March-April 2014.indd - Colonial Capital Humane Society
March-April 2014.indd - Colonial Capital Humane Society
March-April 2014 AnimaLetter Page 1 AnimaLetter March-April 2014 Ain’t too proud to beg... A Bounty of Blessings This month, the kudos go to you! You answered our plea for help with veterinary expenses. We told you the MONTHLY story of Sassy and NEED her puppies. You 4 lg. bottles responded with 4 45-bag boxes close to $9,000 in 4 boxes donations! Some of you sent checks to us; others sent them 5 gallons directly to Neuse Veterinary Center. The 200 cans great news is that now the immediate care 10 large bags for Sassy and her puppies is paid for and 200 cans we made a dent in the rest of our veterinary 10 large bags bills. Of course, the costs never end. When 25 boxes you provide care for >100 cats and close to 100 dogs, that happens. We ask them to stop needing vaccinations. We ask them to stop having heartworms. We ask them to neuter themselves. They just look at us with trust and love. Your response has been so heartening. Thank you. If you have not yet donated and would like to, we’d greatly appreciate it. If you happen to be near Petsense, where we have a bin for donated items, we would appreciate any contributions of the following items from our CCHS Donation Wish List. ITEM Dawn dish detergent 13-gallon Glad trash bags Black contractor plastic bags Clorox Canned Friskies cat food Purina dry cat food Canned Pedigree dog food Purina dry dog food Fresh Step scoopable litter And that’s not all! See page 10! Your photo here. Adoptions! Dogs Boston—Basset hound Chester—Poodle Copper—Coon hound Hansel—Shepherd Holly —Dachshund Honey—Pomeranian Lady Bug—Collie Muggley—Shepherd Mix Nugget—Dorkie2 Onyx—Black Lab Mix Patches—Lab mix Raleigh—Lab mix Rosey—Terrier mix Rudy—Beagle1 Susie—Pekingnese2 Sassy puppies—3 of them! Sherlock—Dachshund Cats Bud—DLH3 Holly—Tabby3 Kendra—Black DSH5 Mikki—Polydactyl Poppie—Striped tabby6 Isis—Black DSH Sarah—Grey tabby4 Sasha—DSH brown tabby3 Tabitha—Calico Tasha—Calico Key DSH—domestic short-hair DLH—domestic long-hair 1. Senior 2. Special needs 3. Declawed cat 4. Kitten 5. With us since 2010 6. Cat with one eye In This issue: A Bounty of Blessings 1 Adoptions 1 Update from Adoptive Families 2-3 Donations and Tributes Looking for Their Forever Homes 4 5-6 CCHS Wins Ambassador Award! 7 Memberships/Gifts Form 7 Haley’s Birthday 8 BBQ Fundraiser 8 Make Your Stuff Our Stuff for the CCHS Yard Sales 8 Scenes from the Shelter 9 CCHS News 10 Community Resources 11 Volunteer with CCHS 11 2014 Fur Ball Information 12 Upcoming Events Pet Expo March 15, 10am-4pm Craven County Jaycees Fairgrounds (see page 10) Onyx Mikki Holly Poppie Raleigh 2 Sassy Puppies Bud Chester Copper Yard Sale! 1390 McCarthy Blvd March 22, 8am-2pm (see page 8) Chicken BBQ Lunch April 25 (see page 6) Fur Ball May 2 Adopt-a-thons Check with Petsense to find out if there’s one this weekend! Call 252-636-0460 March-April 2014 AnimaLetter Page 2 H APPY T AILS : U PDATES FROM O UR A DOPTIVE F AMILIES What a character Pepper is! We dearly love her, and she is a great addition to our family! Every day she makes us laugh at something she does. We are so very glad we got the opportunity to adopt her before we moved back to Ohio. She has adjusted really well, in spite of our frigid temps and snow. We found out she is not real fond of the snow, and we have had a lot of it this winter with more on the way. I guess she is just like us! She either plants herself on our family room loveseat or lounges in the leather chair. Pepper and her sister dog, Lucy, have a wonderful time together. She enjoys chasing squirrels out of our yard and has learned not to cross the invisible fence even if the squirrels are right on the other side. A miracle for a basset. Thank you for bringing her into our lives, and thank you for all the good work you do! We won’t forget you! —Phyllis and Steve Davey, Sandusky, OH Pepper with her evening cocktail. We are the adopted parents of Sunshine, who was resident in your cat