It`s Convention Time, but Not Year`s End Governor`s Travels
It`s Convention Time, but Not Year`s End Governor`s Travels
OHIO LIONS DISTRICT 13G NEWSLETTER District Governor PDG John Stalder 330.343.2575 1st VDG Lion Rita Shisler 330.682.2105 2nd VDG Lion Robyn McClintock 330.463.8358 Zone 1 Chair PDG Bill Brown 330.658.6561 Zone 2 Chair IPDG Greg Halley 330.465.8990 Zone 3 Chair Lion Jim Gibb 330.343.8437 Zone 4 Chair Lion John Hardesty 740.545.7418 Zone 5 Chair Lion Alex Abrams 740.424.8433 Zone 6 Chair PDG R.J. Konkoleski 740.546.4058 Zone 7 Chair Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer PDG Rob Murry 740.922.0755 Editor PDG Bob Woodside 304.723.3399 MARCH 2015 It’s Convention Time, but Not Year’s End It’s time for your District Convention! Your convention chairs (Lion Sally and Lion Ellen) have been working very hard on all of the planning and getting all of the decorations ready and planning for the fun you will have March 27 and 28. awards and be motivated by ID Don and celebrate your year of Lionism. Friday night will be the Parade of Checks with music from the New Philadelphia Schools Steel Drum Band. You get to meet our speaker, ID Don Shove; I have met him and I know you will enjoy him. We need to look at our communities to find areas that we can help...things we can do and projects we can call our own and label as ours, so the communities will know we were there and remember the Lions. There is also a rumor there might be a roast of your nice, kind and incredibly personable Governor. If there is a roast, it will be very short and boring. Read your Lions magazine to see what other Lions are doing. You might get an idea of a new project. You will be able to see the Pride other Lions have and will want to ask one and keep one. Although it seems the year is coming to an end, we still have a lot to do. We need to ask people to join our clubs; we need to work on new clubs and we need to keep our club members happy and make sure we keep them working in your communities. Saturday will be the Memorial Service and Business Meeting and then the Grand Banquet where we will hand out Try to keep warm and keep the sidewalks clean. Governor’s Travels: Recognizing Years of Service in Shreve Governor John Stalder recently visited Shreve Lions Club. He presented membership chevrons and recognition letters for outstanding years of service to Shreve Lions Robert Lee, celebrating 50 years, and Stan Wirt, who has served 45 years. FUNctions From the Cheese House... District/MD Events Calendar As I sit in my warm and cozy house, with the snow silently falling, I think of what my six- year-old granddaughter Natalia saide last week. District 13G Convention March 27-28, 2015 Marlite-McDonald Center New Philadelphia District 13C Convention April 25-26, 2015 Holiday Inn (DoubleTree) Westlake District 13G Leadership School Saturday, May 9 Living Water Church Dalton MD13 State Convention May 15-17, 2015 Embassy Suites Dublin International Convention June 26-30, 2015 Honolulu, Hawaii Every conversation with my customers and friends, centers around the lousy weather we’ve been having. I commented on the cold to Natalia, her answer was (I’m sure coming out of my son’s philosophy to her) “Oma, winter can be wonderful, it’s just what you do that makes it better...go skiing, sled riding, ice skating, make a snowman, have a snowball fight and then it will be the best time ever.” How right she is. Every day can be a challenge if you allow it to be. Every day can be a new day in your wonderful life, if you allow it to be. Take the time to “build your snowman,” your day will be more fun. Volunteer, give, donate, help, read to a child, help with a vision screening, visit someone in a rest home, you know the routine. All of a sudden, you are “building your snowman” for someone less fortunate. Right up our Lions alley. So many fun things coming up in the next few months. Our district convention will be fun, roasting our Governor John will be hilarious. Please join us in celebrating a great Lions year (and anticipating a great year with ME, your incoming Governor). Of course spending a week in Maui and two weeks in Honolulu for our International Convention will be my “building a snowman”.....wish I could take all of you with me. I can already hear those steel drums and Ukeleles, see the Hula dancers, taste the pig roast, smell the sweet flowers. I’m so thankful for my Lion friends, who have encouraged me, nudged me along and assured me that “I can do this.” no matter how much I whined (so busy, sick mom, bad cold), you all had a pat on the back for me. I sit at the Council of Governor’s meetings in Columbus with so much pride, in the center of more Lions knowledge than I could ever absorb, and happy I can be part of helping the world. What a fabulous Lions world we live in, every day a new challenge, every day a new opportunity to help. Have a fabulous month, my District Lions, I will be attending lots of District Conventions (is that like spying on other Districts?? ), doing lots of visitations, keeping our Lions world in front of everyone I come into contact with. Thanks for all of your volunteer hours and making a difference in this world. Love you all. Everything’s Coming Up Roses St. Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland. Orrville Lions Hobie and Kathi Bond check out Lions Clubs International’s float in the Tournament of Roses parade in Pasadena, California on July 1. THE FUNNY PAPER! 