TRINITY CONNECTIONS - Trinity Lutheran Church
TRINITY CONNECTIONS - Trinity Lutheran Church
TRINITY CONNECTIONS To Know Christ. To Share Christ. Trinity Lutheran Church 764 W. Henderson Avenue, Porterville, CA 93257 (559) 784-4202 April 2015 Volume 57 Issue 4 From the Pastor The Personal Trainer, p. 2 Spotlight on... Mt. Cross Lutheran Camp, p. 3 Education Wisdom Before Jesus, p. 4 Worship and Evangelism At the Table and Around the Cross, p. 5 Stewardship Toiletries Needed, p. 7 The Mission of Trinity Lutheran Church: Sharing God’s love and grace, we INVITE, EMBRACE and NURTURE everyone unconditionally into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Trinity Connections FROM THE Pastor The Personal Trainer I love personal trainers. A personal trainer is someone who comes alongside of me when I’m just starting a new exercise program. They are trained to know both the human body AND principles of movement for that body. I can depend on them to know just what kinds of exercise I do and don’t need to do in order to meet my goals for weight loss and/or muscle development and toning. The trainer is that “go-to” person with whom I first sit and discuss my personal goals, dreams, hopes, fears and the vision of my future self. With their knowledge and training, they take all my “stuff” and develop a plan for me to work through in order to achieve my goals. Then, they train me on the equipment and they teach me the exercises in which I’ll need to engage to reach my vision. For a time, they’ll walk alongside of me – encouraging, counseling, helping and even comforting me through the process. The time will come when the trainer will step back and I will carry on, practicing the skills I’ve been taught and implementing the exercise routine on my own. The trainer is still there to answer questions, but the bulk of the work lies in my hands now. But then will come that moment that inevitably comes to all who are working to lose weight and develop a healthy lifestyle – the plateau. The numbers that had been decreasing suddenly stagnate while the numbers that should be rising hit a standstill. I am stuck because what I had been doing is no longer achieving the success it once did. What do I do? Time to bring back the personal trainer. Yes, at that critical moment of plateau, it’s time to call in the personal trainer to help me get back in the game. Now the job of the trainer is to help me evaluate whether my goals need adjusted or whether the plan needs adjusted. Maybe it’s both. The trainer will help me to develop a new plan with adjusted goals so that I can continue to move forward and take things to the next level. 2 April 2015 In the gospel of John, Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as a type of personal trainer – the “paraclete” or Advocate who is called to come alongside the disciples and counsel them, encourage them, teach them, train them, help them and comfort them. This Advocate, the Holy Spirit of truth, will come alongside and teach the disciples everything and remind them of all that Jesus has already taught them. The Apostle Paul writes that the Holy Spirit does this work by pouring out gifts upon the body of believers and gathering them together to work alongside of each other and help each other. We are excited to have such a “paraclete” or personal trainer to come alongside of us in the coming months. As a council, we have decided to bring in a mentor and coach from an organization called “21st Century Strategies.” This consultant will work with us as a council, staff and congregation to assess our sense of mission, our ministry goals and practices, and to guide us in the development of a plan for long-range success in making disciples for Jesus Christ. They will help us to continue building an effective and sustainable infrastructure for growing God’s Kingdom in this place. Have we worked with such consultants before? Yes. Have they helped us before? Yes. And that’s why we are seeking their help once again. Because we have reached a critical moment in the life of God’s church and we need a personal trainer to help us break through the plateau and keep moving forward in mission and ministry in the name of Christ. Yours in Christ, Pastor Krista Trinity Connections Spotlight On… Mt. Cross Lutheran Camp Each month we will be shining the spotlight on one of our TLC or partner ministries and the people who serve. As we do, one of the things we hear over and over is “When I serve, I seem to receive so much more than I ever feel I’m giving.” Ministry is an investment that yields great rewards both for those who are served and those serving. Consider how you are investing in God’s mission and ministry with us. Julie and Doug McIntosh have been taking their kids, Dagny McIntosh and Alondra Silva-Bucio, to church camp for a number of years. Since joining