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Polish News
Friday 20th July 2012
Issue 28 (179)
Sawicki quits under dark cloud
Farming minister resigns
following corruption
corruption scandal that has shaken
the Polish People’s Party, the junior
member of the governing coalition,
has claimed its first casualty with the agriculture minister quitting his post.
Marek Sawicki handed his letter of
resignation to PM Donald Tusk on
Wednesday making him the first minister
brought down by scandal since the
coalition took office in 2007. In a brief
statement he described the allegations
surrounding his ministry as “slander” and
called for clarification.
Sawicki’s demise comes after the release
of a video by the newspaper Puls Bizinesu
which showed a conversation between
Wladyslaw Serafin, a senior Polish People’s
Party (PSL) member, and Wladyslaw
Lukasik, a former head of the Agricultural
Market Agency.
In the video Mr Lukasik alleges that
nepotism and cronyism was prevalent
in the PSL and that public and EU funds
handled by the agriculture ministry had
been mishandled.
After accepting Sawicki’s resignation
Donald Tusk said he would take “vigorous
action” to clear up any problems within the
agriculture ministry and the Agricultural
Market Agency, and would personally
In a short statement Marek Sawicki referred to the allegations as “slander”
supervise the ministry’s activities until a
new minister was appointed.
The affair has drawn immediate criticism
from the opposition with the Palikot
Movement (RP) demanding a vote of noconfidence in parliament because Sawicki’s
resignation had failed to “restore hope of
decency and high standards in public life”.
The scandal, however, may have little
long-lasting impact on the government.
The coalition has managed to maintain
good internal relations despite the odd tiff,
and has also managed to bring a period
of calm to the often tempestuous seas of
Polish politics.
But in a worrying development for
Poland, Brussels said it would enquire
about the allegations concerning the
mishandling of EU funds.
“We will be contacting the Polish authorities
in the coming days to get a clearer picture of
the situation,” Roger Waite, spokesman for
the Commission on Agriculture and Rural
Development, told Polish Radio.
“Obviously, because this is European
tax-payers’ money, we take these issues very
seriously,” he added. “We have mechanisms
which mean that we can claim back money
if it has not been spent properly, or if the
management has not been sufficient.”
p.6 spORT
Choose where you booze
Modlin opens at a cost
Slask lead the way
Palikot Movement (RP) has submitted a
draft law which would abolish the ban on
consuming beer in public places.
The proposed bill points to countries
such as France and the Netherlands
where drinking laws are more relaxed
and highlights the recent Euro 2012
competition as an example of how public
drinking can be a civilised activity.
Warsaw’s new Modlin airport opened
with great fanfare last Sunday, the first
plane to touch down was a Wizzair flight
from Budapest. Wizzair together with Ryanair will be the airport’s main operators.
However, it was soon after revealed that the
overall cost of the new low-cost hub had
swollen by PLN 77 mln, from PLN 305 to
382 mln.
Slask Wroclaw are in good shape after
defeating Buducnost of Montenegro 2-0
this Wednesday night in the first round,
first leg of their Champions League
qualifier. The match featured a penalty
and a red card, both in favour of the
Polish team, but Slask will not be happy
with the way they played and cannot relax
entirely yet.
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th July 2012 I www.nwe.pl
News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Regional news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
What’s on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Sport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
“The situation is a wake-up call ... I accept
the resignation of Sawicki.” PM Donald
Tusk on the Agricultural Minister stepping
1944 (20.07) - An attempt to kill Adolf
Hitler at Gieloz (near Ketrzyn) fails.
German Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg,
the man who placed the briefcase
containing the bomb under the table at a
conference, was executed along with others
that very night.
or music fans up
and down the
country this is
certainly the month to
stick your wellies on and
give your sleeping bag a
damn good airing.
Polish festival season is upon us and
those still feeling a bit delicate after the
Euros have the perfect excuse to reach for
the hair of the dog and act like a fool in a
The Heineken Open’er Festival has
already been and gone, however the
legendary Przystanek Woodstock is just
around the corner and then of course
there’s Jarocin taking place this weekend.
I’ve seen some cracking bands over the
years at Jarocin. Bad Religion (America),
Asian Dub Foundation (UK), Muchy
(Poland) and Biffy Clyro (UK) are a few
that spring to mind but there was really
nothing that inspiring at all on this year’s
bill that made me sit up. After all there’s
only so many times you can sit and watch
Kult ply their trade isn’t there..?
But music aside, there was an article in
Fakt newspaper this morning stating that
one festival goer had drowned in a lake
close to the Jarocin Festival site before the
event had even kick off.
The young man is said to have been
found by rescue workers after his friends
noticed he was missing and contacted the
authorities. Tragic news indeed, especially
given the fact that the accident could
probably have been avoided.
But even more tragic given that only
last week we reported the Polish press
were running stories urging people to take
caution when swimming or playing near
So far at least 260 people have drowned
during the last four months in this country.
Surely there must be something the
government can do to bring this problem
to the attention of the public and help stop
this figure from growing any larger.
“The Prime Minister rose to the occasion.
He wants to be the sheriff who personally
made a few heads roll.” PSL’s Janusz
Piechocinski speaks his mind on the recent
“Many Western countries envy us.”
Urszula Nelken, spokeswoman for
the General Directorate for National
Roads and Motorways, talks about the
soundproof walls surrounding the new
A2 motorway.
1959 (24.07) - Production on the FSC
Żuk van begins in Lublin. An instantly
recognisable vehicle, around 587,000
Żuks (‘Beatles’) were built in total and
production lasted until 1998.
The NPE weekend QUIZ
Re: Mother charged with murder
What the hell is going on in this country?
First there’s the baby Magda story then
there’s Szymon in Cieszyna and now this
sad case in Morag. My thoughts go out
to these poor children and other family
members. I just pray this is the last case
like this we will be reading about.
Joanna - Katowice
Re: Family allotments under threat
As the owner of one of these allotments,
let me say the way the authorities are
treating me and others like me is nothing
short of farcical. The fact that we might
lose our summer homes is bad enough,
but at the moment nobody seems to know
what’s going on and that’s the worst thing
about it.
Chris T. - Poznan
Re: Letter for blubbering Balotelli
If Balotelli isn’t interested in replying
to the lovely Izabella Lukomska-Pyzalska
then he can pass her address in this
direction. I would happily take a free photo
and a box of tissues sent in person from
such a lady!
Peter - UK
Publisher: WIYP Sp. z o.o.
WIYP Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Paderewskiego 1 • 81-831 Sopot
tel. +48 58 555 9818 • tel/fax. +48 58 555 0831 • nwe@nwe.pl
1955 (22.07) - The grand opening of
Warsaw’s Palace of Culture and Science.
A ‘present’ from the Soviet Union, work
on the tower began in 1952 and it took
approximately 3,500 workers to complete it.
Editor-in-Chief: Steve Sibbald
Chief Writer: Steve Sibbald
Staff Writer: Matt Day
Following on from the barrage of entries
concerning last week’s prize - a double
invitation to Gdynia’s Globaltica World
Cultures Festival 2012 - we’re offering
up more of the same this week.
