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Polish News
Friday 23rd March 2012
Issue 12 (163)
Child kidnapper caught in woods
11-year-old found safe
and returned to parents
massive police hunt launched in
Lodz this week to try to find a
young girl ended with the discovery
of both the girl and of the man thought to
have abducted her.
The girl, 11-year old Julia was returned to her family while the 46-year
man was discovered hiding in woodland near the city. The suspect is likely
to be charged with “depriving someone
of their liberty and inf licting suffering”,
although prosecutors say that the girl
had not suffered physical harm during
her ordeal.
According to sources quoted in the
newspaper Rzeczpospolita, the accused
has confessed to the crime, and, if found
guilty, faces a minimum of five years behind bars. Krzysztof Kopania, from the
Lodz prosecutor’s office, said the suspect
has an extensive criminal record, including robbery, but he declined to provide
further details.
Julia had been playing with friends in
Lodz when a man approached them asking for help in finding his dog. The girl
went with him, and then disappeared. She
was found hours later on a housing estate
not far from her home, and her abduction
sparked a major police investigation with
an artist’s impression of her kidnapper receiving national publicity.
A 46-year-old male was arrested by officers after being discovered in the nearby woods
In a letter thanking the Lodz police for
the prompt arrest of the man, Julia’s parents also praised members of the public for
helping the police find their girl.
“We give special thanks to the witnesses
and all those who wanted to help the police
in catching the perpetrator,” they wrote.
“To all these people, and those we may
have forgotten to mention, we thank you
with all our hearts.”
The breakthrough for the investigation came when a man reported to the
police that he had helped push a blue
Opel Vectra, similar to the one Julia had
been seen getting into, in the small town
of Andrespol, a few kilometres east of
A police raid netted the car but the suspect was nowhere to be seen. Calling in
dog teams, police mounted a search of
neighbouring woodland and managed to
flush the suspect out. A police source quoted by the PAP news service said that the
man may have fled because he knew “the
net was closing in”.
Evidence retrieved from the car, including DNA, apparently confirmed it as the
vehicle used in the abduction.
p.7 busINEss
Nationwide day of apathy
Castration killer jailed
Extra trains for the Euros
A number of small demonstrations took
place across the country on Wednesday
as groups of people hit the streets to show
their discontent for Donald Tusk and his
coalition government.
The so-called ‘Day of Wrath’ (‘Dzien
Gniewnu’), promoted on various internet
sites such as Facebook, urged people to join
the protests which took place in several of
the nation’s cities.
50-year-old Krakow resident Dorota
C. was sentenced to nine years in jail
this week for her part in an assault on
70-year-old Jan T. in which she reportedly chopped off his genitals before throwing them to be eaten by the neighbourhood dogs, the newspaper Fakt reports.
Jan T. was so badly beaten in the attack
that he died of his wounds in hospital a
few days later.
PKP Intercity announced this week that
there will be an extra 50 trains running
during the upcoming Euro 2012 football
tournament due to take place this summer.
Speaking at a press conference, PKP
President Janusz Malinowski explained
that the new timetable will be planned on
March 26 and will include additional trains
running from Ukraine, Russia, Denmark
and the Czech Republic.
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd March 2012 I
News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Regional news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
What’s on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Sport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
“We urge all those who have left our ranks
to return to Law and Justice.” PiS leader
Jaroslaw Kaczynski rally call in an attempt
to “unify the Polish right”.
1927 (27.03) - Krakow’s St. Mary’s
Basilica bugle call is broadcast on radio
for the first time. According to legend, the
tune breaks off mid-stream in memory of
the 13th century bugler who was shot in the
throat during a Tartar invasion.
couple of weeks
ago I penned a
piece for this column about the growing
amount of discontent I
have recently witnessed,
particularly when talking
to the younger generation [see NPE 160].
I relayed these thoughts to a few friends
at the weekend and - perhaps aided by
the few beers we had consumed - a rather
heated argument broke out.
While none of said friends are cardcarrying Tusk devotees, I received a
barrage of ‘facts’ and ‘figures’ backing up
the PM and his cronies which informed
me in no uncertain terms as to why Civic
Platform has been the best government the
country has ever witnessed. No argument.
No compromise.
The defenders in question, it must be
pointed out, were not Poles.
Funny then that a number of different
demonstrations took place this week, all
directed at a number of different issues, but
all directed at the same government.
The Greenpeace protest in Bogatynia
over energy sources, the Krakow hunger
strikes over the history syllabus in
schools and the ‘Day of Wrath’ events
organised in various cities up and down
the country.
Granted, the nationwide demos didn’t
lure in the same crowds as the ACTA
protests, but they did prove that a certain
stubbornness and resilience still lies deep
within a number of Poles and there is
nothing to suggest it’s going anywhere fast.
It’s very probable that more events like
this will be organised during PO’s stint in
power and the more word gets around, the
more people will attend them.
Yes the government has done a
commendable job in keeping the Polish
economy in tact (a basic requirement of any
government it has to be pointed out) but
anyone who fails to see the huge mistakes
it is currently making is living with their
head in the sand.
“It’s a crime of the worst category and
involved all the resources we had ... We were
prepared for the worst.” A police spokesman
speaking to a TVN reporter regarding the
kidnapping of 11-year-old Julia.
“If you can somehow protect the most
vulnerable when looking at pension
reforms then it will help the project. But
without considering our suggestions we do
not support the government’s proposals.”
Palikot Movement’s Andrzej Rozenek lets
the PM know there is a long way to go
before he can rely on his party’s support.
Re: Church refuses child abuse payout
Let me remind you, that this is the
same church that the increasingly
detached and deranged Kaczynski
insists, that if you are antagonistic
toward it you are somehow against
Poland. The real threat to Poland and its
future is subscribing to the irrational,
nationalistic, homophobic, anti-Semitic
ideology that Kaczynski, Rydzyk and
their vile ilk embody.
It is the outdated and medieval rituals
that the Roman Catholic Church eschews
which is responsible for the assault and
abuse of innocents. It is hard to think of a
less Christian institution.
Odwieczna Prawda - Glogow
Re: Biedron sex storm
I mean honestly, who really gives a toss
whether a politician has slept with a man
or woman in the past. As long as they
are able to do their job then that’s what is
Mr Biedron needs to learn to keep
his mouth shut over such petty and
uninteresting issues and get on with doing
what he’s paid to do.
