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Polish News
Friday 21st March 2014
Issue 12 (259)
PM goes on TV to reassure nation
Poland strong, safe
and mature state
© TVN24
he prime minister Donald Tusk
took to the airwaves this week to
reassure the nation that Poland is
safe despite the unrest in neighbouring
Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea by
During the eight-minute address Mr.
Tusk spoke of the three ‘pillars’ which
formed the basis of Poland’s security
and explained his view that a fourth was
needed to continue to guarantee this
security – a free, developing, democratic
Poland’s security today was the result
of having not wasted the 25 years since
independence Mr. Tusk told viewers.
Despite having been in a similar
position to Ukraine in 1989, Poland
had reformed the state and was now
a ‘bright spot in Europe’ with a stable
economy. Secondly the country now
had a strong position in Europe and
the world thanks to its membership of
the EU and NATO and could look to its
eastern borders with a sense of security
in the knowledge that the nation’s roots
were now in Europe and its security was
guaranteed by the strong ties with its
western neighbours.
The third ‘pillar’, Mr. Tusk said, was the
increasingly modern army and Poland’s
relationship with the United States. To
“No longer do we need to ask is it worth dying for the fatherland”
support this Mr. Tusk highlighted that
on the same day President Putin was
annexing Crimea (Tuesday), the US
Vice-President Joe Biden was in Warsaw
confirming security guarantees from the
United States.
One of the main reasons for the strong
relationship Poland now had with its
allies was due to the involvement of
Polish forces in foreign missions and
this relationship would ensure that Poles
would not face the bleak choice that they
had faced in the past.
“It is thanks to this position in the EU
and NATO today, that in a critical moment,
we do not have to put to young Poles this
dramatic and well-known question from
the past: fight or not to fight?
We do not want the tragic experiences
of the generation of our parents to become
our experiences, and I assure you, they
will not become the experience of today’s
generations” Mr Tusk said.
The fourth pillar of the country’s
security should be “a democratic and free
Ukraine.” Mr. Tusk added that the two
nations’ historical differences should be
put in the past and that Poland should do
all it could to help Ukraine as this would be
“an investment in our security”.
NATIONALp.3 REGIONALp.7 businessp.12
Health help for Poles abroad
Smashing cyclist
VW veers up for new plant
Thursday saw the government adopt a
new draft amendment to the law which
will help provide reimbursements for Polish citizens who require healthcare in other
EU nations. The new bill will enable Poles
to claim money back - at Polish rates - after
receiving treatment in fellow EU countries
and is expected to come in at some point
during the middle of this year, reports
news station TVN24.
Police are looking for a cyclist who responded to being cut up by a bus driver by
thumping the window so hard it shattered,
injuring the driver in the process. “Witnesses say the bus overtook the cyclist in the bus
lane. While the bus was waiting at lights, the
enraged cyclist caught up and hit the glass
by the driver’s cabin, breaking it,” said Lech
Marciniak for
Volkswagen is set to build a new factory
in Poland it was announced this week. According to TVN, the plant will be located
in the central town of Wrzesnia (Wielkopolskie region) and will cost around PLN
3.4 bln to set up. It is believed that construction will begin at some time during
the Autumn period.
The New Poland Express I Friday 21st March 2014 I
News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Regional news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
What’s on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Sport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
From the editor
Quotes of the week
This week in history
nother week in
Poland and another case of too
many road accidents to
report. Honestly, if we
had ten zlotys for every
crash or fatality we have
to leave out of this newspaper every week,
we could probably afford to give up our day
jobs and there’d be no paper left to actually read.
“We can be proud as Poles, that for
nations living to the east of Poland, Poland
represents freedom” Prime Minister Donald
Tusk says the country is an example to its
neighbours in the east.
1925 (22.03) - Zakopane’s Wielka
Krokiew ski jumping venue is opened.
Regularly used in the FIS Ski Jumping
World Cup, the stadium has a capacity of
around 40,000.
TVN is literally full of them, so much
so it really is a wonder that it hasn’t yet set
up a separate section in which to put them
all. It would save me having to sift through
them all for a start. It really does my head
in. What is it in the water here that causes
so many problems on the road? Perhaps
that should be this week’s quiz question
instead of Chris Bloody Norman’s place of
birth. The most ridiculous story this week
has to go to a motorcycle colliding with
a tractor in Warsaw (would this happen
in any other EU country?) but sadly such
cases are so common its barely worth
featuring them.
“Michal, don’t be offended, but you’ve
gone over to the bad side of the force” MEP
Jacek Kurski taunts his former colleague
Michal Kaminski for becoming a member
of Civic Platform
I have witnessed two cases of driving
stupidity with my own eyes over the last
five days - the first when a reversing car
almost had my left leg off due to the man
behind the wheel apparently being as blind
as a one-eyed bat and the second when my
taxi driver started sending out texts while
taking me home after a night on the tiles. I
don’t consider myself a great speaker of the
Polish language but the fella in question
certainly understood my protests and
sheepishly put his phone down. Needless
to say the firm in question has been deleted
from mine.
God knows how many road-related
stories will feature on TVN24 next
week (or how it affords such large team
of reporters to cover them all) but one
thing’s for sure - you can expect much
more of the same.
“I am afraid of politicians, which today,
also in Poland say, that we have to go to
war” Donald Tusk argues that collective
sanctions are the answer to the current
1965 (23.03) - Polish model and
former Miss World Aneta Kreglicka is
born. Representing Poland in the 1989
competition in Hong Kong, she became
the first and only Pole to pick up the title.
Send comments and letters to
The NPE weekend QUIZ
Have Your Say
Re: Tusk stands firm with Ukraine
EU & US supporting the Nazis who
overthrew the democratically elected govt
in Ukraine. Nazis will create a holocaust
soon and need a Stalingrad
deva - colombo, sri lanka
Deva all of the characteristics of the
Russian invasion of a sovereign country,
far more resemble the Nazi’s and their
annexation of countries with an ethnic
German (ie substitute Russian) population
than it does a people throwing off a corrupt
and bankrupt leader, who is clearly a pawn
of his Russian mafia handlers.
You will find far more fascists in Russia
than you will in the Ukraine but lets not
forget it was the non aggression pact Russia
signed with the Nazi’s that encouraged
Hitler to invade Poland.
