CONNECTIONS - Trinity Church
CONNECTIONS - Trinity Church
CONNECTIONS Monthly Ministry Guide June 2015 CLASS OF 2015 Congratulations to all our graduates. May God’s richest blessings be with you as you enter this next chapter of your life! HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Erica Accardo - Citrus Valley Christian Academy Hazel Alfonso - Riverside City College Brodie Arbeiter - Redlands East Valley High School Leia Austin - Yucaipa High School Alex Burchinal - Redlands High School Ashlyn Coen - Redlands East Valley High School Andrew Cunningham - Arrowhead Christian Academy Miriam Edson - Redlands High School Donny England - Redlands East Valley High School Eliana Finley - Redlands East Valley High School Audrey Herwig - Gorman Learning Center Hannah Hoekstra - Redlands East Valley High School Curtis Hohl - Springs Charter School Erik Johnston - Redlands East Valley High School Shannon McCarthy - Yucaipa High School Hannah Millsap - Citrus Valley Christian Academy Kaeson Rempel - Arrowhead Christian Academy Raymond Rodriguez - Yucaipa High School Stephen Shu - Redlands East Valley High School Victoria Wilson - Arrowhead Christian Academy Isaac Yeier - Arrowhead Christian Academy COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY GRADUATES Kara Anne Davis - California State University Northridge, B.A. in Deaf Studies Christian Hayes - Loma Linda University, Master of Science in Biology Elizabeth Grimes - California State University San Bernardino, Masters of Public Administration Amy McNair Larson - Seattle University, School of Law Joy Rittenhouse - California State University San Bernardino, B.S. Nursing Cyndie Larkin Traynham - Framingham State University, History Major MINISTRY INDEX All-Church Focus 4 Children’s Ministries5 College - Praxis 6 Disability Ministries10 Family Ministries9 Fuente de Vida12 High School - Kaleo6 Home Groups - Koinonia9 Men’s Ministries8 i - Childcare thru age 4 Micah House 12 Middle School - Elevate5 Mission Ministries11 Senior Adults - FiftyPlus9 Singles - CrossWalk7 Support Groups9 Women of Trinity8 Worship Ministries12 Young Adults 7 8 - Online registration Cover Photo by Bruce Herwig online GIVING Trinity now offers online giving! We can accept debit cards, credit cards, and automatic (ACH) transfers directly from your checking or savings account. Our recommended method of online giving is through ACH, as the associated fees are lower. But all gifts are appreciated and tax-deductible in the full amount given. June 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday TLC Summer Staff Training 6:00-8:30 pm 8th Grade Banquet (Middle School) 6:00-8:30 pm Thursday Friday Saturday MAY 31 1 Helping Hands (Women) 10:00 am-4:00 pm 2 Move Up Sunday Young Adults Q&A 9:30-10:45 am Praxis Summer Connect (College) 5:30-10:00 pm 7 FiftyPlus Sunday Night Sing 6:00-8:00 pm 14 Summer Solitude (Women) 10:00-11:30 am Pool Party & Parent Meeting (Middle School) 6:00-8:00 pm First Base 11:00 am-3:00 pm 8 High School Summer Camp Monday-Friday 15 3 THE Co-op Informational Meeting 7:00-8:00 pm 9 10 The Guantlet (High School) 6:00-10:00 pm 4 Camp TLC Counselor Training 1:00-4:30 pm 11 16 17 20 22 23 12 24 13 Young Adults Summer Picnic 11:00 am-1:30 pm 18 19 20 Camp TLC Summit Celebration 7:00-8:30 pm 15 camp tlc 6 Mens 4X4 Off-Road Run 9:00 am-4:00 pm Serve at Cornerstone (Middle School) 6:30-8:00 pm Father’s Day 21 LINK Pool Party (4th & 5th Grades) 6:30-9:00 pm Summer Solitude (Women) 10:00-11:30 am Camp TLC All-Staff Training 6:30-8:30 pm Young Adults Third Sunday Lunch 1:00-3:00 pm 5 25 26 27 JULY Worship Nights on the Lawn 7:00-9:00 pm 28 29 Middle School Game Night 6:00-8:00 pm Intense Begins (Middle School) 9:00-11:00 am High School Worship Night 7:00-8:30 pm Summer Solitude (Women) 10:00-11:30 am 30 1 Independence Day 2 3 4 9:30 am Chinese Christian Fellowship - Dr. Leisure Yu, Room M200. Join a group of dedicated Christians with both American and Chinese backgrounds who have a passion for Chinese people. Contact Leisure, or (909) 214-2105. ALL-CHURCH FOCUS June 28, Worship Nights on the Lawn - Come out and worship in the round on the lawn this summer. We’ll fellowship together with desserts and refreshments 7:007:30 pm, then gather for worship 7:30-9:00 pm during sunset. Worship will include prayer, scripture reading, music, a focused devotional for the evening, an open mic for testimony and public prayer. Pray on your own or together with friends. The service is planned to be highly relational, intentionally helping you draw near to God and to each other. Other nights of worship include August 2 and August 23. 