Riots hit the streets of Warsaw


Riots hit the streets of Warsaw
MBA. |
Get ready for changes!
Polish News
Friday 18th November 2011
Issue 46 (147)
Riots hit the streets of Warsaw
Violence and destruction
mar Independence Day
© Reporter
orty six people face the prospect of a
stint behind bars after being arrested
during violent clashes in Warsaw
that marred Independence Day and left 29
needing hospital treatment.
Violence broke out a number of times on
November 11 as left-wing demonstrators
and anarchists tried to stop a march by
far-right groups All Polish Youth (MW)
and the National Radical Camp (ONR).
Both sides appeared to have their numbers
boosted by radical elements from abroad, a
fact that was reflected in initial arrests with
92 of the 202 arrested being German.
The clashes escalated into full-scale riots
around the capital’s Plac Na Rozdrozu and
Plac Konstytucji, where police used water
cannons and tear gas after coming under a
barrage of missiles including cobble stones,
bottles and rubbish bins.
At one point a police car was attacked,
and journalists also became a target for
violent demonstrators.
“The most dangerous moment was when
journalists and cameramen were attacked
outside our broadcast van,” said Arkadiusz
Wierzuk, a TVN24 reporter who came
under attack. “Bottles and stones flew
through the air and we had to protect our
Warsaw’s Independence Day parade was hijacked by masked rioters with women and children
caught up in the maelstrom
“Then a group of masked men carefully
pointed out the journalists,” he continued.
“A large group of people ran to our vehicle
and tried to turn it over. For a moment the
situation was brought under control, but
then the bandits felt confident again and
threw a firework into the vehicle, and it
began to burn.”
In total damage to property caused
by the violence is estimated to hit PLN
The fighting prompted calls for tougher
laws with officials focusing on tightening
regulations making organisations legally
responsible for the conduct of any
demonstration they organise, and the
possibility of outlawing the covering of
faces during marches.
The police also came in for criticism for
its apparent failure to quell the violence,
and for the actions of some of its officers.
In one incident video footage showed
a plain-clothes policeman kicking and
punching a man in the face. Chief of
Police Andrzej Matejuk, told the radio
station RMF FM that the officer had been
suspended, adding that “there is no place
on the force for officers like that”.
p.7 spORT
Teacher knifed by boss
3-year old girl dies at Molo
Poles hung-ary after Italian
A teacher in the western town of Lubin is
in hospital after allegedly being stabbed in
the stomach by the school’s headmistress.
According to reports by Gazeta
Wyborcza, the incident took place on
Wednesday in the staff room around
midday after an altercation between the
employees. The teacher’s injuries are not
thought to be life-threatening.
Sopot Regional Court this week remanded a 34-year-old woman in custody following the death by drowning of her three-yearold daughter this Tuesday. “The evidence
presented to the court indicates the high
degree of likelihood that she committed the
alleged murder,” Tomasz Adamski, press officer to the court, told reporters. The mother
pleaded guilty to the offence.
Poland’s footballers lurched towards
the rapidly approaching Euro 2012 with
minimal optimism after a lesson from
the Italians in effectiveness then a slightly
better display against Hungary. The
atmosphere around the team, though,
continues to be soured by the row over the
new strip; with criticism over the lack of
the Eagle.
The New Poland Express I Friday 18th November 2011 I
News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Regional news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
What’s on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Sport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
“Germans ... were beating up Poles on
Independence Day in the centre of Warsaw
just because they were wearing a few
[national] symbols.” PiS leader Jaroslaw
Kaczynski defends those taking part in the
recent Independence Day marches.
1911 (19.11) - The Polonia Warszawa
Sport Club is founded. Featuring both a
football team and a basketball team, it is
the oldest club of its type in Poland’s capital.
ith all the
carry-on in
Warsaw during the Independence
Day celebration / march
/ riot / chimp’s tea party*, quite an important
event seems to have been overlooked this
week - the UN’s International Day for Tolerance.
Started up in 1995, it takes place each
Nov 16 and judging by the scenes being
beamed out of the capital last Friday,
many of those present could do a lot worse
than take onboard some of its ideas and
The aim of the day, as you might have
guessed, is to help promote respect and
acceptance towards others - something
that was clearly lacking last week from most
of the groups involved (from the Polish
nationalists to the German anarchists to
the state police).
But equally as disturbing is a recent
statement made by Agnieszka Mikulska
who produced a survey on racism in Poland
on behalf of the Helsinki Foundation for
Human Rights.
“The foreigners who took part in the
poll, highlighted, above everything else,
two different types of negative behaviour
towards people with different skin colour aggression and excessive curiosity.”
Of course, it’s absurd to think that in
this day and age, in a civilised European
country, these kinds of attitudes still exist.
As Mikulska states, “education is the key
to tolerance” and this is where at least part
of the blame must fall on the media. While
scouring Polish news sites for stories over
the last two weeks, not once did we come
across any mention of the ‘International
Day for Tolerance’.
Perhaps before next year’s Independence
Day, Poland’s national media should cut
down on the hype, speculation and bullshit
and focus on other things that might
actually make a positive difference instead.
* Delete as appropriate
“It was utter chaos. And the guilty parties
are the hooligans and the police.” Krzysztof
Bosak of the Republican Foundation (one
of the march’s organisers).
“We need to keep common sense and a
sense of proportion, and effectively prosecute
those who have committed crimes. We need
to, without hysteria, consider whether
changes are necessary to legislation when
it comes to freedom of expression and
manifestation.” PM Tusk on the riots.
1989 (22.11) - Aneta Kreglicka is
crowned Miss World in Hong Kong. Runner-up in Japan’s Miss International the
same year, Ms Kreglicka is Poland’s only
Miss World winner to date.
The NPE weekend QUIZ
Re: A boost for Biedronka
This being the chain, that the pocket
‘genius’ Kaczynski labelled as being “for
poor people”.
This is a supermarket chain, which
offers well stocked shelves of good
quality goods at competitive prices (now
I see it, it doesn’t echo the empty shelves
of the PRL with long queues of people)
which is very popular and a commercial
success. It tells you everything you need
to know about citizen Kaczynski and
his understanding of economics and
Jestem Gejem - Opole
In this week’s ever-generous competition corner we’ve
got two double invitations to hand
out for the ‘Merlin Another Story’ production at Warsaw’s
Teatr Na Woli on
December 27.
Re: Jewish cemetery desecrated
So yet ANOTHER case of neo-fascists
in Poland showing no respect for the dead.
These graves belong to people’s family
members and all they can do is hide behind
spray cans and their graffiti in the name of
their stupid little cause.
When will they realise the people who
have committed these crimes are the same
people the Nazis would have happily have
rounded up, put against a wall and shot if
they had had their way.
Ian Robins - US
Publisher: WIYP Sp. z o.o.
