Spring 2007 - Multiple District N


Spring 2007 - Multiple District N
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 2 COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON PDG Bev Semple (Carl) NB Res (506) 638­9308 7 Peat Drive PEI Res. (902) 836­3261 Quispamsis, NB Car Cell (506) 640­3334 E2E 4M3 bsemple@rogers.com COUNCIL SECRETARY TREASURER PDG Ray Penny (Shirley) (H) (902) 627­2102 RR # 2 (F) (902) 627­1132 Mahone Bay, NS B0J 2E0 shirley.penny@ns.sympatico.ca Council of Governors 2006­2007 41­L DG Carolyn Gile 41­I DG Paula Beach 41­O DG Boyd Sangster 41­N1 DG Tim Hoban 41­N2 DG Evie Morine 41­S1 DG Oral Clarke 41­S2 DG Sam Parsons THE FORTY ONE’R PDG JAN PHILLIPS 188 Gibson Street, Fredericton, N.B. E3A 4E3 Tel 506­472­8959 Fax 506­472­6385 E­mail concrete@nb.sympatico.ca Visit the Website lionsmd41.com
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 03 Council Chairman Report When I took on the challenge of MD 41 Council Chairperson, I had no idea it would be such an enlightening, inspiring and rewarding experience. I want to thank the Council of Governors for this past year. Our MD is presently going through major issues which are resulting in major changes. Effective July 6 th , 2007, we will have a new identity. This will affect both Atlantic Canada and Maine. These new identities will bring forth many new challenges. Are we ready for it? You bet we will be. The MD is offering new programs for members to grow in education and training. All districts should take advantage of these programs and send members when possible. These members can bring a new and updated knowledge base back to the clubs. I encourage as many as possible to take advantage of these programs. This year it was exciting to hear that our MD had one of our Peace Posters picked as one of the top twenty­three out of 350,000 entries around the world. Our winner is a twelve year old student from 41­L, Maine. What a celebration for our MD 41. This is a first time that I am aware of for our MD. All the posters that were submitted to the MD for judging will be on display at the MD Convention in May. We should be proud of our youth. All Lions Clubs should try to get involved in this great project in your community. Another first for our MD was a woman being elected as Council Chairperson. Ladies in Lions have come along way since being accepted as members in 1987. Twenty years we have been celebrating the joining of men and women in service. We all serve in our clubs, districts, and multiple districts in our unique way. Together as a team, we are that much stronger to get the job done to better serve our communities. Let us continue to grow and increase our worldwide service. Thank you for supporting me in this position as Council Chairperson. This has been a great experience and an education to help me in my years to follow in lionism. Council Chairperson MD 41 2006­2007 Beverley Semple Inside This Issue…… Farewell to MD 41, PID Jim Sherry ….…..………....… 4 District Governor Reports “L” DG Carolyn Gile ……...…. 5 “I” DG Paula Beach ……....…. 6 “O” DG Boyd Sangster ..…........ 7 “N1” DG Tim Hoban ….………. 7 “N2” DG Evie Morine .….…….. 9 “S1” DG Oral Clarke ………... . 9 “S2” DG Sam Parsons …..….. 11 Jemseg 25 th Charter ……………………………….…. 14 Harrison 50 th Charter ………………………...….….. 16 MD 41 Finance Report ………………………….…… 17 Minutes from Council Meeting Fall Conference ….…. 19 Long Range Planning – Minutes ………………….… 27 Long Range Planning Report ……………………….. 28 Campaign Sight First 11 ……………………….….…. 31 Peace Poster Contest …………………………….….. 31 Leo Report …………….………………………….…. 33 MD 41 History ………….………………………….… 34 The “Last “ 41’er – 1977 ….……………………….... 36 District History ……….………………………….… .. 37 Pictures from the past ….………………………….…. 39 MD 41 Convention Registration ….…………….……. 47 Pictures & Stories Throughout From The Editor… Thank You! to all who have helped me over the last three years as Communication Chairperson.The 41’er. couldn’t have been done without you. Special Thank You to Lion Paul Babin for his hard work on our Web­Site. We have come a long way in the past three years. Great Site! A special thanks for the “History” from PID Jim & PID Lew and to Lion Kathy Cross. Lion Jan Phillips AN IRISH FRIENDSHIP WISH May there always be work for your hands to do; May your purse always hold a coin or two; May the sun always shine on your window pane; May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain; May the hand of a friend always be near you; May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you
Page 4 SPRING 2007 The 41’er Lincoln Lions FAREWELL TO MD 41 I spent my working career with the Provincial Government and have seen many changes over the years, most of them for the sake of change, not for the betterment of the taxpayer. I sincerely hope that the redistricting of MD­41 is for the betterment of the Lions of Maine, U.S.A. and Atlantic Canada. Jean and I have many fond memories of the Conventions in MD­41. Our first was in St. John’s, Newfoundland in May l973 and it was snowing when we arrived. However, it was our first visit to the great Province and we had a wonderful time and made lasting friendships and enjoyed many visits there since then. I will always remember our first convention in Maine. It was in Augusta at the Civic Centre in May l974 and we were on site at the Holiday Inn. After the convention we visited Jean’s relatives in Belgrade Lakes. There are a number of Conventions that stand our in our minds; one being in Charlottetown in 1975 with International President Johnny Balbo as the guest speaker. Another was in Portland when International President Austin Jennings was the speaker. We had fifteen Lions and partners in attendance. One of our Lions asked me to get the President to sign his visitation card. Being the shy guy that I am to this day, there was no way that I would do that. I went into the washroom and signed the card on behalf of the President, and to this day he doesn’t know the difference; neither does Past President Jennings. I could go on about the conventions in our MD and the Presidents we had besides those mentioned above including Bert Mason in Halifax; Harry Aslan in Bangor; Kay Murakami in Moncton; Joe Wroblewski in Portland and Kay Fukushima in Corner Brook, etc. Personally, I am saddened with the redistricting of MD 41. I totally understand the reasons for it but they don’t justify the means. To the soon to be MD­N, I give my full support and to the Lions of Maine, I wish you the very best and look forward to seeing you in St. John’s and thereafter. In closing, I take the opportunity to say to all of you, that Jean and I have met and known over the years, that we have enjoyed your friendship and look forward to seeing you at future Lions events. The greatest thing about being a Lion or Lioness is the places we have been, the people we have met and the many friends we have made along the way. Take care. PID Jim & Jean Sherry
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 5 DISTRICT GOVERNOR REPORTS DISTRICT 41 ­L The Lions of District 41­L are alive and well….including the District Governor. Thanks to the great Lions of District 41­L my year so far as been exciting, enjoyable and full of FUN. And, FUN is what it’s all about. My visitations with the Clubs are almost finished and have been one of the highlights of the year. I have been warmly welcomed by every Club. I am carrying President Jimmy Ross’s message regarding Family Membership, New dues structure, Club Renewal Initiative Program, CSFII, the need for Publicity, plus tips on membership and retention. I have really enjoyed traveling around, catching up with the old friends and at the same time making new ones. It’s quite an experience. Clubs have just finished up a very busy season making Christmas brighter for those in need with warm clothing, food baskets, parties for kids, bell ringing for the Salvation Army…….you name it, they did. All this and selling Christmas trees, wreaths and having craft fairs. But, they also took time out to have some FUN at Christmas Parties, tree lightings, etc. The District got off to a good start with our first Cabinet Meeting which was held on August 27 th , at Camp Susan Curtis in Stoneham, Maine and from my point of view as District Governor, it was very relaxed and full of fun….a huge success,. It was hosted by the Waterford/Stoneham Lions and they provided us with a Pig Roast BBQ. There were at least 105 in attendance which are great numbers for an August meeting. The second Cabinet Meeting was in December and hosted by the Massabesic Lions Club with 92 Lions in attendance. It was most successful and above all it was FUN with capital letters. We had a keyboard player who provided music and Lion Carl Talbot had everyone singing carols. There were tours of the Eyeglass Recycling Center (located upstairs in our building), a basket auction, a production of “Twelve Days of Christmas” put on by the Massabesic Lions Players plus a scavenger hunt arranged by District Tail Twister Faye. Oh, yes, we actually did get our business done in between the chatter, laughter and singing. The third cabinet Meeting was on February 4 th , hosted by the Windham Club who provided us a wonderful breakfast. We had 101 Lions from 41L in attendance representing 27 Clubs. We had 11 visitors from our “soon to be” partners from 41­I, which gave us a chance to get to know them a little bit. The annual pie and cake auction was held with lots of “giddy” and some “unsuspecting” bidders (raised their hand or scratched their nose when they shouldn’t have). Guest speaker was John Lamb, president of the Maine Public Relations Council. John spoke to us about two areas of public relations: planning and strategizing and commonly used tools and techniques. He gave out handout sheets with the information he covered. Tail Twister Faye Roderick read a story concerning the left and right (which most Lions had difficulty discerning which was which) and as usual everyone ended up paying a fine. One of the items discussed and voted on at that Cabinet Meeting was for the Lions of District 41­L to honor five of our Lions with Melvin Jones Fellowships designated for Campaign Sight First II. The recipients will be selected from recommendations made by their Clubs and the Fellowships will be presented by PIP Jim Coffey at our District Convention in April. The District has had a lot going on. Six out of the eight Zones have held at least one meeting plus a couple of Region Meetings. Zone and Region Chairs have been out and about visiting the Clubs and making their reports. Clubs are doing visitations and some have had joint meetings. Sixteen Clubs participated in White Cane Day with the fruit of their efforts being $5,408.92 donated to Maine Sight and Hearing. Nine Clubs participated in the Peace Posters contest (3 more than last year). Posters were judged and District 41­ L’s winning entry was submitted by Jade Russell Johnson, a 12 year old sixth grade student at Falmouth Middle School. Her entry went on to win the Multiple District contest. And, I am so very proud to be able to say that Jade was chosen as one of the 23 Merit Awards Winners by the judges at Lions Clubs International. And, the Falmouth Lions are making arrangements at their expense for Jade and her parents and Jim Mullins, President of the Falmouth Lions Club to go to Lions Day at the United Nations and be recognized for her talent. Now the Clubs are gearing up for one of the highlights of the year, the Speakout Contest. The “speakoff” at our District Convention and then the Multiple District Convention is always a crowd pleaser. As often as possible, I try my best to not make negative comments or reports, and even though our numbers from