safe house for five years. At first, she was very shy and obviously not used to being held or petted much. She seemed lonesome, so Lisa brought Dixie to see if maybe they would be able to get along together. Sunshine had only a couple of days with us at the time, so we were shocked at the attitude she displayed. No way was that other cat coming to live here. This is her place and she just isn’t about to share. Poor Dixie had to go back to where she came from. We love Sunshine, and she is not the least afraid of lap sitting and petting and good food and sweet talk. —Mary and Ray Tait, New Bern, NC We adopted Zack last Fall. He has fit in well with our cats and enjoys his back yard run time. —Jane & Robert Johnson, New Bern, NC Zack with his new dad, Roger. My husband and I adopted a little black puppy from you guys back in September, and I’ve been meaning Bojangles looks right at home...’cause he is! to send photos to you of our new family. Lynn Perry was there to meet (Right) The whole family relaxing; Biscuit me the day I picked him up, and he’s and Bojangles exploring together. been such a great addition to our family. Along with Biscuit (our golden/lab mix), we now have Bojangles. :-) Thank you for helping us bring him home. —Keiko Bury, Durham, NC WE LOVE HIM! He is PERFECT! Patches is very protective and clings to me and our kids. Last night, he even came into our bedroom and was playful with me again this morning. He loves, loves my daughter, Katelynn, and sleeps in her room every night. I am so thankful to have been a part of your great organization. Everyone I was in contact with was amazing! We love Patches to pieces and cannot thank you all enough. I have attached a letter from my kiddos, saying why they wanted Patches. Super adorable, right? Y’all seem like a wonderful company and have the best interest at heart for animals! —Amberly & Elliot Jackson, Camp Lejeune, NC March-April 2014 AnimaLetter Page 3 H APPY T AILS : U PDATES FROM O UR A DOPTIVE F AMILIES My family adopted Luna, the Basset mix. She’s been a great addition to the family. It took a couple of days before she realized she could be herself, but it has gone well since. She gets along well with our dog, Carl, who we adopted in 2008 from Pitt Friends, and is great with our kids. She has found a couple of shoes to chew on, but I guess dogs will be dogs. —Chris & Tiffannie Hill, Kinston, NC Max (adopted in April 2011) is doing great! We recently had a baby, and Max is doing quite well with both his canine brother and his human brother. ...and baby makes three! In the picture, Max is the one on the right. Thank you for following up with owners. What you guys do is amazing. God bless! —Leslie Ferrer, Miami, FL Luna and Carl...expecting treats or just in love with their new owner? The kids [Bud and Sasha] don’t want to go back to the Humane Society! They are fitting in nicely—thanks! —Dianne & Tom Neal, New Bern, NC Sam (adopted in 2006) is still here. He is so smart he doesn’t have to talk. He is the man. Still runs away if you let him out. If Sam’s mommy asks you, tell her that Sam is getting spoiled here. Take care and stay warm. —Holly Hapke & Devan Raghavan, Greenville, NC Bud (front) and Sasha (against headboard) are quite happy in their new home and have no interest in returning to the cat shelter. We like it that way! Buster (previously known as L’il Bit) is settling into our family nicely. He’s my seven-year-old daughter Claire’s “baby.” He’s so laid back and calm! He Raleigh knows how to kick back and love life in his new 6,000-square-foot home. loves being held over Claire’s shoulder like a baby and being petted. She runs Raleigh has now been on the farm for 12 days. He was picked up in a to his cage as soon as she gets home from school and brings him to the living four-seat Cessna plane and took an hour-and-a-half ride—slept most of it. room where they play and snuggle until dinner. They are best friends! At home, he was greeted with toys and treats. He’s very Lisa and Lynn went above and beyond shy but getting