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Polish News
Friday 13th April 2012
Issue 15 (166)
Police appeal for Gorzow rapist
New images may help
with identification
© www.lubuska.policja.gov.pl
olice have released video pictures
of a man they want in connection
with the brutal rape and assault of a
16-year-old girl in Gorzow Wielkopolskie.
Along with raping the girl, the perpetrator also attacked the girl’s eyes with a knife
in an effort to blind her so she would not be
able to identify him.
Some of the pictures are taken from security cameras of a Biedronka shop near
to where the attack took place and show a
hooded man in a short black jacket. Later
footage from a camera monitoring a railway crossing shows the same man crossing
the tracks.
“We want this material to be seen by as
many people as possible,” Slawomir Konieczny, spokesman for Gorzow police,
told the TVN 24 news channel. “There is
a great possibility that he is not from the
Although not the best quality, investigators maintain that the images should help
them track down the suspect.
“We hope that somebody will recognise
him. His face is not that visible but anybody who knows him should be able to
recognise him,” said Dariusz Domarecki, a
spokesman for the district prosecutor’s office in Gorzow.
The release of the images come as one
of the last throws of the dice for investiga-
Authorities have released this image in hope of identifying the man
tors trying to find the rapist. Over three
months have now passed since the girl
was attacked on her way home between
the hours of 18:47 and 19:30 on the night
of January 9.
During the attack the man referred to
himself as Piotr and told the victim that
she would be unable to escape because he
was “the best runner in Wielkopolskie”. He
also questioned her about her age, indicating that it bore some importance to him.
After the assault he stole the girl’s mobile
phone and mp3 player before leaving her
with a chilling “adios”.
The lack of leads has led police to believe that man arrived in the town by bus
from a different region although they
have not ruled out other forms of public
According to the victim, who has not
been named for legal reasons, her attacker
was about 175 centimetres tall, slim and
with an athletic physique.
Pol ic e h ave a s k e d a ny b o d y w ho
re c o g n i s e s t he m a n t o c ont a c t
t he m i m me d i at e l y a nd a f i n a nc i a l
re w a rd for i n for m at ion h a s b e e n
of fe re d .
p.7 spORT
Cops fall short for footy
Mystery arsonist strikes
Lewy flies, Peszko plummets
There were worrying reports this
week that Poland could be 8,000 police
officers short for the upcoming Euro 2012
The competition, which is set to kick
off in less than two months, now faces
potential safety issues due to the lack of
available numbers writes legal newspaper
Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.
A Volkswagen Golf went up in flames
in the early hours of Thursday morning
as the arsonist that has been terrorising
Opole struck again. This is the fifth vehicle to go up in flames since last Friday.
First two cars, an Opel and a BMW, were
set alight very early on Friday morning,
the arsonist then struck again the same
Robert Lewandowski was the toast of
Dortmund this Wednesday evening, when
his backheel flick led to Borussia’s 1-0
defeat of Bayern Munich. The result leaves
Dortmund six points clear of Bayern at the
top of the Bundesliga with four matches to
go. A second league title on the trot now
beckons for the German side with the trio
of Polish players.
The New Poland Express I Friday 13th April 2012 I www.nwe.pl
News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Regional news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
What’s on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Sport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
“There is a righteous anger inside me
at what is happening. As a brother, as
a friend and as a Pole.” Law and Justice
leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski speaks about
the death of his brother two years after
the disaster.
1917 (15.04) - Ludwik Zamenhof dies.
Born in Bialystok (then part of the Russian
Empire), Zamenhof was the creator of
Esperanto - perhaps the most well known
and successful constructed language.
hat with the
ACTA bill occupying the
headlines over recent
months it seems only
fitting to take a look at
a story that didn’t quite
make it into the paper this week.
You may remember last year a bit of
a furore surrounding Antykomor.pl - a
website which poked fun at President
At the time, the prime minister branded
the way the ABW had raided the owner’s flat
and seized his computers as “overzealous” and
even Mr Komorowski claimed to be slightly
stunned by the operation, which would
suggest he knew nothing of it at the time...
Well, almost one year later, those
‘overzealous’ actions have led to the
website’s owner Robert F. having a number
of charges brought against him and he
could now face up to five years in the
Official reports on TVN state that the
perpetrator is being charged for falsifying
documents and using someone else’s ID,
but I’m probably not alone when I say the
whole thing smacks of a personal vendetta
and I’m sure examples are being made here.
The site portrayed Mr Komorowski as
“a prostitute, a homosexual, a drunkard
and a participant in sexual activity”. An
interesting combination for sure, but while
probably not enough to quite warrant
a prison sentence on its own, perhaps
something likely to get certain people’s
backs up.
The defence that the site was purely
satirical will do little to help the owner,
seeing that the charges are of a more
serious nature and, of course, if he has
broken the law, then he should quite rightly
be punished.
But regardless of that, what doesn’t
sit right for me is the rather sinister and
‘overzealous’ way he was caught in the
first place... Something all website owners
would do well to consider in the future.
“The wreck of the Tu-154M plane should
have been returned to Poland by now.”
Democratic Left Alliance’s Ryszard Kalisz
on how not moving the plane has been bad
for collecting evidence.
“It was in the interest of Russia to
eliminate Lech Kaczynski.” Joachim
Brudzinski of Law and Justice shares his
thoughts on the Smolensk tragedy with
2010 (18.04) - The funeral of Lech
Kaczynski and his wife Maria Kaczynska
takes place at the Wawel in Krakow. One of
Poland’s most important sites, Wawel is the
final resting place for many of the country’s
most significant historical figures.
The NPE weekend QUIZ
Re: Detective Krzysztof Rutkowski
I see after reading last week’s ‘Baby
Madzia’s mum goes on the run’ article
that good old Krzysztof Rutkowski is still
managing to get his face into all the papers.
Why are people even giving this
‘detective’ the time of day? Surely if
newspapers stopped printing his photo
and quotes then he would be starved of the
publicity he so desperately seeks. The idea
that he can get so much publicity during
such a tragic case is just sick.
Daniel H. - Australia
For those of
you who missed
out on last week’s
fantastic prize
to see Spanish tenor Jose
Carreras live in
Gdansk on April
22... fear not! We’ve managed to get our
hands on one more double invitation so
there’s another chance.
Re: Euro got problems
My heart goes out to the workers that
didn’t get their money yes but in the name
of national pride they should hang their
heads in shame.
The whole of Europe (probably the
world?) will have its eyes focused on
Poland very soon and all these strikers are
doing is slowing down preparations for the
I know everybody has a right to money
for any work they do but in cases like this
what they are doing is a selfish act which is
letting down the country.
Sam Hill - Leicester, UK
Publisher: WIYP Sp. z o.o.
WIYP Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Paderewskiego 1 • 81-831 Sopot
tel. +48 58 555 9818 • tel/fax. +48 58 555 0831 • nwe@nwe.pl
1947 (16.04) - Rudolf Hoess is hanged
adjacent to Auschwitz’s crematorium.