WIYP Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Paderewskiego 1 • 81-831 Sopot
tel. +48 58 555 9818 • tel/fax. +48 58 555 0831 •
1944 (20.11) - Adolf Hitler leaves Wolf’s
Lair. Situated in the Mazurian woods 8 km
from the then East Prussian town of Rastenburg (now Poland’s Ketrzyn), the complex was built in late 1940, covered an area
of more than 6.5 km2 and included three
individual security zones.
Editor-in-Chief: Steve Sibbald
Chief Writer: Steve Sibbald
Staff Writer: Matt Day
The play focuses on Merlin and his
plans to create the perfect kingdom in
Brittany as King Arthur goes about his
business setting up the Round Table.
The show’s in Polish, but fear not - there
are English subtitles so it can also be
enjoyed by those who perhaps don’t
have a perfect grasp of the language.
To be in with a chance, simply tell us
what street the Teatr Na Woli is located
As usual folks, get those answers
sent into the normal address:
Nationwide & Sports:
Graham Crawford
Events: Klaudia Mampe
Vaughan Elliott, Łukasz Jankowski
Graphic Designer: Tomáš Haman
Sales Director: Malgorzata Drzaszcz
Prickly time
for PiS
onfusion and speculation still
hangs over Law and Justice following both the expulsion of three
MEPs and the subsequent group of party
members that have formed together to
show them their support.
According to TVN24, major figures
Zbigniew Ziobro, Jacek Kurski and Tadeusz
Cymanskiego, who were dismissed from
Law and Justice (PiS) last week, have
individual meetings today (Friday) in front
of a committee following their appeals to
see if the situation has changed.
“Perhaps we will now find out what
charges are being levelled at us,” said
Tadeusz Cymanskiego. “So far we only know
we’ve been thrown out on the grounds that
we were ‘detrimental to PiS’. Perhaps now
we’ll know what we’ve done specifically.”
Following the dismissals, 17 party
members have rallied round to offer
support by putting their name to newlyformed club ‘Solidarna Polska’ which has
called for “decisive changes” within PiS.
However the party has offered an ultimatum
to the club, stating that it has no qualms about
dismissing even more members.
“If any of the MPs file a submission to the
Speaker of the Sejm by this Friday in which
they pledge their membership to PiS, they
will not be included as part of the resolution,”
stated spokesman Adam Hofman.
The New Poland Express I Friday 18th November 2011 I
New government announced
M Donald Tusk has replaced more
than half the cabinet as he reshuffled
the government ahead of its second
term in office.
The announcement of the new-look
cabinet came after the prime minister
met President Bronislaw Komorowski
to discuss the formal composition of his
coalition government of Civic Platform
(PO) and its junior partner the Polish
People’s Party (PSL).
Four women join the cabinet ranks,
including karate fan Joanna Mucha,
who, as sports minister, will oversee the
European football championships next
year, and Elzbieta Bienkowska, who was
given the regional development ministry.
In other changes, Tusk’s close ally and
former-First Vice Chairman / Marshal of
the Sejm Grzegorz Schetyna, who it was
previously thought would be downgraded
to Minister of Transport, has been moved
to Chief of the Sejm Commission on
Foreign Affairs and Ewa Kopacz becomes
the first female speaker of the house.
But although new arrivals occupy 10
of the 19 cabinet seats the PM stuck with
the tried and tested when it came to key
posts indicating that along with a desire to
freshen the cabinet he wants to maintain
the government’s present policy course.
Foreign minister Radek Sikorski, finance
minister Jacek Rostowski and Waldemar
Pawlak, the PSL leader and economy minister,
can all settle down for another stint at the office.
“This is a potentially strong government,”
said Mr Tusk. “This is the first government
of continuity in the past 20 years of Polish
But his cabinet drew criticism from Law
and Justice (PiS), which said it lacked the
expertise needed to run ministries.
“I think when we look at it it’s surprising
that at a time when governments in Europe
are being formed full of experts Poland’s
is full of career politicians,” said PiS’s
Mariusz Blaszczak during an interview
with TVN24. “Some are young, and
perhaps promising, but when times are
hard you need experience.”
The criticism of lacking the necessary
experience was, in particular, directed at
Jaroslaw Gowin, the new justice minister.
Mr Gowin, unlike all his predecessors, is
not a lawyer and therefore his appointment
to the legal hot seat was described as
“surprising” by PiS.
But Donald Tusk moved quickly to
defend his new minister, describing Mr
Gowin as a man of “great enthusiasm
and determination”, who will help push
through reforms needed to keep the
Polish economy on track in the face of the
challenging economic environment.
He added that he thought the new
minister’s non-legal background could
stand him in good stead as he would he be
able to “stand up to the whole judiciary and
never surrender” when it came to pursuing
legal reforms.
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The New Poland Express I Friday 18th November 2011 I
Plane tragedy Teacher knifed by boss
our people died when a light aircraft
slammed into a forest as it tried to
land near Katowice.
The four, two men and two women aged
between 47 and 51, were onboard a Cirrus
SR22 en route from Italy when it crashed
in darkness a few kilometres short of the
airport at Pyrzowice as it made its second
Ryszard Rutkowski of the State Air
Accident Investigation Commission
said the pilot had first tried to land
at Katowice-Muchowiec airfield, but
was unable to touch down because
the facility lacked night-landing
equipment. He then f lew on to
Pyrzowice 30 kilometres away but only
to meet with disaster.
Although authorities have launched an
official investigation into the crash initial
suspicion has fallen on pilot error.
It emerged that the pilot was only
qualified to fly by Visual Flight Rules,
which meant he could only take to
the skies when he could position the
aircraft using visual reference points and
possessed 5,000 metres of horizontal
These factors did not apply as the
Cirrus made its way through the
darkening skies of Upper Silesia on
the fateful night, and the pilot would
have been forced to f ly by Information
Flight Rules (IFR): using the plane’s
instruments to navigate.
“He did not have the experience to fly in
these conditions and was not allowed to
fly IFR,” said Mr Rutkowski, who added
the pilot had appeared to also misjudge
weather conditions.
Rescue teams that reached the shattered
remains of the aircraft reported no
smell of aviation fuel at the crash site,
indicating the plane may have run out of
fuel, although no mayday signal was sent.
Crash investigators removed the debris
to a hanger at Katowice-Muchowiec for
further examination.
Given the possibility that safety
procedures may have been broken local
prosecutors launched a formal criminal
“We’ve initiated an investigation under
Article 177 of the Penal Code which refers
to a violation of aviation safety rules,”
said Radoslaw Wozniak from the Gliwice
prosecutor’s office.
A modern four-seater aircraft, the
Cirrus SR22 is a popular single-engine
aircraft and has a good safety record. It
comes packed with modern avionics and
a boasts a parachute.
teacher in the western town of Lubin is in hospital after allegedly being stabbed in the stomach by the
school’s headmistress.
According to reports by Gazeta
Wyborcza, the incident took place on
Wednesday in the staff room around
midday after an altercation between the
employees. The male mathematics and
computer science teacher was rushed
straight to hospital, although his injuries
are not thought to be life-threatening.
