December, 2014 The Evangel
December, 2014 The Evangel
First United Methodist Church of Gilbert 331 S. Cooper Road Gilbert, AZ 85233 480-892-9166 FUMCofgilbert Rev. Robert Hoshibata, Bishop Rev. Robert Burns, District Superintendent Rev. Deborah Lerner, Senior Pastor Rev. David J. Harriss, Associate Pastor Rev. Tina Rees, Deacon Worship Schedule 8:00 Traditional Service 9:00-9:30 Coffee Hour 9:30 Traditional Service Sunday School for All Ages 10:30-11:00 Coffee Hour 11:00 Contemporary Service 12:00 Reception on Patio Professional Nursery Care 7:45am-12:30pm Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm Preschool 480-892-9166 December, 2014 The Evangel Christmas at First UMC Gilbert Please plan to join us throughout the month of December, the season of Advent, as we prepare hearts, minds, and homes for the arrival of the Christ child. Tuesday, December 2nd - 7:00pm Explorer’s Class (for newcomers and those considering membership) Sunday, December 7 - 4:00pm Chili & Caroling Party Join us for chili & cornbread, crafts, and fellowship. We will carol throughout the church neighborhood Sunday, December 14 Service of Lessons & Carols 8:00 and 9:30am Chancel Choir accompanied by an orchestra comprised of members of our congregation, students from ASU and musicians from the community. Sunday, December 21 - 4:00pm Service of Light Especially for those who are struggling with grief or loss through the holidays Christmas Eve Candlelight Celebrations 4:00pm Children’s Pageant 6:00pm Traditional Lessons and Carols Organ and Choir 8:00pm Traditional Lessons and Carols Organ and Choir 10:00pm Traditional Lessons and Carols Handbell Choir and Holy Communion Live Nativity 5:00-8:00pm Professionally Staffed Nursery Available for children through age 3 from 3:30-7:30pm Page 2 December 2014 A Message from Pastor Deborah As we move into the season of Christmas, which for Christians should be primarily a time of reflection about the mystery and wonder of a God who would choose to come among us as one of us, we face formidable distractions. The ads started earlier this year than last, pointing to Black Friday even before All Saints Day had passed. Christmas carols and secular songs have been playing for many weeks as I write this during the third week of November. There is an intensity to this season that doesn’t have much to do with faith and wonder but everything to do with worldliness. Our Pentecostal brothers and sisters would call it “carnality.” If we do not guard our minds and hearts we may find ourselves focusing more on how we please one another with just the right gift in just the right house with just the right lights and just the right foods and just the right atmosphere than we do focusing on the One at the center of the universe to whom we owe all things, without whom nothing can ever be right. The lure of the mall is difficult to resist. The temptation to add just one more thing to the pile at the foot of the tree is almost irresistible. The pile of credit cards in the wallet makes it far too easy to overspend, leaving us with a January debt hangover and a jaundiced view of yet another year begun in the hole. There is another way, for those of us who follow Jesus. We can remind ourselves that we are to build up treasures for ourselves in heaven, not on earth. We can read the Gospel stories and remember that bigger barns to hold our stuff are not what is important when we reach the inevitable end of life on this planet. What is important is our relationship with the creator of the planet. We can look around at what we already have and give thanks, realizing that it all belongs to Him. We can spend time going through the closets looking for things we no longer need or use, and share them with those on the street who have no things at all. We can give gifts to one another in the form of donations to Family Promise, or United Methodist Outreach Ministries, or the Justa Center, or Imagine No Malaria, or Orchard Africa, knowing that every dollar given gives help and hope and possibility to someone who may otherwise have none. There is another way. The earliest Christians were people of The Way. Their lives were challenging and hard as they faced persecution, but they persisted in giving the best gift anyone can give: the witness to Jesus Christ, Struggling with the Holidays? Join us for our Service of Light Sunday December 21 4:00pm We will share a message of comfort and hope for those who have experienced hardship or loss or just for those for whom Christmas is a struggle. This will be a quiet time of prayer, song, a message, and candle lighting to lift our spirits and strengthen us for whatever life might bring. who came to live among us as one of us; who lived a life a love and gave that life up for our sake, that we might be free of sin and death; who rose to glory to demonstrate the power of God’s love to bring hope out of despair. Give that gift this Christmas, to yourself, and to those around you. It is enough. Merry Christmas! Pastor Deborah Page 3 December, 2014 The A Message from Pastor David God Seeking Us! I don’t know about you, but I am about to enter into the season for which I have a love/hate relationship. In many ways, I love the season of Advent. I love the Advent texts. I love worship on Christmas Eve. I love visiting friends and eating lots of food (which I will also hate with my New Year’s resolution of losing weight again this year). I love being with family and friends on Christmas Day. I love hearing and singing Advent/ Christmas music. Yet, I hate the commercialism of Christmas. I hate the crowds and traffic I encounter everywhere I go. I hate the busyness of the season. I hate the feeling of desperation which the impoverished experience in a season where consumerism