The festival is on between July 24-29
at Kolibki Park and it’s fair to say that
with events such as art displays, film
screenings and concerts (including
Talilema, pictured), there really is
something for everyone on show.
If this sounds like your bag, then just
tell us, in which Polish region would
you find this famous port city?
Congratulations to Nick Doherty for
being last week’s winner. Get those
answers sent to the usual address:
Nationwide & Sports:
Graham Crawford
Events: Klaudia Mampe
Vaughan Elliott, Łukasz Jankowski
Graphic Designer: Tomáš Haman
Sales Director: Malgorzata Drzaszcz
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th July 2012 I www.nwe.pl
Choose where Baby Magda murder charge
you booze
alikot Movement (RP) has submitted a
draft law which would abolish the ban
on consuming beer in public places.
According to Gazeta Wyborcza, the
proposed bill points to countries such as France
and the Netherlands where drinking laws are
more relaxed and highlights the recent Euro
2012 competition as an example of how public
drinking can be a civilised activity.
“We would like to change the approach
as to how low-grade alcohol - up to six
percent - is consumed. For example beer,”
said RP’s Michal Kabacinski, adding that
the proposals do not apply to spirits.
He pointed out that during the football
tournament supporters were allowed to drink
beer in the numerous Fan Zones with very
little trouble. “Today, the main reason for the
current ban is to help prevent street brawls.
However this theory is simply not true and
such fights are just isolated incidents.”
“In places such as Paris, it is possible to
drink alcohol in the park. Here if you want
to take a picnic with beer to a public place,
you are hit with a PLN 100 fine.”
He stated that the general price of
alcohol is also an issue. “Today, people
cannot afford to go to a bar and drink beer
for PLN 10 a go, but would be happy to go
and drink a beer for PLN 3.”
The bill is set to be discussed at the end
of the month.
he mother of a baby girl who died in
mysterious circumstances has been
charged with murder some six months
after her daughter was discovered dead.
Police detained Katarzyna W. as
prosecutors applied for a three-month
detention order as they continued their
investigation into a twisting case that has
never been far from the headlines.
The story first hit the news at the end of
January when Katarzyna W. ran to the police
claiming that her daughter Magda had been
kidnapped. But a few days later she “confessed”
that her daughter had actually died after hitting
her head on the bathroom floor in a domestic
accident, and that the whole kidnapping story
was a lie to cover her tracks.
Magda’s body was recovered from the
banks of a river, where her mother had
placed it, near her hometown of Sosnowiec.
Katarzyna W. was arrested after her
apparent confession for misleading the
police, making false statements and
involuntary manslaughter but was later
released although suspicion over her
actions never disappeared.
Now prosecutors appear confident in
the belief that she was behind Magda’s
death. The new confidence comes from two
independent forensic opinions indicating
that the fatal head injuries the baby died
from were inconsistent with the accident
outlined in Katarzyna W’s statement.
A psychological examination of the
suspect also revealed the mother had a
tendency towards aggression and had
experienced trouble raising her daughter.
The flurry of new evidence and the arrest
has prompted some experts to speculate
that there was a calculating mind behind
the alleged crime.
“My long experience indicates that
the whole story of the kidnapping was
not a spontaneous creation of Madga’s
mother,” criminologist Dariusz Loranty
told newspaper Fakt. “I am convinced the
girl’s death occurred a few days before,
and probably involved another family
Beata Cieslik, Katarzyna W’s motherin-law, also cast suspicion over the prime
“What made us open our eyes was the
abnormal behaviour of a mother who has
experienced the death of her child,” said Mrs
Cieslik. “Kasia returned from the cemetery
smiling and talking about a completely
different subject. It looked as if a weight had
been lifted off her shoulders and now she
was free to do what she wanted.”
Mrs Cieslik also appealed to the public
to support her son saying that not only had
he lost his daughter but also “the trust he
placed in the woman he loved”.
If convicted of murder Katarzyna W.
faces life behind bars. But legal experts
pointed out that without a confession or
new material the evidence the prosecution
now has at hand may prove inadequate to
get a conviction.
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The New Poland Express I Friday 20th July 2012 I www.nwe.pl
Tornado ravages Pomorskie
eople in central-northern Poland
have been left to pick up the pieces
of their lives after a tornado swept
through, leaving a trail of destruction and
one person dead.
The twister struck around the Tuchola
Forest in the central Pomorskie province
on Saturday, slicing though the woodland
and destroying homes and buildings in its
wake. Around 800 to 1,000 metres broad
the tornado flattened over 500 hectares of
forest and wrecked some 34 buildings.
The local fire brigade reported that a
man died when his house collapsed in the
village Wycinki.
“There were four of us at home and
suddenly I looked out the window and saw
a tornado approaching,” Taduesz Kawski,
whose house was destroyed by the storm,
told Polish Radio. “At the last moment
I screamed at the people to get to the
basement and that is what saved us.
“But now, literally, we don’t have a roof
over our heads. I don’t know what to do
next,” he added.
Staying in a caravan along with her son
when the tornado struck, Danuta Zemczala
spoke of a narrow escape.
“All of a sudden the tornado came
through the forest, we heard a roar
and then it hit us,” she said. “It was
indescribable. By luck with came out of
this alive,” she continued, although her
son required hospital treatment for a
minor hand injury.
Around the province and into
neighbouring Wielkopolska other storms
created further havoc, blowing down
power lines, and blocking road and rail
links. Around 10 people were injured,
including a kayaker who had a leg broken
by a falling tree branch.
Regional authorities in Pomorskie said
that people who had suffered material
damage at the hands of the storms would be
eligible for up to PLN 5,000 in emergency
funding once the extent of the damage had
been assessed.
In the Tuchola Forest it will cost an
estimated PLN 20 mln to clear and replant
the areas of woodland levelled by the
“In all my years as a forester I have never
seen destruction like this, said Janusz
Kaczmarek, the director from the National
Forestry Administration. “Trees 20, 30
even a 100 years old, snapped like match
On a positive note, he added that many
of the trees had been earmarked for felling
and that some of them at least could be
recovered, processed and sold as normal
timber. But experts said many of the trees
blown down will have been cracked and
split by the storm, leaving them unusable.
To make matters worse meteorologists
warned that Poland may experience
further tornadoes during the summer, and
that there was no real way of telling when
and where a deadly storm would form.
Kids poisoned
at camp
hirty five children are in hospital
suffering from food poisoning after
attending a summer camp in the east
of Poland.
According to daily Fakt, the youngsters
had been taking part in a camp organised
by the Catholic Youth Association near
the town of Parczew when they began
complaining of stomach pains and
suffering from severe vomiting in the early
hours of the morning.
Of the 120 children at the camp, 44
were taken to hospital in total although
nine were allowed to return home. The
remaining 35 are still being treated,
although the poisoning is not thought to
be life threatening.
