aneta kreglicka


aneta kreglicka
Polish News
Friday 20th March 2015
Issue 10 (300)
Violent protests in Legionowo
Teenage death
brings police
into question
© tvn24
hirteen people were arrested after
violent clashes on the streets of Legionowo on Monday evening following the recent death of a teenage boy.
Approximately 300 protesters gathered
in the town’s centre - located just 23 km
from Warsaw - and trouble soon broke
out with a number of people throwing
stones, firecrackers and other missiles.
At least one officer was hit in the face
with a flying bottle, reports TVN24. In
addition to this, a further five were also
“The trouble began when a group of
several dozen thugs and hooligans, who
were separate from the rest of the protesters,
began looking for a fight with those in
charge,” Mariusz Mrozek, a spokesman
for the Metropolitan Police, told reporters.
“A gang of aggressive people then started
coming towards the police cars and we had
to take steps to restore order.”
The protests were sparked by the death
on Monday March 10, of a local teenage
boy. Initial reports state that 19-year-old
Rafal died as a result of choking on a bag
of drugs - most likely marijuana. Rafal’s
parents however have accused the police of
contributing to their son’s death and have
questioned their actions. “Why was this
policeman holding his throat? So he could
not swallow? It was not until he saw that
something was going on that he began to
Locals have blamed the police for the incident which saw a 19-year choke to death
try and resuscitate him,” Justyna Krasicka,
the boy’s mother has since stated.
The station reports that politicians Janusz
Korwin-Mikke (head of the Coalition for
the Renewal of the Republic - Freedom
and Hope (KORWIN) and Przemyslaw
Wipler (who made news last year following
allegations that he had been a victim of
police brutality) were both present at the
“You must stop treating people like
cattle ... As President I will change the
constitution so the state does not punish
people for the possession of any substance,”
said Mr Korwin-Mikke. “The victim Rafal
might not have died in vain as he could be
the force behind a changing of the law.”
The case is being investigated by a
Warsaw Prosecutor’s Office to explain
how the boy died. It appears that the boy
tried to swallow evidence of possession of
a small amount of marijuana and choked
in the process.
“As is clear from the opinion of a
medical expert from the Institute of
Forensic Medicine in Warsaw, the death
of Rafal was caused by the aspiration of a
foreign body into the airways (a package
with dimensions of 2.5cm x 1.8cm x
0.8cm was discovered in the lower part of
the trachea), resulting in acute respiratory
failure” Renata Mazur from the Warsaw
District Prosecutor’s Office in Praga told
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The New Poland Express I Friday 20th March 2015 I
News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Regional news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
In brief & In Your Pocket. . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Classifieds & Community groups . . . . . 7
From the editor
Quotes of the week
his week’s terrorist attack in
Tunisia certainly
seems to have left the
Polish government stood
looking around and
scratching their heads.
After reading four different reports of
the story (on three different websites it
should also be noted) I was still not quite
sure how many Poles have been killed, how
many are unaccounted for and how many
have been taken to hospital with injuries. If
I as a mere reader have been left confused
and concerned, then just imagine how
those who have family members currently
over there are feeling.
At the time of the attack, it’s been
said that a group of 36 Poles were in the
museum - that’s no small number - and
when the press report things like that, it
merely adds to the hysteria.
So far the general consensus is that two
Poles in total have been killed. Let’s hope
that figure doesn’t get any higher. But it
doesn’t help when you’ve got Radoslaw
Sikorski sticking his nose in and giving out
his own version of events. To tell reporters
that seven have been killed when the info
was still - as he put it - “unconfirmed” is
simply irresponsible. You would think as a
former Foreign Minister he might actually
know how to conduct himself during such
sensitive times.
Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz has
reportedly spoken to her Tunisian
counterpart and former PM Donald Tusk
has also spoken and sent condolences
to families who have lost loved ones. He
added that both the European Union
and Tunisia were 100 percent against
Of course there will be much more
coverage on the story once the dust settles
and all the facts come out. Until then, our
sympathies are with anyone who has lost
family members or is still waiting to hear
news and information.
