Patterns-2012-1 - Arc of Onondaga
Patterns-2012-1 - Arc of Onondaga
Arc of Onondaga PAT TERNS TURNING DISABILITY INTO ABILITY Arc Employee Makes Lifetime Commitment “I wanted to give back to an organization that has given my brother so much.” Photo courtesy of Jim Cooke NEW! KIDZ 1 MileSociety Fun Run Employee Joins Heritage PPAGE age 7 5 IN THIS ISSUE: Arc’s 2012 Person of the Year...............3 Rec Program Holds Movie Premiere..6 Important Membership Information...7 2 01 2 , I s s u e I A Message From the Executive Director Stanfort J. Perry Dear Friends, As we gear up for another wonderful summer season in Upstate New York, we have much to celebrate and much to look forward to. Inevitably, though, we also have many changes we must start to pay attention and adapt to. As I’ve alluded to in my past correspondence, Medicaid dollars are being scrutinized throughout the state and the field of developmental disabilities has begun to see some major shifts. Although we are well aware that change is unavoidable, we are also preparing to meet it: continuing to work to ensure that the programs we provide and the services which have taken 60 years of tireless advocacy and dedication to establish do not become unraveled. OPWDD’s People First Waiver is a large scale reform initiative which was designed to improve the delivery of person-centered services. As an 1115 research and demonstration waiver, the People First Waiver would implement programmatic, fiscal and administrative changes, and establish more transparent funding methodologies. Its goal is to break down traditional agency silos which require individuals to navigate multiple, many times complex service systems, and provide people with a full range of services through one comprehensive plan. To begin testing the concepts that are identified in the waiver, OPWDD will initiate case studies in agencies that demonstrate high-quality practices. The agencies selected for these studies are those that have been given or possess COMPASS status qualities (provider agencies that have progressed beyond minimal regulatory compliance and achieved excellence in service delivery). Twenty- 2 “Although we are well aware one agencies were selected throughout the state that change is unavoidable, we and I am proud to report that Arc of Onondaga are also preparing to meet it: is one of them. COMPASS agencies engage continuing to work to ensure that their entire organization by encouraging board the programs we provide and members, management, staff and service recipients the services which have taken 60 to work together in a person-centered environment years of tireless advocacy and with the goal of promoting and achieving valued dedication to establish do not outcomes for people. We have begun working become unraveled. “ towards attaining COMPASS status and are pleased to be a part of this case study. Our annual Dinner is quickly approaching and we have some very special award recipients this year! Please read on for details and also to learn about the influential people in our community who have made it a priority to support individuals with developmental disabilities lead independent, productive and inclusive lives. The Dinner will be on June 5 at the SRC Arena and Events Center. I hope to see you there! Board of Directors Also underway is our annual Membership Campaign. I hope you will take the time to sign yourself and nine of your friends and family members up for membership this year. All it takes is a signature and $1. Details of the campaign are on pages 7-8 of this edition of Patterns. Please use the enclosed envelope and mail your signatures back today! Secretary: James Cannon And finally, I’d like to take a moment to thank all of those who participated in our very first agencywide food drive. In collaboration with NYSARC’s continuing initiative, NYSARC Gives Back, Arc of Onondaga called upon its employees, board members and program participants to donate food throughout the month of March in honor of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month and in support of NYSARC’s President’s Project week. We collected almost 400 pounds of food for those in need in the Central New York community. Way to go! As always, your feedback is welcome. Sincerely, President: James Moran First Vice President: Christopher Centore Vice President: Jeannine Nolan Treasurer: Gordon Eyer Assistant Treasurer: Mark Reid Carol Bullard Joyce Carmen Mark Harrington Denise Hunter Shannon Karazuba Peggie Keib Young Lee Thomas Murphy John G. Powers