You really ought to brush up on your
history before making ludicrous, irrational
and bizarre claims defending a state which
has no interest in defending the rights of
its own citizens let alone other adjacent
Charles Swift - Manchester, England
Publisher: WIYP Sp. z o.o.
Editor-in-Chief: Steve Sibbald
WIYP Sp. z o.o. • ul. Bohaterow Monte Cassino 6/1, 81-805 Sopot
tel. +48 58 555 9818 • tel/fax. +48 58 555 0831 •
1927 (27.03) - The bugle call from
St. Mary’s Church Tower in Krakow is
broadcast on the radio for the first time.
Chief Writer: Steve Sibbald
Ever wondered what happened to the
lead singer of Smokie? Well here’s your
chance to find out! Chris Norman is
currently doing the rounds and after
his recent successful tour of Germany
(where he is freakishly popular) he’s
heading over here.
Playing live at Warsaw’s Congress Hall
on March 30, you can expect a good
mixture of tunes from last year’s ‘There
and Back’ album, as well as those good
old classics we all know and love.
Congrats to Wojtek for scooping up last
week’s prize. Be this week’s winner by
telling us which country Mr Norman is
originally from. Get those answers into:
Graham Crawford
Events: Anna Hojan
Janina Krzysiak
Sports: Michal Zachodny
Graphic Designer: Tomáš Haman
Sales Director: Malgorzata Drzaszcz
The New Poland Express I Friday 21st March 2014 I
Rostowski endings his muddle
marriage deaths F
uthorities are investigating the
death of a 61-year-old man and
his 57-year-old wife who both
recently died under suspicious circumstances.
According to TVN24, Krasnik
Prosecutor’s Office (Lubuskie region)
are not ruling out that the man hung
himself and his wife was murdered.
Initial reports state there are allegations
that there was a court indictment
against the man one month ago for both
physically and mentally abusing his wife
between January 2008 and January 2014,
although these allegations have yet to be
The bodies of Miroslaw P. and Alina P.
were found on Tuesday in their home and
authorities are now trying to determine
the exact causes of death. At time of going
to press, the autopsies were due to start on
Friday 21.
The allegations of previous abuse
include verbal insults, strangling and
physical attacks to the head. In one
particular case, there are allegations that
last November Miroslaw P. abused his
wife for over a week before threatening to
commit arson on the building in which
they lived.
The investigation is ongoing and no
further details have yet been released.
ormer finance minister Jan-Vincent
Rostowski got his campaign to win
a European parliament seat off to
an uncomfortable start this week when he
was caught out by the intricacies of Polish
In an episode that is certain to win him
the sympathy of many a foreign student
of the Polish language, Mr Rostowski
found himself being mimicked on the
internet after getting the ending for the
city of Bydgoszcz wrong while answering a
journalist’s question on where he planned
to take up residence in the constituency of
Kujawsko-Pomorskie. Mr Rostowski had
earlier stated that he would be moving to
the area, having been given the number
one spot on the electoral list of Civic
Platform (PO), so that he could get closer
to his potential constituents.
Clearly conscious of the strong rivalry
that exists between the area’s two major
cities –Torun and Bydgoszcz – Mr
Rostowski had not specified where he
would be making a home in order not to
offend residents of one city or the other.
The trouble was that in trying to say it, it
appears he may have done just that.
masculine endings when saying the word
‘Bydgoszcz’ as the city is actually treated as
a feminine word in Polish.
“In this regard whatever I do will be
wrong. Because if you dwell in Torun,
there will be a problem with Bydgoszcz
(-em). If you dwell in Bydgoszcz (u), this
will offend someone in Torun” he told the
local TVP Bydgoszcz television station. (it
should have been ‘with Bydgoszczą’ and ‘in
Bydgoszczy’ – ed).
While the gaff attracted a string of
comments and articles online mocking his
mistake, there was more serious criticism
from some who complained that it wasn’t
Mr Rostowski’s use of language that was the
problem but the fact that he was standing
to be elected in an area to which he had
no connection. The publication of Civic
Platform’s list of candidates for the European
elections last week has drawn criticism from
some quarters that high-profile figures are
being ‘parachuted’ into safe constituencies to
ensure that they are elected.
Mr Rostowski did receive some tonguein-cheek support from one of his rivals
when Kazimiera Szczuka tweeted “Mr
Minister and rival the city is called
Bydgoszcz. We inflect in Bydgoszcz, with
Bydgoszcz (ą), for Bydgoszcz (y)” to which
Mr Rostowski replied “Thanks dear rival
:) slight jitters with the first appearance in
the local media tangled my tongue :) :)”
Despite being a fluent Polish speaker
Mr Rostowski is well-known to have been
born and raised in London where his
Polish parents had remained after World
War II. His father had been the personal
secretary of the Polish prime minister and
Mr Rostowski, who was born in 1951, grew
up in the UK.
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The New Poland Express I Friday 21st March 2014 I
Parents and disabled camp in Sejm Health help for
group of disabled children and their
families have spent the last few days
camped out in the halls of the parliament (Sejm) building in protest at what they
say have been unfulfilled pledges by the government to increase state support for them.
Since Wednesday around 20 people from
various parts of the country have being trying
to highlight their situation which they say sees
them receive as little as PLN 153 a month and
forces some of them to claim hunger benefit.
The group, who were invited to the Sejm
by the United Poland (SP) party, have
demanded a face-to-face meeting with
Prime Minister Donald Tusk before they
will leave arguing that it is Mr. Tusk who
has let them down by not delivering on
promises he made in 2009. With Mr. Tusk
in Brussels the parents were visited by
Adam Szejnfeld of PO who told them that
the government had raised the amount to
PLN 620 per month and were continuing
to work to increase the benefits paid. “I do
not believe that this is sufficient, but you
cannot say that the government has done
nothing” Mr. Szejnfeld argued.
Mr Tusk was asked about the situation
at a Brussels press conference where he
disputed the parents’ claims. He said that
his government was committed to raising
the money received by one of the child’s
carers up to the minimum wage by 2015-16.
Neptune stunt goes wrong
Norwegian rider ended up in hospital with two broken legs this
week after a publicity stunt in the
square in Gdansk went wrong.
The stunt, which saw a special jump
constructed around the city’s landmark
Neptune statue, was organised to publicise
this weekend’s ‘Diverse Night of the Jumps’
World Championships in Freestyle Motocross
event which is taking place at the Ergo Arena.