“We absolutely condemn this terrorist
attack which has affected our compatriots
... we are all deeply shocked and disturbed
that our compatriots are the victims of such
a brutal and cowardly terrorist attack.”
President Bronislaw Komorowski speaking
on the terrorist attack in Tunisia which
claimed Polish lives.
“I am afraid we probably have seven
fatalities in Tunisia. This is unconfirmed
but I received this information from the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” Former Foreign
Minister Radoslaw Sikorski was accused
of forgetting his place and shouting his
mouth off following this statement about
the Tunisian terrorist attack.
“The European Union and Tunisia will
not be intimidated by terrorism, at home
or abroad. We are ready to support the
Tunisian government in its actions against
violent extremism.” President of the
European Council Donald Tusk.
Have Your Say
Re: Time for Tomahawks
Hold tough Poland. Here in the US, we have
an anti-freedom, anti-conscious President.
He lied and cheated you, and we know it. You
should, right now, be hosting a rather large
anti-missile battery, and you are not because
of this man. The elections are coming up, the
campaigns have started. Pray and be patient.
TheLastPlainsman - Denver,
Colorado, USA
Re: A simple fact of safety
Until Polish law allows for the fair
compensation (under Imminent Domain
laws as in United States) for reasonable public
use, nothing will change. Roads will not be
adequate, sidewalks will not exist and citizens
will risk their lives in and out of automobiles.
My (Polish) wife reminds me that the in the
Polish thinking is that laws exist to be worked
around and Poles are furiously protective of
their property lines. That being said I’ll risk
the penalty and continue to cross on red
despite on future visits
Todd F Blum - Minnesota, US
Publisher: WIYP Sp. z o.o.
Editor-in-Chief: Steve Sibbald
WIYP Sp. z o.o. • ul. Bohaterow Monte Cassino 6/1, 81-805 Sopot
tel. +48 58 555 9818 • tel/fax. +48 58 555 0831 •
Chief Writer: Steve Sibbald
Nationwide: Graham Crawford
Graphic Designer: Tomáš Haman
Sales Director: Malgorzata Drzaszcz
This week in history
1925 (22.03) - The Wielka Krokiew ski
jumping venue is opened in Zakopane.
With a capacity of 40,000, the stadium
made international news following Pope
John Paul II performing a mass there during his 1997 visit to Poland.
1965 (23.03) - Aneta Kreglicka - Polish
model and Miss World 1989 - is born. Born in
the north-western city of Szczecin, Aneta won
the title on November 22 in Hong Kong. In the
same year, she was first runner-up at the Miss
International 1989 event in Kanazawa, Japan.
1970 (20.03) - The University of Gdansk
is founded. Formed by amalgamating Sopot’s Higher School of Economics and
Gdansk College of Education, the university is today attended by 29,000 students.
The NPE weekend QUIZ
© K. Zalewska
We had a huge response to last week’s
competition (well done to Donnie
Sperry for being the winner) so in order
to try and please a couple more folk,
we’ve had a word with our friends at
Poznan’s Great Theatre and managed to
bag another double invite to give away
for ‘Don Giovanni’.
The performance takes place on April
18 and for those who have never had the
chance to see it in the past, well, you’re
missing out on a treat. If you’d like
the chance to check it out for yourself,
simply tell us on which fictional
character the opera is based...
As always, send your answers to the
following email:
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th March 2015 I
Poles caught in Struggles in Sosnowiec
Tunisia attack T
here have been a number of conflicting reports in the press about
the number of Polish tourists killed
and injured in Wednesday’s terrorist attack in Tunisia’s Bardo museum.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Marcin
Wojciechowski as saying, “Two Poles
were killed, two are missing and nine
are injured,” it also states that figures
and details are “constantly changing”.