Owen K - Krakow
WIYP Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Paderewskiego 1 • 81-831 Sopot
tel. +48 58 555 9818 • tel/fax. +48 58 555 0831 •
Editor-in-Chief: Steve Sibbald
Chief Writer: Steve Sibbald
Staff Writer: Matt Day
1965 (23.03) - Aneta Kreglicka - Polish
model and former Miss World is born.
Born in the northern city of Szczecin, Ms
Kreglicka won the title on November 22
1989 in Hong Kong and remains the first
and only Polish woman to receive the award.
The NPE weekend QUIZ
Publisher: WIYP Sp. z o.o.
1944 (24.03) - ‘The Great Escape’ in
Zagan takes place. Of the 76 prisoners that
escaped from the Stalag Luft III camp, 73
were captured - 50 of whom were executed
as a warning to other captives.
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Targeted as
wo innocent people have been left
injured after allegedly being brutally
attacked by anti-terrorist police in
According to reports on TVN24, authorities
broke into the pair’s flat whilst looking for
another man, leaving the 24-year-old woman
with a broken tooth and the 40-year-old man
with bruises and a broken nose.
“At first I only saw the balaclava so I
immediately began to shut the door but as
they couldn’t enter they used stun grenades,”
says the man. “My girlfriend looked out on the
balcony where she saw masked armed police.
Suddenly five people rushed at me and as I was
on the floor two more attacked me.”
The woman received similar treatment.
“They pushed me down, grabbed my hair
and dragged me across the floor,” she told
the station, fighting back tears. “I prayed
for them not to shoot.”
The sought after-man was eventually
arrested on another floor of the building,
but only after police allegedly broken into
another wrong flat first.
The authorities have since issued an
apology. “We are extremely sorry. There will
now be an investigation to see if the officers
acted in accordance with the law. If it turns
out they did not then the obviously course of
action will be a disciplinary. It’s too early to
say,” said police spokesman Andrzej Gaska.
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd March 2012 I
Complicated times for coalition
he future of the country’s once rocksolid coalition government has been
cast into doubt by an ugly dispute
over pension reforms.
Civic Platform (PO) and its junior ally the
Polish People’s Party (PSL) held two meetings
on Thursday in an attempt to patch together
a compromise and quell rumours that, with
the two sides apparently at loggerheads, the
coalition could soon shatter.
Trying to put a positive spin on the issue
following a meeting between PM Donald
Tusk and Waldemar Pawlak, the PSL leader
and deputy prime minister, senior PSL
voice Marek Sawicki told TOK FM that
“both sides in the coalition continue with
dialogue” and added that he still respected
the prime minister.
The major bone of contention remains
Civic Platform’s desire to raise the
retirement age to 67 for both sexes as PSL
considers the hike in retirement age for
women, especially those with children, as
particularly unfair.
But PO MP Rafal Grupinski told
journalists after the meeting between
the two party leaders that the “basic
assumption of extending the retirement
age to 67 has not changed” but hinted
compromise could be found in some form
of partial retirement.
Even though Mr Pawlak has gone on
record saying he has no faith in the pension
system, it was thought the row would blow
over as both sides strived to return peace
to a coalition that had been untouched by
internal strife for years. But PSL has surprised
commentators by a rare show of political
obstinacy over the issue, and even the PSL
leader ditched his generally calm and stoic
demeanour by apparently storming out of a
meeting with the prime minister on Tuesday.
Later the same day he told TVP that
despite the issues, debate between the two
“We have maintained a relationship
[within the coalition] that, despite
differences, we retain the ability to
communicate. This gives hope for finding
a good solution,” he said.
PSL’s bargaining power has been
strengthened by the defection of a PO MP
to the rival Palikot Movement (RP), which
has reduced the party’s ranks and bolstered
its reliance on its small ally.
The game of intrigue received additional
spice when PO hinted that it would look
for support for its reforms outside the
coalition. With both Law and Justice (PiS)
and the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)
steadfast in their opposition to the reforms
this leaves only the Palikot Movement as a
potential PO saviour.
Janusz Palikot was a big name within PO
until he had a public falling out with Donald
Tusk, and the relationship between the two
men has continued to deteriorate. This would
make it difficult for any form of co-operation,
and thus leaves PO with little choice but to
thrash out a compromise with PSL.
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The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd March 2012 I
Smolensk victims exhumed
uthorities have exhumed two more
victims of the Smolensk air disaster
amid continuing doubts over the accuracy of the Russian investigation into the
disaster that claimed the lives of President Lech
Kaczynski and 95 others on April 10 2010.
Following the exhumation of Zbigniew
Wasserman one year ago, investigators
from the military prosecutor’s office
removed the body of Janusz Kurtyka from
its grave early on Tuesday morning a day
after they removed that of Przemyslaw
Gosiewski, a former deputy prime minister.
Prosecutors ordered the exhumations
to check the findings of Russian medical
experts who examined the corpses in the
days after the crash. Beata Gosiewska, the
wife of Mr Gosiewski, has claimed the
weight and height given in the Russian
report do not match those of her husband.
Marcin Maksjan from the military
prosecutor’s office said the acts were carried
out because of “discrepancies in the results
of forensic medical records the prosecutor
received from the Russian Federation”.
“It is also essential that prosecutors have
no doubts about the identity of the body,”
he added.
The recovery of Kurtyka’s remains went
against the wishes of his widow Zuzanna.
She had originally demanded the presence
of Professor Michael Baden, an American
forensic scientist, during tests on her
husband’s remains but when this was denied
by the prosecutors she withdrew her consent.
Her calls echoed those made by Mrs
Gosiewska, who had asked for Professor
Baden to be allowed to carry out a private
autopsy but his too was rejected.
The requests came as a clear indication
that some of the bereaved still have
doubts over the veracity of the Russian
investigation and the Polish government’s
commitment to establishing the truth
surrounding around the tragic events.
Allegations of inaccuracies have fuelled
widespread rumours and speculation in
Poland that Moscow either carried out a
botched investigation into the crash or has
orchestrated a cover up in which the Polish
government is somehow involved.
Speaking during an interview with the
news channel TVN 24, Mrs Gosiewska
said that the rejection of her request
demonstrated “ill will”.
“The meeting with prosecutors felt like a
formal hearing,” she said. “It was amazing,
and in the end I got a feeling that if I did
something on my own accord then I would
be committing a serious crime.”
