Limnol. Oceanogr., 38(l), 0 1993, by the American Behavioral 1993, 70-79 Society of Limnology and Oceanography, mechanisms controlling Inc. vertical migration in Daphnia Stephen Young and Penelope Watt Department of Biology, Imperial College, Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7DE, U.K. Abstract We used infrared video monitoring to study cladoceran vertical migration in laboratory tanks exposed to natural and simulated daylight cycles. There are changes in the behavior patterns at different times of the year, with both Daphnia magna and Daphnia longispina showing increased vertical migration and greater average depth later in the year. This change in behavior pattern is due to temperature, not daylength, changes. Our animals show a complex endogcnous migration pattern, with a strong downward excursion in the middle of the night, another before dawn, and then a morning rise, of which only the last depends on a visual stimulus. We propose that the morning rise acts as a correcting movement bringing animals to a depth just safe from visual predators. The midnight sinking is unlikely to be due to a random spreading-out process. Fish taste cues enhanced the dawn excursion, but not the midnight one. Responses to fish cues were most pronounced for D. magna at low temperatures. Much recent work on vertical migration has concentrated on functional explanations, and, in several cases, it has been clearly demonstrated that the behavior pattern is strongly linked to fish predation (Lampert 1989; Stich and Lampert 1981; Gliwicz 1986; Dodson 198 8, 1990). In this view plankton forsake food-rich surface waters during daylight hours and keep to a zone just too dim for fish to spot them. Wright et al. (1980) suggested that small daphnids ought to be safe from white crappie, a planktivore in the midwestern lakes of the U.S., at light intensities < 30 mW m-2, though Janssen (198 1) observed herring foraging effectively at 13 mW m-2. Behavioral acuity measurements for three species of teleost, reviewed by Douglas and Hawryshyn (1990), provide strikingly consistent measurements, suggesting that a 2-mm Daphnia will be safe at ~20 mW m-2, while a 3-mm animal needs to be at ~0.1 W m-2 to achieve the same level of invisibility. If this model is the sole explanation for vertical migration, we would expect to see a single daily movement, with animals moving to deeper, darker waters in the day, reaching their maximum depth at midday, and moving to surface waters after dusk and remaining there through the night. Since the function of the response is to hide prey in a dim light zone, it is natural to con- elude that visual stimuli control the behavior, and the consensus view is that the proximal cause of vertical migration is a form of phototaxis (Wright et al. 1980; Dodson 1990). Animals are thought to track an optimum light intensity zone as it daily descends and ascends through the water. Ringelberg (1964) has shown that Daphnia magna can manage a sort of stepwise approximation to tracking an optimal light level by a series of ballistic leaps triggered by changes in light levels. Although the behavioral responses are to the rate of change of illumination rather than to an absolute light level, the effect is that animals tend to remain within a band of optimal light levels, though the accuracy of tracking depends on the turbidity of the water. We set out to investigate two problems encountered by this theory of vertical migration. First, observations of vertical migration in the field and in the laboratory often show patterns much more complicated than a single daily up and down movement (Hutchinson 1967; Dumont and De Meester 1990; Vijverberg 199 1). Downward excursions have been reported during the night, followed by upward movement after dawn while light levels are still rising (e.g. Bosch and Taylor 1973). This phenomenon is often referred to as “reverse vertical migration” (Ohman et al. 1983). While accepting that this term adequately describes data sets in which animals are nearer the surface at midday than at midnight, we feel the implication that there is no daytime downward movement in these cases is probably unhelpful. Animals may well be showing a “normal” Acknowledgments We thank Jim Grover for comments and Thames Water for collecting Daphnia magna from Wraysbury reservoir. This work was supported by a grant from the Natural Environment Research Council. 