11:15 am Keep Calm and Answer the Question (Apolo 2.0) Steve Wyper and Jim Walker, Room M200. Join us as we continue suggesting approaches to questions related to Evolution (including Theistic Evolution), Religious Pluralism (perhaps the biggest threat to the modern-day church), hell, and Islam. Bring other issues of interest and we’ll cover those also. For more information, email Jim Walker, Meets through June 7. TLC NEW TO TRINITY? June 7, First Base - Learn about Trinity’s core values, beliefs and ministries. This is the first step toward membership. A light lunch is provided, 11:00 am-3:00 pm in Room M201. To register for the class and for childcare, contact Rose Orozco, x146, no later than June 4. Children’s Ministry SUNDAY ADULT CLASSES CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES INFANTS - 5TH GRADE Adult classes are a great way to get to know God and connect with others. We work hard to teach timeless truths that help transform our daily lives. Our goal is to equip each person to do the “good works which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10). Kim Simons, x132 Infants & Toddlers - Along with play rooms and a crib room for sleeping babies, we have a nursing moms’ room and restrooms in our nursery facility. Pagers are available so each parent may be contacted anywhere at church. 8:00 am Missionary Prayer - Don Bell, Room M201. Join with others in supporting our missionaries through prayer. We meet weekly for prayer and updates on our missionary families. Preschool (Age 2 through Pre-Kindergarten) Our interest-centered approach to learning includes stories, puppets, games, music, art, and dramatic play. The dedicated staff on Sunday mornings creates a safe place for young ones to learn to love learning about God! 9:15 am Light & Power - Jeff & Kathi McNair, Room M105. This class provides biblical instruction and includes people with various disabilities to build and empower all in the Christian life. With more than 60 members, we enjoy rich times of worship, prayer, teaching and learning together. Join us! Everyone is welcome. More information on page 11. Please note the new time and location. Elementary (Kindergarten through 5th Grade) Trinity Learning Center is a popular place with kids, in both corporate worship and smaller individual classroom settings. Kids enjoy examining God’s Word through music, drama, special guests and lots of surprises! 4 June 2015 June 22-26, ASCEND Camp TLC - Camp TLC is an annual event for incoming 1st-5th grade students, including Bible lessons, music, games, and electives such as soccer, dance, musical theater, whittling, baking and swimming (just to name a few). Campers will learn about being uniquely created in God’s love and about His unique love for us! Full Days 8:00 am-5:00 pm $170 Half Days 8:00 am-1:00 pm 1st- 2nd Graders $100 3rd-5th Graders $110 Registration includes: Camp T-shirt, daily snacks, elective choices, VBS with drama & music, transportation to off-campus venues, and a closing celebration! All registration balances are due June 12. June 1, TLC Summer Staff Training - Help serve this summer in our TLC Children’s Ministry. The 13-week summer session runs June 7-August 30. If you are interested, email You will be contacted for an interview, and scheduled for this required training class for ALL TLC staff and Student Assistants, 6:00-8:30 pm in Room L203. Childcare is available for Nursery-5th grade children with RSVP to Julie Ross, x130. June 7, Move Up Sunday - All children “graduate” to the class they will attend all of next school year. If your child is kindergarten age, but is not going to be attending kindergarten in the fall, please contact the TLC office so they will be placed in the correct class. All children in the Lamb’s Fold or Bird’s Nest will move up according to development, at the discretion of Julie Ross, our Nursery/Toddler Coordinator. June 26, Camp TLC Summit Celebration - Join us for our “Summit Celebration” as