Ecovia-Ecological Road


Ecovia-Ecological Road
Ecovia-Ecological Road
Inês Baeta Neves, VALORSUL; Carlos Alves, EXTRUPLAS; Dora Gervásio, VALORPNEU;
Filipe Fontoura, DECOECO; Ingrid Falcão, AFCAL; Lourdes Carreira, APA; Luís Gil,
INETI; Nuno Aguiar, PLASTVAL, S.A.; Rui Camolino, BRISA Auto-Estradas de Portugal
S.A.; Susana Ângelo, Sociedade Ponto Verde; Susana Dias, TRATOLIXO, EIM (Empresa
Intermunicipal) S.A.;
Inês Baeta Neves
2696-801 S. João da Talha, Lisboa, Portugal
+351 219 535 900
+351 219 535 935
ECOVIA – Ecological Road is a project funded by the Programme LIFE ENVIRONMENT which
aims at the utilization of waste which is, in part, currently being recovered for energy or landfill
deposition, so as to make new products for several applications on the road sector.
The project partners include Municipal Solid Waste management companies (Tratolixo and
Valorsul), the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), the Green Dot Portuguese Society
(Sociedade Ponto Verde), the Portuguese Associations for Beverage Carton (AFCAL), Plastics
(Plastval) and Used Tyres (Valorpneu), Consumers Associations (DECO & DECOECO), BRISA –
Portuguese Motorways (main partner) and also the scientific collaboration of INETI (state
laboratory) and EXTRUPLAS for the products manufacture.
The types of residues used in the project are mixed plastics from MSW, granulated rubber from
used tyres and beverage carton from wastes. The category of mixed plastics includes different types
of plastics and was, at the beginning of this project, considered as a reject of the national waste
collection system. Granulated rubber arising from the existing waste collection system, that aims at
recycling old tyres, has encountered some obstacles to its inclusion in the different products that
could use them, and Beverage Carton is not currently being recycled in Portugal, the most part of it
is being sent to recycle in Spain.
By gathering these three types of materials, the objective is to manufacture products linked to the
road network, such as acoustical barriers, rumble strips, road signs, amongst others which might
contribute towards an increase in road safety, using as many recycled materials as possible.
On the first phase, the technical characteristics of the products, incorporating different mixtures (%)
of the three materials – mixed plastics, granulated rubber and beverage carton - where tested in
laboratory. A conclusion was achieved regarding the best formulation to be used, and the chosen
formulation was transferred to the industrial scale.
Simultaneously, a study was developed in order to access the Portuguese and International situation
regarding the amounts, final destination/application and costs of the three materials. Also a
characterisation was made on the national and international road sector situation in respect to the
potential of application of this type of products.
The products were applied on an experimental section of a Portuguese motorway, where a layer of a
rubber bituminous (from waste rubber) was also applied. The action included a communication
campaign in order to present the results of the project to the public opinion, as well as to potential
users of these new products.
Waste is an environmental, social and economic challenge for Europeans. For some, it conjures up
negative images: rubbish bags, litter and toxic waste dumps. For others, waste is an opportunity –
Europe’s drive to deal with waste in environmentally sound ways has generated jobs and business
opportunities. The waste management and recycling sector has a high growth rate and has an
estimated turnover of over €100 billion for EU-25. It is labour intensive and provides between 1,2
and 1,5 million jobs. The recycling industry is providing increasing amounts of resources to the
manufacturing industry: at least 50% of the paper and steel, 43% of the glass and 40% of the nonferrous metal produced in the EU are currently derived from recycled materials [COM/2005/0666].
LIFE ECOVIA aimed at the utilization of waste which is, in part, currently being recovered for
energy or landfill deposition or recovered outside the country, so as to make new products for
several applications on the road sector.
This project has some particular goals. Firstly, to improve the rates of recycling of granulated
rubber, mixed plastics and beverage carton. On the second hand, it is imperative to evaluate the
products’ behaviour in real scenarios, as well as the evaluation of their economic and environmental
benefits. ECOVIA project presents an opportunity for an environmental sensitization respecting the
thematic of selective collection, recycling and possible uses of recycling materials. At last, the
divulgation of the existence of the project and the Green Mile.
