December 6, 2015 - Sacred Heart Church


December 6, 2015 - Sacred Heart Church
National Catholic Youth Conference
(See page 10)
Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 6:45am, 8:00am, *9:30am
11:00am, 5:30pm *Signed for hearing impaired
Domingo: 12:45pm & 2:30pm (Español)
(Days of Obligation)
English - Vigil: 5:30pm
7:00am, 9:00am, 12noon, 5:30pm
Español: 7:30pm
Mon-Fri: 7:00am & 5:30pm
Weekdays: 6:30am & 5:00pm
(20 min. before Mass)
Saturday: 4:00pm - 5:00pm & 8:00pm
By appointment, 6-month advance notice.
Fr. Tom Baker
Fr. Gerald Osuagwu
Fr. Raymont Medina
English: 3rd Saturday of each month.
Call 948-3011.
Spanish: El primer Sabado de cada mes.
Llame 942-7853.
Pastors Corner
Dec 6, 2015
Page 2
2nd Sunday of Advent
Prepared for the Lord
In the classic Disney movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, the dwarves go off to work with picks and shovels over
their shoulders singing joyfully: “Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to work we go.” In our Advent song “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” we
join that happy work song of the seven dwarves. Our Advent foreman, John the Baptist, shouts, “Shoulder your pick and shovel and
make straight your crooked ways; fill in your valleys and level your mountains – prepare the way of the Lord.”
Let us all recapture the true meaning of this holy season; a time to prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ. We do this by
carving out space in our mountains of commitments for prayer and liturgical celebration. Please note the special celebrations
on Tuesday, December 8 in honor of the Immaculate Conception (a holy day of obligation), Saturday, December 12 in honor of Our
Lady of Guadalupe and the penance services in our area. During this Advent season and as we begin the Year of Mercy, let us also
prepare ourselves by filling up the low levels of our generosity and reducing the size of our own mountain of selfcenteredness. This can be done by extending mercy to others by kind outreach to the needy and charity towards all we meet.
Let each one of us heed the voice of John the Baptist, and like those dwarves in the movie, joyfully engage in the work
ahead of us. In this case it is our joyful Advent work, a time to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord. Peace. Fr. Tom
Penance Services: 7:30pm: Fr. Serra = Thurs., Dec. 17. Sacred Heart = Tues., Dec. 22. St. Mary’s Palmdale = Wed., Dec. 23
Immaculate Conception – This solemnity and holy day of obligation is this Tuesday, December 8. The holy day schedule
is: Monday Vigil 5:30pm; Tuesday 7:00am, 9:00am School Mass, 12:00 noon,5:30pm and 7:30pm (Spanish).
Our Lady of Guadalupe Procession and Mass – Please join Sacred Heart parish community on December 12, for the Our Lady of
Guadalupe Procession and Mass. The procession leaves Jackman and 10th St. West at 12:30pm and proceeds to the Church for
Mass at 2:00pm. Bishop Alex Salazar will join us for this event. It is a wonderful celebration of the patroness of the Americas as
well as a great Advent event to prepare us for Christmas.
Second Collection – Next Sunday we will have a second collection which benefits the Retirement Fund for Religious. This appeal
asks us to recall those men and women religious whose ministry nourished our faith, served our church, and strengthened our nation. Today, more than 37,000 women and men religious are now past age 70 and their institutions struggle daily with the spiraling
costs of health care. Please give generously.
Preparado para el Señor
En la película clásica de Disney “Blanca Nieves y los Siete Enanitos”, los enanos van a trabajar con picos y palas sobre sus
hombros llenos de alegría cantando: “Hi, Ho, Hi, Ho, it’s off to work we go”. En nuestro canto de Adviento: “O Ven, O Ven, Emmanuel”, nos sumamos a este feliz canto de trabajo con los siete enanito. Nuestro facilitador de Adviento es Juan el Bautista que
grita: “Preparen el camino del Señor, hagan rectos sus senderos. Todo valle será rellenado, toda montaña y colina, rebajada—
preparen el camino del Señor.”
