Jun_16 News Draft - 11


Jun_16 News Draft - 11
District Officers
District Governor
Dave Wineman
Immediate Past District
Justin Faber
Fred Sullivan
Jack Kriete
Please note the following announcements
2016-2017 meeting schedule: September - December
Fall Conference
October 23, Mayville
Cabinet Meeting
October 23, Mayville
Council of Governors
Decmber 2-3, Lansing
Cabinet Meeting
December 29. Croswell
Big D Event
Organizers looking for some help with Raffle Prizes.
If you can help, please bring them with you as you
come and visit Leaderdogs during the Open House
Oct. 16, from Noon to 6:00 PM
And for Local Treat!
Cabinet Secretary
Terry Gebhardt
Cabinet Treasurer
Steve Langford
District Editor Publisher
Whitey Simon
Governor’s Message
As many people know I love being district governor. It is totally fascinating going to and hearing about clubs’ activities. For instance Memphis is putting on a health fair. Many clubs have
had me award “Heart Of A Lion” awards. Usually the person is not aware – at all – that they
are receiving the award. It is fun to work it into my governor’s talk and watch their eyes when
the shoe falls and they realize that there is more to the DG’s talk than just district and international info. I just drew the winning tickets for a raffle at the Yale Lions Club. I would have
loved to hear the voice of the lady that won the trip to Las Vegas! It was fun to joke with Lion
Jim Cronin when I pulled his ticket last! I was privileged to sit with the Algonac Lioness Lions
Club as they did their fundraiser at Bobby Mac’s. Kudos to Bobby Mac’s for letting the Algonac Lioness Lions Club hang out there and introduce Lions to people at the restaurant. The
Joint 11D2-11D1 Fall Conference is going to be fantastic! Near as anyone can tell this is a
first in the United States for a joint fall conference. The credit goes to the 11D2 and 11D1
GMT/GLT teams. Plan on attending. Lions are encouraged to invite prospective and interested people to come to their activities. It’s the old saying, “The more the merrier.” For those
that have heard my talk as DG you understand why it is so important to invite people and to
then give them an invitation to join Lions. Today more than ever people want to share and
give back. Thanks to the Algonac Lions for welcoming me so warmly. These guys cook pretty good too! OK, I’m going to stop the thanking thing now, pray I should start sounding like
the introductions at a district convention (which sounds like it is going to be great this year in
Holland, MI). The point is that we have great Lions that make up a great district. Every club
that I have visited so far has been extremely welcoming. Why? I think it is in a large part
people who love and live by two things. The motto, “We Serve”. The second is:
The Lions Code of Ethics.
To show my faith in the worthiness of my vocation by industrious application to the end that I may merit a
reputation for quality of service.
To seek success and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as my just due, but to accept no profit or success at
the price of my own self-respect lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of questionable acts on my
To remember that in building up my business it is not necessary to tear down another's, to be loyal to my clients
or customers and be true to myself. Whenever a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position or action
towards my fellow men, to resolve such doubt against myself.
To hold friendship as an end and not a means. To hold that true friendship exists not on account of the service
performed by one to another, but that true friendship demands nothing but accepts service in the spirit in which
it is given.
Always bear in mind my obligation as a citizen to my nation, my state and my community, and to give them my
unswerving loyalty in word, act and deed. To give them freely of my time, labor and means.
To aid my fellow men by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to the weak, and my substance to the
To be careful with my criticisms and liberal with my praise, to build up and not destroy.
We are now one quarter into our Lions year. Take some time to think about these two
things and apply them to our lives. It is pretty simple why Lions are so welcoming and
sharing. We have a great foundation. Then go and share that wealth with a person
who would make a great Lion!
Dear Lions,
World Sight Day is fast approaching. On October
13, 2016, organizations around the world will shine
a light on preventable blindness. Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) has been supporting Lions-led initiatives for decades to prevent blindness
and empower those who are blind or visually impaired.
Our Sight for Kids partnership with Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Companies (JJVCC) is just one
way we are working to provide vision care. The
Sight for Kids program has screened the vision of
more than 23 million schoolchildren in Asia Pacific,
Kenya and Turkey. These children might not otherwise have access to vision screenings. This program provides glasses and follow-up care as needed and is free to
children in need.
As your club prepares to recognize World Sight Day, please keep LCIF and Sight for
Kids in mind. For every photo you share through the Donate a Photo app (USA,
United Kingdom and Japan only), Johnson & Johnson will give US$1 to the Sight for
Kids program. You can also download the Charity Miles app and raise money for
Sight for Kids just by taking a walk. Both are easy ways to make a big impact
around the world.