better, and loves his blanket in front of the to get him to us, and we are so appreciative! fireplace. A doggie friend came over last Sunday, and they We are especially grateful to Lisa for driving ran and ran and ran. The older dog showed him how to Buster to meet us in Hampstead. That was eat treats. Raleigh does not bark, chew, or go in the house just wonderful of her! A funny story relatand is the most well-behaved puppy I have ever known. ing to that: My daughter tells everyone that I am sure he will grow out of that! We took him down to we got Buster from Hardee’s!! Thank you the barn to meet the horses, and they were nose to nose. again for allowing us to add Buster to our He is a wonderful addition to our family! family! We are in love! —Sandy Hunt, Park Hall, Maryland —Jennifer & Gannon Medwick, Buster and Claire take in a movie together. Wilmington, NC March-April 2014 AnimaLetter Page 4 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS, DONATIONS & TRIBUTES January / February 2014 Thank you for answering our request for membership renewals and additional gifts. Our costs are staggering; your donations have kept us afloat. Thank you for your generous support of Colonial Capital Humane Society. Please know that every gift is greatly appreciated. MEMBERSHIPS / GENERAL GIFTS: Annette & Goethe Aldridge Chris & Sandra Barta Sharon Bichaukas Nelva Bledsoe, Sponsor Nicholas Cipollino, Sponsor Maggy M. Costandy Jennifer Coventry, Sponsor Georgia Crawford, Sponsor Phyllis Davey, Patron Dianne Dunn, Sponsor Margery & Craig Foskit Mildred Glaudel, Sponsor William & Mildred Harrison, Sponsor Ethel & Willard Hess Jerry Hobbins Roger & Jane Johnson E. Douglas Kaser Judith & Warren Lloyd Susan & John Lucas, Patron Pamela & Carl Newton, Patron Rosemary Pakoszdi Selma C. Piner Thomas E. Robinson, Benefactor Janet & Don Rosenthal Lynda Sadler Rosemary Sloan Paul Switzer, Benefactor Aggie & Richard Turk Jean & Willard N. West, Sponsor SPECIFIC GIFTS Robert & Suzanne Forsythe, Patron Cat supplies Barbara Maurer, Patron Mulberry Kitties Angela & Robert Adams, Patron Pamela Adamson, Sponsor Sandra & Chris Barta, Suzanne & Bobby Blackman Pat & Stephen Chambers Janet Cobb Maureen Comer, Patron Jennifer & Ed Coventry, Sponsor Evarilla M. Cover, Patron Georgia P. Crawford Linda & Charles Dannemann Patricia Drake, Patron Suzanne & Robert Forsythe, Patron Mary Jean & Herman Franks, Patron Joanna & James French Laurene & Bill Gaskins, Patron Kathleen & Wes Goforth, Sponsor Mary Beth Harris, Sponsor Linda & Billy Hicks Kathleen & W. Clay Hodge, Patron James I. Huff, Sponsor Virginia & Linwood Johnson, Patron Elisa Kirby, Sponsor Teresa & Frederick Kruske Ken Lewis, Sponsor Jill & Christopher Merritt Sondra & David Moffat, Sponsor Rande & Laurence Moolenaar, Patron Bettie & Edward Moore, Patron J.S. & J.E. Morris, Patron Nancy & Howard Neviser, Sponsor Barbara & Robert Newell, Sponsor Lois F. Rago Kathleen & William Rice, Patron Lynne & Philip Seymour, Patron Diane M. Shultz, Patron Coleen Smithwick & Newell Thomas Jr. Susan & John Stevenson, Benefactor Nancy C. Stone, Sponsor Robert Swensen Christa & Stuart Upson, Sustainer Mary & Frank Urbanic Tina & Robert West Pamela Whitting, Sponsor Eleanor Wimpfheimer, Benefactor A. Williams Sassy & Puppies Vet Expenses Lynne & Philip Seymour 4 cat hammocks TRIBUTES Gail & James Banks, Patron in memory of Kelly Rowe Carol & David Hale, Patron Haley Pugh’s birthday party Carmel Middle School Sunshine Committee Kenneth Gately, Patron Ava D. Gray Diana & Don Shaw in memory of Deborah Barrington Dick & Gloria Gustafson in memory of Elizabeth Lorraine Oates Eileen M. Hanson, Sponsor in honor of CCHS volunteers Susie & Stacey Jerry Hobbins, Sponsor in memory of Lynda Hobbins Gail & Gene Krielow in remembrance of John J. Burbank Marilyn H. Johnson in memory of Floyd Johnson Jane Bernard, Sponsor Judith & Warren Lloyd in memory of Betsy Albaugh Carol & Pamela Newton, Patron Valentine’s Day Donation in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Bret Ewing Newton