truth and not
cover up facts, regardless of future consequences.
However, when it came to other professions, such
as doctors, teachers and lawyers, journalists were
ranked lower on the trust scale.
The study was conducted nationwide, with 1,002
people aged between the age of 15 - 75 taking part.
Drunk on the slopes
A woman was taken to hospital this week after
colliding with a drunken skier in the Tatras, just
weeks after a proposed government crackdown
on alcohol abuse on the slopes.
Suffering from a broken shoulder and concussion,
the 35-year-old lady is now in a stable condition,
but authorities are warning that the law must be
changed if incidents like this are to be eradicated.
“Due to the consumption of alcohol not being
prohibited on the slopes, it’s a major cause of
accidents,” said Kazimierz Pietruch, a spokesman
for the Zakopane police.
According to TVN24, the winter season will see
around 200 Polish police officers stationed in
the mountains handing out fines to those they
believe pose a threat to the safety of others.
Razor blade intruder in PiS office
A 66-year-old man has been apprehended by
police after he was found carrying razor blades
into the Law and Justice offices in Legnica.
According to director of the office, Krzysztof
Slufcik, police had to be called after the as yet
unidentified man marched in and threatened to
attack MP Adam Lipinski.
Upon arrival, officers found the man to be in
possession of razor blades and a rock.
The incident comes just two months after 62-yearold taxi driver Ryszard C. stormed into the Law
and Justice (PiS) Lodz offices, stabbing one man
and fatally shooting another while shouting “Kill
The New Poland Express I Friday 10th December 2010 I
Charming conman collared by cops
olice have tracked down a conman who, with the aid of different
disguises, has defrauded dozens of
women over a 13-year period.
According to daily Fakt, 32-year-old
Artur Buczek managed to con around PLN
210,000 out of unsuspecting women right
across the country, using a host of different
guises such as a paediatrician, a traffic cop
and a US Army Officer.
“He was extremely charming, and I fell
in love with him almost right away,” said
one victim, Malgorzata Pres who met Buczek through a newspaper advertisement.
“He introduced himself to me as a construction supervisor and after that I was
soon under his spell.”
After a few months of being together,
Buczek suggested that the couple move in
“I agreed without any hesitation. We
were soon renting a studio apartment and
were talking about buying a place for the
two of us.”
But after getting the PLN 25,000 deposit
for their new home, a sum which Pres had
saved up for over a number of years, Buczek disappeared without trace, taking with
him a car and a laptop.
Initial reports by investigators suggest
that around 30 women have fallen for his
charm over the years and have been defrauded in the process. But the list of victims could be much larger and police are
now urging any other people who believe
that may have been conned by Buczek to
come forward.
“So far we know that he was able to extort approximately PLN 210,000 from his
victims,” says police spokeswoman Monkia Brodowska. “But we believe there are
more victims out there and we hope they
will contact us.”
The New Poland Express I Friday 10th December 2010 I
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received a panicky sms last Friday from my dear
old mum. It read,
‘Poz on telly, trams
frozen in tracks. Are
you alright? Luv Ma.’
A touching missive, it set me wondering how
much news reporting is like the child’s game
Chinese Whispers. I’m sure the emissaries of
the BBC had no evil intentions, but a simple
report led to a poor pensioner thinking her
beloved son, her precious baby, was in a situation reminiscent of Scott in the Antarctic.
The truth is Poznan wasn’t even in the
grip of anything particularly excessive
weather-wise, and my reply, ‘Fine. Weather’s
great,’ left mum less than impressed. How
did Poznan end up the centre of a report on
extreme weather conditions? It was definitely
far worse elsewhere. The only explanation
I can proffer is that some poor hack was
sent here to cover the Lech-Juventus match
on Wednesday evening (when admittedly
conditions were pretty iffy) and was required
to file a further report while on the spot.
The attendant need to big the story up tabloidstyle led to a few trams stuck in snow being
transformed into a crisis heralding the dawn of
a new ice-age, with the extinction of the human
race imminent. Wretched journalistic tactics to
which we here at NPE would never stoop.
So, to set the record straight, mumsy, I’d
just like to inform you that as I gaze from my
window I can see woolly mammoths stalking
across a desolate icy tundra, the drunks that
congregate at my back door are frozen, like
rather repulsive ice sculptures, and will likely
be discovered by archaeologists in a couple of
millennia from now, food supplies are scarce
and even the vodka has frozen solid. Send
money, lots of it, immediately. Ta.
In Poznan, where the incumbent
president, the independent Ryszard
Grobelny, had failed to win in the first
round by a few hundred votes, turnout
was 25 percent. Grobelny secured a fourth
consecutive term in office, securing 66
percent of the vote. “It was only to be
expected that the turnout was going to be
lower than in the first round. It’s probably a
result of the fact that there wasn’t as much
electoral tension in Poznan as in other
places,” Grobelny told reporters after his
win was confirmed.