Please join LCIF and your fellow Lions by showing your support on World Sight Day
and every day. Sincerely,
Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada
Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation
Share Your Passion for LCIF
You believe strongly that LCIF strengthens all Lions. You follow the LCIF blog and share the stories with your friends and
fellow Lions. You encourage everyone you know to financially
support the Foundation. You have been looking for a way to
get more involved with your club and LCIF. You sound like a
great candidate for the new Club LCIF Coordinator position!
Now is a great time to tell your club president that you are interested in filling this position.
Continued on the next page.
Lions Commemorative Coin Available Soon
The Lions Clubs International Century of Service Commemorative Coin will! provide a worthy tribute to the millions of Lions
who have served their! communities during the last 100years.
The US$1 coin will be available in! early 2017 to celebrate Lions
Clubs International’s 100th anniversary. In! addition to highlighting a century of charitable services to people in need, a! surcharge of US$10 for every commemorative coin sold – without
any cost! to taxpayers – will be donated to Lions Clubs International Foundation.
These funds will support ongoing Lions programs that assist the
visually! impaired, disabled, youth and those affected by major disasters. Watch for! updates as we get closer to the launch of the
LCIF’s Disaster Relief Work is Ongoing
August 2016 was a month wrought with disaster. When torrential
rains led to! devastating floods in Louisiana, USA, LCIF responded with two US$10,000! emergency grants and a US$100,000
Major Catastrophe grant. Days later,! when a massive earthquake
shook central Italy, LCIF answered with another! US$100,000 Major Catastrophe grant. With the generous and ongoing! support of
Lions, LCIF continues to be a beacon of light in some of the
world’s darkest hours.!
Dear Lions Leaders:
The next Emerging Lions Leadership Institute for the Lions of United States of America,
Its Affiliates, Bermuda
& The Bahamas & Canada will be offered in Chicago, Illinois, USA on January 21-23,
2017. We seek your assistance to help recruit qualified Lion participants for the institute.
This institute teaches valuable leadership skills at the club level and is targeted to Lions who have not yet been club president.
The institute will be conducted in English and we will be accepting seventy-five (75) Lions, total.
Please download the application and actively encourage qualified candidates to apply.
Completed forms must be received by: November 7, 2016.
If you have questions or need further information, visit our website or contact us
Kathryn H. Ryan
Manager, Institutes and Seminars Leadership Development Division
Random Acts Of Kindness Expanded
I want to share a random act of kindness that Lion Jim Cronin brought to me. Lion Jim would
probably just as soon have kept this quiet, because he is such a humble man. He also realizes
the power of sharing. So here’s the story…
Not too long ago Lion Jim was approached by some of his friends at the local Knights of Columbus Hall. The Knights also do valuable service work for the community and they had a
problem. They had two important projects that demanded more time than they had. One of
them, a benefit dinner for a local person, to help defray medical expenses as a result of
cancer. There was just over a week before the dinner and nothing had been done yet! Lion
Jim organized and picked up the project. The dinner came off great with the help of other
key people. Over $7,000 was raised. I think we have all been touched by cancer and the devastating effects that it can have on our loved ones, much less the expense. Thanks Lion Jim
for your action and your service to Lions and your community!
Marlette Lions,This is what we do?
The Park & Pool sign was missing for 10 days. Two Lions had removed the sign
and took it to Tom's shop. They worked about 25 hours, chipping off paint, sanding,
and painting. Other Lions helped put the sign back in place.
The LIONS contributed $5,000 to the community funds. When these funds were
added to city funds, they matched a Michigan Natural Resources Grant that financed
the new pool liner and splash pad.
Three free swim days were paid by Marlette Regional Hospital, Leibler Insurance, and MASAP. From June to mid-August an average of 100 swimmers enjoyed
the pool. The three sessions of swimming lessons were well attended. Busses brought
children from Brown City and Sandusky for student swimming. For six weeks, an average of 25 students attended the summer recreation program.
In this community, the Lions are pleased to serve with other organizations in
meeting needs and giving opportunities for fun and growth.
More Ramblings & A Call to Action From Your 1st Vice
Fred Sullivan
Well, another month has passed and I get to sound off! Lions of 11D-2, what do
you know about VOPA?