70 Daphnia vertical migration vertical migration pattern, with a large downward movement around dawn and an upward movement at dusk, complicated by an extra nighttime excursion and a morning rise (Hutchinson 1967). This pattern could be detected only by frequent monitoring; single daytime and nighttime readings would give the impression of reverse vertical migration. Nocturnal descents were first observed by Ruttner (1905) and were called twilight migrations (Dammerungswanderung). The morning rise phase is in the wrong direction for any simple negative feedback depth control system using either absolute light levels or rates of change in light intensity: in both cases a light increase will result in downswimming. Second, the “just safe” optimum light level sweeps downward through the water of a clear lake at dawn at a rate of 70 cm min-l, faster than the maximum downward swimming speed of Daphnia. Hutchinson (1967) reviewed studies of Daphnia downward movements and suggested a maximum speed of 20 cm min- I. Because there is some doubt about whether the animals in these studies were actively swimming and not sinking, we have checked the animals from our cultures, inducing active downswimming by a sudden large increase in light intensity. We found D. magna capable of swimming at a maximum rate of 45 cm min- 1 (avg speed = 29.3k3.5 cm min-l, n = 8). High mortality during a brief period of visibility at dawn could act as a strong selective force for downward movement before dawn, beginning well before any visual stimulus is availableHutchinson (1967) reported observations of predawn excursions. The detectability of vertical migration patterns in short water columns in laboratory tanks is a surprising but well-established phenomenon. In several cases field and laboratory data are available for the same population and are apparently identical apart from a hundredfold change in vertical scale (Harris 1953; Schrijder 1959). A likely explanation is that the water in laboratory tanks is completely undisturbed, and lakes have considerable vertical stirring, Thus a movement pattern which shows up as a constant drift in a strongly stochastic population will only be detectable in the field if data are available from a very long column of water. We exploited the fact that plankton will perform in this way to study twilight migration 71 and the morning rise phenomenon under controlled conditions in two species of Daphnia: magna and longispina. Animals were exposed to natural diurnal light and temperature rhythms and to carefully simulated light rhythms at constant temperature. Infrared video techniques enable us to keep track of all the individuals in the group through both light and dark phases of the cycle. We made observations throughout the year to investigate the summer inhibition of vertical migration reported in field studies (e.g. Stich and Lampert 198 l), and, following a suggestion by W. Lampert, we have contrasted fish-tasting and nonfish-tasting water. Cyclomorphosis has not been noted in any of the clones under study. Furthermore, there is no evidence that morphological and behavioral mechanisms of predator avoidance are related (Ramcharan et al. 1992). Methods Experiments were conducted between April 1990 and May 199 1. We collected D. longispina from the Japanese Garden Pond at Silwood Park (which had never had a fish population) and D. magna from Wraysbury Reservoir, near Datchet (which has a small population of fish, mainly ruffe, perch, and roach, Duncan and dos Santos 1989). Clones were raised parthenogenetically from individual females isolated in pots containing 200 ml of pond water. The water had been filtered without pressure through a single sheet of filter paper (Whatman type 1) to remove debris and copepods but not algae. They were fed with Scenedesmus acutus, cultured in a modified Chu 10 algal culture medium. One source of pond water was the Silwood Stores Pond, which contains a substantial population of rudd, roach, and perch. Figure 1 shows the vertical migration tank and video system. Illumination was supplied through a rectangular aperture above the top of the tank by either natural daylight viewed through an open roof-light or a quartz-halogen lamp with an integral dichroic reflector. Light intensity was measured inside the experimental chamber (Fig. 2A shows typical readings). There was no gradient in light intensity detected between the bottom and the top of the tank. In the natural daylight condition the tank remained at the prevailing ambient air tem- 72 Young and Watt Fig. 1. View of the apparatus with the tank chamber lid removed. The tank (12 x 4 x 35 cm) is illuminated during both the light and dark phase of the day by two vertical arrays of nine wide-angle GaAIAS infrared emitters (RS components, type 585236; average power of 20 mW at 880 nm). The video camera (Cohu, type 4722), direction of view indicated by arrowhead, is sensitive to IR light. The baflles provide a dark background against which Daphnia can be seen. perature in the room (ranging from 23°C in summer to 5°C in winter), while for the artificial light treatment the temperature was kept constant at 15°C (comparable to spring air temperatures in the field). At no stage did a measurable temperature difference occur between the top and bottom of the tank. The oxygen concentration of water in the experimental tank was checked five times during the course of the experiments and did not differ appreciably between the top and bottom of the tank. To produce an