TheRoarFebruary2012 - District 18-L
TheRoarFebruary2012 - District 18-L
SERVING THE LIONS OF DISTRICT 18A! FEBRUARY 2012 THE ROAR News "om District 18A Lion Alan Bethel, District Governor Lion Leslie C. Miller, Editor 11865 Wildwood Springs Drive Roswe!, GA 30075 (H) 770.643.1506 (C) 404.805.9264 42 Waterside Court E!ijay, GA 30536 (H) 706.635.5913 (C) 770.894.7834 District Convention Coming Next Month! Hosted by Roswell Lions, this convention is something you sure won’t want to miss! Can you believe it’s time once again to start thinking about District Convention? It will be here before we know it, so make your plans now to attend -- included in the next two pages are more information about the convention and a registration form. Besides the election of officers for the coming year, we will have an item to business to attend to: Voting on Resolution at District 18A Convention on March 10, 2012 We will be voting on a resolution resulting from the redistricting of MD18 into four new Districts and holding four conventions in 2012-2013. District A would jointly with District E hold their convention on March 8-10, 2013 and jointly with the Organizational Convention of District L. The convention will be held at a site to be selected by the 2012-2013 Governors for District E and A. It is recommended the resolution be approved that allows the four new Districts in MD18 to move forward in a positive manner. The resolution gives the Lions of Georgia the opportunity to have celebratory conventions with a positive view and path toward the future and be inclusive to all clubs in the new district. Our guest for the weekend will be ID Dr. Gary Anderson from Grand Rapids, ! Michigan, USA (pictured to the right). He was elected to serve a two-year term as a director of The International Association of Lions Clubs at the association’s 93rd International Convention, held in Sydney, Australia, June 28 to July 2, 2010. Director Anderson is a Doctor of Optometry and the owner of Anderson Eye Care. A member of the Grand Rapids Lions Club since 1979, he has held many offices within the association, including club president, district governor and council chair. He also served as CSFII district coordinator, chair of the 2007 USA/ Canada Forum Grand Rapids Host Committee, twice a member of the USA/ Canada Forum planning committee and has participated in 22 Lions vision missions to Central and South America, India and Serbia. In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including the Henry Voet Grand Rapids Lifetime Achievement Award, the Lions of Michigan Foundation Humanitarian Award, the Grandville and Betty Cutler Leadership Award, the Lions of Michigan Foundation Ken Lautzenheiser Fellow Award, the S.A. Dodge MD-11 Distinguished Service Award, 10 International President’s Certificates of Appreciation, an International President’s Leadership Award and two International President’s Medals. He is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. Editor’s Note: Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. Happy Valentine’s Day! Lion Leslie Mi!er, Editor Director Anderson and his wife, Cheryl, also a Lion and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, have one son and two daughters, all of whom are Lions and whose spouses are Lions. They have one grandson. Director Anderson’s brother, parents, father and mother-in-law are also Lions. We look forward to welcoming them to 18A! SERVING THE LIONS OF DISTRICT 18A! FEBRUARY 2012 Schedule for District 18A Convention March 9th and 10th, 2012 Friday, March 9, 2012 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Registration at Holiday Inn 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. District Hall of Fame Dinner and Inductions 8:15 - 10:15 p.m. Ghost Walk - 2 hours - transportation provided So you say you like ghosts? Join us for a mile walk through Roswell’s Historic District and discover some of Roswell’s history you may not have known before! Lion Jonathan Crooks (District Convention Special Activities) leads us on this two-hour adventure to some of Roswell’s best known homes, historic Founders Cemetery, and tells stories that you don’t hear on the history tours. Bring a warm coat and good walking shoes. 