Wendy Williams
Wendy Williams
FEPA Ac! Stalcmontbclorecomploling Ihis form is affectedbv tha Ptivtcy Act of 1974: SeePrivacy this brm. New York State Division NUMBEB CHAFGE AGTNLY UNAHUEUT UIIiUHIMINAIION EEOC of Human RighEs NAMEllndicataMr., Ms., Mrs'l SPence M s . Nic ole wHO AGENc/ srATEoRLocALGovERNMENT CoMMITTEE, AppBENTtcEsHtP AGENcy, €MproyMeNT ,strrE EtrpLtER,rJgos oRoANrzATnN, AtNsT@ 0TSCF|M|NATEO -*ED ^G NAME Inner City C o rP .' W B L S Bro a dc as Ling TELEPIfONE flnclud.At o Cod.l MEMSERS IUMEEFOFEMPLOYE€5, 100+ FM COUNTY ANDAP COOE CIW. STATE STRESIADDRESS New York New York, New York NUMBEFilncludo Ana Codcl TELEPHONE NAME W B L S-F M 1 0 7 .5 c /o Wendy W illiam s , MH Z CITY,STATEANDAP COO€ STFEEIAODRESS New York, New York TOOKPLACE TEDISCRIMNATON BASEDON (Chcckeppropriatabxlasll CAUSEOFOISCFIMINATION D( se< [-lneucor XJruarronelonrcr't l-Jorsnsruw norHER(spacifv) l--lnce l-lnnce f]coton Flnrr*nrol CONNNUINGACTION THEPARTf CULARSAAEltf tdditiontl papor i, neodcd,.ntch cxtn sht€tltll: P 1eas e S ee AE Ea e h e d S u PP l e me n t -. | llnn liltlf A q..i ' . ( ' . r /g Lv.t t | - EEoC-trrY00-cHTtu want thls chargo filed whh borh the EEOC.nd thr St.to or locafAgenry, il rny. witl advicethc agenc'nsif I chsng€my address or talcphoncnumberrnd I will :ooperat.fully with lhrm anth€ processingof my chargain rccordencswith heirprocedures, |,qI^ry1$,*: nscosstryiot Statstnd chrryooncthrt it is tructo(h0 hovqrsadlhootrove declcreunder psnrlty of pe.iuryrhar the foregoingis |ru6 lnd correct. I l+ .-r *,,j i'rrfn,l, EocroAtur s ihev..sdrr ##f#dk##,MarHrsoArE monrh,.ntl.f?tv 7oa-L... H*Jelv Ptav lSigtututel n. '---vinbrrfie-eeFnqe SUPPLEMENTTO EEOCCHARGEOF DISCRIVIINATION BY NICOLE SPENCE Beckground l. In or aboutAugust 2004,1beganworking for WBLS-FM (*WBLS") as an intern for the radio program"The Wendy WilliamsExperience."WBLS is a radio stationthat is ownedby InnerCity BroadcastCorporationHoldings,Inc., ("lnner City") (WBLS and Inner City are hereinafterreferredto as the "Company"). Wendy Williams is an employeeof the Companyand a well-knownradio personalityand celebritywhoseprogramairsweekdayson WBLS from 2:00 p.m, to 7:00p.m, 2. Because0f my exemplarywork pcrformance,in or about May 2006, I was promotedto the position of Talent Booker/Publicist,also known as Talent Producer,for "The Wendy Williams Experience."In my role asTalentBooker,I was primarily responsiblefor bookingandcoordinatingthe gueststhat would appearon the show and preparingguestsfor their appearance.For example,I preparedbackgroundinformation and draftedthe on-air questionsfor Ms. Williams to askthe guests,I alsojoined the guestsin the studiofrequentlyand spokeon the air duringthe program. 3. During my employmentwith the Company,Iperformedand continueto perform my job with the highestdegreeof professionalismand competence.I consistently excellentwork performance at the Companyand havenever demonstrated perfbrmance receivedany negative evaluation."The Wendy Williams Experience"receivesthe top ratingsfor manydemographics during the afternoon slot and hcr show is syndicatedto stationsacrossthe United States.Becausethe guestsof the show and the diaioguebetweenMs. Williams and the guestsare critical to the program,my work productunequivocallycontributedto this success. 