Brian Pulvino Klaus Schroder Chuck Seereiter Foundation Board of Directors President: Sean K. Broderick Vice President: Regina Lagattuta Treasurer: Mark P. Hettler Secretary: Mike Ferony Juli Boeheim Peter Carmen Stephen D. Fournier Dan French John Keib Henry Pearl Stanfort J. Perry Vincent Spina Syd Tenenbaum Robert J. Walsh Dr. Arthur Vercillo Lance Gonzalez To Receive Arc’s Person of the Year Award Lance was born to parents Luis and Barbara Gonzalez on October 8, 1977. Weighing a little over three pounds, he arrived 10 weeks early with news from the doctors that many developmental and health delays were to be expected. At 6 months old, with a diagnosis of cerebal palsy, Lance’s parents were encouraged to consider placing him in an institution. A decision they were not willing to make. Lance grew up in a very loving home with parents and a sister who never treated him as if he had a disability. Never having the ability to walk, he was about 8 years old when he asked his mom: “When did I stop walking?” Although realization of his disability came at a very early age for an extremely perceptive Lance, it never once stopped him from attaining his hopes and dreams. He graduated from Liverpool High School, moved out on his own at the age of 22, and most recently, was married this past fall to his wife, Lori. Lance and Lori met when they were eight years old through their parents’ support group which also got them involved in summer camp. They lost track of each other in high school, but then reconnected at a self-advocacy group three years ago where they fell instantly in love. Lance and Lori both have a very strong faith and were married at a packed church ceremony of over 100 friends, family and loved ones who couldn’t wait to share in the moment. “There wasn’t a dry eye in the place,” said his mother. “Everyone was just so moved.” Lance lives in one of Arc’s community residences. His diagnosis of cerebral palsy and quadriparesis severely limits his physical ability to take on many everyday tasks due to the need for an electric wheelchair and very low function in most of his body. Yet, he puts his mind and heart into doing whatever he possibly can - refusing to allow his limitations to dictate his life. “There were things that were always done for Lance because of the assumption that he wasn’t able to do them on his own,” said Laura Nunn, residence coordinator. “Lance spoke up and said he wanted to try those things on his own, and from then on, he has become more independent, which truly elates him. He likes doing things for himself that people used to just do for him, whether it’s chopping vegetables for dinner or brushing his teeth, Lance tries his hardest not to let his physical setbacks negatively affect him.” Lance is very involved in his church, attends bible studies weekly, does volunteer work at the DSO, and is a dedicated selfadvocate. “He persistently pushes for his independence to reach his goals,” said Arc social worker Michelle Robinson. “He even took a class to help develop skills to own his own home.” Lance and Lori have dreams to live as independently as they can as a married couple. He has attended many seminars, and along with the help of both of their parents, has worked diligently to not only find a home which is wheelchair accessible, but to also figure out the logistics of 24-hour staffing and all of the financial aspects that come with being on one’s own. “As anyone can imagine, this is not an easy task to tackle, but Lance stays optimistic throughout the whole process and is really excited to start his life with his new wife,” said Laura. Lance has made his life into a vessel in which he can encourage, motivate, share and teach those around him. “He taught me things on how to take care of him,” said skills instructor Linda Harbach. “I say to him all the time ‘I learn something new from you every day, Lance!’ “ 18th Annual Achievement Awards Dinner Presented by Durham School Services Tuesday, June 5, 2012 SRC Arena and Events Center 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Join us as we celebrate the many achievements made by people with developmental disabilities and honor the businesses and community members who support them. Enjoy cocktails, dinner, and live & silent auctions. Reserve your seat or table today! RSVP online at or by calling event coordinator Gini Gozzi at 315-476-7441 ext. 1147 Hosted by Arc of Onondaga Foundation 3 Syracuse Stage Arc Achievement Award Mary Salibrici Mary Carol & Robert J. Fisher Founders Award Community Mary has been acinclusion is tively involved with an important Arc of Onondaga for component of over 15 years and Arc’s mission has been an integral and vision, and voice in advocatSyracuse Stage, ing on behalf of this year’s Achievement Award recipient, people with developmental disabilities. has exemplified this through their gentle Learning the value of advocacy from and moving production of “The Boys her parents, she has frequently shared Next Door.” with staff several poignant diary entries left by her late mother that describe The comedy, set in a community home in the experience of caring for her brother, the late 80s, reveals the daily struggles Jimmy Horsington, who currently lives in of its residents as they try to make one of Arc’s community residences and sense of their world and their places in of whom Mary is legal guardian. She it - while reminding us to consider how was a member Arc’s board of directors much we take for granted every day. for 11 years - holding positions such as president and vice president, served on Every aspect of the Stage’s production numerous committees, and continues from conception to performance was as a member of the Children, Youth and handled with the utmost dignity and Young Adult Services Committee. respect, providing to the public a way to see that individuals with developmental Mary has advocated on behalf of people disabilities may have their “quirks” that with disabilities for several decades can many times be humorous, but that either as a family member, board memthey are a special group of individuals ber or spokesperson to elected officials who have the same needs for close including members of congress, state relationships with family and romantic senators, assemblypersons and their interests, the same worries about staff. Her significant and long-term their futures, the same desires to be contributions to Arc have produced successful, and the unique struggle that amazing results for people with develcomes with not being able to always opmental disabilities and their families, express themselves. and her ideas and visions helped to launch Art Surge, a flourishing art proBefore taking the stage, the entire cast gram for teens with autism. and production team spent two days at Along with her brothers John, Paul, Bill one of Arc of Onondaga’s community residences hanging out, making friends, and Joe, she is an active participant in and learning what day-to-day life is like; Jimmy’s life and regularly attends group truly capturing the essence, uniqueness home activities including parties, barbeand beauty of our program participants cues and community outings. Mary and her husband, Gary, are both members of and portraying it with the utmost Arc’s Legacy of Love Society. compassion to our community. 4 New York State Fair Dan O’Hara Robert D. McAuliffe Community Service Award The business community is extremely important in creating opportunities for people with developmental disabilities to achieve their fullest potential. The New York State Fair, this year’s Robert D. McAuliffe Community Service Award recipient, is one such business who has made it a precedence to integrate individuals with developmental disabilities into the daily workforce and help those we serve overcome obstacles. The Fair has made Monarch, Arc’s vocational division, a priority, and continues to utilize the Lowell Avenue Woodshop to service its growing needs. For over five years, Monarch’s woodshop has made all of the picnic tables and street signs used at the Fair, as well as the dividers and displays for the 4-H Building, and the specially designed octagonal tables built specifically for and used in the International Building. Over the past five years alone, the Fair has provided work for 15 employees who depend on their jobs in the woodshop. They continually utilize and call upon Monarch whenever they have a wood servicing project in mind, and always work with both staff and program participants when it comes to plan design and efficient practices. In addition, they have also donated over 1000 comp tickets to our program participants to attend the Fair for free throughout the years. Arc Employee and Sibling Makes Lifetime Commitment The Heritage Society, the Arc of Onondaga Foundation’s planned giving initiative, recently welcomed its newest member: employee and sibling Amy DeForge. The first employee to join the society, Amy recently made the commitment to give a life insurance gift with the Foundation named as a beneficiary. “I wanted to