Page 6 SPRING 2007 The 41’er International as of the end of December showed we were at 1147, I took this as a positive sign because that was the same number as the end of November and it appears that most of the clubs have cleaned out their “attics”, and we are on an upswing. . Of course, the biggie that is currently being worked on are the plans for our new single District 41. The decision was made between the two sitting Vice District Governors that VDG Ann McFarland of District 41­I will be the first Governor of District 41 and Lion and PDG Bob Swett from District 41­L has been nominated for the position of Vice District Governor. Committees have been set up to decide how the “Lions of Maine” will operate and everyone is working together to insure that new District 41 is properly organized and gets off to a smooth start. There is lots of work and preparation to be completed, but we are fortunate to have many long­ time, caring, dedicated and knowledgeable Lions in L, I and our four Clubs from O, to use as resources. I am confident that once July 7 th , 2007 arrives, we will be able to come together once again as the “Lions of Maine” doing what we do best: working to serve our fellow man, our local and world communities; continue our plan of building healthy clubs and healthy members working to build up membership and retain our present members……all for the cause of Lionism. It’s an exciting time for all of us as we work together to make District 41 the best that it can possibly be and the best for ALL the Lions of Maine. Our Convention committees selected “Maine Lions, Together Again” as the theme for our convention set for April 27, 28 and 29 th at the Samoset Resort in Rockport. We have a jam packed weekend planned. PIP Jim Coffey will be our speaker. We have a golf tournament on Friday, Meet and Greet on Friday evening with “ballroom dance lessons”, a tour of the Farnsworth Museum in Rockland, a PJ breakfast on Saturday morning, nine great breakout sessions, Speakout Contest, and of course election of officers and presentation of awards. It is going to be FUN, FUN, and more FUN!!!!!!!!!! Thank you. District Governor Carolyn Gile District 41­L Don’t forget…..”Make It FUN…and they will come (and join and stay)”!!!! DISTRICT 41­I February Report 41­I has so many dedicated Lions working at fundraisers and volunteering hours of time on projects to make life better for Mainers in their communities during the holiday season, as well as throughout the entire year. I am always amazed at the ingenuity shown in the projects and great ideas. Our Lion year got off to a great start with our pre­cabinet meeting held in Gardiner at the Gardiner Club House with a panel discussion. The topics were educational as to what all the chairs should be doing in their respective positions. It shed light for many to know what of the district cabinet positions comprise. The meeting was very well attended on a beautiful Sunday in August. IPG Tim Chase and PID Lew Small created a zone and region chair class, and PDG Mark Potter with the help of IPCST Lise Potter created a great Treasurer’s and Secretary’s school. VDG Ann McFarland outlined the workings of the MERL Team, and what she hoped to achieve. As District Governor, I wanted to make sure that everyone knew that there was no such thing as a dumb question. Have a question? ASK! If I don’t know the answer, I can find it out from someone in the district who will know! Our first cabinet meeting was held in October at the Readfield Clubhouse. Again Lions form all over the district attended and I was thrilled. Our budget was passed, additional meeting dates were discussed and reports from the region and zone chairs were read. PDG John Youney spoke at length about the USA/Canada Forum. VDG Ann thanks him for stealing most of her speech. A recipient of a Fidelco Guide dog, Lynn Duplissis, was the guest speaker as well as Queeg, her German Shepard. As she took Queeg around the room, Queeg zeroed in on one particular Lion, King Lion Pat Faucher. In his other life, he’s the dog catcher in Oakland. I have received many reports noting new members, and have had the pleasure of inducting new members in clubs that haven’t had any growth in several years. I am certain the “adds” will outweigh the “drops” this year. Our Campaign Sight First II project is going well, with many clubs pledging donations, and Damariscotta­ Newcastle and Skowhegan announcing they will both be a model club in Maine. All the clubs are reporting great ideas in fundraising and projects. Christmas baskets were made and delivered, wreaths were constructed and sold, and dinners were coordinated and served. The proceeds from these fundraisers will help someone else, who might not be able to help themselves. All this happens when you put a group of people together and call them Lions. I have visited twenty six of my thirty seven clubs, with two scheduled this week. As with most clubs, membership and retention is a problem. We have discussed membership drives and the art of asking. We will ask for a cup of coffee at a drive­thru restaurant, but we won’t ask a colleague to become a Lion. What’s wrong with this picture? Lion Michael McCormick, membership chair is
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 7 also visiting the clubs to help them with their membership drives. We were fortunate enough to have money in our budget to be able to award six Melvin Jones Fellowships to deserving Lions in the district. These awards will be given at the New England Lions Council meeting February 24 th , 2007 in Marlboro, MA. We are excited to present these awards as they will be presented to the present by Past International President Ashok Mehta, the guest speaker for the weekend. Our transition teams are working together to make our melding into one district as seamless as possible. We have adopted the constitution and by­laws of the Multiple, excluding any Canadian references during our shift to one district. Members of the district to the south joined us at our third cabinet meeting January 21, at the Alfond Center in Waterville. We had a delightful time and were able to share ideas and “secrets”. One February 4 th members of the district to the north joined the district to the south at their cabinet meeting and again had a wonderful time in Windham. This will work, because we are all Lions and We Serve. Thank you. DG Paula J. Beach Maine 41­I DISTRICT 41­O Report – January 2007 Happy New Year everyone! The last six months have been exciting and eventful as we prepare to merge with District N1. I have nearly completed all my club visits with only 2 weather cancellations. I will have all visits completed by March 5, 2007 with the cooperation of Mother Nature. In addition to the annual club visits, I have done several Charter nights and new member inductions – 9 during the month of January. Our Clubs all were extremely active over Christmas helping their respective communities ensure Christmas came to as many families as possible. It is truly amazing the amount of work that our Lions do, ­ the people they help, the service they provide. The Portage Christmas Party was a grand success with 106 Lions joining the residents to make one day in their lives much brighter. In actual fact, these young people help validate our work as Lions – their smiles and yes, even their tears, make everything we do worth the effort. My thanks go to PDG Sonny Bonnell for the excellent job he did with the organization of this event. Our redistricting committees are working with their counterparts from District N1 to combine our two districts. The drafts of all documents should be ready for first reading by February 28, 2007 with a review meeting planned for March 4, 2007. For the first time in a few years, we will have an election for District Governor. Both candidates have been involved in the planning stages for the new District. Our Clubs are getting their Speakout contests organized to have their zone representative ready for the District Speakout at the April Convention in Fredericton. We have a joint District 41 ­0 & 41­N1 Regional Faculty Development Leadership Institute scheduled for May 24 – 27, 2007. Lion Rod Wright will represent District 41­0 at the Leadership training in Toronto. Our Nackawic Leo Club has been reactivated with 9 new Leo. Congratulations to Lion Brian Toole for his hard work. Two of our 2005­06 Presidents – KL Keith Trask and KL Ray Regular have received the Diamond Pin awarded for net membership gains during the 2005­2006 Lionistic Year. Congratulations to both! Plans are well under way for the Officers training sessions in April at the Convention. As LCI continues to make changes, these training opportunities become very important for new (and old) Club Officers and Zone Chairpersons. Both Districts 41­0 and 41­N1 will hold their training sessions. Plans for the Convention are well underway – promising to be a fun and informative weekend. PDG Kevin, Convention Chair, is going with a “Country theme” so bring your Cowboy hat and your dancing shoes and be ready to have a great time. Our International guest will be ID Leland R. Kolkmeyer. Respectfully submitted, Boyd Sangster District Governor 41­0 DISTRICT 41­ N1 All Annual Club Visitations have been completed. My message this year of “BACK TO GRASS ROOTS”, is being well received, with most Clubs taking a good look at themselves and making efforts to renew their Clubs. Most Zone Chairs have visited their Clubs and held the required Zone Meetings. The District’s 3 rd Cabinet Meeting is to be held in North & South Esk Lions Club on March 11, 07. The organization and plans for the 41N1 Convention & Officers School have been completed and will take place on April 20, 21, 22, in North Rustico, PEI. ID Howard A. JENKINS and Linda have been confirmed. The first official meeting of N1 will be at the Sussex Lions Club where the new Constitution and election of incoming VDG and DG will be held. Members meeting thr qualifications are encouraged to apply for the VDG and other positions.
