october digital derrick - First Baptist Church Orangefield


october digital derrick - First Baptist Church Orangefield
Sunday Nights @ 6:30 p.m. - October 16th
October 8th/ 10:00 - 3:00
First Baptist Church - Bridge City
Tuesday, October 4th @ 11:00 a.m.
Sterling Silver Seniors Luncheon
October 2016
Know Christ ~ Love Christ ~ Abide In Christ
Saturday, October 8th/ 10:00 - 3:00
2nd Annual BCOFMA Car Show & BBQ Cook-Off
Link Meals - $5.00 each
Car Show Entry - Free
BBQ Cook-Off Entry - $75.00 per team
Contact church office for entry forms/rules
Upcoming Events
Friday, October 21st/9:30 - 11:30 p.m.
Friday, October 21st/9:30 - 11:30 p.m.
Youth Fifth Quarter
Sunday, October 30th @ 2:30 p.m.
“Right To Life” Life Chain - FBCBC
If you can help with snacks, please see Andrew Knight.
Monday, October 31st @ 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m
We need lots of workers & lots of candy!!!!!
Please place candy in the baskets outside church office.
For more info, please see Ginger Hogden
Saturday, November 12th @ 8:30 a.m.
The Women's Ministry will take a field trip to Winnie Trade Days!!!
This will be a fun way to get to know each other better.
We will leave the church @ 8:30 a.m. & return @ 3:00 p.m.
This is an outdoor flea market shopping trip that requires LOTS of walking on
gravel, so wear comfortable clothes/tennis shoes & plan to stay hydrated.
Bring a small purse with a strap, money for lunch (festival food), drinks
throughout the day, purchased items, & shopping cart rental (optional).
Bring some cash-most vendors take credit cards, but some only cash & checks.
We hope to have a big group, so sign up so we can coordinate transportation.
For any questions, please see Ginger Hogden.
Monday, October 31st @
Fall Festival
Tuesday, November 1st @ 11:00 a.m.
Sterling Silver Seniors Luncheon
Saturday, November 12th @ 8:30 a.m.
Ladies Outing to Larry’s Trade Days
Saturday, November 19th
Youth Retreat
Sunday, November 20th @ 12:00 p.m.
Church Thanksgiving Banquet
Wednesday - Friday, November 23rd - 25th
Office Closes @ 12:00 on 11-23 & Reopens @ 8:00 on 11-28
Sunday, November th @ 12:00 p.m.
Church will provide meat, drinks, & bread.
We ask the FBCOF family to
bring sides & desserts.
Please join us as we celebrate with
thanksgiving how God has blessed us.
Sunday, December 18th @ 6:00 p.m.
Christmas Program With Taste of Christmas to follow.
Please join us as we celebrate our Savior’s birth.
Tuesday, November 6th @ 11:00 a.m.
Sterling Silver Luncheon
Sunday, November 11th @ 5:00 p.m.
Churchwide Caroling
Sunday, December 18th @ 6:00 p.m.
Christmas Program & Taste of Christmas
Monday, December 26th & Tuesday, December 27th
Office Closed
First Baptist Church of Orangefield
Orangefield, Texas
Sunday Services
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 Worship &
Children’s Church
5:15 p.m. Young Adult Bible Study
5:30 p.m. Choir Practice
6:30 p.m. Worship
Wednesday Service
6:00 p.m. Children’s J.A.M. Time & Bible Study
and Youth Activities
6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study
Cody Hogden
Worship Minister
Student Minister
Andrew Knight
Children’s Minister
From the Pastor
Something pretty special happened this weekend. We
got to witness God's faithfulness! With a tremendous
amount of JOY we want to announce that $5918.60
was raised for this year's Spotlight Ministry The Bridge City / Orangefield Ministerial Alliance.
When we first went to the Missions Team with what we
felt we knew God was telling us to do, they prayed and
immediately everyone was on board. We then said yes as
a church to move forward with setting money aside to do
this! And got busy! This wasn't an easy process, which
took a tremendous amount of planning and organization,
but it was more than worth this leap of faith to see what
God can do! We kept moving toward what God told us to
We had over 55 volunteers just on race day alone and 216
runners/walkers! That means 216 people were prayed
over, received information about the Alliance and the
great work they are doing!
Our main goal was to ensure this event was Gospel
centered with missions pamphlets, missions books, prayer
cards, information about a family going into full time
missions in Guatemala. And the most popular item taken
from the missions tent was Bibles!
We may never know the impact this event had on
someone that took a Bible or a Missions Book. We may
never know who at the ministerial alliance needed food
and were ministered to through that ministry as a result of
this donation.
Thank you so much for getting behind what God is doing
here! It truly reminded us of His faithfulness!
Bro. Cody
Music Notes
Please continue to be in prayer for our
Worship Minister Search Committee.
They have received & are
continuing to receive resumes.
Pray both the Search Committee & the applicants
will seek God’s guidance in this endeavor.
Our Worship Minister Search
Committee Members:
Jeff Oliver
Chris Barnes
John Heyduck
Betty Norwood
Elmer Ernst
Pat Lund
Sterling Silver Seniors
Sterling Silver Seniors held their September luncheon
on the 6th & Mike Freeman provided music.
We will have our October meeting on the 4th with a
covered dish meal, November meeting on the 1st
with Darrell Segura for entertainment, and our
December Christmas lunch on the 6th.
We hope to see everyone there.
Rodney & Pat
Children’s Ministry
The children have been busy getting settled back in a
school routine. They have begun new curriculum in
both their Wednesday night class (Team Kids
Catching Air) & Sunday morning Children’s Church
(Kids Own Worship).
Please be in prayer for our Children’s Department &
how God can use us to influence their lives.
Student Ministry
The Youth have been very active recently,
as we have begun a Bible Study on Sunday
evenings, returned to school, and participated in
“See You At The Pole” in September.
In the upcoming months we will have
“5th Quarter” on October 21st and a
Youth Retreat on November 19th.
Snacks are needed for “5th Quarter”. If you can
provide them, please see Andrew Knight.
We are also in the process of planning
and preparing for Hot Hearts in January 2017.
Women’s Ministry
The Ladies Ministry has been busy the last
few months. During July we found our
creative side with Painting With Prayer. Our
Bible Study, “The 7 Experiment” began in
August, & in September we joined other sisters
in Christ for a Beth Moore Live Simulcast.
The next months will also be busy as we enter
the holiday season and have several events
scheduled, including an outing in November
and our Christmas Party in December.
Please continue to pray for us as we seek
God’s leadership for our ministry.