Playing on the theme of riders performing
acrobatic jumps on a series of different
machines, the plan was for Stian Pedersen to
jump over the statue on a snowmobile.
Having earlier completed a series of
similar jumps over the pier in neighbouring
Sopot, Pedersen tore down ul. Dluga before
launching his machine up and over the
famous fountain. Everything seemed to
be going to plan but having cleared the
fountain a little too well, Pedersen overshot
the landing area and came down hard on
the squares concrete surface.
He was treated on the spot by paramedics
before being taken to hospital where his
injuries were confirmed as two broken
legs. Police are investigating the incident
while the local conservator of monuments
has questioned why one of the city’s statues
was used without his permission.
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Poles abroad
hursday saw the government
adopt a new draft amendment to
the law which will help provide
reimbursements for Polish citizens who
require healthcare in other EU nations.
The new bill will enable Poles to claim
money back - at Polish rates - after receiving treatment in fellow EU countries
and is expected to come in at some point
during the middle of this year, reports
news station TVN24.
The Ministry of Health has stated
that the move will help provide
freedom to foreign health services and
in addition to this, also help create a
legal framework to facilitate patients
who need to use such services in foreign
After receiving either treatment or
medical services, the patient will be able
to claim back the incurred costs from
Poland’s National Health Fund (NFZ) - via
an issued document from the appropriate
foreign medical association which dealt
with the matter.
It has been stated clearly that the
dependent on an authorised prescription
and will only match the figure that would
be granted in Poland. It is also believed
that vaccinations will not be covered by the
Europe's biggest publisher of locally produced city guides
The New Poland Express I Friday 21st March 2014 I
Lions lacking libido
It was revealed this week the three white lion
cubs that were recently born in Borysew Zoo
(Lodzkie) were artificially inseminated due to
the father’s “lack of libido”.
“The lionesses were given hormone therapy
and had to wait four months due to the
treatment,” says Maria Kaczmarska of Lodz’s
Green City Board.
The decision was taken due to the rarity of
the species and the male lion Maximus’ lack
of interest, reports TVN.
Kicking put the kisses
A headteacher in Gdansk has recently
banned students from kissing in school it was
reported in Fakt this week.
The 300 students at the Nr 1 Secondary
School have been banned from such acts
of public affection, with headmistress Dorota
Chojna claiming that “this behaviour can
lead to scandal”.
Fellow employee Grazyna Pietruszyńska
agrees, stating that “pupils are there to learn
and be educated. Schools should not be
indifferent to such behaviour.”
Teenage thief
A 13-year-old boy is facing trial once again
after being caught shoplifting.
According to Fakt, it is the ninth time the
teenager from the south-western town of
Jawor has been caught and he is well known
for stealing and selling on goods.
The fate of the boy now lies with the Family
School strike on the cards
t was announced this week that teachers around the country are threatening
to strike over new proposals that will
potentially see recruited assistants brought
in to support primary school classes.
According to TVN, the Association of
Polish Teachers (ZNP) ststed on Wednesday
that it is not ruling out a strike over the
controversial news, highlighting that it
has not yet been stated exactly what role
the ‘assistants’ will be performing in
The new assistants will need to have
a qualification matching those of traditional
teachers but will be employed by the local
council rather than by the Teachers’ Charter.
Slawomir Broniarz, President of the
ZNP, has stated that it has not yet been
made clear what the responsibility of the
new assistants will be and has called the
idea “a Trojan Horse”.
When asked about how teachers will
be reacting, Broniarz stated that a major
strike can not be ruled out.
He told reporters that it was not too late
to make amendments to the draft and ZNP
Vice President Krzysztof Baszczynski said
there are now two options: the introduction
of the new assistants with full clarification
of their role, or the introduction without
WWII monument winner unveiled
he design for the official monument
commemorating Poles who helped
save Jews during the Second World
War was announced this week.
The winning monument (designed by
Piotr Musialowski and Paulina Pankiewicz
with additional help from Michal
Adamczyk) will be built on Warsaw’s Plac
Grzybowski and, according to TVN24, will
be a large curling ribbon-like construction
featuring the names of people and
organisations which helped to play their
role against the Nazis in some way.
“The judges, after a difficult debate,
decided that the first prize would be
awarded to this design. Our attention was
drawn to the ideas and the impact it would
have on Plac Grzybowski,” said an official
“The design is a large gesture which pays
homage to the heroism of the individuals
connected to both violence and death. It
is hoped it will help symbolise two tough
worlds - one which will help commemorate
the feelings of the Poles who helped do
their bit to rescue Jews during German
occupation,” reads an official description
of the project.
To see a design of the winning project,
click here.
To see other submitted designs, click
The New Poland Express I Friday 21st March 2014 I
Nationwide with Graham Crawford:
Bringing you the best from across the regions.
If you have any news for Graham, send him an email at
Without rhyme or region
Plock this week
dropped an investigation into the
death of a 60-year-old
woman, killed by a
drunk driver as she walked home along
a country road. They decided the woman
was responsible for her own death, because
she was walking on the wrong side of the
road and wearing dark clothes.
I can’t help thinking that the prosecutors’
logic is about as reasonable as those judges
who decided young girls were guilty of
Modlin boost
troubled 2013,
which saw Modlin
airport closed for six
months due to runway problems, the
beleaguered airport
is now benefitting
from runway repairs at Lodz airport. From
May 5th to 14th this year all Ryanair flights
to Lodz will be switched to Warsaw’s second airport.
“This means an extra 40 flights on routes
to the East Midlands, Stansted, Dublin
and Oslo Rygge,” explained Magdalena
Bojarska, press officer for Modlin airport.
To help passengers cope with the switch
the ModlinBus will increase its service to
Lodz from three to four connections a day
with a journey time of around 2 hours 45
getting themselves raped because they
wore mini-skirts.
Every time there’s a report of pedestrians
being mown down, with CCTV footage
showing it in all its hideous glory, there are
still loads of people who comment online
saying, “Pedestrians act like sacred cows.”
This is an attitude that guarantees drivers here
will continue to kill thousands every year.
