Guilherme Plastval 2008 ing
Guilherme Plastval 2008 ing
SPRINT - Plastics Recycling International Seminar PLASTVAL and EPRO - 27/11/2008 - Lisbon/Portugal - Plastics from renewable resources - Plastics recycling in Latin America - LCA on plastic bags Guilherme de Castilho Queiroz Packaging Technology Center (CETEA) Biopolymers are polymers derived from renewable sources Ø ... extracted directly from biomass Pulp - Wood ... Starch - Potato, Corn ... Recyclable ... Compostable ... Biopolymers - ... natural and modified (cellophane) Innovia Films Inc. Biopolymers - thermoplastic ... Ø classical chemical synthesis using monomers from renewable source PLA - Poly (lactic acid) - from lactose from the milk whey ... PP - from the residual glycerol of the biodiesel production (from the used oil cooking) ... LLDPE - from the ethanol from the sugar cane ... Biopolymers - thermoplastic... Sugar cane Ethanol CH3-CH2OH HDPE Ethylene CH2=CH2 [CH 2=CH2] Products RECYCLING and ENERGY RECOVERY Carbon capture Biopolymers - thermoplastic... microorganisms or bacteria PHB: Polihidroxibutirato... © PHB Industrial Recycling in Latin America Mexico = 15% PET (2007) Chile Mechanical recycling rate of plastics < 5% (2002) www. and Andean Community Venezuela Colombia Equador Mechanical recycling rate of plastics = 6% (2002) Bolivia Peru Mercosul Paraguai Uruguai Mechanical recycling rate of plastics = 5% (2002) Argentina = 11,6% (27,1% PET - 2006), and Brazil Mechanical recycling rate of plastics = 19,8% (2005) (53,5% PET - 2007) www. and Life Cycle Analysis on Plastic Bags PROJECT CETEA/PLASTIVIDA Brazil: base year 2003 61% ethylene production 63% LDPE, 78% HDPE/LLDPE e 100% HDPE-HMW production 4 PE plastic bags companies/technologies 7 PE mechanical recycling companies/technologies Bag type B Bag type A 4% 20% 15% HDPE-HMW HDPE/LLDPE 13% LDPE 68% 80% Imported HDPE Final Disposal - Degradation Total organic degradation (biodegradation) 1000kg plastic bag –type A Life Cycle Inventories: LCI for different final disposal scenarios Carbon fooprint (cradle to grave LCI) GWP 100 years 25 tCO2eq 20 15 10 5 0 Total organic degradtion Landfill with revalorization/mitigation 1000kg plastic bag - type A Inert waste Mechanical Recycling 1000kg plastic bag – type B Mechanical Recycling GWP 100 years Reduction on carbon footprint (%) 32% 16% 0% 0% 16% Type B – recycling rate (%) 32% Energy recovery potential Energy recovery potential (PE waste) 45000 Energy - MJ/1000kg plastic bag Energy recovery with 80% efficiency 40000 Feedstock - PE recycled 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0% 16% B type – recycling rate (%) 32% 1000kg plastic bag - 10 g / bag -Packaging and transportation - 500 tonnes of products... 5 kg = 4 bags = 20 kg products Reuse - Reusabe bag - 30 g -at least 3 trips ≅ environmental impact (and it should be RECYCLABLE at the and of its useful life...) 5 kg = 1reusable bag = several trips... Sustainable Consumption Consumer, Industry, Government Reduction Durable: not degradable, noble use of oil, carbon bunker... Reuse Energy recovery Recycling Guilherme de Castilho Queiroz