artificial dawn-dusk light cycle we modeled the local daylight intensity cycle with a simple sinusoidal function. A computer control system evaluated this function at 30-s intervals throughout the day and adjusted the dc voltage supplied to the lamp so its output tracked the function curve. Peak midday light level at the tank surface for the artificial light treatment was set to 52 W m-2, the mean value for the natural daylight treatment. The night period in the artificial light cycle was completely dark. For each run, between 15 and 20 animals were transferred from their stock culture into 12 16 20 24 4 8 Time(houf-9 Fig. 2. A. Typical vertical migration pattern (0) for three clones of Daphnia longispina from the Japanese Garden Pond at Silwood Park in a natural daylight run, expressed as three-point running averages of mean depths. Average natural light intensity (0) over the 19-h period when the runs were conducted (April 1990) is also shown. B. Overall average depths for Daphnia in our study at the five key points extracted from the video records. Vertical bars show SEs of depths; horizontal bars are SEs of the times at which the key points occurred: a-dusk; b-night maximum; c-night minimum; d-dawn; e-brightest light (N = 33). C. Similar data for animals in continuous darkness (N = 9). the experimental tank and filmed over a 19or 24-h period. There is no evidence from our observations that the number of animals per liter has an effect on the vertical migration pattern. The water in the experimental tank was either the fish-taste treatment-water collected from the Stores Pond on the same day of the experiment and gravity filtered (Whatman type 1) to remove debris and copepods without adversely affecting the chemical composition of the water or the concentration of mixalgae - or the nonfish-taste treatment-a ture of 200 ml of algal culture medium and 1,500 ml of distilled water. Daphnia clones were successfully raised in this medium with no adverse effects on their behavior. There were differences in absorbance between water treat- Daphnia vertical migration ments over a range of light intensities (Table 1). Trials were made with natural light over a 12-month period, with artificial light at differing daylengths (carried out in November 1990 and May 199 1 at daylengths of 15 h for 1 May and 10 h for 1 November at 5 1.5”N and 0.5OW) and in constant darkness by covering the rectangular aperture with light-proof paper. The video tapes were analyzed by digitizing the vertical positions of each animal in the group at intervals of 10 min. The average depth (vertical position) was then calculated each hour of an experimental run for each group (Fig. 2A). Forty-two experimental runs were conducted: of these 30 were in the fish-taste treatment, 12 in the nonfish-taste; 8 in artificial light (34 natural), and 9 in continuous dark (33 light). In order to compare cycles of differing photoperiod, we extracted mean depths from the records for each replicate at dawn (d) and dusk (a), light intensity = 2 mW mp2; at the nighttime maximum (b) and minimum depths (c); and at the daytime peak light intensity (e) (Fig. 2B). Two summary statistics were calculated- the overall average depth, (a + b + c + d + e)/5, and the total vertical distance swum between the five mean depths extracted from each record, la - bl+lb - cl+Ic - dl +Idel+leal. Figure 2B shows the average clocktimes at which these key points occurred. The first statistic is referred to as “average depth AVD,” and the second as the “minimum vertical migration distance” MVMD. Data were analyzed with the GLIM statistical package (Aitkin et al. 1990). All our quoted standard errors are based on samples of average depths from N replicated runs rather than on the depths of individual Daphnia within each run. A subsidiary experiment tested the effect of differing light stimulus regimes on the midmorning rise. The tank used in this experiment had a movable septum which, when closed, divided the tank vertically into halves so that the animals in each half could be counted. The tank was surrounded with light-proof paper so that light, supplied artificially by a quartzhalogen lamp with variable control, entered through the top of the tank only. For each run 73 Table 1. Absorbance cm ’ readings over a range ol wavelengths (nm) for fish-tasting and nonfish-tasting water treatments used in experimental runs. Wavelength 420 520 720 Fish tasting 0.0222 0.0089 0.0032 Nonfi\h tasting 0.00 1 1 0.0006 0.0004 25 animals (D. longispina) were added to the tank that contained filtered (Whatman type 1) water from Stores Pond (as above). At the start of each run the tank was illuminated at a light intensity corresponding to that which initiated the midmorning rise in D. longispina clones. Animals were left for a period of 10 min to acclimatize, the septum was then closed, the number of animals in each half of the tank counted by hand, and the percentage of animals in the top half of the