His opponent, Grzegorz Ganowicz (PO),
had a more damning assessment of the
figures. “This is a message to the entire
political class that the majority of people
that are directly affected by these elections
aren’t interested in them, because they
don’t feel they are able to participate in the
running of their city,” he commented.
Significantly more interest was shown
in two cities where candidates were
mired in controversy - with differing
results. Turnout was highest in Sopot,
at 66 percent, where independent Jacek
Karnowski was returned to power, despite
the ongoing corruption charges facing
him. In Olsztyn, Czeslaw Malkowski (also
independent), who is accused of rape and
sexual molestation, was narrowly beaten,
attracting 46 percent of the vote with
turnout at a similar level - 44 percent.
(independent, but with historic connections
to SLD) saw off the challenge of PO. It was
a similar story across the country, where
independent politicians scored significant
successes against the party giants.
PO did win Lodz, though - the result
also guaranteeing that Poland will now
get its first black MP as Hanna Zdanowska
moves from the Sejm to Lodz City Hall, to
be replaced by party colleague the Nigerian
born John Godson. Law and Justice (PiS)
were the big losers in the elections, party
chiefs blaming the problems in their ranks
on the poor results.
Second round stirs up apathy
he second round
of local elections across Poland
last Sunday were
greeted with apathy
by voters, not helped
by the wintry conditions. A number of
vital battles needed to be resolved, with
city presidencies still hanging in the balance. Despite that, turnout struggled up
to 33 percent, in many places lower - especially where the first round results clearly
indicated the likely eventual winner. The
low turnout meant that in many cases the
eventual winner was decided by a handful of votes, for example in Opole, where
Ryszard Zembaczynski of Civic Platform
(PO) won by a mere 644 votes from Tomasz
Garbowski of the Democratic Left Alliance
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Radioactive blunder
even canisters containing radioactive cobalt
are missing from the defunct Ursus iron foundry
in Lublin, the State Atomic Agency (PAA) reported.
Police have passed the
matter on to the Internal Security Agency (ABW).
High speed mix up
trains to be
bought by PKP Intercity with great
fanfare, promising
significant reductions in travelling
times from Warsaw
to the other major cities in Poland are not,
it turns out, going to be the high speed version with the leaning cabins, but a slower,
non-leaning version. The leaning action
enables the train to corner at 200km/h.
Without that function the locomotives will
only be able to get up to full speed on short,
straight sections of track, while every corner, will require the trains to slow.
The manufacturer, Alstom, is adamant
that the leaning trains were never on offer.
“That’s a misunderstanding. PKP InterCity
never stipulated leaning cabins in its
The New Poland Express I Friday 10th December 2010 I
As long as the cobalt remains inside the canisters,
there is no danger to the environment.
The missing canisters were discovered in
mid-November, during a routine inspection
by the PAA. Andrzej Kowalczyk, of the PAA’s
Radiation Incidents Centre, told reporters,
“Nobody was required to inform us about the
liquidation of the foundry. Our inspectors
went there and found that the radiological
protection supervisor there had been fired
and the documentation was missing.”
Kowalczyk was keen to emphasize that the
amount of radiation involved is quite small and
he believes the canisters may have been treated as
junk and ended up in a furnace. “If the source is
small, after being melted and mixed with large
quantities of molten scrap metal, the radiation may
be virtually unmeasurable,” adjudged the scientist.
The missing canisters, type PRJ-20, are
egg-shaped, with handles on the sides.
The canister is bright yellow and has the
standard symbol for radiation on the sides.
tender. We’re offering what the carrier
asked for. According to their simulations,
the cuts in journey times due to the leaning
cabins wouldn’t have been that great,”
commented Emilio Gallocchio, head of
Alstom in Italy.
Twenty of the leaning trains were
guaranteed, though, by Nicolas Halamek
of Alstom at the time the tender results
were announced at the end of September,
when it turned out Alstom’s offer was the
only one submitted. Only after the tender
process did PKP get cold feet about the new
rolling stock, voicing concerns about the
costs and difficulties of maintenance.
The trains will cost a massive PLN
1.6 bln, but the revelations now call into
doubt the value of that investment. “If
the trains won’t have the leaning cabins,
there are serious doubts as to whether
it’s worth buying them. You could buy
ordinary carriages and locomotives
that would travel at the same speed,”
commented Adrian Furgalski of the
Transport Consultant’s [sic] Group
Bus stop incident
ive people were injured this Thursday afternoon when a Ford Mondeo ploughed
into a bus stop on ul. Odrowaza near the Zaba
roundabout. According to Maciej Karczynski,
press officer for Warsaw police, the accident
was a result of excessive speed and tailgating,
“The driver was following a bus and couldn’t
brake in time when the bus approached the
stop.” His colleague Mariusz Mrozek continued, “There was too much traffic in the lefthand lane, so in order to avoid a collision he
decided to turn to the right.”