The whole train of thought is that
roads belong exclusively to drivers, and
pedestrians can only set foot on the tarmac
at their own peril. Drivers feel they can
approach pedestrian crossings in builtup areas at 50kh/m and faster, because
they have “right of way.” Then, when they
kill somebody they bleat on about, “They
stepped out at the last minute, there was
nothing I could do.”
Sorry, but if you approach a pedestrian
crossing at 50km/h in a built-up area,
with no intention of stopping, with parked
cars, schools and shops nearby, then you’re
shaping up to murder somebody.
Likewise, if you get behind the wheel of a
car while drunk, you’re guilty. Fortunately,
prosecutors have reopened the case in
Plock. Even so, the fact they considered
dropping the charges is a clear signal to
every pedestrian in Poland - you’re fair
game. If you get killed, or maimed, it’s your
own tough luck. That’s not right.
Lodz airport will be repairing a 380m
section of its runway, the oldest part of the
strip, and will not be able to take passenger
flights during the process.
Bogus copper theft
Rotting corpse
olice are investigating a corpse found
in a state of advanced decay discovered
by a person out walking near the Zeran
Power and Heating Station last Saturday
morning. The man discovered the remains
in bushes along ul. Modlinska and immediately alerted police.
“At 10.20am we were notified by phone
of the discovery. We dispatched a unit
there together with a prosecutor, but at the
moment we don’t have any further details,”
commented Piotr Swistak for Warsaw
At present nothing is known about
the cause or time of death and, due
to the condition of the remains,
identification has been made much
more difficult.
hree men posing as police officers stole
three gaming machines from under
the nose of the owner last Friday evening.
The men simply drove up in a delivery man
and told the owner they were there to, “impound the illegal machines”, upon which
they loaded three fruit machines into their
truck and sped away with a squeal of tyres.
The entire operation lasted about 15 minutes.
“One of the men was wearing what
looked like a police safety jacket,” said
Ewelina Gromek-Ocwieja from Stary
Babice police headquarters. While the
owner was in discussion with one of the
men, demanding he show the relevant ID
and paperwork, the other two loaded the
machines onto their vehicle.
Police are looking for three men in
their twenties and are analysing CCTV
footage to establish more details about
the men.
35 bullets in a bull
The New Poland Express I Friday 21st March 2014 I
In total he fired 35 shots. Only then did
the animal retreat and collapse. A vet
confirmed the animal was dead,” said
dramatic chase
after a 600kg
escaped bull in forests north of Chojnice ended with a
police officer shooting the animal as it
apparently attacked
people involved in the chase, unloading 35
bullets before it fell. Prosecutors are now
investigating whether the officer was right
to use his weapon.
The animal escaped from a farm in
Lubnia on Monday evening and a full-scale
search was launched on Tuesday morning.
“The farmer asked us for help in catching
the bull because it was aggressive and his
behaviour had been worrying him. Officers
immediately went to take control of the
situation,” explained Magdalena Stolp for
Chojnice police.
A vet was taken along to administer
a sedative, but the trawl turned into a
bullfight. “It hit the owner and tossed
him about badly, at which point officers
pulled people back. The animal continued
its aggression though and grid to attack a
trailer where officers were sheltering,” one
officer related.
At that point an officer opened fire.
“He felt threatened, so he began shooting.
Amber bandits
an investigation. “We want to establish the
cause of death. The decay has so far made
that impossible,” said Krzysztof Kopania
for Lodz prosecutors, adding that the
bailiff had reported finding the skeleton,
“in a semi-reclining position.” The corpse
was wearing a white shirt and brown
trousers. Next to it lay a newspaper - one
year old.
“We found the tenant’s ID card in
the flat. We’ve managed to locate his
son, which will allows us to establish
for certain if these are the remains
of the tenant,” continued Kopania.
Investigators also want to discover why
nobody noticed that there was a rotting
body in a flat in the centre of the city for
“Mr Ryszard was a loner. Nobody visited
him. The last time I saw him was last
spring. He said hello and went into his
flat,” commented a neighbour.
Throw out the bones
ailiffs in Lodz
got a shock
when they went to
evict a 60-year-old
man from his flat in
the centre of the city,
discovering only a
skeleton on the bed.
It’s still not known if the bones are the remains of the tenant who was behind with
his rent, or somebody else.
“There was a terrible smell in the flat,
it was full of insects. There was a human
skull sticking out from under the sheets,”
the bailiff told a reporter from local paper
Express Ilustrowany.
“The remains were so badly
decomposed that experts were unable
to identify if they were those of a male
or female,” commented Aneta Sobieraj
for Lodz police. The skeleton has been
passed on to medical examiners for a
post mortem.
Meanwhile prosecutors have launched
llegal amber scavengers left 80 large craters behind along the Baltic coast following a pumping procedure used to harvest
the so-called “Baltic gold” this February.
Ecologists warn that the craters could pose
a threat to the public, and police and border guards say they are doing all they can
to stop the thieves operating.
The damage is along a strip of coast near
Karwienskie Blota, next to the Widowo
nature reserve. “It turned out that some
of the holes were made illegally. Amber
hunters have been searching where they
shouldn’t. Shortly after our intervention,
the people responsible for the craters
ploughed them over,” commented Pawel
Sredzinski for WWF Polska. Ecologists
are concerned that this constitutes a
danger. “Under the ploughed layer of sand,
there can be hollows, which people could
unexpectedly fall into,” added Sredzisnki.
Environmentalists believe that the high
price of amber is leading more people to
illegally search for it. The potential profits
presently far outweigh the relatively
low fines. “Somebody caught illegally
harvesting amber can be fined up to PLN
5,000,” explained Lukasz Detlaff for Puck
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The New Poland Express I Friday 21st March 2014 I
Baby twins battered?
Offending an officer
hree and a half
month old twins
were admitted to
Zabrze hospital this
Wednesday apparently as a result of abuse.
The babies were being looked after by their father while the
mother was away working in Germany.
Neighbours were reportedly shocked at the
news and say they had no idea the babies
were at risk.
“He said he was getting on famously.
The twins’ mother even phoned me to say I
don’t need to go round, because he’s coping
alright,” Dorota, a neighbour, told reporters.
The children were taken to hospital by
their grandmother who was alarmed while
visiting. “One child was trembling. He was
taken to A&E in Zabrze, then on account
of the seriousness of his condition, to a
specialist children’s hospital in Katowice,”
explained Marek Wypych for Zabrze police.