Page 8 SPRING 2007 The 41’er DISTRICT PUBLIC RELATIONS will be in the forefront this year as Premier BINNS of PEI will be declaring April 21, 07 as “LIONS DAY”, on the Island. We will be putting a newspaper insert in the largest Island newspaper “The GUARDIAN” to coincide with this day and it will highlight all Island Clubs by providing information on their major projects, contributions given, and man­hours provided to their communities. The insert will also have an invitation for interested persons to apply for membership. We will be meeting with Premier GRAHAM of NB and doing the same in NB as in PEI. True LIONISM is still alive in 41N1 & 0. We have a Lion who lost the lower portion of his leg last fall. Because of this, he being a truck driver, could not work for some time. He has been trying to get assistance from Government, etc., to provide him with a prosthesis leg, but to no avail. At our fall convention I mentioned this situation to a fellow Lion Mike MENZIES of 41­0 and he informed me that he, having a prosthesis himself, has a considerable number of prosthesis parts in his garage. Lion Mike said he would check with our Lion Robert BRANCH, which he did. A week before Christmas, Lion Robert received a package in the mail. When he opened it, it was a prosthesis from Lion Mike and a note “From one Lion to Another, Helping a fellow Lion get on his feet”. Lion Mike gave the gift to Robert and he is now using it, driving, etc. What a Christmas gift to give to someone and straight from the heart. God bless you Lion Mike and now I understand you need help yourself and we will do what we can for you. We just learned that Lion Mike has cancer and is traveling to Halifax for treatments. Membership continues to be a problem, especially in the smaller rural areas where a considerable number or residents are spending half or most of their year out West in Alberta working. The smaller clubs are continuing with their work in serving their communities, ­2­ however with smaller membership contributing to burn­out and a loss of some community involvement. We have some clubs that cannot attract membership, yet when needed the community is there to fully back and assist them. Ladies are starting to come on board and have been accepted in two of our long standing predominant male Lions Clubs. They have become a great asset and contribute greatly to our cause. The development and presentation of District Governor Certificates of Special Appreciation to Lions who are the backbone of their clubs, has had a very positive affect. When you see a Monarch Lion filled with tears upon being recognized by his/her club is reward enough for me. The smaller Clubs (under 20) are doing an unbelievable amount of work in their communities. The District will be recognizing these Clubs under 20 for the first time this year. Similar to all other Districts, we are experiencing problems with M & A reports not being submitted as required. It would be absolutely perfect if we could resolve this problem. However, it is an administration problem only, as the majority of the Clubs are continuing to Serve their communities. A part of this problem stems from the Clubs electing Lions into positions wherein they do not send these Lions to attend the Officers Schools. We have found that the Clubs having problems generally stems from the fact their Officers are not trained. One simple solution; Make sure when you elect Officers you send them to the Schools. REDISTRICTING MAINLY AFFECTS 41N1 and 0. The other three districts are not involved as there are no changes being made therein. So 41S1, 41S2, and 41N2 got off easy leaving all the work to myself and DG Boyd. With that being said, we are well on the way in our reorganization of the District N1 We have established committees to look at all aspects of the changes and everything should be in place by March 04, 07. A joint meeting of the committees will be held in Salisbury Lions Club on the 4 Mar 07. At this meeting all committees will report and their recommendations reviewed and finalized. Great work Lions of 41N1 & 0. Training for our District is being supported ie: the Leadership School in Nova Scotia by paying the cost for ten Lions to attend. We are also involved in the faculty Development Institute to be held at Mount Allison with PDG Fred COOK organizing it. We wish both training Schools great success. The organization of the MD­N Convention in 2008, has been accepted by the Parkdale Sherwood Lions Club and will be held in Charlottetown, PEI. JOINT PROJECT WITH 41N2 ­ BASEBALL CAP COLLECTION – SIGHT FIRST ­ We have asked all Clubs in our districts to gather new baseball caps for distribution to those individuals getting their eyes fixed by Lions. We learned that once their eyes were fixed the glare of the sun then became a problem. Riverview Lions Club has agreed to be the collection point for all caps. We ask that you support us in this great cause. This has been a great year for me so far, only having to deal with some minor problems. Lion Betty and I want to thank the Clubs in 41N1 for their hospitality and generosity show us upon my annual visits. Thank­You! DG Tim
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 9 DISTRICT 41­N2 “Building Bridges Together” Quote of the Day – “The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving”. Oliver Wendell Holmes Happy New Year Lions One and All, and what a memorable year it is for our great organization – we are 90 years old this year! Over these years not only have we seen remarkable growth to become the largest service organization in the world today, but we have also seen many global changes and programs as we now have a presence in 199 countries around the world. However, our motto, “We Serve” has remained constant, and will continue to remain a beacon to those in need for the next 90 years. Here in our District our motto is so very evident with the grass roots initiative I see in my travels as Lions work in their communities and in their neighborhoods and in their District helping to make the lives of others, both young and old, more fruitful, more meaningful, more healthy and vital. Certainly lives that are filled with more hope and promise! Yes, Lions of District 41­N2, “Thank You” for your untiring efforts and your commitment to our motto “We Serve”. The Lions year 2007 is further significant in that our Leos celebrate their 50 th anniversary, the Peace Poster the 20 th anniversary, and the Women’s membership into Lions will also celebrate 20 years this year. The 41­N2 Winter Cabinet Meeting to be held in Truro will be here before you know it, February 9 th and 10 th . Another great event is being planned by the Truro Lions. There will be a Meet and Greet on Friday evening and the Saturday business meeting with noontime roast beef dinner, will also feature a presentation by the Eye Center. The district Peace Posters will also be on display at this Cabinet meeting. Our entry from the Kingston Lions Club, produced by Kortni Watson won 3 rd place in the Multiple District. Speak Out Contests – The Zone level Speak Outs are now well under way to be completed no later than March 31 st , 2007. The winners at the zone levels will go on to Yarmouth in April to compete on the District level. Thank you to the clubs that are initiating a contest this year! I am very pleased to report that due to the efforts of all the clubs our District membership numbers are at a plus through November 2006. As a matter of fact, I am also pleased to report that out of the seven sub­districts in MD 41, WE are the ONLY sub­district that shows an increase, according to LCI figures!! The deadline is getting near for applications to the Multiple District Regional Lions Leadership Institute to be held on May 4, 5, and 6 2007 at the Scotian Glen Camp just outside of New Glasgow here in Nova Scotia. The applications and $50.00 fee per enrollee is due no later than February 15 th , 2007. These should be sent to Leadership Chairperson, PDG Charles Uhlman, Box 599, Mahone Bay, NS B0J 2E0. He can also be reached at 902­ 624­9363. This Institute is a great opportunity to hone your skills, learn new ones, and further your leadership growth. District Curling dates are March 3 rd and 4 th , 2007 being hosted by the Meteghan Lions Club. Our district has at least three district wide sporting events each year, with great participation and competitiveness! Besides the curling, we have an annual Golf Tournament each year in August, and district wide bowling in the Fall. Melvin Jones’ Birthday is January 13 th . This would be a great time to consider presenting a worthy Lion or other individual with a Melvin Jones Fellowship. Take a look at the District Governor web site – lots of good information: www.districtgovernor41­n2.lionwap.org My visitations are going along great with excellent attendance at every one. My message is being well received and the club’s hospitality and reception have been fabulous. The year is going by much too quickly, to quote Robert Frost …..”miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep”. Together in Lions Service, Evie Morine, District Governor DISTRICT 41­S1 As District 41­S1 winds its way through the final year of its existence, it is indeed my pleasure to bring you this report as District Governor for 2006 ­ 2007. At present we have 39 Lions Clubs, one Branch Lions Club, 11 Lioness Clubs and one active Leo Club . At the end of September our district had an official count of 962 Lions Club members. This year has indeed been a busy one with the District Governor training which began in Portland and culminated in Boston. Luckily for me most of our clubs, due to work commitments and vacations, are inactive during the months of July and August. This slow time for our clubs gave me a chance to take stock and prepare myself for the activities of the next several months.
