- International Centre for the History of Universities and
- International Centre for the History of Universities and
ELECTRICITY AND LIFE Episodes in the history of hybrid objects Università di Bologna Dipartimento di Filosofia Centro Internazionale per la Storia delle Università e della Scienza ELECTRICITY AND LIFE Episodes in the history of hybrid objects edited by Giuliano Pancaldi Università di Bologna Dipartimento di Filosofia Centro Internazionale per la Storia delle Università e della Scienza 2011 Cover: iStockphoto Bologna Studies in History of Science, 13 CIS - Dipartimento di Filosofia Università di Bologna Via Zamboni 38 40126 Bologna - I www.cis.unibo.it cis@philo.unibo.it Copyright © 2011 CIS, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Università di Bologna ISBN: 978-88-900162-6-4 Questo volume è stato stampato con il contributo del MIUR, 2007NFSABZ_005 Fotocomposizione: Linosprint, Bologna Finito di stampare nell’Ottobre 2011 dalla Tipografia Negri, Bologna Contents Preface Giuliano Pancaldi 5 Early work on electricity and medicine in the Bologna Academy of Sciences: Laura Bassi and Giuseppe Veratti Marta Cavazza 7 Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale Gian Carlo Calcagno 35 From body to machine: electro-medicine in mid-19th century Italy Christian Carletti 49 Electrical hybrids Luca Iori 65 Electrification in the agricultural development of India Rupsha Banerjee, Kamanda Josey Ondieki 93 Visualizing life: inside the protocol of the molecular genetics laboratory Daniela Crocetti 123 La terza mutazione metafisica: saggio sul sacro informazionale Francesco Martini 147 Notes on contributors 181 Preface Giuliano Pancaldi That a wide range of topics in the long history of science and technology are better studied by avoiding the strict disciplinary boundaries that were enforced in 19th- and 20th-century science, is by now agreed upon by many historians. The papers in this volume adopt this perspective, and apply it to a number of episodes in the history of the dense interrelations between the study of electricity, the life sciences, and technology, from the mid18th century to the present. As the reader will realize, the volume does not aim to highlight – much less to cover – the main episodes or turning points. The common thread, rather, is the attention the authors pay to the hybrid objects that have proliferated along the borders between the study of electricity and the life sciences, be it the electrostatic machines used for medical practice and teaching in 18th-century Italy – immediately before Galvani and Volta entered the scene (M. Cavazza), or soon afterwards (G. C. Calcagno, C. Carletti) – or the electrophoresis techniques used in present-day genetic testing (D. Crocetti). Another common perspective the authors of the volume share is that science and technology are better studied together, rather than separately, and that to get a view of what “life” was at different times, the technologies of life – such as hybridization (L. Iori), agriculture (R. Banerjee and K. J. Ondieki), or the human-computer interface (F. Martini) – are no less important than the life sciences themselves. “Hybrid objects” have had a conspicuous following among historians and philosophers of science over the past ten or twenty years. The authors of the present volume are aware of the fascinating reflections produced on the subject by authors such as Bruno Latour and HansJörg Rheinberger. In the pages that follow, however, the emphasis will be mostly on the details of the historical episodes discussed, rather than on epistemological claims. Early work on Electricity and Medicine in the Bologna Academy of Sciences: Laura Bassi and Giuseppe Veratti Marta Cavazza On the Bologna Institute of Sciences Before entering into the heart of the topic, I will spend a few words on the origins and organisation of the Bolognese Institute of Sciences and Arts. In particular, I think it is important to explain how the opening up towards Europe was one of its original distinguishing features, even when it still only existed in the projects of its creator and founder, Luigi Ferdinando Marsili. Thanks to the events of an adventurous life as a soldier and scholar, Marsili had had firsthand experience of the studies undertaken in the main European centres of learning and of the cultural policies of the most advanced states. All this made him aware of the backwardness of Italian scientific research and the obsolescence of the country’s institutions, especially its universities, which had the mission of passing knowledge down to new generations. As a member of an ancient family of the Bolognese nobility, his efforts concentrated on his native city. It should be borne in mind that, since the early-sixteenth century, Bologna had been part of the Papal State, jointly governed by the Papal Legate and a Senate that represented the highest ranks of the city’s aristocracy. 1 1. On Marsili, see M. Cavazza, Marsili (or Marsigli), Luigi Ferdinando, in Noretta Koertge (ed) New Dictionary of Scientific Biography, New York, Scribner’s, 2007; R. Gherardi, Potere e costituzione a Vienna fra Sei e Settecento: il «buon ordine» di Luigi Ferdinando Marsili, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1980; J. Stoye, Marsigli’s Europe: the Life and Times of Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli, Soldier and Virtuoso, London, New Haven, 1994; A. McConnell, L. F. Marsigli’s Voyage to London and Holland: Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli’s Studies, Commerce and Friendships in Holland, 1722-23, in C. S. Maffioli; L. C. Palm (eds), Italian Scientists in the Low Countries in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Amsterdam and Atlanta, GA, 1989; A. McConnell The Flowers of Coral. Some Unpublished Conflicts from Montpellier and Paris during the Early 18th Century, History and Philosophy of Life Sciences 12, 1990. pp. 51-66; A. McConnell., L. F. Marsigli’s Visit to London in 1721, and his Report on the Royal Society, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 47/2, 1993, 179-204. On the peculiarities of the Church’s 8 / Early work on Electricity and Medicine In 1709 Marsili addressed a proposal to the Senate for the reform of the ancient University of Bologna, which was floundering in a state of deep crisis, with the aim of bringing it up to modern standards. Significantly, his project was entitled “Parallelo dello stato moderno della Università di Bologna con l’altre di là de’ Monti” (Comparison of the current state of the University of Bologna with others beyond the Mountains). On the one hand, the said document makes reference to a not so distance time, when Italian science was still considered authoritative in Europe, mentioning in particular the Florentine Accademia del Cimento, and above all the teachers of the Bologna University, Geminiano Montanari, Marcello Malpighi and Giandomenico Cassini. They had all been influenced by Galileo Galilei, but were also open to different ideas from countries north of the Alps, where they were held in great esteem. This was especially true of Malpighi, whose works had been published in London thanks to the intervention of the Royal Society, and Cassini, who in 1669 had been called to Paris by Louis XIV to set up and direct the new great Observatoire. On the other hand, the detailed comparison with the institutions of Northern Europe served to highlight the dramatic lagging behind of the University of Bologna and the need to align it with the universities and academies of northern states. 2 The severity of Marsili’s diagnosis was not enough to overcome the opposition of the conservative faculty and senators. At this point, he proposed the creation of a completely new institute, independent of the university and expressly devoted to the teaching of modern experimental disciplines: the Istituto delle Scienze e delle Arti di Bologna (Bolognese Institute of Sciences and Arts). He succeeded in obtaining the approval of both Senate and Pope for a project that brought together under one roof a library, a physics laboratory, a chemistry laboratory, a natural history museum, a military arts museum, and an astronomy observatory. The tower to house the latter would be built in an state, see P. Prodi, Il sovrano pontefice: un corpo e due anime, Bologna, il Mulino, 1982; on the mixt government of Bologna, see De Benedictis, Repubblica per contratto. Bologna, una città europea nello Stato della Chiesa, Bologna, il Mulino, 1995. 2. On the Bolognese cultural milieu of the last decades of the seventeenth century, see M. Cavazza, Settecento inquieto. Alle origini dell’Istituto delle scienze di Bologna, Bologna, il Mulino, 1990, pp. 31-148; M. Cavazza., Lo Studio, la scienza e i gesuiti a Bologna nella metà del Seicento, Giornale di Astronomia, 32, 2006, pp11-19; A. Angelini, Introduzione, in A. Angelini (ed), Anatomie accademiche III. L’Istituto delle scienze e l’Accademia, Bologna, il Mulino, 1993, pp. 13-58; Early work on Electricity and Medicine / 9 internal courtyard of Palazzo Poggi, the Institute building, following suggestions and drawings from Paris. In addition, special rooms were allocated to host the meetings of the Accademia delle scienze (Academy of Sciences) and the Academy of Fine Arts, which constituted important sections of the new institution. The former was the result of the transformation of a private academy, the Accademia degli Inquieti (Academy of the Restless Ones), which, through subsequent reforms, was to become increasingly in line with the model of the Académie des Sciences of Paris. Marsili’s collaboration with the Inquieti academicians dated back to several years before, when they became the main co-actors in the realisation of his project for an Institute that, as he liked to put it, “taught more by the eyes than by the ears”. 3 It is worth recalling that the Institute and the Academy of Sciences were distinct bodies, regulated by different statutes. Nonetheless there were also areas of intersection. For example the Institute’s teachers were also members of the Academy. Moreover, the two institutions shared a Secretary, who had the important task of overseeing the publication of the transactions relating to both. This overlap may generate ambiguity, but for convenience sake, I will often use the terms Academy of Sciences and Institute of Sciences without distinction. The reception of Northern Knowledge in the Institute of Bologna The Bolognese Institute of Sciences and Arts was inaugurated in 1714 and ceased to exist as such in 1802, when the Napoleonic government transformed it into the National Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts. The main document attesting to its history and scientific output consists of the 7 volumes in 10 tomes of the De Bononiensi Instituto atque Accademia Commentarii, published on a rather irregular basis from 1731 to 1791. Because the first volume also includes the history of the Institute’s foundation and the summaries of many dissertations presented from 1704 to 1714 at the Accademia degli Inquieti, this work provides a somewhat comprehensive picture of the scientific activity undertaken in Bologna throughout the eighteenth century. However, it is crucial to compare and integrate the official picture of the Institute offered by its 3. Cavazza, Settecento inquieto, pp. 7-15; pp. 57-78; Angelini, Introduzione, pp. 58-78. 10 / Early work on Electricity and Medicine secretaries to Italy and Europe in the Commentarii, with the wealth of original sources preserved in the city archives and libraries. 4 This is necessary also to our understanding of the role played by this institution in promoting the circulation of scientific knowledge, and especially in the reception in Italy of doctrines developed in Northern Europe together with their respective experimental practices. The relations and exchanges among its exponents and northern scientific culture unfolded on different levels, which can be studied either independently or jointly. I have identified as many as eight different aspects to be taken into account in the perspective of a broad-spectrum research on this topic. I shall attempt to illustrate them briefly. The first concerns the policies allowing the enrolment of foreign fellows of the Academy of Sciences. New members were appointed by the academicians according to quotas pre-established of Bolognese and foreigners. In some cases, however, the rule was violated due to sovereign intervention, as in 1755, when Benedict XIV imposed the special appointment of Pieter van Musschenbroek, Charles Marie de la Condamine, François Boissier de Sauvages and Jean-Baptiste Le Rond d’Alembert. Some numerical data confirm the importance that the academic and political authorities of Bologna attributed to the issue. According to a rough calculation, overall, during the eighteenth century there were a total of 775 academicians, 156 of which were foreign members: 85 French, 33 Germans, 14 Swiss, 8 English, 7 Spanish, 4 Slav, 3 Swedish, 3 Dutch. The correspondence that many of these foreign associates held both officially with the secretaries, and with several Bolognese members, is obviously an important source for the reconstruction of the network of relations surrounding the Academy. A systematic study of such epistolary networks has been started only for the French (more than 50% of the total number) and the English (less than 7%). 5 4. On the Commentarii, see Angelini, Introduzione, pp. 170-192; for a detailed summary of the ten tome’s contents of this work, see W. Tega (ed), Anatomie accademiche I. I Commentari dell’Accademia delle scienze di Bologna, Bologna, il Mulino, 1986. For a critical accounts of the research work done in the diverse discipline of the Institute, see W. Tega (ed), Anatomie accademiche II L’enciclopedia scientifica dell’Accademia delle scienze di Bologna, Bologna, il Mulino, 1987. 5. On the pope’s policy towards the Institute, see Angelini, Introduzione, pp. 207-215; M. Cavazza, L’istituto delle scienze di Bologna negli ultimi decenni del Settecento, in G. Barsanti, V. Becagli, R. Pasta (eds), La politica della scienza. Toscana e stati italiani nel tardo Settecento, Firenze, Olschki, pp. 435-439. For a general account of the history of the Institute see M. Cavazza, Innovazione e compromesso. L’Istituto delle scienze e il sistema accademico bolognese del Early work on Electricity and Medicine / 11 A second path, only partially explored, centres on the policy regarding the purchase of foreign books for the library. Already prior to the Institute’s foundation, Marsili, using a list drawn up by Eustachio Manfredi, had purchased a series of basic modern works on natural philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry etc. During the century, the library of the Institute, enormously expanded its collection of books and journals thanks to new purchases and, above all, donations by patrons or the authors themselves. 6 A third aspect, also partly investigated, arises in connection with the above point, again concerning the information available in Bologna on the most recent scientific developments and, more precisely the role of “filter” played by the Academy’s secretary in the selection of books de re scientifica for presentation during its meetings. This custom had been introduced during the time of the Inquieti, and was made obligatory by an article of the academic laws in 1714. The lists reconstructed by Annarita Angelini show that many of the books in question (about 146 out of a total of 444), were foreign, and, with the exception of about ten from Spain, all originated from Northern Europe. 7 A fourth area of interest concerns the exploratory journeys abroad undertaken by Bolognese academicians, recalling the “merchants of light” of Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis. This quotation is somehow justified if we remember that Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle called the Institute of Bologna the “Nouvelle Atlantide du chancelier Bacon realisée”. I mention two cases: the journey to Paris of Domenico G. Galeazzi in 1714, specifically for the purpose of gathering information on instruments, experiments and new theories, and the extended visits of L. F. Marsili in 1722 and 1723, first in London, then in Holland. In London he met Isaac Newton, Edmund Halley, John Woodward and Hans Sloane, took part in a meeting of the Royal Society, and purchased instruments and naturalistic materials for the Institute’s collections; in Settecento, in A. Prosperi (ed), Storia di Bologna 3. Bologna nell’età moderna (Secoli XVI-XVIII). Cultura, istituzioni culturali, Chiesa e vita religiosa. (II vol), Bologna, BUP, 2008, pp. 317-374. 6. Gherardi, Il ‘politico’ e ‘altre scienze’. On the library of the Istituto (now Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna), the only comprehensive work is F. Arduini, La Biblioteca Universitaria, in A. Emiliani, R. Predi, G. Adani (eds), I luoghi del conoscere. I laboratori storici e i musei dell’Università di Bologna, Milano, Pizzi, 1988, pp. 161-169. 7. See the text of the Leges and the list of the books in Anatomie accademiche III., pp. 517-521, pp. 411-438. 12 / Early work on Electricity and Medicine Holland he met Antoni van Leeuwenhoeck and Frederik Ruysch, and attended the chemistry lessons of Hermann Boerhaave. 8 A further valuable opportunity of exchanging ideas and information were the frequent visits to the Institute of foreign natural philosophers and mathematicians, for whom the Bologna Institute was an unmissable stop on the Grand Tour. Information on such visits has been passed down especially in their letters and travel journals. Two recently studied cases of note are the five-month stay in Bologna of Anders Celsius between 1733 and 1734 to participate in the Academy’s astronomic research and observation, and the journey of Abbé Antoine Nollet in 1749, who wished to verify the efficacy of an allegedly Italian discovery relative to the therapeutic use of electricity, one that had been directly sponsored by the Institute. While the former episode is evidence of the enduring prestige of Bolognese astronomy, the second is instead an index of the low esteem in which Italian science was held in the mid-eighteenth century. 9 The sixth line of enquiry is the purchase or imitation of foreign-built scientific instruments. This aspect was of considerable importance to an institution that was, like the Bolognese one, oriented toward experimental research and teaching, and in which there predominated an experimentalist and anti-metaphysical approach. In the teaching activities undertaken at the Institute it was forbidden to impart theoretical lessons, as these were the prerogative of the University. For example, during the Institute’s first twenty years, when the teacher of experimental physics was Iacopo Bartolomeo Beccari, the practical exercises organised for students were mainly to do with thermometers, a topic that nonetheless implies theoretical questions such as the weight of 8. F. Bacon, New Atlantis; in R. L. Ellis, J. Spedding, D. D. Heath (eds), The Works of Francis Bacon, London 1887-1892, 7 vols., III, pp. 129-166. B. L. B. de Fontenelle, Eloge de M. le Comte Marsigli, in Ouvres, Amsterdam 1754, 6 vols, VI, p. 283; on the journey of Galeazzi to Paris, see S. Belli, Le “camere” di Fisica dell’istituto delle scienze di Bologna (17111758), Phd thesis in History of Science, University of Bari, 1993-1994, pp. 79-85; on that of Marsili to London and Holland, see A. McDonnel, L. F. Marsigli’s Voyage to London and Holland, 1721-1722. 9. Cavazza, Sweden Science in Bologna during the 17th and the 18th Centuries, in M. Beretta, Tore Fragsmyr (eds), Sidereus Nuncius and Stella Polaris. The Scientific Relations between Italy and Sweden in Early Modern History; Canton Masss. SHP, 1997 pp. 79-98. P. Bertucci, Sparking controversy: Jean Antoine Nollet and medical electricity south of the Alps, Nuncius; 20/1, 2005, pp. 153-187. P. Bertucci, Back from the Wonderland: Jean Antoine Nollet’s Italian Tour (1749), in R. J. W. Evans, A. Marr (eds), Curiosity and Wonders from the Renaissance to the Enlightment, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006; P. Bertucci, Viaggio nel paese delle meraviglie. Scienza e curiosità nell’Italia del Settecento, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2007. Early work on Electricity and Medicine / 13 air or the existence of the void. Beccari continued to make use of the same old pneumatic pump that Marsili had made at Aldorf in 1696. This explains the enthusiasm of his assistant Galeazzi, in Paris in 1714, when Wilhlem Homberg showed him a more recent one, probably of the cylinder type invented by Boyle and perfected by Ian van Musschenbroek; he later tried to describe it in a letter to Beccari, also with the help of some sketches. The Institute would obtain an air pump similar to Homberg’s one only in 1743, with the arrival of Dutch instruments made by the same instruments maker and purchased thanks to the intervention of Pope Benedict XIV. 10 On the same occasion, an electric machine was also bought, the first ever owned by the Institute, together with several prisms with which to reproduce Newton’s optical experiments. It is worth mentioning that in 1728 Francesco Algarotti and Francesco Maria Zanotti finally succeeded in performing such experiments using an Iceland spar crystal brought directly from London by the academician FrancescoVandelli. Among those arriving from Holland, there were also machines for the mechanics demonstrations required in a course of Newtonian physics. In reality, the Institute already owned some copies built in the 1720s by its own instrument makers using the figures and instructions given in Willem Jacob s’Gravesande’s textbook Physices Elementa. These and other examples are proof of the close connection between the availability of certain instruments and the possibility to assimilate and verify particular theories, or as in the case of studies on electricity, to catch up with Germany and Great Britain. This area, too, has been partially explored, but there is still a lot of work to do. 11 Regarding a further possible research issue on the role played by the Bolognese Institute in circulating in Italy scientific knowledge developed abroad, I refer to a source that in importance should probably be in first place, i.e. the citations of foreign authors and experimentalists found in the Commentarii. At present no such quantitative citation survey on the entire text is available, however, thanks to the summaries and indexes published in 1987 in the above mentioned book edited 10. On Beccari’s teaching of pneumatic physics, see Belli, Le “camere” di Fisica, pp. 6678; M. Cavazza, The Teaching of Experimental Sciences at the Institute of Sciences in Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum, 1993, pp. 172-173. 11. On Algarotti’s experiments, see below; on the Dutch machines, see Willem Jakob’s Gravesande, Physices elementa mathematica; experimentis confirmata, sive introduction ad philosophiam Newtonianam, Leiden, 1720; Belli, Le “camere” di Fisica, pp. 168-176. 14 / Early work on Electricity and Medicine by Walter Tega, it is possible to obtain a first rough estimate. Taking the Institute’s entire duration, we encounter approximately 170 foreign names, nearly all from Northern Europe. Not all the names are of similar weight: Newton is cited 26 times, Leonhard Euler 10, Gottfried Willhelm Leibniz 9, Pieter van Musschenbroek 8, Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis 5, Georges Le Clerc de Buffon 3, and Carl Linnaeus just once. It would be interesting to extend the research to establish whether the citations of foreign authors are more numerous in the complete texts of the academic dissertations, that is in the section of the Opuscoli, or, as I suspect, in the section of the Commentarii, where the abstracts of the dissertations are presented and commented by the secretaryeditor. My hypothesis, already verified in some cases, is that, at least in the volumes edited by Zanotti, i.e. those published until 1767, in the abstracts reported by him the names are more numerous than in the full texts. Indeed, Zanotti was eager to link the research of his colleagues to previous or similar work undertaken not only in Italy, but also in Europe, especially those reported in scientific journals. When appropriate, he would highlight elements of novelty. 