give back to an organization that has given my brother so much,“ she said about her recent gift. “My brother, Paul, has been with Monarch for many years and Arc has given him what all people with or without disabilities need, a job he loves and is happy to go to.” Amy and Paul’s father is a carpenter and taught Paul from an early age to work with his hands and various tools. Monarch was able to find a job for Paul that utilized his skills and suited his capabilities. Paul is married and lives with his wife, Chris, in a home run by the state. Because of his employment with Monarch, he is able to earn the money for both him and his wife to enjoy many activities, outings and trips. “I never thought growing up that my brother would have such a happy life. I feel proud in knowing that when I pass, the opportunities that were given to him will be available for so many others to enjoy. For that, I am grateful.” Members as of April 2012 Amy DeForge Planned giving allows individuals to make a gift which will continue support Gordon and Judy Eyer to those that Arc serves beyond one’s lifetime; securing the future for people Mary Carol Fisher with developmental disabilities well into the future. The development office is Mary Louise Dunn Fund available to work with families and individuals to find the appropriate vehicle for Naomi B. Chamber Charitable Trust your philanthropy. To find out more, please contact our offices at 315.476.7441 to begin a conversation. Parkside’s Lobby Transformed Into Wonderland Last year, Parkside’s lobby received a major makeover thanks to New York City set designer and scenic artist Brian Howard. A school bus, cottage and life-size sitting tree were just some of the additions added to the main entrance of the school. This year, Brian came back to add a fire station, 3D branches on the tree growing from the ceiling, freshly painted walls, and clouds that spell Parkside in the sky. “It’s a completely different building,” said Sue Prince, program administrator. “It’s like walking into a wonderland.” Brian has designed displays in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Boston, as well as for theater and film. His work has been featured in magazines such as Vanity Fair and Oprah’s O Magazine, and also for the world-famous Macy’s holiday window display in Manhattan. “The kids just love having him here, and we, of course, are extremely grateful,” said Sue. “We’re hoping to have him back one more time to add some finishing touches. The kids can’t wait!” Photo above: Parkside students sit with NYC set designer and scenic artist, Brian Howard, on the life-size sitting tree which greets visitors as they walk in the main lobby. The tree, which was painted by Brian last year, now has 3D branches and leaves extending from its trunk and ceiling Photo right: Storage closet transformed into firehouse door 5 In honor of developmental disabilities awareness month and in support of NYSARC’s celebration of community, NYSARC Gives Back President’s Project, Arc of Onondaga held its very first food drive. The month-long project collected almost 400 pounds of food and brought together employees, program participants and board members for a common cause. “We were happy to be a part of this state-wide celebration orchestrated by NYSARC,” said Stanfort Perry, Arc‘s executive director. “It’s a great way to not only honor Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, but also give back to a community who has already given us so much.” Pictured above, Mary Beth Cusano, Monarch employee and Arc’s 2011 Person of the Year was first to give to the drive. “I saw the bin and read the sign in the lobby. I stopped by the store that night after work. I love stuff like this,” she said. We Need YOUR Membership! Becoming a member is EASY and only requires a signature and a dollar. We are asking all supporters of Arc of Onondaga to rally together during these critical times and take the “10 for 1” Challenge. 1) Sign the form on the next page 2) Collect $1 3) Recruit 9 of your friends, family members, neighbors, and social organizations to sign their names. For every name, collect $1. 