Shock as Jan Kulczyk dies at 65


Shock as Jan Kulczyk dies at 65
Polish News
Friday 31st July 2015
Issue 25 (315)
Shock as Jan Kulczyk dies at 65
Tributes flood in for
Poland’s richest man
© Wikipedia
oland’s wealthiest man Jan Kulczyk,
died in a hospital in Vienna on Tuesday following complications during
The announcement was made through
one of his largest Polish companies, Kulczyk
Holding SA, which stated, “Tonight, as
a result of post-operative complications,
Poland’s greatest entrepreneur Jan Kulczyk
has died, aged 65.”
According to Gazeta Wyborcza, the
operation involved “minor cardiac surgery”
and Mr Kulczyk was even scheduled to be
discharged the next day.
Born in 1950 in the northern city of
Bydgoszcz, Mr Kulczyk graduated with a
degree in law from the Adam Mickiewicz
University in Poznan. In addition to that,
he obtained a degree in foreign trade
from Poznan’s University of Economics
and a PhD in international law. The latest
list published by Polish magazine Wprost
valued Mr Kulczyk’s assets at PLN 15.1 bln.
Having received a lump sum from his
father [a reported USD 1 mln - ed.], Mr
Kulczyk entered the business world in 1981,
by setting up a trading company. Seven
years later he created the first ever Polish
distribution network for Volkswagen and
by 1991 Kulczyk Holding was established.
His Kulczyk Investments SA group (part of
Kulczyk Holding since 2007) also brought
success and dealt primarily with energy,
infrastructure mineral resources and
Mr Kulczyk was scheduled to have meetings later this week
Since news of his death broke, a number
of prominent figures have taken time to
pay their respects.
“Jan Kulczyk was always cheerful,
smiling and full of optimism, even during
his most difficult moments,” CEO of
Deutsche Bank Polska Professor Krzysztof
Kalicki said. “He had an energy about him
and everything he touched was successful.
It’s no exaggeration to say that Mr Kulczyk
was for the Polish economy what Lech
Walesa and Tadeusz Mazowiecki were for
the country’s transformation.”
Adam Krzesinski, the Polish Olympic
Committee Secretary General, praised
Mr Kulczyk’s dedication to sport over
the years. “He was a friend of sport, but
his help towards the Polish Olympic
Committee was not just limited to his
financial contributions,” he said, adding
that Kulczyk Holding and Kulczyk
Investments were both strategic sponsors
during the country’s 2012 campaign and
that Polish athletes will continue to benefit
throughout the 2016 campaign.
The entrepreneur leaves behind a
daughter, Dominika, and a son, Sebastian
who took over as Chief Executive of
Kulczyk Investments two years ago. While
it is still unclear what the future holds
for the firms, in an interview from 2013
(excerpts of which were printed on TVN24
this week), Sebastian Kulczyk stated, “My
Dad has always been a visionary, has had
intuition, has known the right people
but, above all, has accurately guided the
company. My role now is to bring Kulczyk
Investments into the modern era.”
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The New Poland Express I Friday 31st July 2015 I
News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Regional news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
In brief & In Your Pocket. . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Classifieds & Community groups . . . . . 7
From the editor
Quotes of the week
ast week I received
a bit of flak for my
column in which I
criticised Poland’s lack
of queuing etiquette. So
let me take this opportunity to put the record
straight; I love this country and I love the
city I choose live in.
But as a member of Polish society - and
as someone who has paid his taxes here for
almost 12 years - I reckon I have every right
to have a moan about the things that annoy
me now and again.
I do find it quite amusing that
someone would get so wound up by my
views that they feel the need to write
in to complain about them. On the
other hand, it’s also quite refreshing to
know there are foreigners living here
who have no complaints whatsoever
with the Polish way of life. I’d love to
know which supermarkets they shop
in and which buses they travel on perhaps we can work it into next week’s
Funnily enough, whilst in Berlin I got
into a conversation about which Polish
cities I would choose to live in if I had to
up sticks and relocate. It wasn’t an easy
question to answer but Wroclaw and
Gdansk would rank up there as the top
two, with Warsaw and Torun in a close 3rd
and 4th place.
The reasons? Well, it’s difficult to pin
them down, but they’re the ones that
made the grade. I’m sure most foreign
residents over here will have racked
their brains at some point over the same
Anyway, to go full circle, even though
I enjoy spending time in the five cities
mentioned above, it doesn’t mean I’m
unhappy where I am. So to all those who
felt the need to write in with nasty letters
this week (we’ve printed a couple in the
‘Have Your Say’ section), I’m not buggering
off anywhere just yet.
“Jan Kulczyk was a great entrepreneur
who was successful both in Poland and
abroad. He financed without ostentation
many social initiatives.” Former Chairman
of the National Bank of Poland and former
Deputy Prime Minister Leszek Balcerowicz.
This week in history
“We can’t paralyse the entire tourist
industry, but be careful, especially if you have
made plans to travel to eastern Turkey. The
Ministry is warning people about the threat
on the Turkish-Syrian and Turkish-Iraqi
borders. Resorts are safe.” Polish Foreign
Minister Grzegorz Schetyna this week.
1827 (01.08) - The Lighthouse in Hel is
opened. Following a number of disasters
in the 16th and 17th Century which saw
previous efforts burn down, a brick structure
was finished in 1827 and since then there has
been an electric light in Hel. The present day
lighthouse was constructed in 1942.
On the south-east of Turkey the
Ministry also states: “People staying
there temporarily should consider leaving
and those in permanent residence should
exercise caution.”
Have Your Say
Re: Heading back to Berlin (Taken from
the NPE website)
If you don’t like it, why don’t you go back to
your own country.
Mr C - Poznan
1944 (01.08) - The first day of the Warsaw
Uprising. Whilst the exact number of
casualties remains unknown, it’s estimated
that approximately 150,000-200,000 Polish
citizens were killed during the 63 days that
The NPE weekend QUIZ
So, f**k off to Berlin and stop moaning
about living here. Am guessing this won’t be
published mark - Poznan
This journal which has a habit of presenting
Poland in a negative way was once called
New Warsaw Express; maybe it should again
be renamed to New Berlin Express
Dave - London,uk
Oh shut up, you’re not the one who decides
where the person wants to go.
Jeremy - Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Re: Hundreds poisoned by designer drugs
It was only a matter of time before these
drugs were going to make the public eye
and sadly they have done it on a major scale.
They’re every bit as dangerous as ‘real’ drugs.
Why has it taken the authorities and the public
so long to see this? Anyone caught with them
whether using them or dealing them should be
dealt with in the same way as heroin addicts.
M.N. - Wisconsin, USA
Publisher: WIYP Sp. z o.o.
Editor-in-Chief: Steve Sibbald
WIYP Sp. z o.o. • ul. Bohaterow Monte Cassino 6/1, 81-805 Sopot
tel. +48 58 555 9818 • tel/fax. +48 58 555 0831 •
1932 - The Bialowieza National Park was
Chief Writer: Steve Sibbald
Nationwide: Graham Crawford
Graphic Designer: Tomáš Haman
Sales Director: Malgorzata Drzaszcz
A few weeks ago we were blessed with
a number of tickets for the fantastic
MOCAK Museum of Contemporary
Arts in Krakow. Well, we’ve decided
again to hand out another double invite
given the response we received.
For those who have never been before,
it’s a wonderful experience and for
those who have, there are always plenty
of new temporary exhibits to keep
you returning back for more. In order
to win, simply tell us the name of the
controversial film that featured on the
front page of New Poland Express three
weeks ago...
George Szyman scooped up the tickets
for last week’s Lauba Pelno Bluesa
festival. Send your answers in to:
The New Poland Express I Friday 31st July 2015 I
Crack down on No Communion for Komorowski
designer drugs T
29-year-old man from Lublin has
been released on bail after being
caught with over PLN 1 mln worth
of drugs and designer drugs (dopalacze) in
his possession.
According to TVN24, Michal J. was
arrested last Friday after authorities
seized 456 g of marijuana, 238 ecstasy
tablets and 13.5 kg of designer drugs
from his flat.
Investigators have alleged that
Michal J. used a courier service to
distribute the drugs right around the
country and believe that around 700
shipments may have already been
made via this means. Since his arrest,
18 parcels have been secured by the
courier company and a further 22
withdrawn from shipping.
“On Monday afternoon another man
was arrested who, according to findings
by the police and the Prosecutor’s
Office, has been involved with money
laundering,” says Beata Syk-Jankowska,
a spokeswoman for Lublin District
Prosecutor’s Office.
Michal J. has since confessed to the
allegations and has been granted three
months bail after paying the court a PLN
50,000 fine. With a previous conviction
for drugs possession, he faces a total of 12
years behind bars if found guilty.
he President came in for severe
criticism this week from a member
of the church who stated he should
be denied Holy Communion for recently
signing the in vitro bill.
According to news station TVN24,
Father Wojciech Goralski, a Professor
at the University of Cardinal Stefan
Wyszynski, told the church, “IVF is an
obvious grave sin” and urged fellow priests
to refuse Mr Bronislaw Komorowski Holy
Last week the President signed a bill
which will regulate state funding for in
vitro treatment and the legislation makes
it possible for infertile couples to receive
treatment, after exhausting all other
alternative methods over a 12-year period.
“In such situations, we have an obligation
to remind people that anyone showing
support for in vitro cannot receive Holy
Communion,” Father Goralski stated.
“The best form of repenting is through
confession and admitting your sins
as this provides a satisfactory path for
improvement. But we have to be assured
that the person has changed their mind
and has admitted to error,” he continued.
“Ideally, such people must announce
publicly that they have been in favour of in
vitro. In the President’s case, he must ask
for forgiveness for signing the bill.”
Polish paraglider predicament
Bialystok citizen is waiting to be
returned back to his home nation
after being caught illegally crossing over the Belarus-Poland border via
According to TVN24, the 26-year-old,
who cannot be named for legal reasons, has
paid up his fine in full and is now waiting
to be freed. “He was fined the equivalent
of approximately PLN 2,000 and will be
deported back to Poland later this week,”
Consul General Andrzej Chodkiewicz, in
the western city of Grodno, told reporters.
“The man is in a healthy state and
has made no complaints regarding the
conditions of the detention centre where he
is being held,” Mr Chodkiewicz stressed.
A press release by the Border Control
stated on Wednesday, “The young man had
with him a radio, a smartphone, a torch,
first aid kit, tablets, a driving license, bank
cards and money. The Polish citizen says he
simply became disorientated.”
It is not the first case of someone illegally
crossing the Belarus border in recent years.
In July 2012, two Swedish citizens flew from
Lithuania and dropped a number of soft
toys bearing the slogans “Belarus freedom”
and “We support the Belarus struggle for
free speech” over the capital of Minsk.
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The New Poland Express I Friday 31st July 2015 I
Nationwide with Graham Crawford:
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If you have any news for Graham, send him an email at
Without rhyme or region
spent last weekend
cycling the Baltic
coast on the German side of the border.
It was pretty good, and
everywhere people were
polite and helpful. One of the most amazing
moments was cycling across the border.
It was a beautiful sunny day, the beach
and the sea were just the other side of a
well-maintained cycle path, and there
were all sorts of people just milling around
this metal line across it, taking photos. I
thought of the bad old days of visas and
Out of the closet
15 -yea r-old
girl was arrested this Thursday
morning hiding in
a shoe cupboard,
after police traced
her as the third
member of a group
of females filmed assaulting a passenger on the number nine tram in Warsaw
three weeks ago.
The fugitive had been doing
everything to avoid capture. “She hid
from police in various relatives’ flats. We
found her in a place where you wouldn’t
have thought a person could hide, in a
tiny shoe cupboard in a Warsaw flat,”
Joanna Wegrzyniak for Warsaw police
The film with the three girls shows a
brutal, unprovoked assault on a female
border guards, of stern military types
scrutinising your passport.
Amidst all the hate for the EU regularly
voiced here, it’s worth remembering that a
whole generation of Poles fought for decades
for the privilege of free movement. And now
we’ve finally got it, everybody seems to think
it’s terrible. There’s nowt as queer as folk.
Late on Sunday evening we arrived back
in Swinoujscie. One of the first things we had
to do was take a ferry across the Stara Swina,
which, rather marvellously, is entirely free.
Suddenly, a teen on a scooter rolled up
and, moments later, his pal, filthy drunk,
staggering on deck even though we were
still moored up.
There followed the most unrepeatable
diatribe of filth between the two - and I
saw my Polish friends’ faces fall. “Welcome
home,” I said to one, wryly. Another
said later, “The worst thing was that I
understood every single word.”
Fortunately, it’s a short trip and we soon
got to our cars to drive home. As we were
loading up, though, we were all savaged
by the most vicious mosquitoes I’ve come
across for a long time.
Then, as we set off, we passed a statue.
I don’t know what it was about, but it was
of the most depressing, miserable looking
bloke I’ve ever seen.
Ah Poland, it’s good to be back… I think.
passenger and, according to witnesses,
after disembarking, the girls returned to
fight with a male passenger and steal his
Monika O., a 19-year-old, was the first
to be arrested and has been remanded in
custody for three months. Soon after a
16-year-old accomplice was detained and
will spend the next three months in a
juvenile detention centre.
same day and police seized the hammer,
still in the bag. He now faces up to five
years in prison.
Hammer the point home
30-year-old man in Ochota Town Hall
threatened staff with a hammer and
attacked a security guard this Tuesday,
after becoming incensed by his interview
with a housing officer. “He was aggressive,
agitated and annoyed at the information
he was given,” said a spokesperson for the
The man, who is of Jordanian origin,
but has Polish citizenship and has lived in
Warsaw for many years, was arrested the
Astronomical figures
aroslaw Tomczykowski got the surprise
of his life when he passed through the
turnstile at the Centrum Nauki Kopernik this Wednesday. He was showered
with confetti and greeted by an official
delegation, TV cameras and press photographers as the five millionth visitor to
the museum since its opening a mere five
years ago.
The lucky visitor received a membership
card entitling him and a guest to a year of
free entry to the museum, invites to film
premieres, tours round areas not open to
the public and further discounts. It was
his first visit to the centre, as he wanted
to show his little brother who was visiting
him the most interesting parts of the
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The New Poland Express I Friday 31st July 2015 I
Norwegian cashback
Scandalous appointment
horleif R., a Norwegian man who
accused the Cocomo
Go-Go Bar in Sopot
of spiking his drink
and taking PLN
137,000 from his account, is to get his money returned. Despite the case being thrown out in Poland
a court in Kristiansand decided he should
be refunded.
“It is highly likely that Mr. Thorleif R. was
under the influence of drugs,” declared the
Norwegian court, adding, “His explanations
are credible and likely in the light of the
evidence gathered.” The Cocomo chain
attracted widespread criticism and numerous
accusations of dishonest behaviour until it
changed its operating name in what many
saw as a bid to avoid punishment.
Thorleif R. had a rude awakening last
July, when he came to after a wild night
out to find a text message from his bank
detailing the massive withdrawals made
from 2am to 5am the previous night. He
claimed that his drink had been spiked,
his PIN number copied when he paid for
drinks and used to withdraw the vast sums.
Polish prosecutors were unable to mount
a convincing case, so the man sued his
bank instead. This week a Norwegian court
decided in Thorleif R.’s favour. The judge
admitted that the man had been extremely
careless. CCTV footage showed waitresses
clearly observing him while he entered
his PIN number into the terminal, while
footage of a barman putting something
into the man’s drink also came to light.
“My client is delighted,” commented his
lawyer, “After all, he was cheated.”
prosecutors are demanding that the
head of infrastructure in the city
(ZIKiT), Jan Tajster,
be suspended. “He will be working with
people who still have to give testimony in
the ongoing cases against him,” explained
Boguslawa Marcinkowska for Krakow
Tajster was appointed to the post
this Thursday by Krakow president
Jacek Majchrowski, despite having
two guilty verdicts of failure to fulfil
his responsibilities and of falsifying
paperwork. In addition, there are a further
13 cases in progress against him involving,
among other things, corruption, mobbing
and sexual harassment.
Granny with a gun
60-year-old Gdansk woman is in serious trouble after she threatened to
shoot a neighbour during a row. Police
were called to the scene and discovered
an illegal arsenal of weapons in the elderly
lady’s flat. Apart from the pistol she used to
threaten her neighbour, she had a revolver,
an air gun and over 80 pieces of ammunition - all without a license.
The elderly woman became involved in
an altercation between two neighbours.
Attempting to stop the row, she pulled out
a pistol and aimed at one of the rowing
women. They then notified police who
came and seized the weapons.
The woman apparently explained that
the weapons belonged to a deceased family
member. She now faces up to eight years in
prison for illegal possession of firearms.
“The accused will be working with
people who have still to make a statement.
We’re concerned that he could try to
persuade them to change their statements.
We will also be demanding a restraining
order against approaching his victims,”
Marcinkowska told reporters.
President Majchrowski responded that
he has written to ZIKiT staff stating that,
“I am open to meet any person who has the
status of a victim or witness in the cases
against Jan Tajster. Anyone who feels any
discomfort in this situation can count on
my full support.”
Tajster himself told reporters he, “Would
not sink” to the level of those who accuse
him of mistreating employees because, “I
don’t have time for it.”
Majchrowski insists the appointment is
a good one, adding, “I’ve had numerous
employees over the years who were accused,
arrested and ultimately cleared of the charges.”
TEL. +48 22 222 07 00
Train disaster ruling upheld
The decision to jail the train driver behind a crash in
which two people were killed was upheld by Lodz
Court of Appeal this week.
In October last year Tomasz G. was sentenced for
three years and three months following the Baby
rail disaster (close to the central city of Piotrkow)
in 2011. Two passengers were left dead and a
further 162 injured after the train became derailed
and Tomasz G. was convicted of failing to stop at
a signal.
Judge Krystyna Mielczarek of Lodz Court of Appeal
stated this week, “All the evidence and testimony
given by witnesses has been sufficient enough
to uphold the decision.” In addition to the prison
sentence, Tomasz G. has also been ordered to pay
PLN 20,000 in court costs, reports TVN.
Tobacco tax hike on the cards?
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has
recommended raising excise tax on cigarettes
meaning a packet in Poland would cost over PLN 40.
According to Gazeta Wyborcza, the WHO wishes
to see a minimal rise of 75 percent, which would
result in Polish prices soaring from an average of
PLN 13.5 to PLN 41.3.
The paper writes the WHO believes an increase
of 10 percent on a standard packet would see a
reduction in the number of smokers by 3-5 percent.
It also states that treating smoking-related diseases
is set to cause the taxpayer PLN 200 bln over the
next 20 years.
The tobacco industry has already protested the
recommendation, claiming that between 20042015 Poland’s tax on tobacco products has risen
by 245 percent.
Focus on food wastage
A new draft bill aimed at dealing with the amount
of food wastage produced by supermarkets was
drawn up earlier this week.
Speaking on Tuesday, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm
Wanda Nowicka told reporters the bill has been
created in collaboration with food banks and social
organisation and will, “Focus on food suitable for
human consumption which could be transferred to
people in need.”
The bill will concentrate on three main areas,
reports TVN. Firstly, the inflated consumption
standards which, as Ms Nowicka states, are one
of the key barriers for producing so must wastage.
Secondly, entitling retailers which provide food for
the poor with tax reductions and thirdly, ensuring
the bill is monitored by the government.
The New Poland Express I Friday 31st July 2015 I
he summer is in full-flow and that
means it’s the busiest time of the
year up in Sopot. Traditionally the
city has attracted thousands during the
holiday period but this year the make-up
of the visitors seems to be more cosmopolitan than any time in the past quarter
of a century.
The Polish coast has always been
popular with Poles but Sopot truly has
an international feel about it this year.
With more Poles heading abroad these
days, their absence is being more than
compensated for by the seemingly huge
leap in foreign holiday-makers. You’re
just as likely to hear a foreign language
as you walk down Monciak as you are
Polish and the city genuinely feels it’s
beginning to become that international
destination it’s long claimed to be. We’ve
got our issues with the local government’s
policy for developing the market and
we’ve been concerned in recent years
that the city has been allowed to get a bit
tacky. Problems still exist and we’d still
like to see them get to grasp with the
increasing number of unhinged people
wading through the crowds, pissed or
stoned out of their heads and smelling
like… well we don’t want to imagine.
There’s also the ongoing problem with
being approached every few minutes by
someone handing out strip club flyers
and trying to get you to visit them (note
this only applies to men walking alone
or more than 5 metres from any female
companion). The case in Norway this
week (see regionals) will have done the
reputation of Sopot no favours in what
has to be the biggest growth market for
Sopot in the last couple of years. The city
has to get hold of these issues if it wants to
build a reputation for being a prestigious
health resort or kurort as it claims.
In their support though they have got
some things right in the last 12 months.
The city is one of the most attractive in
the country thanks to a long-term policy
of helping local residents fix up their
buildings, many of which are wonderful,
old villas. The city could be cleaner but
the job the local government faces every
morning is huge and the cleaning teams
are out at the crack of dawn washing the
streets and clearing the detritus away
from the previous night’s party.
Probably the most visible evidence of
the city’s determination to smarten the
place up can be seen this year on the
beach. For a start it’s cleaner than we can
remember in a long while and a policy of
clearing shrubbery and trees has meant
to get to the beach you no longer have to
walk down paths which wreak from the
public toilets the neighbouring bushes
used to provide.
The single biggest improvement has
been in the beachside huts which open up
each summer to help supply the masses
with fish and chips. A competition a
couple of years back resulted in three
designs for the beach huts, created by
local architects, being selected. Tenants
were offered extended contracts to rent
their spots on the proviso that they
replaced their ramshackle huts with one
of the accepted designs. The result is
very impressive and while one or two of
the older ones were pulled not and not
replaced, the others have all been rebuilt
creating a much more impressive view.
These huts also come with new cooking
areas meaning you can enjoy your, more
expensive, fish and chips in peace with
concerns about where it was prepared.
Some now offer more than the standard
cod/halibut/salmon and chips and
established restaurants like the Rucola
group have set up on the beach offering
an altogether classier experience.
There’s plenty more to do as well than
simply eat fish and chips and drink
beer at prices that the aforementioned
Norwegians must laugh themselves to
sleep at night about. Take a look at the
new website to Sopot and keep an eye out
for one of our favourite parts of summer –
The Orange Summer Cinema on the pier.
The New Poland Express I Friday 31st July 2015 I
Classifieds & Community Groups
Place your free ads and community news here. Email
English lessons
Warsaw Choir
English-speaking Catholics in Warsaw
Consultant for IB programs, Calvert Home Study
Programs and adult conversation classes in
Central Warsaw and suburbs Praga to Otwock.
Generally Native speakers are available.
Chor Warszawski: an international choir, meeting
every Tuesday evening at Palac Kultury. Contact
Richard Berkeley for more information
Are you thinking of becoming a Catholic? We
welcome inquiries! Contact us the St. Paul’s
English Speaking Catholic Parish of Warsaw.
Contact: ul. Solidarnosci 80, Fr Wieslaw
Dawidowski O.S.A - 600 384 916, Bro. Piotr
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or e-mail:
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Gospel Singing
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Family oriented
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Toastmasters invites everyone to their Wednesday
evening’ meetings. Toastmasters is an international
organization for improving Public Speaking and
presentation skills. Guests welcome without any
obligation apart from a short introduction.
Check for current location and
updated news or call Etan at 696-292-451
English Speaking Expat Group
International community for Warsaw’s Expats
Poznan International Ladies Club
A good way to make new friends: English-language
players sought for game that constructs collective story
narratives using high-level language communication
and a few simple rules. Wholesome fun.
Be cordially invited to join Warsaw Entertain - a
networking group which brings foreigners and local
people together in order to have fun while participating
in social events and meeting up with new people
in Warsaw. We organize events or just bring people
For further details feel free to contact Barbara by
Meetings on the first Wednesday of the month
(September - June)
Andersia Hotel, Restaurant Mosaica, 9:30 AM
Continental breakfast (cost 30 zl)
Social time and information about upcoming
Free conversation lessons
Church of England in Poland
The Sikh Community
Free conversation lessons take place at KLUB
DIALOGU, Krakowskie Przedmieście 13/156
(entrance from Tokarzewskiego) every Saturday at
11:00 am and 12:10 pm.
Please call: 22-498-1010
or email us: if you are interested
We welcome Anglicans, Episcopalians and all others
interested, to celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday
morning at 10.30 am. Join us for light refreshments
after the service to learn more about the activities
of our church.
Place: Res Sacra Miser Chapel, ul. Krakowskie
Przedmiescie 62, Warsaw.
The Sikh Community of Warsaw meets each Sunday
at the Sikh Gurudwara in Rashyn, Ul Na Skraju
56. All are welcome. Kirtan starts at midday and
langar is served after the Bhog at about 1400. For
more information contact 22 868 4541. The Sikh
faith is about equality, honesty and standing up
to oppression. Anyone visiting the Guru’s house is
welcome, in return for due respect and consideration
of the Sikh faith.
Role Playing Game in Warsaw
International English-speaking group in Warsaw,
mostly foreign professionals, play tabletop
Dungeons & Dragons fortnightly. No experience
necessary but fluent English proficiency is
required. Have a good time. Play some games.
Meet new friends. Open your imagination. More
info: Facebook group: or
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