The North Shelby Baptist - North Shelby Baptist Church
The North Shelby Baptist - North Shelby Baptist Church
Local Edition of The Alabama Baptist N o r t h S h e l b y B a p t i s t C h u r c h , P . O . B o x 3 8 0 8 1 6 , B i r m i n g h a m , A L 3 5 2 3 8 - 0 8 1 6 4 1 0 0 B e l c h e r D r . , B i r m i n g h a m , A L 3 5 2 4 2 ; P h o n e ( 2 0 5 ) 9 9 5 - 9 0 5 6 ; F a x ( 2 0 5 ) 9 9 5 - 9 3 2 5 E - m a i l : O f f i c e @ n o r t h s h e l b y b a p t i s t . o r g w e b s i t e : w w w . n o r t h s h e l b y b a p t i s t . o r g The North Shelby Baptist Pastor Allan Murphy, Minister of Music & Administration Randy Tingle, Interim Director of Preschoolers & Children Anita Hardy, Interim Student Ministry Coordinator John Murphy Report from 11-16-14 EXTENDED SESSION TEACHERS ATTENDANCE: Sunday School – 312; Morning Worship – 332 GIVING: Budget - $13,372.80 MARK YOUR CALENDAR Month of November: AL/AU “Tin Can Bowl” Food Drive Thursday, November 20, Noon: YAH covered dish lunch, Orville McElroy (harmonica) and Wayne Anderson (guitar) Sunday, November 23, 10:15 am: Thanksgiving Sunday; NSBC 21st Anniversary; 6:00 pm: Praise & Prayer Service Monday, November 24 - Friday, November 28: Shelby County Schools out for Thanksgiving Week Thursday, November 27 - Friday, November 28: Church office closed for Thanksgiving Sunday, November 30, 10:15 am: Speaker, George Fridlender; 6:00 pm: Evening Worship (Pastor preaches about “Faithfulness”) Monday, December 1 - Wednesday, December 17: Shelby Baptist Association Christmas Gift Shop outreach Thursday, December 4, 6:30 pm: Ladies Bound Together Book Club, Choosing Gratitude, Kelly Gilliland’s house Friday, December 5, 6:30 pm: Deacon Christmas Banquet Sunday, December 7, 10:15 am: Baptism and Lord’s Supper; 6:00 pm: Evening Worship (Don Blackerby preaches about “Gentleness”) Thursday, December 11, 10:30 am: Ladies Lunch Bunch goes to Classic on Noble Friday, December 12 - Saturday, December 13: SOPA Recitals Sunday, December 14, 10:15 am: Tree of Remembrance; 6:00 pm: Adult Choir Christmas Music followed by annual Christmas Goodies Fellowship Friday, December 19: Shelby County Schools end for Christmas holidays; 6:00 pm: S.N.O.W. Kids Sunday, December 21, 10:15 am: March to the Manger for Lottie Moon, No Children’s Worship; 6:00 pm: Family Christmas Showcase Wednesday, December 24 - Thursday, December 25: Church office closed for Christmas Wednesday, December 24, 5:00 pm: Christmas Carols, Candles & Communion Sunday, December 28, 10:15 am: No Children’s Worship; 6:00 pm: Evening Worship (Pastor preaches about “SelfControl”) Thinking Allowed At the November 12 church business meeting, several significant decisions were made: The church approved nine mission projects for 2015. The church adopted a 2015 budget of $1,648,546. The church approved a proposed job description for a Minister of Education and Family. The Personnel Committee (Chairman Annette Authement, Bruce Gilliland, Bob Hunter, Larry Huys, Martha Miller, and Midge Vinson) and those they asked to join them in the search— Jeff Hester, Megan Hartsfield, Laura McCormick, and Joel Robinson— have begun seeking recommendations (names/resumes). November 20, 2014 Sunday, November 23, 10:15 am Patti & John Browning, Marsha Coggins Jennifer & Ben Ludwig Jennifer & John Thorne Carol Lewis, Paula Roland Sunday, November 30, 10:15 am Babies Leigha Marlow, Jennifer Mosley, Caroline Jones Ones Cassie & Rod Burchell Twos Julie Faurot, Laura McCormick Threes Becky & David Carlee Babies Ones Twos Threes “Seeking” Don Blackerby, David Carlee, Rick Chamberlain, Mike Hardy, Jeff Hester, Bill McGrady, James Meadors, Greg Moss, Ray Neeley, James Stimpson AM: Scott Norton, David Youngblood; PM: Steven Riggins Bettye McCulla, Elaine Cox, Mike & Audrey Clark Pastor’s Thoughts to You A “Minister of Education and Family” would help the church grow by focusing on Sunday School and outreach. He would also help us find and recommend age-group ministers— for preschool, grade school, middle school, and high school. Alabama Baptist Pastors’ Conference. His church has five campuses now with two more under construction. The total membership is 65,000. They baptize 3,000 per year. He shared the “secret” of their growth— emphasizing ministry to those 18 and younger. Do you know or have you heard of a minister experienced and effective in helping a church grow through church education programs and age-group ministries? Please submit the name, how to make contact, and/or a resume. If we get children involved in church, they will usually come to believe in Christ, because “Jesus loves the little children” and they love Him. Parents will come to a church that loves their children. Since faith comes by hearing the Word of God, parents will be saved, too. Pray for this search process. We hope that by early in the new year, we will have a minister ready to recommend for the church to consider for a call. Dr. Ed Young, Pastor of Second Baptist Church, Houston, spoke at last week’s In seeking a Minister of Education and Family and then age-group ministers, we seek children and their parents for Christ. I love you, Brother Allan PS: Later I will tell you about the nine mission projects adopted for 2015. Our next “mission project” is the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering which kicks off on November 30. Our goal is $40K. (Last year’s goal was $36K; we gave $55K!) Welcome New NSBC Members! Frank & Charlotte Neely (662) 854-1348 Tanya Griggs 572-6367 Neely Griggs 767-4238 113 Cameron Drive Chelsea, AL 35043 D.O.C. (Deacon on Call) November 23 - 29 Larry Huys: 981-6532 (H); 222-8590 (C)
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