In addition to this, the Internal Security
Agency (ABW) has yet to provide a list of
names due to confusion surrounding the
Arabic translations.
“The number of people killed is
constantly changing. In the evening
we had some information from the
Tunisian Interior Minister,” said Mr
Wojciechowski. “But when it comes to
Polish victims, I have spoken with the
ambassador and the consul this morning
and we were told two have been killed,
two missing and nine are currently in
hospitals injured.”
The news station has also reported that
there was a group of 36 Polish tourists
visiting the museum at the time of the
terrorist attack.
The Polish Foreign Ministry has since set
up a special government hotline for anyone
requiring information: +48 225238880
he southern city of Sosnowiec also
witnessed riots on its streets this
week after more than 200 people
turned out to battle with authorities over
the death of a 23-year-old man.
According to TVN24, 14 people were arrested
and two policemen were injured - although their
injuries are not thought to be serious.
The young man - named only as ‘Radek’ by
newspaper Fakt - died in hospital on Monday.
However, his death follows an incident last
Thursday when police were called to a scene
on ul. Kisielewskiego by an ambulance crew.
Upon arrival, officers are thought to have
found two men; one being treated by doctors
and the other sat behind the wheel of a
BMW. “The 23-year-old man was arrested
on March 12 and died today,” confirmed
Deputy Inspector Dariusz Panas, press
officer for Sosnowiec police. “We were called
to the scene and it’s highly likely the two men
we found were under the influence of drugs.”
“One was aggressive and did not want to
reveal his identity. There was a danger that he
was going to drive away,” Mr Panas added.
While doctors have stated the death is
most likely down to drug poisoning, the
man’s family have allegedly claimed that
he died as a result of “police intervention”.
The investigation continues.
World Cup boycott on the cards?
he Minister of Sport made his position on the current Ukraine situation
clear this week by suggesting Poland
could boycott the 2018 World Cup in Russia.
Speaking on TVN’s Faktow po Faktach,
Andrzej Biernat stated that Poland could well
be set to take such a decision, despite the fact
it has not yet qualified for the tournament.
“Let someone start this boycott. Let them
clearly say: Do not go to the World Cup. We
have current holders Germany, then teams
such as England, France and Spain too.”
He did however note - somewhat ironically
- that “we can’t begin discussing it yet as
elimination hasn’t yet started.”
“I remember back in 1984 Polish athletes
after four years of hard preparation didn’t
go to the Olympic Games in Los Angeles.
Please ask the athletes what they think
about this boycott. Back then it was a state
boycott, today though sports associations
have a higher degree of autonomy.”
When asked whether Poland should
withdraw from the elimination rounds,
Mr Biernat simply said he “had no right to
demand it”.
Giving his own view on the matter,
Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko has
already stated that a World Cup in Russia
is currently “unthinkable”.
ul. Chocimska 7, Warszawa, tel. 22 848 12 25, tel./fax 22 848 15 90,
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The New Poland Express I Friday 20th March 2015 I
Nationwide with Graham Crawford:
Bringing you the best from across the regions.
If you have any news for Graham, send him an email at
Without rhyme or region
back in the early
a bloke looking like
Trevor Horn on amphetamines appeared
on TV going on about the drastic situation
in Polish hospitals, and setting in motion
the hideously named Grand Orchestra of
Xmas Help (Poles don’t really do the whole
brevity thing). It soon became an institution and has raised millions every year
since to help provide specialist equipment.
It seemed to really bring people together
Bye bye millions?
authorities have
been ordered by the
Supreme Administrative Court to pay
an extra PLN 47 mln
for late payment of a
liability, according
to a report on, but City Hall says
it will appeal.