Hermanos/as, permitamos recuperar el verdadero sentido de esta temporada santa; pues, es un tiempo de preparación para la
venida de Cristo. Esto lo hacemos para delimitar el espacio de las montañas de nuestros compromisos para la oración y la celebración litúrgica. Por favor, tengan en cuenta la celebración del 8 de Diciembre, donde celebramos la Inmaculada Concepción (día santo y de obligación), el sábado 12 de Diciembre, la celebración en honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, así como los Ritos Penitenciales en nuestra Zona. Durante este tiempo que comenzamos el Adviento y el Año de la Misericordia, también nosotros debemos
prepararnos rellenando los niveles bajos de nuestra generosidad y de reducir el tamaño de nuestra montaña egocéntrica. Esto lo podemos hacer a través de la ampliación de la misericordia a los demás, extendiendo la ayuda a los necesitados y siendo caritativos
con los que nos reunimos.
Deje que cada uno de nosotros escuche la voz de Juan el Bautista y así como los enanitos de la película rumbo al trabajo,
vayamos con el con gozo y alegría por delante. En este caso, nuestra alegría de Adviento en el trabajo, es la preparación para la venida del Señor. Paz. P. Tomás.
Ritos Penetenciales A LAS 7:30PM—Jueves 17 de Dic.: P. Serra. Martes 22 de Dic.: Sagrado Corazón. Miércoles 23 de Dic.:
Santa María de Palmdale.
Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepcion, Dic 8 —Horario de las Misas: Vigilia, lunes 7 de Diciembre 5:30PM. Martes 8 de
Diciembre: 7AM; 9AM (Misa de la Escuela); 12:00PM; 5:30PM & 7:30PM en español.
Segunda Colecta—El próximo domingo habrá una Segunda Colecta, esta será para el Fondo de los Sacerdotes y Religiosas Retirados. Este llamado nos permite recordar a todos los hombres y mujeres religiosos cuyo ministerio alimenta nuestra fe, sirviendo a
nuestra Iglesia fortaleciendo a nuestra nación. Hoy día, más de 37, 000 hombres y mujeres sacerdotes y religiosas cuentan con alrededor de 70 años y sus instituciones luchan diariamente con el aumento de los costos del cuidado de su salud. Por favor den con
The Happenings
Dec 6, 2015
Page 3
2nd Sunday of Advent
National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis
23,000 youth from across the country descended upon Indianapolis from November 19-21 to encounter
the love of Christ more deeply. Every state was represented at this gathering, which was a three day event
comprised of conferences, prayer, workshops, Mass, adoration, activities, concerts, and more. The theme this
year was, “Here I am Lord” and the whole experience was an invitation to a closer relationship with our Lord.
17 youth from Sacred Heart attended accompanied by Fr. Tom as their chaplain along with 8 chaperones. The
youth experienced God in a new way and were able to see that there are so many others around the country
that share their same beliefs. The next NCYC will be held in 2017. Thank you to all those who helped support
making this trip possible!
Ministry News
Page 4
Sacred Heart School
Tues., Dec. 8 School/Parish Mass at
Thurs., Dec. 10 Student and Athlete of the
Month awards at morning assembly; K, 1st,
2nd, 6th, 7th, & 8th Field trip to LPAC
Fri., Dec. 11 Noon Dismissal; Christmas
program at 7pm in the church (students
need to be in their classroom at 6:30pm)
Box tops & Labels: Sacred Heart School
is collecting labels from Campbell’s products and box tops for education from General Mills.
Scrip Sold in the office during School h
Simbang Gabi
The Filipino Ministry would like to
invite you to the Simbang Gabi celebration at the Cathedral on Dec.
15. Bus fare is $10.00,. It is a first
come first serve basis. Please call
Josie (661) 406-3446; Gloria - (661)
726-0639; Alex/Trudy -(661)7236922; Lucy -(661)202-0352. The bus
leaves at 2:00pm from the Sacred
Heart parking lot.