Trinity, they have been faithful supporters of Mt. Cross - the Lutheran outdoor ministry site a few hours from here. They have served side by side at family camp weekends. Dagny even got to surf during one of her weeks at camp! Mt. Cross has made a big impact on their relationships with God and with each other. Camp has changed their lives. It can change yours, too! What is Mt. Cross Ministries? Among other things, Mt. Cross is the children’s camp associated with our synod. It is located in the hills near Santa Cruz. How can someone be involved? Go to camp as a camper-There are many different summer camp programs designed to meet the varying needs and interests of campers going into 2nd - 9th grade. They provide a wide range of camp activities - some of the programs for older kids include ropes courses and beach trips, while a A program choice for the middle grades includes camping in a tree house for the week! Program costs are $400 for the week (beach camp is $525). Go to camp as a counselor in training—if you are entering 10th - 12th grade, you can sign up for a two week program, learning to be a counselor. There is one week of training with other CITs; the second week you are in the cabins working with the kids and a main counselor! This program is available in July and costs $400.00. Go to camp as a family-You can take the whole family and camp in either the cabins or at the campground. Counselors facilitate activities for the whole family. Fees range from $180-$260/person depending on age and accommodations. Go to camp for the weekend for free (almost): From May 22-24 (Memorial Day Weekend) families descend on the camp to give it a face lift for the summer. Families can stay in cabins or at the campground. Saturday and Sunday, participants choose from a wide range of projects needed that year (from cleaning cobwebs to installing carpet) depending on the skills and willingness of each person. The program ends Sunday, but families can stay the night and leave Monday morning if desired. The fees for this are $6-$20 depending on age and when you register. Give a donation-donations can be made directly to Mt. Cross, or can be given to Trinity to support our childrens’ attendance. There are scholarships available both directly from Mt. Cross and from our local church body. For information on any of these options, you can either visit the Mt. Cross Ministries website at or ask Julie McIntosh for more information. She can help guide you through the process of getting registered-especially for the family work weekend. Julie McIntosh, Teen Faith Leader Trinity Connections is a monthly publication of Trinity Lutheran Church, 764 W. Henderson Ave. Porterville, CA 93257. For subscription or editorial concerns please call (559) 784-4202 or e-mail or fax 559) 784-9027. April 2015 3 Trinity Connections EDUCATION Men’s Breakfast Group Wisdom Before Jesus: A Conversation with Ecclesiastes The Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament was written during a time much like ours—a time of transition, rapid expansion, disruptive change, disillusionment, and seeking for answers. Ecclesiastes, in particular, captures that spirit in a series of reflections on the meaning of life. Join us as we ask, “What is Wisdom before and after Jesus?” th April 5 : April 12: Come join our men’s breakfast group on the first and third Wednesday of each month. We are currently reading in the book of Acts. Those who gather are not scholars, just somewhat ordinary guys reading, sharing and growing. We’ll be glad to have you join us! For more info, contact Tim Halemeier at 280-8879 or Jay Warnke at 539-0567 Easter – no class Wisdom: Towards What End? Coming Soon….. Wisdom in the Gospel of John Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays Are Wild - Even For Adults! Camp TLC has groups for adults, as well as teens and children. A free community dinner begins at 5:30 pm and campfire and learning groups meet from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Study groups will finish a fabulous book entitled "Hope For the Flowers." It’s a tale partly about life, partly about revolution, and lots about hope for adults and others (including caterpillars who can read). Grab your spouse, partner or significant other… grab your kids or grandkids...grab a friend and come join the wildness of Camp TLC Wednesdays! 