Agenda - Point Pleasant Borough Schools
Agenda - Point Pleasant Borough Schools
BOARD OF EDUCATION POINT PLEASANT, NEW JERSEY REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA MAY 23, 2016 6:45 P.M. – HIGH SCHOOL DIGITAL VIDEO PRESENTATION 7:00 P.M. – OCEAN ROAD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I. Meeting Called to Order by President. II. Roll Call. III. Announcement in accordance with Open Public Meetings Act. The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law (NJSA 10:4-6 et seq) was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provision of this law, PUBLIC NOTICE of this meeting was advertised in The Ocean Star on Friday, January 8, 2016, and was provided to The Asbury Park Press, the Borough Clerk, and posted in each school and the Board Office on Tuesday, January 5, 2016. IV. Salute to the Flag. V. Presentation of Certificates Mental Health Advocate Award HS Youth Wellness Council: Erin Blisnuk Anna Dowling Halle Ferm Jacklyn Henry Mackenzie McElroy Ryan Sansone Carson Swisher World Strides Heritage Festival PPBHS choral groups received: Women's Ensemble: Gold Show Choir: Gold First Place Mixed Chorus: Silver Men's Show Choir: Silver, Second Place In Mixed Chorus, Kevin Jasaitis and Olivia Youngman each won Maestro Awards for their solos in "Libiamo" from the opera La Traviata by Verdi In the Women's Ensemble, Maestro Awards for solos in the spiritual "Wade In The Water," went to senior Cecilia Zitarosa, juniors Kassandra Armendo, Rebecca Hobba, and Margaret Stupar and freshmen, Emily Mickle and Stefanie Wittmann Regular Business Meeting Page 2 Natalie Andreyev Kassi Armendo Gwen Attridge Shea Conboy Nicole DeJacimo Grace Enright Alyssa Fernandez Georgianna Flagg Ayla GrebeJaelyn Harold Megan Haugh Caitlyn Hill Becky Hobba Meg Leahy Maggie McKeon Ashling McNally May 23, 2016 Emily Mickle Starlee Millet Samantha Moniello Jamie Noon Anesa Oquendo Bridget Porter Maria Rosario Emily Strassheim Maggie Stupar Emily Testa Mary Wittmann Stephanie Wittmann Olivia Youngman Cecelia Zitarosa Nick Bertinelli Luke Boylan Pierce Drzymkowski Nicholas Gattuso Lucas Grebe Donovan Lee Denis Long Kevin Jasaitis Liam McLaughlin Matt Norkus Alex Oquendo Mike Petillo Jeff Simons Matt Wells Monmouth Civic Chorus Scholarship Kevin Jasaitis Safe Routes to School Bookmark Contest Sara Willis (ORS) Species on the Edge Essay & Poster Contest Second Place in Ocean County: Joey Roman (Entire NB 5th grade participated) MMS Science Fair Grade 6 First Place: Sean Danecker* [*Jersey Shore Science Fair at Stockton State College: First Place, Junior Engineering Category; Delware Valley Science Fair, First Place, Engineering] Second Place: Aidan Kirk Third Place: Sarah Santos & Taryn Sabia Grade 7 First Place: William McDermitt Second Place: Molly Lada Third Place: Sarah Leahy Grade 8 First Place: Ella Van Benschoten Second Place: Kathryn Cook Third Place: Paul DeJacimo Regular Business Meeting Page 3 May 23, 2016 Asbury Park Press Student Voices May Essay Contest First Place: Katie Doblovosky Film Festival Achievement Ocean County Teen Arts Festival Advanced to NJ Teen Arts Festival: Ruby Hyra Ocean County Library Film Festival Best OC Library Promo & Audience Choice Award: Madison Shopene & Chelsea Brecka Best Short Film: Matt Youmans & Sam LiVolsi Best Music Video: Matt Youmans & Sam LiVolsi Best PSA: Devin Connelly, Andrew Welde, Olivia Gmahle & Austin Drucquer Best Stop Motion: Tom Watters Best Silent Film: Ruby Hyra Cresskill High School Film Festival Finalist Alexa Petersen H&R Block Budget Challenge Contest Top 10% Nationally Mike Petillo Dan Dillon Tim Rossi Daniel Canales Matthew Rodberg Angela Filtz Anthony Kierstin Shea Montemurno Melanie Scott Fourth Congressional District High School Art Exhibition First Place: Kaela Rogers April 2016 Students of the Month Grade 9: Sydney Kern Grade 10: Kimberlee Sibilia Grade 11: Kaitlyn Seitter Grade 12: Mark Styn NJISAA Scholar Athlete Joseph Skimmons Shore Conference Sportsmanship Award Recipients Allegra Drzymkowski Alexander Stupar Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Unsung Heroes Jordan Serra [OCVTS] Mark Styn [PPBHS] Nena Fromm Angelo Petillo Kayla Battaglioli Yehudi Vazquez Regular Business Meeting Page 4 VI. May 23, 2016 Approval of Minutes Approval of the following minutes of the Point Pleasant Board of Education: April 25, 2016 May 9, 2016 Budget Adoption/Regular Business Meeting Workshop Meeting VII. Attorney's report. VIII. Superintendent's report. -- HIB Report IX. Written correspondence. X. Public participation on agenda items only. XI. Board Comments XII. New Business. POLICY First reading of the following policies, as shown in Appendix A, with adoption to follow the second reading: Policy 2422 Policy 2431 Policy 5111 Policy 8462 Health and Physical Education Athletic Competition Eligibility of Resident/Nonresident Pupils Reporting Potentially Missing or Abused Children Approval to abolish Policy 2425 – Physical Education. PERSONNEL By recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, be it resolved that the following personnel resolutions be adopted by the Board of Education: (Items 1 - 22) 1. Appointment of the following certified staff for the 2016-2017 school year: Name Position Effective Rate Kaitlyn Holloway Kristin Acquisto Nicole Davis Jill Lebret Lindsey Sellmer Heather Roessler NB Elementary Teacher NB Elementary Teacher HS Italian Teacher NB School Nurse OR P/T Basic Skills Teacher School Psychologist (11-month position) 9/1/16 9/1/16 9/1/16 9/1/16 9/1/16 TBD MA-2/$52,086.00 BA-2/$50,586.00 MA-1/$51,286.00 BA-10/$58,686.00 BA-3/$25,293.00 MA+30/Step 1 $51,836.00 + $5,183.00 (11-mo. Stipend) Total: $57,019.00 Regular Business Meeting Page 5 May 23, 2016 2. Approval of the following change of assignment for the 2016-2017 school year: Name Change From Change To Jillian Morris NB Grade 5 Teacher BA-15/$67,111.00 MMS Spanish Teacher BA-15/$67,111.00 Nicole Trulby P/T NB Special Ed Teacher BA-2/$25,293.00 F/T NB Special Ed Teacher BA-2/$50,586.00 3. Revision of the 2015-2016 salary for the following certified staff: Name Position Change From Change To Explanation Andrea Criscuolo HS Spec Ed Teacher BA-2/$49,415.00 MA-2/$50,915.00 Masters conferred Eff. 1/1/16 4. Revision of the 2016-2017 salary for the following certified staff: Name Position Change From Change To Explanation Andrea Criscuolo HS Spec Ed Teacher BA-3/$50,586.00 MA-3/$52,086.00 Masters conferred Megan Fritz HS English Teacher BA+30/St. 12 $61,711.00 MA-12 $62,711.00 Masters conferred Deborah Ewtushek MMS Nurse MA-15/$68,611.00 MA+30/St.15 $69,161.00 Proof of extra credits received 5. Approval of Laurie Considine as School Treasurer for the 2016-2017 school year at the rate of $4,250.00. 6. Resignation of Sean Henry, Head Football Coach, effective May 23, 2016. 7. Appointment of the following coaches and advisors for the 2015-2016 school year: Name Position Step/Salary Jenna Tatgenhorst Peter Frantz Asst. Softball coach Volunteer Boys Lacrosse Coach $3,000.00 --- 8. Approval of Andrew Ferrie (Nellie Bennett) as volunteer Competition Band Advisor, effective immediately and for the 2016-2017 school year. 9. Approval of leaves of absence for the following certified staff: Name Position Type of Leave Effective Marissa Taylor NB Elementary Teacher Unpaid Leave 9/1/16-6/30/17 Kathleen Lohnes OR Elementary Teacher Paid Maternity Leave Unpaid Family Leave Unpaid Leave 9/19/16-10/17/16 10/18/16-1/23/17 1/24/17-4/7/17 Note: Ms. Taylor is extending her unpaid leave, previously approved March 21, 2016 through June 30, 2016. Regular Business Meeting Page 6 May 23, 2016 10. Approval of the following staff for the Summer Literacy Programs, effective July 5, 2016 – August 4, 2016: Ocean Road Elementary Summer Literacy and Math Enrichment Programs Name Position Days/Hours (Not to Exceed) Lori Cordasco John Hogan Nanci Ciccone Diane Cubas Nicole Miani Wendy Hanrahan John Hogan Elementary Literacy Coordinator Elementary Math Coordinator Elementary Literacy Camp Teacher Elementary Literacy Camp Teacher Elementary Literacy Camp Teacher Elementary Literacy Camp Teacher Elementary Math Camp Teacher 34 hrs. 34 hrs. 19 days/3.5 hrs./day 19 days/3.5 hrs./day 19 days/3.5 hrs./day 19 days/3.5 hrs./day 19 days/3.5 hrs./day Rate $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00 hr. $30.00/hr. Middle School Language Arts and Math Enrichment Programs Name Position Days/Hours (Not to Exceed) Rate Jeff Rubano Jenna Tatgenhorst Tracy Ferm Language Arts Teacher Gr. 6-8 Math Teacher Grades 6-8 MS Program Coordinator 19 days/3.5 hrs./day 19 days/3.5 hrs./day 48 hours $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. 11. Approval for the following staff to work additional hours/days, at the rate indicated, during the 2016 summer: Name Position Amount of Time Rate Cindi Barry Kathy Molyneaux Jill Nydam Bill Moore Jonathan Madden Jennifer Kelly Amy Miele Megan MacDonald Deborah Ewtushek HS Nurse HS Guidance Counselor HS Guidance Counselor HS Guidance Counselor Athletic Trainer MMS Guidance Counselor MMS Guidance Counselor MMS Guidance Counselor MMS School Nurse 35 Hours 10 days at 5 hours per day 10 days at 5 hours per day 10 days at 5 hours per day Ten Days Ten Days/5 hrs./day Ten Days/5 hrs./day Ten Days/5 hrs./day 30 Hours 55.58 47.66 51.39 65.59 $293.02/day 43.65 54.41 39.53 51.39 12. Approval for Phyllis Thomson to supervise students during their summer structured learning experience at Ocean Medical Center for no more than 24 hours at $30.00 per hour. 13. Approval for eight district students to attend an out-of-district extended school year program, effective July 5, 2016 through August 12, 2016, run by the Point Pleasant Recreation Center at the rate of $225.00 per student, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following district staff be approved to work the extended school year program as follows: Name Position Hours Rate Pamela Kendall Peter Cooke Jessica Tufts Rec. Teacher Rec. Teacher Instructional Para 4.5 hours/day 4.5 hours/day 4 hours per day $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $ 8.38/hr. Regular Business Meeting Page 7 May 23, 2016 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the staff listed above is approved for one additional day to attend a summer school staff meeting and to prepare their classes at their individual hourly rate listed above. 14. Approval of the following staff for the 2016 Extended School Year Program, effective July 1, 2016 through August 12, 2016 (the program will be closed on July 4, 2016) at the following rates: Name Position Hours Hourly Rate Lauren Avallone Stephanie Moore Melissa Thompson Christina Van Nostrand Colleen DeSomma David Drew Anne Gearing Patricia Ryan Jill Vitale Karen Ficarra Jennifer Malpass Denise Vella Sally Sharpe Jessica Van Nest Dr. Jill Findley Kristen Petosi (Epic) Cynthia Barry Deborah Ewtushek Christine Russell Noreen Delaney Linda Dunphy Marianne Grasso Colleen Knapp Mary Miller Sonia Attridge Brenda Blomquist Jean Marie Brown Maureen Brown Brian Byington Alyssa Caparasso Donna Catts Dawn Conkling Kendra DeSomma Kira De Somma Linda Evans Elyse Fattizzi Kevin Henry Jane Hollomon Ann MacIver Allison Meier Susan Muench Michele Perry Michele Perry Megan Schwartz Krisa Bader Alexa DellaMonica Debra DellaMonica Susan Muench Preschool Teacher Preschool Teacher Preschool Teacher Autism Teacher MD Teacher MD Teacher MD Teacher MD Teacher MD Teacher Speech Ther. - 3 days Speech Ther. - 2 days Speech Ther. - 2 days OT days TBA OT days TBA PT days TBA PT days TBA School Nurse TBA School Nurse TBA School Nurse TBA Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional para Instructional Para Instructional Para Instructional Para - 2 days Instructional Para - 3 days Instructional Para - 2 days Instructional Para Substitute Para Substitute Para Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher 3 hours/day 3 hours/day 3 hours/day 4.5 hours/day 4.5 hours/day 4.5 hours/day 4.5 hours/day 4.5 hours/day 4.5 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 2.5 hours/day 2.5 hours/day 2.5 hours/day 2.5. hours/day 2.5 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 6 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day 4 hours/day As Needed As Needed $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $65.00/hr. $65.00/hr. $65.00/hr. $65.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $8.38/hr. $$8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $15.00/hr.* $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $8.38/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. Regular Business Meeting Page 8 Jennifer Nordyk Phyllis Thomson Cynthia Barry Deborah Ewtushek Judith Leckner Christine Russell May 23, 2016 Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher Substitute Nurse Substitute Nurse Substitute Nurse Substitute Nurse As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. $30.00/hr. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the staff listed above be approved for one additional day to attend a summer school staff meeting and to prepare their classes at their individual hourly rate. *Note: This rate was established in order to provide American Sign Language during the summer as required by a student's IEP. 15. Approval for the following transportation staff to work during the 2016 summer as indicated: NAME POSITION HOURS Bergen, Kurt Brogan, James Criqui, Debra Hubert, Sharon Pellegrino, Anthony Soto, Dana VanWagenen, Harry Yuka, Eileen Boss, Kathy Buys, Robert Castellanos, Judy Cohen, Rich Flannery, Robert McGrady, Patrick Ortiz, Alba Pawlowski, Randy Socha, Joseph Spitzberg, Jeremy Summerton, Joseph Wardell, Gerald Pear, Michael Fetta, Gloria Anderson, Christine Grasso, Marianne Transportation Office Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Driver Bus Aide Bus Aide Bus Aide Bus Aide As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed As Needed HOURLY RATE $21.21 $16.25 $26.48 $21.48 $21.22 $17.47 $18.09 $21.22 $16.25 $16.25 $16.25 $16.25 $16.25 $16.25 $16.25 $16.25 $16.25 $16.25 $16.25 $16.25 $13.34* $10.92* $9.98* $10.10* 16. Approval of the following Memorial Middle School Team Leaders for the 2016-2017 school year at the rate of $500.00/year: Grade 6: Grade 7: Grade 8: Related Arts: Mrs. Elizabeth Stupar Mrs. Tracy Ferm Mrs. Peggy Russo Mrs. Ellen Keelan Mrs. Jennifer Fitzgerald Mrs. Mary Liming Mr. William Fall Team A Team B Team A Team B Team A Team B Regular Business Meeting Page 9 May 23, 2016 17. Resignation for the purpose of retirement of the following non-certified staff: Name Position Effective Celie Mercadante Confidential Secretary to the Superintendent of Schools 7/31/16 18. Resignation of the following non-certified staff: Name Position Effective Diana Bruno OR Instructional Para 5/31/16 19. Appointment of the following non-certified staff for the 2015-2016 school year: Name Position Effective Rate Colleen Knapp HS Instructional Para 5/16/16 St. 7/$12.22/hr. 5.75 hrs/day Mary Miller MMS Instructional Para 5/1916 St. 4/$11.11/hr. 5.75 hrs/day 20. Appointment of the following non-certified staff for the 2016-2017 school year: Name Position Effective Rate Colleen Knapp HS Instructional Para 9/1/16 St. 7/$12.59/hr. 5.75 hrs/day Mary Miller MMS Instructional Para 9/1/16 St. 4/$11.48/hr. 5.75 hrs/day 21. Approval of the following leave of absence for non-certified staff: Name Position Type of Leave Effective Sharon Hubert Bus Driver Intermittent Unpaid Family Leave 5/23/16 – 6/30/16 22. Approval of the following substitutes: Name Lindsay McDanel Laurie Sarnie Lori Hernandez Peter Frantz Catherine Woodle Certification K-12 Health and Phys Ed (CEAS) K-12 K-12 Elementary (Standard) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING By recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, be it resolved that the following educational programming resolutions be adopted by the Board of Education: (Items 23 49) 23. Approval of the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Report, as previously submitted. Regular Business Meeting Page 10 May 23, 2016 24. Approval of the School Fire and Security Drill Report, as follows: School Type of Drill Point Pleasant High School Point Pleasant High School Memorial Middle School Memorial Middle School Nellie Bennett Nellie Bennett Ocean Road Ocean Road Fire Shelter &AED Fire Lockdown Drill – Active Shooter Fire Evacuation Drill Fire Drill Table Top Drill – Evacuation/Active Shooter Number of Drill(s) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 25. Approve the change of a previously scheduled Workshop/Business meeting as follows: Change From Monday, August 22, 2016 7:00 p.m. Memorial Middle School Change To Monday, August 15, 2016 7:00 p.m. Memorial Middle School 26. Approval of an Open Gym program for all Memorial Middle School students on Monday, June 6, 2016 and Monday, June 13, 2016 from 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., to allow students to participate in organized basketball games, as well as practice shooting and dribbling, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jeff Rubano will be the volunteer advisor for the Open Gym program. 27. Revision of the Point Pleasant School District Table of Organization as previously submitted. 28. Approval of the following parent-paid tuition rates for non-resident, regular education students for the 2016-2017 school year, based on the regular 180-day school year: K-5 $5,000 Grades 6-8 $6,500 Grades 9-12 $7,000 Note: 10% discount for each subsequent student. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board approves the following 2016-2017 Special Education tuition rates based on the regular 180-day school year: Behavioral Disabilities Multiple Disabilities Autism Pre-school Disabilities $33,678 $19,270 $26,304 $17,712 Note: Additional charges will apply if additional services are required, such as an aide, counseling, therapy or other related or extraordinary services. Regular Business Meeting Page 11 May 23, 2016 29. Approval of the following parent-paid tuition students for the 2016-2017 school year: One Student One Student One Student One Student One Student School/Grade Rate High School/Gr. 9 Nellie Bennett/Gr. 3 Nellie Bennett/Gr. K Nellie Bennett/Gr. 1 Nellie Bennett/Gr. 5 $7,000.00/yr. $5,000.00/yr. $4,500.00/yr. * $5,000.00/yr. $4,500.00/yr. * *Siblings are currently parent-paid tuition students in the district and will be in the district for the 2016-2017 school year; therefore, the sibling discount of 10% has been applied. 30. Approval of the following mentor for the 2015-2016 school year: Novice Teacher Mentor Amount Elizabeth Russo William Fall Not to exceed $550.00 Note: Ms. Russo is being mentored from May 3, 2016 through the end of the school year. Mentor’s fee is paid through employee payroll deduction. 31. Approval of the following pay rates for the 2016-2017 school year: Position District Staff Training Facilitator Bedside Instruction – Staff Members Bedside Instruction – Substitute Staff Members Test Proctors Pay Rate $30.00 per hour $30.00 per hour $25.00 per hour $30.00 per hour Substitutes Nurses with Substitute Certificate Nurses with New Jersey Certificate Nurses – 1:1 Teachers with Substitute Certificate Teachers with New Jersey Certificate Bus Drivers Bus Drivers – Trips and Activities outside school day Bus Mechanics Cafeteria Workers Instructional/Supervisory Paraprofessionals Secretary Project SOAR/Challenge Teachers Project SOAR/Challenge Paraprofessionals School Age Child Care Teachers – Non-Certified School Age Child Care Teachers – Certified Physicals – District Nurses Physicals – Substitute Nurses Sign Language Interpreters $115.00 per day $135.00 per day $30.00 per hour $75.00 per day $85.00 per day $17.00 per hour $17.00 per hour $35.00 per hour $ 9.50 per hour $ 9.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $15.00 per hour $ 9.00 per hour $10.50 per hour $12.00 per hour $28.00 per hour $20.00 per hour $36.00 per hour Regular Business Meeting Page 12 May 23, 2016 32. Approval of the submission of the 2016-2017 NCLB Grant Application as follows: Allocations Title I Title II Part A Title III $255,476 $ 52,716 $ 10,384 33. Approve the submission of an OceanFirst Model Classroom Grant by Point Pleasant Borough High School, Memorial Middle School, Nellie Bennett Elementary School and Ocean Road Elementary School. 34. Approval of the following professional development: Provider Service Date Fee Newsela 519 8th Avenue 21st Floor New York, NY 10018 Staff training on the Newsela Program 9/2/16 $1,500.00 Nina Finkler Autism Consulting, LLC 34 Pineybranch Road East Windsor, NJ 08512 Effective Evaluation & 9/2/16 Assessment for Students with ASD (workshop for CST/Speech) $1,280.00 Behavioral/Emotional Disorders (workshop for Paraprofessionals) $1,280.00 9/6/16 35. Approval of the following services for the 2015-2016 school year: Provider Service Fee Meridian Pediatric Associates 81 Davis Avenue, Suite 4 Neptune, NJ 07753 Psychological Evaluation $450.00 Georgian Court University Evaluation Center GCU Ramond Hall West 900 Lakewood Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701 Educational Evaluation Psychological Evaluation $800.00 $800.00 Brett DiNovi & Associates P.O. Box 8223 Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 Functional Behavioral Assessment $125.00/hr. 36. Approval of the 2016-2017 Memorial Middle School Program of Studies as previously submitted. 37. Approval to compensate staff for Curriculum Writing during the 2016-2017 school year as follows: Curriculum Revisions New Curriculum Writing $15.00/hr. $1,000.00/full-year course $500.00/half-year course Regular Business Meeting Page 13 May 23, 2016 38. Approval for staff to participate in the 2016-2017 Summer Workshop Series at the rates listed below: Teachers Paraprofessionals Facilitators $15.00/hr. for attending $8.38/hr. for attending $30.00/hr. for presenting 39. Approval for the following certified staff to be compensated as indicated below for Curriculum Writing during the 2016 summer: Name Curriculum Description Rate Gerard Marrone Sheila Soyster Shannon Orrosz Denise Laplaca AP Computer Science - Full Year Course AP Art History - Full Year Course Advanced Film Studies - Semester Course Advanced 3 Dimensional Design-Semester Course $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 40. Approval of the following 2016 summer reading list: AP Literature: Hosseini's The Kite Runner Steinbeck's East of Eden Faulkner's As I Lay Dying. AP Language and Composition: On Writing by Stephen King Angela's Ashes by McCourt The Glass Castle by Wells A Long Way Gone by Beah Beautiful Boy by Sheff Into Thin Air by Krakauer The Color of Water by McBride Just Mercy by Stevenson English III Honors: Angela's Ashes by McCourt The Glass Castle by Wells A Long Way Gone by Beah Beautiful Boy by Sheff Into Thin Air by Krakauer The Color of Water by McBride Just Mercy by Stevenson English II Honors: Catcher in The Rye English I Honors: The Princess Bride English IV Honors: The Kite Runner 41. Approval of the following books: -- Riker’s High by Paul Volponi -- Rucker’s Park by Paul Volponi 42. Approval of the purchase of a digital subscription to leveled, differentiated informational text as follows: Provider Description Cost Newsela 519 8th Avenue 21st Floor New York, NY 10018 (855) 711-0118 One Standard School License Implementation Package/In-Person Professional Development in September, 2016 $6,300.00 Regular Business Meeting Page 14 May 23, 2016 43. Approval of an agreement with Achieve3000, 1985 Cedar Bridge Avenue, Suite 3, Lakewood, NJ to provide Differentiated Literacy Solution Packages to Memorial Middle School, Nellie Bennett Elementary School and Ocean Road Elementary School, effective August 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017, in the amount of $61,125. 44. Approval to participate in the Ocean County Arts High School Program, offered at Ocean County College, for the 2016-2017 school year, all costs to be responsibility of the parent/guardian, including transportation. 45. Approval of the following out-of-district placements for the 2015-2016 school year: 1 student 1 student Placement Effective Tuition Collier Middle School Education Academy 5/5/16 - 6/30/16 5/9/16 - 6/30/16 $10,440.00 $ 8,274.35 46. Termination of the following out-of-district placement for the 2015-2016 school year: 1 student Placement Effective Tuition Howell Township 1:1 Paraprofessional 5/2/16 5/2/16 $29,278.20* $25,980.60* *Note: Previously approved on January 26, 2016. 47. Termination of the following tuition-paid student for the 2015-2016 school year: 1 student (received from Seaside Heights) Placement Effective Tuition NB Preschool OT 2/23/16 2/23/16 $7,474.00 $ 548.00 Note: Previously approved on the October 19, 2015 agenda. district. Student resides in 48. Approval of the following certified extraordinary services adjustment for an out-ofdistrict school year placement during the 2014-2015 school year: 2 students Placement Service Adjustment Search Day Program 1:1 Aide $4,205.00/student 49. Approval of the following requests for home instruction: a. CST b. Supplemental c. CST d. CST e. Medical f. Supplemental g. Medical h. Medical Regular Business Meeting Page 15 May 23, 2016 TRANSPORTATION By recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, be it resolved that the following transportation resolution be adopted by the Board of Education: (Item 50) 50. Approval of the Bus Evacuation Drills dated April 26, 2016, as previously submitted. BUSINESS OFFICE AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Be it resolved that the following Business Office and Miscellaneous resolutions be adopted by the Board of Education: (Items 51 - 76) 51. The regular list of bills for the month of May 2016 in the amount of $1,524,238.96 and the list of hand checks for the month of April 2016 in the amount of $605,966.14 be approved. 52. Transfer of funds in the amount of $759,140.75 for the month of April 2016 be approved. 53. Approval of payroll for the month of April 2016 in the amount of $2,266,524.18. 54. Acceptance of financial reports, certification of no over-expenditures and Board certification. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the financial reports, as attached, which include the monthly Board Secretary’s report and the Treasurer of School Monies report for the period April 30, 2016. The Board notes agreement of the Secretary's and Treasurer's reports for April 30, 2016 and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:22-2.11(c)3, I, Steven W. Corso, Board Secretary, certify that as of April 30, 2016 no budgetary line account has obligations and payments (contracted orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the District Board of Education pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:22-8 and 18A:22-8.1, that the District financial accounts have been reconciled and are in balance, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that through the adoption of this resolution, we the Point Pleasant Board of Education, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:A:22-2.11(c)4, certify that as of April 30, 2016, after review of the Secretary’s monthly financial reports (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the Business Administrator and other appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:22-2.11(c)4 I-VI and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. 55. Approval of the Point Pleasant Borough Board of Education Guide for Standard Operating Procedures and Internal Controls, and Regular Business Meeting Page 16 May 23, 2016 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the School Business Administrator and Superintendent of Schools are authorized to update or revise these procedures to coincide with changes in code or law, or to make improvements to current operating procedures. 56. RESOLVED, that the Point Pleasant Board of Education approves the submission of the replacement of the High School stadium field with sports turf (DOE #29-4210-030-17XXXX) for review and Department of Education approval of a capital project with no State funding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Point Pleasant Board of Education authorizes Suburban Consulting Engineers, Inc. to make this submission on behalf of the Point Pleasant Board of Education. 57. Approval of the revised proposal from Spiezle Architectural Group, Architect of Record, for PP16-07B HVAC Upgrades Phase 2 Various Schools projects to be completed during the Summer and Fall of 2016, in an amount not to exceed $86,265* plus reimbursables. *Proposal was revised based on actual bid prices per RFP 16-03 and was previously approved by the Board of Education on December 14, 2015 based on estimated bid prices. Note: Services will be billed based on approved rates from Spiezle’s RFP 16-03 as Architect of Record. 58. Approval of Quote from Johnston Communications for additional work under State Contract No. T1316 in the amount of $65,371.75. Note: This work is associated with replacing the analog cameras. 59. Recording and award of the following quotes for dental rates for the 2016-2017 school as follows: Delta Dental PPO Plan Coverage Status Current Rates 7/1/156/30/16 Horizon Dental Option Plan Renewal Rates Proposed Rates 7/1/16-6/30/17 7/1/16-6/30/17 Single $50.73 $47.68 $41.57 Family $126.81 $119.20 $103.92 Regular Business Meeting Page 17 May 23, 2016 DeltaCare Plan Coverage Status Current Rates 7/1/156/30/16 One Party Two Party Three Party Horizon Dental Choice Plan Renewal Rates Proposed Rates 7/1/16-6/30/17 7/1/16-6/30/17 $19.19 $19.19 $17.78 $37.24 $37.24 $51.13 $69.17 $69.17 $51.13 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Point Pleasant Board of Education award dental plan rates to Horizon Dental. 60. Recording and Award of the bids/quotations for the 2016-2017 school year, as shown in Appendix B. 61. Record and reject the following bids/quotations pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-22(a) as shown in Appendix B. Bid/Quotation No. PP17-01 2016-2017/2 Description Refuse Removal – District Wide Audio Visual Maintenance/Repairs 62. Approval for the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary to enter into a temporary Shared Service Agreement to purchase fuel for district buses from the Municipality of Point Pleasant Beach for the remainder of the 2015-2016 school year. Note: This is necessary due to the temporary construction taking place at the Point Pleasant Borough Public Works Complex. 63. Approval to renew contract with Edvocate, Inc. to provide financial and contract audit services for the district’s Facilities Management Contract with Aramark, as outlined in the previously submitted proposal, at a cost of $408.00 per month, effective July 1, 2016. 64. Approval of 60-month cost-per-copy service agreement with Ricoh-USA, Edison, NJ, per terms and conditions of NJ Contract #40467 – SIN # 51-58A and Sin # 51-57, for two Ricoh Pro 8100SE systems to be located at the High School, and one Ricoh Pro 8120SE to be located at Memorial, Nellie Bennett and Ocean Road School for a total of five copiers at the rate of $4,109.50 per month. Monthly payment includes 600,000 copies per month (all service and supplies-except paper). Excess copies to be billed @ .004 per copy annually. Regular Business Meeting Page 18 May 23, 2016 Note: Ikon shall return and terminate existing lease obligation for district’s four Ricoh 1107s and hard drive surrender. Contract includes ownership of one Ricoh MP4000B and Ricoh MP5000B whose lease expire(d) 12/2015 and 7/2016 respectively. 65. Approval of overnight travel to Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City at the GSA maximum allowable rate of $97.00* per night for no more than two nights, plus applicable taxes and related travel expenses including eligible mileage, parking, tolls and GSA meal allowance not to exceed $250.00 per person for attendance at the New Jersey School Boards Convention in Atlantic City, October 25-27, 2016 for the following individuals: Susan Ward Sean Hagan Susan Byington Cheryl Salway Larry Williams Matthew Jordan William Munn, Jr. Vincent S. Smith Steven W. Corso Susan Ladd Rita Miller Board President Board Vice President Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Superintendent of Schools School Business Administrator/Board Secretary Director of Curriculum and Instruction Supervisor of Pupil Personnel Services Note: All individuals shall be responsible for any cost in excess of the maximum permitted travel allowance as established under the School District Accountability Act (A5 or Chapter Law 53), which requires compliance with travel and meal regulations promulgated by New Jersey Office of Management and Budget Circular Nos. 08-13OMB and 06-14-OMB, which is currently $97.00* per night plus applicable taxes. *Subject to change since GSA fiscal year 2016 rates are through September, 2016. 66. Approval to register the Board of Education Members and Central Administration at the annual New Jersey School Boards Convention, October 25-27, 2016, Atlantic City, NJ, at a cost of $1,400.00. 67. Approval for the following members of the Board of Education to be reimbursed for mileage, parking and tolls related to board member training for the 2016-2017 school year, not including the Annual NJSBA Convention, in an amount not to exceed $250.00 per person: Susan Ward Sean Hagan Susan Byington Cheryl Salway Larry Williams Matthew Jordan William Munn, Jr. Board President Board Vice President Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member 68. Approval of NJSIAA dues for the 2016-2017 school year in the amount of $2,150.00. Regular Business Meeting Page 19 May 23, 2016 69. Approval for the Girls Gymnastics team to host practices and competitions at the Brick School District at no cost to the Point Pleasant School District for the 2016-2017 school year. 70. Approval of professional development and reimbursement of travel-related expenses as shown in Appendix C. 71. Approval of field trips shown in Appendix D. 72. Approval of the following Corporate Sponsorship Contracts, as shown in Appendix E. Advertiser Location of Ad Terms of Contract PPEA Laura Herbert Dr. Point Pleasant, NJ 08742 In & Out Package $1,100.00/1-yr. contract 73. Approval for the district to participate in the DonorsChoose program. Note: This is an online program where individuals can donate to schools, which can then use the funds to purchase classroom needs. Nellie Bennett has received donations that will be used for reading books. 74. Acceptance of the following donations: From Donation Amount/Value Mr. Neil Moran Kiwanis Club of Greenbriar 6 Baser Lane Brick, NJ 08724-1903 Monetary donation for the Madrigals $100.00 HS Student Council 3 Tables for the HS Courtyard (Tables are being purchased by PTO and HS Student Council will reimburse PTO) $2,970.52 The Hagel Family 545 Smith Dr. Point Pleasant, NJ 08742 Monetary donation for Madrigals $200.00 Joan M. Rodie Kiwanis Club of Greenbriar 6 Baser Lane Brick, NJ 08724 Monetary donation for Key Club $1,500.00 Barbara Scharmann Woman’s Club of Point Pleasant 513 Saint Louis Ave Point Pleasant, NJ 08742 Monetary donation for Project Graduation $100.00 Jamie Palazzo Subaru General Manager Lester Glenn Auto Group 1501 Rte 37 W Toms River, NJ 08755 Monetary donation for Boys Lacrosse Team $2,000.00 Regular Business Meeting Page 20 75. Approval of the following fundraising activities: Cynthia Sternotti – Class of 2019 a. Bake Sale -- 6/3/16 Funds will be used for Junior Prom and Senior Ball b. Class of 2019 Spirit Wear – 9/19/16-10/21/16 Funds will be used for junior and senior year activities c. Bake Sale – 2/10/17 Funds will be used for junior and senior year activities d. Gertrude Hawk Chocolate Sale – 3/1/17 – 4/3/17 Funds will be used for Junior Prom and Senior Ball e. Bake Sale – 5/25/17 Funds will be used for Junior Prom and Senior Ball Rebecca Muraglia – Performing Arts Student Showcase – 5/23/16 Funds will be used for High School Drama fund Katrina Salvatoriello – HS Student Council a. Bake Sales: 2016 – 9/15; 10/27; 11/22; 12/13 2017 – 2/14; 3/16; 4/11; 5/25 Funds will be used for senior scholarships b. Pop Tab Collection – 2016-2017 school year Tabs will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House c. Students Change Hunger Food Drive – 9/19/16-12/9/16 Items will be donated to Food Bank of Monmouth & Ocean Counties d. Central Jersey Blood Center Blood Drive – 11/23/16 and 4/13/17 Funds sent from CJBC will be issued as a senior scholarship Michael Colonna – Track and Field Fancloth Clothing Fundraiser– June 2016 Funds will be used for team needs Emily Bergmann – HS Cheerleading Star Card Fundraiser – June 16 – December 2016 Funds will be used for camp balance and cheer clothing Dave Johnson – Be On Point – PBSIS (83) Movie and a Mentor – December 2016 and February 2017 Funds will be used for Be On Point Activities May 23, 2016 Regular Business Meeting Page 21 May 23, 2016 Mary Ann Billerman – Garden Club Bake Sale – 6/9/16 Funds will be used for September planting Matt Cilento – Football Lift-A-Thon – 6/29/16 Funds will be used for player apparel, equipment and team needs 76. Approval of the Use of Facilities as shown in Appendix F. XIII. Public Participation On Non-Agenda Items XIV. EXECUTIVE SESSION WHEREAS, the Board of Education has a need to hold a meeting on personnel and negotiations, and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Law (NJSA 10:4-6 et seq), such a meeting may be held in private. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that: 1. The Board shall meet in closed session on these matters, and 2. The matters to be discussed in private may be shared with the public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists. XV. Motion to Adjourn APPENDIX A POLICY POINT PLEASANT SCHOOLS Program 2422/Page 1 of 5 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2422 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION The BoaTd of Education requires all students to participate in a comprehensive, sequential, health and physical education program aligned with the New Jersey Department of Education Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS) that emphasizes the natural interdisciplinary connection between wellness and health and physical education. The primary focus of the CCCS is the development of knowledge and skills that influence healthy behaviors within the context of self, family, school, and the local and global community. The mission of the CCCS for comprehensive health and physical education is knowledge of health and physical education concepts and skills to empower students to assume lifelong responsibility to develop physical, social, and emotional wellness. The CCCS incorporate New Jersey statutes related to health and well-being of students in New Jersey schools. The following statutes incorporated into the CCCS include, but are not limited to, the following requirements: I. Accident and Fire Prevention (N .J.S.A. 18A:6-2) requires instruction in accident and fire prevention. Regular courses of instruction in accident prevention and fire prevention shall be given in every public and private school in New Jersey. Instruction shall be adapted to the understanding of students at different grade levels. 