The first commandant of the death camp,
Hoess was eventually captured in March
1946 and found guilty by the Supreme
National Tribunal in Poland.
Editor-in-Chief: Steve Sibbald
Chief Writer: Steve Sibbald
Staff Writer: Matt Day
Making his opera debut when he was
just 11-years-old, Mr Carreras’ talents
have helped him become a global star
and his upcoming show, where he
will be joined by Polish singer Edyta
Gorniak, is a mouth-watering prospect.
Jose Carreras was of course one of
the Three Tenors and for your chance to
win the tickets, simply tell us the names
of the other two former members.
As always folks, send your
answers to the following address:
Nationwide & Sports:
Graham Crawford
Events: Klaudia Mampe
Vaughan Elliott, Łukasz Jankowski
Graphic Designer: Tomáš Haman
Sales Director: Malgorzata Drzaszcz
Cops fall short
for footy
here were worrying reports this
week that Poland could be 8,000 police officers short for the upcoming
Euro 2012 tournament.
The competition, which is set to kick
off in less than two months, now faces
potential safety issues due to the lack of
available numbers writes legal newspaper
Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs has
spoken out in an attempt to play down the
issue, stating that “security is a priority and
the number of vacancies will not negatively
affect the tournament”.
“This has long since been carefully
planned. We have looked at how many
officers are required in each of the host
cities,” said Malgorzata Wozniak, a
spokeswoman for the department.
“We announced at the end of the year we
would be introducing over 5,000 officers.
We are aware that safety does not start and
end with Euro 2012,” she added.
However head of the Parliamentary
Administration Marek Biernacki has aired
his concerns over the matter.
“So far we have not had any information
regarding this and at our next meeting we
will be asking for an explanation. This is a bad
thing to happen at a time when the police force
faces one of its biggest challenges of the year.”
The New Poland Express I Friday 13th April 2012 I www.nwe.pl
Smolensk Commemorations
oland paused to remember the Smolensk disaster with a mixture of solemnity and anger over the events of
April 10, 2010.
At Warsaw’s Powazki cemetery, the
resting place for many of the 96 victims,
Prime Minister Donald Tusk led the official
commemoration events.
A government and military delegation also
travelled to Smolensk to pay tribute to those
who died when the Polish Air Force airliner
carrying President Lech Kaczynski, his wife
and dozens of the country’s political, civil
and military elite crashed while attempting
to land at a fog-bound airport.
President Bronislaw Komorowski, who
succeeded President Kaczynski, attended a
special mass in Warsaw.
But as an indication that scars have
far from healed and that many people
still question the official version of
events surrounding the crash, Jaroslaw
Kaczynski, Law and Justice (PiS) leader
and bereaved twin brother, led a march
of several thousand people through the
centre of the capital.
“We know it for sure today - they were
betrayed,” Mr Kaczynski, who still wears a
black tie of mourning, said about the victims.
“It was a disgrace to pass the investigation
over (to Russia), to accept Russian lies and
to spread lies,” he said to applause from
his supporters who had started to gather
outside the presidential palace early in the
Many of the demonstrators carried
banners with one reading “We want the
truth. You cannot kill the truth”.
Later in the week, the Law and Justice
leader walked out of the lower house of
parliament after no mention was made
about his brother prior to a minute’s silence
in memory of the dead.
Despite Russian and Polish reports
attributing blame to a list of unfortunate
circumstances and pilot error, Mr Kaczynski
and his supporters maintain there has been a
cover up and that his brother may have died
as a result of assassination. The bereaved
twin has also called for an international
investigation into the crash.
Venting some more extreme feelings, a
crowd of up to 300 people demonstrated
outside the Russian embassy on the
night of April 9. Chanting “betrayal” and
“traitor” they burnt an effigy of the PM
Tusk after briefly suspending it from some
mock gallows.
A TNS OBOP poll found that 18 percent
of Poles believe the president died in a
Russian attack while 32 percent blame
mistakes made by Russian air-traffic
control for the crash. Only 28 percent put
faith in the official reason.
The legacy of Smolensk remains a source
of controversy with opinion divided
between those who feel that it is time to
move on and those who still maintain
that this cannot happen until the exact
circumstances into the crash are known.
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The New Poland Express I Friday 13th April 2012 I www.nwe.pl
Radio star in racism row
rime time television star Kuba
Wojewodzki has come under a criminal investigation into the alleged use
of racist language during a radio show.
Mr Wojewodzki, one of the biggest
names of Polish television and presenter of
his own show, could face three years behind
bars if found guilty of racist behaviour.
Renata Mazur, a spokeswoman for the
Warsaw prosecutor’s office said he had
been questioned, and that he “had denied
the allegations and refused to answer any
The prosecutor’s investigation is based
on comments the star made a year ago
on Radio Eska Rock along with host
Michal Figurski, who has also come under
The two made fun of Alvin Gajadhur,
the half-Indian, half-Polish spokesman for
the Road Transport Inspectorate. Among a
string of comments about Mr Gajadhur’s
appearance the two said that “negroes
don’t sleep”, that perhaps they “should
make a national registry of negroes” and
that “today’s sponsors are the Warsaw
branch of the Ku Klux Klan”.
An incensed Mr Gajadhur said at the time
that he “could take a joke” but found the
behaviour of the radio presenters offensive.
“Mocking my skin colour has nothing
to do with humour,” said the angry
spokesman. “Who gives these people the
right to talk about people and their skin
the way they do?”
Mr Gajadhur eventually filed a complaint
with the prosecutor’s office which has
resulted in the investigation.
His case has perhaps been aided by the
strident condemnation of the comments
made by the Media Ethics Council. Not
mincing its words it said the two media
stars “had made shamefully offensive and
racist remarks” and that it was a “blatant
display of xenophobia”.
The stars refused to apologise for their
comments and received the support
of Radio Eska Rock, which issued a
statement saying “the quotes were taken
out of context by press reports, without
referring to the station for clarification and
recordings of the entire programme, which
would have shown the real intentions of
the presenters”.
This was not the first time Mr
Wojewodzki has faced allegations of
racism. During a stint as a judge on a
talent show he mocked a Nigerian student
studying in Poland but unable to speak
Polish. Deliberately mistranslating the
student’s words he said: “I ended my
marriage with a white woman, and then
ate her. She was a bit gristly.”
The fact that big stars feel little or no
shame in making racist comments on air
has angered and frustrated anti-racism
groups, which decry the lack of a positive
example and fear that such comments
will engender racist sentiment in a wider
on the move
number of firefighters were shocked
this week to find a man they rescued from a car crash may have
been masturbating whilst driving.
Authorities in the northern town of
Czluchow were called to the scene of the
crash after a Volkswagen collided with a
Mercedes truck.
However, according to daily Fakt,
upon cutting the 54-year-old free
from the tangled wreckage, workers
discovered the man’s trousers and pants
around his ankles and a pornographic
magazine laying on the passenger seat
next to him.
The newspaper claims that the driver
of Volkswagen slid onto the left-hand side
of the road after losing control and, as a
result, both vehicles ended up in the side
Despite the Volkswagen driver having to
be cut free and rescued by firefighters, both
men were fortunate enough to walk away
without any serious injuries.
