November 2015 -


November 2015 -
November 2015
Edition 7 Volume 4
District 5M3
Newsletter Email Address:
District Governor :
Lion Steve Collins
PO Box 493
Morgan MN 56266
We all have challenges -- we have jobs, families, schedules, bills -- nothing seems to be easy
anymore! As Lions, we see challenges in our clubs -- membership declines, lack of interest,
fundraising avenues drying up, less motivation. We can do one of two things: we can let our
challenges define us and surrender to the inevitability of failure. OR...
That's what I hope to inspire the Lions in 5M3 to do in the next several months! Rise to the
challenges in your lives and in your clubs and become better people and better Lions! During my
club visits, I have asked the folks I speak to challenge themselves personally -- do something they
have not done. I have decided to challenge myself to ride 150 miles on my bicycle next spring -and raise money for Alzheimer's Disease Research. (More details on this as we get closer!) I want
people to test their potential (and maybe their limitations) and reach out beyond what they think
they can do.
1st Vice DG:
Lion Larry Muenchow
11067 150th St
Tracy MN 56175
During my visits, I am also challenging clubs to get new members. Membership is the lifeblood of
2nd Vice DG:
Lion Dan Jones
875 20th St
Windom MN 56101
Lion Donald Kuehl
PO Box 9
Jackson MN 56143
our organization -- without new members, this will be the last generation of Lions! I would like to
see each club in 5M3 add to their membership -- I challenge each club to get at least one new
member net each year. This means that if you had 30 members at the start of the Lions year, you
will have 31 at the end of the year. This requires some effort -- don't assume that people want to
be Lions! You have to go out and ask!
Finally, I challenge each club to donate to Lions Club International Foundation. If we get 100
percent participation -- all clubs in 5M3 donating to the LCIF -- I will donate $500 of my own money
to the cause!
So do not let challenges intimidate you -- be a true Lion and meet them head on! "SPARK THE
SERVE" is my call to action -- and our theme for the 2016 Mid-Winter! More on that next month!
PDG Mike Appel
PO Box 8
Milroy MN 56258
Newsletter Editors:
Lion Cheri Appel
PO Box 8
Milroy MN 56263
Tracy Lions Club
Newsletter Sponsorships:
Lion Carrie Shofner
PO Box 31
Milroy MN 56263
Immediate Past DG:
Lion Dave Laechel
3915 5th Place NW
Rochester MN 55901
District Administrator:
Lion Denise Nelson
405 S Street
Morgan MN 56266
Windom Lions Club
LCIF is in need of
funding so IF
Club in the
District (43)
donate at least
$25.00 to LCIF
before June 30,
2016, DG Steve
will donate
Mail LCIF to:
PDG John Myers,
806 Hwy 71 S,
Jackson MN 56143
Donate to all 4
Worthington Lions Club
I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful fall weather and that, if you are engaged in
farming, that everything is going well with harvest. Fall is a beautiful time of the year
and probably my favorite time of the year. It is also a busy time with many things to do.
This is also true in Lions. This last month I had the pleasure of going to the Lions USA
Canada Forum in Grand Rapids Michigan. I have to confess that I had never been to a
Lions Forum before and did not really know what to expect. It was a fantastic
experience! The Forum was expanded to three full days this year and you were busy all
the time going to seminars or just visiting with Lions from all over the U. S. and Canada. There were so many
seminars that you had to pick and choose which ones to go to! It was planned that way so you could always
find a seminar that would interest you and they were on all aspects of Lions. Meeting Lions from all over was
great, especially when you asked how their Lions Club operated and what they did in their club activities!
One club in California sends their 1st Vice-president to the Forum every year because the club feels that he or
she can do a better job as President of their club! If you have questions on Lionism or would just like to know
more about Lions, this is the place to come. Would you like to meet and hear the Lions International President
and the 1st International Vice President, then the forum is the place to go! My wife and I have already signed
up for the next Forum which will be held September 15-17 in Omaha, Nebraska.
I knew that there was a wealth of information on the Lions website but I didnʼt realize that there is a Lions
University that has formal courses on all aspects of Lions. I believe there were well over 200 graduates this
year and they held a graduation at the Forum for Lions who had completed either a bachelors degree, a
masters degree, or a PHD degree! I firmly believe that the more you know about Lions the better Lion you
will be. How can you look over the courses offered? Just go to the Lions Club International website and all
the information is available to you, or just do a internet search for Lions Club University. The best part is that
you can do the courses on your schedule over the internet, You can gain a wealth of information on almost
any subject from how to fill out a secretaries report, to how to learn leadership skills, or any other questions
that you may have on Lions. I heard an estimate that there were in excess of 60,000 pages on the Lions Club
International website! The more informed a person is the more confident they are in everything they do! So
get going and check out the Lions website.
