August 28, 2016


August 28, 2016
Welcome Guests
May 15, 2016
It is always a privilege to have visitors
with us for Sunday morning worship
and we would love to be able to serve you.
If you have questions or would like more
information, please visit our Welcome
Center in the Atrium Foyer. You can also
visit our website:
Would you be willing to provide us with
more information about yourself?
Please fill out the form below and drop
it in one of the boxes as you exit.
Address ____________________________
City _______________________________
State _______ Zip ___________________
Primary Phone_______________________
Email ______________________________
Age Group: □ 18-23
□ 24-29 □ 30-39
□ 40-49 □ 50-59 □ 60-69 □ 70+
□ Single □ Single again □ Married
□ Widowed
Tuesday, May 17
6:30am—Men’s Bible Study
9:30am—Women’s Bible Study
11:30am—Missions With a Heart
Wednesday, May 18
7:00pm—Nursery / Scooters
Prime Time Boys / Pioneer Girls
Student Ministries
Adult Electives
Thursday, May 19
9:15am—MOTS Moms of Tots
Summer Sundays for Kids
July 10 - August 28, 2016
Faith Quest
Following Jesus, the Light of the World
Just for elementary kids this Summer, a VBS-style program is being planned
for eight consecutive Sunday mornings from 10:10am – 12:35pm.
We are looking to complete eight teams of ten adults who will commit
themselves to one Sunday this summer in serving on a Faith Quest ministry
Will you help the children at Kid City this summer enjoy a fun, exciting morning
at church? Team sign ups begin next Sunday in the foyer. A training meeting
will be held for all volunteers on Wednesday evening, June 8.
Welcome New Members
It is with great joy that we welcome the following new members
into our church family. Help us welcome them this morning.
Bonnie Allen
Kathleen Collins
James & Chelsea Conti
Karla Craig
UB & Kia Essien
Rachael Evans
Haley Garcia
Alecia Hinston
Bill & Chris Hogan
Michael Johnson
Lorenbelle Kossa
Joseph & Kimberly Layne
Zhengjang Li
Anthony & Anita Manns
Ernest & Lila Music
Peter Osborne
Charlene Parks
Andre & Rogerlene Parson
Thessalonica Reis
Kathleen Robbins
Laura Scott
Ebony Stone
Eric & Amanda Thompson
Peter Webber
Susan Wilson
Akua Wright
Highland Park Baptist Church
28600 Lahser Road, Southfield, MI 48034
We are growing disciples of Jesus Christ, committed
to worshipping God & transforming our world.
Traditional Worship
The Solid Rock
Trust and Obey
In Christ Alone
Orchestra: Shall We Gather at the River
Anthem: My Eternal King
Message: The Order of Love
The Love of God
New Member Welcome
Middle Hour Ministries
Student Ministries
Adult Bible Fellowship
Contemporary Worship
Raised to Life
Greater Than all
O Come to the Altar
Message: The Order of Love
New Member Welcome
Simple, clear, and challenging. That’s
what love is. God is love and we are
created to love in His image.
As His church, we celebrate His love
today. As His people, we honor Him by
loving Him and our neighbor.
Lord, teach us to love.
Spring Hill Day Camp
Monday - Friday, June 20-24
Register your Kindergarten - 5th grade
child for five amazing high-energy days
including sports, music and craft activities
combined with Biblical teaching, right
here on our HPBC campus from
9:00 – 4:00pm. To register online
We need volunteers to assist with
promotion, registration, onsite activities
and hosting counselors. Also, teens are
welcome as "counselors in training".
Gospel Choir Rehearsal
Missions Giving
Gospel Choir
During May, we’ll be collecting for the
Missionary Assistance Fund (MAF). This is
an opportunity over and above our budgeted
giving to help our missionary family with
unexpected or emergency needs.
If you would like to sing in the Gospel
Choir next Sunday, May 22 during the
11:15am Worship Service, then please
plan to join us for practice tonight from
6:00 - 7:30pm upstairs in the Herd Room.
MAF is being expanded to also provide a
special gift for our missionaries at Christmas.
Our May giving to date is $17,543.
Herd Middle School will meet this Wednesday from 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the
May 15, 2016
Please use this tear off for items
of communication, and place in
a designated box as you exit.
Elementary Gym and Middle School Student Center.
How did you hear about us?
Crash High School will meet this Wednesday from 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the
Sunday Service attended : □ 8:45
Chapel and High School Student Center.
Worship Center Progress. During these weeks of remodeling there are pictorial
presentations using the two TV monitors that help to communicate the progress being made
each week. Be sure and check them out.
Missions With a Heart. Sign up TODAY for your spot at the MWAH luncheon this
Tuesday, May 17at 11:30am, to hear from Tiffany Johnson. Also, check the Missions table
for information on a new Mission 32 Project with the Ciluffos in Pontiac—books for kids!
For further information, contact Barb
Crowley at
or 248-885-1255. Visit the table in the
foyer today for more information
May 15, 2016
Media Resource Center. Just a reminder that our Media Resource Center is still
open and ready to serve you with an excellent variety of books, cd’s, and DVD’s to lend,
selected books for sale at cost, and a wonderful selection of professionally produced,
inspirational greeting cards for $1.00 each. Stop by this morning.
Community Soup. After all services today, our 1:27 Ministry sponsored and
prepared Community Soup & Bread for widows/widowers in your neighborhood is ready for
pickup in the foyer. Take this opportunity to share the love of Jesus with a neighbor.
Come to Next Steps. Next Steps is a discussion based opportunity for those
exploring the Christian faith and desiring to know more - a chance to interact on many of the
common questions about Christianity. You are invited to join in the discussion next Sunday,
May 22 from 10:10 –11:00am in the Atrium Foyer, next to the Cafe.
Pray for Dave & Lynn West, as Dave spends the month of May in China. Pray
that he will be able to connect with past students from LTU and meet current ones returning
this month. Pray for good health as he travels and for family wellbeing while he is away.
Congratulations to & Pray for our graduating Missionary Kids: Megan
Gascho, Kelly Parks, Austin Slater, Vonnie Slater, Kelly St. Angelo, Caleb Strauss,
Rebecca Strauss (college), and Sam Tabar.
□ Guest □ Regular Attender
□ 11:15
□ Member
I am interested in:
□ Membership
□ Baptism
□ Children’s Ministry
□ Student Ministry
□ Music & Worship Ministry
□ Café, Ushers, Greeters
□ Pastoral Contact
How can we pray for you?
Serving Our Community
We have an opportunity to come alongside
the teachers and students at Stevenson
Elementary, just down the road from our
church on Lahser Road. They have a
field day on Friday, June 10 from
9:00am - 3:00pm, and would welcome
volunteers from HPBC to help. Stop by the
table in the foyer for further information.
GO: DETROIT Update . Thank you to the many that have signed up expressing
interest in participating in our partnership with CDC to help with their renovation project in
Detroit! We are thankful for those who are planning to participate at our next 1 day project
later this month on Saturday, May 21.
If you are interested in helping in future summer work dates, sign up at the Missions table
this morning and you will be notified of the next Orientation Meeting in June. There is no
financial contribution required to participate, but donations are appreciated to help defer
costs for supplies. Make checks payable to HPBC with GO: Detroit on the memo line.
Christian School
Weekly Offering - May 8
Fiscal Year-to-date Giving
Fiscal Year-to-date Budget