It is not yet clear what caused the
argument, however news agency PAP
states the man had previously applied for
the role of head teacher on two occasions,
only to be refused the position both times.
While some children witnessed the teacher
being taken out of the building on a stretcher,
classes continued as normal and students
only learned of what had actually happened
when it appeared in the evening news.
“We do not wish to comment on the events
so far,” said spokesman for the president of
Lubin, Krzysztof Maj. “We are waiting for a
statement from the prosecution.”
However he did state there was a great
deal of shock surrounding the incident.
“We know the head mistresses and the
teacher very well and they are both
extremely calm people.”
Maria Kramarczyk, Director of
Development Education for Wroclaw’s
Board of Education also said that they were
surprised by the event.
“We have looked through all the records
for the last two years and there has been not
one complaint made against either person.
During evaluations, both were considered
excellent in their positions.”
PAP states that the head teacher has been
questioned but has denied her guilt. As yet
there has been no news on what charges
will be made.
Thursday 24th November 2011
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The third night of the NPE Comedy Roadshow which will be touring Poland
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Tickets for this event have been bought by New Poland Express for its readers and their friends.
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Warsaw Tortilla Factory
ul. Wilcza 46 (entrance from ul. Poznanska), Warszawa
A grave mistake
Residents in Wielkopolska were left outraged this
week when stickers were left on headstones at a
local graveyard informing people that they had
not been paid for.
According to daily Fakt, the large red and white
stickers (containing the words “Grave to be
decommissioned”) were plastered on a number
of graves at the Milostowie cemetery in Poznan
leaving many family members seething.
“This is way over the top,” said 49-year-old Ewa
Ptak whose relatives are buried there. “These are
grave stones, not notice boards.”
“We will be looking into this matter,” stated Piotr
Szlingiert, a spokesman for Universum which
manages the municipal cemeteries. “Sometimes
things like this happen without our knowledge. In
the future we will ensure that things like this are
done in a more dignified manner.”
Stubbing out the cigs
One year on after the amended smoking
laws were introduced and it is believed that
approximately 1 million people throughout the
country have decided to quit.
“What is interesting is that since the new
regulations came into play, 1 million have broken
their habit,” says Krzysztof Przewozniak Deputy
Director of Warsaw’s Centre for Cooperation with
the WHO on TVN.
“In total about 11 percent of Poland’s smokers
have either tried to stop or have managed to
give up completely. Maybe some will go back, but
even to try in the first place is an achievement.”
Statistics released by the centre state that one
year on from the amendments and 62 percent of
Poles support the laws.
The New Poland Express I Friday 18th November 2011 I
Praying for a place in politics
priest made headlines this week by
submitting his CV to the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) with the
aim of becoming party leader.
In a week that has witnessed a number of
high-profile political stories (ranging from
the expulsion of Mr Ziobro and others
from Law and Justice (PiS) to Donald
Tusk’s new government), the news stands
out as something of an oddity.
Reports on TVN24 state that Father
Jacek Stryczek sent off his CV to the
centre-left party, highlighting both his
experience and dedication in the field of
social work.
The priest is head of the ‘Wiosna’
(‘Spring’) foundation, a social-work
style organisation comprising of more
than 10,000 volunteers, and is renowned
for his off-the-wall, unorthodox brand
of religion - such as sprinkling ashes
onto people’s heads outside kebab shops
and setting up confession booths in the
Speaking of the decision to submit
a CV to the party, the priest said in an
official statement on the foundation’s
site: “Once again I would like to ask
myself an open question: Am I leftwing? Am I the right person to act as a
left-wing leader? It is true though that
there is one, embarrassing issue here: I
believe in God and I am a priest. Since
my conversion I have become dedicated
to social commitment. Should this issue
be a hindrance?”
In an interview with TVN, Fr. Stryczek
stated, “I am well qualified in the field of
social sensitivity. I sent my CV as I want
to continue to bring this issue into the
spotlight. I have a lot of good to say about
this country.”
So far SLD have yet to comment on the
New far-right party on the cards
There have been reports this week about the
formation of a new political party by extreme-right
groups ‘All Polish Youth’ (MW) and the ‘National
Radical Camp’ (ONR).
Gazeta Wyborcza states that plans to announce
the news of ‘Ruch Narodowy’ (‘National
Movement’) after last week’s Independence Day
march had to be put on ice due to the ensuing
It is believed that the party will be formed
sometime in 2013, allowing it to take part in the
2015 general elections.
Fags for the present
Border guards stopped a car at the PolandBelarus border this week to find the driver
attempting to smuggle cigarettes into the
country inside a cake.
According to Fakt, the 39-year old Belarusian
claimed the dessert in her Volkswagen Passat
was a gift for her friend, but the officers became
suspicious when it felt too light and they
discovered 70 packs of cigarettes inside where
the cream should have been.
The goods were confiscated and the woman now
has to pay a PLN 1,2000 fine.
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The New Poland Express I Friday 18th November 2011 I
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Day shambles
is in many ways a
reflection of where
Poland is after two
decades of transformation. The first thing to point out is that
in ninety percent of the country, people
celebrated peacefully. In Poznan, for example, the day coincides with St Martin’s
Day and is a celebration for the whole city.
In Warsaw, sadly, the day is merely a focus
for protest and political squabbles.
The most pathetic part of the aftermath
was the series of press conferences by various
march organisers all saying, “It wasn’t our
fault, they started it.” This is simply childish.
All these organisers are big on their rights, but
start behaving like spoilt brats when called
to take responsibility for their actions – a
theme that runs through Polish politics like a
plague (all those people caught cheating redhanded who face the press saying, “I don’t
feel guilty,” or “I was quoted out of context”
– it’s the same disease).
The problem is the politicians like it that
way – Jaroslaw Kaczynski, chief among
funds for the renovation of the GrotaRowieckiego bridge, but while the tender
process is ready to roll, the work will only
begin once Euro 2012 has finished.
Warsaw – building bridges
arsaw’s rebuilt
Most Polnocny
(North Bridge) is approaching completion, with only cosmetic work left to do.
The bridge itself is
essentially complete
and workers are busy fitting sound shields and
other road furniture. If the weather holds out,
the bridge will be handed over on schedule on
Dec 21, two years after construction started.
The achievement is no mean feat given the
Wisla has been repeatedly battered by flood
waves, then low water hindered delivery of
the massive metal spans. The 800m long
bridge is in fact three bridges next to one
another. Two are given over to road traffic,
the third will be opened to trams, but only in
2013. The lag in opening the tram crossing
is due to the difficulties with installing high
tension electricity cables while the building
site was in operation.
Elsewhere in the capital, drivers were
taken by surprise by the re-opening of the
bridge on ul. Cybernetyki. Confused by the
road markings and unaware of the danger,
numerous vehicles have tried to cross
the bridge in the wrong direction. TVN
Warszawa even filmed one startled delivery
van driver heading across the bridge, before
halting and beating a hasty retreat.