While the paper writes that an official
verdict on the causes will be announced
over the next few days, news site TVN24
states that The State Sanitary Inspector
(Sanepid) has since closed down the
canteen at the camp until further notice
and is currently in the process of taking
samples from food products and from
water from the local lake.
“The canteen can re-open once we have
determined the causes and after we have
eliminated the risk of further poisoning and
have carried out a full disinfection procedure
on its equipment,” Wieslaw Klajda, a
spokesperson for Saniped told the station.
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Cops shut up shop
Around 277 police stations around the country
are to be closed down and replaced by 27 new
ones state reports on TVN.
“There is only one reason behind this decision
and that is to improve safety,” says national
police chief Marek Dzialoszynski.
“The point is that police will be able to arrive at
a crime scene faster with fewer officers behind
desks and more on patrol.”
IPN file theft
A Polish journalist faces up to eight years
in prison after being accused of stealing a
number of files from the Institute of National
Remembrance (IPN).
Reports by PAP state that the prosecutor
has accused Robert W. of removing files
and photographs relating to the alleged
cooperation of Andrzej K. and the secret police
during the Cold War from IPN archives in 2010.
The journalist has since confessed to the
alleged acts and has admitted that he wanted
to copy the papers and publish them online.
Poles safe in Bulgaria
A group of 189 Poles were kept in Bulgaria’s
Burgas Airport following an explosion on a bus
full of Israeli tourists which killed several and left
around 30 injured.
According to Gazeta Wyborcza, none of the
189 Poles who had arrived on an earlier flight
from Katowice were harmed in any way.
“Everybody understood the situation,” said a
spokesperson from the Polish consul.
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th July 2012 I www.nwe.pl
Euro done a very good job
he recent European Football Championship has been labeled a “success” by Euro 2012 Director Martin
According to TVN 24, Kallen states that
the tournament went far beyond anybody’s
expectations and has “set organisational
standards for the future”.
In addition to the overall organisation,
the director also praised the atmosphere
surrounding the event and pointed to the
fact that 90 percent of supporters surveyed
felt safe whilst attending games at various
With regards to different organisational
aspects of the tournament, feedback from
fans was mostly positive, with many areas
receiving a 80-90 percent ‘satisfaction’
The official UEFA Fan Zones dotted
around the two hosting nations were also
deemed a success, with a record-breaking
seven million supporters visiting to either
watch games or take in the atmosphere.
The Kiev Fan Zone played host to
approximately 2.2 million people during
the entire event, while the Polish capital
saw around 1.4 million come through its
doors. In total, 539,000 made their way to
the Fan Zones in the eight host cities to
watch the final between Spain and Italy.
Away from the Fan Zones, UEFA also
heaped praise on the number of supporters
who bought match tickets. In all, the eight
stadiums handled 1.44 million people, with
the highest capacity being the Sweden England match in Kiev which was watched
by 64 640.
The opening game between Poland
- Greece which took place at Warsaw’s
National Stadium saw the highest number
of supporters in Poland (59, 070).
The average fan attendance over
the tournament was 46,450 - a figure
which Kallen emphasises UEFA was
extremely satisfied with. “Indications
show that ticket distribution was 98.6
percent,” he states. “This is a very high
figure, given that there are always some
ticket holders that for various reasons
- health or work for example - cannot
not use them.”
While not all the television viewing
figures have been collected yet, data shows
that there was an increase, not only in
Europe, but in countries further afield,
such as America and Brazil. The most
watched game was the final, for which 17.9
million viewers tuned in.
In terms of revenue, the tournament
generated over EUR 1.4 bln, with
television rights bringing in EUR 815 mln,
sponsorship and licensing EUR 315 mln
and ticket sales EUR 130 mln.
“We cannot yet provide accurate date on
expenditure but it was slightly higher than
four years ago due to logistics relating to to
the distances between cities,” says Kallen.
“We will have more information in a few
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th July 2012 I www.nwe.pl
Bringing you the best from across the regions.
If you have any news for Graham, send him an email at graham.crawford@newpolandexpress.pl
here’s no news
like old news.
Last week a
story from almost two
years back came to
light. The newspaper
unearthed a tale of how a Poznan priest
ignored his concubine while she lay giving
birth to their child in the next room, leaving
her unattended the entire night.
The infant died as a result of the callous
neglect of this man of the cloth, who was,
of course, sworn to celibacy. There was
Modlin opens at a cost
arsaw’s new
Modlin airport opened with
great fanfare last
Sunday, the first
plane to touchdown was a Wizzair flight from Budapest. Wizzair together with Ryanair
will be the airport’s main operators.
However, it was soon after revealed that
the overall cost of the new low-cost hub
had swollen by PLN 77 mln, from PLN
305 to 382 mln.
“During construction we realised that
certain things could be expanded, done
better, to ensure the highest possible
convenience for passengers and airport
operations,” the airport’s finance director,
Dariusz Pastor, told reporters from TVN
an investigation, but it was conveniently
dropped and then the Church rapidly
moved the priest along to a missionary
position in Ukraine.
The response of the Church authorities
to the publication of this sordid tale was
one of weariness, “There’s nothing to see
here, move along.”
This same organisation that calls the
destruction of a fertilised egg “murder” and
considers use of a condom a “crime” is happy to
turn a blind eye to the death through negligence
of a newborn baby. It’s quite staggering.
Of course, any large organisation may
have the odd bad egg, but that’s not the
issue. The issue is that by not dealing with
the perpetrators of such hideous deeds,
simply moving them along, sweeping it
under the carpet, avoiding scandal at all
costs, the Church becomes complicit in
these deeds - an accessory after the fact.
One of these days there will be an
avalanche of complaints against the Catholic
Church in Poland concerning sexual abuses
by priests, just as happened in Ireland and
the US. For the time being, Church officials
are still burying their heads in the sand,
hushing things up and as a result becoming
a party to the suffering of the victims. I don’t
know how they live with themselves.
Above all, the extra funds were spent on
improved safety equipment. “We’ve bought
a radar to track bird movements around
the airport, and an instrument landing
system for landings in limited visibility,”
said Pastor.
company responsible for the majority of
the adverts,” Kozlowski told reporters.
It was Kozlowski who forced the change
in the law through at the Infrastructure
Ministry a year ago, now he’s tackling the
procedures for their removal. Since the
change in the law, the companies have
continued the illegal advertising because
it’s easy for them to stall their removal and
continue earning hundreds of thousands of
zloty against a maximum fine of PLN 50,000.
“These procedures are from the 60s, they’re
from another era,” admitted Kozlowski.
Arkadiusz Jerzak, from the Warsaw
Development Forum, was guardedly
optimistic about the changes. “I’m hopeful,
but I also have concerns. As soon as the
ban on blocking windows was introduced,
the advertisers found ways to get round
it. All they had to do was claim there was
a renovation ongoing, say painting the
balconies, which lasted forever, and all the
time the advert stayed up. What will they
think of this time?” he asked.