The fine is a result of a case going back
four years relating to a debt incurred over
land purchased for road construction. In a
decision back in 2012, the court decided in
favour of a developer, but failed to specify
how much City Hall had to pay. That debt
was then sold to FM Bank, who believe it to
be around PLN 200 mln, but despite talks
between the two sides, the details could not
be agreed. As a result, FM Bank returned
to the court for damages for late payment.
in the midst of the dingy Polish winter,
motivating young people to do something
and instilling a bit of civic pride, to say
nothing of saving countless lives. I got
involved myself. One time, I was asked to
provide a bit of a warm up, playing a few
songs before an open stage at Koszalin’s
student club. Unfortunately, nobody else
turned up to perform, so I ended up playing
for over two hours, and had some explaining
to do when I got home to my other half.
Then, at some point, it changed. People
who call themselves Christian demonstrated
their total lack of understanding of the
Christian faith - especially the bit about
letting others cast the first stone - and
decided to launch attacks on Jerzy Owsiak
and his Orchestra. They seem to perceive any
institution that isn’t rooted in Catholicism
as a threat. The attacks continue unabated
and, thanks to social media, are becoming
more and more pervasive.
It was with great pleasure, then, that I
read recently that the Orchestra this year
raised a record sum of around PLN 53 mln.
It just goes to show. Haters gonna hate, but
the great Polish public can tell shit from
shinola, and their record support for the
Orchestra is one in the eye for all those
nasty, narrow-minded folk who purvey
spite and hatred under the blanket of their
faith. Hooray!
Art attack
Kiss and ride
project by a French artist, bringing
works by Polish masters to the walls
of a run-down tenement lasted a matter of
days before vandals tore them down. “Art
is ephemeral,” commented a spokesperson
for City Hall.
Julien de Casabianca photographed
numerous paintings at Warsaw’s National
Museum, then made large prints of them and
stuck them to buildings on Ulica Stalowa,
Mala and Inzynierska. They were received
with interest from residents and passersby,
but local hooligans soon tore them down.
De Casabianca, though, responded via
social media, declaring, “My Warsaw
friends, I shall be back in the city from
Friday to Sunday.” He aims to restore the
damaged paintings and add new ones,
and has even asked residents to suggest
paintings they would like to see. The artist
has carried out similar projects in cities
across the world.
resident of Bielany has proposed setting up a ‘Kiss and ride’ system of laybys at metro stations and major tram stops
in the district. The lay-bys would function
like those at airports, enabling drivers to
safely drop-off or collect loved ones, stopping as briefly as possible before driving
In her proposal to the so-called
“participatory budget”, Jolanta Calka
states, “It’s about safely dropping off
children, the elderly or disabled at metro
stations, because at present, it can’t be
done safely.” The project estimates a cost of
nearly PLN 60,000 for the construction of
eight lay-bys in the district.
“It’s a very good idea. A place like that
to stop for a moment by metro stations
would be useful. It would make life easier
for the elderly, or those who have difficulty
getting around,” said Grzegorz Pietruczuk,
Bielany’s Deputy Mayor.
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The New Poland Express I Friday 20th March 2015 I
Pitch battle teens
Don’t bank on it
Road to nowhere
total of 19 youths
were arrested following a mass brawl
on the Morena Estate
in Gdansk. Most of
those arrested were
adolescents, so only
two 17-year-olds and an 18-year-old were
formally charged.
“Police were called to a pitched battle
taking place between a group of young
people. As soon as they arrived, the youths
scattered. Officers managed to track
down and arrest 19 of them,” commented
Lucyna Rekowska for Gdansk police.
“Those involved in the fight used gas, and
a range of metal bars and wooden clubs,”
she added.
Police say the youths knew one another,
but attended different secondary schools.
Three people were injured in the fighting.
“The three adults have been charged with
being involved in a brawl and face up to
three years in prison. The remainder will
be dealt with through the juvenile courts,”
explained Rekowska. Investigations are
ongoing, as police try to establish precisely
how many people were involved and what
role they played.
n 85-year-old man
spent two years
searching for his life’s
savings - PLN 50,000
- before giving up and
calling the police as he
suspected someone in
his family had stolen it. A police officer came,
interviewed the elderly gentleman and started
searching, eventually finding a metal cash box
with all the cash inside, safe and sound.