Page 10 SPRING 2007 The 41’er The year for me began with a fury as the personal problems of our printing company delayed the availability of our District Directory until mid September. We did however, have a very successful Secretary’s Training School and Cabinet meeting in Corner Brook on August 26 th . The meetings were held at the newly renovated Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) building in Corner Brook. ( This building was recently renovated by the Corner Brook Lions Club, thanks to a LCIF grant of US $86,000.) This was the first time that our District has attempted computer training for secretaries, and even though the attendance was low, the comments from all participants were very positive. Thanks to PDG Lion Eldon Swyer and PDG Lion Chris Manuel for their great efforts in bringing our secretaries into the technological age!! Also thanks to a local company, Computers and Communications Ltd of Deer Lake for providing most of the equipment and setup. I have begun my club visitations on an invitation basis only, to give clubs an opportunity to book my visit around special events such as Charter Nights, Anniversaries, Induction of new members, etc. I will soon be in contact with the other clubs to arrange visits around these activities at clubs in the area. I am being especially brave ( or foolhardy) by leaving my visits to the Labrador Clubs until winter sets in, in December and January. This year, unfortunately I will have one less club to visit in Labrador. Lions International has revoked the Charter of the Happy Valley ­ Goose Bay Lions Club for non­payment of dues and activities unbecoming a Lions Club. The decision by International to revoke their charter was made at their October Board Meeting and I received official notification from International President Ross on October 9 th , 2006.This club has been in severe financial difficulties for several years, and the prospect of recovery was unlikely. The loss of their 12 registered members will hurt our district, but I feel relieved knowing that they will not be adversely affecting the name of Lionism in the area and within the District. We have just recently held our Sub­Multiple Fall Convention. This years convention was held in the small community of Norris Arm in central Newfoundland. The Norris Arm Lions Club under the leadership of President Bonnie Harvey and PDG Lion Chris Manuel did a superb job of organizing the event and keeping things on schedule, considering the fact that they have only 16 registered members. Attendance was low at the convention with just under 100 people registered for the final banquet, but the business sessions , special presentations and fellowship made for one of the best conventions ever. We were extremely fortunate to have as one of our presenters Mr Steven Cronk, Manager of the Walk for Dog Guides program at the Lions Foundation of Canada in Oakville. Steven has thrown out the challenge for more clubs to participate in the Walk for Dog Guides next spring. From the comments I have been hearing his visit may have been very successful. At the beginning of the year many of you heard me say that I intended to focus on youth and in particular our Leo Program for young adults 12 years and older. I am very pleased to say that several clubs have accepted my challenge and my vision for our future. The St Albans Lions Club is actively involved with restarting their Leo Club and I have been told that the executive will be in place soon. I am also extremely pleased that the St Anthony, Twillingate and Norris Arm Clubs are talking with local school administrators and students to determine the level of interest. I have personally delivered Leo Club startup kits and DVD’s to two of these clubs in the last few days. In closing I would like to give special mention to two extremely successful fund­raising events which have taken place in District 41­S1 so far this year: 1. The Bishop’s Falls Lions Club for the second consecutive year , organized a tel­e­thon to raise additional funds for the Lion Max Simms Memorial Camp. This camp is a special place for people who have special needs and is funded by the Lions, Lioness and Leos of Newfoundland and Labrador. Incidentally, the Lion Max Simms Camp just recently celebrated its 25 th anniversary ! This year The Bishop’s Falls Lions and Lioness were responsible for collecting in excess of $23,000.00 during this event ! 2. The Hermitage ­ Sandyville Lions Club with just 28 registered members, participated in their local Rum­Runners Festival . During a three day period in August they took back to their club a grand total of $19,130.81 !! Yours in Lionism, _________________________ Oral Clarke ­ District Governor
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 11 DISTRICT 41­ S2 Do you realize we are the last District Governors of MD 41? It is hard to realize that OUR year as District Governors is into the home stretch, with only the Sub­District Convention left to conduct and two­thirds of my Club visits left do complete. This year OUR DISTRICT has tried to do things a little different and tried some new things. For example, at our February Convention we had Clubs bring their Banners and hang them in the meeting rooms, many Clubs did. Clubs brought pictures of some of their projects and services which they proudly displayed around the hotel. Many District Chairs brought posters to show Lions and non­Lions what their jobs entailed. WE had an all female organizing Committee for very first time and they ran a wonderful , well organized , with many changes from what we were always used to. These Lions showed the District could use more like them. This emphasized the District Governors desire to attract more Lions, especially Female Lion, since there are more of them to recruit in the District. The District has a positive growth with female Lions and a negative growth in Male Lions. Our focus Committee, several years ago stated that we focus on the projects and services we already had running in the District, but this year we started a new project as it gets up and running will save lives, and we believe, increase our membership. WE are now partnering with Canadian Blood Services to help increase the provinces BLOOD supply by Lions donating blood and sponsoring blood clinics in their Communities or Zones. OUR biggest problem concerning Membership is RETENTION , many member are older and are getting tired, they just do not have passion anymore. IN rural Newfoundland, many are having to move west to find employment, last fall employers from out west came to St. John’s to seek employees and 9,000 showed up looking for work–some were Lions. Other Lions are sick or dying. We have two new Leo Clubs started with the possibility of several more before year’s end. We had three Leos become Lions this year. Maybe a source of Lions for the future is in our Leos. We have 99 NEW Leos, along with 48 NEW Lions joined Lionism since June. Our District has a two year old Club Visitation Policy and Lions are visiting Clubs in their Zone and Region. This will help retain Lions because Lions are having more fun together. The District has established a hospital visitation program for the Lions who become patients in St. John’s from the outports. Zones near hospitals outside St. John’s have set up their own visitations for Lions, so that no Lion needs to feel along when company is needed most. AT our last Convention, 37 Clubs were in attendance. 83 Cabinet members attended the Cabinet meeting, at the General Meeting 154 attended. There was 193 attended the Banquet Saturday night to hear Dr. Todd McEachren speak about the equipment Lions gave the Eye Care Unit at the Hospital, valued at $750,000. The District on behalf of 41­S2 Lions donated $ 35,000 to Lions Charities in the District Diabetes Camp, Quest Foundation, and three hospitals and to CSF II and LCIF. Lions Clubs contributed $ 179,000 to VOCM CARES through Lions ­ VOCM Cares Bingo , which is the Cares portion of the net Bingo proceeds For the first time in a number of years we are sponsoring a District Leadership Institute at the Lion Max Simms Memorial Camp on April 20­22 . The District budgeted $6,000 toward the Institute. The MD 41 help and we are hoping to get help from one other Lions Source. The Institute will not cost Lions any thing to attend. Thanks to the MD for their support. The District has applied for a Grant from LCIF for about $13000 and the District’s half of about $ 13,000 to repair the Lion Max Simms Memorial Camp “the Jewel”of 41­S2 and S1 has been raised. Clarenville has also applied for a Grant for $75,000 to improve a piece equipment in their Hospital. So far this year we have had great PR , PDG Gerald Hutchings, our PR Chair, has been on Talk Shows­on VOCM Radio. During our February Convention he arranged a hour interview with CBC Radio with Jane Adey. PDG Gerald was interviewed by VOCM News– with information placed on their Website and ON ­AIR . February 12 , 6:00 pm PDG Sam Wells and Myself have a 10­12 minute interview with Paddy Daley on “Out of the Fog” on Rogers Local Cable Station to talk about What Lions do locally and Internationally. The proposals on redistricting implementation by the facilitator with respect to Fall Conference rotation is not close to what 41­S2 wants. Our view is very simple and that is that we should be treated as one of four EQUAL districts in all respects. A GOVERNOR is only as good as the LIONS of the District HE Serves, if that is TRUE I am A GREAT GOVERNOR because 41­S2 has Great and Fantastic LIONS. God Bless. ALWAYS BE PROUD TO BE A LION– I AM District Governor SAMUEL J. PARSONS