Despite the fresh examination of some
of the victims of the Smolensk crash,
it appears the main conclusions of the
Russian medical examination will remain
unchallenged, and PM Donald Tusk
appeared to play down the significance of
any new findings by saying that intense
pressure the Russian scientists were
working under may have caused them to
make mistakes.
day of apathy
number of small demonstrations
took place across the country on
Wednesday as groups of people
hit the streets to show their discontent for
Donald Tusk and his coalition government.
The so-called ‘Day of Wrath’ (‘Dzien
Gniewnu’), promoted on various internet
sites such as Facebook, urged people to join
the protests which took place in several of
the nation’s cities including Warsaw, Lodz,
Krakow, Wroclaw and Poznan.
Using a mixture of anti-government
chants, banners and burning effigies of
the Prime Minister, demonstrators rallied
against a number of current issues such as
the ACTA agreement, the recent signing
of the EU fiscal pact and plans to raise the
retirement age to 67.
However, despite much promotion
on the social networking site - which
used the slogan ‘PO and PSL cabinet,
the government of incompetence, the
government of defeat, confusion and lies’ the event failed to attract the same numbers
as January’s ACTA demonstrations.
Several hundred gathered in the capital,
according to Rzeczpospolita, while cities
like Katowice, Bielsko-Biala and Gdansk
witnessed over 100 people each.
One of the poorest attendances was
in Krakow, which reportedly saw only a
dozen or so people turn up.
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Mountain man on the mend
The 36-year-old soldier who was discovered
freezing to death in the Tatra mountain last month
[see NPE 158] is slowly on the road to recovery
reports Fakt this week.
Former soldier Wlodzimierz N., who initially
refused to answer questions about his
identification or why he was in the mountains, was
taken to a military hospital Warsaw where he was
treated for frostbite and is currently undergoing
reconstructive surgery.
According to Dr Piotr Dabrowiecki, his mental
state has improved and he is now communicating.
Greenpeace activists arrested
A team of international Greenpeace protesters,
including Poles, were arrested in the southwestern town of Bogatynia this week for climbing
a 100-metre cooling tower with the aim of
hanging a banner which read “Coal & wood is
not green energy”.
According to Wirtualna Polska, the stunt is part
of Greenpeace’s plans to get the government to
review its position on the use of such energy sources.
While the activists could face a year behind bars,
Greenpeace spokesman Jacek Winiarski states
that this is unlikely.
Done for dealing
A 38-year-old man from Lubuskie has been
arrested for selling psychotropic drugs to children
in school.
Reports by Gazeta Wyborcza state that Robert
B. was selling the anti-depressants to teenagers
for PLN 1-2 each who would then take them at
“The law states that such a crime is punishable by
up to 10 years in prison,” says police spokesman
Slawomir Konieczny.
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd March 2012 I
Hospital hygiene hits rock bottom
here was outrage in the papers this
week following the news that a hospital in Rzeszow has admitted to
using the same medical equipment for inspecting both the mouths and anuses of its
Dr Jacek Huk, head of the city’s
Gastroenterology Provincial Hospital No.
2, confirmed that the same hardware is
sometimes used for examining the insides
of patients and that this has led to conflict.
“It might be considered a little strange
that the same equipment can be used in
someone’s anus and then another person’s
oesophagus and even some doctor’s can’t
get their head around the fact,” he says
in Gazeta Wyborcza, adding that on
occasions patients have refused treatment
due to the issue.
“But we are not artists, we save lives.
Most of our patients are people who have
been drinking their entire lives and have
pancreatitis. These are of course people
who have played a part in developing their
illness, but do people expect me to turn
around and say ‘We won’t treat you as we
have no aesthetic devices’?”
Dr Huk says that he is not surprised
by some of the concerns and questions
over the controversial issue, but that his
members of staff should be aware of the
lack of risk. He is also unhappy that the
information was leaked in the first place.
“It probably came from doctors who do
not read professional medical literature
regarding such matters. Sometimes the
backwardness of some of my colleagues
astounds me, their narrow-mindedness”
he states. “If your mother had cancer, you
would probably not care how this disease
was found.”
Much of the controversy has focused
around the standard of hygiene levels,
however in a bid to help quash these
issues, he assured the public that patients
are not in any danger as all equipment is
rigorously cleaned and disinfected at high
temperatures after each use.
“It’s understandable and natural that
people will be outraged if they learn that
the same camera is used in their mouth
after being used to check someone else’s
colon. But they don’t understand that
it has been cleaned and disinfected.
It’s shocking that doctors spread such
“We are hardly likely to put something
into a patients mouth which is dirty,” he
While the matter is bound to receive
more criticism from a number of different
corners, Dr Huk claims that there are other
more pressing issues that people should be
concerned about.
“I believe a bigger problem for patients
is the one dingy toilet and one shower in
the department. We also recently opened
a new modern surgeon’s room in the same
wing which is the subject of jealousy for
some of our colleagues.”
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd March 2012 I
Bringing you the best from across the regions.
If you have any news for Graham, send him an email at
n o t h e r
month, another mishap. This week saw
smash their way into
a private flat, terrorise the residents with guns and flashbang
grenades, assault the residents, cause actual
bodily harm - then leave with their tails between their legs. Wrong address. Whoops.
Then they went up one floor and got the
wrong address again.
I’ve written about this plague of
Full steam (not) ahead
arge parts of
Warsaw ground
to a halt last Friday
following a massive problem with
the city’s centralised
heating system. A
broken hot water
mains not only flooded two of the city’s main
traffic arteries, Sikorskiego and Sobieskiego
streets, but the boiling water created massive
clouds of steam, making it impossible to see.
At the scene of the leak, several vehicles
were trapped in the steaming water, including
a bus full of passengers. The people were
unable to get out as they could have severely
scalded themselves trying to escape on foot.
Eventually fire officers managed to get a
ladder to them, enabling them to get to safety.
TVN24 reporter Jacek Palasinski,
who happened to be caught up in the
incident, commented on air, “I’ve never
seen anything like it. The road surface is
covered with a deep layer of boiling water,
with masses of steam coming off it. It’s so
bad you can’t see the asphalt.”
Traffic soon piled up, with queues stretching
as far as the eye could see. The problem took
until early Friday evening to clear up.
Later this week there were also problems
on the Warsaw Metro. On Tuesday
a passenger fell onto the track at the
Centrum station and was killed by a train.
Then on Wednesday there was organised
chaos at the same stop, as Swietokrzyska
incompetence here before. We all want
good policing, and we all know there are
some dangerous types out there. Nobody
sensible wants a neutered police force.