The child’s condition is described as
serious. His twin sister was also checked
and was diagnosed as having been shaken
and with bruises. The twins’ father has
been questioned by police but has so far
refused to admit doing them any harm.
investigating accusations by a Strzelin man, Przemyslaw Waliczek, that
police seriously assaulted him, hospitalising him for five days, after he himself
was arrested for abusing a police officer.
Mr Waliczek told a reporter, “I was lying
face down on the floor. They pulled down
my trousers and beat me with their truncheons on my bare skin.”
Waliczek was arrested after a heated
argument with a police officer in a bar in
the town. He was handcuffed and taken
to the police station. “They took me into a
room. It was the photocopying room, not
a cell. They pushed me over and dragged
me around the floor. They beat me in all
sorts of different ways, stripped me, put
Speed appeal
awyers representing Karolina Z., sentenced to eight years prison for killing
two young boys while driving under the
influence of amphetamines, have appealed
to the Supreme Court over the verdict.
However, they refused to comment on the
arguments they used in the appeal, claiming it was for the good of their client.
At the end of November, Bielsko-Biala
Regional Court upheld the sentence in the
original trial. On top of the jail sentence,
the woman was given a lifetime driving
ban and ordered to pay PLN 50,000 to the
families of the dead boys.
In that appeal, none of the defence’s
arguments were upheld. Additional expert
reports were dismissed as being deliberate
time-wasting tactics and none of the witness
testimony was undermined. Nevertheless,
the lawyers immediately declared they
would appeal saying that both courts had
ignored all extenuating circumstances.
In particular, they referred to witnesses
who made no mention of the woman being
in any way under the influence of narcotics,
suggesting that she may have taken the
amphetamines later, after the crash once
police had sent her home. They also
indicated that some of the witnesses were
related to the victims and so possibly biased.
a straitjacket on me. This went on for a
long time. I don’t know how long. When
I lost consciousness, they sprayed me with
tear gas and carried on,” he said, showing
a reporter CCTV footage of officers
entering and leaving the room where he
was held.
He was so badly beaten he had to go
straight to hospital. “My head was battered,
my shoulders, I had bruises behind my ears,
bruised eyeballs, black eyes. My whole face
was a mess, my torso was a mass of bruises,
my stomach, too” continued Waliczek.
A medical examiner has confirmed the
wounds were consistent with being hit by
a police truncheon.
Police are refusing to comment on the
case and offered no explanation as to why
Mr Waliczek was not taken to a cell, which
has CCTV cameras, but instead taken to
an ancillary room where there were no
The New Poland Express I Friday 21st March 2014 I
Poland eyes up Asia for tourism
ew statistics have revealed that Poland’s tourism contribution to the
nation’s GDP for is well below the
European average.
According to the World Travel &
Tourism Council (WTTC), the total
monetary figure earned last year from
foreigners visiting the country was PLN
85.7 bln - only five percent of the total GDP.
In an attempt to try and increase this poor
figure, the Polish Tourist Organisation is
now set to launch a wide-scale promotional
campaign in Asian countries - a part of the
globe where the tourist market is rapidly
With funding from the EU, the
Polish Tourist Organisation has already
launched its first campaign in Asia in
an attempt to lure in more tourists. In
total PLN 50 mln will be pumped into
the campaign, 85 percent of which will
be spent in China, while the remainder
will be focussed on Indonesia and Japan,
reports Puls Biznesu.
With an additional push, the WTTC
estimates that the number of jobs
generated through the tourist trade will
total 800,000 this year and, for the first
time, the total revenue may reach PLN 90
What’s going on
in Poland?
Worldwide Activity Local Exper tise
Corstjens Warsaw
Telephone: +48 22 7377200, 7036200
Polish News
Friday 16th April 2010
VW veers up for new plant
company and I am convinced that this
factory will soon be creating some of the
highest quality products that the world
will witness,” Volkswagen Group board
member Leif Ostling told reporters at a
press conference on Tuesday.
The station states that car production
will start in around two years and the
company plans to produce approximately
85,000 vehicles per annum.
Canadian Dollar
Czech Koruna
Danish Krone
Hungarian Forint
Japanese Yen
Norwegian Krone
Pound Sterling
Russian Ruble
Swedish Krona
Swiss Franc
US Dollar
EUR 176.4 mln
Orlen makes ethics list
New research has show Polish oil company Orlen to be
among the most ethical firms in the world.
The firm, founded in Plock in 1999, was the organisation
listed in the CEE region to make it onto the World’s Most
Ethical Companies - a list put together by the Ethisphere
In order to make it onto the list, the institute looks at
four main areas: the firm’s ethics and programmes, its
culture of ethics, its reputation and its leadership and
t took five seconds to transform Poland from a country bustling with
confidence into one wracked with
grief on a scale not seen since the Second
World War.
At some point on a nondescript Saturday
morning on April 10, the aircraft carrying
the president, his wife and 94 others
clipped a tree with its left wing as it
approached Smolensk airport in western
Russia. Five seconds later, now devoid of
one wing, it barrel rolled anti-clockwise,
before slamming roof first into the ground.
As news of the accident broke in Poland,
and one by one television channels
interrupted their regular services, news
readers struggled to contain their emotions
as they realised the devastating blow the
Smolensk disaster had dealt the country.
Along with President Kaczynski, and
Maria his wife, the casualty list read like a
who’s who of the Polish elite.
The head of the national bank, the
chief of the armed forces, the heads of the
navy and air force, two ministers, leading
politicians and dozens of others. Many
household names in Poland; now all dead.
The irony that the Tupolev Tu-154
crashed at it was carrying a delegation
to mark the 70th-anniversary of the
Katyn massacre, when Stalin’s henchman
slaughtered Poland’s best, was not lost.
Warsaw’s Presidential Palace has become the focal point of the nation’s grief
“The Soviets killed Polish elites in Katyn
70 years ago. Today, the Polish elite died
there while getting ready to pay homage to
the Poles killed there,” said Lech Walesa.
former president, described Katyn as a
“cursed place, and of horrible symbolism”.
As Poles absorbed what Donald Tusk
called the “most tragic event in Poland’s
post-war history” thousands began to
make their way to the presidential palace
in central Warsaw, which was to become
the focal point of national mourning.