The missing cash had become a source
of conflict within the family, after the man
thought it had gone missing from its hiding
place. An officer from the Division of Property
and Adolescent Crime came and after
questioning the man, decided it was worth
searching the whole house. Before long, in a
utility room, the officer found the missing cash
box with the money inside. The 85-year-old has
now been persuaded to use a bank instead.
ielce boasts one of the shortest cycle
paths in Poland - and possibly the
world - with a 200m stretch of cycling bliss
connected to nothing at either end. For now,
the only people who can sensibly use it are
pedestrians, but if caught, they face a fine.
Jaroslaw Skrzydlo, press officer for
Kielce’s roads department explained that
the path will actually lead somewhere once
the nearby junction is remodelled, but
there isn’t a date for that investment to go
ahead. “We’re considering designating it a
path for pedestrians and cyclists, but we
need to measure the width - maybe we can
have a separate path for each.”
As far as the fines are concerned, Wojciech
Bafia, for Kielce City Guard, commented,
“It’s true. Theoretically, we could fine any
pedestrians using the path, but I’d like to
reassure you that, because of the current
situation, we certainly won’t be doing so.”
Mummified corpse
olice from Slupsk discovered the mummified remains of a 56-year-old woman
in a flat under a pile of clothes. Officers had
been looking for her for months, finally
discovering the corpse under the clothing
in her partner’s flat.
The woman was declared missing by
her family in January, and officers initially
thought the woman had moved elsewhere.
Officers spoke to the woman’s partner,
Robert Czerwinski for Slupsk police
explained. “Obviously, we followed up all
the leads. The information we received
from the partner was contradictory. Some
things didn’t make sense to us, and we
wanted to bring him in for questioning, but
he managed to evade us. We did know that
the pair were abusing alcohol,” Czerwinski
told reporters.
Officers finally managed to speak
to the man in his flat and during the
chat the 66-year-old showed them the
woman’s remains. “The body was partially
mummified. We arrested the man and
brought him in for questioning,” said
Czerwinski. A post mortem showed the
woman died of natural causes over a
month earlier. The woman’s partner was
released without charge, but prosecutors
are still investigating.
TEL. +48 22 222 07 00
Death at the disco
A father of three was killed this week after
falling to his death from a night club balcony.
According to Fakt, the tragic incident took
place in the southern town of Brzeg whilst
29-year-old Marcin was visiting local club
‘Ibiza’. Police have yet to release official details,
however the paper states the fall may have
been the result of an argument or altercation
with another party-goer.
After the fall, the young man was taken to
hospital where he spent several hours fighting
for his life before sadly passing away.
“We are now checking to see how many
people were involved in the incident and
what the exact circumstances were,” a police
spokesman told reporters.
Pendolino comes in for criticism
Since its launch in December last year, official
figures state that four people have been killed
by Pendolino trains in Poland so far.
According to TVN24, a number of people living
in towns and villages close to where the trains
run have complained of the danger due to a
combination of their fast speed (200 km/h) and
lack of noise.
One resident of the south-western village of
Goszcz said, “It’s so fast, you can’t estimate
the distance” while another claimed, “People
don’t realise the threat they pose.”
However PKP Intercity spokesperson Zuzanna
Szopowska defended the trains stating.
“People die every day due to carelessness
... We are constantly trying to educate the
public to be more careful and to only cross at
designated areas.”
More and more go missing
New statistics claims that in 2014 more than
20,000 Poles disappeared without a trace.
The figures, released by the police, show
that in total 20,845 people disappeared approximately 1,000 more than the year
“There’s the opening of the borders, people
wanting to go abroad, marriages and divorces
and in some cases a parent or guardian
takes their child and disappears without
their partner’s consent,” Aleksander Zablocki
of Fundacji Itaka (a foundation set up to
help locate missing people) told Dziennik
Gazeta Prawna. “Another growing problem is
kidnapping,” he added.