National and international assessment
Valorpneu – Sociedade de Gestão de Pneus, Lda. – has the purpose to organize and manage the
collecting system and end-of-life of used tyres on a national basis. The recovery net is essentially
formed by recycling and energy recovery operators. The recycling operators receive the tires and
process them in rubber granulate, sorting out the metal and textiles incorporated. As for the energy
recovery operators, the tires are used as combustible for energy production, taking advantage of the
high LCI (Low Calorific Value) and saving fossil combustibles. Figure 1 presents the distribution of
tires (tons) collected in 2008 in Portugal, which accounts to 96 210 ton, by type of treatment.
Most of the production of rubber granulate is canalized to the filling of synthetic grass pavements.
The construction of sport and child secure pavements has some expression. As for the utilization of
rubber granulate on roadways construction, the numbers are not meaningful yet.
22.321 ton
48.297 ton;
23.475 ton;
Energy recovery
2.020 ton;
Figure 1 : Distribution of tyres by type of treatment in 2008 (Source: Valorpneu)
Sociedade Ponto Verde (SPV) has the mission to organise and manage, in behalf of the
fillers/importers and distributors of sales packaging, the valorisation of packaging waste, through
the implementation of an integrated system of packaging waste management. At home, the end-user
separates by each type of material, placing them in the appropriate containers (Drop-off containers,
door-to-door and drop-off centres). The municipalities and other operators, as TRATOLIXO and
VALORSUL, collect and sort the packaging waste by type of material. Following, SPV endorses
them to valorisation or recycling. The producers or distributors of sales packaging ensure thus the
recovery of the separate waste, by valorisation or recycling, namely for two of our base materials,
Mixed Plastics and Beverage Carton.
Figure 2 presents the amount of Mixed Plastic, in tons, expected for 2008, per region. Obviously,
the LVT Region (Lisbon and Tagus Valley) with a significant demographic concentration responds
for the highest value, about 4 500 tons. The global value predicted for the country is 8 300 tons.
Quantity (ton)
Figure 2: Amount of mixed plastics expected per region (Source: Plastval)
In Portugal, the capacity for recycling this type of material is about 3 000 ton/year, a value lower
than the quantity expected to arise from the sorting plants. Accordingly to this situation, their
recycling is being made by two companies, a national one, Extruplas and a Spanish one.
Nevertheless it is expected that Extruplas will increase its capacity in accordance to the market
demands and the final applications. Concerning the applications for products manufactures from
mixed plastics, they are in fact similar with the ones reported for the European context: profiles,
urban furniture (bench, public garbage bin, etc.), passages, signalling, pavements, etc.
The estimate figure for beverage carton placed in the market in Portugal in 2008 is around 32 500
ton. As for the amount produced to be forwarded to recycling, there are different origins. Some
studies suggest around 1,5 % is treated alongside with the Paper & Cardboard recycling. The
remaining is sent to recycling in monomaterial bales (just beverage carton). Most of the material
collected and sorted in Portugal is being sent to Spain, where there is both the technology and the
installed capacity for recycling. Regarding the applications for products manufactures there is
actually none in Portugal.
The Portuguese roadway, coordinated by Estradas de Portugal S.A. (EP), accounts for 3 500 km of
roads with a highway typology. Brisa – Auto-Estradas de Portugal, the beneficiary partner of
ECOVIA project, is a private company that manages a network of several highways in Portugal.
Brisa operates around 1 100 km, on a network that includes eleven highways that connect the
country. Each highway has an identity, with its own characteristics. Brisa also operates on an
international level, either through direct operation, or through participation in other companies. So,
it has direct influence on another 1 900 km.
Manufacturing process
On a first approach different mixtures incorporating the three materials – mixed plastic, beverage
carton and granulated rubber – were essayed on laboratory (INETI).
The percentage compositions considered for this project and tested on a laboratory scale, were the
Table 1: Percentage compositions essayed
Mixed plastic
Granulated rubber
Beverage Carton
Mixture 3 was chosen as the best formulation. The differences on processing the mixture or mixed
plastic alone are minimal and despicable.
It was found that there is a low homogeneity on the material produced. Moreover, an excess of the
added quantities of granulated rubber and beverage carton to the mixture results in deficiencies.