Meanwhile, as new bridges are returned,
others are taken away – Warsaw’s roads
authority has announced that they have
Bankrupt and in Bangladesh
arsaw’s High School of Tourism
and Hotel Organisation is in danger
of closing, as teachers complain of going
months without pay and students demand
their fees be returned. Meanwhile, the
school’s owner is unattainable, due to being away in Bangladesh.
“The school’s owner changed in May. Since
June there’s been no pay. We thought we’d
give the school a chance as after the summer
there should be the money from student fees.
In October the new academic year began.
We’ve been working without pay,” one
disgruntled teacher told TVNKontakt24.
“Meanwhile, the Chancellor has been
made redundant, so there’s no one who
can keep an eye on the bank accounts. The
owners made promises about payments in
December,” the teacher continued.
The matter is already being investigated
by the Ministry for Science and Higher
Education, who could close the school if its
affairs are not in order or the teaching staff
is deemed insufficient.
Versace storms Wawa
assive queues formed outside H&M
in Warsaw this week to greet the arrival of a Versace collection in the shop.
The special collection is available in three
stores in the capital and, judging by initial
reactions, looks to be a storming success.
them. He even organised a special press
conference to blame Germany and PM Tusk
for the violence (no surprises there, then).
But until Polish politicians show a united
front against mob rule, nothing will change.
Sadly, the fracture lines run too deep and the
organisers will escape through the cracks.
Damage from the demonstrations runs
into the millions. If all the various organisers
were forced to pay for it, they’d be more careful
next time. The right to protest is central to
democracy, but it brings responsibilities with
it – when political activists start to grow up a
bit, it will be better for us all.
The New Poland Express I Friday 18th November 2011 I
3-year old girl dies at Molo
Speech ain’t free
Court this week
remanded a 34-yearold woman in custody following the
death by drowning
of her three-year-old
daughter this Tuesday. “The evidence presented to the court indicates the high degree of likelihood that she
committed the alleged murder,” Tomasz Adamski, press officer to the court, told reporters. The mother pleaded guilty to the offence.
Police were called to Sopot pier this
Tuesday by a passerby, informing them there
was a small child floating in the sea. When
they arrived at the scene, the child’s mother
was waist-deep in the frozen water, clinging
to a ladder attached to the pier. She was in
deep shock and was taken initially to hospital
where she was quizzed by officers before being
taken into custody after she admitted killing
her child. Prosecutors have established that
she had been receiving psychiatric treatment
prior to the tragic event.
As well as remanding her in custody,
prosecutors asked for the woman to be
examined by psychiatrists and placed
under observation on a secure ward. “Our
experts weren’t able in a single session
to assess the accused’s state of mind at
the time she committed the crime, so it’s
essential that forensic psychiatrists observe
her,” explained Barbara Skibicka of Sopot
Regional Prosecutors.
Rights Tribunal
in Strasbourg this
week decided that a
Szczecin court had
infringed the right
to free speech of
journalist Andrzej
Marek. The court has proposed Mr Marek
be paid EUR 1,500 in settlement by the
Polish government to avoid a full hearing.
The case goes back to 2001 when Marek
published an article describing how a local
politician, Piotr Misila, in the town of
Police was abusing his authority. Misila
sued for defamation of character and won,
despite many people sharing the conviction
that Marek had only written the truth.
Marek refused to print an apology
and so, in 2007, after many years legal
wrangling, he was imprisoned, only to be
pardoned by President Lech Kaczynski
after three days inside.
Cash and carry?
zczecin police arrested a man this week
after releasing a video showing him assaulting a shop assistant before robbing the
till. The robbery took place last March and,
having made little headway since then, police and prosecutors took the decision to
release the CCTV footage of the incident.
The man first entered the shop and
looked around before leaving. He then
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A GPS 12 language audio system, will give explanations and
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Details on:, tel: +48 500 033 414
returned half an hour later, pretended to
look at the shelves before slipping behind
the counter and attacking the assistant,
warning her to keep quiet. He then opened
the till and grabbed about PLN 900 before
dashing off.
Almost immediately after the film was
shown, police received two calls giving the
same name and the man was arrested the
following morning. The man now faces up
to 12 years in prison.
Troublesome gift
row has erupted over the ownership
of the tall ship Dar Mlodziezy [Gift to
the Young] and until it’s settled, the ship
could suffer from a lack of investment.
“Dar Mlodziezy belongs to the Maritime
Academy, and it has done since 1982,”
claims Tomasz Degorski of Gdynia’s Akademia Morska. Anna Wypych-Namiotko,
Vice-Minister for Infrastructure is equally
certain, “It’s owned by the State Treasury.”
The Academy claim the frigate is theirs
by default, as they have looked after it for
the last 30 years, the Ministry are unwilling
to give up an object that holds such prestige
and claim that such an asset is a national
The longer the two sides fight, though,
the greater the chances of the ship falling
into disrepair, as any ship, especially one
as complex as this large sailship, requires
ongoing maintenance and refurbishing.
Annual costs of maintaining the vessel
run to PLN 5 mln, funded jointly by the
Ministry and the Academy.
biStro • reStaurant
8 Szpitalna Str. (entry from GórSkieGo Str.) | contact number: (0-22) 828 42 85
The New Poland Express I Friday 18th November 2011 I
Heartbreak hotel
Porno-blackmailer held
n Olkusz businessman, Rafal
P., is running a hotel
for homeless animals,
despite having had
his previous shelter
closed down as a result of maltreatment charges. The shelter
in Olkusz was closed in 2009 following a
negative veterinary report. The mayor of
the town withdrew his license, so P. decided to change the name of his operation.
The newly branded hotel opened in
January 2010 and began taking in dogs
caught in the surrounding districts. They
are only shipped out to shelters when there
are enough of them to make the transport
costs worthwhile – regardless of their
“Evidence of maltreatment of the
animals is overwhelming,” commented
Tadeusz Wypycha from the ARGOS Fund
for Animals. Veterinary surgeon Grzegorz
Komeda added, “Sick animals at the hotel
are all kept in a single pen, where crossinfections can take place.”
Despite forcing him to close operations a
few months earlier, local authorities signed
a new agreement with Rafal P., for catching
stray animals and delivering them to a
shelter in Bielsko-Biala.
“He’s not our dream partner, but he was
the only one who submitted a tender,”
explained the mayor of Olkusz, Dariusz
Rzepka. The law imposes a duty on district
councils to capture and look after stray
animals. Prosecutors are now looking into
the matter.
Rafal P. says he has nothing to reproach
himself for. He stresses he operates
lawfully and is not running a shelter
without a license. He’s even planning to
open another hotel in the vicinity and
says the relevant documentation is all in
Hundreds of shammies
ark wardens have counted a total of
929 Tatra chamois goats on both sides
of the mountain range. Only 224 of them
are on the Polish side, the rest in Slovakia,
but overall numbers are up from 841 last
year and a massive improvement on the
all-time low of only 270 just over a decade
“The kids kept arriving into the
summer. We’re relaxed about the future
of our chamois, because there are almost
a thousand of them and that guarantees a
great deal of genetic diversity,” commented
park director Pawel Skawinski.
