13-K Team Times


13-K Team Times
13-K Team Times
Together Everyone Achieves More
May 2013
CHICKEN !!!!!!!
District Governor
Lion Sue Haben (Matt)
3705 Sheets Rd, NW
Lancaster, OH 43130
Home Club: Bloom Carroll
GovernorLion Bill Schultz
1412 Canal Street
Baltimore, OH 43105
Home Club: Baltimore
1st VDG-Elect
Lion Richard Sweeney (Sharon)
5419 Election House Rd
Carroll, OH 43112-0648
Home Club: Carroll/BloomCarroll
Cabinet Sec/Treasurer
Lion Ed Otte
10294 Deep Cut Road
Millersport, OH 43046
Home Club: Millersport
Newsletter Editor: Lion Stephanie Wiles ~ 925 Lancaster St, Marietta, OH 45750 ~ 740-525-2704 ~ swiles@wmoa1490.com ~ 740-525-2704
Home Club: Marietta Noon
Reaching out to those in need
Hello Fellow Lions,
As I sit down to write my May newsletter article, I am experiencing a mixed bag of emotions. I am sure that
every past district governor has experienced the same feelings. I have to come to the realization that my
year as your District Governor is almost over. I look back at the accomplishments we have successfully
completed this year such as helping a young woman to receive a new glass eye, helping to provide a
special bed for a girl with many disabilities, helping to purchase a reader to a kindergarten student in the
East Knox school system, and giving generously to the Sandy Relief Fund. I also must look forward to the
future and the good works still to be accomplished by our District. My District Cabinet has approved the
support for the construction of a rubberized ball field complex to be erected at the Developmental
Disabilities school in Fairfield County. Lion Ed Gamble, from the Roseville Lions Club, and I began this
project almost two years ago. We are now ready to start the fundraising campaign. This will be a
collaborative effort with several other service organizations and private donations. Our District will play a
leading role in this wonderful field which will serve not only the disabled members of our community, and
surrounding counties, but will also be a field for little league players and adults who wish to establish a
soccer team. Your incoming Governor, Lion Bill Schultz has accepted the challenge to see that this field will
probably be completed during his year. I am sure that other projects will come along as well, and I am
looking forward to helping to make them a reality.
I have had the privilege to induct the new officers in the Nelsonville-York Lions Club along with two new
members. I will also present a Melvin Jones to a very deserving member of the Fredericktown Lions Club
when I attended their 75th Charter Night on May 6th. Congratulations to a great group of Lions. Since my
convention, I have been traveling around the state and attending my fellow District Governor’s conventions.
Each of the other nine districts have had different approaches in honoring their Lions, but none of the other
districts have presented the multitude of awards such as ours. For that I am very proud that we recognize
so many Lions for their hard work and dedication to serving others. This is why I feel that we have the best
district in the State of Ohio.
I am looking forward to the State Convention because I have selected two very dedicated and hard
working Lions to receive the Presidential and Leadership Awards. I will let you know in my June article
which Lions I have chosen for these very prestigious awards. I am also excited about this month’s
Leadership School. Lion Sue Diehm has put together another exciting and informative day for our District.
There are several new classes scheduled, and many selections to please all of the Lions, no matter what
level they may be in our District. Please try to attend. Also, don’t forget the Spaghetti Dinner, sponsored by
the PDG Association, which will follow the Leadership School on May 4th. This dinner is to gain funds for
the future District Governors spouses to attend the International Convention. Having experienced the funds
for Matt, when I became a District Governor, I know first hand how much it is appreciated to an incoming
Governor. The PDG’s should be applauded for their efforts in helping to make a wonderful trip for the
Governor and his/her spouse. Thank you Past District Governors!
It’s great to be a Lion, especially a Lion in District 13-K.
Governor Sue & Matt
There is still a lot going on with Lions of 13K and MD13. Check out the opportunities for fun and training
listed in this article.