Page 12 SPRING 2007 The 41’er DG Evie & Lion Bernie <<< DG Evie & Lion Jack DG Evie & The group With their “cups” >>>
The 41’er Spring 2007 Page 13
Page 14 SPRING 2007 The 41’er
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 15 Pics from District S1 Lion Lynda Langdon being presented with D.G. Oral Clarke’s banner. Lion Lynda is District Chair for Women’s Membership 2006­2007. Best Club Awards for 2005­2006. {L to R] P.D.G. Bruce, Corner Brook Lions 3rd place winner {Penney Pike}, Pasadena Lions 1st place winner {Gary Bishop}, and Twillingate Lions 2nd place winner {Ken Facey}. D.G. Oral presenting Travel Trophy to Pasadens Lions Club accepted by President Lion Gary Bishop. Norris Arm Lions, host of the “Fall Convention 2006”
Page 16 SPRING 2007 The 41’er Harrison Lions Club Marks 50 Years
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 17 LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL MD 41 Financial Statement July 1, 2006 to February 28, 2007 Canadian Account US Account Received From Previous Administration …………………………………………….……..$ 26,648.52 Received from Previous Administration ………………………………………….…...………..$ 30,504.22 Revenue: Per Capita D ………$ 22,262.00 MD Pins ……………………………... 1,352.00 EDUCATION and TRAINING ……… ….$702.00 Bank Interest ………………………... 5.03 Fall Conference­Tail Twister­PDG Assoc For Plaques 221.61 GIC …………………………………… 8,429.11 Refund from Credit Union for Share …. 5.00 Overpayment at Lakeview, Mirimachi … 4.00 Credit – Cheque Fee ………………….. 29.50 Revenue: Per Capita Dues …………………..……….. $ 5,114.00 MD­41 Pins …………………………..……. 558.00 Total Revenue Received $ 33,010.25 Total Revenue ………………………… ……. $ 59,658.77 Expenditures: Administration: Bank Transaction Fee …………….………$ 3.00 Bank Cheques …………………………… 29.50 Air Charge for MD Pins…………………. 50.00 MD Directories …………………………. 171.00 MD 41’er Newsletter ……………………1,827.97 Council Meetings Expenses for CC,CST, and MD 41 Chairpersons ….. 3,271.19 Postage ………………………………… 254.73 Lions Foundation of Canada Puppy Program – Tail Twister ………. 143.00 Plaque for ID Speaker …………………. 70.68 LCI­Club Supplies – MD Pins …………. 705.77 Total Expenditures for Administration ………… $6,526.84 Convention:
MD 41 Convention – St. John’s NF . 3,000.00 Education and Training: Leadership Grants ……………………. 4,100.00 Activities: Peace Poster Contest – 2 & 3 Place winners $300.00 Plaques for Contestents ………………….. 57.97 Total Expenditures…….…… $13,984.81 Net Revenue over Expenses:………………………………………..$45,673.96 Total Revenue Received…………………………........ $5,672.00 Total Revenue: ………………………………………………….…… $ 36,176.22 Expenditures: Administration: Drycleaning of Flags …………………………$ 45.00 Cheques ……………………………………… 26.78 Chairperson Expenses for Council Meetings­ ….771.56 Multiple District to LCIF …………… ……. 1,000.00 Bank Service Charges ……………………… 58.70 Lions Club International (Supplies) ………… 100.00 Shipment of MD Pins ……………………….. 13.40 Total Expenditures for Administration…….………… $ 2,015.44 Education and Training ­ …………………..…..………. $700.00 Activities Peace Poster Contest …………..……..………. $300.00 Tot……………………………………..……..………. $ 3,015.44 Net Revenue over Expenses………………………………….…………. $33,160.78
Page 18 SPRING 2007 The 41’er Picture Highlights from the Fall Conference PID Len Giffin,DG Tim Hoben, DG Boyd Sangster, ID Kenneth Great lunch! Schwols, and PID Jim Sherry. Vice District Governors march on the colors Head Table at the Banquet Training Session >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<Portage Display Business Session >>>
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 19 Minutes of Council Meetings Fall Conference 2006
Page 20 SPRING 2007 The 41’er Minutes of Council Meetings Fall Conference 2006
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 21 Minutes of Council Meetings Fall Conference 2006
Page 22 SPRING 2007 The 41’er Minutes of Council Meetings Fall Conference 2006
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 23 Minutes of Council Meetings Fall Conference 2006 CST Ray Penny Friendship ­ A Reward of Being a Lion << Lion Norm Palmer, Hollis Lions Club, & PDG Jan Phillips 41­O met at a Lions Convention over 25 years ago and their families have remained good friends ever since. Barkers Point Lions in Holiday Spirit Barkers Point Lions, Gary, Fred, Rod & Dennis , build a float for the Santa Claus Parade while Lions Sharon. Jan & Susan pack some treat bags for Santa to pass out on his visits to many Children’s Christmas Parties over the holiday season.
Page 24 SPRING 2007 The 41’er A True Success! A little snow and bad weather can’t deter Lions of Maine from the Infamous Scallop Stew Night in Belfast! Lions you don’t see anywhere else, and Lions you see everywhere came out to enjoy the delicious concoction of potatoes, onions, scallops in a milk broth seasoned with friendship and fellowship and no broken liquor bottles. It all took place in the newly renovated Shriner’s Hall on Atlantic Avenue in Belfast. Where ever there are Lions there will be a good time. Attendance was a little lower, as members called to say they needed to stay home to shovel out drives, walkways and filler pipes. They missed out on a grand time, but there’s always next year! Congratulations to the Belfast Lions. Another great event! New Portland and 75 Years October 21, 2006, in the far away town of New Portland; a celebration took place. Lions from all over the district gathered to celebrate New Portland Lions Club’s 75th anniversary. Chase Hall was brightly decorated in Lion colors, and the members came out to greet the guests from “away”. President John Duff greeted everyone and made sure we had a great time. The dinner was delicious and the fellowship was grand, as Lion fellowship always is. PDG John Youney spoke about what was happening in the world 75 years ago. IPDG Tim Chase had the same idea, and had a few things to add. By the time I got up there, there was nothing left to say, so I stood there, and thanked the previous speakers. Lions spoke of the times past and how the Fair always had something to remember, good and not so good. The music after dinner was great and dancing was a hit. I am always amazed at what Lions can do. This is no exception. To Lion Evie Norton, who always kept me informed, (except that there were two other speakers!) and her committee are to congratulated on a job well done. DG Paula WATERVILLE LIONS CLUB The third Lions Club in Maine, was chartered on March 13, 1924, at the Elmwood Hotel in Waterville. There were 25 charter members and one honorary member, Sir Wilfred T. Grenfell. Grenfell was a British medical missionary who became known as "Grenfell of Labrador". During the Depression in the Thirties the membership dropped to eight members who met regularly at individual homes. Eventually, the membership grew to about 100 members. Among our club members there have been two International Councilors and six District Governors. The Waterville Lions Club has sponsored Lions Clubs in New Portland, Pittsfield, Winslow, Skowhegan, Clinton, and Oakland, Maine. The current fundraising projects of the Waterville Lions Club include Diner's Club Coupon Booklets, the Lions Candy Mint Sale, and public dinners. In the past, the Club has been involved in the sale of Scott Paper products, brooms, light bulbs, and raffle tickets. For many years, we conducted an annual Chicken Barbecue. Included among the many services the Waterville Club has provided for the community are the following: Dental Clinics and Dental Care for children; Eye Care and glasses for the needy; Eye screening for Pre­School children; Glaucoma and Hearing screenings for the Elderly. Our current major emphases are Eyesight Screening, Eyeglass Prescription and Purchase, and Substance Abuse Awareness. During the Christmas season, the Waterville Lions Club rings the bell to collect donations for the Salvation Army. The Club also donates to the American Cancer Society, Dirigo Boys and Girls State, the HeadStart program, the Waterville Humane Society, Hospice, Maine Center for the Blind, the Maine Hearing Center, Maine Children's Home, Mid­Maine Homeless Shelter, the Pine Tree Camp, the Waterville Food Bank, the Waterville Little League, and Sacred Heart Soup Kitchen.
