MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION (Autonomous) (ISO/IEC 27001:2005) Govt. Poly. Bldg., 41h floor 49, Kherwadi, Bandra (East) Mumbai - 400 05 1. Tel :(022) 26,471255 (0)126470916 (P) Fax : (022) 26477217 Email : Web : No.MSBTE/D-SOlCurriculum/20 121 27 8 8 .. Date : I Web Circular To, The Principal, All AICTE Approved Engineering and Technology Diploma Institutes Affiliated to MSBTE Sub:- Revision of Curriculum / Implementation of 'G' Scheme. Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education is pleased to announce that Curriculum of AICTE Approved Engineering and Technology Diploma Programms in 'El Scheme are revised and will be implemented fiom Academic Year 20 12-13 progressively. Salient features of revised curriculum ('GI Scheme) are as follows 1. Curriculum of subject English is revised and Text Book is also developed accordingly. 2. Redundant and obsolete topics of 'E' Scheme are replaced by advanced Techniology topics. 3. Basic Science subject of 1 Semester has 100 marks for theory & 50 marks for practicals. It is divided into two parts - Basic Science (Physics) and Basic Science (Chemistry).Theory examination of each part is of 50 marks and shall be conducted on separate day. There will be combined passing of both parts. Practical exaination of each part is of 25 marks and shall be conducted seperataly. 4. Applied Science subject of 2nd Semester is divided into two parts - Applied Science (Physics) and Applied Science (Chemistry) with theory marks of 50 each. Theory examination will be conducted on separate day of 50 marks each. Similarly practical exam will be conducted seperataly. 5. Theory examination of both parts as well as practical examination of both parts will be conducted on separate days. Sum of theory marks of respective parts shall be considered for passing theory examination of Basic Science as well as Applied Science. Same rule shall be applicable to practical examination of both the subjects. It is mandatory to appear for theory and practical examination of both parts (i.e. Physics and Chemistry). In other words, a student remaining absent in an examination of one part will not be declared successful in that subject (Basic Science or Applied Science as the case may be) head. All the Principals and Head of Institutes are hereby informed to make necessary arrangements for successful implementation of revised 'GI Scheme. A Copy of Curriculum for lS'and 2ndSemester is placed on MSBTE websitc. (Dr. P. M. K W ) Director M. S. Board of Technical Education Mumbai - 400 05 1. Copy to: 1. Secretary, MSBTE, Mumbai-5 1 for information. 2. Dy. Secretary, MSBTE, Regional Office Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad and Officer IIC, Mumbai Sub Region, MSBTE for information and necessary action. 3. Dy. Secretary, MSBTE, Result Section /Question paper Section information and necessary action. w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION, MUMBAI TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME FOR POST S.S.C. DIPLOMA COURSES COURSE NAME : MECHANICAL/CIVIL/CHEMICAL/COMPUTER/ELECTRONICS/ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GROUPS COURSE CODE : AE/CE/CH/CM/CO/CR/CS/ CW/DE/EE/EP/IF/EJ/EN/ET/ EV/ EX/IC/IE/IS/ME/MU/PG/PT/ PS /CD/CV/ED/EI/FE/IU/MH/MI DURATION OF COURSE: 6 SEMESTERS for AE/CE/CH/CM/CO/CR/CS/CW/DE/EE/EP/IF/EJ/EN/ET/EV/EX/IC/IE/IS/ME/MU/PG/PT/PS (8 SEMESTERS for CD / CV / ED / EI / FE / IU / MH / MI) WITH EFFECT FROM 2012 - 13 SEMESTER : FIRST PATTERN : FULL TIME - SEMESTER SR. NO 1 SUBJECT TITLE English Physics Chemistry 2* Basic Science 3 4 5 Basic Mathematics Engineering Graphics Computer Fundamentals Basic Workshop Practice (Civil Group) Basic Workshop Practice (Electrical Group) Basic Workshop Practice (Electronics Group) Basic Workshop Practice (Mechanical & Chemical Group) Basic Workshop Practice (Computer Group) 6 DURATION : 16 WEEKS SCHEME : G Abbre viation SUB CODE TEACHING SCHEME EXAMINATION SCHEME TH TU PR PAPER HRS ENG EPH ECH BMS EGG CMF WPC 17101 17102 17103 17104 17001 17002 17003 03 02 02 04 02 01 -- ---01 ---- 02 02 02 -04 04 04 03 02 02 03 ---- WPE 17004 -- -- 04 WPX 17005 -- -- WPM 17006 -- WPI 17007 TOTAL TH (1) PR (4) OR (8) TW (9) Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min 100 40 -- -20 20 -- -------- -------- 25@ ---50@ 25@ 50@ 10 ---20 10 20 100 ---- 40 ---- -25@ 50 25@ -50# 50*# -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50@ 20 04 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50@ 20 -- 04 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50@ 20 -- -- 04 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50@ 20 14 01 18 -- 300 -- 150 -- -- -- 150 -- 50 50 100 40 20 SW (17100) 50 50 Student Contact Hours Per Week: 33 Hrs. Theory and practical periods of 60 minutes each. Total Marks : 650 @ Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, * On Line Examination, No Theory Examination. Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, ,OR-Oral, TW- Term work, SW- Sessional Work Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional work (SW). Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms Code number for TH, PR, OR and TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code as mentioned. * Basic Science is divided into two parts- Basic Physics and Basic Chemistry. Theory examination of both parts as well as practical examination of both parts will be conducted on separate days. Sum of theory marks of both parts shall be considered for passing theory examination of Basic Science. Similarly it is also applicable to practical examination. It is mandatory to appear theory and practical examination of both parts. Remaining absent in any examination of any part will not be declared successful for that examination head. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 1 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology. Course Code : AE/CE/CH/CM/CO/CR/CS/CW/DE/EE/EP/IF/EJ/EN/ET/EV/X/IC/IE/IS/ ME/MU/PG/PT/PS/CD/CV/ED/EI/FE/IU/MH/MI Semester : First Subject Title : English Subject Code : 17101 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS. TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- 02 03 100 -- -- 25@ 125 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW) Rationale: The most commonly used medium to express oneself is language. English, being a global language, is used in all the spheres of human life i.e., personal, professional and social. A diploma student is expected to be proficient in English language and pursue the existing course of study to handle the future jobs. The content of the text includes the aspects related to language skills. General Objectives: Students will be able to; 1. Develop vocabulary. 2. Apply the rules of grammar. 3. Comprehend the given unseen passage. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 2 17101 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Procedure Principles Concepts Facts To enable students to comprehend the meaning of new words, use grammar to write correct sentences and to develop meaningful paragraphs. Techniques of application of grammar Procedure for writing different types of paragraphs Principles of Sentences formation Principles of identification of various aspects of grammar Principles of logical development of paragraph Concept of comprehending the text Concept of Sentence construction Concept of classifying types of paragraph Techniques of responding to short and long questions Content of the text MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 Tenses, preposition, conjunction, articles, punctuation 3 Topic Sentences Techniques of Refereeing to Dictionary and Thesaurus Dictionary & Thesaurus 17101 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme CONTENTS: Theory Name of the Topic PART I - Application of Grammar Hours Marks 12 24 20 32 06 16 04 12 06 16 Specific Objective: Apply grammatical rules to form correct sentences. Contents: Articles: Appropriate use of definite and indefinite Articles Prepositions: To use correct Prepositions as per context Conjunctions: Co-ordinating and sub-ordinating Conjunctions Tenses: Correct usages of past, present and future tenses Active and Passive voice: Use of Active and Passive voice Direct and Indirect sentences: Conversion of direct into indirect sentence and vice versa PART II – Text Specific Objectives: Answer the questions based on the articles State the meanings of the given words from the articles Contents: Articles PART III - Paragraph Writing Specific Objective: Write a paragraph on a given topic Contents: Paragraph Writing: Elaborate and expand the ideas with cohesion, coherence and use of correct punctuation marks Types of Paragraph: Narrative, Descriptive, Technical, Comparison and Contrast Dialogue Writing: Based on various situations Speech Writing based on situations: Welcome Speech, Farewell Speech, Vote of Thanks and Introducing a Guest PART IV – Comprehension Specific Objective: Comprehend and provide the answers on given passages Contents: Comprehension of Passage: Comprehending questions and writing the answers on unseen passages PART V- Vocabulary Building Specific Objective: Use correct words in given situations Contents: Words Often Confused MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 4 17101 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Collocation Prefix and Suffix Synonyms and Antonyms Total 48 100 Skills to be developed in practicals: Intellectual Skills: 1. Select appropriate words/verbs and formulate correct sentences 2. Develop ability of correct pronunciation 3. Report writing skills Assignments: Journal consists of the following assignments:1. Punctuate 25 sentences given by the teacher. 2. Rewrite the passage/passages with correct form of verbs. [Teacher is expected to give passage /passages of verbs used wrongly [at least 25 verbs.] 3. Write 15 synonyms and 15 antonyms with the help of the thesaurus. 4. Write a paragraph each on descriptive, narrative, comparison, contrast and technical type in 75 to 100 words. 5. Write 10 words of prefixes and 10 words of suffixes and use them in sentences. 6. Select one news from any English newspaper. The news may be from any one of the following areas – Social, environmental, financial, economics, sports, etc. Prepare a summary of the news and make it presentable by using relevant photographs/graphics. 7. Students will be given ten collocations, develop three sentences for each collocation. NOTE: The following assignment should be performed in the Language Laboratory/with the help of interactive media. 8. Listen and practice the dialogues with the help of interactive media/ interactive software. Learning Resources: Sr. No. Title Author Publisher 1 MSBTE TEXTBOOK ------------- MSBTE 2 ESSENTIAL ENGLISH GRAMMAR RAYMOND MURPHY CAMBRIDGE 3 HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION WREN AND MARTIN S CHAND & CO. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 5 17101 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering / Technology. Course Code : AE/CE/CH/CM/CO/CR/CS/CW/DE/EE/EP/IF/EJ/EN/ET/EV/X/IC/IE/IS/ ME/MU/PG/PT/PS/CD/CV/ED/EI/FE/IU/MH/MI Semester : First Subject Title : Basic Science (Physics) Subject Code : 17102 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 02 -- 02 02 50 25@ -- -- 75 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW) Students should compulsory appear for Basic Science (Physics) & Basic Science (Chemistry) theory examination. There should be combined passing for the subject (40/100). Remaining absent in any examination of any part will not be declared successful for that examination head. Students should compulsory appear for Basic Science (Physics) & Basic Science (Chemistry) practical examination. There should be combined passing for the subject (20/50). Remaining absent in any examination of any part will not be declared successful for that examination head. Rationale: Physics is a foundation of all core technology subjects. Study of science and technology goes hand in hand. Technical knowledge can be gained more effectively using concepts of Physics. Curriculum of Engineering Physics includes fundamental concepts used in industrial applications. Study of various properties of matter is helpful in the study of Strength of Material, Fluid mechanics, Fluid power etc., and selection of lubricant for machine parts. Property of Surface tension is applicable in Paint industry and capillarity phenomenon is useful in plumbing. Thermal properties of matter are applicable in study of various core technology subjects like Thermal Engineering, Heat Transfer etc. Optical phenomena such as refraction and dispersion are required in higher study as well as in industry such as in characterization of material using Spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Study of wave motion, Simple Harmonic Motion and their behavior is useful in field of Civil Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Principle of Photocell and its applications are required in study of Solar cells, Photovoltaic cells. General Objectives: Student will be able to: 1. Understand method of selection of material for intended purpose. 2. Apply knowledge of good and bad conductors of heat in various engineering concepts. 3. Know the effect of interference between light waves. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 6 17102 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 4. Apply knowledge of characteristics of wave motion and resonance in engineering applications. 5. Apply Concept of photoelectric effect for applications like photovoltaic cell, Solar cell. Learning Structure: Application Enable to understand applications in engineering field Principle Archimedes Principle Bernoulli’s Principle Newton’s law , Stoke’s law of Viscosity Concepts Elasticity, Plasticity Rigidity Pressure, Buoyancy Viscosity Surface Tension Facts Solids Liquids MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 Gas laws Kirchoff’ Law Stefen’s Law Avogdro’s Law Specific heat Thermal Conductivity Isothermal Process Adiabatic Process Modes of Transfer of Heat 7 Snell’s Law, Scattering of Light Refraction Dispersion Transmission of light Newton’s Relation Vibratory motion Transverse waves Longitudinal waves Resonance Wave motion 17102 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Topic and Contents Hours Topic 1] Properties of solids: Specific Objectives Calculate the Young’s Modulus of material of wire. Elasticity: Definitions of deforming force, restoring force, elasticity, plasticity, Factors affecting elasticity. Stresses: Tensile, Compressive, Volumetric and Shear stress, Strains: Tensile, Volumetric and Shear strain. 05 Elastic limit, Hooke’s law. Elastic co-efficient- Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, modulus of rigidity and relation between them Stress -strain diagram, behavior of wire under continuously increasing load, yield point, ultimate stress, breaking stress, factor of safety. compressibility, Poisson’s ratio. Topic 2] Properties of liquids Specific objectives: Determine the surface tension of the given liquid Determine the coefficient of viscosity by Stoke’s method. 2.1 Fluid friction: [ 8 Marks] Pressure , pressure-depth relation (P = ρ h g), atmospheric pressure, Pascal’s law, Archimedes’s principle. Viscous force, definition of viscosity, velocity gradient, Newton’s law of viscosity, coefficient of viscosity and its SI unit. Streamline and turbulent flow with examples, critical velocity, Reynold’s number and its significance. 09 Up thrust force, terminal velocity, Stokes law, and derivation of coefficient of viscosity by Stoke’s method, effect of temperature and adulteration on viscosity of liquid. 2.2 Surface tension : [4 Marks] Cohesive and adhesive force, Laplace’s molecular theory of surface tension, Surface Tension: definition and unit, effect of temperature on surface tension. Angle of contact, Capillarity and examples of capillary action, derivation of expression for surface tension by capillary rise method, applications of surface tension. Topic 3] Thermal properties of matter: Specific objectives: Distinguish between isothermal and adiabatic process. Determine the relation between specific heats. 3.1 Modes of transformation of heat : [6 Marks] Difference between heat and temperature, definition of calorie, Absolute zero, units of temperature: °C, °F,°K, with their conversion. 08 Conduction, law of thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal conductivity, good conductors of heat & insulators with suitable examples, applications of conduction. Convection, applications of convection. Radiation, applications of radiation. 3.2 Gas laws: : [6 Marks] Gas Laws: Boyle’s law, Charles law, Gay lussac’s law (Statement and MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 8 Marks 08 12 12 17102 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme mathematical equation only) Perfect gas equation (PV=RT) (No derivation), specific heat of a substance , SI unit, specific heat of gas at constant volume (CV ) specific heat of gas at constant pressure (CP ), ratio of specific heat ,Mayer’s relation between CP and CV ,isothermal process, adiabatic process, difference between isothermal process and adiabatic process. Topic 4] Optics Specific objectives: Calculate refractive index of prism. Determine the numerical aperture of optical fiber Refraction of light : [ 6 Marks] Refraction of monochromatic light, Snell’s law, Derivation of prism formula, total internal reflection, critical angle. Optical fibre: principle, structure of optical fiber, propagation of light wave through optical fibre, derivation of numerical aperture and acceptance angle. Topic 5] Wave motion Specific objectives: Differentiate between transverse waves and longitudinal waves Derive expression for displacement, velocity and acceleration of a body executing SHM 5.1 Wave motion : [ 6 Marks] Definition of a wave, wave motion, wave velocity, wave period, wave frequency, wave length, vibratory motion, periodic motion, amplitude of a vibrating particle, derivation of v = n λ Simple harmonic motion (SHM), examples of SHM, equation of SHM, expression of velocity and acceleration of a body executing SHM. Types of progressive waves: transverse and longitudinal waves with examples. 5.2 Resonance: [ 6 Marks] Stationary wave, formation of stationary wave, examples of stationary wave, characteristics of stationary waves, free and forced vibrations with examples. Resonance: definition of resonance, examples of resonance, formula to calculate velocity of sound by resonance tube method. TOTAL Practical: Skills to be developed 1) Intellectual skills 04 06 06 12 32 50 Select proper measuring instruments Verify the principles, laws, using given instruments under different conditions. Read and interpret the graph. Interpret the results from observations and calculations. 2) Motor skills Handle the instruments. Measuring physical quantities accurately. Observe the phenomenon and to list the observations in a tabular form. Plot the graphs. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 9 17102 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme List of experiments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Know your Physics Laboratory, measuring instruments and interpretation of graph. Measure the dimensions of given objects using vernier caliper. Measure the dimensions of given objects using micrometer screw gauge. Determine Young’s modulus of elasticity of metal wire by using Searle’s apparatus. Determine coefficient of viscosity of given liquid using Stoke’s Method Determine surface tension of liquid by capillary rise method using travelling microscope. Determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity of copper by Searle’s method Determine refractive index of liquid by concave mirror. Determine stiffness constant ‘K’ of a helical spring. Learning Resources: 1. Reference Books: Sr. No. 01 02 03 04 Engineering Physics Engineering Physics Conceptual Physics Physics- Std XI, Std XII 05 Engineering Physics Title Author B.L. Theraja V. Rajendran P. G. Hewitt R.K.Gaur and S.L.Gupta Publisher S. Chand Publishers – New Delhi Tata McGraw-Hill Publications Pearson education (Tenth edition) HSC board/CBSE Board Dhanpat Rai Publication, New Delhi. 2. Websites: 3) Videos: 1. Demonstration showing surface tension of water using screen 2. Demonstration showing Photoelectric effect and Photo Cell 3. Demonstration showing viscosity of various liquids 4. Demonstration of various Gas Laws 4) CD: Educational Cd of NCERT Educational cd of Pearson education India 5) PPT: MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 10 17102 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology Course Code : AE/CE/CH/CM/CO/CR/CS/CW/DE/EE/EP/IF/EJ/EN/ET/EV/X/IC/IE/IS/ ME/MU/PG/PT/PS/CD/CV/ED/EI/FE/IU/MH/MI Semester : First Subject Title : Basic Science (Chemistry) Subject Code : 17103 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 02 -- 02 02 50 25@ -- -- 75 Note: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW). Students should compulsory appear for Basic Science (Physics) & Basic Science (Chemistry) theory examination. There should be combined passing for the subject (40/100). Remaining absent in any examination of any part will not be declared successful for that examination head. Students should compulsory appear for Basic Science (Physics) & Basic Science (Chemistry) practical examination. There should be combined passing for the subject (20/50). Remaining absent in any examination of any part will not be declared successful for that examination head. Rationale: Basic Chemistry is the basic science which is essential to all engineering courses. For an engineer, the usage of equipments and instruments would require knowledge of chemical substances, their composition and properties. Hence the content of this subject provides knowledge of engineering materials. This knowledge also aims to bridge the theoretical concepts and their practical engineering applications, thus highlighting the role of chemistry in the field of engineering. It helps in understanding chemical and physical properties of engineering materials. The content of this curriculum has four units which provide the knowledge of chemical bonding, mechanisms of various applications of electrochemistry. It also provides in depth knowledge of extraction processes, properties and applications of metals and alloys. The nonmetallic materials like plastics, rubber, insulators are the back bone of developing industries. General Objectives: The student will be able to 1. Know the concepts of valence electrons and valency of elements. 2. Apply the knowledge of electrolysis in engineering applications. 3. Understand the formation of various molecules. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 11 17103 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 4. Apply the properties of metals and alloys in engineering field. 5. Use non-metallic materials in engineering applications. Learning Structure: Application Apply the knowledge of chemical, physical properties and processes in engineering fields. Procedure Electroplating, electrorefining, Principle Formation of electrovalent and covalent compounds Concept Isotopes, isobars, orbits, orbitals valency, electronic configuration Fact Gravity separation, electromagnetic separation, froth floatation, calcination, roasting Atom, molecule, atomic number, atomic mass number MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 Electrolysis Faraday’s laws. Concentration, reduction, refining Electrolytic dissociation ionisation, electrolysis, electrolyte, electrode Hardness, tensile strength, malleability, ductility, toughness Mineral salts cathode, anode, cation, anion Metal, alloy, ore, mineral, gangue, flux, slag 12 Vulcanisation of rubber Polymerisation Thermosoftening thermo-setting plastics, elasticity, rebound, tack Plastics, rubber, insulator 17103 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory Content: Topic and Contents Topic 1] Chemical Bonding: Specific Objectives: Predict valence electrons and valency of elements. Draw schematic diagram for formation of molecules. 1.1 Atomic Structure : [8 Marks] Definition of atom, Bohr's atomic model, structure of modern atom, characteristics of fundamental particles of an atom, definition of atomic number, atomic mass number and their differences, Isotopes and Isobars: Definitions, examples and distinction, applications of carbon and cobalt isotopes. Orbits: Bohr’s energy levels, sub-energy levels, s, p, d, f orbitals, shapes and description of s-orbital and p- orbital. Distribution of electrons in orbitals: Definition of electronic configuration, Aufbau’s principle, Hund’s rule, orbital electronic configurations (s, p, d, f) of elements having atomic number 1 to 30, 1.2 Valency: [4 Marks] Definitions of valence electrons, valency. Definition of electrovalency, positive and negative electrovalency, formation of Electrovalent compounds-MgO,CaCl2 Definition of covalency, single, double and triple covalent bonds, formation of Covalent compounds H2O,CO2,N2 Topic 2] Electrochemistry: Specific Objectives: Describe the mechanism of electrolysis. Identify the role of electrodes in application of electrolysis. 2.1 Basic concepts of electrolysis: [4 Marks] Electrolyte, types of electrolyte- strong and weak electrolyte, their difference. Ionisation and electrolytic dissociation, Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation, degree of ionization, factors affecting degree of ionization. Definitions of electrolytic cell, electrodes-cathode, anode, electrode potential-oxidation potential and reduction potential. 2.2 Electrolysis: [10 Marks] Mechanism of electrolysis- Electrolysis, electrochemical series for cations and anions, Mechanism of electrolysis of CuSO4 solution by using platinum electrodes and copper electrodes Applications of electrolysis- Electroplating of silver, electro refining of blister copper, Faraday's laws of electrolysis: Faraday’s first and second law, relation between electrochemical equivalent and chemical equivalent, Numericals. pH and pOH: Definition of pH, pOH, pH Scale, Numericals. Topic 3] Metals and Alloys: Specific Objectives: Identify the properties of metals and alloys related to engineering applications. Describe the process of extraction of metals. 3.1 Metals: [8 Marks] MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 13 Hours Marks 08 12 10 14 08 12 17103 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Occurrence of metals in free and combined state, definitions- mineral, ore, gangue, flux and slag, metallurgy. Metallurgy- Detailed Flow chart for extraction of metal, Important extraction processes-Concentration-gravity separation, electromagnetic separation, froth floatation, calcination and roasting, Reductionsmelting, aluminothermic process, Refining- poling, electrorefining Mechanical properties of metals- Hardness, ductility, malleability, tensile strength, toughness, machinability, weldability, forging, soldering, brazing, castability. 3.2 Alloys: [4 Marks] Definition, purposes of making alloys with examples. Preparation methods- Fusion, Compression Classification of Alloys- Ferrous and non ferrous alloys with examples. Examples of alloys- Composition, properties and applications of duralumin, Woods metal, babbit metal. Topic 4 ] Non-metallic Engineering Materials: Specific Objectives: Distinguish between thermosoftening and thermosetting plastics. List the properties of rubber State the applications of thermal insulators. 4.1 Polymers ( Plastics, Rubber) : [8 Marks] Plastics: Definition of plastic, polymer, polymerisation, types of polymerisation with examples. Types of plastic- thermo softening plastics and thermosetting plastics and their difference, properties and applications of plastics. Rubber: Types of rubber. Natural Rubber- definition, drawbacks of natural rubber, vulcanization of rubber with chemical reaction, applications of vulcanized rubber. Synthetic rubber- definition, difference between natural and synthetic rubber, examples of synthetic rubber, properties of synthetic rubber like elasticity, tack, and abrasion resistance, their definition and related applications. 4.2 Thermal Insulators [4 Marks] Thermal Insulators -Definition, characteristics of thermal insulators, classification- organic and inorganic thermal insulators, their examples, preparation, properties and applications of thermocole and glasswool. Total 06 12 32 50 Practical: Intellectual Skills: 1. Analyse given solution and to find the chemical properties of metallic and non-metallic ions. 2. Interpret the results of experiments or numerical values. 3. Understand the set up of the experiment. 4. Verify the laws and characteristics. Motor Skills: 1. Handle various laboratory reagents. 2. Accurately measure proper quantity of various chemicals. 3. Observe correct colour of precipitate, evolution of gas. 4. Connect electrical circuit as per the circuit diagram. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 14 17103 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 5. Proficiently handle apparatus and equipments to perform experiments. 6. Observe the completion of reaction. List of Experiments: Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Name of the experiment Know your Chemistry laboratory and prepare sample solutions of different concentrations. Determine the basic radical (metallic ion) and acidic radical (non-metallic ion) by qualitative analysis of given salt solution no-1. Determine the basic radical (metallic ion) and acidic radical (non-metallic ion) by qualitative analysis of given salt solution no-2. Determine the basic radical (metallic ion) and acidic radical (non-metallic ion) by qualitative analysis of given salt solution no-3. Determine the basic radical (metallic ion) and acidic radical (non-metallic ion) by qualitative analysis of given salt solution no-4. Determine the basic radical (metallic ion) and acidic radical (non-metallic ion) by qualitative analysis of given salt solution no-5. Calculate the electrochemical equivalent of copper by electrolysis of copper sulphate solution using copper electrodes. Determine pH value of given solutions by using pH paper, universal indicator and pH meter. Prepare Phenol formaldehyde resin used in manufacturing of Bakelite plastic. Learning Resources: 1. Reference books: Sr. Author No. 1 Jain and Jain 2 ---3 B. K. Sharma 4 S. S. Dara Name of the book Publisher Engineering Chemistry Engineering Chemistry Industrial Chemistry Dhanpat Rai and Sons Wiley India Edition Goel Publication Engineering Chemistry S. Chand Publication 2. List of web sites/ Videos and animations: Chemical Bonding (Ionic Bonding) (Chemical Bonding) (electronic Configuration) (electronic Configuration) MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 15 17103 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme (electronic Configuration of Ions) (Hunds Rule) (Orbital) (Lewis Structure) (Atomic Orbitals) (Chemical Bond) Electrochemistry (Electrochemistry) Metals and Alloys Plastic and Rubber (Addition Polymerization) (Condensation Polymerization) (Plastic) (Rubber) MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 16 17103 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology Course Code : AE/CE/CH/CM/CO/CR/CS/CW/DE/EE/EP/IF/EJ/EN/ET/EV/X/IC/IE/IS/ ME/MU/PG/PT/PS/CD/CV/ED/EI/FE/IU/MH/MI Semester : First Subject Title : Basic Mathematics Subject Code : 17104 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 04 01 -- 03 100 -- -- -- 100 Notes: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW) Rationale: Mathematics is the foundation of science and technology. The study of basic mathematics is helpful to understand concepts of Engineering. This subject enhances logical thinking capability. It also improves the systematic approach in solving engineering problem. Algebra provides the language and abstract symbols of mathematics. It also helps to use that Language in real-life applications. Matrix and Determinant topics are helpful for finding optimum solution of system of simultaneous equations which are formed in the various branches of engineering using different parameters. Trigonometry is the study of triangles and angles. Geometry gives emphasis on understanding the deductive reasoning process. It includes writing derivations of theorems and giving geometric relationships by reasoning. Co- ordinate geometry plays an important role in Animation, AutoCAD, Computer graphics etc. Contents of this subject will form foundation for further study in mathematics. General Objectives: Student will be able to: 1. Apply Cramer’s rule and matrix method to solve simultaneous equations in three variables. 2. Use concept of allied angle, compound angle, multiple and sub-multiple angles to solve engineering problems. 3. Use factorization and de-factorization formulae to solve examples. 4. Understand the relationship of two variables. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 17 17104 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Solve problems on algebra, trigonometry and geometry for engineering situations. Procedure Technique of using determinant method and matrix inverse method. Derivation of formulae and technique of using formulae. Applying formula for solving examples. Expansion of determinant. Adjoint, inverse of matrix, multiplication of matrices. Dispersion Trigonometric ratios of all angles. Equations of straight line in different forms. Cofactor, determinant of matrix, Mean, Median, Standard Deviation Allied angle, compound, multiple and submultiple angles. Inverse trigonometric ratios. Principle Concept Angle between lines, point of intersection, standard. Facts Numbers, Simultaneous equations, Variance MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 Angle and trigonometric ratios 18 Point, slope, intercepts, centre 17104 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory Topic and Contents Hours Marks Topic - I Algebra 1.1 -Determinant ----------------------- 04 Specific objectives: Solve simultaneous equations in three variables using Cramer’s rule . Definition and expansion of determinant of order 3 . Cramer’s rule to solve simultaneous equations in three variables. 1.2 - Matrices ----------------------- 16 Specific objectives : Perform all algebraic operations on matrices. Solve simultaneous equations in three variables. Definition of a matrix of order m x n and types of matrices. Algebra of matrices with properties and examples. Transpose of a matrix with properties. Cofactor of an element of a matrix. Adjoint of matrix and inverse of matrix by adjoint method. Solution of simultaneous equations containing two and three unknowns by matrix inversion method. 1.3 -Partial Fraction ------------------------- 12 Specific objectives: Find partial fraction of proper and improper fraction. Definition of fraction, proper, improper fraction and partial fraction. Resolve proper fractions into partial fraction with denominator containing i) non repeated linear factors, ii) repeated linear factors, iii) non repeated quadratic irreducible factors. To resolve improper fraction in to partial fraction. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 19 04 10 32 08 17104 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Topic 2- Trigonometry 2.1 Trigonometric Ratios of Allied, Compound, Multiple and Sub-Multiple Angles ------------------------------------ 16 Specific objectives: Solve examples of allied angle, compound angle, multiple and submultiple angles. Trigonometric ratios of any angle. Definition of allied angle, compound, multiple and sub-multiple angles. Trigonometric ratios of above angles with proofs. Simple examples 2.2 Factorization and De-factorization Formulae ------------------- 12 Specific objectives: Derive factorization and de-factorization formulae to solve examples. Formulae for factorization and de-factorization with proof and examples. 2.3 Inverse Trigonometric Ratios ------------------------- 12 Specific objectives: Solve examples of inverse trigonometric ratios. Definition of inverse trigonometric ratios. Principal value of inverse trigonometric ratios. Relation between inverse trigonometric ratios with proof and examples. Topic 3- Co –Ordinate Geometry 3.1 Straight Line ------------------------ 16 Specific objectives: Solve problems with given condition. Angle between two lines with proof. Examples. Condition of parallel and perpendicular lines. Point of intersection of two lines, equation of line passing through point of intersection with given condition. Perpendicular distance between point and line with proof and examples. Distance between two parallel line with proof and examples. Topic 4 - Statistics 4.1 Measures of Dispersion ---------------------- 12 Specific objectives : Find the range, mean deviation, standard deviation and consistency of any data. Measures of dispersion - range, mean deviation from mean and median, and standard deviation. Variance and its coefficient. Comparisons of two sets of observations. Total 10 40 08 08 10 16 06 12 64 100 Tutorials: Note: 1) Tutorials are to be used to get enough practice. 1) Make group of 20 students and for each group minimum 10 problems are to be given. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 20 17104 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme List of tutorial: Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Topic for tutorial Determinant. Matrices (Algebra of matrices) Matrices (Adjoint , inverse and solution of equations using matrix inversion method ) Partial fraction. Trigonometric ratio of allied, compound, multiple and sub-multiple angles. Factorization and de- factorization formulae. Inverse trigonometric ratios. Straight line. Statistics( Measure of Dispersion) Learning Resources: 1) Books : Sr. No Title 1 2 3 4 5 Mathematics for Polytechnic Trigonometry Authors Publication S.P. Deshpande Pune Vidyarthi Griha. S. L. Loney S. Chand Publication Matrices Higher Engineering Mathematics Ayres Schuam series McGraw Hill B. S. Grewal Khanna publication Engineering Mathematics S. S. Sastry Prentice Hall of India 2) Websites : i) www.khan Academy MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 21 17104 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology. Course Code : AE/CE/CH/CM/CO/CR/CS/CW/DE/EE/EP/IF/EJ/EN/ET/EV/X/IC/IE/IS/ ME/MU/PG/PT/PS/CD/CV/ED/EI/FE/IU/MH/MI Semester : First Subject Title : Engineering Graphics Subject Code : 17001 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 02 -- 04 -- -- 50# -- 50@ 100 Notes: - 1) Students should use the A3 size sketchbook for class works. 2) Use approximately 570mm×380mm size drawing sheet for term work. Rationale: Engineering Graphics is the language of engineers. The concepts of Engineering Graphics are used to develop, express the ideas, and convey the instructions which are used to carry out jobs in the field Engineering. The course illustrates the techniques of graphics in actual practice. This preliminary course aims at building a foundation for the further course in drawing and other allied subjects. This subject is useful in developing drafting and sketching skills of students. Objectives: The student after studying this subject will be able to:1) Draw different engineering curves and know their applications. 2) Draw orthographic projections of different objects. 3) Visualize three dimensional objects and draw Isometric Projections. 4) Draw simple geometrical figures using CAD package. MSBTE – Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 22 17001 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Problem: To acquire the skill of visualizing, interpreting and drawing the curves, orthographic projections, and isometric views of simple components. Procedure: Read, understand, visualize, interpret and draw engineering curves, orthographic and isometric views. Prepare drawing using CAD & Dimensioning Techniques. Principle: Orthographic projection by 1st angle method, Isometric projections, diagonal scale, plain scale. Concept: Facts: Reference planes (HP, VP), projections, isometric axes & scale, locus of points, convention of lines, polygon, dimensioning, engineering drawing IS Code SP-46 Various objects, geometric entities, line, arc circle, computer, drawing instruments. MSBTE – Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 23 17001 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Name of the Contents Hours 1. Principles of Drawing Specific Objective Use Instruments for drawing, Scales, Lines, & there applications. Draw a basic 2-D geometrical entities using CAD. 1.1 Drawing Instruments and their uses Standard sizes of drawing sheets (ISO-A series Letters and numbers (single stroke vertical) Convention of lines and their applications. Scale (reduced, enlarged & full size) plain scale and diagonal scale. Dimensioning technique as per SP-46 (Latest edition) – types and applications of chain, parallel and coordinate dimensioning 06 1.2 Introduction to CAD software (Basic commands like draw, modify). Advantages of CAD Geometrical constructions 2. Engineering curves & Loci of Points. Specific Objective Draw Conic curves, involute, Cycloid & know their applications Draw helix, spiral, & loci of points from given data. 2.1 Conic Section To draw an ellipse by Arcs of circle method & Concentric circles method. To draw a parabola by Directrix and focus method &Rectangle method To draw a hyperbola by Transverse Axis and focus method & rectangular hyperbola (Inclined axes). 09 2.2 Engineering curves To draw involutes of circle & pentagon, To draw a cycloid, epicycloids, hypocycloid To draw Helix & Archimedean spiral. Loci of points on any link of (i) 4 bar mechanism and (ii) Single slider crank mechanism with given specifications. 3. Orthographic projections Specific Objective Visualize, interpret & draw orthographic views from given pictorial view. 08 3.1 Introduction to Orthographic projections. 3.2 Conversion of pictorial view into Orthographic Views (First Angle Projection Method Only) – elevation, plan and end view 3.3 Selection of section plains and drawing sectional view (simple object) Chapter 4.Isometric projections Specific Objective Visualize interpret & draw isometric view from given orthographic views 09 4.1 Isometric scale, comparison of true scale with isometric scale 4.2 Conversion of orthographic views into isometric View / projection Total MSBTE – Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 24 17001 32 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Practical: Skills to be developed for practical: Intellectual skills: 1. To develop ability to solve problems on geometrical constructions. 