The de-facto standard for nano- and microscale
The de-facto standard for nano- and microscale
The de-facto standard for nano- and microscale image processing and 3D visualization Download free copy now at: Image Metrology Image Metrology was founded in 1998. Today, we are a world wide leading supplier of software for nanoand microscale image processing. Our mission is to provide our customers with state-of-the-art image processing software for microscopy, including: • Correction tools for creating the most accurate presentation of the “true” surface • Automated analysis techniques ensuring high accuracy, quality and cost efficiency • Visualization and reporting tools enabling convincing and impressive communication of results Jan F. Jørgensen, PhD. CEO and founder of Image Metrology. We are a highly innovative company constantly developing new solutions meeting the demands from our customers. We supply our products directly to end users and through our global distribution network. Over the years, the Scanning Probe Image Processor, SPIP™, has become the de-facto standard for image processing at nanoscale. SPIP™ was first released in 1995. However, the founder of Image Metrology, Dr. Jan F. Jørgensen, started developing the software 5 years earlier as part of his industrial PhD project in cooperation with IBM Denmark, the Danish Institute of Fundamental Metrology, and the Technical University of Denmark. Image Metrology A/S Lyngsø Allé 3A 2970 Hørsholm Denmark Phone: +45 469 234 00 Fax: +45 469 234 01 2 The Scanning Probe Image P r o c e s s o r, S P I P™ Leading research institutes and high-tech companies in more than 42 countries use SPIP™ for image processing applications within semiconductor inspection, physics, material science, chemistry, biology, metrology, and nano technology. SPIP™ supports a variety of microscope types and their file formats including Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPM), interference microscopes, Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM), confocal microscopes, optical microscopes, and profilers. Whether you are an expert user or new to the field of image processing, SPIP™ lets you produce the results you need with just a few mouse clicks. SPIP™ is a modular software package offered as a basic module and 13 optional add-on modules. The Basic Module includes essential features such as file reading, profiling, and plane correction. The add-on modules are dedicated to specific purposes within calibration, noise reduction, analysis, and 3D visualization. On the following pages you will find a description of each module and learn how you can improve the efficiency and quality of your work. • Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPM) • Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) • Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) • Interferometers • Confocal Microscopes • Profilers 3 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Get Started - Basic, 6 Calibrate and Characterize - Calibration, 10 - Tip Characterization, 12 Reduce Noise and Enhance Features - Correlation Averaging, 14 - Filter, 16 - Extended Fourier Analysis, 18 Measure and Analyze - Grain Analysis, 20 - Roughness & Hardness Analysis, 22 - Force Curve Analysis, 24 - CITS Continuous Imaging Tunneling Spectroscopy, 26 Visualize - 3D Visualization Studio, 28 - Movie & Time Series Analysis, 30 Gain Productivity - Batch Processor & Active Reporter, 32 Organize - ImageMet Explorer™, 34 Customize - Plug-in Interface, 36 4 W hat our customers say “I am pleased with the SPIP package, especially, with the fact that SPIP not only reads and processes images from commercial atomic force microscopes, but also reads and processes images from common white light interference microscopes. This dramatically increases the flexibility and wide scale usage of SPIP.” Louis Hector, Jr., Dr. , General Motors R&D “I think SPIP is very user friendly and versalite software. I´ve used other commercial softwares also, but the options available in SPIP are simply immense.” “I rely heavily on SPIP and appreciate the support that I and my students have received from Image Metrology. The availablility of the SPIP software has played a crucial role in enabling me to extract the kind of quantitative information that I really want out of my AFM images. Harry J. Ploehn, Prof. , University of South Carolina, Department of Chemical Engineering “Great software - very powerful and versatile.” Kevin Robbie, Assistant Prof. and Canada Research Chair in Nanostructured Materials, Queen´s University Loveleen Kaur Brar, Indian Institute of Science “SPIP is a good software and it is easy to work with it.” Bernard Desbat, Directeur de Recherche, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) “SPIP is the standard program for processing and presenting AFM data in our lab since 4 years. We appreciate that SPIP is frequently updated and that our suggestions and requirements were integrated in SPIP.” Hermann Schillers, Dr. , Westfälische WilhelmsUniversität Münster, Institute of Physiology II 5 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Basic The Basic Module covers