Although no official police statement has
yet been given on the circumstances and
there is no evidence as to what caused the
crash, the paper suggests that the man may
have been pleasuring himself whilst at the
According to policyjni.gazeta.pl, he has
since been fined PLN 500.
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‘Mafia cab’ crack down
A new law aiming to put an end to unofficial
companies offering transport to the public has
been passed.
“Customers will now know the driver is licensed
and knows the city,” Warsaw taxi driver Zdzislaw
Jaskulski told Fakt.
However, some inventive entrepreneurs are
already finding loopholes, with one group
of drivers in Krakow offering ‘psychotherapy’
sessions in cars whilst taking the customer to their
chosen destination.
Muted mourning
Statistics showed that almost two thirds of Poles
would not be paying tribute to the Smolensk
tragedy victims this week.
The survey, carried out by IIBR for Newsweek, found
that 36 percent stated they would definitely not be,
while 29 percent said they probably would not.
Only 4 percent claimed they would be paying
their respects and 11 percent said it was likely. 20
percent had no idea.
“Poles do mourn this. But for many, experiencing
the pain for more than a year is too much,” says
sociologist Dr. Rafal Wisniewski.
A new Communion
The church looks set to introduce a ‘2nd
Communion’ offering people the chance to renew
their baptism vows, reports Gazeta Wyborcza.
The renewal, known as the ‘Plock Diocese’ after
the city where it is currently carried out, will not
be compulsory, with the decision to introduce it
falling on the bishops.
The New Poland Express I Friday 13th April 2012 I www.nwe.pl
Cancer victims missing meds
olish Cancer patients are finding it
increasingly difficult to obtain their
medication claim new reports.
According to TVN24, one of the
leading pharmaceutical companies that
Poland purchases its drugs from has
concluded that the country is not as
profitable as others and has withdrawn
its products.
And while the Ministry of Health is
aware of the problem and is currently
looking at ways to rectify the worrying
situation, it appears there is no ‘Plan B’ in
place and as a result patients are beginning
to suffer.
Despite doctors and politicians being
well aware of the current problems, it
seems that neither are able to do anything
to rectify them.
“At this moment in time, we have no
detailed information from the hospitals
or medical centres regarding the issue of
medication shortages,” Deputy Health
Minister Jakub Szulc told the news station.
“But the situation is that some patients
are now not receiving the drugs that they
Cezary Szczylik of the Military Medical
Institute’s Department of Oncology
claims that after the weekend, supplies
where he works will most likely have ran
“I have talked to the hospital
management and while we have gathered
the usual necessary supplies, we only
have enough to last us until Monday. But
after Monday a large number of patients
will not be able to get their treatment,”
he says.
Ewa Jagiello has been diagnosed with
breast cancer and now finds herself in a
position where she may not have access to
the drugs she depends on.
“I was told very recently that there is
a high possibility there will soon be no
treatment for me. When I first found out
about it I was absolutely gobsmacked
and really didn’t know how to react,” she
Sadly, Ewa is not alone, but one of a
number of victims that will soon be forced
to battle the cancer without the aid of the
correct medication.
While this problem is by no means
unique - a number of other countries are
also experiencing similar problems - the
situation in Poland is one of the worst,
partly down to the fact that the country
was not prepared for the fact that one of
the main manufacturers would suddenly
withdraw its stocks.
At present, the Ministry of Health is
unable to offer any assurances as to when
the situation will see signs of improvement.
“The difficulties we are now experiencing
were supposed to be sorted and dealt
with by the end of April,” claims Mr
Szulc. “Unfortunately we have since been
informed that the situation will most likely
last longer than we originally expected.
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The New Poland Express I Friday 13th April 2012 I www.nwe.pl
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second anniversary of the
Smolensk tragedy saw
Poland’s loony right
cranking up the temperature, their allegations becoming bolder and more revoltingly
insane with the passing of time. Adam Hofman
of Law and Justice moaned on TV that there is
a media conspiracy to paint proponents of the
conspiracy theories as members of a deranged
sect. It’s not a media conspiracy, though - it’s
just the way most normal people view them.
Not an immaculate conception
hurchgoers at
of the Immaculate
Conception in Warsaw were confronted
on Easter Saturday
by a massive painting commemorating
the Smolensk tragedy, but most seemed to
be less than pleased with the gaudy representation of the horrific event. “It’s absolutely ghastly. Who painted it? Why is it
hanging here?” were the most common
The 3.6m by 4.6m canvas shows
a group of people, eyes wide and
screaming, in tattered clothes and with
their hearts torn from their bodies,
dripping with blood. “So now we’ve
got Smolensk kitsch. Why is it in this
beautiful church? Bogus art like this has
Let’s look at this thing straight for a
moment. We have two scenarios. The first
involves thick fog, a poorly trained pilot
misreading an instrument, hitting a tree, the
plane flips and as a result everybody dies.
The other scenario involves the Russian
government creating fog, installing a
stooge air traffic controller to lure the
unsuspecting Poles to their death (even
though he told them to divert), then
either detonating some kind of charge or
shooting the machine down, using the
thick, manufactured fog as cover (despite
it being impossible to manufacture fog on
such a scale and none of the Polish officials
present noticing anything untoward).
Then they steer the whole investigation and
mislead all the Polish experts, the Polish
President and PM into believing their lies.
All this to get rid of a man who was
the least popular president in Poland’s
modern history and who was heading for
an imminent, guaranteed electoral defeat
and posed them no threat at all.
People who believe conspiracy theories
are infantile. They think the world is
controlled and steered by forces and powers,
instead of being as it really is - a tangled
mess of bumbling incompetence. You have
to be mad to believe in conspiracies.
no place here,” commented Ursynow
resident Roman Sekowski.
Teenager Michal from Bielan thought
it looked like a disco, “Everyone in the
picture is young and they’re captured in
poses like they were dancing ecstatically,”
he told a reporter from Gazeta Stoleczna.
Retired Halina Baliszewska, though,
knelt before the image and crossed
herself. “It’s a beautiful, moving image,
only I can’t see the president on it
anywhere,” she said.
The artist, Zbigniew Maciej Dowgiallo,
was adamant the painting was a success,
though. “I’ve not heard any criticism of it.
I’ve been congratulated, somebody gave
me flowers. People say they’re moved by
it, that they’ve never seen anything like it,
because nobody paints like this, nobody is
brave enough,” he claimed.
For those who wish to make their own
minds up, the picture has been placed
more discreetly in one of the naves of the
church until the end of May.
Maria buried with Anna
he second tunnel boring machine
(TBM) to be used in constructing
Warsaw’s second metro line was lowered into place by crane this Wednesday. Christened Maria, it joins its sister
TBM Anna at the underground station
by Rondo Daszynskiego. The entire
operation took several hours, but by
mid-afternoon the drilling head was in
Now the gigantic digger will wait forty
days before going into action, while the
85m technical support section of the
digger is constructed behind it. Then it
will be able to excavate as much as 10m
a day, meaning the metro will extend by
up to a kilometre per month. The TBMs
will be operated by two 13 man crews,
working 24 hours a day. Maria will dig
the North line of the metro, while Anna
will excavate the link to the first metro
The New Poland Express I Friday 13th April 2012 I www.nwe.pl
What floor is this?