12 I refer to one of many possible examples: when the secretary, in the first part of the II volume of the Commentarii published in 1745, with the title “De adamante aliisque rebus in phosphororum numerum referendis (About diamonds and other things to be numbered among the phosphori), presents Beccari’s work on the classification of phosphori, read to the Academy in 1743, and published complete in the Opuscoli section of the second part of the same volume (1746) with the title “De quamplurimis phosphoris nunc primum detectis Commentarius” (Commentary on several newly detected phosphori), he is at pains to point out that it is the result of a decade-long research on the subject. Above all, he compares it with the parallel work undertaken in Paris by Charles Dufay, also arriving at the discovery of the phosphoric capacity of diamonds. Dufay published his research before Beccari, whose subsequent experiments sought to verify the French hypotheses on the causes of the phenomenon of phosphoric light, but with negative results. Zanotti nevertheless defends the validity and originality of Beccari’s work and discoveries. His aim was clearly to underline the organic character of the research carried out by the Institute, and to 12. Anatomie accademiche I. Early work on Electricity and Medicine / 15 present the various efforts as contributions to an on-going debate that encompassed the entire European scientific community. 13 Electricity and the Institute of Sciences: Bassi and Veratti, a scholarly couple Laura Maria Caterina Bassi 14 (1711-1778) was the only woman in Europe who had graduated in Philosophy and been awarded a chair in the same subject; this happened at the University of Bologna in 1732. In that same year, Bassi became the first woman member of the Academy of Sciences. Giuseppe Veratti (1707-1793) obtained a degree in Philosophy and Medicine in 1734. Although trained as a physician, he was strongly interested in physics, a matter which was part of the philosophical curriculum. In 1737, he was given a university position to teach it, and some years later a second position in the field of anatomy. In the second half of the 18th century he became assistant to the professor of experimental physics at the Institute of Science. Veratti, like one of his masters, Beccari, was one of the many Bolognese physicians of the Settecento who tried to apply the principles of the Newtonian physics to the study of organisms. By the end of the century, the most famous exponent of this approach was Luigi Galvani, the discoverer of electricity in animals. Galvani had been a pupil of Veratti and Laura Bassi. 15 The following citation shows the close interaction among scientific interests and private feelings in the life of Veratti and Bassi. In ending a letter to his wife during one of the rare periods he spent away from 13. Commentarii, II, 1, pp. 274-303; idem, II, 2, pp. 136-179; Anatomie accademiche I., p. 131 and pp. 156-157; Dufay, Recherches; On Beccari’s studies on phosphoric light, see Gomez, The Bologna Stone, pp. 16-23. 14. The following works are only a part of recent bibliography on Bassi: Elio Melli (1988), Laura Bassi Veratti: ridiscussionie nuovi spunti, in Alma Mater Studiorum, La presenza femminile dal XVIII al XX secolo, CLUEB, Bologna, pp. 71-79; Alberto Elena, «In lode della filosofessa di Bologna»: An introduction to Laura Bassi, Isis, 82, 1991, pp. 510-518; Paula Findlen, Science as a Career in Enlightenment Italy. The Strategies of Laura Bassi, Isis, 84, 1993, pp. 441-469; Gabriella Berti Logan, The Desire to Contribute: An Eighteenth Century Italian Woman of Science, American Historical Review 99, 1984, pp. 785-812; Beate Ceranski, «Und sie fürchtet sich vor niemanden». Über die Physikerin Laura Bassi (1711-1778), Campus, Frankfurt-NewYork, 1996, and Marta Cavazza, Una donna nella Repubblica degli scienziati, in Scienza a due voci, R. Simili (ed.), L.S. Olschki, Firenze, 2006, pp. 61-85. 15. On this intellectual tradition, see Nadia Urbinati, Physica, in W. Tega (ed.), Anatomie accademiche II. L’Enciclopedia scientifica dell’Accademia delle scienze di Bologna, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1987, pp. 123-154. 16 / Early work on Electricity and Medicine Bologna, Veratti writes: “Remember the electrical Machine, the love I feel for my Children and to Yourself, who are the greatest wealth I possess on this Earth”. 16 This letter was written at the end of the year 1746; their married life had begun eight years before. It offers evidence of the couple’s affectionate solidarity and scientific collaboration. In 1738, the marriage between the first woman to obtain both a university degree and a lectureship, and a young physician, her colleague at the University and at the Academy of Science, had not been well regarded by society. It was considered a blemish on the image of the virgin Minerva, the symbol of learned Bologna, with whom the young Bassi, with her education and dialectic ability, had been identified. By marrying, she had transgressed the confines assigned by nature and society to her gender. However, at the same time, the very public exhibition of such a “prodigy”, which drew to Bologna the attention of European men of culture as well as travelers on their grand tour, had aroused the ire of the townspeople, who found it scandalous that a young, unmarried woman was frequenting places of mixed company, such as aristocrats’ salons and exclusively male gatherings, such as the Academy’s meetings. 17 In order to escape this dually complex situation, Bassi decided to marry and, as we know from one of her letters, chose Veratti only after he had promised that he would not hinder her in her studies. 18 In fact, her new marital status increased Laura’s chances of taking part in social and scientific life, despite her pregnancies and numerous children. In 1746, when the abovementioned letter was written, she had already had five children, three of whom had survived, and there would be a further three in the years to come. The couple’s home became a seat for literary salons, frequented not only by scholars of science but also by poets, amateurs, and travellers. 16. Veratti to Bassi, from Ancona, 26 November 1746, in Lettere inedite alla celebre Laura Bassi scritte da illustri Italiani e stranieri, con biografia, Bologna, Tipografia G. Cenerelli, 1885, pp. 153-154. 17. P. Findlen, The Scientist’s Body: The Nature of a Woman Philosopher in Enlightenment Italy, in The Faces of Nature in Enlightenment Europe, L. Daston, G. Pomata (eds.), BWVBerliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin, 2003, pp. 211-236; M. Cavazza, Between Modesty and Spectacle: Women and Science in Eighteenth Century Italy, in Italy’s Eighteenth Century: Gender and Culture in the Age of the Grand Tour, P. Findlen, Catherine Sama, Wendy Roworth (eds.), Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2009. 18. Bassi to Giovanni Bianchi, Bologna, 26 Aprile 1738, in B. Ceranski, Il carteggio tra Giovanni Bianchi e Laura Bassi, 1733-1745, Nuncius, IX, 1994, 1, pp. 207-231; on Bassi-Veratti’s wedding, see also Ead., «Und sie fürchtet sich vor niemandem», cit., pp. 86-94. Early work on Electricity and Medicine / 17 It was only because of her marriage that Bassi managed to avoid the merely representative and ornamental role to which the authorities in Bologna had relegated her. Without the status of a marriage or the material and moral support of her husband, Bassi almost certainly could not have successfully attained the two goals that permitted her to effectively carry out her research and her teaching—if not exactly on the same terms as her male colleagues, then nearly the same. She obtained the first of these goals in 1745, when she and Veratti were able to convince Pope Benedict xiv to nominate her as a member of the new class of the Benedettini academics that he had created to stimulate the scientific output of the Academy. The Benedettini received a stipend but were expected to attend the sessions of the Academy assiduously and to present at least one original paper per year. 19 The second goal that Bassi managed to attain due to Veratti’s collaboration was the opportunity to teach on a regular basis, albeit at home. In 1732, when the lectureship of Philosophia universa was assigned to her, the Senate had pointed out that, because of her gender (ratione sexus), Bassi could only hold lectures with the consensus of her superiors and on exceptional occasions. Bassi had tried to have this constraint removed so that she could teach under the same conditions as her fellow professors, but these efforts were in vain. Finally, in 1749, in her own home she set up a school of Experimental Physics that was highly successful as it filled a gap in the studies available in the city. The University offered only theoretical teachings, whereas the experimental courses of the Institute were too abridged and produced few results. The main prerequisite of a school of this nature was the availability of a physics laboratory equipped with all the instruments, machines, and materials essential to meet all the needs of the discipline. If only because of the high costs involved, Veratti’s agreement and collaboration were clearly critical to the success of Bassi’s enterprise. Thus, at their home the couple had an impressive set of tools (among them, as referred to in the letter above, an electric machine) that they used for 19. M. Cavazza, Una donna nella Repubblica degli scienziati, cit., pp. 68-70. Pope Benedetto xiv (Prospero Lambertini) is considered to be the refounder of the Science Institute of Bologna, which was in a grave crisis during the 1730s. The institution of the new academic class was part of his strategy to promote the institute’s activity and increase its scientific productivity. There were 24 Benedettini academies and they received an annual budget, but members were obliged to participate assiduously in the academy and to present at least one original annual report each year. 18 / Early work on Electricity and Medicine their research and also for the medical therapy proposed by Dr. Veratti. To open the school, it was necessary to expand this collection with new tools; in turn, over time, the school acquired a great deal of recognition. In 1820, a Bolognese aristocrat acquired the school’s equipment from Paolo Veratti, the couple’s son, and drew up an inventory of it. In this document credit was given only to Bassi, who by that time was part of the academic pantheon of Bologna. 20 The school also turned out to be a good investment because it attracted numerous students as well as the fact that in recognition of its benefits to the public the Senate awarded Bassi a considerable increase in salary, in 1759. Courses were held throughout the year and Bassi continued teaching them until shortly before her death in 1778. Thereafter, her husband assumed these responsibilities. One of the first students to attend the school was Lazzaro Spallanzani, who always referred to Laura Bassi as his “venerata maestra”. 21 The fact that Bassi’s professional success also meant an increase in the family’s income suggests that the couple’s efforts were not wholly of an idealistic nature. In any case, their solidarity is apparent in their agreed-upon strategies for obtaining recognition in the scientific community and in the unanimous choice of which faction to support whenever there were divisions within the academic or political community. It was also manifested in their cultivation of shared scientific friendships. Moreover, their habit of working together, along with their reciprocal affection and respect, may have had an important influence on the evolution of their respective research interests. One example that seems to verify these statements is the roles that Bassi and Veratti played, individually and as a couple, within the early community of Italians studying electricity, in a period extending from the initial discussions on the subject (1747-1752) to the end of the 1770s, 20. Inventario delle macchine componenti il Gabinetto una volta della fù Sig.ra Dottoressa Laura Bassi Veratti, ora di ragione del N.U: Sig. Cav. e Conte Carlo Filippo Aldrovandi Marescotti, in Archivio di Stato di Bologna, Archivio Aldrovandi Marescotti, n. 430, pp. 24. The inventory is published in Marta Cavazza, Laura Bassi e il suo gabinetto di Fisica sperimentale: realtà e mito, Nuncius, X, 1995/2, pp. 715-753: 741-753. 21. On Bassi and Spallanzani’s relationship, see Marta Cavazza, Laura Bassi “maestra”di Spallanzani, in Il cerchio della vita. Materiali di ricerca del Centro studi Lazzaro Spallanzani di Scandiano sulla storia della scienza del Settecento, W. Bernardi and P. Manzini (eds.), Olschki, Firenze, 1999, pp. 185-202, and Ead., Spallanzani professore di fisica newtoniana, in La sfida della modernità. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi nel bicentenario della morte di Lazzaro Spallanzani, W. Bernardi and M. Stefani (eds.), Olschki, Firenze, 2000, pp. 95-109. Early work on Electricity and Medicine / 19 i.e., the years just prior to Galvani’s theories on animal electricity. 22 The couple’s research activity took place in their home laboratory, in the Physics department at the Institute of Sciences, and during the meetings held at the Academy of Sciences. At the time of the aforementioned letter, the availability of an electrical machine at the Verattis’ house made it the only private place in Bologna where it was possible to perform electrostatic experiments. Judging from what is known about the equipment available at the house, 23 the machine is likely to have been an improved version of the Hauksbee model invented at the beginning of the century. A description of the machine can be found in the travel diary of Jean Antoine Nollet, who visited the Bassi-Veratti laboratory in 1749. The machine is described as a multi-globe machine, similar to the one designed by the German professor Johann Heinrich Winkler around 1743-1745, which very quickly spread all over Italy. A number of details in Nollet’s description suggest that some of the parts of Veratti’s machine were made in Venice, where this model of electrical generator was well known due to the public demonstrations of the Saxon physician Christian Xavier Wabst and the Flemish experimenter Francisco Bossaert. 24 The Institute acquired an electrical machine only in 1743. It was a single-globe machine moved by a multiplying wheel (according to the Hauksbee and Gravesande models) and belonged to the extensive collection of experimental physics instruments that the Institute pur22. J. Heilbron, Electricity in the 17th and 18th century. A Study on early Modern Physics, University of California Press, Berkeley-Los Angeles, 1979; W. D. Hackmann, Electricity from Glass. The History of the Frictional Electrical Machine (1600-1850), Alphen aan der Rijn, Sijthoff, 1979. 23. “Antique electrical machine with two cylinders and two crystal globes, in one of which there was a tap made in Holland to raise air with a pneumatic machine, fire would heat the globe, an iron bar, which serves as a conductor”. (Inventario delle machine, cit., p. 751). For a “classification of the principal electrical machines”, from 1600 to 1850, see Hackmann, Electricity from Glass, pp. 11-13. 24. “La Mach.[ine] Electrique de Mr. Verati a une Roüe de 3 pieds et demi de diametre, deux poupées assez solide set des cylindres dont les uns sont de cristal de Venise, les autres de verre blanc fait a Boulogne, ont environ 21 pouces de diam., et 8 a 10 pouces de longueur” (J. A. Nollet, Journal du voyage de Piémont et d’Italie en 1749, Soisson, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 150, p. 229; Hackmann, Electricity from glass, pp. 73-82, 267. I was able to read Nollet’s Journal, thanks to the kindness of Paola Bertucci (see reference). The crystal bells (poupées) of Veratti’s machine resemble those of the electrical machine portrayed in G. Pivati, Nuovo dizionario scientifico e curioso, sacro e profano, Venezia, Milocco, 10 vols., 1746-1751. On Wabst’s and Bossaert’s electrical performances in Venice, and on the quick spread of Winkler’s electrical machine in Italy, see Paola Bertucci, Viaggio nel paese delle meraviglie. Scienza e curiosità nell’Italia del Settecento, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2007, pp. 126-129. 20 / Early work on Electricity and Medicine chased from the Dutch instrument-maker Jan Van Musschenbroeck, made possible by the generous financial support of Pope Benedict XIV. Until then the Bolognese physicists had worked on pneumatics, fluid dynamics, mechanics, and Newtonian optics. 25 It was only towards the end of the 1740s, much later than other European centers of learning, that they began to show some interest in the phenomena of electricity. The role of the Bolognese Academy in expanding research on electricity in Italy was recently explored by Paola Bertucci, in a book focused on the travel across Italy of the Abbé Jean Antoine Nollet, in 1749. 26 Nollet went to Italy in order to judge for himself the controversial experiments carried out by a number of Italians, who thought that electricity might act as a vehicle for introducing into the human body pharmaceutical products contained within sealed glass tubes for the treatment of certain illnesses. The Academy was directly involved in discussions about the use of electricity in medical therapy. These discussions, which took place in Italy in the years 1747-1749, became a matter of debate throughout Europe, thanks to Nollet. Some years ago, this episode was referred to by Simon Schaffer as an example in support of his theories on the social aspects of scientific evidence. 27 Controversy arose following publication of the book Dell’elettricità medica, by the Venetian Gianfrancesco Pivati, who was a solicitor, writer, and cultivated self-made expert in physics. Pivati was a member of the Academy of Bologna, where his book was published in 1747 in the form of a letter addressed to the Secretary Francesco Maria Zanotti. The Academy entrusted to Veratti the task of experimental verification of the efficacy of the therapeutic method proposed by Privati. The experiments by which the latter maintained he had confirmed the therapeutic efficacy of electricity were presented at the Academy and made known to a wider public in a book published in Bologna in 1748, which was subsequently translated into French and printed in Geneva in 1750. 28 25. For the history of the Institute’s physics laboratory, see Stefano Belli, Le “Camere” di Fisica dell’Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna (1711-1758), doctoral dissertation, Università di Bari, 1993-1994. 26. Bertucci, Viaggio nel paese delle meraviglie. Scienza e curiosità nell’Italia del Settecento, cit. On Nollet’s travel, see also, Ead., Sparking controversy: Jean Antoine Nollet and medical electricity south of the Alps, Nuncius, XX , 1-2005, pp. 153-187. 27. Simon Schaffer, Self evidence, Critical Inquiry, 18, 1992, pp. 327-362, reprinted in Questions of evidence. Proof, practice, and persuasion across the disciplines, J. Chandler, A. I. Davidson and H. Harootunian (eds.), University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. 56-91. 28. Giuseppe Veratti, Osservazioni fisico-mediche intorno all’elettricità, Bologna, Dalla Early work on Electricity and Medicine / 21 Classical histories on electricity also mention the experiments on atmospheric electricity carried out by researchers in the Bolognese Academy in 1752, immediately after the French experiments in Marly. These experiments were among the first in Italy to confirm Franklin’s hypotheses about the identity between atmospheric and artificial electricity. In this episode too, Veratti was one of the main protagonists, immediately making the results known to the public. 29 Both these experiments concerning atmospheric electricity and the lightning-rod, and those of 1748 on therapeutic electricity were widely reported in the 1755 edition of the Academy’s Commentarii. 30 As a result of these works, Veratti gained a minor place in the history of electricity, although probably a smaller one than he deserved. Laura Bassi, by contrast, has been almost totally ignored by historians of electricity, which is quite unjust considering that she presented no less than seven dissertations on electricity to the Academy, a number surpassed only by her husband’s. That her contribution has been forgotten is, however, quite comprehensible, since the texts of these papers have been lost; only their titles and dates of presentation are known. This is the only time when Veratti’s name is more prominent than his wife’s, but this is true only historically because at the time she was well-respected by her colleagues. The example of Nollet serves to illustrate this point: after his return to Paris, he continued to correspond with her also about other areas of experimental physics. In particular, one long letter that he wrote is significant because of the description Nollet gives of one of his new inventions, a square in which it is possible to conduct “electrical fire” in order to create luminous designs at one’s desire. The French experimentalist eventually included this letter in the 1767 edition of his Lettres sur l’Électricité. 31 Volpe, 1748 (French translation: Id., Observations physico-médicales sur l’électricité, Génève, chez H.-A. Gosse, 1750). 29. Antonio Pace, Benjamin Franklin and Italy. The American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 1958, p. 2. Giuseppe Veratti, Osservazione fatta in Bologna l’anno 1752 dei fenomeni elettrici nuovamente scoperti in America, Bologna, Dalla Volpe, 1752. 30. Commentarii, III, 1755, De electricitati caelesti, pp. 200-204. 31. Antoine Nollet, Lettres sur l’Electricité dans lequelles on trouvera les principaux phénomènes qui ont été découverts depuis 1760, L. Guérin et L.F. Delatour, Paris, 1767. For the (shorter) version of the letter actually received by Bassi, see Lettere inedite alla celebre Laura Bassi, cit., pp. 99-102. 22 / Early work on Electricity and Medicine The research program As pointed out above, Bassi’s training was different from Veratti’s. Her best-known contributions, mainly because they were published in the Commentarii, dealt with problems of pneumatics, hydraulics, and mechanics, solved at times by analytical methods. 32 She did share with her husband, however, a passionate interest in electrical phenomena and, later, in studies on fixed and on inflammable air. Her presence can be clearly felt in all three of the major lines of research in electrical phenomena carried out at the Academy in Bologna from the 1750s to the 1770s. As clearly delineated by Veratti in his papers of 1748 and 1752, these three closely linked lines were: 1) The Newtonian epistemological approach, which, in the wake of the Queries in the Opticks, attempted to find principles capable of linking physical phenomena (light, heat, electricity, and magnetism) with organic phenomena (the effects of electricity on the growth of plants and on muscular movement, “electric” fish, and phosphorescent fish). 2) The study of the effects of “electrical fluid” on living organisms and on their functions. It was mainly Veratti, and then Galvani, who took research to the borders between physics and physiology. As mentioned above, despite holding a post in those years as a lecturer in physics at the University, Veratti was a physician, a pupil of Iacopo Bartolomeo Beccari, likewise a physician, but also a professor first of physics, then of chemistry, at the Institute and the University. Indeed, with very few exceptions, among them Laura Bassi, all the Bolognese scholars of electricity had degrees in medicine. 