features that are essential to most professionals working with microscopy. The Basic Module is the backbone of SPIP™, and it is therefore required for any configuration of the software. File Reading With the Basic Module you can open all the file formats supported by SPIP™. The file formats are listed on page 38. You can even open files that are not directly supported by SPIP™. The Heuristic File Importer guesses the file structure and allows you to provide additional information about the format. This way, you will be able to read almost any image file. Data courtesy of Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) and Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus. Data also used for cover page. Image Processing The Basic Module includes a wide range of image processing features. The following list shows some of the most important features: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 Plane Correction (Flattening) Cross-section Profile Analysis Histogram Analysis Fourier Transform Auto Correlation Cross Correlation Gradient Images Image Arithmetic Color Manipulation Contrast Enhancement Zoom Mirror and Rotation Copy, Print, and Save Area of Interest (AOI) XY Scaling Tool Customizable User Interface “Sniffer” for Opening New Files Automatically The Color Scale Editor allows you to easily define your own surface colors which will be used in both images and histograms. Basic • Plane correction (flattening) Profiling With the profiling tools you can perform detailed measurements interactively using multiple cursors. The Curve Fitting tools enable you to fit a curve to your profile and subtract it automatically. Furthermore, you can perform 1D Fourier analysis and interactively fit cone angle and radius of curvature on your profiles. Using the Average Profile tool you can average any number of scan lines in your profile. The “Multi-profiling” facilities enables detailed comparison of images by monitoring profiles at the exact same positions while moving the cross section line. • Cross-section profile analysis • Histogram analysis • Fourier transform • Auto and cross correlation • Image arithmetic • Color manipulation • Zoom, mirror, rotate, copy, print, and save functions • “Sniffer” for opening new files automatically Cone angle fitting and profile measurements by dimension readout. Display and fit multiple profiles in one window. Fourier transform and wavelength detection of profile. Fitting of multiple profiles and calculation of Mean profile. 7 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Plane Correction (Flattening) Plane correction or flattening is one of the most important aspects of SPM image analysis, in particular, when performing Z-calibration and Roughness Analysis. This is due to the fact that several distortion phenomenons can be of the same or even higher magnitude than the surface corrugations. SPIP™ includes a set of powerful plane correction tools that allow automated correction of plane distortions by polynomial functions and elimination of z-offset errors for single scan lines. The example on these pages demonstrates the plane correction effect on a distorted image. In the upper left image, there is significant bow and z-offset errors which are reflected in the profile. The histogram indicates the two levels, but they cannot be estimated accurately. In the corrected image on the right, the histogram peaks are sharp and it is easy to determine the step height precisely. You can perform the plane correction by a single mouse click, and it is fully supported by the Batch Processor & Active Reporter. 8 Before Basic After 9 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Calibration Calibration can be a complicated affaire. By use of the Calibration Module and calibration samples it is done easily. In addition, the Calibration Module enables you to perform measurements with sub-pixel accuracy. Vertical Calibration Step heights can be measured very accurately and a proper correction factor for the Z-dimension is calculated. The measurements can be based on automated histogram analysis or the ISO 5436 standard method. Critical Dimensions Z-Measurement and Calibration by an ISO 5436 Based Algorithm The philosophy behind the ISO 5436 standard is to measure the average heights at plateaus with some distance from the edges and thereby achieve robust results not influenced by the edges. For line and groove structures the active measurement areas are indicated as A, B, and C. These areas are found and measured automatically by SPIP™. In addition to delivering a robust step height measurement the ISO 5436 method can also deliver Critical Dimensions such as line width and side wall angles. Lateral Calibration The lateral calibration is done in three easy steps: • Acquire an image by your instrument • Load the image file into SPIP™ • Enter the reference values Critical Dimensions The upper and lower width are calculated together with the sidewall slopes measured in degrees. … and with a few mouse clicks you will have the most accurate calculations of a comprehensive set of correction parameters, including scaling factors, the X-Y coupling factor, and linearity parameters described by third order polynomials. Advanced sub-pixel Fourier and correlation algorithms ensure the highest accuracy. You can apply the parameters for off-line correction or transfer them to your instrument for on-line correction. 