Now that I have your interest, let me explain. VOPA is the abbreviation for “Volunteer Organization Protection Act.” Yes, I know it was passed in 1997 and provides protection from tort claims that might be filed against individual volunteers
of non-profit organizations. Well good, except it didn’t go far enough because it
does NOT provide protection to an organization for the actions of a volunteer.
LCI is proud to have taken the lead on this important matter, but we can not do it
alone. The successful passage of this legislation and the fiscal health of Lions
clubs and local non-profit organizations depends on the strength of Lions across
the U.S.
It would seem to me to be a no brainer! However, only 2 Michigan Rep’s have
signed on as co-sponsors! They are both republicans from the 7th and 8th Congressional Districts.Where are the rest of them? Now comes our part. We need
to let the rest of the bunch (and I use the term loosely) know that we are around
and are watching them!
You see, I feel that those elected are put there to SERVE US, not themselves!
We need to congratulate Rep’s Mike Bishop and Tim Walberg for their far sightedness in being the only two Michigan Reps to sign on. In other words Lions of
11D2, let’s ROAR!
Moving on off my soap box, my First Lady and I were guests of Leader Dog last
week-end and I must say we have a school which is the finest in the nation. In
fact, it is the only Leader Dog School in the nation. I had an experience to walk
blind-folded with only the assistance of a dog. It gives one a new appreciation of
what a blind person goes through.
I hope when Big “D” night comes that we all can see the great progress at our
Leader Dog School for the Blind.
Be good, be safe and keep the Lions Roaring until next month.
Fred Sullivan 1st V.D.G.
Another fast month has come and gone, with the weather cooling off and we are all
getting ready for Halloween. Look out, here comes the frost, and we all know what is
just around the corner from that!
It has been a busy month with training and club visits. The USA-Canada Forum in
Omaha was a great experience and as far as I can see, a great success. Next year it
will be held in Portland, OR. and I can't wait to go. It was great to see all those from
11D2 in Omaha, and the large contingent from Michigan. Met a large number of Lions
from all over the world, from Nepal to India to Australia, to Jamaica and the US and
Canada. The break-out sessions were extremely informative. Speaking of break-out
sessions, don't forget that the fall conference in conjunction with 11D1 will be this October 23rd in Mayville. Watch for announcements, and try to attend. You will be treated
to some good information along with meeting with Lions from both districts. It should be
a good time for all.
So, I will see you all in Mayville. In the mean time, stay safe, and watch out for those
deer roaming about of our highways.
Jack Kriete, 2VDG
Our motto:We Serve
Our reality:We Change Lives
Global Membership District Coordinator
Global Leadership District Coordinator
From the Global Membership and the Global Leadership Teams
This year something unique is happening with the fall conference. District 11 D-1 is combining with
District 11 D-2 to form a Greater Thumb Fall Conference. This conference is being hosted by the
Mayville Lions club, and will be held on Sunday, October 23 at the Mayville High School. The
conference theme is “Eyeglass Recycling”
Registration will begin at 8 A.M. with break out sessions beginning at 9. Throughout the morning there
will be coffee, donuts and fruit available for your enjoyment. Lunch will begin about 11:45 ending
about 12:30, followed by a short program.
Break out session subjects being presented are topics which are not normally part of a Lions meeting,
and most, really are not covered in many other venues of Lions, for that matter. Included are, Lions
Protocol (starting at Lions Clubs International and coming down to the Club level), Women's Influence
in Lions, Eye Glass Recycling (what happens to the glasses, clubs collect in the community, up to the
point they are sent on an eyeglass mission). There is also, Starting a Club Diabetes Program/Project,
Bear Lake Camp, Public Relations including the use of the Electronic Media, Retention, and Mentoring
the new member. Quality speakers are lined up for the entire conference, coming from several districts
in this Multiple District. (See the attachment for a planned schedule for the conference events, and a
speaker list)
Throughout the morning there will be displays from district committees, the four state projects, and
district projects to view. Also included will be depositories for used eyeglasses, hearing aids, cell
phones and electric razors.
After the breakout sessions there will be a “PARADE OF CHECKS” for the projects and committees
which normally get donations from the clubs. All clubs are invited to partake of this parade of checks.
Also, during the morning and especially during the time before lunch we will be voting on the Peace
Poster Contest entries from D-2. When you register you will be given two tickets, one for entry, lunch
and door prizes and a second ticket to use for voting on the poster of your choice.
