At Migration


At Migration
Migrating data from mylexile to
Literacy Pro
Literacy Pro and mylexile Data
Literacy Pro has been developed to provide Educators with a rich source of evidenceand research-based data. That means that data is able to summarised at several levels.
This is a sample of the Lexile Growth Report. does not have the capability to report data in this way. This
presentation will explain the way the data migrated from mylexile to Literacy Pro will
be able to be viewed.
Report by School and Year
Report by Year and Class
Report by Class and Student
Migration of mylexile data to Literacy Pro
Student level data
The data held in mylexile is only stored at the student level. When it is migrated into
Literacy Pro it will be made available through the student level Reading Report Card
and and summarised in a NEW Class Reading Report Card.
Year level data
Because the Year level a student was in this year was identified in mylexile, Literacy Pro
has been able to summarise data at the Year level.
Class level data
Data previously held in mylexile was not stored by class, so migration data is not
displayed for teachers by Class.
Administrator’s Home Page at time of
This is the
Administrator’s Home
Page – or dashboard. An
Administrator is able to
view all school data by
Year, Class and Student.
The data that is
summarised on the
Home page at the time of
migration is taken from
results from each
individual student’s
Reading Report Card for
Student Reading Report Card at time
of migration
The Reading Report Card
summarises the data
migrated from mylexile
for each individual
student for the 2014
school year.
At the top of the Reading
Report Card is Summary
It is found under the
Reports’ Page.
Type in the student’s
name or select from the
drop down menu.
Student Reading Report Card - 2
If you scroll down the
Reading Report Card, you
will find the student’s
Lexile History by calendar
year and a summary of
the quiz results for the
Also shown are past quiz
Student Reading Report Card – previous years’
Quiz data is listed in reverse
chronological order.
Previous Lexile History may be
viewed by year from a drop
down menu.
Administrators’ Reports at the time of migration
The Reports Page shows
six reports that
summarise School level
data by Year level.
These reports summarise
the data migrated from
mylexile at the School and
Year level only.
Administrators’ Reports at the time of migration
The Lexile Growth Report
summarises data for all
students in a year level.
It displays data from
• the First Lexile Test in
2014 to
• the Most Recent test.
Administrators’ Reports at the time of migration
The Lexile Compared to
Norm Report summarises
data for all students in a
year level.
It displays
• the Most Recent
Average Lexile from
the most recent test
• the End-of-Year Norm.
This Normal data is from
MetaMetrics Research of
more than 500,000
students in the US.
Administrators’ Reports at the time of migration
The Expected Lexile Growth
Report summarises data for
all students in a year level.
(Also on the Home Page.)
It displays
• the Most Recent Average
• the Expected End-of-Year
• the most recent test and
the End-of-Year Norm.
*This is based on
MetaMetrics Research of
more than 360,000 students
in the US.
To research data was gathered for
Years 1 and 2, so no data for those
year levels displays.
Administrators’ Reports at the time of migration
Reading Proficiency is the level of TEXT
students are expected to be able to be
proficient readers at their year level.
The Reading Proficiency Report
summarises data in several ways at the
school and year level.
It shows students by Reading Proficiency
Bands (see next slide) by:
• the percentage of the school in a Pie
Graph (Also on the Home Page)
• the distribution of students by in a
Bar Graph – for the school and by
year level
• The percentage spread of students by
year level in a Bar Graph.
Benchmarks for Reading Proficiency Bands
The Benchmarks Page lists
the Lexile bands that align
with Reading Proficiency
required to read at each
year level.
It displays the Lexile Range
for the four bands:
• Below Basic
• Basic
• Proficient
• Advanced
*These bands are based on
MetaMetrics research of the level of
texts students are expected to be
able to read successfully by year
Administrators’ Reports at the time of migration
The Book Comprehension
Report summarises the
average comprehension of
quizzes by school and year
Administrators’ Reports at the time of migration
The Quiz Pass Rate Report
summarises the percentage
of comprehension quizzes
passed, in comparison to
quizzes attempted. It shows
the average data by school
and year level.
Teachers’ Home Page at time of migration
At the time of
migration, there is
no data able to be
summarised on a
Teacher’s Home
Page by Class.
This is because
students’ data was
not tagged in
mylexile in a way
that can be
recognised in
Literacy Pro.
Teachers’ Reports at the time of migration
The Reports Page shows
eight reports that
summarise Class and
Student level data
Because the data is not
tagged in mylexile at the
class level, you will see
the message below, until
new data is gathered in
Literacy Pro.
Only the Class Reading
Report Card will display
data at the time of
Teachers’ Reports at the time of migration
The Class Reading Report
Card lists all the key data
by student.
Educators’ Search in Literacy Pro
There are many
ways to search in
Literacy Pro.
Currently the
Book Title or
Author Search
has been set up
to pick up an
exact word.
For example, if
you search on
‘car’ titles with
‘cars’ in them
will not display
Default Settings
When data is
migrated, the
Settings are set
to the Default
There are default
settings for the
• LitPro Test
• Book Quizzes,
• Awards.
Changing Settings
If the Administrator
changes and saves
new settings, these
settings are applied
to the whole school
including all classes
and students.
A class teacher may
override the
Settings at a Class
or student level.
Educational Level Setting
In Literacy Pro, the
Default access to
books and quizzes
is classified by
Education level.
This is so students
are unable to
access titles that
may be
inappropriate for
their age.
The Educational Levels in Literacy Pro are:
• Lower Primary – F to Year 2
• Middle Primary – Years 3 and 4
• Upper Primary – Years 5 and 6
• Secondary – Years 7+
Changing the Educational Level Setting
An Administrator or
Teacher may
override the
Default Setting at a
Class or Student
This will allow
students to search
for books and
quizzes outside
their educational
Award Settings
The Default Award
Settings are based
on Points Earned.
This setting may
may be changed to
Quizzes Passed.
If the Awards are
changed from
Points to Quizzes,
Literacy Pro will
recalculate the
awards for all
Award Settings
The individual
amounts for each
award may be
changed by clicking
on the number.
Then Save the
Award Certificates at Migration
At migration, quiz
results from 2014
will contribute to
their Award
Only Teachers, not
Administrators, can
add points.
Currently, only
points awarded
through quizzes are
tallied towards
Award Certificates.
In a future upgrade,
Teacher Points will
be added to the
Print Award Certificates
Award Certificates
may be printed at a
Class level from the
Reports Page.
They may also be
printed from an
individual student’s
Reading Report Page.
Also available at
migration to be
printed is a Parent
Letter and the
Reading Report Card.
After students have
taken a LitPro Test,
this will also be
available to print.
Teacher and Students details
Teacher and student
data is listed in
Scholastic Learning
This is because the
SLZ Portal provides
access to multiple
digital resources, and
teacher and student
data only needs to be
entered once.
Teacher and Students details
Lists of Student
Usernames and
Passwords may be
downloaded under
Manage Users /
Organize Users.
When students
complete the LitPro
Test, their current
Lexile will also be
listed in this
Library Match
To match titles in your library to the Literacy Pro database, go to the “In
Library” Icon and follow the instructions. Titles will then display with the In
Library icon
next to them.
This presentation was designed to explain what happens to
Lexile data At Migration into Literacy Pro.
As students begin to take the test and quizzes in Literacy Pro,
data will accumulate and report at the Class by Student level.
To find out more, please view the presentation After
For other questions contact 1800 649 408