39-year-old man
from Dabrowa
Gornicza is facing 12
years in prison for raping and blackmailing
a 19-year-old girl from
Katowice. The man
has been placed under police supervision and
is not allowed to contact the girl or approach
her closer than 50m while awaiting trial.
The man contacted the girl via a
modelling agency in the summer, offering
work in a series of photo sessions, one of
which was to take place in his flat. When
she arrived there, the man gave her a spiked
drink, after which she lost consciousness.
The man then switched on the camera and
raped her, filming the whole incident.
He then tried to use the film and other
still photographs taken at the time to
blackmail the girl. He demanded further
meetings, threatening that he would
place the film and photos on the internet.
However, the girl was brave enough to go
straight to the police and tell them the
whole story, after which he was arrested.
Corruption trial blocked
ne of Poland’s largest ever corruption
trials failed to even start this Thursday, when one of the defendants asked at
the last minute for legal aid. The lack of
full legal representation for the defendants
meant the hearing had to be delayed.
The trial features 23 defendants and 90
incidents of bribery, with senior hospital
executives being persuaded to buy
equipment from Philips Polska. When the
trial finally begins, at least three sessions
alone will be dedicated to reading out loud
the 233 page charge sheet.
According to prosecutors, between 19992006 numerous hospital directors in the
Slaskie region accepted bribes in return for
ordering medical equipment from Philips,
placing orders totalling PLN 100 mln.
Gold makes me beautiful
New collections add sparkle
Enjoy yourself this autumn
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Taste relaxation during a break in one of the cafes
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for yourself in the cinema. Autumn brings so much
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Galeria Kazimierz
Kraków, 34 Podgórska Street, near Kotlarski Bridge
Opening hours:
Mon.- Sat.: 10 am - 10 pm, Sun.: 10 am - 8 pm
The New Poland Express I Friday 18th November 2011 I
“Sweat, but no blood or tears”
ead of the Polish National Bank
(NBP) Marek Belka spoke out this
week claiming that Poland had
little to worry about when it came to its future finances.
“We are not moving ever closer to the
borders of a recession. These are just fears
without reason,” said Mr Belka on news
site TVN24, before stating that all he sees
is an overwhelming desire from politicians
to tighten belts.
Regarding Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s
recent announcement of financial reforms, he
added, “There will not be blood or tears, but
there will be sweat upon the head of the PM.”
Last week, Finance Minister Jacek
Rostowski stated that next year’s budget
will be prepared taking three separate
variants into account; a GDP growth
of 3.2 percent, of 2.5 percent and a
decrease in GDP by 1 percent (labelled
However, according to Mr Belka, while
there is a definite need to prepare for the
worst, there was “no need” to speak about
“What we must show is that budget
deficit will fall, debt will remain under
control and the state’s borrowing needs
will be limited.”
Prices continue to rise
here was bad news for consumers
during the month of October which
saw the price of goods and services
rise by 4.3 percent since the same time last
This was a return to August’s figure of 4.3
percent after rates dropped in September
to 3.9 percent.
According to data from the Central
Statistical Office (GUS), the biggest impact
was down to costs relating to transport
- the price of fuel for private transport
vehicles (16 percent), general transport
prices (9 percent) and energy carriers (6.7
Other areas which have helped with the
rise are the price of food and drink (1.1
percent) and clothes (3.1 percent).
“Inf lation increased last month largely
due to fuel prices and clothing and
footwear. It was these same categories
that contributed to the decline in
September, albeit a temporary one,”
says Piotr Bielski, an economist at Bank
There was good news however, with
Prof. Elzbieta Chojna-Duch of the Palikot
Movement (RP) predicting a fall after the
new year. “We should expect reductions
around April or May.”
Poles bloom in Germany
A new report states that there are approximately 100,000
Polish companies currently registered in Germany.
According to data released by the Polish-German
Chamber of Commerce and printed in Dziennik Gazeta
Prawna, this is three times the amount registered by Turks,
which, until recently, were believed to be the country’s
most enterprising minority.
The majority of companies are reported to be in the
construction and repair sector, although there are a
growing number emerging in industries such as catering,
hairdressing, cosmetics and caring for the elderly.
LOT to hit Asia
It was announced this week that Poland’s LOT Airlines is
looking to expand into Asia after being given the green
light to fly through Siberian airspace.
Reports by Polskie Radio claim that a number of new
destinations could be up and running by as early as next
“We are currently thinking about perhaps
introducing flights to Tokyo, Seoul, Delhi
and Shanghai,” says LOT’s chairman Marcin
Pirog. These will be in addition to the new flight
planned to Beijing.
Canadian Dollar
Czech Koruna
Danish Krone
Hungarian Forint
Japanese Yen
Norwegian Krone
Pound Sterling
Russian Ruble
Swedish Krona
Swiss Franc
US Dollar
PLN 766 .3 mln
100 HUF
100 JPY
Bank Pekao’s net profits for the third quarter of this year
(compared to PLN 659.7 mln during the same period
last year).
3 .2%
Poland’s financial growth forecast for next year (down
from the previously predicted 4 percent), according to
Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski.
Are ETFs Safe?
I have been asked this question a few
times recently so decided to address it here
for all who are concerned.
Over the course of this year, there has been an
increasing amount of alarming media stories
regarding exchange traded funds (ETFs). These
stories further gathered momentum when a
link between the UBS USD 2 billion rogue
trader loss and ETFs was established.
The UBS event followed concerns
raised in recent months by the Financial
Stability Board, the IMF, and the Bank for
International Settlements over the growing
potential for systemic risk posed by ETFs.
Investors are understandably nervous, and the
obvious question is, “Are ETFs safe?” The answer
really depends on the type of ETF you own.
Before going into the ins and outs of ETF
safety, let’s do a quick recap of what ETFs
are and their benefits.
What Is An ETF?
The original ETF concept is pretty
simple. It works just like an index tracker
fund. An investment vehicle is created that
holds a basket of securities designed to
track an index (e.g. S&P500, FTSE100).
Shares of this vehicle, called an ETF, are then
created and traded throughout the day in the
market. The ETF could hold each stock in the
index it was tracking in the same proportion as
the index, or it could purchase a representative
sampling. In both cases, the ETF is holding
shares in the physical underlying stocks that
make up the index the ETF tracks.
An example of the classic type of ETF
is the iShares FTSE100 (ESF). This ETF is
designed to track the performance of the
FTSE100 index. The ETF’s prospectus states,
“The Fund attempts to replicate the target
index by investing all, or substantially all, of
its assets in the stocks that make up the Index,
holding each stock in approximately the same
proportion as its weighting in the Index.”
As an investor, the risks of using this
type of product are the same as using any
regular index tracking fund. They are
market risk and tracking error.