Thus, excess of rubber leads to over flexible pieces. On the contrary, pieces with very low
contraction rates and difficulties on the process of manufacturing result from an excess of beverage
The manufacturing process consists on three main phases: separation and sorting of the materials;
granulation (4 to 8 mm dimensions) and intrusion. The process of intrusion (Kolbi method), which
took place at Extruplas, is a well known method that combines the extrusion technology and the
injection method.
The dimensional limits for production were profiles with the maximum of 3600 mm and thickness
above 20 to 25 mm, on rectangular profiles, and 40 mm on circular profiles.
Selection of final products
Panoply of products was considered such as fence posts, delineators, signalling posts, soundproofing barriers, and pieces for land sustenance, kerbstone protectors and walkways for telematic
Some constraints though, have hindered the production of several options. As for the delineators,
besides being composite pieces (white/red or black/yellow), the thickness of the material was well
bellow (3 mm) the minimums for the intrusion process (20-25 mm).
Regarding the signalling posts, in order to achieve the demanded resistance, the diameter of the
piece would be too high (above 90 mm). Moreover, the deformation in an impact situation would
not be adequate, thus making them unsuitable for utilisation.
As for the sound-proofing barriers, the difficulties concerned the certification process which would
be complex and too long for the project timeline.
The land sustenance pieces presented also some problems, now due to the production process itself.
Their production would require a different process, as well as different moulds, which did not exist
in Extruplas.
At the end, three products were selected: walkways for telematic sites, kerbstone protectors and
fence posts.
As for the walkways for telematic sites (Figure 3), the purpose is to replace concrete flagstones on
the pathways and surrounding areas of these equipments. The overall dimensions are 200 by 60
mm, with an average weight of 59 kg. The profiles were built with intrusion moulds of either 80 by
80 mm or 40 by 90mm. The assembling takes place with wood screws.
Figure 3: Walkway for telematic sites
Kerbstone protectors (figure 4) are to be placed on the hewn stones beneath toll machines (entry and
ETOLL) in order to protect the vehicle door from an inadvertent opening. The dimensions are
100x9x2,5 cm or 200x9x2,5 cm and the respective weights 1,8 and 3,5 kg. The dimensions for the
profile intrusion moulds are 90x25 mm. The assembling is performed with regular screws.
Figure 4: Kerbstone protector
Finally, the fence posts (figure 5), whose goal is to replace the actual wood posts used to boarder
the highway. Their purpose is to prevent foreign elements to the road network such as animals or
people. Concerning the dimensions, these posts are 180 or 200 cm high and 9 cm wide. The weight
is between 9 and 11 kg. The moulds for intrusion are circular with a diameter of 90 mm.
Figure 5: Fence posts
Installation areas
A green mile was selected to test the new products; a layer of a rubber bituminous (from waste
rubber) was also applied. It was chosen to be on a major Portuguese motorway near the capital,
Lisbon, on a section were the traffic is estimated to be the most intense in the whole country.
Besides the green mile, two other areas, on nearby motorways were selected.
Figure 6 presents an overview of the installation areas location.
Figure 6: Installation areas
Some constraints and potential improvements had arisen on the installation phase. First, regarding
the fence posts, their mechanical resistance proved to be less effective than the wood ones to
maintain the net appropriately stretched. On the second hand, the walkway for telematic sites
cannot be applied on sloppy areas, concrete steps are imperative in this situation. At last, the
deadening capacity of the kerbstone protectors could be improved.
Table 2 summarizes the amounts of each product produced & installed in this project. The overall
weight of materials is about 6 tons.
Table 2: Final products – amounts produced
Walkway for telematic sites (200 x 60 cm)
Kerbstone protectors (200x9x2,5 cm)
Kerbstone protectors (100x9x2,5 cm)
Fence posts (200x9 cm)
Fence posts (180x9 cm)
Weight (kg)
1 500
3 750
Table 3 lists the projection of units of the final products, considered in this project, necessary for the
construction and/or expansion of installations, per year, on the BRISA Portuguese roadway
Table 3: New construction & expansions
1st year
2nd year
3rd year
4th year
5th year
Walkway for telematics sites
Kerbstone protector
As for replacements and repairs, table 4 lists the amounts expected to be used on the coming years.