After lunch the program subject is about what happens to the collected eyeglasses from the time they
are packaged for a mission to when they change a life by allowing someone in a third world country to
see clearly. What happens on a mission? There will also be some recognition for a few individuals, and
door prize drawings.
Please provide a door prize from your club (top limit of $25.00) and please bring a prospective member
if possible
Name ___________________________________
Number of Registrations __________ (includes conference entrance, snacks through the morning,door
prize drawing, and a meal @ $15.00 per person)
Please add below the names of any extra persons you are including on this RSVP
Send RSVP with this form and fees to one of the following:
Alice Zajac, GMT District D-1 Wes Wagester, GLT District D-2
6545 Legg Rd.
526 Church St. Box 183
Kingston, MI, 48741
Almont, MI, 48003
Dave Eberlein, GMT District D-2
75 Anton
Sebewaing, MI, 48759
See proposed agenda on next page.
Planned Agenda
Session Presenters
Jack Kriete 2nd VDG
Women's influence in Lions
Karen Routsen PDG, MDGLT
Eye glass Recycling
Dr. Delores Kowalski
Joe Gwizdala III, PZC
Starting a Club Diabetes program/project
Suzanne Povinelli, RN, BSN, CDE
Bear Lake Camp
Dennis Tompkins
Public Relations
Laura Hunt, PCS
(presented only once)
Don Spinks, RC
Registration 8 am – 9 am
Cabinet Meetings 8:30 am – 9:45 (not combined)
9:00 to 9:45
Break out sessions (5 min break between sessions)
• Bear Lake Camp
• Public Relations
• Starting a Club Diabetes program/project
• Retention
• Eye glass Recycling
9:50 to 10:35
Break out sessions (5 min break between sessions)
• Mentoring
(presented only once)
• Women's influence in Lions
• Public Relations
• Starting a Club Diabetes program/project
• Protocol
10:40 to 11:25
Break out sessions
• Bear Lake Camp
• Women's influence in Lions
• Eye glass Recycling
• Retention
• Protocol
11:25 to 11:45
Parade of checks (project) in back of room or down hallway
Peace Poster Contest Voting
11:45 to 12:30
Meal (Roast beef, roast pork, side dishes, salads and a drink)
12:30 to 1:15
Keynote speaker (Missions), R. G. Barnum, PDG
Announcement of project/committee amounts from parade of checks
Winner of Peace Poster Voting
Introduction of VIP's
Any awards
Close Conference
Focus On Diabetes
Each year the district governor asks the district to focus on some issue or topic. Although participation is strictly optional, it helps bring awareness to the entire district.
Last year District Governor Justin focused on the Measles Initiative. Although measles
is still a huge threat, District Governor Dave has brought the awareness closer to
home. Diabetes is a disease that affects people in our own families. It shortens lives,
causes blindness and there is a high likelihood that it affects someone we know and
love. Here are some simple facts about diabetes and why it is so important to broaden
29 Million Americans have diabetes. 1 in 4 doesn’t know.
86 million Americans have pre-diabetes. That’s 1 in 3 adults.
Diabetes is a serious disease that can be managed.
Risk of death is 50% higher than a non-diabetic adult.
Most of us know someone who has gone blind, has kidney failure, heart
disease, strokes, or lost appendages due to diabetes.
1 out of 3 people develop type 2 diabetes. It is preventable.
1.4 million cases develop every year.
Approximately 28% of adults over 40 with diabetes will have vision problems.
The list goes on and on and so does this debilitating disease that is many time preventable. District Governor Dave is asking that your club bring awareness to this disease
in the way that best works for your club. Help your club members understand it
through awareness. Share with others. Donate to groups that promote awareness
and education. Make a difference for the people in your hometown and family that you
love and care about. Does one person in your club care enough to do something?
Then bring the awareness to our district newsletter and Facebook page!
Not Receiving your 11-D2 Newsletter?
Everyone in District 11-D2 and any designated guests can receive the 11-D2 Newsletter by email. All you need to do is make certain that your club secretary has your proper email address recorded in your records at LCI! We download and update the email
engine once per month. If you still aren’t receiving your newsletter check your spam,
junk or clutter folders (Outlook Users). If you have members in your club who do not
have a computer, remember our Motto: We Serve! Click the print button and know
that you will build an even better relationship with your fellow club members!