Simbang Gabi Celebration at Sacred
Heart Church will be on Dec. 19 at
the 5:30pm Mass. Reception to follow in the Kennedy Hall. Come one
come all!
Confirming Disciples
Mark your calendars! Mandatory Parent Meeting
Year 1 Faith Day: Sunday, Dec. 13: 11:00am Mass. Parent and Teen Faith
Day (One parent must attend with teen). 12:00pm to 2:15pm in the Kennedy
Year 2 Faith Day: Sunday, Dec. 13: 2:45pm to 6:30 includes Mass. Parent
and teen Faith Day (one parent must attend with teen).
***Parents with teens in both years please call the office to arrange one session to attend.
Youth Ministry
Mon., Dec. 7: 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Kennedy Ctr.
Sisters of Strength : 6:30 to 8:00pm Youth House. Next Meeting Dec. 9
Band of Brothers : 6:30 to 8:00pm Youth House. Next Meeting Dec. 10
Service Opportunities: Please sign up for the following service opportunities
by calling the youth office or emailing us at
Dec. 6th- Help distribute Christmas Trees and Wreaths
Dec 12, 19, 26.-Sign up to sell Church Calendars after Sunday Masses: Two
hours for each shift.
Las Posadas Trip to Olvera Street
December 21, 2015
Youth ministry will take our annual trip to Olvera Street to attend the Las Posadas procession! Spaces are limited. You must turn in your permission slip
and fee in order to hold your space. Tickets are $15.00 each (teens are the
priority). Tickets will sell out fast so don’t wait.
Ministry News
One Life LA
The second annual OneLife LA
event is Saturday, January 23,
2016! You are invited to join
thousands in declaring a commitment to valuing and protecting all
human life, particularly the most
vulnerable in our community.
Speakers will be: Patricia Heaton, Nick Vujicic, Mama Hill,
Lianna Rebolledo and many more.
We hope to see you there! Register today at:
Rosary Rally
The Legion of Mary will be holding a
Public Square Rosary Rally this Saturday :
Date: December 12
Time: 12 Noon
Location: Boeing Plaza (on the corner
of Lancaster Blvd. and Sierra Hwy)
Sacred Heart Choir
Christmas Concert
Sacred Heart’s 9:30 choir will also
be presenting a concert on Christmas
Eve prior to the Midnight Mass. This
concert will commence at 10:45pm
in the Church. All are invited!
Page 5
“Pray, pray very much...”
All are welcome to are welcome to
attend and pray the Rosary for world
Baptism Class, Dec 15, 6:30 PM,
Kennedy Center
No Classes on December 23, 24, 30,
31 .
Religious Education is collecting
any condition used ink jet and laser
cartridges, old cell phones, PDA,
broken cameras, MP3 players. Help
us keep these items from entering
our landfills while helping us raise
money for our ministry. Drop your
items in the ORE office collection
boxes. Thank You for your support.
A special thank you to Panera
Bread in Lancaster for their generous donation to our Night in
In the Spotlight
December 8th is our national holyday because our country is dedicated to Our Lady of the Immaculate
Conception. Mary is chosen to be the “new Eve” and is conceived without original sin. The Fathers of the
Church reflected upon her motherhood and upon the words of today’s Gospel which we hear the angel proclaim when he greets Mary, "Hail full of grace! The Lord is with you." As the Church meditated upon the
words "full of grace", what could they mean and what is the significance of the angel proclaiming Mary full of
grace? Prior to the actual conception of Jesus Christ she is proclaimed "full of grace". As the Church reflected
on that, the Church realized through revelation and through faith, that Mary was conceived without sin, that
her conception was immaculate. That is what this feast day celebrates. It celebrates Mary’s unique role, her
cooperation with God in the mystery of redemption, in the Word made flesh. Mary Immaculate, pray for us!