is accepted and expected. This is a constant reminder of economic disparity and injustice that recurs in our world today. we move to the Gospel of Mark during our first week of Advent, November 30th, 2014. During the 2nd week of Advent, the Revised Common Lectionary Gospel lesson comes from Mark 1:1-8. This is the text where John the Baptist is proclaiming to prepare a way for the Lord. There is no mention of the name Jesus within this text, only a man that is eagerly anticipating the Lord, a nearness of God which is anticipated to transpire here on earth in immanent fashion. John the Baptist is describing a new Messianic era which will begin as soon as the Emmanuel/ God with us Christ-child will be brought into this world. So, how are we supposed to get excited about a text that anticipates the nearness of God but does not express a central figure or method for doing so? There are two very good During the season of reasons to get excited Advent, we begin a new about this text during my Gospel series which will be love/hate season: First, carried out until the next God expects his servants season of Advent, 2015. to carry out his ministry to That is, for an entire year, people everywhere. John we focused on Luke as our the Baptist appeared to the Gospel reading and now crowds wearing camels hair, having a belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey (Mark 1:5, NRSV). He is given the description of another famous prophet, Elijah (II Kings 1:8), whom people greatly revered in Jewish culture. Yet, John himself is not the Messiah, his proclamation is that the Messiah is near. The nearness of God is about to transpire. God has an intention to visit his people and this proclamation is made by this bohemian messenger. This says to me, that the work of God can occur through any of us at any time. As Christians, we need to be reminded that we are called and commissioned to do the work of Christ in this world. Only Godcentered missions are necessary during the Advent/ Christmas Season and our job is to serve in a way in which we are messengers of Christ’s love to people of all ages, nations and races. The second reason to be excited during Advent is this: God is desperate to find us during this season. God intends to find humanity at Christmas time and the way that he manifests himself is through a small child made in his very image. How desperate is God to find you and me in this world during this season of anxiety and stress? God will knock down trees in order to get to us. God will move mountains in order to find us. God will move through valleys in order to meet us in the very location where we are. It is almost as if, God is saying, Prepare the way. I will do whatever I need to do in order to find you! This is the very reason that Jesus was born on Christmas, so that God could find and embrace us in a hostile world. I need to be reminded that Advent is a celebration of God seeking us. I need to be reminded of a God that loves you and me so much that he will do whatever is necessary in order to find us. The time of promise is near. Let us prepare our hearts for his arrival. An Advent Study for Adults Pastor David Harriss is leading When God Comes Down: An Advent Study for Adults on Wednesday evenings. Each lesson includes a key scripture, reflections, and questions. Quite often, our Christmas journey is focused on us - families, experiences, and feelings. This study puts the focus on God's action in Jesus Christ. It encourages participants to think more biblically about the meaning of incarnation (God with us in human form) and to ponder the real meaning of Christmas. The class meets in room 142 at 6:30pm through December 17th. All are welcome. December 2014 Page 4 Exploring Class Church Conference Are you new to First UMC? Want to learn more about the church? Want to know more about Methodism or what it means to be a member of the church? A very brief all church charge conference will be held Saturday December 6 at 4:30pm in the sanctuary for the purpose of electing officers for 2015, recertifying our lay servants, and approving the pastor’s salaries. All church members are welcomed to attend. Childcare will be provided. Join us for a time of Exploring on Tuesday, December 2nd from 7:00-9:00pm in the activity center. Meet our staff and some key lay leaders. Get your questions answered. Get involved in our mission and ministry. Dessert served. Living Out Our Vision: Serving – Giving – Welcoming Growing in the Likeness of Christ If you were here on October 31st, you know that we welcomed a WHOLE BUNCH OF FOLKS onto our church campus for our Trunk or Treat/Fall Festival event – almost 600 registered, and we believe many more were actually here – all enjoying free hot dogs and cotton candy and popcorn, and the wonderful hospitality this church knows how to give. More than 40 families let us know they would welcome further information about the church, and we are already providing it, so they know how to find their way into our church family. Thank you to all who participated. A special thanks to Kristy Bottesch and the Family Ministries team for making this possibility. Many of you also lived out our vision of serving and giving as we welcomed 14 individuals from homeless families with children onto our campus every night for a week beginning November 9th. Family Promise is the organization that helps these families move back into jobs, keeps the children in school, and provides child care as parents do what they have to do to get back on their feet. We grew a little more into the likeness of Christ as we served them dinner, played with the kids and came to know them by name. Thank you to all who participated, especially Lisa Kimbrough and Robin Lee, our Family Promise