Blessings in Jesus from Your Staff Pastor Mike Matzen Michael
Blessings in Jesus from Your Staff Pastor Mike Matzen Michael
Colleen Glass Whitney Lake Darrell Weatherley Jerri Lyman MacKenna Lake CHURCH STAFF Michael Matzen Pastor Michael Alford Deacon Chair Suzanne Burks Choir Director Darrell Weatherley Organist/Pianist Theresa Alford Nursery/Preschool Regina Matzen Secretary Jennifer Keif Children’s Church CONTACT INFORMATION Church Office 407 628-5130 Pastor’s Home 407 886-6495 Pastor’s Cell 407 617-8333 Deacon Chair 407 814-9115 E-mail Website 12-14 12-15 12-17 12-29 12-30 Claudia & Robbie Robinson 12-28 December Deacons: Bob Heydrick 407-695-1085 Tracy Pitt 407-880-9622 Sun 1 Mon 9:30am First Family Donuts Mission Sunday Mark Matheson No PM Activities 2 8 9 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri 6 December 2013 - Volume 42 Issue 12 Sat 7 2:00pm GSCT Lottie Moon Christmas Offering/Week of Prayer 10 11 12 13 11:30pm Faithful Friends Lunch 14 10:00am-noon Choir/Drama Dress Rehearsal 12:00pm GSCT 15 10:55am Choir Cantata 6:00pm FBC Apopka-choir combined 16 17 6:30pm Brotherhood Dinner 11:30am Faith Party Mimi’s Cafe 18 6:15pm Rescue Mission (choir sings) Merry Christmas 22 Lord’s Supper -AM 23 24 25 Party for Kids 12pm/No PM Activities OC/SC-no school-1/5 6:00pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Church Office Closed 29 Give Thanks Sunday 30 31 No PM Activities 19 26 20 6-10pm Childcare & gift wrap by Youth VC-no school1/6 21 27 28 Sunday Wednesday Sunday School 9:45AM Men's Bible Study 7:00AM AM Service 10:55AM Prayer Meeting 7:00PM Choir Rehearsal 5:30PM Saturday Bible Study 7:00PM Orlando Children’s Youth 7:00PM Church 9:30AM Blessings in Jesus from Your Staff Pastor Mike Matzen Michael Alford Darrell Weatherly Suzanne Burks Theresa Alford Jennifer Keif Regina Matzen First Baptist Church of Maitland Loving God, Loving People, Serving Both Join us Sunday Morning, December 15, 10:55am for the First Baptist Church of Maitland Choir Christmas Cantata “Let There Be Joy in This Place” This is the perfect time to invite your neighbor or friend! We will also join the Combined Choir of First Baptist Church of Apopka Sunday Evening, December 15, 6:00pm, “Simply Christmas” (Church Bus will leave 5:00pm-see Pastor) Thank you to Robert and Rachael Tisdale and family and Ken Treat for donating and installing the new seats in the restrooms. A need noticed and handled. What Is Going On? Deadline for the January 2014 newsletter is: Monday, December 30. Please leave written articles in the church office or e-mail to: Mark Your Calendar! Fridays, 12/20, 6:00-10:00pm Childcare & Gift Wrapping by Our Youth Donations will be accepted and go towards our youth ministries. It give You an opportunity to: Finish Christmas shopping without the children Get your Christmas gifts wrapped stress-free Provide mission opportunity for your youth. Sunday, 12/22, 10:55am Lord’s Supper Service following the morning worship service Children & Youth Christmas Parties in the Fellowship Hall. Food – Fun - Fellowship - Caroling to our Shut-Ins Interactive Bible Study of the Christmas Story Tuesday, December 24 6:00pm Candlelight Service Wednesday, December 25 CHRISTMAS Sunday, December 29 GIVE THANKS SUNDAY - No PM Activities Statistics The FBCM Christmas Post Office is open and ready to receive AVERAGE ATTENDANCE your greeting cards. Please Sunday School Enrollment 72 place your cards in the large green box in the Sunday School Attendance 45 hallway for sorting. Morning Worship Attendance 83 Sunday Evening Attendance 32 The new 2014 Tithe Envelopes Wednesday Evening Attendance 11 are ready. Please sign for and pick up your box in the hallway. Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Week of Prayer 2013 Matthew 22:36-39 Goal: $1,900.00 New unwrapped toys for the Orlando Union Rescue Mission will be collected through Wednesday, December 10. Please place toys in red boxes by the office. Our Monthly Events Faithful Friends Lunch Thursday, December12, 11:30am Maitland Breakfast Club Brotherhood Dinner Monday, December16, 6:30pm Rescue Mission Thursday, December19, 6:15pm, (Choir will sing Cantata) Financial Report Budget Received November 3 4,997.10 November 10 3,599.00 November 17 3,995.00 November 24 1,390.00 Total Budget $13,981.10 Designated Receipts Joash Box 10.00 Operation Christmas Child 40.00 Other 50.00 Peter O’Driscoll 200.00 Youth 25.00 Total Designated $325.00 Grand Total $14,306.10 YTD BUDGET 2013 Budget Received $148,105.29 Budget Needed $161,484.01 % of Budget %92 “Good Steward Clean Team” Cleaning Volunteers are needed to keep God’s house clean. (note time and date changes) 12/7 at 2:00pm and 12/14 at 12:00pm following Choir Cantata practice