tank calculated. At lo-min intervals the light intensity was either increased or decreased by a factor of two or kept at the initial light level. For any one run four readings were taken: one at the initial light intensity and three under increasing, decreasing, or constant light conditions. Results The two species have broadly similar behavior patterns with no significant difference in average depth (196 + 9 mm, N = 23, for D. longispina; 199 -t 14 mm, N = 10, for D. magna), but the larger D. magna has a lower MVMD (10 l* 22 mm compared with 167 + 14 mm for D. longispina, P < 0.05, F-test). Figure 2B shows the overall average migration pattern for all treatments with a light cycle and 2C for animals kept in continuous darkness. The twilight migration pattern is clearly present in both cases, with two downward excursions during the hours of darkness that are not significantly different from each other (P > 0.05, t-test). The morning rise, however, occurred only if a light stimulus was present. Figure 3 shows the predawn excursion in more detail for D. longispina for illuminated and continuous dark groups. The downward movement followed the same pattern for both groups until the beginning of the light cycle. when the animals in continuous darkness continued moving downward; those exposed to a visual stimulus began their morning rise. The subsidiary experiment testing the effect of dif- 74 Young and Watt ; II 160r Y Time 6 8 Time (min) I 10 (h) Fig. 3. Effects of continuing darkness on the dawn sinking response in Daphnia longispina. Controls-O, whose light regime is shown in the lower box; D. longispina kept in constant darkness-0 (N = 9 in each case-bars show SEs derived from analysis of deviance residual). Data were derived from the video analysis of nine clones of D. longispina filmed under natural daylight and continuous dark. Inset shows the results of the subsidiary experiment which involved interfering with the light regime at the point indicated by the star. Data are the percentage of the population in the top half of the tank at IO-min intervals after intervention began. The three treatments were rising light intensity (0), steady light intensity (V), and decreasing light intensity (0). Bars on the inset are binomial SEs based on totals for each group averaging 23. ferent light regimes on the midmorning rise confirmed that it depended on an increasing * light intensity at this phase of the cycle (Fig. 3). The extent of midnight excursion, [(a + c)/2] - b, is not significantly different for animals exposed to a night sky (32 15 mm, N = 25) and those in a simulated light cycle which has a totally dark “night” (27 4 10 mm, N = 0 Figure 4 shows how the variation in vertical scatter of the population (as measured by the SD of the mean depth) varies with its mean depth by night and day. Scatter is significantly greater in the middle of the tank than at either the top or bottom (P < 0.001, F-test) and is significantly greater at night (P < 0.00 1, F-test). The distribution of the depths of individual Daphnia in a group was often strongly asymmetrical, but this analysis used the standard deviation of each sample of depths as a dispersal measure and, since the distribution of the standard deviation data was symmetrical and bell-shaped, we used a model with nor- Daphnia vertical migration 75 Table 2. Average depths (mm) and minimum vertical migration distances (mm) for 25 runs in natural daylight divided into groups by time of year. There arc significant differences between the spring-summer and autumn-winter groups in MVMD (P < 0.05, F-test) and AVD (P < 0.01, F-test). McanfSE Spring-summer Autumn-winter 24C - 30 40 1 I I 50 60 70 I 80 90 Standard deviation (mm) Fig. 4. Variation in the vertical population scatter (as measured by the SD of the mean depth) plotted against mean depth for day (0) and night (0) data for Daphnia magna. Bars give SEs for the scatter measures based on 17 1 samples from eight separate runs. For the graph, mean depths were grouped into successive 30-mm intervals; numbers on the graph show the sample sizes for each group. mal-distribution errors to test for the effects of light and of depth on the extent of dispersion. The data were grouped into two extended periods of experimental runs which had a gap of >2 months between them, from 25 April to 2 August (avg date, 1 June) and from 22 October to 12 March (avg date, 5 December). Dates were selected within these periods on the basis of equipment availability. We called the first group spring-summer and the second group autumn-winter. Table 2 shows that, for animals exposed to natural daylight and ambient temperatures, the behavior pattern differs at different times of year, both in terms of MVMD (P < 0.05, F-test) and AVD (P < 0.0 1, F-test). Animals remain closer to the surface and migrate over a shorter distance each day in spring-summer as compared to autumnwinter. AVD MVMD AVD MVMD All 175+13 108224 225k9 178-1: 18 N 9 16 