co-chairs. Prayer Walk On Saturday, December 13th, we will meet at the church at 8:00am to walk into our neighborhood community to pray for those who surround our church. We will leave "We prayed for you today" cards under welcome mats and on front doors. We will meet back at the church by 10:00am. A Prayer Walk is one way to remind us that worship is not what we do on Sunday mornings in church but how we live our lives for Our Father all seven days of the week. We are looking for volunteers to walk with us! Contact Adriana Hernandez at or the church office to participate. All are welcome. Page 5 December, 2014 The Preschool News What’s been going on? Gilbert Days Parade - Our preschool and church participated in the annual parade through downtown Gilbert. It was so much fun to be together spreading lots of smiles. Free Parent Workshop - In November, our church Health Ministry Committee hosted a parent workshop, “Keeping Christmas Sacred,” for our preschool parents. It was a wonderful event. Look for the next workshop in February! These are open to all families, not only preschool families. What’s coming up? Advent activities - Each family received a packet full of Advent activities for the family to do during the month of December. What a fun way to keep Jesus the focus of the season! If you would like a copy of the activities, we are very happy to share! Contact Lara Fink at Preschool Christmas Show and Christmas Sing along - On Friday, December 12th the preschoolers will perform their Christmas Show from 6:30-7:00pm. Before the show, everyone is invited to join us for a casual Christmas Song sing along in the sanctuary from 6:00-6:30pm. Bring a friend! Our Christmas break is from December 18th - January 2nd. Registration for the 2015-2016 school year will begin in late January. If you have any questions about the preschool, please contact our preschool directors, Lora Norris or Lara Fink at 480-892-9166 or visit our website “The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with JOY” Psalm 126:3 December, 2014 Page 6 Children’s Ministry Children’s Sunday School Room Locations 9:30am-10:30am Nursery through 4 year olds may be picked up in their classrooms. Kindergarteners through 6th may be picked up in the activity center. Nursery Room 131/132 3 year olds Room 146 4 year olds Room 147 Kinder Room 145 1st Grade Room 144 2nd Grade Room 202 3rd Grade Room 203 4th Grade Room 204 5th Grade Room 205 6th Grade Room 128 Join us from 11am-12:30pm on Sundays for Children’s Worship Time! Come join us for a morning of singing, crafts, snacks and games. Children ages 4-12 are welcome to join us! We meet in room 205 upstairs. Faith 'n Fun Wednesday Nights from 630pm-8pm in Room 205. Come join us for a night of crafts, fun, laughs, movies, snacks and learning about Jesus! Children ages 4-12 are welcome! Sunday School Teaching Opportunity! Please email if you are interested in teaching Sunday School. Professional Nursery Care Rooms 131& 132 Sunday Mornings 7:45am-12:30pm Ages: Birth- 3 years old Church Meetings: Birth to 12 years old. Please make special arrangements by contacting the church office one week in advance at 480.892.9166. Christmas Pageant Interested in being a part of the children's Christmas pageant? The pageant, “Why We Sing Christmas Carols,” will be during the 4:00pm Christmas Eve service. Rehearsals will be at 11:00am in room 205 during Kids Worship beginning December 7th. There will be activities during rehearsals for kids who prefer not to participate in the pageant. Nursery Aide Needed The church is in need of an adult nursery aide to help provide childcare on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. This is a part time, paid position. For more information, please call Diane Chaon at 480-828-5294 or stop by the nursery on Sunday mornings. Page 7 December, 2014 The 1st UMC Gilbert Youth Upcoming Events November 14th Neon Run Sunday, December 7, 4:00pm - Youth will join with the Chili and Caroling party. Please wear your ugliest sweater to this event! ("Ugly" is however you want to define it!) Caroling throughout the neighborhood following dinner. Saturday, December 13, 8:00-10:00am - Prayer Walk. Join members of our congregation as we walk and pray for our church neighbors. Sunday, December 14, 4:00-6:00pm Scavenger Hunt at Chandler Mall. Details will be posted in the bulletin and in the weekly email. Bring a friend! Sunday, December 21, 5:00-7:00pm - Youth Christmas Party at the Palmer's House. Details to follow. Wednesday, December 24, 5:00-8:00pm - Live nativity. Would you like to participate in the nativity? Email youth for more information. Our Runner’s Prayer… Dear God, Thank you for our feet. Thank you for our friends. Thank you for this run, We hope it never ends. Amen Sunday, December 28th - No Youth Group December 31, 12:00-1:00pm - New Year's Eve Party, with our Chat n Chew senior group. Youth will join the seniors for lunch (bring $3), BINGO, and a sing along in the activity center. This will be a fun outreach with some amazing, wise fellow church members! What a great way to begin the New Year's Eve celebration! Wednesday Night Programs Join us for dinner with our church family at 5:45pm in the activity center (Bring $3) Youth Devotional Class 6:30-7:30pm senior high youth room (140) Get to know God, Jesus, the Bible, and discuss some of the most important questions of faith. All youth are welcome! "Follow the Leader" Youth Praise Band, 7:30-8:30pm in the choir room (130) Our youth praise band welcomes all church youth grades 7 and up who sing or play an instrument. Our group ministers in all services and plays for special church events. Join anytime! November 16th Annual walk to Oregano’s 35 youth and parents Sunday Morning 9:30am Sunday School