Lynda Sadler in memory of Oreo McKeel Errors? If viewing this on our web page, please click on this email address: March-April 2014 AnimaLetter Page 5 Pets Looking for Their Forever Homes Tiger will be 1 in May; rescued from a shelter, she’s a perfect Ed, 2½, is a cool cat and a survivor. When his family moved, he was AJ has been with us for more than 3 and dear tabby. She’s good with other cats and with chilof his 4½ years of life. It’s time for dren. Rocky, a 33-pound basset mix, is going on 3. Though left behind. We don’t think cats are disposable and hope you agree. him to find his forever home. almost blind, he adapts quickly, uses a doggy door, and likes playing outside at his foster home. Muttley , 4 years old and 75 pounds, is an amazing Mastiff mix. He loves to ride in a car, swim, and sleep on the sofa with you. He can’t be with any dog smaller than he is. Ace, 1, is a 40-pound lab mix. We’ve learned he’s good with other dogs and kids; your next family dog! Puppies! In January, when we rescued Sassy (who is slowly learning to be an inside dog), 11 puppies were huddled beneath the house in freezing temperatures. Here are just two of them; several are still available for adoption. Tyler will be 1 in April; one of two of Sassy’s older pups we rescued in January, he’s ready to be loved. Molly Brown, 5, came to us with one Liberty is 2½, a sweet little ear deformed from infection but is a tabby who is very friendly and loves other cats & kids, healthy, happy, special kitty. Hank the Hound is 2½ and full of energy. Great family dog. Krissy, 3, is sleek, soft & shiny. She loves being the center of attention. Frankie, a 45-pound pit bull mix, is going on 2; she’s good with dogs & kids. Please share this page! Post it in your office, your church! Let’s get these guys adopted! March-April 2014 AnimaLetter Pets Looking for Their Forever Homes Page 6 Tuff is 1, a 26-pound Lab mix who is microchipped. He’s Brock, 4, is a 58-pound Pit who is pretty dear and loves kids but tends to jump on them. Still a Ollie, 3, is a 68-pound Shepherd very sweet except with cats. Great pup, he has two speeds—full out and asleep. Watson, 5, is mix. He’s good with other dogs and with other dogs and older kids. a 47-pound Basset. Look at those sad eyes; his owner is los- kids. He loves to run; it’d be great to have a nice large fenced yard. ing everything and just can’t afford a pet anymore. Watson gets along with everything and everybody. Opie, 4, is a 58-pound Lab mix. We couldn’t bear seeing him go to a kill shelter. Great-looking love of a dog. Gracie , 6½ and 40 pounds, is a Norwegian Elkhound. She’s good with other dogs & older kids. Jase, 2½, is a 30-pound Beagle mix. Although he doesn’t like smaller dogs, he loves people , kids, and TOYS! Hansel, 4, is a 70-pound German Shepherd and a very handsome young man. He’s sweet, well mannered, and knows basic commands. No cats, please, but Hansel is good with kids. Oliver, 4, is a 48-pound Basset mix and does just fine with other dogs, cats, and kids. Super dog. Lucy, 6, is 60 pounds (but shouldn’t be!) This basset is great in the house. Blaze, 3, is a 42-pound American Cowgirl, 1½ and 45 pounds, Peggy, 4, is a Treeing Walker CoonBulldog mix. He’s adorable—gentle is a Pit Bull who can sit and Sadie Bug, 4, is a 48-pound hound. Just 35 pounds, Peggy is and laid back and will be great as an lay on command, and will do Treeing Walker Coonhound, super gentle and sweet. most anything for a treat. never wants to hunt again. only dog or with other pets These are only a few of our cats and dogs. For adoption information on these or many of our other pets, please visit, click “Pets,” then click on “dogs” or “cats.” Keep in mind we have more than are shown on Petfinder. A few of our cats are also at Petsense in New Bern. Apply to adopt online or call to request a written application! 