10 Analysis of Entire Image Height measurements for all horizontal cross-sections of an image as shown can be performed automatically. This will generate a mean step height value with a low uncertainty. C alib r atio n • Vertical calibration • Lateral calibration • Off-line or on-line correction • Automatic measurement of critical dimensions including step height, width, and side wall angle • Advanced sub-pixel Fourier and correlation algorithms ensure the highest accuracy Linearity Distortion The image shows a waffle calibration structure with the best fitting lattice grid super imposed. A careful inspection reveals that the grid does not fit perfectly due to linearity distortion of the scanner. The red arrows are error vectors pointing in the direction of the lateral distortion and their sizes indicate the relative magnitude of the errors. Distortion in X and Y Distortion after Correction The graphs show how the error relates to the position in the image. The upper graph shows how the distortion in the x-direction relates to the x-position while the lower graph shows the distortion for the y-direction. It is seen that the errors are within a few pixels, but that there is a systematic behavior which can be modeled well by third order polynomials. These graphs show the distortion after correction on the same scale as before. There is a significant improvement, and all errors are now in the sub-pixel range 11 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Tip Characterization The Tip Characterization Module allows you to characterize the tip or stylus used for scanning and to compensate for tip shape artifacts by “Tip Deconvolution”. The tip is the most critical part of scanning probe instruments, and knowledge about its form is essential for any evaluation of a surface image. The full geometry of the tip is calculated with a few mouse clicks. The tip radius and cone angle are extracted automatically. When combined with the 3D Visualization Studio, the calculated tip can be shown in 3D view in 1:1:1 aspect ratio to give a correct impression of the tip geometry. • Calculate the full geometry of the tip, including tip radius and cone angle • Compensate for tip shape artifacts by “Tip Deconvolution” • Algorithm based on a “Blind Tip Reconstruction” method • Works on most images of surfaces containing slopes steeper than the tip • No precise knowledge of the surface required The tip characterization algorithm is based on a ”Blind Tip Reconstruction” method. Therefore, no precise knowledge of the surface is required. The algorithm works on most images of surfaces containing slopes steeper than the tip. The example on the right page shows a successful calculation of the tip used for scanning and reduction of the tip artifact by “Tip Deconvolution”. The tip characterization algorithm has been verified by SEM images as seen in the example images on this page. SEM image of an AFM Si3N4 tip used for scanning a TGT01 silicon based tip characterizer from Mikromasch. SEM data courtesy of the Danish Institute of Fundamental Metrology. Tip calculated by SPIP™. Note that the shape is in good agreement with the SEM image. 12 Tip Character ization The original image shown in 3D. The structure is a TGT01 silicon based tip characterizer from Mikromasch. Note the double tip created artifact. Calculated tip. The tip is shown in 1:1:1 aspect ratio to provide the correct geometrical understanding. Note the double tip. The reconstructed surface. Note that the double tip artifact has been removed. X-profile of the tip. The tip is shown in 1:1 aspect ratio to get the correct impression of the geometry. The estimated cone angle and tip radius are shown. The illustrations on the right describe the imaging process, and how the tip shape will influence the resulting image. Note how the scanning of steep slopes reveal parts of the tip shape. 13 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Correlation Averaging The Correlation Averaging Module allows you to enhance weak structures in repeated patterns, such as atomic crystals, self assembled molecules, and etched patterns. When measuring on the nanometer scale the signalto-noise ratio is often very small. Traditional filters cannot remove random noise without removing parts of the real surface structure. • Enhance weak structures in repeated patterns • Reduce non-correlated noise and enhance repeated structures at the same time However, by the advanced Correlation Averaging technique it is possible to reduce non-correlated noise and enhance repeated structures at the same time. In the example shown on these pages, a self-assembled Didodecyl-benzene molecules from an STM image have been averaged. The Average Image exhibits finer details of the inner molecular structure. The Standard Deviation image has the lowest values on the right side of the benzene ring reflecting the least dynamic part of the molecule and revealing how it is attached to the graphite substrate. The technique can be performed by a single mouse click, and it can be advantageous to combine it with different types of measurements, for example stepheight and uniformity evaluations. STM image of self-assembled Didodecyl-benzene molecules. Model of the Didodecyl-benzene molecule. 