2. Breast Self-Examination (N.J.S.A. 18A:35-5.4) requires instruction on breast selfexamination. The Board of Education shall operate an educational program for students in grades seven through twelve with instruction in breast selfexamination. The instruction shall take place as part of the district's implementation of the CCCS in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education and the comprehensive health and physical education curriculum framework shall provide school districts with sample activities that may be used to support implementation of the instructional requirement. 3. Bullying Prevention Programs (N.J.S.A. 18A:37-17) requires the establishment of bullying prevention programs. The school district is encouraged to establish bullying prevention programs and other initiatives involving school staff, students, administrators, volunteers, parents, law enforcement, and community members. To the extent funds are appropriated for these purposes, the school district shall: (1) provide training on the school district's Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying Policy to school employees and volunteers who have significant contact with students; and (2) develop a process for discussing the district's Harassment, POLICY POINT PLEASANT SCHOOLS Program 2422/Page 2 of 5 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Intimidation, or Bullying Policy with students. Information regarding the school district Policy against harassment, intimidation, or bullying shall be incorporated into the school's employee training program. 4. Cancer Awareness (N.J.S.A. 18A:40-33) requires the development of a school program on cancer awareness. The Commissioner of Education, in consultation with the State school Boards, shall develop a cancer awareness program appropriate for school-aged children. 5. Dating Violence Education (N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.23a) requires instruction regarding dating violence in grades seven through twelve. The school district shall incorporate dating violence education that is age appropriate into the health education curriculum as partof the district's implementation of the CCCS in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education for students in grades seven through twelve. The dating violence education shall include, but not be limited to, information on the definition of dating violence, recognizing dating violence warning signs, and the characteristics of healthy relationships. 6. Domestic Violence Education (N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.23) allows instruction on problems related to domestic violence and child abuse. The Board of Education may include instruction on the problems of domestic violence and child abuse in an appropriate place in the curriculum of elementary school, middle school, and high school students. The instruction shall enable students to understand the psychology and dynamics of family violence, dating violence, and child abuse; the relationship of alcohol and drug use to such violence and abuse; the relationship of animal cmelty to such violence and abuse; and to learn methods of nonviolent problem-solving. 7. Gang Violence Prevention (N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.26) requires instmction in gang violence prevention for elementary school students. A Board of Education that operates an educational program for elementary school students shall offer instruction in gang violence prevention and in ways to avoid membership in gangs. The instruction shall take place as part of the district's implementation of the CCCS in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education and the comprehensive health and physical education curriculum framework shall provide the school district with sample materials that may be used to support implementation of the instructional requirement. 8. Health, Safety, and Physical Education (N.J.S.A. 18A:35) requires that all students in grades one through twelve participate in at least two and one-half hours of health, safety, and physical education each school week. Every student, except POLICY POINT PLEASANT SCHOOLS Program 2422/Page 3 of 5 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Kindergarten students, attending the public schools, insofar as he or she is physically fit and capable of doing so, as determined by the medical inspector, shall take such courses, which shall be a part of the curriculum prescribed for the several grades. The conduct and attainment of the students shall be marked as in other courses or subjects, and the standing of the student in connection therewith shall fonn a part of the requirements for promotion or graduation. The time devoted to such courses shall aggregate at least two and one-half hours each school week, or proportionately less when holidays fall within the week. 9. Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, Controlled Dangerous Substances, and Anabolic Steroids (N.J.S.A. 18A:40A-1) requires instructional programs on drugs, alcohol, anabolic steroids, tobacco, and controlled dangerous substances and the development of curriculum guidelines. Instructional programs on the nature of drugs, alcohol, anabolic steroids, tobacco, and controlled dangerous substances, as defined in Section 2 of P.L.l970, c.226 (C.24:21-2), and their physiological, psychological, sociological, and legal effects on the individual, the family, and society shall be taught in the public school and in each grade fi·om Kindergarten through grade twelve in a manner adapted to the age and understanding of the students. The programs shall be based upon the curriculum guidelines established by the Commissioner of Education and shall be included in the curriculum for each grade in such a manner as to provide a thorough and comprehensive treatment of the subject. 10. Lyme Disease Prevention (N.J.S.A. l8A:35-5.1) requires the development of Lyme disease curriculum guidelines. The guidelines shall emphasize disease prevention and sensitivity for victims of the disease. The Commissioner of Education shall periodically review and update the guidelines to insure that the curriculum reflects the most current information available. l I. Organ Donation (NJ.S.A. 18A:7F-4.3) requires information relative to organ donation to be given to students in grades nine through twelve. The goals of the instmction shall be to: a. Emphasize the benefits of organ and tissue donation to the health and wellbeing of society generally and to individuals whose lives are saved by organ and tissue donations, so that students will be motivated to make an affirmative decision to register as donors when they become adults. b. Fully address myths and misunderstandings regarding organ and tissue donation. POLICY POINT PLEASANT SCHOOLS Program 2422/Page 4 of 5 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION c. Explain the options available to adults, including the option of designating a decision-maker to make the donation decision on one's behalf. d. Instill an understanding of the consequences when an individual does not make a decision to become an organ donor and does not register or otherwise record a designated decision-maker. The instruction shall inform students that, beginning five years from the date of enactment of P.L.2008, c.48 (C.26:6-66 et al.), the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission will not issue or renew a New Jersey driver's license or personal identification card unless a prospective or renewing licensee or card holder makes an acknowledgement regarding the donor decision pursuant to Section 8 of P.L.2008, c.48 (C.39:3-12.4). The Commissioner of Education, through the nonpublic school liaison in the Department of Education, shall make any related instructional materials available to private schools educating students in grades nine through twelve, or any combination thereof. Such schools are encouraged to use the instructional materials at the school; however, nothing in N.J.S.A. 18A:7F4.3 shall be construed to require such schools to use the materials. 12. Sexual Assault Prevention (N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.3) requires the development of a sexual assault prevention education program. The Department of Education in consultation with the advisory committee shall develop and establish guidelines for the teaching of sexual assault prevention techniques for utilization by local school districts in the establishment of a sexual assault prevention education program. Such program shall be adapted to the age and understanding of the students and shall be emphasized in appropriate places of the curriculum sufficiently for a full and adequate treatment of the subject. 13. Stress Abstinence (N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.19 through N.J.S.A. l8A:35-4.22), also known as the "AIDS Prevention Act of 1999 ," requires sex education programs to stress abstinence. Any sex education that is given as part of any planned course, curriculum, or other instructional program and that is intended to impart information or promote discussion or understanding in regard to human sexual behavior, sexual feelings and sexual values, human sexuality and reproduction, pregnancy avoidance or termination, HIV infection or sexually transmitted diseases, regardless of whether such instruction is described as, or incorporated into, a description of "sex education," "family life education," "family health education," "health education," "family living," "health," "self esteem," or any other course, curriculum program, or goal of education, and any materials including, but not limited, to handouts, speakers, notes, or audiovisuals presented on school property concerning methods for the prevention of acquired immune POLICY POINT PLEASANT SCHOOLS Program 2422/Page 5 of 5 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION deficiency syndrome (HIVIAIDS), other sexually transmitted diseases, and of avoiding pregnancy, shall stress that abstinence from sexual activity is the only completely reliable means of eliminating the sexual transmission of HIV/ AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases and of avoiding pregnancy. 14. Suicide Prevention (N.J.S.A. 18A:6-111) requires instmction in suicide prevention in public schools. Instruction in suicide prevention shall be provided as part of any continuing education that public school teaching staff members must complete to maintain their certification; and inclusion of suicide prevention awareness shall be included in the CCCS in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education. 15. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.28 and 18A:35-4.29) requires instruction in the use of automated external defibrillator for students. Instruction shall be provided in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator to each student in a public school that includes grades nine through twelve prior to graduation as part of the district's implementation of the CCCS in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education. The instruction provided shall be modeled from an instmctional program established by the American Heart Association, American Red Cross, or other nationally recognized association and shall include a hands-on learning component. 16. Other Statutory or Administrative Codes. The Board will incorporate into its health and physical education curriculum any other requirements of the New Jersey Department of Education's CCCS in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education. In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:35-4.7, any student whose parent presents to the Principal a signed statement that any part of the instruction in health, family life, or sex education is in conflict with his/her conscience or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs shall be excused from that portion of the course where such instmction is being given and no penalties as to credit or graduation shall result. A copy of the CCCS for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education and all related curriculum/course guides and instmctional material shall be available for public inspection in each school. Adopted: POINT PLEASANT SCHOOLS POLICY Program 2431/Page 1 of 4 ATHLETIC COMPETITION (M) 2431 ATHLETIC COMPETITION The Board of Education recognizes the value of a program of athletic competition for both boys and girls as an integral part of the total school experience. Game activities and practice sessions provide opportunities to learn the values of competition and good sportsmanship. Programs of athletic competition, both intrascholastic and interscholastic, offer students the opportunity to exercise and test their athletic abilities in a context greater and more varied than that offered by the class or school or school district alone, and an opportunity for career and educational development. For purpose of this Policy, programs of athletic competition include all activities relating to competitive sports contests, games, events, or sports exhibitions involving individual students or teams of students when such events occur within or between schools within this district or with any schools outside this district. The programs of athletic competition shall include, but are not limited to, high school interscholastic athletic progran1s, middle school