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 25 Lions Brenda and Dave Billard receive Life Membership to Lions Foundation of Canada from LFC Director Dave Manning Lion Dave presents Queen Amy McLellan and Lion Jerry Billard with a plaque and banner patch for their Commitment to the purchase of a Dog Guide From The Past….. 1963
Page 26 SPRING 2007 The 41’er Harvey Station Annual Curling Bonspiel March 3 rd was another great success.Six clubs took part on this wintery day. Organizer PDG Denzil Bernard presented Prizes to the Winners – Burtts Corner Lions Club. (L – R) Lion Denzil, Andy Richardson, Kevin Guiggey. Bryon Edmondson & Floyd MacNiel PDG “Jiggs” Borland Awarded France’s Highest Medal L –R PDG Len Small,Lion Doris Duder PDG “Jiggs” Borland, PDG Frank Dominie and Lion Russ Gudgell of the Grand Falls Lions Club. PDG “Jiggs” Boreland (83­84), a member of the Bishop Falls Lions Club , is being honored with France’s highest award in that country – The Legion of Honor. PDG “Jiggs” fought on the front lines for 11 months as a scout for the 2 nd Canadian Infantry Division and was part of the liberation of Dieppe in early September 1944.
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 27 MD41 LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Moved by PDG Youney, seconded by PDG Kustron that the new Maine District be awarded, from the Promotion Account, their per capita split or an amount of $10,000, whichever is greater, when the financial assets are divided. Motion Carried. The reason for this is that the next ID from MD41 is supposed to be from Maine in 2009. NOVEMBER 4 2006, at Newcastle Fall Conference MINUTES Meeting opened at 10:30 a.m. at the Newcastle Lions Club by Chair PDG Rhéal Cormier. Minutes were taken by PDG Jan Phillips. AGENDA Agenda was revised. No item added. ATTENDANCE PDG John Kustron 41­L, PDG John Youney 41­I, PDG Larry Barton 41­O, PDG Shirley Dickieson N1, VDG Alex Hancox N2, Frank Bonnell S1, Gerald Coombs S2 and PID Len Giffen. Approximately 30 other Lions were in attendance, including some District Governors and Vice Dist. Govs. TRANSITIONAL COMMITTEE Much discussion ensued as to the best way to revise our MD N and District 41 Constitutions, By­Laws and Policy Manuals. Moved by PDG Youney, seconded by PDG Kustron that Council consider authorizing up to $2,500 for future MD N and $1,000 for District 41, to cover expenses of transitional committees to revise above mentioned documents. Said expenditures would be debited against the share of each District when the financial assets are divided on June 30, 2007. Committee to be composed of one representative from each new Sub­District, appointed by their respective District Governor and the two PIDs from Atlantic Canada, J. Sherry and L. Giffen. Motion Carried. Chair Rhéal read two e­mails from Nancy Gearhart of LCI indicating that our MD41 redistricting proposal was accepted by the Board of Directors as submitted. Also District 41S1 will be a regular district for two years. This redistricting will be effective on July 6 th 2007. It is the suggestion of our LRPC, that a meeting or convention of MD N be held immediately after the business session of MD41 at the St. John’s Convention in May, to adopt the revised MD N documents. Maine will probably adopt theirs at their joint Sub­District Convention in April, but if they don’t, they could do it in St. John’s too. MEMBERSHIP AGENDA REDISTRICTING The membership of MD41 was discussed. As of the end of August 2006, our MD had 8730 members in 339 Lions Clubs, a loss of 152 members since February 28 2006. The Chair suggested to the Newfoundland and Labrador Lions to seriously consider their low numbers and think about the future. All items on the agenda were not discussed because of a lack of time. ADJOURNMENT Moved by PDG Kustron that meeting be adjourned at 12:12 p.m. MD41 ASSETS The division of assets of MD41 was discussed. It was decided that we should use the same notice of motion that was published in the 41’NER this spring, with minor changes. The cut­off date was discussed and many dates were suggested for various reasons. Moved by PDG Kustron, seconded by Gerald Coombs that the cut­off date be established as June 30 2007. Motion Carried. Const & B­L Chair, PDG Youney to write new notice of motion for Council. PDG Rhéal Cormier Chair of LRPC
Page 28 SPRING 2007 The 41’er MD41 LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT TO BUSINESS SESSION November 4, 2006 Newcastle, N.B. Lions All, The MD41 LRPC held a very well attended meeting this morning with all seven Sub­Districts represented, plus many of the Governors, Vice Govs and also many other Lions present. This indicates to me that if our MD41 Committee meetings are open to the Lions, they will attend. In my opinion, we conduct way too much business away from the grassroots Lions. If more Lions had the opportunity to participate in the affairs of our Multiple District, I believe more would get interested and possibly attend our various Conventions in greater numbers. As most of you know by now, our redistricting proposal has been approved by Lions International, as we submitted it. I was quite surprised, but like most of you, I was very pleased. Redistricting will become effective on July 6, 2007. Unfortunately membership in MD41 is still going down, with a net lost of 152 members between February 28 and August 31, 2006. On a brighter note District 41­L is showing a net loss of only 3 members. Congratulations!… Our LRPC suggests that the same “notice of motion” that was voted upon in April 2006 by the seven Sub­Districts, be used again with some changes, to divide the assets of MD41. Constitution and By­Laws Chair, PDG Youney, to draft revised notice for the Council of Governors and for publication in 41’NER. It is suggested that June 30 th 2007 be used as a cut­off date for the division of assets of MD41. This gives the Districts a few months to increase their membership. It is also proposed, that the new Maine District 41 be awarded, from the “Promotional Account”, their per capita split or an amount of $10,000, whichever is greater, when the financial assets are divided. This is suggested, because it is Maine’s turn to run a candidate for International Director in 2009. In order to assure an orderly transition from Multiple District 41 to two Districts (new Multiple N and new Dist 41), it is recommended that two “Transition Committees” be formed, one for each District, through appointments by the current Governors to review and prepare a revised Const & B­L, Policy Manual and to advise on other items as required. It is also suggested that those committees be funded up to $2,500 each by MD41. PDG Youney to draft notice of motion. Hopefully these committees will have the various documents ready in order to be accepted at a special meeting, by the Lions of MD N, at the MD41 Convention in St. John’s, Nfld, in May 2007. The other merging entities, 41­L & 41­I; 41­O & 41­N1, are well under way already in their respective amalgamation and hope to have their revised documents ready for their approval at a joint meeting/convention in April 2007. I wish to use this opportunity to thank all the Lions who were members or District’s representatives of our MD41 LRPC over the years, the various Councils of Governors for their excellent cooperation, the Lions Clubs which gave input to our LRPC and the Lions who helped formulate our final redistricting proposal for submission to LCI. I commend all Lions who participated in this very important, and at times difficult, project for our Multiple District. It was obviously a team effort and that is why we were successful in the end. Optimism and goodwill is usually stronger than negativity and criticism. Hopefully, all of us Lions, can now put our shoulders to the wheel and advance the cause of Lionism in Atlantic Canada and the State of Maine. In being strong and effective, we will be able “To Serve” so many more individuals and causes. I thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to serve our great Multiple District. Respectfully Submitted, PDG Rhéal Cormier Chair of MD41 LRPC
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 29 Clarenville supports Diabetes Awareness Month and 2 small children. Both families were given complete Christmas dinners, plus extras (i.e. Ham, flour, fresh milk, cereal). The five children were given gifts; including toys, games, cloths, etc. Gifts of Clothing and boots were also given to the parents in each family. SENIORS The Goulds Lioness prepared small Christmas gift bags consisting of: a tin of soda, bag of chips, candy, pair of socks, and a Christmas Card. The Lioness delivered these gift bags on New Years Eve to the 60 senior citizens residing in the four personal care homes in our community. The seniors greatly enjoyed the gifts but more importantly the personal visit from the members of the Lioness on New Years Eve. SANTA CLAUS PARADE Shown in the photo are (L­R): Lion Nita Rogers, Chair of the Club's Health and Welfare Committee; Kim Squires; Karen Hopkins; Lion Flo Peach, District 41­S2 Diabetes Chair; and Lions Club President Irene Dalton. November was "Diabetes Awareness Month" and the members of the Clarenville Lions Club took the opportunity to learn more about this disease. Karen Hopkins, a Diabetic Educator, and Kim Squires, a Registered Dietician, both on staff at Dr. G.B. Cross Memorial Hospital, spoke to the Club members at their regular monthly dinner meeting on 27 November. Their subject was Diabetes Awareness and Healthy Living." Certificates were presented to Ms. Hopkins and Ms. Squires in appreciation of their address to the Club as well as for their involvement in last year's Diabetic Awareness Clinic sponsored by the Club at Random Square Mall. Newfoundland Lions Clubs are strong financial supporters of diabetes awareness and other diabetes support services. Goulds Lioness Club Sharing the spirit of Service COMMUNITY SERVICES The Goulds Lioness sponsored two families during Christmas. The First family consisted of 2 parents and 3 teenage children. The second family consisted of 1 parent Photo, front (L­R): Charlie Easton, Nancy Stanford, Theresa Critch of Newfoundland Power, and Lion President Irene Dalton. Back, (L­R): Lion Jim Flaherty, Parade co­Chair; Elmer RyzukClarenville Masons/Shriners; Lion Cliff Forward, co­Chair; and Ivan Penney representing the Penney and Skiffington families. The Clarenville Lions Club took a few moments during its annual Christmas party last week to make presentations to some of the participants in this year's Santa Claus Parade. Parade co­Chair, Lion Cliff Forward pointed out that the Club has been hosting the parade for almost thirty years, and while the event is organized by the Lions Club, it would not be the annual success it is without the involvement and support of various community groups and organizations. The Club would like to thank all the groups who participated this year. During the event, the Lions, aided by members of the Clarenville LEO Club, distributed some 1200 bags of goodies to the children lining the parade route.