2. To develop ability to differentiate between conic and curves 3. Able to interpret the given mechanisms and locus of points. 4. Develop ability to interpret first angle projection method. 5. To interpret and able to solve problem on orthographic projection of given object. 6. Develop ability to differentiate between isometric view and isometric projections. 7. To differentiate between Isometric scale and true scale Motor Skills: 1. To develop ability to draw the geometrical constructions by computer. Using CAD 2. To develop ability to draw different types of curves. 3. Develop ability to draw orthographic projections by first angle projection method 4. Develop ability to draw isometric views and isometric projections from given orthographic views of an object using computer. List of Practical: List of Practical 1.Geometrical Constructions Using CAD - (1 Sheet) Using CAD, draw the following figures with dimensionsRectangle, circle, pentagon, hexagon, and two composite figures involving tangential exercises. 2. Engineering curves &Loci of points - (1 Sheet) i) Three different curves are to be draw using any one method. ii) Draw locus of point on anyone mechanism 3. Orthographic projections - (Total 2 Sheets) Two objects by first angle projection method – - Full orthographic views -One sheet - Sectional orthographic views–One sheet 4. Isometric projection - (Total 2 sheets) - Isometric views of two objects- One sheet - Isometric projection of two objects – One sheet Learning Resources: 1. Books: Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 Author N. D. Bhatt Amar Pathak D.Jolhe M.B.Shah, Title Publication Engineering Drawing Engineering Drawing Engineering Drawing Engineering Drawing Charotar Publishing House 2010 Dreamtech Press, 2010 Tata McGraw Hill Edu., 2010 Pearson, 2010 25 17001 MSBTE – Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 5 6 B.C.Rana R. K. Dhawan K. L. Narayan, P. Kannaiah 7 K. Venugopal 8 IS Code, SP – 46 ‘G’ Scheme Engineering Drawing Text Book on Engineering Drawing Engineering Drawing and Graphics + AutoCAD Engineering Drawing Practice for schools and colleges S. Chand Co., Reprint 2010 Scitech Publications, 24th Reprint August 2011 New Age Publication, Reprint 2006 2. Video Cassettes / CD’s 1. Instructional / Learning CD developed by ARTADDICT. MSBTE – Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 26 17001 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology. Course Code : AE/CE/CH/CM/CO/CR/CS/CW/DE/EE/EP/IF/EJ/EN/ET/EV/X/IC/IE/IS/ ME/MU/PG/PT/PS/CD/CV/ED/EI/FE/IU/MH/MI/FE/IC/IE/IF/IS/IU/ME/ MH/MI/MU/PG/PS/PT Semester : First Subject Title : Computer Fundamentals Subject Code : 17002 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 01 -- 04 -- -- 50* # -- 25@ 75 * On Line Examination Rationale: Since early 21st Century the use of Computer has been so rapidly that it is difficult to think of an area where computers are not being used. It is very desirable that everyone should have good knowledge of computer. Main purpose of this subject is how to use a computer for basic needs. This subject covers application softwares like MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS- PowerPoint. It is a gateway to wonderful world of information and part of various applications like business, academic, hospitals, construction, designing, chemical fields and many more. Intellectual Skills: Students should be able to: 1. Use of Operating System. 2. Use MS- Word, MS-Excel, MS- PowerPoint, efficiently for documentation. 3. Use browser for accessing Internet. Motor Skills: Handle Personal Computer System. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 27 17002 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Prepare various office documents, Internet Surfing, Application of Computer System in various domains Procedure Follow GUI based Instructions. Principle Basic Principles of Computer System and Hardware Components Concept Fact Word document, Spreadsheet and Presentation GUI based softwares Internet Browser and Explorer Computer, Peripheral Devices and Application Softwares MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 28 17002 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Contents: Note: 1. It is suggested that the separate batch should be formed for students having less computer background. 2. Contents of theory are to be taught in practical period with the help of LCD projector. Sr. No 1 Activity/Topics 2 3 4 5 6 7 Algorithms-Introduction, Three Basic Operations, Procedures and Programs Data Representation- Representing different symbols, minimizing errors, Representing more Symbols, Generic Formula, the ASCII code, the EBCDIC code, Rules of Decimal number System and its conversion to binary Multimedia- Digital images, analog to digital conversions, digital audio and digital video Binary Arithmetic- binary addition, binary subtraction, multiplication and division Logic Gates- The need for derived gates, Half adder, Full adder, Logical operations Data Storage- memory-Main Memory, Memory data transfer, MBR, Memory decoders -1x2,2x4…10x1024, MAR, Address, Data and Control Buses, Load and Store Instructions, Word and Word Length, RAM and ROM, Cache Memory Data Storage- Disk- Memory Hierarchy, Disk basics – Cylinders, Tracks, Surfaces, Sectors, Relationship between logical and physical records, Disk Controller Architecture, Sector format, Formatting Process, Seek Time, Rotational Delay and Transmission time, The relationship between Application program, Operating System, Disk Controller and the actual disk, CDs, DVD VDU and Printers-Human-computer interface, Keyboard, Raster Scanning, Frame Buffer, Basics of Graphics, Black and White/ Color Terminals, Text based terminals, LEDs/LCDs, Inkjet Printers, Laser Printer Computer Architecture-CPU Registers, Multiplexers, ALU, Instruction Format, Instruction Decoding, Instruction Execution Cycles Operating System-Concepts of system calls, Multiprogramming, Concepts of Context Switch, Different Services of Operating System, Information Management , Process Management (Process states, Process State Transition, Process Scheduling), Memory Management (Fixed Partition, Variable Partition, Paging, Demand Paging) Classification of Computers and applications- Characteristics of Computers, What Computers can do, What computers can’t do, Classification of Digital Computer Systems, Anatomy of a Digital Computer Introduction to Computer Usage of computer system in different domains like office, book publication, ticket reservation, banks etc. Components of PC – Mouse, keyboard, CPU, monitor, printers, scanners, modem, memory, sound cards, pen drives. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 29 Hours 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 17002 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 Introduction to Operating System( Windows 7) Working with Windows desktop, icons, taskbar, menu bar options, My Documents, My Computer, Control Panel, Recycle bin Concept of drives, folders, files Windows accessories – Notepad, WordPad, paint, clock, calendar, calculator 8 9 10 ‘G’ Scheme 1 GUI Based Software – MS – Office 2010 MS-Word – Opening menus, toolbars, opening and closing documents, clipboard concept MS – Excel – Working and manipulating data with excel, formulas, functions, chart and its types MS – PowerPoint – Working with PowerPoint and presentation ,Changing layout, Graphs , Auto content wizard ,Slide show, Animation effects, Normal, outline, Slide sorter, Reading view. Internet History of Internet, equipments required for Internet connection, browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Firefox, Google Chrome) Total 2 1 16 List of Practicals / Activities Sr. Practicals / Activities No 1 Demonstration of above peripheral devices to students Moving from one window to another window 2 Opening task bar buttons into a window. Arranging icons on the desktop and create shortcuts. Creating folders and files. 3 Copy, rename, delete files and folders. Moving folders and files from one drive to another drive. Create and edit notepad document. 4 Create and edit WordPad document. Create paint file by using different drawing tools. Creating, editing, saving word document. Entering and formatting text. Paragraph formatting, use bullets and numbering. Page formatting – page margins, page size, orientation, page break, headers and 5 footers. Create tables, insert, and delete rows and columns. Printer installation and printing document. Create and print mail merging address for envelop and letters. Create, open and print worksheet with page setup and print options. Enter data and format cells. 6 Select, insert, delete cells, rows and columns. Insert formulas, functions and named ranges in worksheet. Create chart of different types. Create a simple text slide using formatting, Selecting a slide layout. And insert pictures & backgrounds. 7 Insert auto shapes, clip-arts and form group/un group objects from slides. Apply slide transitions and slide timings and animation effect for slide show 8 Perform Internet connection. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 30 17002 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Create own e-mail id, send and receive mail with attachment. Searching information using search engine (Google, MSN, bing etc.) Do Internet chatting and understand the chat toolbar. Organize favorite websites in different browsers. Learning Resources: 1. Books: Sr. Author No 1 Achyut Godbole 2 Alexis Leon 3 Vikas Gupta 4 5 6 Steve Schwartz Elaine Marmel Preppernau Cox Title Demystifying Computer Introduction to Computers Comdex Computer Course Kit (Windows 7 with Office 2010 ) Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Project 2010 (Bible) Windows 7 Step by Step Publisher TMH Vikas Publishing House Dreamtech Press Pearson Wiley India PHI 2. Links: 1. 2. 3. 4. List of Equipments/Tool: Hardware Tools1. Computer System (Pentium –IV or higher version) 2. Printer 3. Modem 4. Pen Drive Software Tools1. Windows- 7 (Operating System) 2. MS-Office 2010 3. MS- Project 2010 4. Internet Explorer/Mozilla/Chrome/Firefox Guidelines for Online Exam: 1. Total duration for online examination is an hour. 2. There will be theoretical multiple choice questions. 3. There will be certain practical performance based questions. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 31 17002 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Civil Engineering Group Course Code : CE/CR/CS/CV Semester : First Subject Title : Basic Workshop Practice (Civil) Subject Code : 17003 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL -- -- 04 -- -- -- -- 50@ 50 Note: Related theory to be taught during practicals Rationale: Civil diploma technician is expected to acquire basic workshop skills and should be able to exhibit them whenever needed during execution of various works. The students are required to identify, operate and control various machines in different shops of workshop. Selection of appropriate tools and different equipments will be useful for performing various jobs in carpentry, welding, fitting, plumbing and sheet metal which are needful for different construction works. Knowledge of carpentry will be useful in joinery work of doors, windows and other wooden structures. Knowledge of welding will be useful for fabrication of grill work, prefabricated steel staircase, railing etc. Topic on fitting will be useful in steel structural works .Plumbing will be useful for conveying liquid and gas. Knowledge of sheet metal shop will be useful in preparation of rain water sheds. Thus knowledge of welding, fitting, carpentry, plumbing and sheet metal will enable the diploma technician to execute the construction work properly as and where required. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 32 17003 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Use of different wood working processes to produce articles like chair, table, chaurang etc. To operate & control machine & tools used in these processes Use of different welding / fitting processes, to produce articles like shoe stand, corner piece by adopting & developing safety attitude Use of different Sheet metal processes to produce articles like metal cane, boxes, measuring jar, funnel etc. To operate & control machine & tools used in these Produce piping system for liquid, gas conveyance. Preparation of articles like circular ring, peg chisel etc. Procedure Logical sequence of operation in making wooden joints like marking, planning, chiseling, assembly, polishing etc. Welding transformer setting, use of flux & electrodes, adjustment of gas flames , chipping, drilling, tapping, & filing. Logical sequence of operation in making sheet metal jobs like marking, bending, cutting, shearing, lancing, riveting etc. Selection of proper tools, accessories / pipes (G.I./PVC) fitting for different joints used in piping system. Preparing / threading piping layout. Principle Wood working principle planning sawing, grooving, chiseling, process, principle to wood working machine & other machine & tools for the above process etc. Principle of arc welding, gas welding for preparing various joints. Working principle of drilling / tapping machine. Sheet metal working principle, Cutting, Bending, Greasing, Shearing, operation. Principle of soldering & brazing operation. Principle of pipe threading, Principle of chemical adhesion Concept Concept of wood working, different joints & polishing. Concept of welding drilling & tapping cutting parameter Concept of sheet metal working, different sheet metal joints, operation, riveting & brazing. Various pipe joints, pipe threading, PVC solvent. Fact Hack saw, try square, chisel, mallet, files, V block, vice, hammer, wood working machine, circular cutting machine, welding machine, transformer, welding rod, flux, safety screen, bench vice, files , surface plate, drilling & taping machine. G.I. pipe, PVC pipe, pipe fitting, pipe fitting symbol, adhesive solvent. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 33 17003 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Practicals: Objectives: Skills to be developed: Intellectual skills: 1. Interpret job drawing. 2. Identify proper material, tools, equipments and machines. 3. State the meaning of caulking, fullering, threading etc. 4. Check the job for confirming desired dimension and shape. Motor skills: 1. Set tools, work piece and machine for desired operation. 2. Operate tools and machines complete job as per job drawing in allotted time. 3. Use safety equipments and follow safety procedures during operation. 1. CONTENTS: Guidelines for Conduct of Workshop Practicals 1. Assignment given in the practical content shall be performed by the students under the guidance of workshop Superintendent / subject teacher, Various tools, different Process (operations) shall be exhibited to the students before writing the assignment. The teacher shall guide the student for calculating the cost of articles Prepared. 2. Term work shall consists of 1. File containing the assignment. 2. Job drawing, working process etc. written in workshop diary. 3. The term work assessment shall be done with following norms. Assignments-10 Marks, Workshop diary and job prepared-40 Marks, Total-50 Marks 3. Safety precautions should be observed while working in workshop. 4. Batch shall be formed depending on volume of work. 5. Student shall be guided to calculate the cost of materials and labors required for their job from the drawing. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 34 17003 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Shop And Contents SHOP : 1 WOOD WORKING SHOP Contents Assignment ---------------------------------------------------------02+02 1. Draw sketches of different carpentry tools, wood turning lathe, Label the sketch, write their uses and tools. 2. List five different types of woods used for carpentry. State their Properties. Demonstration------------------------------------------------------02+02 1. Observe operation of different carpentry tools and different Wood working processes like sawing, planning, marking, Chiseling, grooving and wood turning. 2. Practice different wood working processes. Job------------------------------------------------------------------------08 1. Prepare one simple job involving any one joint like mortise and Tenon, dovetail, bridle, half lap etc. 2. Prepare one simple job on turning like rolling pin, chisel handle. SHOP : 2 WELDING SHOP Contents Assignment--------------------------------------------------------------02 1. Describe in brief the process of ARC welding, gas welding, gas Cutting. State the situation where each is used. 2. List points for selection of welding rod material, size of welding Rod, different types of flame, sketch of elementary symbolic Representation in welding. 3. Safety precautions in welding, safety equipment and it’s use in Welding process. Demonstration----------------------------------------------------------02 1. Observe operation of ARC welding, gas welding, gas cutting Rebuilding of broken parts with welding. Job------------------------------------------------------------------------08 1. Prepare one simple job involving butt and lap joint. SHOP : 3 FITTING SHOP Contents Assignment--------------------------------------------------------------02 1. Draw the sketches of marking/measuring, cutting, holding and Striking tools. Write their purpose and care to be taken. 2. Write component parts and working principle of drilling Machine and its use. 3. Prepare list of power tools, tapping dies, raw sketches of the Same and write the use. Demonstration----------------------------------------------------------02 1. Observe different fitting, power tools and drilling machine. 2. Observe different operations in fitting shop like chipping filing Right angle making, drilling, cutting, tapping. Job------------------------------------------------------------------------08 1. Prepare one simple job involving practice of chipping, filing, Drilling, tapping, cutting etc. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 35 Hours 16 12 12 17003 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Shop And Contents Hours SHOP : 4 PLUMBING SHOP Contents Assignment--------------------------------------------------------------02 1. Identify different types of pipes as G.I., PVC, flexible, rigid As per material used and function. 2. Identify different types of pipe fittings and accessories required For different types of pipes. 3. Identify different types of adhesives, solvents and chemicals. Demonstration----------------------------------------------------------02 1. Observe the operations of PVC pipe fittings using adhesives, Solvents and chemicals. 2. Preparation of actual drawing for pipeline layout for PVC And G.I. pipe. Calculation of bill of materials. 3. Preparing actual pipeline layout for PVC, G.I. pipe. Job------------------------------------------------------------------------08 1. Prepare one job of simple pipe joint with nipple coupling for Pipe. Pipe threading using standard die sets. 12 TOPIC : 5 SHEET METAL SHOP Contents Assignment--------------------------------------------------------------02 1. Draw the sketches of various types of tools, equipments and Accessories used in sheet metal shop. Also mention their use. 2. Write safety precautions to be taken while working in shop. Demonstration----------------------------------------------------------02 1. Observe different sheet metal operations like sheet cutting, Bending, edging, curling, lancing, soldering and riveting. Job------------------------------------------------------------------------08 1. Prepare one simple job involving sheet metal operations and soldering and riveting. Total 12 64 Learning Resources: 1. Books: Sr. No. Name of Author Name of Books 01 S. K. Hajara Chaudhary Workshop Technology 02 B. S. Raghuwanshi Workshop Technology 03 R. K. Jain Production Technology 04 05 S. G. Deolalilkar H. S. Bawa 06 -- Plumbing ( Design & Practice) Workshop Practice II Edition Kent’s Mechanical Engineering Hand book Publisher Media promoters and publisher, New Delhi Dhanpat rai & Sons, New Delhi Khanna Publishers, New Delhi M C Grawhill New Delhi M C Grawhill New Delhi John Wiley and sons New York. 2. CBI Packages Developed by NITTTR Bhopal MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 36 17003 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 3. Transparencies 4. Website a) b) c) MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 37 17003 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Electrical Engineering / Electrical Power System. Course Code : EE/EP Semester : First Subject Title : Basic Workshop Practice (Electrical) Subject Code : 17004 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPERS HRS. TH PR OR TW TOTAL -- -- 04 -- -- -- -- 50@ 50 Notes: Related theory will be taught during practical period. Rationale: For a diploma engineer in Electrical Engineering it is essential to know some basic workshop skills. In the world of work students are required to supervisor, maintenance of equipment, where he needs the knowledge of basic workshop skills such as welding, Soldering, Sheet metal working, drilling, tapping etc. General Objectives: The Students will be able to: • Use the knowledge of sheet metal working & welding for preparing Panels, Switch boxes etc. • Use various drills for electrical wiring Installation. • Make Joints for various types of wiring such as casing capping, conduit wiring & mounting of accessories& cabling. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 38 17004 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application:- Making of important spare parts and work processes used for Electrical control panels as well as works can be made available easily in the workshop. Procedure:- Selection of material, Working processes, Proper tools selection, Properly use of machinery & Equipment’s can be easily understood & handled. Concept:- Facts:- Working principle of welding transformer, electrical spot welding transformer, Machinery, Equipment’s Handling techniques. Various workshop tools like cutting, drilling, crimping, hammering, pressing, etc. Various machinery & equipment’s like Electric welding, spot welding, Gas welding, motor operated cutting, drilling machinery etc. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 39 17004 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Practicals: Name of The Topic and Contents 01. Demonstration of Power Tools & Practice of Utility Items. • Advanced power tools e.g. Pneumatic Spanner, Lifting. • Tools for cutting & drilling [Manually operating tools & table mounted motor operated]. • Electrical wiring tools & accessories e. g Portable drilling ,Hammering, Crimping etc. 02. Welding Shop. Introduction & Demonstration to joints of metal and sheet metal pieces, various type of welding machines ,How to use , current setting, Earthing connections etc.& any one composite job involving Butt, Lap joints from the following working pieces of . • Window Frame, Table Frame, Supporting Frame.[Electric welding] • Sheet metal pieces.[Gas & OR Electric spot welding] 03. Plumbing Shop. Demonstration of PVC pipe joints with various PVC fittings & accessories.One job per one group of 05 students. 04. Sheet Metal Shop. Introduction to sheet metal works like Bending, Cutting, Welding etc. & any one composite job from the following list along with guidance of supervisor & concerned teacher. [Note- Job shall be prepared of slandered size similar to sealable or marketable article] from list of article given below. One job per one group of 05 students. • Display board, • Panel board, • Switch box. 05. Turning Shop. The turning job work shall be initially explained with pre designed drawing & following three parts of work should be done on one job per group of five students 1] Introduction& Demonstration with utility practice of various turning activities like, Marking, Measuring, Cutting, Holding, & Striking tools. 8 Hrs 2] Any one job from following list. One job per one group of 05 students. • Plain & Taper turning. • Threading & Knurling 10 Hrs 3] Job related to Drilling & Tapping. One job per one group of 05 students. 10 Hrs Total Hours 04 12 08 12 28 64 Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: Selection of material, Tools, &Equipments for the process of Cutting, Drilling, Welding, Turning, & Tapping on metal & sheet metal job works Method of welding joints, Fabrication process, Interpretation of Drawing MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 40 17004 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Motor Skills: Marking, Measuring, Holding, Striking, cutting, Drilling, Tapping process. Handling of power tools, Machinery for various processes Learning Resources: Books: Sr. Name of the Author No. • Title of the book Edition 1. S.K.HazaraChoudhari. Workshop Technology. -- 2. B.S. Raghuvanshi. Workshop Technology. --- 3. R.K. Jain. Production Technology. -- 4. H.S.Bawa. Workshop Technology. -- Name of the Publisher Media promotion & Publication New Delhi. Dhanpatrai& sons New Delhi KhannaPublication New Delhi. Tata Mc-Graw, Hill Publication New Delhi. ISO, IS, BS standards, Data Sheets, IE Rules Handbook, Charts, Models, CDs, Transparencies, Websites, PPTs. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 41 17004 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Electronics Engineering Group Course Code : DE/ED/EI/EJ/EN/ET/EV/EX/IC/IE/IS/IU/MU Semester : First Subject Title : Basic Workshop Practice (Electronics Group) Subject Code : 17005 Teaching & Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL -- -- 04 -- -- -- -- 50@ 50 Rationale: Electronic diploma technicians are expected to know basic workshop practice like wood working, sheet metal, fitting and soldering. This subject will develop skills in handling various mechanical, electrical and electronics tools. The students are required to select and use various tools & equipments related to wood working, sheet metal process, soldering and desoldering techniques required in electronic project work. General Objectives: After studying this subject student will be able to: 1. Read and interpret the drawing. 2. Draw sketch for given job. 3. Use specification tables. 4. Decide Sequence of procedure. 5. Recognize, identify and use of various tools used in soldering. 6. Use of soldering technique for efficient repair work. Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: 1. Ability to read job drawing. 2. Ability to identify and select proper material, tools, equipments and machine. 3. Ability to select proper parameters (like cutting speed, feed, depth cut use of lubricants) in machine. 4. Ability to select proper material, tools and techniques used in soldering. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 42 17005 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Motor Skills: 1. Ability to set tools, work piece, and machines for desired operations. 2. Ability to complete job as per job drawing in allotted time. 3. Ability to use safety equipment and follow safety procedures during operations. 4. Ability to prepare and inspect the job for confirming desired dimensions and shape. 5. Ability to acquire hands-on experience in soldering. Note: 1. Note: The related theoretical contents be taught during practical 2. The practical indicated in topic number 1 , 2 & 3 will be performed in the general workshop while practical indicated in topic number 4,5 & 6 will be conducted in the electronics laboratory. 3. Assessment will be done by workshop dept. and electronics dept. separately for 25 marks each. And average of both will be converted as per teaching scheme. 4. Mark sheet will be submitted by Electronics Department. Sr. No. 1 2. 3 4 5 Details of Practical Contents WOOD WORKING SHOP: • Demonstration of different wood working tools / machines, wood working processes, like planning, marking, chiseling, grooving, turning of wood etc. • One simple job of preparing switch board or any other similar job FITTING SHOP: • Demonstration of different fitting tools and drilling machines and power tools , different operations like chipping, filing, drilling, tapping, cutting etc. • One simple fitting job involving practice of filing, drilling, tapping, cutting etc. Such as Regulator Heat sink, Transistor Heat Sink or any other similar job SHEET METAL SHOP: • Demonstration of different sheet metal tools / machines., different sheet metal operations like sheet cutting, bending, edging, end curling, lancing , soldering and riveting. • One simple job involving sheet metal operations and soldering and riveting. Such as Battery Eliminator Box or any other similar job IDENTIFICATION OF ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS: Drawing of symbols / conventions of components, devices, electromechanical switches, relays, Displays, connectors and cables used in Electronics and Electrical engineering. Identify electromechanical components; write down the technical specifications using datasheet / Manual. Collect the catalog from market / internet for instruments, tools required for electronic workshop and write down the specification, cost and name of the manufacturer with the help of catalog. (Catalogs of Multimeter. Power supply , function generator, CRO). ELECTRONIC SOLDERING SHOP: MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 43 17005 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 6 ‘G’ Scheme Introduction and Demonstration of soldering and desoldering tools like normal soldering gun, temperature controlled soldering gun, soldering metals, soldering flux, soldering pot, Desoldering gun, desoldering pump, desoldering mesh. Demonstration of different soldering techniques like hand soldering, wave soldering and dip soldering One simple job involving soldering and desoldering of electronic components HANDS ON SKILLS Assembly of electrical extension board (Extension board used, which is prepared in carpentry) Heat sink fitting to regulator (heat sink used, which is prepared in Fitting shop ) Continuity testing using Multimeter Learning Resource: Books: Sr. No Books Author Publication 1. Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment R.S.Khandpur Tata McGraw Hill 2. Electronic Components Handbook Thomas H. Jones Reston Publishing Company MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 44 17005 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Mechanical Engineering / Chemical Engineering Course Code : AE/CH/FE/ME/MH/MI/PG/PT/PS Semester : First Subject Title : Basic Workshop Practice (Mechanical & Chemical Group) Subject Code : 17006 Teaching & Examination Scheme Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL -- -- 04 -- -- -- -- 50@ 50 Rationale: Diploma Mechanical Engineer is expected to develop basic workshop skills in wood working, Welding, sheet metal and plumbing. Students are require to identify, select and use different kinds of tools, such as marking, measuring,, cutting, supporting, striking and various holding devices. These workshop practices are commonly used in engineering industries. Knowledge of Basic Workshop Practice and Workshop Practice enables students to use in preparing composite jobs. General Objectives: The student will able to Know basic workshop processes. Read and interpret job drawing, plan various operations and make assembly. Identify and select the proper material for the job undertaken. Identify, select and use various marking, measuring, holding, striking and cutting tools & equipments. Operate, control different machines and equipment in respective shops. Inspect the job for specified dimensions Produce and inspect the jobs as per specified dimensions. Adopt safety practices while working on various machines. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 45 17006 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Use different wood working processes to produce articles like chair, table, chaurang etc. To operate and Application control machines and tools used in these processes. Procedure Logical sequence of operation in making wooden joints like marking, planning, chiseling, assembly, polishing etc Selection of proper tools accessories / pipes (G.I./PVC) fittings, Preparing/rea ding piping layout Principle Wood working principle, planning, sawing, grooving, chiseling process. Principle of wood working machine and other machines and tools for the above processes Principle of pipe threading, principle of chemical adhesion, Concept Facts Concept of woodworking, different wooden joints and polishing. Hand saw, Try square, Chisel, Jack planes, Mallet, Files, vice, hammer, Wood working machine, MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 Use different Sheet metal processes to produce articles like metal can, boxes, measuring jar, funnel etc. To operate and control machines and tools used in these processes. Select and use different pipe joints and fittings to produce piping Logical sequence of operation, in making sheet metal jobs like marking, bending, cutting shearing, lancing riveting etc Various pipe joints, Pipe threading. PVC solvents G. I. Pipes, PVC pipe, Pipe fittings, Pipe fitting symbols, Adhesive solvents, Threading dies and taps, pipe wrench Welding transformer setting, use of flux and Electrodes, adjustment of gas flames, chipping, Drilling, tapping and Filing Sheet metal working principle, developing surfaces, cutting, bending, creasing, shearing operations. Principles of soldering and brazing operation, Principle of arc Welding, gas welding for preparing various Joints. Working principle of drilling /tapping machine, Concept of sheet metal working, different sheet metal joints, operations, riveting, brazing and soldering Concept of welding Different welding Joints, drilling and Tapping and cutting Parameter Hand sheer, Mallet, pliers, soldering iron, Stakes chisels. 46 Welding transformer setting, use of flux and Electrodes, adjustment of gas flames, chipping, Drilling, tapping and filing Welding Transformer, Welding Rod, Flux, Safety Screen, Bench vice, files, Surface plate, try square, 17006 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Practical: Note: The related theoretical contents be taught during practical Skill to be developed: Intellectual Skills: 1. Ability to read and interpret job drawing and plan operations 2. Ability to identify and select proper material, tools, equipments and machines. 3. Ability to select proper operational parameters Psychomotor Skills: 1. Ability to set tools, work piece, and machines for desired operations. 2. Ability to complete job as per job drawing in allotted time. 3. Ability to use safety equipment and follow safety procedures during operations. 4. Ability to inspect the job for confirming desired dimensions and shape. 5. Ability to acquire hands-on experience. List of Practical: Sr. No Topic Objectives 02 03 Hrs. WOOD WORKING SHOP: Demonstration of different wood To appreciate the importance of wood working in engineering works working tools and machines. To select the proper wood material for the job undertaken 01 Details of Practical Contents Demonstration of different wood working processes, like planning, marking, chiseling, grooving, turning of wood etc. 14 To identify and use various marking One simple job involving any one joint , measuring, cutting, striking and like mortise and tenon, dovetail, bridle, inspection tools used in wood half lap etc for each students working WELDING SHOP : Demonstration of different welding To appreciate the importance of tools / machines. Welding in engineering works To select the proper Steel material and proper welding machine for the job undertaken Demonstration on Arc Welding, Gas Welding, gas cutting and rebuilding of broken parts with welding. To identify and use various marking One simple job involving butt and lap joint. For each students , measuring, cutting, striking and inspection tools used in Welding To appreciate the importance of Plumbing operations in engineering works MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 PLUMBING SHOP: Demonstration of different plumbing tools 47 12 14 17006 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 To select the proper grade and type of different pipes required for the job undertaken. To indentify and use various marking , measuring, cutting, striking and inspection tools used in Plumbing section ‘G’ Scheme Demonstration of different operations in plumbing, observing different pipe joints and pipe accessories. Different samples of PVC pipes and PVC pipe fittings. One job on simple pipe joint nipple coupling for standard pipe. threading using standard die sets. each student) Demonstration of PVC pipe joint various fittings. with Pipe (For with Exercise for students on preparing actual pipeline layout for G.I. Pipe or PVC pipe. Preparing actual drawing and bill of material. SHEET METAL SHOP: Demonstration of different sheet metal tools / machines. To appreciate the importance of Sheet metal operations in engineering works To select the proper gauge and type of different G.I. sheets required for the job undertaken. Demonstration of different sheet metal operations like sheet cutting, bending, edging, end curling, lancing, soldering and riveting. To indentify and use various marking , measuring, cutting, striking and inspection tools used in Sheet Metal section section One simple job involving sheet metal operations and soldering and riveting. For each student. 04 One composite job from the following: Letter box, Trunk, Grain Container, Water-heater Container, Bucket, Waste Paper Basket, Cooler Tray, Waterdraining Channel, etc. (including soldering and riveting) 16 [Batch size should be selected depending on volume of work. Job allotted should comprise of 4-6 hours of actual working ions. Student shall calculate the cost of material and labor cost required for their job from the drawing.} Assignments: ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 hours A journal shall consist of one assignment each on the topics 1 to 4 mentioned above. Each assignment shall consist of – MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 48 17006 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Procedural steps in completing a given job Description and drawings of different tools used List of safety equipments used and safety rules observed during working Notes: 1] The subject teacher should provide necessary theory inputs to students of all shops before their actual practical. 2] The instructor shall give demonstration to the students by preparing a specimen job as per the job drawing. 3] The workshop diary shall be maintained by each student duly signed by instructor of respective shop 4] Workshop Tool Manual at institute level shall be provided to the students 5] Out of 50 marks allotted for term work, 40 marks are for actual jobs completed and 10 marks for assignment. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. No. 01 02 Author S.K. Hajara Chaudhary B.S. Raghuwanshi 03 H.S.Bawa 04 Kent’s 05 06 Title Publisher / Edition Media Promotors and Publishers, New Delhi Dhanpat Rai and sons, New Workshop Technology Delhi Tata McGraw Hill Workshop Practice Publishers,New Delhi John Wiley and Sons, New Mechanical Engineering Hand bookYork Workshop Technology P. Kannaiah and Workshop Manual SCITECH Publications K. L. Narayana Electronics Trade & technology Development Corporation.(A Govt. of India undertaking) Akbar Hotel Annex, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi- 110 021 CDs, PPTs Etc.: Learning Materials Transparencies and CDs, CBT Packages developed by N.I.T.T.E.R. and other organizations Refer website for Workshop Tool Manual Workshop Manual by P. Kannaiah and K. L. Narayana , SCITECH Publications MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 49 17006 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Computer Engineering Group Course Code : CD/CM/CO/CW/IF Semester : First Subject Title : Basic Workshop Practice (Computer) Subject Code : 17007 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL -- -- 04 -- -- -- -- 50@ 50 Rationale: This subject is essential for creating awareness of computers for the students. It gives hands on experience of computer operation to the students. It introduces basic components of computers and method and means to connect them to the system. Since the dirt can affect reliability and performance of various components, cleaning of components become one of the essential activity of basic maintenance. This subject demonstrates steps in cleaning and handling various components, handling problems with component connections. This subject gives the basic knowledge required for PC architecture and maintenance. General Objectives: The student will be able to: Understand basic components of computers. Connect peripheral devices. Clean various devices like Keyboard, mouse, printers, motherboard. Park and eject the papers over the printer. Write Data on the CD. Scan documents and images. Understand front panel and back panel connections. Connection of Pen drives and DVD's MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 50 17007 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure Applications Procedure Principles & Concepts Facts Identify components of computer system, Internal parts, Connecting peripheral devices, Make front panel and back panel connections, Know Cleaning Devices, Make settings of peripheral devices. Connection of Internal component Connection of peripheral devices to different ports Cleaning peripheral devices Make settings of different devices Identify, Connectivity and availability of different components Input Devices MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 Internal components Output Devices 51 Cables and connectors 17007 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Related Theoretical Contents Note: The related theoretical contents be taught during practical Topic/Subtopic 1. Introduction to Various External Peripheral Devices Different types of keyboards Different types of Mouse Different types of Scanners Different types of Modems Different types of printers CD writers, speakers, CD read /write drive Microphones, LCD projectors, Pen drives, DVD drive Different types of Monitors 2. Introduction to Various Internal Devices Different makes of hard disks Different types of network Interface cards Different types of cables such as data cables, printer cables, network cables, power cables etc. Different types of floppy disk Motherboard connection Graphics Card connection Network Interface card connection 3. Physical Connections of different peripheral Devices Connection of Mouse to different ports Connection of keyboards to different ports Connection of Monitors Connection of Printers Different switch settings of printers Printer's self test Jumper settings of hard disks Attaching FDD,HDD and CD drives Attaching Pen Drives and DVDs Attaching Scanners Assignments: 1. Observe all the peripheral devices available in the lab. Describe them in detail. 