4, Despitemy exemplarywork perlbrmance,I have beensubjectedto an ongoing workenvironment hostile duetomygender. Moreover, whenI complained about the hostilework environment,Ms. Williams and the Companyunlawfully retaliatedagainstme by, amongotheracts,strippingme of my job duties. The Severeand PeryasiveSexualHarassment 5. Throughoutmy employmentwith the Company,Kevin l{unter, Ms. Williams' husband andmanager, subjected me[0severe harassment. andpervasive sexual For example,Mr. Hunterrepeatedlysexuallypropositionedme at work, in the most crude and vulgar ways, telling me over and over that he wanted to "fuck" me. intotheobsessive, andduringthe his sexualpropositions escalaied 6. Recently, toldmeof his desireto "fuck" workdayat theCompany's studio,heconstantly withme' sleeping about droaming m0andthathehadbeen 7. Mr. Hunteralsomadedemeaningpersonalcommentsto me, includingthat I needed"a real man in my life to mold me into the woman that I am supposedto be," proclaiming, of course,that he was that man. 8. He hasalsorepeatedlydegradedme andotherwomenin the workplaceon the basisof our genderby, amongotherthings,openlyrefening to us as "bitches." 9. Ms. Williams, for her part,hasaidedand abettedthe harassment and abusethat I and otherfemaleemployeesweresubjectedto by her husbandand manager,Mr. Hunter,and evenofferedto takeme shoppingso I could dress"like a sexy iittle bitch" as Mr. Hunterdemanded.In fact,Ms. Williams' Iack of respectfor proper workplaceconductis demonstrated by her own conductin forcing a subordinate to havesex with her to keephisjob. 10.WhenI refusedto give in to Mr. Hunter'sconstantsexualdemands, his conduct becameincreasingoffensive,hostileandthreatening. I l. Mr. Hunteraiso openlyinsultedme in the workplace,includingby deridingme for my Jamaicanbackground. For example,he told me that I was not cute but in fact was "just Jamaican." PhysicalThreats and Acts of Violence 12.In addition,Mr, Hunterhassoughtto enlistotheremployees in his harassment, includingLeonard"Charlamagne" McKelvey,who is Ms. Williams' co-hoston "The Wendy Williams Experience."With respectto me, Mr. Huntertold Mr. McKelvey to/'get ather," into bitch's head" to"fuck he/'inorder to"get that to "break her down physically and mentally" and to ensurethat she "did not forget whereshecamefrom," He alsotold Mr. McKelvey to "keep your foot on her throat." 13.Mr, Huntercoupledthesehorrifyingstatements with escalatingverbalabuse, includingfrequentlyreferringto me asa "stupidfucking bitch" in the presenceof otheremployees,which I found deeplyoffensiveandhumiliating. 14.He also physicallythreatened me. Specifically,on one occasionafter Ms. Williams andherco-hosts consumed alcoholic beverages duringtheshow, Mr. Hunterchargedat me while threateningto inflict physicalharm uponme. I also fearedMr. Hunterbecausehe repeatedlyphysicallyassaultedMs. Williams at or nearthe WBLS studio, In one instance,Mr. Hunterstormedinto the studio, demandedthat the otheremployeesleaveandopenlyphysicallyabusedMs. Williams, pinning her againstthe wall with his handaroundher neck,chokingher while repeatedlypoundinghis frst into the wall directlyby her head. In another incident,Mr. HunterreportedlypunchedMs. Williams in the faceand violently attackedher in the parkinglot acrossthe streetfrom WBLS, r.vhichis frequently employgoo, byCompany used did notpreventsimilar theCompany actsof violence, 15.Despitetheserepeated by Mr. Hunter,In fact,the andoutbursts futureincidents of physicalintimidation notonlyfailed andunlawfulconduct, awareof Mr, Hunter'simproper Company, to takesufficientstepsto stopit, butgavehim freereignoverthestudioand to sexuallyharass meandotherwomen.Indeed,at onepoint, unfettered access inthe interns thatfemale thrsat oftermination, under even demanded, Mr.Hunter office wear bathingsuitsin the workplace. includinghis repeateddemandsfor sex,occurred 16.Mr. Hunter'ssexualharassment, in plain view and was witnessedby numerousCompanyemployces,includingtop management, admittedthat she 17.By way of exampleonly, CatriceAllen of HumanResources proposition personally mein