Lions Club
6 Tracy Lions attended the MN Lions Hearing & Vision
Foundations tour. Lions Sue and Larry, Gary & Patty
Peterson and Curt & Muriel Reinert.
An evening Welcome Party in the pool
area is currently being planned.
Make your hotel reservations today~
Call 507-532-3221
If your club enjoys hosting a
hospitality room, be sure to call and
reserve your poolside room now!
Rooms are limited.
Lions: PLEASE remember that all Lions Clubs, that have annual gross receipts less than $50,000 must file the e
-Postcard (also known as 990-N). Please note that this is an IRS requirement. This has to filed online, and for
most clubs it must be filed before November 15 of this year (there are a few Lions Clubs that have a calendar year
as their fiscal year and your club must file each year by May 15).
To file, the easiest way to do it is to go to the following website: Once you are at
the site, you need to have the following:
1. Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). Your
secretary should have this, or you can get it for your club on the LCI website,, then pull up
your club; it will have the number listed. This is a nine digit number.
2. Tax Year Use July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015.
3. Legal name and mailing address.
4. Any other names the organization uses.
5. Name and address if the principal officer.
6. Website address if the organization has one.
7. Confirmation that the organization’s annual gross receipts are $50,000 or less.
8. If applicable, a statement that the organization has terminated or is terminating (going out of business).
You MUST complete this every year. If you miss for 3 years, your club loses its tax exempt status and you must
pay a reinstatement fee to get re-registered. Avoid the pain, make sure that this is done at the latest by November
15 of each year, but do it early in case there is some glitch that needs to be dealt with.
Rooms-$85.00 + Tax
November 1, 2015-June 30, 2016
It is VERY important that the District Governor
visits EVERY Lions Club in his/her
District. Please send this form to DG Steve
Collins or contact him via email to set up your
club visit.
Today’s Date: ______________
Club Name: _______________________
Name/Location of Meeting:
Address/Directions to Meeting place (Very
Hadley Lions,
Hadley Lioness, and
Murray County
Central School Patrol
after walking/
cleaning ditches
along Hwy 30 west
of Hadley on Sat.,
Oct. 3, 2015.
Dates in order of preference: 1st: _________;
2nd ____________; 3rd: ________________
Time meeting begins: __________
If a meal, when does it begin? ___________
Will new members be inducted by DG?
_________ New Officers Installed?
If yes, please have all information on hand or
forward to the DG before the meeting.
Is this a joint meeting with other Lions Clubs?
Lion requesting the visit: ________________
Position held: ______________________
Telephone: _________________
Send to: DG Steve Collins, PO Box 493,
Morgan MN 56266;
Pipestone Lions- Fill backpacks with school supplies for
the Pipestone School system. They were about 100 back
packs short for the school year.
Sunday, November 8
9 a.m. -12 noon
Milroy American Legion Hall
For Community Electronic Sign
Scrambled Eggs, Pancakes, Sausage,
Applesauce, Juice & Coffee
Morgan Lions Club
Fall Brunch / Fall Raffle
Sunday, November 15, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
St. Michaels Catholic Church Basement~Morgan
Scrambled Eggs, Pancakes, Sausage & Beverage.
Age 12-Adult: $9.00
5-11 Year Olds: $4.00
4 & Under: Free
Good Tooth Care for Children
Your child’s teeth are important to
good health and development.
You can prevent childhood cavities by
following these simple steps:
Our District is BELOW the required 1250 members
to remain a District. We are gaining new members
but not retaining the members we already have.
We HAVE to get our numbers up this year so
be sure to get out and Ask 1!
~District 5M3
Membership Update~
Number of Members:
June 30, 2015
Number of Members:
September 30, 2015
Members Added:
Members Dropped:
Net Loss/Gain:
Number of Clubs in the District: _ 43_
Have YOU Asked Someone to be a Lion
 Limit sugary foods and drinks.
 Make sure your child’s teeth are brushed twice daily with
fluoride toothpaste starting when the first tooth appears.
 Take your child to the dentist every six months for an exam
and fluoride treatment.
 If your child does not have a dentist, ask your child’s doctor or
nurse practitioner to apply fluoride varnish to your child’s teeth
every three months starting by age one at the latest.