But there comes a point where you have
to start asking questions about the levels
of sheer stupidity needed to crash into the
wrong address. This has happened five or
six times in the last year or so.
At least this time the police have actually
been big enough and grown up enough to
say sorry. A press spokesman offered his,
“Sincere apologies” and said they would
help the family and repair all the damage.
It would have been more convincing if
station closed due to work on the city’s
second underground line.
The city’s transport company, ZTM,
prepared plenty of information for the
travelling public and laid on a special bus
service and two extra trams to compensate, but
at peak hour Centrum was still overwhelmed
by crowds and overland transport was
crammed tighter than a sardine can.
A grave problem
large section of a hundred year old wall
collapsed in Warsaw’s historic Powazki
cemetery, damaging up to 70 graves. “It
looks like a battlefield. Aunty Alina’s grave
is under all that rubble,” commented a distraught Anna Mazurkiewicz.
But despite the cemetery belonging
to the Catholic church, local curates are
coy about assisting those affected by the
collapse. “Individual graves are above all
the responsibility of the families concerned.
There are insurance policies against
vandalism and so on, you know. The
cemetery authorities can’t take responsibility
for every single grave,” said Rafal Markowski,
press officer for the Church.
The cemetery has historic site status,
and so is likely to be eligible for financial
aid from the government in rebuilding
the wall, which separated the Catholic
and Jewish sections of the necropolis.
The Society for the Care of Old Powazki
has stepped up to offer aid in restoring
any historic graves damaged, but no one
is ready to help those with more recent
headstones, leaving people like Anna
Mazurkiewicz high and dry.
the same officer didn’t then suggest the
man in the flat had, “Put up resistance.”
Another colleague insisted officers, “Had
followed procedures.”
The only response to that shameless piece
of cowardice is: if your procedures mean you
get the wrong address repeatedly; that officers
smash the head of a defenceless woman six
times on the floor, shattering her teeth and
leaving her terrified and dripping in blood; if
it’s procedure to have five burly officers sit on
a person while others kick them in the head,
almost gouging out the eye of the mistaken
villain, giving him temporary facial paralysis,
then your procedures are, frankly, a disgrace.
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd March 2012 I
Castration killer jailed
Hammer rampage mystery
Krakow resident
Dorota C. was sentenced to nine years
in jail this week for
her part in an assault
on 70-year-old Jan T.
in which she reportedly chopped off his genitals before throwing them to be eaten by the neighbourhood
dogs, the newspaper Fakt reports. Jan T. was
so badly beaten in the attack he died of his
wounds in hospital a few days later.
According the paper Jan T. and Dorota
C. had been friends for some time, the
elderly, lone gentleman frequently lending
or giving small sums to his younger female
colleague. However, when she popped
round one day with Slawomir S. to ask for
a loan and he refused, she apparently flew
into a rage and began strangling him. Her
male colleague then picked up a hammer
and began hitting Jan T. about the head.
Not to be outdone, Dorota C. reached for
a kitchen knife and castrated her friend,
tossing the genitalia away. As he lay there
bleeding, she went through his pockets,
taking a meagre PLN 10.
Jan T. was found later by a neighbour,
who called an ambulance. However, his
injuries were so severe he died soon after.
Dorota C. and Slawomir S. strenuously
denied the charges, but their appeal was
denied this week, the court upholding a
sentence of nine years for the woman and
four and a half years for the man.
amok with a hammer,
attacking 29 parked
cars in Wroclaw
this Monday. She
walked along smashing windscreens and
attacking body panels until a local resident
overpowered her. The woman was arrested
and held in police cells overnight, but police
are still unclear as to the woman’s motives.
One of the owners of a vehicle damaged
in the attack told TVN24, “At first we were
very angry, but when we saw the woman
we calmed down a bit. It was clear that the
woman wasn’t aware what was going on.”
For now the losses are still being calculated
and police are weighing up what charges to
bring against the woman. If found guilty of
criminal damage, the woman could face up
to four years in prison.
Policeman prosecuted
ielona Gora prosecutors this week
charged the 28-year-old policeman
who killed a Falubaz speedway supporter
when he ran him over in his police van last
October with manslaughter. The incident
happened as hundreds of Falubaz fans supported their team’s victory in the Polish
league, souring the celebrations and leading
to pitched battles between speedway fans
and police.
Swiebodzin prosecutors stated that the
accident was initially caused by the behaviour
of the pedestrian, who crossed the road where
he wasn’t supposed to. However, prosecutors
also found fault with the police officer.
“In the opinion of prosecutors, the
driver did not pay due care and attention,
was driving too fast for the conditions and
failed to take brake properly,” Grzegorz
Szklarz, press officer for Zielona Gora
Regional Prosecutors told reporters.
A hunger for history
ive men have been on hunger strike in St
Stanislaw Kostka church in Krakow all
this week, protesting at changes in the school
syllabus. They are opposing what they claim
is a reduction in the teaching of history that,
“Instead of our young people getting smarter,
we’ll be more and more stupid.” The Ministry
of Education disagrees, stating that the new
syllabus will see the teaching of history both
deepened and broadened.
The five were visited by Law and Justice
(PiS) MP Marek Kuchcinski, who appealed
to the men to abandon their protest. The
men refused, declaring they would only
drop their hunger strike once they hear the
new syllabus has been shelved.
“This is a last resort, which ought to
shake those running Poland today. Things
like this shouldn’t happen. The government
should make its decisions more carefully,”
commented Kuchcinski after the meeting.
He also expressed his fear that if nothing was
done, the strike could spread to other cities.
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The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd March 2012 I
Cemetery vandals
Pier woman insane
group of vandals devastated
a Jewish cemetery in
the town of Wysoki
Mazowieckie this Sunday night, daubing
swastikas and SS symbols and the message, “This is Poland, not Israel” in orange paint all over the memorials.
Most damage was done to the plaque telling
the story of the Wysoki Mazowieckie Jews.
The damage was discovered on Monday by
police officers making a routine patrol.
“We’re looking into the case. It’s too
early to connect this to similar attacks
that took place in the Podlaskie Region
in the latter half of last year,” Andrzej
Baranowski, press officer for Regional
Police Headquarters in Bialystok.
Several houses stand near the cemetery,
but none of the inhabitants noticed
anything untoward on Sunday night.
All of them are united in condemning
the incident, though. “It’s idiotic and a
disgrace. No one from round here would
have done this,” exclaimed one angry local.