14 Co r rel atio n Ave r ag in g Raw zoom. Average image. Standard deviation image. 15 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Filter The Filter Module provides a comprehensive set of tools for designing dedicated spatial filters. Use the filters to eliminate noise and get robust measurements and correct representations of your images. Examples of supported filter types: • • • • • • • • • • • Low-Pass (smoothing) High-Pass Sharpening Laplacian of Gaussian ISO 11562 Gaussian ISO 13565 Filtering of Deep Valleys Median Statistical Difference Edge Enhancement (Roberts, Prewitt, Sobel) Unsharp Masking Outlier Filter • Large set of tools for designing dedicated spatial filters • Eliminate noise and get robust measurements and nice presentations of your images • Easy customization of filters • Monitor the filtered result while changing the filter parameters in almost real-time • Waviness filtering Filters can be customized easily by a few mouse clicks. While modifying the filter parameters you can monitor the filtered result in almost real-time, and it is optional to view the difference image and the filter kernel in 3D simultaneously. Outlier Filtering Before After The image on the left contains a fiber structure suffering from contamination particles. On the right side, an interpolation method has been applied to change the values of the contamination pixels, and it is seen that the particles have been successfully “removed” with very little or no damage to the surrounding data. 16 Filte r Filtering Directional Noise Before After The image contains horizontal scanning artifacts observed as white stripes. The median filter has successfully removed the line artifacts. The difference image between the original and the filter result documents which parts of the image have changed. It is seen that main difference is the horizontal line artifacts. Waviness Filtering for Roughness Analysis Raw Image Waviness Roughness The example shows how an image can be separated into Waviness and Roughness images by use of a large Gaussian Filter kernel. This is often desirable when measuring roughness in a specific wavelength interval. The smoothening effect of the large filter creates the Waviness image where only the long waves are seen. The difference between the original image and the Waviness image is the Roughness image where only the short waves are seen. It is often desirable to measure the roughness on the roughness image rather than the raw image, which can be dominated by the long waves. 17 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Extended Fourier Analysis The Fourier Analysis Module enables you to detect and quantify repetitive patterns, such as atomic lattice structures, and to perform advanced filtering. Fourier spectrums contain important information about surface structures and distortion phenomena, but they can be difficult to interpret. By a sub-pixel Fourier algorithm SPIP™ provides accurate information about selectable Fourier peaks, including wavelengths and the corresponding frequencies in Hz. This is particularly useful for diagnosing noise and vibration problems. • Automatically detect and quantify repetitive patterns • Calculate spatial unit cells • Perform advanced filtering • Sub-pixel Fourier algorithm • Edit spectrum, perform Fourier filtering, and learn how Fourier components correspond to image structures By defining a pair of Fourier peaks associated with the reciprocal unit cell, the spatial unit cell can be calculated automatically. It is possible to edit the spectrum, perform Fourier filtering and learn how Fourier components correspond to image structures. Thus, in addition to being a strong analytical tool, the Extended Fourier Analysis Module can bring new understanding to the relation between the spatial domain and the Fourier domain and serve as an educational toolbox. On this page, it is shown how to calculate different unit cells simply by marking the corresponding peaks in the Fourier image. SPIP™ finds the peak positions at sub-pixel level to assure the highest accuracy and draws the lattice structure. The image contains Ag on Ni(111), 7 nm x 7 nm. The example on the right page demonstrates an interactive filtering process of a Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite image where Fourier components not associated with the atomic lattice structure are removed. 18 Data courtesy of Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) and Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus. Data also used for cover page. E x tended Four ier A nalysis Raw STM image of graphite. The filtered result is obtained by inverse Fourier transform of the Fourier image. In this image, three Fourier components associated with the HOPG lattice are marked. Fourier Image after filtering. All the unmarked Fourier components have now been removed. Note that the mirror points of the marked areas are preserved. 