4 April 2015 This ladies group meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Fireside Room here at TLC. Meeting starts at 2:00 pm. It is an open group for all women –from TLC or community. They are studying the Book of Romans along with some Reformation history and writings of Martin Luther. For more information, please contact Gloria Miller (359-6533) or Carolyn Sharp (784-6746) Trinity Connections WORSHIP & EVANGELISM At the Table and Around the Cross WORSHIP SCHEDULE Thursday, April 2nd Friday, April 3rd Maundy Thursday Holy Communion and Stripping of the Altar Community Good Friday 12:00 pm First Congregational Church Good Friday Here at TLC Sunday, April 5th 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Community Sunrise Service 6:30 am Murry Park at the cross Easter Breakfast @ TLC 8:30 am Here at TLC – freewill offering Easter Festival of Resurrection w/ Holy Communion 10:00 am Celebrate Resurrection Life! Join us on Sunday, April 5th for the Festival of the Resurrection. We celebrate the risen and living Lord Jesus who conquered sin and death. We celebrate our own promised resurrection from the dead. We celebrate the gift of new life here and now even as we await its fulfillment in the time to come. Here is the Easter Sunday schedule: 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Holy Week is a time for somber reflection upon the final days leading to Jesus’ death and resurrection. We are called to find ourselves within these events as we gather to remember. Join nd us April 2 for Maundy Thursday “At the Table” and on April 3rd for Good Friday “Around the Cross.” Worship is at 7pm on both of these days. Maundy Thursday worship includes a time for us to “wash the feet” of our neighbors as we assemble hygiene kits for the homeless, then share in the Holy Meal with Christ, and finally to experience His betrayal as we strip the altar and leave in silence. Good Friday worship includes a time for reading of Christ’s Passion as we gather around the cross. Learning to Tell the Old, Old Story We are currently moving through a three-year reading cycle on Sunday mornings that will help us to learn the narrative story of the Bible. “The Story” is broken into 9 major themes that center on the presence of God in the person of Jesus Christ. After Easter we will begin a 6-week exploration of how “The People of God” became “The Kingdom of Israel.” Join us Sundays at 10 a.m. Easter Breakfast served for choir Easter Breakfast Worship w/Holy Communion April 2015 5 Trinity Connections YOUTH & FAMILY Let Your Creativity Run Loose! Wednesdays Are Wild! Color, tone, texture, pastels, chalks, paints – and friendship - all part of the fun of Imagine Community Art Center’s “Art Camp” hosted here at TLC, Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. Did we mention camp is FREE and geared for children from our surrounding community? For more information and to register, contact ICAC at 559781-1510. What do faith, laughter, sharing life stories, eating dinner, learning Bible stories, making friends, making memories and talking to God all have in common? Let the Little Children Come Jesus loved children. We love them, too! And we want them to know and grow in the love of Jesus Christ. So let the children come! Children are welcome at TLC – especially on Sunday mornings for worship and faith formation. Worship begins at 10:00 am and includes a children’s sermon right up front. Kids can then stay and worship with their families or can head to the KidZone for storytelling, crafts, music, games and more – all designed to support the message learned in worship while helping children explore their faith in God. They’re all part of the wildness that is Camp TLC! Camp TLC meets on Wednesdays, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. and includes a free community dinner followed by campfire time and learning groups for children, youth and adults. Groups will read and discuss a fabulous book called Hope for the Flowers by Trina Paulus. It’s a tale partly about life, partly about revolution, and lots about hope for adults and others (including caterpillars who can read). Calling All Teens! “I like coming.” “It’s a safe place to explore your questions about life, God, relationships and more.” “You don’t have to know everything or anything to participate.” “I like that people know my name.” 6 April 2015 These are just some of the sentiments youth are expressing about our Sunday morning and/or our Wednesday night youth groups. Grab your friends and join in the good times! Here’s what’s ahead: Sundays, 9:00 am – a discussion of “Women in the Bible” led by Julie McIntosh Wednesdays, 5:30 to 7:00 pm – dinner and discussion “Hope for the Flowers” Trinity Connections STEWARDSHIP Toiletries Needed Caring & Sharing Our Maundy Thursday “footwashing” ceremony will actually be an act of service for the homeless of our community. During worship we will assemble hygiene kits to distribute through our pantry. We need the following trial/travel size items: chapstick, lotion, conditioner, and toothpaste. Toothbrushes also needed. If you would like to donate to our Caring & Sharing Fund, baskets are available on Sunday mornings for your contributions. Or you may include a donation in your offering envelope and designate it for Caring & Sharing. These monies