Market risk is the risk that the value of the
underlying stocks in the index that are held
by the ETF will fall in value. The tracking
error is the amount by which the ETF fails to
track exactly the performance of the index.
In most cases, the tracking error is minimal.
[The conclusion to this article can be found here]
Ross is a UK FSA qualified financial
adviser. To contact him directly or to
follow his blog, click here.
The New Poland Express I Friday 18th November 2011 I
anniversary of
arriving in Poland is
fast approaching, and
it coincides closely
with the upcoming
American holiday of
Thanksgiving. It will be the first time in
my life that I won’t be celebrating the holiday at home with family, which breeds
a twinge of homesickness in me. After
all, Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday: there’s no religious element, no giftgiving, no sombre need for memorials or
remembrance. It’s just about getting together with family and friends for an epic
meal in honour of all the things you’re
thankful for the rest of the year. Since I
won’t be in Wisconsin to partake in one
of the best days of sanctioned gorging I’ve
decided to stem the tide of homesickness
by scouring Warsaw for places that give
me the comforting feeling of home with
every bite. Here’s two of the best:
La Vanille
Cupcakes. That’s all they do at La Vanille,
which is probably why they are done so well.
The miniature frosting-topped cakes have
been a birthday party staple for decades,
and in recent years have become a fullon fad in the U.S. (I’m actually surprised
McDonald’s hasn’t added a McFrosted
version to their menu). La Vanille has a glass
case that lines up a dozen flavours to choose
from: peanut butter, tiramisu, red velvet,
and classics like chocolate and vanilla. You
can have them boxed to go or savour them
on site with a coffee, and their small size
means you don’t feel quite as guilty about
indulging as you might with, say, a large
piece of Thanksgiving’s required pecan pie.
Prosta Historia
I stumbled on Prosta Historia in Saska
Kepa this week and, from its appearance,
assumed it was a typical French bistro. The
interior has butcher block tables, simple
metal chairs and carnations swimming in
mason jars, so I thought the menu would
have the usual soups and salads for the
swank Saska Kepa clientele. Imagine my
shock and delight when I saw an entire
page devoted to burgers – big old juicy
American burgers. Don’t get me wrong
– when I go home I will be spreading the
gospel of pierogis far and wide, because
those doughy meat pillows are insanely
delicious. But when a shot of home is
needed, only a burger will do. The selection
at Prosta Historia is beyond impressive: the
Bollywood burger comes coated in curry,
while the After Party burger is stacked
with bacon and eggs. Plus, these folks bake
their own buns! I opted for one of the more
traditional burgers and can confidently say
this is my favourite (and most unexpected)
burger joint in Warsaw.
19 .11 Saturday - The Holmes Brothers
Blue Note Jazz Club, ul. Kościuszki 76/78, tel.
(+48) 61 851 04 08,
QConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets 50zł. Available at
Empik, ul. Ratajczaka 44 (Open 09:00 - 21:00, Sun
11:00 - 18:00) and
starts at 20:00. Tickets 20/30zł. Available at Versalka
(Open 09:00 - 24:00) and before the concert.
22 .11 Tuesday - CSS
Stodoła, ul. Batorego 10, tel. (+48) 22 825 60 31
QGates open from 19:00. Tickets 99/120zł.
Available at the Stodoła box office (Open 09:00 21:00, Sat 09:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun, Mon).
22 .11 Tuesday - Jazz Travel - Krzysztof Herdzin
Versalka, ul. Bohaterów Monte Casino 63, tel.
(+48) 602 63 66 37, www.versalka.plQConcert
24 .11 Thursday - Kamp!
Sfinks700, Al. Mamuszki 1, tel. (+48) 602 63 66 37,
www.sfinks700.comQConcert starts at 21:00. Tickets
20/25zł. Available at Papryka, ul. Grunwaldzka 11
(Open 15:00 - 04:00, Mon, Tue, Sun 15:00 - 01:00).
Send comments and letters to
23 .11 Wednesday - Kaiser Chiefs
Stodoła, ul. Batorego 10, tel. (+48) 22 825 60
31QGates open from 18:30. Tickets 120/130zł.
Available at the Stodoła box office (Open 09:00 21:00, Sat 09:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun, Mon).
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
25 .11 Friday - 29 .11 Tuesday
Made In Chicago
tel. (+48) 61 852 88 33,
Creativity and originality
have always been the
key elements that mark
this event out as special.
Chicago holds a legendary
status in the world of jazz
music and this festival,
dedicated to Chicago
Jazz, has the same status
in the Polish jazz calendar. The stars this time
round will be the new formation of Henry
Threadgill. Combining the Great Black Music
tradition with inspirations taken from Hindu
folklore, or even American marching music, this
composer and musician has belonged to the
avantgarde since the 70s. Meanwhile Cellist
Tomeka Reid will present her international
string trio ‘Hear and Now’ and saxophonist
Greg Ward will play with the splendid sounding
Phonic Juggernaut. Trumpeter Corey Wilkes will
present an Improvised Soul Project and there
will also be a Tribute to Von Freeman. There’s
a lot gong on, check the website for details.
Tickets 40/60zł. Available at the Estrada box
office, ul. Masztalarska 8 (Open open 16:00 19:00, Tue, Fri 10:00 - 13:00).
18 .11 Friday - 20 .11 Sunday
Horse Riding Parade
Arena Łódź, ul. Bandurskiego 7 (Łódź Kaliska),
tel. (+48) 42 272 15 07,
This will be the city’s first big equestrian event
and it includes various horse riding disciplines.
It’s divided into two categories: sport and
demonstration with artists presenting what
horse riding is about and what emotions go
along with it - in my case that would be fear. The
first day features show jumping and two polo
qualifications. The next two days include show
jumping and acrobatics by Cossack horse riders.
QEvents start at 16:00 on Fri and at 10:00 on Sat,
Sun. Tickets 40-120zł. Available at www.Ticketpro.
pl and Arena Łódź’s Promotions office, room no
045 (Open 08:00-16:00. Closed Sat, Sun).
The New Poland Express I Friday 18th November 2011 I
18 .11 Friday - 27 .11 Sunday
Wroclaw Guitar Festival
tel. (+48) 71 718 29 17,
The Wroclaw Guitar Festival is a wide ranging
event, no guitar style is ignored and the fans
are numerous. The musicians play on everything
from lutes and classical guitars to the latest
gizmos. There’s thundering flamenco, Latin
music for lovers and jazz. The star and top name
this year will be Paco de Lucia, who will perform
with his band in the Centennial Hall at the
final concert. Other highlights include another
flamenco artist Carlos Piñana, the finger-style of
Preston Reed, Antonio Forcione, known by many
as the Jimi Hendrix of acoustic guitar, that might
mean he plays with his teeth and then sets fire to
his guitar, we’re nor sure. For details look at the
website with full English version.QFull schedule
available at Tickets 30200zł. Available at City Information Point, ul. Św.
