four pictures of faith - East Side Church of Christ!
four pictures of faith - East Side Church of Christ!
February 2015 Church of Christ All events are held at the Church building unless “away” is indicated. at east side 5701 E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard 512.477.1647 | “We are people of the Book.” VOL 2 | ISSUE 5 Sunday, February 8, 2015 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you. Meditate on 1 Peter 5:6, 7 KJV Trust God with all your uncertainties. He is an anxiety bearer. FOUR PICTURES OF FAITH Faith is such a wonderful quality that it is impossible to define it adequately with words. That may be why the Bible is not only a collection of doctrines and treatises, but also of stories of people and their responses to God. The four Biblical stories below give us insights and four pictures of the faith God is looking for in our lives. PICTURE ONE: The unquestioning obedience of Abraham (Genesis 22:9-12,16-18; James 1:22;2:14-16, 21-24). In this picture, we see a man whom God commanded to do something he detested, offer the body of his only son as a burnt offering. Of course before he could complete this horrible assignment, God sent an angel to stop him, and to announce, “Now I know that thou fearest God seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.” James presents this picture as a true picture of faith, for in it we see one who not only hears and believes God’s Word, he does God’s Word without question or hesitation. PICTURE TWO: The unwavering confidence of David (1 Samuel 17:4-7, 10, 33-37). Picture this shepherd boy, inexperienced in battle, walking briskly onto the battlefield to face the fearsome Philistine champion, Goliath, in combat! David did not think it so strange. He only thought it strange that there were not others as confident as he in God’s power to deliver the faithful. 6 7 7 7 13 14 14 18 19 20 20 21 21 21 22 26 Ladies Tuesdays Bible Sessions, 10-11a CYP Dinner & Devotional, 7-9p, away Seasoned Saints Meeting, 1-2p Ladies Breakfast & Bible Study, 9-12p, away Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study, 9-11a, away Singles Round Table, 7-9p, away Married Couples Valentine’s Event, 7-10p, away CYP Valentine’s Day Service Project, away Health Awareness BP & BS Checks, 6-7p Singles 3rd Thursday Session, 6:30-9:30p, away Men’s Prayer Meeting,6-7p, away WISDOM, away Sister Prayer Circle, 9-10:30a CG3 Breakfast, 9-11a, away New Members Fellowship, 2-4p Men’s Bible Study, 4:30-5:30p WINGS, 7-9p, away SONGFEST, BUILDING GRAND OPENING AND REVIVAL March 7-11, 2015 Invite your extended family members, co-workers, neighbors and friends! MORE DETAILS TO SOON. PICTURE THREE: The unseeing certainty of Abraham (Hebrews 11:1, 6, 8-10). Faith is certainty of that which we do not see. Abraham packed up his goods, gathered his household and left on a journey, never to return. He did not know where he was going but he followed God’s instructions. He had confidence in what God had said and he was certain that God would lead him on his journey. PICTURE FOUR: The unyielding hope of Job ( Job2:9-10, 13:15, 19:9-25). Although we know that Satan caused all of Job’s misery, Job and his friends believed that God had afflicted Job. Even though Job felt that God was not treating him fairly and not responding to his prayers, he refused to give up hope in God. Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him” (Job 13:15). May your faith grow to reflect these four pictures of faith: unquestioning obedience, unwavering confidence, unseeing certainty, and unyielding hope. 2015 Church Theme “Here Am I Send Me.” Isaiah 6:8 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2 Welcome Visitors. You are our honored guests! family news OUR SINCERE SYMPATHY TO Brother Darryl Manor (Trina) and family on the loss of his 97 year old grandmother, MRS. OZIE MCVEA. FEBUARY WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES 2/14 Virgil & Jerri Hardin 13 years Services were held at 11:00 am, Saturday, February 7, 2015 at St. James Baptist Church. 