8:15 - 11:00 p.m. Hospitality room open at Best Western Plus Saturday, March 10, 2012 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Breakfast and Q & A with ID Gary Anderson at Holiday Inn - cost $12.00 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Zumba Class at Holiday Inn 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Registration at Holiday Inn 10:00 - 12:00 noon Tour of Historic Roswell Sites - 2 hours - transportation provided Join Lion Jonathan Crooks as he walks you through Roswell’s Historical story ( approx. I mile) and you view the beautiful Antebellum Greek Revival homes of Historic Roswell. This 1 1/2 hour stroll will entertain you with the stories of Roswell’s founding fathers and life in the 1830’s - 1860’s. Learn about the Mills and Mill workers and their fate during the Civil War. We will lunch at Pastis French Restaurant in the heart of historic Roswell at the end of the tour. Jonathan has arranged for a special menu so that we can eat and get back to the hotel by 1:30 for the Cabinet Meeting. Lunch will be at your expense. 10:00 - 12:00 noon Shopping Trip to old Roswell - transportation provided 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Lunch at Pastis at your expense 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. District Convention Meeting and Elections 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. PDG Association Meeting - Holiday Inn Board Room 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Governor’s Banquet - Attire is business dress 8:45 - 11:00 p.m. Hospitality room open at Best Western Plus SERVING THE LIONS OF DISTRICT 18A! FEBRUARY 2012 18A District Convention Registration Form March 9th - 10th, 2012 Holiday Inn and Best Western Plus 909 Holcomb Bridge Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 Name(s) ________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ Club ___________________________________________________ Full Registration no. @ $50.00 ____ Total amount ____________ Saturday ONLY no. @ $30.00 ____ Total amount ____________ Friday ONLY no. @ $25.00 ____ Total amount ____________ Total Paid __________ Check Number ____________ Make checks payable to District 18A and mail to: Mark Rice 285 Blackberry Run Drive Dallas, GA 30132 Room reservations should be made prior to March 2nd, 2012. Call the Holiday Inn at 1-877-817-1414 or the Best Western Plus at 1-800-784-8321 to make your reservations. The hotels are next door to each other. Room rates are $55.00 + tax per night for the Holiday Inn. The Best Western Plus is $55.00 + tax per night, with a free continental breakfast Saturday and Sunday Mornings. Identify yourself as a Lions Club member to get the special rate. Check schedule page for activities we think you will find fun and interesting! Indicate which activities you would like to participate in with a “yes.” Ghost Walk _____ Tour of Historic Roswell Sites _____ Zumba Class _____ Shopping old Roswell _____ Lunch at Pastis _____ Saturday breakfast with ID - cost $12.00 _____ SERVING THE LIONS OF DISTRICT 18A! FEBRUARY 2012 OPPORTUNITY FOR FUN & FITNESS AT THE DISTRICT CONVENTION Inviting all women, and any men who dare, to join in a 30-minute session of ZUMBA on Saturday morning during District Convention beginning at 9:00am at the Best Western Plus, next door to the Holiday Inn. All you need is a pair of comfortable shoes. You will have fun, feel great, and be out in time for the tours. This is a beginner class, led by a certified ZUMBA instructor, and can be done at whatever level you choose. experienced in ZUMBA, or you simply don’t have a clue, you will be able to enjoy this class at your own level and have a great time! Please contact Lion Carole Bethel if you need further encouragement! You may be asking: What is ZUMBA? It is a Latin-inspired dance fitness program, suitable for people of all shapes, sizes, ages, and levels of fitness. ZUMBA exercises include music with fast and slow rhythms, as well as resistance training. Whether you are Come join the “fitness party” at District Convention! REPORT FROM THE CAMP FOR THE BLIND Do you know that probably the largest District in Georgia has fewer donations to the Camp than four of the six districts? What’s happening to the Best District in Georgia? We used to be not only the biggest but also the best! I’m looking at the financial reports for the period ending December 31, 2011 and during this contest year (May 1,2011-April 30, 2012), only 18 of 43 clubs have made contributions to the Camp. Additionally, the report shows that the district itself has donated $1725, a figure I do not believe. There are entries for May 2011 for $500 and June 2011 for $550 that probably belong to a club that was not coded correctly or were on a check that could not identify what club it was for. The report is available if you think your club had made a donation and it