Every Week Junior High Rm 200 Senior High Rm 140 If you have any questions about Youth Events at our church, please send an email to December, 2014 Page 8 Wednesday Evening Studies Beginning in January Our Wednesday Night programs will resume on January 14th. Dinner is served at 5:45pm in the activity center for a cost of $3/person or $12/family. Classes for all ages begin at 6:30pm. The Wesleyan Bell Choir practices from 5:30-6:30pm in room 136 and the Chancel Choir rehearses in the sanctuary at 7:00pm. The youth meet in room 140 for a devotional, followed by Follow the Leader band rehearsal in the choir room (room 130) from 7:308:30. Children ages 4 years and up meet in room 205 from 6:30-8:00pm for Faith & Fun. Financial Peace University is coming back! We will begin our next session of Financial Peace University on January 14th, at 6:30pm in room 142. This course allows you to gain true results for your financial conundrums. Dave Ramsey's course will guide you from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow. If you are dealing with tough financial situations, if you are emotionally exhausted from financial burden, or if you need a plan to eliminate debt, come to one of the sessions. David Hughes will lead the 9 week class. The cost is $100 per individual/couple. For more information or to register, please contact Pastor David Harriss at or 480-8929166. The Five Languages of Love - How do you express your love to your mate or companion? How does he/she receive your love? Have you ever attempted to show love to your companion and it was not received in the way you intended it to be received? If you have ever experienced any of the above illustrations, you may enjoy taking the course The Five Languages of Love beginning Wednesday, January 14th at 6:30pm in room 201. Rev. David Harriss will be teaching this 7 week series through February 25th, 2015. Couples and singles are invited to attend these class sessions. Robin Lee will lead The Jesus Lifestyle by Nicky Gumbel, author of the Alpha series. This 6 week course includes weekly topics based on Jesus’ radical teaching in the Sermon on the Mount, and suggests ways in which we can apply this teaching to our own lives. Topics will include how to stop worrying and start living, how to deal with criticism, how to respond to the most challenging words ever spoken – “the golden rule”, how to make the big decision, how to spot false prophets, and how to build a secure future. Classes will begin at 6:30 each Wednesday evening in room 133. The cost of the workbook is $6. For more information contact Robin Lee ( or contact Dina in the church office at secretary@ Chili & Caroling th Sunday, December 7 4:00pm in the activity center Activities and crafts Caroling throughout the neighborhood If your last name starts with: A-J Bring chili to share L-Z Bring cornbread Please bring your favorite dessert to share. Invite your friends and neighbors! Employment Opportunities The church is looking for a very part time (8 hours per week) audio/visual/lighting director. Resumes to The nursery is in need of an adult nursery aide to work on Sunday mornings and during the week as needed. This is a part time, paid position. For more information, please contact Diane Chaon, Nursery Coordinator, at 480-8285294 or stop by the nursery on Sunday mornings. Coffee Hour Want to get to know your church family? Consider hosting coffee hour on Sunday mornings! We are in need of volunteers to set up coffee hour, host coffee hour between church services, or to take down coffee hour. You may sign up to serve once a month or on an occasional basis. Contact Kim Fairley at to sign up or for more information. Page 9 December, 2014 The Evangel Missions Committee The Missions Committee is pleased to thank everyone who participated in fulfilling the committee’s slogan “Caring for Christ’s Community One Life at a Time”. Our congregation has touched many lives over the year through various projects including Easter baskets for Sidewalk Sunday School, the purse drive for abused women, back-to-school backpacks, UMOM walk-a-thon, Rock ‘n Roll paint-a-thon, turkey drive, Operation Christmas Child, Home Instead’s Senior Santa, Christmas gifts for local children, Imagine No Malaria, and Orchard Africa. We provided food and clothing for Gilbert Open Arms, cooked and served 12 meals at Watkins Overflow Shelter, and began sponsoring a new program, Family Promise. We look forward to partnering with the congregation in the coming year on these and other projects that will help spread God’s love throughout the community. Children’s Gift Tree and Senior Santa Gifts We have two opportunities for Christmas gift giving to less fortunate Valley residents. Stop by the Christmas tree on the patio and choose a name tag of a senior citizen or a child and have fun shopping! By purchasing a gift for a senior, you will help fulfill wishes for lonely and less fortunate seniors from dozens of Care Centers and Nursing Homes in the East Valley. The gifts will go to needy seniors who were nominated by assistance programs. Many of the recipients would not otherwise receive a gift this Christmas. Please return the wrapped gifts by December 7th. The recipients of the children's gifts are enrolled with the Gilbert Department of Child Safety. Please return these wrapped gifts by December 14th. “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ The Penny Jar During our outflow series we talked about acts of kindness and mercy done in the name of Jesus, and invited you to take a handful of pennies to remind you of the story of the woman searching for a lost coin. It is a story of God’s love for the lost. The invitation was and is to bring back a penny each time you reach out to another with an act or