19 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Grain Analysis The Grain Analysis Module contains powerful tools for detecting and quantifying grains (particles) and pores, even in situations with background waviness. The Grain Analysis Module offers a very fast threshold method for detecting segments by their height values. In addition, you can apply the advanced Watershed Multi Scale Segmentation for more complex images. The results are shown graphically, and the detected segments can be discriminated interactively based on their size and shape. Numerical results include the surface coverage ratio and more than 40 parameters quantifying the individual grains and pores, for example, the area and perimeter. In addition, most parameters can be presented graphically in histograms. • Particle size distribution analysis • Detect and quantify grains (particles) and pores • Fast threshold method for detecting segments by their height values • The advanced Watershed Multi Scale Segmentation for complex images • More than 40 parameters quantifying the individual grains and pores • Parameters can be presented graphically in histograms • Interactive handling of detected segments Raw Image with Particles Contour Image The Segment Image The particles are located at different height levels which makes the detection complex. The detected particles are indicated by contour lines in different colors. In this image, the detected particles are filled by high contrast colors for easy identification. 20 Grain A nalysis Results More than 40 parameters are calculated for each segment. Results are shown in a spread sheet style grid and in histograms. Area histogram. Volume histogram. 21 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Roughness Analysis With the Roughness & Hardness Analysis Module you can characterize images and cross section profiles by more than 30 parameters and visualize the results by several graphs. If you think it takes more than simple first order statistics to describe a surface, you might choose the built-in “Birmingham 14” parameter set. The Fourier angular spectrum is shown in a polar plot for an easy evaluation of the isotropy of the surface. Likewise, a polar plot is applied to show the fractal dimension as function of direction. Calculation of 1D roughness parameters from image cross sections or profilometer curves can be done in agreement with ISO standards when combined with the Filter Module. In combination with the ImageMet Explorer™ it is possible to save the results automatically into the database so that you can retrieve, report and compare results any time later. • Validated to be consistent with NIST calculations • Characterize images and cross section profiles by more than 30 parameters • Several graphs for visualization of results • 2D roughness calculations on images based on the “Birmingham 14” parameter set • Calculation of 1D roughness parameters on profiles according to ISO standards • Measurement of Vickers, Contact, and Indentation hardness By combining the Roughness Analysis Module with the Batch Processor & Active Reporter you can save a lot of time, analyze large series of image files, and report the results to HTML or Microsoft Word format. Hardness Analysis With just a single mouse click you can detect indentation marks and automatically measure Vickers, Contact, and Indentation hardness for your experiments. Indentation Experiment Indentations are easily detected by a single mouse click. 22 Roughness & Hardness A nalysis Abbott Curve Raw Image The Abbott shows the height distribution of the surface and is traditionally used by the automotive and similar industries. Several roughness parameters are deduced from the Abbott curve. The image contains a surface of molded polymer and is dominated by a directional structure created by the original polishing process of the mold. Roughness Chart Isotropic Area Power Spectral Density Different roughness parameters can be shown in a chart where the colors indicate whether or not tolerance values are met. You can define your own tolerances for each parameter in the roughness chart. In this angular average of the 2D power spectrum the rms roughness can be directly calculated for wavelengths between the cursors. Angular Spectrum Fractal Dimension The angular spectrum is shown in a polar plot for easy evaluation of the isotropy of the surface. The fractal dimension is calculated as a function of angle. The result is shown in a polar plot. 23 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Force Curve Analysis The Force Curve Analysis Module has strong tools for analyzing, transforming and reporting force curves and force volume images. SPIP™ automatically detects the maximum loading and pulling force, the point of detachment and fits various models to the data. In pulling experiments the Worm Like Chain Model can be fitted to each rupture event. SPIP™ can calculate Young’s modulus from indentation curves using either the sphere-flat Hertz model or the cone-flat Sneddon model. In addition to