2. Demonstration of system configuration using CMOS setup. 3. Study of different ports such as serial, parallel, PS/2, RJ 45, USB ports. 4. How to write data on CD, DVD 5. Observe different printer settings on different types of printers available in your lab. Write down the function of each switch. 6. Demonstration of printer's self test. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 52 17007 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 7. Connection of speakers and microphones. 8. Observe and describe different types of cables in your lab. 9. Cleaning procedures of Mouse, Keyboard and Motherboard. 10. How to connect scanner, scan documents and pictures on the scanner available in your lab. Sample printout be attached 11. Making jumper settings on hard disk. 12. Different types of cards such as graphics card, LAN card, multimedia cards etc. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. No. Author Title Publisher 01 Mr. David Stone & Alfred Poor Troubleshooting Your PC Prentice Hall India 02 David Groth A+ Complete BPB Publication 03 Balasubramaniam Computer Installation and Servicing Tata McGraw Hill 04 Manuals Reference Manuals of PC troubleshooting and maintenance -- MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/05/2012 53 17007 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION, MUMBAI TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME FOR POST S.S.C. DIPLOMA COURSES COURSE NAME : DIPLOMA IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COURSE CODE : CH DURATION OF COURSE : SIX SEMESTERS WITH EFFECT FROM 2012-13 SEMESTER : SECOND DURATION : 16 WEEKS FULL TIME / PART TIME : FULL TIME SCHEME : G SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Abbrev iation SUBJECT TITLE Communication Skills Engineering Mechanics Engineering Drawing Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Engineering Mathematics Development of Life Skills Workshop Practice $ β $ $ SUB CODE EXAMINATION SCHEME TEACHING SCHEME TH TU PR PAPER HRS. TH (1) PR (4) OR (8) TW (9) Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min CMS EGM EDG 17201 17204 17205 02 03 01 -01 -- 02 02 04 03 03 04 100 100 100 40 40 40 ---- ---- 25# --- 10 --- 25@ 25@ 50@ 10 10 20 FCE 17206 04 -- 02 03 100 40 50# 20 -- -- 50@ 20 EMS DLS WPS 17216 17010 17028 Total 03 01 -14 01 --02 -02 04 16 03 ---- 100 --500 40 ---- ---50 ----- -25@ -50 -10 --- --50@ 200 --20 -- SW (17200) 50 50 Student Contact Hours Per Week: 32 Hrs. THEORY AND PRACTICAL PERIODS OF 60 MINUTES EACH. . Total Marks : 850 @ - Internal Assessment, # - External Assessment, No Theory Examination, $ - Common to All Branches, β - Common to CE,ME,EE & CH Groups Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, OR-Oral, TW- Term Work, SW- Sessional Work ¾ Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional work (SW). ¾ Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms. ¾ Code number for TH, PR, OR and TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 1 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering & Technology Course Code : AE/CE/CH/CM/CO/CR/CS/CW/DE/EE/EP/IF/EJ/EN/ET/EV/EX/IC/IE/IS/ ME/MU/PG/PT/PS/CD/CV/ED/EI/FE/IU/MH/MI/DC/TC/TX Semester : Second Subject Title : Communication Skills Subject Code : 17201 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 02 -- 02 03 100 -- 25# 25@ 150 NOTE: ¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. ¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW) Rationale: In this age of globalization, competition is tough. Hence effective communication skills are important. Communication skills play a vital and decisive role in career development. The subject of Communication Skills introduces basic concepts of communication. It also describes the verbal, non-verbal modes and techniques of oral & written communication. It will guide and direct to develop a good personality and improve communication skills. General Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Utilize the skills necessary to be a competent communicator. 2. Select and apply the appropriate methods of communication in various situations. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 2 17201 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Procedure To enable the students to communicate effectively by using the concept of communication, appropriate non-verbal and writing skills Techniques of communicating in organizational and social context Principles Principle of comprehending the basics of Communication Concepts Concept of formal, informal, verbal, nonverbal types of Communication Facts Principles governing the appropriate use of non-verbal skills Principles of appropriation and contextualization of the use of body language Principle of drafting coherent, logical & Simple Sentences. Concept of body language Designing the message Theory of nonverbal Skills (Body language) Theory of Communication MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 Techniques of effective writing 3 Formats of letters, Reports, office Drafting 17201 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory Name of the Topic Hours Marks 06 16 08 20 08 28 Topic 01 - Introduction to Communication: Specific Objective: ¾ Describe the process of communication. Contents: • Definition of communication • Process of communication • Types of communication -Formal,Informal,Verbal,Nonverbal,Vertical,Horizontal, Diagonal Topic 02 - Effective communication Specific Objective: ¾ Identify the principles and barriers in the communication process Contents: Principles of communication. Barriers to communication a. Physical Barrier: Environmental ( time, noise, distance & surroundings), Personal (deafness, stammering, ill-health, spastic, bad handwriting) b. Mechanical : Machine oriented c. Psychological: Day dreaming, prejudice, emotions, blocked mind, generation gap, phobia, status inattentiveness, perception. d. Language : Difference in language, technical jargons, pronunciation & allusions. Topic 03 - Non verbal & Graphical communication: Specific Objectives: ¾ Effective use of body language & nonverbal codes ¾ View and interpret graphical information precisely. Contents: 3.1 Non- verbal codes: • Proxemics, • Chronemics • Artefacts 3.2 Aspects of body language ( Kinesics) • Facial expression • Eye contact • Vocalics, paralanguage • Gesture • Posture • Dress & appearance MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 [08 Marks] [10 Marks] 4 17201 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme • Haptics 3.3 Graphical communication [10 Marks] • • Advantages & disadvantages of graphical communication Tabulation of data & its depiction in the form of bar graphs & pie charts. Topic 04 - Listening Specific Objective: ¾ Effective use of listening Contents: • Introduction to listening • Listening versus hearing • Merits of good listening • Types of listening. • Techniques of effective listening. Topic 05 - Formal Written Communication Specific Objectives: ¾ Use different formats of formal written skills. Contents: • Office Drafting: Notice , memo & e-mail • Job application with resume. • Business correspondence: Enquiry letter, order letter ,complaint letter, adjustment letter. • Report writing: Accident report, fall in production, investigation report. • Describing objects & giving instructions 02 08 08 28 32 100 Skills to be developed in practical: Intellectual Skills: 1. Analyzing given situation. 2. Expressing thoughts in proper language. Motor Skills: 1. Presentation Skills focusing on body language. 2. Interpersonal skills of communication Journal will consist of following assignments: 01: Draw the diagram of communication cycle for given situation. State the type and elements of communication involved in it. 02: Graphics:- a) Draw suitable bar-graph using the given data. b) Draw suitable pie-chart using the given data. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 5 17201 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 03: Role play: Teacher should form the group of students based on no. of characters in the situation. Students should develop the conversation and act out their roles. 04: Collect five pictures depicting aspects of body language from different sources such as magazines, newspapers, internet etc. State the type and meaning of the pictures. NOTE: The following assignments should be performed by using Language Software. 05 Practice conversations with the help of software. 06 Describe people/personalities with the help of software and present in front of your batch. 07 Prepare and present elocution (three minutes) on any one topic with the help of software. 08 Describe any two objects with the help of software. Learning Resources: Sr. No. 01 02 MSBTE, Mumbai. MSBTE, Mumbai. Text book of Communication Skills. CD On Communication Skills MSBTE, Mumbai. MSBTE 03 Joyeeta Bhattacharya Communication Skills. Reliable Series 04 Communication Skills Sanjay Kumar, Pushpa Lata Oxford University Press Author Title Publisher Web Sites for Reference: Sr. No Website Address 01 Website: 02 Website: 03 Website: www.BM Consultant India.Com 04 Website: 05 Website: MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 6 17201 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Civil, Chemical, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Group Course Code : AE/CE/CH/CR/CS/CV/EE/EP/FE/ME/MH/MI/PG/PT/PS Semester : Second Subject Title : Engineering Mechanics Subject Code : 17204 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 01 02 03 100 -- -- 25@ 125 NOTE: ¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. ¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW) Rationale: In day to day life we come across different structures, at the time design of the structures analysis plays an important role. Perfect analysis is possible only when one known the types and effect of forces acting on the structure. This subject provides knowledge about the different types of forces/loads their effects while acting in different conditions/systems. The subject also provides the knowledge about basic concepts of laws of engineering, their application to different engineering problem. This subjects work as a prerequisite for future subjects such as MOS, SOM, DOS, TOM, DOM. Etc. General Objectives: The students will able to: ¾ Understand the effect of different types of coplanar forces. ¾ Apply Principles of equilibrium in finding reactions of different types of beams. ¾ Apply principles of equilibrium for locating centroid and centre of gravity for given solids. ¾ Understand working of different types of machines. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 7 17204 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Applications Analysis of forces acting on a body, Reactions of beams, Velocity Ration, Mechanical Advantage, efficiency of various Lifting machines and center of Gravity of thin lamina and solids. Procedure Methods to find component of force and resultant of forces Principles Principle of transmissibility, Law of parallelogram of forces Concept Fact Component and Resultant To find Moment of a force couple Varignon’s Theorem To find out Support Reactions for Beam, Center of Gravity Calculate Velocity Ratio, Mechanical advantage, efficiency Lami’s Theorem, Centroid Law of Machine Equilibrium and center of gravity Moment of a force Friction Concept of Velocity ratio, Mechanical advantage, Efficiency Force, Body, Weight, Length, Time, Simple Machine MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 8 17204 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory Topic and Contents Hours Marks 08 20 06 12 Topic 1: Simple Machines Specific Objectives: ¾ Calculate velocity ratio for given machine. ¾ Find Efficiency of given machine. Contents: 1.1 Definitions : …………………………………………..... (06 Marks) Simple machine, compound machine , load , effort , mechanical advantage , velocity ratio , input of a machine ,output of a machine efficiency of a machine , ideal machine, ideal effort and ideal load, load lost in friction, effort lost in friction. 1.2 Analysis : …………………………………………..... (04 Marks) Law of machine, maximum mechanical advantage and maximum efficiency of a machine, reversibility of a machine, condition for reversibility of a machine, self locking machine. Simple numerical problems. 1.3 Velocity Ratio for simple machines : …………….... (10 Marks) Simple axle and wheel, differential axle and wheel, Weston’s differential pulley block, single purchase crab, double purchase crab, worm and worm wheel, geared pulley block, screw jack, calculation of mechanical advantage, efficiency, identification of type such as reversible or not etc. Topic 2 : Force systems Specific Objectives : ¾ Define related terms in mechanics. ¾ Calculate Components of forces. Contents: 2.1 Fundamentals and Force systems: ………………. (04 Marks) Definitions of mechanics, Engineering mechanics, statics, dynamics, Kinetics, Kinematics, rigid body, classification of force system according to plane coplanar and non coplanar ,sub classification of coplanar force system- collinear , concurrent, non concurrent, parallel, like parallel, unlike parallel, general etc. Definition of a force, S.I. unit of a force, representation of a force by vector and by Bow’s notation MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 9 17204 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme method. Characteristics of a force, effects of a force, principle of transmissibility. 2.2 Resolution of a force and Moment of a force: …………….. (08 Marks) Definition, Method of resolution, along mutually perpendicular direction and along two given direction. Definition of moment, S. I. unit, classification of moments, sign convention, law of moments Varignon’s theorem of moment and it’s use, definition of couple, S.I. unit, properties of couple with example. Topic 3 : Composition of Forces Specific Objectives: ¾ Calculate resultant analytically for given force system. ¾ Calculate resultant graphically. Contents: 3.1 Analytical method: ……………………………………… (10 Marks) Definition of Resultant force, methods of composition of forces, Law 10 20 08 20 Of parallelogram of forces, Algebraic method for determination of resultant for concurrent and non concurrent, parallel coplanar force system. 3.2 Graphical method: …………………………………………... (10 Marks) Space diagram, vector diagram, polar diagram, and funicular polygon. Resultant of concurrent and parallel force system only. Topic 4: Equilibrium Specific Objectives: ¾ State conditions of equilibrium for given force system. ¾ Calculate reactions of beams for different static loading. Contents: 4.1 Equilibrant and Lami’s Theorem: ……………………………. (12 Marks) Definition of equilibrant, relation between resultant and equilibrant, equilibrant of concurrent and non-concurrent force system. Analytical and graphical conditions of equilibrium for concurrent, non-concurrent and parallel force system, free body and free body diagram. Statement and explanation of Lami’s theorem, Application of Lami’s theorem for solving various engineering problems. 4.2 Beams:……………………………………………………… (08 Marks) MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 10 17204 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Definition, Types of beams (cantilever, simply supported, overhanging, fixed, continuous), Types of end supports (simple support, hinged, roller), classification of loads, point load, inclined point load, uniformly distributed load. Analytical method to determine reactions of simply supported, cantilever and over hanging beam subjected to point loads and UDL and graphical method to determine reactions for beams subjected to vertical point loads & udl only. Topic 5: Friction: Specific Objectives: ¾ Define terms related to friction. ¾ Apply conditions of equilibrium for forces acting on a body associated with friction. Contents: 5.1 Definition: …………………………………………… (04 Marks) Friction, limiting frictional force, coefficient of friction, angle of 08 12 08 16 friction, angle of repose, relation between angle of friction, angle of repose and coefficient of friction. Cone of friction, types of friction, laws of friction, advantages and disadvantages. 5.2 Equilibrium of body on Horizontal and inclined plane:……. (08 Marks) Equilibrium of body on horizontal plane subjected to horizontal and inclined force. Equilibrium of body on inclined plane subjected to forces applied parallel to the plane only. Concept of ladder fraction. Topic 6 : Centroid and Centre Of Gravity: Specific Objectives: ¾ Calculate centroid of composite plain figures. ¾ Calculate centre of gravity of composite solids. Contents: 6.1 Centroid:……………………………………………. (08 Marks) Definition of centroid. Moment of an area about an axis. Centroid of basic geometrical figures such as square, rectangle, triangle, circle, semicircle and quarter circle. Centroid of composite figure with not more than three geometrical figures. 6.2 Center of gravity:……………………………………… (08 Marks) Definition, center of gravity of simple solids such as cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, cone, cube, and rectangular block. Centre of gravity of MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 11 17204 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme composite solids with not more than Two simple solids. (Hollow solids are not expected.) Total 48 100 Practicals: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: ¾ Understand the forces acting on given structure. ¾ Interpret the results. Motor Skills: ¾ Handle the equipment effectively. ¾ Draw graph for different relationships. The term work consists of experiments from Group A and graphical solutions from Group B Group A: To find MA, VR, Efficiency, Ideal Effort, Effort lost in friction for various loads and establish law of machine. Calculate maximum efficiency and also check the reversibility of machines(Sr no. 1 to 4) : 1) Differential axle and wheel. 2) Single purchase crab or Double purchase crab 3) Weston’s differential pulley block or worm geared pulley block 4) Simple Screw jack. 5) Verify law of moments. 6) Verify law of polygon of forces. 7) Verify of Lami’s theorem. 8) Verify the Equilibrium of parallel forces – simply supported beam reactions. 9) Compare coefficient of friction on horizontal plane and inclined plane for the same surface. Group B: Graphical solutions for the following on A4 Size Graph Paper. 1) Concurrent force system : Two problems 2) Parallel force system : Two problems 3) Reactions of beam : Two problems List of Tutorials: Form a group of five students. Each group shall be allotted three different types of problems on the following topics. Problems shall be submitted in separate note book. Teacher shall provide the feedback to the students on the submitted tutorials. 1. Calculation of M.A., V.R, Efficiency, law of machine for Simple machine. 2. Numerical on resolution of force/ Moment of force. 3. Calculation of resultant for different force system. 4. Numerical on law of parallelogram of forces. 5. Numerical on applications of Lami’s Theorem. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 12 17204 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 6. Calculation of Reactions of beam subjected point load, UDL and inclined load. 7. Numerical on Friction body resting on horizontal Plane. 8. Numerical on Friction body resting on Inclined Plane. 9. Numerical on centroid of composite figures. 10. Numerical on centre of gravity of composite Solids. Learning Resources: 1. Books: Sr. No. Author Title Publisher 01 R.S.Khurmi Engineering Mechanics S. Chand & Company Ltd. 02 Shames and Rao Engineering Mechanics Pearsion Education. 03 R.C.Hibbeler Engineering Mechanics Pearsion Education. 04 S. Ramamruthum Applied Mechanics Dhanpat Rai & Sones, Delhi. 05 S Rajasekaran Essentials of Engg. Mech. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd 2. Cds, PPTs Etc: 3. IS, BIS and International codes: 4. Websites: 5. Implementation Strategy: 6. List of laboratory equipments : MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 13 17204 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Mechanical Engineering Group/Chemical Engineering Group Course code : AE/CH/FE/ME/MH/MI/PG/PT/PS Semester : Second Subject Title : Engineering Drawing Subject Code : 17205 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS. TH PR OR TW TOTAL 01 -- 04 04 100 -- --- 50@ 150 NOTE: 1. Students should use two separate A3 size sketchbooks, one for class work practice and another for assignment. 2. Students should solve assignment on each topic. 3. Use approximately 570mm×380mm Size Drawing Sheet for Term Work. NOTE: ¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. ¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW) Rationale: Engineering drawing is the graphical language of engineers. It describes the scientific facts, concepts, principles and techniques of drawing in any engineering field to express the ideas, conveying the instructions, which are used to carry out jobs in engineering field. This course aim for building a foundation for the further course in drawing and other allied subjects. Objectives: After studying this subject, the students will be able to: 1. Understand the basic concepts of projection of different entities. 2. Visualize and draw views of objects in different positions. 3. Develop lateral surfaces of different solids. 4. Prepare proportionate free hand sketches of basic machine elements. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 14 17205 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application: To acquire the skill in visualizing, interpreting and drawing the Projection of solids and section of solids. To estimate size of sheet metal required in fabricating the desired shape. To draw an dimension of orthoprahic views of components. To develop proportionate sketching skill of components Procedure: Read, understand, visualize, interpret the problem and draw detail drawing. Procedure of obtaining orthographic projections of solids, m/c components & development of surfaces of solids Principle: Concept: Facts: Projection of Solids, First Angle Projection Method, Developments of lateral surfaces. Projection of Planes, Lines. Dimensioning Techniques, Free Hand Sketches of Machine Elements. Axis of Solid, Apex, Slant Edge, Longer Edge, Generator, Section Planes, Conversion of Lines, Locus of a point on links, Tangent, Dimensions, Sketches Various objects, Solids, Reference Plane (HP, VP) Projections, Machine Elements MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 15 17205 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Topic and Content 1. Projection of Lines and planes Specific Objectives Understand and draw the projections of lines and planes 1.1 Lines inclined to both reference plane and limited to both ends in one quadrant.--------------------------------------------6 marks 1.2 Projection of simple planes of circular, square, rectangular, rhombus, pentagonal, and hexagonal, inclined to one reference plane and perpendicular to the other. --------------------------------------------------------------10 marks 2. Projection of Solids Specific Objectives Visualize and draw the projection of regular solids on HP, VP and auxiliary plane Hours Marks 02 16 02 16 02 16 02 16 04 20 04 16 2.1 Projections of Prism, Pyramid, Cone, Cylinder, Tetrahedron, Cube with their axes inclined to one reference plane and parallel to other.----------10 marks 2.2 Projections of same solids on auxiliary plane. ----------------------6 marks 3. Sections of Solids. Specific Objectives Visualize and draw the projection of different cut models of regular solids 3.1 Cone, Pyramid and Tetrahedron resting on their base on Horizontal Plane. -----------------------------------------------------------5 marks 3.2 Prism, Cylinder: -----------------------------------------------------------6 marks a) Axis parallel to both the reference plane b) Resting on their base on HP. 3.3 Section plane inclined to one reference plane and perpendicular to other. ------------------------------------------------------5 marks 4. Developments of Surfaces. Specific Objectives Develop the lateral surfaces of various solids and understand its engineering applications 4.1 Developments of Lateral surfaces of cube, prism, cylinder, pramid, cone ---------------------------------------------------------------8 marks 4.2 Applications such as tray, funnel, Chimney, pipe bends etc. ------8 marks 5. Sectional Orthographic and missing views ( First angle method) Specific Objectives Visualize and draw missing views and sectional views of different objects 5.1 Types of sections and Conversion of pictorial view into sectional orthographic views.(complete object involving slots, threads, ribs etc)--------------10 marks 5.3 Draw missing view from the given Orthographic views ---------10 marks 6. Free Hand Sketches of m/c elements. Specific Objectives • Prepare proportionate free hand sketches of given m/c elements. • Understand function and use of machine element Free hand sketches of machine elements such as nuts, bolts, set screws, rivet heads, riveted joints, locking arrangements for nuts, threads, foundation bolts, MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 16 17205 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Flange coupling, pulleys.------------------------------------------------------------------Total 16 100 Skills to be developed for practical: Intellectual skills 1) To develop ability to differentiate between true length, shape and apparent length and shape 2) To interpret the position of lines, planes, solids with reference plane. 3) Able to interpret the development of surfaces of different solids. 4) To interpret the missing views from given orthographic views. 5) To identify various parts of machine like nuts, bolts, screws, different threads, couplings. 6) To understand the sequence of CAD commands Motor Skills 1) Able to draw Orthographic Projections of line, planes and solids with given orientation 2) To develop ability to draw sectional orthographic views of given solids, when it is cut by section plane in different position with reference planes. 3) Ability to draw true shape of section. 4) Ability to draw the development of surfaces of different objects in different shapes. 5) Develop ability to draw sectional views and missing view from given orthographic views 6) Develop ability to draw orthographic views of different machine elements 7) Use of CAD software for preparing drawings and get the output. Practical: 1. Projections of Lines and Planes-------------------------------------------------------------------6 hours Two problems on projection of lines and two problems on projection of planes (1 Sheet) 2. Projection of solids----------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 hours Two problems on two different solids, one by axis of solid inclined to HP and parallel to VP and another problem by axis of solid inclined to VP and parallel to HP. - (1 Sheet) 3. Section of solids-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 hours Two problems on different solids. One problem, section plane inclined to HP and perpendicular to VP and in another problem, section plane inclined to VP and Perpendicular to HP. - (1 Sheet) 4. Development of surfaces---------------------------------------------------------------------------8 hours Any two problems on development of surfaces of different objects.- (1 Sheet) 5. Sectional Orthographic and Missing view -----------------------------------------------------10 hours One problem on sectional views and one problem on missing views. - (1 Sheets) 6. Free Hand Sketches----------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 hours Any ten specified elements.- (1 Sheets) 7. Using CAD software-------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 hours Draw any two machine elements with dimensions MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 17 17205 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Resources: 1. Books: Sr. No. Title Author Publication 1 Engineering Drawing N. D. Bhatt Charotar Publishing House, 2010 2 Engineering Drawing D.Jolhe Tata McGraw Hill Edu., 2010 3 Engineering Drawing M.B.Shah, B.C. Rana Pearson, 2010 4 Engineering Drawing R. K. Dhawan S. Chand Co. , Reprint 2010 Text Book on Engineering Drawing Engineering Drawing and Graphics + AutoCAD Engineering Drawing practice for schools and colleges K.L.Narayan, P.Kannaiah Scitech Publications, 24th Reprint August 2011 New Age Publication, Reprint 2006 5 6 7 K. Venugopal IS Codes SP – 46. -- 2. Video Cassettes / CD’s 1. Instructional / Learning CD developed by ARTADDICT. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 18 17205 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Second Subject Title : Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Subject Code : 17206 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 04 -- 02 03 100 50# -- 50@ 200 NOTE: ¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. ¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head (SW) Sessional Work. Rationale: During last century, chemical industry was on very small scale. There has been tremendous growth in various fields of chemical industry. The knowledge of this development is useful in understanding the feature needs of chemical industry. All the chemical industry basically require unit operations & unit processes. The basics of unit operation and unit process are covered in the contents, which will help in understanding the higher levels of subjects. Different types of chemical products requires the chemicals of desired concentrations, the basic calculation required for this solutions are covered in detail. General Objectives: To develop following skills: 1. Understand the unit operation in chemical industries 2. Know unit processes in chemical plants 3. List chemical processes 4. Understand instrumentation used in chemical processes 5. Know safety precautions in chemical plants MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 19 17206 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Procedure Principle Concept Facts To understand the application of unit process and measurement Evaluation of mole%, weight% Screening Basic laws Dalton’s law, Amagats law Amagats law Principles of Mechanical operations, fluid flow, heat transfer & mass transfer Basic concept, & Chemical calculation Types of Industries MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 Basic concept of unit operations Unit operation 20 Block diagram, Flow diagram Flow sheet Chemical Reactions, Conversion, Yield Basic concept of unit processes Unit processes To measure Temperature, Pressure, Flow, viscosity Principles of Measurement Temperature, pressure, flow Instrument for Measurement 17206 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Topic and Contents Topic 1: Introduction to Chemical Engineering Specific Objectives: ¾ To calculate different parameters of chemical engg. ¾ To convert units in desired units. Contents : • Historical background, scope of chemical engineering, types of Industries - nature & size of industries (Large, Medium, Small scale). • Units, dimensions, conversions & Conversion factors. • Basic concepts & Basic chemical calculations: concept of mole, weight percentage, mole percentage, normality, Molarity, Molality, vapor pressure, partial pressure, • Dalton’s law, Amagat’s law. (Only statements & elementary problems.) Topics 2 : Unit Operations Specific Objectives: ¾ To draw symbols of various unit operations. ¾ To state the principles of various unit operations. Contents : Definitions, purpose & principles of unit operations like • Mechanical Operation - Size reduction, Size separation, Filtration, Sedimentation, Mixing • Mass Transfer - Gas absorption, Desorption • Mass and Heat transfer – Distillation, Drying Symbols of – • Jaw crusher, Screen, Ball mill, Rotary dryer, plate and frame, filter press, ribbon blendor, pressure filter, gravity settling, absorber, stripper, plate column, pack column, centrifugal pump • Heat Transfer - Modes of heat transfer • Fluid Flow - Fluid handling Topic 3 :Unit Processes Specific Objectives: ¾ To write chemical reaction of various unit processes. ¾ To define various unit processes. Contents : • Unit processes with simple examples (with reactions) like Sulphonation, Oxidation, Reduction, Hydrogenation, Hydration, Saponification, Esterification, Nitration, Chlorination, and Cracking/pyrolysis. Topic 4 : Basic Concepts of Chemical Processes Specific Objectives: ¾ To write reactions involved in manufacturing processes. ¾ To draw the symbols involved in process flow sheet. Contents : • Definition of Conversion, yield, reaction efficiency • Flow sheets, block diagrams, reaction, properties & uses of sulphuric acid, nitric acid. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 21 Hours Marks 20 30 14 24 08 12 08 16 17206 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Topic 5 : Process Instrumentation & Safety Specific Objectives: ¾ Describe the process of measurement of various parameters. Contents : • Temperature scales, measurement of temperatures using mercury thermometer. • Pressure scales, units, measurement of pressure using manometers. • Level measurement using direct methods like bob & tape, float & tape, sight glass. • Flow measurement using rotameter. • Measurement of viscosity by using Redwood viscometer & density by using specific gravity bottle. • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Total 14 18 64 100 Practical: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: 1. List the Chemical Processes 2. Select appropriate safety measures as per the situation 3. Identify various unit operations and processes Motor Skills: 1. Handling of different chemicals safely. 2. Handling of different instruments properly & safely. 3. Calibrate chemical apparatus 4. Follow the given procedure carefully List of Practicals: 1& 2. To prepare the following solutions and standardize them: (Any two of the following) (a) 1 normal, 1 molar & 1 molal solution of H2SO4 (b) 1 normal, 1 molar & 1 molal solution of NaOH 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (c) 1 normal, 1 molar & 1 molal CH3COOH (d) 1 normal Al2 (SO4 )3 (e) 1 normal KMnO4 To determine weight percentage of solid mixture with the help of screen analysis. To Calibrate glass thermometer. To measure differential pressure by using U tube manometer. To find out volumetric flow rate using rotameter. To determine viscosity of given liquid using Redwood viscometer To determine density of given liquid by using specific gravity bottle. Demonstration of personal protective equipments. To prepare any one compound with reference to unit processes given in theory contents. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 22 17206 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Resources: 1. Books: Sr. No. Author 01 Walter. L. Badger Julius T. Banchero Introduction to Chemical Engineering McGraw Hill International 02 McCabe, W. L. Smith, Harriott Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering McGraw Hill Inc 03 Ghosal S.K, Shyamal.K.Sanyal, Datta.S Introduction to Chemical Engineering Tata McGraw Hill Publications 04 S.K.Singh Industrial Instrumentation & Control Tata McGraw Hill Publications 1 MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 Title 23 Publisher 17206 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology. Course Code : CE/ME/IE/EJ/DE/ET/EX/EE/EP/MU/EV/IS/CO/CM/IF/PG/PT/AE/ CV/MH/FE/CD/ED/EI Semester : Second Subject Title : Engineering Mathematics Subject Code: 17216 Teaching and Examination Scheme Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 01 -- 03 100 -- -- -- 100 NOTE: ¾ Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. ¾ Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW) Rationale: This subject is an extension of Basic mathematics of first semester and a bridge to further study of applied mathematics. The knowledge of mathematics is useful in other technical areas. Differential calculus has applications in different engineering branches. For example concepts such as bending moment, curvature, maxima and minima. Numerical methods are used in programming as an essential part of computer engineering. For solution of problems in electrical circuits and machine performances complex number is used engineering mathematics lays the foundation to understand technical principles in various fields. General objectives: Student will be able to 1) Use complex numbers for representing different circuit component in complex form to determine performance of electrical circuit and machines. 2) Apply rules and methods of differential calculus to solve problems. 3) Apply various numerical methods to solve algebraic and simultaneous equations. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 24 17216 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Apply the knowledge numerical method , derivatives and complex number in various technical areas Procedure Performing algebraic operation, and apply DeMoivre’s theorem for finding root of algebraic equation. Find limit of functions, Find first and second order derivatives, Derivatives using rules of derivatives, Methods of differentiation. Approximate root of algebraic equation using various methods. Unknown values in various simultaneous equations. Theorems of limit and rules of derivatives Methods of bisection, Regula falsi, Newton raphson, Gauss elimination, Jacobi’s and Gauss Seidal. Principle Algebra of complex number , De- Moivre’s theorem Concept Real and imaginary part of complex number, modulus, argument, polar, exponential form and conjugate of complex number Interval, dependent and independent variables, increasing and decreasing function. Iterative method Facts Complex number, imaginary root MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 Function, notation of derivatives, first order derivatives, second order derivatives, Partial derivatives, notation. 25 Algebraic equation and simultaneous equation 17216 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Content Theory: Topic Topic 1 - Complex number 1.1 Complex Number ------------------------ 14 Specific objectives : ¾ Find roots of algebraic equations which are not in real. • Definition of complex number, Cartesian, polar and exponential forms of complex number. • Algebra of complex number such as equality, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. • De- Moivre’s theorem with simple examples. • Euler’s form of circular functions, hyperbolic functions and relation between circular and hyperbolic functions. Topic 2 - Differential Calculus 2.1 Function ------------------------- 14 Specific objectives : ¾ Identify the function and find the value of function. • Definition of function, range and domain of function. • Value of function at a point. • Types of functions and examples. 2.2 Limits ----------------------------- 20 Specific objectives : ¾ To evaluate limit of function. • Concept and definition of limit. • Limits of algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions with examples. 2.3 Derivatives ------------------------------- 24 Specific objectives : ¾ Find the derivatives by first principle. ¾ Solve problems using rules and methods of derivatives • Definition of derivatives, notation, derivatives of standard function using first principle. • Rules of differentiation such as, derivatives of sum or difference, product, and quotient with proofs. • Derivative of composite function with proof ( Chain rule ) • Derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions using substitution • Derivatives of inverse function. • Derivatives of implicit function. • Derivatives of parametric function. • Derivatives of one function w.r.t another function. • Logarithmic differentiation. • Second order differentiation. Topic 3 - Numerical Method 3.1 Solution of algebraic equation -------------------------- 14 Specific objectives : ¾ Find the approximate root of algebraic equation. • Bisection method • Regula falsi method • Newton Rapshon method MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 26 Hours Marks 08 14 08 08 58 12 06 28 17216 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 3.2 Numerical solution of simultaneous equations ------------------- 14 Specific objectives : ¾ Solve the system of equations in three unknowns. • Gauss elimination method • Jacobi’s method • Gauss Seidal method Total 06 48 100 Tutorials: 1) Tutorial are to be used to get enough practice. 2) In each tutorial make a group of 20 student students and for each group minimum 10 problems are to be given. List of Tutorials: Sr No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 Topic for Tutorial Complex number ( Examples based on algebra of complex numbers) Complex number ( Examples based on De Moivre’s theorem and Euler’s formulae) Function Limit (algebraic and trigonometric functions) Limit (logarithmic and exponential functions) Derivatives by first principle Derivatives ( Examples based on formulae of standard functions and rules ) Derivatives ( Examples based on methods of differentiation) Solution of algebraic equations Solution of simultaneous equations Learning Resources: 1) Books: Sr. Title No. Mathematics for 1 polytechnic 2 Calculus : Single Variable Advanced Engineering 3 mathematics Fundamentals of 4 Mathematical Statistics Higher Engineering 5 Mathematics 6 Applied Mathematics Authors S. P. Deshpande Robert T. Smith Dass H. K S. C. Gupta and Kapoor B. S .Grewal P. N. Wartikar Publication Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune Tata McGraw HILL S. Chand Publication New Delhi S. Chand Pablication New Delhi Khanna publication New Delhi Pune vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune 2) Websites: www.khan academy MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 27 17216 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology Course Code : AE/CE/CH/CM/CO/CR/CS/CW/DE/EE/EP/IF/EJ/EN/ET/EV/EX/IC/IE/IS/ ME/MU/PG/PT/PS/CD/CV/ED/EI/FE/IU/MH/MI/DC/TC/TX Semester : Second Subject Title : Development of Life Skills Subject Code : 17010 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 01 -- 02 -- -- -- 25@ -- 25 Rationale: Globalization has emphasized the need for overall development of technician to survive in modern era. Soft skills development in addition to technical knowledge; plays a key role in enhancing his/her employability. This subject aims to provide insights into various facets of developing ones personality in terms of capabilities, strengths, weakness, etc as well as to improve reading, listening and presentation skills. Also in this age fierce competition, the time and stress management techniques will immensely help the technician to live happy and purposeful life. General Objectives: After studying this subject, the students will be able to: 1. Understand and appreciate importance of life skills. 