Kaczynski funeral: The nation mourns


Kaczynski funeral: The nation mourns
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Polish News
Friday 23rd April 2010
Issue 16 (67)
Kaczynski funeral: The nation mourns
Thousands turn out to
pay their respects
© www.prezydent.pl
ast week witnessed a lengthy series of
funerals take place around the country as the nation began to come to
terms with the tragic Smolensk air disaster.
On Sunday April 18, Poland and much of
the world focused its attention on Krakow
for the state funeral of President Lech
Kaczynski and his wife Maria.
Despite controversy surrounding the
decision to bury the couple in Wawel Castle,
the resting place of Polish royalty and
national heroes, and the volcanic ash cloud
reducing the number of foreign guests, an
estimated 145,000 people packed themselves
into the main square and lined the route
down to the couple’s final resting place.
“Memory and truth are stronger than the
greatest tragedies. The solidarity of Poles in
these days of mourning is a tribute to you,
your wife and all the victims,” said Janusz
Sniadek, the chairman of the Solidarity
trade union, in a solemn funeral mass at St
Mary’s Basilica on the old town square.
A combined sense of loss and national
solidarity in the wake of the crash united
the thousands of mourners who stood for
hours wishing to pay their respects to the
96 who died.
As the bodies of the president and his
wife were placed on gun carriages to take
them to the castle, mourners chanted
“Lech Kaczynski: We thank you.” At other
The coffins of the President and First Lady being led through the streets of Krakow to Wawel
times the crowd sang spontaneous versions
of the Polish national anthem.
“I’m here because I think this is a great
tragedy and great pain for the Polish
people. This was our president, and that is
why I’m here in Krakow. It’s good that he’s
being buried in Wawel. He died serving
in Poland,” explained Krystian Druzyski,
a 35-year-old engineer from Warsaw, who
had travelled to Krakow with his fouryear-old son and parents.
A couple of days later, at a funeral in
Kolobrzeg, at the opposite end of the
country, Donald Tusk, the prime minister,
was moved to tears as he said goodbye to
Sebastian Karpiniuk a close party colleague.
“Sebastian, you should not have left
us,” said the prime minister in a tearful
address. “Twenty years ago I met a boy who
became my younger brother.”
In Warsaw, the military cathedral saw
a succession of funerals. With so many of
the victims in the armed forces, the area
around the church was sealed off to traffic
to allow the frequent convoys of hearses
and mourners to pass without hindrance.
Stranded abroad
Wisla bursts into life
Businesses confident
Poles stranded by the closure of European
air space caused by the volcanic ash cloud
started to return home on Wednesday
telling tales of squalid conditions as
holidays turned into nightmares.
In Egypt alone, some 4,000 tourists were
waiting for a flight home, and complaining
about the conditions they had to contend
From the beginning of May ferries and
a water bus service will begin operating
along the Wisla in the capital.
The water bus ‘Wars’ will operate from
Podzamcza to Gruba Kaska five times a
day, each trip lasting about two hours.
There will also be three ferry services at
points across the Wisla.
Most Polish companies found the start of
you year were just grounds for optimism, two
reports have revealed.
In its first-quarter survey of 1,032
companies, the Polish National Bank found
that its business outlook index rose by 2.4 per
cent on the previous quarter and by 25 per
cent on the same period for 2009.
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd April 2010 I www.nwe.pl
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From the editor
Quotes of the week
This week in history
s the funerals
of Poland’s late
president and top
brass killed in the Smolensk air crash continued
this week, so did questions over what made the
pilot decide to land in kamikaze conditions.
Pilot incompetence is no longer washing
with the public or the media. Suggestions
that the late president Kaczynski put
pressure on the pilot to land are instead
beginning to grow.
The few seconds of audio from the
aircraft’s black boxes released by the
Russians don’t clear up anything.
Poland is now demanding Moscow hand
them over so that its investigators can take a
look. Officially, they are still working on the
premise that the crash could have been the
result of terrorism, engine failure, equipment
failure, pilot error, or a combination of any
and all. Until it has the black boxes, they are
keeping an open mind, they say.
But Warsaw also wants an explanation for
why Russian soldiers were seen shortly after
the crash changing landing strip light bulbs.
The friendliness and openness of the
Russians was laudable but that is now
slowly being marred by hints of subterfuge.
Failure to reveal that the altimeter
equipment at the Smolensk control tower
was incompatible with that of the Tupolev
plane - or indeed usual aviation standards
- is another point of issue.
Polish intelligence officers’ suggestions
that FSB agents (the KGB’s successor) posed
as rescue workers to rummage through the
dead in search of secrets is yet another.
Now that the decencies of mourning are
beginning to fade, so too are the inclinations
toward a softly-softly approach.
Getting hold of the black boxes and
examining pilot chatter with the passengers
would be a good start.
For some all this may be fodder galore
for conspiracy theorists. But questions
need answering and they need answering
soon - gloves off style.
“Due to the exceptional importance of
the plane crash near Smolensk, and because
it did not occur in Poland, I turn to you,
for the establishment of an independent,
international commission to examine the
causes of the disaster.” Professor Jacek
Trznadel of the Katyn Foundation looks to
PM Donald Tusk for answers.
“None can remember having so many
important people, killed in such a cruel
moment.” Donald Tusk speaks to the crowd of
mourners at the funeral ceremony in Warsaw.
‘President Kaczynski would always
make sure he got there’ Georgian President
Mikheil Saakashvili, after an epic 5-stop
journey to Krakow commenting on how
President Kaczynski always came to the
support of Georgia.
1935 - President Ignacy Moscicki signs
the April Constitution. Heavily influenced by Jozef Pilsudski (who died two
weeks after it was passed), the act limited the powers of the Sejm and the Senat, whilst increasing the authority of the
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1947 - Poznan International Fair (MTP)
reopens after WWII. Founded in 1921 and
featuring over 80 conference rooms, the
MTP is the biggest business fair in Poland
with around 50 main trade events taking
place each year.
1968 - Poland’s hottest ever temperature
of 30.9 degrees is recorded in the small
town of Slubice, near the Polish / German
Readers’ thoughts
The NPE weekend QUIZ
I am dismayed at the behaviour of
the Catholic church in Poland. In most
countries, eulogies are delivered by family
members or close friends of the deceased
and underlined by prayer. Not here.