analyzing individual curves or average curves from force volume images SPIP™ can create adhesion maps, Young’s modulus maps, stiffness maps, constant force maps and many more. Results from individual force curves are shown with statistics, which can easily be exported to other programs. • Transformation of deflection vs. height into force vs. separation • Automatic event detection • Worm Like Chain Model fit including measurement of unloading rate • Young’s modulus using Hertz and Sneddon indentation models • Automatic fit or full user control • Collection of results for multiple force curves • Batch processing of large number of files • Force volume image analysis includes Young’s modulus mapping, constant force mapping and more Raw Force Curve Force vs. Separation Recorded force curve of protein unfolding events The raw data has been baseline and hysteresis corrected and transformed into force vs. separation. Thereafter, the Worm Like Chain model has been fitted. 24 Force Cur ve A nalysis Force volume image (deflection at fixed height). The crosses represent the positions of the force curve pairs shown below. All force curves within the box are averaged into a single pair. Young’s modulus map created from the force volume image by fitting the Hertz model (sphere-on-plane) to all force curves. Multiple force curve pairs from the same force volume image. The orange curve represents the calculated mean pair from the box in the force volume image. Young’s modulus calculated from a fully automatic fit using the Hertz model (hard sphere versus soft flat) after transforming the deflection vs. height data to force vs. separation. Note: Separation is equivalent to negative indentation with an offset. Data Courtesy of: Page 24: Dr. D. A Smith, Dr. J. Clarkson, Dr. D. Brockwell, Professor S. E. Radford, Professor G. Beddard, Professor J. Trinick, Department of Physics, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Chemistry and Human Biology, University of Leeds, UK. Page 25: Dr. Terry McMaster, Reader in Physics and Admissions Tutor, H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory and IRC in Nanotechnology, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol, BS8 1TL 25 S P I P™ m o d u l e s CITS Continuous Imaging Tunneling Spectroscopy • Visualize and analyze CITS volume data The CITS Continuous Imaging Tunneling Spectroscopy Module is used for visualization and analysis of CITS volume data. • Extract current images for selected bias voltages The CITS module enables you to visualize and handle I/V volume data where multiple I/V curves have been measured at different surface positions. You can extract individual I/V curves by selecting positions in the topographic image or in the CITS volume image. The I/V data can be transferred into conductivity or Density of State values. Different current images can be selected easily by mouse movements, and individual I/V spectroscopy data can be extracted by clicking at the positions where the I/V curves were obtained. 26 • Extract individual I/V curves • Average seperate curves and all curves within selected regions • Calculate conductivity, density of states, and more ... CIT S Continuous Imaging Tu n n e l i n g S p e c t r o s c o p y Topographic image. Current image for a selected bias voltage. The IV curves are averaged within each selection. IV Curves Density of states are calculated by a single mouse click. 27 S P I P™ m o d u l e s 3D Visualization Studio With the 3D Visualization Studio you can generate spectacular 3D images and animations. The 3D Visualization Studio enables you to inspect image details by interactive rotation, positioning and scaling of your images. You can work interactively with the surface colors. Use the SPIP color bar, a fixed color, or overlay the colors from another image on your 3D surface. In addition, you can add a wireframe to enhance certain features. Create spectacular images and reveal otherwise hidden features by use of multiple light sources interacting with surface color properties. By defining a set of key frames, you can easily create impressive 3D animations. These can be exported to AVI and MPEG files. SPIP™ will take full advantage of 3D graphics cards, and the intuitive mouse interface provides the feeling of real-time control. Data Courtesy of: Page 28 (bottom): Diedrich Schmidt Olmstead Research Group, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Page 29 (bottom): Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) and Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus. Data also used for back cover page. 28 3D Vis u aliz atio n Stu dio • Use image overlays, wireframes, color schemes, and interactive light sources to enhance your 3D visualizations • Inspect image details by interactive rotation, positioning, and scaling of images • Create impressive 3D animations in AVI and MPEG format • Intuitive mouse interface provides the feeling of real-time control 29 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Movie & Time Series Analysis The Movie & Time Series Analysis Module enables you to combine image series into drift corrected movies and study time dependent