Million zloty advert
azowieckie regional governor, Jacek
Kozlowski, is proposing fines of up
to PLN 1 mln for companies that illegally
block the windows of residents in tower
blocks. Thus far, massive adverts of the kind
are commonplace in Warsaw, bringing misery to the trapped residents and the fines
imposed are minimal.
“Just as the law forbids the building
of windowless houses, for over a year,
there has been a law forbidding adverts
from covering windows. Unfortunately,
the practise hasn’t yet been eliminated
everywhere. The problem is especially bad
in Warsaw. The procedure for removing the
adverts is complicated and there’s a single
W W W . F A B R Y K A Z E S P O L O W . P L
7-2012 - PEPSI_ROCK_182x47.indd 1
2012-07-03 13:26:30
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th July 2012 I www.nwe.pl
Borstal breakout
I confess!
wo teenage tearaways made a
reckless bid to escape from a juvenile
detention centre in
Chojnice this Tuesday, injuring a teacher and a guard in the
process. Police apprehended them after a
mere two hours of freedom. Now they face
up to 25 years in prison as a result.
The two boys, aged 16 and 17, took
advantage of a metalwork class to seize
heavy metal objects and attack their two
supervisors, then they smashed down a
door and broke out of the centre. Both
supervisors were injured in the assault, the
teacher receiving severe bruising to the ribs.
“The security guard was more seriously
hurt. He was stabbed with a sharp metal
implement and is in a critical condition,”
commented Miroslaw Orlowski, a regional
prosecutor from Chojnice.
“We’re investigating them under a
charge of assaulting a public servant in the
line of their duty, as well as the attempted
murder of the guard,” continued Orlowski.
The two adolescents will be tried as adults,
and therefore face a 25 year prison sentence
if convicted of attempted murder.
Second sad anniversary
he mother of missing Iwona Wieczorek
observed the passing of the second year
since her daughter vanished, despite recent
assurances from police they were close to an
arrest. “I still have no idea what happened
to my daughter. I feel angry and bitter at the
police, even though I realise they’re working hard to solve the case. I speak to them
regularly and I can sense they care. I do get
cross with them sometimes, but they’re patient with me. I trust them.”
Train to Hel
hree people died when their car was hit
by a passenger train running from Gdynia to Hel this Monday. The car drove right in
front of the train which was speeding along at
78km/h at an open level crossing in Reda.
“The passengers were two men aged 61
and 62, and a woman aged 63. Fire officers
tried to resuscitate the female passenger,
but sadly we weren’t successful,” Tadeusz
Konkol, press officer for the Pomorskie fire
service told reporters.
Rail and rescue workers emphasized
that despite there being no barrier on
the crossing, visibility is excellent and
speculate that the accident was caused by a
moment’s inattention.
Bytom man suspected of carrying out a bank raid
on June 9 in Katowice startled police
officers by walking
into the station and
over, then providing a full confession. He
had been in hiding for several days, but
claims he had a change of heart after he
went to confession.
He confirmed the details of the
attack he carried out in a bank on ul.
Warszawska using a replica weapon
bought from an army surplus store.
He has been released under a police
supervision order and on payment of
PLN 2,000 bail.
A rag to a red bull
n off-duty police officer in BielskoBiala reacted immediately when he
saw a young man punching an elderly
gentleman on the street. He approached
the young man and informed him he was
a policeman, telling him to stand still
and calm down. However, the man decided to step forward and tried to punch
the officer. Unfortunately for him, the
officer has practised judo since he was
a child and overpowered his assailant in
the blink of an eye before calling for assistance.
The young man later stated that, while
not drunk at the time of the incident, he
had drunk an energy drink just prior to it.
He said he attacked the old man at random,
because he was angry at his mother, who
had just thrown him out of the house.
He was taken to the station and charged
with assault, assaulting a police officer in
the course of his duties and using abusive
language. He faces up to five years in
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th July 2012 I www.nwe.pl
Rail chaos drags on
Teen robber fails test
of nearly four
hours and longer
journey times have
plagued those travelling between Poznan
and Szczecin this
week following the derailment of a cargo
train in Wronki this Tuesday. In the accident, eight wagons out of a total of 30 tipped
over. Nobody was hurt, but the entire line
was blocked and despite the alternative arrangements provided by PKP, on Wednesday morning hundreds of people in Wronki
were struggling to get to work.
“It’s terrible. At 6am there were about 150
people on the platform, all trying to get to
their jobs in Poznan. Nobody knew what
was going on. There were supposed to be local trains running, and a replacement bus
service, but even the drivers couldn’t explain why they were only taking passengers
as far as Peckowo,” one disgruntled passenger told a reporter from Gazeta Poznan.
Illegal tenement “cleaners”
esidents of a tenement on ul. Stolarska
are reportedly being illegally forced
out, or “cleaned”, by two men, Piotr S. and
Pawel Z., owners of a company called Fabryka Mieszkan I Ziemi which is said to
specialise in such operations. According to
a report in Gazeta Poznan, for the last two
months the men have been trying to persuade residents to leave, sending in workers
with jackhammers to tear down walls and
leaving residents without water.
The men claim to be the administrators
of the building and are apparently operating
on behalf of two businessmen, Lechoslaw
Gawronski and Grzegorz Liberkowski, who
recently bought the building. However, they
do not possess the necessary license to operate as building administrators, so police
have charged them for this, a charge which
they will have to answer in court.
Lawyers representing the residents fear
this will do nothing to stop the two men,
though, as they already spent one night behind bars for illegally demolishing a wall of
the tenement. Since then, posters abusing
the residents have appeared in the building, fireworks are repeatedly set off in the
stairwell and even large numbers of insects
have been released there.
For three days now, residents have been left
without water, after workers from the company removed the mains connection from
the basement. Poznan police are investing
the incidents as possible “stalking”, involving
the persistent tormenting of the residents.
olice this week
19-year-old suspected of as many as 20
robberies with an offensive weapon carried out on chemist’s
shops in the Lodz area. The arrested man
took his school-leaving exam, the matura,
only months ago, now he faces 12 years in
Police say the man chose small
chemist’s, terrorising staff before
demanding they hand over cash, stealing
sums up to PLN 2,000. The man has so
far admitted over a dozen offences, but
police are aware of 19 similar robberies
that have taken place in Lodz and the
surrounding towns in the first six
months of this year, all in small shops in
quiet locations.
“Officers looking into all these robberies
considered it was highly likely that the attacks
were carried out by a single person,” Joanna
Kacka, press officer for Lodz police, told
reporters. In several cases staff were able to give
a description of their assailant and produce a
photofit. They described him as a young man
of about 25 with a pock-marked face.
Then three more robberies took place
only a few days ago in Baluta and the city
centre, following which police were finally
able to identify the suspect, arresting him
on Lodz’s main street, ul. Piotrkowska,
where he was taken totally by surprise.
A search of the man’s home has
produced material evidence supporting his
involvement in the raids. Apparently, he
spent his ill-gotten gains on entertainment
and to pay off credit. He has been remanded
in custody for three months.