interscholastic athletic programs where school teams or squads play teams or squads from other school districts, and/or intramural athletic programs within a school or among schools in the district and any cheerleading program or activity in the school district. Eligibility Standards A student who wishes to participate in a program of athletic competition must submit, on a form provided by the district, the signed consent of his/her parent. The consent of the parent of a student who wishes to participate in a program of athletic competition will include an acknowledgment of the physical hazards that may be encountered in the activity. Student participation in a program of athletic competition shall be governed by the following eligibility standards: To be eligible for participation in the interscholastic athletic program of a New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) member school, all high school students must meet, at a minimum, all the eligibility requirements of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations of the NJSIAA. Home schooled children are not eligible to participate in the high school interscholastic athletic program of this district. POLICY POINT PLEASANT SCHOOLS Program 2431/Page 2 of 4 ATHLETIC COMPETITION (M) Middle School Students A student in Grades 6 through 8 is eligible for participation in the school district sponsored athletic/spmis program if he/she passed all courses required for promotion or graduation in the preceding marking period. A student in Grades 6 through 8 is eligible for participation in the school district sponsored athletic/sports program if he/she is properly enrolled in the district. All Students A student in any grade must maintain a satisfactory record of attendance to be eligible for participation in the school district sponsored athletic/sports program. An attendance record is unsatisfactory if the number of unexcused absences exceed 14 school days in the school year. A student who is absent for a school day may not participate in the school district sponsored athletic/sports program the afternoon or evening of that school day. A student who is serving an in-school or out-of-school suspension may not participate in the school district sponsored athletic/sports program while serving the suspension. A student in any grade who fails to observe school rules for student conduct may forfeit his/her eligibility for participation in school district sponsored athletic/sports program. Notice of these eligibility requirements shall be given to students. Required Examinations- Interscholastic or Intramural Team or Squad Students enrolled in grades six to twelve must receive a medical examination, in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:40-41.7, prior to participation on a school-sponsored interscholastic or intramural team or squad and any cheerleading program or activity. POLICY POINT PLEASANT SCHOOLS Program 24 31/Page 3 of 4 ATHLETIC COMPETITION (M) The examination shall be conducted within 365 days prior to the first day of official practice in an athletic season with examinations being conducted at the medical home of the student. The "medical home" is defined as a health care provider and that provider's practice site chosen by the student's parent for the provision of health care. If a student does not have a medical home, the school district shall provide the examination at the school physician's office or other comparably equipped facility. The parent may choose either the school physician or their own private physician to provide this medical examination. The medical examination required prior to participation shall be in accordance with the requirements as outlined in N.J.A.C. 6A:l6-2.2(h)l and Regulation 2431.2 and shall be documented using the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation form required by the Department of Education. Information concerning a student's !-!IV/AIDS status shall not be required as part of the medical examination or health history pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:5C-l et seq. The health findings of this medical examination shall be maintained as part of the student's health record. Emergency Procedures Athletic coaches shall be trained in first aid to include sports-related concussion and head injuries, the use of a defibrillator, the identification of student athletes who are injured or disabled in the course of any athletic program or activity, and any other first aid procedures or other health related trainings required by law or the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall prepare and present to the Board for its approval procedures for the emergency treatment of iqjuries and disabilities that occur in the course of any athletic program or activity. Emergency procedures shall be reviewed not less than once in each school year and shall be disseminated to appropriate staff members. Interscholastic Standards The Board shall approve annually a program of interscholastic athletics and shall require that all facilities utilized in that program, whether or not the property of this Board, properly safeguard both players and spectators and are kept free from hazardous conditions. The Board adopts the Constitution, Bylaws, Rules, and Regulations of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association as Board policy and shall review such rules on a regular basis to ascertain they continue to be in conformity with the objectives of this Board. POLICY POINT PLEASANT SCHOOLS Program 2431/Page 4 of 4 ATHLETIC COMPETITION (M) The Superintendent shall annually prepare, approve, and present to the Board for its consideration a program of interscholastic athletics that includes a complete schedule of athletic events and shall inform the Board of changes in that schedule. N.J.S.A. 2C:2l-l I N.J.S.A. l8A: ll-3 et seq. N.J.A.C. 6A:7-l.7; 6A:l6-1.4; 6A:l6-2.1 et seq. Adopted: Revised: May26, 2009 June 25, 2012 POLICY POINT PLEASANT BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION Students 51ll/Page 1 of9 ELIGIBILITY OF RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT PUPILS (M) 5111 ELIGIBILITY OF RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT PUPILS The Point Pleasant Board of Education shall admit to its schools, free of charge, persons over five and under twenty years of age, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-1, or such younger or older student as is otherwise entitled by law to a free public education. Eligibility to Attend School The Board shall admit students eligible to attend school fi·ee of charge who are domiciled within the district as defined in N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.1. the school resides with a or guardian A child who is domiciled the New Jersey National Guard or a member of the reserve who is a member component of the forces of the United States who is ordered into active military service a time of war or national emergency shall be permitted to remain enrolled in child is domiciled at the time the parent or guardian the school district in which being service, regardless of where child resides during the period of duty. Following the return child's parent or guardian active child's eligibility to enrolled in the school district pursuant to military service, N.J 38-3.1 shall cease at the current school year nnless the child is domiciled in the district. The Board shall also admit any student that is kept in the home of a person other than the student's parent or guardian, where the person is domiciled in the school district and is supporting the student without remuneration as if the student were his or her own child in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.2. A student is only eligible to attend school in the district pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.2 if the student's parent or guardian files, together with documentation to support its validity, a sworn statement that he or she is not capable of supporting or providing care for the student due to family or economic hardship and the student is not residing with the other person solely for the purpose of receiving a free public education. In addition, the person keeping the student must file, if so required by the Board of Education, a sworn statement that he or she: is domiciled within the school district; is supporting the child without remuneration and intends to do so for a time longer than the school term; will assume all personal obligations for the student relative to school requirements; and provides a copy of his or her lease if a tenant, a sworn landlord's statement if residing as a tenant without a written lease, or a mortgage or tax bill if an owner. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-l.c, any person who fraudulently allows a child of another person to use his or her residence and is not the primary financial supporter of that child and any person who fraudulently claims to have given up custody of his or her child to a person in another district commits a disorderly persons offense. POLICY POINT PLEASANT BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION Students 5111/Page 2 of9 ELIGIBILITY OF RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT PUPILS (M) A student is eligible to attend school in this school district free of charge pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-l.b if the student is kept in the home of a person domiciled in the school district, who is not the parent or guardian and the parent or guardian is a member of the New Jersey National Guard or the reserve component of the United States armed forces and has been ordered into active military service in the United States armed forces in time of war or national emergency. Eligibility under this provision shall cease at the end of the current school year during which the parent or guardian retums fi·om active military duty. A student is eligible to attend school in this school district free of charge pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-l.d if the student's parent or guardian temporarily resides within the school district and elects to have the student attend the school district of temporary residence, notwithstanding the existence of a domicile elsewhere. When required by the Board of Education, the parent or guardian shall demonstrate the temporary residence is not solely for purposes of a student attending the school district of temporary residence. When one of a student's parents or guardians temporarily resides in the school district while the other is domiciled or temporarily resides elsewhere, eligibility to attend school shall be determined in accordance with the criteria ofN.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.l(a)l.i. A student is eligible to attend this school district fi·ee of charge: 1. If the student's parent or guardian moves to another school district as the result of being homeless, subject to the provisions of N.J.A.C. 6A:l7-2 - Education of Homeless Children; 2. If the student is placed by court order or by a society, agency, or institution in the home of a school district resident pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-2; 3. If the student previously resided in the school district and if the parent or guardian is a member of the New Jersey National Guard or the United States reserves and has been ordered to active service in time of war or national emergency, resulting in the relocation of the student out of the school district, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-3.b. The school district shall not be obligated for transportation costs; and 4. If the student resides on Federal property within the State pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-7.7 et seq. Notwithstanding the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 18A:38-l or any other law, rule, or regulation to the contrary, a student who moves out of the school district as a result of domestic violence, sexual abuse, or other family crises shall be permitted to remain enrolled in the school district for the remainder of the school year in pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-l.l POLICY POINT PLEASANT BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION Students 5111/Page 3 of9 ELIGIBILITY OF RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT PUPILS (M) and in accordance with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.2(h). If the student remains enrolled in the school district for the remainder of the school year, the school district shall provide transportation services to the student, provided the student lives remote from school, and the State shall reimburse the school district for the cost of the transportation services. Nothing in N.J.S.A. 18A:38-l.l shall he construed to affect the rights of homeless students pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:7B-12, N.J.S.A. 18A:7B-l2.1, or any other applicable State or Federal law. A student's eligibility to attend this school shall not be affected by the physical condition of an applicant's housing or his or her compliance with local housing ordinances or terms oflease. Except as set forth in