The Regional Governor’s Office was of
the same opinion. “This is an act of racism
deserving of the strongest condemnation,”
the governor’s press officer, Joanna Gawel,
told reporters.
In the 19th century Jews formed
the majority of inhabitants of Wysoki
Mazowieckie. Most were murdered in 1943
in Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Cashflow problem
Belgian gentleman is likely to have a cashflow problem after Bialystok customs
officers discovered 230,000 banknotes from,
among other countries, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Cuba in parcels addressed to him. The
notes are not legal tender, but are collectors’
items with an estimated value of PLN 750,000.
Customs officers attention was drawn
by the three packages weighing over 140kg
during a routine inspection at a Bialystok
courier’s warehouse. The parcel was sent
from an address in Lithuania.
On opening the packages they found
the masses of banknotes, including
some Cuban pesetas with an image of
Che Guevara on them. There were also
banknotes from Tajikistan, Belarus and
Ukraine. All the banknotes are genuine
and seem never to have been in circulation.
Customs officers are investigating
possible smuggling charges and trying to
establish how the banknotes came into EU
territory. This is reportedly the first case of
its kind in the history of Polish customs.
he 35-year-old
drowned her threeyear-old child at
Sopot pier last November [see NPE
46/147] was not of
sound mind, court experts have established.
Prosecutors have asked for the charges to be
dropped and that the woman be sent to a
secure hospital for treatment.
It was on November 15 when passersby
noticed a body floating near Sopot pier,
which later turned out to be the body of
Ewa T.’s child. Ewa T. herself was clinging
to a ladder off the pier, up to her waist in
the freezing water.
During interrogation, she admitted
drowning her child. Psychiatrists have been
observing her since and have diagnosed, “a
severe depressive disorder with psychotic
symptoms.” Barbara Skibicka, head of Sopot
prosecutors, said, “These symptoms were
especially strong at the time of the killing.”
Prosecutors are recommending Ewa T. be
placed in a secure hospital for treatment as
she could still be a danger to herself or others.
Arka fans attack kids
group of 90 schoolchildren aged 11-16
on their way to see Lechia Gdansk play
Korona Kielce were attacked by a gang of 10
Arka football hooligans last Saturday. Several
of the children were injured, one child hospitalised with a split lip and a broken nose,
while others had scarves and other items
bearing the Lechia logo taken from them.
The children were in the town of Liniewo,
about to board a bus to go to the match,
when a group of men ran up shouting “Arka
Gdynia!” “They just steamrollered through
them. The whole thing lasted less than a
minute,” Gerard Poblocki, accompanying
the children, told reporters. Police have
so far made one arrest in relation to the
attack, but more are expected.
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The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd March 2012 I
Bank of China branches out
oland is set to witness the opening of
its first Bank of China branch in Warsaw over the next few weeks.
According to Wirtualna Polska, the
bank will open at some point in April and
already has its eyes on becoming a major
player on the Polish finance scene.
Bartosz Komasa, who is helping to
establish the BOC in Poland, has stated
that the aim is to eventually lure the
nation’s top 50 companies, such as Orlen
and Enea, onto its books.
“They are already interested in
cooperation, now we are ready to help
them realise it,” he told Puls Biznesu.
“We are in contact with a number of
major Chinese firms which are planning
business activities in Poland and which have
asked for support from the bank,” added
Komasa. “These are mainly companies
in the energy, telecommunications and
infrastructure field.”
This view was echoed by head of the
Polish branch of BOC Wenbo Hou. “We
see great interest from many companies
and we want to help bridge that gap.”
In 2010, business between the two
countries totalled PLN 51 bln and last year
President Komorowski visited the nation
to speak at a business conference - the first
time a Polish president had visited China
for 14 years.
Extra trains for the Euros
KP Intercity announced this week that
there will be an extra 50 trains running during the Euro 2012 football
tournament due to take place this summer.
Speaking at a press conference, PKP
President Janusz Malinowski explained
that the new timetable will be planned on
March 26 and will include additional trains
running from Ukraine, Russia, Denmark
and the Czech Republic.
In total, the additional service will
provide travel for 45,000 spectators.
“These extra trains will be used for
transporting fans and will be assembled
from 11 cars, each providing 800-900
seats,” he said on TVN24.
The company predicts that any problems
that may arise will be related to stations
in major cities. In an attempt combat
any potential issues, PKP is developing a
system which will allow fans to purchase
tickets at machines, online and via mobile
phone. The company has also stated that
additional multi-lingual staff will be
available to help fans at various stations.
“I think that tickets will be on sale for
the tournament from mid-April,” added
Canadian Dollar
Czech Koruna
Danish Krone
Hungarian Forint
Japanese Yen
Norwegian Krone
Pound Sterling
Russian Ruble
Swedish Krona
Swiss Franc
US Dollar
346-768 bln
100 HUF
100 JPY
The number of cubic meters of shale gas the
Polish Geological Institutes believes Poland
has ( up to 10 times less than initial estimates)
according to reports.
3 .2%
Poland’s estimated GDP growth for this year,
according to financial services firm JP Morgan.
Zolte Tarasy sold
Zlote Tarasy was the subject of much talk this week with
news that ING Real Estate Development’s 77 percent stake
in Warsaw’s most famous shopping centre was bought by
a ‘fund’ controlled by CBRE Property Fund Central Europe
and AXA Real Estate.
According to Gazeta Wyborcza, the deal is worth
approximately USD 475 mln and one of the fund’s
shareholder is Unibail-Rodamco, an existing co-owner of
the shopping centre.
Last year, Zlote Tarasy witnessed a PLN 800 mln turnover and
February this year saw 93 million customers walk through its doors.
Food exports looking healthy
Reports this week by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna state
that 2012 could yet be another record for Polish food
According to the paper, January witnessed an 8.4 percent
rise in sales compared to January 2011 with total sales
amounting to EUR 1.2 bln.
However despite this, the growth will be lower than last
year when sales increased by 11.8 percent.
BGZ economist Michal Kolesnikow predicts that by the
end of the year, Poland can expect to see a total growth of
somewhere between 3-8 percent.
Reassessing Bond Market Risk
here are profound changes facing investors in global government and corporate bond markets which could well have
a long-term impact on the composition of
their investment portfolios.
The ongoing crisis in the Eurozone
has prompted a radical shake-up in
global financial markets. Nowhere is this
more apparent than in bond markets.