A small patch of flowers and candles
left by mourners expanded and grew,
carpeting the pavement and the road in
a tribute to those who had died. Political
differences vanquished by grief, thousands
upon thousands of people made their way
to the palace to pay their respects in quiet
The outpouring of sympathy for the
victims spoke volumes for the shock
and sadness that had touched Poles; it
also spoke volumes for the decency of
Don’t blame pilot
Two frozen minutes
NBP in turmoil
The parents of the pilot in charge of flying
the presidential plane have begged the world
not to blame their son for the crash.
Captain Arkadiusz Protasiuka was the
man responsible for landing the Polish
Air Force Tu-154M safely in Russia on
Saturday 10th April, but, for reason still
unknown, he was unable to successfully
carry out his task.
At noon on Sunday across the nation two
minutes silence was observed in memory
of the people that died in the air crash in
Smolensk. The silence was then pierced by
the claxons and sirens of local authority
warning systems and police vehicles. To
this mournful orchestra of wails, the Polish nation stood to attention and reflected
on their loss in the forests near Katyn.
The tragic death of the head of the
National Bank of Poland Slawomir
Skrzypek in Saturday’s plane crash leaves
questions open about who will replace
him, and how his loss will affect monetary
policy and other issues.
The succession issue is a major one, since
both the parliament and the president
must make the choice jointly.
Send comments and letters to
100 HUF
100 JPY
Country comes together
to mourn victims
olkswagen is set to build a new factory in Poland it was announced
this week
According to TVN, the plant will be
located in the central town of Wrzesnia
(Wielkopolskie region) and will cost
around PLN 3.4 bln to set up. It is believed
that construction will begin at some time
during the Autumn period.
“We are very pleased to announce that the
next generation of Crafter van developed
by our engineers here at Volkswagen will
be constructed at the new facility which
we hope to begin work on in September. It
is the largest project in the history of the
Issue 15 (66)
Poland hit by second Katyn tragedy
The nation’s foreign trade surplus for January this
year, according to the National Statistical Office
Poland’s CPI inflation rate in February (compared
to the same time last year), reports GUS.
More jobs - no more cash
Reports this week claim that the country’s unemployment
rate looks set to reduce, although salaries will remain theY
same. According to the National Bank of Poland (NBP), last
year saw figures drop - a trend which it hopes will continue.
“During the fourth quarter of 2013, our unemployment
rate fell substantially for the first time since 2009 - to 13.2
percent,” states its report.
However it also stated that the annual wage growth also
declined during the same period (no figures given),
indicating that financial recovery is not yet beginning,
Get a round-up of the
major Polish news,
business, entertainment
and sports in English
each week by
subscribing free to our
PDF. Visit us at
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The New Poland Express I Friday 21st March 2014 I
wing to the fact that today’s column just happens to fall on the
first official day of spring, we’re
taking an obligatory look at one of our
favourite and least-known (that is, least
acknowledged by the Church) Polish traditions:
Topienie Marzanny
Despite the strong Catholic character
of modern Poland, some scant pagan
traditions have endured. One of the
most blithely bizarre and eyebrowraising is the spring equinox celebration
known as the Drowning of Marzanna
(Topienie Marzanny). Marzanna is the
Polish incarnation of the old Slavic
goddess associated with winter, plague
and death. Fearing her icy grasp, the best
way for superstitious Slavs to protect
themselves from Marzanna, encourage
the timely arrival of spring and ensure a
good harvest was to partake in an old-
fashioned witch-burning, followed by a
drowning (because you can never be too
certain with witches). In medieval times
the rite involved making a Marzanna
effigy out of straw which was then
wrapped in linen and beautified with
ribbons and beads. On the afternoon
of March 21st, young children would
play with the idol, gleefully parading it
around the village and torturing it by
dunking it in every trough and water
barrel they encountered. At dusk the
villagers would gather at the riverbank,
setting the effigy ablaze and tossing it
into the water, cheering as the blazing
Though the Catholic Church did their
best to Christianise the tradition,
replacing Marzanna with Judah puppets
thrown from the roof of the church on
Holy Wednesday, Catholic revisions to
the Marzanna tradition failed to really
catch on until the 15th century when
all symbolism was removed, and witch
burnings and drownings ironically
became common Church practice across
Europe until the early 18th century,
at which point their effectiveness
apparently proved them no longer
Today the symbolic folk custom of
Topienie Marzanny still survives in many
parts of Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia and
Czech Republic, however. In Poland,
children in kindergarten and primary
school annually participate in the creation
of a Marzanna doll, which can range in
size from puppets to life-sized dummies.
Under adult supervision, Marzanna is
taken to the nearest riverbank or bridge,
set ablaze and thrown to its watery
grave as the children sing springtime
and witch-burning songs. For example:
Już wiosenne słonko wzbija się po niebie
| W tej wezbranej rzece utopimy ciebie!
(Loose IYP translation: As the spring sun
rises in the sky of blue | in this swollen
river we are drowning you!). Adorable,
to be sure, and intended as harmless
fun of course, but based on our own
daughter’s report from her participation
in the cherished custom this year – which
involved making Marzanna’s head from
a cheap plastic Frisbee and littering a
small stream behind the school with
her body – isn’t it time to update this
ancient tradition for modern times and
educate the kids about ecological witchburnings and sustainable paganism?
Don’t get us wrong, we’re loving this
sunny spring weather (right on cue great job, everyone)…we just want our
kids to grow up knowing how to burn
and drown a witch the right way. After
all, our common future depends not only
on whether we teach our children to burn
and drown witches, but how we teach
them. Enjoy the weekend and happy
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
The New Poland Express I Friday 21st March 2014 I
22.03 Saturday - Diverse Night of the Jumps
Gdańsk/Sopot, Ergo Arena, Pl. Dwóch Miast,
Freestyle motocross world championships are
back at the Ergo Arena! Don’t miss the special
performance by guest Stian Pendersen, set to do
a snowmobile jump with the 2011 Miss Polonia
as passenger and demonstrate a tandem
backflip with his brother Andersen.QEvent
starts at 19:00. Tickets 69-199zł. Available at www., Ergo Arena ticket office (open 10:00
- 16:00, Sat, Sun open before the event) and
Empik (Gdańsk, ul. Podwale Grodzkie 8; open
09:00 - 21:00, Sun 11:00 - 20:00).
22.03 Saturday - Hunter
Zabrze, CK Wiatrak Club, ul. Wolności 395, tel.
(+48) 58 304 98 54,
Oho - which Hunter is it? Are we talking Polish
thrash metal or Canadian hardcore punk? As in
turns out, the confusion is no more - the latter
changed their name to Cunter (can we even
print that?) after being threatened with a lawsuit
by the former. A word about the Polish lads:
the group originates from Szczytno, where they
hosted a Hunterfest five summers in a row; their
2013 album Imperium peaked at no. 1 on Polish
charts.QConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets 35-45zł.
Available at, Empik (Silesia City
Center, ul. Chorzowska 107, open 10:00 - 21:00,
Fri 10:00 - 22:00) and before the concert.
22.03 Saturday - Bonobo Live Band
Studio Club, ul. Budryka 4,
Bonobo, aka Simon Green, is a British
downtempo / trip-hop / electronic musician
and DJ. Three years after his last tour and
the premiere of Black Sands, he’s back with a
new album called The North Borders. The man
himself calls Borders a natural evolution and
continuation of the Sands music palette. The
concert version is sure to have some delightful
small tweaks from the original.QConcert starts
at 20:00. Tickets 99-115zł. Available at www. and Empik (Galeria Krakowska, ul.
Pawia 5; open 09:00 - 22:00, Sun 10:00 - 21:00).
28.03 Friday - Metal All Stars
Gdańsk/Sopot, Ergo Arena, Pl. Dwóch Miast
Some of the big names in metal will play at Ergo
Arena to raise money for Ride for Dime, a charity
organisation founded following Dimebag Darrell’s
2004 stage assassination. The line-up includes
Philip Anselmo (Pantera / Down), Joey Belladonna
(Anthrax), Max Cavalera (Sepultura / Soulfly),
Cronos (Venom), Brian Fair (Shadows Fall), Zakk
Wylde (Black Label Society / Ozzy Osbourne),
Jonathan Donais (Anthrax / Shadows Fall), Ross
“The Boss” Friedman (Manowar), and Nick Menza
(Megadeth).QConcert starts at 17:00. Tickets
150-450zł. Available at and Empik
(Gdańsk, ul. Podwale Grodzkie 8, open 09:00 21:00, Sun 11:00 - 20:00).
22.03 Saturday - Moscow in Gdańsk
Gdańsk, The Polish Baltic Philharmonic, ul.
Ołowianka 1,
Considering recent events, it’d be completely
understandable if you DO NOT want Moscow
in Gdańsk - or anywhere outside Russia, for that
matter. But please relax, dear friends, as this is
nothing more than a lovely musical evening
with Russian virtuosos performing pieces by
Glinka, Tchaikovsky, and Szymanowski - and
the Russian classical school is surely something
we wouldn’t mind exported all over the world.
QConcert starts at 19:00. Tickets 15-55zł.
Available at Philharmonic box office (open
10:30 - 18:00, Tue 09:30 - 16:00; Sat, Sun 4 hours
before the performance. Closed Mon).
28.03 Friday - Lady Pank Acoustically
Zabrze, Dom Muzyki i Tańca, ul. Gen. de
Gaulle’a 17, tel. (+48) 58 304 98 54
If you know anything about classic Polish rock, you
must have heard about Lady Pank, the authors
of some of the genre’s absolute top hits. Formed
in 1981 in Warsaw, the group have released over
twenty albums, with a recent symphonic one that
got a well-deserved platinum rating. Hear what
all the kids were listening to in the final decade
of communism.QConcert starts at 19:00. Tickets
75-125zł. Available at and Empik
(Silesia City Center, ul. Chorzowska 107, open
10:00 - 21:00, Fri 10:00 - 22:00).
20.03 Thursday - 10.08 Sunday
Aleksander Gierymski (1850-1901)
National Museum, Al. Jerozolimskie 3, tel.
(+48) 22 621 10 31,
Aleksander Gierymski was a 19th-century
realist and pre-impressionist painter from
Warsaw, best known for works depicting Jewish
women with fruit - a nice (if somewhat random)
theme. The artist’s paintings were the first to be
displayed at the then-newly-opened National
Museum building in 1938, and are now making
a long-overdue comeback.QOpen 10:00
- 18:00, Thu 10:00 - 21:00. Closed Mon. Last
entrance 45 minutes before closing. Admission
20/15zł, family ticket 50zł.
23.03 Sunday - Miyavi
Studio Club, ul. Budryka 4, tel. (+48) 604 09 35
Miyavi is a Japanese musician and producer
from Osaka, who started out as guitarist of altrock band Dué le quartz before launching a solo
career in 2002. He’s currently a member of the
Japanese rock supergroup Skin and is easing
into film acting, playing Imperial Japanese Army
Sergeant Mutsuhiro Watanabe in Angelina Jolie’s
film Unbroken.QConcert starts at 19:30. Tickets
130-150zł. Available at, Empik
(Galeria Krakowska, ul. Pawia 5; open 09:00 22:00, Sun 10:00 - 21:00) and before the concert.
22.03 Saturday - Night of the Proms
Atlas Arena, Al. Bandurskiego 7, tel. (+48) 42
636 40 53,
Night of the Proms, created in 1985 by two Belgian
students, is a music event combining pop and
classical music, and this year it’s coming to Poland!
The stars we’re expecting in Łódź include Scottish
singer-songwriter and guitarist Amy Macdonald,
British new-wave group Orchestral Manouvers in
the Dark, English musician John Miles, American
rapper Coolio, and Polish singer Natalia Kukulska.
QConcert starts at 19:00. Tickets 155-399zł. VIP
ticket 699zł. Available at, Empik
(ul. Jana Karskiego 5, Manufaktura, open 10:00
- 22:00, Sun 10:00 - 21:00) and Atlas Arena ticket
office (open 08:00 - 16:00, Mon, Thu 10:00 - 18:00.
Closed Sat, Sun).
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
The New Poland Express I Friday 21st March 2014 I
Szczecin remain unbeaten in 2014
ome exciting football was played over
the last weekend in Ekstraklasa stadiums. On Friday, Lech desperately
managed to steal victory from Podbeskidzie with a great free kick from Mateusz
Mozdzen right at the end of the game.