Lions District 11-D2 boasts having over 1,250 members in Sanilac, Saint Clair, Lapeer,
and Huron Counties. We raise funds to assist individuals that typically cannot help
themselves. These folks mainly have vision or hearing impairments. Our members are
e-mailed a monthly newsletter with crucial information. We are offering a very low yearly
advertising fee for your business. The monies raised will help offset our costs as a district. Many of our advertisers in their ad offer a Lions Member discount. Our members
have utilized these businesses many times over. Another opportunity is to advertise in
or roster books. These books are all printed and delivered to all district officials amongst
the officers in our clubs. These books are widely used amongst all officials of our organization.
Please consider helping us so we can help them…..
Newsletter ad prices. (yearly prices)
_____ Business Card $30
_____ Quarter Page $50
_____ Half Page $70
_____ Full Page $100
Total Enclosed___________
Check #_____
Business Name________________________
Phone: _______++++++_________________
Algonac Lioness are having a
MEAT BINGO Fundraiser
Saturday, Oct. 15, 2016
Algonac Banquet Center (Lion’s Hall)
1905 Mill Street, Algonac, MI
Meat Bingo starts at 2:00 p.m.
All the prizes are MEAT
Come to support the Algonac Lioness
and join the fun
Thank You to Weeks’ Meat for special pricing, Kush Paint for
donating Paint Sticks, and Algonac Banquet Center for support.
From the Global Membership Teams and the Global Leadership Team and the interested Lions who
also attend the monthly meetings
This year something unique is happening with the fall conference. District 11 D-1 is combining with
District 11 D-2 to form a Greater Thumb Fall Conference. This conference is hosted by the Mayville
Lions club and will be held on Sunday, October 23 at the Mayville High School.
Registration will begin at 8 A.M. with break out sessions beginning at 9. Throughout the morning there
will be coffee, donuts and fruit available for your enjoyment. Lunch will begin about 11:45 ending
about 12:30, followed by a short program.
Break out session subjects being presented are topics which are not normally part of a Lions meeting,
and really are not covered in many other venues of Lions, for that matter. Included are, Lions Protocol
(starting at Lions Clubs International and coming down to the Club level), Women's Influence in Lions,
Eye Glass Recycling (what happens to the glasses, clubs collect in the community, up to the point they
are sent on an eyeglass mission). There is also, Starting a Club Diabetes Program/Project, Bear Lake
Camp, Public Relations including the use of the Electronic Media, and Mentoring the new member.
Quality speakers are lined up for the entire conference, coming from several districts in this Multiple
Throughout the morning there will be displays from district committees, the four state projects, and
district projects to view. Also included will be depositories for used eyeglasses, hearing aids, cell
phones and electric razors. After the breakout sessions there will be a “PARADE OF CHECKS” for the
projects and committees which normally get donations from the clubs. All clubs are invited to partake
of this unless the checks are presented later in the year as a normal custom.
After lunch the program will be about what happens to the collected eyeglasses from the time they are
packaged for a mission to when they change a life by allowing someone in a third world country to see
clearly. What happens on a mission? There will also be some recognition for a few individuals, and
door prize drawings.
Please provide a door prize from your club (top limit of $20.00) and please bring a prospective member
if possible.
Name ___________________________________
Number of Registrations __________ (includes conference entrance, door prize drawing and a meal
@ $15.00 per person)
Send RSVP with this form and fees to one of the following:
Alice Zajac, GMT District D-1 Wes Wagester, GLT District D-2
6545 Legg Rd.
526 Church St. Box 183
Kingston, MI, 48741
Almont, MI, 48003
Dave Eberlein, GMT District D-2
75 Anton
Sebewaing, MI, 48759
Lions support their Community!
The coach asked. We helped!
The Cross Country Coach approached the Marlette Lions for help. He wrote about the
efforts of the runners as they worked to raise money for a new tent and new uniforms.
The Lions responded and gave $350,helping them reach their goal. More students are
running this year.
On the back of their new uniforms are he words:
They ran in the rain on September 17 in Holly. On Sept. 24. they enjoyed running atWolcott Metro Park. Last fall, the girls team went to State for the first time ever.
The Lions are pleased to encourage participation in reaching goals.
Welcome our New Members
Minden City
Minden City
Pt. Huron Host
Deceased Members
Your cooperation is requested when submitting your
notices and flyers to IPDG Whitey Simon at
The dead line for insertion into the upcoming
newsletter is the 20th of the current month.
Please note also if you wish the activity posted on the
web site www.11-d2lions.org.
If at all possible, submit data in MS Word, PDF or JPG