Learn more by visiting the Minnesota Oral Health Project website and liking us on Facebook.
Cavities can be prevented.
A Power Point presentation is available for any club
interested in refreshing their club on what being a Lion
really is in the 5M3 District. Call 5M3 Membership
Chair PDG Mike Appel & Lion Cheri Appel, 5M3
Editor for a visit to your club today. 507-336-2405
Murray County Central School's Homecoming
Parade on Friday, Sept. 26, with PDG Al Husfeldt
of the Hadley Lions Club.
5M3 Can Do Canines Chair,
Lion Galen Engholm
Cell No 507-920-7129
Where is the time going? It seems like yesterday that I
was sitting at the computer making out last month’s
article. The Woofaroo was a great success. More than
182 walkers, 86 dogs and 90 volunteers came out to the
2015 Can Do Woofaroo! In total, we raised more than
$60,000. That's enough to fund two new assistance dog
teams! Slammer's Supporters from District 5M3, the top
fundraising team brought in $2,218 and the top
fundraising individual, Holly Fitzenberger brought in
$3,000. Wow! Thank you to everyone who walked,
pledged and volunteered. We hope to see you again.
This past winter, Paul Chavez was at his house in
Mequon, Wis. for at least 10 minutes washing dishes.
His fiancé Cate came home to the sound of the sump
pump alarm blasting loudly throughout the home. The
pipes had frozen and Paul was unaware there was an
alarm alerting him. Their basement was flooding, soiling
the boxes filled with their possessions as they had just
moved in. This before a four-legged hearing assistant
named Nina joined their lives.
Thanks to you for your support we have graduated our
500th team. We did it, together. Thanks to your
support. This August, we placed Hearing Assist Dog
Nina with Paul Chavez of Mequon, Wis.
Coincidentally, the first assistance dog we ever placed
was also a Hearing Assist Dog back in August of 1989.
Working together, we can graduate our next 500 teams.
As the year presses on I’m looking forward to sending
out a challenge to all the clubs in 5M3 to remember us
in the parade of green at the midwinter. It is my goal to
get every club in my district to donate to Can-DoCanines.
Thank You for your support-
On October 6, the Madelia Lions Club hosted a
successful Membership Night. We had 15 guests present
and are looking at least 8 new members! This is 30%
membership growth. Lion Viktoria Davis presented a
PowerPoint on Lionism. If you are interested in a copy
of the PowerPoint for your club's use, contact her at
Life Lessons
across Cultures
and Around
the World
5M3 IYEChair Lion Vicki Pals
Have you wanted to host an International
Student but thought a year exchange was toooo
Then the Lions International Youth
Exchange is for you!!!!
Students (age 16-20) stay is only 4-6 weeks in
the summer, with one week at Camp Spicer
July 16-24, 2016.
There are hundreds of countries to choose
students from. 36 students will come to MD5M.
Apply now for the one or two that will be right
for you.
Host Family Applications are due to your
District Chair by Feb. 1, 2016.
Thank you for your continued support for the
success of this International Youth Exchange
We're a 501c3. If your Lions Club has
charitable Gambling Funds we encourage you
to donate. Make checks payable to:
“Lions Int'l Youth Exchange Camp Spicer”
I'd love to come and tell your club all about
International Youth Exchange.
Lion Bob Schirlinger507-354-840
Lion Mary Snobl507-629-4734
These two Lions serve on this
diabetes foundation which is
dedicated to improving the
lives of people with diabetes by
funding research to find a cure for
diabetes, providing education and sponsoring
preventive health activities. We need your help!
Please contact us to visit your club and share
some amazing stories of how lifestyle changes
can reduce your risk and how our research could
save you or the life of someone you know!
Lions of New Ulm & Lafayette Lions
Partner in Diabetes Walk
Members of the Lions Club of New Ulm partnered with
the Lafayette Area Lions Club to host the first annual
New Ulm Diabetes Walk Saturday, October 10th. The one
or two mile walk began at the New Ulm Civic Center on
the Brown County Fairgrounds and continued on the
sidewalks around the grounds.
Randi Wise,
NU Diabetes
leads the
pack of
Lions Clubs International will be
100 years old in 2017.
Let’s freshen up those signs!
Is your highway sign
worn or faded?
Does it still show the
old logo?
Refresh your current
highway sign with one of
our Emblem Decals,
specifically made to be
placed on your 18" or 30"
highway sign to give it a
fresh, new look that will
Teams and individuals walked to raise money for the
Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation to fund it's efforts to
find a CURE for diabetes.