Seven days suspense
ne of the main
reasons for the
bungled arrest of a
dangerous criminal
by a police SWAT
team in Katowice on
March 20 this year
[see NPE 12/163]
was that the officers didn’t know which
floor they were on. As a result they burst
in on two completely innocent people and
proceeded to violently subdue them, leaving both with nasty injuries and devastating
large areas of the property.
Commissioner of police was speaking to a
parliamentary committee this week about
the incident that left the innocent couple
terrified. He refused to go into detail, though,
about why the couple were so badly beaten by
the officers, as the couple are suing police and
prosecutors are still investigating. A special
group has been set up by police though, to
record details of all such operations.
On March 20 police acted on receiving
information that a dangerous criminal was
hiding in the flat, which had been identified
by detectives from the Katowice car crime
division. The key error, according to
Rokita, was that during the operation, the
officers got confused over which floor they
were on. “They made their way up three
floors from the basement, and so were on
the second floor, not the third,” Rokita
told MPs. He stated that officers didn’t
immediately burst in, but shouted clearly,
“Open up, it’s the police!”
Rokita emphasized that, “Arrest
procedures, of course, do not permit
officers to kick people or smash their heads
against things”. Shortly after the incident
the male victim told a reporter from TVN
that he was kicked in the head while five
officers were sitting on them, while the
female suffered a shattered front tooth
which she claimed was a result of having
her head repeatedly smashed on the floor.
What’s up Doc?
drunk doctor prescribed the adult dose
of medicine for an 11-year-old child
this Easter Monday. Fortunately the child’s
mother was suspicious and informed police who went to the Czestochowa surgery
and breathalysed the medic. The man had
0.26 percent alcohol in his blood and was
remanded in custody while he sobered up.
The eventual charges the 32-year-old faces
depend on how many patients he treated
while inebriated and how many lives he put
in danger.
pole’s president, Ryszard
Zembaczynski, will
be spending the
next week on tenterhooks while he
awaits the verdict
in a corruption
case that could see him jailed for up to
two years. The closing speeches were
made in Bielsko Biala Regional Court
this Thursday, Zembacynski finishing
with the words, “I move for an acquittal”.
Prosecutors accuse Opole’s president
of exceeding his authority by agreeing to
lend PLN 1.5 mln to purported fraudsters
while he was the Director of the Opole
branch of the Bank Ochrony Srodowisko
(BOS). Seventeen people are cited in the
charges, including alleged members of
an organised crime group specialising in
credit fraud as well as the bosses at BOS at
the time, who agreed the loans. However,
the jury is expected to take up to a week
to reach a verdict due to the complexity
of the case.
Mystery arsonist strikes
Volkswagen Golf went up in flames
in the early hours of Thursday morning as the arsonist that has been terrorising Opole struck again. This is the fifth
vehicle to go up in flames since last Fri-
day. First two cars, an Opel and a BMW,
were set alight very early on Friday morning, the arsonist then struck again the
same evening. On Easter Sunday, a BMW
in a car park by Al. Witosa was the next
to go up in flames. Two fire tenders were
called to douse the Golf this Thursday,
fire officers confirming it was another arson attack. Police have issued assurances
that they are doing all in their power to
identify the culprit.
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Black widows in Gdansk
Charged after 14 years
ustoms officers
found some unwanted refugees when
they checked out a
container of imported
cars, two of them antique - three, highly
poisonous black widow spiders. Officers
made the discovery on Wednesday, shortly
after the ship from the USA docked.
“Apart from the vehicles, our officers
found a surprise waiting for them. Inside
one of the cars three black spiders were
scuttling about. After inspecting closer, and
consultations with the Customs Office in
Gdynia, it was established that they most
likely belonged to the dangerous black
widow species,” Marcin Daczki, press officer
for Gdynia Customs Office told reporters.
The black widow has a venom that is
a neurotoxin, 15 times stronger than a
rattlesnake bite. Additionally, black widows
are an invasive species that quickly settle in
new spaces, creating nests in which they lay
up to a hundred eggs.
The anaesthetised spiders have been taken
by workers from the Regional Inspectorate
for the Protection of Plants and Seedlings in
Gdansk. Meanwhile the container has been
secured and sealed by workers at the Gdansk
Deepwater Terminal. It will be thoroughly
disinfected before being reopened.
nowroclaw Regional Prosecutors this
week charged two
men with the murder
of 17-year-old Sylwia
more than 14 years after she went missing.
The two men, aged 32 and 39 at the time,
had originally been arrested on suspicion
of murdering her back in 1997, but the lack
of a body meant that the case was dropped.
The girl’s remains were finally discovered
in October last year in bushes between the
City Hall and the Oaza Spa, leading police
to renew their investigations.
Sylwia Cz. left her family home on August
27 1997 and disappeared without trace. She
left no messages, and took no baggage. The
family spent years trying to locate her, with
numerous appeals in the media and via the
Internet, but with no result.
Police also believed it was possible
Sylwia was alive, and in 2009 specialists
from Regional Police Headquarters in
Bydgoszcz even prepared a photo-portrait
based on old photos that showed what
she might look like today. Last October’s
discovery put an end to those hopes.
Torun’s big dump
orun’s Urban Waste Disposal Company
(MPO) managed to collect a massive
20 tonnes of XXL waste as part of a special
spring cleaning operation organised during the last week of March. Torun residents
were able to dump their large refuse at the
MPO headquarters and 118 people took advantage of the offer leading to 20 tonnes of
waste that ended up on the dump, instead of
dumped in the forest.
Send comments and letters to
Walesa gotta say sorry
dansk Appeal Court decided this Thursday afternoon that former president Lech
Walesa must formally apologise to Law and
Justice MP Ryszard Czarnecki for comments
he made three years ago that Czarnecki, “Did
not struggle for a free Poland.” The apology
will have to be placed in the front three pages
of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna as well as on the
paper’s Internet site. Walesa was also ordered
to pay PLN 2,000 costs for Mr Czarnecki.
After the verdict, Czarnecki was elated,
telling reporters, “Justice has triumphed. I’m
extremely happy with the decision, because it
proves that Walesa isn’t a superhuman being
who can insult anyone he wants, however he
wants. Even if somebody is world famous,
doesn’t mean he can do what he likes.”
Previously the Gdansk Regional Court
had stated that Walesa’s statement was
purely opinion, and so not slanderous.
Czarnecki insisted that in the 1980s he
battled the system and had been oppressed
as a student unionist at Wroclaw University.
Walesa was not in court, but his lawyers
expressed their surprise at the verdict and
said they were certain to appeal to the
Supreme Court.
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Proposed ban on GM crops
here were reports this week that the
government has announced its support for a total ban on GM crops following a recent meeting with Greenpeace.