N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.3(b)l, immigration/visa status shall not affect eligibility to attend school and the school district shall not condition enrollment in the school district on immigration status. A student's immigration/visa status and their eligibility to attend school shall be in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.3(b) and Regulation 5111. Proof of Eligibility The Board of Education shall accept a combination of forms of documentation from persons attempting to demonstrate a student's eligibility for enrollment in the school district in accordance with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.4. The Board of Education shall consider the totality of information and documentation offered by an applicant, and shall not deny enrollment based on failure to provide a particular form or subset of documents without regard to other evidence presented. The Board of Education shall not condition enrollment on the receipt of information or documents protected from disclosure by law, or pertaining to criteria that are not a legitimate basis for determining eligibility to attend school as outlined in N.J.A.C. 6A:223.4(d). The Board of Education may consider, in a manner consistent with Federal law, documents or information referenced in N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.4(d) or pertinent parts thereof if voluntarily disclosed hy the applicant. The Board of Education may not, directly or indirectly, require or request such disclosure as an actual or implied condition of enrollment. However, in the case of a dispute between the school district and the parent or guardian of a student in regard to the student's eligibility to enroll in the school district or to remain enrolled in the school district pursuant to the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 18A:38l, the school district may request from the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission the parent or guardian's name and address for use in verifying a student's eligibility for enrollment in the school district. POLICY POINT PLEASANT BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION Students 5111/Page 4 of9 ELIGIBILITY OF RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT PUPILS (M) Registration Forms and Procedures for Initial Assessment Registration and initial determinations of eligibility will be in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:22-4.1. The Board of Education shall use Commissioner-provided registration forms or locally developed forms that are consistent with the forms provided by the Commissioner. A district-level administrator designated by the Superintendent shall be clearly identified to applicants, and available to assist persons who experience difficulties with the enrollment process. Initial eligibility determinations shall be made upon presentation of an enrollment application, and enrollment shall take place immediately except in cases of clear, uncontested denials. Enrollment shall take place immediately when an applicant has provided incomplete, unclear, or questionable infonnation, but the applicant shall be notified that the student will be removed from the school district if defects in the application are not corrected, or an appeal is not filed, in accordance with subsequent notice to be provided pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:22-4.2. When a student appears ineligible based on the information provided in the initial application, the school district shall issue a preliminary written notice of ineligibility, including an explanation of the right to appeal to the Commissioner of Education. Enrollment shall take place immediately if the applicant clearly indicates disagreement with the district's determination and an intent to appeal to the Commissioner of Education. An applicant whose student is enrolled pursuant to this provision shallbe notified that the student will be removed, without a hearing before the Board, if no appeal is filed within the twenty-one day period established by N.J.S.A. 18A:38-l. When enrollment is denied and no intent to appeal is indicated, applicants shall be advised they shall comply with compulsory education laws. When the student is between the ages of six and sixteen, applicants also shall be asked to complete a written statement indicating the student will be attending school in another school district or nonpublic school, or receiving instruction elsewhere than at a school pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:3825. In the absence of this written statement, designated staff shall report to the school district of actual domicile or residence, or the Department of Children and Families, a potential instance of "neglect" for the purposes of ensuring compliance with compulsory education law, N .J .S.A. 9:6-1. Staff shall provide the school district or the Department of Children and Families with the student's name, the name(s) of the parent/guardian/resident, and the student's address to the extent known. Staff shall also indicate admission to the school district has been denied based on residency or domicile, and there is no evidence of intent to arrange for the child to attend school or receive instruction elsewhere. POINT PLEASANT BOROUGH POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION Students 5111/Page 5 of9 ELIGIBILITY OF RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT PUPILS (M) Enrollment or attendance at the school shall not be conditioned on advance payment of tuition when enrollment is denied and an intent to appeal is indicated, or when enrollment is provisional and subject to further review or information. The Board of Education shall ensure the registration process identifies infonnation suggesting an applicant may be homeless so procedures may be implemented in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:17-2, Education of Homeless Children. Enrollment or attendance in the school district shall not be denied based upon the absence of the certified copy of the student's birth certificate or other proof of a student's identity as required within thirty days of initial enrollment, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36-25.l. Enrollment in the school district shall not be denied based upon absence of student medical information,. However, actual attendance at school may be deferred until the student complies with student immunization rules set forth in N.J.A.C. 8:57-4. When enrollment in the school district, attendance at school, or the receipt of educational services in the regular education program appears inappropriate, the student shall not be denied based upon the absence of a student's prior educational record. However, the applicant shall be advised the student's initial educational placement may be subject to revision upon the school district's receipt of records or further assessment of the student. Notice oflneligibility When a student is found ineligible to attend the school district pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:22, or the student's initial application is found to be deficient upon subsequent review or investigation, the school district immediately shall provide to the applicant notice that is consistent with Commissioner-provided sample form(s) and meets requirements of N.J.A.C. 6A:22-4 et seq. Notices shall be in writing,; in English and in the native language of the applicant; issued by the Superintendent; and directed to the address at which the applicant claims to reside. Notices of ineligibility shall include information as outlined in N.J.A.C. 6A:22-4.2. Removal of Currentlv Enrolled Students Nothing in N.J.A.C. 6A:22 et seq. and this Policy shall preclude the Board of Education from identifying through further investigation or periodic requests for revalidation of eligibility, students enrolled in the school district who may be ineligible for continued attendance due to error in initial assessment, changed circumstances, or newly discovered information. When a student who is enrolled and attending school based on an initial eligibility detennination is later determined to be ineligible for continued attendance, tbe POINT PLEASANT BOROUGH POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION Students 5111/Page 6 of9 ELIGIBILITY OF RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT PUPILS (M) Superintendent may apply to the Board of Education for the student's removal in accordance with the provisions ofN.J.A.C. 6A:22-4.3. No student shall be removed from school unless the parent, guardian, adult student, or resident keeping an "affidavit student" (as defined in N.J.A.C. 6A:22-1.2) has been infonned of his or her entitlement to a hearing before the Board of Education. Once the hearing is held, or if the parent, guardian, adult student or resident keeping an "affidavit student", does not respond within the designated time frame to the Superintendent's notice or appear for the hearing, the Board of Education shall make a prompt determination of the student's eligibility and shall immediately provide notice in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:22-4.2. Hearings required pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:22-4.3 may be conducted by the full Board or a Board Committee, at the discretion of the full Board. If the hearing(s) is conducted by a Board Committee, the Committee shall make a recommendation to the full Board for action. No student may be removed except by vote of the Board taken at a meeting duly convened and conducted pursuant to N .J .S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., the Open Public Meetings Act. Appeal to the Commissioner An applicant may appeal to the Commissioner of Education the school district's determination that a student is ineligible to attend its schools. Appeals shall be initiated by petition which shall be filed in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:38-l and N.J.A.C. 6A:38.1 and shall proceed as a contested case pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:3. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-l.fb-f(l ), appeals of "affidavit student" eligibility determinations shall be filed by the resident keeping the student. Assessment and Calculation of Tuition If no appeal to the Commissioner is filed following notice of a an ineligibility determination, the Board of Education may assess tuition for up to one year of a student's ineligible attendance, including the twenty-one day period provided by N.J.S.A. 18A:38l for appeal to the Commissioner. Tuition will be assessed and calculated in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:22-6.3 et seq. If the responsible party does not pay the tuition assessment, the Board of Education may petition the Commissioner pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:3 for an order assessing tuition, enforceable in accordance with N.J.S.A. 2A:58-10 through recording, upon request of the Board of Education pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:3-12, on the judgment docket of the Superior Court, Law Division. If an appeal to the Commissioner is filed and the petitioner does not sustain the burden of demonstrating the student's right to attend the school district, or the petitioner withdraws the appeal, fails to prosecute, or abandons the appeal by any means other than settlement agreeing to waive or reduce tuition, the Commissioner may assess tuition in accordance with the provisions ofN.J.A.C. 6A:22-6.2(a). Upon the Commissioner's finding that an POINT PLEASANT BOROUGH POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION Students 5111/Page 7 of9 ELIGIBILITY OF RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT PUPILS (M) appeal has been abandoned, the Board of Education may remove the student from school and seek tuition in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:22-6.2. Nonresident Students Other Students/Private Tuition Students Any other child whose parents reside outside the school district or its sending districts shall be considered a nonresident. Non resident students may be admitted on a tuition basis when the following are completed. The principal certifies that class size is such that admission of an additional pupil would not be detrimental. Further, the principal certifies that the needs of the pupil are such that no additional expenditures, beyond the private tuition be incurred. The parents of the applicant and the applicant (Grade 3 and above) complete the application form and sign it. This will be done annually. All required academic, disciplinary records and other application support materials have been submitted. The applicant is interviewed by the principal. The Administration recommends admission and the Board accepts the applicant by approving the student by Board resolution. The parent or legal guardian signs a Private Tuition contract with the Board of Education. Private tuition admission decisions will be made based on recommendations by the school administration to the Superintendent. The administration is to select and recommend for approval those students who are most likely to succeed in the academic/behavioral environment of the schools. In accordance with law and the Board's own policy, the decision to admit or not or re-admit a private tuition student shall not be based upon gender, race, religion, economic status or social status. The Board reserves the right to withdraw private tuition status from any pupil admitted under this policy for academic or disciplinary reasons or failure to pay tuition. If this occurs, the home district of the pupil will be notified. Students areadmitted m1der this policy with the assumption that their educational needs can be addressed at an incremented cost to the district equal to or less than the an1ount of tuition they are asked to pay. Should it be determined at any time that this is not so,.the Board reserves the right to withdraw private tuition status. POLICY POINT PLEASANT BOROUGH BOARD OF EDUCATION Students 51 11/Page 8 of9 ELIGIBILITY OF RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT PUPILS (M) The Board may grant an exception to this position and grant private tuition status to a student in need of additional services for special education or other conditions, however if this exemption is granted, the parents shall be financially responsible for all costs associated with the extra services in addition to the private tuition that would normally be charged. Additionally, the placement and program decisions shall remain unilaterally the Board's prerogative. Parents seeking this exception would be required to agree to these conditions in order to receive consideration. All private tuition students must re-apply for re-admission in each school year. Nonresident Tuition Rates 1. The rates for private tuition students shall be set annually by resolution of the Board of Education. 