was not credited correctly, or if you would like to verify that your club’s donation. You can contact me and I can send you the report. The Camp is doing well and they have not had to borrow money from the trust fund so far this year, but it is only because the Kristen and her staff have been diligent in spending our money. Most of our camping is during the summer but we do have camp in December and we do have staff and expenses year round so we request that you make donations year round. If you have the funds, please send them in during the year. With Camp VP Lloyd’s early retirement, I am helping him with camp programs until a new VP is elected and takes office. My email address is or call me at 404-444-2064 if I can be of assistance. ~submitted by Lion Ed Ressler, Past President Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind DIRECTIONS TO HOLIDAY INN IN ROSWELL 909 Holcomb Bridge Rd in Roswell , GA From GA-400---Take exit 7B West toward Roswell. Stay on Holcomb Bridge Road for 1/2 mile to Warsaw Road. Make a U-turn at Warsaw Road and the Holiday Inn will be on the right in 1/8 mile behind Taco Bell and Peachtree Diner SERVING THE LIONS OF DISTRICT 18A! FEBRUARY 2012 STATEWIDE LEO GATHERING SET FOR MARCH This year’s Statewide LEO Gathering and Conference is scheduled for March 16-18 at the Camp for the Blind in Waycross. This year’s theme is “Georgia LEOs Roar”. As has been done in previous gatherings at the Camp, LEOs will plan to tackle work projects to help get the facility ready for the summer camping season. The MD18 LEO Council will also meet during the weekend, and elections will be held for 2012-2013. Over 100 LEOs, Lions, and other adults are expected to attend. The committee is providing four meals (3 on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday morning), drinks and other related items. There are other expenses associated with putting on an event of this scope, and the total cost usually exceeds $1000. Each Lions Club and/or individual Lion is asked to consider making a donation to help fund this year’s gathering and conference. All monies will be put into the LEO Gathering checking account and a detailed report showing all income and expenditures will be provided to the Council after the event is concluded. If you have not attended one of the LEO Gatherings in the past, please consider coming this year. The registration fee is $10.00, and the deadline is March 15. If you’d like more information, please contact Lion Steve Helwig at 770.725.7422 or ~submitted by Lion Steve Helwig MD18 LEO Clubs Program Chair MD18 LEO Gathering Chair LOVE TO LAUGH..... What do squirrels give for Valentine’s Day? Forget-me-nuts Why did the banana go out with the prune? Because he couldn’t get a date What did the caveman give his wife for Valentine’s Day? Ughs and kisses HALL OF FAME NOMINATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED The upcoming Hall of Fame at our District Convention in March will be the last for 18A -- the one in 2013 will be for our new District 18L. If your club has a member who has been a Lion for at least 10 years, who has been a very active and outstanding Lion in your club, your zone, and in the district, consider nominating them for the Hall of Fame. See next page for a nomination form -- questions should be directed to PDG Berry Broach -- OR 706.273.4109. SERVING THE LIONS OF DISTRICT 18A FEBRUARY 2012! District 18A Hall of Fame Nomination Form Lion being nominated: __________________________________________________ Home Club of nominee: _________________________________ Years in 18A: _____ Nomination submitted by: _________________________________________________ Telephone number_________________________ Email ________________________ Nominee is _____ Living or _____ Deceased The following five items can be written up on a separate page and submitted. 1. Describe leadership in Local Lions Club (s): ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Describe leadership in District 18A: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. Describe leadership beyond District 18A (i.e. MD 18, Lighthouse, Camp, etc.): _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. Describe non-Lions leadership: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. Other information that you feel will help the selection committee: _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Form must be RECEIVED by February 25, 2012 with a $65.00 check, payable to District 18A Past District Governors. Applications received after deadline or without check will not be considered. Submit form to: PDG Berry Broach 713 Rose Petal Lane Ellijay, GA 30540 SERVING THE LIONS OF DISTRICT 18A! FEBRUARY 2012 President Gary Vaughters (right) passes the reigns to Sandy Mercer (left) at the 2012 Lighthouse Winter Meeting. We’ll miss you, Gary! Sarah Liz runs the course of the “See Now. Hear Now. Run Now” 5k. Thank you to those Lions who helped make our first 5k a success! Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation February, 2012 What a great day! Over 100 Lions made it out despite the storms to enjoy food and fellowship at the 2012 Lighthouse Winter Meeting. Nobody let the rain scare them off, and we got the chance to laugh together and learn about the new opportunities for Lions of Georgia this coming year. Our brunch speaker spoke about finding happiness through giving of yourself. We know the Lions have always embraced this philosophy. Clubs had the opportunity to swap ideas about White Cane and social media and learn about monthly giving. If you’re looking for White Cane ideas, give Sarah Liz a call. She’s been doing a lot of research! We also got to talk about the “Fueling Good” competition. The Lighthouse has been chosen to participate in an online voting contest that could fuel the vans in our Mobile Clinic for a year. Our vans sometimes drive over 2,000 miles a month. Thanks to the support of the Lions statewide we have a real shot at winning! Over 50 Lions made it out to the Lighthouse headquarters afterwards to honor our founders, Tom & Mildred Bingham. Gary Vaughters and Margaret Fulton (a cousin of Mildred’s) dedicated the Memorial Garden to this amazing couple; those who knew them shared stories of how the Bingham family touched their lives. Saturday was a great day to honor our past leaders and train up new ones. We can’t thank the Lions enough for their dedication to service and their commitment to us. Let’s see what 2012 has in store! Sincerely, Christina Lennon Notable Moments: Grace Clower is honored for her work as Council Chair in 2011. Gary Vaughters and Margaret Fulton unveil the Memorial Plaque. 5582 Peachtree Rd. • Atlanta, GA 30341 • 404-325-3630 Gary (middle) and his wife met Victoria (left), who pushed forward Gary’s cataract surgery. SERVING THE LIONS OF DISTRICT 18A! FEBRUARY 2012 “Hearing across Georgia: Lions Lighthouse Commit- ment is HUGE, Huge, huge….” Our Commitment Each and every day of this year, three people will hear again! The Hearing Program continues to meet the demand from so many Georgians seeking help with their hearing loss needs. Last year, Georgians in 134 counties were received hearing aids. On a monthly basis, we receive 200 requests for hearing aids. As you can imagine, the paperwork and phone calls have increased substantially. So much so that additional assistance was needed and a part-time coordinator hired to help with the demand. Shetera Reaves, our former Americorp member, joined the team as has proven to be a great asset. We must also be thankful for the hearing providers that have made a commitment to assist our clients. Right now, we have 150 hearing professionals across the state helping us reach our goal of allowing three people on a daily basis to hear again. Recently our hearing providers were surveyed and 100% responded that they look forward to maintaining their partnership with the Lighthouse Foundation. We also asked about the impact of our hearing aids on their patients. An audiologist in Dalton, GA responded by saying, “Amazing! These patients are usually very grateful and apprecia- tive. They often are people who have waited until they desperately need hearing aid assistance due to financial constraints. Being able to help them obtain hearing is life-changing.” We look forward to another year of service. If there are any questions about the Hearing Program please contact Sharifa Peart 404325-3630 ext. 305. Upcoming vision clinic dates in your area: Saturday, February 4, 2012 Good Samaritan Tuesday, February 7, 2012 Grady Tuesday, March 6, 2012 Grady Wednesday, March 14, 2012 Rome Wednesday, March 28, 2012 Jasper Following her passion: Dianne, a grandmother of 12, has enrolled in Le Cordon Bleu Cooking School, and her new hearing aids help her hear the instructor! Serving all of Georgia July 1, 2011—December 31, 2011 District A Eye Glasses: 463 Eye Exams: 217 Eye Surgeries: 35 Hearing Aids: 176 5582 Peachtree Rd. • Atlanta, GA 30341 • 404-325-3630 SERVING THE LIONS OF DISTRICT 18A! DG ALAN STILL ON THE ROAD AROUND 18A FEBRUARY 2012 Adairsville Calhoun Ellijay DG Alan