theworkplace, and heardMr. Hunter sexually warnedme to watchout for Mr. Hunterbecausehe was boastingthat he wantedto "fuck" me, in Mr. Hunter'segregious 18.The Companysimply ignoredand evenacquiesced conducttowardsme and other femaleemployees,apparentlyto placateMs. amountof revenuesfor the Williams, whoseprogramgenerates a substantial Company. My RepeatedComplaints and the Company's Failure to Act 19,I complainedaboutMr. Hunter'ssexualdemands,vulgar commentsand other improperconductto Vinny Brown, who wasthe ProgramDirectorat WBLS until lastmonth. However,Mr. Brown failed to takeany remedialactionor do anything about the matter. Without the Company'sintervention,I, along with the otherfemaleemployees,continuedto endurean environmentin which we were subjectedto pervasivesexualharassment, fearedfor our own physicalsafetyand sufferedemotionaldistress, 20. On or aboutFebruary19,2008,I complainedaboutMr. Hunterto CynthiaSmith, the AssistantProgramDirector,afterbecomingincreasinglyafraidof him. Ms. Smith told me to bring my concernsto DeonLivingston,the Vice Presidentand for General Manager 0fWBLSI advised Mr,Livingston thatI was oonserncd my safetyduc to Mr. Hunter'sviolent andunlawful behavior. I also told Mr. Livingstonaboutmy prior complaintto Vinny Brown. submitted a otFebruary 20,2008,1also to theseverbalcomplaints, 21.In addition at'theCompany.In my complaint,I writtencomplaintto l{umanResources andstatedthatI was"afraidof againdescribed Mr. Hunter'ssexualharassment womanor anabused child." him" andfelt like "a battered whofiledwrittenand/orverbalcomplaints 22.1amnottheonly femaleemployee Mr.Hunter. about 23. Only afterhaving receivedrepeatedcomplaints,includingmy written complaint on February20, did the Companytake any action at all, which proved to be completelyinadequate.For example,asan ineffectiveresolutionto the threats, violence,sexualharassmentand verbalabusedescribedabove,Mr. Livingston temporarilybannedMr. Hunterfrom the officesof WBLS. I continueto feel vulnerablehowever,as the duration andefficacy of this "ban" is unknown. 24. Moreover, Mr. Hunter was neveremployedby WBLS or officially "authorized" to accessCompanypropertyin the first place,yet he wasallowedto enterthe workplace make ashepleased andopenlyutterand/oryellobscenities andthreats, vulgarsexualand otherderogatorycommentsand engagein sexualharassment. In addition, the Companyhasnot communicatedto me how long this ban will be in effectnor hasit takenstepsto preventme from on-goingharm from others, includingMs. Williams. In fact, aftermy complaints,I havebeensubjectedto blatanlactsof unlawful retaliation.asdescribedbelow. Unlawful Retaliationby the Companyand Ms. Williams 25. Immediatelyafter I sentmy written complaintto Mr. Livingston,the Companyre- located mydesk awayfromthestaffof"TheWendy Williams Experience," The move wasa retaliatoryact,punishingme by moving me awayfrom the on-going contactwith and on-air participationin the show,which underminedmy position at the Company and as a talent booker in the industry. Moreover, this action by the Companysignaledto Ms. Williamsthat I was the employeewho complained about her husband. 26. Consequently,in a further act of retaliation,Ms. Williams now refusesto work witl, acknowledgeor evenspeakto me andhassummarilyrejectedall guests bookedby me without explanation. Shehasalso actedtowardsme in a hostile manner. Theseactionshave severelydamagedmy ability to effectively perform my duties,as well as my repulationandcareeras a talentbooker. 