The Kaczynski funeral used the
opportunity to pursue the ‘party line’,
presenting the presidential couple as larger
than life paragons of all archconservative
Catholic virtues and extreme right wing
moralizations. In this way, the Church
was able to express its thanks for the,
often unjust, generosity of the former
PIS government which showered it with
reclaimed lands, real estate and cold
cash. I heard very few words referring to
the teachings of Jesus Christ, salvation,
resurrection or forgiveness.
As a Catholic, I say these things with deep
embarrassment and in the hope that the Polish
Church will eventually enter the twentieth
century, and perhaps someday come into line
with the Church in other countries, a wish,
frequently expressed by John Paul II.
A reader, who wishes to remain
anonymous due to their close connection
with the church.
For this week’s
we’ve got three
pairs of tickets
to give away for
Krakow Tango Festival.
Publisher: WIYP Sp. z o.o.
Editor-in-Chief: Ed Wight
Assistant Editors:
Karolina Montygierd - Łojbo
Steve Sibbald
Staff Writer: Matt Day
Nationwide & Sports:
Graham Crawford
Business: Tom Anessi
Travel: Alex Webber
Featuring three separate couples flown
in from Buenos Aires - the home of tango
- this three day extravaganza includes a
number of different workshops, open
dance shows, evening Milongas and
plenty more besides.
Just tell us; what is the estimated
population of Buenos Aires, South
America’s second largest metropolitan
Be sure to tell us which day you would
prefer to attend; April 30th, May 1st or
May 2nd.
Congratulations to Michael Davies for being last week’s lucky winner. Send this week’s answers to:
Events: Klaudia Mampe
Vaughan Elliott, Łukasz Jankowski
Graphic Designer: Tomáš Haman
Sales Director: Malgorzata Drzaszcz (gdr@newpolandexpress.pl)
Maps: © Hiuppo
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd April 2010 I www.nwe.pl
Polish officials demand answers Komorowski
on top
oland has demanded to know why Russian soldiers and policemen changed
landing strip light bulbs at Smolensk
airport shortly after the crash that killed
President Kaczynski and large numbers of the
country’s political and military elite.
They soldiers were caught on camera by
Belarusian photographer Sergei Serebro
merely an hour after the tragic event. Upon
being spotted, Serebro was approached by
officials who demanded he stopped taking
any more pictures and leave.
Combined, the two incidents have left a
shadow of doubt as to the condition of the
light bulbs before the attempted landing.
Colonel Zbigniew Rzepa, a spokesman
for the Chief Military Prosecutors
Office, announced this week that Polish
prosecutors have asked the Russians to
explain what military personnel were
doing with the bulbs so soon after the
“It’s certainly a line of enquiry that we
need to pursue,” he said.
Poland is also asking Moscow to hand
over the recordings contained inside the
black boxes recovered at the site of the crash.
Until now, Russian officials are the
only people to have had access to the
“Although we have participated in legal
proceedings in Smolensk, we are not
allowed access to the contents without
Russia’s consent,” says Colonel Ireneusz
Attorney General Andrzej Seremet said,
“An explanation as to why the government
plane crashed near Smolensk will require
painstaking work and may take some
He went on to add that while the crash
is currently a Russian investigation and all
evidence is at its disposal, the Russian side
is “friendly, and willing to cooperate”.
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ronislaw Komorowski, Poland’s acting head of state, would win June’s
presidential elections with ease, according to opinion polls.
As the country prepares for snap elections, called by Mr Komorowski in the
wake of the Smolensk disaster, on June 20,
the stand-in president remains a popular
choice with the voters.
A TNS OBOP poll published in the newspaper Fakt showed that Mr Komorowski,
who represents Donald Tusk’s Civic Platform (PO) party, would get 55 per cent of
the vote if he were to compete with Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the twin brother of the late
president Lech Kaczynski.
The poll will go some way to soothe PO
fears that Mr Kaczynski and his party,
Law and Justice (PiS), might benefit from
a sympathy vote generated by the death of
the president.
Whether Jaroslaw Kaczynski will attempt to follow in his brother’s footsteps
remains to be seen. Mr Kaczynski, said
to be devastated by his loss, has made no
public comment on the issue, and also has
to contend with caring for his seriously ill
But this has not failed to stop him becoming the favourite to become the PiS
“We will make our decision on the presidential candidate toward the end of this
week. PiS members and supporters want it
to be Jaroslaw Kaczynski, but it’s up to him
and his closest advisers to decide,” Adam
Lipinski, a high-ranking PiS official, told
the Reuters news wire.
Jacek Kurski, a PiS MEP, added that “the
mood in the party is that the candidate is
Jaroslaw Kaczynski”, explaining that party
members would try to persuade him to
The fact that the crash also claimed the
lives of other leading PiS politicians has
piled more pressure on Mr Kaczynski. As
the only surviving big-name politician in
the party ranks, he may feel that he has
little choice but to put himself forward as
a candidate.
Mr Kaczynski comes with the advantage that he needs little explaining to
the electorate. A household name and
former prime minister, he possesses
the same beliefs as his late brother and
advocates similar polices so saving the
PiS election machine from introducing
a little-known politician to Polish voters.
Apology accepted
group of hooligans who beat up a
man in front of his wife and six year
old daughter have avoided going to
prison - for apologising to the victim.
Tomasz J. and his family were driving
to a friend’s house when the gang of
teenagers blocked the road and began
attacking the car. Upon leaving the
vehicle, the victim was beaten and his
wife was also threatened.
After arrest, each offender wrote a letter
of apology to the victim highlighting
their regrets and stating they promised to
improve their behaviour.
Instead of prison, the gang received
suspended sentences and have been
ordered to pay compensation to the
victim, who says he has forgiven them.
“It’s an unusual situation, but it proved
to be the decision of the victims,” says
Boguslaw Marcinkowska, spokeswoman
for the prosecutor’s office in Krakow.
Thieves on the run
he three men jailed for stealing the
Auschwitz sign are missing after being let out of jail on compassionate
Two of the men, brothers Lukasz and
Rodoslaw M., had been entrusted with
weekend passes in order to visit their ill
mother. The third man, Pawel S., had also
been allowed out, to organise wedding
plans with his fiancée.
But police have confirmed that all
three have failed to return to the jail in
Wroclawek and arrest warrants have now
been issued by Krakow’s District Court.