2 In the ZONEs Committee Corner: Membership 101-Part 2 PCC Steve Thornton Last month we talked about membership from the standpoint of what makes a good club and why would someone want to join your club. I asked you questions to make you think about your local club and how it operates, among other things. This month, let’s talk about actually getting new members and keeping them. How do you get new members? The obvious answer is to just ask someone. That works as well as any other method, but you have to actually ask them! The number one reason people don’t join Lions…they were never asked. So, who do you ask? Anyone! Your doctor, dentist, pastor, school superintendent, police chief (my personal favorite), fire chief, banker, newspaper reporter (great for club publicity) and anyone else you know. Don’t forget your family, spouses, children, siblings, etc. Your club can do membership drives or activities. Use the Ohio Plan, it works too. Some clubs have had euchre nights and invited the public to play. Part of the night was a brief presentation on Lions. They got new members on the spot. How about a bowling night and invite people in? It’s fun and you will get to talk about the club. Set up a booth at a local event, such as a street carnival or fair. Pass out information and get a list of names to contact later. These are just a few of the possibilities you can use to attract new members. Upcoming Zone Meetings Equally important is keeping members once you get them. We lose many members because they don’t feel involved or the meetings are boring. Get them involved right away. Assign them to a committee, give them a job to do. Make sure their sponsor keeps in touch with them. Make them part of the board of directors. Zone 5 Meeting TBA Zone 1 Meeting Wednesday, March 4 6:15 p.m. Das Dutch Kitchen, Dalton Zone 2 Meeting Tuesday, March 3 6:30 p.m. Troutman’s Vineyard, Wooster Zone 3 Meeting TBA Zone 4 Meeting Wednesday, March 4 Time and Location TBA Zone 6 Meeting Wednesday, March 18 Time and Location TBA Zone 7 Meeting Monday, March 9 6:30 p.m. Tuscarawas VFW This is not an all- inclusive list of ideas to get and keep members. Hopefully, it will get you thinking and recruiting for your club. If you have questions, give me a call or email. The MD 13 GLOBAL LEADERSHIP TEAM is seeking all Lions who want to develop their leadership skills: The 2015 Regional Lions Leadership Institute October 30th, 31st and November 1st Deer Creek State Park - Mount Sterling, Ohio A time and place to help our Lions with skills - for example: * personal missions * speech development * time management * team development Three days of instruction, fellowship and motivation at the picturesque Deer Creek State Park. LEVELS I, II AND III are being offered at the same price. (More details will be forthcoming.) THE FUNNY PAPER! Ill-fated blind date: St. Patrick and Medusa 3 See YOU in the Funny Paper! Orrville Lions Observe Right to Read Week Submit announcements of upcoming events and news and photos after projects... Email Snail Mail 121 Fairway Street Weirton, WV 26062 Deadline: 15th of each month Publicize Your Events on the District 13G Web Site: IPDG Greg Halley has set up a new page on the District Web site for listing club activities and fundraisers (see URL below). Please submit items to be posted to Webmaster Greg at: Orrville Lions Club members read to students during Right to Read Week, which coincided with Lions International Worldwide Week of Service). The club will earn a Centennial Banner Patch for participating in the Global Service Action campaign. Be sure to include the following information: Name of event: Date of Event: Location of Event: Cost of Event: Beneficiary of Event: (specific charity, Lions Eye Project, etc.) How/Where/When/Who to obtain tickets: Point of contact for questions: Sponsoring Lions Club: Copy of brochure for linking to from announcement on Dine, Donate and Shop with Wooster Noon On Wednesday, March 4, Applebee’s at 3989 Burbank Road in Wooster will host a “Dining to Donate” event to benefit the Wooster Noon Lions. From 11 a.m.-9 p.m., simply present an event flyer and the club will receive a portion of the total sales. Flyers are available at The event applies to both dine-in and carside-to-go orders, and the flyer must be presented at the time of checkout. Wooster Noon Lions 36th Annual Flea Market will be held Saturday, May 2 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds. Sale hours are 8 a.m.-3 p.m., rain or shine. Rental of inside and outside spaces is available with discounts for registration before April 20. To reserve space, contact Mike McClintock by phone at 330.804.7776 or via email at MARK YOUR CALENDARS! DISTRICT 13G LEADERSHIP SCHOOL Saturday, May 9, 2015 • 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon Living Water Church • 200 North Kurzen Road, Dalton THE FUNNY PAPER! 4 PDG Association Mega-Raffle The Ohio Lions PDG Association is conducting a 50/50 Raffle with proceeds benefitting the Ohio Lions Foundation, the Ohio Lions Research Foundation and Lions Pilot Dogs. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00 and can only be sold to Lions (no sales to the general public). Drawing will be held May 17 at the State Convention. Winner need not to be present. Contact any PDG for tickets. State Convention Forms Available Registration and delegate certification forms for the MD13 State Convention (May 15-17 at the Embassy Suites in Dublin) will be included with the April issue. If you can’t wait to sign up, download the forms now at Get to Know Our New Neighbors Up North As part of the MD13 redistricting scheduled to take place in 2016, six of the nine counties in the current 13G will join with Cuyahoga, Summit and Medina Counties in what is now 13C to form the new District OH-3. Want to learn more and meet some of our new leaders? Check out the District 13C Convention on April 25-26 at the DoubleTree (formerly Holiday Inn) in Westlake. For details and registration forms, visit THE FUNNY PAPER! 5 Don’t Suffer from “Electile Dysfunction” Remember that new club officers for the 2015-2016 year are to be reported to LCI and the District in April. Now is the time for your Nominating Committee to thoughtfully consider a new slate of officers...and don’t forget to offer newer Lions the opportunity to advance. DON’T FORGET...District Convention Reminders Each club in good standing is entitled to one delegate for each 10 members (or major fraction thereof ). PDGs are “at-large” delegates in addition to this number. Be sure your club is fully represented at the business meeting. “We must be at the wrong end.” Governor John asks all clubs to make an effort to contribute to all Parade of Checks causes. These include: THE FUNNY PAPER! Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation Bryan Endowment for Diabetes Research Sight and Hearing Committee Camp Echoing Hills International Relations Ohio Lions All-State Band Lions Clubs International Foundation Ohio Lions Foundation Akron Children’s Hospital 6
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