Ex-Everton man Robert Warzycha’s
debut on the bench of Gornik Zabrze
saw them losing a first-half lead to an
impressive Pogon Szczecin, meaning that
Dariusz Wdowczyk’s side remain the only
side unbeaten in 2014. Big Sunday started
with Legia hosting Wisła in a top of the
table clash in an empty stadium after the
horrific scenes during their last home
game in Warsaw against Jagiellonia. The
game for once rose to the hype.
Legia took the lead two minutes in
as Radovic was played in and finished
nicely from a tight angle and in off the
far post. The hosts attacked on and on
and Ondrej Duda scored his first goal
in the Ekstraklasa with a half-volley
from another through pass. It was all
made easier for Legia as Wisla’s captain,
Arkadiusz Glowacki, was sent off for a
reckless tackle from behind.
Yet it was a classic game of two halves,
with Franciszek Smuda switching Guerrier
for Gargula at half time, something that
proved crucial against a lazy Legia. The
winger scored in the 66th minute from a
lovely turn and reverse pass on the right
side from Semir Stilic and it was the
Bosnian playmaker that pulled the scores
level with a fantastic free kick eight minutes
from time. Even then Legia had a glorious
chance to win it but Vladimir Dvalishvili,
from two yards out and with the Wisla
goalkeeper on the deck, couldn’t put the
ball into the net. In similar circumstances,
Slask, with one man down, drew in Lubin
with Zaglebie in the Lower Silesian Derby
on the same day (2-2).
The place to
spend the
Tortilla Factory
ul. Wilcza 46
tel. 022 621-8622
Polish scout
Results all that matter
here is little that really matters for
Polish clubs when the results are
on the line. In fact, in a truly desperate
situation, some chairmen and directors
would do anything for 3 points, while
the risk of their reputations never seems
to be an issue that crosses their minds.
After Cracovia’s first win this spring,
thanks to a cracking free-kick from
Edgar Bernhardt, the club’s owner
came down to the media to talk about
the manager. Wojciech Stawowy is
a hugely controversial and stubborn
person but is one of the few managers
in the country that has a plan and
wants to make his team play neat,
possession-based football. However,
Stawowy doesn’t get along with many
people inside the club, the owner Janusz
Filipiak being one of them. He took to
the media to inform that his coach is
disobedient, unwilling to cooperate and
make tough decisions. He slammed the
team’s and the league’s level, laughed at
his own players and very much pushed
Stawowy to claim on the next day that
he will leave this summer - if not earlier.
That was man with a plan though.
Then what about Piast Gliwice? Last
week, they sacked their chairman and
installed a temporary director in charge
- the ex-PZPN man Zdzisław Kręcina.
Typically representative of the “oldschool, beton(concrete)-like thinking”
inside the federation he was rightly left
behind by new man in charge, Zbigniew
Boniek and so had been craving for
his chance to get back into the game.
Apparently there is no business that he
can’t make real, although not always
with the law on his side - as recent
accusations about deals inside the
PZPN during his time will surely tell.
Yet in the end, for Ekstraklasa’s owners
and chairmen results are all that matter,
not style – and these two examples
prove it perfectly.
For more
on Polish football
read Michal’s blog
or follow him on
Twitter @polishscout
The New Poland Express I Friday 21st March 2014 I
Place your free ads and community
news here. Email
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Send us 360
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The New Poland Express I Friday 21st March 2014 I
Community Groups:
Place free listings for
your community groups here. Email
English Speaking Expat Group in Slaskie Region
American Home Study Program
Gospel Baptist Church in Warsaw Welcomes You!
All expats are welcome to attend our meeting in
the city of Bielsko Biala.
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Check for current location and
updated news or call Etan at 696-292-451
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and a few simple rules. Wholesome fun.
Be cordially invited to join Warsaw Entertain - a
networking group which brings foreigners and local
people together in order to have fun while participating
in social events and meeting up with new people
in Warsaw. We organize events or just bring people
Poznan International Ladies Club
Free conversation lessons
Church of England in Poland
Meetings on the first Wednesday of the month
(September - June)
Andersia Hotel, Restaurant Mosaica, 9:30 AM
Continental breakfast (cost 30 zl)
Social time and information about upcoming
Free conversation lessons take place at KLUB
DIALOGU, Krakowskie Przedmieście 13/156
(entrance from Tokarzewskiego) every Saturday at
11:00 am and 12:10 pm.
Please call: 22-498-1010
or email us: if you are interested
We welcome Anglicans, Episcopalians and all others
interested, to celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday
morning at 10.30 am. Join us for light refreshments
after the service to learn more about the activities
of our church.
Place: Res Sacra Miser Chapel, ul. Krakowskie
Przedmiescie 62, Warsaw.
The Sikh Community
Role Playing Game in Warsaw
Poland Tartan Army
The Sikh Community of Warsaw meets each Sunday
at the Sikh Gurudwara in Rashyn, Ul Na Skraju
56. All are welcome. Kirtan starts at midday and
langar is served after the Bhog at about 1400. For
more information contact 22 868 4541. The Sikh
faith is about equality, honesty and standing up
to oppression. Anyone visiting the Guru’s house is
welcome, in return for due respect and consideration
of the Sikh faith.
International English-speaking group in Warsaw,
mostly foreign professionals, play tabletop
Dungeons & Dragons fortnightly. No experience
necessary but fluent English proficiency is
required. Have a good time. Play some games.
Meet new friends. Open your imagination. More
info: Facebook group: or
A new Poland Tartan Army Facebook group
has been created. If you are a fan of Scottish
football and our national team please
join the group by visiting Facebook and
conducting a search for Poland Tartan Army.
If anyone, who is not a part of Facebook,
is interested in this idea then please email to register your interest.
International Women’s Group
We are a Polish and Expat social group who organise a
walk/run in a forest, park or around the city, followed by
a few beers (or whatever takes your fancy!). We meet at
the Marriott hotel on alternate Saturdays at 2pm. “Hash
House Harriers” is an international group, which was
originally established in Malaysia 70 years ago.
All are welcome. For details, call Martin at 502-052-958.
Email or
IWG Warsaw is a social group for International
ladies in Warsaw. We offer a wide range of
activities and it’s a great way to meet women in
the community and have fun! Please feel free
to come and try one of our meetings or coffee
Contact: Please call George for further information
regarding our upcoming events. 789084673
For further details feel free to contact Barbara by
To advertise
your business
100zł per week

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