The car lurched into a group of people
waiting for the bus, hitting five. Three
men and two women, all with injuries to
their lower limbs, were taken to hospital.
The car also smashed into a lamp-post
before coming to a halt. The 22-year-old
driver was unhurt in the incident and
breathalyser tests showed he was sober.
The New Poland Express I Friday 10th December 2010 I
Leader of the pack
Femme fatale finally finished
Tuesday night in
Opole near the
Sybirak Bridge as
she drifted on pack
ice, shouting for
help. Cameras from captured the dramatic rescue
as fire officers and a diver combined to
remove the kneeling woman from her icy
“It was after midnight when a passerby
heard cries for help coming from the
river. He noticed a woman kneeling
on a sheet of ice in the Odra river. Fire
officers then rescued the woman using a
ladder and a diver attached to a securing
line. The woman was kneeling on a piece
of pack ice under which there was a large
branch. It was probably the branch that
stopped the floe from drifting further,”
fire officer Grzegorz Czerniecki told
The exhausted, frozen 34-year-old
woman was taken to hospital where
she is still under observation. “The day
before the woman was reported missing
to police by her sister. For the time being
we have no idea how she came to be in the
river,” Aleksandra Mekal-Wnuk, press
officer for Opole police told a reporter
he long running case of
Jolanta W-K., a fifty-year-old woman
accused of murdering her lover,
finally came to an
end this week when
the Gdansk Regional Court upheld the
guilty verdict and sentence against her,
set at the end of the first trial in June
this year (see NPE 25/76). The decision
means she now faces 25 years in prison,
and will be able to apply for parole after
serving twenty years, by which time she
will be 70 years of age.
“There is no evidence of her
guilt,” argued her defence lawyer,
Grzegorz Ksepko. “In a case based on
circumstantial evidence such as this,
the decision of the court must be beyond
question. If there is any doubt at all, it
must operate in favour of the defendant.
The original court, though, did precisely
the opposite,” he said.
However, Elzbieta Ryminska-Piatek
of the Gdansk Appellate Prosecutors
argued for the original decision to be
upheld. “Every killer likes to think
that if they effectively dispose of the
body and the murder weapon, then
there’s nothing to fear. But that isn’t
necessarily the case, as can be seen
by numerous guilty verdicts in trials
based on circumstantial evidence.” The
court agreed and upheld the original
Extra means less for heart clinics
he Pomorskie Health Fund (NFZ) has
offered PLN 2.7 mln to be divided
among the region’s clinics in a new contract offer following protests at the original plans. “It definitely won’t be enough
for all of them,” commented the acting
director of Gdansk NFZ, Barbara Kawinska.
This additional contract for hospitals in
the Pomorskie NFZ area follows protests,
after an earlier announcement left the
region’s three cardiological departments
without contracts. This would have
removed 91 beds available for patients with
general cardiological problems in the Tricity area.
Irena Erecinska-Siwy, director of the
Morski Hospital told Gazeta Trojmiasto,
“We’ll be making a bid. But the sum is
very small, and if it’s divided between the
three departments it will only be enough
for them to operate for three months. Even
if our hospital won the bid and received the
entire sum, it would still mean a significant
reduction in services. We had a budget of
PLN 3.8 mln for cardiology this year.”
Send comments
and letters to
The New Poland Express I Friday 10th December 2010 I
Snow season - A costly business
ith the snow showing no sign
of letting up anytime soon, local governments will be forced
to fork out an estimated PLN 1.3 bln clearing roads and public places over the winter
Local authorities in the nation’s
capital spent PLN 100 mln moving
snow last year, although this year the
figure is expected to be slightly less,
with around PLN 95 mln put aside so
far according to new figures reported in
daily Rzeczpospolita.
PLN 25 is the expected figure needed
in the western city of Poznan, while
Krakow authorities have decided on
PLN 29 mln - PLN 2 mln more than last
In total, town and city centres can
expect to use approximately 10 percent
of their budget dealing with the
According to the paper, authorities
aim to clear major roads around the
country within four hours of snow, while
motorways are often cleared within half
that time.
Smaller local roads in and around
towns and cities can expect to wait up
to 12 hours before being dealt with, due
to local budgets being unable to stretch
that far.
Logging out of Logistics
imes look tough for Poles looking
to get into the logistics industry according to a new report.
The study, conducted by research firm
Manpower entitled ‘Employment Outlook
for the Polish’, found that during the first
quarter of 2011 a mere 17 percent of firms
will be looking to hire more staff, while 68
percent stated that they have no intention
of taking on more workers.
Perhaps more worryingly though, is that
12 percent of bosses asked said that they
would be looking to let staff go right after
the New Year period.