4) Mail the form and money back to the Arc offices in the envelope provided For more information regarding membership contact Christine Hall, marketing & communications specialist, at or 315-476-7441 ext. 1144. Arc Holds Movie Screening A lounge singer, a shady club owner, a couple of mad scientists, and a monster who realizes that being good is only one song away. Throw in unlimited amounts of root-beer and an investigator bent on finding the truth, and you have a short film sure to make you want for more! Over 60 people turned out to view the movie premiere of “The Wicked Singers” this past April held at Syracuse Stage’s Storch Theater. Participants in the Arc of Onondaga Adult Recreation Program developed, wrote, produced and starred in their own movie with the assistance of Mark Berretta of Fringe Films. The night, which included a social hour prior to the screening, was filled with excitement and anticipation as the cast and crew unveiled their scary yet funny, suspenseful yet heartwarming, feel-good-at-the-endof-it-all tale. Following the showing, the film’s stars took the stage for a question and answer session with the audience. “We couldn’t have asked for a better evening, “ said Casey Conley, recreation coordinator for Arc. “Everyone worked real hard to see this project to fruition and we had so much fun doing it. The laughter and applause from the audience made every minute worth it.” The 18-minute film starred eight actors including program participants and staff, was shot at three different locations, and took a total of six weeks to complete. Its widespread popularity amongst its viewing audience has already sparked discussion of a sequel. Photo above: Derek Curtis, director Mark Berretta, Samantha Carter, Mary Dorsch, recreation coordinator Casey Conley, Robbie Dietz, Domenico Petrera, recreation assistant Aaron Caliborne, recreation assistant Alysha Gilfus 6 10 for 1 Membership Campaign Your Name: ___________________________________ Arc chapters this year are facing unprecedented budget reductions which would severely threaten the entire structure of Arc of Onondaga including the services we provide, the facilities and programs we operate, and the hundreds of people we employ. Membership numbers are used to demonstrate to our elected officials just how many citizens support what we do. The larger our membership, the larger influence our advocacy efforts will have with legislative and governmental officials - supporting tens of thousands of children and adults who have developmental disabilities and cannot advocate for themselves. EVERY SIGNATURE COUNTS! IF YOU ARE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER AND BELIEVE IN OUR MISSION, SIGN BELOW. Please make sure every member in a household signs separately. It’s the individual signatures which make the biggest difference! Name _______________________________________________ Address ______________________________City_____________ State ____________Zip _____________ Phone _______________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Address ______________________________City______________ State ____________Zip _____________ Phone _______________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Address ______________________________City______________ State ____________Zip _____________ Phone _______________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Address ______________________________City______________ State ____________Zip _____________ Phone _______________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Address ______________________________City______________ State ____________Zip _____________ Phone _______________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ 7 MEMBERSHIP ENROLLMENT FORM Membership Enrollment: (please be sure all information is provided) Name _______________________________________________ Address ______________________________City______________ State ____________Zip _____________ Phone _______________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Address ______________________________City______________ State ____________Zip _____________ Phone _______________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Address ______________________________City_____________ State ____________Zip ______________ Phone _______________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Address _______________________________City_____________ State ____________Zip _____________ Phone _______________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Address ______________________________City______________ State ____________Zip _____________ Phone _______________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Please return this form with all membership dues ($1 per individual) made payable to Arc of Onondaga. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Arc of Onondaga assists individuals with developmental disabilities achieve their fullest potential. 