252-633-0146. March-April 2014 AnimaLetter Page 7 CCHS WINS AMBASSADOR AWARD CCHS successfully competed against other East-Coast humane societies to win a $500 Ambassador Grant from Clays for Strays (, a Delaware nonprofit that raises funds to help abandoned or unwanted animals. Supporters of nominees from several states filled out online questionnaires about why their organization deserved the grant. Arielle Morris, founder and president of Clays for Strays, says “It is clear that CCHS has an incredibly dedicated all-volunteer staff that goes above and beyond anything that could possibly be expected to see that their animals are well taken care of. They also provide education services regarding animal abuse and the importance of spaying and neutering our pet friends. With the many projects they have underway, like their facility expansion and their mission of rescuing hundreds of cats and dogs, Clays for Strays is proud to grant $500 to this deserving organization.” Last year, CCHS found new homes for 89 dogs and 87 cats and rescued more than 100 others. A recent rescue of 15 dogs during extreme weather conditions resulted in a substantial addition to already-high veterinary costs. Gifts from members and the Ambassador Grant will enable CCHS to care for these dogs as well as other dogs and cats await- ing adoption. Clays for Strays raises its money by creating and selling clay figurines of dogs and cats, including custom figurines designed from photos supplied by the donor. Arielle Morris (center), her volunteer staff, and a few clay canines and kitties. Membership—Renew Yours or Give a Gift Membership NAME(s):__________________________________ PHONE: __________________________ ADDRESS:__________________________________E-MAIL:__________________________ CITY:_______________________________________ STATE:______ ZIP:________________ en re wh ew? u s t Patron: $50 No ren ue to d e r ’ Sponsor: $100 l you Emai Sustainer: $500 a @gm 6 6 9 Benefactor: $1,000 bjf1 I would like to donate: $ _________________ MEMBERSHIP CONTRIBUTION I am a: [ ] New Member [ ] Renewing Member Membership Type: [ ] Individual: $25 [ ] Student (18 & under): $10 [ ] Family: $40 [ ] Senior (65 or older): $15 [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] [ ] This is a Gift Membership for NAME(s):__________________________________ PHONE: ________________________ ADDRESS:__________________________________E-MAIL:________________________ CITY:_______________________________________ STATE:______ ZIP:_______________ I would like to make a donation in honor/memory of: __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ (include the name and address of the recipient of your gift) [ ] I am interested in volunteering with CCHS. I can give ___ hours of time per week. I am available: Monday (am) (pm) Tuesday (am) (pm) Wednesday (am) (pm) Thursday (am) (pm) Friday (am) (pm) Saturday (am) (pm) Sunday (am) (pm) Please detach and mail to: Colonial Capital Humane Society, P.O. Box 326, New Bern, NC 28563 Make your donation online at with Paypal or major credit card. OR March-April 2014 AnimaLetter A B ELATED H APPY B IRTHDAY & M ANY T HANKS TO H ALEY P UGH ! T im and Tiffany Pugh’s daughter, Haley, had a 10th birthday at the end of December. However, to give Christmas a little elbow room, her birthday celebration, a Rollerland skating party, was held a month later. Haley asked that her guests bring donations for the animal shelters in our area. A look to the right shows what Colonial Capital received as a result of Haley’s request and her guests’ generosity. A number of our guests now have new toys, yummy food, and more. Even better, her dad delivered everything to our shelter. Thanks, Haley! K URANDA B EDS H AVE R EACHED THE H ALF -W AY M ARK —31 PURCHASED Page 8 It’s really happening this time! CCHS CHICKEN BBQ FUNDRAISER Friday, April 25 10:30am-1pm 1/2 BBQ Chicken & Potatoes Green Beans & Roll & Cookies All for just $7! Orders of 6 plates or more delivered to your door 10:30-Noon Plates can also be picked up at the New Bern Elks Lodge 1175 Pine Tree Drive, 10:30-1 p.m. Please order NOW (early orders help us with our planning) for you...your Call 252-229-2077 and leave a message with your name, phone