offset the emergency assistance needs (utilities, rent, housing, gas/transportation, etc.) of people in our community. Thank you for helping restock our food pantry Especially Needed: ● Hot & Cold Cereal ● Dry Milk ● Stew & Soups ● Canned Fruit ● Canned Veggies & Meats ● Jam & Jelly ● Spaghetti Sauce, pasta ● Dry beans Donations may be brought to church on Sunday mornings or during office hours, M-Th 9 to 3 In expressing my thanks and appreciation to all that helped me during my illness, I failed to mention a special person, Pastor Pat Ciupek. Her visits, prayers, kindness and love meant so much to me while I was in the hospital. Pastor Pat, may you be blessed for the kindness you have shown me. Rose Johnson April 2015 7 Trinity Connections FROM THE WIDER CHURCH TLC Becomes a “Neighborhood Market” Cal Baptist’s “New Song” in Concert We are excited to begin a partnership with the “Lutheran Hunger Network” as they expand from Fresno into Kings and Tulare County. Starting sometime this summer, we will become a monthly host site for a Neighborhood Market food distribution ministry. Trucks from the Community Food Bank will bring in pallets of fresh produce and other items for us to bag and distribute at no cost from our parking lot. Before we can be a host site, we must learn the process. There will be opportunities for us to observe and help with other Neighborhood Markets over the next few months. These markets begin prep work at 8am and distribution at 9am on Saturday mornings. Clean up is usually over by 11am/12noon. Sign up or call the office to participate in one of these upcoming markets and learn: Sat., April 11 – Bethany Lutheran, Kerman Sat., May 2 – Bethel Lutheran, Fresno Once again this spring, we will host the ladies show choir of Cal Baptist University, “New Song.” Last year’s concert was such a success we couldn’t help but have them back for more! Faith Lending Library at Your Fingertips Did you know that as part of the Sierra-Pacific Synod of the ELCA, you have access to a faith lending library located just north of us in Fresno? That’s right – the SP Synod has a Resource Center available to you in your walk as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Resources in this library can be accessed by bible study leaders, pastors, youth leaders, worship leaders and YOU! For more information about the resources available, check out their website at “New Song” will be with us on Wednesday, May 6th for dinner and an evening of faith-filled choral music. Last year’s concert included hymns, praise songs, and choral anthems for all ages. This year promises to be more of the same beautiful music for the Lord. Join us for dinner at 5:30p.m. and then stay for the show at 6:30p.m. There is no ticket charge but a free-will offering will be received to help offset ministry travel expenses for the “New Song” choir. We will also once again need host homes to house these lovely ladies for the night. Each home must be able to take at least two students and transport them to and from the church Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Breakfast should be provided at the host homes on Thursday morning. Sack lunches will be provided by the church. Bedding should be in the form of actual bed, sofa bed, or air mattress (and the students can share a bed). Sign up sheets are in the church entryway or you can call the church office during office hours or you can contact Carolyn Sharp at 784-6746. Carolyn is arranging a team for making the sack lunches here at TLC as well as working with housing needs. Community Worship During Holy Week Join your brothers and sisters in Christ from all denominations for Holy Week remembrances. There are two opportunities for community worship: 8 April 2015 Good Friday, 4/3 at 12 p.m. at 1st Congregational Church downtown Easter Sunrise, 4/5 at 6:30 a.m. at Murry Park on the east side of town (around the cross) Trinity Connections April Birthdays 3 Taylor Quiram 6 Norma Brown 7 Owen Linton 7 Scott Nelson 8 Patty Kennel 8 Daniel Rueger 9 Carla Cauwet 9 Breannia Wiles 10 Jordyn Bedard 11 Samara Bedard 12 Jon Orosco 13 Betta Olle 14 Hailey Kavern 15 Rose Johnson 17 Stephanie Gwinn 18 Virgil Christianson 19 Luke Worsham 20 Deanna Buringrud 22 Vern Elston 25 Linn Wiseman 28 Terry Bedard 28 Harold Boyer 29 Gerald Aanestad “Good Morning” Eileen Todd, asked me to thank all of you for your wonderful healing prayers. She came through surgery just fine and is now home. She feels great and is looking forward to being able to be transferred to a wheel chair and taken out into the fresh air. She can no longer walk, but has not given up hope. Thank you all again. Sincerely Eileen Todd (by June Mowles) April Anniversaries 13 Mary and Topper Clark 29 Linda and Bob Johnson __________________________________ Members on the Move We are sad to see our