8 All Around the Arc Syracuse PD Visits Day Hab Syracuse Police Officers recently paid a visit to Midler Day Hab! Program participants learned about travel safety, how to walk and ride bikes correctly, and the importance of stranger danger. The group also got an insiders peek on how a real police car works. A great time was had by all thanks to the Syracuse Police Department! Arc Supports LVGS Eight employees and board members joined forces this past February to promote literacy and support a good cause! SCRABBLE MANIA, an event hosted by Literacy Volunteers of Greater Syracuse, raises money to recruit, train and support volunteers to help more adults and families in Onondaga County obtain the basic literacy and English language skills needed to be productive citizens. The night included food, fun, and three rounds of competitive team SCRABBLE. Congratulations “Team Arc” for placing in the top third out of the 28 other local organizations present! DeWitt Rotarians and Monarch Have Another Successful Sale Thank you to the DeWitt Rotary! Once again, the annual kindling bundle sale, which took place this past November, raised $2500 for Monarch and the Lowell Avenue Woodshop. The Rotarians presented Monarch with a check this past February at a luncheon held at Traditions on the Links. “We’re so grateful to have such a longstanding relationship with the DeWitt Rotarians,” said Fred Zaiko, director of Monarch. “The annual sale is always a huge success and it just keeps getting better every year.” From left to right: Monarch employee Ken James, Lowell Woodshop production coordinator Gary Fischer, DeWitt Rotarian John Sheppard, Monarch director Fred Zaiko, DeWitt Rotarian Gay Pomeroy, MSC Brian Farranto Arc Executive Director Speaks About Black History Month Stanfort Perry spoke to an ethnically diverse audience this past February at the Valley Vista residential community in Syracuse. Reminding audiences of the message of Dr. King and outlining the many roads which were paved throughout history by now famous black pioneers, he ended his speech with the reminder that every month is Black History Month, and every day is another day we have to embrace opportunity and diversity. Lakeshore Day Hab Has Spaghetti Luncheon Lakeshore Day Hab recently had a spaghetti luncheon/cooking day. Program participants and staff prepped, cooked and ate the food together in a fun and relaxing environment. “It’s a great activity the whole day hab can participate in,” said Tim Norton, program manager. “We like to do something like this every couple of months.” Pictured below, program participant Angela Robinson (left) with plan coordiantor Heather Lykins. Salina Day Hab/ OPTS Has Valentine’s Semi-formal Salina Day Hab/OPTS program had a semi-formal this past Valentine’s Day. Among the many festivities were mingling, music, dancing, and the crowning of kings and queens in different categories. Pictured below, Jack Virkler and Dorothy Shields stop for a photo op between dance numbers. From left to right: Chris Robinson, QA administrative assistant, Tina Chapman, staff development coordinator, Michelle Gillespie, asst. executive director, Stanfort Perry, executive director, Jeannine Nolan, board member, Ellen Gutmaker, asst. executive director, Tina Meehan, executive assistant 9 Contributions Arc of Onondaga and the Arc of Onondaga Foundation sincerely thank all those who give their support. We recognize the following individuals and companies for their contributions between December 1, 2011 and February 29, 2012. Contributions made after February 29th will appear in our next issue. If we have made an error or omission, please forgive us and contact our offices. To find out ways you can contribute to the work of the Arc of Onondaga Foundation, visit our website at and click on Contributing to Arc. $2,000 to $4,999 Mr. William Drescher SEFCU Mortgage Services $1,000 to $1,999 Mr. & Mrs. Sean Broderick Building Energy Technologies Central New York Community Foundation (CNYCF) Empower Federal Credit Union Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Mr. Gordon & Mrs. Judith Eyer Mr. & Mrs. William Fisher Mrs. Peggie Keib Hon. Thomas J & Mrs. Mary JaneMurphy Mr. Stanfort & Mrs. Daphne Perry Dr. Klaus Schroder SRC & SRC Tec Sysco Food Services Mr. Sydney Tenenbaum The Bonadio Group Mr. Robert & Mrs. Karen Walsh $500 to $999 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bernholtz Mrs. Joyce Carmen Ms. Carol Ann Fisher Ms. Michelle Gillespie Ms. Ellen Gutmaker Mr. Daniel