campers, families, staff and friends celebrate another wonderful Camp TLC, 7:008:30 pm in the Worship Center. Refreshments to follow. June 11, ASCEND Camp TLC Counselor Training All High School and College-age Counselors are required to attend this training, 1:00-4:30 pm in Room M105. For those attending High School Summer Camp and are NOT able to attend the Camp TLC All-Staff Training on June 16, please plan on staying later for this training class. Lunch not included. King’s Kids - King’s Kids focuses on infants to 12th graders who may need special assistance during any of the three services on Sunday mornings. We want your child with special needs to have complete access to the wonderful learning experiences available at Trinity Church. We also offer a Parents’ Night Out and other fun events. June 12, LINK Pool Party & Parent Meeting Parents and their 4th-5th grade kids (2015-16 school year) will enjoy connecting with other LINK families while the kids swim, 6:30-9:00 pm at the Hood’s home, 30595 Palo Alto Dr, Redlands. Watch the worship folder for location. This is a good time to learn about LINK and our events for the year. No cost to attend. Bring a swimsuit and towel. 8 ONLINE PRAYER June 16, ASCEND Camp TLC All-Staff Training Find out all the specifics you need to know as you serve at Camp TLC. All those signed up to help with Camp TLC are required to attend this training, 6:308:30 pm in the Worship Center. Childcare is available for Nursery-5th grade children. RSVP to Julie Ross, x130, for childcare. WALL Submit a prayer request and encourage others by letting them know you've prayed for them! 5 June 30, Game Night - Come join us for a night of epic games, 6:00-8:00 pm on the lawn. Some games may involve water and will be outside so dress accordingly. Invite a friend and be prepared to have a great time. Register Now... July 27-31, Summer Camp at Ponderosa Pines Cost is $339 before June 14. $359 after. 8 MIDDLE SCHOOL - ELEVATE Hylke Hylkema, x123 Do you want to have a great time, talk about real issues and get to know the real God? Then join us! We mix wild fun and relevant content. We want to help Middle School students love God, learn about God’s Word, love each other and share Christ! Elevate - Not your typical Sunday School class. Great music, Bible study, fun and hanging out with friends make Sunday mornings a blast! And you don’t even have to get up early! Sundays, 11:15 am-12:30 pm in Room M105. HIGH SCHOOL - KALEO Jim Woolard, x128 We love High School students, and we consider it a privilege to invest in the lives of students at this exciting and challenging time. In every aspect of our ministry, we strive to provide a safe, purposeful and engaging environment where students can be exposed to the living God and grow in relationship with Him. Tuesday Night Tribes - TNT will be on summer break. See below for information on special week-day events. Oasis: DivorceCare for Teens - More details on page 10. June 2, 8th Grade Banquet - As you graduate Middle School, a new journey begins in High School with all your friends. Come and celebrate at the Elevate party, 6:00-8:30 pm in Room M102. Dress to impress! Free to attend with RSVP. 8 Crave - A weekly time for students to be challenged to take the next step in their walk with Christ. Emphasis will be on drawing closer to the Lord and each other through Bible memory, relationship building, serving, and learning how to use their unique gifts. Meets every Sunday morning from 8:00-9:15 am in Room M210. Crave will be on summer break until August. June 9, Pool Party & Parent Meeting - Middle School students can hang out at the Pool Party, 6:008:00 pm, while the parents attend an informational meeting 6:30-7:30 pm. Swim at the Skubic’s home, 640 Fairway, Redlands. Parent meeting will be held at Trinity in Room M106. Discipleship Groups - D-groups will be on summer break. See below for information on special week-day events. Club 19 - A weekly time for all incoming 9th and 10th graders to connect during the summer! Meets every Sunday starting June 7, 8:00-9:15 am in Room M200. We will not meet on June 21 due to Father’s Day. June 16, Camp TLC All-Staff Training - All Counselors-In-Training are required to attend this training. Details on page 5. Oasis: DivorceCare for Teens - More details on