Table 4: Replacements & repairs
1st year
2nd year
3rd year
4th year
5th year
Walkway for telematics sites
Kerbstone protector
Besides the Green Mile divulgation on the motorway service areas, the project is also being
disclosed through some other communication supports. Flyers are being inserted on specialized
magazines in the Environmental area. Also, ECOVIA information is present in fairs and the project
is presented on Seminars and Congresses of the Environmental and Road sectors.
Meanwhile, a website is available with the description and conclusions of the project:
Transferability of the project
In terms of international transferability of the outcomes of ECOVIA project, the situation appears to
be quite favourable.
Several countries in the European Union also have Green Dot Systems. So, the availability of
material (Mixed Plastic and Beverage Carton) on meaningful quantities in order to produce the road
products should not be a problem. As for granulated rubber from End-of-Life tyres, the waste
material available in the market is significant, so that would not be an issue.
The European Legislation is quite favourable and even demanding, concerning the recycling of
materials into new products. So, there is a pressure towards such a solution.
Regarding the technology necessary to make the ECOVIA products it is not very demanding. The
need for a specific plant to manufacture these products is discarded. Several plastic recycling units
worldwide would be able, with some adaptations, and given the correct specifications, to
manufacture these products. So, it should be quite easy to replicate the manufacturing on other
As for the potential market, it is large. The road network, particularly the one with highway
typology, is immense.
BRISA, the beneficiary partner of ECOVIA project, besides the highway concessions in Portugal,
also explores, through direct management or as a shareholder position, highways in other global
locations as Brazil or the United States of America. This opens an opportunity window to transfer
this project output to other locations.
As for the near future, the perspectives are to continue the Research and Development of new
products. Some were considered as potential final products in this project phase but as explained
above, could not be produced due to different constraints.
So, new products such as sound-proofing barriers, visual barriers, flat cones basis, land sustenance
pieces and anti – dazzling protections will be essayed in the near future.
ECOVIA – Ecological Road is a demonstration project funded by LIFE Environment. Within the
project scope, three new products incorporating waste materials were developed and tested for road
The waste materials used were mixed plastics and beverage carton from municipal solid waste and
rubber granulate from End-of-Life tyres.
Fence posts to protect the highway from unintended animals or persons, kerbstone protectors and
walkways for telematic sites form the group of final products, up to now.
Installation areas on Portuguese motorways with intense traffic were selected to test the new
products. Those areas include a Green Mile, where a layer of a rubber bituminous (from waste
rubber) was also applied. The action included a communication campaign in order to present the
results of the project to the public opinion, as well as to potential users of these new products. A
website is available to disseminate the project ( .
It is prospected to continue the Research and Development. So, new products such as soundproofing barriers, visual barriers, flat cones basis, land sustenance pieces and anti – dazzling
protections will be essayed in the near future.
This project was funded by EU program LIFE Environment (LIFE 05 ENV/P/000366).
PRO EUROPE s.p.r.l. (2006/2007). Europe Goes Green Dot. Brussels, Belgium
ETRMA, European Tyre & Rubber Manufacturer Association (2007). End of life tyres: A valuable
resource with growing potential
(Nov 18, 2008)
Stuart Foster Recoup WRAP (June 2008). Domestic Mixed Plastics Packaging – Waste
Management Options
European Union Road Federation (Jun 2008). European Road Statistics 2008
2nd Roads and the Environment Conference Emissions and Pollution: addressing the challenge,
Geneva, Switzerland, 10 November 2008 - 11 November 2008
The IRF Research Council (Dec 2007). Sustainable Roads: Discussion Paper
Elena de la Peña (2008). Sustainable Roads: Present and Future Challenges, 3rd European Road
Congress. Brussels, 25 Jun 2008
Valorpneu (2007). Relatório anual e contas 2007
Peter Shonfield (June 2008). LCA of Management Options for Mixed Waste Plastics Project,
European Commission (Dec 2005). Communication from the Commission to the Council, the
European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the
Regions: Taking sustainable use of resources forward: a Thematic Strategy on the prevention and
recycling of waste; COM/2005/0666 final

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