The men had been sentenced for their
roles in the theft of the famous ‘Arbeit
Macht Frei’ sign that sits above the
entrance gate to the Nazi death camp in
December last year.
Police are now worried that their noshow could affect the outcome of the case
against Anders Hogstrom, the man who
is believed to have plotted and staged the
entire theft.
Hogstrom, who founded Sweden’s antiimmigrant National Socialist Front in
1994, was extradited to Poland this month
to face trial - with most of the evidence
based on statements from the men who are
now missing.
The former neo-Nazi leader has pleaded
innocent, stating that he was merely asked
to collect the sign from the Polish gang in
order to pass it onto a buyer. If convicted
of the crime, he faces up to 10 years in
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd April 2010 I www.nwe.pl
Thousands stranded abroad
oles stranded by the closure of
European air space caused by the
volcanic ash cloud started to return home on Wednesday telling tales of
squalid conditions as holidays turned into
In Egypt alone, some 4,000 tourists were
waiting for a flight home, and complaining
about the conditions they had to contend
“We feel helpless in the face of it all. We
feel abandoned,” said one woman trapped
in the Egyptian resort of Hurghada, who
did not wished to be named.
As LOT Polish airlines resumed normal
services after the shut-down, it also began
to organise special charter flights as it tried
to bring the stranded back home. Flights
were also diverted to airports in the Czech
Republic, which started operating before
those in Poland were allowed to open, in an
effort to ease the congestion and the backlog.
Along with providing a nasty sting in
the tail for many people’s holidays, the
ash cloud also heaped further woe on the
fortunes of LOT Polish Airlines. In 2008
the national carrier posted a loss of PLN
733 million, and having most its fleet
grounded inflicted further financial pain it
can ill afford.
Sebastian Mikosz, the airline’s chief
executive, said that ash cloud cost LOT
“a million” of an unspecified currency “a
day”, while another source claimed that
it may have lost up to PLN 5 million a
Jacek Krawczyk, the head of the
company’s supervisory board, said that
the airline would meet the government
on April 23 to discuss the possibility of a
This is not good news for the lossmaking airline, especially as it is scheduled
for privatisation.
No bullet found in Pyjas
Initial tests on the body of Stanislaw Pyjas have
shown that there is no trace of a bullet in the
Pyjas, 24, was found murdered in May 1977 in
the centre of Krakow where he was studying. His
killers, believed to have been members of the
communist Secret Service, arranged the death so
it looked like an accident.
The decision to exhume the body was announced
in March this year and the family are still hopeful
that it will reveal the truth of what happened to
their loved one.
“The exhumation will probably last a very long
time, due to both the technical conditions at
the cemetery, and the fact that we all perform
very carefully,” said Piotr Piatek, head of the
investigating division.
SKW monitoring presidential plane
The Polish Military Counter-Intelligence Service
(SKW) was probably the first to know about the
crash of the presidential plane.
According to one source who wishes to remain
anonymous, “The flight was monitored due to the
fact that it was a military machine.”
In addition to information such as the location,
height and speed of the aircraft, the source said
that at the time of the crash, the SKW would
probably have had various recordings including
conversations with the pilots and air traffic control.
No official comment has yet been made.
Mother on the mend
There have been reports that Jadwiga Kaczynska’s
condition is beginning to improve.
The mother of the late president has been in
hospital since the turn of year with heart and
breathing problems and was not told about
her son’s tragic death for fears that it would be
detrimental to her health.
“We are slowly beginning to implement physical
therapy and small respiratory exercises,” said Dr.
Piotr Dabrowiecki.
However, when pressed for further details
regarding whether or not she had been informed
of the terrible news, the doctor refused to pass
“These are details about which only the family can
SLD choose candidate
The Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) has
announced that party leader Grzegorz Napieralski
has been chosen as their candidate for the Polish
presidential elections, due to take place on June
The party’s election plans had been cast in doubt,
after the death of its original candidate Jerzy
Szmajdziński, who was killed in the Smolensk air
“In emergency situations like this it is best to a
use simple, transparent solution - that is, Grzegorz
Napieralski, as candidate,” says former PM and
leader of the SLD, Leszek Miller.
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd April 2010 I www.nwe.pl
Peado-killer dad found dead
he body of Drasius Kedys, the man
wanted for shooting dead a judge
and his female companion who
helped abuse his four year-old daughter,
has been found approximately 30 km from
his home town of Kaunas, Lithuania.
Kedys hit the headlines in October last
year after taking justice into his own hands
and was believed to have been hiding from
the Lithuanian law in Poland.
But this week family members positively
identified the body, eradicating any
suspicion that he may still be alive. The
circumstances surrounding his death
however, are still not known.
According to the District Prosecutor’s office
in Lithuania, a post-mortem examination has
still to be conducted but there is little doubt
that the body is that of Kedys.
Fearing foul play, the family have also
requested that the body is examined by an
independent forensic expert from Warsaw.
The ‘Death Wish Dad’ became something
of an icon in his home country, and indeed
around the world, for shooting dead judge
Jonas Furmanavicius, 47, and Violeta
Naruseviciene, 29, after learning from his
daughter that she had been abused.
His pleas for justice fell on deaf ears. After
sending out around 200 letters and DVD discs
featuring his daughter to politicians, members
of the European Parliament and the national
media, he decided to act on his own.
Police later found the bodies of
Furmanavicius and Naruseviciene shot to
pieces and a gun registered to Kedys lying
Despite an international warrant for
his arrest, Poles and Lithuanians living
in Poland had offered him shelter which
officials believe he had accepted. Exactly
how Kedys ended up dead so close to his
home remains a mystery.
The investigation continues.
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd April 2010 I www.nwe.pl
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his week I
i nnocent ly
asked a friend
would be getting
another Kaczynski
for president. In
the resulting tirade I was left in no doubt
that this would happen because the Polish
people have seen the light. Apparently, the
Polish public was misled by the evil media
into believing that Lech Kaczynski was a
bad president. Later, I saw a similar argument put forward on the news section of an
Internet portal. But there are serious flaws
in this view of a media conspiracy and the
sudden conversion of the Polish public.
But it is unlikely that for four years all
the journalists were wrong. It’s far more
likely the nice things they are writing now
are motivated by a desire not to attack or
insult the deceased.
Assuming for a moment my friend was
right and a massive media conspiracy
has had its cover blown, is it likely the
Polish people have changed as a result?