2. Use self-analysis and apply techniques to develop personality. 3. Use different search techniques for gathering information and working effectively. 4. Improve the presentation skills. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 28 17010 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application • • • Self-development and growth Performing tasks effectively by implementing soft skills Goal achievements and result oriented work • Preparing slides / transparencies • Reading, writing, notes taking • • Doing exercise • Managing time Self analysis • SWOT analysis • Time management • Stress management • Presentation • Personality • Study • Attitude • Time • Stress • • Work place as a system Information Procedure Principle Concept Facts MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 • • 29 Smart engineer Task or Goal 17010 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Topic and Contents TOPIC 1: SELF ANALYISIS Specific Objectives: ¾ To introduce oneself. Contents: 1.1 Need of Self Analysis 1.2 Attitude and types (positive, negative, optimistic and pessimistic) Guidelines for developing positive attitude. TOPIC 2: STUDY TECHNIQUES Specific Objectives: ¾ To identify different process and strategies. ¾ To improve reading, listening and notes taking skills. Contents: 2.1 Learning strategies 2.2 Learning process 2.3 Organization of knowledge 2.4 Reading skills 2.5 Listening skills 2.6 Notes taking 2.7 Enhancing memory TOPIC 3: INFORMATION SEARCH Specific Objectives: ¾ To search information as per the need. Contents: 3.1 Sources of information 3.2 Techniques of information search (library, internet, etc) TOPIC 4: SELF DEVELOPMENT Specific Objectives: ¾ To set primary goals using SMART parameters. ¾ To Priorities the work effectively. ¾ To cope up with stress effectively. Contents: 4.1 Goal setting and its importance. 4.2 Characteristics of Goal setting (SMART- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time bound) 4.3 Time Management - Importance, prioritization of work, time matrix, time savers, and time wasters. 4.4 Stress Management - Definition, types of stress, causes of stress, managing stress, and stress busters. TOPIC 5: PRESENTATION TECHNIQUES Specific Objectives: ¾ To plan for presentation. ¾ To prepare contents for presentation. Contents: MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 30 Hours 02 03 02 05 02 17010 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 5.1 Importance of presentation. 5.2 Components of effective presentation (Body language, voice culture , rehearsal, etc) 5.3 Preparing for presentation. 5.4 Use of audio/video aids. (audio, video, transparency’s, PowerPoint presentations, etc) 5.5 Performing presentation (Seminars, paper presentations, compering, etc) TOPIC 6: GROUP DISCUSSION Specific Objectives ¾ To understand the concept of group discussion ¾ To know the purpose of group discussion Contents 6.1 Group discussion concept and purpose 6.2 Method of conduction Total 02 16 Practical: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: Student will be able to • Develop ability to find his capabilities. • Select proper source of information. • Follow the technique of time and stress management. • Set the goal. Motor Skills: Student will be able to • Follow the presentation of body language. • Work on internet and search for information. • Prepare slides / transparencies for presentation. List of Practicals/activities: 1. Giving self introduction. Observe the demonstration of self introduction given by the teacher and prepare a write up on the following points and introduce yourself in front of your batch in 5 minutes ¾ Name ¾ Native place ¾ Background of school from where he / she passed ¾ Family background MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 31 17010 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme ¾ Hobbies / salient achievements / idols if any for self development ¾ Aims of life as an Engineer 2. Provide responses to the questions based on the moral story given in the assignment. 3. Judge your attitude by responding to the tests given in the assignment and write comments on your score. 4. Read any chapter from the subject of Engineering Physics / Engineering Chemistry and identify facts, concepts, principles, procedures, and application from that chapter 5. Participate in the panel discussion on techniques of effective learning and provide the responses to the questions. 6. Access the book on Biography of Scientists/Industrialist/Social leader/Sports Person from library. Read the book and note the name of author, publication, year of publication, and summarize the highlights of the book. 7. Prepare notes on given topic by referring to books / journals / websites. 8. Prepare 8 to 10 power point slides based on the notes prepared on the above topic. Present the contents for 10 minutes Group wise(Group will be of 4 students) Note – Subject teacher shall guide the students in completing the assignments based on above practical. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. Author No. Richard Hale and Peter 1 Whitlam Name of Book Target setting and goal achievement 2 Andrew Bradbury Successful Presentation Skills 3 Ros Jay and Antony Jay 4 Subject Experts - MSBTE 5 Nitin Bhatnagar and Mamta Bhatnagar 6 D. Sudha Rani 7 Barak K Mitra Effective Presentation Handbook on Development of Life Skills Effective Communication and Soft Skills Business Communication and Soft Skills Personality Development and Soft Skills 8 Dr. T. Kalayani Chakravarti and Dr. Latha Chakravarti MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 15/06/2012 Soft Skills for Managers 32 Publication Kogan Page The Sunday Times Kogan Pearson – Prentice Hall MSBTE Pearson Pearson Oxford University Press Biztantra 17010 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Chemical Engineering Group Course Code : CH Semester : Second Subject Title : Workshop Practice Subject Code : 17028 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL -- -- 04 -- -- -- -- 50@ 50 Rationale: Diploma Mechanical Engineer is expected to develop basic workshop skills in Carpentry, Welding, Fitting and Smithy operations. Students are require to identify, select and use different kinds of tools, such as marking, measuring, cutting, supporting, striking and various holding devices. These workshop practices are commonly used in engineering industries. Knowledge of Basic Workshop Practice and Workshop Practice enables students to use in preparing composite jobs. . General Objectives: The student will able to • Know basic workshop processes. • Read and interpret job drawing, plan various operations and make assembly. • Identify, select and use various marking, measuring, holding, striking and cutting tools & equipments. • Operate, control different machines and equipment in respective shops. • Produce and Inspect the job for specified dimensions • Adopt safety practices while working on various machines. • Know basic workshop processes. • Read and interpret job drawing. • Identify, select and use various marking, measuring, holding, striking and cutting tools & equipments. • Operate, control different machines and equipment in respective shops. • Inspect the job for specified dimensions • Produce jobs as per specified dimensions. • Adopt safety practices while working on various machines. MSBTE – Updated on 28/03/2013 33 17028 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Procedure Principle Concept Facts Use different wood working processes to produce articles like chair, table, chaurang etc. To operate and control machines and tools used in these processes. Logical sequence of operation in making wooden joints like marking, planning, chiseling, assembly, polishing etc. Wood working principle, planning, sawing, grooving, chiseling process. Principle of wood working machine and other machines and tools for the above processes Concept of woodworking, different wooden joints and polishing Hand saw, Try square, Chisel, Jack planes, Mallet, Files, Vice, hammer, Wood working machine, MSBTE – Updated on 28/03/2013 Use welding Transformer/ Gas Flame for different welding processes. Select appropriate tools, Flux and electrodes. For Electric/Gas Welding: Welding transformer Setting/ adjustment of gas flames Use of flux and Electrodes. Use different hot working operations to produce forged articles like circular ring, peg, chisel by adopting and developing safety attitude Selecting proper tools, adjustment of stroke of power hammer Logical sequencing of operations. Principle of arc welding, gas welding for preparing various joints. Working principle of drilling / tapping machine, Principle of hot working, shape forming in hot condition, principle of controlled heating in furnace operation of power hammer, Concept of welding Different welding joints, drilling and tapping and cutting parameter Concept of forging. joining parts by applying pressures. Concepts of power hammer, setting down operation Welding Transformer, Welding Rod, Flux, Safety screen, Bench vice, files, surface plate, try square, drilling /tapping machine 34 Red hot metal, Sledge hammer, Anvil, swage block, tongs; Power Hammer. Use different fitting operations produce fitting articles like, male female tee fitiing, drilling, tapping articles. Selecting proper tools, and use proper method of filing, tapping, Logical sequence of operations Principle of metal cutting, Drilling, tapping and male/female assembly Concept of filing, fitting joints, concept of tapping, drilling , assembly joints Files, hammers, Tee square, Surface plate, hacksaw blade, vernier height gauge, tap set drill bit, bench vice 17028 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Practical Skill to be developed: Intellectual Skills: 1. Ability to read job and intrepret drawing and plan operations 2. Ability to identify and select proper material, tools, equipments and machine. 3. Ability to select proper parameters (like cutting speed, feed, depth cut use of lubricants) in machine Motor Skills: 1. Ability to set tools, work piece, and machines for desired operations. 2. Ability to complete job as per job drawing in allotted time. 3. Ability to use safety equipment and follow safety procedures during operations. 4. Ability to inspect the job for confirming desired dimensions and shape. 5. Ability to acquire hands-on experience. Sr. No Topic Objectives ¾ To appreciate the importance of Carpentry in engineering works 01 Details of Practical Contents CARPENTERY SHOP: Any one composite job from the following involving different joint, turning and planning, surface finishing by emery paper, varnishing etc. ¾ To select the proper wood material for the job like square stool, tea table, center table, chaurang, table lamp bed sofa-set, book rack. Cabinet, notice undertaken board, shows cases, tables chairs etc. ¾ To identify and use Note:1]One job of standard size (Saleable article various marking, shall be preferred) measuring, cutting, striking and inspection 2] Batch size should be selected depending on tools used in Carpentry volume of work. Max. 4 students. section. 3] Job allotted should comprise of 6-8 hours of actual working ¾ To appreciate the importance of Welding in engineering works 02 4] Student shall calculate the cost of material and labor cost for their job from the drawing. WELDING SHOP Any one composite job from involving butt joint lap joint welding process, from the following like ¾ To select the proper Steel material and proper Grill, door, window frame, waste paper basket, welding machine for the Chappel stand, Corner flower stand chair , table frame (square pipe 25 mm) job undertaken cooler frame (folding type) ¾ To identify and use Note: 1] One job of standard size various marking , (Saleable/marketable article shall be preferred) measuring, cutting, MSBTE – Updated on 28/03/2013 35 17028 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 striking and inspection tools used in Welding ‘G’ Scheme 2] Batch size should be selected depending on volume of work. Max. 4 students 3] Job allotted should comprise of 6-8 hours of actual working operations. 4] Student shall calculate the cost of material and labor required for their job from the drawing. FITTING SHOP: ¾ To appreciate the importance of Fitting operations in engineering Demonstration of different fitting tools and drilling machines and power tools. works 03 Demonstration of different operations like chipping, ¾ To select the Proper filing, drilling, tapping, cutting etc. material and tools of Fitting section for the job One simple fitting job (Male/female assembly type) undertaken. involving practice of chipping, filing, drilling, tapping, cutting etc. ¾ To identify and ¾ and use various marking, measuring, cutting, striking and inspection tools used in Fitting section ¾ To appreciate the SMITHY SHOP importance of black Demonstration of different forging tools and Power smiths operations in Hammer. engineering works ¾ To select the proper material and tools and processes required for the job undertaken. 04 ¾ To identify and ¾ and use various marking, measuring, cutting, striking and inspection tools used in Smithy section Demonstration of different forging processes, likes shaping, caulking fullering, setting down operations etc. One job like hook, peg, flat chisel or any hardware item. Note: 1] One job of standard size ( Saleable / marketable article shall be preferred) 2] Job allotted should comprise of 4-6 hours of actual working operations. 3] Student shall calculate the cost of material and labor required for their job from the drawing. MSBTE – Updated on 28/03/2013 36 17028 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Assignments: ------------------------------------------------------------- 8 hours A journal shall consist of one assignment each on the topics 1 to 4 mentioned above. Each assignment shall consist of – • Procedural steps in completing a given job • Description with sketches of equipment/machinery used, write the specifications of equipment / machinery • List of types of tools used in completing the job • List of safety equipments used and safety rules observed Notes: 1] The subject teacher should provide necessary theory inputs to students for all shops before start of practical sessions 2] The instructor shall give demonstration to the students by preparing a specimen job as per the job drawing. 3] The workshop diary shall be maintained by each student duly signed by instructor of respective shop 4] Workshop Tool Manual at institute level shall be provided to the students 5] Distribution of 50 marks allotted for Tern Work will be as follows For completion of job (acceptable standard) = 40 Marks For assignments given = 10 marks. Guidelines for conducting Practical Examination for WORKSHOP PRACTICE 2nd semester 1. External examiner should be Workshop Superintendent or Teaching staff having 4-5 years of experience in teaching the work shop related subjects. 2. The job drawing must be jointly decided by the External and Internal examiner prior to one day in advance from the commencement of practical examination. Every student should be supplied the copy of job drawing before examination. 3. Time for practical hours should be of two hours. OR (04) 4. Practical examination of the students shall be from amongst the above 4 shops, ensuring the equal distribution of students in each shop. Students will perform the job as per allotted shop and as per the drawing provided to them. 5. Preferable Suggested specification of Jobs and its material are as follows. • For carpentry any type of Carpentry joint made from 50 m.m, Breadth’s 37m.m. Thick wood. • For welding any type of welding joint made from 50 m.m, Bredth.x 37m.m. Thick M.S.Material. • For Fitting any Male & Female joint with Drilling and Tapping operation. from 75 m.m, Bredth.x 6 m.m. Thick M.S.Material. MSBTE – Updated on 28/03/2013 37 17028 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 • ‘G’ Scheme For Smithy Section any job like Peg, Hook, Chisel, Bolt head etc. from 12 m.m. M. S. round rod. Learning Resources: 1. Books: Sr. No. Author Title 01 S. K. Hajara Chaudhary Workshop Technology 02 B.S. Raghuwanshi Workshop Technology 03 H.S.Bawa Workshop Practice 04 Kent’s Mechanical Engineering Hand book- 05 06 Publisher / Edition Media Promotors and Publishers, New Delhi Dhanpat Rai and sons, New Delhi Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, New Delhi John Wiley and Sons, New York P. Kannaiah and K. Workshop Manual SCITECH Publications L. Narayana Electronics Trade & technology Development Corporation.(A Govt. of India undertaking) Akbar Hotel Annex, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi- 110 021 2. CDs, PPTs Etc.: ¾ Learning Materials Transparencies and CDs, CBT Packages developed by N.I.T.T.E.R. and other organizations ¾ Workshop Manual by P. Kannaiah and K. L. Narayana , SCITECH Publications 3. Websites: ¾ Refer website for Workshop Tool Manual MSBTE – Updated on 28/03/2013 38 17028 CH2 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION, MUMBAI TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME FOR POST S.S.C. DIPLOMA COURSES COURSE NAME : DIPLOMA IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COURSE CODE : CH DURATION OF COURSE : 6 SEMESTERS WITH EFFECT FROM 2012-13 SEMESTER : THIRD DURATION : 16 WEEKS PATTERN : FULL TIME - SEMESTER SCHEME : G SR. NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUBJECT TITLE Applied Mathematics $ Industrial Chemistry Mechanical Operation Chemical Process Technology-I Stoichiometry Professional Practices-I Abbrev iation AMS ICH MOP CPT STO PPO SUB CODE 17301 17312 17313 17314 17315 17019 TOTAL TEACHING SCHEME EXAMINATION SCHEME TH TU PR PAPER HRS. 03 04 04 04 03 -18 ---- -02 04 04 -03 13 03 03 03 03 03 --- 02 -02 TH (1) PR (4) OR (8) TW (9) Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min 100 100 100 100 100 -500 40 40 40 40 40 --- --50# 50# --100 --20 20 ---- -------- ------- -25@ 25@ 50@ -50@ 150 -10 10 20 -20 -- SW (17300) 50 50 Student Contact Hours Per Week: 33 Hrs. THEORY AND PRACTICAL PERIODS OF 60 MINUTES EACH. Total Marks : 800 @ - Internal Assessment, # - External Assessment, No Theory Examination, $ - Common to all branches. Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, OR-Oral, TW- Term Work, SW- Sessional Work Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional work (SW). Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms. Code number for TH, PR, OR, TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 1 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering & Technology Course Code : AE/CE/CH/CM/CO/CR/CS/CW/DE/EE/EP/IF/EJ/EN/ET/EV/EX/IC/IE/IS/ ME/MU/PG/PT/PS/CD/CV/ED/EI/FE/IU/MH/MI Semester : Third Subject Title : Applied Mathematics Subject Code : 17301 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- -- 03 100 -- -- -- 100 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: Applied mathematics is designed for its applications in engineering and technology. It includes the topics integration, differential equation, probability distribution. The connection between applied mathematics and its applications in real life can be understood and appreciated. Derivatives are useful to find slope of the curve, maxima and minima of function, radius of curvature. Integral calculus helps in finding the area. In analog to digital converter and modulation system integration is important. Differential equation is used in finding curve. Probability is used in Metrology and quality control. The fundamentals of this topic are directly useful in understanding engineering applications in various fields. General Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Apply derivatives to find slope, maxima, minima and radius of curvature. 2. Apply integral calculus to solve different engineering problems. 3. Apply the concept of integration for finding area. 4. Apply differential equation for solving problems in different engineering fields. 5. Apply the knowledge of probability to solve the examples related to the production process. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 2 17301CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Applications Apply the principles of mathematics to solve examples in all branches of Engineering Diploma. Procedure Solving problems of tangent, normal. Finding maxima, minima and radius of curvature Solving problems on methods of integration and its properties. Finding area. Solving examples of differential equations of first order and first degree. Solving different examples on binomial, poisson and normal distribution Principle Methods of finding slope, curvature, maxima and minima Methods of finding integration, definite integration and its properties Methods of differential equations of first order and first degree Formulae for binomial, normal, and poisson distribution Integration of standard functions. Rules of integration, integration by parts, partial fractions Order and degree of differential equation. Formation of differential equation Probability of repeated trails of random experiments Concept Geometrical meaning of derivatives, increasing and decreasing functions Facts First order and second order derivatives Integration, definition of differential equation Derivatives, notation of integration, definition of integration Permutation , Combination, probability of an event MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 3 17301CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Topic and Contents Hours Marks Topic-1 Applications of Derivative Specific objectives : Find slope, curvature, maximum and minimum value of functions related to different engineering applications. Examples for finding slope , equations of tangent and normal to the curve Maxima and minima. Radius of curvature. 06 16 Topic-2 Integral Calculus 2.1 Integration ------------------------- 20 Specific objectives : Integrate function using different method. Definition of integration as anti derivative, rules of integration. Integration of standard functions Methods of integration Integration by substitution. Integration by partial fractions. Integration by parts and generalized rule by parts. 2.2 Definite Integrals ---------------------------------- 16 Specific objectives : Solve problems on definite integrals using the properties. Definite integral- Definition, examples. Properties of definite integrals without proof and simple examples. 2.3 Application of Definite Integrals -----------------------08 Specific objectives : Find area. Area under a curve. Area between two curves. Topic 3 - Differential Equation. 3.1 Differential equation Specific objectives : Solve the differential equation of first order and first degree Solve different engineering problems using differential equation Differential equation- Definition, order and degree of a differential equation. Formation of differential equation containing single constant. Solution of differential equation of first order and first degree for following types Variable separable form, Equation reducible to variable separable form. Linear differential equation. Homogeneous differential equation. Exact differential equation. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 4 14 44 08 04 10 20 17301CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Topic 4 - Probability 4.1 Probability Specific objectives : ---------------------------- 08 Solve different engineering problems related to probability process. Definition of random experiment, sample space, event, occurrence of event and types of event (impossible, mutually exclusive, exhaustive, equally likely) Definition of probability, addition and multiplication theorems of probability. 4.2 Probability Distribution ---------------------12 Binomial distribution Poisson’s Distribution Normal distribution Total 02 20 04 48 100 Learning Resources: 1) Books: Sr. No Title Authors Publication 1 Mathematic for Polytechnic S. P. Deshpande Pune Vidyarthi Girha Prakashan’ Pune 2 Calculus : Single Variable Robert. T. Smith Tata McGraw Hill 3 Higher Engineering mathematics B. V Ramana Tata McGraw Hill 4 Higher Engineering mathematics H. K. Dass S .Chand Publication 5 Higher Engineering Mathematics B. S. Grewal 6 Applied Mathematics P. N. Wartikar Khanna Publication, New Delhi Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, pune 2) Websites : i) www.khan academy MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 5 17301CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Third Subject Title : Industrial Chemistry Subject Code : 17312 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 04 -- 02 03 100 -- -- 25@ 125 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: This subject will cover knowledge of basic organic compounds. Methods of preparation of organic compound. Identify the properties of various organic compounds & uses of organic compounds. Properties of inorganic compounds. Subject gives guideline of solutions & indicators. General Objective: Student will be able to 1. Understand identification of organic and inorganic compounds. 2. Know technique of handling glass ware. 3. Understand method of balancing reaction equation. 4. Understand purpose of different types of solution. 5. Use procedure for determination of properties of inorganic compound. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 6 17312 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Applications Apply principles of organic , inorganic and physical chemistry in manufacturing process, equipment designs and chemical reactions. Procedure Method of Identification and Synthesis of unknown organic compounds. Principle Concept Facts Classification of organic compounds their confirmative Test Concept of oxidation and reduction Concept of aromacity, Nomenclature properties and reaction. Organic and inorganic Chemistry MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 Theory of Indicator 7 Concept of ideal solution Indicator, Solution 17312 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Topics and Contents 1. Chemistry of organic compounds Specific objective > Classify organic compound based on structure > State the rules of Nomenclature Contents: Define organic and inorganic Chemistry Importance of organic chemistry Classification of organic compounds, - Based on structure (aliphatic compound, closed chain compound, unsaturated compounds) - Based on functional group. General characteristics of organic compounds - Isomerism, polymerization, solubility, melting point, odour, combustibility Functional group. Homologous series. Nomenclature of organic compounds.(common name, Derived name, IUPAC name) 2. Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes & Cycloalkanes Specific objective > Describe given specific method of preparation for organic compound > State the physical properties of given organic compound > State the chemical reactions on given organic compound Alkanes (08) Structural formula, Nomenclature, Classification of Alkanes General methods of preparation By Hydrogenation of Alkanes, Alkynes, By reduction of alkyl Halides, By Wurtz coupling reaction, By decarboxylation of carboxylic acids. Physical property of alkanes Chemical property of Alkanes Halogenations of Alkanes ,Nitration, Sulphonation, Combustion of Alkanes, Dehydrogenation, pyrolysis. Uses of Alkanes. Hours Marks 08 16 20 26 Alkenes (06) Alkenes, structural formula, Nomenclature, IUPAC system, Methods of preparation By dehydration of alcohols By dehydrogenation of Alkyl halides By dehydrogenation of vicinal dehalides. Physical property of Alkenes. Chemical property of Alkenes. Addition of hydrogen, halogens ,halogen acids Water, oxidation with ozone. Polymerization. Uses of alkenes. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 8 17312 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Alkynes (06) Alkynes, structural formula, Nomenclature, IUPAC system, Methods of preparation. From calcium carbide, From vicinal geminaldihalides. From tetra halides, Physical property of Alkynes. Chemical property of Alkynes. Addition of Halogens, halogen acids, sulphuric acids Water, ozonolysis. Uses of alkynes Cycloalkanes (06) Nomenclature, structural formula. Method of preparation. Physical property of Cycloalkanes. Chemical property of Cycloalkanes. Stability of cycloalkanes, Baeyer’s strain theory, drawback of Baeyer’s strain theory & modification of Baeyer’s strain theory. 3. Aromatic compound Specific objective Describe given specific method of preparation for Aromatic Hydrocarbons. State Chemical reaction on given Aromatic Hydrocarbons 3.1 Aromatic compounds and its homologues. (12) Nomenclature, structural formula. Examples of aromatic compound, Types of Aromatic Compounds. Difference between aliphatic & aromatic Compounds. General methods of preparation of benzene & its Homologues. - By heating an aromatic acid or its sodium salt with soda lime. - By hydrolysis of sulphuric acid with super heated steam. - By action of alkyl halides on benzene. - By heating halogen derivatives of benzene.- wartz fitting reaction. Physical property of Alkynes Chemical properties of benzene its homologues. Combustion, Nitration, Sulphonation, Oxidation, Reduction, Ozonide formation, Halogenation, Fiedal craft’s reaction, Mercuration. Uses of aromatic compound. 3.2 Phenols (10) Types of aromatic hydroxy compounds. Preparation of monohydric phenols, physical properties of phenols. Chemical properties of phenols. Uses of phenols. 4. Alcohol Chemistry Specific objective Describe given specific method of preparation for Alcohol. State Chemical reaction on Alcohol. State classification of Alcohol. Introduction of alcohols, classification of alcohols. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 9 20 26 08 16 17312 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Nomenclature of alcohols General method of preparation. From alkyl halides. From alkenes. From aldehydes and ketones by reduction and by using Grignard reagent. Physical properties of alcohols. Chemical properties of alcohols. - Action of sodium or potassium. - Reaction with hydrogen halides. - Action of phosphorus halides. - Reaction involving both Alkyl Group and Hydroxyl Group Dehydration. Uses of alcohols. 5. Solutions & Indicators Specific objective State the theories of acid- base indicator. State the theory of indicators. Types of solutions. Solutions Introduction, Defination of solution, types of solution Vapor pressure of liquid, Lowering vapor pressure. Raoult;s law for a solution of non-volatile solution , The p-x diagram for an ideal mixture of two liquids , Ideal solution and non ideal solution, type of ideal solution azotropic mixtures. Indicators Indicators, titration, acid base indicators. Hydrogen-ion indicators, Theories of acid base indicator. Oswald’s theory 1. Action of phenolphthalein, 2. Action of methyl orange. The Quinonoid Theory Total - 08 16 64 100 Practical: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: 1) Analysis of a given solution 2) To interpret the confirmative test Motor Skills:1) Observe chemical reactions 2) Observation readings like boiling point and melting point 3) Handle the apparatus carefully List of Practical:To analyze given organic compounds by qualitative analysis 1) Benzoic acid 2) Acetic acid 3) Aniline MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 10 17312 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 4) Benzaldehyde 5) Chloroform 6) Napthylene 7) Chlorobenzene 8) Alpha or Bata napthelene 9) Urea 10) Thiourea 11) Nitrobenzene Learning Resources: Sr. No Author Title Publisher 01 Morrison and Boyd Organic Chemistry Allyn and Bacon Universal Bookstall, Boston. 02 Bahl & Bahl Organic Chemistry S Chand and Company 03 Bhupinder Mehta Manju Mehta Organic Chemistry PHI learning private limited 04 I & II by Finar Organic Chemistry -- 05 M Gopala Rao Dryden Outline of Chemical Technology East West Publishers 1997, New Delhi. Reference: MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 11 17312 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course code : CH Semester : Third Subject Title : Mechanical Operation Subject Code : 17313 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS. TH PR OR TW TOTAL 04 -- 04 03 100 50# -- 25@ 175 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: All types of chemical industries require operations like size reduction, size separation and filtration. Different types of machinery are required to carry out such process. Unit operations and relevant machinery for the same is covered under mechanical operations. Knowledge of this content will be useful in operation and control of these machineries in chemical industry. General Objectives: Students will be able to 1. Know the various size reduction & separation equipments, its construction & working. 2. Understand working of equipment 3. Handle various equipment related to size reduction and size separation 4. Select various types of agitators, mixers MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 12 17313 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Procedure Operation & control of equipments Working of all equipments based on the principle & determining parameters to control different condition Rittinger, Kicks, Bond, work index Principle Concept Size reduction, Size separation, Filtration, Mixing & Agitation Crushers, Grinders, Various filters, Agitators, Mixers Facts MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 13 17313 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Topic and Content Chapter 1: Size Reduction of Solids Specific Objectives: Describe the construction & working of size reduction equipment Calculate power required for given size reduction operation Contents: 1.1 (04 marks) Concept of size reduction, Importance of size reduction. Energy & Power requirement for size reduction equipments - Rittinger’s law, Kick’s law, Bond law, Work index, crushing efficiency, simple problems 1.2 Crushers & Grinders (10 marks) Classification of size reduction equipments, primary crushers, secondary crushers, grinders, cutters Primary crushers : Jaw crusher Secondary crushers – Gyratory crusher, Roll crushers Grinders – Hammer mill, Ball mill Ultrafine Grinders : Fluid energy mill, Open circuit & closed circuit grinding Principle, construction, working and application of the above equipments 1.3 (6 marks) Selection of crushing rolls & derivation of angle of nip. Simple problems Derivation of critical speed of ball mill. Simple problems Chapter 2: Size Separation of Solids Specific Objectives: Describe construction and working of specified screening equipments. Determine effectiveness of screen Contents: 2.1 (04 marks) Concept & Importance of screening operation Classification of screens on the basis of performance (Ideal & Actual screen) Types of standard screen series – Tyler standard screen series, Indian standard screen series Types of screen analysis – Differential analysis, cumulative analysis. 2.2 Effectiveness & capacity of screens – Definition, Derivation of effectiveness. Problems based on it. (06 marks) factors affecting the performance of screen – Method of feed, screen surface, Moisture content, Vibration, Screen slope 2.3 Types of screening equipments (06 marks) a) Grizzlies b) Trommel & Trommel arrangements c) Gyrotary screen d) Shaking & vibrating screen Chapter 3: Separation of Solid Based on Specific Properties Specific Objectives: Describe different types of classifier MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 14 Hours Marks 14 20 08 16 12 16 17313 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Know Separation of solids by using specific properties. Contents: 3.1 Types of size separation based on Density, Specific gravity & surface properties of the materials (10 marks) 1. Classification – Gravity Settling Tank Cone Classifier Double Cone Classifier Rake Classifier Spiral Classifier 3.2 Separation solid particles from liquid and gas by Cyclone separator 3.3 Jigging 3.4 Froth floatation 3.5 Separation of solid particles based on electrical & magnetic properties (06 marks) Electrostatic separator Separation of solid particles based on Magnetic properties Magnetic head and pulley separator Magnetic Drum separator Ball-Norton type separator Chapter 4: Filtration Specific Objectives: Describe the various filtration techniques Describe construction and working of various types of filter Contents: 4.1 Concept of filtration and Types of filtration (10 marks) Cake filtration and deep bed filtration Constant Rate & Constant pressure filtration Derivation based on it for batch filter 4.2 Factors affecting the rate of filtration e.g. pressure drop, viscosity, area of filtering surface, Resistance of cake & filter medium. 4.2 Types of filtration equipments (10 marks) a) Primary filter – Sand filter (pressure sand filter and rapid sand filter) b) Pressure filters – Plate & frame filter press (Washing type & Non washing type) c) Vacuum filter – Rotary drum filter d) Centrifugal filter – Basket centrifuge Chapter 5: Sedimentation Specific Objectives: Describe gravity settling techniques. Know the types of thickeners used in industry Contents: 5.1 Concept & Principle of sedimentation (06 marks) Types of settling Free settling, Hindered settling Concept of terminal settling velocity 14 20 08 12 Difference between Sedimentation & Filtration Sedimentation & Classification Sedimentation & Centrifugation 5.2 Laboratory batch sedimentation test & setting velocity curve (Graph) MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 15 17313 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme (06 marks) Types of thickner- Batch thickner, continuous thickner (bridge supported) Role of coagulant in filtration & sedimentation Chapter 6: Mixing Specific Objectives: Describe homogenous & heterogeneous mixtures Identify flow patterns in mixing and agitation Contents: 6.1 (08 marks) concept of mixing, homogeneous & heterogeneous mixtures Importance of mixing & agitation Construction and flow patterns of following impellers 1) propeller 2) Turbine 3) paddles Flow patterns in agitated vessels in baffled tank & unbaffled tank Concept of swirling & vortex & methods of prevention of swirling & vortex formation. 6.2 Types of mixers (08 marks) Principle, construction, working & applications a) Sigma mixer b) Ribbon blender c) Banbury mixer d) Muller mixer Total 08 16 64 100 Practical: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: 1. Interpretation of result of size reduction and separation. 2. Calculating efficiency, particle size distribution etc. Motor Skills: 1. Handling & operating size reduction equipments 2. Handling of vaccum pump, sedimentation, filtration, mixer 3. Plot the graphs List of Practicals: 1. To determine the particle size distribution of material obtained from Jaw crusher. 2. To determine the particle size distribution of material obtained from pulvariser (Hammer mill). 3. To determine the average particle size by changing the residence time of material in ball mill. 4. To find effectiveness of screen by using any screening equipment. 5. To find efficiency of froth floatation cell. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 16 17313 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 6. Draw the rate of filtration curve by using plate and frame filter press 7. To draw rate of filtration curve using vacuum filter. 8. To carry out batch sedimentation test using different concentration of calcium carbonate slurry & find terminal settling velocity. 9. To find out solid-solid mixing index by Ribbon Blender/ Sigma Mixer. 10. To separate the given slurry using centrifuge and to determine percentage of solids recovered. Learning Resources: 1. Books: Sr. No. Title 01 Unit operations of Chemical Engineering 02 Chemical Engineering 03 Mechanical Operations Authors Mccabe W. L. Smith Harrior J. M. Coulson J. F. Richardson J. K. Backhurst & J. H. Harker Vol. - 2 Anup K. Swain, Hemlata Patra, G. K.Roy Publications McGraw-Hill international 1993 Pergamon Press 1993 McGraw Hill Publication 2. Websites: MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 17 17313 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Third Subject Title : Chemical Process Technology-I Subject Code : 17314 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 04 -- 04 03 100 50# -- 50@ 200 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: This subject will give knowledge to the students about manufacturing of various chemicals in Industries and role of the parameters like temperature, pressure, concentration and catalyst in the process. Objective: The students will be able to 1. Draw different types of flow and block diagram used in process Industries. 2. To understand the roll of reaction parameters in the process. 3. To know the uses of various chemical product manufacture in Industries. 4. Know safety precautions in chemical plants. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 18 17314 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Methods for manufacturing of sulfuric Acid, Ammonia based product, Phosphors based product, Brine based product, Industrial gases and Cement. Procedures Methods for manufacturing of sulfuric Acid, Ammonia based product, Phosphors based product, Brine based product, Industrial gases and Cement. Principles Concept Facts Leechaleter , Linde, Claude, Bosch, Electrolysis, Calcination . Conversion, yield, efficiency, Acids, fertilizers, Chlorine, caustic soda, Industrial gases, Cement MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 19 17314 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory Chapter 1 2 3 4 Topic and Contents Manufacturing of Sulfuric Acid : Specific Objective Advantages of Contact process Physico-chemical principles. Contents : 1.1 Contact process (DCDA) Raw materials, Reaction, Major engineering problems, Process flow diagram, uses. Manufacturing of Nitrogenous chemicals Specific Objectives State Le Chatlier Principle Importance of mixed fertilizer Contents : Raw material, Reaction, Process flow diagram , Process description & uses Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Urea Ammonium Sulphate Ammonium Nitrate Ammonium Phosphate Manufacturing Process of Phosphorous Chemicals Specific Objectives Distinguish between yellow and Red phosphorus Compare between single and Triple super phosphate State leaching Contents: 3.1 Manufacturing of Phosphorus Raw material, Reaction, Process flow diagram, Electro thermal, Electric arc process, Uses Manufacturing of Phosphoric Acid Raw material, Reaction, Process flow diagram, Uses 3.2 Manufacturing of Single Super Phosphate Raw material, Reaction, Process flow diagram, Uses, pollution control Manufacturing of Triple Super Phosphate Raw material, Reaction, Process flow diagram, Uses Manufacturing of Phosphorous Tri and Penta Chloride Raw material, Reaction, Block diagram, Uses Chlor-alkali Industries Specific Objectives Definition of Electrolysis Define calcinations Principle of absorption Contents : 4.1 12Marks Manufacturing of Chlorine and Caustic soda MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 20 Hours Marks 04 08 14 22 16 20 14 20 17314 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 5 6 ‘G’ Scheme Raw material, Diaphragm cell, Mercury cell, Cell reaction, Process flow diagram, Uses Manufacturing of Hydrochloric Acid Raw material, Reaction, Synthesis Process, Salt and Sulfuric Acid Process, Process flow diagram, Uses 4.2 08Marks Manufacturing of Soda Ash, Raw material, Reaction, Process flow diagram, Function of Ammonization and Carbonating tower, Uses Manufacturing of Industrial Gases Specific Objectives State Linde and Claude’s Principles Contents : 5.1 10Marks Manufacturing of Oxygen and Nitrogen. Raw materials, Principle of Linde and Claude’s Process, Block diagram, Separation process Manufacturing of Hydrogen by natural gas Raw material, Reaction, Process flow diagram, Uses Manufacturing of Water gas Raw material, Reaction, Block diagram, Uses 5.2 10Marks Manufacturing of Producer Gas Raw material, Reaction, Block diagram, Uses Manufacturing of Carbon dioxide Raw material, Reaction, Manufacturing by flue gases, Process flow diagram, Uses Manufacturing of Acetylene Raw material, Reaction, Manufacturing by calcium carbide, Process flow diagram, Uses Manufacturing of Cement & other products Specific Objectives Define calcinations Define hardening and settling of cement Describe types of cement Contents : Manufacturing of Gypsum Raw material, Reaction, Block diagram , Uses Plaster of Paris-Raw material, Block diagram , Uses Manufacturing of Cement- Types, contents, theory of hardening and settling, raw material, wet and dry process, process flow diagram, pollution control Total 10 20 06 10 64 100 Practical: Intellectual Skills 1. Analyze given solution 2. Interpret the purity of solution. Motor Skills 1. Measure the purity of solution. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 21 17314 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 2. Handle the apparatus and chemicals carefully. 3. Observe chemical Reaction. Lists of Practicals: 1. To find percentage purity of commercial Nitric Acid. 2. To find Nitrogen content in Fertilizer (Ammonium Fertilizer) 3. To find % purity of Sulphuric Acid 4. To find Ammonia Content in Ammonium sulphate/ Ammonium Phosphate. 5. To find percentage purity of commercial Hydrochloric acid 6. To find percentage purity of Caustic Soda. 7. Analysis of cement 8. Analysis of soda ash (Percentage Purity) 9. Analysis of Potassium Permanganate 10. Analysis of Hydrogen peroxide. 11. Analysis of bleaching powder Mini Project: Comparison of different grades of cement Prepare Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on H2SO4, HNO3, Caustic soda, Chlorine. Electroplating of a given metal. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. No. Author 1 M. Gopal Rao and Marshal Sitting 2 George Austin 3 P. H. Groggins MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 Name of the Book Dryden’s outlines of Chemical Technology Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries Chemical process of Organic Synethesis 22 Publisher East West McGraw Hill McGraw Hill 17314 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Third Subject Title : Stoichiometry Subject Code : 17315 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 02 -- 03 100 -- -- -- 100 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: Chemical engineering is all about transformation of species of material by a chemical process and the subject stoichiometry (chemical process calculations) forms one of the core subjects of the course. It mainly deals with the qualitative and quantitative aspects of material and energy transformations during a chemical process, the knowledge of which is very essential in the design of chemical reactors, equipments and the chemical process as a whole. General Objectives: This subject will enable students to 1. Perform material balance over a given operations and process to calculate the quantity and composition of input and output streams from the process/operation. 2. Calculate the heat effects associated with a chemical reaction and unit operation. 3. Estimate material and energy requirements in a chemical process. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 23 17315 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application To calculate the amount of material and energy entering and leaving a process or unit operation to enable to check the plant operation. Procedure Basis of calculation and techniques of component balances, overall balance and energy balance Principle Ideal gas law, law of conservation of mass and law of conservation of energy. Concept Concept of mole, tie component, limiting component and heat of reaction Facts MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 Gas, liquid, solid and mixtures thereof 24 17315 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory Content: Topic and Contents Topic 1: Gases, Gas mixtures & Gas liquid mixtures. Specific Objectives: State and explain specified gas laws. Find the average molecular wt. and density of a gas mixture. Contents: 1.1 Ideal gas law, Dalton’s law, Amagat’s law, Vander Waals equation of state (only concept and equation , no problems) Avg. molecular wt. of a gas mixture , density of a gas mixture, composition of gas a mixture 1.2 Raoult’s law, Henry’s law – statement and simple problems Topics 2: Material balances without chemical reactions Specific Objectives: Describe the procedure of solving material balance problems. Calculate quantity and/or composition of entering or leaving stream of an operation. Contents: 2.1 04 Marks Law of conservation of mass. Definition & block diagram of various unit operations such as drying, evaporation, crystallization, extraction, distillation, absorption, filtration, etc. 2.2 Solving material balance problem in distillation, drying, evaporation operations 16 Marks 2.3 Solving material balance problem in crystallization, extraction, absortion, filtration, mixing & blending. Recycling & bypassing operations 12 Marks (Note : No problems on recycling & bypass operations) Topic 3 : Material Balance with chemical reactions Specific Objectives: Identifying limiting and excess components Know about the procedure of solving material balance problems without chemical reactions Calculate % conversion, %yield, %excess, raw material requirements, etc. Contents: 3.1 Definition & terms 04Marks Stoichiometric equation, stoichiometric co-efficient, stoichiometric ratio. Limiting component, excess component, conversion, yield, selectivity & % excess 3.2 Solving material balance problems with chemical reactions for calculating % conversion, %yield, %excess, of raw materials or products. 16 Marks 3.3 Solving material balance problems with fuels & combustion reaction for MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 25 Hours Marks 10 18 15 32 13 32 17315 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 calculating percent excess air ‘G’ Scheme 12 Marks Topic 4: Energy Balance Specific Objectives: Calculate standard heat of reaction using heat of formation & heat of combustion data. Calculate the heat effects associated with a chemical reaction. Contents: 4.1 Law of conservation of energy, different forms of energy, heat/thermal energy & its units. Sensible heat, latent heat, specific heat, heat capacity, heat capacity at constant volume, and at constant pressure, variation of heat capacity with temp. Equation for calculating the sensible heat requirement using heat capacity data. 4.2 Standard states for gas, liquid & solid. Heat of formation, heat of combustion, heat of reaction, Hess’s law of constant heat summation and its application. Heat of dilution & dissolution. Effect of temp. on heat of reaction, relationship for calculating the heat of reaction at any temp. Heat effects associated with chemical reactions (endothermic and exothermic). Adiabatic operations, adiabatic reaction & adiabatic reaction temp. (only definitions) Total 10 18 48 100 List of Assignments (Tutorial): Assignments 1. Problems on Ideal Gas Law 2. Problems on average molecular weight, density and composition of a gas mixture. Hours 03 03 3. Material balance problems on drying, extraction. 02 4. Material balance problems on distillation, absorption. 03 5. Material balance problem on mixing, evaporation. 02 6. Material balance problems on filtration, crystallization. 7. Material balance problem with Chemical Reactions for calculating % excess, % conversion, % yield. 8. Material balance problems with Chemical Reaction for calculating % composition of feed/ product stream on mole basis and weight basis. 02 04 9. Sensible heat transfer calculations using heat capacity data. 02 10. Heat of formation of a compound using Hess law. 11. Calculate the standard heat of reaction using heat of formation and heat of combustion data. 02 12. Calculate the heat transferred using latent heat data, specific heat data. 02 13. Calculate the heat effects associated with a chemical reaction. 02 Total 04 01 32 Learning Resources: MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 26 17315 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Books: Sr. No. Author Title Publisher 1 Stoichiometry Bhatt. B. I & Vora. S. M Tata Mc Graw Hill Publication, New Delhi 2 Basic principle & calculations in chemical engineering David M, Himmelblau & Riggs Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 3 Chemical Process Principles Hougen & Watson Wiley Estern Ltd., New Delhi MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 27 17315 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Third Subject Title : Professional Practices-I Subject Code : 17019 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL -- -- 03 -- -- -- -- 50@ 50 Rationale: Most of the diploma holders in industries lack in soft skills such as communication skills, interview techniques, personality developments etc. The selection for the job of diploma holders is based on competitive tests, interviews and/or group discussions. Therefore while selecting candidates a normal practice adopted is to see general confidence, ability to communicate and their attitude, in addition to basic technological concepts. The purpose of introducing professional practices is to provide opportunity to students to undergo the activities which will enable to develop the skills through industrial visits, expert lecturers, seminars, group discussions. General Objectives Student will be able to: 1. Acquire information from different sources. 2. Prepare notes for given topic. 3. Present given topic in a seminars. 4. Present given topic in group discussion. 5. Interact with peers to share thoughts. 6. Prepare a report on industrial visits, expert lectures. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 28 17019 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application To develop the self learning of soft skills, etc. required in the industries & services sectors. Procedure Surfing internet, review the journals, conducting the various activities. Principle Principles of effective & efficient reading, listening and information search. Principles of learning body language, stage daring etc. Concept Report writing of expert lecture, industrial visit, developing general confidence, stage daring, communication skills, attitudes, interview techniques etc. Identified topics, self learner. Facts Guidelines for implementing professional practices In order to implement contents of professional practice effectively it is necessary for the department to plan the activities for full semester. Minor modifications may be done if required. Following are guidelines for the same. Activities to be guided and monitored by the faculty of the concerned department only. Involve students in related activities to a great extent to develop learning to learn skills. Arrange industrial visits and expert lectures on convenient days. Periods of PP may be allocated to concerned faculty members whose periods may be lost. Ensure to carry out all activities suggested. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 29 17019 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Contents: Theory Sr. Activities No. Industrial Visits : Industrial visits to be arranged and report of the same should be submitted by individual student as a part of term work. 01 Visit any two chemical industries available in surrounding areas. Relevant Content of report : Name of industry, industry profile, history, organisation structure, application of products, raw materials & its sources, reactions unit operation Expert Lectures : Minimum two expert lectures based on chemical engg. field to be arranged for the students and the report to be prepared and submitted by individual student as a part of term work. Selection for topics for expert lectures to be related with fundamental of chemical engineering, mechanical operations, chemical technologies etc. 02 Some of the suggested topics are : i. Scope for chemical engineers. ii. Scenario types & nature of chemical industries. iii. Recent developments in chemical industries. iv. Any other topics. 03 04 05 Seminar / Paper Presentation : Students should present a paper or a seminar on a given topic related with the learning relevant subjects, topics for seminar may be selected from following chemical journals i. Chemical product finder ii. Chemical weekly iii. Chemical industry digest etc. The report should be written and submitted in advance in a specific format of seminar and presented for 6 to 8 min. with question & answer session for 2 to 3 min. by each individual student. Major weightage is to be given for this activity. Group Discussion : Student should discuss in a group of six to eight and to be monitored by faculty member. The student should write a brief report on the same and submit as a part of term work. Some of the suggested topic are : i. Current topics related to chemical industry. ii. Application of computer in chemical engineering field. iii. Safety in Chemical industries iv. Any other topics Collection of materials / products / processes : The students group of 3 to 4 will perform any one of the following activities. i. Collect samples of five basic fertilizers. ii. Collect minimum three samples of mixed fertilizers, micronutrients, organic fertilizers etc. iii. Collect five organic/inorganic chemicals. The report should content the uses, manufacturer’s name, packaging, properties, etc. with samples, it is to be submitted as a part of term work. Total MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 14/01/2013 30 Hours 12 08 14 08 06 48 17019 CH3 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION, MUMBAI TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME FOR POST S.S.C. DIPLOMA COURSES COURSE NAME : DIPLOMA IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COURSE CODE : CH DURATION OF COURSE : 6 SEMESTERS WITH EFFECT FROM 2012-13 SEMESTER : FOURTH DURATION : 16 WEEKS PATTERN : FULL TIME - SEMESTER SCHEME : G SR. NO SUBJECT TITLE 2 3 4 5 6 7 Physical Chemistry and Materials of Construction Electrical and Electronics Plant Utility Fluid Flow Operation Chemical Process Technology-II CAD Software Professional Practices-II ** Industrial Training (Optional) 1 Abbrev iation SUB CODE TEACHING SCHEME EXAMINATION SCHEME TH TU PR PAPER HRS. TH (1) PR (4) OR (8) TW (9) Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min PCM 17423 03 -- 02 03 100 40 -- -- -- -- 25@ 10 EAE PUT FFO CPT CSO PPT 17424 17425 17426 17427 17039 17040 04 03 03 03 --- ------- 02* 02 04 04 02 03 03 03 03 03 --- 100 100 100 100 --- 40 40 40 40 --- --50# 50# --- --20 20 --- ------- ------- 25@ 25@ 25@ 25@ 25@ 50@ 10 10 10 10 10 20 16 -- 19 -- 500 -- 100 -- -- -- 200 -- TOTAL SW (17400) 50 50 Examination in 5th Semester Professional Practices-III Student Contact Hours Per Week: 35 Hrs. THEORY AND PRACTICAL PERIODS OF 60 MINUTES EACH. Total Marks : 850 @ - Internal Assessment, # - External Assessment, No Theory Examination, * - Practicals of Electrical & Electronics at alternate week. Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, OR-Oral, TW- Term Work, SW- Sessional Work. ** Industrial Training (Optional) - Student can undergo Industrial Training of four weeks after fourth semester examination during summer vacation. Assessment will be done in Fifth semester under Professional Practices-III. They will be exempted from activities of Professional Practices-III of 5th Semester. Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional work (SW). Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms. Code number for TH, PR, OR, TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code. For CAD software subject MSBTE should decide the contents of the practical every year through identified experts and ensure that these practicals only performed in the institute. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 1 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Fourth Subject Title : Physical Chemistry and Materials of Construction Subject Code : 17423 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- 02 03 100 -- -- 25@ 125 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: Different chemicals are used in industries to manufacture a desired product. Various reactions are used for manufacturing desired chemicals. These processes depend upon basic concepts of thermodynamics. Contents of this subject will enable the students to understand thermodynamic concepts which are required during kinetic study. Storage tank, material handling equipment and reactors require careful selection of material of construction. The material of construction should be compatible with chemicals to be handled. The content of this subject will enable the students in understanding types of corrosion, classification of engineering materials and criteria for selection of material of construction. General Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Understand basic concepts of thermodynamics & it’s laws. 2. Determine degree of freedom of a given system. 3. Understand concepts of adsorption and its application in chemical industry. 4. Select material of construction for specific chemicals. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 2 17423 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Use of first, second and third law of thermodynamic Corrosion Prevention methods Procedure Concept Facts Selection of material based on properties of chemicals Intensive and extensive properties, chemical and physical adsorption Electrode potential, passivity of material, inhibitors State of matter Storage material and chemicals MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 3 17423 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 1.1 Theory: marks) Scope of thermodynamics Chapter 1 2 3 Topic and Contents Topic 1: Thermodynamics Specific Objectives: Differentiate between intensive & extensive properties State applications of laws of thermodynamics Contents: 1.2 Concepts of thermodynamics (08 Definitions : System, Surroundings, Boundary Homogeneous & Heterogeneous systems Types of thermodynamic systems Isolated system, open system, closed system Intensive & extensive properties Thermodynamic states Equilibrium state, Non equilibrium state Standard states -solid, liquid & gases 1.2 Thermodynamic processes (06 marks) Isothermal process, Adiabatic process, Isobaric process, Isochoric process, Cyclic process. Reversible & Irreversible process. Difference between Reversible & irreversible process Internal energy. 1.3 Basic laws of thermodynamics (10 marks) pressure, volume, work and their expressions Statement of First law of thermodynamics Definition and Expression of Enthalpy of system, Adiabatic & isothermal expansion of Gasses. Statement of Second law of thermodynamic Statement of third law of thermodynamics, , Zeroth law Topics 2: Phase Rule Specific Objectives: Determine degree of freedom of given system State phase rule Contents: Phase rule statement, Phase components Degree of freedom Derivation of phase rule The water system, the sulphur system Topics 3: Adsorption & Colloids Specific Objectives: Give example of adsorption Describe adsorption isotherm Contents: 3.1 Adsorption (12 Marks) Definition, example, Mechanism of adsorption Types of adsorption MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 4 Hours Marks 10 24 04 10 10 20 17423 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 4 ‘G’ Scheme Physical adsorption, chemical adsorption, difference between physical & chemical adsorption Adsorption isotherm: Freundlich adsorption isotherm, Langmuir adsorption isotherm Application of adsorption 3.2 Colloids : (08 Marks) Definition Types of colloidal system Lyophilic, Lyophobic colloids (solution) its characteristics & comparison Methods of preparation of colloids (solution) Topics 4: Corrosion Specific Objectives: State types of corrosion Corrosion prevention and control methods Contents: 4.1 Types of corrosion (14 Marks) Definition Types of corrosion Dry corrosion – Formation of protective films, Growth of oxidation film. Wet corrosion Meaning of the terms Electrode potential, Electrochemical series, Galvanic cell, Galvanic series, potential difference Process of corrosion. Effect of temperature on corrosion Specific types of corrosion such as Uniform corrosion, pitting corrosion, galvanic corrosion, oxidation corrosion, inter granular corrosion, selective corrosion, erosion corrosion, fretting corrosion 4.2 Corrosion prevention and control (10 Marks) Corrosion prevention methods Use of high purity metals Use of alloy additions, Special heat treatment Corrosion protection methods Use of inhibitors, Electro-chemical protection, protective coatings Effect of pH value on corrosion Caustic embrittlement MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 5 12 24 17423 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 5 ‘G’ Scheme Topics 5 : Material of construction and their properties Specific Objectives: Select compatible material for storage of chemicals Contents: 5.1 Common Materials (14 Marks) Classification of engineering materials Selection of material of construction based on properties of chemicals. Commonly used material of construction – composition of materials and its specific use : cast iron, carbon steel – mild steel, stainless steel – SS304, SS316, SS314, alloys of aluminium, PVC, Teflon, Polypropylene, Polyethylene 5.2 Special Materials (08 Marks) Lining and its importance Rubber lining, Glass lining, Lead lining, Plastic lining Total 12 22 48 100 Practical: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: 1) Verify the laws and characteristics. 2) Analyze given solution and study its thermodynamic properties. 3) Understand the set up of experiment. Motor Skill: 1) Observe the completion of reaction. 2) Handle various laboratory regents. 3) Accurately measure proper quantity of various chemicals. List of Practicals: 1) To measure the heat of combustion off methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol. 2) To determine the heat of neutralization of acid and alkali. 3) Determination of melting point of solid substance. 4) Determination of boiling point of liquid. 5) Purification of solids by crystallization(potassium chloride and potassium chlorate) 6) Verification of the freundrich isotherm in adsorption of acetic acid, benzoic acid by activated charcoal. 7) Determination of partition coefficient. Learning Resources: 1. Books: Sr. Author No. B. S. Bahal, 01 G. D. Tuli, Arun Bahal J. M. Coulson & J. F. 02 Richardson 03 Contributors B.R.Puri, L.R.Sharma, 04 Madan s, Puthania MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 Title Publisher Essential of Physical Chemistry S. Chand Chemical Engineering Vol. 6 Asian Books Pvt. Ltd. Engineering Chemistry Wiley India Principles of Physical chemistry S.Chand & company 6 17423 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering/ Plastic Engineering Course code : CH / PS Semester : Fourth Subject Title : Electrical and Electronics Subject Code : 17424 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS. TH PR OR TW TOTAL 04 -- 02* 03 100 -- -- 25@ 125 * - Practicals of Electrical & Electronics at alternate week. NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: Most of the equipments used in chemical industry are electrically powered. A minor electrical faults can be attended by a shop floor chemical engineer. This subject of electrical engg. addresses the fundamental concepts and operating principles of electrical appliances. It will enable the students in better handling and commissioning of the equipments. The second section of the subject deals with the basic of semiconductor devices and their circuits necessary for the electronic control gadgets. It provides the information about logic gates, digital displays, small signal amplifiers and power supplies. This will help the students in building skills of effective handling of electronic control equipments. General Objectives: Student will be able to develop: Awareness of Electrical Safety. Recognize Electrical fault in Chemical Plant. Recognize fault in power supply, display & control panel. Understand working of basic semiconductor devices. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 7 17424 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Procedure To develop awareness in the basic of electrical engg. and electronics and their applications. Working of Motors, Transformers, Power Calculations Basic electrical wiring, seletion of furnace Working of half wave and full wave rectifier, single stage CE amplifier, Zener regulator, gain of amplifier Verification of truth tables AND, OR, NOT, EX-OR, NAND, NOR, universal gates, Demorgan’s laws Principle of AC/DC motor, transformer, auto transformer, induction, dielectric & resistive heating Breakdown of junction, two, three, four layer devices, light emitting diode, LCD, recfifier, amplifier Demorgan’s theorem, universal gates Concept Concepts of single phase and three phase supply, EMF, armature voltage, field current, mutual induction Energy leveles, doping, diode, rectification, voltage regulation, amplification Seven segment digital display, logic gates Facts AC fundamentals, electromagnetic induction, electric power and energy Principal MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 Semiconductor, P-N junction, transistors, Boolean algebra 8 17424 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Section- I Electrical Engineering Topic and Content Hours Marks 07 10 06 10 05 08 06 10 Topic 1: Basic Fundamentals Specific Objectives: State principle of electromagnetic induction. Calculate electrical power and energy from given data. Contents: Ohm’s Law – Simple problems on Ohm’s Law Types of supply – A.C. & D.C., definition, representation & comparison. Principle of electromagnetic induction. Concept of single Phase & Three Phase A.C. supply, comparison. Electrical power, energy – definition, equation, simple problems. Power factor & its importance Topics 2: D.C. Motor Specific Objectives: Draw electrical circuit diagram of D.C. shunt motor. Draw diagram & explain armature voltage speed control method. Contents: Working principle, construction, different parts – their material & application. Types of D.C. motor – Electrical circuit of D.C shunt & series motor. Speed control of D.C Shunt & Series motor. Necessity of starter & its principle. Applications of D.C. motors related to chemical plant. Topics 3: A.C. Motor Specific Objectives: Draw electrical circuit diagram of R – Split single phase induction motor. State any four parts & their material used for three phase induction motor. Contents: Three phase induction motor – working principle, construction & application. Construction, working & application of following single phase induction motors. R – Split, C – Split. Topics 4: Transformer Specific Objectives: Compare core type & shell type transformer. Define voltage ratio, current ratio & transformation ratio of single phase transformer. Contents: Working principle of transformer, Elementary theory of an ideal transformer. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 9 17424 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Construction of core & shell type transformer, comparison. EMF equation (No Derivation), simple problems. Transformation ratio – simple problems. Autotransformer – Concept, advantages, limitations, applications. Topics 5: Electrical Wiring & Safety Specific Objectives: State the necessity of fuse. State the necessity of earthing. Contents: Types of wires – V.I.R. , P.V.C. ,T.R.S., Specifications as per IS code. Fuse – Necessity, kit-kat & HRC fuse - construction, working. Circuit breakers – MCCB, ELCB, principle & application. Electrical wiring – one lamp controlled by single way switch, two lamp controlled by two single way switches (independently), stair case wiring, godown wiring. Lamps – Incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp, mercury vapour & sodium vapour lamp - construction, application. Electrical safety – Safety precautions, Instruction for restoration of persons suffering from electric shock. Earthing – Need, Types – plate & pipe Total 08 12 32 50 Hours Marks 12 20 06 08 Section- II Electronics Topic and Content Topic 1: Semiconductor Electronic Devices Specific Objectives: Draw V-I characteristics of different devices. State the symbols of different components. Contents: 1.1 ------------------------------------------------------ 12 Marks Resistor, inductor, capacitor – definition, symbols & applications. Conductors, semiconductors, Insulators – definition, energy band diagram, examples. Semiconductors classification – Intrinsic and Extrinsic – N type & P type, definition, charge carrier. PN junction diode – construction, symbol, working, forward & reverse bias V-I characteristic, applications. Light emitting diode – Construction, symbol, working principle, applications. Junction breakdown. Zener diode - Construction, symbol, working principle, reverse bias V-I characteristic, applications. 1.2 Power devices (08 marks) SCR - Construction, symbol, working principle, Applications. TRIAC - Construction, symbol, working principle, Applications. Topics 2: Bipolar Junction Transistor Specific Objectives: MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 10 17424 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Draw output characteristics of CE configuration. Describe working of transistor amplifier. Contents: BJT types – NPN & PNP , their symbols & construction, Working of a NPN transistor. Transistor characteristics – Common emitter configuration. Single stage CE amplifier – circuit diagram & working. Power amplifier – Concept & types. Applications of transistor. Topics 3: Power Supply Specific Objectives: Draw block diagram of power supply. Describe working of different rectifier circuits. Contents: Power supply – Necessity, block diagram. Rectifier – Types, Half wave, Full wave (center tapped & bridge type) - Circuit diagram, working, waveforms & their comparison. Filter - Need & types – shunt capacitor, series inductor, LC & π type, circuit diagram. Voltage regulator - Need, principle of zener shunt regulator. Topics 4: Digital circuits Specific Objectives: State symbols of different logic gates. Use NAND / NOR gate as universal gates. Contents: Digital signal, Negative & positive logic. Boolean algebra. Logic gates – AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, EX-OR , Symbols, logic expressions ,truth table. De- Morgan,s theorems – statement, proof using truth table. Universal gates – definition, NAND, NOR. Digital display – Types of LED & LCD display Total 07 12 07 10 32 50 Practical: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: Correlate speed of the motor with its other parameters. Identify the simple faults in electrical and electronics systems. Motor Skills: Use various tools and components for different electrical applications. Handle various electronic test and measuring equipments. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 11 17424 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme List of Practicals: Section-I 1) To verify ohm’s law. 2) To measure electrical Power in Single phase AC circuit. 3) To plot the Speed & Armature voltage characteristics of DC shunt motor. 4) To plot the Speed & field current characteristics of DC shunt motor. 5) To determine transformation ratio of single phase transformer. 6) To prepare wiring for one lamp controlled by Single way switch. Section-II 1) To operate the various laboratory equipments & measuring instruments like power Supply, CRO, DMM. 2) To plot forward & reverse characteristics of Silicon Diode. 3) To measure percentage line regulation of Shunt Zener regulator. 4) To measure voltage gain of single stage common Emitter amplifier at 1 khz. 5) To verify the truth tables of various logic gates. 6) To verify De - Morgan, s First theorem. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. Author No. 1 B.L. Theraja 2 S.L. Uppal 3 N.N. Bhargava, S.C. Gupta 4 5 B.L. Theraja R.P. Jain 6 B.D.Arora Title Electrical Technology Vol. 1 & 2 Electrical Power Basic Electronics & Linear N.N. Bhargava, Technical Teachers Circuits Basic Electronics ( Solid State) Modern Digital Electronics Electrical Wiring & Estimation Costing MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 12 Publisher S.Chand & Company Ltd. Khanna Publishers, Delhi. Technical Teachers Training Institute S.Chand & Company Ltd. Tata Mc Graw Hill, Delhi. R.B. Publications 17424 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Fourth Subject Title : Plant Utility Subject Code : 17425 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- 02 03 100 -- -- 25@ 125 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: This subject covers the requirement of different utilities for the process plant, along with its generation and its effective utilization. Main utilities required for process plants are water, steam, air & refrigerants. Steam & non- steam heating media are important for conversion of raw material to products in reactors & to elevate the temperature in the chemical processes. Refrigeration is important to maintain the temperature in the process plant. Compressed air, process air is used in processes & instrument air is used in pneumatic devices & controls. General Objectives: The student will be able to: 1. State the principles involved during water treatment, generation of steam and refrigeration cycles. 2. Select the different equipments used to run the process plant with different utilities. 3. Understand basic calculation involved in steam generation, psychometric operation and refrigeration. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 13 17425 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application To control the different parameters of utility section Water treatment, steam Generation Procedure Principle Principle of Phase Change For steam Carnot Cycle for refrigeration Concept Latent heat, refrigeration Sensible heat, humidity, COP Facts Air, Water, Steam, Refrigerant MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 14 17425 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory Content: Topic and Contents Chapter 1 : Water Specific Objectives: Describe the methods of water treatment Explain the problem occurred in Boiler feed water Contents: 1.1 ( 08 Marks) Sources of water, hard and soft water, Requisites of industrial water and its uses Methods of water treatment- Chemical softening, Demineralization 1.2 ( 12 Marks) Resins used for water softening Reverse osmosis and membrane separation Problems in boiler feed water & its treatments- Scale & sludge formation, Corrosion, Priming & foaming, Caustic embrittlement Chapter 2 : Refrigeration Specific Objectives: State the different properties of Refrigerants Describe the different Refrigeration system Contents: 2.1 ( 12 Marks) Definition of Ton of refrigeration and coefficient of performance. Refrigeration cycles Different methods of refrigeration used in industry- Vapour compression, Vapor absorption, Air refrigeration. ( 12 Marks) Different refrigerants- Lithium bromide (eco-Friendly) Monochlorodifluoro methane (R-22), Carbon di oxide, Ammonia. Secondary refrigerants: Brine,water and air: Properties and applications of above. Simple calculation of C.O.P. Chapter 3 : Steam and Steam Generation Calculate Enthalpy of different types of steam Explain Principle, construction & working of Boiler. Contents: 3.1 ( 12 Marks) Properties of steam Problems based on enthalpy calculation for wet steam, dry saturated steam, superheated steam 3.2 ( 18 Marks) Types of steam generator / boilers: water tube & fire tube Solid fuel fired boiler, waste gas fired boiler, Waste heat boiler. Fluidized bed boiler Scaling, trouble shooting, preparing boiler for inspection Boiler mountings and accessories: principle of operation, construction and working. ( water level indicator, pressure gauge, steam trap, pressure reducing valve, economizer, preheater, super heater) Boiler Act Chaper 4 : Psychrometry Specific Objectives: State properties of air-water system Hours Marks 10 20 11 24 14 30 08 16 2.2 MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 15 17425 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Describe Humidification & Dehumidification process Contents: Properties of Air-water vapours. Use of humidity chart Equipment used for humidification, Evaporative cooling, spray ponds, cooling towers , their Construction ,working and application Chapter 5 : Air Specific Objectives: State the applications of air. Explain the process of getting instrument air Contents: Use of Compressed air, process air and instrument air Single, multistage compression, Interstage coolers Process of getting instrument air. Chapter 6 : Non steam heating system Specific Objectives: State the temperature ranges of Non steam heating system Explain Principle, Construction & Working of Non steam heating system. Contents: Principle, construction and working of : Thermic fluid heater Types of thermic fluid and their temperature ranges. Total 03 06 02 04 48 100 Practical: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: 1. Analysis of water. 2. Calculation of humidity & use of humidity chart 3 Calculation of heat load in cooling tower 4. Interpretation of steam data using steam table. Motor Skills: 1. Handling of pH meter, TDS meter 2. Handling of thermo pack or boiler 3. Handling of Reverse Osmosis system 4 Handling of cooling tower List of Practicals: 1. To determine the alkalinity of water. 2. To determine the hardness of water. 3. To determine the pH using pH meter. 4. To determine humidity by using whirling psychrometer/sling psychrometer. 5. To observe the operations of boiler / thermo pack using simulator. 6. To determine outgoing temperature of water from any cooling tower. 7. To analyse RO water based on TDS, pH & hardness 8. To measure different pressures of compressed air. 9. To read / interpret different properties of steam using steam table. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 16 17425 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Resources: Books: Sr. No. Author Title Publisher 01 P. L. Balleney Thermal Engineering Khanna Publisher, New Delhi 02 S.T. Powel Industrial Water Treatment McGraw Hill, Newyork 03 Jain & Jain Engineering Chemistry -- 04 B.K. Sarkar Thermal Engineering -- MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 17 17425 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Fourth Subject Title : Fluid Flow Operation Subject Code : 17426 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- 04 03 100 50# -- 25@ 175 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: Knowledge of measurement of fluid flow and various fluid transportation machinery is useful to transport different process fluids. The knowledge of this subject helps in installation of different fluid transportation machinery. Principals of Fluid Flow operations are useful in understanding mass transfer and heat transfer operation. General Objectives: Students will be able to 1. Understand the concept of viscosity. 2. Calculate mass and volumetric flow rates. 3. Understand the principles of different flow meters. 4. Install and calculate the flow rate of fluid with different flow meters in closed pipe line. 5. Understand working of different types of valves 6. Understand the principle and working of different fluid flow machinery. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 18 17426 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Applications Operate and maintain various fluid flow meters and pumps in closed pipe lines for any type of fluid Procedure Method of operating flow meter Principle Properties of fluids Concept Method of operating flow meter Equation of continuity Bernoulli’s Theorem Volumetric flow rate, mass flow rate. Volumetric flow rate, mass flow rate Facts MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 19 17426 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Chapter 1 2 Topics and Contents Introduction to Fluids : Specific Objective Calculate pressure using U tube manometer. Compare Newtonian & Non Newtonian fluid. State Newton’s law of Viscosity. 1.1 Properties of fluids Density & viscosity (absolute & Kinematic) Vapor pressure & partial pressure Atmospheric pressure Vacuum Absolute pressure 1.2 Principle of Hydrostatic Equilibrium Pressure exerted by a liquid column Various types of manometers such as U tube, Well type and inclined leg manometer Pressure measurement by U-tube manometer and problem based on the same. 1.3 Types of fluids Ideal and actual fluids Compressible and incompressible fluids Newton’s law of viscosity Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids with example of each type. Flow of Fluids (Incompressible & its measurement) Specific Objectives Calculate the volumetric flow rate using orifice meter and Venturi meter. Calculate the frictional losses due to expansion and contraction. State Hagen Poiseulli’s equation. 2.1 Volumetric and Mass flow rate ( 16 marks) Concept of volumetric and mass flow rate Interconversion of the above two Average velocity Mass velocity Point velocity Equation of continuity Derivation of equation of continuity Numericals based on above sub- topics 2.2 Reynolds Number Definition Reynolds experiment Concept of laminar, turbulent and transition flow Critical velocity Formula for Reynolds Number and Numericals. 2.3 Bernoulli’s equation Various types of energies by liquid MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 20 Hours Marks 07 12 20 40 17426 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Derivation of Bernoulli’s equation Friction factor correction Work done by pump Kinetic Energy correction Numerical 2.4 Friction (12 marks) Concept of friction in fluid flow Types of friction- Form ,skin: Definition. Relation between pressure drop, wall friction and shear stress Shear stress distribution in pipes Relation between average velocity and maximum velocity for laminar flow Derivation of Hagen Poiseuille’s equation Problems on above topics 2.5 Friction in pipes Fanning’s friction factor in Laminar and Turbulent flow Friction factor chart Friction losses due to sudden expansion and sudden contraction 2.6 Measurement of fluid flow (12 Marks) Variable head meter and variable area meter Construction working principle, discharge coefficient, calibration, relative advantages and disadvantages, problems onOrifice meter, Venturimeter 3 4 Rotameter construction, principle, concept of variation in flow area, calibration Pitot tube, construction, advantages and formula to calculate point velocity Pipe, fittings & valves Specific Objectives List the different types of fittings & valves. State equivalent length of pipe fitting, frictional losses in pipe fittings. 3.1 Pipe & Pipe Fittings Standard sizes of pipes, wall thickness, Schedule number & Material of construction Various types of fittings Equivalent length of pipe fittings 3.2 Classification of valves Construction, working, advantages of Globe, Gate, Plug, Ball ,Diaphragm, Needle, Control valve, Non return valve, Safety valve 3.3 Construction, working and application of Rupture disc. Transportation of Fluids Specific Objectives Calculate the NPSH of the centrifugal pump. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 21 07 16 14 32 17426 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Compare centrifugal pump and positive displacement pump. State the range of pressure developed by fan, blower and compressor. 4.1 Pumps ( 12 marks) Classification Positive displacement pumps, their types, Reciprocating pump (single acting, double acting, duplex, triplex piston, plunger), gear pump, Diaphragm pump, Screw pump, Characteristics curves. 4.2 Centrifugal pump (10 Marks) Construction, various parts, development of pressure, air binding, priming, suction head, and discharge head, cavitation, NPSH etc. Characteristics curve of Centrifugal pump 4.3 Fans, blowers & compressors: ( 10 marks) Specific applications of each equipment Range of pressure developed by each type Centrifugal blower Reciprocating Compressor Vacuum generating equipment Principle , construction and working of Vacuum pump, Jet ejectors Total 48 100 Practical: Intellectual Skills 1. Interpret data and result. 2. Calculate various parameters. 3. Identify errors and method of minimizing. Motor Skills 1. Handle Equipment 2. Measure accurately various parameters. Lists of Practicals: 1. Understand the phenomenon of viscosity, pressure gradient by demonstration. 2. Verify Reynolds experiment and calculate the Reynolds number at the end of laminar regime and beginning of turbulent regime. 3. Perform experiment based on Bernoulli’s theorem and prove that the summation of pressure head, kinetic head and potential head is constant. 4. Estimate the fanning friction factor at different flow rate and draw friction factor chart. 5. Calculate the coefficient of discharge of a venturimeter and prepare calibration curve. 6. Calculate the coefficient of discharge of an orifice meter and prepare calibration curve. 7. Calibrate the rotameter and plot the calibration curve. 8. Determine head loss due to sudden expansion and contraction. 9. Calculate equivalent length of bend, globe valve and gate valve. 10. Plot and understand the characteristic curves of a centrifugal pimp by using centrifugal pump test rig. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 22 17426 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Assignments: Any Four Sr. Assignments No. 1 Calculate pressure at a specific point inside a liquid surface. 2 Conversion of pressure exerted in terms of various liquids columns. 3 Conversion of volumetric flow rate into mass flow rate. Calculating a average velocity, mass velocity. 4 5 Problems based on equation of continuity. 5 Problems based on Bernoulli’s equation. 6 Problems based on Reynolds’s number. 7 Problems based on calculating friction factor for Laminar and Turbulent flow. 8 Calculating pressure drop over certain length of pipe using above parameters. 9 Equivalent of different pipe fitting having these pipe fittings. 10 Calculating volumetric flow rate by Orificemeter, Venturimeter and Rotameter. 11 Calculating H.P. of pump for transporting liquid from one point to other point. Learning Resources: Book: Sr. No. Author 1 McCabe, Smith 2 Badger & Banchero 3 Richardson & Coulson 4 P. Chattopadhyay Title Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering Introduction to Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Volume-I Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering Publisher McGraw Hill McGraw Hill Pergamon Press Khanna Publication Websites: MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 23 17426 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Fourth Subject Title : Chemical Process Technology-II Subject Code : 17427 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- 04 03 100 50# -- 25@ 175 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: There are different type of Chemical industries like Small, Medium and Large Scale. Diploma students should able to operate and Control manufacturing process of various Chemicals. From this subject student will get knowledge of manufacture of chemicals like alcohol, phenol, oil, Soap, paper etc. General Objectives: The students will be able to 1. Know about Raw materials, Physical & Chemical Properties with Chemical reaction for the manufacture of various Chemicals. 2. Know manufacturing process of various chemicals 3. Understand uses of various Chemicals. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 24 17427 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning structure: Applications Procedure Principle Concept Facts Enable to operate & control Manufacture process of given Product Method for manufacturi ng of polymer Method for manufacturin g of Alcohol of Chemicals Polymerization Addition and condensation Method of Hydrogenation of Oil Method for manufacturi ng of phenol Method for manufacturi ng of Soap Fermentation Hydrogenation Oxidation Saponification Decomposition Addition of Hydrogen Addition of Oxygen Fatty acid and glycerin Chemicals, Unit operation, Equipment, Unit Process MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 25 17427 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Chapter 1 2 Topic and Contents Alcohol Specific Objectives : Describe manufacturing processes of alcohol with reaction Draw flow sheet/ block diagram Content: Raw Materials , Reactions, Flow sheet/Block diagram, manufacturing process of products & their uses Ethyl alcohol by Corn &Molasses Acetic Acid by Oxidation of Acetaldehyde Butanol by Oxo process from Propylene Paint Specific Objectives: State constituents of paint with function Describe manufacturing processes of paint State uses of Varnishes & Lacquers Content: Properties of raw materials of paint & their functions Manufacturing of paint Constituent of Pigments -White pigment - Black pigment - Blue pigment - Red pigment Varnishes - Oil & Sprit and their Uses Lacquers - Definition &Uses Oil, Soap & Detergent Hours Marks 06 16 05 12 08 20 Specific Objectives: State Extraction process of oil State Hydrogenation of oil Describe manufacturing processes of soap & Detergent Explain cleansing action of soap 3 Content: 3.1 Oil 08 Marks Definitions - Acid value , Iodine value, Saponification value of oil Extraction of Oil by solvent process Hydrogenation of Oil 3.2 Soap 06 Marks Classification of Cleansing Compounds Manufacturing of Soap by - Batch Saponification Process - Continuous Hydrolysis & Saponification Cleansing action of Soap MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 26 17427 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 3.3 Detergents 06 Marks Manufacturing of detergents by - Sulfated Fatty Alcohols - Alkyl-Aryl Sulfonates Pulp and Papers 4 5 6 Specific Objectives: Describe manufacturing processes of Pulp & paper with reaction To draw flow sheet Content: Raw Materials , Reactions, Flow sheet/Block diagram, manufacturing process of product & their uses Pulp by Sulfate (Kraft) process & Sulphite process recovery of Chemicals Paper from pulp Rayon (viscous rayon ) form cellulose Polymer Specific Objectives: State meaning of polymerization Describe manufacturing processes of polymer with reactions Content: Polymerization - Definition of (08 Marks) Polymerization, Methods of Polymerization – Addition & Condensation Raw Materials, Reactions, Flow sheet / Block diagram, manufacturing process of product &their uses (16 Marks) - Poly Vinyl Chloride(PVC) by Emulsion polymerization - Polyethylene by Ziegler process Low high medium pressure - Polystyrene from Benzene & Ethylene Styrene Polyester - Polyester by polymerization of DMT PTA & ethylene glycol Phenol Specific Objectives: Describe manufacturing processes of Phenol with reaction To draw flow sheet Content: Raw Materials, Reactions, Flow sheet/Block diagram, manufacturing process of phenol &their uses a) Cumene Peroxidation Process b) Toluene Oxidation Process c) Rasching Process d) Chlorobenzene-Caustic hydrolysis Total MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 27 05 12 15 24 09 16 48 100 17427 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Practical’s: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: a. Select suitable process of manufacturing b. Select proper process condition for getting maximum yield Motor Skills: a. Work on manufacturing plant b. Set proper temperature and pressure condition c. Set controlling steps in manufacturing process List of Practical’s: 1) Estimate the strength of glacial acetic acid by conductometric titration. 2) Determine Iodine value of given oil sample by titration method. 3) Determine the saponification value of given lubricating oil sample by KOH titration. 4) Determine the acid value of given lubricating oil sample by KOH titration. 5) Calculate the hiding power of given sample of paint. 6) Calculate the percentage of thinner in a given sample of oil paint. 7) Prepare phenol formaldehyde resin on the laboratory scale by using phenol and formaldehyde raw material. 8) Prepare the soap by batch saponification process and analyze the moisture content of laboratory made soap. 9) Prepare ethyl acetate from ethyl alcohol and acetic acid by esterification and determine its density and boiling point. Mini Project (any Three): 1) Compare moisture content of any three branded Washing Soap in Market (with respect to composition of each soap). Compare with TFM. 2) Compare Hiding power of any three branded Paints in Market, Viscosity, %Thinner. 3) Compare any three refined Oil available in market (with respect to acid value, saponification value) 4) Collect information about different types of papers & compare their parameters w.r.t. GSM, folding strength. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. Name of Book No. Dryden Outline of Chemical 1 Technology 2 3 4 Shreve Chemical Process Industries Chemical Process Organic Synthesis Handbook of Industrial Chemistry VOL. II MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 Name of Author M. Gopala Rao George Austin P. H. Groggins Davis. K. H 28 Name of Publisher East West Publishers 1997, New Delhi. Mc Graw Hill Publication 1984, Auckland Mc Graw Hill 1958, Auckland. C.B.S Publication 2004, New Delhi 17427 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Fourth Subject Title : CAD Software Subject Code : 17039 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL -- -- 02 -- -- -- -- 25# 25 Rationale: Drawing is the language of engineers. It conveys the meaning for construction and erection of Chemical Plant. Now a days computer has become an effective tool for preparing drawing through the software CAD. This subject provides sufficient practice to make use of CAD and draw required drawings. General Objective: After studying the subject students will be able to Draw process equipments. Draw and modify various objects Draw plant layout MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 29 17039 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Applications Procedure Concept Use CAD for preparing drawings. Method of using appropriate commands. Commands for specific drawing. Fact MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 CAD Software 30 17039 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme List of Practical Sr. No. 1 Name of Topic Practice of basic commands such as draw, modify etc. (Related commands should be covered in practical period) Hours 04 2 Draw symbols as per IS 3232 04 3 Draw flow diagram for given chemical process (any four ) 12 4 Redraw the given Plant , Equipment layout and Utilities line diagram 12 Note: 1. Give different process for drawing of flow sheet. 2. For practical number 4, teacher has to provide drawing. 3. Printout of each CAD sheet will be part of Teamwork. Learning Resources: Sr. No. Author Title Engineering Drawing and Graphics Auto CAD Publisher New Age Publication 01 K Venugopal 02 M.V. Joshi V.V Mahajan Process Equipment Design 1997 Mac Milan India Ltd. 03 M Gopala Rao Dryden Outline of Chemical Technology East West Publishers 1997, New Delhi. 04 Indian standard IS 3232 Govt. of India MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 31 17039 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Fourth Subject Title : Professional Practices-II Subject Code : 17040 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL -- -- 03 -- -- -- -- 50@ 50 Rationale: Engineering diploma holders are basically intended to work in industries. Their placements and selection for the jobs is based on the campus interview conducted by respective companies. Since the candidate is supposed to work and carry out actual engineering practices in the industries, his confidence, attitude and ability to communicate with the subordinates is usually tested apart from his technical subject knowledge. To facilitate this and boost his capabilities the subject of professional practices aims to provide ample opportunities to the students. To accomplish this, industrial visits, lectures by professionals/experts, seminars and group discussions are planned during the semester. Objectives: 1. To acquire information and data of different industry 2. To deliver the information and the knowledge required to develop awareness about latest trends in chemical industry. 3. To interact with fellow people and present their views. 4. To prepare report on industrial visit and expert lectures. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 32 17040 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Prepare notes on the learned and present a seminar Reading the process flow diagram, operating manuals, schedules & more importantly learning from the concerned personnel Principle Understanding the process, knowledge of equipments involved in the process, piping and instrumentation Facts Preparing for powerpoint presentation Procedure Industry visited and present infrastructure there Guidelines for implementing professional practices In order to implement contents of professional practice effectively it is necessary for the department to plan the activities for full semester. Minor modifications may be done if required. Following are guidelines for the same. Activities to be guided and monitored by the faculty of the concerned department only. Involve students in related activities to a great extent to develop learning to learn skills. Arrange industrial visits and expert lectures on convenient days. Periods of PP may be allocated to concerned faculty members whose periods may be lost. Ensure to carry out all activities suggested. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 33 17040 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Activities: Contents 1. Industrial Visits Industrial visits to be arranged and report of the same to be submitted by individual students to form the part of the term work. The report to contain information in respect to a. Raw material required b. Finished product to be produced c. Capacity of the plant d. Utilities required and their consumption e. Man power requirement f. General costing g. Various equipments, unit operations and unit processes involved h. Storage and handling of material i. General layout of the plant Visits to any two of the following. a. Visit to ethanol plant b. Visit to rubber tyre retreading unit c. Visit to electroplating industry d. Visit to a fertilizer industry e. Visit to a plastic industry 2. Lectures Lectures by professionals / industrial experts / academicians Two sessions to be held on the following topics a. Industrial filtration b. Mixing and agitation c. Fluid transportation and handling d. Cooling and refrigeration e. Steam generation f. Introduction to Apprenticeship Training Scheme 3. Seminars Seminar based on information search to be organized from any three of the following areas a. Protection of environment b. Safety practices in chemical industries c. General maintenance in chemical plant d. Water purification e. Non conventional energy sources 4. Group Discussion The student should discuss in a group of 6 – 8 and write a brief report on the same. Group discussion to be monitored by faculty members. The following topics to be discussed a. Selection of pumping devices b. Treatment of boiler feed water c. Selection of filtration equipments d. Fine chemicals and their applications 5. Student Activities The group of 3 – 4 students will perform any one of the following activities a. Comparative statement of prices and specifications b. Information regarding specifications of different pumps and motors c. Create data base of past students MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 34 Hours 12 06 10 12 08 17040 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme d. Collect information regarding material of construction for pipe fittings, pumps and its components e. Collect information regarding various chemical industries in the vicinity of the institute. f. Collect information regarding specifications of common engineering materials Total 48 Learning Resources: 1. Books: Sr. No. Title 1. Fourth semester subjects reference books 2. Journals and magazines - IEEE Journals, IT technologies. 3. Local news papers and events 4. Apprenticeship Training Scheme:- Compiled By – BOAT (Western Region), Mumbai, Available on MSBTE Web Site. 2. Websites: 1. 2. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 35 17040 CH4 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering & Technology Course Code : AE/CE/CH/CM/CO/CR/CS/CW/DE/EE/EP/IF/EJ/EN/ET/EV/EX/IC/IE/IS/ ME/MU/PG/PT/PS/CD/CV/ED/EI/FE/IU/MH/MI/DC/TC/TX/FG Industrial Training (Optional) after 4th semester examination. Note:- Examination in Professional Practices of 5th Semester. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING (OPTIONAL) Rational:There was a common suggestion from the industry as well as other stakeholders that curriculum of Engineering and Technology courses should have Industrial training as part of the curriculum. When this issue of industrial training was discussed it was found that it will be difficult to make industrial training compulsory for all students of all courses as it will be difficult to find placement for all the students. It is therefore now proposed that this training can be included in the curriculum as optional training for student who is willing to undertake such training on their own. The institutes will help them in getting placement or also providing them requisite documents which the student may need to get the placement. Details:- Student can undergo training in related industries as guided by subject teachers / HOD. The training will be for four weeks duration in the summer vacation after the fourth semester examination is over. The student undergoing such training will have to submit a report of the training duly certified by the competent authority from the industry clearly indicating the achievements of the student during training. This submission is to be made after joining the institute for Fifth semester. The student completing this training will have to deliver a seminar on the training activities based on the report in the subject Professional Practices at Fifth Semester. The student undergoing this training will be exempted from attending activities under Professional Practices at Fifth semester except the seminar. The students who will not undergo such training will have to attend Professional Practices Classes/activities of fifth semester and will have to complete the tasks given during the semester under this head. There work will be evaluated on their submissions as per requirement and will be given marks out of 50. Or student may have to give seminar on training in Industry he attended. Institute shall encourage and guide students for Industry training. Evaluation:- Report of Training attended and delivery of seminar and actual experience in Industry will be evaluated in fifth semester under Profession Practices-III and marks will be given accordingly out of 50. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/08/2013 36 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION, MUMBAI TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME FOR POST S.S.C. DIPLOMA COURSES COURSE NAME : DIPLOMA IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COURSE CODE : CH DURATION OF COURSE : 6 SEMESTERS WITH EFFECT FROM 2012-13 SEMESTER : FIFTH DURATION : 16 WEEKS PATTERN : FULL TIME - SEMESTER SCHEME : G SR. NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SUBJECT TITLE Plant Safety & Maintenance Energy Management Heat Transfer Operation Chemical Process Instrumentation and Control Chemical Reaction Engineering Behavioural Science $ Entrepreneurship Development and Industrial Project Professional Practices-III Abbrevi ation SUB CODE TEACHING SCHEME EXAMINATION SCHEME TH TU PR PAPER HRS. TH (1) PR (4) OR (8) TW (9) Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min PSM EMA HTO 17558 17559 17560 03 03 03 ---- -02 04 03 03 03 100 100 100 40 40 40 --50# --20 ---- ---- -25@ 25@ -10 10 CPI 17561 03 -- 02 03 100 40 50# 20 -- -- 25@ 10 CRE BSC 17562 17075 03 01 01 -- -02 03 -- 100 -- 40 -- --- --- -25# -10 -25@ -10 EDI 17073 01 01 02 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 25@ 10 PPT 17074 -- -- 03 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50@ 20 TOTAL 17 02 15 -- 500 -- 100 -- 25 -- 175 -- SW (17500) 50 50 Student Contact Hours Per Week: 34 Hrs. THEORY AND PRACTICAL PERIODS OF 60 MINUTES EACH. Total Marks : 850 @ - Internal Assessment, # - External Assessment, No Theory Examination, $ - Common to all branches, #* - Online Theory Examination. Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, OR-Oral, TW- Term Work, SW- Sessional Work Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional work (SW). Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms. Code number for TH, PR, OR, TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 1 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course code : CH Semester : Fifth Subject Title : Plant Safety and Maintenance Subject Code : 17558 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS. TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- -- 03 100 -- -- -- 100 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: In the chemical process industry plant safety is important. Knowledge of plant safety is essential to prevent accidents and damages while working in plant. Maintenance of plant and machinery is one of the most important aspects of process industry. This subject deals with safe practices, various types of maintenance and their significance. General Objectives: The students will be able to 1. Describe the safety procedures to be observed while working in a plant. 2. Identify types of hazards associated in a chemical process industry. 3. Prepare safety audit report & safety report. 4. Explain procedure for preventive maintenance, on-line maintenance, shut down maintenance. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 2 17559 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Applications Use knowledge of safety & maintenance while working in chemical plant. Safe storage, handling, transportation of chemicals and safe plant operation. Procedure Methods of preventing different types of Hazards Methods of storage, handling & transportation of Chemicals Concept Concept of protective devices, fire, hazard, safely Classification & characteristic of chemical Hazards, protective devices, fire extinguisher Chemicals: Solid, liquid gaseous form Fact MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 3 Operate trouble free chemical plant Methods of Maintenance Concept of preventive. On-line & shut down Maintenance Chemical plant / Industry 17559 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Chapter Topic and Content Hours Marks Plant Hazards Specific Objectives : Study different hazards associated with the Chemical industries and their Control Methods. Study the Preventive Methods for different hazards. Study the hazards associated with Cl2, NH3, H2SO4 1 2 3 4 Content: 1.1 Industrial hazards 08 Marks Industrial hazards due to process & its precautions. Plant Safety provisions. Electrical hazards - Common Sources, precautions. Mechanical hazards. 1.2 10 Marks Explosion hazards - Classification of explosives, precautions while handling explosives. Radiation hazards – Health hazards of infrared radiation & X rays. Noise hazard - Sources, protection. Chemical hazard - hazards due to NH3, Cl2 H2SO4 Personal Protective equipments Specific Objectives: Study the working of different respiratory equipments. Understand the selection of proper respiratory device. Draw and Study various non respiratory personal protective devices. Content: Respiratory protective equipment - Air purifier type, supplied air type, Self contained breathing apparatus, Selection of proper devices. Non respiratory personal protective equipment - Eye & face, ear, head, torso & body, hand, foot & leg protection. Fire Prevention Specific Objectives: State causes of fire Classify types of fire & suggest suitable type of fire extinguisher Content: Types of fire, fire triangle, Principle of extinguish of fire. Classification of fire and suitable type of extinguisher Principle, Construction & working of following fire extinguisher – Soda Acid type, Foam type, Dry Chemical powder. Fire buckets and Fire hydrant Storage & Transportation of Chemicals Specific Objectives: State different methods of storage. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 4 10 18 05 14 06 16 09 18 17559 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 5 6 ‘G’ Scheme Draw various conveyors. State transport requirements of hazardous Chemicals. Content: 4.1 Methods of Storage 08 Marks Bulk storage, bin storage, underground storage, liquid storage, gas storage; Storage of flammable & combustible liquid chemicals shock sensitive chemicals. Packing of solids - bags, boxes, drum, container. Vibrating hopper, Screw feeder. 4.2 10Marks Functions & Principles of material handling. Construction & working of screw conveyor, belt conveyor, bucket elevator (Spaced bucket positive discharge), Pneumatic conveyor - (Positive, negative) Wooden pallets for unit load. Transportation of hazardous Chemicals - Flammable liquids, corrosives or oxidizing materials, water reactive chemicals, igniting substances, toxic chemicals. Safety Audit Specific Objectives: State objective of safety audit. Describe the procedure for safety auditing. Content: Objectives of safety audit, procedure for safety auditing. Plant Maintenance Specific Objectives: State objectives of plant maintenance. Describe functions and responsibilities of plant maintenance department. Content: 6.1 Objectives of plant maintenance functions & responsibilities of plant maintenance department. 06 Marks 6.2 Types of maintenance 12 Marks Corrective or breakdown maintenance, Scheduled maintenance, Preventive maintenance, Predictive maintenance, 6.3 Online maintenance 10 Marks (eg. Rota meter/ Steam trap), Shut down maintenance, Procedure for shutdown & start up of plant. Total 04 06 14 28 48 100 Learning Resources: Books: Sr. No. 1 2 Name of Book Safe Handling of Hazardous Chemicals Safety & Accident Prevention in Chemical MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 Name of Author Name of Publisher A. K. Rohatgi J. K. Entrprises H. H. Foucet & W. S. wood Inter Science Publication, John Willey & Sons 5 17559 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 3 operation Safety in Process Plant Design ‘G’ Scheme G. L. Wells John Willey & Sons 4 Plant Maintenance S. S. Apte Delhi Productivity Council 5 Maintenance Engineer Handbook C. L. Morrow McGraw Hill Publication MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 6 17559 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Fifth Subject Title : Energy Management Subject Code : 17559 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- 02 03 100 -- -- 25@ 125 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: Today commercial energy sources are limited and putting great burden on nation and industries. Energy management is important industrial and commercial activity which will help to reduce this burden. This subject will equip the students with knowledge of energy types and its use. Energy conservation method and energy audit methodology are also studied. General Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Know various forms of energy 2. Understand various types of energy conservation methods 3. Apply method of energy auditing. 4. Understand the use of energy in various equipment 5. Know different types of renewable energy sources. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 7 17559 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Applications Procedure Principle Apply principles of energy management Procedure for monitoring of parameters Technical data collection and energy audit Structure of audit Energy efficiency in thermal utilities Energy efficiency in thermal utilities Energy performance assessment of equipment and utilities Concept LMTD, Energy security, NPSH, Biofuel Facts Equipment, instruments, electricity, fuel MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 8 17559 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Chapter Topics and Contents Hours Marks 06 12 08 16 10 20 Energy Scenario 1 Specific Objectives : Classify sources of energy Describe energy security measures State salient features of EC act 2001 Content: Primary and Secondary Energy Sources Commercial and Noncommercial energy sources Global Primary Energy Reserves Indian energy scenario Energy Security Energy Conservation and its Importance Features of Perform Achieve & Trade- PAT scheme Salient features of EC act 2001 Basic of Energy 2 Specific Objectives: Give examples of modes of heat transfer Calculate energy content in fuel Calculate power factor Content: Concept of Calorific value, Specific heat, Modes of heat transfer, Combustion (concept and calculations)- Basics of combustion, 3 T’s of combustion, Stoichiometry of combustion, Excess air in combustion Fuels- Types and examples of fuel, Properties of fuel, Storage of fuel Electrical Energy ( Concept and calculations )- DC and AC, Power factor, Energy demand Electricity generation from thermal power plant (concept and block diagram) Energy Audit 3 Specific Objectives: State necessity of energy audit Compare energy utilization for given product Suggest ENCON recommondation Content: Concept of energy audit Need for energy audit Types of energy audit-Preliminary & Detailed Energy audit instruments Structure of Audit report Energy benchmarking MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 9 17559 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme ENCON recommendation Simple payback period (definition and calculation) Energy Efficiency in Thermal and Electrical Utilities 4 5 Specific Objectives: Calculate efficiency of boiler by direct method Describe steps for efficiency calculation State steps for performance assessment of heat exchanger Calculate specified power for pump Content: Boilers Types of boiler – salient features of fire tube, water tube, package , FCB Boiler evaporation ratio Efficiency calculation by direct method Advantages and disadvantages of direct method Steps to check performance assessment of boiler Energy conservation measures in boiler Heat Exchangers Concept of heat exchanger Types of heat exchangers - by construction and flow LMTD Overall heat transfer coefficient Steps to check performance assessment of heat exchanger Pumps Working of centrifugal Pump Pump performance Hydraulic, shaft and electrical input power Pump operating point Effect of oversizing pump Energy loss in throttling NPSH Effect of speed variation, impeller trimming Performance assessment of pump (only method) Energy conservation opportunities in pump Cooling tower Types of cooling tower Components of cooling tower Cooling tower performance Efficient system operation Energy saving opportunities Non-Conventional Energy Sources Specific Objectives: Describe method of generating electricity by solar thermal energy Calculate power available in wind Compare conventional and non-conventional energy on given point MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 10 14 32 10 20 17559 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Content: Solar energy Solar constant Solar insolation Solar water heater – construction and working flat plate collector Solar thermal energy Solar photovoltaic energy Construction and working of box type and parabolic solar cooker Wind Energy Wind Generation Power available in wind Components of wind mill Capacity factor Biomass energy Types of biomass Direct combustion of biomass Gasification of biomass Construction and working of Biogas plant Biofuels- types , raw material and use Concept of fuel cell Concept of wave and tidal energy Concept of geothermal energy Comparison of conventional and non-conventional energy Total 48 100 Practical: Intellectual Skills 1) Follow standard method of energy audit. 2) Select proper instrument and its location for measuring the parameter. Motor Skill: 1) Handle instrument properly. 2) Measure parameters accurately. List of Practicals: Note: Following practicals can be conducted in group of 4 students 1) Compare intensity of light using lux meter in given rooms with standard values 2) Use of contact/ non-contact tachometer to measure rpm of given motor 3) Find out energy consumption of given appliances (computer, heater, microwave, refrigerator, etc.) using wattmeter and compare it with rated values 4) Compare heat loss from insulated and non-insulated furnace or oven or equipment or pipe. 5) Compare efficiency of box and parabolic solar cooker in terms of temp attained. 6) Calculate energy efficiency of shell and tube heat exchanger 7) Calculate energy efficiency of double pipe heat exchanger 8) Calculate energy efficiency of finned tube heat exchanger 9) Calculate losses when transfer of heat takes place from steam or hot water to cold water. 10) Calculate range and approach in cooling tower. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 11 17559 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 Learning Resources: 1. Books: Sr. Name of Book No. Guide book for Nation Certification Examination for 1 Energy Managers & Energy Auditors Book 1 to 4 2 Energy Management Handbook ‘G’ Scheme Name of Author Name of Publisher BEE available at W.C. Turner The Fairmont Press 2. Web Source (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 12 17559 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Fifth Subject Title : Heat Transfer Operation Subject Code : 17560 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- 04 03 100 50# -- 25@ 175 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: This subject intends to equip the students with the concept and principles of heat transfer operations, which are of prime importance in any chemical industry. It will develop the skills of logical thinking of control of various parameters, which affect the operations by which an overall control of the equipment can be achieved. General Objectives: The students will be able to 1. Understand basic modes , mechanism and laws of heat transfer 2. Understand concept of overall and individual heat transfer coefficient. 3. Apply basic equations to calculate rate of heat transfer. 4. Know working of different heat transfer equipments. 5. Know working of different evaporators. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 13 17560 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Applications Procedure Principle Concept Understand operation and to control heat transfer equipments. Determine parameters for different conditions. How to control heat transfer Working of different heat transfer equipments. Identification of driving force and resistance Laws of conduction, convection, Radiation Facts MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 Basics of heat & its measurement 14 17560 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Content: Theory Chapter Topic Hours Marks Conduction Specific Objectives: Derive equations to calculate rate of heat transfer through flat wall, cylinder & sphere Calculate rate of heat transfer through flat wall, cylinder & sphere 1 2 Content: 1.1 08 Marks Modes of heat transfer - definition with examples Fourier’s law - statement, mathematical expression Thermal conductivity - definition, relation with temperature Description of steady state conduction Derivation of rate of heat flow by conduction through rectangular block, composite wall & numericals 1.2 10 Marks Derivation of rate of heat flow through cylinder, sphere & numericals Study of variation of thermal conductivity with temperature optimum thickness of insulation - concept & definition Convection Specific Objectives: Derive relation between film coefficient & overall heat transfer coefficient Calculate overall heat transfer coefficient & area of heat transfer Describe heat transfer coefficient in boiling liquid & condensing vapour Content: 2.1 18 Marks Natural & forced convection – definition & example Film coefficient – concept, definition and unit Derivation of overall heat transfer coefficient from hot fluid to cold fluid through metal wall. Effect of surface coefficient on overall heat transfer coefficient Dimensional analysis for heat transfer for understanding the use of Reynold’s number, prandtl number, Nusselt number and Grashoff number in calculating film coeffitient Calculating heat transfer coefficient in laminar & turbulent flow by Dittus –Bolter & Sider Tate equation 2.2 18 Marks Co-current & counter current heat flow- concept, schematic representation & comparison Concept of Log Mean Temp. Difference, derivation & numericals based on this Boiling – definition of saturated pool boiling, boiling curve, study of film boiling, nucleate boiling & transition boiling Condensation – definition, MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 15 10 18 14 36 17560 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 3 4 5 ‘G’ Scheme Dropwise & filmwise condensation – definition & relative merits & demerits, effect of vertical & horizontal heat transfer surface on heat transfer coefficient Radiation Specific Objectives: Describe basic laws of radiation Calculate rate of heat radiated between two surfaces Content: Radiation- Definition & examples Definition of absorptivity, reflectivity and transmissivity Laws of radiation- statement & mathematical expression of Plank’s Law, Wien’s displacement law, Stefan Boltzman law Definition, mathematical expression & description of Kirchoff’s law Mathematical expression for rate of radiation between two surfaces, numericals based on that Definition of black body, Gray body, emissivity, Emissive power Heat Transfer Equipment Specific Objectives: Draw different types of heat exchanger Compare single & multipass heat exchangers calculate area of heat exchangers Content: Different heat transfer equipment in chemical industrynames & uses Double pipe Heat Exchangers- Diagram, construction, working Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger- Diagram, construction, working of different types Single pass & multipass heat exchangers- Working& comparison Diagram of 1-2 & 2-4 heat exchanger Graphite Block heat exchanger - Diagram, construction, working Extended Surface heat exchanger - Diagram, construction, working Scrapped Surface heat exchanger - Diagram, construction, working Plate type heat exchanger - Diagram, construction, working Evaporation Specific Objectives: Describe working of different evaporators Distinguish between single effect & multiple effect evaporator Calculate area of heat transfer in single effect evaporator Content: 5.1 12 Marks Definition of evaporation, comparison of Evaporation & Drying Statement & effects of properties that influences evaporation MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 16 03 08 10 16 11 22 17560 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 5.2 ‘G’ Scheme Definition & description of capacity & economy of evaporator, methods to improve economy Feeding of multiple effect evaporator – description & diagram Mechanical & thermal recompression description & diagram 10 Marks Material & enthalpy balance for single effect evaporator, numericals based on this topic to calculate area of evaporator Detailed study of construction, working, diagram & application of open pan evaporator, Horizontal tube evaporator, Vertical tube evaporator, Long tube vertical evaporator, forced circulation evaporator Total 48 100 Practicals: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: a. To calculate the Physical property (thermal conductivity) of material. b. To calculate the rate of heat flow through different materials. c. To calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient. Motor Skill: a. To operate different types of heat exchange. b. To control the operating parameters of heat exchange. List of Practicals: 1. To find the thermal conductivity of material at different temperatures. 2. To calculate the rate of heat loss through composite wall. 3. To calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient for finned tube heat exchanges. 4. To calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient for shell and tube heat exchanges. 5. To calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient for double pipe heat exchanges for cocurrent flow. 6. To calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient for double pipe heat exchanges for counter current flow. 7. To calculate the emissivity of a material. 8. To calculate heat transfer coefficient for natural convection. 9. Measures various parameters controlled in a heat exchanger using process simulator. 10. To calculate Heat Transfer coefficient for forced convection. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. Name of Book No. 1 2 3 4 Introduction to Chemical Engg. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering Process Heat Transfer Solved problems in mass and heat transfer MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 Name of Author Mr. Walter L. Badger & Mr. Julius T. Bachero Mc Cabe, W. L. Smith & Hariot. Kern D. Q. G. K. Roy 17 Name of Publisher Mc Graw Hill International. Mc Graw Hill International. Mc Graw Hill International. Khanna Publication 17560 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Fifth Subject Title : Chemical Process Instrumentation and Control Subject Code : 17561 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- 02 03 100 50# -- 25@ 175 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: Monitoring and control of processes is an important activity of Chemical Engineer. The subject deals with measurement principles of process parameters like temperature, pressure, level, flow, etc. With knowledge of this subject student will be able to control the process parameter as per the desired value for the optimization of the process. The subject also gives exposure to the PID control action and control system like DCS, PLC. General Objectives: The students will be able to 1. Understand the principles & working of different measuring instrument. 2. Select proper instrument for measuring desired parameters. 3. Calibrate and Maintain process control elements. 4. Use Controllers, PLC & DCS in process Industry. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 18 17561 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Measurement and control of various parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow in chemical industry Procedure Methods of measuring and calibration Block diagram of control system, control actions, DCS system Principle Principles of various instruments used in chemical industry for the measurement of temperature, pressure, flow & level Principles of control, actions, control system, final control element & DCS Concept Concept of temperature, pressure, flow, level measurement Basics of control system used in chemical industry Facts Factual information about various instruments used to measure different parameters & control system MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 19 17561 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Topic and Contents Chapter 1: Basic Concepts Specific Objectives: State static and dynamic characteristics of instrument State elements of instruments Contents: Measurement and its aim Functional elements - Primary, Secondary, Manipulating, data transferring Static characteristics - definition of Calibration, Accuracy, Precision, Repeatability, Drift, Sensitivity, Resolution, Dead zone, Static error. Dynamic Characteristics - definition of Speed of response, fidelity, lag, Dynamic error. Chapter 2: Temperature Measurement Specific Objectives: State various temperature measuring instruments State methods of measuring temperature by using sensor Contents: Temperature Scales;- Centigrade, Kelvin, Fahrenheit, Rankine Methods of Temperature Measurement. Expansion Thermometer- Bimetallic thermometer, Glass thermometer Electrical temperature measuring instruments- RTD, thermocouple & Thermistor Pyrometer- Optical & Radiation Chapter 3: Pressure Measurement Specific Objectives: Determine pressure in different units. State various pressure measuring instrument Measure pressure using pressure measuring device Contents: Units of Pressure Methods of Pressure Measurement Elastic Pressure Transducer - Bourdon tube, Bellows, Diaphragm Force-balance Pressure Gauges - Dead weight tester, Electrical Pressure Transduce - Strain gauge, , LVDT Measurement of Vacuum - McLeod gauge Chapter 4: Level Measurement Specific Objectives: Know various level measuring instrument Measure level using level measuring instruments Contents: Methods of Liquid level Measurement Direct Methods: Sight Glass, Float Indirect Methods: Pressure gauge, Air purge, Radioactive, Ultrasonic, Capacitive. Solid level Measurement. Chapter 5: Flow Measurement Specific Objectives: State various flow measuring instrument Measure flow using flow measuring device MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 20 Hours Marks 04 04 06 12 08 14 06 12 06 16 17561 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Contents: Method of flow measurement Inferential Flow Measurement Variable head- flow nozzles, Variable area- Piston type, Magnetic meter, Turbine meter Ultrasonic flow meter Quantity Flow meter: Positive displacement meters- Rotating vane meter, Mass Flow meters: Thermal flow meter. Chapter 6: Process Control System & Controller Specific Objectives: State concepts of control system State effect of control action on parameter such as temperature, pressure, level, flow etc. Contents: Open, closed loop system, cascade control system. Servo & Regulatory operation. Definition of system - input step, ramp, sinusoidal, pulse. Selection of Control Action -On-Off, proportional, integral, derivative. Construction and working of Pneumatic Controllers - P, PI, PD, PID Chapter 7: Control Valve Specific Objectives: State control valves & understand control valve Select control valve for particular application Contents : Types of control valve – air to open, air to close Valve characteristics.- Linear, Equal %, Quick opening Valve types- single seated, Double seated Valve actuators. Valve selection and sizing. Chapter 8: Computer-Aided Measurement & Control System Specific Objectives: State concepts of computer aided control system State applications of PLC, DCS Contents: Elements of computer-aided measurement and control. Computer aided process control Architecture - Distributed Digital Control Architecture. Computer- aided process control hardware. Programmable Logic controller (PLC) Architecture. Distributed Control System (DCS) Architecture. Total 08 14 06 14 04 14 48 100 Practical: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: To verify the principles, laws, using given measuring instruments under different conditions. To read and interpret the graph. To interpret the results from observations and calculations. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 21 17561 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Motor Skills: Proper handling of measuring devices. Measuring physical quantities accurately. To observe the phenomenon and to list the observations in proper tabular form. To adopt proper procedure while performing the experiment. To plot the graphs. List of Practicals: 1) Measurement of temperature using thermocouple or RTD or thermistor and to find their characteristics. 2) Measurement of high temperature using radiation or optical pyrometer 3) Measurement of pressure using LVDT 4) Calibrate pressure gauge using Dead Weight Tester 5) Measurement of flow using magnetic flow meter or ultrasonic flow meter or rotating vane flow meter or turbine wheel flow meter. 6) Determine the characteristics of ON- OFF or proportional or proportional integral or proportional derivative or proportional integral derivative controller. 7) Determine the characteristics of control valve. 8) Industrial visit to study DCS/ PLC. 9) To measure liquid level by using air purge method or capacitance method. 10) Measurement of pressure using strain gauge transducer. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. Author No. Industrial Instrumentation 1. and control Title Publisher 2. Instrumentation Franklyn Kirk & Nicholas Rimboi Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. D. B. Taraporevala Sons & Co Private Ltd 3. Industrial control and Instrumentation W. Bolten Universities Press (India) Ltd 4. Process control Coughner McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd 5. Fundamentals of Industrial Instrumentation Barua Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 S. K. Singh 22 17561 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Fifth Subject Title : Chemical Reaction Engineering Subject Code : 17562 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 01 -- 03 100 -- -- -- 100 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: This subject outlines the basic principles of kinetics, reactor design and its selection. These principles are useful in operating the reactors in the industries. This subject enables students to have and idea about various types of reactors and catalyst used in the process industry. General Objectives: Students will be able to 1. Decide the feasibility of a chemical reaction. 2. Understand the fundamentals of reactor design and specific applications of different types chemical reactors. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 23 17562 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Procedure Enable to design and operate chemical reactors Evaluating ΔG Decide feasibility Design and working of reactors Principle Laws of thermodynamics Concept Concept of system, entropy and free energy Facts MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 Mole balances Concept of order, reaction rate and ideal flow patterns Chemical reactions 24 17562 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory Content: Chapter No. 01 02 03 Topic and Contents Topic 1 : Thermodynamics Specific Objectives: Understand effect of process parameters on extent of reaction. Decide the feasibility of a chemical reaction Contents: 1.1 (12 Marks) Internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs free energy chemical potential and fugacity – definitions and notation. Entropy changes for ideal gas processes and phase change. Gibbs free energy change and the feasibility of a chemical reaction from free energy change. Relationship between ΔG and K and its derivation. Chemical equilibrium, its characteristics Kf, Kp, Kc and Ky and the relationship among them. Vant Hoff equation and variation of equilibrium constant with temperature. To obtain the relationship between conversion and thermodynamic equilibrium constant for first order and second order reversible reaction. 1.2 Numericals on entropy change for ideal gas processes, Kp, Kc and Ky. (06 Marks) Topic 2 : Kinetics of Homogeneous Reactions Specific Objectives: State Arrhenius law Calculate the rate constant and activation energy Contents: 2.1 (08 Marks) Rate of reaction, rate equation/law, factors affecting the rate of reaction, classification of reactions, reaction rate, rate constant. Concentration dependent term of a rate equation, elementary and non-elementary reactions, molecularity and order of reaction, chain and non-chain reactions. Types of intermediate in non-chain reactions. 2.2 Temperature dependency of rate constant based on Arrhenius theory Collision state theory Transition state theory Comparison of different theories (06 Marks) 2.3 Problem based on Arrhenius’ law – calculation of k and E and rate of reaction. (08 Marks) Topic 3 : Interpretation of Batch reactor data Specific Objectives: Analyse the kinetic data Derive the integrated rate expressions for different order MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 25 Hours Marks 14 18 08 22 12 24 17562 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 04 05 ‘G’ Scheme reactions. Find the rate expression for a given reaction Contents: 3.1 (10 Marks) Method of interpretation of kinetic data, constant-volume batch reactor, analysis of total pressure data. Differential and integral methods of analyzing kinetic data. Integral method of analysis of data, integrated rate equations for zero order, first order and second order irreversible reactions and first order reversible reaction in term of concentration and conversion.(constant volume) Overall order of irreversible reactions from half-life, nth order reaction. Differential method of analysis of data 3.2 (14Marks) Concept of Variable volume batch reactor, fractional change in volume, integrated rate equations for zero order and first order reactions 3.3 Concepts of autocatalytic, parallel & series reactions Topic 4 : Introduction to Reactor design Specific Objectives: State concept of ideal reactors Derive performance equations for ideal reactors Calculate the reactor volume for a specified conversion Contents: 4.1 Types of reactors, material balance equation, relationship between CA and XA for constant density and changing density batch and flow systems. (04 Marks) 4.2 Definition of Space time, Space velocity, and holding time (04 Marks) Performance/design equations for ideal batch reactor, mixed flow reactor and plug flow reactor in terms of concentration and conversion and graphical representations Size comparison of reactors, advantages and disadvantages of batch reactor, mixed flow reactor v/s plug flow reactor. 4.3 Numericals based on the above subtopics. (12 Marks) 4.4 Multiple reactors (04 Marks) Topic 5 : Catalysis Specific Objectives: State characteristics of catalysed reaction Distinguish between fixed bed reactor and fluidized bed reactor Contents: 5.1 Concept of Catalysis, catalyst, classification of catalytic reactions catalytic reactions/catalysis, Characteristics of catalytic reactions, desired properties of catalyst Methods of catalyst preparation, promoters, inhibitors and accelerators. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 26 10 24 04 12 17562 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Catalyst poisoning and types of catalyst poisons, deactivation and regeneration Steps involved in solid catalyzed gas phase reactions 5.2 Fluidized bed reactors, fixed bed reactors and difference between them, their merits and demerits. Total 48 100 List of Assignments: Sr. No. 1 2 3 No. of Hrs. Topic Introduction to chemical kinetics Numericals on Arrhenius law and activation energy a) Numericals on unimolecular first order reaction b) Numericals on bimolecular second order reaction c) Numericals on half life d) Numericals on zero order reaction for constant volume reaction systems. Introduction to reactor design (Find volume & conversion) a) Numericals on batch reactor b) Numericals on Plug flow reactor c) Numericals on mixed flow reactor Total 02 01 02 02 01 02 02 03 16 Learning Resources: Books: Sr. No. Name of Books 01 Chemical Reaction Engg. Octave Levenspiel Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi 02 Elements of Chemical Engg. H. Scott Fogler Printice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 03 Chemical Engg. Thermodynamics Smith and Van Ness McGraw Hill, New York 04 Chemical Engg. Thermodynamics K.V. Narayanan Printice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 05 Chemical Engg. Kinetics Smith J M McGraw Hill, New York MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 Name of Author 27 Publication 17562 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering & Technology Course Code : EJ/EN/ET/EX/EV/IC/IE/IS/MU/DE/ME/PG/PT/AE/CE/CS/CR/ CO/CM/IF/ EE/EP/CH/PS/CD/ED/EI/CV/FE/FG/IU/MH/MI/TX/TC/DC/AU Semester : Fifth for EJ/EN/ET/EX/EV/IC/IE/IS/MU/DE/ME/PG/PT/AE/CE/CS/CR/ CO/CM/IF/EE/EP/CH/PS/AU and Sixth for CD/MH/IU/CV/FE/FG/MI/ ED/EI/DC/TC/TX Subject Title : Behavioural Science Subject Code : 17075 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 01 -- 02 -- -- -- 25 # 25 @ 50 Rationale: With increased globalization and rapid changing business expectations, employers are looking for wide cluster of skills to cater to the changing demand. Personality traits and soft skills are playing a key role in a student’s career in this changing scenario. Corporate houses look for soft skills that supplement hard skills. Addition of behavioural science in curriculum is intended to enhance the efficiency of a person so that he can contribute to overall growth of organisation. It aims at developing insight into leadership, team building, motivation, interpersonal relationship, problem solving, decision making and aspects of personality in a technician’s profile. Addition of the topic of organizational culture will further mould him/ her in the organisational role. This subject of ‘Behavioural Science’ provides a broad base in which a technician can develop a successful career in the world of work. General Objectives: After studying this subject, the students will be able to: 1. Develop him/her as Team leader. 2. Use self-motivation and motivate others. 3. Build a team and develop team spirit among the team members. 4. Improve the interpersonal relationship skills. 5. Learn Problem solving and decision making skills. 6. Discuss a particular topic in a group and face the interview. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 28 17075 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Procedure Principle Concept Facts Self-development and organizational growth Performing tasks effectively by implementing team spirit, defining problem Goal achievements and result oriented work culture Team building Conflict resolution Team development Problem solving Brain storming Interpersonal relationship Trial and error Group Discussion Leadership Team spirit Motivation Vision Team Conflict Organisation Task or Goal MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 29 Problem 17075 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Topic and Contents TOPIC 1: LEADERSHIP Contents: 1.1 Introduction – Importance, examples of different types of leaders. 1.2 Meaning and Definition of Leadership. 1.3 Leadership qualities – Confidence, Vision, Communication Skills, influencing people etc. 1.4 Types of Leadership styles, their advantages and disadvantages – Autocratic, Democratic, Delegative, Bureaucratic and Laizze Fairie. TOPIC 2: MOTIVATION Contents: 2.1 Meaning and Definition of motivation. 2.2 Types of motivation. 2.3 Maslow’s Motivation theory. 2.4 Job characteristic model to enhance motivation. TOPIC 3: TEAM BUILDING Contents: 3.1 Definition of Team. 3.2 Difference between Group and Team. 3.3 Need for formation of good team (vision, trust, cooperation, initiative, etc.) 3.4 Approach to Team building (Personality based, activity based, skill based, problem solving based, etc.) TOPIC 4: CONFLICT RESOLUTION Contents: 4.1 Definition of Conflict. 4.2 Types of Conflict – Functional and Dysfunctional 4.3 Sources of Conflict – Ego, Authority, Frustration etc. 4.4 Positive and Negative effects of conflicts. 4.5 Methods of Conflict resolution – Compromising, withdrawal, forcing. TOPIC 5: PROBLEM SOLVING AND DECISION MAKING Contents: 5.1 Steps in Problem Solving. 5.2 Methods used for solving problems – trial and error method, brain storming, lateral thinking method. 5.3 Techniques used for Decision making- Decision tree, Decision Matrix, Mind Mapping etc. TOPIC 6: GROUP DISCUSSION AND INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES Contents: 6.1 GROUP DISCUSSION Objectives of Group Discussion (ability to work in team, speaking and listening skills, leadership, creativity) Does and Don’ts of Group Discussion. How to conclude Group Discussion. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 30 Hours 02 03 02 04 03 02 17075 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 6.2 INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES Types of Interviews. (patterned, stress, behavioural) Dress Code, Body Language and Communication Skill. Probable questions for Interview. Telephonic or Video Interview. Total 16 Practical: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: Develop ability to find his strengths. Select proper source of information. Follow the technique of time and stress management. Set the goal. Motor Skills: Follow the presentation of body language. Work on internet and search for information. Prepare slides / transparencies for presentation. List of Practicals / activities: 1. Form a group of 4 or 5 students and discuss the topic ’Qualities of an effective leader’. Each group will prepare its list with justification to the entire class and write an assignment under the guidance of subject teacher. 2. Form a pair of student and each one from pair will ask each other questionnaire on motivation, self-motivation, experiences that motivated him or other which him for success in the past and write an assignment under the guidance of subject teacher based on discussion. 3. Form a group of 4 or 5 students and assign them a group activity such as ‘making a shape from match stick (50 to 100 match sticks) without guidance and without group discussion. 4. The group as in activity 3 will now perform the same activity. After group discussion and under guidance of subject teacher, each student from a group will write an assignment for both the activities and write their inferences with reference to group discussion, team development, team building, etc. 5. Form a group of 8 to 10 student and arrange a group activity such as; Industrial visit. Visit to any historical place/fort/museum, etc Housekeeping and cleaning of any laboratory/seminar hall for any function. After the execution of activity student will write an assignment under guidance of teacher keeping in mind individual role, purpose of activity, inter dependency of work or task, coordination of person and task involved and final performance. 6. Write an assignment on interpersonal relationship and conflict management with student’s personal experience of solving conflicts. 7. Form a group of 20 students and ask them to prepare a list of 8 to 10 problems affecting the institute. Subject teacher should analyze one such problem on black board using ‘Fish bone technique’ with the participation of students. Students will write an assignment consisting; Apparent problem statement. Analysis of the causes. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 31 17075 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Definition of real problem. 8. The subject teacher starts the session with ‘Statement of the problem’ written on the black board. After ensuring that all the participants are at the same level of understanding the statement of problem, he initiates NGT (Normal Group Technique) to arrive at maximum possible number of creative solutions. Based on ranking matrix the group will arrive at feasible solutions and students will write an assignment consisting of; Problem Statement. Model of problem solving. List of creative solution suggested by participants. Write the most feasible solution based on given criteria. 9. Form a group of 4 to 5 students and give them a topic for GD for 10 to 15 minutes. Teacher should analyse GD on certain parameters and students will write an assignment on aspects of GD and prepare a format (suggested or designed by teacher) which gives details of GD carried out. 10. Arrange a guest lecture of H.R. Person from industry/expert in interview technique and conduct mock interview of each student. Student should write a report on this activity. 11. Arrange a visit to industry and gather information about organisation, product, turnover, work culture, vision/mission statement, quality policy, Corporate social responsibility etc and write a report on it. Note - Subject teacher shall guide the students in completing the assignments based on above practicals. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. No. Author Name of Book Handbook and assignment book on Development of Life Skills-II Principles of management and organizational behaviour Publication MSBTE 1 Subject Experts-MSBTE 2 Dr. Kumkum Mukherjee 3 Dr.T.Kalyana Chakravarti Dr.T.Latha Chakravarti Soft Skills for Managers Biztantra 4 Barun K Mitra Personality Development and soft skills Oxford University Press 5 Priyadarshini Patnaik Group discussion and interview skills Foundation Books MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 32 Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd. 17075 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Fifth Subject Title : Entrepreneurship Development and Industrial Project Subject Code : 17073 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 01 01 02 -- -- -- -- 25@ 25 Rationale: Globalization, liberalization & privatization along with revolution in Information Technology, have thrown up new opportunities that are transforming lives of the masses. Talented and enterprising personalities are exploring such opportunities & translating opportunities into business ventures such as- BPO, Contract Manufacturing, Trading, Service sectors etc. The student community also needs to explore the emerging opportunities. It is therefore necessary to inculcate the entrepreneurial values during their educational tenure. This will help the younger generation in changing their attitude and take the challenging growth oriented tasks instead of waiting for white- collar jobs. This subject will help in developing the awareness and interest in entrepreneurship and create employment for others. Objectives: Students will be able to 1) Identify entrepreneurship opportunity. 2) Acquire entrepreneurial values and attitude. 3) Use the information to prepare project report for business venture. 4) Develop awareness about enterprise management. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 33 17074 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Procedure Use basic concepts, principles, and procedures related to Information gathering for opportunity. Product / Service Finalization as Business Opportunity Project report preparation & Project execution Concepts and Principles Information Gathering, Opportunity Identification, Formulation of Business Plan, Running Enterprise successfully - Planning Resources, Enterprise, Budgeting, Study modern trends in business Facts Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Processes, Motivation, Barriers, Business Plan, Small Scale Enterprises, MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 34 17074 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Topics: Topic 01 02 03 04 Name of Topic Entrepreneurship, Creativity & Opportunities Concept, Classification & Characteristics of Entrepreneur Creativity and Risk taking, Risk Situation, Types of risk & risk takers. Business Reforms. Process of Liberalization. Reform Policies. Impact of Liberalization. Emerging high growth areas. Business Idea Methods and techniques to generate business idea. Transforming Ideas in to opportunities transformation involves Assessment of idea &Feasibility of opportunity SWOT Analysis Information a nd Support Systems Information Needed and Their Sources: Information related to project, Information related to support system, Information related to procedures and formalities Support Systems Small Scale Business Planning, Requirements. Govt. & Institutional Agencies, Formalities Statutory Requirements and Agencies. Market Assessment Marketing -Concept and Importance Market Identification, Survey Key components Market Assessment Business Finance & Accounts Business Finance Cost of Project Sources of Finance Assessment of working capital Product costing Profitability Break Even Analysis Financial Ratios and Significance Business Account Accounting Principles, Methodology Book Keeping Financial Statements Concept of Audit MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 35 Hours 03 02 02 03 17074 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 05 06 ‘G’ Scheme Business Plan & Project Report Business plan steps involved from concept to commissioning Activity Recourses, Time, Cost Project Report Meaning and Importance Components of project report/profile (Give list) 5.3) Project Appraisal 1) Meaning and definition 2) Technical, Economic feasibility 3) Cost benefit Analysis Enterprise Management And Modern Trends Enterprise Management: Essential roles of Entrepreneur in managing enterprise Product Cycle: Concept and importance Probable Causes Of Sickness Quality Assurance: Importance of Quality, Importance of testing E-Commerce: Concept and Process Global Entrepreneur Assess yourself-are you an entrepreneur? Prepare project report and study its feasibility 03 03 List of Assignments: 1. Write the SWOT Analysis required for an successful entrepreneur. 2. Collect the required information, formalities and supporting systems for starting a small scale business. 3. Collect information regarding key parameters required for market analysis of an electrical industry. 4. Search for current available sources of finance to start a new business and write a report. 5. Write a report on different accounting methods, financial statements and audit. 6. Write a report on preparing a good business plan. 7. Collect information on E-commerce system and write a report on how it is useful for entrepreneurs. 8. Prepare a report on how to become a successful entrepreneur? Learning Resources: 1) Books: Sr. No 1 2 Author J.S. Saini B.S.Rathore Prepared by Colombo plan staff college for Technician Education. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 Title Publisher Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Wheeler Publisher, New Delhi Entrepreneurship Development Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi. 36 17074 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 3 J. B. Patel D. G. Allampally A Manual on How to Prepare a Project Report 4 Gautam Jain Debmuni Gupta New Initiatives in Entrepreneurship Education & Training Schaper, Michael Volery Alpana, Trehan Entrepreneurship- Small Business Entrepreneurship 5 6 EDI STUDY MATERIAL Near Village Bhat, Via Ahmadabad Airport & Indira Bridge, P.O. Bhat 382428, Gujrat, India P.H. (079) 3969163, 3969153 E-mail : .org Website : Wiley India,2011 Dreamtech, 2011 2) Video Cassettes: No 1 2 3 4 5 Subject Five success Stories of First Generation Entrepreneurs Assessing Entrepreneurial Competencies Business Opportunity Selection and Guidance Planning for Completion & Growth Problem Solving-An Entrepreneur Skill Source EDI STUDY MATERIAL Ahmadabad (Near Village Bhat , Via Ahmadabad Airport & Indira Bridge), P.O. Bhat 382428 , Gujrat,India P.H. (079) 3969163, 3969153 E-mail : Website : PART B) Industrial Project Following activities related to project are required to be dealt with, during this semester 1. Form project batches & allot project guide to each batch. (Max. 4 students per batch) 2. Each project batch should select topic / problem / work by consulting the guide & / or industry. Topic / Problem / work should be approved by Head of department. 3. Each project batch should prepare action plan of project activities & submit the same to respective guide. 4. At the end of semester, each project batch should submit the action plan and abstract of the project along with list of materials required if project involves fabrication or other facilities required in other kinds of project. 5. Action Plan should be part of the project report. 6. Each group member shall write assignments on the action plan prepared for the project for this semester (half of the project work). The assessment of the assignments will be considered for next semester as a total term work. Group MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 Project 37 17074 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Fifth Subject Title : Professional Practices-III Subject Code : 17074 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL -- -- 03 -- -- -- -- 50@ 50 Rationale: Due to globalization and competition in industrial services, sectors, selection of candidates for job is based on campus interview and competitive test. While selecting the candidates in general confidence, ability to communicate attitudes are the basic concepts. The purpose of introducing subject of professional practice is to provide the opportunity for student to undergo various objectives so as to develop his confidence and communication skills. Industrial visits, group discussions, seminar presentations, expert lectures are introduced in the subject to provide maximum participation of students in learning process. General Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Acquire information and data of different industries 2. Deliver the information and knowledge required to develop awareness about latest trends in chemical industries. 3. Present seminar on selected topic. 4. Prepare report on industrial visit. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 38 17074 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application To develop the self learning of soft skill required in the industries and service sectors Procedure Suffering internet, review the journals, factory visits, various activities Principle Effective and efficient reading, listening and information search, principle of learning body language, stage daring etc. Concept Report writing of expert lectures, industrial visit, developing general confidence, stage daring, communication skill, interview techniques Identify equipments, topics, self learner Facts Guidelines for implementing professional practices In order to implement contents of professional practice effectively it is necessary for the department to plan the activities for full semester. Minor modifications may be done if required. Following are guidelines for the same. Activities to be guided and monitored by the faculty of the concerned department only. Involve students in related activities to a great extent to develop learning to learn skills. Arrange industrial visits and expert lectures on convenient days. Periods of PP may be allocated to concerned faculty members whose periods may be lost. Ensure to carry out all activities suggested. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 39 17074 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Practical: Contents Hours 1. Industrial Visits Industrial visits to be arrange and report of same should be submitted by individual student as a part of term work. Visit any two chemical industries available such as a. Dairy industry b. Sugar industry c. Starch industry d. paper industry e. Petro chemical industry f. Solvent – Extraction plant Revalent content of report Manufacturing process, it’s flow diagram, various instruments used for measurement of temperature, pressure, flow, level. Their types and ranges. Type of equipments used in manufacturing processes such as heat exchanger, reactor, dryer, distillation column, extractor, absorber, boiler, cooling tower and effluent treatment arrangement in industries. 2. Seminar Presentation Student should present a seminar on a topic given below or any other topic given by lecturer or topic related to industrial visit. a. Dairy industry – Pastuerasation of milk, drying process of milk powder. b. Sugar industry – crystallization of sugar, alcohol from molasses c. Starch industry – Dextrose, glucose, corn oil manufacturing d. Petrochemical industry – Fractional distillation process, Automatic controls in distillation column, storage of petrochemical chemicals, safety procedure used in petrochemical industries. e. Solvent extraction plant – Extraction process, recovery of solvent The report should be written and submitted individually in advance in a specific format before seminar and it should be presented in 10 min. 3. Group Discussion Students should discuss in a group of 8 – 10 to be monitored by faculty member. The student should have to write a brief report on the same and submit it as a term work. Topics such as given below or topic selected by concern teacher a. Effect of chemical industries waste on global worming b. Benefits of energy audit of industries c. Effect of global warming and recent effort to control global warming d. Renewable energy sources 4. Expert Lecturers Minimum two expert lectures based on chemical engg. field to be arranged. Report prepared by individual student and submitted to the concern teacher as a part of term work. Topics selected by expert lecturer or topic such as given below a. Safety in Petrochemical industry b. Waste water management c. Recovery of energy in thermal power station d. Fermentation industry – It’s scope and application Total MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 40 16 12 14 06 48 17074 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Industrial Training (Optional) Students who have completed industrial training in summer vacation after 4th Semester will be granted exemption for activities related to topic 1 to 4. These students shall submit report of Industrial training signed and certified by authorities from Industry. Student will give seminar on industry training attended by him. Evaluation will be done on seminar and report submitted by student. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30/10/2013 41 17074 CH5 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION, MUMBAI TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME FOR POST S.S.C. DIPLOMA COURSES COURSE NAME : DIPLOMA IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COURSE CODE : CH DURATION OF COURSE : 6 SEMESTERS WITH EFFECT FROM 2012-13 SEMESTER : SIXTH DURATION : 16 WEEKS PATTERN : FULL TIME - SEMESTER SCHEME : G SR. NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SUBJECT TITLE Management $ Environmental Technology Chemical Engineering Drawing Mass Transfer Operation ELECTIVE ( Any One) Alcohol Technology Petro Chemical Technology Process Simulation Project & Seminar Abbrevi ation MAN ETE CED MTO SUB CODE 17601 17646 17647 17648 TEACHING SCHEME EXAMINATION SCHEME TH TU PR PAPER HRS. 03 03 02 03 ----- -02 04 04 1&½ 03 04 03 TH (1) PR (4) OR (8) TW (9) Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min 50#* 100 100 100 20 40 40 40 -25@ -50# -10 -20 --25# -- --10 -- --25@ 25@ --10 10 SW (17600) 50 ATE PCT PSI PAS 17649 17651 17802 17803 03 03 --- ----- 02 02 02 04 03 03 --- 100 100 --- 40 40 --- ----- ----- ---50# ---20 25@ 25@ 25@ 50@ 10 10 10 20 TOTAL 14 -- 18 -- 450 -- 75 -- 75 -- 150 -- 50 Student Contact Hours Per Week: 32 Hrs. THEORY AND PRACTICAL PERIODS OF 60 MINUTES EACH. Total Marks : 800 @ - Internal Assessment, # - External Assessment, No Theory Examination, $ - Common to all branches, #* - Online Theory Examination. Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, OR-Oral, TW- Term Work, SW- Sessional Work. Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional work (SW). Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms. Code number for TH, PR, OR, TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 1 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering / Technology Course Code : EJ/EN/ET/EX/EV/IC/IE/IS/MU/DE/ME/PG/PT/AE/CE/CS/CR/CO/CM/IF/ CW/EE/EP/EU/CH/CT/PS/CD/ED/EI/CV/FE/IU/MH/MI/TX/TC/FG Semester : Sixth for EJ/EN/ET/EX/EV/IC/IE/IS/MU/DE/ME/PG/PT/AE/CE/CS/CR/ CO/CM/IF/CW/EE/EP/EU/CH/CT/PS/TX/TC/FG and Seventh for MH/MI/CD/ED/EI/ CV/FE/IU Subject Title : Management Subject Code : 17601 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- -- 1&½ 50#* -- -- -- 50 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: Management concepts are universal and it is a multidisciplinary subject. They are equally applicable to different types industries like Manufacturing, Service and Trade as well as different kind of business activities like industry, army, school, hospital, retail shops etc. Also, at the end of diploma course polytechnic students are expected to enter in to the Industrial Environment. This environment is altogether different and new to the students. A proper introduction and understanding of management fundamentals is therefore essential for all these students. Contents of the this subject will enable the students to address various issues related to human resource, finance, materials, legislations etc. by use of basic principles of management. This will ensure that students will play their role effectively to enhance the quality of business output in total. Objective: The students will able to: 1. Get familiarized with environment related to business processes. 2. Know the management aspects of the organisations. 3. Understand Role & Responsibilities of a Diploma engineer. 4. Understand importance of quality improvement techniques. 5. Appreciate need and importance of safety in industries. 6. Understand process of Industrial finance and its management. 7. Know the latest trends in industrial management. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 2 17601 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Procedure Concepts Facts Use management functions & techniques. Realize importance of management process in Business. Describe Business scenario. Practice managerial traits. Know supervisory responsibilities, time management & productivity Exposure to world of work Information collection regarding government functions, rules and regulations, regarding Business processes. Case studies of management functions. Review of Supervisory responsibilities Time Management functions Learning to learn management functions Globalization & WTO Modern methods of management Value addition by efficient management. Conventional Engineering & Business opportunities Changing Role & nature of employment. Developments in functions of Business Management. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 3 Roll of supervisor Managerial Traits Government Rules & Regulations and their implications. Role and Opportunity for technicians in Business world. Responsibilities & Expectations from Technicians in Business Environment. 17601 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Contents: Theory Topic and contents Topic 1: Overview of Business Specific Objectives State various business types and sectors Describe importance of globalisation 1.1. Types of Business Service Manufacturing Trade 1.2. Industrial sectors Introduction to Engineering industry Process industry Textile industry Chemical industry Agro industry IT industry Banking, Insurance, Retail, Hospitality, Health Care 1.3 Globalization Introduction Advantages & disadvantages with respect to India Topic 2: Management Process Specific Objectives State various management principles Describe different management functions 2.1 What is Management? Evolution Various definitions of management Concept of management Levels of management Administration & management Scientific management by F.W.Taylor 2.2 Principles of Management (14 principles of Henry Fayol) 2.3 Functions of Management Planning Organizing Directing Controlling Decision Making Topic 3: Organisational Management Specific Objectives Compare different forms of organisation , ownership for a specific business Describe types of departmentation 3.1 Organization : Definition MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 4 Hours Marks 02 04 08 08 08 08 17601 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Steps in organization 3.2 Types of organization Line Line & staff Functional Project 3.3 Departmentation By product By process By function 3.4 Principles of Organisation Authority & Responsibility Span of Control Effective Delegation Balance ,stability and flexibility Communication 3.5 Forms of ownership Proprietorship Partnership Joint stock Co-operative Society Govt. Sector Topic 4: Industrial Safety and Legislative Acts Specific Objectives Describe types of accidents & safety measures State provisions of industrial acts. 4.1 Safety Management Causes of accidents Types of Industrial Accidents Preventive measures Safety procedures 4.2 Industrial Legislation - Necessity of Acts Important Definitions & Main Provisions of following acts: Indian Factory Act Workman Compensation Act Minimum Wages Act Topic 5: Financial Management (No Numerical) Specific Objectives Explain functions of financial management State the sources of finance & types of budgets. Describe concepts of direct & indirect taxes. 5.1 Financial Management- Objectives & Functions 5.2 Capital Generation & Management Types of Capitals - Fixed & Working Sources of raising Capital - Features of Short term, Medium Term & Long Term Sources 5.3 Budgets and accounts Types of Budgets MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 5 08 06 08 08 17601 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Fixed & Variable Budget - Concept Production Budget - Sample format Labour Budget - Sample format Profit & Loss Account & Balance Sheet - Meaning, sample format, meaning of different terms involved. 5.4 Meaning & Examples of Excise Tax Service Tax Income Tax Value Added Tax Custom Duty Topic 6: Materials Management (No Numerical) Specific Objectives Describe concept of inventory, ABC analysis & EOQ. Describe purchase functions & procedures State features of ERP & MRP 6.1. Inventory Concept, its classification, functions of inventory 6.2 ABC Analysis - Necessity & Steps 6.3 Economic Order Quantity Concept, graphical representation, determination of EOQ 6.4 Standard steps in Purchasing 6.5 Modern Techniques of Material Management Material Resource Planning (MRP) - Functions of MRP, Input to MRP, Benefits of MRP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - Concept, list of modules, advantages & disadvantages of ERP Topic 7: Quality Management Specific Objectives State Principles of Quality Management Describe Modern Technique & Systems of Quality Management 7.1 Meaning of Quality Quality Management System – Activities, Benefits Quality Control - Objectives, Functions, Advantages Quality Circle - Concept, Characteristics & Objectives Quality Assurance – Concept, Quality Assurance System 7.2 Meaning of Total Quality and TQM Components of TQM – Concept, Elements of TQM, Benefits 7.3 Modern Technique & Systems of Quality Management like Kaizen,5’S’,6 Sigma 7.4 ISO 9001:2000 - Benefits, Main clauses. Total MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 6 08 08 06 08 48 50 17601 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Resources: Books: Sr. No Author Name of Book Publisher Dhanpat Rai & Sons New Delhi 01 Dr. O.P. Khanna Industrial Engineering & Management 02 Banga & Sharma Industrial Engineering & Management Khanna Publication 03 Dr. S.C. Saksena Business Administration & Management Sahitya Bhavan Agra 04 W.H. Newman E. Kirby Warren Andrew R. McGill The process of Management Prentice- Hall E Source: MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 7 17601 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Sixth Subject Title : Environmental Technology Subject Code : 17646 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- 02 03 100 25@ -- -- 125 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: Environmental Technology is the application of environmental science, environmental monitoring and electronic devices used for monitoring and analysis of environmental pollutants. Environmental technology is used to control air pollution, water pollution. Content of this subject include working of different equipments for controlling air pollution, waste water treatment methods, solid waste management. Subject also covers industry specific waste treatment and environmental audit with ISO 14000. Objectives: The students will be able to 1. Understand the types of pollution and pollutants 2. Know working of different equipment used to control the air and water pollution. 3. Understand disposal methods of solid waste management. 4. Know waste treatment methods for specific industries. 5. Understand the procedure for environmental audit and norms of ISO 14000. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 8 17646 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Applications Procedure Principle Concept Minimizing Pollution in industries using environmental technology Construction and Working of different equipments used in industry for pollution control Principle of sampling and analysis Principle of BOD, COD, TDS Air pollution Water pollution Facts MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 Characteristics of solid waste Solid waste Phases of environmental audit Principles of environmental audit Environmental audit Environmental pollution and pollutants 9 17646 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Content: Theory Topic No. 1 2 Topic Hours Marks Air Pollution Specific Objectives: To describe sources & effects of air pollutants To draw & explain different equipment’s for gaseous and particulate air pollutants control Content: 1.1 Cause and methods of sampling…. 14 Air pollution : definition and classification of air pollutants Natural and Manmade sources of pollution ( CO, CO2, SOx, NOx, Particulates, Hydrocarbons, O3 ) Effect of air pollution on health, animals, material and vegetation Air Quality monitoring: - CPCB Air quality standards ( SOx, NOx, SPM,CO) - Necessity of air sampling and Basic consideration during sampling - Sampling methods for gaseous and particulate type pollutants: Gaseous pollutants: Grab sampling, Absorption, Adsorption, Freeze out sampling Particulate pollutants: dust fall jar, high volume sampler, electrostatic precipitation. 1.2 Methods of controlling air pollution ….. 16 Air pollution controlling methods Principle, construction, working and application of Equipment for gaseous pollutants control: - Gas absorption equipment: Packed column, Plate column and venturi scrubber. - Fixed bed adsorber - Thermal and catalytic incinerator Principle, construction, working and application of Equipment for particulate types of pollutants control: - Gravity settling chamber - Cyclone separator - Fabric filter - Wet Scrubber - Electrostatic precipitator Water Pollution and Waste Water Treatment Specific Objectives: To describe preliminary, primary and secondary treatment methods. To describe sludge treatment methods. Content: 12 30 18 34 2.1 Waste water characteristics ….. 14 Types of water pollutants and their sources& effects Physical, chemical & biological characteristics of MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 10 17646 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Wastewater Water sampling methods: Grab sampling and composite sampling Concepts & significance: DO, TSS, TDS, pH, BOD, COD etc . Drinking water quality standard (MPCB/WHO) Role of pollution control board 2.2 Effluent treatment methods…… 12 Preliminary Treatment. Primary Treatment Secondary (Biological) Treatment: Principle, construction & working of; - Trickling Filters. - Activated Sludge Treatment plant 2.3 Sludge treatment…… 08 Sludge Thickening Sludge Digestion Sludge Dewatering Sludge Disposal Industry Specific Waste Treatment Specific Objectives: To describe waste treatment in fertilizer industry. To describe waste treatment in petrochemical industry Content: 3.1 Fertilizer industry Names of pollutants produced from urea plant and their effects Treatment of solid, liquid, gaseous effluent produced in urea plant 3.2 Pulp & Paper ( Kraft) Industry Problems of black liquor Recovery of chemicals from black liquor Solid Waste Management Specific Objectives: To test solid waste collection methods To describe precautions to be taken while disposal of biomedical waste. Content: 4.1 Solid waste : Definition, classification, characteristics and origin. Solid waste collection methods. Solid waste processing. Reuse, recycle and recovery. 4.2 Disposal of Biomedical waste. Environmental Audit & ISO 14000 Specific Objectives: To describe environmental audit procedure. To state business benefits of ISO 14000 Content: 5.1Environmental management: Principle, objective and components of Environment management 3 4 5 MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 11 04 10 08 14 06 12 17646 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 5.2 Environment Audit :principle, Procedure and benefits 5.3 ISO 14001: Need for ISO 14001 Business Benefits of ISO 14000 Total 48 100 Practicals: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: 1. To develop logical thinking ability for carrying out titrations 2. To interpret test results on the basis of standard limits for each parameter 3. To develop reasoning ability for the parameters that exceeds standard limit Motor Skill: 1. To handle the glassware 2. To operate instruments 3. To observe the phenomenon of chemical reactions 4. To measure required quantities accurately List of Practicals: Note: Practicals can be conducted in group of 4 students. 1. 2. 3. 4. Estimate suspended particulate matter in air using high volume sampler. Estimate concentration of flue gas using orsat apparatus. Measure the turbidity of given waste water sample using nephlometric turbidity meter. Determine total hardness of the given effluent sample using Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA). 5. Determine total suspended solids and total dissolved solids in given effluent sample. 6. Determine acidity and alkalinity of given effluent sample. 7. Estimate chloride content of given water sample. 8. Determine biological oxygen demand (BOD) of the given effluent sample. 9. Determine chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the given effluent sample. 10. Visit nearby chemical industry and prepare a report on effluent treatment plant. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. No. 1 2 Name of Book Text Book of Environmental Pollution and Control.A Text Book of Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 Name of Author Dr. H. S. Bhatia Mr. S. S. Dara 12 Name of Publisher New Delhi Galgotia Publication. S. Chand & Company Ltd. New Delhi. 17646 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 3 Environmental Pollution Control Engineering C. S. Rao 4 Pollution Control in Process Industries Mr. S. P. Mahajan. 5 Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal & Reuse Metcalf & Eddy New Age International(P) Limited, Publishers Tata McGrawHill, New Delhi. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. Website: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 13 17646 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Sixth Subject Title : Chemical Engineering Drawing Subject Code : 17647 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 02 -- 04 04 100 -- 25# 25@ 150 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: There are different types of Chemical Process Industries. These industries require different unit processes, unit operations depending upon their product. While working in Chemical Plants Diploma Engineer is expected to locate the faults in various equipments. Similarly he is required to interpret the process flow sheet and operate & control the process. Contents of this subject provide him the opportunity to draw various equipment and flow processes. The practice of drawing will help the students to interpret the process diagram. General Objectives: The students will be able to 1. Know various equipments for unit operations in chemical process industries. 2. Understand the working of various processes. 3. Know different symbols used in chemical processes industries. 4. Understand the sequence of equipments from Input to Output. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 14 17647 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Applications Procedure Principles Concepts Facts Enable to operate & control the process Enable to locate fault in the equipment Standard procedure for drawing with proportions Procedure for locating equipment from Input to Output Principles of sectional views Concept of working of equipments Principle of sequencing Sequencing of Unit Operations Sequencing of Unit Processes Unit Processes, Utilities Instrumentation Unit Operations MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 Utilities required for each Unit Operation Unit Process 15 17647 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Topic No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Topics and Contents Process Instrumentation Symbols: Specific Objective Draw the symbols for equipments, valves, instrumentation, pumps Contents: Symbols for Unit Operation equipments, Instrumentation, Valves as per IS 3232 Valves Specific Objectives Use working mechanism of different valves to identify the faults Select pipe joint for specific application Contents: Explain working and specific applications of Gate Valve, Globe valve, Ball Valve, Swing Check & Lift Check valves, Diaphragm Valve, Safety Valve ( Spring loaded, Rams Bottom ) Pipe Joints Specific Objectives Select proper pipe joint for specific application Contents: Joints used for smaller pipes- Bend, Elbow. Nipple, Socket, Reducer, Expander, Union Joint, Tee, Cross, Plug, Blind Flanged Joints- CI, Welded neck, Hub type, welded flange type, Screwed flange type Other Joints: Socket & Spigot Joint, Hydraulic Joint, Expansion Joints ( Corrugated joint, Loop) Support Specific Objectives Select proper support for vertical, horizontal, tall process vessel Contents: Hanger, roller support for steam pipes Leg, bracket and skirt support Saddle support Fabrication Drawing Specific Objectives Draw assembly of equipments. Contents: Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger Batch Reactor Distillation Column Types of heads, jackets, coils Types of packings Types of trays- sieve plate, bubble cap, valve tray Specification Sheet Specific Objectives MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 16 Hours Marks 03 04 05 12 03 12 02 08 05 16 04 08 17647 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 7 ‘G’ Scheme Select suitable MOC for specific application Contents: Specification Sheet for Batch Reactor, Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger Process Flow Diagrams Specific Objectives Develop skill of drying process flow diagram from process description Contents: For any given chemical process, develop Process Flow Diagram, Process Instrumentation Diagram (16 Marks) Utility Line Diagram (08 Marks) Equipment Layout (08 Marks) Tank Farm (08 Marks) NOTE: Question on this topic is to be set by giving a process description and related questions of each subpart without any option Total 10 40 32 100 Practicals: Intellectual Skills: 1. Develop the ability of following the sequence of Unit Operations & Unit Processes. 2. Locate the fault in Unit Operation Equipments. Motor Skills: 1. Draw proportionate drawings of equipments & processes 2. Develop the line work in preparing the drawing NOTE: All drawing sheets must be drawn using drafter. Draw following sheets 1. Symbols (IS-3232) 2. Systematic sectional views of gate , globe, ball and needle valve 3. Systematic sectional views of safety, check, foot valve. 4. Pipe joints - Bend, Elbow. Nipple, Socket, Reducer, Expander, Union Joint, Tee, Cross, Plug, Blind, Flanged Joints- CI, Welded neck, Hub type, welded flange type, Screwed flange 5. Pipe joints - Socket & Spigot Joint, Hydraulic Joint, Expansion Joints 6. Supports - Hanger, roller support for steam pipes. Leg, bracket and skirt supports, Saddle support. 7. Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger 8. Batch Reactor (Types of heads, jackets, coils) 9. Distillation Column (Types of packings ,Types of trays- sieve plate, bubble cap, valve tray MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 17 17647 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 10. Process flow diagram 11. Process Instrumentation diagram 12. Utility line diagram 13. Equipment layout and tank farm 14. Specification sheet for Batch reactor/Heat exchanger. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. Author No. Title Publisher 1 BIS IS-3232 BIS Publication 2 M.V.Joshi Process Equipment & Design Mc Millan 3 S.D.Dawande Process Equipment & Design Central Techno Publishers MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 18 17647 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course code : CH Semester : Sixth Subject Title : Mass Transfer Operation Subject Code : 17648 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS. TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- 04 03 100 50# -- 25@ 175 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: Mass transfer operation is a core subject of chemical engineering. After studying this subject the student would be able to design, operate and control various parameters related to mass transfer equipment. General Objectives: This subject will enable students to 1. Understand working & construction of mass transfer equipments 2. Select proper mass transfer operation. 3. Separation techniques studied in this subject are applicable in all chemical industries. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 19 17648 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Enable to design, handle and operate mass transfer equipment. Procedure Control and working of mass transfer equipment Principle Fick’s law, Raoults law, Henry’s law, law of conservation of mass. Concept Concept of diffusion, relative volatility, solubility, humidity, distribution coefficient and driving forces Facts MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 Gas - liquid - solid mixtures 20 17648 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Topic and Content Topic 1: Diffusion. Specific Objectives: Calculate the rate of diffusion in gas-gas and liquid-liquid system State different mass transfer theories. Contents: Definition, Ficks Law, Flux equation, Molecular diffusion in gases, Steady state diffusion of A through non diffusing B, Steady state equimolar counter diffusion. Numericals. Analogy between mass transfer and heat transfer, film theory, surface renewal theory, penetration theory, Equilibrium Topic 2: Distillation. Specific Objectives: Describe various distillation methods. Calculate no. of equilibrium stages in distillation column Decide a reflux ratio for obtaining certain purity of product. Contents: 2.1 Principles of Distillation : (08 Marks) Concept of distillation, Boiling point diagram, change of pressure on boiling point diagram. Vapour liquid equilibrium diagram. Henry’s Law, Raoults Law. Determination of vapor composition by above laws. Computing x – y data Volatility, relative volatility Methods of distillation Differential distillation, Rayleigh’s equation Flash distillation Rectification Azeotropic distillation, batch distillation & Steam distillation 2.2 Design (12 Marks) Material balance on distillation column Hours Marks 05 08 16 34 06 14 Derivation of equation for feed line, top and bottom operating line McCabe – Thiele method Lewis – Sorel method q line, derivation, effect of feed conditions on slope of q line Reflux ratio – minimum, total & optimum reflux ratio Equipments for distillation Rectification column Bubble cap plate Sieve plate Valve plate Down comers & weirs Introduction to packed distillation column 2.3 Numericals based on Simple Distillation, Flash Distillation & calculating number of theoretical plates using McCabe Thieles and Lewis Sorel Method (14 Marks) Topic 3: Absorption MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 21 17648 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Specific Objectives : Calculate minimum liquid gas flow rate ratio to obtain a certain composition of outlet gas. State selection criteria for packing material in packed column and its effect on absorption Contents: Concept of Gas Absorption, comparison with distillation, selection criteria for solvent. Concept of equilibrium, minimum liquid-gas ratio, material balance, Concept of HETP. Hydrodynamics of packed column. Loading and flooding of packed columns. Gas absorption equipments- mechanically agitated vessel, packed columns, types of packings, channeling in packed columns. Topic 4: Extraction Specific Objectives : Distinguish between distillation and extraction. State the application of various extraction equipment Contents: Concept of Extraction, liquid-liquid extraction, comparison between distillation and extraction, distribution coefficient, selection criterion of solvent Extraction equipments- mixer settler, spray column, rotating disc contactor Topic 5: Drying Specific Objectives: Calculate the time required for drying solids from initial to final moisture content. Selection of dryer to be used for drying different materials. Contents: 5.1 General Principles (14 Marks) Moisture content on dry and wet basis Total, free, critical and equilibrium moisture content Rate of drying-Constant and falling rate period Time required for drying Numericals 5.2 (06 Marks) Drying equipments & their Application Tray dryer Rotary dryer Drum dryer Spray dryer Fluidized bed dryer Pneumatic dryer Topics 6: Crystallization Specific Objectives: Explain solubility and super solubility curve. Calculate the yield of crystal that can be obtained for different feed composition. Contents: Concept of crystallization, saturation, super saturation, solubility MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 22 06 12 08 20 07 12 17648 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme curves Method of super saturation, Mier’s super saturation theory. Crystallization equipments- Agitated tank crystalliser, vacuum crystalliser, Oslo (cooler and evaporative) crystallizer, SwensonWalker crystallizer. Simple material balance, numericals on crystallization. Total 48 100 Practical: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: 1. Control operating parameters in different unit operation equipments. 2. Select suitable solvents for extraction / absorption. Motor Skills: 1. To measure and control various parameters to control the quality of output product. 2. To operate different types of dryers. 3. To operate different types of distillation columns. List of Practicals: 1. Determine the diffusivity of volatile liquids. 2. Construct equilibrium diagram from total pressure- vapour pressure data and relative volatility values. 3. Verify Rayleigh’s equation by carrying out simple distillation of methanol- water mixture. 4. Perform fractional distillation to measure purity and verify material balance. 5. Compare the purity of distillate in a packed column at total reflux and 0.5 reflux ratio. 6. Analyze the parameters of distillation column by using process simulator. 7. Calculate the pressure drop of a given packed column for wet and dry packing. 8. Find out distribution coefficient for toluene- acetic acid and chloroform- acetic acid mixture. 9. Carry out drying of wet saw dust or sand in a batch dryer and plot drying rate curve. 10. Calculate the solubility of a salt and plot the solubility curve while heating and cooling. 11. Find percent recovery and yield of crystallization using a batch crystallizer. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 23 17648 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Resources: Books: Sr. No. Author Title Publisher 1. Mr. Walter L. Badger & Mr. Julius T. Banchero Introduction to Chemical Engineering Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi 2. Mc Cabe, W. L. Smith & Harriot. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering. Tata Mc Graw Hill International, New York 3. Treybal, Robert E Mass Transfer Operations Tata Mc Graw Hill International, New York 4. Richardson & Coulson Chemical Engineering Vol. 2 Asian Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi Websites: MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 24 17648 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Sixth Subject Title : Alcohol Technology Subject Code : 17649 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- 02 03 100 -- -- 25@ 125 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: During last century, alcohol technology has greater importance in chemical industry because of its use in medicine; paint, as a solvent etc. There has been tremendous growth in various fields of chemical industry. The knowledge of this development is useful in understanding the future needs of chemical industry. All the chemical industry basically requires unit operations & unit processes. The basic content like fermentation, distillation and microbiology are covered in the contents, which will help in understanding the higher levels of subjects. Objectives: The students will be able to 1. Understand the unit operation in chemical industries. 2. Understand the role of enzyme, bacteria, yeast in fermentation. 3. Know uses of various alcohol based product. 4. Prevent pollution in alcohol industries. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 25 17649 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Applications To manufacture and control process parameters Morphology, Taxonomy, Manufacturing Procedure Fermentation, Distillation, Evaporation Principle Yeast, Bacteria, Enzyme Concept Facts Malt Alcohol, Rum, Whisky, Brandy, Vodka, Industrial Spirit MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 26 17649 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory Content: Topic and Contents Topic 1: Unit Processes and operations related to alcohol Technology Specific Objectives: Describe process of fermentation Define Distillation, Evaporation Contents: Batch fermentation Continuous Distillation Azeotropic Distillation Evaporation Topic 2: Applied Microbiology Specific Objectives: Explain yeast morphology and Taxonomy Explain Concept of Nutrition Contents: 2.1 Yeast , Enzyme and Bacteria Definition, comparison with other microorganisms Yeast morphology and Taxonomy Nutritional requirement of yeast Pre treatment (Liquefaction) of Enzyme Enzyme dosing Bacteria used for fermentation Topic 3 : Stimulation and Acclimatization of yeast Specific Objectives: State acidification of yeast Describe propagation of yeast Contents: Material of construction and maintenance of yeast vessel Pre fermentation practices adopted for yeast propagation Propagation practices of yeast Yeast Acidification Use of sterile air system in pre-fermenter Topic 4: Alcohol Technology Specific Objectives: State use of yeast, Enzyme and Bacteria in manufacturing Contents: 4.1 Raw Material, Reaction, Flow Diagram and Process Description of the following Manufacturing of Malt alcohol Manufacturing of Rum Manufacturing of Whisky Manufacturing of Brandy Manufacturing of Vodka Manufacturing of Industrial Spirit Topic 5: Effluent Treatment Specific Objectives: State the methods of pollution control Contents: MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 27 Hours Marks 06 18 12 20 10 22 12 22 08 18 17649 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Content of waste Toxicological effect Government stipulated condition for Alcohol Industry waste water Primary treatment Biological treatment Total 48 100 Practical: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: 1. Apply principles to select proper material for given products. 2. Interpret the test results. 3. Judge the density of given polymer. Motor Skills: 1. Handle the instruments properly. 2. Handle chemicals carefully & safely. 3. Prepare various tests as per standard. List of Practicals: 1. Determination of total solids and suspended solids of molasses 2. Determination of brix, specific gravity, pH of molasses. 3. Propagation of yeast in laboratory 4. Study of alcohol from sweet potato 5. Determination of starch in grain sample 6. Study of different types of microorganisms used in fermentation process 7. To determine the reducing sugar in the given sample of molasses. 8. To conduct potassium permanganate test for finding the quality of spirit 9. Determination of methyl alcohol content of spirit 10. Determination of sludge contents of molasses. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. No. Author Title 1 Jacques, T.P.Lyon, Dr. Kelsall The Alcohol Textbook 2 Satyanarayana Rao Alcoholometry 3 A.C.Chatterjee Handbook of fermentation & Distillation 4 H.C.Baron Distillation 5 Paturao Byproducts of Sugar Industry MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 28 17649 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Sixth Subject Title : Petro Chemical Technology (Elective) Subject Code : 17651 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL 03 -- 02 03 100 -- -- 25 @ 125 NOTE: Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE. Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work (SW). Rationale: There are various types of chemical industries. Among them petroleum and petrochemical industries are expanding very fastly in India and world wide due to increasing demand. Chemical engineers have better job opportunities in such industries. In view of increasing job requirements, this subject has been introduced as an elective subject. This subject covers aspects related to petroleum refining process and petrochemical processes. These contents will develop in sight among the chemical engineers. General Objectives: Student will be able to: 1) Understand the global crude oil scenario. 2) Manufacturing of different petroleum and petrochemical products from crude oil. 3) Working of unit operations & unit processes in refineries to improve quality of fuel. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 29 17651 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Applications Procedure Concept Facts To operate and control petroleum refining and petrochemical manufacturing processes Vacuum distillation, fractional distillation, polymerization, desalting of crude oil Alkylation, reforming, cracking, isomerization, hydrogenation Types of crude and different equipment and machineries MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 30 17651 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Theory: Topic and Contents Topic 1: Introduction to Petroleum Refining Specific Objectives: State names and location of given refineries Give composition of crude oil Contents: Indian Refineries, their location and capacity Global crude oil producers, OPEC Characteristics, Composition, constituents of crude oil Topic 2: Refining Specific Objectives: Describe the distillation of crude oil to obtain various fractions Give names of different fractions, their boiling ranges and uses Contents: Preliminary processing of petroleum refining Distillation of crude oil Hydrocarbons/ fractions obtained from crude oil, Boiling Range and their uses Topic 3: Unit Processes in Refineries Specific Objectives: Give definitions of different properties of fuel Describe different unit processes used in refineries Describe different waste treatment methods Contents: 3.1 Definitions of octane number, cetane number, flash point, fire point, aniline point, pour point, cloud point, drop point, ignition temperature, calorific value. (06 Marks) 3.2 Flow sheet and reaction of (16 Marks) Hydrogenation, Cracking, Alkylation, Polymerisation, Hydrocracking, Isomerization, Reforming, Esterification & Hydration. 3.3 Waste Treatment (10 Marks) Emission control Oil removal Organic content removal Solid & hazardous waste treatment Topic 4 : C1 to C4 and Aromatic Hydrocarbons Specific Objectives: List different petrochemicals obtained from C1 to C4 and aromatic hydrocarbons and describe specific petrochemicals Contents: 4.1 List of Hydrocarbons from C1, Manufacturing process, flow sheet and reactions of formaldehyde, methanol (06 Marks) MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 31 Hours Marks 06 14 10 22 16 32 16 32 17651 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme 4.2 List of Hydrocarbons from C2, Manufacturing process, flow sheet and reactions of Ethanol, ethylene oxide, styrene (08 Marks) 4.3 List of Hydrocarbons from C3, Manufacturing process, flow sheet and reactions of Acetaldehyde, propylene oxide (06 Marks) 4.4 List of Hydrocarbons from C4, Manufacturing process, flow sheet and reactions of Butadiene, MTBE, Butyle acetate (06 Marks) 4.5 Aromatic Fractions (06 Marks) Production of BTX Total 48 100 Practical: Skills to be developed: Intellectual Skills: 1) Interpret test results 2) Follow systemic procedure for handling Chemicals Motor Skills: 1) To handle equipments / instruments 2) To observe physical phenomenon Note: Following practicals to be conducted by a group of 2 students. List of Practicals: 1) Determination of Aniline Point. 2) Determination of Fire Point, Flash Point. 3) Determination of calorific value. 4) Measurement of viscosity by using Redwood Viscometer 5) Preparation of Ethyl Acetate by Esterification. 6) Preparation of Biodiesel from used cooking oil by Transesterification process and observe two layers of biodiesel and glycerin respectively. 7) Preparation of Phenol Formaldehyde resins. 8) Determination of Drop Point. 9) Determination of Pour Point. 10) To determine the carbon residue of oil by using Caondradson Apparatus/Ramsbottom Apparatus. Learning Resources: Books: Sr. Author No. M. Gopala Rao, M. 01 Sittig, Title Dryden’s Outlines of Chemical Tech Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries Publisher East West Press Mc Graw Hill Publication 02 George Austin 03 B. K. Sharma Fuels and Petroleum processing Goel publishing 04 B.K. Bhasker Rao Petrochemicals Khanna Publishers 05 B.K. Bhasker Rao Modern Petrochemical Refining Oxford –IBH Publications MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 32 17651 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Sixth Subject Title : Process Simulation Subject Code : 17802 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL -- -- 02 -- -- -- -- 25@ 25 Rationale: Most of the Chemical process plant are operated and controlled though Distributed Control System (DCS). It is necessary to train student on DCS process simulator where he will get first hand experience of process plant Operation and control. Objectives: Student will be able to: 1. Understand process instrument controls. 2. Get familiarized with the various chemical process. 3. Get experience and exposure to set of typical upset and equipment malfunction. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 33 17802 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Learning Structure: Application Procedure Principles Concept Facts To operate the chemical plant using distributed control system. Start up and shut down procedure of plant Understanding basic principles of process control and unit operation. Control action Control element DCS Controller Heat and Mass Transfer, reaction, kinetics, unit operation Distillation column, Heat exchanger, Dryer, Boiler, Absorption Column, Reactor Temperature, Humidity level, flow, composition, control valve MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 34 17802 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Content: Theory Note: Content of theory are to be taught in practical period. Topic No. Name of Topic Process Simulators 1 Need of simulators, Application simulators distributed controlled system-Dynamic Graphic (mimic), Bar graph, Trend and Alarm, Process Simulator Software Installation of software. Introduction of software features using member, Toolbar, dialogue bar, Toolbar, Status bar Scroll bar Title bar. 2 Screens (Display), Mimics, bar graph, trend alarms, snapshots, back track, caution longing, connectivity between bar graph – mimics-trends-alarm, Exercise-loading, saving, delete, Controlling the session – run freeze, quit etc. mal function, online hold, start up and shut down procedure. Practical: Note: 1. Print of logs to be attached as term work. 2. Practicals can be conducted in group of 4 students. 1. 2. 3. 4. Each institute may be having simulation software of old version or new version. The software help files provide guidelines and exercises for implementation. Provide sufficient practice to the students preferably in group of three. Following are the suggested modules. Give the practice to the students on any six modules. i. Binary distillation column for Benzene and Toluene. ii. Temperature and pressure control iii. Stirred tank reactor. iv. Filtration. v. Level and Flow in different type size vessels. vi. Three-element boiler control. vii. Level control in coupled tanks. viii. Pressure control in different sizes valve. ix. Catalytic reactor. x. Absorption xi. Superheated steam xii. Dryer xiii. Heat Exchanger xiv. Multi component distillation column MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 35 17802 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme Course Name : Diploma in Chemical Engineering Course Code : CH Semester : Sixth Subject Title : Project & Seminar Subject Code : 17803 Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme TH TU PR PAPER HRS TH PR OR TW TOTAL -- -- 04 -- -- -- 50# 50@ 100 Rationale: In practice the diploma technicians come across problems of varied nature. He/she will have to solve the problems involving drawings, designs, manufacturing, installation, testing and maintenance of machines. In order to cultivate the systematic methodology for problem solving using acquired technical knowledge and skills, this particular subject is introduced. This subject will also help to enhance the generic skills and professional skills. Contents: Skills to be Developed: Intellectual Skills 1. Design various equipments used in a unit operation and unit process. 2. Convert innovative or creative idea into reality. 3. Understand and interpret Chemical process drawing. 4. Put into practice the theoretical knowledge gained. Motors Skills 1. Classify and analyze the information collected. 2. Modify the existing process to maximize output. 3. Trouble shooting of defective process equipment. 4. Analyze the financial aspect of a chemical plant. Notes : 1) Project group size : Maximum 4 student. 2) Project report will be of minimum 40 pages unless otherwise specified. 3) Project diary should be maintained by each student. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 36 17803 CH6 w.e.f Academic Year 2012-13 ‘G’ Scheme PART A) Project Batch of maximum 4 students will select a topic and then plan, organize and execute the project work of solving the problem in a specified duration. Student is expected to apply the knowledge and skills acquired. Batch may select any one topic from the following categories. a) Literature survey based project: - The most economical and viable manufacturing process of any chemical is related. Students should compulsorily study the properties, thermodynamic feasibility, process selection, process description, material & energy balance, cost estimation, application, P & I diagram by industrial visit and literature survey. b) Lab scale manufacture of any chemical/ product: Student should do a detailed study of the manufacturing of any Chemical / product which can be prepared in lab and the same shall be prepared. c) Preparing the Scale model of any Chemical Process equipment: Student should analyze a problem to design equipment and a scale model should be prepared. d) Projects using equipment available in the laboratory: Students should use the existing equipment in the laboratory, study & analyze various processes used in the equipment and develop different applications. e) Project based on industry like: pollution control, effluent treatment, energy auditing, trouble shooting. f) Project title should not be repeated for minimum three consecutive years. PART B: Seminar a) Students should prepare and deliver a seminar on the assigned project at the end of semester using power point slides / presentation. The marks of the same shall be considered in term work. MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 21/11/2014 37 17803 CH6