13K’s own leadership school will be held on May 4 at the Licking Valley schools. Sessions for club
Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers and Membership chairs will be highlighted but many other sessions
will be offered for new members and long-time Lions. I have asked all membership chairs to attend to get
the new “Tool Kit” developed by our GMT to help meet my goal of NO DROPPED LIONS this coming year.
Sessions on ceremonies, tail twisting, legal matters and Zone Chairs will be available, too. Come join us
for a great training and then head on down to the Millersport club house for a spaghetti dinner supporting
the Governor’s spouse travel fund. See you there.
PU-101’s… Election of officers continues or should be completed in the clubs of 13K. Please be sure to fill
out your PU101 form and send it to LCI and to me so I can get our Directory completed. This is the first
action of Lions Year 2013 – 2014 so let the celebration begin!!!
State Convention is May 17-19, 2013, at the Embassy Suites, near I270 and US33 in Dublin. I hope you
all will consider attending at least one day of this event. It is fun, informative and your club gets to vote on
how our MD13 is run. See your club secretary for registration forms.
Sunday the 19th, after the convention, is Ohio Lions night with the Clippers at Huntington Park in the Arena
District of Columbus. Game time is 6:05pm and tickets are $12 with a portion of the price going to help
the Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank. Come have a fun time with Lions from all over Ohio to root the Home
Team on to victory. Go to www.coleb.org/clipperstickets.htm for more information.
I enjoyed attended the Zone 6 meeting this month and had great visits to the Somerset, Glenford and
Coolville Lions. Thank you all for your hospitality and community assistance.
Checks were delivered this month to the Licking County Center for the Visually Impaired and to Pilot Dogs
from the Porcelain Doll sales. A total of $1201.00 was generated by your efforts and each organization
received $600.50. Great job 13K! This was something new we tried and it went pretty well. There are a
few dolls still available from this project so if you would like to sell/raffle/buy/etc a doll to help out these two
charities, please contact me and I’ll get the doll(s) to you.
Plant trees!!! I could not get a District Tree Planting scheduled this year but I hope you are still planting
trees in your communities this year. Any tree plantings you do this spring will still count towards the
Governor’s contest next year. We will have a District Tree Planting next spring.
I am looking forward to a year of COOPERATION, POSITIVE THINKING and NEW IDEAS for 2013 –
2014. I hope you are all ready to have FUN and CELEBRATE everything you do! “ONLY YOU” can do
it…keep your club active, get new members, make sure you don’t lose any members, learn more about
Lions, complete an online Lions course or two… I am counting on all of the Lions of District 13K to “Help
Spread Lions Like Wildfire!”
Lion Bill Shultz, Govenor Elect
We are in need of Ohio Lions All-State Band Members. Please visit your local schools’ band and
explain the advantages and fun a five-day training and trip can be. Think of the experience they
can get while meeting other students from the state of Ohio. It can and has happened that they
meet their future spouse. For more information contact Sharon Sweeney e-mail
Have you read the May Issue of the Lions Magazine, page 46? It doesn’t take big ideas for a new
projects it just takes an idea and follow through, which some times requires hard work, but if an
idea is worth working on, it’s worth putting in the effort. I enjoyed the article about Mursal Ismail
Isa about “Going Back and Giving Back.” Follow your ambitions and you can accomplish the
unbelievable. At times it may seem hopeless. My mother used say, “Things work out for the best
in the end.” I find this to be true. Another article is “A Roaring,” which starts on page 16, is very
With this Lions year coming to a close, it’s time to wrap all lose ends and start planning for next
year. Lion Governor-Elect Bill is working on the new district directory. This is a big job, so let’s
help him by getting any information he request from us as quickly as possible. We want to help
make his run is as smooth as it can be.
Lion Richard Sweeney
1st Vice Governor Elect
All you can eat Spaghetti Dinner
May 4th 2013
At Millersport Lions Club House after the
13-K Denny Irwin leadership School
4:00 pm till 7:00 pm
April Newsletter
Lion Sandy Crossan, who is
with Licking Valley Lions,
won Lion of the Year
(Zone 3). Also, Lion Sandy's son,
Lion Chris, did Licking
Valley Lions Scrapbook,
which won this year's
scrapbook contest.