Send comments and letters to
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th July 2012 I www.nwe.pl
Clamp down on card fees
new draft bill which aims to limit
the number of Polish shops that
accept payment by credit cards
will be passed to the government’s Committee for European Affairs later this
Spokeswoman for the Ministry of
Finance Malgorzata Brzoza made the
announcement earlier this week and,
according to TVN24, the announcement
comes after failure to agree on reduced instore fees.
At present Poland has the highest
fees for shoppers who choose to
use their cards (approximately
1.6 percent) when compared to its
European cousins, (the average being
0.7 percent).
In the draft bill, the Ministry of Finance
has also proposed that shops should be
legally obliged to display information
telling customers about what fees they may
be charged.
The reasoning behind the new plans,
states the ministry, is that consumers
will soon be more aware of the true costs
of transactions and, as a result, will be
able to make more informed choices
before using their cards to purchase
What’s going on
in Poland?
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Corstjens Warsaw
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Polish News
Friday 16th April 2010
Mealtimes more expensive
“We initially predicted that prices
would rise in 2012 by 4 percent, but we
have had to reassess this and we now
believe this figure will in fact be higher
- more like 6 percent,” says Andrzej
Gantner, General Director of the
federation on TVN.
He added that a recent change in the
weather has had a negative effect on crops
“We are currently witnessing a 30
percent rise in the price of grain around
the globe ... and this doesn’t only affect the
price of bread and cereal, but meat too,” he
Michal Kolesnikow of the Bank of Food
Economy (BGZ) believes that it will be
“food products of animal origin” that will
see the steepest rise. “The biggest impact
will be seen in the like of meat, fish and
According to the Central Statistical
Office (GUS), food prices in Poland rose by
0.7 percent in June when compared to May,
however by 5.4 percent when compared to
June 2011.
Canadian Dollar
Czech Koruna
Danish Krone
Hungarian Forint
Japanese Yen
Norwegian Krone
Pound Sterling
Russian Ruble
Swedish Krona
Swiss Franc
US Dollar
100 HUF
100 JPY
All wine and dandy
Poland’s wine market witnessed one of its most prosperous
periods during the 2011 / 2012 financial year claim reports
this week.
According to Parkiet, official figures will be released
in September, however Ambra group, one of Poland’s
leading wine specialists, states that total wine sales around
the country rose by 10 percent year on year.
“While figures are still lower here than in other nations
in Europe, we believe the next five years will see in an
increase in the region of 5-10 percent,” says Robert Ogor,
the company’s CEO.
Country comes together
to mourn victims
The number of employees who lost jobs thanks to
‘group redundancies’ during the first six months of
2012 (16 percent fewer than the same time last year),
according to Rzeczpospolita.
4 .3%
Poland’s inflation rate for June (compared to last year),
states data from the Central Statistical Office (GUS).
Fixed term contract changes
The Ministry of Labour has expressed its wish to put
a limit on temporary (fixed term) job contracts, writesY
At present, such contracts can last for anything up to 12
years (in some circumstances even more) - a time frame
which the government intends to reduce down to two and
a half years.
“We’re restricting fixed term contracts, which is what the
unions want,” states Deputy Minister of Labour Jacek
The new terms should come into force next year.
t took five seconds to transform Poland from a country bustling with
confidence into one wracked with
grief on a scale not seen since the Second
World War.
At some point on a nondescript Saturday
morning on April 10, the aircraft carrying
the president, his wife and 94 others
clipped a tree with its left wing as it
approached Smolensk airport in western
Russia. Five seconds later, now devoid of
one wing, it barrel rolled anti-clockwise,
before slamming roof first into the ground.
As news of the accident broke in Poland,
and one by one television channels
interrupted their regular services, news
readers struggled to contain their emotions
as they realised the devastating blow the
Smolensk disaster had dealt the country.
Along with President Kaczynski, and
Maria his wife, the casualty list read like a
who’s who of the Polish elite.
The head of the national bank, the
chief of the armed forces, the heads of the
navy and air force, two ministers, leading
politicians and dozens of others. Many
household names in Poland; now all dead.
The irony that the Tupolev Tu-154
crashed at it was carrying a delegation
to mark the 70th-anniversary of the
Katyn massacre, when Stalin’s henchman
slaughtered Poland’s best, was not lost.
© www.prezydent.pl
asic food prices in Poland are set
to increase by approximately 6 percent states the Polish Federation of
Issue 15 (66)
Poland hit by second Katyn tragedy
Warsaw’s Presidential Palace has become the focal point of the nation’s grief
“The Soviets killed Polish elites in Katyn
70 years ago. Today, the Polish elite died
there while getting ready to pay homage to
the Poles killed there,” said Lech Walesa.
former president, described Katyn as a
“cursed place, and of horrible symbolism”.
As Poles absorbed what Donald Tusk
called the “most tragic event in Poland’s
post-war history” thousands began to
make their way to the presidential palace
in central Warsaw, which was to become
the focal point of national mourning.
A small patch of flowers and candles
left by mourners expanded and grew,
carpeting the pavement and the road in
a tribute to those who had died. Political
differences vanquished by grief, thousands
upon thousands of people made their way
to the palace to pay their respects in quiet
The outpouring of sympathy for the
victims spoke volumes for the shock
and sadness that had touched Poles; it
also spoke volumes for the decency of
Don’t blame pilot
Two frozen minutes
NBP in turmoil
The parents of the pilot in charge of flying
the presidential plane have begged the world
not to blame their son for the crash.
Captain Arkadiusz Protasiuka was the
man responsible for landing the Polish
Air Force Tu-154M safely in Russia on
Saturday 10th April, but, for reason still
unknown, he was unable to successfully
carry out his task.
At noon on Sunday across the nation two
minutes silence was observed in memory
of the people that died in the air crash in
Smolensk. The silence was then pierced by
the claxons and sirens of local authority
warning systems and police vehicles. To
this mournful orchestra of wails, the Polish nation stood to attention and reflected
on their loss in the forests near Katyn.
The tragic death of the head of the
National Bank of Poland Slawomir
Skrzypek in Saturday’s plane crash leaves
questions open about who will replace
him, and how his loss will affect monetary
policy and other issues.
The succession issue is a major one, since
both the parliament and the president
must make the choice jointly.
Get a round-up of the
major Polish news,
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The New Poland Express I Friday 20th July 2012 I www.nwe.pl
don’t know if it’s
because it’s summer or because of
Euro 2012, but Warsaw is knee deep in
openings this season,
to the point where
I won’t have to look for column material
for the foreseeable future. That said I am
hesitant to let myself fall in love with an
anything new as I suspect some places will
face the boom-and-bust of our fickle attention spans. So let’s talk about two new
places, and two places that have recently
(and sadly) gone belly up.