2/16 Darwin & Pamela Davis 13 years 2/18 Anthony & Arkainee Gayle Ervin 37 years FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 2/5 Linda Edmonson 2/6 Bianca Smith 2/7 Cory Manor 15 years old 2/10 Joshua Davis 10 years old 2/12 Pamela Smith 2/18 LaToya Conley 2/23 Archa Rogers 2/24 Simone Washington 17 years old 2/26 Sharon McGhee Montenique Hall Gabrielle Broom 10 years old If you would like your anniversary or birthday listed, please email Sister Maxine, or call 512.477-1647. Please include your child’s birth date and age. thought for the week Sister Vickie Pryor SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT LOVE TRUTH If you want to become fully mature in the Lord, you must learn to love truth. Otherwise, you will always leave open a door of deception for the enemy to take what is meant to be yours. Some people have a difficult time facing truth and reality. They prefer to live in a make believe world, pretending that certain things aren’t happening. But we cannot deny the existence of problems or act as if they are not real. The devil is real, life is real, people are real, pain is real, and poverty is real. SIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES are held Wednesdays, 6-6:45 pm at the church building. All who are interested are welcome to join the classes. You may contact Sister Althea Adams at 512.220.8945 or The good news is that no matter how real our pain may be, or how big our problems may seem, we can overcome all of them with the Word of God. Read Ephesians 4:15 The psalmist said, “His name shall endure for ever: His name shall continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in Him: all nations shall call Him blessed” 2014 CONTRIBUTION SHEETS If you need a copy of your 2014 contributions, please stop by the Elders’ office. Psalm 72:17 THANK YOU My family and I sincerely thank you for your calls and cards, and most of all your prayers in the death of my father. Your kindness in our time of sorrow was deeply appreciated. Job Requirements Must be 14 years of age by March 31st. Youth with disabilities can participate up to 22 yrs old. Must reside in Travis County| attending school| valid social security card and school ID/report card Parent/Guardian must attend first day of Job Readiness Training. Call 512.854.4590 for details & register as soon as possible. other congregation’s news WESTSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST 21st Annual Ladies Day Program Theme: A Woman That Fears The Lord Shall Be Praised. Proverbs 31:30 Saturday, February 14th | 8 am – 12 pm 3003 Hynson Springs Road | Marshall TX We hope to see you. Please come and fellowship with us. Dr. Jack Evans, Sr. and Jack Evans, Jr., along with the Southwestern Christian College A Cappella Chorus, will be our honored guests all day Sunday, February 22nd. You don’t want to miss these two dynamic gospel preachers and the Southwestern Christian College chorus. SUNDAY | FEBRUARY 8, 2015 HOMEBOUND VISITATION Robert Dixon (No visitation this week.) Members In Service | “Here Am I Send Me” Isaiah 6:8 COMMUNION It’s flu season. Disposable cups will be used. GREETERS 10 am & 6 pm Services Danielle McGhee Vickie Pryor Mary Emma Stewart Coleen Azeez Tracy Burkhalter Lakeya Lewis Vicki Herron Crystal Robinson CALLING COMMITTEE BAPTISMAL NURSERY Sharon Crowder Debra Cunningham Frank Haynes Vicki Herron Uralene Williams February 1 & 8 Lillian Clemons ministry news HEALTH MINISTRY Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar Checks Wednesday, February 18th | 6 -7 pm LADIES MINISTRY LADIES MINI-RETREAT Don’t Keep It A Secret! Tell Your Relatives and Friends! April 17-19, 2015 at the Austin Marriott South Hotel. Registration includes a program booklet, T-Shirt, registration bag, goodies, and four meals (Friday Night and Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner). Over 125 ladies at East Side are now registered. Don't be left behind! Due to popular demand, let us make your hotel reservation for you at $99+tax per night. WISDOM (Women In Support Desiring Outstanding Marriages) Save The Date | Friday, February 20th | 7 pm More details forthcoming. Stay tuned. SISTERS PRAYER CIRCLE An occasion for all sisters to encourage one another and share prayer requests. MEMBERS, the Church library still needs items, ASAP. Please donate the items listed. They will be used as a resource. Religious and spiritual books, CD-ROMs, DVDs, or other related materials are also welcomed. SUBJECTS CAN INCLUDE: Commentaries (individual, one volume, or sets); Books on systematic theology; Books on various theological topics; Reference books (concordances, Bible dictionaries; Books on church history; Bible handbooks, guides to Bible study and interpretation; Christian living–popular authors; Books on leadership; Books on specific areas of ministry; Counseling; Apologetics, Bible and science, creationism; Christian biographies; Puritan and other Christian classics; Adult Christian fiction; Books on families, marriage, child rearing; Christian psychology; Christian living, also focusing on men, women, and teens; Christianity and culture/current issues; Cults; Missions, including missionary