HPBC Chap - Highland Park Baptist Church


HPBC Chap - Highland Park Baptist Church
Monday, April 13
7:00pm—Board Meetings
Tuesday, April 14
6:30am—Men’s Bible Study
9:30am—Women’s Bible Study
11:30am—Missions With a Heart
Wednesday, April 15
7:00pm—Nursery / Scooters
Pioneer Girls
Prime Time Boys
Herd Middle School
Crash High School
Adult Electives
Thursday, April 16
9:15am—MOTS Moms of Tots
We are happy to have Kenneth and
Megan Gabbert with us this weekend.
The Gabberts will be moving to
Michigan in June to lead the Herd,
the Middle School ministry of HPBC.
Secret Church Simulcast
Christ, Culture and a Call to Action
Friday, April 24
7:00pm – HPBC Chapel
How does the call of Christ compel us to respond to the constantly
changing and significant challenges in our culture related to same-sex
marriage, pervasive racial prejudice, limited religious liberty, and
exaltation of prosperity, rampant pornography, and abortion of babies?
This Secret Church presentation once again features Dr. David Platt.
Biblical truth will be presented to help understand how Christ calls every
Christian to engage culture with a firm grip on the gospel and a fervent
passion for God’s glory in the world.
Registration and further information will be this morning in the Atrium
Foyer, or online at our church website.
Workbooks will be provided the night of the event to the first 200
Gordon Ainsworth
Sue Hoffenbacher
SCS Superintendent
Chris Norman
Pastoral Ministries
Nancy Baughman
Derrick Jackson
Sue Reddypogu
Early Childhood
Worship & Music
Elementary Children
David Borror
David Kuntzman
Brent Slater
Business & Missions
Senior Pastor
Jeremy Einem
Jimmy Smith
Young Adults
You are invited to a casual meet and greet
today, especially if you are a parent of a
Middle Schooler, immediately following the
11:15am Worship Service in the Student
Center, across from the Chapel.
Highland Park Baptist Church
New Women’s Study
Stepping Up – Psalms of Ascent
A Beth Moore Study
28600 Lahser Road, Southfield, MI 48034
We are growing disciples of Jesus Christ, committed to
The Bible study of Psalms 120-134
continues this Wednesday, April 15,
at 7:00pm in East Fellowship Hall.
worshipping God & transforming our world.
Psalms of Ascent model how we can
voice our own petitions and praises to
our God, who is always available and
ready to hear us. We can learn much
from these treasured Psalms as we
journey toward greater intimacy with God.
Southfield Christian School
SCS Encore Upscale Resale Shop
12 Mile & Southfield Road
April 12, 2015
Traditional Service
Great is Thy Faithfulness—#37
Bow the Knee
Anthem: I Will Trust in Thee
Orchestra: When I Survey
By Faith
Message: The Promise Keeper - Ezra1-2
Trust and Obey—#318
Commissioning: Glenn & Linn Boese
Middle Hour Ministries
Student Ministries
Adult Bible Fellowships
Contemporary Service
Hallelujah for the Cross
Give Me Faith
Blessed Assurance
Great I Am
Message: The Promise Keeper - Ezra1-2
Commissioning: Glenn & Linn Boese
Disciples for Life
Prayer & Counsel
After each Worship Service there is an elder
and his wife at the left front of the worship
center to talk and pray with
anyone who would find it helpful.
Herd Middle School ministry will meet this week from 7:00 - 8:30pm in the
Our God is completely trustworthy.
Elementary Gym and Middle School Student Center.
If you have been discouraged this week
by people who don’t follow through with
what they have promised, come and
worship the One who always keeps His
Crash High School ministry will meet this week from 7:00 - 8:30pm in the
Chapel and High School Student Center.
Special Thanks to all who helped to make Easter weekend a welcoming,
worshipping, and celebrative time in the life of our church. God has given us outstanding
ministry teams who serve as instrumentalists, musicians, choirs, deacons, teachers and
ministers in Kid City Baby Acres, Main Street, and The El, hosts and hostesses, greeters,
and all those behind the scenes who serve for the glory of our resurrected Lord Jesus.
Baby/Parent Dedications are being scheduled for Mother’s Day, May 10.
Walk for Life
If you would like to participate in one of the morning services, please email Colleen at
cperkins@highlandparkbaptist.com. Attending the upcoming Parenting Class on Sunday,
May 3 at 10:10am will be required.
HPBC Connection The April/May edition of our church newsletter is available today
at the table in the Atrium Foyer, and is also on our church website. Don’t miss the many
ministry updates and special features.
Care Net Center Berkley/Detroit will hold
their annual Walk for Life on Saturday,
May 9 at Civic Center Park in Madison
Heights - please note new location!
Global Intercessor. Our monthly prayer guide for our missionary family has up-to-
Stay for a picnic afterwards and some
kid friendly fun like face-painting, balloon
animals, playground, games and more!
for lunch as we welcome guest speaker, Lorna Muha serving with TEAM in Spain.
Reserve your spot by registering at the Missions Table in the Atrium Foyer or by calling
Ruth Leonovich at 248-380-3505. . Cost is $7 and childcare is available upon request.
Please visit the table today in the Atrium
Foyer for more information or visit
Pray for Hugh & Debbie Wilson, serving with Cadence International at
Foster Care
date prayer needs. Please pick up your copy at the Welcome Center or Missions Table.
Missions With a Heart. Ladies, plan to join us this Tuesday, April 14 at 11:30am
Shaw AFB in South Carolina. Hugh’s mother (age 93) passed away Easter morning and
service will be this week in Kentucky. Pray for traveling mercies for family that will be
traveling to the funeral. Send condolences to hugh.wilson@cadence.org.
Birthday Party
Pray for Joyce Nies, retired and living in Texas. Joyce is 92 and in relatively
Our next birthday party for foster care
children is scheduled for Saturday,
May 9. Volunteers are needed to help
make this a special day for these
wonderful children.
Welcome Guests. It is always a privilege to have visitors with us for Sunday
Please contact Katie and Darin Schick
at kliptak3@yahoo.com
or 248-505-7555 for information.
good health. Her eyesight is poor enough that she can no longer operate her computer,
which frustrates her, but she loves mail and will get it read to her by sending to her
POA, c/o 2033 Clark Trail, Grand Prairie, TX 75052.
morning worship. Please take a moment to complete a Communication Card located
near your seat, and place in the drop box as you exit the service today. Further ministry
information is available at the Welcome Center, or on our church website.
Christian School
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of HPBC provides
the membership the opportunity to vote on
the proposed Annual Budget for 2015/2016,
along with Nominating Committee
recommendations for Elder and
Standing Board members.
Join with others in our church family
on Wednesday evening, April 22, 2015 for
a time of fellowship from 6:30 – 7:00pm in
the Atrium Café and Foyer, followed by the
Annual Meeting at 7:00pm in the Worship
Center, celebrating what God has done
and is doing in the life of our church.
Elder Board nominees are Peter Cuffe
and Sam Reddypogu – each to fulfill a three
year term of service. If you missed their video
testimonies, please go to our church website:
Special Business Meeting
A special Business Meeting
will be held in the Worship Center
immediately following the Annual Meeting
beginning at 8:15pm, April 22, 2015.
The purpose of the special meeting is
to review and approve a constitutional
revision related to a fiscal year date change.
The proposal is to provide for a new fiscal
year date of October 1 through September 30.
Currently our fiscal year is April 1 – March 31.
Further information and opportunity for
Q/A regarding this revision and rationale
is available at a designated table in the
Atrium Foyer this morning.