Our Parish Family
Christmas Masses
Dec 24th
4pm in the Church
4pm in the Kennedy Hall
6pm in the Church
8 pm in the Kennedy (Spanish)
10:45 Christmas Concert church
12pm Midnight Mass
Dec 25th
8am in the Church
10am in the Church
12pm in the Church (Spanish)
Advent Activities
at a Glance
Immaculate Conception
Dec 8th
Holy Day of Obligation
Misa en Honor a San Juan Diego, 7:30pm
Jueves 10 de Diciembre 2015
Mass in honor of St. Juan Diego
Wed., December 9th at 7:30 pm
Sat, December 12th at 4am
In the Church
Sat, Dec 19 at 5:30pm Mass
Monday, Dec 7th: 5:30pm Vigil Mass
Tuesday, Dec 8th: 7:00am
7:30pm (Spanish)
Nuestra Señora del Camino, 7:30PM.
Invitado especial:
Sr. Dn. Arturo Barragán
Coordinador de Formación Diaconal
Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles
Viernes 11 de Diciembre 2015
Concierto & Conferencia 7:30PM
Invitados especiales:
Lori & Juvenal Juárez
Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration
Sat, Dec 12
Sábado 12 de Diciembre 2015
Procession at 12:30pm starting on 10
Mañanitas a la Virgen de Guadalupe con
St . W. & Jackman
Mass at 2:00pm with Rev. Salazar,
y Artistas invitados 4:00AM.
Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles
Fiesta at 3:30pm with Mariachi, MexiSANTA MISA 2:00PM.
can food, and much more in the KenCelebrante Principal:
nedy Ctr.
Simbang Gabi Celebration
Mass Schedule:
Miércoles 9 de Diciembre 2015
Las Mañanitas
Feast of the
Page 6
Las Posadas
Sat. Dec 21 at 6:30pm Kennedy Ctr.
Penance Services
Sacred Heart: Tues. Dec 22 at 7:30pm
St. Mary’s: Wed. Dec 23 at 7:30pm
Fr. Serra: Thurs Dec 17 at 7:30pm
Most Rev. Alexander Salazar
D.D., V.G. Obispo Auxiliar, L. A.
Rev. Tom Baker Pastor
Rev. Raymont Medina P.A.
Rev. Gerald Osuagwu P. A.
Variedad Artística con Mariachi, comida
mexicana sana
diversión animada por el grupo musical
y mucho más (Salón Kennedy).
Advent Reflections
Page 7
Our Parish Family
Perpetual Adoration
Adorers are needed:
11:00PM – 12midnight
8:00AM – 9:00 AM
5:00PM – 5:30 PM
6:00PM – 7:00 PM
7:30AM – 8:00 AM
4:00PM – 5:00 PM
5:00PM – 5:30 PM
6:00PM – 7:00 PM
8:00PM – 9:00 PM
10:00PM – 11:00 PM
1:00AM – 2:00 AM
6:00PM – 7:00 PM
2:00AM – 3:00 AM
10:00AM – 11:00 AM
3:00PM – 4:00 PM
5:00PM – 5:30 PM
12:00AM – 1:00 AM
1:00AM – 2:00 AM
7:30AM – 8:00 AM
If you can serve, please call Jessica
at 948-4604. Thank You.
Page 8
St. Vincent de Paul
We wish to thank everyone that participated in any way with our food drive.
Everyone received a turkey with his or her Thanksgiving basket. If you wish to become
a member of St. Vincent de Paul, give us a call at 942-3222 or come over to 45058 any
M-W-TH or Sat between 9am -12 noon. God bless you all.
Calendar Sales
2016 Sacred Heart Catholic Calendars in English and Spanish will be sold for
$3 after all Masses. The proceeds go to support Youth Ministry.
Christmas Trees
Pre-ordered Christmas Trees will be available for pick up this weekend Dec 5, 6. There
are also a limited number of trees available for sale.
Below: Office of Religious Education preparing Operation Christmas
Child. This activity was spearheaded by FBI and SPY kids.