Similar statements abounded after
Pope John Paul died. But the famous
rappprochement between fans of Wisla
Krakow and Cracovia lasted about
two weeks, and in no time public life
continued red in tooth and claw, much as
it had done before.
Above all, it is the idea that the last four
years have seen everyone swept along by a
tide of lies and misinformation about their
elected President that beggars belief. As
Abraham Lincoln famously put it, “You
can fool some of the people all of the time,
you can even fool all of the people some of
the time, but you can’t fool all of the people
all of the time.”
the Wawel’s Treasury room, having of late
been stored in the castle’s special materials
store for safe-keeping.
The aim is to design a display case that
will protect the delicate, painted silks
from the effects of sunlight, air and damp.
“We’ve chosen the most valuable objects
that demand the most care. They were all
hand-painted on silk. Though they perhaps
don’t look like much, they’re a piece of
history which we hope in future to show
visitors to the Wawel,” Magdalena Ozga,
the project head told Gazeta Krakow.
“Our team will include a group of
Norwegian experts from the Air Research
Institute who specialize in this kind of
research and have helped various Krakow
museums many times before,” she continued.
The research will cost an estimated
PLN 680,000 and the results presented at
an international research-conservation
workshop to be held in October 2011.
Krakow to host EU
rakow is to
host a series of
prestigious events
during Poland’s six
months as leader of
the Council of the
starting July 1, 2011.
Krakow City Hall has been informed that
in October next year as many as seven conferences on a range of subjects are to take
place, and each one will be accompanied
by meetings of EU ministers. These will include the European Tourism Forum and a
conference on the Eastern Partnership.
The information is unofficial for now and
has yet to be confirmed at governmental
level, but Krakow City Hall officials are
already celebrating the perceived coup. “It’s
a massive boost for the city. During such
meetings a lot of journalists will attend,
which will lead to our city featuring in media
worldwide. This will lead to an improvement
in infrastructure and benefit local hotels and
restaurants,” commented Filip Szatanik,
press officer for Krakow City Hall.
Banner display
Polish-Norwegian research team is
carrying out work in the Wawel testing antique military banners with an aim
to creating special display cases that will
protect these valuable but fragile exhibits.
The flags, which date from the 16th and
17th centuries may soon hang again in
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Wisla bursts into life
rom the beginning of May,
ferries and a water
bus service will begin operating along
the Wisla in the
capital. The water
bus ‘Wars’ will operate from Podzamcza to Gruba Kaska
five times a day, each trip lasting about
two hours. There will also be three ferry
services at points across the Wisla, with
the ferries specially fitted out with cycle
stands to encourage commuters to abandon their cars.
In a move guaranteed to bring yet more
life to the banks of the Wisla, a project has
been launched to design a large communal
beach hut alongside a municipal beach.
The 100m2 building is to house changing
rooms showers and, most importantly,
The great escape
20 -yea r-old
driver and his
48-year-old passenger can talk
about a miracle escape after the car
they were in was
hit by a speeding
public toilets. Designers have until May 18
to submit their design.
Unfortunately, there is no guarantee the
winning structure will actually be built,
as Marek Piwowarski, the city’s officer in
charge of the Wisla, told reporters, “We
don’t have the funds guaranteed in the
budget, but if the design is attractive we
can try to get them.”
Streets of wax
ections of the Krakowskie Przedmiescie
are coated in a thick layer of wax from
the thousands of candles placed outside
the presidential palace in the last week, in
places constituting a health hazard, turning the street into something resembling a
skating rink. Cleaning the dangerous areas
can only take place at night due to ongoing mourning services taking place in the
churches along the street.
The Chinese granite which was
used in the expensive refurbishment
of the street appears to be difficult to
train in Leczno near Bialogard. On arriving at the scene, police were amazed
no one was hurt when looking at the
wreckage of the car – an Opel, which
had its entire back end ripped off in the
Officers have established that the young
driver stopped as required at the open
crossing, then for some reason set off again
right in front of the speeding SzczecinBialogard train. The car almost made it
clean. “Already a week ago we wrote
to the contractor who carried out the
refurbishment asking for advice on how
to clean off the wax. We’ve not received
a reply,” confessed Iwona Fryczynska,
press officer for the City Cleaning
Cultural high fliers
pair of falcons that nest on the 45th
floor of the Palace of Science and Culture in the heart of the capital have hatched
their first chick, and there may be three
more in the next few days. The pair, named
Wars and Sawa, laid four eggs last year, too,
but only one hatched.
For the last year the pair have been, Big
Brother style, observed by a webcam, but
the chick is rather difficult to distinguish.
“You can see the chick when the mother
leaves the nest. But it’s like any small child.
For now it needs a lot of care,’ said Janusz
Sielicki of the Peregrinus Society, which
cares for the birds.
across in time, but the electric locomotive
caught the rear end and proceeded to
reduce it to a twisted heap of metal. Both
driver and passenger, though, emerged
from the front half of the wreck completely
More in the way of suffering was
inf licted on the passengers of the
train, who were stuck for two hours
waiting while police carried out their
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd April 2010 I www.nwe.pl
Moose abuse
East-West cheapest’s best
Governor is set
to appeal a landmark ruling by Bialystok
Court awarding a
farmer PLN 2,300
for damage caused
to pine saplings by moose. The court ruled
in March that the Treasury represented by
the Podlaskie Governor and the Ministry
for the Environment are responsible for
damage caused by the large animals to private wood stands following a case brought
by a farmer from the village of Downary.
While moose are not a protected species
as such, there is a year-round ban on
shooting the animals which in practice
amounts to the same thing. The court ruled
that the Treasury is therefore responsible
for any damage the beasts may cause as
they have both failed to provide a period
in which farmers can shoot the animals
or indicated an alternative method for
stopping the damage. Previously the
Treasury has only paid out for losses
resulting from protected species such as
wolves or bison.
Scientists estimate there are as many as
eight thousand moose in Poland, of which
70% live in the north-east of the country.
They are a common sight on roads in the
region, causing the occasional accident,
and have even been seen on the streets of
W-Z Trasa, or
East-West Route, is
to be built for half
the estimated cost
following the tender process for the
construction it was
revealed this week, and be ready a month
before the start of Euro 2012.
“This is excellent news,” enthused
Ryszard Trykosko, director of GIKE2012,
the consortium overseeing infrastructure
investment in the championships on behalf
of the city, “We were expecting savings, but
nothing on this scale.”
According to estimates the last section of
the W-Z route was to cost PLN 195 mln, but
the tender offers range from 89-93.8 mln. “The
differences aren’t great, so we can’t talk here
about an artificial lowering of the price, which
would carry the risk of the tender winner
not being able to stick to the agreement. A
committee is now examining the offers. Some
of the tenders will need more supporting
documentation. I’d cautiously estimate that
the contract will be signed with the eventual
winner sometime in mid-May,” Trykosko told
reporters from Gazeta Trojmiasto.
Angry cyclists
he Tricity’s Rapid Urban Railway
(SKM) has upset the area’s cyclists by
abandoning its recent policy of free trans-
port for bikes during the summer months.
The company is defending its actions, explaining that the ticket will only cost a
single symbolic zloty, but cyclists are adamant the extra charge will dissuade people
from switching to two wheels, with negative consequences for traffic in the city –
amounting as it does to PLN 30 per month.
Marcin Gluszek, Director of Sales and
Marketing for SM confessed, “We didn’t
consider the problem of people commuting
daily with their bikes. I’ll put the matter to
the board.”
Spiritual misguidance
priest from Wejherowo has been
charged this week with molesting
a teenage girl after forcing her to drink
alcohol. According to Dariusz WitekPogorzelski, the incident took place at
the beginning of December last year.
Prosecutors have established that the
situation occurred when the priest invited the girl to see him to discuss her
While there he persuaded her to drink
alcohol and then proceeded to force her to,
“Submit to other activities of a sexual nature.”
The priest has denied the charges and tells
a different story, but prosecutors are certain
that the evidence points to the version told
by the young girl. This includes statements
from other witnesses and psychological
reports testifying to the veracity of the girl’s
The priest faces up to eight years in prison
and is currently on bail and under a police
supervision order.
Airport go-ahead
he Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection this Wednesday sent
a positive decision regarding the site for a
new regional airport for Podlaskie, with
approval given to the Saniki-Bagienki site
near Tykocin. Regional Governor, Jaroslaw
Dworzanski, announced at a press conference, “We intend to sign a contract for the
financing of the regional airport from EU
funds this year.”
Saniki-Bagienki was the site favoured by
the regional authorities and was selected
as the best option by a report drawn up by
the Arup-Ekoton consortium. Ecologists
are planning an appeal to the General
Directorate for Environmental Protection
in Warsaw against the site, though,
saying the report was drawn up based on
erroneous and insufficient information.
Send comments and letters to
Warsawinyoourpocket_120x98_Febr2010.indd 2
04.02.2010 15:20:07 Uhr
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd April 2010 I www.nwe.pl
Dirty money triples in Poland year on year
Criminal gangs are targeting Poland as a haven
for money laundering, the General Inspector of
Financial Information (GIIF) warned this week.
According to the GIIF, last year close to PLN 3 bln
of laundered money was put into circulation.
That was three times more than in 2008, the report
Most of the laundered money came from the fuel
sector with the so-called fuel mafia laundering
around PLN 1.4 mln and scrap metal and
recycling sectors PLN 500 mln.
Firms line up for Polish toll bidding
Ten companies have put their names forward
to take part in a tender for the construction of
a toll system in Poland. Sice of Spain, Stalexport
Autostrada with Asseco, IBM, Alcatel Lucent in
France, Austria’s Kapsch TrafficCom, NDI and
Siemens of Germany, and My Toll - a firm set up
by billionaire Pole Jan Kulczyk’s Kulczyk Holding
and Straberg of Austria.
The value of the tender is expected to be in the
region of USD 173 mln.
EC approves Poland’s CO2 emission rights
The European Commission accepted Poland’s
National CO2 Emissions Distribution Plan for
2008-2012. The plan allows for 208.5 million
tonnes of emissions. The decision allows the start
of distribution of C02 emissions in 2010 between
some 800 Polish companies with over 20 MW
installed capacity.
8 .1 bln
The amount that PZU SA hopes to raise in
its IPO.
23 mln
The amount LOT airlines is expecting to have
lost as a result of 6 days of flight cancellations.
The number of Poles who don’t think their
financial situation will improve in the near
Czech Koruna
Danish Krone
Estonian Kroon
Hong Kong Dollar
Hungarian Forint
Japanese Yen
Norwegian Krone
Pound Sterling
Russian Ruble
Swiss Franc
US Dollar
100 HUF
100 JPY
Polish businesses confident
ost Polish companies found
the start of this year were just
grounds for optimism, two reports have revealed.
In its first-quarter survey of 1,032
companies, the Polish National Bank
found that its business outlook index rose
by 2.4 per cent on the previous quarter and
by 25 per cent on the same period for 2009.
improvement in their situation at the
beginning of 2010,” the bank said in a
summary of the report. “Forecasts for
demand and exports are more optimistic.
This translates into a lower number of
companies planning job cuts and more
companies planning new hiring. It hasn’t
yet carried over to companies’ investment
Along with this, the consultancy firm
Deloitte waded in with some more good
news with its Business Sentiment Index
report on Poland’s largest companies.
The report’s findings showed that
Polish business managers were the most
optimistic in the region when it came to
the health of the economy, with 74 per cent
of them believing that the situation will
continue to improve across the next six
In addition, 89 per cent said that they
expected revenues to increase throughout
the year.
A fair chunk of the growing
confidence stems from improvements
in the German economy, which has
seen investor confidence rise and
unemployment decrease on the back of
a weak euro. With Germany accounting
for 26 per cent of Polish exports, any
improvements there spell good news
for Poland, and Polish industrial output
rose by 12.3 per cent in March, its fastest
pace for two years.
As optimism spreads, many companies
have scaled back plans to reduce their
workforce, but when it comes to taking
on more employees, it appears, most
companies will wait. The Deloitte survey
found that only 34 per cent of companies
have plans to expand their workforce over
the next 12 months.
“The Deloitte survey shows that
managers do not want to hire until
they have no other choice,” said Rafal
Antczak, vice president at Deloitte
will improve their profitability first,
and only then will they employ new
The national bank also stressed that
while strong grounds for optimism exist,
the Polish economy has it weaknesses.
“The recovery remained slow paced
and unevenly distributed among various
industries” in the first quarter, the bank
said. “Besides the weakness of investment
and domestic demand, the impact of cold
winter weather on construction weighed
on growth.”
Effects of the airline shut-down
he volcanic ash cloud that shut
down Europe’s airports spelt bad
news for some companies but gave
others an unexpected windfall.
On the losing side were the travel
agencies, which had to bear the brunt of
covering the costs of tourists stranded in
distant lands.
Remigiusz Talarek, vice-president of
Rainbow Tours, said that the first few days
of the shut down had cost the company
PLN 100,000, and that he expected the
losses to rise. But that figure paled into
comparison with those of the high-end
agency Tui, which was losing an estimated
GBP 6-7 million a day on its global
With good news hard to come by,
other travel agencies concentrated on
getting people home, and only then
would they work out how much pain the
closure had inf licted. “We are thinking
primarily about the customers to ensure
they stay in the appropriate conditions.
These are the logistical activities, and
for the moment financial losses are
of secondary importance,” said Piotr
Henicz, vice president of sales and
marketing travel at ITAKA, adding that
they would calculate the losses “when
it became clear that the situation had
returned to normal”.
But when there are losers there are
The railway company PKP Intercity said
that it had to place an additional six to
seven carriages on its international trains
to cater for the surge in demand for tickets
wrought by the closure of European skies.
At the same time Eurolines Poland, an
operator of international bus operator, said
that it had launched three new services to
the UK, and that tickets for each bus were
sold out within 60 minutes.
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd April 2010 I www.nwe.pl
SOmEThING FOR ThE WEEkEND: Travel musings from
inyourpocket’s ‘Uncle’ Alex Webber
ad days indeed. Five
years ago, pretty
much to this day, I
had a life defining moment. That was the accidental discovery of a place
called Bar Below, a subterranean drinking den which would go on to
become not so much my second home as my
second life. Now had I not stumbled upon
it there’s a big chance I would have been a
bit more successful, a little more slimmer,
and certainly more solvent. These factors
aside, it’s with deep regret I announce the
death of BB, a sterling effort which officially swapped from Irish hands to Polish last
week. During his tenure in charge, former
landlord Niall created the ex-pat dream, a
riotous, murky cave of boozy misbehaviour; if ever there was a book written about
the place, it’d be serialized in the tabloids.
Unfortunately, however, there’s no way
I’m volunteering to be the author - to
chronicle this legend would take chunks
of my life, and probably conclude with
the immediate arrest and deportation
of the regulars who made it. Indeed, the
shenanigans that went on were neither
noble nor moral, but the memories live
on, forged and branded on those who
drank there. To say I’ve been hit hard by
its demise is an understatement. I’ve lost
my pub, but it feels like I’ve lost my wife
to the milkman.
Still, life goes on - though it
very nearly didn’t after a hardcore
handover party that deserves a place
in folklore - and I’m now on the hunt
for a new Warsaw watering hole. The
good news is thus; while BB may have
died its onetime landlord hasn’t. He’s
moved the Sky dish a hundred metres
north, and early signs suggest that
the Warsaw Tortilla Factory will pick
up the baton and become the new
home of the Bristol City Supporters
I’ve plugged WTF just recently, so I
shan’t again, other than saying it looks
a dead cert as being my World Cup base.
There are other places in the running
mind, and it would be remiss of me
not to mention Bradley’s, a drinking
institution with a great big Sky dish
and even greater Guinness. Kevin, the
landlord, remains a king of his trade,
and without his breakfasts my Friday’s
would be paler. In close proximity
Champions in the Marriott deserves
a nod for having a bigger collection
of televisions than Japan, and I’ve
also got to confess a new found liking
for Someplace Else in the Sheraton.
However, if there’s an outside candidate
for my sporting affections let it be Lolek.
Ok, they don’t have Sky, but any venue
set bang in a park gets considered for the
World Cup kick off.
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24 .04 Saturday - Wojak Boxing Night
Sports Hall, ul. Kazimierza Górskiego 8 (Redłowo),
tel. (+48) 52 325 15 02
QEvent starts at 20:030. Tickets 40-200zł. Available
at www.eventim.pl.
25 .04 Sunday - Rotting Christ
Blue Note Jazz Club, ul. Kościuszki 76/78, tel. (+48)
61 851 04 08.QConcert starts at 18:30. Tickets
45/35zł. Available at Blue Note (Open 19:00-01:00,
Fri, Sat 19:00-03:00) and before the event.
26 .04 Monday - La Coka Nostra
Stodoła, ul. Batorego 10, tel. (+48) 22 825 60 31
QConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets 121/110zł.
Available www.eventim.pl and Stodoła’s box office
(Open 09:00 - 21:00, Sat 09:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun,
25 .04 Sunday - Cracovia Marathon
tel. (+48) 22 425 37 47
QEvent starts at 09:30. Sign up fee 25-150zł.
25 .04 Sunday - Chopin. Music. Letters
Royal Łazienki Park (Palace), ul. Agrykoli 1, tel.
(+48) 58 555 85 23
QConcert starts at 12:00. Admission free.
23 .04 Friday - Pendulum
Stodoła, ul. Batorego 10, tel. (+48) 22 825 60 31
QConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets 49zł. Available
www.eventim.pl and Stodoła’s box office (Open
09:00 - 21:00, Sat 09:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun, Mon).
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd April 2010 I www.nwe.pl
29 .04 Thursday - Emmanuelle Seigner
Palladium, ul. Złota 9, tel. (+48) 58 555 85 23,
Emmanuelle Seigner
is an actress and
model, you may
know her as Roman
Polański’s wife - at
least she’s getting
out a bit. After a rock oriented start, she recorded the more melancholic album ‘Dingue’.
It’s full of surprises and includes duos with Iggy
Pop and him, quite literally, ‘indoors’.QConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets 99/119zł. Available
at www.eventim.pl
29 .04 Thursday - 02 .05 Sunday - Asymmetry
Firlej, ul. Grabiczyńska 56, tel. (+48) 32 205 25
00, www.asymmetryfestival.pl
This will be the second time out for this festival
focusing on all things avant-garde from the
world of rock, electronic and experimental
music. The organisers are claiming some social
cudos too: there’s a competition for young
upcoming bands as well as a myriad forums to
promote new talent as well as select the lineup - the address of the forums is on the event
29 .04 Thursday - Bobby McFerrin
Dom Muzyki i Tańca, ul. Gen. de Gaulle’a 17
(Zabrze), tel. (+48) 22 425 37 47
Bobby McFerrin has
done more than
Happy’, he’s actually
the winner of ten
Grammy awards. One
of the most popular
singing improvisers,
he has worked with
Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock and is
something of an ambassador for jazz and
classical music. Here he will be performing with
Marcin Wyrostek the winner of the last series
of You’ve got Talent. Their short performance
together will be a total improvisation so expect
something exceptional. McFerrin’s voice can
stretch over four octaves, which sounds a bit
painful, so don’t try it at home! QConcert
starts at 20:00. Tickets 109-299zł. Available at
24 .04 Saturday - 25 .04 Sunday - Gdańsk For
Half Price
Restaurants in Gdańsk, tel. (+48) 52 325 15 02
The idea of this event is the promotion of the
gastronomic possibilities the ‘główne miasto’ or
city centre has to offer. It aims at getting people
together, fostering integration by encouraging
people to visit restaurants, who will be serving
food at 50% off. In addition KOMFORT TAXI
(phone 19-621) will bring you to the city centre
for half price. The list of restaurants taking
part is long and you’d be unlucky to end up
somewhere not involved, but we’d recommend
checking individual websites for details and to
make sure. Bon appetit!
25 .04 Sunday - PGE Arena Gdańsk Open Day
ul. Uczniowska 28 (Letnica), tel. (+48) 52 325
15 02
This is a great idea - a chance to come along,
pretend to be Platini and see how the new Euro
2012 stadium is progressing. There will be a
meeting with Lechia Gdańsk footballers, jumps
from a 60m crane, balloon rides, a stand where
you will be able to play Fifa 2010. In addition
there will be concerts as follows 11:00 New
Boogie Down School, 13:00 Sławek Bieniek
and 15:00 Golden Life. Trams ‘4’ and ‘10’ will
be running as on working days.QOpen 11:00 17:00. Admission free.
So far 17 artists have officially been confirmed
as playing on the stage at the venerable Firley:
Jesu, Electric Wizard, Mouth of the Architect,
Esoteric, Year of No Light, Yakuza, Tesseract,
The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation, BongRa, Kasan, Altar of Plagues, Time to Burn, Black
Shape of Nexus, Comity, Khuda, Drumcorps
and Helen Money. From the outset the main
idea has been to blend multiple music genres
on one stage, and in comparison to last year
the range is even wider. There’s going to be
electronic, ambient, free-jazz, breakcore and
musical avant-garde, we assume this means
the genre names haven’t been thought up
yet, go along and make a few suggestions.
Another change is that it will all be taking place
over a long weekend at the start of May.
The powers that be have taken care of guests
from outside Wrocław too: festival passes and
tickets will give discounts in hotels, hostels
and flats, watch the website for more info.
Also included will be entry to a host of cultural
institutions like galleries and cultural centres.
What a cracking idea and well worth your
support if you are in the area. It’s all about
building the Asymmetry into a European size
event, so go along now and claim plenty of
bragging rights, you never know, it might be
like saying you were at Glastonbury in the early
70s in years to come.QFull schedule available
at www.asymmetryfestival.pl. Pass 220zł. Tickets
90zł. Available at www.eventim.pl and Empik,
Rynek 50, A-3 (Open 09:00 - 21:00, Sun 11:00
- 21:00).
Be In The Know
with In Your Pocket
The most comprehensive concert,
exhibition and events listings for
visitors to Poland are just a click away
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
12 SpORT
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd April 2010 I www.nwe.pl
Flappyhandski strikes again
Kubica keeps pace
Robert Kubica earned a good fifth place at the
China GP last weekend with the Polish media
fuming at the perceived lenient treatment of
British driver Lewis Hamilton by race referee,
Charlie Whiting, also British. Polish papers were left
spitting that if Hamilton had received punishment
for either of two incidents, then their man could
have finished standing on the podium. Kubica
himself had a steady drive and held third for
long sections of the race, but was magnificently
outmanoeuvred by Hamilton two-thirds of the
way through and never recovered the lost place,
also dropping behind Alonso. Kubica is currently
lying seventh in the driver’s championship, twenty
points behind current leader Jenson Button.
Stands echo to midweek games
A strange week in the Polish league saw Legia
and Wisla register wins over Jagiellonia and Slask
respectively in front of virtually empty stadiums on
Monday and Tuesday evenings. The scheduling,
which is pretty unusual in the Polish league, is a
result of the cancellations and fixture pressure
resulting from last weekend’s tragic events in
Smolensk. Nobody seemed to have told the
fans though, so the games were played with
apparently more people on the pitches than off
All the sides involved found it hard to raise their
game in the cavernous, echoing stadiums,
resulting in two pretty turgid victories for the teams
at the top of the league. Wisla defender Arkadiusz
Glowacki was disappointed, though, as the yellow
card he picked up against Slask Wroclaw means
he will sit out the potentially title-deciding clash
against Lech Poznan in Krakow this weekend.
rsenal crumbled to a 3-2 defeat
at Wigan, leaving their title aspirations in shreds, and their
Polish keeper Lukasz Fabianski, following two high profile disasters against
Porto in his last outing for the side, was
again the anti-hero of the debacle. The
display even earned Fabianski the dubious honour of having his name worked
over by The Sun, who dubbed him ‘Flappyhandski’.
Arsenal had looked to be cruising to a
regulation win, leading 2-0 before their
opponents roused themselves. The first
goal was no fault of the rookie Polish
keeper, but the second was a classic case
of butterfingers as he came for a cross and
fumbled, dropping the ball onto the head of
Titus Bramble who gratefully headed home
to level the match and tip the momentum
towards the relegation battlers. Moments
later, and in the first minute of injury time,
Wigan swept forward and N’Zogbia beat
Fabianski again from distance to win the
Arsene Wenger was surprisingly
supportive of his keeper after the game,
pointing to weaknesses throughout his
side rather than individual errors. “I
don’t think we lost today because of the
keeper, Bacary Sagna was fouled and I’m
not sure if Fabianski wasn’t also fouled,”
Wenger commented a tad generously
after the match. Support was also
forthcoming from veteran defender Sol
Campbell, who told Przeglad Sportowy,
“I can’t see why Lukasz should be kept
on the reserve bench. I really think he’s
a very good keeper, but I don’t make the
But it must be doubted if Fabianski
has a future at Arsenal worth fighting
for. Paul Merson, a former Arsenal
star was widely quoted saying Arsenal
have no chance of winning anything
until they get a world class keeper.