Traditionally, bond portfolios have been
constructed on the assumption that
developed market government bonds (US
Treasuries, UK Gilts, German Bunds)
are safest, with risk increasing through
higher grade corporate bonds and then
again through emerging market bonds
and higher yielding corporate bonds.
However, there has been a shift in
investors’ thinking whereby, for example,
higher-grade companies such as Procter
& Gamble and Nestlé are in some cases
now considered lower-risk than major
sovereign borrowers, such as the US or
Switzerland. In many cases the rating
agencies such as S&P and Fitch agree
with this notion. The downgrades of the
US, France and other Eurozone countries
may not have had the immediate impact
on government borrowing costs that may
have been expected, but they do reflect
the idea some higher-quality corporate
bonds are now a better credit risk than
some governments. It is a similar story
when weighing up the attractiveness
of emerging market versus developed
market government debt. Back in 1994
just 2% of the bonds in the leading
JP Morgan Emerging Markets Bonds
Global Diversified index were considered
“investment grade”. Today, that figure
stands at 56%, with countries such as
Indonesia and Brazil now considered to be
investment grade. In many ways, this is a
logical reappraisal of the new environment.
Global corporations require people to buy
soap, pet food or pharmaceuticals, for
example, and this will happen through
most economic environments.
The rest of this article can be found here
Ross is a UK FSA qualified financial
adviser. To contact him directly or
to follow his blog, click here.
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd March 2012 I
W W W . F A B R Y K A Z E S P O L O W . P L
Pepsi_Rock_2012_prasa_kwiecien-182x47.indd 1
2012-03-20 13:29:21
or the next issue of Warsaw
In Your Pocket
we decided to update
our feature on Jewish
Warsaw in honour of
the 69th anniversary
of the Ghetto Uprising this April. In a city
that doesn’t want for harrowing stories,
Warsaw’s Ghetto was absolutely filled with
them – from Janusz Korczak remaining
with his orphans all the way to Treblinka
to Irena Sendler shuttling children secretly
from the Ghetto in boxes and parcels into
the waiting arms of local convents and rectories. See? Harrowing.
One of the most recognizable images
of life in the Warsaw Ghetto was that of
the footbridge over ul. Chloda that linked
the small and large Ghettos. Roughly
400,000 people (around 30 percent of the
city’s population at the time) were wedged
into an area that took up just 2.5 percent
of the city itself and was divided into
two areas with the footbridge the only
link between them. There wasn’t much
in the way of an official monument to
mark the bridge’s former location on the
street until last fall when the city unveiled
Kładka Pamięci (Footbridge of Memory),
an installation designed by Tomasz
Tusch-Lec that is made up of two pairs of
metal poles connected across the road by
optical fibres. At night the fibres become
illuminated and mimic the shape of the
footbridge over Chlodna. During the
day when the installation isn’t as striking
visitors can peer through viewfinders at
the base of each pole to see photographs
of Ghetto life.
In addition to this newly added
installation visitors can spot two other
memorials along Chlodna that are worth
a look. The first is a painting by artist
Adam X on a chunk of concrete wall that
depicts Ghetto inhabitants traversing the
footbridge. The other memorial, which
was commissioned by the Museum of
the History of Polish Jews, is entitled
“…” (literally, the name is ellipses) and
features a set of giant silvery parentheses
with three silvery dots between them. The
installation hangs adjacent to Chlodna
near the other footbridge memorials
and is meant to represent the erasure
from memory of the Jewish residents of
So if you find yourself in Warsaw this
April and you’re interested in Ghetto
history, wander over to Chlodna. The
entire northern end of the street is
undergoing a PLN 11 mln restoration and
with the addition of the new Footbridge
of Memory memorial it’s a can’t-miss slice
of Warsaw history.
26 .03 Monday - 30.03 Friday - Maxim Vengerov
Baltic Philharmonic Hall, ul. Ołowianka 1, www.
filharmonia.gda.plQConcerts start at 19:00.
Tickets 45-120zł. Available at Baltic Philharmonic
Hall’s box office (Open 10:00 - 18:00, Tue 09:30 16:00. Sat, Sun four hours before performance).
Tickets 130/110/90zł. Available at DMit box office
(Open 08:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 - 16:00. Closed Sun).
Eter Club, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 19, tel. (+48)
71 722 71 00, www.eterclub.plQ Concert starts at
19:00. Tickets 69-100zł. Available at www.ticketpro.
pl and City Information Point, ul. Św. Jana 2 (Open
10:00 - 18:00).
26 .03 Monday - Loreena McKennitt
Zabrze, Dom Muzyki i Tańca, ul. Gen. de Gaulle’a
17, tel. (+48) 32 271 66 22QConcert starts at 20:00.
29 .03 Thursday - Birdy Nam Nam
Palladium, ul. Złota 9, tel. (+48) 14 688 88 88, starts at 20:00. Tickets
99/98/79zł. Available at and Empik,
ul. Złota 59 (Open 09:00 - 22:00. Sun 09:00 - 21:00).
25 .03 Sunday - Jamie Woon
23 .03 Friday - Zakopower
Klub Studio, ul. Budryka 4, tel. (+48) 12 617 45
45, www.klubstudio.plQConcert starts at 20:00.
Tickets 35/45zł. Available at Empik Megastore, Rynek
Główny 5 (Open 09:00 - 22:00) and
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
25 .03 Sunday - 30 .03 Friday
Opera OutDoors
Manufaktura, ul. Jana Karskiego 5, tel. (+48)
12 617 45 45
To mark International Theatre Day the
Great Theatre in Łódź is moving to the
Manufaktura shopping centre to reach to
wider audience. From 25th to 30th there’s
chance to have a look at life size photos
presenting dancers and dance. On 25th
from 13:00 in the centre come and watch
ballet choreography, sections of ballets,
try on theatre costumes and take part in
singing lesson and more, sounds like fun...
‘good toes, naughty toes,’ as they say at
the Bolshoi.QAdmission free.
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd March 2012 I
22 .03 Thursday - 25 .03 Sunday - Cavaliada
Torwar, ul. Łazienkowska 6a, tel. (+48) 14 688
88 88,
One of the most important equestrian events in
Poland, in addition to the international horse riding
competition there’s a fair, a presentation of the
horses and competitive groom events, not only for
fans, but also for newcomers too. QEvent starts at
08:00. Tickets 10-100zł. Available before the event.