Gift Shop
December Special
Buy one, get one 50% off on
selected products in the gift
shop. Stop by and pick up that
very special Christmas Gift for
Christmas Poinsettias
We invite you to bring potted
poinsettias in honor of family
members and friends living and
deceased. These poinsettias will
be used to decorate our Church at
Christmas. Please bring them to
the Church no later than December 23rd. Also, tape the name of
the loved on e on the pot and they
will be included in our Christmas
Masses and prayers.
Below: Encounter: A Ministry for Young adults spent a time of prayer
together before the Blessed Sacrament. Dcn. Greg led the Holy Hour.
Page 9
Masses for the Week
December 5-December 11, 2015
Saturday 5:30pm
Eduardo Torres, RIP
Deborah Loggins, RIP
Yae & Jim Humm, RIP
Alice Wilkes, Liv
For those among us who are sick, that they
know Christ’s comforting presence, in our
community’s care for them and their families, especially for: Pam Flores, David
Buschmeyer, Raquel Pagaduan, Marc Angleo Pagaduan,
Readings for the Week
11:00am For All Parishioners
12:45pm Jose Ventura, RIP
Angelica Bustos, RIP
Evelyn Sain, RIP
Matt Adams, RIP
Rachelle Adrian, RIP
David Moeller, Liv
Ma. Luisa Bustos, RIP
12:00pm Dcn. Cletus & Erleen Didier, RIP
Abraham Trejo, RIP
Ramona C. Feijoo, RIP
Wednesday 7:00am
Juanita Escobedo, Liv
Anthony & Jane Gugliotte, RIP/Liv
Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9-14; Lk 5:17-26
Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ps 98:1-4; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12;
Lk 1:26-38
Wednesday: Is 40:25-31; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30
Is 41:13-20; Ps 145:1, 9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15
Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19
Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab;
Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47,
or any readings from the Common of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, nos. 707-712
Zep 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6;
Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18
Today’s Gospel
John proclaims a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. All flesh shall see the salvation of God
(Luke 3:1-6).
Thursday 7:00am
Joseph Napoles, RIP
Evangelio de Hoy
Scott & Loretta Clip
Lillian Doll, Rip
Dcn. John Charters, RIP
Juan proclama un bautismo de arrepentimiento para el perdón de los pecados. Todos podrán ver la salvación de Dios
(Lucas 3:1-6)
Parish Information
Parish Office
Phone: (661) 942-7122 / 942-4830
Fax: (661) 945-4255
Facebook: Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, Lancaster-CA
Hours: Mon- Sat 10:00am-5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm)
Religious Education
Phone: (661) 948-3011
Download the app: Sacred Heart ORE
Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:00am-5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm). Closed Friday.
Sacred Heart School
Phone: (661) 948-3613
Principal: Mr. David Schatz
Hours: Mon - Thurs 7:30am- 3:30pm;
Fri: 7:30am - 2:00pm
Youth Ministries
Phone: (661) 945-8743
Catholics in Action
Confirming Disciples
Hispanic Ministry
Encargado: Heriberto Cayetano
Phone: (661) 942-7853
Hours: Mon - Fri 10:00am - 5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm)
Please call the parish office 942-7122
Building Campaign
Phone: (661) 947-7122
Facebook: Build Sacred Heart Church
Deacon Greg Halamicek
Deacon Fermin Herrera
Deacon Dale Reynolds
Deacon Ron Routolo
Deacon Jason Schalow
Pastoral Intern: Egren Gomez
Perpetual Adoration
Sunday 7:00pm– Saturday 9:00am
Saturday 7:00pm– Sunday 6:00am
Novena- Tuesday : 6:00pm
Liturgy of the Hours
Weekdays: 5:00pm
Gift Shop
Saturday: 4:00pm –7:00pm
Sunday:7:30am –7:30pm
Closed during Masses
Anointing of the sick/
Ministry to the sick
Please call the parish office to arrange for
anointing for someone who is seriously ill
or preparing for surgery. If ill, homebound
or hospitalized we can visit upon request.
Safeguard the Children
Linda Gonzalez: (661) 949-8890
Dec. 6, 2015
2nd Sunday of Advent