3) The support of the single electrical fluid theory proposed by Franklin and systematized in a Newtonian framework by Giambattista Beccaria, with whom the Academy, through Beccari, Bassi, and Veratti, held a close and fruitful relationship. Even when most of the Italian electricians supported Symmer’s “double fluid” theory, the Bologna Academy remained faithful to 32. Works of Bassi in the Academy’s Commentarii: De aeris compressione, II, first part, 1745, pp. 347-353; De problemate quodam idrometrico, IV, 1757, pp. 61-73; De problemate quodam mechanico, IV, pp. 74-79; De immixto fluidis fluidis aere, VII, 1791, pp. 44-47; on their contents, see Logan Berti, The Desire to Contribute, cit., pp. 805-808; Ceranski, «Und sie fürchtet sich vor niemanden», pp. 131-162. Early work on Electricity and Medicine / 23 Franklin. 33 An official guide to the Institute published in 1780 stated that the machines and instruments in the room dedicated to electricity were intended to illustrate Franklin’s and Beccaria’s theories. 34 In the concluding section of his book on medical electricity, Veratti presented the results of a series of tests aimed at demonstrating the “physical qualities” of what he sometimes calls electrical “force”, and other times electrical “virtue” or “matter”. Among these, the first and best-known one was the capacity to attract certain bodies and repel others. Veratti rejected explanations of a mechanistic type, such as Nollet’s (whom, however, he did not mention by name), and instead believed that electrical phenomena are a result of attraction, which he defined as the “general source, from which the principal phenomena of nature spring”. He was of the opinion that, like attraction, “electrical virtue” was “scattered and spread universally throughout corporeal nature”. Finally, he put forward a “conjecture” that “there may be much analogy and similarity between electrical fluid and light”. Newton showed that light is attracted or repelled by bodies in different ways. The same was true for “electrical fluid”. Why shouldn’t one think that “these two marvellous fluids” are “one and the same thing”? 35 The path in search of analogies that made it possible to link different phenomena was followed uninterruptedly at the Academy in Bologna, first by Veratti, who in academic meetings of 1758 and 1759 proposed an analogy between “magnetic virtue”, “electrical virtue”, and fire; second by Laura Bassi, who in 1777 maintained that there was an affinity between bodies that retain heat and those that retain electricity; and third by Galvani, who in 1786 hypothesized that there is a similarity among flame, respiration, and “electrical vapor”, and in 1791 finally publicized the results of experiments proving the existence of electricity in animals and its identity with common electrical fluid 36. 33. Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and observations on Electricity made at Philadelphia in America, E. Cave, London, 1751. B. Beccaria, Elettricismo naturale e artificiale, Torino, Stamperia di F. A. Campana, 1753. On Beccaria’s stay in Bologna, and on his influence on the electricians of the Academy, see Urbinati, Physica, pp. 146-149. On Symmer and the controversy about the electric fluid nature, see J. L. Heilbron, Robert Symmer and the Two Electricities, Isis, 57, 1966, pp. 7-20. 34. Giuseppe Angelelli, Notizie dell’Origine, e Progressi dell’Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna e sue Accademie, Bologna, Nell’Instituto delle Scienze, 1780, p. 110. 35. Veratti, Osservazioni fisico-mediche, pp. 126-141. 36. Veratti, Esperimenta magnetica, in Commentarii, VI, 1783, pp. 31-44; for Bassi, see the title of the paper presented to the academy on 6th June 1777: Sopra la proprietà che 24 / Early work on Electricity and Medicine This research program was undoubtedly also fueled by the great influence Beccaria had on the Bolognese scholars. 37 Originally, however, as Beate Ceranski suggests, there might well have been discussions and exchanges of opinions between Bassi and Veratti. In the years 1747/1748 and after, the couple was engaged in different fields, and, in fact, Laura’s notes on electricity date from after 1761. Ceranski is of the opinion that Bassi deliberately remained in the background in order not to harm the fame of her husband as an expert electrician, whose book she promoted forcefully by means of her own personal network of relationships. 38 However, that she was in fact already profoundly interested in the debates about electricity is proved by a paper entitled ‘De aere in fluidis contento’, which she presented at the Academy in 1748. 39 The subject discussed was the cause of air bubbles that are formed in different liquids contained in vases when air-pressure is eliminated. Bassi felt that the cause was the attraction carried out on the air within by the walls of a jar and the liquids contained therein, which were of different densities. She began the paper by establishing an analogy between the behavior of air and that of light. She then observed that “both these fine fluids”, in crossing different barriers, “obey the laws of attraction and repulsion”, exactly like electricity, whose tendency to accumulate in the extremities of bodies and corners she recalled. 40 It is therefore clear that even if the two partners were focused on different topics, they still shared a model of interpretation. This no doubt arose from their habit of exchanging ideas, encouraged both by the fact of living together and by their experimental activities, which, while concerned with different subjects, were carried out side by side hanno molti corpi, che ritenendo più degli altri il calore, ritengono più degli altri ancora l’elettricità (Angelini, p. 370); L. Galvani, Dell’accordo e delle differenze tra la respirazione, la fiamma, e il fiocco elettrico uscente dal conduttore acuminato della bottiglia di Leyda, in L. Galvani, Opere scelte, G. Barbensi ed., Torino, UTET; Id., De viribus electricitatis in motu muscolari, Commentarii, VII, 1791. 37. Urbinati, Physica, pp. 148-149. 38. Ceranski, «Und sie fürchtet sich vor niemanden», cit., pp. 165-169. 39. This paper, preserved in manuscript form in the Archive of the Accademia delle Scienze, was not published during Bassi’s life, unlike another on the same subject, similar, but not identical, presented in 1747, and inserted in the VII volume of the Commentarii (pp. 44-47). Both the version have been edited by Ceranski, in an Appendix to her book «Und sie fürchtet sich vor niemandem», cit., pp. 258-270. 40. Ibid, p. 268. On Bassi’s acceptance of Newton’s natural philosophy, see Elena, «In lode della filosofessa di Bologna»: An introduction to Laura Bassi, cit.; Logan Berti, The Desire to Contribute, cit., pp. 793 and 807; Ceranski, «Und sie fürchtet sich vor niemandem», cit., passim. Early work on Electricity and Medicine / 25 in the same laboratory. Ceranski wonders which of the two had more influence on the other. She tends to favor Laura, who had first appreciated Newton many years before and who had on several occasions publicly repeated his experiments on the composition of white light as explained in the Opticks. 41 The physics laboratory in the Veratti house, in which there was a considerable quantity of electrical instruments, was in the mid-1750s an essential point of reference for some young physicians and physicists, the supporters of Haller’s physiological doctrines, including Leopoldo Caldani and Felice Fontana. Haller’s distinction between sensitivity, a nerve property, and irritability, an independent property of the muscles, was attacked in Bologna by Tommaso Laghi, who, at a session of the Academy in 1756, defended the traditional doctrine of animal spirits circulating in the nerves as the only cause of muscular movement. He also proposed the hypothesis that nervous fluid was of an electrical nature and that muscular contraction was caused by electricity passing from the nerve to the muscle. In a later session, Caldani defended Haller’s theories. The latter had not carried out his experiments at the Institute but privately, in the presence, besides that of Fontana and other young friends, of more authoritative figures, such as Francesco Algarotti and Bassi and Veratti themselves. The experiments, which required the electrical stimulation of various organs, and hence an electrical machine, had been carried out in the laboratory of the couple. It was Fontana rather than Caldani who performed the experiments, using cats, calves, and, above all, a great number of frogs as test animals. Electricity was considered by the two researchers to be the most powerful stimulus, capable of arousing reactions in tissues and irritable organs, even when any other stimuli were ineffective. They both, however, rejected the idea that nervous fluid was of the same nature as the electrical one. 42 One of the first epistemological objections to their acceptance of this theory was that it would have questioned Haller’s system, which they 41. Ceranski, «Und sie fürchtet sich vor niemanden», p. 169. 42. Caldani L.M.A, Sull’insensività ed irritabilità di alcune parti degli animali. Lettera scritta al chiarissimo e celebratissimo signore Alberto Haller, in Fabri G.B. (ed.), Sull’insensività ed irritabilità halleriana. Opuscoli di varj autori, Bologna, 1757, pp. 269-336, in part. p. 325. On the controversy between Haller’s Bolognese supporters and the local advocates of the iatromechanic tradition, see M. Cavazza, Vis irritabilis e spiriti animali. Una disputa settecentesca sulle cause del moto muscolare, in Marco Piccolino (ed.), Neuroscienze controverse. Da Aristotele alla moderna scienza del linguaggio, Bollati Boringhieri,Torino, 2008 ,pp. 49-74. 26 / Early work on Electricity and Medicine supported, and the idea that there was a force within muscles that was independent of nerves and sensitivity. Moreover, as R.W. Home explained, in an article published in 1970, Laghi’s analogy was unacceptable on the basis of Franklin’s and Beccaria’s theories about electricity, with which Caldani and Fontana agreed. 43 It may well have been Bassi and Veratti who were behind their conclusions, since they were the first supporters of these theories in Bologna. Both Caldani and Fontana were regular visitors to the couple’s house, where Fontana also carried out his first experiments, described in his book about the iris, in addition to those on irritability. 44 Veratti’s agreement with the hypothesis of a single electrical fluid had been reached after reading Beccaria’s 1753 work Artificial and Natural Electricity. We know that he repeated those experiments there shortly thereafter. It was probably on the basis of his recommendation that Beccaria was elected a member of the Academy in the spring of 1755. He came to Bologna in October and repeated the experiments described in the book in the physics laboratory at the Institute, also availing himself of Bassi’s and Veratti’s collaboration. The latter eventually presented Franklin’s Experiments and Letters on Electricity to the academics on November 6th of the same year. 45 A life of scientific success The experiments repeated by Beccaria in Bologna included one on the motor effects of electrical stimuli, also quoted by Laghi in his dissertation against Haller: using Franklin’s magic square, he conducted electricity through two copper wires joined to the tendons and muscle in the thigh of a live chicken: the spark that was set off made the muscle contract. It has been said of this experiment that “it recalls surprisingly Galvani’s first tests”. 46 However, neither Caldani, nor Fontana, nor Veratti evidently interpreted the results as a proof of the analogy between nervous and electrical fluids, and thus in opposition to Haller’s prin43. Roderick W. Home, Electricity and the Nervous Fluid, Journal of the History of Biology, 3, 1970, pp. 235-251. 44. Felice Fontana, Dei moti dell’iride, Giusti, Lucca, 1765. For the experiments made by Fontana in the Veratti laboratory, see his letter from Pisa, on 25 March 1759 in Lettere inedite alla celebre Laura Bassi, cit., pp. 210-213. 45. Annarita Angelini (ed.), Anatomie accademiche III. L’Istituto delle scienze e l’Accademia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1993, p. 345. 46. Urbinati, Physica, cit., p. 146. Early work on Electricity and Medicine / 27 ciples of physiology. Veratti would return once again to the theme of the effects of electric shock on animals in a series of experiments also using Franklin’s square; these were presented at the Academy in 1769 and 1770. In his opinion, the shock caused an upset in the functions of nerves and the destruction of the gluten in the muscles and, consequently, of the irritability of the fibers. 47 This conjecture, therefore, can still be seen within a Hallerian framework. In the following years, Veratti changed his mind; however, in the 1791 volume of the Commentarii the account of these experiments is placed alongside Galvani’s De viribus electricitatis, in which Haller’s doctrine of irritability was rejected and muscular contractions were explained as the effect of a flow of animal electricity from the nerve to the muscle. 48 In fact, in his innovative research, Galvani could always count on the advice of Veratti, who proposed some experiments to him, as autographed documents at the Academy prove. In those documents Galvani highly praises not only Veratti but his wife as well. 49 Veratti’s lasting appreciation of Haller can also be explained by the friendship that continued to tie him and his wife to the two foremost Italian followers of Haller, Caldani and Fontana. In 1761, after moving to Padua, the former even offered to take on the task of obtaining two vacant chairs for the couple at that University, one in experimental physics and the other in mathematics. 50 Here, however, the relationship between the couple and Fontana is of greater interest to us. In 1758, Fontana had moved to Tuscany, where he had been entrusted by the Grand Duke’s government with setting up a large public physics museum. 51 If his letters to Veratti were mainly concerned with matters pertaining to his works on irritability and the iris, those addressed to Bassi, greater in number and to a large extent unpublished, are extremely interesting from the point of view of the history of electric47. G. Veratti, De animalibus electrico ictu percussi, Commentarii, VII, 1791, pp. 41-44. 48. L. Galvani, De viribus electricitatis in motu muscolari, Commentarii, VII, 1791, pp. 363-418. 49. The influence of Veratti’s experimental work on the scientific training of Galvani, has been recognized and well documented by Marco Bresadola in Marco Piccolino, Marco Bresadola, Rane, torpedini e scintille: Galvani, Volta e l’elettricità animale, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2003, pp. 118-120. 50. Caldani to Veratti, from Padua [1761, in Lettere inedite, cit., pp. 204-206. 51. On Fontana’s scientific and cultural achievements in Florence, see Simone Contardi, La Casa di Salomone a Firenze. L’Imperiale e Reale Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale (1775-1801), Olschki, Firenze, 2002; see also the monographic issue of the journal Nuncius: Journal of the History of Science, devoted to Felice Fontana and his collections (XXI, 2/2006). 28 / Early work on Electricity and Medicine ity. The first reason concerns the history of instruments: Fontana often speaks to his correspondent, whom he refers to as “an honor to women and the envy of men”, about the machines acquired or constructed for the museum. Among the former was a Nairne electrical machine, which was a novelty for Italy, while the latter included an enormous machine, constructed by the museum’s mechanics, which could produce violent sparks like those obtained with the Leyden jar. Fontana also describes a “little electrical machine” constructed in Florence under the guidance of its inventor, the Dutchman Ingenhousz, to whom he had first been introduced by Bassi. One such “little machine” had been constructed for a nobleman in Milan, but had first been sent to Bologna so that Bassi might have a copy made of it. 52 But Fontana does not only discuss instruments with Laura Bassi; he also confides to her that he is not fully convinced by Franklin’s system because it does not explain all phenomena. On the one hand, Franklin’s work is confirmed by “irresistible experiments”, which he has carried out personally. On the other hand, he says that he has found several proofs that “restrict the over-generic propositions of Franklin’s followers”, although they are not such as to prove the single fluid theory wrong. This letter is dated 1768. As is known, like most Italian scholars of electricity, Fontana would later publicly support Symmer’s double fluid hypothesis. We do not have Bassi’s replies to these letters, but in a letter of 1775 Fontana attributes to her an “ingenious” defense of Franklin’s system, which, nonetheless, does not convince him. She had, in fact, accepted the corrected version of the single fluid theory proposed by Beccaria, who in 1767 had introduced the concept of “vindicating electricity” to explain the phenomena of repulsion between bodies with a negative charge. On June 7, 1771, Bassi presented a paper to the Academy entitled Sopra l’elettricità vindice, the text of which, unfortunately, has been lost. Veratti was not converted to the double fluid theory either, so much so that in the years 1778-1780 he dedicated his courses at the Institute to the demonstration “with experiments” of “Beccaria’s and Franklin’s system”. 53 Such fidelity is not surprising, as after Beccaria’s visit to Bologna 52. Fontana to Bassi, 8 February 1771, and 30 April 1775, from Firenze (BCAB, Collez. autogr., XXIX, 8027 e 8029). Fontana to Bassi, 10 June 1768, and 9 May, 1775, from Firenze (BCAB, Collez. autogr. XXIX, 8024 e 8028). 53. For Veratti’s courses, see in BCAB the local gazette Diario Bolognese Ecclesiastico e Civile (years 1779 and 1780). Early work on Electricity and Medicine / 29 in 1755 his ties with the scientific community in the city had grown even stronger. Beccaria obviously saw in the favour shown him by the most authoritative Italian scientific academy a shield against the attacks made on him in his own city, Turin, first by the Cartesians and then by the opponents of Franklin. In 1758, he published in Bologna a work whose title (translated) was Atmospheric Electricity in the form of letters to Beccari, the President of the Institute. The letters contain a theoretical and experimental defense of the Franklin system. Most of the experiments described had been carried out in Turin, but Beccaria also recalls that some had been done in Bologna, in the presence of Beccari, and with the participation of Bassi and Veratti. One in particular, aimed at “establishing the universal diffusion of electrical vapor”, and indirectly “the contradictions of electricities”, had been suggested to him by Laura Bassi, a woman who, Beccaria wrote “does not dislike good reasons but never tires of experiments”. The test was enormously successful. Another experiment is described in detail, this one proposed by Veratti, whose aim was to counter any objections to the “contradictions of the two electricities”, and his considerations about this topic are reported. 54 Beccaria’s collaboration with the Bolognese couple, especially with Laura, continued in the following years by means of letters. Some of hers have survived and she is often the bearer of messages from her husband or speaks of scientific experiments they have performed together, for example, tests on atmospheric electricity conducted in their country house, since these had been banned in Bologna after terrified public reactions to lightning-rod experiments carried out there in 1752 and 1753. Perhaps under the influence of Fontana, Bassi admits in 1769 that she had previously had “various doubts about the contrary nature of electricity”, adding that she would like to speak to Beccaria personally about it. In their correspondence, they often spoke of another trip on the part of the latter to Bologna, and hence another chance to carry out experiments together, but this journey was never to take place. Beccaria expresses his gratitude for his Bolognese friends’ support and on more than one occasion promises Laura that he will dedicate one of his papers to her. Like Caldani and Fontana, he frequently sends the couple people anxious to meet them and be introduced into the Insti54. Giambattista Beccaria, Elettricismo naturale ed artificiale. Lettere, Stamperia di Colle Ameno, Bologna, 1758, pp. 29-30. 30 / Early work on Electricity and Medicine tute. Like Fontana, who considered their home to be the most open and welcoming in Bologna, 55 he was sure that they would be at these people’s disposal. As his points of reference in Bologna, he also sends the couple copies of his books for distribution among other scholars at the Institute. This role as intermediaries among researchers in other cities and the Academy was valued by both of them, but especially by Laura Bassi. In the 1770s, above all, various scholars, especially young ones, sent her their publications, described their discoveries to her, or offered to dedicate their next work to her. Three such scholars were not simply by chance connected to the Franklin’s supporters’ group. One of them was Giuseppe Campi, who sent her a collection of Franklin’s works, the first to be translated into Italian, which he edited in 1774. 56 The second one, Marsilio Landriani, also engaged in a defense of Franklin, asked her for her opinion about a new type of portable barometer he had invented, but the main topic of this letter was more concerned with debates about various types of air, which at that time was of great interest among those studying electricity, including Bassi and Veratti. 57 The third, and most famous, of Bassi’s correspondents was also interested in electricity and in inflammable air. This was Alessandro Volta, who sent her a short work in 1771 containing a description of a series of new electrical experiments, and in 1776 his first two letters about inflammable air in marshlands and, in the following year, the complete work. In 1777, when he sent her his pamphlet describing a pistol that works with inflammable air, he announced in advance a new invention, the lantern using inflammable air, and his intention of dedicating its description to her, whom he defines as the “beautiful ornament of natural sciences, and the light and glory of her sex in our Italy”. 58 In these letters by Volta, and in the only reply of Bassi’s that is extant, we are struck by the now-aging Bassi’s enthusiasm for the young Volta’s inventions. This enthusiasm was obviously shared by Veratti, who even after his wife’s death would continue to acquire all 55. Fontana to Veratti, march 1766, BCAB, Coll. Autogr., XXIX, 8024-8031, n. 8031. 56. Campi to Bassi, from Milan, 8 August 1774 (BCAB, Collez. autogr., XIII, 3868). 57. Landriani to Bassi, Milan, 4 luglio July 1777, BCAB, Collez. autogr. XXVII, 10054. 58. Volta to Bassi, 15 July 1771, and 15 June 1777 from Como, in Lettere inedite, cit., pp. 157-159. Early work on Electricity and Medicine / 31 the new instruments invented by Volta for the laboratory that the couple had built up together over the course of so many years. 59 Public recognition of a woman scientist The competence and merits of the Bassi-Veratti couple in spreading knowledge about electrical phenomena, through their research and especially through their teaching, were officially recognized in Bologna. In 1776, the Senate decided to reorganize the teaching of physics at the Institute. Various proposals were made, including separation of the course on electricity from the rest of experimental physics. Bassi and Veratti were asked to organize the new course together, but they replied that this division would have caused several problems of a practical nature. The Senate accepted these comments and decided that the course would indeed be divided, but into one on general physics and the other on experimental physics. The latter was entrusted to Laura Bassi as chief professor and Veratti as her assistant. However, since he had already assumed this role in previous years he this time expected to become the professor. The solution adopted, which was granted in response to Bassi’s insistent applications in the previous years – and in recognition of her merits and fame “throughout the Republic of Letters” – obviously had to be approved of and accepted by Veratti, who would become first professor only two years later, that is, after his wife’s death. 