25 .03 Sunday - Crippled Black Phoenix
SFINKS 700, ul. Mamuszki 1, tel. (+48) 12 617
45 45,
A British band born out of the cooperation
between musicians known from Mogwai,
Electric Wizard and Iron Monkey. Playing a
mix of doom metal, folk and post rock at the
end of 2012 their new album will be released
so they’re on tour to introduce us to some of
the material.QConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets
49/39zł. Available at and
Empik, Gdańsk, ul. Podwale Grodzkie 9 (Open
09:00 - 21:00, Sun 11:00 - 20:00).
24 .03 Saturday - 25 .03 Sunday
Forever King of Pop
Zabrze, Dom Muzyki i Tańca, ul. Gen. de
Gaulle’a 17, tel. (+48) 32 271 66 22, www.
This is a two-hour musical tribute to Michael
Jackson produced by Summum Music under
the patronage of and in cooperation with
the Jackson Family Foundation. The arena
will ring out to the sounds of Billie Jean,
Beat It, Bad, ABC, I Want You Back, Smooth
Criminal, Human Nature and other hits in a
show performed by 40 artists including a live
band, vocalists and dancers.QEvent starts
at 19:00 on Sat and 18:00 on Sun. Tickets
90-170zł. Available at DMiT box office (Open
08:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 - 14:00) and www.
24 .03 Saturday - Lindsay Martell
Warsaw Tortilla Factory, ul. Wilcza 46, tel. (+48)
22 621 86 22,
This Canadian singer/songwriter comes from
a background infused with acoustic guitar and
popular folk. So far she has two albums to her
name: Moris (1996) and Lindsay Martell, r-evolution
(2006), check out some undoubtedly dulcet tones.
QConcert starts at 21:00. Admission free.
24 .03 Saturday - Mystery Play
Pl. Piłsudzkiego, tel. (+48) 22 621 86 22
This traditional Easter time event used to
be organised in Poznań, but last year it took
place in Warsaw and, after a positive audience
response, it was decided to hold it in both cities.
It is a dramatisation of the way-of-the cross, the
death of Jesus and his resurrection. Lasting
around 80 minutes, it features a cast of over
a hundred. Traditionally after the resurrection
there will be dance scene where the character
of John Paul II will appear, praise be.QEvent
starts at 19:00. Admission free.
23 .03 Friday - Igudesman & Joo
Kamienica Theater, Al. Solidarności 93, tel.
(+48) 14 688 88 88
Classical musicians Aleksey Igudesman and
Richard Hyung-ki Joo put on a performance
that mixes comedy, music and pop culture
into a unique stage experience. The endgame
is to make classical music more accessible
to a wider (and younger) audience. The duo
kicked off 2012 by setting a world record for the
most dancing violinists on stage at one time evidence of their unique brand of classical
entertainment. QEvent starts at 20:30. Tickets
120/100zł. Available at
27 .03 Tuesday
IRA - Hard Rock Cafe Warsaw 5th Anniversary
Hard Rock Cafe, ul. Złota 59 (Złote Tarasy),
tel. (+48) 22 222 07 00,
HRC in Warsaw is celebrating its 5th birthday and
so have invited the very well-known Polish band
IRA along for the evening. If a ‘light’ version of
heavy metal is not a contradiction in terms, then
IRA play it. They have been around since 1987
and are always a big draw, having supported
the likes of Aerosmith in their time.QConcert
starts at 21:00. Tickets 50/35zł. Available at www. and Empik, ul. Złota 59. (Open 10:00
- 22:00, Sun 10:00 - 20:00).
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
12 spORT
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd March 2012 I
No coconuts in Middlesborough
atryk Malecki has been in Middlesborough for trials this week, but any
move is jeopardised by his inability
to speak so much as a word of English. The
player has been in the so-called “Coconut
Club” at Wisla Krakow for the last month as
a punishment for leaving the pitch in a strop
when substituted and then refusing to play
in the following game. Malecki was promptly sidelined by then Wisla manager Kazimierz Moskal and has since trained alone.
Malecki is reported to have impressed
during the tests, though Middlesborough
manager Tony Mowbray was cautious in his
reactions. “We’ll keep an eye on Patryk. It’s
difficult to talk about the future right now.
You can’t jump to conclusions on the basis of
a few days of trials,” said Mowbray.
The Polish press, though, is confident a
summer move to North-East England is on
the cards if Malecki can pick up the basics
of English. However, Kew Jaliens, one of
Malecki’s foreign compatriots at Wisla,
commented that despite the multicultural
dressing room at the Krakow club, “If he ever
tried to say anything in English or Spanish,
we split our sides laughing. Patryk’s a funny
For the time being, the change of manager
has led to a thaw in the climate and this
Wednesday an announcement on the Wisla
website stated, “At the request of the manager,
Michal Probierz, and with the assent of the
board, Patryk Malecki returned to training
with the White Star’s first team.”
“Everybody makes mistakes. The
important thing is to learn from them,” said
Probierz recently. Malecki commented on his
return to the first team with protestations of
loyalty, telling reporters, “I’ll do everything I
can to play well for the manager. That’s how I
want to thank him.”
Malecki may have a harder time with his
colleagues on the pitch, Kew Jaliens telling
Przeglad Sportowy, “He let the entire team
down. He has to make a genuine apology.”
Still without Malecki, Wisla progressed this
week to the semi-finals of the Polish Cup,
along with Legia Warszawa, Arka Gdynia
and Ruch Chorzow.
However, it emerged this week that the
final may not be held in the newly-opened
National Stadium. “We’ve written to them
twice and not heard anything,” Polish FA
boss Grzegorz Lato told reporters.
National Stadium boss Robert Wojtas
told Radio Zet that police were objecting
to conditions at the stadium, but this was
denied by Maciej Karczynski of Warsaw
police, saying, “There’s been no decision on
this from our side, we’ve not received any
documentation at all.”
Marek makes her mark
isgraced cross country skier Kornelia Marek returned to the sport
this Wednesday after completing a
two year ban for doping. She immediately
took the bronze medal in the Polish championship in her first outing, aided by the absence of Justyna Kowalczyk, who was having
a knee operation. Marek tested positive for
EPO during the Vancouver Winter Olympics
where she was a member of the Polish cross
country relay team. Then on Thursday, she
took gold in the 5km classic style race.