PDG Don DeVault
MAY 28,2013
4-10 PM
District 13K Directory Change
Pages 27 & 46
District 13K Contest Chair and Heath Lions Club President
Lion Virginia has changed her name, address, and phone number. She got married last Sunday so her name is now;
Virginia Rardain
Her address is now;
11015 Ridenour Road
Thornville, OH 43076
Yep, that's a Thornville address and is down in
Perry County but the Thornville Lions shouldn't
get any ideals about her transferring to their club.
Lion Virginia is a "regular" Lion and PDG Fred
Boring said that Thornville doesn't have regular Lions.
67th Millersport Sweet Corn
The 67th Millersport Sweet Corn
Festival is just around the corner. We are offering your club a chance
to make some easy money. If this
is your first time with us or you are
a long time associate, we hope
that this project will earn extra
money for you.
There is no cost to you - the
tickets sell themselves. A book of
tickets costs $5.00 for a book of 3
or $2.00 for 1 ticket. At the end of
selling the tickets you return 1/2 of
the money back to us and you
keep the other 1/2. Everyone will
have a chance to win the GRAND
PRIZE OF $10,000 plus hundreds
of other prizes. You do NOT have
to purchase any unsold tickets,
you just return them with the
money. If you should happen to
need more tickets, just call one of
The tickets are ready to be
shipped to you or are available for
pick-up. Just call Roy Brewer at
(740) 928-8812 or
Barb Boggess at (740) 777-5145
From District 13K Web Master Lion Brian Fox:
No-Maintenance Website Program! As District 13K Webmaster, I'd like to congratulate the Lancaster Tarhe
Lions Club for working with me to get their new "No-Maintenance" website up and running. Check it out at: www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/lancaster_OH
The No-Maintenance website is meant for clubs that:
1. Do not have a site yet
2. Desire to have a web presence
3. Don't want to spend a lot of time updating and maintaining a site.
If this sounds like your club, please fill out COMPLETELY the attached 2-page form and send it to me at
the following address:
Lion Brian Fox
592 Courtland Lane
Pickerington, OH 43147
You should also send or email good photos of your club and events for use on the site. The purpose of this
No-Maintenance Website Program is to get Lions Clubs on the web in a professional-looking manner with basic
information about the club that will not change from year to year.
Computers for Leadership Training:
I have been told that there will not be any
computers to use for the secretaries training at
the Leadership Conference. I would like to try to
have part of the training be a workshop, so if you
are planning on attending the secretaries training
and you have a laptop please bring it. I also would
like to enlist the help of the experienced
secretaries who will be at the training to help the
inexperienced ones during this workshop.
Submitted by Lion Dan Osborn
Dear Friends & Family:
On June 15, 2013, I will be performing in Skate for Hope, a beautiful and unique figure skating show
that honors breast cancer survivors in our community, while raising awareness and funding for breast
cancer research. Skate for Hope is a not-for-profit, 501c3 charitable organization that donates its
proceeds to the The Stefanie Spielman Fund at the Wexner Center and the Vera Bradley Foundation
for Breast Cancer. I am thrilled and honored to join the cast with current Olympic & National skating
champions that come to Columbus each year to support this cause.
As a performer, I will directly help raise research funds by having my performance sponsored. I am
writing to ask for your support by becoming one of my sponsors. If you decide to sponsor my
performance, you may do so at any amount you wish and sponsorship funds are tax deductible.
Please visit www.skateforhope.org to become one of my sponsors. On the “Donate” page you can
search my name and make a gift directly to my personal sponsorship page. If you prefer to send a
check, please make it payable to Skate for Hope (no cash please), and return to me to forward to
Skate for Hope.
To earn my spot in the cast, I must raise $450 by April 26, 2013. I greatly appreciate your
consideration of sponsorship, and respectfully request that, should you decide to do so, that you
forward your support to me by April 21st, so that I may promptly register.