number, number of orders, and if and where you’d like them delivered. K uranda beds are slightly raised off the ground, and they conform to the dog’s body. They are chew proof and clean easily. Thanks to you, 31 of our adoptees-in-waiting now have these comfy, well-made beds. CCHS volunteer Cherie Christensen, who initiated and organized the effort to get these beds for our dogs, has announced that we’ve about reached the halfway mark in donations of these beds. If you’d like to help a dog, go to, click on “Donate a Bed” in the green bar at top, then in the green box at right, select “North Carolina,” click “Go!” scroll down to select “Colonial Capital” and select a bed in the list to donate. If you have any questions or need assistance, call Cherie at 252-626-8998. Thank you!! —Upcoming Dates— 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 22 April 19 April 5 May 3 1390 McCarthy Boulevard (just down the street from Joe Alcoke and across from Hearne’s Jewelers; please do not park at Hearne’s) Do you have yard sale donations? Bring all those gently used items to our warehouse. Leave a message at 252670-3333; we’ll call back to let you know when we’ll be there. March-April 2014 AnimaLetter Page 9 Scenes from the Shelter “This is a sit-in. I’m not moving outta this bowl til you bring out the tuna.” “Just a polish change this week, thanks.” photos by Mary Rose & Beverly Foster “So, we’re coming out of yoga. Shirley says to me... and I says to her... and she says...” (Gonzo? You listening? Gonzo?) “Maybe if I pretend to be asleep, she’ll go away & not take a...oh, rats.” “I’m telling you, I really did see a mouse!” “I’m fluffy & have amazing eyes.” “I can jump higher than you!” “No, you can’t!” “Yes, I can!” “I’m putting my best paw forward for you.” “Maybe that wasn’t so funny, but did ya hear the one about....” “Big deal. Can you do THIS?” “We love love love snow. So glad we’re not cats!” “I will NOT pick that up. “Obviously, you’ll want me. Just That’s what humans are for.” “I can love you THIS much!” ask for the handsome one!” “My name’s Hardy. I get separation anxiety. Can you spend a lot of time letting me love you?” March-April 2014 AnimaLetter Page 10 CCHS NEWS—I NSIDE AND O UTSIDE THE S HELTER . S o, what a winter. The mud. The snow. The mud again. The cold. And the realization that once the expansion begins, our access to the cat shelter becomes trickier for awhile, as does heating the shelter. So now the plan for the expansion is to get underway by the end of April when everything is dried out and the weather is warmer. We will keep you updated. We now have more than 125 cats in foster homes or at our shelter and close to 100 dogs. Adoptions are going well, as you can see on page 1, but it seems as soon as one finds a home, an emergency comes up and another takes his or her place. Our new location for the yard sales is turning out to be nothing short of perfect. Mary Sanders reports that the first sale on McCarthy Boulevard brought in $3,700! The second sale, on March 8, resulted in about $2,500. The plan is to have the warehouse open for a sale every other weekend. Meantime, many of you are bringing in items for us to sell, so every sale has a fresh supply of great things. Different volunteers are overseeing areas of the warehouse, such as seasonal items, kitchen ware, dishes and glassware, toys, furniture, construction items, clothing, boutique’s more than a little impressive. Two satisfied customers and just a very few of the many CCHS volunteers who yard sales our biggest ongoing fundraiser for veterinary expenses. Yard sales are held on alternate Saturdays. It’s a Family Affair 2014 Pet Expo March 15 10am - 4pm Craven County Jaycee Fairgrounds FUN STUFF WHO’S GONNA BE THERE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pet-owner Look-Alike Contest Best Kisser | Best Trick Best-looking Pet | Bake Sale Food Vendors | Microchip Clinic Rescue Dog Parade | Pony Rides Howling Contest Fossil Dig INFORMATIVE STUFF • • • • • • • Veterinarian Hospitals/Clinics Pet Food