According to authors of the report,
employment prospects are expected to be
higher in the public sector, in areas such as
Transport and Manufacturing.
“Employers in the Manufacturing
sector will provide new jobs during the
first quarter of 2011. It looks much more
optimistic than in 2009 and 2010,” said
Iwona Janas, Director of Manpower Poland.
“Transport is another area which looks
positive coming into the New Year. It
hasn’t looked so optimistic since the third
quarter of 2008 and certainly looks the
best place for jobs in the public sector.”
Rail operator tries to combat debt
Przewozy Regionalne, which operates both local and
interregional passenger trains, has submitted a payment
plan to PLK after failing to pay the operator for track use
since last year.
According to reports, the figure owed to PLK is
approximately PLN 400 mln.
However, PLK’s financal director Katarzyna Janio says that
the deal would not work in the company’s favour. “By
signing this, it would be impossible to extract the debt
by way of a court order, and the debt itself would then
Czech Koruna
Danish Krone
Estonian Kroon
Hong Kong Dollar
Hungarian Forint
Japanese Yen
Norwegian Krone
Pound Sterling
Russian Ruble
Swiss Franc
US Dollar
100 HUF
100 JPY
Przewozy Regionalne’s debt negotiations are not thought
to be affecting its current services.
Xmas money spinner
Those looking for a little extra Christmas spending money could
do worse than apply for a job as a Santa Claus in Warsaw.
According to figures by Sedlak&Sedlak, Santas in the capital
can charge between PLN 50 - 400 for half an hour’s work,
with the average fee working out at approximately PLN 120.
While the average rate is noticeably less in other large cites
(around PLN 90), those who have their own beard can
expect their salary to increase by as much as 150 percent.
11 .8%
Poland’s unemployment rate after rising 0.3
percent last month.
16 .5 bln
The total amount of EU funding Poland will
receive between 2007 - 2013 (63.4 percent
of which has already been spent).
Ross Naylor
Scattered Thoughts
ere are some of the things that have
caught my attention in the past week
or so.
In a recent survey of major US companies,
198 of them raised their profit estimates
and 130 cut them. This is the biggest gap
in favor of the “positives” since Bloomberg
started tracking the data in 1999.
Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty
has said he is determined to make Canada
the first G-8 country to balance their budget
by 2015. Balancing the budget eh? What a
novel idea. That’s sure to get him thrown out
of the finance ministers guild. It should be
good for the Canadian currency though.
At the end of November, survey results
from the Munich-based IFO institute,
showed that business confidence in
Germany had jumped to its highest point
since the survey started after German
reunification in. You would expect that
a weaker Euro would boost confidence
further, at least amongst exporters.
Polish industry has seen its best numbers
since 2004. Analysts were originally
expecting the main industrial index
(HSBC Polish Manufacturing PMI) to
drop in November, but they were pleasantly
surprised however when it jumped to 55.9.
The newest numbers suggest the index is
enjoying increased strength.
Of Wal-Mart’s 6,000 suppliers, 5,000 are
from China
A forecast suggested that UK property
prices would fall by 10% next year,
exceeding government forecasts of a 3.1%
drop. They expect one of the big drivers to
be public sector job losses.
China is similar, if their GDP growth
falls bellow a certain level, things are likely
to go horribly wrong.
Ross Naylor is a financial
planner with AES International, an
independent financial advisory group.
The New Poland Express I Friday 10th December 2010 I
mporary Animati
Festival of Conte
Tricity 8-12.12.2010
Freshly animate d!
Main Part
omething a bit different for this weekend:
two books recently
devoured by yours truly in
double quick time: Hitler’s
Empire, by Mark Mazower, and The Forsaken, by
Tim Tzouliadis. Both authors are part of the new breed of younger,
investigative historians ready to re-examine
much of what was for so long thought to be
unquestionable. Simon Sebag-Montefiore author of the brilliant At the Court of the
Red Czar is the perhaps the Virgil of this
bunch, though Mazower and Tzouliadis
make excellent Dantes.
Mazower’s book deals with a vast topic:
life under Nazi Germany in occupied
Europe. From benign Nazi rule in Denmark
to the brutal occupation of Poland and the
western USSR, Mazower delves into the
nitty gritty of occupation, in an attempt
to find out just exactly what was Hitler’s
Grand Plan for Europe in the event of
German victory in the war. That he doesn’t
is not his fault: as he explains incredibly well
in terrific prose, there simply was no Grand
Plan, beyond Hitler’s mad, vague ideas of
lebensraum in the east and assimilation in
the west. When it came to the occupation
of France and Poland especially, the sheer
speed of the Wehrmacht victory meant
that there were no plans in place for the
occupation. By and large the Nazis made
things up as they went along, with local
commanders and governors having
almost total autonomy. In western Poland
for example, local Poles were thrown off
their farms after one governor decided to
Germanise the area with ethnic German
‘volunteers’ from the Baltics. Not only did
these Baltic Germans speak less German
than the Poles they had replaced, they also
- being mainly industrial workers - knew
nothing about farming. Harvest yields,
predictably, collapsed.