Page 30 SPRING 2007 The 41’er Grand Fall – Windsor Lions Support Cancer Clinic The Grand Falls – Windsor Club Distrist 41­S1 were pleased to donate to the Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Care Foundation a cheque in the amount of $5,000 to furnish one of the examination rooms.This was donated in the memory of deceased Lions special mention of PDG Ed Duder and Lion Bill Wyatt Pictured: L – R Bill Dwyer, volunteer with Cancer Care Foundation, Lions Eugene Nippard, Ed Connelly, Greg Lake, George Oldland, Frank Horsenell, Brian Caravon (Fundraising Chairman) Doris Duder, Richard Oldland, Ben Piercey and PDG John McLennon . Max Simms Telethon A check was presented for $26,950. to Ron Pond , Chairman of the Board, by Lion Pleaman Forsey ( Pres. Bishop Falls Lions Club) and Lion Oliver Rose, Telethon Chairman. From the Past ……………
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 31 CAMPAIGN SIGHT FIRST II PEACE POSTER WINNER Campaign Sight First II is an initiative of the world wide community of Lions Clubs with a goal of raising $US150 million and a further challenge goal of $US50 Million. The $US150 million will be used to treat the preventable causes of blindness in Third World countries. The causes are many but the most common are cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetes retinopathy. It is anticipated that these funds will lead to the elimination of River Blindness in Latin America by 2010 and in Africa by 2020. The $US50 million will fund rehabilitation efforts, educate those that are already blind, invest in research at Lions Eye Research Institutes, and expand Lions Sight Programs for high risk populations in high risk countries. There are numerous ways being used to raise the monies needed. One of the more innovative is to become a Model Club. This program has been extended for the life of the campaign. Clubs that become Model Clubs this Lions year will be recognized as clubs “Meeting the Challenge”. Clubs that become Model Clubs in Lions year 2007­2008 will be recognized as clubs “Ensuring Success”. We now have three model clubs in the Atlantic Provinces, those being Mahone Bay and Musquodoboit Harbour in Nova Scotia and Fredericton, New Brunswick. A Model Club is one that raises $US400.00 per member by whatever means available to them i.e. personal donations, corporate contributions, specials projects, and donations from club funds. The success of the campaign will be announced at the International Convention to be held in Bangkok, Thailand in 2008. The commitment to fulfill the pledges for this campaign continues until all obligations are honoured. My job as Sector Coordinator for the Atlantic Provinces is to encourage clubs through their respective District Coordinators and Group Coordinators to participate in the campaign as much as their financial resources allow. Funds have been slowly trickling in. Some Districts are ahead of others in their contributions, but all districts are gradually gaining momentum.I encourage all of you to keep up the excellent work you are doing on behalf of CSF II.
PCC Mike Gibbons Sector Coordinator CSF II Atlantic Provinces Congratulations to Jade Russell­Johnson for her poster. She is one of 23 merit winners for this years contest. She will receive US$500 and a certificate of merit from LCI. She also has an opportunity to go to the UN for a special awards ceremony. I want to thank those Lions who participated in their districts contest. It has been wonderful for our MD and I don't remember this happening before. Keep up the good work. CC Bev Some thoughts………. "Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't." Richard Bach "Cherish your human connections: your relationships with friends and family." Barbara Bush "A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition." William Arthur Ward "As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do." Andrew Carnegie "Ideas without action are worthless." Harvey Mackay
Page 32 SPRING 2007 The 41’er Sponsoring a Leo club inspires Lions club members through involvement with their community youth. Connections to youth will bring new energy to a Lions club. Lion’s club visibility in the community is increased with exposure to new audiences; such as young professional and parents of school­aged children. Leo Clubs help foster community leaders and future Lions. If you need assistance to develop opportunities for youth, please contact your Multiple District Youth Services Chairperson Lion Gord Warford at 1­709­745­1813 or e­mail: gordwarford@gmail.com
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 33
Page 34 SPRING 2007 The 41’er MD 41 HISTORY
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 35 MD 41 HISTORY LCIF & District 41­O Supports Portage Atlantic Pictured at left , Carol Tracy, (Representing Portage Atlantic) PDG Bev Semple 41­O , Lion Ron Evans & Dr. Russ King, Chairman of the Board – Portage Atlantic.
Page 36 SPRING 2007 The 41’er Stories in the “last” 41’er
The 41’er SPRING 2007 MD 41 HISTORY
Page 37 Page 38 SPRING 2007 MD 41 HISTORY
The 41’er The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 39 Pics from the past….. Moncton, May 1981 with PDG Amos Stevens at the podium and IP Kay Murakami as the guest >>>>>> <<<<MD Convention, Charlottetown, May 1975 with IP Johnny Balbo. <<<MD Convention, Moncton, May 1981 with IP Kay Murakami MD Convention, Halifax, May l984 with IP Bert Mason from Ireland with Sackville, N. S. Lions Club members PID Jim & Jean Sherry and Past President Layton and Pat Dempsey. There is also a picture of IP Joe and Norma Jean Wroblewski, taken at the MD Convention in Portland, May 1985 with Council Chair Reheal Cormier seated to the left of Norma Jean.
Page 40 SPRING 2007 The 41’er PICKWAUKET LIONS CLUB UPDATE CAMERON & MOM “CHECKING IT OUT” The Pickwauket Lions Club has been busy lately with our monthly fundraiser breakfast at the Hall on Lower Norton Shore, the last Saturday of each month from 8:00 to 10:00. Our throng of customers keeps on growing for a hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, beans, home fries, toast and tea/coffee/juice all for just $5.00. Last November we completed a project that we are very proud of. We designed, funded and constructed a wheelchair ramp for a young family with a six year old son who has "Angelman's Syndrome". Cameron is unable to walk and needs to be wheeled around in a stroller at present. He’s 6 now and, as he is getting bigger, his Mom finds it hard to carry him from the house to their vehicle and to get him out to the school bus in the mornings. Our club members all pooled together to construct the ramp over a two weekend period, with materials purchased from our fundraising account which is generated by the community for such worthwhile projects. Hampton Home Hardware was kind enough to give us great pricing on the materials needed. One of the fantastic things about this project was the participation. Of our 19 Lions members,3 were away and 16 worked this 64 foot long project. Plus, we had one prospective member, two Lion spouses, one neighbour, one fiancé, and several grand kids give a hand. Our prospective Lion will soon be signed up and Cameron’s mom has been invited to join us too. We even had one member arrive from the hospital in his PJs, hugging a pillow, to comment on our progress before he went home TO REST. We’ll have lots of stories to tell for quite a while about the happenings on this project. McAdam Lions Club member, Arlene Poirier, thought it would be a nice gesture to tie a yellow ribbon around a tree on her street to show support for a neighbour leaving for Afghanistan. When she mentioned it to the mayor of McAdam, Frank Carroll, he thought it would make an excellent community project. It wasn't long before the McAdam Village Office and the McAdam Royal Canadian Legion Branch #7 were involved. And, Lion Arlene was off to Oromocto to learn the proper method of making the yellow ribbons. To date almost 800 yellow ribbons have been made by McAdam Lion Club members, McAdam Royal Canadian Legion Branch #7 members and the McAdam Village Office. Norton's Greenhouse and the McAdam Save Easy, both local businesses, have donated supplies for the ribbons. Completed yellow ribbons are available in McAdam at the Village Office, Scotiabank, Credit Union and the Save Easy. It is hoped a donation will be made for the ribbons. Donation of $5.00 or more are eligible for an official income tax receipt, if requested.