page 10. June 17, Serve at Cornerstone - Help feed the hungry, 6:30-8:00 pm at Cornerstone, 903 E 3rd St, San Bernardino. Meet and pick up at Cornerstone. June 6, The Gauntlet - An evening of medieval knights and obstacle courses. Sound crazy? It will be! Join us in Room M105, 6:00-10:00 pm. 6 June 2015 June 11, Camp TLC Counselor Training - All those who are serving as counselors are required to attend this training. Details on page 5. June 15-19, Summer Camp - Start your summer off at the beach! We have an awesome set of things lined up – beach camping, surfing/surf lessons, sand volleyball, kayaking to Dana Point, sport fishing…and much, much more! Drop off at the Downtown Riverside Metrolink Station at 9:00 am, Monday and pick up at the San Bernardino Metrolink Station, 7:30 pm on Friday. Cost is $150. 8 YOUNG ADULTS Dave Wilson, x119 June 30, In His Presence Worship Night - Join us for a night of worshiping our Lord together, 7:00-8:30 pm in Room M105. We are a community of single and married Young Adults. Some have kids. Some are grad students, and some are careeroriented professionals. Others of us are just trying to find our place. So we need each other for fellowship, the church for direction and instruction, and a deep faith in Christ to find our way in this world. pra xis Young Adults Small Groups - Meet with other singles, young marrieds and mixed generations to study the Word and share life together. For information, contact Sharon Shurley, (951) 315-8078. [prak-sis] Young Adults Facebook - More activities may be posted on Facebook. If you haven’t discovered it yet, visit Young Adults of Trinity Church on Facebook and “Like Us” to receive updates. COLLEGE - PRAXIS Hylke Hylkema, x123 “Praxis” is a Greek word that means “our actions - the way we do life.” Praxis College Ministry is all about helping college students find God and then helping them live a life consistent with their beliefs. Throughout the school year, we meet on campus at the University of Redlands. Students from several colleges, universities and community colleges gather to worship in this unique setting. Each week we are challenged to grow in our relationships with Christ and others as we enjoy great worship, Bible teaching, snacks, and conversation. June 7, Q&A - Geared for recent college graduates, this is an opportunity to join other young adults to ask and explore questions about our group and this new step in your life. Join us 9:30-10:45 am in Room M201. More info about the class on our website. June 20, Summer Picnic - Pack a lunch, bring a blanket and/or chair and join us at Ford Park (behind LA Fitness) for a time to fellowship and enjoy the day, 11:00 am-1:30 pm. We will enjoy a game of flag football. Children welcome. June 7-July 26, Summer Connect - Whether you are returning home from College or starting off as a Freshman, we want to welcome you to a summer of connecting. Invite a friend and join us Sundays, 5:30 pm at the Hylkema’s Home, 1321 Susan Ave, Redlands. June 21, Third Sunday Lunch - Enjoy food, fellowship and fun. We gather on the third Sunday of every month at different locations. Join us, 1:003:00 pm at the Five Guys courtyard in Redlands Town Center, 10060 Alabama St, Redlands. June 11, Camp TLC Counselor Training - All those who are serving as Counselors are required to attend this training. Details on page 5. 7 Women’s Weekly Bible Study - Join us for a time that includes fellowship, food, worship, learning and studying God’s Word and prayer. Enjoy special friendships and encourage others in your small groups. New semester begins in September. . p Time: Mondays 6:45-9:00 pm i Wednesdays 8:45-11:30 am i Location: Room M105 (both days) Contact the Women’s Ministries office for more information, x150 or 8 SINGLES - CROSSWALK Ken Pierce, x159 Morning Pray-ers - Read Scripture and pray for Women’s Ministries and Trinity’s needs over coffee, every other Friday, 6:30-7:30 am, off campus. For more information and locations, contact Mary Hall, (951) 295-0306. We are a welcoming, nurturing community that encourages Christ-centered growth, service and celebration. Single adults of all ages, whether always single or single again, are welcome. We offer an array of monthly activities, weekly small groups and special events. To get connected or for