60 The situation that arose was undoubtedly paradoxical for the time, yet significant in the equally paradoxical way in which Laura Bassi and Giuseppe Veratti were seen by their contemporaries, i.e., as a couple engaged in the same work albeit not a truly equal couple, because one of the two members enjoyed public recognition and social esteem that were far greater than the other’s. The greater honor was paid not to the man, the husband, as was to be expected then, and even to some extent nowadays, but to the woman, the wife. 59. See the long list of electrical instruments in the section devoted to electricity of the Inventario delle macchine, in Cavazza, Laura Bassi e il suo gabinetto di Fisica, cit., pp. 751-753. 60. On the re-organization of the courses of physics at the Institute at the end of 18th century, see Marta Cavazza, The teaching of the experimental sciences at the Institute of Sciences in Bologna, in Alma Mater Studiorum, 1993, pp. 169-179; and Ead., Fisica generale e fisica sperimentale nelle istituzioni scientifiche del Settecento, Studi settecenteschi, 18, 1998, pp. 321-342. 32 / Early work on Electricity and Medicine The paradoxical aspect of this situation can only be understood if it is considered within the context of gender relationships of the time. The extraordinary fact in the daily relationship of the couple BassiVeratti is that it was based on reciprocity, as established in the agreement made before they married. One of its consequences was that it allowed for a gender role division and a hierarchy that were absolutely new and against the laws and customs of the time. By respecting this agreement, Veratti allowed Bassi to pursue her scientific studies and intellectual profession while maintaining her role as wife and mother and thus a harmonious family life. The conciliation of these two roles showed that the access of women to knowledge was not a danger capable of destroying the family and of generating social chaos - as was claimed by moralists, philosophers, and the lay public, and not only by adherents of Catholic conservatism. Even in a town like Bologna, where in the Settecento a handful of women received public recognition for their knowledge, Laura Bassi was unique. One of the other prominent women of that time was Anna Morandi, whose fame was similar to that of Bassi but was achieved after the death of her husband, the ceroplastic sculptor Giovanni Manzolini. It was only then that Morandi’s contribution to the field of anatomic ceroplastics was recognized, which freed her to carry out original research. This work resulted in her being placed in charge of the practical anatomy courses in the university. 61 Without doubt, the fame of Bassi and of Morandi was due to their research and their didactic abilities but also to their extraordinary positions in society. The ancien régime was neither able to accept the idea of all women’s right to education and to participation in public life, nor to admit a conjugal agreement based on equality. In such a cultural context, the Bologna’s episodes of celebration and recognition of the learning of a number of women were possible only because they were functional to the strategies of power and propaganda of male political and religious authorities, who counted on the exceptionality of such women and of 61. On Anna Morandi, see Rebecca Messbarger, Waxing Poetic: Anna Morandi Manzolini’s Anatomical Sculptures, Configurations, 9, 2001, pp. 9-65; Ead. The Lady Anatomist: the life and work of Anna Morandi Manzolini, Chicago, Chicago University Press, 2010; Ead., As Who Dare Gaze the Sun: Anna Morandi Manzolini’s Wax Anatomies of the Male Reproductive System and Genitalia, in P. Findlen, W. Roworth, C. Sama, (eds.), Italy’s Eighteenth Century: Gender and Culture in the Age of the Grand Tour, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2009, pp. 251-27; Miriam Focaccia (ed.), Anna Morandi Manzolini, una donna fra arte e scienza. Immagini, documenti, repertorio anatomico, Olschki, Firenze, 2008. Early work on Electricity and Medicine / 33 the public posts appointed to them in the academy or in the university in order to gain fame for themselves or their town. The imbalance in the public recognition granted to Bassi and to Veratti was not due to a lower appraisal of the value of his contributions; but it accounts for the role of icon of cultivated Bologna assigned to her. The city’s prestige in part arose because of the wide dissemination of her case, unique in Europe. Veratti not only consented to this situation, even when he was not benefited but disadvantaged by it as in 1776, but on many occasions supported the efforts of his wife to effectively improve her conditions as a teacher and researcher. A true change in the role of women in society and in the family necessarily implies a contemporary change in the role of men and in the prevailing gender hierarchy. In 18th century Italy, Laura Bassi and Giuseppe Veratti invented a model of gender relationships that remained novel for a very long period of time. It is also worth noting that then new research topics, placed at the intersection between electricity and medicine, somehow favoured the introduction of the new model of gender relationships that we have explored in this paper. Finally, we must keep in mind that the necessary background for Bassi’s and Veratti’s research on electricity was provided by the Institute of Sciences, even if a substantial part of it was made at home, in their private laboratory. It was thanks to the discussions with their academy colleagues, to the interaction with the students, to the availability of the electrical instruments in the institute’s rooms, and to the increasing space given to the study of electrical phenomena within the institute, that research on electricity was institutionalized. An important shift compared to when, before the 1740s, electricity was only an amusing subject in aristocratic conversations, or a popular attraction. Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale Gian Carlo Calcagno 1 Agli inizi degli anni Novanta del Settecento compare un testo, divenuto ben presto famoso – il De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari Commentarius–, 1 destinato a legare indissolubilmente alla questione dell’elettricità animale 2 i nomi dell’anatomista e fisiologo Luigi Galvani e del nipote, il fisico Giovanni Aldini; e destinato a promuovere un ampio e variegato dibattito nella cultura scientifica (e non solo scientifica) del tempo, in Italia e fuori d’Italia. L’ interesse per gli effetti particolari del “fluido elettrico” sugli (e negli) animali era peraltro presente nel Settecento anche ad altri tra gli 1. Luigi Galvani, De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari Commentarius, “De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Institutio atque Academia Commentarii”, 7, 1791, pp. 363-418. A questa prima edizione seguì poi una seconda, De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari commentarius, cum Ioannis Aldini dissertatione et notis, Societas typographica, Mutinae, 1792. 2. Sulle ipotesi intorno alla natura dell’elettricità emerse tra XVIII e XIX secolo si vedano, segnatamente, Giuliano Pancaldi, Volta: Science and Culture in the Age of Enlightenment, Stanford University Press, 2003; Marcello Pera, La rana ambigua, Einaudi, Torino 1986. Cfr. inoltre Marco Bresadola, Early Galvanism as technique and medical practice, in Paola Bertucci and Giuliano Pancaldi (ed. by), Electric Bodies. Episodes in the history of medical electricity, Università di Bologna – Dipartimento di Filosofia – Centro Internazionale per la Storia delle Università e della Scienza, Bologna 2001, pp. 157-179; Id., Galvanismo senza Galvani: la ricezione dell’elettricità animale in Inghilterra, 1792-1794, in Filosofia, scienza, storia. Il dialogo fra Italia e Gran Bretagna nel XVIII secolo, Convegno internazionale di studi, Ferrara 3-4 giugno 2004, a cura di Andrea Gatti e Paola Zanardi, Il Poligrafo, Padova 2005; Raffaella Seligardi, What is electricity? Some chimical answers, 1770-1815, Centro Internazionale per la Storia delle Università e della Scienza, cit., pp. 181-208; Marco Piccolino e Marco Bresadola, Rane, torpedini e scintille, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2003. Limitando altri rinvii bibliografici a testi che, pur in forma molto sintetica, mettono bene a fuoco alcune questioni fondamentali, sono ancora utili Carlo Castellani-Luca Usuelli, voce Galvani, Luigi, in Scienziati e tecnologi dalle origini al 1875, 3 voll., Mondadori, Milano 1975-1976, volume I, 1975, pp. 556-558; Enrico Bellone, La polemica sull’elettricità animale, Ivi, volume III, 1976, p. 599; Bern Dibner, Giovanni Aldini, in Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 1, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1970, pp. 107-108. Si veda anche Tirsi Mario Caffaratto, voce Luigi Galvani, in Grande Dizionario Enciclopedico Utet, Torino 1994 (ristampa IV ed), vol. IX, p. 67. 36 / Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale scienziati – da Albrecht von Haller a Lazzaro Spallanzani – in un più ampio contesto di attenzione ai fenomeni elettrici in generale. 3 Ma il De viribus electricitatis proponendo al mondo scientifico una serie di accurate esperienze, 4, relative alle reazioni prodotte su un preparato neuromuscolare di rana, intendeva collocarsi oltre le ipotesi già formulate in precedenza da altri studiosi italiani e stranieri. Il testo evidenziava, in particolare, la presenza di un fenomeno che appariva del tutto nuovo, per cui le contrazioni del preparato si producevano anche senza l’intervento di elettricità esterna (statica o atmosferica), mediante il semplice accostamento, ai nervi lombari e ai muscoli, di un arco bimetallico che veniva a chiudere il circuito. Tutto ciò permetteva al Galvani e all’Aldini di sostenere l’ ipotesi di una elettricità specifica degli organismi animali. Entrambi, inoltre, stimavano importante – per ulteriori ricerche – comprendere il funzionamento dei nervi e osservare il comportamento dei muscoli ai fini di una più approfondita conoscenza dell’eziologia di alcune malattie e di una migliore valutazione delle proprietà terapeutiche dell’elettricità prodotta artificialmente 5. All’origine del fenomeno della contrazione neuromuscolare – osservata per la prima volta quasi dieci anni prima della pubblicazione del 3. Legata variamente – a volte anche in ambito scientifico – allo “status ambiguo della cultura della meraviglia e della curiosità”, l’ elettricità si presenta nel Settecento come “la moda del secolo” (Paola Bertucci, Cure prodigiose e meraviglie elettrizzanti. Il duello filosofico tra l’abbé Nollet e Gianfrancesco Pivati, in Storia, scienza e società. Ricerche sulla scienza in Italia nell’età moderna e contemporanea, a cura di Paola Govoni, Università di Bologna - Dipartimento di Filosofia - Centro Internazionale per la Storia delle Università e della Scienza, Bologna 2006, p. 47). 4. Le sperimentazioni e le ricerche di Galvani e di Aldini (e il dibattito che ne scaturiva) avevano come referente immediato l’Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna che, grazie ai legami che intratteneva con le principali istituzioni scientifiche garantiva una buona diffusione dei loro lavori anche all’estero ed era in grado di raccogliere gli echi che le discussioni sull’elettricità suscitavano nel resto d’Italia e in Europa. Tra le fonti che registrano questa situazione e più in generale il ruolo di produttore (ma anche di mediatore) di cultura scientifica svolto dall’Istituto sin dalle origini, fonti che – per brevità – citiamo qui una sola volta, vanno ricordate, Collezione Autografi II (Biblioteca comunale dell’Archiginnasio); Carte Canterzani. Autografi (Biblioteca dell’Università di Bologna) e i già segnalati De Bononiensis Scientiarum et Artium Instituto atque Academia Commentarii, Bononiae 1731-1791, 7 tomi; e, in particolare, tra i lavori di Aldini, oltre a quelli che verranno citati nel prosieguo, si vedano Giovanni Aldini, Memoria intorno all’elettricità animale, “Opuscoli scelti sulle Scienze e sulle Arti”, t. XVII, 1794; Id., Lettera intorno all’elettricità animale, “Opuscoli scelti sulle Scienze e sulle Arti”, t. XIX, 1796; Id., Memorie intorno ad alcune elettriche esperienze, “Annali di Chimica e di Storia naturale”, t. XIV, 1797. 5. Vincenzo Pallotti, Aldini, l’Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna e il dibattito sull’elettricità animale tra tardo Settecento e primo Ottocento in Italia e fuori d’Italia, CdL in Storia, Seminario di Storia della scienza e della tecnica, Bologna 1979. Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale / 37 De viribus electricitatis – vi era stato peraltro un evento casuale, come dichiarava lo stesso Luigi Galvani, rammentando la “scoperta, che per caso facemmo, di un circuito di un tenuissimo fluido nervoso, che, mentre avveniva il fenomeno, si svolgeva dai nervi ai muscoli e che è simile al circuito elettrico, che si svolge nella bottiglia di Leida”. 6 La scoperta poteva anche essere fortuita, ma la lunga verifica cui Galvani l’aveva sottoposta era stata rigorosa, con una mutuazione, in parte, dalla fisica, sia delle tecniche di sperimentazione sia delle spiegazioni teoriche. Comunque è stato sottolineato come, alla luce delle ipotesi di Galvani, fatte proprie da Aldini, i muscoli – ai quali l’ elettricità prodotta dal cervello perveniva attraverso i nervi – erano da immaginarsi come un condensatore, con la superficie esterna di segno negativo e la superficie interna di segno positivo. Rilevano, a questo proposito, Carlo Castellani e Luca Usuelli, 7 che, seguendo questa interpretazione, l’ elettricità veniva “trasferita dai nervi alla parte interna dei muscoli, dove si accumula[va]; mentre la parte esterna del muscolo” non poteva caricarsi d’ elettricità perché “separata dai nervi a opera della sostanza oleosa e coibente che avvolge[va] questi ultimi”. Si veniva, così, a creare una “differenza di potenziale tra parte esterna e interna del muscolo”. Il meccanismo della contrazione muscolare rilevata negli esperimenti può così essere spiegata come manifestazione, attraverso “la connessione tra nervo e parte esterna del muscolo”, di un “‘disquilibrio elettrico’ tra le due parti” esterna e interna, così come poteva suggerire un fenomeno, ormai consueto in sede di fisica sperimentale: la scarica di una bottiglia di Leyda, 8 appunto. Il problema delle condizioni di produzione (e della natura) delle esperienze presentate nel De viribus electricitatis, problema che veniva risolto ricorrendo alla nozione di una elettricità animale dotata di caratteri propri ed esclusivi, polarizzò ben presto l’attenzione del ‘collegio’ dei più valenti fisici, chimici e medici europei, che riservavano all’argomento spazi sempre maggiori. In questo contesto Galvani si 6. Luigi Galvani, Le forze elettriche nel movimento muscolare […], Parte III, “Le forze dell’elettricità animale nel movimento muscolare”, in Enrico Benassi (a cura di), Memorie ed esperimenti inediti di Luigi Galvani, Celebrazioni del secondo centenario della nascita di Galvani, Cappelli, Bologna 1937; la traduzione italiana del De viribus electricitatis è di Benassi e si trova alle pp. 85-230. 7. Castellani, Usuelli, Galvani, Luigi, cit., p. 558. 8. Mario Gliozzi, voce Volta, Alessandro, in Scienziati e tecnologi dalle origini al 1875, vol. III, cit., p. 243. 38 / Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale presentava come il protagonista – la figura dominante –, in particolare per il suo apporto a livello di riflessione teorica intorno ai nuovi fenomeni osservati, ma anche il nome e i contributi di Aldini circolavano; 9 e per le sue qualità di sperimentatore si veniva affermando come un importante collaboratore dello zio. Però, mentre le accademie scientifiche facevano dell’elettricità animale tema privilegiato di discussione e la ‘repubblica delle lettere’ agiva da amplificatore e catalizzatore di un dibattito che si sarebbe rivelato ricco di consensi, ma anche di forti dissensi, si imponeva anche la figura forte di un antagonista – Alessandro Volta – che godeva già di grande rilievo e prestigio nella comunità scientifica italiana ed europea. 10 Ci troviamo qui, comunque, di fronte ad alcuni dei più interessanti aspetti della crescita delle scienze sperimentali e naturali tra tardo Settecento e primo Ottocento, crescita notevole anche per la presenza di tradizioni e di interessi scientifici diversi, che proprio le discussioni sul galvanismo – il termine, coniato da Volta, conobbe presto una larga diffusione – andavano evidenziando. Ad ogni nuovo esperimento e ad ogni nuova argomentazione teorica sul versante galvanistico si contrapponeva un altro esperimento e un’altra argomentazione di segno contrario da parte di Volta. Questa polemica favoriva non solo la circolazione dei lavori, che contenevano le tesi contrapposte, nell’ambito della comunità scientifica, ma pure la divulgazione di quelle stesse tesi presso un pubblico più ampio. Tutto ciò quindi era ricco di sviluppi non solo per l’apertura di importanti ed ulteriori territori alla fisica e alla fisiologia, ma anche per i riflessi culturali generali: i rinvii al vitalismo ma pure al meccanicismo, l’uso che di certi fenomeni e, soprattutto, di certe interpretazioni poteva fare la Naturphilosophie, e via dicendo. A Luigi Galvani va il merito di aver avviato questa problematica e a Giovanni Aldini di averla fortemente sostenuta per più di dieci anni, consolidando entrambi, tra l’altro, ulteriormente la fama dell’Istituto bolognese e dell’annessa Accademia delle Scienze 11 a livello europeo. 9. Già con la seconda edizione del De viribus electricitatis (vedi qui nota 1). 10. Vincenzo Pallotti, Aldini, l’Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna e il dibattito sull’elettricità animale tra tardo Settecento e primo Ottocento in Italia e fuori d’Italia, cit. 11. Vincenzo Pallotti, Aldini, l’Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna e il dibattito sull’elettricità animale tra tardo Settecento e primo Ottocento, cit.; sull’Istituto bolognese cfr. Marta Cavazza, Verso la fondazione dell’Istituto delle Scienze: filosofia libera, baconismo, religione a Bologna (1660-1714), in Aa. Vv., Sull’identità del pensiero moderno, Firenze 1979; e sempre di Marta Cavazza, La “Casa di Salomone” realizzata?, in Aa.Vv., I materiali dell’Istituto delle Scienze, Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale / 39 Aldini, in particolare, che già aveva dato prova in varie relazioni all’Istituto della sua preparazione nella fisica sperimentale (e, in particolare, in elettrologia), stimolato, sin dall’inizio, dai lavori di Galvani nel Teatro anatomico, aveva curato, come si è già accennato 12 la nuova edizione – quella di Modena del 1792 – del De viribus electricitatis, che aveva assicurato agli esperimenti e alle ipotesi del Galvani una maggiore diffusione rispetto a quella ottenuta con l’edizione del 1791 a bassa tiratura. Ma la nuova edizione valeva, soprattutto, come risposta a richieste di aggiornamento. L’ introduzione dell’Aldini, infatti, non era solo una premessa di carattere storico, al fine di sottolineare nel panorama delle ricerche di fisiologia la frattura e la novità – rispetto alle conoscenze che si erano venute acquisendo sui rapporti tra fenomeni elettrici e organismi animali – introdotte dallo zio, ma rappresentavano anche il tentativo di fare il punto di una situazione che appariva fluida ed ambigua, tentando di ricondurre le posizioni concettuali, le tecniche d’indagine, le risultanze degli esperimenti di Valli, e dello stesso Volta e di altri, entro l’ orizzonte teorico prospettato da Galvani. L’ intervento di Aldini, inoltre, e va rimarcato, mirava anche a presentare un quadro del suo personale approccio agli esperimenti galvanici, approccio che risultava peraltro, in questa fase della sua attività scientifica, ancora strettamente legato all’impostazione metodologica e alle conclusioni che caratterizzavano il discorso dello zio. Tuttavia, con il moltiplicarsi degli studi sul ‘modo di produzione’ del fenomeno individuato per la prima volta nel De viribus electricitatis, andavano peraltro consolidandosi anche i dubbi sull’interpretazione dell’ elettricità animale, come del tutto diversa dall’elettricità prodotta artificialmente con le macchine elettrostatiche, e quindi non riducibile a questa. Mentre Galvani proseguiva con prudenza e abbastanza defilato – come era nel suo carattere schivo – le ricerche in laboratorio e cercava di consolidare le proprie elaborazioni teoriche, Aldini, il più stretto collaboratore, si poneva sempre più in evidenza, non solo per le sue attitudini di ottimo portavoce, ma anche per le sue capacità di sostenere polemicamente il discorso galvanico; e così facendo tendeva a divenire cit. Si veda inoltre C. Gentili, Il modello “epistemologico” dell’”Institutum Scientiarum et Artium” di Bologna, Ivi. 12. Vedi qui nota 1. 40 / Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale il referente principale di ogni critica che poteva essere mossa, sia a singoli aspetti galvanismo, sia al galvanismo a tutto campo. Nel 1793, sulla base di esperienze iniziate nel 1792, Alessandro Volta aveva portato un efficace attacco all’ edificio teorico costruito da Luigi Galvani, 13 e difeso a spada tratta da Giovanni Aldini: i metalli, che intervenivano nell’esperienza fondamentale attorno a cui si sviluppava il discorso galvaniano sul nuovo fluido elettrico, non potevano essere considerati, secondo lo scienziato comasco, conduttori di un’ elettricità interna animale, in quanto che erano invece essi stessi a produrre tale elettricità. Nella spiegazione proposta da Volta i metalli erano, dunque, i motori, mentre gli organi degli animali rimanevano, invece, passivi: le contrazioni muscolari degli arti delle rane erano “dovute a un apporto d’ elettricità ‘estrinseco’ […] e non già ad un principio attivo […]”. 14 Nel frattempo, però, il galvanismo era entrato a far parte dell’insegnamento a Bologna come nuova branca della fisica sperimentale, evidenziando, tuttavia, l’esistenza di incerti confini tra la stessa fisica e la fisiologia. L’Aldini, sollecitato dai suoi allievi e dai membri dell’Istituto delle Scienze, fornì una prima risposta alle obiezioni del Volta, quando, nel 1793 e nel 1794, sostenne davanti agli scienziati bolognesi due dissertazioni, 15 presentando numerose esperienze, che incontrarono l’ approvazione del Galvani. Nella prospettiva di continuare (e sviluppare) i temi intorno a cui si era articolato il De viribus electricitatis, Giovanni Aldini, tra l’altro, voleva dimostrare che le contrazioni del preparato neuromuscolare si ottenevano anche impiegando un arco di un solo metallo. Ottenuti risultati positivi da questo nuovo esperimento, Giovanni Aldini poté a sua volta confutare la tesi secondo cui solo in presenza di metalli tra loro diversi veniva prodotta l’elettricità animale: ribadendo l’analogia tra la scarica di una bottiglia di Leyda e il comportamento dei muscoli delle rane, si dichiarava convinto che nelle contrazioni muscolari così ottenute si manifestasse un arco elettrico tutto interno all’organismno animale. La risposta di Volta e dei suoi sostenitori non si fece attendere. Ma Galvani ed Aldini poco convinti dalle obiezioni che recepivano come 13. Vincenzo Pallotti, Aldini, l’Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna e il dibattito sull’elettricità animale tra tardo Settecento e primo Ottocento in Italia e fuori d’Italia, cit. 14. Castellani, Usuelli, Galvani, Luigi, cit., p. 558. 15. Giovanni Aldini, De animali electricitate dissertationes duae, Bononiae 1794. Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale / 41 artificiose, ribadivano le loro posizioni e scioglievano definitivamente ogni riserva – se mai c’era stata – sull’azione non determinante dei metalli, mettendo a punto una tecnica che consentiva di ottenere le contrazioni anche senza il loro impiego. Si trattava di un esperimento di grande importanza escogitato dal Galvani, che il nipote proponeva, nel vivo del dibattito, in vari giornali scientifici 16. Aldini, pur consapevole dei punti oscuri dell’ipotesi galvaniana, la considerava come una legge universale della natura, che permetteva di interpretare in maniera corretta le esperienze che venivano compiute nelle Camere dell’Istituto delle Scienze. 17 Tutto ciò spingeva Aldini ad insistere negli esperimenti con le sole sostanze animali, anche al fine di ridefinire con sicurezza il momento della morte di un individuo. Parallelamente Galvani si rivolgeva allo Spallanzani, chiamandolo a giudicare e le sue riflessioni e le risposte al Volta; sottolineando, inoltre, come gli esperimenti condotti lo inducevano, in particolare, a valutare molto criticamente la congettura che attribuiva ai metalli ogni capacità nella contrazione. Sosteneva il Galvani, in particolare, che l’ elettricità animale descriveva un circuito (passando dal muscolo al nervo e da questo facendo ritorno al muscolo). L’ Aldini, intanto, indirizzava i lavori dello zio e i propri al segreterio dell’Institut National di Parigi, al fine di ottenere una loro ulteriore diffusione, raccogliere così, possibilmente, nuove adesioni attorno al discorso sull’ elettricità animale, e rafforzare l’immagine dell’Istituto delle Scienze come importante centro di ricerca e sperimentazione 18. E non fu probabilmente un caso che alcuni tra i massimi scienziati, da Laplace a Berthollet, avessero richiesto proprio in questo periodo di far parte dell’Istituto scientifico bolognese come membri stranieri. 19 Le vicende politiche in continuo mutamento, dopo l’occupazione francese di Bologna del 1796, assorbirono, però, tutte le energie di Aldini, che, come docente, partecipava a vari comitati per l’ istruzione pubblica del Dipartimento del Reno. L’ Aldini, come suo risultato più importante riuscì in questo torno di tempo a strappare a Napo16. Vincenzo Pallotti, Aldini, l’Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna e il dibattito sull’elettricità animale tra tardo Settecento e primo Ottocento, cit. 17. Cfr. Gian Carlo Calcagno, Giovanni Aldini, un fisico bolognese tra scienze sperimentali e tecniche protoindustriali, in Studi di storia della scienza e della tecnica, Genova, Cds, 1981, p. 89. 18. Vincenzo Pallotti, Aldini, l’Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna e il dibattito sull’elettricità animale tra tardo Settecento e primo Ottocento, cit. 19. Ibidem. 42 / Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale leone l’assenso per l’organizzazione dell’Istituto Nazionale Italiano a Bologna, 20 grazie anche alla presentazione delle esperienze sul galvanismo, che richiamava l’attenzione sui recenti successi della città nel campo delle scienze. La diminuita attività di ricerca di Aldini tra 1798 e 1801 non si spiega, tuttavia, solo con l’impegno politico e con quello accademico nello Studio (teneva l’insegnamento che era stato del suo maestro, Sebastiano Canterzani), ma anche e soprattutto con il vuoto che aveva lasciato, nel dicembre 1798, la morte di Galvani, la sua vera guida teorica, vuoto che imponeva ormai nuovi orientamenti insieme alla difesa delle vecchie posizioni, ritenute dall’Aldini ancora sostanzialmente valide. Questi anni sono peraltro decisivi nella controversia sull’elettricità animale. A cavallo tra i due secoli, Alessandro Volta conquista, infatti, con argomentazioni sempre più convincenti, la maggioranza dei fisici europei, mostrando come prova delle sue ipotesi il nuovo apparecchio elettromotore, la pila. 21 Le esperienze con la pila, e il fatto di essere già riuscito in precedenza a misurare l’ elettricità che si otteneva ponendo a contatto combinazioni di conduttori metallici e non metallici in una indagine in cui non intervenivano parti animali, inducevano il fisico comasco a ricondurre definitivamente anche i fenomeni osservati sugli animali entro la teoria del fluido elettrico artificiale. Pur non riuscendo ad evidenziare quelle ragioni della produzione e della circolazione dell’elettricità nella pila e nell’organismo vivente, che rimandavano al campo della chimica, Volta poteva concludere che la partita era chiusa in suo favore. Così, quando Aldini riprese la sua attività di ricerca, Volta aveva già ricevuto dalle istituzioni scientifiche più importanti i massimi riconoscimenti e la sua teoria risultava generalmente accettata. Ma mentre, in varie parti d’ Europa, da un lato i fisici costruivano pile sempre più potenti, dall’altro i chimici e i medici, proprio con l’impiego del nuovo apparecchio, tendevano a ritagliarsi spazi d’ indagine nuovi ed autonomi. Ed emergevano, quindi, proprio tra i chimici e i medici, anche i primi motivi di dissenso con l’ impostazione e la teoria voltiana. 20. Nacque nel 1802 dalla trasformazione dell’Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna, che divenne nel 1810 sezione bolognese del Regio Istituto Italiano di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (nuova denominazione dell’ Istituto Nazionale italiano), che ebbe sede centrale a Milano. 21. Il fisico comasco costruisce la pila a corona di tazze e a colonna alla fine del novembre 1799,e ne comunica l’invenzione alla Royal Society. Due anni dopo, nel novembre 1801, espone le sue ricerche all’Institut de France, presente Napoleone, che propone per Volta una medaglia d’oro. Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale / 43 Aldini, comunque, fu tra i primi a condurre esperimenti con la pila, davanti ai professori e agli allievi dell’Istituto delle Scienze. Oltre a produrre vari effetti elettrochimici per lo studio dell’ossidazione dei metalli, della decomposizione dell’acqua, dell’effetto scintilla, egli applicava la corrente di apparecchi variamente composti alle parti animali. Questo era il segno di una nuova direzione delle sue ricerche: mettere alla prova la teoria di Volta alla luce dei più recenti lavori degli scienziati inglesi e francesi, e trovare ulteriori fondamenti all’esistenza di un’elettricità animale come fenomeno distinto e specifico, di cui l’Aldini, nonostante tutto, restava convinto sostenitore. Egli si assumeva, pertanto, il compito di aggiornare le esperienze che Galvani aveva eseguito, adattandole ora alle ultime tecniche, cercando peraltro di riportare entro un orizzonte teorico galvanistico le nuove sperimentazioni rese possibili dalla pila. Con ripetuti ed ingegnosi esperimenti, Aldini sosteneva, infatti, che la pila era capace di produrre le contrazioni solo in quanto smuoveva il fluido vitale dell’organismo: l’ animale era una macchina in grado di produrre da sola un’ elettricità, che, posta in circolazione, fungeva poi da suo motore. Riteneva di poter verificare tali ipotesi muovendo dalla tecnica di Galvani – tecnica portata ad un’estrema semplicità 22 – per ottenere contrazioni senza metalli dal contatto di rane ‘preparate’ con parti sottocutanee di altri animali, e dallo studio di pesci elettrici. Ed era proprio la struttura anatomica della torpedine a suggerirgli l’ ipotesi che in ogni animale si trovasse una sorta di pila, o sistema di sostanze nervose e fibrose, il cui contatto era assicurato da un “arco di umidità”. Tutto ciò faceva emergere, peraltro, nell’attività scientifica di Aldini, accanto agli evidenti momenti di continuità con quella di Galvani, anche un processo di distacco (che si sarebbe accentuato negli anni successivi con esperimenti spettacolari, ma rifiutati dalla comunità scientifica dei fisici): la vecchia impostazione di Galvani risultava, inoltre, almeno parzialmente, abbandonata proprio alla luce della “pila animale”, che faceva apparire, a giudizio dell’Aldini, la nuova ricostruzione in laboratorio come un artificio più idoneo ad imitare e a spiegare la natura. 23 22. Vincenzo Pallotti, Aldini, l’Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna e il dibattito sull’elettricità animale tra tardo Settecento e primo Ottocento, cit. 23. Lo stesso Volta nella memoria epistolare del 20 mazo 1800 “presenta l’ invenzione della pila non come l’ ultimo anello di ricerche sperimentali durate oltre otto anni, ma come una ricostruzione o imitazione dell’ organo elettrico dei pesci elettrici, che anche Cavendish aveva tentato d’imitare mediante una batteria di bottiglie di Leyda” (Mario Gliozzi, Volta, Alessandro, cit., p. 246). La memoria del Cavendish, nota al Volta, è del 44 / Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale Le linee di questo orientamento, che conteneva, secondo Aldini, elementi in grado di sbloccare la rigida antinomia Galvani-Volta, furono impostate nel laboratorio dell’abitazione dell’Aldini e nell’Ospedale S. Orsola, mentre i primi risultati vennero definiti nell’assemblea dell’Istituto delle scienze del 1802. Contemporaneamente alla pubblicazione di estratti della sua opera intitolata Saggio di esperienza sul galvanismo, 24 in varie sedi italiane e straniere, Aldini si mise in viaggio – come era frequente tra gli scienziati – per divulgare direttamente le proprie ricerche, raccogliere maggiori adesioni intorno alle sue idee sull’elettricità animale, contando inoltre, al fine di ampliare il campo di diffusione dei propri lavori e delle teorie galvanistiche, probabilmente (anche questo non era un fatto eccezionale) su possibili appoggi degli ambienti legati alla massoneria. 25 A Parigi Giovanni Aldini compì esperienze all’ Ecole de Médicine, alla Salpetrière con Pinel, si adoperò alla fondazione di una Società Galvanica, e, soprattutto, comunicò il suo punto di vista alla classe di scienze fisiche e matematiche dell’Institut National. Se l’ accoglienza all’ istituzione scientifica francese non fu certo delle più entusiastiche, è anche vero che i medici si dimostrarono, invece, interessati a questi studi. Aldini privilegiava ormai chiaramente la ricerca degli effetti (non esclusi certo quelli più raccapriccianti) prodotti sul corpo umano dalla pila. Il progetto di applicare in campo medico i ritrovati delle scoperte galvaniche, già maturato in Italia, sembrava realizzarsi fuori d’Italia: Aldini andava infatti indicando nel galvanismo un mezzo terapeutico nei casi di annegamento, asfissia, malattie mentali. 26 1776. Osserva, peraltro, Mario Gliozzi che questa derivazione della pila di Volta dalla ‘pila animale’, appare poco credibile, in quanto l’ apparato del fisico comasco, rispetto ai tentativi del Cavendish, appare sorto da “ben altri studi e fondato su principi affatto diversi” (Ibidem). 24. Saggio di esperienza sul galvanismo, Bologna 1802. 25. Antonio Aldini (Bologna 1755-Pavia 1826), fratello maggiore di Giovanni (che era nato a Bologna nel 1762), risulta affiliato alla massoneria negli ultimi anni del Settecento (probabilmente l’affiliazione era avvenuta a Milano presso la loggia “Real Eugenio”). Cfr. Marco Adorni, Massoni bolognesi nelle vie di Bologna, in Giovanni Greco (a cura di), Bologna massonica. Le radici, il consolidamento, la trasformazione, Clueb, Bologna 2007, p. 215; cenni a rapporti tra “un esponente di spicco della muratoria britannica”, Lord James Bruce, studioso scozzese eclettico e l’Istituto delle Scienze negli anni Sessanta del Settecento in Fabio Martelli, Suggestioni della massoneria anglosassone a Bologna nel Settecento, Ivi, pp. 101, 105. Inoltre, pagine di notevole interesse sui rapporti tra scienziati e massoneria, in particolare nel Settecento, si trovano in Gian Mario Cazzaniga (a cura di), La Massoneria, Storia d’Italia, Annali 21, Einaudi, Torino 2006. 26. Cfr. Giovanni Aldini, General Views on the Application of Galvanism to Medical Pur- Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale / 45 In Gran Bretagna la fisica ufficiale rifiutava perlopiù di farsi coinvolgere nelle dimostrazioni delle sue esperienze – curiose, shoccanti, sbalorditive – che mettevano sul tavolo dei laboratori cadaveri e animali smembrati. Se si eccettuano un resoconto fatto alla Royal Society e alcune recensioni favorevoli di qualche fisico ‘eccentrico’, furono sempre solo i medici e i chirurghi di Oxford e degli ospedali londinesi a manifestare un attivo interesse per gli esperimenti aldiniani; interesse che si concretizzava nell’assistenza fornita durante le prove sul potere stimolante del galvanismo nella riattivazione della respirazione e, in generale, di varie funzioni muscolari. I risultati di queste esperienze confluirono in un lavoro pubblicato nel 1803 in lingua inglese, 27 al fine di consentire una più ampia diffusione di una nuova tecnica, che dichiarava come proprio fine quello di “riportare in vita” gli operai asfissiati nelle miniere o i marinai annegati. 28 Tutte le esperienze compiute in questa fase furono, poi, compendiate, in francese, in un’opera del 1804, dedicata a Napoleone. 29 Rappresentava il tentativo, attraverso un’ampia raccolta di dati, di stabilire non una teoria completa e organica; bensì una serie di proposizioni sulle proprietà fisiche, chimiche e terapeutiche del galvanismo. Gli esperimenti che vi figurano evidenziano, poi, un’ ulteriore messa a punto delle tecniche produttrici delle contrazioni con soli organi animali; 30 e non mancano indagini sulla trasmissione del fluido galvanico a distanza di cui si cercava di rilevare la velocità di propagazione (attraverso l’esame dei moti convulsivi di rane nei porto di Calais e nella Senna). 31 Rientrato in Italia, l’Aldini doveva assistere, però, ad una sempre minore incidenza dei suo contributi in un dibattito che appariva in via di conclusione. Eppure egli cercherà di dimostrare ancora la circolazione di una elettricità particolare, specifica, negli animali, volgendosi infine, da filantropo, all’ invenzione di apparati per scopi medici. Nonostante la diffusione delle sue opere e la collaborazione pose. Principally in Cases of Suspended Animation, London 1819; si vedano anche, sempre dell’Aldini, An Account of the Galvanic Experiments, London 1803; Précis des expériences galvaniques faites recemments à Londres et à Calais, Paris 1803; Essai t théorique et expérimentale sur le galvanisme, Paris 1804. 27. An Account of the Galvanic Experiments, cit. 28. Ibidem. 29. Essai t théorique et expérimentale sur le galvanisme, cit. 30. Gian Carlo Calcagno, Giovanni Aldini, un fisico bolognese tra scienze sperimentali e tecniche protoindustriali, cit., p. 93. 31. Vincenzo Pallotti, Aldini, l’Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna e il dibattito sull’elettricità animale tra tardo Settecento e primo Ottocento, cit. 46 / Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale prestatagli da vari scienziati, si assisteva, in generale, ad un rifiuto delle sue ipotesi. Alessandro Volta, con l’invenzione della pila, aveva aperto nuove prospettive e, soprattutto, era riuscito ad inquadrare i fenomeni elettrici in una teoria sufficientemente solida e coerente da essere considerata nel suo complesso, nonostante le voci di dissenso, come la più convincente. In essa le esperienze di Galvani (e in parte di Aldini) finivano per essere accettate, ma come casi speciali, come giochi di conduttori non metallici. E non c’ era più spazio per le obiezioni di fondo. Agli inizi dell’ Ottocento, con il successo di Volta, sembrava certamente a molti ragionevole, almeno di fatto, considerare superata 32 la questione del galvanismo. Solo così si comprende il quasi totale isolamento del fisico bolognese in Italia, e, come si è già detto, la fredda accoglienza dell’Institut National di Parigi e il disprezzo di una larga e autorevole parte dei fisici inglesi, come se Aldini fosse stato nulla più che un ciarlatano. E in Italia era proprio il fisico comasco il più duro nello stroncare l’opposizione (ma anche qualsiasi mediazione) dell’Aldini, giudicando (e non sempre a torto, invero) le sue ricerche come arretrate, incongrue, da macello, vanamente spettacolose, inumane, in definitiva non degne di seria attenzione scientifica. Peraltro il contributo – diretto e indiretto – dello scienziato bolognese all’ apertura di quelle che si venivano rivelando, e ancor più si sarebbero rivelate in futuro, importanti nuove frontiere del sapere nei punti di intersezione della fisica con la fisiologia, non è certamente da trascurare. E questo va detto nonostante i numerosi fraintendimenti e le contraddizioni che la maggioranza dei fisici ritenevano di dover riscontrare in alcuni suoi esperimenti che apparivano altamente discutibili, in teorizzazioni opinabili, nell’inadeguatezza di varie soluzioni proposte, tutti fatti che venivano rilevati nella sua opera scientifica, soprattutto nella seconda stagione del galvanismo, quella successiva alla 32. In realtà la questione dell’ elettricità animale rimase aperta sino agli anni Quaranta dell’ Ottocento. “Giudicando dal punto di vista odierno la polemica Galvani-Volta”, ha osservato Ludovico Geymonat, “dobbiamo riconoscere che sia l’uno che l’altro avevano ragione nella pars construens e torto nella pars destruens […] esiste infatti sia un’ elettricità animale (seppure da intendersi in modo alquanto diverso da come la intendeva Galvani) sia un’ elettricità originata dal contatto di metalli eterogenei […] tanto l’ una scoperta quanto l’ altra fuoruscivano completamente dal quadro concettuale del Settecento” (Ludovico Geymonast, “L’esigenza di una più ampia sperimentazione nelle scienze della natura” in Storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico, Milano, Garzanti, 1972, I ed., vol. III, (1971), cap. VIII, p. 258). Giovanni Aldini e l’elettricità animale / 47 morte di Galvani, quella del vero galvanismo senza galvani, in tutti i sensi. Giovanni Aldini diffuse ampiamente e ostinatamente difese la teoria galvaniana dell’esistenza di un fluido elettrico animale dotato di caratteri propri ed esclusivi rispetto al fluido elettrico comune o artificiale riferibile all’ambito inorganico. Si trattava di una teoria inesatta che, tuttavia, non solo sollecitò anche le stesse ricerche del Volta, ma pure contribuì a lasciare aperta la questione dell’elettricità animale, anche quando su di essa era calato di fatto il silenzio, questione con cui poi fisici e fisiologi, da Leopoldo Nobili a Carlo Matteucci, a Emile Du BoisReymond – dovettero misurarsi ancora nel corso della prima metà dell’ Ottocento. 33 33. Cfr. Vincenzo Cappelletti, I fenomeni elettrici e la fisiologia sperimentale, in Scienziati e tecnologi dalle origini al 1875, vol. III, cit., p. 600; Id., Fisiologia ed elettrofisiologia, Ivi, p. 657; Id., Du Bois-Reymond, Emile, in Scienziati e tecnologi dalle origini al 1875, vol. I, cit., pp. 431-433; cfr., inoltre, Giuseppe Moruzzi, voce Matteucci, Carlo, in Scienziati e tecnologi dalle origini al 1875, vol. II, 1976, pp. 354-355; e nel vol. III, cenni sul Nobili, in Enrico Bellone, Il concetto di potenziale e la legge di Ohm, p. 629. From body to machine: electro-medicine in mid-19th century Italy Christian Carletti 1. The medical background to electricity When it was published by the Milanese firm Editori della Biblioteca in 1864, Plinio Schivardi’s Manuale teorico pratico di elettroterapia (Theoretico-practical manual of electro-therapy) was the first systematic work on electro-medicine to appear in Italy, after promising research in the field of experimental physiology dating from the mid-century. Many reports on electro-therapy had recently come out; one such regarded the case of Doctor Bougard, “one of Belgium’s best electropractitioners”: «sixteen epileptics were treated by him […] with complete success in two cases. The first was a fourteen year-old girl who had had epilepsy for about two years, for ten had not uttered a word and was already in a state of total imbecility. For three months he applied 15 minutes’ electricity and cured her altogether. He nonetheless continued the treatment from time to time. One year later, she was still in good health and in full possession of all her intellectual faculties. The second was a twenty year-old cobbler given to onanism and hard liquor; he had had epilepsy for several months and his intelligence was already dimmed. For nearly two months he underwent 15 minutes’ electro-therapy every day and the effect of the electricity was apparent from the first day or so, though he did not abandon the two vices which were seen as the cause of his condition. One year later he was still healthy, his intelligence improved. In this case-study by Dr Bougard […] which omits not the slightest circumstance of no practical interest, the most important details are left out. What apparatus did he use? What kind of electricity did he apply? What method did he follow?”. 1 1. Plinio Schivardi, Manuale teorico pratico di elettroterapia, Milan, Editori della Biblioteca, 1864, pp. 256-257. Bougard was a member of the Société Royale des Sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. For the original, see Bougard, “Quelques considérations sur l’épilepsie. Application de l’électricité d’induction au traitement de cette maladie”, in Journal de médecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacologie 17 (1859), pp. 328-345. 50 / From body to machine: electro-medicine The drift of Plinio Schivardi’s questions as a young doctor at Milan’s Ospedale Maggiore was technical, not concerned with speculation on aetiology. His attention focused on the machine: What equipment? What electricity? What method? It was the device that riveted the expert’s attention, the diagnostic or therapeutic tool, eclipsing the girl’s temporary dumbness and “imbecility” and skating over the sexual practices and alcoholism of the cobbler. Failing a description of the equipment used, a report on diagnosis or treatment could not be taken as reliable. Instrumentation as a means of dialoguing with the disease was fast becoming the focus preferred by the powers of science, bent on detaching the patient from his clinical and personal history and consigning him to the doctor, deprived of all sense of belonging. Machina vs machina: the body in the hospital bed should be stripped down to its material essence, a simple congeries of nerves and muscles governing function, ready in turn to be transformed by the host of machinery ranged alongside to study its cogs, measure its efficiency and repair any faults. The success of electro-medicine from the second half of the nineteenth century onwards would be incomprehensible without considering this shift of perspective which infected western medical culture, altering the bounds of research, changing the concept of ‘pathology’ and boosting the use of machinery. The rise of scientific medicine and the laboratory had posited a new comparison between the human machine and the scientific machine. This called for new thinking as to the relation between body and therapeutic techniques, and also the position of therapy in evolving medical science. Reduction of the human body to a device and the ensuing new approach to the person as body, which deprived the former of privileges which the vitalistic Naturphilosophie had granted, is one of the core processes in this transition and is commonly traced to the research of Johannes Müller, mainly published in his Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen between 1837 and 1840. 2 Although Müller’s work actually contained residues of his youthful penchant for romantic philosophy, preserving a narrow line between teleology and experimental ambi- 2. Johannes Müller, Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen für Vorlesungen, 2 voll., Coblenz, Hölscher, 1837-1840. From body to machine: electro-medicine / 51 tions, nonetheless the power of his deterministic approach to medicine proved the dominant influence. 3 Amongst others, his school had trained Hermann von Helmholtz, Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke and Emil Du Bois-Reymond. Leading the field in medical science for half a century to come, Müller’s pupils threw their master’s caution to the winds, joined forces with Carl Ludwig (whom they worked with in Berlin, 1847) and grounded the interpretation of human physiology exclusively on physics and chemistry, removing all reference to the obsolete vitalistic position. 