Jana 2 (Open 10:00 - 18:00).
23 .11 Wednesday - Electric Light Orchestra
Atlas Arena, ul. Bandurskiego 7 (Łódź
Kaliska), tel. (+48) 42 272 15 07, www.
To their fans one of the most creative and
influential bands of 70s and 80s, these
forerunners of symphonic rock toured here in
2008 and 2009 and were quite a success, so it’s
not surprising that they are back. Expect all the
hits like Evil Woman, Mr. Blue Sky, Do Ya, Don’t
Bring Me Down or Xanadu performed along with
symphony orchestra, naturally.QConcert starts
at 19:00. Tickets 90-150zł. Available at Cultural
Information Centre, ul. Piotrkowska 102A, (Open
10:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun).
24 .11 Thursday - English Comedy Night
Warsaw Tortilla Factory, ul. Wilcza 46, tel. (+48)
22 621 86 22,
Come on down to the venerable Warsaw
Tortilla Factory for another comedy night,
all for free! This time round the humour will
be served up by British stand ups Stuart
Black, Alexis Dubus and Mark Felgate. A
good time is guaranteed and there should
be a lively mixed crowd of locals and expats
too. Free tickets are being snapped up
by New Poland Express readers and their
friends, so if you want to come, write to
See you all there!QEvent starts at 20:00.
18 .11 Friday - 27 .11 Sunday
OPPA - International Bard Festival
tel. (+48) 22 825 60 31,
Come along for
a feast of pure
their songs, genuine
expression. A noncommercial affair,
since its inception
back in 1978 the
OPPA has become
one of the most
important singing events in Poland. There
are competitions, concerts, recitals and side
events. The competition is intended as a
springboard for young artists, the main prize
the Jonasz Kofta Award which can lead to
greater things. The Grand final takes place in
the Cultural Centre Śródmieście, ul. Smolna 9
at 17:00, admission free, all Polish line-up. The
foreign artists include Graham Crawford and
Elena Kazanceva and much of the festival’s
programme is devoted to Georges Brassens,
30 years on from his death. The first concert of
his songs will be played on 24th November, at
19:00 in the Mazovia Region Centre of Culture
and Arts, ul. Elektoralna 12. The second tribute
concert takes place on the next day in the Old
Town Cultural Centre, Rynek Starego Miasta
2 at 19:30.QFull schedule available at www. Tickets 10-30zł. Available before the
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
12 spORT
The New Poland Express I Friday 18th November 2011 I
Poles hung-ary after Italian
oland’s footballers lurched towards
the rapidly approaching Euro 2012
with minimal optimism after a lesson from the Italians in effectiveness then
a slightly better display against Hungary.
The atmosphere around the team, though,
continues to be soured by the row over the
new strip; with fans, politicians, ex-players,
Olympic athletes and even current players
weighing in to criticise the lack of the Eagle, replaced with the symbol of the muchdisliked Polish FA (PZPN) [see below.
On the pitch, Poland suffered a
depressing 2-0 defeat at home to Italy last
Friday. Italy showed that possession and
industry count for little. Like an adult
keeping a thrashing child at bay, the
Italians seemed to effortlessly keep the
Poles away from attempts on goal before
striking suddenly for each goal. As Smuda
put it, “We were bouncing off them like
ping-pong balls.”
Balotelli’s fine first half strike caught
Szczesny poorly positioned after Obraniak
was robbed of possession, Pazzini doubled
the lead after a cock-up in defence.
Blaszczykowski could have made the
scoreline more respectable with a penalty
deep in the second half, but it was weakly
struck and gobbled up by Buffon.
Against Hungary, Poland secured a win
thanks to an own goal, but regardless, the
performance was much stronger – at least in
the first half. That didn’t stop them letting the
Hungarians back into the game before their
guests kindly handed them back the lead.
“The missed chances are a worry. There
were situations where you simply must
score. We’ve got to learn to take them,
because there aren’t many in a game,”
commented Smuda. “We gave ourselves
a scare there at the end, there was a lot of
chaos. It was down to the changes we made
in the second half. But after they scored,
we pulled ourselves together. We didn’t do
that against Italy, where we played really
poorly after the second goal,” he continued.
As far as squad players go, many of the
Polish players are busy looking for new
clubs in the winter break, desperate to get
first team games prior to next summer.
Kuszczak at Man Utd has been looking for
a way out since the summer, but now he
could be joined by his compatriot Fabianski
at Arsenal, though he commented he
was patiently waiting his chance behind
Szczesny, who has leapfrogged him to
be number one choice for both club and
Elsewhere, team captain Blaszczykowski
may need to move away from Bundesliga
champions Dortmund to get more playing
time, while Pawel Brozek is actively seeking
a move away from Trabzonspor.
Eagles fly backwards?
ZPN appear to be looking for a way
to beat a hasty retreat and restore the
Eagle to Polish football shirts following the general uproar over its absence,
but without upsetting their lucrative deal
with shirt-maker Nike. Even PM Tusk has
joined the debate, stating, “The national
side isn’t the property of PZPN.”
Grzegorz Lato, President of PZPN, and
one-time darling of Polish football for his
dashing wing play alongside Boniek, is
even being jeered as he walks the streets,
fans regaling him with the chant, “Where’s
the Eagle?”
One of the main reasons for dropping
the national emblem, is that Nike are
paying PZPN a cool EUR 1.5 mln for the
use of their logo. Next Friday’s meeting
of PZPN delegates promises to be heated,
as Dolnoslaksie officials have already
tabled a motion demanding the Eagle’s
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No flies on new minister
Donald Tusk surprised most observers when he named
Joanna Mucha (whose surname means fly in Polish)
as Minister for Sport. Widely referred to in the press
as “the most attractive MP”, Mucha is an expert in
economics and a karate blue belt. She also attracted
a deal of publicity when she posed for a series of
photos as Lara Croft. Perhaps a brief appearance as
Lara prior to kick off could inspire Poland’s footballers
to new heights?
Lech back Bakero
Lech Poznan have offered Jose Maria Bakero an extension to
his contract to 2014, regardless of results. The ex-Barcelona
star failed to qualify the team for Europe last season and
Lech aren’t setting the Ekstraklasa alight this season either,
but an anonymous informer told Przeglad Sportowy, “The
club wants him to stay whatever happens this season.”
Riski’s risky figures
Clued up Widzew Lodz fans tried to help their club get rid
of unwanted striker Riku Riski this week. Widzew risked a
cool million Euro on the attacker, only to discover he was
no risk to opposing teams. Now he’s loaned to Swedish
side Orebro SK, who have an option to buy him.
Following the announcement of an internet poll put out by
the Swedish club to gauge supports’ opinions, Widzew fans
logged on en masse and, four thousand clicks later, made him
one of the most popular players there. Unfortunately, the club
noticed the server addresses of all these Riski fans were Polish
and annulled the player poll, deciding the results were too risky.