details, call Ken Pierce, x159, or email us at June 4, Helping Hands Sewing Ministry - Share your talents the first Thursday of each month, as we create, knit and sew items for various ministry projects and community needs. Join us for any length of time, 10:00 am-4:00 pm in Room M200. For more information, contact Pat Derksen, (909) 797-7270. Singles Facebook - More activities may be posted on Facebook. If you haven’t discovered it yet, visit Crosswalk Singles - Trinity Church on Facebook and “Like Us” to receive updates. TMOMs (Trinity Mothers of Munchkins) - Expectant mothers and mothers of newborns to 5-year olds, enjoy a delicious breakfast, interesting speakers and share in stimulating table discussions. Take some time out for yourself and provide great fun for your children. Usually meets two Fridays each month during the school year. Meets 9:0011:15 am in Room M105. Fun outings are also planned for moms and kids to enjoy together. Details available at www. Resumes in September. 8 i June 10 and 17, Summer Solitude - Continue to grow in your walk with Christ this summer with the Women of Trinity. Enjoy four weeks of purposeful time unplugging from the noise around you to focus on God’s presence through journaling and memorization of God’s Word. Wednesdays, 10:00-11:30 am in Room M201. No cost. Childcare will be provided. Sign up Sundays at the Women’s Kiosk, Women’s Ministries, x150 or by June 3. Also meets July 1 and 8. WOMEN OF TRINITY Women’s Ministries, x150 Trinity offers women a variety of ways to connect and serve in Women’s Ministries, regardless of their age or stage in life. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned traveler, you will find each of our ministries to be a safe place to strengthen you in your spiritual journey and in your knowledge of and love for God. 8 June 2015 June 10, Trinity Home Enrichment Cooperative (THE Co-op) Informational Meeting - S THE Co-op supplements education through God-centered classes and enrichment activities. Classes are geared toward elementary grades. Those interested in participating in the next school year and attend this informational meeting, 7:00-8:00 pm, in the Fireside Room. Now accepting registration applications for the 2015-2016 school year. The deadline to submit applications is July 1. For more information and application forms, contact Becky Dau (909)795-0066. Sorry, no childcare available. FAMILY MINISTRIES Larry Shoemaker, x135 Trinity Church aspires to be a place where healthy marriages and family life are encouraged, educated and strengthened so that families will be equipped to stand firm and stand out in our 21st century culture. Through support and resources, we seek to help establish and strengthen godly marriages and families that will leave a legacy and be a model for future generations. SENIOR ADULTS - FIFTYPLUS Paul Plaxton, x117 MEN’S The second half of life brings many transitions, challenges and joys. Trinity’s FiftyPlus Ministry exists to help those of you in the second half of life find meaning and significance in your work, your relationships, your service and your life in Christ. Philippians 1:6 tells us that “being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ.” MINISTRIES MEN’S MINISTRIES We invite you to connect with others who are experiencing the blessings of Christ in the Second Half, as we worship, pray, fellowship, serve, and encourage one another. If you need transportation for any of our events, call Paul, x117. Jim Woolard, x128 What incredible experience does God have for a guy like you? It is our desire to help men meet an awesome Savior in Christ, help them work through garbage in their life that holds them back, assist them in growing in Christ, and empower them as they discover how they can use their unique abilities to accomplish the mission God has given them! Volunteers Needed - Be part of someone’s first step toward Christ! Trinity Church is an official Call Center for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Volunteers are needed to answer phones, input information into the computer, pray or be part of the set-up team. If interested, contact Paul Plaxton, x117, or Chuck Smith at (760) 793-0896. Men’s Small Groups - A small group is 5-10 guys who get together to know each other better and seek to apply the truth from the Bible to their lives. We have small groups meeting every day at various locations around the Inland Empire. See our website for more information. 