RIP Costa Coffee and Nowy Wspaniały
Swiat on Nowy Swiat
Ok, I know it’s tacky to like a cheesy
chain like Costa, but this place was
my second home while I waited for an
official Internet connection in my flat last
21 .07 Saturday - 22 .07 Sunday
Arsenał City Gallery, Stary Rynek 6, tel. (+48) 12 633
28 39, www.festival.3loop.org/QEvent starts at 18:00.
21 .07 Saturday - Męskie Granie
Archeology Museum, ul. Poselska 3, tel. (+48) 12
686 61 65, www.meskiegranie.pl
QConcert starts at 17:00. Tickets 70zł. Available at
Empik, Rynek 5 (Open 09:00 - 22:00).
summer…to the point where, when I left
my watch there after an extended visit,
the staff kept it behind the counter and
returned it to me the next day. They were
like my first (faux) friends in Warsaw,
and now the place is shuttered. And just a
few doors down the street you’ll also now
find Nowy Wspaniały Swiat -- a favourite
spot for everything from oddball movies
to lectures to obscure DJs -- closed up
for good with hipsters scattering to the
winds. The place was always busy anytime
I popped in or even wandered past, and
this puts an end to my favourite pastime of
peeking through the window as I shuffled
past to note the latest insane haircut.
Business is good at Burger Bar and Soul
First the burgers: like everyone else,
I heard about Burger Bar long before
I set foot inside. And for once you can
24 .07 Tuesday - Roxette
Gdańsk/Sopot, Ergo Arena, Pl. Dwóch Miast
(Żabianka), tel. (+48) 55 647 09 02, www.
livenation.plQConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets
121-621zł. Available at EMPiK, Gdańsk, ul. Podwale
Grodzkie 8 (Open 09:00 - 21:00, Sun 11:00 - 20:00).
24 .07 Tuesday
Jazz Travel: Bernard Maseli MaBaSo Trio
Versalka, ul. Bohaterów Monte Casino 63,
believe the hype. The tiny place is no
more than a grill and a few tables, but
with burgers like these you don’t need
showy accoutrements. The meat is prime,
and the burgers are enormous multinapkin affairs. There’s also a pulled pork
sandwich, but I have yet to make it to that
part of the menu due to burger infatuation.
If you prefer a venue that won’t have
grease dribbling down your chin then
I suggest newcomer Soul Kitchen – bad
name, elegant food. The menu is short (a
characteristic I value after seeing so many
10-15 page menus on a regular basis) and
changes with the seasons. Everything
they do with asparagus is swoon-worthy,
and even their simple cold borscht was
leagues ahead of anything I’ve had before.
tel. (+48) 602 63 66 37, www.versalka.
plQConcert starts at 20:00. Tickets 30/20zł.
Available at Versalka (Open 09:00 - 24:00) and
before the concert.
21 .07 Saturday - 22 .07 Sunday
Polish Masters in Wrocław
City Stadium, Al. Śląska 1 (Maślice), tel. (+48)
22 632 24 78QPass 120-300zł. Available at www.
ticketpro.pl and Empik, Rynek 50 (Open 09:00 21:00, Sun 11:00 - 21:00).
Financed from the
resources of the
Ministry of Culture and
National Heritage
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
24 .07 Tuesday - 29 .07 Sunday
Globaltica World Cultures Festival 2012
Sopot Gdynia border, Kolibki Park, Al.
Zwycięstwa 291, tel. (+48) 606 45 70 12, www.
Globaltica is an extraordinary festival in
Poland’s summer events calendar. The
main goal is to show multicultural events
from a wide variety of traditions and
religions. However, it’s not about treating
the performances in same way as museum
pieces, but as living culture and a part of
contemporary life. It features modern artists
inspired by the traditions and roots of the
places they come from, but “translated”
into a modern medium for artistic and social
The main focus is music, but there will be the
chance to enjoy work from other artistic areas
such as literature, art and film. Globaltica
mainly takes place at the historical Kolibki Park
in Gdynia - a spacious meadow surrounded
by trees close to the sea, not far from the city
centre, next to the main road running through
the Tricity on the Gdynia-Sopot border. The
natural surroundings, much better than the
closed space of a concert hall, help create
the atmosphere for this unique artistic event.
This year’s names include Blindnote from
Belgium, Kila from Ireland and Vołosi from
Poland, Kila (Ireland), Dobet Gnahore (Ivory
Coast), Talilema (Madagascar), Alaev Family
(Tadzykistan), Antiche Ferrovie CalabroLucane (Italy), Yemen-Blues (Israel), Krak
Collective (Ethiopia) and Alejandro Toledo
The Magic Tombolinos (Argentina/Italy).QFull
schedule available at www.globaltica.pl.
Festival pass 38/33zł. Available at
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th July 2012 I www.nwe.pl
01 .07 Sunday - 31 .07 Tuesday
Summer Jazz Festival
tel. (+48) 12 633 28 39, www.cracjazz.com
Organised first in 1996 the Summer Jazz Festival
at Piwnica Pod Baranami celebrated the
venue’s 40th birthday and it hasn’t looked back
since with leading light Witold Wnuk directing
proceedings. Bigger each year, besides the daily
gigs at the Piwnica there are extra events at the
Kijów Cinema, Krakow Opera, Radio Krakow
auditorium, theatres, art galleries as well as
open air concerts on the Main Market. Over the
years all the best Polish musicians have played,
some more than once, like Tomasz Stańko,
Urszula Dudziak, Jarek Śmietana and Leszek
Możdżer. There have been stars from overseas
too including Bobby McFerrin, Branford Marsalis
and many more.
There are daily gigs at Piwnica pod Baranami from
2nd to 29th July with artists like J.P.Wróblewski,
W. Karolak, J. Śmietana, A. Pierończyk, M.Bałata,
L. Kułakowski, K. Ścierański, B. Maseli, P.Wojtasik.
A.Bałdycha, J. Skolias, A. Kawończyk, D.Wani, Funk
de Nite as well as interesting stars from abroad
such as Radio String Quartet Vienna, Roberto
Magris & Maria Dal Rovere Quartet (Italy), Bastein
Stein Quartet (Austria), MACHAUT Quartet
(France) and many more. The14th promises to
be an event to remember: The Night of Jazz is a
huge concert on Mały Rynek with Laboratorium
with the Kaliska Philharmonic and the Brooklyn
Funk Essential, a 10-person hiphop-jazz band
from New York. Something new in this year is
“Kraków Piano Solo Weekend” consisting of six
solo recitals at the Music Academy from 20th to
22nd July with Grammy winner Alan Broadbent,
Bobo Stenson and more tinkling the ivories. The
festival will closed on 31st July at the Kraków
Opera with a multimedia project - “Trzaskowski
Jam Session” - directed by Andrzej Wasylewski
with NRD Big Band, Randy Brecker, K. Herdzina Trio
and more performing. There will be also concerts
at the Mangha Centre with Piec Art, Harris, Miles
Stone and Piwnica. As you can see July belongs to
Summer Jazz Festival, so make sure you check the
their website for all the details, there’s a lot going
on - nice... wonderful.QTickets 40-70zł. Available
at www.cracjazz.pl and before the event. Full
schedule available at www.cracjazz.pl.