2. Should the Board fail to set a new rate by July 1 of any year, the preceding school years private tuition rate shall be increased by the percentage amount of increase added to the rate of taxation. The new rate will then be in effect for the subsequent school year. 3. Tuition shall be payable in advance on a monthly basis. Tuition in arrears of two weeks shall be considered just cause to release a pupil. Nonpayment of tuition shall result in forfeiture of nonresident tuition pupil status. The pupil's home school district will then be notified. Future Residents When a family expects to move into a house in the Borough and requests that the pupil be permitted to attend the Point Pleasant Schools, he/she may do so. However, tuition charges between the period of registration and the subsequent two months will be assessed. Payment of these charges will be expected at the time of registration. If the family moves into the district on or before the end of the two-month period for which tuition charges were assessed and paid by the parent, these charges will be retumed in full to the family. If the family fails to move into Point Pleasant on or before the end of the two-month petiod, these charges will be kept by the school district and additional tuition shall be assessed for all days following the two-month period until such time as the family enters residence in the Borough. Former Residents When the family of a twelfth grade pupil moves out of Point Pleasant after the opening of school and requests permission to allow her/him to remain until graduation, he/she may do so without payment of tuition. POINT PLEASANT BOROUGH POLICY BOARD OF EDUCATION Students 5111/Page 9 of9 ELIGIBILITY OF RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT PUPILS (M) Upon receiving written authorization from the Supe1intendent of Schools, students of parents moving out of the district after April I st will be permitted to finish the year without charge in the district schools. Transportation to and from school shall be the sole responsibility of the parents. Upon receiving written authorization from the Superintendent of Schools, parents moving from the district prior to April 1st but wishing their students in grades below twelve to continue in school will be charged the full tuition rate fi·om the date of departure until the end of the schoo I year. N.J.S.A. 18A:38-l et seq.; 18A:38-3; 18A:38-3.1 N.J.A.C. 6A:l4-3.3; 6A:l7-2.1 et seq.; 6A:22-2.1 et seq. Adopted: Revised: May26, 2009 August 23,2010 May 23,2011 February 22, 2016 POLICY POINT PLEASANT SCHOOLS Operations 8462/Page 1 of 2 REPORTING POTENTIALLY MISSING OR ABUSED CHILDREN (M) 8462 REPORTING POTENTIALLY MISSING OR ABUSED CHILDREN The Board of Education recognizes early detection of missing, abused, or neglected children is important in protecting the health, safety, and welfare of all children. In recognition of the importance of early detection of missing, abused, or neglected children, the Board of Education adopts this Policy pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:36-24 and 18A:36-25. The Board provides this Policy for its employees, volunteers, or interns to provide for the early detection of missing, abused, or neglected children through notification of, reporting to, and cooperation with the appropriate law enforcement and child welfare authorities pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:36-24 and 18A:36-25 et seq., N.J.A.C. 6A:l6-ll.l, and N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.10. Employees, volunteers, or interns working in the school district shall immediately notify designated child welfare authorities of incidents of alleged missing, abused, and/or neglected children. Reports of incidents of alleged missing, abused, or neglected children shall be reported to the New Jersey State Central Registry (SCR) at 1-877 NJ ABUSE or to any other telephone number designated by the appropriate child welfare authorities. If the child is in immediate danger a call shall be placed to 911 as well as to the SCR. The person having reason to believe that a child may be missing or may have been abused or neglected may inform the Principal or other designated school official(s) prior to notifying designated child welfare authorities if the action will not delay immediate notification. The person notifying designated child welfare authorities shall inform the Principal or other designated school official( s) of the notification, if such had not occurred prior to the notification. Notice to the Principal or other designated school official(s) need not be given when the person believes that such notice would likely endanger the reporter or student involved or when the person believes that such disclosure would likely result in retaliation against the student or in discrimination against the reporter with respect to his or her employment. The Principal or other designated school official(s) upon being notified by a person having reason to believe that a child may be missing or may have been abused or neglected, must notify appropriate law enforcement authorities. Notification to appropriate law enforcement authorities shall be made for all reports by employees, volw1teers, or interns working in the school district. Confirmation by another person is not required for a school district employee, volunteer, or intern to report the suspected missing, abused, or neglected child situation. POLICY POINT PLEASANT SCHOOLS Operations 8462/Page 2 of 2 REPORTING POTENTIALLY MISSING OR ABUSED CHILDREN (M) School district officials will cooperate with designated child welfare and law enforcement authorities in all investigations of potentially missing, abused, or neglected children in accordance with the provisions ofN.J.A.C. 6A:l6-ll.l(a)5. The district designates the Supervisor of Pupil Personnel Services and School Social Workers as the school district's liaison to designated child welfare authorities to act as the primary contact person between the school district and child welfare authorities with regard to general information sharing and the development of mutual training and other cooperative efforts. The district designates the Superintendent or designee as the school district's liaison to law enforcement authorities to act as the primary contact person between the school district and law enforcement authorities, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:l66.2(b)l, consistent with the Memorandum of Understanding, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:l66.2(b)l3. An employee, volunteer, or intern working in the school district who has been named as a suspect in a notification to child welfare and law enforcement authorities regarding a missing, abused, or neglected child situation shall be entitled to due process rights, including those rights defined in N.J.A.C. 6A:16-ll.l(a)9. The Superintendent or designee shall provide training to school district employees, volunteers, or interns on the district's policy and procedures for reporting allegations of missing, abused, or neglected child situations. All new school district employees, volunteers, or interns working in the district shall receive the required information and training as part of their orientation. There shall be no reprisal or retaliation against any person who, in good faith, reports or causes a report to be made of a potentially missing-, abused-, or neglected-child situation pursuant to N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.13. Any employee, volunteer, or intern with reasonable cause to suspect or believe that a student has attempted or completed suicide, shall report the information to the Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services, in a form and manner prescribed by the Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services pursuant to N.J.S.A. 30:9A-24.a. N.J.S.A. 18A:36-24; 18A:36-25 et seq. N.J.A.C. 6A:16-ll.l Adopted: Revised: May 26,2009 September 15,2014 APPENDIX B POINT PLEASANT BOARD OF EDUCATION 2100 PANTHER PATH PT PLEASANT,NJ08742 Tabulation of Quotes Quotation 2015-2016125A Athletic Uniforms -- Boys Soccer BSN Passons l Soccer Post - .. Eatontown Total Cost • Umt Cost Total Co~ Soccer Locker I Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost •, Descriotion Nike Unite Men's Soccer Jersey 645502-010Biack with white stripe, 2 1 I color team shield (to be $40.00 I $1 ,44o.oo $46.50 $1,674.00 $50 50 $1,818.00 provided) front left chest, numbers front and back 1 centered in white Nike Max Graphic Short 36 NB 645499 -- Black with $26.00 $936.00 $32.00 $1,152.00 $32.50 $1,170.00 white stripe with 2 color team shield (to be provided) on right thigh Nike Vapor Ill Sock $10.50 $378.00 $10.50 $378.00 822892 - Black with $8.25 1 $297.oo white stripe Nike Unite Men's Soccer 36 Jersey 645502-010White with white stripe, 2 $40.00 $1,440.00 , color team shield (to be 1 $46.50 $1,674.00 $50.50 I $1,818.00 '; provided) front left chest, 1 numbers front and back centered in Black I Nike Max Graphic Short 36 . NB 645499 -White with 1 152 00 $32.00 • . · $32.50 $1.170.00 black stripe with 2 color 1 $26.00 $936.00 team shield (to be provided) on riQht thigh 36 pairs Nike Vapor Ill Sock 822892 -White with $8.25 $297 ~~o-t-~$1_o_.c5::-:o~:-:::$-::3:-:::7-8._oo-l--$-1o_.5 0=-:::!-:: $378.00 black stripe 7 Total Cost $5,346.00 $6,408.00 $6,732.00 *Numbers and stzes to be determmed. Quantitv I I • I I AWARD to BSN PASSONS, as shown above P.O. BOX 49 JENKINTOWN, PA 19046 TEL: 800-445-9446 EXT. 11; FAX: 800-523-5112 j POINT PLEASANT BOARD OF EDUCATION 2100 PANTHER PATH PT. PLEASANT, NJ 08742 Tabulation of Quotes Calculators 2015-2016/26 Opening: Friday, May 13, 2016:10:30 a,m. Quantity 25 Teacher ,1 Packs Fisher Science Unit Cost Total Cost Description Texas Instruments TI -84 Plus EZ Spot Graphing CalculatorTeacher Pack (1 0 Calculators per pack) Pack shall include the following: • (5) Unit-to-Unit Cables • (40) AAA Batteries l • Poster ]• User Manual 1 • Overhead Transparency 1. • CD l ll, 1 EAI Education= Unit Cost I Total Cost · $1,020.62 $25,515.50 AWARD to EAI EDUCATION 118 BAUER DRIVE OAKLAND, NJ 07436 TEL: 800-770-8010 FAX: 201-891-5689 1 $985.05 I $24,626.251 I I I I RECORDING AND A WARDING OF SERVICE AGREEMENTS 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR poiler Cleaning and Inspection- Quote# 2016-2017/1 COMPANY: Allied Boiler Marice Contractors Total Cost to Complete Annual Boiler Cleaning: $9,450.00 $21,250.00 Mechanic Rate per Hour for Repairs as needed: $85.00 $103.50 Helper Rate per Hour for Repairs as needed: $74.00 $70.00 Markup % Above Supplier Cost: 15% 25% AWARD TO ALLIED BOILER AS SHOWN ABOVE Audio Visual Maintenance/Repairs- Quote# 2016-2017/2 COMPANY: Reid Sound Direct AV Labor Rate per hour Audio Visual Lead Technician $95.00/$115(PW) No Quote Audio Visual Lead Tech w/Scissor lift 8hrmin $157.50/$177.50(PW)No Quote $95.00/$115(PW) No Quote Audio Visual Helper Markup% Above Supplier Cost 20% No Quote Rentals: Wireless Mic- Handheld $75.00/day No Quote Wireless Mic System w/Countryman $87.50/day No Quote REJECT ALL QUOTATIONS PURSUANT TO NJSA Peterson Service $43,680.00 $98.00 $88.00 30% JD Sound TEQ No Quote No Quote No Quote No Quote No Quote No Quote /8A:18A-22a No No No No No No Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote Quote Portable Restrooms- Quote# 2016-2017/3 COMPANY: .Johnny on the Spot Mr. John Cost per unit per Month/Total Cost for Year: No Quote $1,593.55/year Replacement Cost: No Quote $495.00 Emergency services: No Quote $100.00/unit AWARD TO MR. JOHN AS SHOWN ABOVE Potty Pros No Quote No Quote No Quote Pest Control- Monthly Service- Quote# 2016-2017/4 COMPANY: E&G Ext. Alliance Pest Action Pest Total cost: $175.00/month $170/month No Quote Oriental Cockroach treatment: $300.00/treatment $120.00/treatment No Quote AWARD TO ALLIANCE PE'ST AS SHOWN ABOVE Ehrlich Pest No Quote No Quote RECORDING AND AWARDING OF SERVICE AGREEMENTS 2016-17 SCHOOL YEAR- CONT. Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Service- Quote# 2016-2017/5 COMPANY: Allied Fire Daly Fire Jersey Coast Total cost: $4,500.00 No Quote No Quote AWARD TOALLIEDHREASSHOWNABOVE FAST No Quote Playground Wood Fiber/Mulch- Quote# 2016-2017/6 COMPANY: Britton Ind Landscape Materials Game Time Price per cubic yard: $25.95/cu yd $28.50/cu yd $40.00/cu yd AWARD TO MAZZA MULCH AS SHOWN ABOVE Mazza Mulch $20.00/cu yd Spow Removal Services- Quote# 2016-2017/7 COMPANY: Rate per hour: 78" Snow Bucket Front End Loader McKeon Fusco Snow and Ice Mgmt No Quote No Quote No Quote No Quote No Quote No Quote NO QUOTE'S RECEIVED Elevator Maintenance- Quote# 2016-2017/8 KONE COMPANY: Federal Elevator Total cost: $405.00/month $555.00/month Hourly rate for repairs as needed: $198.50/hr $231.25/hr Markup % above supplier cost 20% 15% AWARD TO TEC ELEVATOR AS SHOWN ABOVE Wayne County LLC No Quote No Quote TEC Elevator $240.00/month $185.00/hr 25% POfNT PLEASANT BOARD OF EDUCATION 2100 PANTHER PATH PT. PLEASANT, N.l 08742 TEL: 732-701-1900 FAX: 732-295-2320 I REQUEST FOR QUOTATION PRINTING NEEDS 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR QUOTATION #2016-2017/9 - -COCATI0' P1Iblic Relations I I rp~blic Relations Public Relations Memorial/Nellie Bennett DESCRIPTION Parent's Guide & Resource Calendar- provided via e-mail in print ready pdf format or on zip disk, QuarkXpress, cover 17 x ll glossy white covcrstock, grayscale, inside -17 x 11 white, grayscale, 24 page layout ( 6 sheets of17xll ), 2-up saddle stitch, center fold with drilled hole on bottom center, full bleed, mail house service with supplied addresses **Please see specifications for deadline dates that must be adhered to. Kindergarten Postcard 4 Y4" X 6 lf2" white card stock, !!l~_il house servic;,e with supplied_~s!Qresses Newsletter- 1 sheet, 17" x 22", 4 page tabloid, ne\VS print paper, black and white, mail house service with supplied addresses- a minimum of two issues per year -]2rovidc price 12er issue ··-sam12le Pupil Development Record~printcd on one side buff card stock, 12" x 18", heavy card stock -·-- 'J'rec Printing QUANTITY KB Otlset Urner Barry BR Printers** ---·-·-·- I 2,400 $2,219.00 $1,275.00 $9,938.50 Additional mailing cost $6.50/drop ship 1,250.00 I ----6,400 .. ·-·-·-· $350.00 $249.00 $345.00 6,400 per issue 500-MS 250- NB Total 750 r------ $2,459.00 No Quote -· $584.00 No Quote . $800.00 --·- ---· - Literary Magazine-14 sheets 8.5" x 11", saddle1,000 per $1,345.00 per stitch, front & back, quality paper, glossy COLOR cover, pictures, art work, camera ready two issues issue issue per vear-12rovide price per issue ··-Course Selection Guide- 11" x 17", II page High School $1,445.00 1,250 booklet, double sided, gold card stock fi·ont & back cover, saddle stitch stapling -------·Free and Reduced Lunch letters and mailing Board OHice services, 8 lf2" x 11 ",white, 6 sheets to be copied 2,000 and two envelopes (one envelope to be yellow), $695.00 mail house service with supplied addresses- sample at the Board Office -. 1---c School Safety and Security Plan- 8 W' x 11" Superintendent spiral bound booklet approx. 120 pages double sided $375.00 25 (240 copies), plus front and back cover, covers to be red card stock_.,~/8 tabs and wire binding ------**Prices shall include any shipping and handling charges or delivery charges per specificatiOns. High School $1,995.50 - ----·-·-·1 $274.00 - . ·- $1,428.00 $1,349.00 per issue $4,738.50 per issue $150.00 plus add'! $34.84 S&H ~$184.84 ---- $3,200.00 per issue - $885.00 i $1,480.00 $4,179.50 I ··-- ·---~~-·- $1,473.00 I $1,500.00 $5,102.50 No Quote $185.50 plus add'! $34.84 S&H I '"'"''" $333.00 -- I -- ~$220.34 QUOTATION AWARDED to the Following Companies: Litermy lv!agazine, Free and Reduced Lunch Letter- TREC PRINTING; Kindergarten Postcard, Course Selection Guide-KB OFFSET; Resource Calendar, Newsletter- URNER BARRY; Pupil Development Record. School Safety and Security Plan- BR PRINTERS - POINT PLEASANT BOARD OF EDUCATION Business Office 2100 Panther Path Point Pleasant, New Jersey 08742 TABULATION OF BIDS PP17-02 BAND UNIFORMS Pricing shall be held for a one year period, May 24, 2016- May 23, 2017 I IDo~np<ion DeMoulin Brothers & Company* ! Maximum Minimum Unit Price _j Quantity Quantity Quantity I Quantity ' 50-69 70-150 -Coats- Band 150 320.04 300.26 50 i Bib Trousers- Band 128.15 120.25 50 150 ! ! 150 ' Shakos- Band 52.69 52.69 - -50 I i Shako Cartons- Band Included in shako price 150 50 Plumes- Band 150 15.87 15.87 50 -I •! 50 pairs }50 pairs 2.16 2.16 • Gloves -!50 Garment Bags 12.31 12.31 50 I !50 Hangers No charge 50 I -24/Gilt Lyre Replacement Bu No charge I Dozen 10 Dozen Unifmm Management No charge l I Software Program Delivery Guarantee--# of business days from receipt ofBOE p.o. 135-175 days - AWARD to DEMOULIN BROTHERS & COMPANY 1025 SOUTH 4TH STREET GREENVILLE, IL 62246 TEL: 800-228-8134 FAX: 618-664-1647 SDAVISON@DEMOULIN.COM Point Pleasant Board of Education Refuse Removal- District-Wide Bid No. PP17-02 Bid Opening: May 4, 20 16; l 0:00 a.m. TABULATION OF BIDS SEPTEMBER 1. 2019- AUGUST 21. 2021 SEPTEMBER 1. 2016- AUGUST 31. 2019 Optional E Waste Management Republic Services dib/a Marpal Meadowbrook Industries 0\.LW"II._.I...,II .-- ~ --~-~-- --~-~-·"-~ Base Bid I S~ t:June_l__J:,r!_)'-Aug Monthly Rate ------~---~-·--·--·-· --------Point -~ ----~-- .. $480.01 $480.01 $422.83 $422.83 $554.07 $554.07 $422.83 $480 01 $480.01 $554.07 $554.07 ···-------· ~~-·--··---- Base Bid II Base Bid I Base Bid II Sept-June . July-Aug . Sept:June IJ1lix:Aug . Sept-June July-Au Monthly Rate Monthly Rate Monthly Rate $547.00 $547.00 -~T~- $586.43 $680.00 $547.00 $547.00 $586.43 $571.00 $571.00 $547.00 $547.00 $586.43 $680.00 $680.00 $547.00 $547.00 $586.43 ----~- $571.00 ' $571.00 $422.83 $680.00 $422.83 $422.83 $422.83 $422.83 ·~-~--------~ Base Bid I Sept:June]. Jul ~Au Monthly Rate Base Bid II Sept-June [ .Tuly:Aug Monthly Rate --·-----~ ---·· $390.94 $444.26 ------ $222.13 Pleasant High ~ol* Road School* Memorial Middle School* Nellie ett ol* -- I I - ' ------ $480.01 $480.01 $422.83 $422.83 $57!.00 ---~-- I I -~~'" -~-- ~- $444.26 ···-~094 --··-- $444.26 -·-· - . - - - - - - ~---·· $390.94 $444.26 "·'""" "'"'E' , ,_., ,.-, ")'"" $5noo ·-,-$547.00- $547.00 ng* -· ~:-· --;;;o;-: ··------· --· .PER $2,548.16 $2,548.16 $2.114.15 $2,114.15 $3,073.00 $3,073.00 TH .. ······$32,820 00** $30,577.92** YEARLY ~- $25,369.SO**_L$36,B76.00**-COST (2016___ 2019) Charge for Extra Refuse Prckups: 8-yd $80.00 per pickup $80.00 per pickup container . 10-yd $100.00 per pickup container 00 '"'""'' Add'l20 yds $350 00 per pickup $262.00 per pickup $85.47 perton (as needed $90 perton basis) ------nance - --- $390.94 --~--~- $586.43 $390.94 $99,692 70** Note MultipiJcatwn error m annual s/b $33,230.90 -f ••w•-- l REJECT ALL BIDS PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 18A:l8A-22(a) ---- $444.26 $222.13 ---- $222.13 --·-··-- $222.13 $222.13 $1,110.65 $73,302.90** Note: Multiplication erTor in annual sib $24,434.30 $125.00 per pickup $125.00 per pickup ••• $250.00 per pickup $95 per ton Professional Development Requests May . 23, 2016 Date Name/School Conference Title 6/6-6/1016 Diane Cubas Orton Gillingham Workshop 6/6-611016 VVendyHanrahan Orton GiiHI}gham Workshop 6/6-611016 Lindsay Moberg -- r-9.rton Gillitlgham Workshop Kristin Drew 6/6-6/1016 Orton Gillingham Workshop 6/9/16 Kurt Karcich NJAFPA Sprint Training 6/8-10/2016 Steve Corso, SBA NJASBO 2016 Annual Conference - - Cost Purpose Location R- $910.00 T-TBD R- $910.00 County traini_ng Island Heights, NJ T- not to exceed $93.00 County training Island Heights, NJ R- $910.00 T- not to exceed $84.40 County training R- $910.00 T- not to exceed $84.-:1-0 County training Registration- R, Hotel- H, Travel- T R- $149.00 T- not to exceed $56.65 R- $150.00 H- $97.00 (GSA rate) T- NTE $25 Island ---- t:~eights, NJ Island Heights,_NJ - Riqor & Relevance for All Students Atlantic City, NJ Annual Conference Atlantic City, NJ - - ··-- ----·-~ -~- .. -- *Registration fee to be reimbursed at completion of course. ~ "d § ~ C'> DATE SCHOOL TEACHER DESTINATION NOTES JUNE HIGH SCHOOL SOYSTER NJ STATE TEEN ARTS FESTIVAL I BUS MAY ORS KENDALL 1 BUS JUNE Apr-17 MMS FERN LONG BRANCH SOUP KITCHEN ISLAND ST. BEACH HS BAND VISCO WILLAMSBURG, NORFOLK VA 1 BUS COACH BUS Dec-16 MMS KEELAN MCCARTER THEATER-PRINCTON 1 BUS MAY AV TECH/HS CASALINO JACKSON LIBERY HS ISM BUS JUNE MAY MMS HS/AP US HISTORY LAUREN/MADEI SWITZER JENKINSON'S BEACH ELLIS ISLAND, LIBERTY STATE PARK 5 BUSES 2 BUSES MAY HS AP ECON JOHNSON NY FED RESERVE BANK/911 MUSEUM/STOCK EX. 1 BUS -· $ § ~ "" APPENDU:IX E BUSINESS SPONSORSHIP CONTRACT ONE YEAR AGREEMENT Between Point Pleasant Education Association, located at Laura Herbert Drive, Point Pleasant, NJ 08742, hereafter referred to as "Sponsor" and the Point Pleasant Board of Education, 2100 Panther Path, Point Pleasant, NJ 08742, hereafter referred to as "Board". The Board agrees to locate Sponsor's sign (specify size) "In & Out" Package at (location) the H. S. Football Field and MMS gym. The final sign positioning shall be determined in cof\iunction with the Born-d's Facilities Manager. This contract will be for a term of one year beginning on July 1, 2016 and ending on June 30, 2017 at an annual fee of $1,100.00 which shall be paid in one installment on or before July I, 2016. The Sponsor will design the mtwork to be placed on the sign and the artwork and content must be suitable to be placed in aJ1 area where children of various ages play sports. Content and artwork of all signs is subject to approval by the Board. A cost of all signage, including design, production and materials is solely the responsibility of the Sponsor. The sign shall be of such a design and materials so as to remain legible and in good condition during the term of this contract. For signs that are placed outside of the building, if they become illegible or deteriorate due to weather, the Sponsor shall be obligated to replace or repair the sign. Upon receipt of the initial payment aJld sign from the Sponsor, the Board will provide for placement of the sign in the agreed upon location and will maintain the sign in the same location, w1less otherwise agreed, for the term of this contract. The Board's only obligation shall be to maintain placement of the sign and the Bom·d shall not be responsible if the sign is defaced or dan1aged as a result of vandalism or other acts beyond the Board's control. Prior to the end of the one-year term of this contract, the Sponsor shall have the right of first refusal to continue the contract for a similar term upon 30 days notice to the Board. The Board shall have the right to cancel the contract upon 30 days written notice to the Sponsor. If the contract is canceled by the Board before the end of the term, the Board shall refund a pro rata share of any annual payment made by the Sponsor. If Sponsor is more than 30 days late with any payment due under this contract, the Sponsor will be in default and the sign will be removed immediately without written notification to the Sponsor. In the event of default, the Sponsor will be obligated to pay Page I H:\Contracts\PPEA.doc any costs incurred by the Board for the removal of the sign, as well as any legal fees incuned by the Board. Should the outstanding balance be paid in full after the sign has been removed, are-hanging fee of $75.00 will be assessed. All notices concerning this agreement shall be sent to the respective parties at the addresses indicated herein. It is incumbent upon the Sponsor to notify the Board of any change of address. This contract will be effective upon approval and execution by the Point Pleasant Board of Education. ct~d~f35-~) Sponsor Signature ~ Date Lorraine Griffin Sponsor Name- Please Print Point Pleasant Board of Education: Date President Page 2 H:\Contracts\PPEA.doc POINT PLEASANT BOARD OF EDUCATION FACILITY REQUESTS DATE OF BOARD MEETING: APPENDIX F 05/23/16 SUPERINTENDENT APPROVAL:------- LOCATION ROOM USAGE DATE/TIME/PURPOSE CONTACT Nellie Bennett Elementary School PPYBSA All Purpose Room Meeting J. Coletta June 6, 2016 and June 7, 2016 6:30p.m. to 9:30p.m. Ocean Road Elementary School Surf AAU Basketball Gym Practices J. Guilfoyle Monday, Wednesday, Friday June, July and August, 2016 6:00p.m. to 9:00p.m. Memorial Middle School None High School Alpha Delta Kapa Media Center Meetings First Tuesdays of the Month September through June 3:30p.m. to 6:00p.m. M. Fritz NJWWA Cafeteria Windsurfing Clinic Thursday, May 26, 2016 7:00p.m. to 10:00 p.m. E. Hoff Panther Camp Track Panther Speed and Development Camp Week of June 20, 2016 8:30a.m. to 1:30 p.m. M. Colonna