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th March 2015 I
ast week we took you inside Katowice’s new Silesian Museum for
the first time, but what’s happening around the rest of town? Katowice,
and therefore our latest Katowice In Your
Pocket print guide, is loaded with new
venues, so let’s take a look at some of the
highlights below. As ever, follow the links
to get more info and leave your own comments on our website.
Pub Kontynuacja
It’s official, the beer gods have
descended upon Katowice. This supersleek multi-level multi-tap bar is the first
franchise to be spawned after the original
took Wrocław by storm. The style and
philosophy are similar with 16 taps and
a few pumps pouring pints of the finest
Polish and European craft micro-brews.
The taps rotate on a daily - sometimes
hourly - basis but you can always be
sure to find the newest brews from Ale
Browar, Pinta, Dr. Brew, Birbant, Perun
and Silesian heroes Kraftwerk! Expect
the bar to be packed with a healthy mix
of hipsters, trend hoppers and beer geeks.
So grab a chair and raise your glass in the
air, because you ain’t going nowhere.
BO TAK Wege Przestrzeń
The vegetarian and vegan landscape in
Katowice has been slowly improving over
recent years, but things have now kicked
into high gear with the arrival of Bo Tak.
Not merely content with being a fullon gourmet vege/vegan lunch bar and
restaurant, they go the extra mile and
put their ethos and activism into action
by organising all sorts of community
events, workshops and concerts as well.
Spread out on two bright and colourful
floors, there are plenty of nooks and
spaces to slide into if you just want to
grab a quick healthy bite during the day.
In the evening spread out for a full feast
or snuggle up to the bar for a beer or a
shot. It seems that this is the type of place
that just about anything can happen at
any time of day or night, so keep on your
guard and order another plate of great
veggie grub!
Mosquito Silesia Apartments
Katowice’s newest and best-located
apartments are truly a sight to behold
and raise the bar for private apartment
standards in Silesia. With three deckedout luxury apartments to choose from
(primary colour-coded inside and out),
each is a slight variation on the next with
the same standards and 50 shades of grey
styles throughout. Modern design, plush
furniture, soft sheets, expansive terraces,
modern conveniences, full kitchens and
even a sprawling deck patio in the blue
suite (as our luck would have it). Add to
the mix several workspaces and desks,
plus super-fast internet and plasma tv
and cable, it should suffice it to say that
giving back the key was the hardest part
about our stay. Whether you’re planning
a weekend of leisure or a quick business
trip here’s a tip – book an extra night here
just for good measure.
Cafe Kattowitz
A slice of strudel most divine
accompanied our cappuccinos just fine
as the porcelain and the silver softly
clattered. And so we sat and sipped and
occasionally dipped our forks into the
flaky pastry pondering – how had we
been transported to Vienna so suddenly?
The dark woods and high ceilings of
this fin-de-siecle cafe were filled with
the sputtering sounds of a perfectly
polished espresso contraption. We were
momentarily pulled from the dream
as our waitress (or perhaps a Hapsburg
handservant) implored us to dig deeper
into their exquisite menus. All manner
of cake and sweets awaited plus an
exhaustive list of traditional transEuropean and Silesian main dishes. But
as our steam train did approach we saw
our waitress’s reproach as we alighted yet
to return, ever after.
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th March 2015 I
Classifieds & Community Groups
Place your free ads and community news here. Email
Lenten Recollection
Warsaw Choir
Stunning apartment in Old Town
We warmly invite you to a Lenten Recollection
for Ladies in English. When: 22/3/2015,
Time: 10:30-12:30 including Mass.
Where: Wisla Cultural Center, ul. Krzyckiego
5/7, Warsaw. Spiritual formation in Wisla Cultural
Center is entrusted to Opus Dei, a Personal
Prelature of the Catholic Church.