Wednesday saw the organisation meet
with a number of officials including Minister
of the Environment Marcin Korolec to
discuss banning genetically modified
organisms throughout the country, states
website srodowisko.abc.com.pl.
The news follows last week’s
announcement that genetically modified
MON 810 maize would be banned, due to
fears that it may be connected to health
problems and the decline in the number of
Speaking to news agency PAP,
Greenpeace spokesman Jacek Winiarski
said that he was pleased with the outcome
of the meeting.
“The minister assured us that both
he and the prime minister are against
such crops and that they are working on
prohibiting them completely,” said Mr
“We are happy and a little surprised
that the government is looking for a way
to implement this ban but are afraid that
the current law would allow for a rejection
from the European Commission, as an
approval is needed before such a decision
goes ahead,” he added.
PKP debt up for grabs
ransportation company PKP Intercity has decided to sell the debt it
accumulated between the years of
According to reports on TVN24, bids
will start at PLN 1.78 mln and the highest
bidder will acquire the firm’s PLN 29 mln
The large amount is believed to have
been built up over the seven years via
a combination of unpaid tickets, the
carrying of animals and goods, fines for
delays or changing routes and various
other unnamed factors.
PKP Intercity decided to sell the
debt after experiencing a number
of problems when attempting to
recover the money itself through
legal channels and according to Beata
Czemerajda, press off icer for the
company, despite applying to courts
and debt collectors, many passengers
just haven’t paid up.
The ‘winner’ will be the bidder who
submits the highest f igure by 11:30
on April 25 and the f irm has stated
it will announce the top bid later that
Canadian Dollar
Czech Koruna
Danish Krone
Hungarian Forint
Japanese Yen
Norwegian Krone
Pound Sterling
Russian Ruble
Swedish Krona
Swiss Franc
US Dollar
100 HUF
100 JPY
The number of District Labour Office (PLO) employees who
look set to lose their jobs by the end of next year due to
wage cuts, according to TVN.
PLN 250 mln
The amount Poland will spend in the next three years
promoting various services and exports including the
textile industry, amber production and medical services.
The Thin Edge of the Wedge
iven the recent debate in Poland regarding the increasing of the state retirement age, I thought I would share some
recent figures from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on life expectancy. [If you
are squeamish, you may want to move on to
the entertainment section now.]
The IMFs view is that governments
consistently underestimate how quickly
average life spans can rise, often by as
much as 3 years.
They say that projections of future life
expectancy are “consistently too low in
each successive forecast, and errors were
generally large”.
Ok, 3 years doesn’t sound like a lot, but
now image that everyone in your country
lives for 3 years more and draws a pension for
3 years more. Who is going to pay for that?
They used the UK as an example and
calculated that in such a case, the country’s
public debt would rise from 76% of GDP to
as much as 135% of GDP.
Put in monetary terms, that comes to
an extra cost from state and public sector
pensions as well as recuing failed private
sector pension schemes of GBP750 billion.
What is the conclusion that can be drawn
from this? Simply that current increases in
state retirement ages are only the beginning.
Ross is a UK FSA qualified financial
adviser. To contact him directly or
to follow his blog, click here.
A price hike for piwo
There was bad news for beer drinkers this week
following reports by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna that
prices are set to rise by around 10 percent in 2013.
The price hike is due to new regulations which
state that from next year, Polish companies will
be required to use at least 75 percent of hops
produced on home soil - a figure which it is
believed will eventually rise to 90 percent.
At present, many producers use approximately
only 50 percent Polish hops, due to foreign hops
being cheaper.
Buying boom over?
Securing a mortgage is becoming increasingly
difficult states TVN24 this week.
Proof of higher wages and a shorter credit period
are just two of the tougher requirements potential
borrowers are facing and according to Marcin
Krason, an analyst at Open Finance, the housebuying boom period is over.
“People were not just buying houses to live in, but
for investment purposes. This is not as popular at
the moment,” he says.
According to Puls Biznesu January saw banks lend
PLN 2.02 bln which was approximately 10 percent
less than the year previous.
The New Poland Express I Friday 13th April 2012 I www.nwe.pl
W W W . F A B R Y K A Z E S P O L O W . P L
Pepsi_Rock_2012_prasa_kwiecien-182x47.indd 1
he announcement
this month that
Kraków’s historic ARS
Cinema will be closing April 30th has inspired shock, sadness
and outrage (in roughly
that order) in the local community, as the city
stands to lose one of its most vital and beloved
cultural establishments. Housed in a 16th century palace just off the market square at ul. Św.
Jana 6, ARS is the oldest operating theatre in
Kraków with six viewing salons and a diverse
repertoire of commercial crowd-pleasers and
independent art-flicks representing the best of
Polish and international cinema. The beautiful
‘Reduta’ salon was once Kraków’s largest concert hall with such famous local names as Ignacy Paderewski and Helena Modjeska gracing
its stage. The locale’s cinematic history dates
back to 1916 and it was here that Cracovians
watched the premieres of such influential films
as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Metropolis.
Suspending operations in 1980, the cinema was
refurbished and reopened in 1995, since which
time it has flourished as a place of culture in
Kraków, participating in annual film festivals
and organising numerous unique film cycles,
as well as offering weekly ‘surprise screenings’
where movie-goers pay for an unknown premiere.
With the current rental agreement between
the cinema’s management and the private
owners of the building coming to a close at
the end of the April, the owners have almost
doubled the previous rental price, essentially
forcing the cinema out of its historic home.
Upon the announcement earlier this month
that no new agreement will be reached between
the two sides, Cracovians have already begun
in turns mourning and protesting the loss
of their nostalgic cinema, which has been
the site of countless movie dates for literally
generations of locals (ourselves included). A
Facebook event opposing ARS’s closure has
gained plenty of support, however it seems
clear that the only way to save the cinema will
be to relocate it, a move that even if successful
most agree will essentially extinguish the
spirit of the place they know and love. If a
new home is to be found and ARS to continue
operation, it will likely require the help and
support of the mayor’s office, who have
at least shown a willingness to meet with
management, though the future of the cinema
remains unknown at this time.
Whatever the fate of ARS, its closure is
the most recent and most glaring example of
capitalist greed negatively altering the cultural
and historical landscape of Kraków. Sadly,
being located inside a UNESCO Heritage Site
doesn’t protect historic cinemas from closure
anymore than it prevents historic buildings
from becoming mafia-run strip clubs or
McDonald’s fast food franchises. In less than
a decade Kraków has seen the closure of at
least three independent art cinemas in the Old
Town-Kinos Wanda, Uciecha and Pasaż, as
well as the temporary closure and relocation
of Kino Paradox. Fuelling outrage over
ARS’s closure was the rumour (since strongly
denied) that it would reopen as a Carrefour
hypermarket, an indignant fate similar to
that suffered by Kino Wanda, an Art Nouveau
cinema operating since 1912 which now houses
a supermarket on ul. Gertrudy.