8 Visitation Team - The first Wednesday of every month, our visitation teams continue to meet with those who are not able to be at church or have other needs that we can help minister to them. If you know of people who would appreciate a visit from one of our teams, please contact Paul Plaxton, x117, or Julie Humphrey, x110. June 13, Trinity Solid Rock 4X4 Off-Road Run We will have a fun day exploring and enjoying God’s creation, 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Meet in the church parking lot. Bring appropriate clothing (dressing in layers is a good idea), a lunch, water, and a folding camp chair. June 14, Sunday Night Sing - Invite your friends and family to share in a time of singing, storytelling, special music and a “pick-your-favorite-song” from the Hymnal, 6:00-8:00 pm in Room M102. If you would like to share your musical talent or storytelling ability at this event, contact Norm Smith, (909) 797-1541. This will be a fun evening for all ages. Please bring a finger food dessert to share after the program. 9 GriefShare (Ann Mixon) - This 13-week program focuses on “growing through grief” with others who have lost a loved one through death. You will learn to understand your grief while exploring ways to grow emotionally and spiritually through the process. $20 cost for materials. Meets Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm in Room M210, through July 29. koinonia homeGROUPS DivorceCare (Sandy Tarr) - A 13-week program utilizing a video series in a small group setting that can bring encouragement, hope and healing for people dealing with divorce or separation from a spouse. Issues covered range from anger and depression to financial survival and child care. Participants gather in confidential small groups led by a trained facilitator who has experienced divorce. $20 for materials. No cost to repeat class. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, in Room M201. Next session beings September 9. HOME GROUPS Steve Springsted, x115 Home Groups are about Connecting with God and Connecting with people. They are where you will meet new friends, learn and grow in your faith, and be cared for on the journey. The new “Designed by God” study booklets can be picked up on The Plaza on Sunday or in the front office during our regular business hours. To join a small group, visit the Home Group Kiosk on Sundays or contact Julie Humphrey, x110, or Home Groups will break for summer June 7-September 12. DivorceCare for Kids (Tiahna Frankian and Starla Strain) - A specialized group to help children ages 5-12 heal from the hurt caused by the separation or divorce of their parents. Kids make friends who relate to how they feel and what they are going through. Best of all, children learn how God’s love can help turn tears to hope and joy! $15 for materials. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, in Room M200. Next session beings September 9. SUPPORT GROUPS Oasis: DivorceCare for Teens (Starla Strain and Kris Van Sice) - A specialized group to help Middle and High schoolaged kids recover from the grief caused by the separation or divorce of their parents. Kids make friends who relate to how they feel and what they are going through. Best of all, they learn how God’s love can help turn their grief to hope and joy! Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 pm, in Room L203. Next session begins in September. Ken Pierce, x159 Groups meet weekly to address the challenges people face in areas like divorce, sexual integrity, or grief. The material covered is designed to be started at any time in a session, unless otherwise noted. All our groups are confidential, based on Christian principles and practices found in or implied from the Bible, and facilitated by experienced, caring leaders. We are open to all people regardless of church affiliation or faith. Every Man’s Challenge (Bob Blanck) - A safe and confidential on-going small group that may be joined at any time. Tools are offered that can transform relationships and help men find God’s strength to fight the battle against various kinds of sexual temptations (such as infidelity, pornography and lust). Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, in Room L101. If interested in serving or for more information on the support groups listed, contact Ken Pierce, x159. Nursing Moms Support Group - This group is facilitated by Cristy Harris, a trained counselor through Breastfeeding USA. Their motto is “empowering you through motherto-mother support.” Meets the second Thursday of each month, 10:00-11:00 am, in Room L110. Toddlers welcome. Promised Hope - A ministry that touches the hurting places of a woman’s heart in small, safe, confidential classes that are led by women who are sensitive to the subject matter and/or have journeyed through similar issues. For registration or more information contact Cheri Skubic (909) 633-7194 or Mindy Sames (909) 260-1564. All calls are confidential. 10 June 2015 Forgiven and Set Free - A 12-week Bible study to help women become free from the bondage of guilt and grief that follows an abortion. You will find the peace of God’s forgiveness and the freedom of forgiving others. Currently gathering interest. Mission The Path to Sexual Healing - A 12-week Bible study support group for the victim of another’s sexual sin as well as for the one who has committed sexual sin. It is for women who have ever gone their own sexual way and are now ready to go God’s way. Currently gathering interest. MISSION MINISTRIES Dave Wilson, x119 L.I.F.E. (Living in Freedom Everyday) - A 28-week group dedicated to helping women who are grieving their mate’s sexual addiction or betrayal. During this healing journey of transformation, you will understand freedom from the bondage of co-dependence and grow in God’s unconditional love and defining truth. The Lord has called us to make disciples of all nations. Therefore, people of other cultures and nations are part of our responsibility. We participate in the Great Commission by developing a global outlook, by sending and supporting church members to be involved in planting churches and by supporting strategic ministries. International Friendship Connection (IFC) - The primary goal of IFC is to open our hearts and homes to international students, and to help them understand God’s love through our hospitality and friendship. These students and scholars need and desire friendships. To learn how you can become involved and partner with our International Ministry Team contact Gordon & Cindy Mellis (909) 7987817, or email DISABILITY MINISTRIES King’s Kids - Kim Simons, x132 - An outreach initiative of Trinity Learning Center (TLC) and Student Ministries, King’s Kids focuses on infants to 12th graders who may need special assistance during any of the three services on Sunday mornings. Please see Children’s Ministries for a full description of King’s Kids and a list of our events. Welcome Home Team, A Ministry of Trinity Church to Homeless Families - This team gives the gift of friendship and new beginnings to families who are being re-established in a new home. There are many ways we can contribute to these efforts. More information available online or contact Martha Daggett at, or (909) 809-9214. Light & Power - Jeff & Kathi McNair, (909) 215-0577 This class, which provides biblical instruction and includes people with various disabilities to build and empower all in the Christian life, meets Sundays, 9:15-10:45 am, in Room M105. We are currently studying the gospels. Join us for awesome worship, yummy snacks, powerful prayer time and interactive lessons. Summer activities will be announced during class. Come find out more. Cornerstone Food Program - Sally Hazell, (951) 849-6649. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm, at Cornerstone Compassion Center, 903 E 3rd St, San Bernardino. Kairos Prison Ministry - Eldon Rynders, (909) 5340756. Providing spiritual guidance, fellowship and Bible study to those incarcerated in the Men’s U.S. Penitentiary in Victorville. Activities include: semi-annual 3-day Kairos weekend, monthly reunions and fellowship, and support for spouse and family members of inmates. 