20 .07 Friday - 22 .07 Sunday
Jarocin Festival 2012
Jarocin, ul. Maratońska, tel. (+48) 12 633 28
39, www.jarocinfestiwal.pl
This grand old festival goes back to 1970 so
it’s officially celebrating 42 years this time
round. Even in the old days it was relatively
uncensored, perhaps to give the younger
element a safe way of letting off steam. For
many acts Jarocin was also a baptism of
fire: you could expects a shower of rotten
tomatoes, mud and stones, especially if you
were regularly on TV and therefore aligned
with the regime. Legends like Dżem, TSA,
Armia, Izrael, Dezerter, Sztywny Pal Azji, Acid
Drinkers, Hey and KAT have all debuted
here. This year’s schedule looks interesting,
the headlining stars are: Nosowska, Coma,
Luxtorpeda, Voo Voo and Snowman, Within
Temptation, Buldog, The Lunatics, Dead
On Time, Magnificent Muttley, Lao Che,
KSU, Set Your Goals, Jelonek, Łąki Łan, Kult,
Biohazard and Illusion. Some advice: get a
move on if you want to camp, pitches are
going fast.QEvents start at 15:00. Tickets
85-135zł. Available at www.ticketpro.pl and
City Information Centre, ul. Ratajczaka (Open
10:00 - 19:00, Sat 10:00 - 17:00. Closed Sun).
21 .07 Saturday - Tomato Battle
Stegny, ul. Inspektowa 1, tel. (+48) 22 632 24
78, www.tomatobattle.com
If you’re familiar with Spain’s La Tomatina, you’ll
get the idea here. However, it’s not just about
pelting your fellow revellers with fruit; there
will be good music and lots of beer too. Get
your hands, and everything else, dirty or simply
watch from a safe location as an estimated
2000 people dispose of 20 tons of toms. For the
eco-minded, there’s nothing to worry about:
they are not good for eating so nothing goes to
waste and, most importantly, they are also very
soft and squishy so you won’t get hurt. After the
fight you can relax in chillout zone where other
attractions have been prepared.QEvent starts
at 12:00. Tickets 25-79zł. Available at www.
In cooperation with In Your Pocket city guides
12 spORT
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th July 2012 I www.nwe.pl
Slask lead the way
lask Wroclaw are in good shape after
defeating Buducnost of Montenegro
2-0 this Wednesday night in the first
round, first leg of their Champions League
qualifier. The match featured a penalty and
a red card, both in favour of the Polish team,
but Slask will not be happy with the way they
played and cannot relax entirely yet.
The match opened with Buducnost
hogging possession and looking the more
dangerous side, but they failed to take their
chances. Slask rode their luck and then
promptly scored, Rok Elsner heading home
after 20 minutes.
The second half began with a penalty,
which Sebastian Mila had to score twice,
the first ruled out for players encroaching
into the box. That allowed the Wroclaw side
to relax a little and things got even easier
when Buducnost substitute Flavio Junior
was sent off for an elbow on Gikiewicz just
four minutes after coming on.
Things were more uncomfortable for
Slask off the pitch, where their press officer
was viciously mugged in the street by a
group of hooligans in Buducnost replica
shirts and outside the stadium a mob
attacked Slask technical staff, stealing a
trunk containing football equipment.
Elsewhere, in the Europa League on
Thursday night Ruch Chorzow staged an
impressive late comeback against Metalurg
Skopje, rallying from 1-0 down in the 69th
minute to being 3-1 winners and favourites
to progress to the next round.
Ruch were the better team throughout, but
their strikers appeared to be having an off day.
However, once Metalurg took the lead midway
through the second half, Ruch sprang into
action, taking only four minutes to equalise,
before going ahead in the 83rd minute and
adding a gloss to the score in extra time.
representatives were less happy, both
earning draws. Legia drew 2-2 with
Liepajas Metalurgs of Latvia. An under
strength Legia led, but failed to take
advantage of the Latvians playing the last
20 minutes with 10 men. They should still
be slight favourites to progress when they
meet at the Pepsi Arena next week.
Lech Poznan continued their travels to
the more remote parts of Europe, earning
a 1-1 draw with Khazar Lankaran of
Azerbaijan, after eliminating Taldykorgan
of Kazakhstan in the previous round. This
means the last two games have seen them
rack up an amazing 9,000km, but it will all
be worth it if they can progress to the third
qualifying round next week in Poznan.
Polonia War . . .Katowice
ans of Polonia Warszawa are up in
arms after the club was sold by controversial owner Jozef Wojciechowski, lock, stock and barrel to Ireneusz Krol,
owner of GKS Katowice, with whom the
Warsaw club will now merge.
Krol is now waiting for confirmation that
the Ekstraklasa will allow the new club KP
Katowice to play in the league and is hoping
that the Polonia players will soon turn up in
Katowice for pre-season training.
This Tuesday an angry group of masked
Black Shirt supporters arrived in former
owner Jozef Wojciechowski’s business
headquarters to demonstrate their
disapproval at the sale and relocation of
their club, forcing a press conference by the
outspoken businessman to be abandoned.
They can have little complaint though, as
only in 2008 Polonia did exactly the same
to Groclin Grodzisk Dyskobolia.
There is one grain of comfort, though.
Wojciechowski still retains the rights to the
name, badge and colours of Polonia and could
reactivate the club, but they would have to
begin life at the bottom of the fourth division.
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Blaszczykowski to Spurs?
Poland’s captain, Jakub Blaszczykowski, is reportedly attracting interest from Spurs, where new manager Andre
Villas-Boas is trying to both shape a new squad while
dealing with the likely departure of Luka Modric to Real
Madrid. Blaszczykowski had a decent Euros, particularly
with his stunning strike against Russia, as well as an excellent second half of the season ant Bundesliga champions
Borussia Dortmund.
Dortmund are trying to get the Pole to sign a new four year
contract, as he only has one year left on his current deal.
A recent announcement that he had re-signed was flatly
contradicted by the player, who then refused to comment
further. If he doesn’t sign for Borussia, Blaszczykoski would
be able to leave on a free transfer next summer, so if they
can’t keep him the Germans may ultimately be tempted to
earn some cash from the player while they can.
Lechia Poland’s Chelsea?
Lechia Gdansk may have found a new owner, Anton
Zingarevich, the son of a Russian multimillionaire. Zingarevich has only recently bought Reading FC in England and
has plans to turn it into a major Premier League player, but
it seems he is also interested in buying Lechia, if the price
is right.
The Russian is apparently ready to offer in the region
of EUR 8 mln for the Gdansk club, but there are question marks as to whether the current owner Andrzej
Kuchar will accept it. “Although the figures are enormous, Kuchar is up to something again. In my opinion, the chances of the deal being concluded are
fifty-fifty,” an informer close to the negotiations told
Gazeta Trojmiasto.
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th July 2012 I www.nwe.pl
newshere.Email editor@newpolandexpress.pl
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with contract sign. 2600euro/month
Contact: Klas@bellair.
Beautiful new property in the Konstancin district
(Siedliska) 185 squ. metres, with usable attic,
all media, development stage. Attractive price!
details: www.ergoek-projekt.pl
Contact: English +48 500 545 587,
Polish +48 502442032
e-mail: mariaaleksandra@tlen.pl
economic, reliable and in good condition Rover
75 CDT,116 PS, Diesel ( with original BMW 3
series Motor ), Mod. 01/2000, 192 TKM, Insurance
till 01/2013, back brakes and shock absorber
new, exhaust partially new
Contact: 694459694
Move Out Sale
Recruitment Manager
Mostly women’s used & new, clothing and shoes,
(xs-s, shoes: 8), jewelry, books (English & Polish),
board games (kids & adults), printer & phone almost new, perfumes - new, zippo lighters - new,
telescope and kid’s bike (7-10 y.o.) and much
more. Wilanów.
Contact - edyta007@hotmail.com
KIA CEED 2009, automatic transmission
(115 hp), diesel 1.6, warranty until 2016.
Mileage only 42000 km.
Great car!
Recruitment manager, looking for short contract
role for up to 6 months.
Contact - 506496153
2011 santa cruz blur lt carbon
Flat for sale
We are dealers in all kinds of bicycles. We sell in
bulk and to single buyers.
Contact - simmsbicyclestore@gmail.com
Flat for sale in Jelonki, Warsaw borough of
Bemowo, on 9th floor of 12-floor block; bright
and airy, 82.6 sq.m, 4 rooms, PLN 460,000
Contact: szend@aster.pl or 600 366 899
Contact - 609016596
The New Poland Express I Friday 20th July 2012 I www.nwe.pl
yourcommunitygroupshere.Email editor@newpolandexpress.pl
Gospel Baptist Church in Warsaw Welcomes You!
Toastmasters International - Warsaw
English Speaking Expat Group
Sunday 11:00, Thursday 18:00, ul. Grochowska 324 paw. 8
(Close to Wedel chocolate and Lays chips)
Gospel Singing
Bible Preaching & Teaching
Children’s Program in English
Family oriented
Services in English and Polish languages!
For more information contact: Pastor P. E. Sock
Tel. 48 500 270 990, E-mail: paulesock@yahoo.com
Toastmasters club invites all to the weekly meetings.
Toastmasters is an international organization for
improving the art of Public Speaking. Guests are most
welcome without any obligation apart from a short
introduction. We meet every Wednesday at 19.00 at TP
S.A. building, Twarda 18, Warsaw.
For more info see toastmasters.org.pl
or call Etan at 696-292-451
A good way to make new friends: English-language
players sought for game that constructs collective story
narratives using high-level language communication
and a few simple rules. Wholesome fun.
Contact: Aneta.Bereda@wp.pl
International community for Warsaw’s Expats
Meeting with Polish language! :)
The English Speakers’ Club
Be cordially invited to join Warsaw Entertain - a
networking group which brings foreigners and local
people together in order to have fun while participating
in social events and meeting up with new people
in Warsaw. We organize events or just bring people
Be cordially invited to this unique Polish language event
on Saturday March 31, 11 am where Warsaw Entertain
will present you with an innovative e-learning platform.
You will be given access to one online lesson at the
event, free of charge. Additionally, we invite you for an
outdoor “SEARCHING FOR A SPRING” lesson.
University Library
ul. Dobra 56/66, Warsaw
level -1 !!! :-)room 13
password: Warsaw Entertain
The next meeting of the English Speakers’ Club
will be on Friday 24.02.12 at Quo Vadis, PLac
Narutowicza 8 from 8pm-11pm. ‘A sociable
Murdo MacLeod: murdowski@gmail.com
Poznan International Ladies Club
C of E Additional Service
Free conversation lessons
Meetings on the first Wednesday of the month
(September - June)
Andersia Hotel, Restaurant Mosaica, 9:30 AM
Continental breakfast (cost 30 zl)
Social time and information about upcoming
The Church of England in Poland is running an
additional service, led by Father Felix, at 4pm each
Sunday, except the third Sunday of the month, for
the period between now and the beginning of Lent.
Further extension of this service will depend on
popular demand. All are welcome.
Place: Res Sacra Miser Chapel, ul. Krakowskie
Przedmiescie 62, Warsaw.
Free conversation lessons take place at KLUB
DIALOGU, Krakowskie Przedmieście 13/156
(entrance from Tokarzewskiego) every Saturday at
11:00 am and 12:10 pm.
Please call: 22-498-1010
or email us: info@klubdialogu.pl if you are interested
Church of England in Poland
The Sikh Community
Role Playing Game in Warsaw
We welcome Anglicans, Episcopalians and all others
interested, to celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday
morning at 10.30 am. Join us for light refreshments
after the service to learn more about the activities
of our church.
Place: Res Sacra Miser Chapel, ul. Krakowskie
Przedmiescie 62, Warsaw.
The Sikh Community of Warsaw meets each Sunday
at the Sikh Gurudwara in Rashyn, Ul Na Skraju
56. All are welcome. Kirtan starts at midday and
langar is served after the Bhog at about 1400. For
more information contact 22 868 4541. The Sikh
faith is about equality, honesty and standing up
to oppression. Anyone visiting the Guru’s house is
welcome, in return for due respect and consideration
of the Sikh faith.
International English-speaking group in Warsaw,
mostly foreign professionals, play tabletop
Dungeons & Dragons fortnightly. No experience
necessary but fluent English proficiency is
required. Have a good time. Play some games.
Meet new friends. Open your imagination. More
info: Facebook group: http://tiny.cc/zaffa or
Poland Tartan Army
International Women’s Group
A new Poland Tartan Army Facebook group
has been created. If you are a fan of Scottish
football and our national team please
join the group by visiting Facebook and
conducting a search for Poland Tartan Army.
If anyone, who is not a part of Facebook,
is interested in this idea then please email
murraymaw@hotmail.com to register your interest.
We are a Polish and Expat social group who organise a
walk/run in a forest, park or around the city, followed by
a few beers (or whatever takes your fancy!). We meet at
the Marriott hotel on alternate Saturdays at 2pm. “Hash
House Harriers” is an international group, which was
originally established in Malaysia 70 years ago.
All are welcome. For details, call Martin at 502-052-958.
Email warsawh3@gmail.com or www.warsawhash.pl
Meetings are held twice a month on the SECOND
Monday at 10.30 (for location see our newsletter
or website) and on the FOURTH Monday of the
month at Moulin Rouge restaurant located in
the Zlote Tarasy Shopping Mall (ul. Zlota 59) from
10:00 - 11:00.
For more information see www.iwgwarsaw.eu or
contact us at iwgwarsaw@yahoo.com
For further details feel free to contact Barbara by
emailing: warsaw.entertain@gmail.com