4 Only a few years after these German beginnings came the echoing research of Claude Bernard and his Introduction à l’étude de la médecine expérimentale, published in Paris in 1865. In this Bernard claimed the status of a laboratory scientist. The medical studies he described were definitively set on an analytical course and, thanks to increasingly efficient equipment, were gradually incorporating the investigative methods of experimental science. 5 This is the time interval, between the late 1840s and the mid 1860s, when the change of climate and new approach pioneered by Paris and Berlin took root and began to circulate. This would be the crucial reference point for electrical practitioners and their growing ambition to raise their subject to a branch of science based on rigorous laboratory techniques. They were emboldened by their familiarity with machines-meet and drink of the new experimental science. This put them in a leading position, as did a working knowledge of electricity. The fact of working on an object of physics whose technical success was now beyond all dispute lent force to their expectations. The crucial problem of electro-physiology was the function of the currents that ran through the body’s muscle and nerve networks. Carlo 3. On science in the romantic period, see: Andrew Cunningham, Nicholas Jardine (edd.), Romanticism and the Sciences, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990; Stefano Poggi, Il genio e l’unità della natura. La scienza della Germania romantica 1790-1830, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2000. On the relationship between romantic philosophy and scientific medicine, see: Michael Hagner, “Scientific Medicine”, in David Cahan (ed.), From Natural Philosophy to the Sciences. Writing the History of Nineteenth-Century Sciences, Chicago, Chicago University Press, 203, pp. 49-87; Timothy Lenoir, The Strategy of Life. Teleology and mechanics in Nineteenth-Century German Biology, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1982. 4. Paul F. Cranefield, “The Organic Physics of 1847 and Biophysics Today”, in Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 12 (1957), pp. 407-423. See also Bynum, Science and the Practice of Medicine in the Nineteenth Century, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. 97-99. 5. Claude Bernard, Introduction à l’étude de la médecine expérimentale, Paris, Baillière, 1865, especially the first part, Du raisonnement expérimental, pp. 11-100. 52 / From body to machine: electro-medicine Matteucci and Claude Bernard went into the ‘behaviour’ of electricity in organs and tissues; this spurred the Berlin physiologists to work and would become the fulcrum of controversy pending a solution. Meanwhile there was the physics of electricity, in which the medical ‘electricians’ had long glimpsed an interpretive paradigm. Little by little it came to influence physiology, which in turn sought new paths of investigation in medicine. Helmoltz’s work, to cite the most well-known example, had become the classic case of borderline research. Poised between electrical physics and electro-physiology, Helmholtz took telegraphy – synonymous with progress and potential for nineteenth-century science – as the most plausible term of comparison by way of explaining electrical transmission in bodies. His propensity for mixing different disciplines reflected an urge to hitch medicine to something that had already borne precise fruit in the technology of communications. 6 In 1860 Alfred Garrat, author of one of the main treatises on electro-medicine published in the United States – significantly entitled Electro-physiology and Electro-therapeutics – confirmed the connection and stated that progress in medical science had led it “to form new and close ties with nearly all the departments of physical science, though nowhere more intimately and indissolubly than in the case of electricity”. 7 Besides providing persuasive interpretations, electro-physics was able to supply the new machinery of physiological research. Use of such equipment had gained distinct importance since the 1855 treatise De l’Électrisation localisée et de son application à la physiologie, à la pathologie et à la thérapeutique was published in Paris. Duchenne de Boulogne’s 900 pages and more showed that electricity applied by the machines and methods he had devised or modified could act effectively on the nervous-muscular system and produce a systematic analysis of how it worked, as he would explain some years later in Mécanisme de la physionomie humaine. 8 Another great mid-18th century protagonist of electro-medicine, 6. Christoph Hoffmann, “Helmholtz’ Apparatuses: Telegraphy as working model of nerve physiology”, in Philosophia Scientiae 7 (2003), pp. 129-149. 7. Alfred C. Garratt, Electro-physiology and Electro-therapeutics, showing the best methods for the Medical Uses of Electricity, Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1860, p. 1. 8. Guillaume Benjamin Duchenne de Boulogne, De l’Électrisation localisée et de son application à la physiologie, à la pathologie et à la thérapeutique, Paris, Baillière, 1855; Id., Mécanisme de la physionomie humaine ou analyse électro-physiologique de l’expression des passions, Paris, Renouard, 1862. From body to machine: electro-medicine / 53 Robert Remak, had worked in the same field, though with substantial differences in the type of electricity and application techniques. A practising doctor and teacher at the Berlin University Medical Faculty, Remak, too, considered electro-physics and the experimental method learned at Müller’s school as a sine qua non for any serious use of electric instruments for diagnosis and treatment. He was already a firm believer in experimental physiology by 1855 when he dedicated his work Über methodische Electrisirung gelähmter Muskeln 9 to Claude Bernard. A few years later in 1858 he went further, his Galvanotherapie der Nerven und Muskelkrankheiten defending the importance of electricity for the whole medical community. 10 2. The second long wave of electro-medicine This changing scenario and new research formed fertile ground on which electro-medicine would revive. As early as the eighteenth century the use of electricity in medicine had caught the attention of specialists and amateurs, and had penetrated some hallowed institutions. But only in the second half of the nineteenth century was there any appreciable growth in the number of hospitals and universities in Europe and the United States that had departments where electricity gained independence and broke into the ranks of recognised practice. At the same time there was an exponential increase in the amount of research and publications specifically devoted to electro-therapeutics. England and Italy played a secondary role in the first phase of this new “long wave” of electricity, and it was no accident that both Julius Althaus and Plinio Schivardi had to train abroad before introducing the new practice to their respective countries. France and above all Paris formed the spearhead: we have already mentioned Duchenne who moved to Paris in 1842 and chiefly worked at the Hôpital de la Salpêtrière. Another active in the capital at that period was Alfred Louis Becquerel who conducted research on electro-therapy at the Hôpital de la Pitié and in 1857 published a Traité des applications de l’électricité a 9. Robert Remak, Über methodische Electrisirung gelähmter Muskeln, Berlin, Hirschwald, 1855. 10. Robert Remak, Galvanotherapie der Nerven und Muskelkrankheiten, Berlin, Hirschwald, 1858. 54 / From body to machine: electro-medicine la thérapeutique médicale et chirurgicale; in his turn, François Nivelet published his Électricité médicale in 1860, followed two years later by a Guide pratique du médecin électricien. 11 Auguste Tripier, another of the “electricians” who championed the revival of electro-medicine and had grown up with one eye trained on experimental physiology and the other on electricity, had worked as a lab-assistant for Claude Bernard at the College de France. His Manuel d’électrothérapie dates from the years when he was transcribing and editing Bernard’s lessons and would see the press in 1861 with Duchenne’s own publisher, Baillière. Tripier’s most incisive work, Leçons cliniques sur les maladies des femmes came out later, in 1883. 12 These were certainly the most talked about studies, surrounded by a crop of lesser publications: Ernest Onimus’ lessons on electro-therapy to the École pratique at the Paris Faculty of Medicine, the works of the Russian physiologist Élie de Cyon whom Claude Bernard had invited to work in France, as well as studies by Henri Desplats and Auguste Toutain. 13 At the same time interest in electro-medicine topics was reflected in the appearance of specialist journals such as L’Électrothérapie, Revue internationale d’électrothérapie and Annales de l’électro-thérapie 14; and likewise in the feverish activity of instrument-makers like Adolphe Gaiffe and Joseph Charriere who yearly added to their commercial catalogues with machines and inventions that a public of specialists found more and more irresistible. Paris was the first fulcrum of such frenzy; the other pole of attraction 11. Alfred Louis Becquerel, Traité des applications de l’électricité a la thérapeutique médicale et chirurgicale, Paris, Baillière, 1857; François Nivelet, Électricité médicale: De l’électrisation généralisée, ou d’une méthode simple, facile et inoffensive d’appliquer l’électricité au traitement des maladies internes, Nancy, Vagner, 1860; Id., Guide pratique du médecin électricien ou théorie des appareils volta-magnétiques et exposé sommaire des données pratiques acquises a l’électrothérapie, Leiber, Paris, 1862. 12. Auguste Tripier, Manuel d’électrothérapie. Exposé pratique et critique des applications médicales et chirurgicales de l’électricité, Paris, Baillière, 1861; Id., Leçons cliniques sur les maladies des femmes, thérapeutique générale et applications de l’électricité à ces maladies, Paris, Doin, 1883. 13. Ernest Onimus, Guide pratique d’électrothérapie, ed. Ernest Bonnefoy, Paris, Masson, 1877. On Cyon see Luigi Traetta, Élie de Cyon: un fisiologo dimenticato, Lecce, Pensa, 2003. Together with Charles-Marie Gariel, Henri Desplats was the author of Élèments de physique médicale, Paris, Savy, 1870, a work which devoted over 200 pages to electricity, which circulated widely outside France and enjoyed a new edition in 1884. Auguste Toutain was the author, among other things, of the book Électricité médicale. Nouvelle méthode d’application de l’électricité pour la guérison des malades, Paris, André Guédon, 1870. 14. L’Électrothérapie. Journal d’électricité medicale only came out in 1880, the Revue internationale d’électrothérapie appeared monthly in Paris from 1890 to 1905, while the Annales de l’électro-thérapie came out in Paris as of 1863. From body to machine: electro-medicine / 55 was the German cultural area. Here again, the reputation of a Robert Remak, any more than a Duchenne in France, fails to do justice to the dozens of works on electro-medicine by German hands, published in the space of a few years. Pride of place among the scholars systematically applying electricity to medicine must go to Hugo von Ziemssen. Ziemssen trained in Berlin under the powerful protective wing of Rudolf Virchow whose personal assistant he became. He graduated in 1854 with a dissertation on the effects of electricity applied to the human body. In 1863 he was appointed professor of special pathology and therapy at the Erlangen polyclinic and in 1874 took up the same chair at the Medical Faculty of Munich’s Ludwig Maximilians Universität. His study on electro-diagnostics and electro-therapeutics entitled Die Elektricität in der Medicine went to five editions between 1857 and 1887 and would long remain a benchmark for the international community. 15 Equally well-known and cited by scholars of the day was the 1869 Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen auf dem Gebiete der Elektrotherapie by Rudolf Brenner, a German doctor who had worked at St. Petersburg where he set up a private electro-therapy clinic and was appointed consultant to the Maximilian hospital in electro-therapeutics and the treatment of nervous diseases. Later Brenner would return to Germany and become professor of electro-therapeutics at Leipzig. 16 Other works well-known to contemporaries, though as yet little studied, are the Compendium der Elektrotherapie by Reginald Henri Pierson which appeared in Frankfurt and ran to three more editions between 1876 and 1882, and his Frankfurt colleague Theodor Clemens’ research work Ueber die Heilwirkungen der Elektricität. 17 In point of reputation few could equal Moritz Meyer and Wilhelm Erb. The former was a Berlin doctor who invented electrical instruments and wrote Die Elektricität in Ihrer Anwendung auf die Practische Medizin, first published 15. Hugo Wilhelm von Ziemssen, Die Elektricität in der Medicine. Studien, first ed: Berlin, Hirschwald, 1857. On Ziemssen see Angelika Pierson, Hugo Wilhelm von Ziemssen (1829-1902). Die wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, doctoral thesis, Ludwig Maximilians Universität Münich, 2006. 16. Rudolf Brenner, Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen auf dem Gebiete der Elektrotherapie, Leipzig, Giesecke & Devrient, 1869. For a biography of Brenner see “Rudolf Brenner, ein bedeutender Elektrotherapeut aus Mitteldeutschland”, in Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation 13 (1972), p. 66. 17. Reginald Henry Pierson, Compendium der Elektrotherapie, first ed. Frankfurt, Auffarth, 1876; Theodor Clemens, Ueber die Heilwirkungen der Elektricität und deren erfolgreiche methodische Anwendung in verschiedenen Krankheiten, Frankfurt, Auffarth, 1876-1879. 56 / From body to machine: electro-medicine in Berlin, 1854, translated into English in 1869 and frequently re-issued in subsequent years down to the definitive version of 1883. For his part, Erb was one of Germany’s most eminent neurologists. After formative years in Heidelberg, he worked in Munich and then Leipzig where in 1882 he would publish his Handbuch der Elektrotherapie, a work that found its way into Ziemssen’s general therapy series, was instantly translated into English and became a staple of any electromedical specialist’s private library. 18 The other major pole of reference in the German-speaking area was the Allgemeines Krankenhaus in Vienna, where Friedrich Fieber succeeded in opening a department of electro-therapeutics in 1867. Fieber’s Compendium der Elektrotherapie and Behandlung der Nervenkrankheiten mit Elektricität played a prime role in overcoming medical practitioners’ reluctance to adopt the new electrical techniques. 19 Fieber’s persuasion campaign was helped by his being far from isolated in Vienna: in the 1860s there was not only Ernst Brücke working there, one of the four Berlin school physiologists who had signed the 1847 manifesto for the founding of experimental medicine, but also Benedikt Schulz, August von Haerdtl, Moriz Benedikt and Moriz Rosenthal, all active in the field of electro-medicine. With his 1865 publication Die Elektrotherapie, ihre Begründung und Anwendung in der Medizin, Rosenthal was perhaps the leading light of Viennese research in the field of electricity applied to nervous diseases, and his name was known through translations and extensive circulation of his works. 20 Yet the Vienna school’s reputation was primarily due to Moriz Benedikt, esteemed by Erb and Charcot, and himself author of an Elektrotherapie published in 1868. As of 1875 Benedikt became director of the Department of Electro-therapeutics and Neuropathology. 21 The other Viennese centres for electro-therapeutics that deserve at least a mention were the Josephinum Academy and, after that closed in 1872, the military hospital. 18. Moritz Meyer, Die Electricität in Ihrer Anwendung auf Practische Medizin, Berlin, Hirschwald, 1883. Wilhelm Erb, Handbuch der Elektrotherapie, Leipzig, Vogel, 1882, third volume of Handbuch der allgemeinen Therapie, ed. Hugo von Ziemssen, Leipzig, Vogel, 1880-1884. 19. Erna Lesky, The Vienna Medical School of the 19th Century, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1976, p. 349. Friedrich Fieber, Compendium der Elektrotherapie, Vienna, Braumüller, 1869; Id., Die Behandlung der Nervenkrankheiten mit Elektricität, Vienna, Czermak, 1873. 20. Moriz Rosenthal, Die Elektrotherapie, ihre Begründung und Anwendung in der Medizin, Vienna, Braumüller, 1865. 21. Moriz Benedikt, Elektrotherapie, Vienna, Tendler, 1868. From body to machine: electro-medicine / 57 This background formed the careers of electro-specialists like Franz Chvostek who taught electro-therapeutics at the Academy in 1867, and above all Rudolf Lewandowski, MO at the hospital, a close co-worker of the instrument-maker Joseph Leiter and author, among other works, of Die Elektrotechnik in der praktischen Heilkunde. 22 3. Plinio Schivardi and introduction of the new electrical approach in Italy The foregoing long but necessary list bears witness to the climate of expectation surrounding electricity which took hold of the medical community from the mid-1850s onwards. That the phenomenon has hitherto received little attention is because, whereas the schools of Paris and Berlin were driving physiological research towards experimentation promising certain progress, the revival of interest in medical applications of electricity seemed a hang-over from the obscure past which had spawned another culture, quite alien to the modernisation in progress, and hence was destined to a rapid demise. Such a misreading of the signs fails, of course, to take stock of the droves of doctors who applauded the slow but sure emancipation of physiology from anatomy and hailed the emergence of experimental physiology based on chemistry and physics. This they saw as a solid platform on which to revive electro-medicine. Schivardi was one such physician. Born at Brescia in 1833, he was engaged by the Milan Ospedale Maggiore in 1857. After his highschool years at Brescia and Desenzano he had moved to Padua and begun to read medicine there, later moving to Vienna where he graduated in medicine. 23 He learnt to value instrumentation in medicine through working with the Bohemian doctor Joseph Škoda whose Abhandlung über Perkussion und Auskultation he translated, and also with the German physiologist Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke. His knowledge of electro-medicine was the result of collaboration with Friedrich Fie- 22. Rudolf Lewandowski, Die Elektrotechnik in der praktischen Heilkunde, Vienna - Pest Leipzig, Hartleben, 1883. 23. Archivio dell’Ospedale Maggiore di Milano, Medici-chirurghi: Plinio Schivardi, stato personale e di servizio. 58 / From body to machine: electro-medicine ber and Moriz Rosenthal, both in service at the Vienna Allgemeines Krankenhaus. 24 When Schivardi returned to Italy, specialists in the field of electrotherapeutics were in short supply. Duchenne, dedicatee of his work, was still unknown and few had Schivardi’s grasp of English, French and German, so that most of the treatises published in Europe were still beyond them. Had that been all, it might have passed. But the problem was much more serious, Schivardi discovered. Not only was there a dearth of Italian specialists in electro-medicine, there was a proliferation of charlatan healers, including some from abroad, who continued to wax rich on “shock” treatment. One such was “Monsieur Tirat” whose cabinet for electro-applications at one of “the most debonair and well-patronised” addresses in Milan was attended by men and women of all social classes. 25 In 1865 Schivardi resolved to visit this “wonder-worker” to see for himself “how the birds are snared”. The room he describes had antiquated machines in the corners at which were seated a number of persons connected by non-insulated copper wires. The amusing scene Schivardi witnessed is a convincing sample of charlatan practice, a kind of burlesque that continued to enjoy approval by the authorities: In one corner of the room we saw a priest […]. He sat astride his chair, frowning, with a plate over his heart area and a discharge device in his hand, working his lips as though saying the breviary. But every so often, the irregular current giving rise to the occasional violent shock, the worthy cleric’s face would contract in pain, before returning to repose”. 26 The scene was “a pretty picture”, writes Schivardi, and the figure of the credulous priest starting as he recited his prayers was evidently too good to miss as an opportunity of ironising at relations between a narrow-minded conservative Catholic world and the promise of development through scientific progress. Another drama was being acted out in the same room, however. A young girl of plebeian extraction was here the victim of sinister chicanery pursued outside the hospital precincts. This time the picture was less amusing: 24. Joseph Škoda, Trattato di percussione ed ascoltazione, translated by Plinio Schivardi, Milan, Editori della Biblioteca, 1864. 25. Plinio Schivardi, Una visita al gabinetto elettrico del signor Tirat in Milano, Milan, Chiusi Publishers, 1865, pp. 3-4. 26. Ivi, p. 4. From body to machine: electro-medicine / 59 “She had a tumour on the left side of her neck, to which Tirat applied a broad brass plate. He handed her the discharge device and unceremoniously twiddled the settings from maximum to minimum. The poor girl first gave a terrified jerk on her seat and a cry of pain, her hand convulsing, before settling to endure the strong current with some fortitude. After about ten minutes’ application, Tirat prodded the tumour frowningly, then took one of his famous broad belts from a drawer and handed it to the girl, saying: c’est une pile de Volta, en trois jours vous êtes guerie! It costs 60 francs”. 27 Incompetence, mixed with greed and ignorance, here showed their worst face. The belts Tirat peddled, writes Schivardi, were nothing but “galvanic poultices” invented in the France of the Fifties: bi-metallic chains which, the galvanometer test revealed, produced a lowintensity direct current of no worth whatever, if one reflects that the skin “only lets strong currents through, while weak ones decompose upon it and disperse”. 28 To Schivardi, the Tirat belt was a mere “device for simpletons”. Thus, he scoffed, “in Milan 30, 60 or 80 francs will buy you two pieces of zinc and copper sewn into a shabby pouch of leather!” 29 The currents Tirat applied to the priest were no more effective, the machine being inappropriately connected, producing irregular current, with non-insulated conductors and without the least notion of electro-physiology. If he were to produce objectively valid results and analyses, the budding medical ‘electrician’ that Schivardi had in mind to train must begin by taking a distance from such practices and learn abut the experimental techniques being applied to laboratory animals. He should especially learn to prepare a “galvanoscopic frog” following the method perfected by Matteucci, the basis of all other experimentation. An electro-physician must, at the very least, learn to use the galvanometer and dynamometer, essential tools of research as performed by a master like Du Bois-Reymond; he should practise distinguishing between effects obtainable from a living body and those from a dissected one. 30 It was also essential to know the chemistry of “muscle respiration” and the differences between various types of current, in particular the effects of direct versus alternating current. The wrong choice could have 27. Ivi, p. 5-6. 28. Ivi, p. 8. 29. Ivi, p. 10. 30. Plinio Schivardi, Manuale…, cit. pp. 155-157. 