2012-03-20 13:29:21
Despite the troubling trend of commercial
multiplexes opening all over the city as
places like ARS are forced to close, it would
be a stretch to call independent cinema in
Kraków endangered. Even assuming ARS’s
extinction, the city is left with a solid six
excellent art house cinemas in the city centre,
a number most European cities would be
hard-pressed to challenge. With the market
square’s Kino Pod Baranami (Rynek Główny
27, kinopodbaranami.pl) now leading
the way, the torch of independent cinema
is also being held aloft by Kino 18 (ul.
Floriańska 18/5, pauza.pl), Kino Agrafka (ul.
Krowoderska 8, kinoagrafka.pl), Kino Mikro
(ul. J. Lea 5, kinomikro.pl), Kino Paradox
(ul. Krupnicza 38, kinoparadox.pl) and Kino
Kijów (Al. Krasińskiego 34, kijowcentrum.
pl). Nowa Huta boasts Kino Sfinks (os.
Górali 5, kinosfinks.pl), while in addition to
Kino Wrzos (ul. Zamoyskiego 50, oksir.com.
pl) in Podgórze, the district across the river
has seen the recent opening of the wonderful
Kino Kika at ul. Ignacego Krasickiego 18
(kinokika.pl), which doubles as a muchneeded local hangout, café and bar. As
disappointed as we are to see the demise
of ARS as we know it, we can’t help but be
grateful for all the intimate and memorable
cinematic opportunities the city still offers
its residents on a regular basis. With the
spate of rainy days that spring brings, if
you’re in Kraków make sure you make a
final pilgrimage to ARS before the end of
the month and don’t fail to support all of
these other amazing, underappreciated and
quite frankly overlooked houses of culture
at the next chance you get. Otherwise you
won’t know what you’re missing when and if
they’re gone someday.
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
The New Poland Express I Friday 13th April 2012 I www.nwe.pl
Special event
22 .04 Sunday - Jose Carreras with special
guest Edyta Górniak
Gdańsk/Sopot, Ergo Arena, Pl. Dwóch Miast
(Żabianka), www.makroconcert.com/pl
Carreras will obviously need no introduction and
is one of the most accomplished tenor singers in
the world. He’s performed on the most prestigious
stages all over the world and now will come to
Gdańsk to present the best opera and musical
songs, as well as Spanish and Italian compositions.
15 years after their last performance he has invited
Polish diva Edyta Górniak to perform together with
him in duets and also solo. Tickets will go fast, so
get your skates on.QConcert starts at 18:00.
Tickets 180-550zł. Available at www.ticketpro.
pl and EMPiK, Gdańsk, ul. Podwale Grodzkie 8
(Open 09:00 - 21:00, Sun 11:00 - 20:00).
14 .04 Saturday - Ania Dąbrowska
Rotunda, ul. Oleandry 1, tel. (+48) 12 292 65
16, www.rotunda.pl
Ania Dąbrowska is a singer/song writer who has so
far released three albums. The first one went gold
album and won the Eska Music Award. The second
and third both went platinium. She has worked with
such Polish heavyweights as Monika Brodka, Andrzej
Smolik, Krzysztof Krawczyk and Maryla Rodowicz.
QConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets 65/55zł. Available
at www.ticketpro.pl and Rotunda box office (Open
13:00 - 19:00, Sat, Sun depending on repertoire).
13 .04 Friday - 14 .04 Saturday
Warsaw Fashion Week 2012
Soho Factory, ul. Mińska 25 (Grochów), tel.
(+48) 22 825 60 31
One of the most important fashion events in
Poland, this bash brings together all the top
designers and fashion houses from home
and abroad. Over 100 designers will show
their works including specially invited guests,
Spanish designers: Alexis Reyna, Martin Lierah
and Juan Pedro Lopez, all recommended
by Vogue Espana. Apart from the fashion
there are concerts with Ramona Rey, Natalia
Lubrano and Roan. For those with a special VIP
invitation - 200zł, no VIP status required, take
advantage of the shopping zone where you
can buy clothes from new collections up to 70%
cheaper.QEvent starts at 11:00. Admission 15200zł. Available at www.ticketpro.pl and Empik,
ul. Złota 59 (Open 10:00 - 22:00, Sun 10:00 20:00).
13 .04 Friday - 20 .04 Friday
Vth Gdańsk Music Festival
Baltic Philharmonic, ul. Ołowianka 1, www.
This is a continuation of a festival inaugurated in
2008. Each edition concentrates on the works of
one artist. This year the focus is on Konstanty Andrzej
Kulka, one of the most talented violinists on the Polish
cultural scene. He will perform with various orchestras
presenting the diversity of his compositions.QTickets
10-60zł. Available at Baltic Philharmonic box office
(Open 10:30 - 18:00, Tue 09:30 - 16:00, Mon, Sat, Sun
four hours before the performance).
14 .04 Saturday - Judas Priest
Spodek, Al. Korfantego 35, tel. (+48) 32 258
32 61
There’s an old line that heavy metal acts don’t
die, they just tour Poland a lot. The legendary
band comes with their Epitaph World Tour,
a farewell tour, if you believe that. They said
goodbye last year, but had such a good time,
they are back for more - ‘every time you say
goodbye, I die a little...’ as the old song goes.
QConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets 135-450zł.
Available at www.ticketpro.pl and Empi, ul. Piotra
Skargi 6 (Open 08:00 - 20:00, Sun 10:00 - 16:00).
13 .04 Friday - 22 .04 Sunday
Off Plus Camera 2012
tel. (+48) 12 617 45 45, www.offpluscamera.com
This is one of the most important, certainly
loudest, and youngest movie festivals in Poland
and the biggest festival in eastern Europe
dedicated to independent cinema. However, the
most important part of the festival is the Making
Way competition where 12 feature films by young
artists compete for the Krakow Film Award of
$100,000, the head of jury will be director Andrzej
Żuławski. Calling all Brits, there will be a new
section of films: BBC Arena will be presenting new
British cinema; documentaries on art and feature
films. Saving the best to last, the big news is that
the star iof the show will be the French director
Luc Besson.QTickets 15zł, festival pass 100zł.
Available at www.offcamera.com.pl.
19 .04 Thursday - Charity Concert - Help & Roll
Bemowo Amphitheatre, ul. Górczewska
(Bemowo), tel. (+48) 14 688 88 88, www.
The worthy aim of this concert is to raise money
for Daniel, a young man who suffers from an
unidentified illness. Many Polish artists have
decided to help in this good cause. Come along
and hear Doda, Ocean, Cate likes Candy, De
Mono, Urszula, Patrycja Markowska and Artur
Gadowski.QConcert starts at 18:00. Tickets 35zł.
Available at Empik, ul. Złota 59 (Open 10:00 - 22:00,
Sun 10:00 - 20:00) and Bemowo Cultural Centre box
office, ul. Górczewskiego 201 (Open 16:00 - 20:00,
Tue, Thu 11:00 - 15:00. Closed Sat, Sun).