The Forsaken is arguably an even
better read than Hitler’s Empire, and
is one of the great untold stories of the
20th century: the fate of the thousands of
Americans who emigrated to the Soviet
Union during the Great Depression.
Few were ideological emigrants: the vast
majority were unemployed engineers and
factory workers hired by Amtorg (the
USSR’s American trading company) on
long terms contracts. Many Americans
sailed for the USSR without even the
promise of jobs, lured only by the
deceptive propaganda which so many
useful idiots (as they have become known:
the first was George Bernard Shaw) did so
much to confirm as fact. The fate of these
Americans is of course as predictable as
it is tragic: all but a few ended up in the
Gulag, and only a handful survived.
Except in a very few cases, the American
Embassy in Moscow did nothing to help
15 .12 Wednesday - Ray Wilson & Berlin
Symphony Ensemble - Genesis Klassik
Gdańsk, Baltic Philharmonic Hall, ul. Ołowianka
1, tel. (+48) 58 320 62 62QConcert starts at 20:00.
Tickets 170/130zł. Available at Baltic Philharmonic
Hall’s box office (Open 10:00 - 18:00, Tue 09:30 16:00. Sat, Sun four hours before performance).
17 (Zabrze), tel. (+48) 32 271 66 22QEvent
starts at 19:00. Tickets 90-140zł. Available at
DMiT box office (Open 10:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00
- 14:00).
15 .12 Wednesday - Magical Disney Music
Congress Hall, Pl. Defilad 1, tel. (+48) 22 696 99
00QConcerts start at 14:00 and 19:00. Tickets 4080zł. Available at Congress Hall box office (Open
11:00-18:00, Sat, Sun 11:00-15:00).
14 .12 Tuesday - Moscow City Ballet
Dom Muzyki i Tańca, ul. Gen. de Gaulle’a
12 .12 Sunday - Monika Brodka
Rotunda, ul. Oleandry 1, tel. (+48) 12 633 35
38, www.jazzjuniors.plQConcert starts at 20:00.
Tickets 35-45zł. Available at Rotunda’s box office
(Open 10:00 - 13:00, 16:00 - 19:00 and an hour
before the event).
10 .12 Friday - Swans
Stodoła, ul. Batorego 10, tel. (+48 22) 586 42 00,
www.stodola.plQConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets
85zł. Available at Stodoła’s box office (Open 09:00
- 21:00, Sat 09:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun, Mon).
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
The New Poland Express I Friday 10th December 2010 I
11 .12 Saturday - 19 .12 Sunday
Poznań Bethlehem
Stary Rynek, tel. (+48) 12 633 35 38
A tradition in Poznań, every year there are artistic
events, a Christmas fair as well as an ice sculpture
festival. Expect competitions for the best Christmas
decorations, for Poznań’s Santa Claus and cooking.
As always there will be live nativity-scenes with real
people and animals playing the parts. Proceedings
will be inaugurated on Saturday at 17:00 when
President Ryszard Grobelny will officially open the
5th International Ice Sculpture Festival. After that
there will be concerts, this time by Audiofeels and
Evy Nawrot. There will also be a light and sound
show. The bazaar part will be open everyday
10:00 - 21:00, but we recommend being there at
18:00/19:00 every day by the open air stage to
hear guest performances of folk songs, Christmas
carols, gospel music featuring other popular artists
like Żuki Rock&Roll Band (The Beatles tribute
band) and Piotr Kuźniak. From 20th to 23rd, 14.00
- 18.00, the stage will be given over to various
bands and choirs playing Christmas Carols. Yo ho
ho!QAdmission free.
14 .12 Tuesday - 30 Seconds To Mars
Torwar, ul. Łazienkowska 6a, tel. (+48) 12 633 35 38
At the Coke Live Festival this year in Kraków Jared
Leto announced that they would be back soon
and they weren’t lying. Leto is also an actor and
along with other mainstays, the Shannon brothers,
the band have 3 studio albums. They are one of
those groups who have a ‘special relationship’
with fans and the latest album This Is War had a
special edition - 2000 cd covers had faces of their
fans on them, aah. Lucky groupies may be invited
on stage for a sing song as well, so squeeze to the
front!QConcert starts at 20:00. Gates open from
18:00.Tickets 130/110zł. Tickets available at www. and EMPiK, ul. Nowy Świat 15/17 (Open
07:00-22:00, Sat 09:00-22:00, Sun 11:00-19:00).