behavior. Time series of images are best presented as movies, but due to drift and long acquisition time, direct creation may cause undesired results. However, with the Movie & Time Series Analysis Module you can achieve drift free results. • Study time dependent behavior • Achieve drift free results by SPIP™´s correction functions • Combine different views into the movies • Export your movies to AVI and MPEG You can combine different views into the movies: Top view image, difference image, and 3D view. The movies can be exported to AVI or MPEG including single windows or screen dumps containing multiple views. The screen dumps may include zooms, cross section profiles, histograms, and cross section Fourier. The images on the next page show four sets of STM frames from a movie where the stability and dynamics of Pt dimers on Pt(110)-(1×2) are studied. The frames have been plane corrected and drift compensated in x and y by SPIP™. The left column shows the individual drift compensated topographic frames. The middle column shows the difference image between the actual and the previous frame. The profile windows show the average cross-section of 7 parallel lines and their Fourier transform. The Fourier graphs show the most significant peaks and their calculated wave length. Data courtesy of Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) and Institute of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus. 30 M ov ie and Time S er ie s A naly sis 31 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Batch Processor & Active Reporter The Batch Processor & Active Reporter Module is the perfect tool and time saver for analyzing large series of data files and creating impressive reports. Design your own processing sequences easily by mouse clicks and apply them on hundreds of images. There are no programming skills required. Create customized Microsoft Word reports with full layout control by the Active Reporter. • The perfect tool and time saver for analyzing large series of data files and creating impressive reports • No programming skills required • Create customized Microsoft Word or HTML reports • Use predefined batch sequences for various common tasks Generate HTML reports ready for web publication including graphical outputs, individual image results, and statistics. The Batch Processor & Active Reporter Module comes with predefined batch sequences for various tasks, such as calibration, pitch and step height measurements, roughness analysis, force curve analysis, and printed output. The reports shown on next page were generated by the Batch Processor and the Active Reporter. The top pages show the result from a roughness batch analysis. The report on the bottom of the right hand page is a HTML reports for a batch of force curve experiments. Create your own processing sequence from a list of available functions. 32 Batch Processor & Active Reporter Microsoft Word roughness report. HTML force curve report. 33 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Imagemet Explorer™ Imagemet Explorer™ is a file and data management tool. • Integrated database allows you to browse quickly through your data files It contains an integrated database that allows you to browse quickly through your data files and view them as thumbnails together with numerical results. • Important analytical results from SPIP™ can be stored automatically in the database Image characteristics can be entered to the database from where they can be retrieved on the fly while browsing your files. • Enter descriptions, assign categories, and create hyperlinks to individual files Important analytical results from SPIP™ can be automatically stored in the database for easy retrieval of results. You have the flexibility to enter descriptions, assign categories, and create hyperlinks to individual files. ImageMet Explorer™ automatically recognizes all the file formats supported by SPIP™ and displays them as thumbnails of optional size. Three Programs in One ImageMet Explorer™ integrates three sub-programs sharing the common database: ImageMet Browser Manage and browse your files with thumbnail view and send images to the SPIP™ main program. ImageMet Finder Search the database for files with certain characteristics or numerical results within defined ranges. ImageMet Reporter Create image lists in HTML format containing optional characteristics stored in the data base. 34 I m a g e M e t E x p l o r e r™ ImageMet Browser. ImageMet Finder. ImageMet Reporter. 