14 .04 Saturday - Lindsay Martell - Live & Acoustic
Warsaw Tortilla Factory, ul. Wilcza 46, tel. (+48)
22 621 86 22, www.warsawtortillafactory.pl
This Canadian singer/songwriter comes from
a background infused with acoustic guitar
and popular folk. So far she has two albums
to her name: Moris (1996) and Lindsay
Martell, r-evolution (2006), check out some
undoubtedly dulcet tones.QConcert starts at
21:00. Admission free.
17 .04 Tuesday - Pepsi Rocks - Kamil Bednarek
& band
Hard Rock Cafe, ul. Złota 59 (Złote Tarasy),
tel. (+48) 22 222 07 00, www.hardrockcafe.
Kamil Bednarek is the leader of the Star
Guard Muffin band from Brzeg. Performing
reggae since 2008, they achieved some
popular thanks to Kamil who took part in
‘Mam Talent’, Poland’s Got Talent, if you like,
where he took second place. Not to worry,
chin up - never did that Boyle woman any
harm.QConcert starts at 21:00. Tickets
30/20zł. Available at www.ticketpro.pl and
Empik, ul. Złota 59 (Open 10:00 - 22:00, Sun
10:00 - 20:00).
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
13 spORT
The New Poland Express I Friday 13th April 2012 I www.nwe.pl
Lewy flies, Peszko plummets
obert Lewandowski was the toast of
Dortmund this Wednesday evening,
when his backheel flick led to Borussia’s 1-0 defeat of Bayern Munich. The result
leaves Dortmund six points clear of Bayern at the top of the Bundesliga with four
matches to go. A second league title on the
trot now beckons for the German side with
the trio of Polish players.
surrounding his goal, insisting the goal was
neither the best, nor the most important
of his career and that he approached the
match like any other game. “We were
very calm as a team. We know what we’re
capable of and we can beat anyone. I
think we deserved the win,” Lewandowski
summed up.
The goal was Lewandowski’s twentieth
strike of the season, equalling the record of
Jan Furtok back in 1990/91 as top scoring
Pole in the Bundesliga. Lewandowski’s
hero status was the mirror opposite of
Bayern’s Arjen Robben, who endured a
miserable night, missing an open goal and
an 85 minute penalty.
Elsewhere in Germany this week, another
Polish player, Slawomir Peszko, was at the
centre of controversy when he ended up
spending the night in the drunk tank.
Peszko apparently got into an argument
with a taxi driver, who then drove straight
to the police station. Because Peszko had
been drinking, the police locked him up.
As a result, Peszko has been dropped
from the Koln squad and it seems that
Franciszek Smuda has decided to omit him
from the national team for this summer’s
Euros - and not only him. Smuda told the
website Interia.pl, “I’ve heard from several
German journalists and it seems he had
been drinking with another Polish player,
Marcin Wasilewski. I’m not going to let
them get away with this. They’ve both been
eliminated from the squad for Euro 2012.
There’s no chance that they’ll be in the final
23 man squad.”
However, Smuda has since been on a
fact finding trip to Cologne and Peszko’s
team-mates hope that definitive statement
can still be overturned. Included in those
supporters are Robert Lewandowski, who
told Przeglad Sportowy, “I hope it’s not
the final decision. German taxi drivers are
quite strange, I’ve had a few adventures
with them myself. And anyway, Slawek
didn’t do this after a squad meeting, it was
after a match when anyone has the right to
a glass of wine or two. I hope something
can be sorted out and that Slawek will be
with us at the Euros.
Stadiums too costly?
report in the specialist legal
newspaper Dziennik Gazeta
Prawna this week suggests that
the stadiums built for Euro 2012 will not
be able to earn enough money for their
upkeep, creating a risk that the legacy
from the tournament will turn out to be
a number of white elephants. The paper
calculates that the stadiums will cost a
whopping PLN 4.5 mln per month to
maintain and low attendances at Polish
football matches mean that it’s highly
unlikely the stadiums will be able to earn
their keep.
Warsaw’s national stadium will consume
PLN 1.5 mln a month just on basic bills
and security costs. It will shortly host an
American football match, Madonna and
Coldplay concerts and the final of the
Warsaw marathon, while Wroclaw will
host Prince and a friendly between Brazil
and Japan. But there simply aren’t enough
events to go round and the future of the
stadiums looks tough.
The place to spend
the weekend
Saturday 14.04.2012
Lindsey Martell – Live on stage 21:00
English FA Cup
Liverpool v Everton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .KO 13:45
English Premier League
Norwich City v Manchaster City . . . . . . . .KO 13:45
Sunday 15.04.2012
Scottish FA Cup
Celtic v Hearts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .KO 13:45
English Premier League
Manchester United v Aston Villa . . . . . . .KO 17:00
English FA Cup
Tottenham Hotspur v Chelsea . . . . . . . . .KO 19:00
Tortilla Factory
ul. Wilcza 46
tel. 022 621-8622
Gold for a jerk
Marzena Karpinska won gold in the European
weightlifting championship’s Flyweight Clean
and Jerk competition in Antalya last weekend.
Karpinska noted three successful lifts, taking
the gold with her second lift of 100kg. She
then clean and jerked 102kg to break the
Polish record and become only the third Polish
woman to win the European title. The win also
guaranteed her participation in the London
Olympics in which she will be among the
favourites for gold.
No handball for London
Poland’s male handball team will not be
going to the London Olympics as they blew
their last chance for qualification, drawing
with Serbia and losing badly to Spain during
the final qualifying tournament in Alicante last
Several older squad members announced
their retirement after the failure, but the coach,
Bogdan Wenta remained defiant, announcing,
“I didn’t start working with this team from scratch
to give up now. Anyone who suggests I’m going
to quit now doesn’t know me at all. I’ve got the
energy and ideas to lead this team on.”
The New Poland Express I Friday 13th April 2012 I www.nwe.pl
newshere.Email editor@newpolandexpress.pl
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Courier required for collection of goods in
Poland,and delivery in Ireland.
Contact: gmgm1@eircom.net
90 plus books in English for sale as a lot.
Contact email: ekverner@gmail.com
Flat to rent
Recreational / commercial large lot
Gdansk Apartment for Rent
240 sq m part-furnished top (4th) floor apartment
available for rent. 3/4 bedrooms, living room,
dining area, kitchen, bathroom. 5 mins to tube
station. Spacious and quiet. PLN 4,500 per
calendar month.
MODLIN. 1/2hr drive from Warsaw, in
POMIECHOWEK, 3,3720 m2. Old trees. Access to
all media. Close to train/shops. Can be used for
commercial, recreational or split into 4 family lots
Call: 001 780433 8989, or in Poland, after March
29, 2012 : 660 384 603, or email:
A 2BR(45m2+13m2 terrace),fully furnished
seaside manor for rent situated in a sunny,
comfortable complex, new, prestigious housing
estate, located in Nadmorski Dwor street,Gdansk.
It is fenced & guarded.
Contact: +48605695198/ +48514825853/
Flat to rent
Apple iPhone 32GB 4S
Seeking Full Charge Bookkeeper for small
family owned residential construction company.