27. On February27 and28,2008,I againcomplainedto the Company,reportingthat I booked toallowtheguests Ms,Williams mcbyrefusing wasretaliating againol to comeonto the show. 28. In anotherineffectiveresponseby the Company,Ms. Williams was suspended for two days,but upon information and belief, was not formally counseledor even advisedasto why shewas suspended.As a result,when Ms. Williams returned, shecontinuedto refuseto dealwith meandstill refusesto placemy guestson the show. Ms. Williams to my reputation, damage causesevere 29.lnfact,to intentionally lessthanone anynotice,sometimes withoutpractically ordersmeto cancelguests on theair andwhiletheyarewaiting to appear hourbeforetheguestis scheduled to go on hershow. For example,Ms. Williamsrecentlyrejectedonesuchguestat eventhoughthatguesthadbeenbookedfor thelastminutewithoutjustification, to beon hershowandwaswaiting way from Florida wggk5,travEledall the inthelobby, downstairs shehasthreatenedand 30, Moreover,upon Ms. Williams' returnfrom suspension me on the air. On March 3, Ms, Williams beganher show to the embarrassed soundsof gun shotsstating,in substance, "You thoughtyou got me but I'm still standing." This blatantact of intimidationhonified me as I againfearedfor my job, safetyand further retaliation. I againcomplainedto Mr. Livingston, Human Resourcesand other Companymanagement,all to no avail. 3 I . In addition,a coupleof daysagowhen I escorteda guestinto the studioduringa broadcast,Ms, Williams orderedme to leavethe studiowhile on the air. As listenersand industrycolleaguesarewell aware,I typically stay in the studioor eventalk when I bring guestsin. Now becauseI complainedabouther husband's sexualharassment,vulgar commentsand acts of physical intimidation, I was dismissedand openly embarrassedin front of the entire radio audience. I also complainedaboutthis conductto Mr. Livingston, who did absolutelynothing aboutit. 32, In responseto my continuedcomplaints,the Companyhasnot disciplinedMs. Williams or takenstepsto protectme from furtherretaliation. Instead,the Mr, specifically, More onlyincrca$ed, moha$ rstaliation being committcd against Livingstonrecentlyinstructedme to preparea job descriptionfor my position,a highly unusual,andobviouslypretextual,stepgiven that I havebeenemployedby the Companyfor four yearswithout a formaljob description.After I complied with his request,Mr. Livingstonhassystematically removedtasks,including more prestigiouswork, I had previouslyperformed.For example,my booking dutiesweretakenaway from me and givento an individualwho was not even employedby or affiliatedwith the Company,which waspurelyretaliatory. 33. Becausemy talent booking taskswere reassignedwithout explanation,I have receivednumeroustelephonecalls from publicistsand othersin my industry, who believedthat I was terminatedby the Company. Thus, the stripping away of my duties has further damaged mycareer. 34. When I againcomplainedto the Companythat my dutieshavebeenunjustly takenaway,the Companyhasfailed to takeany remedialaction. In fact, Mr. Livingstonactuallyconfirmedthat the executiveproducerof Ms. Williams' show insteadof me,asperMs, wouldnowhandlethetalentbookingresp-onsibilities Williams'instructions, 35. It is clear that Ms. Williams, Mr. Livingston and others at WBLS are attempting to force me out of the Company in retaliation for my complaints. 36.Needless to say,I amdevastated by theunlawfulactionstakenagainstme. I have suffered,andcontinueto suffer,severeemotionaldistressasa resultof the my me.Inaddition, committed against abusive sexual harassment andretaliation successful careerhasbeenineparablyharmedbecause of theunlawfulretaliation by theCompanyandMs.Williams. 37.Therefore, I file thisChargeon behalfof myself,aswell asanyotherfemale Companyemployees whohavebeendiscriminated andretaliatedagainst,and requestall availableandappropriate relief.