and 2nd VDG David are pictured here with Calhoun President Joann Pass. Chatworth DG Alan and VDG David are shown here with Adairsville President Joyce Culberson. That club also welcomed 4 new members (pictured below): Susan Gilmore, Brad Gilmore, Mary Jane Self, and Kenneth McCloud (not pictured). DG Alan and Carole are pictured here with Ellijay President Merle Naylor and Lion Paul Craft during the DG’s Official Visit to that Club. Jasper DG Alan and VDG David also visited Chatsworth, and they are shown here with President Danny Atlanta Latino Hales and Council Chair Kenneth Moore. Atlanta Atlanta Latino welcomed the District Governor, and he is pictured here with President Constanza Rockelein. The Atlanta Lions hosted the District Governor for his Official Visit recently -- he is pictured here with President David Proulx. ! Jasper President Tony Pishnery is pictured here presenting DG Alan with the Jasper Club’s traditional gift of a marble nameplate, made from Pickens County marble. While he was there, the DG also inducted 2 new members, Alexa Baggs and Brendan Long. In addition, he presented International President’s Certificates of Appreciation to Lions Peggie Chapman, & Paul and Eloise Lindsay. SERVING THE LIONS OF DISTRICT 18A! FEBRUARY 2012 CARTERSVILLE PRESIDENT ED BRUMFIELD PASSES AWAY The Lions of Cartersville were saddened at the news that their president, Lion Ed Brumfield, had become the victim of a most tragic train accident. A memorial service was held on January 7, and a graveside service was held on January 9 from the Georgia National Cemetery, with military rites observed by the Lion Ed was 8o years old, and Honor Guard of the Carl Boyd had been a very dedicated Lion for Post #42 of the American Legion. the past 10 years. He served as Lion Ed will certainly be chair of the Annual Golf missed by his club and the Lions Tournament, was a contributor to of 18A. the Annual BBQ, and helped raise ~submitted by Zone Chair Ron Lusk funds on White Cane Day. Cartersvi!e Lions Club He was an Air Force veteran, serving as Captain during the Korean Conflict. He was a retired State Farm Insurance Agency Executive. Top: President Ed with DG Alan and Zone Chair Ron Bottom: President Ed sorting food a*er Fa! Ra!y Well done, good and faithful servant.... Lion Ed was also active in other civic affairs, such as the American Legion, the Elks Lodge, the Retired Men’s Club, and the Boys and Girls Club. Woodstock Lions Club Tri-Cities Lions Club Pancake Breakfast Spaghetti Dinner Saturday, March 3, 2012 8:00am-12:0opm New Victoria Baptist Church 6659 Bells Ferry Road in Woodstock Adults: $6.00 Children under 12: $4.00 Saturday, April 7, 2012 11:00am-5:00pm Hoyt Smith Recreation Center Hapeville Tickets are $5.00 each Plates will include: Pancakes Sausage or Bacon Coffee/Milk/Juice Meal includes: Spaghetti, Salad, Texas Toast Tea or Coffee Cokes are $1.00, Cake/pie/cookies are $1.00 Bring used eyeglasses, hearing aids, and ce! phones, and the Lions wi! recycle for you! A! volunteers who come to help make and serve spaghetti wi! eat "ee! SERVING THE LIONS OF DISTRICT 18A! FEBRUARY 2012 How Is Your Club Doing?? The midway results for the DG Contest are IN! There are 3 categories, and the standings through December are as follows: Large Clubs (over 50 members) 1. Jasper 2. Ellijay 3. South Cobb Medium Clubs (26-50 members) 1. East Cobb 2. Woodstock 3. Chattanooga Valley Sma! Clubs (25 members or less) 1. Chickamauga 2. Kennesaw-Acworth 3. West Cobb Dates to Remember March 9-10, 2012 District Convention, Roswell March 23-25, 2012 Work Weekend @ Camp for the Blind April 27-29, 2012 If you do not see your club listed above in the participation list and believe your club should be, please check with your club secretary first to be sure they are either emailing or mailing Teri the reports. For any questions, please contact Lion Teri directly. If your club is NOT participating but would like to, please email Teri Chambers-Rice at Work Weekend @ Camp for the Blind April 28, 2012 Night of Spectacles to benefit the Lighthouse, Buckhead Theater May 25-27, 2012 State Convention, Savannah ASAP -- it’s not too late to join the race! SERVING THE LIONS OF DISTRICT 18A! Dear Lions of 18A, I continue to be amazed by the good deeds and the lives you are touching and helping in your communities across the District. Thanks for all you do and the commitment you make every day to serve. Our District Convention is coming up fast and I hope many of you will be able to attend. We have done lots of training in our earlier