The Polish keeper has also received
a mauling from the British press,
something he claims not to have read,
and not to worry about. “I know I made
a mistake, but to straight away call me
a bungler is over the top,” Fabianski
told Przeglad.
But as one keeper’s star is on the wane,
another seems to be rising again. Artur
Boruc, the erstwhile Polish national keeper
and hero of the green and white half of
Glasgow, picked up the Scottish Premier
League award for the save of the season.
Boruc managed while falling backwards
to parry a 25-yard looping shot from Hibs
David Wotherspoon onto a post, where it
ricocheted back across the face of goal to
Adamek meets his nightmare
omasz Adamek will meet Chris
‘Nightmare’ Arreola in Ontario,
California at around 7am this Sunday morning, Polish time, in what may
turn out to be an eliminator for a meeting
with WBF Heavyweight champion, Vladimir Klitschko.
In a fight which is seen as being all about
the contrast between the Pole’s technique
and the American’s sheer brawn, a former
opponent of Adamek, Steve Cunningham
summed it up like this; “Arreola’s big. If
Adamek gets into a fight with Arreola, it
could be a short night for him. But Adamek
can outpoint him.”
Similarly, well-known US commentator
Larry Merchant predicts problems for the
Pole, “I’ve spoken with people who know
boxing and they all say Adamek made a
mistake deciding to fight Arreola. Chris
will be too strong, too young and too tough
for him.”
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The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd April 2010 I www.nwe.pl
place your free ads and community
news here. Email editor@newpolandexpress.pl
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Polish or English
Flat for Sale in Warsaw - Anin
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Canadian fluently bilingual able to
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Land for rent/lease near Warsaw
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Ideal logistics/transport/warehousing, petrol
station/LPG service. Entry from all sides including
highway E7. Located in Maksymilianów.
Possibility to rent in parts. Line for electricity and
other utilities included. Price 5 zł/M2 to negotiate.
Contact: Dinesh Sharma Mob:+48-500-122-836
Professional and experienced teacher available
for private tuition. Polish and English language
lessons for adults and children which are
interesting, effective, and fun. Also, private tuition
for schoolchildren. Contact Anna on 0602 312
243, anna.maria.magda@gmail.com
Place your
classified ad
The New Poland Express I Friday 23rd April 2010 I www.nwe.pl
Community Groups:
place free listings for
your community groups here. Email editor@newpolandexpress.pl
Role Playing Game in Warsaw
Poland Tartan Army
GAA in Warsaw
International English-speaking group in Warsaw,
mostly foreign professionals, play tabletop
Dungeons & Dragons fortnightly. No experience
necessary but fluent English proficiency is
required. Have a good time. Play some games.
Meet new friends. Open your imagination. More
info: Facebook group: http://tiny.cc/zaffa or
A new Poland Tartan Army Facebook group
has been created. If you are a fan of Scottish
football and our national team please
join the group by visiting Facebook and
conducting a search for Poland Tartan Army.
If anyone, who is not a part of Facebook,
is interested in this idea then please email
murraymaw@hotmail.com to register your interest.
Cumann Warszawa.Poland’s first and only GAA
club is up and running and is looking for players
of all levels, all nationalities and both sexes. We
offer weekly training, competitive games and
regular social events as well as fresh oranges at
half time.
Contact Eoin at 0518-425-587 or
Tri-City Toastmasters
Toastmasters club
When: The club meets on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th
Wednesday of each month
Where: ul. Kartuska 5, second floor, 80-103
Phone: 504 304 764
We are a Polish and Expat social group who organise a
walk/run in a forest, park or around the city, followed by
a few beers (or whatever takes your fancy!). We meet at
the Marriott hotel on alternate Saturdays at 2pm. “Hash
House Harriers” is an international group, which was
originally established in Malaysia 70 years ago.
All are welcome. For details, call Martin at 502-052-958.
Email warsawh3@gmail.com or www.warsawhash.pl
Toastmasters club (Polska) invites all to its weekly
meetings. Toastmasters is the international
organization for learning the art of public
speaking and enhancing leadership skills.
Meetings every Wednesday at 19.00 at the Palace
of Culture 12th floor (premises of Collegium
Civitas) - entrance from ul. Marszałkowska side.
For more details visit www.toastmasters.org.pl or
call Etan at 696-292-451
International Women’s Group
International Rotary Club
Poznan International Church
Meetings are held twice a month on the first
Monday (at rotating locations between 10:30
and 12:30) and the third Monday of the month at
Restauracja Tapa y Toro located in the Zlote Trasy
Shopping Mall (ul. Zlota 59) from 10:00 - 11:00.
For more information see www.iwgwarsaw.com or
contact us at iwgwarsaw@yahoo.com
International Rotary Club - Warszawa Wilanow is
the only English speaking Rotary Club in Warsaw.
Visiting Rotarians are warmly welcomed
to join the weekly meetings held at the
Polonia Palace Hotel, Al. Jerozolimskie 45.
Tuesday’s at 12:00, except the last Tuesday
of each month when the meeting is at 19:00.
For more information: +48 601 897 731
Every Sunday at 10:00
Contact details: www.international.pl. It’s simple at P.I.C..
Come and experience God through current music and
relevant teaching. Grow in your relationship with God
and others by making friends and joining a small group.
Serve God and people by being generous with the gifts
God has given you. Go and make a difference in the
world by sharing the love of Christ.
Gospel Baptist Church
Expat meetings
Services are held in Polish and English
languages: Sun. 11:00, Thurs. 19:00. For more
information contact: Pastor Paul Sock, mob.
0500-270-990, e-mail: paulesock@yahoo.com
Meeting English speakers in Warsaw just got a
whole load easier. We don’t teach you Salsa,
we make you pay for your own drinks, but
we do promise to give you the premier multicultural event of the week at Warsaw’s very own
Professional Wednesday Meetup.
To advertise
your business
100zł per week
Contact - andrew.samu@veritahr.com or 691535566
Send us 360
characters (including
spaces) with a
heading of no more
than 30 characters
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classified ad
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