11 .12 Saturday - Cracow Rap Fest
Rotunda, ul. Oleandry 1, tel. (+48) 12 633 35
This will be the first time out for a festival that
the organisers hope will become an annual
affair. As we go to press the programme has
concerts by: Pezet/Małolat playing material
from their long-awaited, much anticipated
new album. Meanwhile Pokahontaz, the left
overs from Polish hip-hop legends Paktofonika
will strut their stuff. Finally 2009’s sensation
Toruń rapper Małpa will close proceedings.
The list may grow, check the website for
details.QConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets 3539zł. Available at Rotunda’s box office (Open
10:00 - 13:00, 16:00 - 19:00 and an hour before
the event).
10 .12 Friday - Młynarski Plays Młynarski
Cafe Kulturalna, Pl. Defilad 1, tel. (+48 22)
586 42 00
Młynarski is albumconcert project
which came out
of a radio show
hosted by Jan
Młynarski in which he was interviewing his
father and musician Wojciech. The idea is to
perform Wojciech’s pieces in the same way
author did in the 60 and 70s, all very jazzy, dancy
and romantic. The performers include Gaba
Kulka (vocals) Piotr Zabrodzki (piano), Kuba
Galiński (organs), Marian Wróblewski (guitars),
Wojciech Traczyk (double-bass), Manolo Alban
Juarez (drums) and of course Jan Młynarski
on singing and drumming duty.QConcert
starts at 22:00. Tickets 35zł. Available at Cafe
Kulturalna (Open 12:00-03:00).
Kazimierz Dolny
11 .12 Saturday - 12 .12 Sunday
Kaziemierz Dolny Christmas Fair
Rynek, tel. (+48) 12 633 35 38
If you’ve never been and are looking for a day trip
from Warsaw, then this beautiful little artists town,
about 140km from the capital, could be for you.
It’s always been popular with tourists, local and
otherwise, but it’s star has risen further in recently
because of a TV show with Artur Żmijewski. The fair
is over two days and you’ll be able to find ideas for
Christmas presents as well as lots of decorations
to hang on Christmas tree. However, apart from
Chinese tat, the most important feature is the
regional products section. Mostly consisting of food
and alcohol from all over the country, many of which
you won’t find in the shops. On Saturday, 17:00, in
Sarzyńscy’s Restaurant, ul. Nadrzeczna 6 there is a
recital by Wiktoria Trynkiewicz. Accompanied by
piano she will perform Christmas standards of jazz,
soul, pop and sung poetry in a concert called ‘It’s
never too late to love at Christmas’. Admission free.
Another gratis event is on Saturday at 20:00, Knajpa
u Fryzjera, Witkiewicza 2. The Rzeszów Klezmer
Band will play Jewish music on clarinet, doublebass, drums and accordion. Before the war the city
had a large thriving Jewish population as attested
to be the moving cemetery just out of town. Of
course the Rynek will be decorated with two huge
Christmas trees and you’ll be able to meet Santa
and get a small gifts from his big bag.
10 .12 Friday - 13 .12 Monday
Mazovia Goes Baroque VI
ul. Modzelewskiego 59, tel. (+48 22) 586 42 00
This will be the last of the five parts that make
up Mazovia Goes Baroque. The idea of the
festival is to put Chopin in context by exploring
other music. This time round the focus is on two
era’s before Chopin’s romanticism. It all started
and will finish with Bach, whose death signalled
the end of the Baroque period. On the first day
Amandine Beyer and Allan Rasmussen will
play Bach on violin and harpsichord starting at
19:00. The following day will see three concerts
from 18:00. On Saturday Eric Bellocq plays
Bach’s compositions on harp and on Sunday
there will be a double bill: first Eric Bellocq
performs on lute, later Amandine Beyer on
violin. The final show will be by Allan Rasmussen
on harpsichord playing Goldberg Variations
of Bach. However, for this one you have to
travel to Płock as it’s all taking place in the
State Music School, ul. Kolegialna 23.QFull
schedule available at www.muzykanapowaznie.
pl. Tickets 20-25zł. Available at Empik (ul. Złota
59. Open 10:00 - 22:00, Sun 10:00 - 20:00) and
Płock Symphony Orchestra box office, Płock, ul.
Bielska 9/11 (Open 10:00 - 15:00, Thu 10:00 17:00. Closed Sat, Sun).
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
The New Poland Express I Friday 10th December 2010 I
Who’s our favourite Pole in goal?
erzy Dudek made a painful return to
the Champions League on Wednesday, breaking his jaw in the 45th
minute of a dead rubber against Auxerre
which Real Madrid went on to win 4-0.
Dudek, making only his eleventh start in
four seasons at the Bernabeu, was having
a good first half, making two important
saves, when he clashed with Auxerre’s Roy
The innocuous looking challenge, as
Dudek sought to kick the ball into touch,
led to contact with the French striker’s
elbow, Dudek falling to the turf. He was
taken straight from the pitch to a clinic
where a broken jaw was confirmed. Dudek
now faces six weeks on the sidelines on a
diet of porridge.