The Wise family of New Ulm and Lafayette along with a
Need a new or
team of New Ulm Lions, Nurse Practitioners and a
30" Emblem
Dietician from the New Ulm Medical Center were
Decal sign? Shop LCI online
instrumental in bringing the event to New Ulm. For the
Highway Signs &
past 10 years, the Wise family had participated in the ADA
(American Diabetes Association) Walk in Mankato.
18" Emblem
find the right fit for your
This joint effort by the New Ulm and Lafayette Lions
Decal - US$23.35
was a unique venture across district lines in that the New
Ulm Club is in District 5M3 and the Lafayette Club is in
District 5M2.
As a first-year venture, organizers set a goal of raising
$5,000 for the research efforts of the Minnesota Lions
Diabetes Foundation. That goal was surpassed, with more
than $5,500 raised. The Lafayette Area Lions Club kickRegion 2 Zone 1 ~ Monday, November 9, 6:30 p.m.
started the fundraising efforts by making a $1,000
Roadhouse Bar & Grill, Wabasso
Lion David Shofner
Lions Clubs: Lamberton
Walnut Grove
Redwood Falls
Region 1 Zone 1 ~ Sunday, November 15, 2-3 p.m.
Cottonwood Community Center Ballroom
Lion Carrie Shofner
Lions Clubs: Canby
Granite Falls Vesta
New Ulm Diabetes Walk workers and participants from l to r:
Lafayette Lions Club President, Lion Bob Wise; NU Diabetes
Walk Coordinator, Lion Bob Schirlinger; Lion John Micheel,
Lion Wil Burdorf, Lions Club of New Ulm President, Lion
Glen Setterholm; NU Diabetes Walk Coordinator, Michael
5M3 District Governor
Steven Collins
PO Box 493, Morgan MN 56266
Lion Steven
Is your club missing? If so, tell your club officers to sponsor the District Newsletter for $40.00 a year.
Payable to the 5M3 Treasurer PDG Mike Appel; (address on page 2)
4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
4th Monday, 6:30 p.m.
Lion Craig Wetter ~ President
Lion James Lueken ~ President
2nd Monday, 6:00 p.m.
2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
Lion Donna Hage ~ President
1st Thursday, 6:30 p.m.
Lion Dan Leach~ President
1/3 Wednesday, 6:00 p.m.
Dr. Brad Holmberg ~ President
1st Thursday, 6:30 p.m.
Lion Bonnie Hanish ~ President
1st/3rd Monday, 6:30 p.m.
Jeannine Uhlenkamp~ President
1st/3rd Monday, 6:30 p.m.
Lion Craig Opdahl ~ President
3rd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
Leonard Leenderts ~ President
4th Monday, 6:00 p.m.
Codie Zeutenhorst ~ President
3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m.
Lion Bob Quissell ~ President
3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m.
2/4 Tuesday, 6:00 p.m.
1st Monday, 6:00 p.m.
Lion Mike Laue ~ President
1st Monday, 6:30 p.m.
Lion James Penske ~ President
4th Wednesday, 7:30 pm
2/4 Monday, 7 p.m.
Lion Dean Tiam ~ President
4th Monday, 6:00 pm
Lion Jack VanEck ~ President
2/4 Monday, 6:15 p.m.
1/2 Thursday, 6:15 pm
James Mitchell Jasper ~ President Lion Glen Setterholm ~ President
1st Tuesday, 6:05 p.m.
Lion Al Lang ~ President
2nd Tuesday, 6:15 pm
Lion Larry Isaackson ~ President
2nd Thursday, 6:00 pm
3rd Monday, 8:00 p.m.
Lion Jackie Meyer ~ President
3rd Monday, 6:00 pm
Duane Nawrocki ~ President
Lion Susan Eitreim ~ President
Raymond Maeyaert ~ President
Lion John Madson~ President
Lion Ryan Beers ~ President
Lion Ted Kern ~ President
3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
Lion Justin Hoepner ~ President
2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
Lion Vern Klante ~ President
3rd Tuesday, 7:00 a.m.
Lion Jim Lynner ~ President
2/4 Wednesday, 6:30 pm
Dean Schumacher ~ President
2nd Monday, 6:15 p.m.
Lion Vernon Goering~ President
2nd Monday, 6:15 pm
Susan Obermoller ~ President
2nd Monday 6:15 pm
Lion Gary Richter ~ President
3rd Monday, 6:30 pm
Lion Dean McNeal ~ President
2nd Monday, 6:30 pm
Lion Chris Kamrud ~ President