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 41 This Lions sign was purchased recently at a local auction in the Fredericton area. >>>
Page 42 SPRING 2007 The 41’er True Lionism is at work in our District. This is not the end for Lion Robert as the Leg provided is one of the older type for which you cannot even buy socks. He will still need a replacement in time, however, he is a pleased as can be with just being able to get around and drive again. He is awaiting word from government regarding a new leg and expects to hear something by February 07. On behalf of the Lions in District 41­N1 I want to personally thank Lion Mike MENZIES of 41­0 for his act of kindness to another Lion. Thanks Lion Mike and may God Bless you. I had to tell you this story as it touched me when Lion Robert called me, filled with emotion, to tell me of the wonderful gift he had received. DG Tim Hoben 41­N1 ZC Mike Menzies On the 21 December 06 as Lion Robert BRANCH was getting ready to attend his regular meeting at the Bathurst Lions Club when a prepaid parcel arrived at his home in Bathurst, NB. Lion Robert had no idea what the parcel held for him. A note accompanied the parcel and it stated, “FROM ONE LION TO ANOTHER, TO GET ANOTHER LION ON HIS FEET”. Upon opening the parcel Lion Robert discovered a complete prosthesis leg sent to him by Lion Michael MENZIES. . You cannot imagine the feelings that came over Lion Robert and what a tremendous Christmas Gift he had just received. I had connected Lion Mike and Robert shortly after discussing the matter with Lion Mike at the MD convention in Newcastle. Lion Mike informed me that he had collected numerous spare prosthesis over the years and kept them in his garage. They contacted each other and Lion Mike took Roberts measurements over the phone, stating he would see what he could do for him. Since losing his leg Lion Robert has been in a fight with our government attempting to get a leg prosthesis’s and having very little luck. What makes this most interesting is that Lion Robert’s UIC was about to run out and he works as a truck driver. Without the leg he could not drive the truck. Since getting the leg, he has been building himself up to driving again and is getting around in his home without the use of a cane or walker. Things are looking up and all because of a true Lions concern for another. LION RON EVANS BURSARY Special day to honor Lion Ron ! District 41­0, DG Lion Boyd and the Nashwaaksis Lions Club held a Special day to honor Lion Ron Evans. Lion Ron has worked very hard for Drug Awareness and Portage. Lions Family, and Friends came in hundreds to support Lion Ron and the Portage Scholarship fund. A special song was written by KHJ DJ in Lion Ron’s honour. Donations are still coming in and will be received on a continual basis. Please make checks payable to “The McAdams Lions Foundation” and mark in the memo field “Ron Evans Scholarship” then mail to District 41­0, CST Jack Moffit, PDG, 65 Lake Ave, McAdam, NB E6J 1P1 To date almost $9,000 has been raised.
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 43 Freeport Lioness Still Going Strong Our Christmas Party in Dec: present
stealing galore !!
Variety Show: This is last years show !!
Page 44 SPRING 2007 The 41’er The Clinton Lions Fair WILTON LIONS SUPPORT SPECIAL OLYMPICS The Clinton Lions Fair originated in 1953 as the Clinton Lions Field Days. It's now a full­fledged country fair, entertaining 17,000 guests annually! Always held on the 4­ day weekend after Labor Day, it has all the features of any Maine fair in a compact, family friendly atmosphere. Our midway is the brightest and cleanest of any in Maine. Many of the profits from this fair go toward the Clinton Lions Club's community service events for the next entire year, helping the young, the elderly and the needy. It is run entirely by volunteers from the club members, their relatives, friends and townspeople, plus over 40 quality vendors from Maine and across the nation The Wilton Lions Club appropriated $550 for food and drinks and then servdit up to athletes and support people at the Special Olympics on January 29 and 30 at the Sugarloaf Recreation Center. Seven Lions Club members and two spouses served over 700 hot dogs, 15 gallons of cold drinks, 32 gallons of hot chocolate, 14 gallons of coffee and dozens upon dozens of cookies. Afterward, anything not consumed was donated to the Wilton Food Pantry. The Wilton Lions thank Care and Comfort, Longfellows, Tufulio’s Woodsman, Gould’s Exxon, Printing Warehouse, Dutch Treat, Save­a­Lot, Hannaford, Wal­ Mart and Hood Dairy. The members who served the refreshments said that the many kind words of appreciation from the Olympians make the donation truly rewarding Hartland­St. Albans Lions spent a day cleaning up along the highway.
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 45 Lion Sam Parsons, Lion­Leo Jeffrey Hynes, and Lion Reg Legrow. Shown in the photo (L­R): Governor Parsons,Lion Edna Parsons, Vice­District Governor Lion Joan Forward, Lion Pete Godfrey, and Lion President Irene Dalton. Clarenville Lions Club wins District Awards Lions District 41­S2 Governor Sam Parsons made his official visit to the Clarenville Lions Club on October 23rd. He presented several district awards for the Lions Year 2005­2006 to the Club including 2nd Place Award for Best Club; Best Secretary Award to Lion Pete Godfrey; a District Achievement Award for the Club's support of the Lion Max Simms Memorial Camp; and a District Appreciation Award to Past District Governor Lion Ralph Rogers for his work on the realignment of districts within Multiple District 41. Vice­District Governor and Past President of the Clarenville Lions Club Lion Joan Forward presents a Lions Foundation of Canada Memorial Forest Never to Young ­ Never to Old to live our Lions motto "WE SERVE" Lions of all ages in District 41­S2 continue to serve their community, while at the same time promoting one of the goals set by our International President Jimmy M. Ross of reaching out to young people and sponsoring Leo Clubs. Shown in the picture from left to right: District Governor Lion­Leo Jeffrey Hynes, is only 21 years of age and recently joined the Goulds Lions Club. He has been an active Leo Club member for the last three years, and recently decided to join his sponsoring Lions Club. Four of his family members had already joined the Lions Club, so it was a natural transition for him to become a lion. Lion Reg Legrow is 91 years of age, married for 60 years and is a World War 11 veteran. He is an active member of the Marystown Lions Club for the last 30 years. Every year he volunteers at our District Convention registration desk, he loves meeting and talking with people. Lions Reg helps with the Lions Club Christmas Parties, Seniors parties (World Service Day Activity), bingo's, and take out dinner fund raisers. He loves to cook and helps out regularly with Lions dinner meetings and leads club members in the singing of O' Canada at most meetings. We are very proud of Lion Reg who at the age of 91 continues to live the Lions motto, "We Serve". So far his year our District had three Leo Club members join their sponsoring Lions Club. We also sponsored two new Leo Clubs for youth in the communities of Gambo and Marystown. We are actively working on sponsoring new Leo Clubs in several other communities and hope to double the number of Leo Club members in our District this year. District Lions and Leo Club members worked together to complete several community service projects including: Environmental clean ups, recycling programs, World Service Day activities for senior citizens, and Christmas parties for disabled (challenged) residents. We are actively engaging young adults to join our organization and learn the true meaning of our motto, "We Serve". These young Leo Club members are transitioning into energetic Lions Club members, and helping to carry out the community service projects, started by older Lions members like Lion Reg Legrow. We realize the importance of reaching out to young people in our communities, as they will be the Lions club members of the future. Lion Gord Warford Multiple District 41 Youth Services Chairperson District 41­S2 Leo Club Chairperson
Page 46 SPRING 2007 The 41’er New Club, LiNe Lions, Going Great!
The 41’er SPRING 2007 Page 47 Multiple District Convention May 18­20, 2007 St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador Reservation Deadline is Feb. 21, 2007 Lion _____ Lioness _____ Leo _____ Non Lion _____ Name________________________________ Title: __________________________ Club Name: ________________________________ District: _________________ Address______________________________________________________________ City ___________________________State/Province __________ Postal/Zip Code ________ Telephone (________) _________________ Email ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ HOSPITALITY BOOKS (or individual tickets) – Hospitality Book (includes Friday Meet & Greet, Saturday Banquet, Sunday Luncheon) CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER MUST ACCOMPANY REGISTRATION Quantity _____ Hospitality Book @ $70.00 (Canadian Funds) each (Covers all events) (Or alternatively) Sub: _______ _____ INT’L Banquet Tickets (Saturday evening) @ $35.00 Sub: _______ _____ DG Elect Luncheon Tickets (Sunday) @ $25.00 (Open to all Lions, Lioness, Leos & non­Lions) _____ Meet & Greet Tickets w International Director @ $15.00 Sub: _______ Sub: _______ Total $ _______ Please make cheques/money orders payable to: MD41 Convention 2007 Mail To: Lions MD41 Convention 2007 c/o Lion Frank Antle, PDG 26 Cleary Drive Goulds, NL A1S 1C3 Enquiries Email: fantle@newfoundlandpower.com please put “MD41 Convention” in Subject line Hotel Reservations should be made directly with the hotel. Room Rates are $131.00 per night plus 3% municipal and 15% HST. Delta St. John’s 120 New Gower Street, St. John’s, NL A1C 6K4 Telephone: (709) 739­6404 Be sure to state that you will be attending the Multiple District 41Lions Convention, to get the Convention rate. Convention rate also available three (3) days prior to and after the convention for those wishing to extend their stay.
MD 41