Manufacturers & Treats Retail Pet Stores Pet Adoptions Humane Societies Cat Spay & Neuter Services Grooming Techniques & Products Beads and Bowls Love on a Leash Ferret Rescue Chasin Tails Great Dane Rescue Southern Belle Pit Pals for Paws Girl Scouts Bill’s Pet Shop Boston Terrier Rescue Colonial Capital Humane Society Craven-Pamlico Animal Services Lynaire Kennels Jill’s Pet Gallery A Dog’s Dream Dona Baker Coastal Pet Portraits Garris Evans • • • • • • • • • • • • • Semone Wild Creations Pet Spa Refined K-9 Harvestime Church Costal Kona Diamonds in the Ruff Byrums Drug Store Aurora Fossil Harriet Collins NC K-9 Handlers Country Aire Rental Strength to Overcome and Survive X Team March-April 2014 AnimaLetter Page 11 AnimaLetter The weekly ad space in the New Bern Sun Journal featuring our animals is donated to CCHS. We appreciate this added visibility to our cause. Colonial Capital Humane Society P.O. Box 326, New Bern, NC 28563 252-633-0146 Newsletter Editor: Beverly Foster, Community Resources Animal Abuse/Abandonment Reports: • Craven County: Craven-Pamlico Animal Services, 252-637-4606, • New Bern City: Animal Control (via Police Department), 252-633-2020 • Jones County: Sheriff ’s Department, Tom Labuda, 252-448-7091, #227 • Onslow County: Animal Control (Jacksonville), 910-455-0182 Spaying/Neutering If You Require Financial Assistance: • Pals for Paws, 252-637-7387, • Spay/neuter program discontinued but voucher program being planned. • Greenville Spay Today Clinic, 252-321-8839, • Carteret County: Encore Pets Spay 2 Save Mobile Clinic, 252-622-2373, Poison Control: • 888-426-4435 is the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center. A consultation fee is charged but is worth it . CCHS Wish List -continued from page 1- Used small towels Used large towels Five shovels - (flat type) Five wire brooms Small blankets Dog leashes Dog toys Cat toys Small to medium-sized stuffed toys Please bring items to our donations barrel at Petsense, next to Harris Teeter. CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS T he CCHS Kitty Committee holds separate adopt-athons just for cats and works to get the word out about these wonderful companions. Help is needed in transporting cats and working at the adopt-a-thons. If interested in helping or joining the Kitty Committee, email Wendy at Are You Due to Renew? Members receiving AnimaLetter by email will not see their renewal date. Sending out renewal notices can be expensive. Not sure when your dues are due? Email (just click on the email address). We will let you know what our records indicate. Kitty Laundry—Pick up one or more bags of laundry outside the cat trailer each week, or even just twice a month, and then bring it back when clean. Contact Mary Martha Rose, 252-639-0136, mary.m.rose@ Foster Parent—Our very young kittens, cats with adjustment difficulties, and more than half of our dogs are in foster care. Apply to be a foster parent by filling out a form that is available at To see AnimaLetter in color and save money for CCHS choose to receive our newsletter only by email. Write to AnimaLetter printed by The UPS Store 1822 S. Glenburnie Road New Bern, NC 28562 Saturday, May 3, is the 6th Annual Fur Ball New Bern Riverfront Convention Center Doors open 6 p.m. Tickets $65; 10/$600 Purchase at 208 Middle Street or call 637-0247 CCHS is selling raffle tickets. YOU can win up to $500! Top-selling organizations (like CCHS) get an extra $100! Write Meet the adoptable dogs at 5 p.m. Then: Great Food k Great Spirits kGreat Dancing to the Music of The Extraordinaires They are $5 each or 7 for $30. Winning tickets will be drawn May 3. If you’d rather mail a check, send to: RAFFLE, PO Box 326, New Bern, NC 28563 Want to sell some for us? Let us know. Call 633-0146. to purchase one (or more). New Bern, NC 28563 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid New Bern, NC 28563 Permit No. 356 Post Office Box 326 Colonial Capital Humane Society March-April 2014 AnimaLetter Page 12
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