congregational family and friends move on to new adventures and places, but here are their new addresses so you can stay in touch. Dewey and Jordy are already moved and settled in Arizona. Richard and Barbara are looking to be moved by the middle of this month. Dewey and Jordy Sommerfeld 18830 N. Grandview Dr. Sun City West, AZ 85375 Richard and Barbara Amrhein 263 La Costa Dayton, NV 89403 Home phone 775-301-6034 April 2015 9 Trinity Connections PRAYERS AND PRAISES Sharing Prayer Requests Write a note on the Welcome cards in worship. Mark “Prayer List”, “Prayer Chain” or “Confidential—For Pastor Only. During office hours (M-Th 9am to 3pm or call the church office at 559-784-4202. After hours, leave a message at the church office OR if it is urgent, call Pastor Krista at (559) 359-5592. Prayer List Requests on the prayer list are lifted up in prayer during worship, by our prayer and healing team, AND posted in the bulletin board in the TLC entryway. Prayer list requests are not sent out by phone. Prayer Chain Requests are prayed for in worship AND are shared by phone and email with those on our Prayer Chains. Prayer Marked “For Pastor Only” This prayer is not shared on the prayer list or the prayer chain. New Prayer Concerns The Family and Friends of Mary Gray - (Tim Halemeier) - for comfort and peace in the Lord at Mary’s death Dan Quick (Louise Warnke) - for comfort and healing as he undergoes cancer treatment Marcia and Aubrey (Nancy Chadwell) - for strength and healing and for wisdom in making decisions about future care needs Vern Elston (Julie Elston) - for a new living situation and for help in his battle with mental illness and addiction Julie Elston - for courage, strength and discernment of God’s voice and for peace and protection for those who live in her home Continuing Prayer Concerns The Family and Friends of Raymond (Rami) Avila - (Kay and Don Anderson) - for comfort and peace as they mourn Rami’s death Carol Baggett and Family - for comfort and peace at Clarence’s death Donna Boyer - for continued healing, strength and comfort Carol Johnson (Donna Boyer) - for strength and recovery from bronchitis Bill Johnson (Donna Boyer) - for positive doctor evaluation for his knee Mason and Zana (Karen and Art Cardell) - for continued strength in mind and body and the awareness of the presence of the Holy Spirit For Family and Friends of Joe Angel Rivas, Sr. (Tami and Dave Hensley) - for comfort and peace as they mourn his death Jason Mitchell (Avis Lindroos) - for healing and comfort from broken pelvis and complications from accident Isaiah (Tim Olson) - for strength to continue living his life and to know God’s presence Bill Morton (Linda Johnson) - for healing related to heart surgery and complications Clain Randolph (Linda Johnson) - for healing after heart attack The Family and Friends of Antonio Toste (Kay and Don Anderson) - for comfort and peace as they mourn Antonio’s death Eileen Todd - for healing in the midst of open heart surgery Rose Johnson (Helen Zenz) - for continued healing and strength Bev Watkins - for continued healing Tim Olson - bless his health and the well-being of the TLC congregation The Sierra-Pacific Synod - for wisdom and a spirit of true fellowship in our shared ministries Those unable to worship with us: Hilda Zeitler - Sun Villa Phyllis Rengstorf - Home Agnes Larson - Home Mary Clark - Sierra Valley Rehab Wanda White - Saratoga Retirement Community Those serving in the U.S. military, especially: Gary Hanner Samantha Brumley (Navy) Nathan Elliott (Marines-Afghanistan) Jeremy Kelly (Army) Cheyenne Lembke (Air Force) Stephan Porter (Army) Marc Jon George (Army) Joey Rodriguez (Marines) Kristin & Toph Lake (Navy) Tim Stringer (Marines) Melissa (Mowles) Groot (Air Force) Samantha Orosco (Middle East) Christian Beer (Navy) David Kramer (Iraq) Brandon Bedard (Army) Marcus Foster (Navy) Jeff Gray (Army) Alex Rodeck (Navy) Linnet Slater (Army Guard) Christopher Walters (Army - Jordan) Thank you for the prayers. Thank God for the healing Prayer Concerns will be posted at TLC for three weeks unless otherwise requested 10 April 2015 Trinity Lutheran Church 764 W. Henderson Ave. Porterville, CA 93257 Return Service Requested NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PORTERVILLE, CA PERMIT NO. 22 Support Our Sponsors To Know Christ. To Share Christ. Our Sunday Morning Schedule Bible Study Worship 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Located At: 764 W. Henderson Ave. Porterville, CA 93257 (559)784-4202 TRINITY CHURCH COUNCIL President, Judy Trimble Vice-President, Karen Cardell Secretary, Julie McIntosh Treasurer, Carol Bentz Financial Secretary, Jill Stokes Worship/Evangelism, Ray Cauwet Fellowship/Membership, Debra Rodriguez Education/Stewardship, Ann Marie Wagstaff Property, Linn Wiseman The Rev. Krista T. Vingelis E-mail: