Contract Document
Contract Document
II VirginiaTech I Procurement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 August 30, 2016 Joel Hagman Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. 5200 Upper Metro Place, Suite 200 Dublin, OH 43017 Dear Mr. Hagman: Virginia Tech Contract #UCP-TG-007-10 Commodity/Service: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies Subject: Thank you for responding to my letter of May 2, 2016 and agreeing to renew the contract. The contract will now expire August 31, 201 7. The attached form shows your company information as listed in the university's vendor database. If any of this information changes, please make corrections directly on the form, and return to me. It is essential that this information be accurate in order for payments to be processed in a timely manner. We look forward to working with you for an additional year. Sincerely, C?v Patricia Mullins, CPPO, CUPO, VCO Assistant Director of Procurement for Research Support Telephone: (540)231-9129 PM/ss c: F.M. Pro Rick Hiller VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution 8/30/2016 VENDOR INFORMATION FORM ------- for office use ------- Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER FULL LEGAL NAME (Company Name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number) Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER BUSINESS NAME/ OBA NAME/TA NAME (If different than Full Legal Name) (If different than ID# above) Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER BILLING NAME (Company name as it appears on your invoice) PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS: (if different than ID# above) PAYMENT ADDRESS: P 0 Box 7247-7784 P 0 BOX ADDRESS 1 PAYMENT P 0 BOX ADDRESS 1 5200 Upper Metro Place Suite 200 PAYMENT STREET ADDRESS 2 STREET ADDRESS 2 Philadelphia Dublin CITY 43017 OH STATE ZIP CODE CITY 19170-7784 PA STATE ZIP CODE 804-873-3694 Joel Hagman PHONE NUMBER CONTACT PERSON 800-258-5361 TOLL FREE NUMBER EMAIL 800-621-2590 FAX NUMBER {l]VirginiaTech I Procurement Departm~nt (MC 0333) North End Center, ~uile 2100, Vlrginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 May2, 2016 Gary Wold Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. 5200 UppetMet~o Pfa~. Suite.200 Dublin, OH 4'.3017 DearMr. Wold: Subject: Virgtni~ Tech Contract# UCP-TG-007-10 Commodity/Service: Veterinary Phannacenticals and· Medical Sµpplies This is to infonn you that the subject contract expires August J 1, 2016. Siru:e the university would like to renew the contract for an additional year, please advise concerning yoli.r intention by signing in the appropriate space listed below. A signed copy of this letter-should be received in Procurement by June 2, 2016. In addition, review the attached fonn, which shows your company information as !isled in lhe university's vendor database. If any of this information has, make corrections directly on the form, and return with this letter.. II is essential this information be accurate for payments to be processed in a timely manner. Virginia Tech recommends that our vendors utilize the Wells One AP Control Payment System for payment of all invoices and sti'origly encourag~ all vendors under contract with the university to participate in this pro~. If your finn is not eru:olled in the program, refci' to our website: http:J/www.procurement.\' or contact me directly for more information. ~· Patncia Mullins, CfPO, CUPO, VCO Assistant Dir~tor of Procurement for Research Support Telephone: (540)231-9129 Smiths Merlica!ASD, Inc. agrees I() renew the contract for an additional year under the tenns and conditions of the subject contract. e/ 1 o/ I/.-. Date:---------Name: C/._, . )f..111--t-C f. re {Jv, 11 ""' I Title: J> I /£.en 1.__ (please p1 int) We currf!llt(V participate i11 the Wells One Program. ___ We would like to partidpatein Ifie Wells One Program_ __ Smiths Medical ASD, lnc. does not agree to renew .the contract for an additional year. Authori2ed Signature: Date~ __ --~----- Name: Tille: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PM/ss Date: Approved: ?foe) /;V,m __ 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I n v e n t the Future V IRGINIA P 0 L Y T E: C WN I t I N S T IT U T E AN 0 S. T A T E U N I V An equal oppar/unlty, afflrmat/Ve action lnstftu/lon E. R S I T Y 5f7/2015 VENDOR INFORMATION FORM ::,...,.-- TG 007 10 -- -- .~:·-·- Patricia Mullins _--:--- ,_, . ~ ·:;:;.·~-·-·_ '- _:;-_;i:.~ . -- Smiths Medical ASD, In~. FEDEAAiTAXP..A'lER t·iUM.BEif~~~~- ~ -.. -.- : ':".:_·.. - "FULL LEGAL NA~E (Company Name as it appearil :--_~:_ -':~~-;-: ~;;~;..:: ~--~-~ --~=-;: Wfih YoUr Fedefral Taxpayer Number) 7 - - Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. FEOERAl-:TAXPAYER NUMBER' BUSINJ:~S NAME/ OBA NAMEffA ~AM_E (If different iilan :Fun Lei~t N!:!m~) · -~<1tlfllf~r~l-1ffari)P#~~er_ "~:~- ·: - Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER- BILLING NAME (Company 0 -. (ii ame~~iit ~-~·ioo~ab<iviii · name ~s.'fappea~ on yourinvofce) PURCHASE ORDERADDRESS: -· PAYMENT ADDRESS: P 0 Box 7247-7784 P.O BOX~DR~SS PAYME_NT p 1 o_ec)x AD_DRESS { 5200 Upper Metro Place Suite 200 - PAYMENT STR~~t-ADDRESSi - ,- - · STREET ADDRESS 2 Philadelphia Dublin CITY OH STATE 43017 ZIP CODE CITY 19170-7784 PA STATE CONTACT PERSON -~IP. coo"e PHONE NUMf:sER 800-258-5361 TOLLFREE NUMBER EMAIL FAX NUMBER !IJVirginiaTech I Procu rement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100 , Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg , Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 August 20, 2014 Gary Wold Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. 5200 Upper Metro Place Suite 200 Dublin, OH 43017 Dear Mr. Wold: Subject: Virginia Tech Contract #UCP-TG-007 -1 0 Commodity/Service: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies Thank you for responding to my letter of April25 , 2014 and agreeing to renew the contract for an additional year. The contract will now expire August 31 , 2015 . The attached form shows your company information as listed in the university's vendor database. If any of this information changes, please make corrections directly on the form, and return to me. It is essential that this information be accurate in order for payments to be processed in a timely manner. We look forward to working with you for an additional year. Sincerely, Patricia Mullins, CPPO, CUPO, VCO Assistant Director of Procurement-Research Support Telephone: ( 540) 231-9129 PM/tdj c: F.M. Pro Jennifer Robinson I nvent the F uture V IR G INIA POL Y TECHNI C INST I TUTE AND STATE UNIVERSI TY An equal opportunit y, aff ir m a ti ve a c ti o n i ns tituti on 4/30/2014 VENDOR INFORMATION FORM 007 T3 ------- for office use ------- Smiths Medical ASD , Inc. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER FULL LEGAL NAME (Company Name as it appears with your Federal Ta xpayer Number) Smiths Medical ASD , Inc. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER BUSINESS NAME/ DBA NAMErfA NAME (If different than Full Legal Name) (If different than ID# above) Smiths Medical ASD, Inc . FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER BILLING NAME (Company name as it appears on your invoice) PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS: (if different than ID# above) PAYMENT ADDRESS: P 0 Box 7247-7784 P 0 BOX ADDRESS 1 PAYMENT P 0 BOX ADDRESS 1 5200 Upper Metro Place Suite 200 PAYMENT STREET ADDRESS 2 STREET ADDRESS 2 Philadelphia Dublin CITY 43017 OH STATE ZIP CODE CITY 19170-7784 PA STATE ZIP CODE Gary Wold PHONE NUMBER CONTACT PERSON 800-258-5361 TOLL FREE NUMBER EMAIL 800-621 -2590 FAX NUMBER Ill VirginiaTech! Procurement Department (MC 0333) North·End Center, Sl!ite 2100, Virginia.Tech 300 Turner Street NW BlaCKSburg, Virglniil24061. I 54ol231-6221 Fax: 5401231-9628 · April25, 2014 Gary Wold Smiths Medieal ASP, Inc. 5200 Upper Metro Place, Suite 200 Dublin, OH 43017 De;~r Mr. Wold : S~bject: Virginia Tech Contract #UCP-TG-007-10 CommodityJSer-Viqe: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies This is to inform you ihat the subject' contract expires A~;~gust 31,. 2014. Since the-university would like to renew the cono-act for an additional yeat, please adVise conccrriing your intention by signing in the app~opriate space liStei! below . Pl¢ase.reti1J:n one sigiicd copy ofthis ·lotter to me byM.ay 25~ 2014. · Please review the attached fotm, which shows ypur company infonnation as listed in the university's vendor d;!.tabase. lf any of this infonnation has changed, make corrections directly on the.fonn, and return with this Jetter. It is essentici.l that this in formation be accurate in order for payments to be processed i:n a timely maimer. Thank you for your attention to thi$ .matter. Sincerely, Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. agrees of the-subject contract. torenew the contract for an additional year in acccirdarice with the terms and conditions c· ~ Authorized Signature:· (/-n_, ! t-t-p io-.u- c .(1 ( t')Vl't ~c. ..... Name: {plea.~e ·nate: _ _ _6_./_ ·;2..,-'---' . lo...:.r..,.y'---- Title: ~ vu:-1" ... r- u -"'r.. .t- ftfl4>,.,) ~-'--A-. print) Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. does not agree to renew the oontract for an additional year. Authorized Signature: :Date: _ _ __ -:-- -- - Name: (please prfut) Title; - - - -- - -- ----'- i'MJtdj c: FMP ApproVed; Date: L_- - - - - ------ - - -- -- - -,...-- -- - VI RG I- NI A JhveiH the Future POLY TE CHN I. C I NSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVER. SIT Y An flC(U BI Qpporlunlty , affirmat"iv_ e ac t ion l n stUut i an 4/10/2014 VENDOR INFORMATION FORM TG 007 ..,.__. :ior office i.Jse. - ·'-' ·.. . · 10 PatdCia Mullins ·Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. - F~EAAL TAXPAYER NUMBER FIJLL,l;EGACNAME (Compal)y It -appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number) Smiths MedicaiASD, Inc. •FEDERAL'TAXPAYER 'NUMBER (lf'differentfuan 10# above) . :BUSJNESs NAME/DBA'fliAMEITA:NAME ·· (J{ differ;enHhcin F~ll :J,:egarN~m~) Smiths Medical A$0, Inc. FEDERAL'T_AXI?A.YER'iiiUMBER ·(If djfferent'tl)im'JD# cibove) · BILUNG;NAlJJE · (CompE!ny· on your invoice) PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS: PAYMENT ADORES~: P 0 Box724.7-7784 rp 0 BOXAI)DRESS 1 ;'PAYMENT-"P 0 BOX:ADDRESS''1 5200 Upper MetroP!ace S.ulte 200 STREET ·ADDRESS .2 Philadelphia :CITY' QH 4301.7 :STATE .CITY PA ZJP ,CODE 19170..7784 :ZJP:CODE Gary Wold CONTACT PERSON ·irifci .asd@smiths-m BP0-258~5361 TOLL FREE·'NUMBER &oo-o2t-2s9o FAX NUMBER rJI!VirginiaTech Procurement Department (MC 0333) North End Center, Suite 2100, Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg. Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 www .procurement. August 15. 20U Gary Wold Smiths Medical ASD. Inc. 5200 Upper Metro Place Suite 200 Dublin, OH 43017 Dear Mr. Wold: Subject: Virginia Tech Contract #UCP-TG-007-10 Commodity/Service: Veterinary PhamJaccuticals and Medical Supplies Thank you for responding to my letter of April 12. 2013 and agreeing to renew the contract for an additional year. The contract will now expire August 31, 2014. The attached form shows your company infonnation as listed in the university's vendor database. If any of this information changes. please make corrections directly on the form, and return to me. It is essential that this information be accurate in order for payments to be processed in a timely manner. V/ e look fonvard to working \\'ith you for an additional year. Sincerely. Patricia Mullins. CPPO, VCO Assistant Director of Procurement-Research Suppon Telephone: (540) 231-9129 PM/tdj c: F.M. Pro Jennifer Robinson Invent the Future VIRGINIA POLYTEC::Ht\'IC lr-.'STITUTE AND STATE Afl equai opporrunl/y. affirmative ac/lon rnstitulion UNIVERSITY 8/15/2013 VENDOR INFORMATION FORM OC7 TG ------- for office use ------- Patricia Muliin~ Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER FULL LEGAL NAME (Company Name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number) Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. BUSINESS NAME/ DBA NAMETTA NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If different than Full Legal Name) (If different than ID# above) Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER BILLING NAME (Company name as it appears on your invoice) PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS: (if different than JD# above) PAYMENT ADDRESS: P 0 Box 7247-7784 P 0 BOX ADDRESS 1 PAYMENT P 0 BOX ADDRESS 1 5200 Upper Metro Place Suite 200 PAYMENT STREET ADDRESS 2 STREET ADDRESS 2 Philadelphia Dublin CITY 43017 OH STATE ZIP CODE CITY 19170-7784 PA STATE ZIP CODE Gary Wold PHONE NUMBER CONTACT PERSON 800-258-5361 TOLL FREE NUMBER EMAIL 800-621-2590 FAX NUMBER c------- · - - - - - - - - - - Procurement Department (MC 0333) II! VirginiaTech i North Emf Center, Su!te 2100, Virginia Tech 300 Turner Street NW Blacksburg, v~rginia 24061 ' I 5401231-6221 Fax: 5401231-9628 ' Aprill2, 2013 Joel Hagman Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. 5200 Upper Metro Place, Suite 200 Dublin, 011 43017 Dear Mr. Hagman: Subject: Virginia Tech Contract #UCP-TG-007-1 0 CommodityiServ:ice: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies This is to infonn you lhat the subject contract expires August Jl~ 2013. Since the university would like to tenew the contract for an additional year, pJease advise concerning your intention by signing iil the appropriate space listed beJow. Please return one signed copy of this lener to me by May J0, 2013. Please review the attached foMl, which shows your company information as listed in the univers.itis vendor database. If any of'this information has changed, make coJTeCtions directly on the form, and return w'ith this Jetter. It is essential that this infonnarion be accurate in order for payments to be processed in a timely manner, Thank you for your anention to ihis matter. Sincerely, Patricia Mullins, CPPO, VCO Assistant Director of Purchasing for Research Support Telephone: (540) 231-9129 Smiths Ml!dJcal ASD, -Inc. agrees lo re:-~ew the contract for an additional year in accordance with th~ terms anC condition<; of the subject contract. Date: _ _S___o_/I_Y.c.}__=IJ_ _ Authorized Signature: Name: Smith$ Medical ASD, Inc. doe~ not agre~ to renew 6e contract for an additional year. Authorized Signature·. Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name; Title:------- PM~dj c: FMP Approved: W. Dwmas Kaloupek Director at'? Date: '---~-~------------ VIRGINIA 7'? 13 ····--·- ---···- · - - · POLYTECHN~C Invent the Future INSTI-:"UTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY An equal opportvnl/y, afflrmafiVfl ac:;on m.sl1fttflon VENDOR INFORMATION FORM 007 TG --for office use - - 10 Patricia Mullins Smiths Medical ASD. Inc. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER FULL LEGAl. NAME (Company Name as jt appears with your Federal Taxpayer Nunlber) Smiths Medical ASD. Inc. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If dlffenmt than 10# above) BUSINESS NAME/ DBA NAMEfTA NAME (If different !han Full Legal Name) Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER {If differenl than ID# above) BlUING NAME (Company it appear!> on your invoice) PAYMENT ADDRESS: PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS: pgagKa~99- ?D ~-x 1~~1- I P 0 BOX ADDRESS 1 l %l..\. PAYMENT P 0 BOX ADDRESS 1 L.esk Sex ~155 5200 Upper Metro Place Suite 200 PAYMENT STREET ADDRESS 2 STREET ADDRESS 2 Ph~adelphia Dublin CITY CITY \"\\'\C) -II STATE -Joel Hagman 1Q17-8 PA 43017 OH ZIP CODE STATE ~ ZIP CODE Gx,.""\ \No\ d PHONE NUMBER CONTACT PERSON lr"\~0.~~@~,\V\~- \-\.(.c\,ccJ. •<!:t<\ Jesl ~M_Q'FRoiiR@"mitRi n:e~ieat:eem TOLL FREE NUMBER EMAIL 800-621-2590 FAX NUMBER Bl\ IIJVirginiaTech I Purchasing Department 270 Southgate Center (0333) Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 www.purch. May 2, 2012 Joel Hagman Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. 5200 Upper Metro Place, Suite 200 Dublin, OH 43017 Dear Mr. Hagman: Subject: Virginia Tech Contract#UCP-TG-007-10 Commodity/Service: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies Thank you for responding to my letter of March 26, 2012 and agreeing to renew the contract for an additional year. The contract will now expire August 31,2013. The attached form shows your company information as listed in the university's vendor database. If any of this information changes, please make corrections directly on the form, and return to me. It is essential that this information be accurate in order for payments to be processed in a timely manner. We look forward to working with you for an additional year. Sincerely, Patricia Mullins, CPPO, VCO Assistant Director of Purchasing for Research Support Telephone: (540) 231-9129 PM/tdj c: F.M. Pro Jenny Robinson In vent the Future VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution VENDOR INFORMATION FORM TG 007 ------- for office use ------- 10 PATRICIA MULLINS SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER FULL LEGAL NAME (Company Name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number) SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If different than ID# above) BUSINESS NAME/ DBA NAME/TA NAME (If different than Full Legal Name) SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER BILLING NAME (Company name as it appears on your invoice) PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS: (if different th,an ID# above) PAYMENT ADDRESS: PO BOX 8500 PAYMENT P 0 BOX ADDRESS 1 P 0 BOX ADDRESS 1 5200 UPPER METRO PLACE SUITE 200 LOCK BOX 5155 PAYMENT STREET ADDRESS 2 STREET ADDRESS2 PHILADELPHIA DUBLIN CITY CITY 43017 OH STATE ZIP CODE 19178-5155 PA STATE ZIP CODE 804-836-4371 JOEL HAGMAN PHONE NUMBER "CONTACT PERSON JOEL. HAGMAN@ SMITHS-MEDICAL.COM 888-745-6562 TOLL FREE NUMBER EMAIL 800-621-2590 FAX NUMBER VirginiaTech I Purchasing Department 270 Southgate Center (0333) Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 5401231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 tNWW.purch. i,, March 26, 2012 ~ 1Joel Hagman : Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. I 5200 Upper Metro Place, Suite 200 , Dublin, OH 430 l7 ' J 'Dear Mr. Hagman: i ';Subject: If Virginia Tech Contract #UCP-TG-007-10 Commodity/Service: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies : iThis is to inform you that the subject contract expires August 31. 20 12. Since the university would like to renew :.,the contract for an additional year, please advise concerning your intention by signing in the appropriate space ;listed below. Please return one signed copy of this letter to me by Aprill5, 2012. \ . \Please review the attached form, which shows your company information as listed in the university's vend,or i ;database. If any of this information has changed, make corrections directly on the form, and return witl1 this ~letter. It is essential that this information be accurate in order for payments to be processed in a timely manner. '! ;Thank you for your attention to this matter. !-; Patricia Mullins, CPPO, VCO Assistant Director of Purchasing for Research Support Telephone: (540) 231-9129 1e contract for an additional year in accordance with the terms and ·Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. agrees to ren bonditions ofthe subject coot c:h"-17.,._,__ !Authorized Signature: l • ,Name: \1 ! 'Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. does not agree to renew the contract for an additional year. ;; 'I\'.uthonzed • . Signature: Date:--------- :! Title:-------- Name: ! i PM/tdj \:: FMP k.pproved: ---:::-~-,------- w. Thomas Kaloupekw Director of Purchasinrr --~5' t ~-LV-- i pate: d Invent the Future VIRGINIA J ,; i+ POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY An equal opportunity, affirmative action lnslfturion VENDOR INFORMATION FORM TG 007 ------- for office use ------- 10 PATRICIA MULLINS SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER FULL LEGAL NAME (Company Name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number) SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER BUSINESS NAME/ DBA NAMEfTA NAME (If different than Full Legal Name) (If different than 10# above) SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER BILLING NAME (Company name as it appears on your invoice) PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS: (if different than ID# above) PAYMENT ADDRESS: PO BOX 8500 P 0 BOX ADDRESS 1 5200 UPPER METRO PLACE SUITE 200 PAYMENT P 0 BOX ADDRESS 1 LOCK BOX 5155 PAYMENT STREET ADDRESS 2 STREET ADDRESS 2 PHILADELPHIA DUBLIN CITY CITY 43017 OH STATE ZIP CODE 19178-5155 PA STATE ZIP CODE 804-836-4371 JOEL HAGMAN PHONE NUMBER CONTACT PERSON JOEL. HAGMAN@ SMITHS-MEDICAL.COM 888-7 45-6562 TOLL FREE NUMBER EMAIL 800-621-2590 FAX NUMBER ' !' ' ! IJVirginiaTech I Purchasing Department 270 Southgate Center (0333) Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 www.purch. July 12,2011 Joel Hagman Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. 5200 Upper Metro Place, Suite 200 Dublin, OH 43017 Dear Mr. Hagman: Subject: Virginia Tech Contract #UCP-TG-007-10 Commodity/Service: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies Thank you for responding to my letter of March II, 2011 and agreeing to renew the contract for an additional year. The contract will now expire August 31, 2012. The attached form shows your company information as listed in the university's vendor database. If any of this information changes, please make corrections directly on the form, and return to me. It is essential that this information be accurate in order for payments to be processed in a timely manner. We look forward to working with you for an additional year. Sincerely, Patricia Mullins, CPPO, VCO Assistant Director of Purchasing for Research Support Telephone: (540) 231-9129 PM/tdj c: F.M. Pro Jenny Robinson Invent the Future VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution UNIVERSITY r VENDOR INFORMATION FORM TG 007 ------- for office use ------- 10 PATRICIA MULLINS SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC. FULL LEGAL NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (Company Name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number} SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC. BUSINESS NAME! DBA NAME!TA NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If different than Full Legal Name) (If different than .10# above) SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC. BILLING NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (Company name as it appears on your invoice) (If different than ID# above) PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS: 5200 UPPER METRO PLACE PAYMENT ADDRESS: LOCK BOX 5155 ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 1 PO BOX 8500 SUITE 200 ADDRESS 2 ADDRESS2 PHILADELPHIA DUBLIN CITY CITY 43017 OH STATE ZIP CODE 19178-5155 PA STATE ZIP CODE 804-836-4371 JOEL HAGMAN PHONE NUMBER CONTACT PERSON JOEL. HAGMAN@ SMITHS-MEDICALCOM 888-7 45-6562 TOLL FREE NUMBER EMAIL 800-621-2590 FAX NUMBER . '. fiiVirginiaTech I Purchasing Department 270 Southgate Center (0333) Blacksbura, Virginia 24061 5401231-6221 Fax; 540123HJ628 March 11, 2011 Joel Hagman Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. 5200 Upper Metra Place, Suite 200 Dublin, OH 43017 Dear Mr. Hagman: Subject Virginia Tech Contract #UCP-1'G-<l07-l0 -commodity/Service: Veterinary Phannaceuticals and Medical Supplies This is to infonn you that the subject contract expires August 31, 201 L Since the universlty would like to renew the Contract for an additional year, please advise concerning your intention by signing in the appropriate space listed below. Please return one signed copy of this letter to rne by April I, 2011. · Please reView the attached fonn, which shows your company information as listed in the university's vendor database. if any of this infonnation has ~hanged, make correctioi1s directly on the fonn, and return with this letter. It is essential that this infonnation be accwate in o~er for payments tO" be processed in a timely manner. Thank you for your attention to this matter. · ia Mullins, CPPO, vcci Assistant of Director of Purchasing for Research Support Telephone: (540) 231-9129 Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. agrees to renew the contract for an additionai year in accordance with the tenns and conditions of the subject contract Authorized Signature~ Name: Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. does not agree to renew the corrtract for an additional year. Authorized Signature: Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name: Title:--------- PM!tdj c: FMP Approved: W. Thomas Director of Pu Date: ·-: 1 /2- ~~Invent the Future VIRGINIA POlYTECHNIC iNSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY An equal opportunity. affirmative action institution VENDOR INFORMATION FORM ' SMITHS MEDICALASD, INC. '· PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS: PAYMENT ADDRESS: 5200 UPPER METRO PLACE LOCKBOX5155 SUITE200 POBOX8500 DUBLIN PHILADELPHIA OH 43017 JOEL HAGMAN (804} 836-4371 JOEL.HAGMAN@SMITHS-MEDICALCOM .. PA . 804-836-4371 888-745-6562 800-621-2590 19178-5155 !IJVirginiaTech I Purchasing Department 270 Southgate Center (0333) Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 www.purch. August 30,2010 Joel Hagman Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. 5200 Upper Metro Place, Suite 200 Dublin, OH 43017 Dear Mr. Hagman: Subject: Virginia Tech Contract #UCP-TG-007-10 Com.;·nodity/Ser;ice: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies Thank you for responding to my letter of March 31, 20 I 0 and agreeing to renew the contract for an additional year. The contract will now expire August 31, 20 II. The attached form shows your company information as listed in the university's vendor database. If any of this information changes, please make corrections directly on the form, and return to me. It is essential that this information be accurate in order for payments to be processed in a timely manner. We look forward to working with you for an additional year. Sincerely, Patricia Mullins, CPPO, VCO Assistant Director of Purchasing for Research Support Telephone: (540) 231-9129 PM/tdj c: F.M. Pro Jenny Robinson Invent the Future VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution UNIVERSITY ----------------------~-- VENDOR INFORMATION FORM TG 007 ------- for office use ------ 10 SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, PATRICIA MULUIIIS INC~ FULL LEGAL NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (Company Name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number) SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC~ BUSINESS NAME/ DBA NAME/TA NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If different than Full Legal Name) SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, (If different than 10# above) INC~ BILLING NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (Company name as it appears on your invoice) (Jf different than' ID# above) PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS: 5200 UPPER METRO PLACE PAYMENT ADDRESS: LOCK BOX 5155 ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 1 PO BOX8500 SUITE 200 ADDRESS 2 ADDRESS 2 PHILADELPHIA DUBLIN CITY CITY 43017 OH STATE ZIP CODE JOEL HAGMAN (804) 836-4371 19178-5155 PA STATE 804-836-4371 PHONE NUMBER CONTACT PERSON JOEL.HAGMAN@SMITHS-MEDICAL.COM ZIP CODE 888-7 45-6562 TOLL FREE NUMBER EMAIL 800-621-2590 FAX NUMBER !IJVirginiaTech I Purchasing Department 270 Southgate Center (0333) Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fa>e 540/231-9628 www.puroh.vtedu March 31.2010 Joel Hagman Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. 5200 Upper Metro Place, Suite 200 Dublin, OH 43017 Dear Mr. Hagman: Subject: Viiginia Tech Contract# UCP-TG-007-10 Commodity/Service: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies This is to infonn you that the Subject contract expires Augnst 31, 2010. Since tlte univen;ity would like to renew the contract for an additional year, please advise concerning your intention by signing in the appropriate space listed below. Please return one signed copy of this letter to me by April 20, 2010. Please review the attaChed form, which shows your company information as listed in the university's vendor database. If any of this infonnation has changed, make corrections directly on the fonn, and return with lhis letter. It is essential that this infonnation be accurate in order for payments to be processed in a timely manner~ · Thank you for your attention to this matter. Patricia Mullins, CPPO, VCO enior Contracts Officer Telephone: (540) 231-9129 Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. agrees to renew the contract for an additional year in accordance with the terms and conditions of the subject contract. Authorized Signature: Date: $- 2=7·10 Name: Title: V~ I"JaA-hlb Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. does not agree to renew the contract for an additional year. Authorized Signature: Name: Date: __________________ Title:------------------ PM/tdj c: FMP Approved: Date: Invent the Future VIRGINIA POLYTE-cHNIC INSTlTUTE AND STATE UNIV-ERSITY An equal opportunity, affirmative actiOn fnstHutlon VENDOR INFORMATION FORM 007 ------- for office use ------ 10 .T1RICII!AA MULLINS SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC. FULL LEGAL NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (Company Name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number) SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC. BUSINESS NAME/ DBA NAME/TA NAME (If different than Full Legal Name) FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If different than ID# above) SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER BILLING NAME (Company name as it appears on your ·,nvoke) PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS: 5200 UPPER METRO PLACE (If different than ID# above) PAYMENT ADDRESS: LOCK BOX 5155 ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 1 PO BOX 8500 SUITE 200 ADDRESS 2 ADDRESS 2 PHILADELPHIA DUBLIN CITY CITY OH 43017 STATE ZIP CODE JOEL HAGMAN (804) 836-4371 19178-5155 PA STATE 804-836-4371 PHONE NUMBER CONTACT PERSON JOEL.HAGMAN@SMITHS-MEDICAL.COM ZIP CODE 888-7 45-6562 TOLL FREE NUMBER EMAIL 800-621-2590 FAX NUMBER COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA STANDARD CONTRACT Contract Number: UCP-TG-007-1 0 This contract entered into this 29th day of July, 2009 by Smiths Medical PM, Inc. hereinafter called the "Contractor" and Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University called "Virginia Tech." WITNESSETH that the Contractor and Virginia Tech, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and agreements herein contained, agree as follows: SCOPE OF CONTRACT: The Contractor shall provide Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies for Veterinary Purposes to Virginia Tech as set forth in the Contract Documents. PERIOD OF CONTRACT: From September 1, 2009 through August 31,2010. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT: The Contractor shall be paid by Virginia Tech in accordance with the contract documents. CONTRACT DOCUMENT: The contract documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request for Proposal (RFP) number 0006765 dated October 29, 2008, together with Addendum Number 1 To RFP dated December 1, 2008, the proposal submitted by the Contractor dated December 12, 2008 and Attachment 1, all of which contract documents are incorporated herein. In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Contract to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. Contractor By: James E. Dunlap Associate Director of Purchasing I VirginiaTech I Purchasing Department 270 Southgate Center (0333) Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 540/231-6221 Fax: 540/231-9628 WWM.-:purch. October 29, 2008 Dear Potential Offeror: Virginia Tech is soliciting sealed proposals to establish a contract with one or more qualified sources through competitive negotiations for pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for veterinary purposes. Offerors are encouraged to submit proposals for any or all of the product categories listed in this proposal. Note Section VIII. B. Award. We encourage you to read this entire document and provide the information requested in Section VII, Proposal Preparation and Submission. Note that sealed proposals must be received by 3PM on December 2, 2008. Sincerely, atricia Mullins, CPPO, VCO Senior Contracts Officer L--------------------VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Invent the Future AND STATE UNIVERSITY An equal oJJvortunity, affirmative action institution I VirginiaTech Request for Proposal #0006765 For Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies for Veterinary Purposes October 29,2008 RFP 0006765 GENERAL INFORMATION FORM OUESTJONS: All inquiries for infonnation regarding this solicitation should be directed to: Patricia Mullins, CPPO, VCO, Phone: (540) 231-9129, e-mail: DUE DATE: Sealed Proposals will be received until December 2. 2008 at 3:00PM. Failure to submit proposals to the correct location by the designated date and hour will result in disqualification. ADDRESS: Proposals should be mailed or hand delivered to: Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University (Virginia Tech), Purchasing Department, 270 Southgate Center (0333), Blacksburg, Virginia 24061. Reference the Opening Date and Hour, and RFP Number in the lower left comer of the return envelope or package. In compliance with this Request For Proposal and to all the conditions imposed therein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services in accordance with the attached signed proposal and as mutually agreed upon by subsequent negotiation. TYPE OF BUSINESS: (Please check all applicable classifications). If your classification is certified by the Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise, provide your certification number: . For certification assistance, please visit: http:/ww\ Large Small business- An independently owned and operated business which, together with affiliates, has 250 or fewer employees or average annual gross receipts of$] 0 million or less averaged over the previous three years. Department of Minority Business Enterprise (D~E) certified women-owned and minority-owned business shall also be considered small business when they have received DMBE small business certification. Women-owned business- A business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more women who are U. S. citizens or legal resident aliens, or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51% of the equity ownership interest is owned by one or more women who are citizens of the United States or non-citizens who are in full compliance with the United States immigration law, and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women who are U. S. citizens or legal resident aliens. Minority-owned business- A business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more minority individuals (see Section 2.2-1401, Code of Virginia) or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51% of the equity ownership interest in the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity is owned by one or more minority individuals and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more minority individuals. COMPANY INFORMATION/SJGNATURE: In compliance with this Request For Proposal and to all the conditions imposed therein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the goods in accordance with the attached signed proposal and as mutuaily aPTeed unon bv subseouent negotiation. FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (ID#) FULL LEGAL NAME (PRINT) (Company name as it appears with your Federal Taxpayer Number) BUSINESS NAME/DBA NAMEfTA NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (If different than the Full Legal Name) (If different than IDII above) BILLING NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (Company name as it appears on your invoice) (If different thnn ID# above) PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS PAYMENT ADDRESS CONTACT NAME/TITLE (PRINT) SIGNATURE (IN INK) DATE TOLL FREE TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER TO RECEIVE E-PROCUREMENT ORDERS E-MAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER 08/08 I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals to establish a contract with one or more qualified sources through competitive negotiations for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies for veterinary purposes for Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia. II. CONTRACT PERJOD: The term of this contract and renewal provisions, if any, will be negotiated. Ill. BACKGROUND: As part of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech operates the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center and the Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Both facilities exist in conjunction with the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine. The Veterinary Teaching Hospital, located on the Blacksburg campus, is a comprehensive, advanced care facility, which provides primary and referral care for animals throughout the states of Virginia and Maryland. The hospital complex includes a comprehensive small animal hospital and the Harry T. Peters, Jr. Animal Hospital. Also, the hospital complex includes almost a dozen treatment rooms, extensive animal holding facilities, surgeries, intensive care units, and diagnostic laboratories. As a part of the hospital, the Production Management Medicine service offers ambulatory field service and herd and flock health programs for agricultural producers throughout the two-state service area. Most clinical faculty members are board certified specialists in areas like medicine, surgery, ophthalmology, radiology, anesthesiology, neurology, dermatology and other areas applying advanced diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in caring for hospital patients. While a part of the College of Veterinary Medicine, the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center at Morven Park in Leesburg, Virginia, operates separately and independently from the college. Opened in 1984, the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center serves as a referral hospital for equine patients ranging from equine athletes to pleasure animals. The Center's staff ofhea1thcare professionals includes board certified veterinarians in anesthesia, internal medicine, and surgery; veterinarians in residency training programs; certified veterinary technicians; and professional staff providing nursing care, laboratory services, medical imaging, and intensive care services. Services include emergency and critical care services, which are available 24 hours daily- every day of the year, Sports Medicine Center, and Veterinary Learning Center. IV. EVA BUSINESS-TO-GOVERNMENT ELECTRONIC PROCUREMENT SYSTEM: The eVA Internet electronic procurement solution streamlines and automates government purchasing activities within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virginia Tech, and other state agencies and institutions, have been directed by the Governor to maximize the use of this system in the procurement of goods and services. We are, therefore, requesting that your firm register as a trading partner within the eVA system. There are registration fees and transaction fees involved with the use of eVA. These fees must be considered in the provision of quotes, bids and price proposals offered to Virginia Tech. Failure to register within the eVA system may result in the quote, bid or proposal from your firm being rejected and the award made to another vendor who is registered in the eVA system. Registration in the eVA system is accomplished on-line. Your firm must provide the necessary information. Please visit the eVA website portal at htm://www.eva.virtinia.tov/registerlvendorret.htm and register both with eVA and Ariba. This process needs to be completed before Virginia Tech can issue your firm a Purchase Order or contract. If your firm conducts business from multiple geographic locations, please register these locations in your initial registration. For registration and technical assistance, reference the eVA website at:, or call 866-289-7367 or 804-371-2525. V. CONTRACT PARTICIPATION: It is the intent of this solicitation and resulting contract to allow for cooperative procurement. Accordingly, any public body, public or private health or educational institutions, or Virginia Tech's affiliated corporations may access any resulting contract if authorized by the contractor. Participation in this cooperative procurement is strictly voluntary. If authorized by the Contractor, the resultant contract may be extended to the entities indicated above to purchase at contract prices in accondance with contract terms. The Contractor shall notify Virginia Tech in writing of any such entities accessing the contract. No modification of this contract or execution of a separate contract is required to participate. The Contractor will provide semi-annual usage reports for all entities accessing the Contract. Participating entities shall place their own orders directly with the Contractor and shall fully and independently administer their use of the contract to include contractual disputes, invoicing and payments without direct administration from Virginia Tech. Virginia Tech shall not be held liable for any costs or damages incurred by any other participating entity as a result of any authorization by the Contractor to extend the contract. It is understood and agreed that Virginia Tech is not responsible for the acts or omissions of any entity, and will not be considered in default of the contract no matter the circumstances. Use of this contract does not preclude any participating entity from using other contracts or competitive processes as the need may be. VI. STATEMENT OF NEEDS: A. General: Virginia Tech needs the services of a contractor or contractors to provide pharmaceuticals and/or medical supplies for veterinary purposes as requested by the Marion du Pont Scott Equine Medical Center and the Veterinary Teaching Hospital. B. Products: I. All products provided under this contract shall be guaranteed by the Contractor to meet the requirements and standards for veterinary medicine as provided by USP/NF standards and/or as required by the FDA. All products shall be manufactured or compounded, packaged and handled in accondance with the provisions of current Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act regulations. 2. Expiration Dates: All products bearing expiration dates shall be delivered with as long a shelf life as possible. Any product bearing Jess than a one-year dating may be returned at Virginia Tech's discretion for a full credit. C. Orders: I. It is desired that orders may be placed by either phone, fax, or taken directly by the Contractor's sales representative. 2. At the time an order is placed, the Contractor should provide the product status (i.e., in-stock, backordered, etc.) and the expected delivery date. Virginia Tech expects delivery within I20 hours of placing the order. If a particular item is out of stock, the Contractor may suggest a substitute item. Substitute items shall be of equivalent quality. The Contractor shall not ship substitute items without the prior approval of the Virginia Tech individual placing the order. Virginia Tech reserves the right to cancel orders without penalty for items that have a delayed delivery date, or that are temporarily out of stock or that fail to arrive by the expected delivery date. 3. It is desired that all orders shipped under this contract are FOB Destination. Unit orices should include shippimr and handlimr charges. 4 D. Delivery Locations: The Contractor shall deliver orders to the appropriate medical facility as follows. J. Orders placed by the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center are to be delivered to: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center Attn: (Individual placing order) 17690 Old Waterford Rd. PO Box 1938 Leesburg, VA 20177 2. E. Orders placed by the Veterinary Teaching Hospital are to be delivered to: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (0443) Attn: (Individual placing order) Phase III- Duckpond Drive Blacksburg, VA 24061 Returns: Any products to be returned because of quality problems, duplicate shipments, short-dated or outdated products received, incorrectly ordered product, mis-picked product, damaged product, etc., should be picked up by the Contractor within one week of notification. Product not picked up within thirty (30) days may be disposed of by Virginia Tech without penalty. At the discretion of Virginia Tech, returned product may be replaced with like product or credited in the full amount originally charged. ln the event of a credit, the Contractor should issue a written credit memo which indicates the original invoice, the product returned and the amount of the credit. The Contractor should not impose restocking charges/fees. F. Pricing: The contractor's price to Virginia Tech for items ordered against any resulting contract should be in the fonn of a firm percentage discount from the current price list, University or Veterinary school price Hst, or other designated pricing strategy. The discount should remain fum during the initial contract tenn and subsequent renewals. G. Price Lists: After contract award and when pricing changes, the contractor should send six (6) new price lists, catalogs, etc. to the addresses listed below. These price lists, catalogs, etc. should be delivered at least fifteen (15) days prior to any price increases becoming effective. Should the contractor fail to provide an updated price list, catalog, etc., the contractor shall accept the order and honor the price as listed in the outdated price list, catalog, etc. Price Lists should be delivered to the following locations: I. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Purchasing Department (0333) Attn: Patricia Mullins 270 Southgate Center Blacksburg, VA 24061 2. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center Attn: Shawn Furr PO Box 1938 Leesburg, VA20177 VII. 3. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center Attn: Cindi McKenzie PO Box !938 Leesburg, VA 20177 4. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (0443) Attn: Patti Roberts Phase III - Duckpond Drive Blacksburg, VA 24061 5. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (0443) Attn: Margaret Slusser Phase Ill - Duckpond Drive Blacksburg, VA 24061 6. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (0443) Attn: Ralph Roop Phase IV - Duckpond Drive Blacksburg, VA 24061 PROPOSAL PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION: A. General Requirements 1. RFP Response: In order to be considered for selection, Offerors must submit a complete response to this RFP. One original and five copies of each proposal must be submitted to: Virginia Tech Purchasing Department (0333) 270 Southgate Center Blacksburg, VA 24061 Reference the Opening Date and Hour, and RFP Number in the lower left hand corner of the return envelope or package. No other distribution of the proposals shall be made by the Offeror. 2. Proposal Preparation a. Proposals shall be signed by an authorized representative of the Offeror. All information requested should be submitted. Failure to submit all information requested may result in Virginia Tech requiring prompt submission of missing information and/or giving a lowered evaluation of the proposal. Proposals which are substantially incomplete or lack key information may be rejected by Virginia Tech at its discretion. Mandatory requirements are those required by law or regulation or are such that they cannot be waived and are not subject to negotiation. b. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically providing a straightforward, concise description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Emphasis should be on completeness and clarity c. Proposals should be organized in the order in which the requirements are presented in the RFP. All pages of the proposal should be numbered. Each paragraph in the proposal should reference the paragraph number of the corresponding section of the RFP. It is also helpful to cite the paragraph of content. 6 number, subletter, and repeat the text of the requirement as it appears in the RFP. If a response covers more than one page, the paragraph number and subletter should be repeated at the top of the next page. The proposal should contain a table of contents which cross references the RFP requirements. Information which the offeror desires to present that does not fall within any of the requirements of the RFP should be inserted at an appropriate place or be attached at the end of the proposal and designated as additional material. Proposals that are not organized in this manner risk elimination from consideration if the evaluators are unable to find where the RFP requirements are specifically addressed. 3. B. d. Each copy of the proposal should be bound in a single volume where practical. All documentation submitted with the proposal should be bound in that single volume. e. Ownership of all data, material and documentation originated and prepared for Virginia Tech pnrsuant to the RFP shall belong exclusively to Virginia Tech and be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by an Offeror shall not be subject to public disclosure under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. However, to prevent disclosure the Offeror must invoke the protections of Section 2.2-4342F of the Code of Virginia, in writing, either before or at the time the data or other materials is submitted. The written request must specifically identifY the data or other materials to be protected and state the reasons why protection is necessary. The proprietary or trade secret material submitted must be identified by some distinct method such as highlighting or underlining and must indicate only the specific words, figures, or paragraphs that constitute trade secret or proprietary information. The classification of an entire proposal document, line item prices and/or total proposal prices as proprietary or trade secrets is not acceptable and may result in rejection of the proposal. Oral Presentation: Offerors who submit a proposal in response to this RFP may be required to give an oral presentation of their proposal to Virginia Tech. This will provide an opportunity for the Offeror to clarify or elaborate on the proposal but will in no way change the original proposal. Virginia Tech will schedule the time and location of these presentations. Oral presentations are an option of Virginia Tech and may not be conducted. Therefore, proposals should be complete. Specific Requirements Proposals should be as thorough and detailed as possible so that Virginia Tech may properly evaluate your capabilities to provide the required goods. Offerors are required to submit the following information/items as a complete proposal: 1. Pricing Plan for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies for Veterinary Pnrposes : Describe yonr plan for pricing orders and include a discount structure. Submit six (6) current price lists, catalogs, etc. with your proposal submission. Describe how often price lists are updated. Describe your plan for conveying price changes. Virginia Tech is a member ofProvista, formerly HealthCare Pnrchasing Partners International, LLC (HPPI). Please comment on whether or not you are a Provista contract vendor. If you are a Provista contract vendor, please describe your contract pricing arrangement through Provista and how it will impact any contract that may result from this solicitation. 2. Plan for Providing Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies for Veterinary Pnrposes: Please describe your plan for providing pharmaceuticals and/or medical supplies for Veterinary Purposes for the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center and The Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Elaborate in detail on the process for order placement, how the contract pricing is conveyed to Virginia Tech at time of order placement, delivery, and returns processing. 3. References: Four (4) recent references, either educational or governmental, for whom you have provided the type of services described herein. Include the date(s) the services were furnished, the client name, address and the name and phone number of the individual Virginia Tech has your permission to contact. 4. Small, Women-owned and Minority-owned Business (SWAM) Utilization: Describe your plan for utilizing small businesses and businesses owned by women and minorities if awarded a contract. Describe your ability to provide statistical reporting on actual SWAM subcontracting when requested. SpecifY if your business or the business or businesses that you plan to subcontract with are certified by the Department of Minority Business Enterprise. 5. VIII. The return of the General Information Form and addenda, if any, signed and filled out as required. SELECTION CRJTERJA AND A WARD: A. Selection Criteria Proposals will be evaluated by Virginia Tech using the following: Maximum Point Value I. Pricing Plan for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies for Veterinary Purposes 50 2. Plan for Providing Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies for Veterinary Purposes 30 3. References 10 4. SWAM Utilization 10 Total 100 B. Award Selection shall be made of two or more offerors deemed to be fully qualified and best suited among those submitting proposals on the basis of the evaluation factors included in the Request for Proposal, including price, if so stated in the Request for Proposal. Negotiations shall then be conducted with the offerors so selected. Price shall be considered, but need not be the sole determining factor. After negotiations have been conducted with each offeror so selected, Virginia Tech shall select the offeror which, in its opinion, has made the best proposal, and shall award the contract to that offeror. Virginia Tech may cancel this Request for Proposal or reject proposals at any time prior to an award. Should Virginia Tech determine in writing and in its sole discretion that only one offeror has made the best proposal, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that offeror. The award document wiJI be a contract incorporating by reference all the requirements, terms and conditions of this solicitation and the Contractor's proposal as negotiated. See Attachment B for sample contract form. Virginia Tech reserves the right to award more than one contract as a result of this solicitation. Additionally, Virginia Tech reserves the right to award separate contracts to separate contractors for various product categories. Further, Virginia Tech reserves the right to award multiple separate contracts to multiple separate contractors for various product categories. IX. ADDENDUM: Any ADDENDUM issued for this solicitation may be accessed at Since a paper copy of the addendum will not be mailed to you, we encourage you to check the web site regularly. X. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: A. Richard Hi1ler, Hospital Administrator, Veterinary Teaching Hospital~ at Virginia Tech or his/her designee, shal1 be identified as the Contract Administrator and shall use all powers under the contract to enforce its faithful performance. B. XI. The Contract Administrator, or his designee, shall determine the amount, quantity, acceptability, fitness of all aspects of the services and shall decide all other questions in connection with the services. The Contract Administrator, or his designee, shall not have authority to approve changes in the services which alter the concept or which call for an extension of time for this contract. Any modifications made must be authorized by the Virginia Tech Purchasing Department through a written amendment to the contract. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This solicitation and any resulting contract/purchase order shall be governed by the attached terms and conditions. XII. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A· Terms and Conditions Attachment B- Standard Contract Form 9 ATTACHMENT A TERMS AND CONDITIONS RFP General Terms and Conditions See RFP 050608.pdf Special Terms and Conditions I. ADVERTISING: In the event a contract is awarded for supplies, equipment, or services resulting from this solicitation, no indication of such sales or services to Virginia Tech will be used in product literature or advertising. The Contractor shall not state in any of the advertising or product literature that the Commonwealth of Virginia or any agency or institution of the Commonwealth has purchased or uses its products or services. 2. AUDIT: The Contractor hereby agrees to retain all books, records, and other documents relative to this contract for five (5) years after final payment, or until audited by the Commonwealth of Virginia, whichever is sooner. Virginia Tech, its authorized agents, and/or the State auditors shall have full access and the right to examine any of said materials during said period. 3. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: It is understood and agreed between the parties herein that Virginia Tech shall be bound hereunder only to the extent of the ftmds available or which may hereafter become available for the purpose of this agreement. 4. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT: Virginia Tech reserves the right to cancel and terminate any resulting contract, in part or in whole, without penalty, upon 60 days written notice to the Contractor. In the event the initial contract period is for more than 12 months, the resulting contract may be terminated by either party, without penalty, after the initial 12 months of the contract period upon 60 days written notice to the other party. Any contract cancellation notice shall not relieve the Contractor of the obligation to deliver and/or perform on all outstanding orders issued prior to the effective date of cancellation. 5. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The contract entered into by the parties shall consist of the Request for Proposal including all modifications thereof, the proposal submitted by the Contractor, the written results of negotiations, the Commonwealth Standard Contract Form, all of which shall be referred to collectively as the Contract Documents. 6. IDENTIFICATION OF PROPOSAL ENVELOPE: If a special envelope is not furnished, or if return in the special envelope is not possible, the signed proposal should be returned in a separate envelope or package, sealed and addressed as follows: VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY Purchasing Department (0333) 270 Southgate Center Blacksburg, VA 24061 Reference the opening date and hour, and RFP Number in the lower left comer of the envelope or package. If a proposal not contained in the special envelope is mailed, the Offeror takes the risk that the envelope, even if marked as described above, may be inadvertently opened and the information compromised which may cause the proposal to be disqualified. No other correspondence or other proposals should be placed in the envelope. Proposals may be hand delivered to the Virginia Tech Purchasing Department. 7. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: The contractor shall not be an employee of Virginia Tech, but shall be an independent contractor. Nothing in this agreemen(shall be construed as authority for the contractor to make commitments which shall bind Virginia Tech, or to otherwise act on behalf of Virginia Tech, except as Virginia Tech may expressly authorize in writing. 8. INSURANCE: By signing and submitting a proposal under this solicitation, the Offeror certifies that if awarded the contract, it will have the following insurance coverages at the time the work commences. Additionaily, it will maintain these during the entire 10 term of the contract and that all insurance coverages will be provided by insurance companies authorized to sell insurance in Virginia by the Virginia State Corporation Commission. During the period of the contract, Virginia Tech reserves the right to require the Contractor to furnish certificates of insurance for the coverage required. INSURANCE COVERAGES AND LIMITS REQUIRED: A Worker's Compensation- Statutory requirements and benefits. B. Employers Liability- $100,000.00 C. General Liability - $500,000.00 combined single limit. Virginia Tech and the Commonwealth of Virginia shall be named as an additional insured with respect to goods/services being procured. This coverage is to include Premises/Operations Liability, Products and Completed Operations Coverage, Independent Contractor's Liability, Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability and Personal Injury Liability. D. Automobile Liability- $500,000.00 The contractor agrees to be responsible for, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Virginia Tech, its officers, agents and employees from the payment of all sums of money by reason of any claim against them arising out of any and all occurrences resulting in bodily or mental injury or property damage that may happen to occur in connection with and during the performance of the contract, including but not limited to claims under the Worker's Compensation Act. The contractor agrees that it will, at all times, after the completion of the work, be responsible for, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Virginia Tech, its officers, agents and employees from all liabilities resulting from bodily or mental injury or property damage directly or indirectly arising out of the performance or nonperformance of the contract. 9. NOTICES: Any notices to be given by either party to the other pursuant to any contract resulting from this solicitation shall be in writing, hand delivered or mailed to the address of the respective party at the following address If to Contractor: Attention: Address Shown On RFP Cover Page Name Of Person Signing RFP If to Virginia Tech: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Atrn: Patricia Mullins Purchasing Department (0333) 270 Southgate Center Blacksburg, VA 24061 and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Atrn: Richard Hiller Veterinary Teaching Hospital (0443) Duckpond Drive 755 Deercroft Drive Blacksburg, VA 24061 10. PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE PERIOD: Any proposal received in response to this solicitation shall be valid for 120 days days. At the end of the 120 days the proposal may be withdrawn at the written request of the Offeror. If the proposal is not withdrawn at that time it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is cancelled. II. SEVERAL LIABILITY: Virginia Tech will be severally liable to the extent of its purchases made against any contract resulting from this solicitation. Applicable entities described herein will be severally liable to the extent of their purchases made against any contract resulting from this solicitation. 11 ATTACHMENTB Standard Contract form for reference only Offerors do not need to fill in this form COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA STANDARD CONTRACT Contract Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 20_, by , hereinafter called the This contract entered into this _ _ day of "Contractor" and Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Polyteclmic Institute and State University called "Virginia Tech". WITNESSETH that the Contractor and Virginia Tech, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and agreements herein contained, agrees as fol1ows: SCOPE OF CONTRACT: The Contractor shall provide the _ _ _ _ _ _ to Virginia Tech as set forth in the Contract Documents. PERJOD OF CONTRACT: From _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ through _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT: The Contractor shall be paid by Virginia Tech in accordance with the contract documents. CONTRACT DOCUMENT: The contract documents shall consist of this signed contract, Request For Proposal Number -o----c--- dated , together with all written modifications thereof and the proposal submitted by the Contractor dated and the Contractor's letter dated , all of which contract documents are incorporated herein. In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Contract to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. Contractor: Virginia Tech By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 12 RFP GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION: By submitting their proposals, offerors certifY to the Commonwealth that they will conform to the provisions of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, as well as the Virginia Fair Employment Contracting Act of 1975, as amended, where applicable, the Virginians With Disabilities Act, the Americans With Disabilities Act, and Section 2.2-4311 of the Virginia Public Procurement Act. If the award is made to a faith-based organization, the organization shall not discriminate against any recipient of goods, services, or disbursements made pursuant to the contract on the basis of the recipient's religion, religious belief, refusal to participate in a religious practice, or on the basis of race, age, color, gender or national or'igin and shaH be subject to the same rules as other organizations that contract with public bodies to account for the use of the funds provided; however, if the faith-based organization segregates public funds into separate accounts, only the accounts and programs funded with public funds shall be subject to audit by the public body. (Code of Virginia,§ 2.2-4343.1 E). In every contract over $10,000 the provisions in A and B below apply: A. During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: 1) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment, except where there is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the contractor. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. 2) The Contractor, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, will state that such Contractor is an equal opportunity employer. 3) Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting the requirements of this Section. B. The Contractor will include the provisions of A. above in every subcontract or purchase order over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. 2. ANTITRUST: By entering into a contract, the Contractor conveys, sells, assigns, and transfers to Virginia Tech and the Commonwealth of Virginia all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of the action it may now have or hereafter acquire under the antitrust laws of the United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia, relating to the particular goods or services purchased or acquired by Virginia Tech and the Commonwealth of Virginia under said contract. 3. APPLICABLE LAWS AND COURTS: This solicitation and any resulting contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and any litigation with respect thereto shall be brought in the courts of the Commonwealth. The Contractor shall comply with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. 4. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT: A contract shall not be assignable by the Contractor in whole or in part without the written consent of Virginia Tech. 5. CHANGES TO THE CONTRACT: Changes can be made to the Contract in any one of the following ways: A. The parties may agree in writing to modify the scope of the contract. An increase or decrease in the price of the contract resulting from such modification shall be agreed to by the parties as a part of their written agreement to modify the scope of the contract B. Virginia Tech may order changes within the general scope of the contract at any time by written notice to the Contractor. Changes within the scope of the contract include, but are not limited to, things such as the method of packing or shipment and the place of delivery or installation. The Contractor shall comply with the notice upon receipt. The Contractor shall be compensated for any additional costs incurred as the result of such order and shall give Virginia Tech a credit for any savings. Said compensation shall be determined by one of the following methods: 1) By mutual agreement between the parties in writing; or 2) By agreeing upon a unit price or using a unit price set forth in the contract, if the work to be done can be expressed in units, and the Contractor accounts for the number of units of work performed, subject to Virginia Tech's right to audit the Contractor's records and/or to determine the correct number of units independently; or 3) By ordering the Contractor to proceed with the work and to keep a record of all costs incurred and savings realized. A markup for overhead and profit may be allowed if provided by the contract. The same markup shall be used for determining a decrease in price as the result of savings realized. The Contractor shall present Virginia Tech with all vouchers and records of expenses incurred and savings realized. Virginia Tech shall have the right to audit the records of the Contractor as it deems necessary to determine costs or savings. Any claim for an adjustment in price under this provision must be asserted by written notice to Virginia Tech within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the written order from Virginia Tech. If the parties fail to agree on an amount of adjustment, the question of an increase or decrease in the contract price or time for performance shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures for resolving disputes provided by the Disputes Clause of this contract or, if there is none, in accordance with the disputes provisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia Purchasing Manual for Institutions of Higher Education and Their Vendors. Neither the existence of a claim or a dispute resolution process, litigation or any other provision of this contract shall excuse the Contractor from promptly complying with the changes ordered by Virginia Tech or with the performance of the contract generally. 6. CLAIMS: Contractual claims, whether for money or other relief, shall be submitted in writing to the Director of Purchasing, Virginia Tech Purchasing Department, 270 Southgate Center, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, no later than sixty (60) days after final payment; however, written notice of the contractor's intention to file such claim shall have been given at the time of the occurrence or beginning of the work upon which the claim is based. Nothing herein shall preclude a contract from requiring submission of an invoice for final payment within a certain time after completion and acceptance of the work or acceptance of the goods. Pending claims shall not delay payment of amounts agreed due in the final payment (Code of Virginia, Section 2.2-4363). A contractor may not institute legal action prior to receipt of the Director of Purchasing's decision on the claim, unless that office fails to render such decision within thirty (30) days. The decision of the Director of Purchasing shall be final and conclusive unless the contractor, within six (6) months of the date of the final decision on the claim, institutes legal action as provided in the Code of Virginia, Section 2.2-4364. 7. CLARlFICA TION OF TERMS: If any prospective offeror has questions about the specifications or other solicitation documents, the prospective offeror should contact the buyer whose name appears on the face of the solicitation no later than five working days before the due date. Any revisions to the solicitation will be made only by addendum issued by the buyer. 8. COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA PURCHASING MANUAL FOR INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND THEIR VENDORS: This solicitation is subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia Purchasing Manual for Institutions of Higher Education and Their Vendors and any revisions thereto, which are hereby incorporated into this contract in their entirety. A copy of the manual is available for review in the Virginia Tech Purchasing Department or by accessing URL on the Web. 9. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Virginia Tech is a public university, subject to the Jaws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Among these is the State and Local Govenunent Conflict oflnterests Act (The Act). The Act can be accessed via You may wish to consult the provisions of The Act before submitting a response to the Request for Proposal. Additionally, by submitting a proposal or by entering into any resulting contract, the offeror certifies that it is in full compliance with the provisions of The Act as to this RPF. IO.CONTRACT PARTICIPATION: Any public body, public or private health or educational institutions, or Virginia Tech's affiliated corporations may access any resulting contract/purchase order if authorized by the contractor. Participating entities shall place their own order(s) directly with the Contractor and shall fully and independently administer their use of the contract/purchase order to include contractual disputes, invoicing and payments without direct administration from Virginia Tech. Virginia Tech shall not be held liable for any costs or damages incurred by any other participating entity as a result of any authorization by the Contractor to extend the contract/purchase order. It is understood and agreed that Virginia Tech is not responsible for the acts or omissions of any entity, and will not be considered in default of the contract!purchase order no matter the circumstances. II. DEBARMENT STATUS: By submitting their proposals, offerors certify that they are not currently debarred by the Commonwealth of Virginia from submitting bids or proposals on contracts for the type of goods and/or services covered by this solicitation, nor are they an agent of any person or entity that is currently so debarred. 12. DEFAULT: In case of failure to deliver goods or services in accordance with the contract terms and conditions, Virginia Tech, after due oral or written notice, may procure them from other sources and hold the Contractor responsible for any resulting additional purchase and administrative costs. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies which Virginia Tech may have. 13. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE: In every contract over $10,000 the following provisions apply: During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees to (i) provide a drug-free workplace for the Contractor's employees; (ii) post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or marijuana is prohibited in the Contractor's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition; (iii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor that the Contractor maintains a drug-free workplace; and (iv) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. For the purposes of this section, "drug-free workplace" means a site for the performance of work done in connection with a specific contract awarded to a Contractor the employees of whom are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of any controlled substance or marijuana during the performance of the contract. 14. EO/AA STATEMENT: Virginia Tech, an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution covered by presidential executive order 11246 as amended, advises all contractors, subcontractors, vendors and suppliers that direct receipt of federal funds may require appropriate action on their part. 15. ETHICS IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING: By submitting their proposals, offerors certify that their proposals are made without collusion or fraud and that they have not offered or received any kickbacks or inducements from any other offeror, supplier, manufacturer or subcontractor in connection with their proposal, and that they have not conferred on any public employee having official responsibility for this procurement transaction any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal value, present or promised unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value was exchanged. 16.eVA BUSINESS-TO-GOVERNMENT VENDOR REGISTRATION: The eVA Internet electronic procurement solution, web site portal, streamlines and automates government purchasing activities in the Commonwealth. The portal is the gateway for vendors to conduct business with state agencies and public bodies. All vendors desiring to provide goods and/or services to Virginia Tech should participate in the eVA Internet e-procurement solution either through the eVA Basic Vendor Registration Service or eVA Premium Vendor Registration Service. Failure to register may result in the proposal being rejected. 17. FACSIMILE PROPOSALS: Facsimile unsealed proposals received in the Virginia Tech Purchasing Department prior to the time and date designated for proposal submission will be accepted. For sealed Request for Proposal (RFP) programs, an offeror may fax a proposal to a non-Virginia Tech third party, who in tum must deliver it, with the number of copies specified in the RFP, to the Purchasing Department in a sealed envelope before the proposal due date and time. All information requested in the Proposal Preparation and Submission section of the RFP must be delivered with each copy of the proposal. 18. IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT OF 1986: By submitting their proposals, the offerors certifY that they do not and will not during the performance of this contract employ illegal alien workers or otherwise violate the provisions of the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. 19.1NDEMNIFICATION: Contractor agrees to indemnifY, defend and hold harmless Virginia Tech and the Commonwealth of Virginia and their officers, agents, and employees from any claims, damages and actions of any kind or nature whether at law or in equity, arising from or caused by the use of any materials, goods, or equipment of any kind or nature, furnished by the contractor/any services of any kind or nature furnished by the contractor, provided that such liability is not attributable to the sole negligence of Virginia Tech or failure of Virginia Tech to use the materials, goods, or equipment in the manner already and permanently described by the contractor on the materials, goods or equipment delivered. 20. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: The contractor shall not be an employee of Virginia Tech, but shall be an independent contractor. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as authority for the contractor to make commitments which shall bind Virginia Tech, or to otheJWise act on behalf of Virginia Tech, except as Virginia Tech may expressly authorize in writing. 21. LATE PROPOSALS: To be considered for selection, proposals must be received by the Virginia Tech Purchasing Department (0333), Room 270 Southgate Center, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, by the designated date and hour. The official time used in the receipt of proposals is that time on the automatic time stamp machine in the Virginia Tech Purchasing Department. Proposals received in the Virginia Tech Purchasing Department after the date and hour designated are automatically disqualified and will not be considered. Virginia Tech is not responsible for delays in the delivery of mail by the U.S. Postal Service, private couriers, the intrauniversity mail system, or another means of delivery. It is the sole responsibility of the offeror to insure that its proposal reaches the Virginia Tech Purchasing Department by the designated date and hour. 22. MANDATORY USE OF VIRGINIA TECH FORMS AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Failure to submit a proposal on the official Virginia Tech form provided for that purpose may be a cause for rejection of the proposal. Modification of or additions to the General Terms and Conditions of the solicitation may be cause for rejection of the proposal; however, Virginia Tech reserves the right to decide, on a case by case basis, in its sole discretion, whether to reject such a proposal. 23. NONDISCRIMINATION OF CONTRACTORS: An offeror or contractor shall not be discriminated against in the solicitation or award of this contract because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, faithbased organizational status, any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment or because the offeror employs ex-offenders unless the state agency, department or institution has made a written determination that employing ex-offenders on the specific contract is not in its best interest. If the award of this contract is made to a faith-based organization and an individual, who applies for or receives goods, services, or disbursements provided pursuant to this contract objects to the religious character of the faith-based organization from which the individual receives or would receive the goods, services, or disbursements, the public body shall offer the individual, within a reasonable period of time after the date of his objection, access to equivalent goods, services, or disbursements from an alternative provider. 24. NONVISUAL ACCESS TO TECHNOLOGY: All information technology which, pursuant to this Agreement, is purchased or upgraded by or for the use of (the "Technology") Virginia Tech shall comply with the following nonvisual access standards from the date of purchase or upgrade until the expiration of this Agreement: (i) effective, interactive control and use of the Technology shall be readily achievable by nonvisual means; (ii) the Technology equipped for nonvisual access shall be compatible with the information technology used by other individuals with whom any blind or visually impaired user of the Technology interacts; (iii) nonvisual access technology shall be integrated into any networks used to share communications among employees among employees, program participants or the public; and (iv) the technology for nonvisual access shall have the capability of providing equivalent access by nonvisual means to telecommunications or other interconnected network services used by persons who are not blind or visually impaired. Compliance with the foregoing nonvisual access standards shall not be required if the head of the using agency, institution or political subdivision determines that (i) the Technology is not available with nonvisual access because the essential elements of the Technology are visual and (ii) nonvisual a equivalence is not available. Installation of hardware, software, or peripheral devices used for nonvisual access is not required when the Technology is being used exclusively by individuals who are not blind or visually impaired, but applications programs and underlying operating systems (including the format of the data) used for the manipulation and presentation of information shall permit the installation and effective use of nonvisual access software and peripheral devices If requested, the Contractor must provide a detailed explanation of how compliance with the foregoing nonvisual access standards is achieved and a validation of concept demonstration. The requirements of this Paragraph shall be construed to achieve full compliance with the Information Technology Access Act, § 2.2-3500 through 2.2-3504 of the Code of Virginia. 25. PARKING PERMITS: Virginia Tech Parking Services requires the purchase and display of a parking permit for all vendor/business/contractor vehicles, privately and company owned, that park on campus. The cost of the permit is the same as the faculty/staff permit. Permit options include one year, six months, three months, summer, or day. Pem1its are available through application at Virginia Tech Parking Services, 455 Tech Center Drive, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061. Additional information is available at\vbc.htm or by calling Parking Services at (540) 231-3200. 26. PAYMENT: A. TO PRIME CONTRACTORS: 1) Invoices for items ordered, delivered and accepted shall be submitted by the Contractor directly to the payment address shown on the purchase order/contract. All invoices shall show the Virginia Tech or state contract number and/or purchase order number; social security number (for individual contractors) or the federal employer identification number (for proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations). 2) Any payment terms requiring payment in less than 30 days will be regarded as requiring payment 30 days after invoice or delivery, whichever occurs last. This shall not affect offers of discounts for payment in less than 30 days, however. 3) All goods or services provided under this contract or purchase order, that are to be paid for with public funds, shall be billed by the Contractor at the contract price, regardless of which public agency is being billed. 4) The following shall be deemed to be the date of payment: the date of postmark in all cases where payment is made by mail, or the date of offset when offset proceedings have been instituted as authorized under the Virginia Debt Collection Act. 5) Unreasonable Charges. Under certain emergency procurements and for most time and material purchases, final job costs cannot be accurately determined at the time orders are placed. In such cases, contractors should be put on notice that final payment in full is contingent on a determination of reasonableness with respect to all invoiced charges. Charges which appear to be unreasonable will be researched and challenged, and that portion of the invoice held in abeyance until a settlement can be reached. Upon determining that invoiced charges are not reasonable, the Commonwealth shall promptly notify the contractor, in writing, as to those charges which it considers unreasonable and the basis for the determination. A contractor may not institute legal action unless a settlement cannot be reached within thirty (30) days of notification. The provisions of this section do not relieve an agency of its prompt payment obligations with respect to those charges which are not in dispute (Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4363). B) TO SUBCONTRACTORS: 1) A contractor awarded a contract under this solicitation is hereby obligated: a) To pay the subcontractor(s) within seven (7) days of the contractor's receipt of payment from the Commonwealth for the proportionate share of the payment received for work performed by the subcontractor(s) under the contract; or b) To notify Virginia Tech and the subcontractor(s), in writing, of the contractor's intention to withhold payment and the reason. The contractor is obligated to pay the subcontractor(s) interest at the rate of one percent per month (unless otherwise provided under the terms of the contract) on all amounts owed by the contractor that remain unpaid seven (7) days following receipt of payment from the Commonwealth, except for amounts withheld as stated in b) above. The date of mailing of any payment by U.S. Mail is deemed to be payment to the addressee. These provisions apply to each sub-tier contractor performing under the primary contract. A contractor's obligation to pay an interest charge to a subcontractor may not be construed to be an obligation of the Commonwealth. 27. PRECEDENCE OF TERMS: Paragraphs I, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 18, and 19 of these General Terms and Conditions shall apply in all instances. In the event there is a conflict between any of the other General Terms and Conditions and any Special Terms and Conditions in this solicitation, the Special Terms and Conditions shall apply. 28. PUBLIC NOTICE OF AWARD: Public notice of the purchase order/contract award will be publicly posted on the DGS/DPS eVA web site W\ Award information may also be obtained by contacting the buyer whose name appears on the solicitation. 29. QUALIFICATIONS OF OFFERORS: Virginia Tech may make such reasonable investigations as deemed proper and necessary to determine the ability of the offeror to perform the work/furnish the item(s) and the offeror shall furnish to Virginia Tech all such information and data for this purpose as may be requested. Virginia Tech reserves the right to inspect offeror's physical facilities prior to award to satisfy questions regarding the offeror's capabilities. Virginia Tech further reserves the right to reject any proposal if the evidence submitted by, or investigations of, such offeror fails to satisfy Virginia Tech that such offeror is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work/furnish the item(s) contemplated therein. 30. SMALL, WOMEN, AND MINORITY-OWNED (SWAM) BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING AND EVIDENCE OF COMPLIANCE: A. Virginia Tech has developed a "SWAM" plan for increasing procurement from small, women-owned, and minority-owned (SWAM) business. Virginia Tech's SWAM subcontracting aspirational goals are as follows: Small 30% B. Woman-owned 5% Minority-owned 3% Total SWAM 38% Where it is practicable for any portion of the awarded contract to be subcontracted to other suppliers, the contractor is encouraged to offer such business to small, women, and/or minority-owned (SWAM) business. If SWAM subcontractors are used, the prime contractor agrees to report the use of SWAM subcontractors by providing the Owner at a minimum the following information: name of firm, DMBE SWAM certification number, phone number, total dollar amount subcontracted, category type (small, women, or minority-owned), and type of product/service provided. Note that SWAM vendors must be certified with the Department of Minority Business Enterprise (DMBE) http://w, C. Definitions: 1. Small business - An independently owned and operated business which, together with affiliates, has 250 or fewer employees or average annual gross receipts of $10 million or less averaged over the previous three years. Department of Minority Business Enterprise (DMBE) certified women-owned and minority-owned business shall also be considered small business when they have received DMBE small business certification. 2. Womcn~owned business- A business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more women who are U. S. citizens or legal resident aliens, or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51% of the equity ownership interest is owned by one or more women who are citizens of the United States or non-citizens who are in full compliance with the United States immigration law, and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women who are U. S. citizens or legal resident aliens. 3. Minority-owned business- A business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more minority individuals (see Section 2.2-1401, Code of Virginia) or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51% of the equity ownership interest in the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity is owned by one or more minority individuals and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more minority individuals. 4. Minority individual- means an individual who is a citizen of the United States or a non-citizen who is in full compliance with United States immigration law and who satisfies one or more of the following definitions: a. "African American" means a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Africa and who is regarded as such by the conununity of which this person claims to be a part. b. "Asian American" means a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands, including but not limited to Japan, China, Vietnam, Sames, Laos, Cambodia, Taiwan, Northern Marinas, the Philippines, aU. S. territory of the Pacific, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, or Sri Lanka and who is regarded as such by the community of which this person claims to be a part. c. "Hispanic American" means a person having origins in any of the Spanish-speaking peoples of Mexico, South or Central America, or the Caribbean Islands or other Spanish or Portuguese cultures and who is regarded as such by the community of which this person claims to be a part. d. "Native American" means a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who is regarded as such by the community of which this person claims to be a part or who is recognized by a tribal organization. 31. TAXES: Sales to Virginia Tech and the Corrnnonwealth of Virginia are normally exempt from State sales tax, State sales and use tax certificates of exemption, Form ST-12, will be issued upon request. Deliveries against this contract shall be free of Federal excise and transportation taxes. The Commonwealth's excise tax exemption registration number is 54-73-0076K. 32. TESTING AND INSPECTION: Virginia Tech reserves the right to conduct any test/inspection it may deem advisable to assure supplies and services conform to the specification. 33. TRANSPORTATION AND PACKAGING: By submitting their proposals, all offerors certifY and warrant that the price(s) offered are for FOB destination and include only the actual freight rate costs at the lowest and best rate and is based upon the actual weight of the goods to be shipped. Except as otherwise specified herein, standard commercial packaging, packing and shipping containers shall be used. All shipping containers shall be legibly marked or labeled on the outside with purchase order number, commodity description, and quantity. 34. USE OF BRAND NAMES: Unless otherwise provided in this solicitation; the name of a certain brand, make or manufacturer does not restrict offerors to the specific brand, make or manufacturer named, but conveys the general style, type, character, and quality of the article desired. Any article which Virginia Tech in its sole discretion determines to be equal of that specified, considering quality, workmanship, economy of operation, and suitability for the purpose intended, shall be accepted. The offeror is responsible to clearly and specifically indicate the product being offered and to provide sufficient descriptive literature, catalog cuts and technical detail to enable Virginia Tech to determine if the product offered meets the requirements of the solicitation. This is required even if offering the exact brand, make or manufacturer specified. Unless the offeror clearly indicates in its proposal that the product offered is an "equal" product, such proposal will be considered to offer the brand name product referenced in the solicitation. Electronically available from 05/06/2008 until present Find, Create, and Amend your Advertisements Page 1 of2 Find, Create, and Amend your Advertisements Ihelp & advice I Menu This page lists your organization's VBO solicitation postings. Use the CREATE buttons for new postings. Use the Search link or First/Prev/Next/Last buttons to find an existing solicitation. To view or edit a posting, select it and scroll down to see the details. To print the posting, click the Print link. For detailed instructions, click on "help & advice". Patricia Mullins 0006765 Pharmaceutical and Medical Supplies for Veterinary Purposes 1 Open Publish DatefTime 10/29/08 05:00 PM Benny Snuffer P9047907 Weight Bench 1 Awarded 10/27/08 05:00PM Mary Seyler 0006578 Custom Mixed Dairy Cattle Feed 1 Awarded 10/03/08 05:00PM Patricia Mullins P9047047 Maintenance Agreement Patricia Mullins P9047379 Combination Chassis Buyer Name ..( Shor1 Description Number Version Status Awarded 10/27/08 05:00 PM Awarded 10/27/08 05:00PM Roger Gupta P9045476 ViewPoint PC -60 1 Awarded 10/27/08 05:00PM Tony Beeken P9048905 Installation Labor 1 Awarded 10/27/08 05:00PM Vicky Moore P9045825 Desktop Computer 1 Awarded 10/27/08 05:00PM Debra Moncrief P9044504 Nucleofector Device Awarded 10/22/08 05:00PM Debra Moncrief P9045850 Syringe Drive Awarded 10/22/08 05:00 PM Create Standard Posting Ot~Postings j Create Sole-Source Posting Search Create Emergency Posting Save & Submit Print Undo Delete View Notifications Amend Posting Cancel Posting Permalink . . - - - - ----·---- *Number : !0006765 Version : 1 Sole-Source/Emergency Type : 'Type: jRFP *Category : Supplies *Department : IA208 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universit ·unit: lvso___ :]1 'Published Date , 0-/ 2-9../0 ,. . _8_ _ _ LrrEJ *Published Time : 5 :00 PM Notice Sent Date : Pharmaceutical and ~ 'D . t. Supplies for Veterinat escnp ton : I ! VBO Generic Unit I 'Short Description : Pharmaceutical and ~ *Buyer Name : !Patricia MullinsWeb Address : 'Buyer Phone: 1540-231-9129 r Please include http:!/ or I Buyer Phone Ext : Buyer Fax Number : j540-231-9628 *Buyer Email : lmullinsp @vt .edu 'Requestor Name : jPatricia Mullin_s_ ' Requestor Phone : 1540-231 -9129-- Amendment/Cancellation Information : Amended Date : Cancel Date : Version Effective End Date : Total Attachments: 1;jsessionid=OOOOcrMbpvsEOu9 ... 10/29/2008 Find, Create, and Amend your Advertisements Page 2 of2 Requestor Phone Ext : ~-,.---- --------·--- Requestor Fax Number : !540-231-9628 *Requestor Email: LIT:! *Closing Time : 3:00 PM I -EJ Public Bid Opening Time : 3:00 PM j ---·- LIT:! *Closing Date : 112/2/08 Public. Bid Opening Date : 12/2/08 Pre-Bid Conference Date : Pre-Bid Conference Time : Pre-Bid Conference Type: Blacksburg VA *Work Location : Com modity 187558 Commodity Descript1on Pharmaceuticals, Veterinary, Animal: Drugs, Vaccines, Etc. t> Bid openrn 9 f>Notice of Intent to Award t>Notice of Award t>No Award t>Change Management Top;jsessionid=0000crMbpvsEOu9 ... 10/29/2008 VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY (VIRGINIA TECH) PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 0333 270 SOUTHGATE CENTER BLACKSBURG, VA 24061 December 1, 2008 Addendum Number 1 to Virginia Tech Request for Proposal (RFP) Number 0006765. 1. The RFP due date and hour is changed from December 2, 2008 TO December 15, 2008, 3pm. 2. All other terms, conditions and descriptions remain the same. v~ RFP 0006765 GENERAL INFORMATION FORM QUESTIONS: All inquiries for information regarding this solicitation should be directed to: Patricia Mullins, CPPO, VCO, Phone: (540) 23] -9129, e-mail: DUE DATE: Sealed Proposals will be received until December 2, 2008 at 3:00PM. Failure to submit proposals to the correct location by the designated date and hour will result in disqualification. ADDRESS: Proposals should be mailed or hand delivered to: Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University (Virginia Tech), Purchasing Department, 270 Southgate Center (0333), Blacksburg, Virginia 24061. Reference the Opening Date and Hour, and RFP Number in the lower left comer of the return envelope or package. In compliance with this Request For Proposal and to all the conditions imposed therein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services in accordance with the attached signed proposal and as mutually agreed upon by subsequent negotiation. TYPE OF BUSINESS: (Please check all applicable classifications). If your classification is certified by the Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise, provide your certification number: . For certification assistance, please visit: http:/ L Large Small business -An independently owned and operated business which, together with affiliates, has 250 or fewer employees or average annual gross receipts of $10 million or less averaged over the previous three years. Department of Minority Business Enterprise (DMBE) certified women-ovro.ed and minority-owned business shall also be considered small business when they have received DMBE small business certification. Women-owned business- A business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more women who are U. S. citizens or legal resident aliens, or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51% of the equity ownership interest is owned by one or more women who are citizens of the United States or non-citizens who are in full compliance with the United States immigration law, and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women who are U. S. citizens or legal resident aliens. Minority-owned business- A business concern that is at least 51% owned by one or more minority individuals (see Section 2.2-1401, Code of Virginia) or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51% of the equity ownership interest in the corporation, partnership, at' limited liability company or other entity is owned by one or more minority individuals and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more minority individuals. COMPANY INFORMATION/SIGNATURE: In compliance with this Request For Proposal and to all the conditions imposed therein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the goods in accordance with the attached signed proposal and as mutually am-eed u on by subse uent ne1wtiation. FULL LEGAL NAME (PRINT) FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (ID#) {Company name as it appears with your Federal Ta:..:payer Number) BUSINESS NAME/DBA NAMEITA NAME (If different than the Full Legal Name) (If different than ID# above) BILLING NAME FEDERAL TAXPAYER NUMBER (Company name as it appears on your invoice) (If different than ID# above) 5:-",f.i.s 1\f\.-ct.~..-J ?1"1, r . . ". PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS jll]oJ llJYz__:; i-J,.;; i-1 C: ~ (,cc ; . _ J., h"'""'" P "' .,-~ WI IJ 3 i ~-(., DATE CONTACT NAME/TITLE (PRINT) .:\od 1\.:c~u:>\ TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER TO RECEIVE E-PROCUREMENT ORDERS ·U;L- '->'-12. -c>7t?s 08/08 2 smLths medlcal bringing technology to life Smiths Medical PM, Inc. Veterinary Division N7W22025 Johnson Drive Waukesha, WI 53186-1856 USA T: + 1 262 513 8500 F: + 1 262 513 9069 Proposal for Virginia Tech #0006765 Prepared by: Joel Hagman, BS, RRT ~ Account Manger, Surgivet Mid-Atlantic Region Smiths Medical North America ....l. Pricing Equipment, monitoring, consumables, infusion and resusitation for Virginia Tech may be purchased at a 20% discount off list price. See price list attached. Pricing adjustments to the list prices of products, if made, will be done without notification. Discounting will remain in effect for the term of the agreement and any subsequent renewals. New products will be made available to Virginia Tech and pricing provided when available. Smiths Medical Veterinary division is not a member of Healthcare Purchasing Partners International, LLC (HPPI). Ordering Process All products can be ordered via phone or fax to customer service in Waukesha, WI. See attachment A. All pricing will be loaded into the main system in Customer Service to verify pricing. Faxed orders will be processed and fax verification will be sent back that the order has been processed. If items are out of stock an estimated time of delivery will be forwarded to Virginia Tech. As a manufacturer substitutions are not available. If an item is needed immediately please contact the local Sugivet representative, Joel Hagman at 804-836-4371 for locations of where to obtain the product, if available. References Dr Lois Wetmore (former Advisory Council member for SurgiVet) Tufts University Pretty much the entire product line Raeleen Willard LVT Canton University School of Vet Technology V9203 & V3404P Dr Nora Matthews, Anesthesiologist Texas A&M University College Station, TX 979-845-9056 Whitney Hartz Former Veterinary Care Manager University of Florida 352-359-7518 Dr Richard Broadstone lams Pet Imaging Raleigh, NC 919-838-5209 Former Anesthesiologist at Virginia Tech SWAM Utilization Smiths Medical Veterinary division does business with numerous small businesses. These are both by minorities and women. Extra Items Smiths Medical Veterinary Division-SurgiVet can provide when requested small seminars to the Veterinary students on monitoring and anesthesia equipment troubleshooting. This can be requested by the professors at anytime. The local area representative will schedule this at the earliest and most feasible time for both parties. All this is done as a free service to the Virginia Tech Veterinary School. Enclosed are copies of the SurgiVet Equipment and Consumable cataloges. More can be requested at anytime. Any questions or meetings needed about this proposal should be directed to Joel Hagman either via email at or via cell phone at 804836-4371. Thank you, Joel D. Hagman, BS,RRT Account Manager, Mid-Atlantic Region Smiths Medical North America, SurgNet Attachement A Ordering Customer Service Phone: 1-888-745-6562 Fax: 1-262-513-9069 l SurgiVet. '" SMITHS MEDICAL PM, INC.· VETERINARY Virginia Tech Pricing(in eludes List Price eVa I ...... E-< H <tl H ::r: :X: lil Effective 0410112009 SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 Prices subject to change without notice. l TN Surgi\let Airway Adapters WW1100 1151 V1180 V11 81 V1182 V1183 WW8030 WW8111 Airway Adapter- straight without filter (t3mm OD x t5mm OD), 10/pkg Pediatric Airway Adapter without filter (t3mm OD x 15mm OD), 10/pkg Dead Air Space Adapter, 2.5mm, 2/pkg Dead Air Space Adapter, 3.0mm, 2/pkg Dead Air Space Adapter, 3.5mm, 2/pkg Dead Air Space Adapter (with 2 each: V1180, V1181, V1182) Airway Adapter- Elbow (t9mm OD x 22mm 00), 10/pkg Capnocheck® Capnometer Airway Adapter, 25/box 30.00 45.00 4.65 4.65 4.65 47.50 40.00 267.50 24.00 36.00 3.72 3.72 3.72 38.00 32.00 214.00 Battery, 7.4V Lithium-len Rechargeable (VB40t) Battery {V3304, V3404 series) Battery (Vssos) Battery (V3395) Battery (V9004) Battery (VS004) Battery (VS400) 150.00 28.50 65.00 56.00 110.00 110.00 23.00 12o.oo 22.80 52.00 44.80 88.00 88.00 18.40 IV Pole Mount Bracket {V3304, V3404, vsoo4, veoo4) 50.00 50.00 185.00 185.00 40.00 40.00 157.25 157.25 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 37.50 37.50 35.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 30.00 30.00 28.00 Cables (Temperature & Respiration) V3413 Temperature Cable {must use with V3417) (V3395, V3404P, V9200) V3417 Temperature Probe, Disposable (must use with V3413) {V3395, V3404P, V9200) V3422 Respiration Cable Sensor (V3404P, V3395) WWV3418 Temperature Probe, Reusable (V3395, V3404P, V9200) 89.50 24.50 103.00 114.00 71.60 19.60 82.40 91.20 Calibration Accessories 1502 5093 60.00 40.00 48.00 32.00 . I ' Batteries 8408 20332B1 20605B3 31514B1 58522B1 58522B2 71953B1 Brackets WW3356 8409 3393 3394 Pole Mount Bracket (V3395, 8400) Advisor Wall Bracket (all Advisor monitors) Clarity Series Wall Bracket {Monitor: V3304, V3404, V6004, V9004 series) Cables (Interface) 3339 WW3350 3361 3362 3365 3366 3371 PC Adapter Cable, 6 ft (for use wfth WW3350) Printer Interface Cable, 18 in (must use with 3339) Printer Interface Cable (V3304) PC Interface (V3304N3404)/Graphics Printer Interface (Y6004) Printer Interface Cable, 6 tt (V9004) PC Interface (V9004)/Graphics Printer Interface (V9004) Graphics Printer Interface, 9 in (V3404) -- Calibration Gas, 1.5% ISO, 10% C02, 50% N20, Balance N2 (V9400) _ETC02 Calibration Gas, 10% C02, 21% 02, Balance N2 SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 2 I Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. T. SurgiVet SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 3 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. '" SurgiVet V706004 V706005 V706006 32491B2 32491B3 32491B4 Fi02 Accessories 9189 9190 9191 9193T Filters/Water Traps 1178N 1179 1187 8075 8208 9048 375.00 375.00 375.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 150.00 175.00 49.00 335.00 120.00 140.00 39.20 268.00 Moisture Filter w/Female Adapter {V9200) Gas Manifold Filters, 10/pkg {V8400) External 3.5 Micron Filter, 13mm, 2/pkg {V9004) 65.00 15.00 9.00 9.75 27.00 15.00 55.25 12.75 7.65 8.29 22.95 12.75 Invasive Pressure Cable (V6400, V9203, V9204) Invasive Pressure Transducer (Y6400, V9203, V9204) 134.50 56.00 114.33 47.60 SurgiVet® V3304 Operation Manual SurgiVet® V9004 Series Operation Manual 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 44.00 34.00 28.90 Cardio Companion Control Box with Two Small Esophageal Leads Cardia Cardio Cardio Cardio Cardio Companion Companion Companion Companion Companion Control Box with Two Medium Esophageal Leads control Box with Two Large Esophageal Leads Esophageal Lead with Temperature- Small, 12FR, 36" (green) Esophageal Lead with Temperature- Medium, 18FR, 42" (blue) Esophageal Lead without Temperature - Large, 18FR, 100" (red) Fi02 Adapter Tee, 10/PK {V90043) Fi02 Sensor (V90043) Fi02 Cable {V90043) Fi02 Sensor Kit {V90043) Moisture Trap (Aquaknot), 5/pkg (V9004, V9400) External C02 Absorber, 2/pkg {V9004, V9200J Moisture Trap Adapter (Aquaknot), 1 ea (V9004, V9200) I '' Invasive Pressure Accessories V6401 V6402 Manuals V1857P V1872P V1876P V1886RP V1888P V1888TRP V1892 V1894 V1896P V1 907P V1909 V1912 NIBP Accessories 31543B1 SurgiVet® V6004 Series Operation Manual SurgiVet® V9200 Series Operation Manual SurgiVet® V3404 1 Operation Manual SurgiVet® V3404P Operation Manual SurgiVet® V3408 Operation Manual SurgiVet® V8401 Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation SurgiVet® V3402 SurgiVet® V3395 SurgiVet® V6400 SurgiVet® V9400 Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual NIBP Cuff, Small Purple SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document -All Rev 01 03/30/09 4 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. TN SurgiVet: 34.00 34.00 34.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 3.50 140.00 28.90 28.90 28.90 80.75 80.75 80.75 2.98 119.00 27.00 7.00 47.00 28.00 21.60 5.60 37.60 22.40 Graphics Printer (V3304, V3404, vsoo4, V9004, V9400) 325.00 655.00 292.50 524.00 Pulse Oximetry Accessories 3311 3311L V1700 V1703 V1707 V1709 V1720 V3078 Oximetry Cable Extension, 5 ft. Oximetry Cable Extension, 15ft. Reflectance Oximetry Sensor Universal "Y" Lingual Sensor "C" Oximetry Sensor Oximetry Sensor Replacement Clip, 10/pkg (V1707) Oximelry Sensor Clip Replacement (V1703) Mini-Clip Oximetry Sensor 55.00 75.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 50.00 20.00 150.00 44.00 60.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 40.00 16.00 120.00 Roll Stands 3387 3388 7108 SurgiVet® Advisor® Vital Signs Monitor GCX Roll Stand w/mounting bracket, handle & basket (V9200) SurgiVet0 Table-Top Monitor GCX Roll Stand with mounting bracket, basket, handle & power supply clamp (V3304, V3404, V6004, SurgiVet®Table-Top Monitor Roll Stand with plastic basket & power cord access (V3304, V3404, V6004, V9004) 295.00 295.00 205.00 250.75 250.75 174.25 Sample Lines WW1130 WW1140 8044 8211 V1186 Nasal Sample Line, Pediatric, 10/pkg 15 foot C02 Sample Line Extension, 10/pkg 8 foot C02 Sample Line, 10/pkg (VB400, vsoo•. vs2oo) 4 foot C02 Sample Line, 10/pkg (VB400, vsoo4, V9200) Single Prong Nasal C02 Sample Line for Veterinary Use, 6/pkg 65.00 95.00 45.00 40.00 107.50 55.25 80.75 38.25 34.00 91.38 31543B2 31543B3 31543B4 31544B1 31544B2 31544B3 31545B1 V6148SA Nl B P Cuff Kit (includes set of 4 cuffs, 1 hose, 1 cleaning cap) Paper 3409 6012 6111 8416 Printer Printer Printer Printer Printers 8411 V3408 NIBP NIBP NIBP NIBP NIBP NIBP NIBP Cull, Medium Purple Cuff, Large Purple Cull, Extra Large Purple Supply Hose with metal connector, 6ft (for use with purple cuffs) Supply Hose, 3ft (for use with purple cuffs) Supply Hose, 10ft (for use with purple cuffs) Cuff Cleaning Cap (for use with purple cuffs) Paper, Paper, Paper, Paper, 4/box (forV340B) 4/box (V6004) 4/box (V9200) 4/box (V8411) Infrared Printer (Martel MCP88508) (V3402, V3395, V6400, V8400D, V8401) ~lator SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 5 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. · SurgiVet 1606 Oximeter/EGG Simulator 250.00 WWV9000 WWV9001 WWV9002 CDS 9000 Series Small Animal Pole Mount Anesthesia Machine with Single Flowmeter CDS 9000 Series Small Animal Pole Mount Anesthesia Machine with Dual Flowmeter CDS 9000 Series Small Animal Pole Mount Anesthesia Machine with N20/02 with Fail Safe Flowmeter 2231.50 1,785.20 2746.50 2,197.20 2816.50 2,253.20 WWV9010 CDS 9000 Series Small Animal Table Top Anesthesia Machine with Single Flowmeter 1932.50 1,546.00 • WWV9011 CDS 9000 Series Small Animal Table Top Anesthesia Machine with Dual Flowmeter 2447.50 t ,958.00 WWV9012 V700000MRI V7015 V701501 V701502 V701504 V702001 V702002 V702003 V702004 V702005 V702006 V7025 V7025MRI V703001 V703501 V704001 V800000 V800100 V800200 V800300 CDS 9000 Series Small Animal Table Top Anesthesia Machine with N20/02 with Fail Safe Flowmeter SurgiVet® CDS 2000 Small Animal Anesthesia Machine w/Single 02 Flowmeter- MR Conditional SurgiVet® Vaporstick Small Animal Anesthesia Machine w/Single 02 flowmeter SurgiVet® Vaporstick Small Animal Anesthesia Machine w/Air & 02 Flowmeter SurgiVet® Vaporstick Small Animal Anesthesia Machine w/N20 & Failsafe SurgiVet® Vaporstick Small Animal Anesthesia Machine w/Single 02 Flowmeter, 0-1 OOOml SurgiVet® Tabletop Research Anesthesia Machine w/200 ml-4 lpm Flowmeter SurgiVet® Tabletop Research Anesthesia Machine w/zero-1 000 ml Flowmeter SurgiVet®Tabletop Research Anesthesia Machine w/Dual 02 Flowmeter SurgiVet®Tabletop Research Anesthesia Machine w/02, N20 & Fail-safe SurgiVet® Tabletop Research Anesthesia Machine w/Air and 02 Flowmeter SurgiVet® Tabletop Research Anesthesia Machine w/Air Only Flowmeter SurgiVet® LDS 3000 Large Animal Anesthesia Machine SurgiVet® LDS 3000 Large Animal Anesthesia Machine- MRI Compatible SurgiVet" Multi-Station Lab Animal Anesthesia Machine - 6 Station SurgiVetllll Multi-Station Lab Animal Anesthesia machine - 4 Station SurgiVet® Multi-Station Lab Animal Anesthesia Machine - 2 Station SurgiVet® University Anesthesia Machine w/Single 02 without Alarms SurgiVet® University Anesthesia Machine w/Single 02 with Alarms SurgiVet® University Anesthesia Machine w/02 & N20 without Alarms SurgiVet® University Anesthesia Machine w/02, N20 with Alarms 2517.50 3300.00 808.50 1318.00 1449.00 903.00 661.50 750.00 1244.50 1275.00 1181.50 1150.00 4647.00 5240.00 3832.50 3045.00 2625.00 4995.00 5195.00 5495.00 5695.00 2,014.00 2,640.00 646.80 1,054.40 1,159.20 722.40 529.20 600.00 995.60 1,020.00 945.20 920.00 3,717.60 4,192.00 3,066.00 2,436.00 2,100.00 3,996.00 4,156.00 4,396.00 4,556.00 '" 200.00 Anesthesia Machines --- Anesthesia Accessories Absorbents WWV008855 WWV008865 WWV008875 Sodasorb® LF C02 Absorbent Plastic Bottle, 3/carton, 48 cartons/pallet- sold by pallet only Sodasorb® LF C02 Absorbent Refill Bag, 12/carton, 32 cartons/pallet- sold by pallet only Sodasorb® LF C02 Absorbent Pre-Pak, 12/carton, 32 cartons/pallet - sold by pallet only SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 6 5200.00 4,420.00 3968.00 3,372.80 5632.00 4,787.20 Effective 04/0112009 Prices subject to change without notice. T. SurgiVet V7109 DRP4·8 HMED16.8EDC DRP4-8 INDHMED14.2M2C DRP4-8 INDHMED15.2M2C Evacuation Charcoal, 1 aallon Sodasorb® C02 Absorbent, 5 gallon, each/carton, 24 cartons/pallet - sold bv oallet only Sodasorb® C02 Absorbent Pre-Pak Canister, 12/cartonn, 32 cartons/oallet- sold by pallet only Sodasorb® C02 Absorbent Refill Bag, 12/carton, 32 cartons/pallet- sold by pallet only 34.85 41.00 2350.00 1,997.50 4700.00 3,995.00 3200.00 2,720.00 SurgiVet® Anesthesia Machine Absorber Canister 970 Anesthesia Machine Absorber Canister Ohio #21 Absorber Canister with Gaskets SurgiVet® LOS 3000 Large Animal Anesthesia Machine Foam Dust Filter, 6" SurgiVet® University Anesthesia Machine Absorber Stand Alone Absorber Bracket Mount Stand Alone Absorber Pole Mount SurgiVet® LOS 3000 Large Animal Anesthesia Machine Foal Absorber Canister SurgiVet® LOS 3000 Large Animal Anesthesia Machine Absorber Canister 127.00 101.60 27.50 22.00 271.00 216.80 8.50 6.80 1766.67 1,413,34 958.50 766.80 668.00 835.00 313.20 391.50 234.80 293.50 Absorbers 32046B1 32046B2 32046B3 32355B9 32501B104 V7114 V711401 V7140 V7141 Adapters - Miscellaneous V7128 32036B1 32211 Bt 32343B6 32343B10 32343B15 32343B23 32343B27 32345B3 32401B1 32426B5 32490B11 V7313 10.50 22.50 13.00 6.50 6.50 6.00 8.50 8.50 13.50 4.50 3.50 5.00 22.50 8.40 18.00 10.40 5.20 5.20 4.80 6.80 6.80 10.80 3.60 2.80 4.00 18.00 High Patient Pressure Alarm Low Oxygen Pressure Alarm SurgiVet® University Anesthesia Machine Alarm Module 195.00 335.00 425.00 156.00 268.00 340.00 1 Liter Breathing Bag, Non-latex 15 Liter Breathing Bag, Latex 1/2 Liter Breathing Bag, Non-latex 1/4 Liter Breathing Bao, Non-latex 7.00 156.50 7.00 7.00 5.60 125.20 5.60 5.60 Non-Rebreathing Adapter Fresh Gas Outlet Adapter, 15mm x Hose Barb (silver elbow) Matrx Pop Off Adapter Adapter 22mm M x F (Cuff) Universal F-Circuit Elbow Supply Line Adapter Adapter, 22mm Female x 19mm Male Adapter, 13mm x 19mm High Patient Pressure Alarm Adapter Adaoter, 3/8" T, Plastic Adapter, 22mm WYE, Plastic Adapter, 22mm x 15mm Adapter, 19mm Male x Male Alarms V7320 V7321 V800600 Breathing Bags 32346B1 32346B2 32346B3 32346B4 SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document - All Rev 01 03/30/09 7 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. ,SurgiVet: 2 Liter I 3 Liter I 30 Liter I 5 Liter 6 Liter I 1 132107B1 32359B6 32359B9 10 IV71 03 V71 0401 V7116 V71 06 V7124 V7130 V7133 V7137 V7138 IV71iS01 V711 802 V7134 32028C1 32357B1 V7276 ~RI V7277 V7277~ V7115 V7187 } Bag, 1'\lunl Bag, Non1 Bag, Latex l Bag, l Bag, Latex 7.00 7.00 156.50 42.00 71.50 5.60 5.60 125.20 33.60 57.20 12.00 21.00 12.00 8.50 33.00 17.50 24.00 17.50 47.50 66.00 172.50 93.50 54.50 175.00 445.50 563.50 76.00 4.50 102.00 310.00 9.60 16.8• 9:6• 6.80 26.40 14.00 19.20 14.00 38.00 52.80 138.00 74.80 43.60 140.00 356.40 450.80 60.80 3.60 81.60 248.00 199.00 147.00 23.50 159.20 117.60 _1 8.80 '" r.irt":uits & Hoses IAdult "Y"Circuit, 40" C-Pram Non-rebreathing Circuit, 60" (no hose 1 :; "Y" Circuit, 36" I F-Circuit Flexible Hose · 1 Avian Circuit with 1/4 Liter Bag -vnL:uit with 2 Liter Bag, 40" -Circuit, 60" ified Jackson Rees Circuit with 1/2 Liter Bag C-Pram Circuit with 3 Liter Bag, 120" (10ft) Universal F·Circuit, 120" (10ft) Large Animal Hose, 2" x 64" IRodent Circuit Set· mask & diaphragm/adapters & hoses C-Pram, 120" (1Oft) Manometer, Patient Pressure Add-On Rodent Coaxial Delivery System Bain Block Circuit Kit #1 (Universal F-Circuit, Modified Jackson Rees, 1/211ter, 1 liter, 21iter & Sliter Bags) Universal F-Circuit Flexible Hose Dual Anesthesia Research Circuit Foal Circuit Set (2- 60" hose, 3 cones, 3 liter Bag & "Y" Piece) ,c ,c n (4" x4" x 12") ·, Small (4" x 4" x 6") r tlo~e Set, Large (22mm) 1 Parts IPole, stainless steel ·,50mm. Large Animal Large Animal •& •& •& •& r Cart (V720S, V7275) r Cart· MRI r Cart Shelf (V727B) r Cart Shelf · MRI C ; steel :, black SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document - All Rev 01 03/30/09 8 57.00 45.60 4.50 3.60 786.25 925.00 1575.00 1,338.75 533.50 453.48 1575.00 1,338.75 184.00 147.20 80.00- 100.00 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. SurgiVet SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 9 - ---- ~··-···-- '" Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. ---· ---------. ·-·-----l T. SurgiVet rC IVAPCONVHI CONVEXCH-AS ol CONI 11- rC r Clean & rC A ,..,..,.,rororo 1- 390.00 290.00 390.00 390.00 290.00 250.00 75.00 Ethrane to Halothane to ~ - Any Agent to : ~ - Ethrane to ' - Halothane to Key Fill to Funnel Fill 331.50 246.50 331.50 331.50 246.50 212.50 75.00 ries h?~4~RR 55.00 55.00 99.00 99.00 46.75 46.75 _!l4.15 84.15 Ohio M; Tech 4 27.50 27.50 147.00 136.50 115.50 170.00 23.38 23.38 124.95 116.03 98.18 V7211 Tech 3 Mounting Cup ® Vaporstick Plus Dual r Plate, Matrx® VMS 61.00 189.00 152.50 80.00 135.00 89.50 132311 B3 Tech 3 Funnel Body without Cap Tech 3 Funnel Cap rII Adapter; Key Fill Adapter Ikey Fill Adapter:-: t2 17 l1 32294915 3229497 V7214 V7216 1100 Series j Male End Cap l Female End Cap l to Drager ITech 3 V7121 V7122 V712201 --- ~Gas,., .. , . r Mounting Kit (V7015, V701501, V701502, V701504) '144.50 51.85 160.65 '"i29.63 68.00 114.75 76.08 99.00 50.00 84.15 42.50 525.001 420.00 819.20 Ill Gas V7300 V7301 SurgiVet® AES Active Gas Evacuation System, 11 OV SJJrniVAt®Lab Animal Evacuation System IGas Fv~t'!ll~tit\n SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document - All Rev 01 03/30/09 10 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. '" Surgi\let , 32137B1 V7107 V7166 V7308 V7311 Evacuation Tubing Cap (use with V7166) SurgiVet® AES Wall Mount Bracket Evacuation Ceiling Plate Gas Scavenger Interface Valve Adapter, 19mm Male x 1/2" PVC Female 3.50 130.00 40.00 289.00 21.00 2.98 110.50 34.00 245.65 17.85 Anesthetic Detection Badge, single Anesthetic Detection Badge, 5/pkg 100.00 450.00 85.00 382.50 521.00 532.50 12.00 71.00 25.00 45.00 45.00 442.85 ' 452.63 10.20 60.35 21.25 38.25 38.25 E-Tank Regulator Yoke E-Tank Yoke T-Handle E-Tank Plastic Wrench E-Tank Post Block, DISS Male E-Tank Stabilizer E-Tank 02 Regulator E-Tank 02 Regulator and 0-151pm Oxygen Flowmeter E-Tank 02 Regulator and Double Tank Holder Universal Double E-Tank 02 Manifold E-Tank N20 Regulator E-Tank N20 Regulator and Double Tank Holder E-Tank Double Tank Holders- Rings only E-Tank Air Regulator E-Tank Air Regulator and Double Tank Holder E-Tank C02 Regulator 305.00 11.50 84.00 10.50 6.00 70.50 131.50 194.50 275.00 367.50 575.00 245.50 445.50 189.00 194.50 367.50 173.50 259.25 9.78 71.40 8.93 5.10 59.93 111.78 165.33 233.75 312.38 488.75 208.68 378.68 160.65 165.33 312.38 147.48 H-Tank Holder 131.50 111.78 Anesthetic Detection V7225 V7226 Pure-Guard® System and Accessories V7314 V7317 20819B1 32373B10 V7305 V7315 V7316 SurgiVet® Pure-Guard® Monitor SurgiVet® Pure-Guard® System (monitor & Enviro-Pure® Canister 6 pack.) SurgiVet® Pure-Guard® Wall Mount Bracket SurgiVet® Enviro-Pure® Canister, 6/pkg Enviro-Pure® Canister Pole Mount Bracket SurgiVet® Pure-Guard® Pole Mount Bracket, 1" SurgiVet® Pure-Guard® Pole Mount Bracket, 2" Gas Delivery Management E- Tank Accessories 32040B1 3216981 32408B7 32408B10 32425B1 V7143 V7261 V7326 V7328 V7330 V7331 V7332 V7333 V7335 V7336 V7337 V7340 Oxygen Transfiller, H-Tank toE-Tank E-Tank Plug (University Machine) H-Tank Accessories 32385B3 SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 11 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. SurgiVet 32408817 V7327 V7329 V7334 H-Tank H-Tank H-Tank H-Tank Dual Stage Adjustable 02 Regulator, 0-100 psi 02 Regulator 02 Regulator with 0-151pm Flowmeter N20 Regulator 208.00 168.00 250.00 205.00 176.80 142.80 212.50 174.25 142.00 103.00 314.00 719.50 682.50 73.50 73.50 199.50 289.00 719.50 252.00 9.50 13.50 173.50 89.50 16.00 40.00 115.50 89.50 23.00 446.50 446.50 104.50 184.00 120.70 87.55 266.90 611.58 580.13 62.48 62.48 169.58 245.65 611.58 214.20 8.08 11.48 147.48 76.08 13.60 34.00 98.18 76.08 19.55 379.53 379.53 88.83 156.40 79.00 105.00 79.00 79.00 79.00 16.00 79.00 79.00 79.00 67.15 89.25 67.15 67.15 67.15 13.60 67.15 67.15 67.15 " Flowmeters and Accessories 3206681 3235081 3237581 3237582 3237584 3237585 3237586 3237588 32375810 32375812 32375811 32375814 3238881 3241381 3241382 3241383 3241384 3241385 3241386 3241387 32421811 32421812 V7131 V7144 Respiratory 02 Flowmeter, 0-3 lpm Flowmeter Bracket (for use with Vaporstick Plus & Tabletop Anesthesia Machines) Single 02 Flowmeter, 0-1 000 ml Dual 02 Flowmeter, 0-1000 ml and 0-4.5 lpm Dual 02IN20 Flowmeter, 0-4 lpm Respiratory 02 Flowmeter, 0-151pm Respiratory 02 Flowmeter, 0~5 lpm Single 02 Flowmeter, 0-4 lpm Single N20 Flowmeter, 0-4 lpm Dual 02/Air Flowmeter, 0-41pm Single 02 Flowmeter with Mounting Holes Respiratory 02 Flowtube Housing Humidifier Chamber 02 Thorpe Tube, .2-41pm, 02 Needle Valve and Knob with Torque Guard Flowmeter Adapter, Dual Threaded, Rear Connector Single Flowmeter Lens 02 Needle Valve with Knob (SurgiVet® LOS 3000) N20 Valve and Knob with Torque Guard Flowmeter 02 Knob Demand Valve, Large Animal Demand Valve, Small Animal Flowmeter Cage Mount Humidifier System (323BBB1, 3237585, 32350814) --·- Hard Line Assemblies (Wall Outlets) 3236781 3236782 3236783 3236784 3236785 32367812 3237081 3237082 3237083 Ohio N20 Recessed Finishing Plate N20 Recessed Rough-in Assembly Ohio Recessed Finishing Plate 02 Recessed Rough-in Assembly Ohio 02 Surtace Finishing Plate Recessed and Surface Mount Repair Kit N20 Recessed Finishing Plate, DISS DISS 02 Recessed Finishing Plate DISS 02 Surtace Finishing Plate SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 12 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. TO SurgiVet , SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document - All Rev 01 03/30/09 13 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. SurgiVet SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 · - - - - - - - - - - - ·----·-- '" Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. 14 ------·---~·- ------ -··l SurgiVet: " SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Do~ument- All Rev 01 03/30/09 15 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. ,. SurgiVet SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 16 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. SurgiVet V711701 Flush Valve Re air Kit V7126 IV7151 SurgiVet® Inhalation/Exhalation Dome_Valve J ISurgiVet"' LOS 3000 Small Animal , ! Dust Uoarade Kit 1 20.00 241.50 131.50 16.00 193.20 82.00 188.00 10.50 69.70 159.80 8.93 " 131.50 ;& ISurgiVet® T-abletop Wall Mount Bracket 1 SurgiVet181 Multi-Station Lab Animal Tabletop Monitor Mounting Hardware Kit for~ I, V701001, V701002) ) Mounting System 'CDS 2000. 1 , V703501, V703001) , etc. 13221381 3238084 3238086 12 14 16 Mi.,r<>ll 7.50 70.00 Matrx® Lower Gasket 85.00 2.00 9.00 30.00 13.50 16.00 90.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 E-Tank Yoke Washer Stack Valve Gasket, 4" 8 t""'C"'""rG':O"a~s~ket, 8" (SurgiVet LOS 3000) Gasket, 3-3/4" IAnesco Valve Gasket Ohio Molded Lower Gasket 13225782 l1 I Ohio #21 Dome Valve Gasket Matrx® Upper Gasket 0-Ring Valve Gasket (SurgiVet®-small Animal. 0-Ring dome Gasket (SurgiVet8 Small Animal, I Absorber Canister Draw Knob Washer ••c:: ~,:lruirc. fees IHose, 5.50 'Fee 6.38 59.50 72.25 1.70 7.65 25.50 11.48 13.60 76.50 1.70 1.70 1.28 5.50 n Equipml!ll_L_ 1 Masks Aerosol· Aerosol· 313 14 25.00 28.00 1 Mask- Small 1 Mask - Large 1 Masks 31 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 29.50 19.00 19.00 29.50 19.00 1 (for use with 3239381 mask) 1 (for use with 3239384 and 3239382 masks) 3236884 3236885 3239381 1 (for use with 3239383 mask) ! (for use with 3239385_ ~ask) Mask, Large Canine 1 Mask ,Large Feline 1 Mask, Medium Feline 1 Mask, Small Canine ' Mask, Small Feline · 3. SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 17 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.6C 23.60 15.20· 15.20 23.60 15.2C Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. SurgiVec " 10.50 63.00 10.50 10.50 10.50 103.00 8.40 50.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 82.40 r Mask, Small Mask, Large r Mask, Feline 25.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 1 Mask, Large 27.50 27.50 27.50 79.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 63.20 37.50 37.50 60.00 60.00 60.00 131.50 30.00 30.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 105.20 20.00 25.00 20.50 47.50 47.50 47.50 14.50 16.0C 20.00 16.40 38.0C 38.0C 38.00 11.60 20.QQL_ 20.001 16.00 16.0C Rodent Mask Dia hragm without hole Rodent Mask, no diaphragm t Mask Diaphragm, 7/16" hole Rodent Mask Diaphragm, 9/16" hole Rodent Mask Diaphragm, 3/4" hole ·l Mask K_it - 1 ea of c_anine sm &Jg and feline sm, med & lg masks V7105 V71 0501 V710502 V710503 V7149 ·Masks 1Masks 10 15 1 Mask, Small 1 Mask, Feline { Mask Kit (includes 1 ea of: l1 5 &: , Extra Small (1.1·3.31bs) ·, Small (6.6. 22 lbs) n (24- 55 lbs) , Large (57. 1?2_1bs) 32490B4 32490B5 V7355 , Foal r Kit, Foal (includes 3249085, 323938~ 3249087, 3249089) c.a~••eo,..if~tinn EQUi 1 Baas IWWV7267 16 I PEEP Valve _ I PEEP Valve 1 Bag Airway Ambu Ba . Laroe Ambu Bag Ambu Bag, Small Ambu Bag Patient Valve 10 32346B11 32346B12 15 II( --·- B12 1 tl Oxygen tl O)()'gen ·, Larae ,Small venmauon Eqwpmem SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document -All Rev 01 03/30/09 18 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. SurgiVet V725000 V727000 V727001 V7275 V7275MRI SuraiVet® SAV 2500 Small Animal Ventilator SuraiVet® 2550 Ventilator Pneuoac® Resoiratorv Ventilator SuraiVet® DHV 1000 Laroe Animal Ventilator SuraiVet® DHV 1000 Laroe Animal Ventilator- MRI Comnatible Adapters 32001B1 32343B18 32343B20 Adapter, 22mm x 22mm Adapter, 30mm x 19mm (purple) Adapter, 22mm X 17mm {silicone) Bellows V7310 V7312 32037B5 32102B5 321 02B6 32102B7 32102B10 32102B17 32411B6 32423C7 " 2546.50 2,164.53 6295.00 5,350.75 5245.00 4,458.25 6694.00 5,689.90 14175.00 12,048.75 3.00 8.75 9.00 2.40 7.00 7.20 SuraiVet® Pediatric Bellows with Base SuraiVet® Foal Bellows with Base Bellows Diaohragm Flutter Disk SurgiVet® Pediatric Bellows with Canister SurgiVet® Pediatric Bellows Onlv SurgiVet® Small Animal Ventilator Bellows Base SurgiVet® Foal Bellows Only Bellows Diaphragm SurgiVet® SAV2500 Bellows Only SurgiVet® DHV 1000 Bellows 367.50 624.00 1.00 215.00 103.00 220.00 220.00 72.50 600.00 650.00 312.38 530.40 0.85 182.75 87.55 187.00 187.00 61.63 510.00 552.50 Brackets and Roll Stands V7154 V7260 V7265 V7266 SurqiVet® SAV2500 Roll Stand SuroiVet® SAV2500 Universal Mountina Bracket with Stem Pneuaac® Ventilator Pole Mount Bracket MRI Comoatible 1V727001\ Pneunac®Ventilator Roll Stand MRI Comoatible 152.50 152.50 152.50 224.50 129.63 129.63 129.63 190.83 Circuits & Hoses 3235985 32359B7 3235988 32387B5 Ventilator Circuit, Ventilator Circuit, Ventilator Circuit, Ventilator Circuit, 35.00 25.00 20.00 184.00 156.40 Power Supplies 32411810 SurgiVet® Ventilator Power Pack 110.00 93.50 Ventilation Equipment 60", 22mm (V713B,V725ooo, V727000) 48", 22mm (V72Sooo, V727000) 12", 22mm (V725000, V727000) 46", 2" diameter (V7275) Test Luna SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document ~ All Rev 01 03/30/09 19 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. " SurgiVet: " 32391B1 ISmail Animal Ventilalor Test Lung 72.50 61.63 1100.00 3041.00 935.00 2,584.85 I Temperature Management Convective Warming Systems WWVEQ5000RS WWVEQ5000 SurgiVet Equator Convective Warming System (Remanufactured) SurgiVet Equator Convective Warming System (NEW) Accessories 32491B14 32491B15 32502B18 WWVF3-5000 Filter, Convective Warming Inlet Filter, Convective Warming Outlet Hose Clip, Convective Warming Filter Kit (WWVEOsooo) 25.00 125.00 28.50 119.00 21.25 106.25 24.23 101.15 Blankets WWVSW2001 WWVSW2002 WWVSW2003 WWVSW2004 WWVSW2005 WWVSW2006 WWVSW2009 WWVSW2011 Full Body Blanket, 10/pk Full Body Blanket, Pediatric, 10/pk Upper Body Blanket, 10/pk Lower Body Blanket, 10/pk Neonate to Small Child Blanket, 10/pk Preemie to Neonate Blanket, 10/pk Small Pediatric Underbody Blanket, 10/pk Large Pediatric Underbody Blanket, 10/ok 97.33 69.67 142.33 89.33 130.00 130.00 223.67 329.67 77.87 55.73 113.87 71.47 104.00 104.00 178.93 263.73 Hose, Convective Warming, Large 6ft (white) Hose, Convective Warming Large, 7 ft. (white) Hose, Conective Warming, Small, 5 ft (blue) 168.00 168.00 168.00 134.40 134.40 134.40 V707000 HOTLINE® Fluid Warming System 656.50 525.20 Disposables 32491B9 32491B17 Warming Set, HOTLINE® Fluid Warmer Repair Kit, HOTLINE® Fluid Warmer 15.50 17.00 13.18 14.45 Hoses 32491 B11 32491B12 32491B13 Fluid Warming §}'~terns (1 Tube) Items removed from Price List that are deleted and discontinued V707200 !Convective Warming System- Small Animal V707201 I Convective Warming System~ Small/Large Animal SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 20 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. T. Surgi\let 32502B7 32502B8 32502B9 32502B1 0 32502B11 32502B12 32502B20 32502B21 3400 Snuggle Warm® Blanket, Full Body Snuggle Warm® Blanket, Pediatric Snuggle Warm® Blanket, Upper Body Snuggle Warm® Blanket, Lower Body Snuggle Warm® Blanket, Neonatal Snuggle Warm® Blanket, Preemie Large Pediatric Underbody Blanket Small Pediatric Underbody Blanket Graseby 3400 Syringe Pump , AIRWAY MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS Endotracheal Tubes AT10 AT15 AT20 AT25 AT30 AT35 AT40 AT 50 ATR25 ATR30 ATR35 ATR40 ATR45 ATR50 ENAT14 ET2 ET3 ET4 ET5 ET6 ET7 ET8 ET9 ET10 ET11 ET12 ET14 ET16 ET18 Non-Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 1.0mm 1.0, Silicone Non-Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 1.5mm 1.0, Silicone Non-Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 2.0mm 1.0, Silicone Non-Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 2.5mm 1.0, Silicone Non-Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 3.0mm 1.0, Silicone Non-Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 3.5mm 1.0, Silicone Non-Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 4.0mm 1.0, Silicone Non-Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 5.0mm 1.0, Silicone Non-Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 2.5mm 1.0., Silicone Non-Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 3.0mm 1.0., Silicone Non-Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 3.5mm 1.0., Silicone NonMCuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 4.0mm I. D., Silicone Non-Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 4.5mm 1.0., Silicone Non-Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 5.0mm 1.0., Silicone Equine Post Anesthetic Nasal Tube, 14mm 1,0. 40cm, Silicone, Non-sterile Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 2.0mm 1.0., Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 3.0mm 1.0., Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 4.0mm I.D., Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 5.0mm 1.0., Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 6.0mm 1.0., Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 7.0mm 1.0., Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 8.0mm 1.0., Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 9.0mm 1.0., Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 10mm 1.0., Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 11 mm 1.0., Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 12mm 1.0., Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 14mm 1.0., Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 16mm 1.0., Silicone Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, 18mm 1.0., Silicone SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document - All Rev 01 03/30/09 21 22.00 22.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 71.50 33.50 29.75 29.75 29.75 31.75 31.75 31.75 31.75 47.15 62.75 62.75 90.00 96.00 96.00 18.70 18.70 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 8.93 8.93 8.93 8.93 8.93 8.93 60.78 28.48 25.29 25.29 25.29 26.99 26.99 26.99 26.99 40.08 53.34 53.34 76.50 81.60 81,62 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. TO SurgiVet ET20 ET22 ET24 ET26 WWVET30 ETR6 ETR7 ETR8 ETR9 ETR10 FN7 FN8 FN9 FN10 FN11 FN12 FN14 V25W10 V25W11 V25W12 V25W60 V25W70 V25W80 V25W90 V35W30 V35W40 V35W50 Cuffed Cuffed Cuffed Cuffed Cuffed Endotracheal Tube, Endotracheal Tube, Endotracheal Tube, Endotracheal Tube, Endotracheal Tube, 20mm 22mm 24mm 26mm 30mm I. D., I. D., I. D., I. D., I. D., Silicone Silicone Silicone Silicone Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 6mm I. D., Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 7mm I. D., Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, Smm I.D., Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 9mm 1.0., Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 10mm I. D., Silicone Foal Nasal/Porcine Endotracheal Tube, 7mm I. D., 55cm, Silicone Foal Nasal/Porcine Endotracheal Tube, Bmm 1.0., 55cm, Silicone Foal Nasal/Porcine Endotracheal Tube, 9mm 1.0., 55cm, Silicone Foal Nasal/Porcine Endotracheal Tube, 1Omm I. D., 55cm, Silicone Foal Nasal/Porcine Endotracheal Tube, 11 mm I. D., 55cm, Silicone Foal Nasal/Porcine Endotracheal Tube, 12mm I. D., 55cm, Silicone Foal Nasal/Porcine Endotracheal Tube, 14mm I. D., 55cm, Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 10mm I.D., Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 11 mm I. D., Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 12mm I. D., Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 6mm I.D., Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 7mm I. D., Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 8mm I.D., Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 9mm I. D., Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 3mm I. D., Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, 4mm I. D., Silicone Cuffed, Wire Reinforced Endotracheal Tube with Connector, 5mm I. D., Silicone 125.00 125.00 135.00 135.00 165.00 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 65.00 65.00 65.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 57.00 57.00 57.00 57.00 57.00 57.00 57.00 57.00 57.00 57.00 106.25 106.25 114.75 114.75 140.25 14.03 14.03 14.03 -14.03 14:03 55.25 55.25 55.25 57.80 57.80 57.80 57.80 48.45 48.45 48.45 48.45 48.45 48.45 48.45 48.45 48.45 48.45 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 68.00 68.00 47.50 4.50 4.50 36.55 36.55 36.55 36.55 36.55 36.55 36.55 57.80 57.80 40.38 3.83 3.83 Endotracheal Tube Connectors 3212183 3212184 32121812 3212185 3212186 3212187 3212188 3212189 32121810 3236481 ETC03 ETC04 Large Animal Bivona® Connector, 14.0mm stainless steel Large Animal Bivona® Connector, 16.0mm stainless steel Large Animal Bivona® Connector, 1B.Omm stainless steel Large Animal Bivona® Connector, 20.0mm stainless steel Large Animal Bivona® Connector, 22.0mm stainless steel Large Animal Bivona® Connector, 24.0mm stainless steel Large Animal Bivona® Connector, 26.0mm stainless steel Large Animal Bivona® Connector, 30.0mm stainless steel Large Animal Bivona® Connector, 35.0mm stainless steel Cook® Veterinary Large Animal ET Funnel Adapter Endotracheal Tube Connector, 3mm Endotracheal Tube Connect'?!· 4mm SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 22 -- -- --- Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. TO SurgiVet: ETC05 ETC06 ETC07 ETC08 ETC09 ETC10 ETC11 ETC12 V7142 V7145 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 262.50 361.50 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 3.83 223.13 307.28 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 14.45 14.45 14.45 14.45 14.45 14.45 14.45 14.45 14.45 14.45 21.25 21.25 21.25 21.25 41.65 41.65 41.65 41.65 Replacement Inflation Line, 16mm - 30mm I.D., Endotracheal Tubes Replacement Inflation Line, 2mm -14mm I. D., Endotracheal Tubes 14.00 14.00 11.90 11.90 Tracheostomv Tube, Tracheostomy Tube, Tracheostomy Tube, Tracheostomy Tube, Tracheostomy Tube, Tracheostomy Tube, 65.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 55.25 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 33.15 Endotracheal Tube Connector, 5mm Endotracheal Tube Connector, 6mm Endotracheal Tube Connector, ?mm Endotracheal Tube Connector, 8mm Endotracheal Tube Connector, 9mm Endotracheal Tube Connector, 1Omm Endotracheal Tube Connector, 11 mm Endotracheal Tube Connector, 12mm Large Animal "Y" Connector with Luer Fitting Larae Animal Bivona® Connector Kit Piece with case Endotracheal Tube Cuff Repair Kits RK3 RK4 RK5 RK6 RK7 RK8 RK9 RK10 RK11 RK12 RK14 RK16 RK18 RK20 RK22 RK24 RK26 RK30 Repair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Reoair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Reoair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Repair Cuff, Repair Cuff, 3.0mm Endotracheal Tube 4.0mm Endotracheal Tube 5.0mm Endotracheal Tube 6.0mm Endotracheal Tube 7.0mm Endotracheal Tube 8.0mm Endotracheal Tube 9.0mm Endotracheal Tube 1Omm Endotracheal Tube 11 mm Endotracheal Tube 12mm Endotracheal Tube 14mm Endotracheal Tube 16mm Endotracheal Tube 18mm Endotracheal Tube 20mm Endotracheal Tube 22mm Endotracheal Tube 24mm Endotracheal Tube 26mm Endotracheal Tube 30mm Endotracheal Tube Endotracheal Tube Replacement Inflation Lines RILL RILS Tracheostomy Tubes V60010 V60050 V60060 V60070 V60080 V60090 1Omm, Silicone Sterile 5mm, Silicone Sterile 6mm, Silicone Sterile 7mm, Silicone Sterile Bmm, Silicone Sterile 9mm, Silicone Sterile SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document ~ All Rev 01 03/30/09 23 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. SurgiVet: "" I CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETERS CVP30S CVP4010 CVP5015 CVP10255 CVP70255 CVPS5255 CVS301J CVS401J CVS501J CVS601J Central Venous Catheter Set with 19ga Peel-Off Sheath Needle, 3FR, Scm Catheter, Sterile Central Venous Catheter Set with 17ga Peel Off Sheath Needle, 4FR, 1Ocm Catheter, Sterile Central Venous Catheter Set with 15ga Peel Off Sheath Needle, 5FR, 1Scm Catheter, Sterile Central Venous Catheter Set with 13ga Peel Off Sheath Needle, 10.2FR, 25cm Catheter, Sterile Central Venous Catheter Set with 13ga peel Off Sheath Needle, 7FR, 25cm Catheter, Sterile Central Venous Catheter Set with 12 ga Peel Off Sheath Needle, 8.5FR, 25cm Catheter, Sterile Central Venous Catheter Set Seldinger, 3FR, Scm Catheter, 30cm "J" Guide Wire, Sterile Central Venous Catheter Set Seldinger, 4FR, 10cm Catheter, 50cm "J" Guide Wire, Sterile Central Venous Catheter Set Seldinger, 5FR, 1Scm Catheter, 50cm "J" Guide Wire, Sterile Central Venous Catheter Set Seldinger, 6FR, 25cm Catheter, 50cm "J" Guide Wire, Sterile 29.00 29.00 27.00 30.50 27.00 27.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31 .oo 23.20 23.20 21.60 24.40 21.60 21.60 24.SO 24.SO 24.SO 24.SO 26.00 26.00 26.00 20.SO 20.SO 20.SO 5.00 30.00 11.50 1S.OO 10.50 31.50 9.00 34.50 S4.00 4.25 25.50 9.7S 15.30 S.93 26.7S 7.65 29.33 71.40 25.00 25.00 S6.00 167.00 57.50 57.50 46.00 21.25 73.10 141.95 4S.SS, 4S.SS 39.10 FLUID ADMINISTRATION & THERAPY PRODUCTS Catheters FSQ712 FSQ71S FSQ725 Subcutaneous Catheter Set, 7FR, 12cm, Sterile Subcutaneous Catheter Set, 7FR, 1Scm, Sterile Subcutaneous Catheter Set, 7FR, 25cm, Sterile Connecting Tubes, Infusion Sets CT9530 CT95250 CTU14030 DESC1460 LACTEC1 LACTEC2 LACTEC3 LACTEC4 VEFSPK Connecting Tube with Male Luer and Female Port, 9.5FR, 30cm, Sterile Flexible Spiral Connecting Tube Set, 9.5FR, 250cm ,Sterile Connecting Tube with Male Luer, Female Port, 14FR,30cm Sterile Dougle-ended Spike Connecting Tube, 60cm Single Wide Bore Tubinq with Spike, 24FR, 200cm Single Wide Bore Tubina with Sppike, 24FR, 450cm Single Wide Bore Spike Bag to Bag Connector Double Wide bore Tubing with Spike, 24FR, 450cm Stainless Steel Spike Adapter, 23mm I. D, Sterile GASTROENTEROLOGY PRODUCTS Catheters FET1423 FET193S GTI75FA OTCS1000VN OTCS12 OTCS14 OTC1040VN Esophagostomy Catheter, 14FR, 23cm, Silicone, Sterile Esophagostomy Catheter, 19FR, 3Scm, Silicone,Sterile Catheter Fixation Adapter, Tapered, Non-sterile Van Noort Esophagostomy Tuber Set: OTC104VN, GTIS3651TVN, NPOS1055 Esophagostomv Tube Catheter Set, 12FR, 60cm Esophagostomy Tube Catheter Set, 14FR, 60cm Van Noort Esophagostomy Catheter & Guidewire, 1OFR, 40cm, Sterile SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 24 - 21~~ Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. T. SurgiVet: SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 25 Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. TO SurgiVet; VSTG35 VSTG45 VSTG50 VSTL11 VSTM95 VSTS65 VSTX17 45.00 45.00 45.00 85.00 65.00 65.00 85.00 38.25 38.25 38.25 72.25 55.25 55.25 72.25 Feline Mouth Gag, Non-sterile 20.00 17.00 Equine Sacral Joint Needle, 15ga, 25cm, Sterile Percutaneous Needle, 1Oga 7ga Needle with 5 Peel-Off Sheaths, Sterile 8ga Needle with 5 Peel-Off Sheaths, Sterile 9ga Needle with 5 Peel-Off Sheaths, Sterile 1Oga Needle with 5 Peel-Off Sheaths, Sterile 15oa Needle with 5 Peel-Off Sheaths, Sterile 17ga Needle with 5 Peel-Off Sheaths, Sterile Pericardiocentesis Needle and Catheter, 14ga, 15cm, Sterile Vet-Core Biopsy Needle, 14oa, 9cm, Sterile Vet-Core Biopsy Needle, 14ga, 15cm, Sterile Vet-Core Biopsy Needle, 14ga, 20cm, Sterile Vet-Core Biopsy Needle, 16ga, 9cm, Sterile Vet-Core Biopsy Needle, 16qa, 15cm, Sterile Vet-Core Biopsy Needle 16oa, 20cm, Sterile Vet-Core Bi()~sy Needle 18ga, 9cm, Sterile Vet-Core Biopsy Needle, 18ga, 15cm, Sterile Vet-Core Biopsy Needle, 20ga, 9cm, Sterile Vet-Core Biopsy Needle, 20qa, 15cm, Sterile 35.00 17.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 22.50 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 28.00 14.00 17.20 17.20 17.20 17.20 17.20 17.20 18.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 75.50 75.50 75.50 75.50 75.50 60.40 60.40 60.40 60.40 60.40 Silicone Stomach Tube, Silicone Stomach Tube, Silicone Stomach Tube, Silicone Stomach Tube, Silicone Stomach Tube, Silicone Stomach Tube, Silicone Stomach Tube, 3.5mm, 36in 4.5mm, 36in 5mm, 36in 11 mm, 118in 9.5mm, 118in 6.5mm, 118in 16mm, 120in Mouth Gags FMG100 NEEDLES ESJN1525 GTIN1050 NPOS775 NPOS875 NPOS970 NPOS1055 NPOS1570 NPOS1770 PCS1415 VC1409 VC1415 VC1420 VC1609 VC1615 VC1620 VC1809 VC1815 VC2009 VC2015 REPRODUCTION PRODUCTS Catheters VEFD16 VEUF15 VEUF50 VEUF65 VEUF80 Equine Equine Equine Equine Equine Fluid Delivery System, 39FR, 160cm Uterine Flushing Catheter, 36FR, 150cm, Sterile Uterine Flushinq Catheter, 24FR, 80cm, Sterile Uterine Flushi"l! Catheter, 36FR, 65cm, Sterile Uterine Flushing Catheter, 36FR, 80cm, Sterile -- SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document - All Rev 01 03/30/09 - 26 - Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. T. , Surgi\let:: UROLOGY PRODUCTS I Catheters CFC530 CFC555 CFC630 CFC655 CFC830 CFC855 CFC1030 CFC1055 CFC1255 CFC1455 CFC1655 CFC1855 CFC2065 CFC2265 EUC28150 FC530 FC555 FC630 FC655 FC830 FC855 FC1030 FC1055 FC1230 FC1255 FC1455 FC1655 FC1855 FC2065 FC2265 SFC28100 SFC2875 TM35 TM350E TTM30110E TTM3511 TTM35110E TTM3514 TTM35140E TTM35180E -- Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, SFR, 30cm, Silicone, Sterile Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, 5FR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, 6FR, 30cm, Silicone, Sterile Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, 6FR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, 8FR, 30cm, Silicone, Sterile Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, BFR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, 1OFR, 30cm, Silicone, Sterile Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, 1OFR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, 12FR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, 14FR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, 16FR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, 18FR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, 20FR, 65cm, Silicone, Sterile Economy ClearView Foley Catheter, 22FR, 65cm, Silicone, Sterile Equine Urine Collection Catheter 28FR, 150cm, Silicone, Sterile Premium Foley Catheter, 5FR, 30cm, Silicone, Sterile Premium Foley Catheter, 5FR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile · Premium Foley Catheter, 6FR, 30cm, Silicone, Sterile Premium Foley Catheter, 6FR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Premium Foley Catheter, 8FR, 30cm, Silicone, Sterile Premium Foley Catheter, 8FR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Premium Foley Catheter, 1OFR, 30cm, Silicone, Sterile Premium Foley Catheter, 1OFR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Premium Foley Catheter, 12FR, 30cm, Silicone, Sterile Premium Foley Catheter, 12FR, 55cm, Silicone, Slerile Premium Foley Catheter, 14FR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Premium Foley Catheter, 16FR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Premium Foley_ Catheter, 18FR, 55cm, Silicone, Sterile Premium Foley Catheter, 20FR, 65cm, Silicone, Sterile Premium Foley Catheter, 22FR, 65cm, Silicone, Sterile Stallion Premium Foley Catheter, 28FR, 1OOcm, Silicone, Sterile Stallion Premium Foley Catheter, 28FR, 75cm, Silicone, Sterile Tomcat Urethral Catheter, 3.5FR, 12cm, Silicone, Sterile, Closed End Tomcat Urethral Catheter Open End, 3.5FR, 12cm, Silicone, Sterile, Open End Slippery Sam Tomcat Urethral Catheter, 3.0FR, 11cm, PTFE, Sterile, Open End Slippery Sam Tomcat Urethral Catheter, 3.5FR, 11cm, PTFE, Sterile, Open End Slippery Sam Tomcat Urethral Catheter, 3.5FR, 11cm, PTFE, Sterile, Closed End Slippery Sam Tomcat Urethral Catheter, 3.5FR, 14cm, PTFE, Sterile, Closed End Slii'!J.ery Sam Tomcat Urethral Catheter, 3.5FR, 14cm, PTFE, Sterile, Open End Slippery Sam Tomcat Urethral Catheter, 3.5FR, 18cm, PTFE, Sterile, Open End SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 27 - 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 59.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 38.00 38.00 48.00 48.00 125.00 67.50 11.50 11.50 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.Q() ~ 19.201 19.201 19.20 19.20 7.60; 7.601 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 47.20 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40 30.40 30.40 38.40 38.40 100.00 54.00 9.20 9.20 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 1 Effective 04/0112009 Prices subject to change without notice. " SurgiVet I WOUND MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS I Catheters BAL240 BAL300 CBAL5190 CBAL6125 CELC1200 CELC700 CELCB50 EAC1010 EFC5170 EFC5250 EFCB250 EFCB330 EFC7250 ENLCB03540 FTW6100 FTWCB50 PCS911 PLS100 PDC171 0 Broncho-Aiveolar Lavage Catheter, 2.5mm ID, 240cm, Silicone, Sterile Bronct10-Aiveolar Lavage Catheter, 2.5mm ID, 300cm, Silicone, Sterile Broncho-Aiveolar Lavage Catheter (canine), 5FA, Sterile Broncho-Aiveolar Lavage Catheter (canine), 6FA, Sterile Ear Lavage Catheter, 12FA , 20cm, Polyurethane, Sterile Ear Lavage Catheter, 7FA 20cm Polyurethane, Sterile Ear Lavage Catheter, B.5FA 20cm Polyurethane, Sterile Equine Abdominocentesis Catheter , 1OFR, 1Ocm, Sterile Endoscopic Flushing Catheter, 5FA, 170cm, PTFE, Sterile Endoscopic Flushing Catheter, 5FA, 250cm, PTFE, Sterile Endoscopic Flushing Catheter, BFA, 250cm, PTFE, Sterile Endoscopic Flushing Catheter, 6FA, 330cm, PTFE, Sterile Endoscopic Flushing Catheter, 7FA, 250cm, PTFE, Sterile Equine Nasolacrimal Catheter, BFA, 40cm, Sterile Foal Tracheal Wash Catheter, BFA, 1OOcm, Sterile Foal Tracheal Wash Catheter, BFA, 50cm, Sterile Pericardiocentesis Catheter Set, 9FR, 20cm, Sterile Peritoneal Lavage Catheter Set, 9FA, 20cm, Sterile Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter, 1BFA, BOcm, Sterile 92.00 100.00 15.50 15.50 22.00 22.00 22.00 35.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 17.50 19.00 19.00 3B.50 3B.50 150.00 73.60 BO.OO 12.40 12.40 17.60 17.60 17.BO 2B.OO 17.60 17.BO 17.60 17.BO 17.60 14.00 15.20 15.20 30.BO 30.BO 135.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 19.50 19.50 13.50 13.50 1B.OO 37.00 B.OO B.OO 12.00 12.00 BO.OO BO.OO 2B.OO 2B.OO 14.00 14.00 14.00 15.BO 15.BO 10.BO 10.BO 12.BO 29.BO 4.BO 4.80 9.BO 9.BO 4B.OO 4B.OO 22.40 22.40 Drains, Drainage Catheters/Clamps/Tubes APFT1455 CT12 CT14 CT20 CT30 CWVD0720 CWVD1320 FCWD25 HV100 MSPB30 MSP1230 PD0920 PD1B30 TDC1030 TDC1230 TPTB15 TPT1020 Multi-Purpose Drainage Tube, 14FA, 55cm, Sterile Chest Drainage Tube, 12FA, 40cm, Silicone, Sterile Chest Drainage Tube, 14FA, 40cm, Silicone, Sterile Chest Drainage Tube, 20FA, 42cm, Silicone, Sterile Chest Drainage Tube, 30FA, 42cm, Silicone, Sterile Closed Wound Vacuum Drain, 7mm, 20cm, Silicone, Sterile Closed Wound Vacuum Drain, 13mm, 20cm Silicone, Sterile Fenestrated Catheter Wound Drain, BFA, 25cm Sterile Heimlich One-Way Valve and Connecting Tube, Sterile Modified Penrose Drain, 6mm, 30cm, Silicone, Sterile Modified Penrose Drain, 12mm, 30cm, Silicone, Sterile Penrose Drain, 9mm, 20cm, Silicone, Sterile Penrose Drain, 1Bmm, 30cm, silicone, Sterile Thoracic Two-Part Drainage Catheter Set with Trocar, 10.2FA,30cm, Sterile Thoracic Two-Part Drainage Catheter Set with Trocar, 12FR, 30cm, Sterile Pneumothorax Set, 8.3FR, 35cm, Sterile Pneumothorax Set. 1OFR. 40cm, Sterile SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 2B Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. SurgiVet TPTL1230 TPTLt630 WDt240 Thoracic Drainage Catheter with Trocar, 12FR, 30cm, Sterile Thoracic Drainage Catheter with Trocar, 16FR, 30cm, Sterile Flexi-Drain Multi-Purpose Wound Drain, 3mm lumensj12), 40cm, Silicone, Sterile 29.50 33.50 5.50 23.60 26.80 4.40 Ocular Lavage Ocular Lavage Ocular Lavage Ocular Lavage 47.00 t8.00 47.00 t8.00 37.60 t4.40 37.60 t4.40 30.00 3t.OO 4t.OO 24.00 24.80 32.80 65.00 t06.00 79.00 tt4.00 70.00 52.00 84.80 63.20 91.20 56.00 t6.50 t3.20 3.00 3.00 2.40 2.40 t0.50 8.40 3.00 9.00 2.40 7.20 ,. Ocular Lavage Products OLK590 OL590C OLK890 OL890C Kit, 5FR, 90cm Catheter, Trocar, Blunt Tipped Needle, Injection Cap Catheter Only, 5FR, 90cm, Sterile Kit, 8FR, 90cm Catheter, Trocar, Blunt Tipped Needle, Injection Cap Catheter Only, 8FR, 90cm, Sterile Suction Bulbs GSBtOO GSBt50 GSB400 Continuous Suction Bulb, 100cc, Sterile Continuous Suction Bulb, 150cc, Sterile Continuous Suction Bulb, 400cc, Sterile Vet BioSIS-y® VBtOD4 VBt5D4 VB07t0 VB07t04L VB0704S2 Vet BioSIST" Ocular Discs t Omm Sterile 4/oko Vet BioSIST" Ocular Discs t5mm Sterile 4/oko Vet BioSIST" Sinole Sheet 70mm x t OOmm Sterile Vet BioSIST" Multi Laminate Sheet 70mm x t OOmm Sterile Vet BioSIST"Twin Pack 40mm x 70mm Sterile_(~ sheetsl CONSUMABLE PRODUCT ACCESSORIES Adhesive ADH2 Silicone Adhesive, Non-sterile Clamps CLAMPWL CLAMPWS Large Drainage Tubing Clamp, (for t2.7-t6mm O.D.) Sterile Small Drainage Tubing Clamp, (for up to 5mm O.D.) Sterile Fixation Discs FDtOO Catheter Fixation Device, Silicone, Sterile Injection Ports, Luer Lock Plugs, Stopcocks VIP2 VIP3 Injection Port with Luer Lock Cap, Sterile T -piece Injection Port with Luer Lock Fitti!!_@, Sterile SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 29 Effective 04/0t/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. ··~ ,. SurgiVet Luer Locks LLC0306 LLC0710 LLP100 TCLLA Luer Lock Connector, 3-6FR, Sterile Luer Lock Connector, 7-10FR, Sterile Luer Lock Plug to Occlude Female Luer Lock, Sterile Little Herbert® Luer Lock Adapter, Female Luer Lock, Barbed Insertion End 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 4.50 4.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.60 3.60 2.80 2.80 2.80 3.00 7.50 6.50 6.50 2.40 6.00 5.20 5.20 51.50 51.50 28.00 28.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 16.00 14.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 15.44 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 41.20 41.20 22.40 22.40 32.00 32.00 32.00 12.80 11.60 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 12.35 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Multi-Purpose Tubing Adapters P79 P412 PFLLA PFLLAL PMLLAL Double-ended Tapered Connector, Fits 7-9mm 1.0., Sterile Double-ended T"!"'red Connector, Fits 4-12mm I.D., Sterile Female Luer Lock to Tapered Catheter End Fits 10- 20FR I.D. Female Luer Lock to Large Tapered Catheter End, Fits 20- 40FR 1.0. Male Luer Lock to Large Tapered Catheter End, Fits 20 - 40FR I. D. . St~cocks OWS100 STC1W STC3W STC3WSLIP One-Way Stopcock, Female Luer Lock to Male Luer Lock, Sterile One-Way Stopcock, Female Luer Slip to Male Luer Slip, Sterile Three-Way St()_iJCOCk, Two Female Luer Locks to Male Luer Lock Three-Way Stopcock, Two Female Luer Slips To One Male Luer Slip, Sterile Wire Guides, Stylets, Introduction Tubes GTI070TW GTI110TW MSS5240 MSS9040 MSS11940 MSS11945 MSS18745 WWVSTYLLG WWVSTYLSM TCGW1830 TCGW2170 TCGW3570 TCGW3870 TCGW38180 WG2560 WG2860 WG3860 WG4560 · - Stainless Steel Threaded Wire Guide, 1.0mm, 70cm Stainless Steel Threaded Wire Guide, 1.0, 11 Ocm Metal Stiffening Stylet, 1.3mm, 40cm Metal Stiffening Stylet, 2.3mm, 40cm Metal Stiffening Stylet, 3.2mm, 40cm Metal Stiffening Stylet, 3.2mm, 45cm Metal Stiffening Stylet, 4. 7mm, 45cm Endotracheal Tube Stylet with Stopper, fits 5.5mm - 9.5mm Endotracheal Tube Stylet with Stopper, fits 2.5mm - 5.5mm ClearView PTFE Coated Wire Guide, 0.18", 30cm ClearView PTFE Coated Wire Guide, 0.21 ", 70cm ClearView PTFE Coated Wire Guide, 0.35", 70cm ClearView PTFE Coated Wire Guide, 0.38", 70cm ClearView PTFE Coated Wire Guide, 0.38", 180cm Wire Guide Stiffenina Stylet, 0.025", 60cm Sterile Wire Guide Stiffening ~et, 0.028", 60cm Sterile Wire Guide Stiffening Stylet, 0.038", 60cm Sterile Wire Guide Stiffening Stylet, 0.045", 60cm Sterile SurgiVet Domestic Pricing Source Document- All Rev 01 03/30/09 30 - - - L._ Effective 04/01/2009 Prices subject to change without notice. ··---·-------~----------·-----------·-----·----------·-----------~---- ------------------------. ·---, I Attachment I Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies for Veterinary Purposes I. Virginia Tech Question: Please explain the relationship between Smiths Medical PM, Inc. and SurgiVet. Smiths Medical PM. Inc. Response: Smiths Medical PM, Inc. is the owner of the SurgiVet label. SurgiVet is a brand product ofSmiths Medical that are products solely for use in animals. 2. Virginia Tech Question: Please provide Smiths Medical PM, Inc.'s best discount schedule. Smiths Medical PM. Inc. Response: See Virginia Tech Pricing in Exhibit 1 which is our best pricing schedule. 3. Virginia Tech Question: It is our understanding that price changes may occur on the Smiths Medical PM, Inc. Veterinary Domestic List Price at any time without notification. However, the discount will remain the same during the initial contract term and subsequent renewals. Is our understanding correct? Is the Smiths Medical PM, Inc. Veterinary Domestic List Price available on the Smiths Medical PM, Inc. website? Smiths Medical PM. Inc. Response: The Virginia Tech discount of20 percent {2I% less the I% eVA fee) will remain the same for the term of the contract and any renewals. The Veterinary Domestic Price List (4Jective April I, 2009) is not available on the website but copies may be requested. Pricing is based on manufacturer pricing. Price Lists are usually revised in April. Every effort will be made to not(fy Virginia Tech within 30 days of price changes by forwarding an updated price list. 4. Virginia Tech Question: If awarded a contract, does Smiths Medical PM, Inc. agree to limit price increases to no more than the increase in the Consumer Price Index, CPI-W, all items category for the latest twelve (12) months for which statistics are available at the time of renewal or 3 percent, whichever is less? Smiths Medical PM, Inc. Response: Yes. Mary Hamkins, Director ofFinance, has approved this request. 5. Virginia Tech Question: Is Smiths Medical PM, Inc. willing to ship orders FOB Destination with freight prepaid and included in the price of each item? Smiths Medical PM. Inc. Response: No. All orders will be shipped FOB Destination with freight prepaid and added to the invoice as a separate line item. Charges for shipping are the actual freight costs. 6. Virginia Tech Question: Does Smiths Medical PM, Inc. agree and understand that the terms and conditions of RFP 0006765 shall govern the contract if a contract is awarded to your company? Smiths Medical PM, Inc. Response: Yes. 7. Virginia Tech Question: For items not specifically listed in the Smiths Medical PM, Inc. response to RFP #0006765 and for new items that become available, does Smiths Medical PM, Inc. agree to provide the best university pricing available? Smiths Medical PM. Inc. Response: Yes. For any new items that become available, Virginia Tech will be notified and given pricing and the current discountfor the contract will apply. 8. Virginia Tech Question: Does Smiths Medical PM, Inc. agree to provide invoices with payment due thirty (30) days after receipt of invoice or goods/services, whichever is later? Smiths Medical PM, Inc. Response: Yes. 9. Virginia Tech Question: Does Smiths Medical PM, Inc. acknowledge, agree and understand that Virginia Tech cannot guarantee a minimum amount of business if a contract is awarded to your company? Smiths Medical PM. Inc. Response: Yes. 10. Virginia Tech Question: Is Smiths Medical PM, Inc. willing to register and participate in the eVA internet procurement solution described in the terms and conditions of the RFP? Smiths Medical PM, Inc. Response: Yes. We have registered and our vendor number is VS0000050151. 11. Virginia Tech Question: Are the prices included in the Smiths Medical PM, Inc. response inclusive of all applicable eVA system transaction fees? Smiths Medical PM. Inc. Response: Yes. 12. Virginia Tech Question: Does Smiths Medical PM, Inc. agree that the initial contract period shall be for one year? Smiths Medical PM, Inc. Response: Yes. 13. Virginia Tech Question: Upon completion of the initial contract period, does Smiths Medical PM, Inc. agree that the contract may be renewed by Virginia Tech upon written agreement of both parties for successive one year periods, under the tem1s of the current contract, and at a reasonable time (approximately 90 days) prior to the expiration? Smiths Medical PM Inc. Response: Yes. 14. Virginia Tech Question: Will Smiths Medical PM, Inc. comply with the provisions of Section V regarding Contract Participation contained in RFP 0006765? Smiths Medical PM. Inc. Response: Yes. 15. Virginia Tech Question: Please identify the person(s) (name, phone number, and email address) at Smiths Medical PM, Inc. that will serve as the customer service liaison and accounts receivable liaison. Smiths Medical PM. Inc. Response: Customer Service, 888-745-6562, option I, Accounts Receivable, Wansa lee, 262-542-JIOO Ext 2204, 16. Virginia Tech Question: Since our purchasing system requires precise and accurate infonnation, please provide the following: a. Legal name of your company b. Trade name (DBA) if different from legal name c. Taxpayer Identification Number d. Company name and address to which Virginia Tech should mail purchase orders e. Company name and address to which Virginia Tech should mail payments f. IRS W -9 fonn (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification). Smiths Medical PM. Inc. Response: a. Smiths Medical PM, Inc. b. c. d. e. f