word of kindness and love, as you say “This is a sign of God’s love for you!” Give a cold water bottle on a hot day, saying “This is a sign of God’s love for you,” and bring back a penny. Do the dishes for your spouse or child or parent, leaving a note that says “This is a sign of God’s love for you!” and bring back a penny. Let’s fill the jar as we bless this town and the world! Power and Love Continues Mondays 6:30 – 8:00pm Room 133 If you have an interest in healing, prophecy, and reaching out with Jesus’ love to teach the world, join us on Monday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm for a time of instruction and reflection. We watch videos from Power and Love conferences featuring speakers like Robby Dawkins and Todd White, then spend time “debriefing,” asking how this might be meaningful in our context and our own personal ministry. These men are amazing men of faith. Come any Monday you are free. Our group varies in size. Pastor Deborah joins the group when she is able. For more information, please contact Pastor Deborah at Page 10 December 2014 Persons in Leadership Positions: Save the Date If you have been asked to serve on a ministry team or administrative committee for 2015, please save the date of Saturday, January 10, 8:30am to 2:30pm, for a time of leadership training. Watch for further details! Faithful People Serve Others God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another” (1 Peter 4:10 NLT) You have to decide in life for whom or what you’re going to live. You’re either going to live a self-centered, miserly life or you’re going to live for something greater than yourself — the kingdom of God. Faithful people don’t live for themselves. They realize that the talents God gave them are not for their own benefit; they are to make the world a better place. When God made you, He gave you all kinds of gifts, talents, and abilities. There’s nobody like you in the whole world, and he wants you to be you for his glory. God shaped you to serve him, and there’s only one way to do that: by serving other people. Some of you have an ability to fix things. Some of you are good at math. Some of you are good at closing deals. Some of you are good at music. Some of you are good at organizing. And some of you are good at trimming and gardening. God made us all different so that everything in the world gets done. If we all liked to do the same thing, there would be a whole lot left undone. You are the steward of your talents, and God is watching to see if you use what He gave you effectively on earth. If you use them effectively, He’s going to give you more responsibility in heaven. Have you ever thought about why God didn’t just create us and take us to heaven? Why does He put us here on a broken planet for 80 or 90 years? He put you here because life is a test and a trust and a temporary assignment. He’s watching to see if you are faithful to use what He gave you here on Earth to bless other people. The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:10, “God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another” (NLT). God gave you talents, and He’s watching to see if you’re faithful with them. Not sure what your talent might be?? Is your talent changing?? Here are a few on-line quizzes you can take to help you along this path. \ Interested in serving God at First United Methodist Church of Gilbert with the gift He gave you?? Contact Lori Wiemers, Volunteer Coordinator, at Central East District Leadership Training Saturday, February 7 - 8:30-2:45 Cross in the Desert UMC, Phoenix Workshops will include Church Communications, Lifetime Education, A Spiritual Foundation to Effective Leadership, SPRC, Transformational Worship, Children & Youth Ministries, Electronic Communications, Trustees, and Volunteers in Mission. The keynote speaker will be Rev. Lovette Weems. For more information or to register, visit Page 11 December, 2014 Please Mark Your Calendars for the following Centennial Celebration Activities Saturday February 21 at 5:30pm Candlelight Walk of Faith We will start and end at the Gilbert Historical Museum and will walk a route that will cover the different sites that our church has been located over the years. Gilbert Historical Museum, formerly the school house and the first church meeting site from 1915-1918. First church building site from 1918-1946, located at the corner of Ash & Vaughn Streets, now a parking lot very near the Gilbert water tower. Joe’s Real BBQ, formerly a theater, where the church met in 1946 while constructing the second church building. The site of our second church building from 1946-1990, located on Gilbert Road, still standing and the current home of another church family. Southern Gospel Concert Sunday, March 1st at 4:00pm With the Gospelaires First United Methodist Church of Gilbert Barn Dance, August 15, 2015 Special Centennial Worship Services August 16, 2015 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am The December 2014 Page 12 Christian History Adult Sunday School Our class is studying the book, The Jesus Dynasty, by James Tabor. The author couples history with archaeological finds to increase ones understanding of the beginnings of Christianity. During December we will cover three topics. First we will look at The Religion of Jesus The Jew. This opens the door to understanding Jesus in his own time and place. We will see Jesus in a Jewish village where the center of civic and religious life was the synagogue, a place for speaking, listening and debating. The range of topics was endless. We will see that large numbers of Pharisees and Sadducees became part of the movement that John the Baptizer and Jesus had inaugurated, under the leadership of James. Next we will examine the idea of Hearing the