Lions U, Kick-Off Rally and Fall Rally. I believe it is time for our members to have some fun. On Friday night, the District Hall of Fame Dinner & Induction will be held. Former NFL player and Coach Dan Reeves will speak at our Hall of Fame dinner. We are offering a “Ghost Walk” later in the evening for the brave souls attending. On Saturday, we start with Breakfast and Q & A with ID Dr Gary Anderson at the Holiday Inn. The $12 cost includes tax and tip. In addition to the District Convention meeting & elections and the Governor’s banquet, we will be offering a Zumba class (an explanation is in the newsletter), a tour of Roswell Historic sites, a shopping trip to Old Roswell and lunch in Old Roswell. The lunch cost of $12 includes tax and tip. You will see registration forms and more convention information in this newsletter. This will be the last District 18A convention since next year’s convention will be the first District 18L convention. We believe our convention costs are very reasonable. There is no charge for the class or any of the tours. Registration is being held at $50. The Holiday Inn in Roswell is the convention site. There is a sister hotel adjacent to the HI, Best Western Plus, where we will hold some activities. The rates are $55/night plus taxes at both hotels. Breakfast is included in the rate at the Best Western Plus. Plan to join us in Roswell on March 9 & 10 for a very special time. Please register early so we can properly plan for the class, tours and the transportation for those participating. At the District convention, we will also be holding elections for District Governor, 1st Vice District Governor, 2nd Vice District Governor, Georgia Lions Camp Vice President and District Librarian. We are excited that International Director Dr. Gary Anderson and his wife Cheryl will be our LCI guests for the week-end. They are from Grand Rapids, Michigan so I hope we can have some good Southern weather for their visit. ID Dr Gary and Cheryl come from a Lions family which is very nice to see. ID Dr. Gary has participated in 22 Lions vision missions to Central and South America, India and Serbia. A very FEBRUARY 2012 impressive accomplishment and obviously ID Dr. Gary is a very dedicated Lion to serve and we hope to hear more about his mission work. We will also be voting on a resolution resulting from the redistricting of MD-18 into four new Districts and holding four conventions in 2012-2013. District A would jointly with District E hold their convention on March 8-10, 2013 and jointly with the Organizational Convention of District L. The convention will be held at a site to be selected by the 2012-2013 Governors for District E and A. It is recommended the resolution be approved. A new Club is being planned for Smyrna with the extension effort being set for February 6-8. Area GMT Leader Carl Harrell will be leading the LCI team and we have PDG Jane Price and Debbie Hennessey serving as the Guiding Lions for this new Club. Thanks Jane and Debbie. We will keep you posted of the development of the new Club. On overall membership, I would encourage each member to invite a friend or relative to join you in working at a Lions community service project and show them all the lives your Clubs are touching and changing. We need to add new members to enhance our ability to better serve our communities with more caring hearts and hands. Our Zone Chairs are visiting and offering to assist Clubs that are struggling a bit with membership and community service projects. The Club Excellence Process may be a way for your Club to do more and as a result have more satisfied members. Please check out the standings in the District Governor contest. We have 16 Clubs participating this year. There is plenty of time to move up in the standings. A big thank you goes to Teri Chambers-Rice for doing a great job in tracking all of the club information. Please sign up now for the District Convention. I don’t think you will want to miss the fun, excitement and fellowship of this years Convention. Alan Where’s the DG? February 3-4 Council of Governors Meeting -- Warner Robins 4-5 Camp for the Blind Winter Meeting -- Warner Robins/ Centerville 10-11 District 18E Convention -- LaGrange 17-18 District 18B Convention -- McRae 24-25 District 18C Convention -- Cordele 28 East Cobb OV March 2-3 District 18F Convention - Chamblee 9-10 District 18A Convention -- Roswell 19 Roswell OV 22 Trion OV 27 Ringgold OV 28 Atlanta Hellenic OV April 3 Rome OV 16 Menlo OV
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