To test the hypothesis that seasonal effects were due to changes in daylength, we simulated long and short days with an artificial light source in a constant temperature room at 15°C (see methods). This simulation failed to produce the expected results. Figure 5A shows no effect of daylength on the vertical migration patterns for the eight runs in simulated daylight, and Table 3 compares this data with the 25 natural daylight runs also grouped by daylength. In the latter case there are statistically significant differences between the long- and short-day groups both for AVD (P < 0.01, t-test) and MVMD (P < 0.001, t-test). Animals in the simulated daylight studies, whatever their daylength, behaved as if they were experiencing natural daylight on a spring-summer day. Because our natural daylight groups were exposed to ambient temperature conditions, there were systematic ambient temperature differences between the long-day (12.6 f l°C) and the short-day (average 9.5 * l°C) groups (P < 0.05, F-test). We found that a model based on temperature differences, dividing the same data set into high- (15-23.3”C) and low- (4.3-12.3”C) temperature groups had a substantially lower residual deviance than the daylength model and produced a more consistent account. Figure 5B shows that vertical migration for these two groups corresponds to the patterns observed at different times of the year, with reduced movements and shallower positioning at high temperatures. In fact the simulated daylight data for both long and short days are close to high-temperature natural daylight data (Table 4). There was no evidence of a temperature gradient between the top and the bottom of the tank in any of these studies and thus no pos- 76 Young and Watt Table 3. Average depths (mm) and minimum vertical migration distances (mm) for 25 runs in natural daylight and 8 runs in simulated daylight, both sets divided into long- and short-day groups. Mean+SE Long day Short day Q I I 0 o- 1 ‘0 I I O\O I I/&l I I I? 0 I I w A 0 -1 a b c d Vertical e migration abed e key points Fig. 5. A. Vertical migration patterns for Daphnia longispina and Daphnia magna exposed to simulated daylight patterns at a constant 15°C. The short-day group (0) have 10-h daylengths; the long-day group (0) have 15 h. Bars show SEs of means for two runs in each case derived from analysis of deviance residual. The vertical migration key points on the x-axis are as defined for Fig. 1. Daylength does not have a statistically significant effect on the vertical migration patterns. B. Data for both natural and simulated light conditions grouped by temperature. High-tempcrature group (0), > 15°C; low-temperature group (O), < 15°C. Sample sizes: D. longispina warm 8, cold 15; D. magna warm 4, cold 6. The difference between low- and hightemperature groups is statistically significant, P < 0.00 1, F-test). The 33 runs of data include 25 runs in natural daylight and 8 in simulated daylight. sibility of migration being restricted to a preferred temperature zone within the tank. Overall, the presence or absence of fish taste in the experimental water had a significant effect on the extent to which animals of both species migrated below their average depth before dawn and at midnight. The groups in fishtasting water have predawn excursions that carry them significantly below their AVD (Ta- Avg day (h) AVD MVMD Avg day (h) AVD MVMD Natural daylight 15.1 kO.3 184*9 104+ 17 10.7kO.3 232+10 205+ 18 N 13 12 Simulated daylight 15 168f17 135+31 10 163+17 123&31 N 4 4 ble 5). The midnight excursions show no similar response -if anything they are deeper in the nonfish-tasting water treatment (the waterexcursion interaction term in the analysis of deviance is statistically significant, P -K 0.01, on an F-test). If these data are divided, as before, into high- (> 15°C) and low- (< 15°C) temperature runs then the vertical migration pattern appears to be enhanced in fish-tasting water in the case of D. magna at low temperatures (Fig. 6). Paradoxically, there is an accompanying decrease in average depth. Discussion Our results support the view that the main vertical migration mechanism is independent of visual tracking of a preferred light intensity band. The midnight excursion and the downward phase of the predawn excursion are consistently present in all our records, both for animals exposed to the night sky and for those in total darkness. Tt thus seems unlikely that field observations of the same phenomenon are artefactual (Hutchinson 1967) or that this part of the behavior pattern needs a moonlight cue. Only the morning rise- the upward phase of the predawn excursion-needs a visual stimulus. Our interpretation of this phase of the behavior is that animals need to correct any overshoot during the predawn descent period, when there is no way of estimating the minimum safe depth in the dark, and return toward the surface, once visual information is available, until they reach the upper limits of a “safety zone” - above which they will be visually detected. We observed a modulation in the behavior pattern at different times of year with reduced excursions in summer, which has also been observed in the field (Stich and Lampert 198 1). Daphnia Table 4. Average depths (mm) and minimum divided into high- and low-temperature groups. AVD MVMD AVD MVMD Low temp. (8.5kO.5”C) vertical Table 5. Extent to which the predawn and the midnight excursions extend below AVD, showing the effects of a fish-tasting water treatment. Predawn Midnight Measure AVD d AVD b + Fish N -Fish N 12.5k4.2 19.Ok4.2 21 21 4.61k5.5 29.3k5.5 12 12 77 distances (mm) for all 33 runs with a light period, Simulated daylight N 4 168, i8 79*35 215f8 167+ 15 Once again visual cues do not seem to be responsible - ambient temperature appears to be a better candidate for the controlling stimulus than daylength. Thus our overall view of Daphnia vertical migration is that the main components are endogenous rather than phototactic. Circadian rhythms have been observed in Daphnia for vertical migration (Harris 1963) and for photopositive responses (Ringelberg and Servaas 197 l), so this suggestion is plausible. It does not necessarily conflict with the theory that avoiding fish predation is the ultimate cause of vertical migration. Animals need to start descending well before dawn to avoid dangerous regions and the predawn downward movement was most marked in water that had contained fish-both suggesting that its role is fish-avoidance. Daphnia is known to be able to detect fish-taste cues for at least 7 h in the laboratory (Dodson 1988). In this series of experiments it is likely that such cues were present and detected for a longer period because the predawn downward movement occurred at least 11 h after the start of an experimental run. The apparent “enhanced” migration of D. magna at low temperatures may, in fact, be due to bacterial degradation of the fish-taste cues at high temperatures (C. Loose pers. comm.) coupled with a difference in sensitivity to fish taste between the two species (Dodson 1988). Fish predation, however, is unlikely to cause the midnight excursion. Hutchinson (1967) argued that midnight excursions are often the Excursion migration Natural daylight MeanlSE High temp. (19.7kO.8”C) vertical migration 165+13 129+25 N All 8 166k 10 112k20 215+8 167+15 21 result of the spreading out of the population down the vertical axis-in effect an increase in variance-possibly due to the loss of the putative phototactic depth control system. We show an increase of variance with increasing depth at night, but the same phenomenon also happens (to a somewhat lesser extent) during the day, and, in both cases, the cold warm w g ‘$ loo ‘2 7” a ,so _ z 5 2oo 5 D 0 a 1 I I I b c d e Vertical migration I a b c d e key points Fig. 6. Similar data to those in Fig. 5 for both species exposed to fish- (0) and to nonfish-tasting (0) water. Sampie sizes: Daphnia longispina cold + fish-1 6, ‘cold -fish 5, warm +fish 6, warm -fish 2; Daphnia magna cold +fish 3, cold -fish 3, warm +fish 2, warm -fish 2. 78 Young and Watt variance reduces again when the population nears the bottom of the tank. This change in variance suggests that there is a boundary effect squashing one tail of the distribution. Animals in our study are plainly able to stay close to the surface in total darkness at 0300, so depth control is not necessarily lost at night. There are some suggestive field reports (Ruttner 1905; Kikuchi 1930; Worthington 193 1) for situations in which phytophagous and predatory cladocerans coexist. In this situation the predators show a simple n-shaped curve at night, while the prey species show midnight excursions, bracketing the predators’ upward movement. These differences in distribution patterns may well be associated with invertebrate predator avoidance. Ohman et al. ( 1983) have suggested that the reverse migration patterns in the marine copepod Pseudocalanus are related to avoidance of nocturnally migrating invertebrate predators and Neil1 (1990) has shown that it is possible to induce reverse migration in a previously nonmigrating population of the copepod, Diaptomus kenai, by exposing it to Chaoborus. Thus, in our experiments, fish-tasting water enhances the predawn excursion, which is only worthwhile if there are fish around, while nonfish-tasting water enhances the midnight excursion, possibly because the absence of the fish top predators increases the risk from invertebrate predators (see Spitze 1992). These animals came from sites with no (Japanese Garden Pond) or few (Wraysbury Reservoir) fish predators but some invertebrate predators (Duncan and dos Santos 1989) and although nothing is known of the vertical distribution of these predators, their presence may explain the distinctive behavior patterns we observed. 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Submitted: 20 December 1991 Accepted: 6 August 1992 Revised: 1 September 1992