60 / From body to machine: electro-medicine dire consequences and even cause death, as Schivardi had proved on cats. 31 Yet another controversy regarded the direction current should be applied in. The international debate pitted those who thought exciting a nerve by current between centre (brain or marrow) and nerve periphery depended for its effect on the direction, versus those who thought it had the same result whatever the direction. The professional of electro-medicine should be au fait with these cruxes, gain expertise, sift the relevant scientific bibliography and take up a position. At least in principle, virtually any doctor who opposed the practices of charlatans like Tirat would have to agree on the need for such an approach. The second step must be that of persuading the new “electrophysician” to go down to the laboratory and get to grips with electromedicine by the consolidated methods of experimental science, beginning with physics. In his Manual Schivardi actually went a lot further: he expected the doctor to be skilled with machinery the Italian milieu knew nothing about and trusted still less. Ranging from the various kinds of battery in commerce, to the electro-magnetic machinery for charging them, from the hand-operated electro-magnetic devices exploiting Faraday current to the various sorts of rheostat, interrupter switch and discharge device, Schivardi gave his readers a thorough overview of the material an electro-doctor must learn to handle. It was explicit that a mere doctor would not do: this was to be a hybrid figure combining medical knowledge with an electrical technician’s know-how. The last waverings as to this heterodox profile versed in workshop and laboratory would be dispelled by some of the most original pages in the Manual. This is where Schivardi discounts the French- and German-manufactured models as generally inaccessible to Italian doctors’ “modest fortunes”, cautions against relying on unskilled local constructors, and decides to give the reader a minute account of how to build a home-made electro-therapy device. 32 One kilogram of copper wire, three ounces of silk, half a day’s pay for a workman to sheath the wire, one coil, one brass tube, two switches and six terminals were practically all one needed, following Schivardi’s instructions, to assemble a “Volta-Faraday device” suitable for most applications. 31. Ivi, p. 159. 32. Ivi, p. 146. From body to machine: electro-medicine / 61 “It has two currents,” he explains,” the diameter and length of the wires to produce it is the fruit of long experience, it has a tube dimmer which is the best way of dosing the electricity exactly, and an alternating currentbreaker that works properly all the time. It looks smart, can be carried easily, weighs little. It runs on any battery. If a lower drawer is added to the first model, this can contain two Marié-Davy elements, a couple of sponge-type discharge devices, a metal brush, a discharge device on a bent olive stick, and the result is a apparatus equipped for all ordinary requirements. Not least, and not to be spurned, the low price it costs and the safety of careful workmanship. 33 Such skills, plus the know-how gained in his years at the Vienna school, made Schivardi the unquestioned authority on electro-medicine. As early as 1862 at the competition arranged by the Dell’Acqua Foundation, the Milan Ospedale Maggiore had honoured Schivardi in acknowledgment of the topical subject he had mastered, “requiring the work not just of the doctor, but the physicist and mechanic too”, an area where “in order to shine and carry conviction, ingenuity is not enough: at all junctures one needed experience and rigorous demonstration”. 34 Hardly was the first edition of his Manual out when Schivardi found a mouthpiece for his expertise in succeeding Felice Dell’Acqua as editor of the Rivista elettrologica. Forming part of the Annali Universali, this was the first and most authoritative specific coverage of the subject. Its declared purpose was “to announce in digest the opinions, controversies and main facts” pertaining to electro-medicine. 35 In the first issue he edited, Schivardi began by lamenting the lack of original publications in Italian journals and doctors’ apathy about that electricity which “is daily applied in every hospital of Europe”, whereas Italy still viewed it “with a smile of contempt” or used it when desperate, “expecting miracles”. 36 The only authors who had recently done worthwhile research in this field, apart from Felice Dell’Acqua, were Giacinto Namias at Venice, Crisanto Zuradelli at Pavia, Gustavo Simi at Leghorn and Giuliano Manca in Turin. Nothing else of note on the subject could be reported, wrote Schivardi. 37 33. Ivi, pp. 151-152. 34. Andrea Verga, Rendiconto della beneficenza dell’Ospedale Maggiore e degli annessi pii istituti in Milano per gli anni solari 1861-1862-1863, Milan, Manini, 1865, p. 158. 35. Felice Dell’Acqua, “Rivista elettrologica”, in Annali universali di medicina 31 (1859), pp. 134-168. 36. Plinio Schivardi, “Rivista elettrologia”, in Annali Universali di medicina 53 (1864), pp. 190-205, cit. p. 191. 37. Ivi, pp. 194-195. The short work by Giacinto Namias, Sui principi elettrofisiologici 62 / From body to machine: electro-medicine By way of rectifying the embarrassing situation, a few yeas later Schivardi applied successfully to open a new ‘window’ devoted to electromedicine in another of the main nation-wide periodicals. Thanks to his efforts, from 1866 onwards the Lombard edition of Gazzetta medica italiana, edited by Gaetano Strambio, carried an Appendice elettrojatrica. 38 Thereafter Schivardi was not alone in his campaign. In following years periodicals elsewhere in the peninsula began focusing on electro-medicine. In 1871 Giuliano Manca, an electro-practitioner who had previously worked in Turin, brought out the first issue of the Roman Giornale di elettroterapia. As of 1873, Temistocle Santopadre’s efforts brought out Il Galvani at Urbino. From 1883 on, Francesco Dichiara published his Gazzetta clinica di elettroterapia at Palermo. 39 Besides the spate of articles that cannot even be cited here, some new monographs soon made their appearance. On the heels of Schivardi’s revised edition of the Manual in 1874 came Domenico Mucci’s Manuale di elettroterapia galvanica, published at Pavia in 1883, and Giulio Mariani’s Elettroterapia which Hoepli of Milan brought out in 1888. 40 Meanwhile the leading authors of Germanic research were being translated into Italian: Elektrotherapie by Moriz Rosenthal, and Die Elektricität in der Medicine by Hugo von Ziemssen in 1874; the Compendium der Elektrotherapie by Reginald Henry Pierson in 1877; Wilhelm Erb’s 1883 Handbuch der Elektrotherapie; Elektrodiagnostik und Elektrotherapie by Rudolf Lewandowski in 1883 and Konrad Rieger’s Grundriss der Medicinischen Elektricitätslehre in 1892. 41 che devono indirizzare gli usi dell’elettricità e sui metodi più acconci a giovarsene nelle singole malattie, Venice, Cecchini, 1859, is of particular importance. 38. The first issue of Appendice elettrojatrica appeared in the Gazzetta medica italiana. Lombardia, XXV (1866), pp. 33-44. 39. The Giornale di elettroterapia appeared from 1871 to 1873, Il Galvani, giornale di elettroidro ed aero terapia from 1873 to 1875, the Gazzetta clinica di elettroterapea from 1883 to 1884. 40. Giacinto Namias, Sui principii elettrofisiologici che devono indirizzare gli usi dell’elettricità, Venice, Cecchini, 1859; Domenico Mucci, Manuale di elettroterapia galvanica, Piacenza, Tedeschini, 1883; Giulio Mariani, Elettroterapia, Milan, Hoepli, 1888. 41. In alphabetic order: Wilhelm Erb, Sull’uso dell’elettricità in medicina, 1883 (1st ed. Erb, Handbuch, cit.); Rudolf Lewandowski, Manuale di elettrodiagnostica ed elettroterapia. Con nozioni di fisica propedeutica pei medici pratici, Milan, Vallardi, 1892 (1st ed. Lewandowski, Die Elektrodiagnostik und Elektrotherapie einschliesslich der physikalischen Propädeutik, für praktische Ärzte, Vienna, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1892); Reginald Henry Pierson, Vade mecum di elettroterapia ad uso degli studenti e dei medici pratici, Verona, Drucker & Tedeschi, 1877 (1st ed. Pierson, Compendium, cit.); Konrad Rieger, Fondamenti di elettricità medica, Modena, Saracino, 1892 (1st ed. Rieger, Grundriss der Medicinischen Elektricitätslehre für Ärzte und Studirende, Jena, Fischer, 1886); Maurizio Rosenthal, La elettroterapia e le sue speciali applicazioni alle malattie nervose e muscolari, Naples, Pasquale, 1874 (1st ed. Moriz Rosenthal, Die Elektrotherapie, cit.); Hugo Wilhelm von Ziemssen, Elettroterapia, From body to machine: electro-medicine / 63 This shift in interest would shortly be reflected in the organisation of institutions as well. One of the first university courses was run by Eugenio Lace Del Pozzo who held the post of free teacher of electrotherapeutics in Turin from 1867 to 1876. 42 A chair of electro-therapeutics was inaugurated at Naples University by Francesco Vizioli in 1877, though it was not until 1886 that this clinic rose to a cabinet of electrotherapy directed by Vizioli. 43 Simone Fubini at Palermo was appointed to teach neuropathology and electro-therapeutics from 1885 to 1888, 44 while Cesare Brunelli taught the Rome course of electro-therapeutics from 1883 to 1888. 45 In Milan, which had spearheaded the diffusion of electro-medicine in Italy thanks to Schivardi’s efforts, the Istituto Pneumo-Elettroterapico opened in 1875. Inaugurated by Carlo Forlanini and later directed by Giulio Mariani, this Institute chose to obviate the lack of suitable equipment for applications by going fully autonomous and equipping a workshop “to construct and maintain” equipment which might also be commissioned and sold. 46 An 1880 brochure for the new electrotherapy centre advertised “voltaic and faradaic applications” both on site and – a first-ever move – in people’s homes. The price ranged from 5 to 10 lire, depending on the option chosen. 47 It was clear to the public from the commercial slant and therapy price-list that the promoters had an ambition, the manifesto rested on an analogy: if physicists could promise to bring light-bulbs into the home, doctors were not to be outdone: they were all set to deliver electro-therapy as a domestic service. Naples, 1874 (1st ed. Ziemssen, Die Elektricität in der Medicine. Studien, 1st ed: Berlin, Hirschwald, 1857). 42. Ariane Dröscher, Le facoltà medico-chirurgiche italiane (1860-1915), Bologna, CLUEB, 2002, p. 382. 43. Ivi, p. 170, 205. 44. Ivi, p. 484. 45. Ivi, p. 311. 46. Ivi, p. 8. 47. Istituto pneumo-elettroterapico di Milano, Milan, Bernardoni, 1888, p. 7. Electrical Hybrids Luca Iori “He bends down to the earth and asks for nothing: knowing too well the earth is a traitor which gives and does not give.” (Emanuel Carnevali) What is a hybrid? The current definition of the word “hybrid”, as given by the Encyclopaedia Britannica, is the “offspring of parents that differ in genetically determined traits”. 1 From this definition follows that natural hybridization, at least in cross-pollinating plants (opposed to self-pollinating ones) is as old as the plants themselves. We could even go as far as stating that every offspring of a cross-pollinating plant is, in some respects, a hybrid. Nevertheless, in the history of plant-breeding the term has usually a more restricted meaning. The hybrid in this context is the result of a cross between two varieties (i.e. two plants, usually but not necessarily of the same species, bearing different traits) already known, either intentional or not . The history of controlled plant hybridization is a long one. Pioneers like Patrick Shirreff were already experimenting with hybrid varieties of wheat during the 19th century 2 while the first experiences with artificial crosses can be traced as far back as the 18th century, in the work of Thomas Fairchild. 3 The turning point is usually indicated in the rediscovery of Mendel’s laws at the beginning of the 20th century. Mathematical ratios in the distribution of traits and the concepts of dominant versus recessive traits promised the possibility of controlling better the hybrid’s offspring, thus improving the reliability of a source of varietal 1. “hybrid.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica, 2011. Web. 31 Aug. 2011. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/277999/ hybrid. 2. J. R. Walton, Varietal Innovation and the Competitiveness of the British Cereals Sector, 1760-1930, The Agricultural History Review 47(1): 29-57, 1999. 3. R. Olby, Origins of Mendelism, Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 1966. See also J. H. Perkins, Geopolitics and the green revolution: wheat, genes, and the cold war, New York, Oxford University Press, 1997. 66 / Electrical Hybrids innovation deemed as uncertain. This traditional reconstruction is still popular even if it has been convincingly challenged by historians of science and technology. 4 Reconstructing the history of plant hybridization, however, is not the aim of this paper. 5 I will dwell on it just enough to be able to discuss a less-known aspect of the history of the hybrids: the point in time and space when they were about to go electric. The public history of the rise and fall of elettrogenetica (electrogenetics), as the new science was called, began with a publication by the Italian horticulturalist Alberto Pirovano in 1922. 6 Pirovano was a non-academic outsider that belonged to the plant-breeding tradition. In order to understand Pirovano’s methods and objectives, it’s useful to look at plant-breeding through a research program on hybrids that at the time represented in Italy the state of the art: Nazareno Strampelli’s (1866-1942). 7 This story will answer the first of our questions: why was electricity investigated as a possible source of varietal innovation? What was plant-breeding missing? After the analysis of Strampelli’s research program (and a brief electrical intermezzo) I will introduce Alberto Pirovano (1884-1973) and discuss the main concepts and experiments he included in his already mentioned first book. Through Pirovano’s work we will see that electricity was considered for some years a possible source of speed and control in the creation of new plant varieties, only to be later discarded. Some of the electrical hybrids survived, but only because it was possible to ignore their origin. 4. P. Palladino, Between Craft and Science: Plant Breeding, Mendelian Genetics, and British Universities, 1900-1920, Technology and Culture 34(2): 300-323, 1993; J. Harwood, Styles of scientific thought: the German genetics community, 1900-1933, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1993; T. Wieland, Scientific Theory and Agricultural Practice: Plant Breeding in Germany from the Late 19th to the Early 20th Century, Journal of the History of Biology 39(2): 309-343, 2006; C. Bonneuil, Mendelism, plant breeding and experimental cultures: Agriculture and the development of genetics in France, Journal of the History of Biology 39(9): 281-308, 2006. 5. The reader interested in the subject will find the book by Noel Kingsbury extremely interesting. See N. Kingsbury, Hybrid: the history and science of plant breeding, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2009. 6. A. Pirovano, La mutazione elettrica delle specie botaniche e la disciplina dell’eredità nell’ibridazione, Milano, U. Hoepli, 1922. 7. The historical role of Strampelli’s wheat varieties, heavily diffused in the Italian landscapes by the fascist regime (after the declaration of the equally harmful, useless and successful Battaglia del grano ‘Battle for Grain’ in 1925), has recently been discussed by Tiago Saraiva: see T. Saraiva, Fascist Labscapes: Geneticists, Wheat, and the Landscapes of Fascism in Italy and Portugal, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 40(4): 457-498, 2010. Electrical Hybrids / 67 Nazareno Strampelli (1866-1942), agricultural geneticist and breeder Professor Gian Tommaso Scarascia Mugnozza, renowned agronomist and agricultural geneticist who originated with others in the 1970s the durum wheat cultivar “Creso” (still in use today), called Strampelli’s program “the best of his times” 8. The main achievement of Strampelli’s program was the development of various wheat varieties (released to the public in the 1920s) with a very short stem (dwarf varieties) and early maturity, many years before the famous similar results of Norman Borlaug. 9 An analysis of the character and limits of Strampelli’s program is thus a good way to familiarise ourselves with the challenges that electrogenetics hoped to answer. Nazareno Strampelli was born in Crispiero (Castelraimondo, Marche) in 1866. He studied at the Portici school of agriculture in Naples and later graduated in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Pisa. Strampelli arrived in Rieti in 1903, after some years spent in minor positions at the University of Camerino. There, he was appointed to the newly established itinerant chair of agriculture. Founded at the beginning by local institutions, itinerant chairs of agriculture were intended as a mean to spread technical knowledge among farmers. The professor chosen for the post had to give a number of public lectures, act as an advisor for farmers and landowners, and carry out experiments with fertilizers in order to advertise their benefits and encourage their use. Due to the local nature of the institution, there were a lot of differences around the country in the activities carried out and in the resources that the holder of the chair could use. The state soon became the main financial actor, but the control over the chairs was very loose, at least until 1907. 10 Why did Strampelli choose Rieti? The job was not prestigious or well paid, and the city, although beautiful, was (and still is) a very small one. The reason, as Roberto Lorenzetti has written 11 has to be 8. G. T. S. Mugnozza, The contribution of Italian wheat geneticists: From Nazareno Strampelli to Francesco D’Amato. In the wake of the double helix, University of Bologna, Avenue Media, 2003. 9. M. H. Ellis, D. G. Bonnett et al., Borlaug, Strampelli and the worldwide distribution of RHT8, Wheat Production in Stressed Environments 12: 787-791, 2007. 10. M. Zucchini, Le cattedre ambulanti di agricoltura, Roma, G. Volpe, 1970. 11. R. Lorenzetti, La scienza del grano: l’esperienza scientifica di Nazareno Strampelli e la granicoltura italiana dal periodo giolittiano al secondo dopoguerra, Roma, Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Ufficio centrale per i beni archivistici, 2000. 68 / Electrical Hybrids found in one of the actors of our story: wheat. Among the Italian farmers of the time, the Rieti Valley was known as the only place of production of the Rieti Originario, a wheat cultivar celebrated for its resistance to rusts. 12 The production of Rieti seeds remained a local enterprise: for reasons not clear at the time the variety used to lose its precious resistance after one or two generations. This situation created a sort of natural monopoly in the commerce of the Rieti seeds, and many frauds that were compared to those of the Chianti wine’s trade (Gli è come del Chianti: fortunato colle, che in nome suo si dà da bere a tutto il mondo). 13 No matter how valuable, Rieti was not perfect: the plant was highly susceptible to lodging. 14 Strampelli had, from his first experiment of hybridization in 1900, 15 the dream of developing new varieties that inherited both resistance to rusts and lodging. In his first years of activity in Rieti, Strampelli successfully completed all the teaching and counselling assignments required. 16 Simultaneously, however, he was devoting more and more time to a vast number of experiments ranging from testing different compositions of fertilizers to the effects of small amounts of various substances in the terrain, and from the effects of plants on the terrain to the effects of electricity on wheat growth. Along with these experiments, Strampelli was also developing a selection program for the Rieti cultivar and beginning a work on hybrids that, expanding year by year, ended up as the main activity of the chair. In 1907 the itinerant position was turned by law into an experimental station specially conceived for research on cereals. 17 Despite the changes that took place from 1904 to 1919 (when a na12. “Rusts” (it. Ruggini) was the common name used for a family of plant diseases caused by different types of fungi. 13. “It’s like Chianti: lucky hill, in its name they give all the world a drink”. The quotation, from a 1882 issue of the agricultural newspaper “Il Giornale del Villaggio” is taken from Lorenzetti (op. cit.). The (rough) translation is mine. 14. “Lodging” refers to the condition in which the plant stem is permanently bent (due to adverse weather conditions or the plant’s weight). 15. Conducted in Camerino, the experiment (a cross between wheat varieties Noé and Rieti) was suspended after the second generation, due to the apparent chaotic distribution of traits among the offspring. 16. Archivio di Stato di Rieti (ASR), Archivio Privato Strampelli (APS), Box n. 5 Folder n. 7. 17. Strampelli’s experiments of selection and hybridization were not limited to wheat alone, but improving wheat remained the main priority for him. Discussion of the work on other plants (that would unnecessarily add to the complexity of the picture sketched) will be conducted elsewhere. Electrical Hybrids / 69 tional institute for cereal genetics was created in Rome) and after, the organization of the hybrids research program remained peculiar and recognizable. It can be usefully described as a true “system”, articulated in 4 different phases. I call it a “system” because the parts, although separated in time and space, only make sense if considered together. The parts I will quickly discuss are: Collection, Hybridization, Selection and Assessment. After the explanation, I will turn to the limits of such an experimental program, before introducing the birth of electrogenetics. A fifth part could be individuated, namely Multiplication and Distribution. Since this was the part that went through major changes, changes that did not correspond to similar ones in the other parts, 18 it will not be discussed in this paper. Collection, hybridization, selection, evaluation: a complete varietal innovation system in four steps Collection was the first step. With the word collection I want to highlight the systematic effort that Strampelli made in order to obtain various types of wheat seeds from a lot of different places across Europe (Italy, England, Netherlands, France, Serbia) and beyond (Lebanon, Eritrea, Morocco, Russia, America). Letters were written 19 to various agricultural institutions and individuals asking for seeds. A lot of the material accumulated was later used for crosses; from the beginning however the aim was also to collect as many varieties already cultivated with success elsewhere as possible, creating a comprehensive archive of “viable” seeds varieties. The “quest for seeds” had a peak in the first years of the Rieti chair, with 1904 being a crucial year, but did not reach an end afterwards. The Akakomugi variety, the Japanese wheat that brought short stem and early maturity in the genetic pool available to Strampelli, was sent to the experimental station by a seed trader in 1911. 20 Hybridization was the second step. The method of hybridization used by Strampelli is described in a 1907 publication 21 and in a later 18. Thus suggesting a more independent status of this phase. 19. ASR, APS, B. 16, F. 11. 20. ASR, APS, B. 19, F. 3. 21. N. Strampelli, Alla ricerca e creazione di nuove varietà di frumento a mezzo dell’ibridazione, Roma, U.C.E., 1907. 70 / Electrical Hybrids one in 1932. 22 In the 25 years span that separates the two, only minor changes to the procedure were made. As is well known, wheat is a self-pollinating plant. That means that in natural conditions a plant is both male and female. Usually therefore reproduction happens within a single plant, and cross-pollination is a rare event. 23 To prevent self-pollination and to cross two different plants, one of the two (the choice does not influence in any way the final result) has to be castrated, i.e. anthers are removed (see Fig. 1). The castrated plant is then called the “female” one. Fig. 1. 