The North Shelby Baptist - North Shelby Baptist Church
The North Shelby Baptist - North Shelby Baptist Church
Local Edition of The Alabama Baptist N o r t h S h e l b y B a p t i s t C h u r c h , P . O . B o x 3 8 0 8 1 6 , B i r m i n g h a m , A L 3 5 2 3 8 - 0 8 1 6 4 1 0 0 B e l c h e r D r . , B i r m i n g h a m , A L 3 5 2 4 2 ; P h o n e ( 2 0 5 ) 9 9 5 - 9 0 5 6 ; F a x ( 2 0 5 ) 9 9 5 - 9 3 2 5 E - m a i l : O f f i c e @ n o r t h s h e l b y b a p t i s t . o r g w e b s i t e : w w w . n o r t h s h e l b y b a p t i s t . o r g The North Shelby Baptist Pastor Allan Murphy, Minister of Music & Administration Randy Tingle, Interim Director of Preschoolers & Children Anita Hardy, Interim Student Ministry Coordinator John Murphy Report from 11-23-14 EXTENDED SESSION TEACHERS Sunday, November 30, 10:15 am Caroline Jones, Leigha Marlow, Jennifer Mosley Ones Cassie & Rod Burchell MARK YOUR CALENDAR Twos Julie Faurot, Laura McCormick Month of November: AL/AU “Tin Can Bowl” Food Drive Threes Becky & David Carlee Monday, November 24 - Friday, November 28: Shelby Sunday, December 7, 10:15 am County Schools out for Thanksgiving Week Babies Caroline Jones, Amber Meadors, Thursday, November 27 - Friday, November 28: Church Tonya Youngblood office closed for Thanksgiving Ones Susan & Gary Kelley Sunday, November 30, 10:15 am: George Fridlender; Twos Sherry Hartman, Jean Tate 6:00 pm: Evening Worship (Pastor preaches “Faithfulness”) Threes Wendy Harris, Sylvia Ricker Monday, December 1 - Wednesday, December 17: Shelby Baptist Association Christmas Gift Shop outreach Thursday, December 4, 6:30 pm: Ladies Bound Together Book Club, Choosing Gratitude, Kelly Gilliland’s house Friday, December 5, 6:30 pm: Deacon Christmas Banquet Sunday, December 7, 10:15 am: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; 6:00 pm: Evening Worship (Don Blackerby to preach “Gentleness”) Thursday, December 11, 10:00 am: Ladies Lunch Bunch,Classic on Noble (meet at the church at 10:00 am) Friday, December 12 - Saturday, December 13: SOPA Recitals Sunday, December 14, 10:15 am: Tree of Remembrance; 6:00 pm: Adult Choir Christmas Music, followed by the annual Christmas Goodies Fellowship Tuesday, December 16, 6:30 pm: Sisters of Encouragement Reception Friday, December 19: Shelby County Schools end for Christmas holidays; 6:00 pm: S.N.O.W. Kids; Youth “Polar Express” Progressive Dinner Sunday, December 21, 10:15 am: March to the Manger for Lottie Moon, No Children’s Worship; 6:00 pm: Family Christmas Showcase Wednesday, December 24 - Thursday, December 25: Church office closed for Christmas Wednesday, December 24, 5:00-5:45 pm: Christmas Eve Carols, Candles & Communion Sunday, December 28, 10:15 am: No Children’s Worship; 6:00 pm: Evening Worship (Pastor preaches “Self-Control”) Sunday, December 28 - Tuesday, December 30: Strength to Stand Conference, Pigeon Forge, TN ATTENDANCE: Sunday School – 303; Morning Worship – 347 GIVING: Budget - $26,268.00 Thinking Allowed Christmas 1999 was difficult for our family. Daughter Joy had drowned in the Pacific Ocean, serving as a college student summer missionary to Mexico. Joy loved to decorate for Christmas. We did not have the heart for decorating that year, not even a tree. The funeral home that had helped us invited me to speak at their Christmas service for grieving families. Part of the service was for each to hang an ornament on the Christmas tree in remembrance. In 2000, our church began the tradition of having a “Tree of Remembrance.” The church has a beautiful tall tree, with lights and decorations, but we welcome grieving families to hang an ornament in memory of their loved one. Some things to note: November 27, 2014 Babies “Remembering” 1. This year’s Tree of Remembrance is Sunday morning, December 14. 2. Anyone may participate, but the primary focus is those whose loved one died within the past year. 3. Ornaments are to be white, silver, or gold and are to remain on the tree through the Christmas Eve service. They may be picked up Christmas Eve or left for future use. 4. The name of the one remembered, family relationship, and the date of the death are to be communicated to the Church Office (or in Sunday’s offering) for printing in the Sunday, December 14 bulletin. [Example: “Joy Love Murphy, daughter of Mary & Allan Murphy, died June 18, 1999”] Andrew Chamberlain, Chuck Hartsfield, Larry Huys, Danny Martinez, Jeremy McCormick, Austin Norton, Tony Poe, Danny Roland, Andy Sheppard, David Youngblood AM: Ron Gray, Craig Sulser; PM: Jeff Hester Wayne & Jennella King, Mary Williams, Doris Parvin Pastor’s Thoughts to You Tree of Remembrance does not remove grief, but it helps to remember in such a sweet way. For us, holidays no longer hurt. We have adjusted to Joy being in Heaven instead of here. We decorate and we celebrate. Part of Christmas for Southern Baptists and North Shelby Baptists is giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. We kick off our two-month emphasis this Sunday with a unique guest speaker. Come and listen. Our Lottie Moon Offering goal is $40,000. The goal last year was $36,000, so $40K is a worthy increase, but for the fact that we gave $55,000 last year. Was that an anomaly or a “new normal”? We will find out by this year’s giving. Ask God what to give. I love you, Brother Allan PS: Two church members died last week, though neither had been active for many years— Rachel Fisher and Janice Gill. A former member, Jonathan Hoggle, also died. Pray for the families. Welcome New NSBC Members! Leo & Margaret Waldrop 1632 Hwy. 39, #2 Chelsea, AL 35043 (360) 609-8454 Andrew Smith 2316 Maple Street Bessemer, AL 35022 482-7683 D.O.C. (Deacon on Call) November 30 - December 6 Wayne King: 967-1866 (H); 218-4500 (C)
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