Meanwhile, in London, Dudek’s
compatriot Fabianski was enjoying a
slightly better night in the Emirates
Stadium, as Arsenal secured their passage
to the second round of the Champions
League with an eventually comfortable
3-1 win over Partisan Belgrade. The
scoreline didn’t reflect the nervousness
of the encounter, in which the London
side teetered for long periods on the
brink of elimination. Following a series
of indifferent results, the Gunners needed
a win to be sure of progressing. Despite
dominating most of the match, a slender
1-0 lead over lively opponents meant
Arsenal fans couldn’t relax.
Fabianski was a spectator for the most
part, until Partizan went on the counter
attack and a mix-up in defence led to a
gut-wrenching equaliser. A shot from
the edge of the box by Cleo deflected off
the leg of Sebastien Squillaci, hopelessly
wrong-footing Fabianski. Fortunately,
his colleagues on the pitch went on to
regain the lead, sealing the win with a goal
from the in-form Samir Nasri in the 77th
By comparison Tomasz Kuszczak’s
adventure with Manchester United
appears to have come to a disappointing
end. Widely tipped to start in Tuesday’s
final group match against Valencia,
Kuszczak was instead left on the bench as
the raw 20-year-old Ben Amos made only
his third start for the Red Devils. Kuszczak
has already made it clear that if he isn’t
playing, he doesn’t want to stay with the
club he joined back in 2007.
A January exit looks likely with
Premiership clubs Wigan and Aston Villa
already expressing an interest, as well
as Olympiakos and Stuttgart. Kuszczak
will be happy to go anywhere that can
guarantee him regular football - at the
age of 28, he has only 99 starts for clubs in
three different countries.
Franek trains Polish strikers
omasz Frankowski, currently jointtop scorer in the Ekstraklasa, began
his new job as coaching assistant to
Franciszek Smuda with the national side at
their training camp in Turkey this week. “It’s
already sunk in that I’m having to combine
my duties as a player with those of a coach.
Everyone finishes their playing career sometime,” admitted 36-year-old Frankowski.
He spent the first session, this
Wednesday, kicking his heels as the squad
went through tactics, but in the afternoon
was more involved, barking comments to
players he still competes alongside, like
Kamil Grosicki, his partner in attack at
Jagiellonia Bialystok.
Asked if he could step back into the
squad if a series of injuries hit the team,
he replied, “No, that’s absolutely out of the
question. If - touch wood - three strikers
were all to get injured, then one of the
attacking midfielders would lead the line.
Not me...” Poland play Bosnia-Herzegovina
in Antalya tonight, kick-off 20.15.
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Lech prepare for Red Bull
Following last week’s heroics in the blizzard against
Juventus, Lech Poznan’s players are currently preparing
for their final match of the year against Salzburg, next
Thursday. Initially given a five day break following the 1-1
draw that guaranteed the Polish team’s qualification
to the next round of the Europa League, the players
assembled at the side’s plush training grounds in
Wronki. The main pitch there is in fantastic condition,
despite the wintry conditions, the undersoil heating
having been on full whack for over a week.
Also in better condition is the team itself, especially
midfield maestro Tomasz Bandrowski, back after
missing most of the season with a hip problem
that he feared would need surgery. “I managed all
the training with the lads, today. If the manager’s
decision is positive, I can’t see any reason why
I shouldn’t be in the squad to face Salzburg,”
Bandrowski told reporters.
Adamek madder than Maddalone
Tomasz Adamek continued his unbeaten run in the
heavyweight category in Newark last night, with a
systematic demolition of Vinny Maddalone. Adamek
took only five rounds to halt the American, a 37-yearold journeyman fighter with a reputation as a stayer.
That reputation no longer exists, Adamek having
effectively put an end to Maddalone’s fighting
career. The one-sided victory has left some American
commentators less than convinced, though, Rob
Smith from commenting simply,
“Adamek looked good in this fight, but I don’t give
him a chance when he comes up against the best.”
The New Poland Express I Friday 10th December 2010 I
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1 Bedroom apartment, huge rooms and high
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Nowy Swiat. 2 mins by tram. Fully furnished and
ready to move in.
Contact: Daniel on 0044 7971 923737
Beautiful 5 bedroom house for rent from At
Home Warsaw; 25000 PLN.
Please see http://www.athome-network.
html#!/?id=5207 for details
+48 222 546 224
Pictures and webpage in return
Amateur Theatre in English
Editor for Academic Papers
As a webmaster of a Dutch forum about Poland
and an information portal I’m looking for good
pictures of Poland. In return I’ll offer you a page
on where you can promote your
business for free
Contact: / / /
New Warsaw amateur theatre group forming.
Actors, producers, directors and others wanted.
No experience needed. For more details
Contact: Michael at
Native English speaker, with an M.A. in English
and ABD in Polish, offers his assistance in editing
papers for grammar and style. Between 7PLN
and 10PLN per page – prices negotiated before
work commences.
Apartment for sale
Classical choir for amateurs
Private Spanish Lessons
Beautiful high quality apartment for sale.46,20m2
with balcony, lift. Fully fitted ready for holidays or
letting. Minutes walk to Spa, park etc. About 1hr
30min.Wroclaw and skiing nearby.
Doubtful you are good enough?
Give it a try!
Rehearsals in English every Tuesday
at 6.30 in Nowy Swiat.
Spanish teacher (NATIVE SPEAKER) with
experience in private tuition. I would be happy
to teach you spanish and improve your level with
intensive and funny lessons.
Contact Elena, 722 15 58 10,
Warsaw downtown area.
Price 50 zl/60 min.
Please email me:
Contact Richard Berkeley at
The New Poland Express I Friday 10th December 2010 I
Community Groups:
Place free listings for
your community groups here. Email
Role Playing Game in Warsaw
Poland Tartan Army
International English-speaking group in Warsaw,
mostly foreign professionals, play tabletop
Dungeons & Dragons fortnightly. No experience
necessary but fluent English proficiency is
required. Have a good time. Play some games.
Meet new friends. Open your imagination. More
info: Facebook group: or
A new Poland Tartan Army Facebook group
has been created. If you are a fan of Scottish
football and our national team please
join the group by visiting Facebook and
conducting a search for Poland Tartan Army.
If anyone, who is not a part of Facebook,
is interested in this idea then please email to register your interest.
We are a Polish and Expat social group who organise a
walk/run in a forest, park or around the city, followed by
a few beers (or whatever takes your fancy!). We meet at
the Marriott hotel on alternate Saturdays at 2pm. “Hash
House Harriers” is an international group, which was
originally established in Malaysia 70 years ago.
All are welcome. For details, call Martin at 502-052-958.
Email or
International Women’s Group
International Rotary Club
Gospel Baptist Church
Meetings are held twice a month on the first
Monday (at rotating locations between 10:30
and 12:30) and the third Monday of the month at
Restauracja Tapa y Toro located in the Zlote Trasy
Shopping Mall (ul. Zlota 59) from 10:00 - 11:00.
For more information see or
contact us at
International Rotary Club - Warszawa Wilanow is
the only English speaking Rotary Club in Warsaw.
Visiting Rotarians are warmly welcomed
to join the weekly meetings held at the
Polonia Palace Hotel, Al. Jerozolimskie 45.
Tuesday’s at 12:00, except the last Tuesday
of each month when the meeting is at 19:00.
For more information: +48 601 897 731
Services are held in Polish and English
languages: Sun. 11:00, Thurs. 19:00. For more
information contact: Pastor Paul Sock, mob.
0500-270-990, e-mail:
GAA in Warsaw
Expat meetings
Toastmasters club
Cumann Warszawa.Poland’s first and only GAA
club is up and running and is looking for players
of all levels, all nationalities and both sexes. We
offer weekly training, competitive games and
regular social events as well as fresh oranges at
half time.
Contact Eoin at 0518-425-587 or
Meeting English speakers in Warsaw just got a
whole load easier. We don’t teach you Salsa,
we make you pay for your own drinks, but
we do promise to give you the premier multicultural event of the week at Warsaw’s very own
Professional Wednesday Meetup.
Toastmasters club (Polska) invites all to its weekly
meetings. Toastmasters is the international
organization for learning the art of public
speaking and enhancing leadership skills.
Meetings every Wednesday at 19.00 at the Palace
of Culture 12th floor (premises of Collegium
Civitas) - entrance from ul. Marszałkowska side.
For more details visit or
call Etan at 696-292-451
Poznan International Church
CFM (Christian Fellowship Ministries)
Every Sunday at 10:00
Contact details: It’s simple at P.I.C..
Come and experience God through current music and
relevant teaching. Grow in your relationship with God
and others by making friends and joining a small group.
Serve God and people by being generous with the gifts
God has given you. Go and make a difference in the
world by sharing the love of Christ.
Kościół Chrześcijański (evangelical/Pentecostal)
Location: Ul. Mała 15a (Praga Pólnoc, Warszawa)
Services in Polish and English:
Wednesday 19.30 hrs and Sunday 11.00 & 18.30 hrs
Regularly on Saturday evening: Film, Concert & Drama
Phone: 784 653 666 (Pastor Jan-Willem van Dam)
Personal ads
are for free
Send us 360
characters (including
spaces) with a
heading of no more
than 30 characters
Place your
classified ad
To advertise
your business
100zł per week
Contact - or 691535566

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