11 MICAH HOUSE FUENTE DE VIDA Micah House is a life-changing after-school outreach program for 1st-12th graders. We focus on the spiritual, educational, emotional, and social needs of at-risk, under-served children and youth living on the north side of Redlands. Our staff consists of volunteers from Trinity and the community. For more information, contact us at the numbers above. We are closed on Fridays. We invite you and your family to be a part of the Trinity Church Hispanic Ministry where faith, hope and love are abundant. Our Sunday Spanish service meets 11:15 am12:30 pm in Room M102. Classes are available for children. Micah House Chapel - Stephanie Deininger, (909) 747-7447 Micah House Oxford - Lisa Salas, (909) 747-0319 Alfredo Rodriguez, (909) 747-1411 WORSHIP MINISTRIES One Hour a Week Can Make a Difference - Summer is sneaking up on us! At Micah House, during the school year over ¾ of our daily staff is University of Redlands work study students. When their school year is out for the summer our need for volunteers is greater! This month, we are signing up volunteers for the summer to help out just one hour a week. Our greatest time of need is during our homework hours for grades 1st-5th grades, 2:45-3:45 pm, and 6th grade and up, 4:00-5:00 pm. Please contact one of the Micah Houses directly to sign up to help this summer. There will be no homework about half of the summer which means fun activities for the kids. Volunteers can help with crafts and/or the activities. Our hope is to keep both houses fully staffed and open for the Micah House kids throughout the summer months. It is very important to do this since most of the kids are defined as “at risk and/ or under served.” Both Micah Houses provide a consistent and godly atmosphere for the kids to feel safe and loved in. Bill Born, x118 Worship Ministries exists for the purpose of loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Members of the worship ministries teams employ their creative and artistic gifts as a means to celebrate the truths about God and respond in heartfelt worship to him. We would love to have you join us! Volunteer Lighting Technician Needed - Help to creatively use light to set the look and mood for worship services, drama, dance, and other Trinity programs. No experience necessary, we will train. If interested contact Jeff Saks, (909) 862-6589. NEW MEMBERS Please join us in welcoming our newest members: Jessica Benton, Sandy Vahine, Joy Ogbanje, Stephanie and Kritten Yleah and Donald & Suzanne Cox. We look forward to serving the Lord together with you. Cameras Wanted - Thanks to smart phones, few of us use our old point and shoot cameras. They are probably now in a drawer somewhere collecting dust. Have you thought about donating it and putting it to good use? This summer Micah House Oxford students will be learning photography and we have a BIG need for cameras. Your donation is tax deductible and could make a huge difference this summer. Cameras (including cords or chargers) can be dropped off at the Micah House table on The Plaza between services, June 14, or at the front office during business hours. 12 June 2015 IN SYMPATHY BIRTH & ADOPTIONS Trinity Church would like to express our sympathy to: Stan & Esther Shu on the passing of Esther’s mother, Esperanza (Hope) Vigil. May God comfort you at this time. May 3, Sadie Joy Heller, 6 lbs 2 oz, 18”, born to Kent & Amy Heller; May 25, Clara Mae Stuckey, 6 lb, 11 oz, 19” long, born to Kyle & Kristi Stuckey. May God bless you and this new addition to your family! END OF YEAR CELEBRATION Another year, well done, well studied and well loved! Thanks to all our leaders and everyone that made this year’s study through Genesis so meaningful. 13 Dad-Kid Campout Our Dads and Kids had a great time at the Rancho Jurupa Campground, eating, playing, making memories and learning what the Bible says about obedience. Photos by Naomi Buffam, Bruce Herwig, Jim Woolard and Hylke Hylkema Summer Solitude A time to focus on God’s presence and God’s Word WEDNESDAYS June 10 & 17 | July 1 & 8 10:00-11:30 am | Room M201 Women OfTrinity summercamp twentyFIFTeen june 15-19 doheny state beach | $150 to sign up and for More information, visit 20 15 Elevate Middle School Summer Camp camp tlc JUNE 22 26 July27-31 REGISTRATION IS OPEN Cost for camp is - $50 DEPOSIT RESERVES YOUR SPOT! $339 before June 14 | $359 after Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:15 am 1551 Reservoir Road • Redlands, CA 92374 (909) 335-7333 •
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