The New Poland Express I Friday 18th November 2011 I
Polish language lessons
3 little kittens
I am recently graduated from the Free University
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physio in Warsaw. Polish: basic, French: mother
lang., English: very good, Dutch and Italian:
I am an American looking for inexpensive Polish
language lessons. Speak words but cannot speak
in sentences. Maybe trade for English lessons.
Warsaw area
3 little kittens are looking for a loving home. They
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Proof-reading and editing services offered by
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Able to work to deadlines and at short notice!
City centre flat located between Chmielna and Nowy
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Exceptional price.
Contact: 0044 (0)7971 923 737
Warsaw Apartment to let
Warsaw Apartment for rent
Mature student (upper-intermediate level)
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(Konwiktorska). Tuesday 3pm - 4 and Friday 3.30
- 4.30 pm (negotiable). Focus on conversation/
pronunciation. Current teacher is leaving - need
replacement. or 7217 13 656
40.sq m apartment with balcony, garage and
Vistula river view for long term rental at Menolly
Park (Powisle, Leszczynska 4)
+48 604 87 89 82,
English Lessons on Skype
Learn English from the comfort of your home
or office with a qualified, experienced, native
teacher. MA Applied Linguistics. 16 years
teaching English in several countries.
Contact: CELL # 519-446-595
Looking to renovate your Flat or Home?
Experienced Contractor from the States with
high qualifications in the construction business
can help you fulfil your dreams!
Contact: CELL # 519-446-595
Plot for sale
French teacher sought
Recreational lot
Kielpin, Lomianki.
Plot of 1300m2 on ul. Ogrodowa in Kielpin bordering
Lomianki north of Warsaw, with house 220 m2 plus
garage 40 m2 in roofed raw wall state. No façade,
windows, doors or internal works done. Septic tank and
drill hole for own water on plot, gas and electricity in
the street.
Price: 550 000 PLN.
Call Mikael: 662 164 987 or
I’m an experienced Polish native teacher looking for a
French native to exchange conversation classes with.
One class in Polish, for one class in French.
For more details, please contact:
1/2 hour drive from Warsaw, in Pomiechowek,
Brody Parcele, Serocka Street 3 , 3720m2, Old
trees. Has acess to all media: water, sewer,
electricity. Close to train station and shops. 3km
from the Modlin Airport. Can be used for semiindustrial purpose or subdivided into 4 single
family lots.
Call: 660384 603 or mail:
mob. 505 525 883
The New Poland Express I Friday 18th November 2011 I
Free conversation lessons
Church of England in Poland
The Sikh Community
Free conversation lessons take place at KLUB
DIALOGU, Krakowskie Przedmieście 13/156
(entrance from Tokarzewskiego) every Saturday at
11:00 am and 12:10 pm.
Please call: 22-498-1010
or email us: if you are interested
We welcome Anglicans, Episcopalians and all others
interested, to celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday
morning at 10.30 am. Join us for light refreshments
after the service to learn more about the activities
of our church.
Place: Res Sacra Miser Chapel, ul. Krakowskie
Przedmiescie 62, Warsaw.
The Sikh Community of Warsaw meets each Sunday
at the Sikh Gurudwara in Rashyn, Ul Na Skraju
56. All are welcome. Kirtan starts at midday and
langar is served after the Bhog at about 1400. For
more information contact 22 868 4541. The Sikh
faith is about equality, honesty and standing up
to oppression. Anyone visiting the Guru’s house is
welcome, in return for due respect and consideration
of the Sikh faith.
Role Playing Game in Warsaw
Poland Tartan Army
International English-speaking group in Warsaw,
mostly foreign professionals, play tabletop
Dungeons & Dragons fortnightly. No experience
necessary but fluent English proficiency is
required. Have a good time. Play some games.
Meet new friends. Open your imagination. More
info: Facebook group: or
A new Poland Tartan Army Facebook group
has been created. If you are a fan of Scottish
football and our national team please
join the group by visiting Facebook and
conducting a search for Poland Tartan Army.
If anyone, who is not a part of Facebook,
is interested in this idea then please email to register your interest.
We are a Polish and Expat social group who organise a
walk/run in a forest, park or around the city, followed by
a few beers (or whatever takes your fancy!). We meet at
the Marriott hotel on alternate Saturdays at 2pm. “Hash
House Harriers” is an international group, which was
originally established in Malaysia 70 years ago.
All are welcome. For details, call Martin at 502-052-958.
Email or
International Women’s Group
International Rotary Club
Gospel Baptist Church
Meetings are held twice a month on the SECOND
Monday at 10.30 (for location see our newsletter
or website) and on the FOURTH Monday of the
month at Restauracja Tapa y Toro located in the
Zlote Tarasy Shopping Mall (ul. Zlota 59) from
10:00 - 11:00.
For more information see or
contact us at
International Rotary Club - Warszawa Wilanow is
the only English speaking Rotary Club in Warsaw.
Visiting Rotarians are warmly welcomed
to join the weekly meetings held at the
Polonia Palace Hotel, Al. Jerozolimskie 45.
Tuesday’s at 12:00, except the last Tuesday
of each month when the meeting is at 19:00.
For more information: +48 601 897 731
Services are held in Polish and English
languages: Sun. 11:00, Thurs. 19:00. For more
information contact: Pastor Paul Sock, mob.
0500-270-990, e-mail:
GAA in Warsaw
Expat meetings
Toastmasters club
Cumann Warszawa.Poland’s first and only GAA
club is up and running and is looking for players
of all levels, all nationalities and both sexes. We
offer weekly training, competitive games and
regular social events as well as fresh oranges at
half time.
Contact Eoin at 0518-425-587 or
Meeting English speakers in Warsaw just got a
whole load easier. We don’t teach you Salsa,
we make you pay for your own drinks, but
we do promise to give you the premier multicultural event of the week at Warsaw’s very own
Professional Wednesday Meetup.
Toastmasters club (Polska) invites all to its weekly
meetings. Toastmasters is the international
organization for learning the art of public
speaking and enhancing leadership skills.
Meetings every Wednesday at 19.00 at the Palace
of Culture 12th floor (premises of Collegium
Civitas) - entrance from ul. Marszałkowska side.
For more details visit or
call Etan at 696-292-451
Poznan International Church
CFM (Christian Fellowship Ministries)
Every Sunday at 10:00
Contact details: It’s simple at P.I.C..
Come and experience God through current music and
relevant teaching. Grow in your relationship with God
and others by making friends and joining a small group.
Serve God and people by being generous with the gifts
God has given you. Go and make a difference in the
world by sharing the love of Christ.
Kościół Chrześcijański (evangelical/Pentecostal)
Location: Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia 74B (Wola, Warsaw)
Services in Polish and English:
Wednesday 19.30 hrs and Sunday 11.00 & 18.30 hrs
Every Saturday evening at 20.00 hrs: Film, Concert &
Drama or other activities
Phone: 784 653 666 (Pastor Jan-Willem van Dam)
Contact - or 691535566
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