biographies; and Books for various age groups of children and youth. Donations can be dropped off in the library. Questions? Please see Danielle McGhee, Anthony or Keffrelyn Brown, Darien Brown, Andrea Banks, or Tova Charles. Saturday, February, 21st | 9 - 10:30 am | Church Building MEN’S MINISTRY PRAYER MEETING Friday, February 20th | 6:30 – 7:30pm In the home of Brother Douglas Ehigie KFC MINISTRY 6207 Ringsby Road | Austin 78747 | 512.909.7494 KFC KIDS, DON’T FORGET OUR NORMS K - Kind words, Kind actions F - Friendly Faces C - Christ-like Attitudes An occasion for brothers to seek prayers; where we pray for each other. UPCOMING MEN’S MONTHLY NEWSLETTER In an effort to build a stronger networking connection, we are collecting information from brothers who want to display their business and/or services in the newsletter. Interested? Please email Morris Wilson at: MARRIED COUPLES MINISTRY SOUL FOOD LOVERS NIGHT OUT POT LUCK Saturday, February 14th | 7 -10 pm Black Hawk Amenity Center 3111 Speidel Drive | Pflugerville78660 $5+ Donation At The Door. Bring a dish and a game lovers can play. YOUTH MINISTRY Our East Side youth need your support to attend the NATIONAL YOUTH CONFERENCE at Oklahoma Christian University, July 18-23. Please come prepared Sunday, February 8th for a special love offering in support of our youth. Each working member is asked to voluntarily donate $25 to help us reach our goal. “Train up a child in the way he should go and even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 RADIO BROADCAST, BIBLE CLASSES AND WORSHIP TIMES MINISTER George Williams 512.477.1647 ELDERS Ed Davis 512.339.2306 Mike Deen 512.431.9886 Cranston Hardeman 512.484.9775 Marlon McGhee 512.913.2323 DEACONS Floyd Boozer 512.246.2722 Jermaine Broom 512.502.4806 Russell Clemons 512.280.8639 Darryl Manor 512.853.0576 Ricky Sells, Sr. 512.989.7011 Quinton Smith, Sr. 512.250.0274 Ethan Williams, Sr. 512.990.8151 “…let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Meditate on Acts 4:10-12 KJV AVAILABILITY Monday-Friday Church of Christ Sunday Radio Broadcast, KTXW 1120 AM ~ 8:30 - 9:00 am Sunday Bible Classes ~ 8:45 am Sunday Worship Services ~ 10:00 am & 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Classes ~ 7:00 pm HOW TO BE SAVED ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES at east side By Appointment Please. There are 3 full time leaders at the building during the week: George Williams, Milton Deen, and Cranston Hardeman. Please feel free to make Appointments with all of them or with them individually to discuss any concerns, suggestions or spiritual counseling needs. Hear the Gospel ~ Acts 15:7 Believe in Jesus ~ John 8:21, 24 Repent of Sins ~ Acts 17:30, 31 Confess Christ ~ Acts 8:36-38 Be Baptized ~ Acts 2:38 You are saved by grace and the Lord adds you to the church of Christ. Acts 2:47 | Matthew 16:18 | Romans 16:16 RECENT PRAYER REQUESTS Mike Deen, Anisa McCants, Donnie & Doris Aldridge, MEN PRIVILEDGED TO SERVE 2/ 08/ 2015 10 am Songs Service B. Maxwell Invocation R. Harry Prayer W. Grant Sermon G. Williams Communion & Offering W. Lyons Passion Reading A. Ross, Sr. Announcements H. Moffett II Benediction A. Ervin, Sr. 6 pm Songs Service L. Mitchell Invocation W. G. Williams Prayer F. Franklin Sermon G. Williams Communion & Offering D. Phagans Passion Reading R. Jones Announcements H. Moffett II Benediction M. Williams, Jr. USHERS | Alexander, Apena, Baker, Barnes, Blair, Bradford, Ervin, Hardy, Harry, Haynes, Iheke, King, Matthews, May, Mitchell, Moffett II, Mouton, Powell, Randle, Ray, Smith, & Wright. Yolanda Alvarez, Devon Rivers, Nyoka Davis, Deanna Pickard, Cheryl Williams, Anthony Ross, Sr., Ruby Fulbright, William Lyons, Russell Clemons, Jordin McCants, Valla Jones, Tommy Alexander, William Ray, Ed Davis, Tova Charles, Cathy Ehigie, Gail Williams, DeAnn Brown, Pat McKinzie, Lacy Jones, Bobby Craig, members who requested prayers during the week, members in the armed forces, and families in bereavement. The Lord is watching His children, listening to their prayers”. I Peter 3:12 MEMBERS WHO ARE SICK & SHUT IN Danita Cotman, Dora Washington, Virgin Pennick, Jerri Hardin, Vernita Wright, Ruby Lewis, Nyoka Davis, Linda Edmonson (in the Pflugerville Nursing & Rehab Center), Veronica Scott, Lillian Clemons, Vicky Lamkin, and Robert Dixon. “I was sick and you looked after me”. Matthew 25:36 If you are ill, know of someone who is ill, a death, or a name that should be removed from the list, please call the church office (512.477.1647) and/or your care group leader. NOTES:
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