Chor Warszawski: an international choir, meeting
every Tuesday evening at Palac Kultury. Contact
Richard Berkeley for more information
100m2, three bedrooms, views of castle and
convent, contemporary kitchen and bathrooms,
top quality decor and furniture.
Iain -,
+48 609 100 257
English-speaking Catholics in Warsaw
Gospel Baptist Church in Warsaw Welcomes You!
Are you thinking of becoming a Catholic? We
welcome inquiries! Contact us the St. Paul’s
English Speaking Catholic Parish of Warsaw.
Contact: ul. Solidarnosci 80, Fr Wieslaw
Dawidowski O.S.A - 600 384 916, Bro. Piotr
Lamprecht O.S.A - 518 414 885
Responding to the growing interest in prenatal
yoga for non-Polish speaking mums-to-be in
Warsaw, on the 3rd September 2014 we are
at St. Sophia Hospital. WEDNESDAY 13.00-14.00.
Contact: 668 30 88 55
or e-mail:
Sunday 11:00, Thursday 18:00, ul. Grochowska 324 paw. 8
(Close to Wedel chocolate and Lays chips)
Gospel Singing
Bible Preaching & Teaching
Children’s Program in English
Family oriented
Services in English and Polish languages!
For more information contact: Pastor P. E. Sock
Tel. 48 500 270 990, E-mail:
Toastmasters International
English Speaking Expat Group
International community for Warsaw’s Expats
Toastmasters invites everyone to their Wednesday
evening’ meetings. Toastmasters is an international
organization for improving Public Speaking and
presentation skills. Guests welcome without any
obligation apart from a short introduction.
Check for current location and
updated news or call Etan at 696-292-451
A good way to make new friends: English-language
players sought for game that constructs collective story
narratives using high-level language communication
and a few simple rules. Wholesome fun.
Be cordially invited to join Warsaw Entertain - a
networking group which brings foreigners and local
people together in order to have fun while participating
in social events and meeting up with new people
in Warsaw. We organize events or just bring people
Poznan International Ladies Club
Free conversation lessons
Church of England in Poland
Meetings on the first Wednesday of the month
(September - June)
Andersia Hotel, Restaurant Mosaica, 9:30 AM
Continental breakfast (cost 30 zl)
Social time and information about upcoming
Free conversation lessons take place at KLUB
DIALOGU, Krakowskie Przedmieście 13/156
(entrance from Tokarzewskiego) every Saturday at
11:00 am and 12:10 pm.
Please call: 22-498-1010
or email us: if you are interested
We welcome Anglicans, Episcopalians and all others
interested, to celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday
morning at 10.30 am. Join us for light refreshments
after the service to learn more about the activities
of our church.
Place: Res Sacra Miser Chapel, ul. Krakowskie
Przedmiescie 62, Warsaw.
The Sikh Community
Role Playing Game in Warsaw
Poland Tartan Army
The Sikh Community of Warsaw meets each Sunday
at the Sikh Gurudwara in Rashyn, Ul Na Skraju
56. All are welcome. Kirtan starts at midday and
langar is served after the Bhog at about 1400. For
more information contact 22 868 4541. The Sikh
faith is about equality, honesty and standing up
to oppression. Anyone visiting the Guru’s house is
welcome, in return for due respect and consideration
of the Sikh faith.
International English-speaking group in Warsaw,
mostly foreign professionals, play tabletop
Dungeons & Dragons fortnightly. No experience
necessary but fluent English proficiency is
required. Have a good time. Play some games.
Meet new friends. Open your imagination. More
info: Facebook group: or
A new Poland Tartan Army Facebook group
has been created. If you are a fan of Scottish
football and our national team please
join the group by visiting Facebook and
conducting a search for Poland Tartan Army.
If anyone, who is not a part of Facebook,
is interested in this idea then please email to register your interest.
For further details feel free to contact Barbara by

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