Voice. First we have John, the baptizer as a messenger responding to the “voice”. John proclaimed to the crowds that soon God’s apocalyptic judgment would come to all levels of unrighteousness. John and Jesus were in agreement on apocalyptic understanding. By the time our NT gospels were written (A.D. 70-100) there was an overt attempt by the Christians to downplay and marginalize John. James, brother of Jesus, was largely written out of the history. We will search the scriptures to see how Jesus and John worked together to spread the message. In the fall of A.D. 26, John baptized Jesus. In the first three gospels, the following year is entirely missing. We know that Jesus withdrew into the desert, where he was tempted by Satan. During this time John is arrested and Jesus begins his public work. The gospel of John gives us more information. We will use these details, in the context of the times and culture, to understand A Crucial Missing Year. We will not meet as a class on the Sunday after Christmas, Dec. 28th. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We also invite you to join us in room 201 at 9:30am on Sunday mornings. Inquirers Class The Inquirers class is doing a study of the book of Revelations. This book clearly stands out from the rest of the New Testament and is one of the best known yet most controversial books of the Bible. Join us as we explore and discuss some of the many interpretations of this wonderful book of the Bible and its many vivid images and prophesies. The class meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 in room 133. Living the Questions In January the Living the Questions adult Sunday school class will continue its small group discussions. Videobased, the topics will include Relationships, Jesus as Prophet, Evil and Suffering, a new look at redemption, alternative views of the resurrection. Written by local Methodist ministers, the material encourages open discussion and reflection. We meet at 11 AM each Sunday in room 142. Everyone is invited to join us. For more information, contact Odus or Diana Elliott at 480-786-0055 or Homebuilders Sunday School Class The Homebuilders class will begin Andy Stanley’s study, Guardrails, on December 7th at 9:30 in room 142. Ever wonder what it would be like to have guardrails in other areas of your life-areas where culture baits you to the edge of disaster and then chastises you when you step across the line? Your friendships. Your finances. Your marriage. Maybe your greatest regret could have been avoided if you had established guardrails. In this six-session small group bible study, Andy Stanley challenges us to stop flirting with disaster and establish some personal guardrails. Page 13 December, 2014 The Christmas Eve Hospitality This year we will again provide hospitality for our Christmas Eve guests in the form of hot apple cider and home made cookies and goodies. If you are willing to help in any way, by cooking and sharing, by setting up or cleaning up, or by serving as host /hostess, sharing a smile and greeting our guests, please let Barb Perry know at or by contacting Dina Reid ( in the church office. Invitation & Welcoming Committee Looking for a few good hearts…. Our team is in need of additional members. Our charter is to educate and provide resources to our current church family members to prepare them to be representatives of Christ in our community. The team plans activities, outreach opportunities and prepares this church to show God’s love to people they encounter. Outreach and Evangelism are two words that have positive and sometimes scary connotations. This team is here to help all of us to gain a level of comfort in sharing God’s love with others. In today’s world there are so many struggles, challenges and fears you would think every spot in every pew would be filled every Sunday, but they aren’t. Those of us that are sitting in the pews are responsible to help fill them. We should be the ones encouraging, representing and sharing the benefits of knowing God’s love. Join the team! There are so many needs that we are confident we can find something for you to contribute to our efforts. Contact Richard Rico ( or Adriana Hernandez ( about more information. We invite and welcome you to ask us about our team!! Save the Date! Saturday January 24th at 7:00pm we will have a Celebration of Ministry, in which we celebrate what God has done in, through, and with us in the past year, and look forward to all God has for us to do in 2015. Our District Superintendent, the Rev. Dr. Robert Burns, will join us to hear how we are living into the fullness of our mission, to “Lead persons of all ages on the journey to become deeply devoted followers of Jesus,” and how we are moving forward toward the vision of Serving, Giving, Welcoming, and Growing in the Likeness of Christ. Poinsettias On Christmas Eve, the altar is decorated with poinsettias donated by the congregation, in memory of, or in honor of a loved one. A listing of the donations is included in the Christmas Eve worship bulletins. The poinsettias may be purchased for $11 - order forms may be found in the Sunday morning worship bulletins. All order forms must be received by Sunday, December 14th. The poinsettias may be taken home after the 10:00pm service on Persons elected to any ministry team or Christmas Eve. All administrative committee or board are especially remaining poinsettias will133 at 7:30am. Rev. Bob The men's breakfast Bible study will resume on Wednesday, November 5 in room urged will to be present. delivered care Skinner lead the study again this year. We will continuebeour study oftothe book of Romans. All men are invited facilities. For more to participate in this discussion/fellowship group. For additional information