Justyna Kowalczyk was the major
absentee at the championships as she
underwent keyhole surgery on an injured
knee this week. “Justyna had some
surface damage to the patella,” explained
the surgeon, Robert Smigielski. The
damage offers a possible explanation for
the series of falls the skier suffered at the
end of the season. “A symptom such as a
collapse or slip of the leg could be related
to a build-up of fluid in the knee,” said
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Ten breaks, but broken
Urszula Radwanska, Agnieszka’s younger sister,
took part in an extraordinary first round match in
the WTA Miami tournament this week. Despite
her opponent, Kateryna Bondarenko, serving
20 double faults and losing her serve 10 times,
Radwanska still lost 6-3, 6-7, 4-6. The younger
Radwanska is ranked 98 in the world, while her big
sister, Agnieszka is at an all time high of fourth.
Kogut has something to crow about
Kogut was the star of her first ever major
competition, despite not being a winner. The
judges made a mistake in the scoring, giving
her a place on the podium, but the little
girl noticed a mistake and when her name
was read out, she collected the trophy and
straight away gave it to her friend instead.
The Polish Olympic Committee was so
impressed they awarded the little girl
a special diploma for Fair Play. Ola’s
father, Krzysztof told TVN24, “Ola thinks
the fuss over her isn’t necessary. She just
wants to train and enjoy her successes.
She gets up of her own volition at 5am
every day and runs to the swimming
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd March 2012 I
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Flavours of Ireland
Warsaw’s Baking Angel
The annual Flavours of Ireland evening of delicious
Irish food and drink, accompanied by Irish music
and Dancers, will be held in Warsaw on 2 February,
Sheraton Hotel. Special performers will be The
‘McCague Brothers’ over from Ireland, joined
by local Polish friends. Tickets cost 280zloty. For
more information, contact the Irish Chamber
of Commerce in Poland at dorothy.hansberry@
Stress-free, Mess-free Treats! A home bakery
in Warsaw that makes delicious home-made
Western and Polish treats for reasonable prices.
New customers 10% discount!
I am teaching classical guitar in Krakow.
Please call me or send me mail for price.
512 198 068
for further details
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd March 2012 I
The English Speakers’ Club
Poznan International Ladies Club
C of E Additional Service
The next meeting of the English Speakers’ Club
will be on Friday 24.02.12 at Quo Vadis, PLac
Narutowicza 8 from 8pm-11pm. ‘A sociable
Murdo MacLeod:
Meetings on the first Wednesday of the month
(September - June)
Andersia Hotel, Restaurant Mosaica, 9:30 AM
Continental breakfast (cost 30 zl)
Social time and information about upcoming
The Church of England in Poland is running an
additional service, led by Father Felix, at 4pm each
Sunday, except the third Sunday of the month, for
the period between now and the beginning of Lent.
Further extension of this service will depend on
popular demand. All are welcome.
Place: Res Sacra Miser Chapel, ul. Krakowskie
Przedmiescie 62, Warsaw.
Free conversation lessons
Church of England in Poland
The Sikh Community
Free conversation lessons take place at KLUB
DIALOGU, Krakowskie Przedmieście 13/156
(entrance from Tokarzewskiego) every Saturday at
11:00 am and 12:10 pm.
Please call: 22-498-1010
or email us: if you are interested
We welcome Anglicans, Episcopalians and all others
interested, to celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday
morning at 10.30 am. Join us for light refreshments
after the service to learn more about the activities
of our church.
Place: Res Sacra Miser Chapel, ul. Krakowskie
Przedmiescie 62, Warsaw.
The Sikh Community of Warsaw meets each Sunday
at the Sikh Gurudwara in Rashyn, Ul Na Skraju
56. All are welcome. Kirtan starts at midday and
langar is served after the Bhog at about 1400. For
more information contact 22 868 4541. The Sikh
faith is about equality, honesty and standing up
to oppression. Anyone visiting the Guru’s house is
welcome, in return for due respect and consideration
of the Sikh faith.
Role Playing Game in Warsaw
Poland Tartan Army
International English-speaking group in Warsaw,
mostly foreign professionals, play tabletop
Dungeons & Dragons fortnightly. No experience
necessary but fluent English proficiency is
required. Have a good time. Play some games.
Meet new friends. Open your imagination. More
info: Facebook group: or
A new Poland Tartan Army Facebook group
has been created. If you are a fan of Scottish
football and our national team please
join the group by visiting Facebook and
conducting a search for Poland Tartan Army.
If anyone, who is not a part of Facebook,
is interested in this idea then please email to register your interest.
We are a Polish and Expat social group who organise a
walk/run in a forest, park or around the city, followed by
a few beers (or whatever takes your fancy!). We meet at
the Marriott hotel on alternate Saturdays at 2pm. “Hash
House Harriers” is an international group, which was
originally established in Malaysia 70 years ago.
All are welcome. For details, call Martin at 502-052-958.
Email or
International Women’s Group
International Rotary Club
Gospel Baptist Church
Meetings are held twice a month on the SECOND
Monday at 10.30 (for location see our newsletter
or website) and on the FOURTH Monday of the
month at Moulin Rouge restaurant located in
the Zlote Tarasy Shopping Mall (ul. Zlota 59) from
10:00 - 11:00.
For more information see or
contact us at
International Rotary Club - Warszawa Wilanow is
the only English speaking Rotary Club in Warsaw.
Visiting Rotarians are warmly welcomed
to join the weekly meetings held at the
Polonia Palace Hotel, Al. Jerozolimskie 45.
Tuesday’s at 12:00, except the last Tuesday
of each month when the meeting is at 19:00.
For more information: +48 601 897 731
Services are held in Polish and English
languages: Sun. 11:00, Thurs. 19:00. For more
information contact: Pastor Paul Sock, mob.
0500-270-990, e-mail:
GAA in Warsaw
Expat meetings
Toastmasters club
Cumann Warszawa.Poland’s first and only GAA
club is up and running and is looking for players
of all levels, all nationalities and both sexes. We
offer weekly training, competitive games and
regular social events as well as fresh oranges at
half time.
Contact Eoin at 0518-425-587 or
Meeting English speakers in Warsaw just got a
whole load easier. We don’t teach you Salsa,
we make you pay for your own drinks, but
we do promise to give you the premier multicultural event of the week at Warsaw’s very own
Professional Wednesday Meetup.
Toastmasters club (Polska) invites all to master
Public Speaking. Weekly meetings are held
every Wednesday at 19.00 in the Warsaw Stock
Exchange building (1st floor, Catalyst room), ul.
Książęca 4. Guests are most welcome with no
obligation apart from a short introduction.
For details check
or call Etan 696-292-451
Contact - or 691535566