35 S P I P™ m o d u l e s Plug-in Interface The Plug-in Interface Module is included free of charge with Basic Module. It allows you to program your own plug-in programs for SPIP™. In case you want to perform some dedicated analysis, you can use the Plug-in Interface library to create your own code and interface it to SPIP™. You will get all the advantages of the SPIP™ processing features, including file handling and visualization tools while you concentrate on your own specialized data processing and data creation functions. // Variables that will keep track of the averaging data CSpipExchange *AverageData = NULL; int AverageCnt = 0; IM _ PWIN AverageWindow = NULL; //---------------------------------------------------------extern ”C” _ declspec(dllexport) int Average() // Read the data of the current data window and include it // in the average calculation then show the result in the // AverageWindow. // To perform multiple averages the user clicks on // <User Prog->Average Functions->Average> for each window // to be included. // After the first average calculation the function can // conveniently be repeated for other windows by clicking // Shift+Ctrl+Y The plug-ins can invoke predefined batch processes and may integrate with automated acquisition systems. { CSpipExchange WindowData; if (!WindowData.Get _ ImageData()) {::AfxMessageBox(”No data in window”,MB _ OK,NULL); return 0;} if (!AverageData){ AverageData = new CSpipExchange; if (!AverageData>Create _ ImageData(WindowData.SizeX,WindowData.SizeY)) {::AfxMessageBox(”No Average Data Created”,MB _ OK,NULL); return 0;} for (int i=0;i<AverageData->SizeTotal; i++) AverageData->Data[i] = WindowData.Data[i]; AverageCnt = 1; } else { if (AverageData->SizeX != WindowData.SizeX || AverageData->SizeY != WindowData.SizeY ) {::AfxMessageBox(”Data is not of same form”,MB _ OK,NULL); return 0;}for (int i=0;i<AverageData->SizeTotal; i++) AverageData->Data[i] = (AverageData->Data[i]*AverageCnt + + WindowData.Data[i])/(AverageCnt+1); AverageCnt++; } char Caption[30]; sprintf(Caption, ”Average %d”, AverageCnt ); AverageData->Put _ Filename( Caption ); AverageData->Show _ ImageData(&AverageWindow, Caption,0); return true; } 36 Plu g-in Inter face • Code your own plug-in programs for SPIP™ • Invoke predefined batch processes • Integrate with automated acquisition systems • Built-in wizards for Visual Basic and C++ projects Create Your Own Dialogs You can create your own dialogs to control your plug-ins. In this case the user implemented a tab dialog with various features for creating artificial images. + = Image Stitching With this plug-in the user added the ability to stich two images into one image. 37 Supp or ted File For mat s SPIP™ is unmatched when it comes to supporting different file formats. We are very eager to maintain this leadership. Therefore, we offer to implement generally used file formats for FREE, if they are sufficiently documented. File formats not yet implemented in SPIP™ may be imported by the built-in Heuristic File Importer. You will find an up-to-date list of supported file formats at SPIP™ currently supports file formats from these instrument manufacturers: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 38 A.P.E. Research Aarhus University ADE Phase Shift Agilent Technologies Ambios Technology Anfatec Asylum Research ATOS GmbH Dektak Digital Instruments Digital Surf DME Danish Micro Engineering EXFO Burleigh FOGALE nanotech GFMesstechnik Hitachi Kenki FineTech Hysitron, Inc. IBM JEOL JPK Instruments KLA-Tencor • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Molecular Imaging MTS Nano Instruments NanoFocus NanoMagnetics Nanonics Imaging Nanonis Nanosurf Nanotec Electronica NT-MDT Omicron NanoTechnology Oxford Instruments Pacific Nanotechnology Park Scientific Park Systems PSIA Corporation Quesant Instrument RHK Technology Sensofar Shimadzu Corporation SII Nano Technology SNU Precision • Surface Imaging Systems (S.I.S.) • Taylor Hobson • ThermoMicroscope • TopoMetrix • Toray Engineering • Unisoku • Veeco Instruments • VTS-CreaTec • Wyko • Zygo Corporation and more ... SPIP™ supports these generic file formats: • • • • • • ASCII BCR Bitmap JPEG SDF TIFF D o w n l o a d Fr e e Ev a l u a t i o n Ve r s i o n Please visit our website and download a free evaluation version of SPIP™: Free Support and Software Updates Requirements One year of free support and software updates are included with every SPIP™ license. The software also comes with on-line help and a printed manual. The SPIP™ Online pane in SPIP brings you more than 30 video tutorials on SPIP™. SPIP™ will run on most standard PCs running Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista. Our experienced Customer Service and Technical Support team is available to answer any queries you may have. We speak English, German, Japanese, and Danish. CPU Speed: Memory: Graphics Card: However, we recommend the following minimum configuration: Hard Disk: 1 GHz 1 GB 3D accelerated, 1024x768 pixels resolution 100 MB free Network Installation With more users in the same group, you can obtain extensive multi-user discounts on your SPIP™ license. In addition, you can install a multi user license as a client/server solution. This makes is easy to maintain the license, as most updates only have to be installed on the server. In order to generate reports using Microsoft Word in the Batch Processor & Active Reporter Module you need to have Word 2000 or later installed. 39 SPIP™ modules: • Basic Module with Plug-In Interface • Calibration • Tip Characterization • Correlation Averaging • Filter • Extended Fourier Analysis • Grain Analysis • Roughness & Hardness Analysis • Force Curve Analysis • CITS Continuous Imaging Tunneling Spectroscopy • 3D Visualization Studio • Movie & Time Series Analysis • Batch Processing • Imagemet Explorer