Bingham & Ms. Gail Hamner Mr. Mark & Mrs. Roxanne Hettler Ms. Regina Lagattuta Mr. Dale & Mrs. Susan Marris Ms. Ellen Mitchell Mr. James Moran Mr. Robert & Mrs. Kristen Morey Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Jeannine Nolan Mr. Henry & Mrs. Lynda Pearl Mr. Gary & Mrs. Mary Salibrici Mr. David & Mrs. Debra Sedlack ServPro Mr. Jarrod Shupe Mr. Michael & Mrs. Carrie Spencer Mr. Vincent Spina The Jewish Community Foundation of CNY Time Warner Cable United Way Campaign Wegman’s Food Markets, Inc. 10 Mr. John & Mrs. Norma Williams $250 to $499 Mrs. Carol Bullard C. R. Austin Plumbing Co. Inc. Ms. Barbara Davis Mr. John Keller Mr. Scott & Mrs. Renae Montroy Ms. Sandra Mueller Mr. Jerry O’Connell Ms. Antoinette Paglia Mr. Harry & Mrs. Jacqueline Parshall Mr. Frank Rhodes Mr. John & Mrs. Marilyn Skopek Village Office Supply Dr. Howard & Mrs. Ellen Weinstein $100 to $249 Aetna Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Andrews Mr. James & Mrs. Naomi Cannon Mr. Alfred Cappuccilli Mr. Paul Cappuccilli Central Industrial Packaging Community Health Charities of NY Mrs. Kathy Conahan Mr. John Hassett & Ms. Judith Crawford Crowley Living Trust - Ms. Betty Crowley DFS Associates Mr. Skip & Mrs. Holly Dorsch Mr. & Mrs. James Drake Mr. Mark Feldman Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Marian Glauber Harmony Architectural Associates Mr. Mark Reid & Ms. Majorie Head Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Karen Hennigan Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Christina Herzog Mr. James & Mrs. Mary Hettler Mrs. Ann Hubert Ms. Kristen Jackson Mr. Thomas Kennedy Ms. Donna Loveland Mrs. Cathy Lozoponi Ms. Norma Marmai Mr. Matt McCabe Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Ruth Metallo Dr. Donald Milmore Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Linda Monteforte Mr. & Mrs. Edward Moran Mr. James & Mrs. Rita Morrissey Nationwide Insurance Community Outreach Ms. Mary Nicoletti Nob Hill Apts. Oneida Nation Foundation Mr. William Pomeroy Mr. James & Mrs. Virgina Potts Mr. John Powers Dr. Pemala Pradhan Mrs. Gaylord Stopen Dr. Paul E. Phillips & Ms. Sharon Sullivan Mr. Paul & Mrs. Suzanne Terek Dr. James Vlassis Mr. Peter & Mrs. Harriet White Mr. Nick Wilson Ms. Sheryl Wood & Mr. John Love Mr. Fred Zaiko Up to $99 Mr. & Mrs. James Agosh American Legion Post 359 Mr. Stephen Anagnost Ms. Shawn Babcock Mr. James & Mrs. Lorraine Barrett Ms. Amy Berger Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bouchard Mr. & Mrs. Harold Brown Jr. Mr. Richard Brundage Ms. Alice Bunnell Ms. Denise Calcagnino Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Calocerinos Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carnese Mr. Douglas Christensen Mr. Michael Copanas Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Elizabeth Costello Mrs. Martha Cuddy Mr. James & Mrs. Judy Cupoli Ms. Kate Davis-Howard Mr. John & Mrs. Dorothy Dee Ms. Patricia Deferio Ms. Shirley DeGouff-Brassard Mr. James & Mrs. Kathleen Dwyer Mrs. Sally Ennis Ms. Irene Erwin Mr. Ed & Mrs. Cathy Erwin Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Farewell Mr. & Mrs. Louis Fournier Mr. Phillip & Mrs. Risa Fram Dr. Gary & Mrs. Deborah Freeman Mr. John & Mrs. Pat Gaetano Ms. Denise Gauthier Mr. Richard & Mrs. Doris Gervais Ms. Katheryn Goldman Ms. Charlotte Haas Ms. Jane Hall Ms. Diane Harrington Ms. Maureen Hartnett Mr. David Hollenback Ms. Heidi Holtz-Eakin Dr. Michael & Mrs. Marie Impaglia Ms. Linda Jackson Mr. John & Mrs. Lona Jerome Mr. William & Mrs. Mary Kinne Ms. Ann Knoll Ms. Eve Kotowicz Mrs. Susan Langley Ms. Elaine Liggett Ms. Janet Lindsley Ms. Nancy Anne Linnenbach Ms. Claranetta Long Ms. Mary Lyford Mr. Fred & Mrs. Kathleen McManus Ms. Kim Messie Mr. Alex Militello Ms. Joan O’Donnell Ms. Mary Jane Osada Mr. David & Mrs. Vicki Owens Mr. Louis & Mrs. Phyllis Pandozzi Ms. Susan Randolph Mr. Kevin & Mrs. Marlene Reilly Riley’s Tavern Mr. Anthony Rossi Mr. & Mrs. Harold Royster Mr. Richard & Mrs. Virgina Russo Ms. Marie Schotthoefer Mr. C. Daniel Shulman Dr. & Mrs. Robert Silverman Mr. Bart Solenthaler Mr. James Southard Mr. C. Robert & Mrs. Roseanne Stalter Mr. William & Mrs. Rita Stone Ms. Lily Swanson Ms. Elaine Szczech Ms. Sherri Taylor Ms. Darlene Trytek Mr. Harvey & Mrs. Sally Ullman Ms. Faith Wade Ms. Lydia Wilkerson Honorariums and Memorials In Memory of Jane Meagher Donovan Mr. & Mrs. James L. Chivers Ms. Colleen Dempsey Mr. Michael D. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Paeno Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paeno Mr. & Mrs. Peter Roby Ms. Suzanne F. Schiller Smith & Ludwig In Honor of Jonathan & Gretta Miles Mr. Russell & Mrs. Marlin Smith In Memory of Virginia Eaton Ms. Alice Bunnell In Honor of Greg Smith Mr. Russell & Mrs. Marlin Smith In Memory of Mary Carol Fisher Mr. & Mrs. William Fisher Tyler Flann-Harris Ms. Donna Trowbridge In Honor of Jim & Karen Smith Mr. Russell & Mrs. Marlin Smith In Memory of Richard Goldberg Mr. Charles & Mrs. Ann Seereiter Dr. Paul E. Phillips & Ms. Sharon Sullivan In Memory of Eleanore L. Howard Eleanore L.Howard Charitable Foundation In Honor of John Lazarski Ms. Carrie Raymond In Memory of Dr. Joseph Reidel Dr. Doris W. Eagan In Memory of Elizabeth Schilly Mr. John & Mrs. Roberta Allen Ms. Mary Ruth Beers and Family Mr. B. Thomas & Mrs. Valorie Blackford Mr. Ken & Mrs. Kris Breidenbach Corcoran High School Physical Education Mr. David & Mrs. Mary Pat Cox Ms. Deborah Dawley Mr. Richard & Mrs. Chris Daymont F-M High School Building Association Ms. Betty Figie FM Teacher’s Aide Teaching Assistants Dr. & Mrs. Lewis Gilbert Mr. Michael & Mrs. Mary Giles Ms. Nancy Kuhl Mr. Timothy & Mrs. Elizabeth Lee Mr. William Lonis Mr. Martin & Mrs. Margaret Lynch Mr. Thomas J. Maroney Mr. Mark & Mrs. Virginia Matthews Mr. Edward & Mrs. Eva Olszewski Mr. Louis Pettinelli, Jr. Mr. Herb & Mrs. Charlotte Rice Ms. Lisbeth Rourke Mr. Steven & Mrs. Susan Shaw Syracuse Track Club Mr. Chad & Mrs. Megan Thomas Ms. Susan Warner In Memory of David Shaver One Commonwealth Associates LLC In Honor of Carol Stark OASIS Spanish 5 Class In Honor of John & Donna Miles Mr. Russell & Mrs. Marlin Smith In Honor of Pauline Smith Mr. Russell & Mrs. Marlin Smith In Honor of Russell & Marlin Smith Mr. John & Mrs. Donna Miles In Honor of Debra & Gayle Wiegand Mr. Russell & Mrs. Marlin Smith In Honor of Jamie Wiegand Mr. Russell & Mrs. Marlin Smith In Honor of Josh & Megan Wiegand Mr. Russell & Mrs. Marlin Smith In-Kind Contributions Adirondack Scenic Railroad Attilio’s Resturant & Bar Avalon Document Services Business Art & Framing Cayuga Lake Cruises Cayuga Wine Trail, Inc. Crowne Plaza Darien Lake Dr. & Mrs. Howard Weinstein Enchanted Forest & Water Safari Most Mr. Frank Rhodes Mrs. Michelle Robinson Ms. Marjorie Raineri Onondaga County Parks Personal Fitness, Inc. Ra-Lin, Inc. Relph Benefit Advisors Rosamond Gifford Zoo Sheraton University Hotel Skaneateles Middle School SRC Arena and Events Center Syracuse Chiefs Baseball Syracuse Opera Three Brothers Wineries & Estates Time Warner Cable Toggenburg Mountain Twin Trees Two! Uncle Sams Boat Tours Utica Zoo Valley View Golf Wegman’s Food Markets, Inc. 11 Non-Profit Org. Arc of Onondaga 600 South Wilbur Avenue Syracuse, New York 13204 US Postage Paid Syracuse, NY Permit No. 3762 Executive Director Stanfort J. Perry Marketing & Communications Specialist Patterns Editor Christine Hall Photographer Christine Hall Arc of Onondaga is an Equal Opportunity Employer SERVICES: Arc of Onondaga was founded in 1951 by a group of parents who wanted to help their children with developmental disabilities achieve independence and inclusion in the community. We have grown over the decades and now provide services to almost 3,000 individuals and their families, enabling them to live a successful and productive life. Our mission is to assist individuals with developmental disabilities achieve their fullest potential. Arc of Onondaga is the largest provider of services for those with developmental disabilities in the county, maintaining 38 different locations and facilities. Clinical Services Horizons Clinic 476-7441 Ext. 1167 Day Services Day Habilitation Senior Retirement 579-5625 579-5625 Community Outreach & Family Support Services 473-5068 Community Recreation Services Corporate Guardianship Medicaid Service Coordination Respite Reimbursement Monarch Community-Based Employment Supported Employment Transition to Career Work Centers 476-7441 432-5560 437-2025 437-2025 424-6000 Parkside Children’s Center Day Care Early Intervention - Home & Site Based Evaluation Services Family & Parent Support Nursery School Pre-School School-Age Transition 468-1632 Residential Services Residence Living Supportive Apartment Living 476-7441 Ext. 1136 Administrative Offices 476-7441 Office of the Executive Director Ext. 1122 Development & Public Relations Ext. 1103 Facilities & Operations Ext. 1162 Finance Ext. 1152 Human Resources Ext. 1173 Information Technology Ext. 1177 Safety / Transportation Ext. 1155 Quality Assurance Ext. 1127 Fax476-7446