Please consider giving your support to Skate for Hope in 2013, and join me as one of the champions
to help find a cure. The show will take place at 5:00 pm Saturday, June 15th, at the Nationwide Arena
in downtown Columbus. Tickets to Skate for Hope are available now at the Nationwide Arena Box
Office and at www.ticketmaster.com. Tickets costs begin at $15.00, with all seats in the lower bowl. I
hope you will come to see me perform with National and Olympic skating stars!
Should you have any questions or require any clarification, please feel free to contact Skate for Hope
at (740) 917-9105 or bongirno@mac.com, or visit www.skateforhope.org. Thank you for your time
and consideration of this request!
Sincerest Regards,
Amanda Scott
Granddaughter of Heath Lion Ken Scott
Millersport Sweet Corn Festival 2013 Festival Headliners
The Millersport Sweet Corn Festival Entertainment Committee is pleased to announce
that we have booked our Headliners for this year's Sweet Corn Festival.
Appearing on the stage of the Brookover-Harlow Pavilion on:
Friday, August 30, 8:00 PM is Jason Michael Carroll
Saturday, August 31, 8:00 PM is Sawyer Brown
On Saturday, May 18th, the Philo Thunder Cats will receive an award for tying for first place in the
50 and under in State competition.
District 13-K Peace poster winner Stephanie Fox of Pickerington will receive her award for also
winning the State contest!
Hopefully, the Leo Clubs in District 13-K will be attending the Youth Day on May 18 th, as the
Columbus Traveling Zoo will be appearing.
Most Leo Clubs will be anxiously waiting for school to end, however some of the clubs will remain
active over the summer.
Overall it has been a GRRRRR-eat year for the Leo Clubs of District 13-K!
“The Youth of today are the Leaders of Tomorrow”.
PDG Don DeVault
District 13-K Youth and Leo Chairperson
The Pickerington Lions Club started up their Leo Club once again, installing 16 energetic Leos on
March 7, 2013. Since the installation the Leos have been very busy raising money for the club.
They cooked and served dinner to the Pickerington Lions on April 11, 2013. Liam Niemeyer (Vice
President) helped to prepare the meal and Tommy Fox and Jacob Smith were kept busy serving
and cleaning up on the 11th.
Tommy Fox spoke to the Leo Club about his S Vosh project, collecting ball caps. Shaili Kothari
(President) got interested Leos together to decorate boxes which were placed in the junior high
and high school to collect ball caps. On Wednesday of the same week they did a fund raiser to
collect money for S Vosh where students could pay $1 to wear a hat to school. The money they
raised will be donated to S Vosh along with the ball Caps.
We have a team of 5 Leos, Jessica Merrick (Activities Director,) Karmen Sigman (Secretary,)
Kaitlin MacFarlane (Historian, )Hayley Critchfield and Ricky Critchfield bowling for Big Brothers/Big
Sisters “Bowl for Kids’ Sake” on May 5th. Each of the Leos raised $30 to donate to the cause.
Our next outing will be to the Youth Day May 18th featuring the travelling Columbus Zoo. It will be
held at the Multiple District 13 Ohio Lions State Convention at the Embassy Suites in Dublin Ohio.
The Club is busy planning for a book drive to send books to Nigeria; a trip to the local Fire
department to get a firsthand look at what goes on behind the scene at the firehouse and are busy
planning ways to promote the Leo Club at the annual Pickerington Lions Club Fish Fry on Labor
Bob and Debbie Hulvey PickeringtonLleo Club Advisors
13-K District Newsletter
Lion Stephanie Wiles – Editor
925 Lancaster Street
Marietta, OH 45750
Lion Walter E. Brookover
Charter member of the Licking Valley Lions Club
Pased away on April 25, 2013
He was a member for 43-years
Surviving are his wife, Letha Miller Brookover of over 72 years and two grandchildren
Historic Lions Park, Millersport
August 28-31, 2013
“It’s Earrisistible”
www.sweetcornfest.com 740-467-3639
Nashville Country Music Shows – Midway – Games
Food – Tractor Pulls – Heritage Village – 5K Run
Free Admission - $10 Parking Fee
Sponsored by Millersport Lions Club