contact Odus Elliott at 480-786Watch for further information! information, please contact 0055 or Dina in the church office at Wednesday Morning Men’s Bible Study Page 14 December 2014 Health Ministry Healthy Christmas Hugs “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.” Luke 6:38 In this season of giving and time to envelope the hugs of longer for a very good measure. feeling of your arms around are healthy and good. receiving be sure to take the this blessed season. Hold them Take the time to remember the your friend or loved one. Hugs Research indicates that hugging release of the hormone hormone can increase feelings attachment. We feel bonded to loneliness are decreased. and handshakes cause the oxytocin. When released, this of connection, trust, and one another and feelings of Hugging and handshakes can actually lower our cortisol levels. Increased cortisol levels caused by prolonged stress can put us at a higher risk for diabetes, ulcers and lowering our body’s ability to fight off infection. So take the time to actually feel that hug you are receiving as well as the one you are giving. It’s a great way to pass the peace of Christ. th Our 99 Favorite Scriptures As we move toward our 100 anniversary (in August, 2015) we are identifying the “favorite” scriptures of this congregation and inviting you to take them as memory verses each week. Each week, the church bulletin will contain two or three of our favorites. We hope you will take this opportunity to memorize a small amount of scripture, adding to the storehouse of treasure in your heart. For December our scriptures will be: O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34 Do not answer fools according to their folly, or you will be a fool yourself. Proverbs 26:4 The legs of a disabled person hang limp; so does a proverb in the mouth of a fool. Proverbs 26:7 We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 Nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1 Page 15 December, 2014 The Music Ministry December, as always, brings a number of special events for Music Ministry, and this year is no exception. Christmas Eve is our busiest night of the year. There are changes in the times of services, so take note. The Traditional Services at 6:00pm and 8:00pm will feature anthems by the Chancel Choir, with Wesleyan Bells (and “special guests”) at 10:00pm. In addition to providing music through the service, the bells will play pre-service music beginning at approximately 9:30pm. On Sunday, December 14, the Chancel Choir will present A Ceremony of Lessons and Carols by Anna Laura Page and Jean Anne Shafferman at the 8:00 and 9:30 services. In addition to Jonathan Cochran on organ and piano, accompaniment will be provided by an orchestra comprising members of our church family, students from Arizona State University and Hamilton High School, and other musicians from throughout the East Valley. There will also be opportunities for the congregation to join the choir in singing several favorite Christmas carols. Narrators will be Joe Strazz and Elice Province. Please plan to join us (and invite your friends and neighbors as well) for this annual Christmas musical presentation. For those of you who cannot make it through the season without selections from Handel’s Messiah, we have just the event for you. On December 21st, there will be a sing along of some of the most favorite sections of this masterpiece. As in the past, the sing along will be accompanied by an orchestra of local musicians including several from our congregation. Jointly sponsored by our church and the Gilbert-Houston Stake of the LDS Church at Cooper and Houston, the concert will be at 7:00 at the Gilbert stake and is open to all. For more information contact Marty Province, Music Director, at Finally, everyone is invited to a special Christmas 3rd Friday Jam Session. On December 19th at 7:00, we will get together in the church library (room 142) for the last jam of 2014, and if it is anything like last year, we’ll be doing a lot of Christmas music. Even if you don’t play an instrument, plan to come and help us sing (or just listen). Faith & Family Nights If you intend to participate in either Faith and Family Night events the deadline for payment to either of these spectator sports is approaching. The Faith and Family Night Phoenix Suns game will be on Friday, February 6th, at 7:00pm at U.S. Airways Center. The Arizona Coyotes game will be on Saturday, January 10th, at 5:00pm at the Gila River Arena (formerly Arena). Coyotes tickets are $28.00 and Suns tickets are $16.00. The deadline to submit your payment(s) for either of these events is Friday, December 5th, 2014. You will need to make out a check for FUMC and earmark in the bottom left hand corner either Coyotes tickets or Suns tickets. Please make out a separate check for each event. If you have any questions, please contact David Harriss at 480-892-9166 or November, 2014 Page 16 Page 17 December, 2014 The As the end of 2014 approaches please remember YOUR church for end of year giving as you are completing your end of year tax planning. Please note that your 2014 gifts may be placed in the offering plate on any Sunday through December 28, mailed to the church office with a postmark by December 31, given electronically by December 31, or dropped off at the church office by noon on Wednesday, December 31. Year-end giving statements will be mailed (or emailed at your request) as soon as possible after December 31, 2014. General Fund Financial Summary at October 31, 2014 YTD Actual General Giving Other Income Total Income Total Expenses Income Over/(Under) Expenses $577,120 $127,989 $705,109 $719,393 ($14,284) YTD Budget Variance to Budget Favorable or (Unfavorable) $543,388 $114,722 $658,110 $729,906 ($71,796) Operating Cash on Hand Desired Minimum Operating Cash on Hand (2 months worth of expenses) Average weekly giving income YTD at 10/31/14 Average weekly giving income YTD last year (at 10/31/13) Average weekly giving needed to meet our approved 2014 expense budget $33,732 $13,267 $46,999 $10,513 $57,512 $87,537 $140,000 $13,421 $12,666 $15,294 October general giving was $5,000 over budget, increasing our year-to-date general giving variance to $33,732 over budget. Year-to-date giving at October 31 was $32,499 ahead of the same period last year. Year-to-date expenses were $10,513 under budget, primarily due to timing. We had a net deficit of $14,284 as of October 31, which was $57,000 better than the budgeted deficit as of October 31. If you have any questions about the church’s finances, please contact Garin Campbell, Finance Chair (623-363-0662, or Deanna Helland, Church Treasurer/Accountant (480-892-9166, Thank you for your faithful financial support of our church. It only takes 5 minutes to sign-up for Electronic / Online Giving. Access the Church’s giving site through the QR code using your smart phone or visit the church website and look for the Online Giving Logo. December 2014 Page 18 Book Club The Book Club meets the 4th Thursday of every month at 11:30am at the home of June Morrison. Bring a lunch to enjoy while discussing the current book. Please RSVP to June at 480-892-4777. Please contact Molly Hahn at with any questions or for more information. The following books have been selected for this season: December 18 The River of the Brokenhearted by David Adams Richards January 22 The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks February 26 Eventide by Kent Haruf March 26 Grandmere by David Roosevelt April 23 The End of the Spear by Steve Saint May 28 Out of Range by C. J. Box June 25 The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid Columbarium & Healing Garden Our healing garden is a place of healing of mind, body and spirit. It was designed using the Beatitudes, Matthew 5: 3-10, as a tranquil retreat for those facing difficult times, as well as a place of peace in which to honor and remember loved ones. Single niches, including an urn and engraving of face stone are available for $1,500 for church members and $1,700 for nonmembers. Double niches, including two urns and engraving of face stone are available for $1,750 for church members and $2,250 for non-members. For those who are buried elsewhere, we offer memorial wall plaques for $300. Other garden fixtures including benches are available. Contact John Bowers at for more information or stop by the church office for an information packet. Imagine No Malaria In 2012 our church made the decision to commit $45,000 to the efforts of the United Methodist Church to completely eradicate malaria on this planet. In this year of “ 99 years and Counting,” we would like to complete this covenant we made with our conference and with the world. WE CAN DO THIS! We can do it especially if we find 99 families or combinations of family units that will pledge and give just $30 per month for one year. This gift can be given monthly, quarterly, or as a lump sum ($360). If you are willing to help, let Pastor David know. Christian Women’s Fellowship Group On Thursday, December 4th, the Christmas meeting will be hosted by Therese Pineda and held at her home. Car pooling will be from the church back parking lot, meeting at 10.30 am. Those attending need to bring an appetizer or side dish to share, plus an unwrapped toy to be distributed to the needy. Come join us for fellowship and refreshments. On Wednesday, December 22nd, we will meet at the church in room 142 to fill and deliver Christmas baskets. Please contact Laura McLeod at for more information. Page 19 December, 2014 The December Birthdays 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 Andrew James Bobbie Johnson Ruby Rosemond-Taylor Sarah Bowser Michael Strazz Diana Ramsey Caleb Redman Isaiah Shamsiddeen Jo Asplin Mike West Ray Crawley Mark Blackledge Virginia Franklin Connor Williamson Miriam Gill Linda Allen Christy Robertson Yoder Robin Lee Barbara Signor Ernie Broughton Allie Scharff 17 20 21 23 26 27 28 29 30 Anniversaries Justin Bagshaw Jaron Mason Judy Pierce Steve Kopp Adam Sukis Sharon Salazar Ed Riedel Bonnie Paisley Nina Waechter Darcy Garruba Sylvia Harris Jon Lin Sarah Shanks Emily Tognacci Alyssa Fink Lindsay Gonzalez Phyllis Petrone 11 21 27 28 Matt & Lydia Ramirez - 3 yrs Ed & Pam Stressman - 46 yrs Tim & April Ryan - 11 yrs Mike & Wendy Griffith - 31 yrs If we have inadvertently missed your birthday or anniversary, contact Dina at 480-892-9166 or Join Us Tuesdays Prayers for Our Church 1:30 – 2:30 pm In the sanctuary No training necessary. Just come and pray with us as God leads us. Our Condolences to ……. Al Reynolds and family on the death of his mother, Donna Reynolds Joyce Harvey on the death of her sister-inlaw, Rosalee Pray for our Churches You are encouraged to pray for the churches and pastors of the Central East District of the Desert Southwest Conference. Please pray for the following churches in December: Gold Canyon UMC Grace UMC, Mesa Journey UMF, Maricopa Living Water UMF, Gilbert First United Methodist Church of Gilbert 331 S. Cooper Rd. Gilbert, AZ 85233 480-892-9166 Fax: 480-892-3545 We’re on the web at News, sermons, events are being posted all the time. Forms for youth and children are available on the site. We are posting updates to events, news, spiritual quotes and encouragement. Don’t miss a thing. Postings are going up regarding volleyball, upcoming events, pictures and other crazy things. Don’t miss out because you didn’t check here!! Help us create boards, become a follower, or just help! Email