Experience with Quickbooks, payables, journal
entries, job costing, payables, and bank
reconciliations a must. Estimate 15-20 hours per
week - flexible schedule.
Contact: danielfrey8701@live.com
Modern 37sqm flat to rent in the heart of
downtown Warsaw. Very quiet area. 2 min
walk from Zlote Tarasy, 5 mins from Metro
Swietokrzyszka. Fully furnished. Bedroom, living
room, kitchen, bathroom, balcony. 2300zl per
month + utilities.
Contact: mobile: 512 674 433,
email: ttmandrusco@hotmail.com
Everything Included: Apple iPhone 32GB
4S (Device itself) iPhone 4S Box iPhone 4S
Accessories. (Un-opened headphones,
Un-opened USB Cable, Un-opened Wall to USB
Adapter). iPhone 4S Manual/Finger Tips/Sim
Card iPhone 4S Tray Holder
Contact: m-vironstaffslimited@hotmail.co.uk
Looking for office space
Cards, Invites, Albums, etc
Central Warsaw Office to Rent
I’m looking for office space up to 50m2 for my
advertising agency, preferably basement or
warehouse/industrial style.
Contact: trent@77creative.com
Looking for a personalised handmade card,
photo album or wedding/party invitations then
look no further. We can include photos too!
abcdesign@prokonto.pl, 783282402
100m2 office in one of the best pre-war buildings
in Warsaw. Central location. 3 rooms.
5000 PLN per month.
Warsaw Apartment for Rent
Buy british products online!
Accommodation wanted this June
2 bedroom apartment available to rent from
March. Very spacious, light and airy. Ideally
located in central Warsaw.
In our shop we offer original english products at
affordable prices. Don’t wait! Buy original english
products - www.BritainForYou.pl
Offices and restaurants also welcomed!
Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot, Poznan and Warsaw.
Other areas considered.
Contact: Tel: 00353578635813
Mob: 00353862405669
Skype: john.hayes26
Contact: darren_battle@hotmail.com
for further details
Elliott Verner
The New Poland Express I Friday 13th April 2012 I www.nwe.pl
yourcommunitygroupshere.Email editor@newpolandexpress.pl
Meeting with Polish language! :)
The English Speakers’ Club
Poznan International Ladies Club
Be cordially invited to this unique Polish language event
on Saturday March 31, 11 am where Warsaw Entertain
will present you with an innovative e-learning platform.
You will be given access to one online lesson at the
event, free of charge. Additionally, we invite you for an
outdoor “SEARCHING FOR A SPRING” lesson.
University Library
ul. Dobra 56/66, Warsaw
level -1 !!! :-)room 13
password: Warsaw Entertain
The next meeting of the English Speakers’ Club
will be on Friday 24.02.12 at Quo Vadis, PLac
Narutowicza 8 from 8pm-11pm. ‘A sociable
Murdo MacLeod: murdowski@gmail.com
Meetings on the first Wednesday of the month
(September - June)
Andersia Hotel, Restaurant Mosaica, 9:30 AM
Continental breakfast (cost 30 zl)
Social time and information about upcoming
C of E Additional Service
Free conversation lessons
Church of England in Poland
The Church of England in Poland is running an
additional service, led by Father Felix, at 4pm each
Sunday, except the third Sunday of the month, for
the period between now and the beginning of Lent.
Further extension of this service will depend on
popular demand. All are welcome.
Place: Res Sacra Miser Chapel, ul. Krakowskie
Przedmiescie 62, Warsaw.
Free conversation lessons take place at KLUB
DIALOGU, Krakowskie Przedmieście 13/156
(entrance from Tokarzewskiego) every Saturday at
11:00 am and 12:10 pm.
Please call: 22-498-1010
or email us: info@klubdialogu.pl if you are interested
We welcome Anglicans, Episcopalians and all others
interested, to celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday
morning at 10.30 am. Join us for light refreshments
after the service to learn more about the activities
of our church.
Place: Res Sacra Miser Chapel, ul. Krakowskie
Przedmiescie 62, Warsaw.
The Sikh Community
Role Playing Game in Warsaw
Poland Tartan Army
The Sikh Community of Warsaw meets each Sunday
at the Sikh Gurudwara in Rashyn, Ul Na Skraju
56. All are welcome. Kirtan starts at midday and
langar is served after the Bhog at about 1400. For
more information contact 22 868 4541. The Sikh
faith is about equality, honesty and standing up
to oppression. Anyone visiting the Guru’s house is
welcome, in return for due respect and consideration
of the Sikh faith.
International English-speaking group in Warsaw,
mostly foreign professionals, play tabletop
Dungeons & Dragons fortnightly. No experience
necessary but fluent English proficiency is
required. Have a good time. Play some games.
Meet new friends. Open your imagination. More
info: Facebook group: http://tiny.cc/zaffa or
A new Poland Tartan Army Facebook group
has been created. If you are a fan of Scottish
football and our national team please
join the group by visiting Facebook and
conducting a search for Poland Tartan Army.
If anyone, who is not a part of Facebook,
is interested in this idea then please email
murraymaw@hotmail.com to register your interest.
International Women’s Group
International Rotary Club
We are a Polish and Expat social group who organise a
walk/run in a forest, park or around the city, followed by
a few beers (or whatever takes your fancy!). We meet at
the Marriott hotel on alternate Saturdays at 2pm. “Hash
House Harriers” is an international group, which was
originally established in Malaysia 70 years ago.
All are welcome. For details, call Martin at 502-052-958.
Email warsawh3@gmail.com or www.warsawhash.pl
Meetings are held twice a month on the SECOND
Monday at 10.30 (for location see our newsletter
or website) and on the FOURTH Monday of the
month at Moulin Rouge restaurant located in
the Zlote Tarasy Shopping Mall (ul. Zlota 59) from
10:00 - 11:00.
For more information see www.iwgwarsaw.eu or
contact us at iwgwarsaw@yahoo.com
International Rotary Club - Warszawa Wilanow is
the only English speaking Rotary Club in Warsaw.
Visiting Rotarians are warmly welcomed
to join the weekly meetings held at the
Polonia Palace Hotel, Al. Jerozolimskie 45.
Tuesday’s at 12:00, except the last Tuesday
of each month when the meeting is at 19:00.
For more information: +48 601 897 731
Gospel Baptist Church
GAA in Warsaw
Expat meetings
Services are held in Polish and English
languages: Sun. 11:00, Thurs. 19:00. For more
information contact: Pastor Paul Sock, mob.
0500-270-990, e-mail: paulesock@yahoo.com
Cumann Warszawa.Poland’s first and only GAA
club is up and running and is looking for players
of all levels, all nationalities and both sexes. We
offer weekly training, competitive games and
regular social events as well as fresh oranges at
half time.
Contact Eoin at 0518-425-587 or
Meeting English speakers in Warsaw just got a
whole load easier. We don’t teach you Salsa,
we make you pay for your own drinks, but
we do promise to give you the premier multicultural event of the week at Warsaw’s very own
Professional Wednesday Meetup.
Contact - asamu@sniper-rook.co.uk or 691535566