24 The male plant is the one from which the pollen is taken: the usual mean was opening the anthers with tweezers and collecting the pollen into a sterile recipient. Soon afterwards the pollination had to be carried out with a little brush on the female plant. Since the pollen had to be fresh, flowering time of different varieties had to be synchronized. That was accomplished initially using south-facing walls and cellars, turning later to greenhouses and refrigerators when they became available. Even though cross-pollination is a rare event, female plants in Strampelli’s program were isolated using parchment cylinders and cotton. The end result of this step was a set of seeds, hybrid seeds. 22. N. Strampelli, I miei lavori: origini e sviluppi - i grani della vittoria. Origini, Sviluppi Lavori e Risultati, I. N. d. G. p. l. C. i. Roma. Roma, Lacroix, 1932. 23. This is also the reason, as Harwood (op. cit.) has written, why reproduction of single plants in isolation was a cheap and effective way of preserving a type “in purity”, unchanged. 24. This fine image was made in 2007 by Mariana Ruiz, who was generous enough to put it into the public domain. Electrical Hybrids / 71 Selection was the third step, and the one over which Mendelian theories had the biggest influence. Hybrids were known for being all similar in the first generation. From the second (obtained by natural self-pollination) however, differences in traits started to appear. The main problem for the breeder was thus obtaining a plant with the desired traits that also “bred true”, maintaining all those traits in its offspring. As in the French case narrated by Bonneuil, 25 selection of promising individual plants started for Strampelli in the second generation. The reasoning behind this decision was straightforward: according to his understanding of Mendel’s law, the diversity between the hybrid’s offspring was nothing but a mathematically ordered distribution of antagonist traits. Let’s imagine two plants, called a and b. Plant a has a beard around the spike, while plant b hasn’t got one. Let’s imagine also that the beard form is recessive to the beardless one, which is dominant. If we cross them, all their offspring ab will not display a beard. If we let ab individuals self-pollinate, however, their offspring will behave differently, and according to Mendel’s second law we will obtain: 26 – ¼ of homozygote individuals aa: they will always display a beard and their offspring will constantly do the same; – ¼ of homozygote individuals bb: they will not display a beard and their offspring will never do so; – ½ of heterozygote individuals ab: they will not display a beard, but their offspring will sometimes do, according to the same distribution we just described. The actual problem of putting this scheme to use is that it’s not possible to determine by observation alone if the beardless plants we obtained are reliable homozygote bb or variable heterozygote ab. If we are working with small numbers, distribution will not be so precise either. Also, our experiment was trivial because we limited it to a single trait (bearded vs. beardless). Since the traits come in antagonist couples, for n couples the possible forms are 2n, so for instance 10 couples of traits can produce 1024 different forms. 27 How could this knowledge be useful for Strampelli and other breeders? 25. Bonneuil, op. cit. 26. Let’s also note that for this mental experiment we don’t need to talk about genes. 27. This mathematical model, used by Strampelli from the first decade of the 20th century, does not consider the phenomena of linkage (i.e. some genes are inherited together more frequently than others), unknown at the time. 72 / Electrical Hybrids This forces us to rethink claims of control and design that were frequently made by breeders at the time. Nevertheless, Mendelian theory had practical applications: it told the breeders that if they kept tracking the offspring of individual hybrid plants and choosing among them which one to reproduce by self-pollination (Selection), they could finally reach homozygosis for the desired traits. Their hybrids will become fixed. The theoretical number of forms could also tell if repeating a cross made sense or not by a comparison with the actual number of forms observed in the field. The price of fixing a hybrid was huge, both in terms of the time required (some varieties developed by Strampelli reached the final stage of the process in 10 years), space for their cultivation, and money (the hybrids could not produce any profit before the distribution and multiplication phase). The isolation of specific forms and the tracking effort across generations relied heavily on the personal skills of the breeder himself, both in observation and planning. The end result of this phase was a fixed hybrid: a plant with a set of traits that were originally separated among its own ancestors (the couple of the initial cross) and that were inherited in a reliable way. Was the work finally over? Not yet, as we will see in the last step. Assessment was the last step. Even if the results of Selection were in some sense final (the genetically determined traits were secured) all the previous steps did not guarantee any reliable information on the plant’s behaviour in different environments. The breeder could use his experience to make an educated guess about the ideal conditions for a specific cultivar and its average harvest, but in order to be sure he had to perform tests. Strampelli spent his entire life working in the public sector, maintaining a strong ideology of public service: releasing a wheat variety without being entirely sure about its behaviour was never an option. To perform the assessment of the fixed plants, Strampelli organized a network of experimental fields (later experimental stations) in different locations: the first three he managed to set up had to give data about the growth in valleys (Rieti), mountains (Leonessa) and arid terrains (Foggia). After a round of internal tests, promising seeds were baptized with a name and progressed towards one or two rounds of additional external tests, sending them to agricultural institutions (schools and experimental stations) across the country. Only at this point could tested seeds be sold or distributed to farmers. Electrical Hybrids / 73 The limits of an early 20th century “state of the art” hybridization program A less abstract account of this system of varietal innovation should take into account the Multiplication and Distribution phases; nevertheless we have now the sketch of a well-organized research program on hybrids at the beginning of the 20th century that gave impressive results. This bird’s eye view also emphasises some features (e.g. the parts in which the work is divided, the mix between scientific laws and personal skills) that I believe are not limited to Strampelli’s work or wheat alone. If this is true, it should be possible also to discuss the shortcomings of such a program not only as specific features of a single experimenter’s work, but as common limitations that breeders working with hybrids at the time had to face in one way or another. The two most apparent limitations in the hybridization program outlined are without doubt the time required and the vast amount of resources, both in terms of work and land, necessary to obtain the final product. Strampelli’s program was extremely careful: a more aggressive attitude could have accelerated the process a little, at least in the Assessment phase, but not during the fixing part (the most timeconsuming). Both limitations can be ascribed to a more general one: a lack of control due to the exclusive availability of indirect manipulation instruments in some of the crucial steps. At first glance, the usage of the expression indirect manipulation could seem a paradox: the manipulation of plants by artificial pollination is clearly a very direct manipulation. On the other hand, this operation does not guarantee any particular arrangement of selected traits in the offspring. After the cross, there is no way for the breeder to properly control the process: he can only reinforce a particular outcome through selection once it has appeared. The breeder knows from theory how many forms a particular cross can give, but he cannot choose in advance which ones will grow from his seeds. His role is to choose. In order to be able to choose, it’s his duty to set up a sufficiently large space of possibilities in which the promising plants can appear. When this will happen (and exactly where in his carefully arranged fields) he has no way to tell or know. 28 He can directly manipulate plants, but the ma28. This idea of indirect control resonates with what Bonneuil (op. cit.) has written: the history of plant breeding in the 20th century it’s not gene-centric. How could it be, since genes are not used in actual practice? 74 / Electrical Hybrids nipulation of what determines traits (and thus of the traits themselves) always remains indirect. This situation accounts for the long time a new hybrid variety could spend in the making before being considered stable and released to the public. The public image of the breeder’s work was of course different: Strampelli was called in Italy “the wheat magician”, and he maintained that the breeder had the power, given enough time and patience, to design the perfectly suited plant for a chosen environment. Sometimes he compared the breeder to a sculptor; at other times, maybe more properly, to a mosaic artist. 29 A peculiar mosaic artist, we should add, one that could not make his own tiles. With every long process howev er, sooner or later a question appears. What if something could speed it up? What if a way it’s found to overcome those limitation? Now we know some of the answers: a lot of new varieties, including the already remembered “Creso”, were later obtained through induced mutations, via an ingenious use of radioactivity. Nevertheless, it should not come as a surprise that this was just one among many roads that were taken in the research for new plant varieties. Speed and control were at first sought in other places, and one among them was electricity. Intermezzo: electricity and the hybrids, a missed rendez-vous. The story of electricity and the hybrids could have started in Rieti. In the fall of 1904, Nazareno Strampelli put in four pots about 22 pounds of soil and 5 wheat seeds each. 30 Every pot was surrounded by a cage, but every cage was a little bit different from the other (see fig. 2). Every cage had the same amount of wired surface, keeping the amount of sunlight and air circulation received similar. The wiring was done differently for each cage (see Tab. 1): 29. ASR, APS, B. 19 F. 3. 30. N. Strampelli, Di una speciale azione elettrica sulle piante, Atti del vi Congresso internazionale di chimica applicata, Rome, 1906. Electrical Hybrids / 75 Fig. 2. Tab. 1. Cage Upper part Pot A Wicker Wicker B Wicker Copper C Copper Wicker D Copper Copper Copper wires were electrified with direct current. Strampelli recorded a slight enhancement of growth in cage C (copper wiring in the upper part of the cage), and thought of a possible effect over nitrogen absorption. The effect however was too small to be of any practical interest and the experiments were later interrupted. Meanwhile Strampelli’s work on hybrids was travelling through the phases already described, scaling-up accordingly, and putting on hold a lot of the alternative roads that were considered, started or planned in 1904. Nevertheless, his experiment was not forgotten: the idea behind it was not extremely original (more on this below) or exciting, but the careful planning and the presence of a control gave a reliability to his data on the effects of electricity on plants that was not common. 76 / Electrical Hybrids The possible rendez-vous between hybrids and electricity was thus missed. It happened anyway some years later, due to another researcher that knew, among the others, about Strampelli’s work: Alberto Pirovano. Alberto Pirovano (1884-1973) and the tentative birth of electrogenetics Alberto Pirovano was born in Vaprio d’Adda (near Milan) in 1884, from a family of horticulturalists. At least from his 15th birthday he started to be involved in his family’s activities, while studying at the same time (by himself) 31 botany and physics. In 1922 he published a book about the “electric mutation of botanical species” 32 (La mutazione elettrica delle specie botaniche) that was well-received among Italian biologists. 33 Pirovano’s career flourished along with his experiences with electricity: in 1924 he became chief of the Laboratorio di elettrogenetica (Laboratory of electrogenetics) in Belgirate and in 1927 he moved to Rome as the first director of the newly established Istituto di frutticultura e di elettrogenetica (Institute for fruit growing and electrogenetics). 34 Even if his approach was considered promising, some of the theories and conclusions he drew from his experiments were criticised (although initially not in an hostile manner) from the start. 35 Pirovano’s name is nowadays remembered not for his electrical studies (later labelled as unscientific) but for the grape varieties that he developed (the cultivar Italia being one of the most successful). What was electrogenetics? Which kind of machines and experiences were tried? What relation had those with the long tradition of experiments involving plants and electricity? And, finally, what results as 31. In his 1922 book, Pirovano remarked in the introduction that “I don’t have yet a precise system of observation” (Pirovano 1922, my translation). 32. Pirovano, op. cit. 33. A. Volpone, Gli inizi della genetica in Italia, Bari, Cacucci, 2008. 34. For those biographical information about Pirovano, I am indebted to Alessandro Volpone (Volpone, op. cit.). His book offers a very useful overview of the researchers involved with research questions that now we see as concerning “genetics”, while at the time were scattered among different disciplinary traditions. 35. R. Savelli, Osservazioni su anomalie fiorali in “Cucurbita” e su presunti effetti della “jonolisi” del polline, Bullettino della Società Botanica Italiana: 71-79, 1926. Savelli’s paper offers a clear example: he questions some of the experimental results of Pirovano while praising at the same time his work as an horticulturalist and highlighting the simultaneous presence of “lights and shadows” in Pirovano’s work. Savelli, as we will see, later criticized more vehemently Pirovano. Electrical Hybrids / 77 an applied science could electrogenetics offer or promise? To answer these questions, we should turn toward a close examination of Pirovano’s 1922 book. Such an examination will start with the discussion of the main difference between Pirovano’s work and the long tradition of experiences on electricity and plants available to him. I will then turn to a reconstruction of Pirovano’s main biological ideas and the action on germ plasm he called jonolisi. A brief overview of the machines used (with a detailed example) will conclude this partial immersion in the first book of the Milanese horticulturalist and give us enough details to discuss his claimed results on induced mutation and control of the hybrids. Electrogenetics and électroculture: differences and relations “Électroculture” is a French word that was used (not exclusively) to designate the use of electricity to activate plant germination. 36 Duchatel and Ferone de la Selva lists the key dates in the years between 1770 and 1925. 1770 is the year in which Jean-Antoine Nollet, abbé and crucial figure for the history of electricity, died; 1925 the year in which the director of the French institute of agronomical research E. Roux decided to suppress the chairs that were teaching électroculture in the French agricultural schools. This time interval is conventional: every author attempting to trace back in time the uses of electricity in agriculture has to decide when to begin 37 and were to stop. Pirovano is not mentioned anywhere in the paper: rather than showing a lack of information, this confirms his position as an outsider, and the precarious scientific status of his studies. The first chapter of Pirovano’s 1922 book is devoted to a quick overview of the previous practical experiments known to him: the strong conclusions about their ineffectiveness and the originality of his approach can tell us something more about the differences and the relations electrogenetics had with électroculture. Pirovano’s main historical source for previous attempts was Arturo Bruttini’s “L’influenza dell’elettricità sulla Vegetazione e sui prodotti delle industrie agrarie”(The influence of electricity on vegetation and 36. J. Duchatel, G. Ferone de la Selva, Les tentatives d’utilisation de l’électricité comme activateur biologique en agriculture, Bulletin d’histoire de l’électricité(10): 87-101, 1987. 37. Duchatel and Ferone de la Selva writes about pickets that were inserted in the terrain during Charlemagne’s era. 78 / Electrical Hybrids agricultural industry products). 38 Bruttini was professor of agronomy in Rome. Published in the famous “handbook” series by Ulrico Hoepli, the book was an over-400 hundred pages long attempt to summarize all the experiments and experiences ever recorded in Italy and elsewhere on the effects of electricity on plants and fruits. Bruttini’s book was divided in four parts 39 and ended with the author’s own experimental work. Pirovano’s aims were different: not interested in a complete review he reorganized the discussion of the experiences collected by Bruttini along the different categories of electrical stimuli (electrostatic, atmospheric, current, magnetic field) and the objects to which they were applied (plants or seeds). The conclusion reached by Pirovano was clear: “The conclusive summary of this chapter brings us to acknowledge that electricity has not been proved useful for agriculture, whatever its direct application”. 40 This failure however instead of discouraging Pirovano, fuelled his own opinions about what he considered to be the main error of the previous attempts. Seeds and plants were already complete entities and, as such, they had means to protect themselves against induced modifications. To have an effect, manipulation had to be carried out before the seed was formed. After some unsuccessful trials on partially formed seeds, Pirovano choose the pollen as its main experimental object. 41 This emphasis, and the focus on mutation put Pirovano’s work in a no man’s land between biology and physics. As remarked by Volpone, 42 no matter how tempting, we should restrain from using the rhetorical model of the “forgotten pioneer”. Not surprisingly for a self-taught scholar his biological ideas were a complex and original combination of different theories and unorthodox opinions that usually were not seen together. A more useful category for understanding Pirovano’s 38. A. Bruttini, L’Influenza dell’elettricità sulla vegetazione e sui prodotti delle industrie agrarie, Milano, U. Hoepli, 1912. 39. The four parts were: atmospheric electricity, lightening, storms and earthquakes; vegetal electrophysiology; influence of electricity on germination of seeds and plant growth; influence of electricity on products of agricultural industries. 40. This quote from Pirovano, p. 27 (op. cit.). The translation from the original Italian text is mine. 41. Pirovano decided to manipulate the pollen (and not the plant’s ovules) both for practical reasons and biological ones. A strong cultural factor is also evident: the feminine was left untouched due to a supposed caring role. 42. Volpone, op.cit. p. 81. Electrical Hybrids / 79 work could be that of the scientific “rebel”, discussed in the book edited by Harman and Dietrich 43. The Tolstoyan thesis of the authors – that every rebel seems to rebel in his own fashion – is accurate for Pirovano’s case as well. The challenge that he brought to Italian biology tells us something about the plurality of roles that a scientist could play, being at the same time a maverick in one field and a respected figure in another. Does this make Pirovano a rebel? Let’s leave the question open for the moment. Botany, genetics and Jonolisi According to Pirovano, 44 botanical species were fixed entities: the only exception to this rule were hybridism, polymorphism and mutation. Pirovano however maintained that hybrids were just a transitory combination of pure ancestral species, and were thus forced to segregate until the original form was reached again. A more important role had to be ascribed to mutation: taking the concept from Hugo de Vries, mutation was considered by Pirovano an inheritable and permanent abrupt modification that created a new species. After a dismissal of both Lamarck’s theories and Darwin’s, in order to distinguish between variation limited to the individual and variation inherited Pirovano referred to Weismann, trying an unlikely composition between his experiences as an horticulturalist and the germ plasm theory of the German biologist. The middle ground was found in the following compromise: even if horticultural enhancement did not modify a species in a substantial way, nevertheless it helped forming a good responseto-stimuli habit. The background of the horticulturalist is manifest in the terminology chosen too: species selected by breeders had, from time to time, to be rinsanguate (literally “re-blooded”) by crosses with wild-type ones. According to Pirovano, every attempt that disrupted the natural equilibrium of the plant, no matter how improved the final result, was balanced by nature in some other way, to preserve a sum of vital energy constant. To dodge this inherent resistance of the plant, a variable electro43. O. S. Harman and M. R. Dietrich, Rebels, mavericks, and heretics in biology, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2008. 44. Pirovano, op. cit. p. 33. 80 / Electrical Hybrids Fig. 3. magnetic field could be applied to the pollen: Pirovano thought that stability of the species could only be explained with a stability in the molecular structure of the germ plasm. A direct action could thus bring disorder (and variation) in the atom composition of the plasm. This action was called by Pirovano jonolisi (see Fig. 3). The figure represents an imaginary atomic system inside a chromosome, before and after the jonolisi process. The process was supposed to shake the stable arrangement of atoms creating a new one: the new organisation could, if it was one of the few life-compatible, give birth to a mutated plant. Pirovano tried to show both the possibility and the limitations of the new approach: pure materialist conceptions, he wrote, could not account for the distinction between living and nonliving matter; a concept of the “vital mechanism” was missing. He considered the theory of Valentin Haecker, a German geneticist, 45 the most perfect one; 46 yet for him “… it leaves a great gap in the main point: the soul of living things, the true core of existence”. 47 45. J. Harwood, Styles of scientific thought: the German genetics community, 1900-1933, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1993. 46. Pirovano does neither explain what he intends for “Haecker’s theory” or which Haecker is he referring to. If, as I think, “Haecker” stands for Valentin Haecker (18641927) then it’s possible that Pirovano’s remark was related to the Pluripotenz theory, that postulated a plastic conception of the hereditary material. 47. This quote from Pirovano, p. 63 (op. cit.). The translation from the original Italian text is mine. Electrical Hybrids / 81 It’s not clear from the text if Pirovano considered the limitations in the scientific answers to the question “What is life” permanent or not: the discussion seems also to satisfy a sort of narrative function. 48 The point is maybe more related to the difficulties and possible mistakes that an experimenter had to face: molecular architecture had to be disrupted while preserving the fertility of the germ plasm. Too much jonolisi could transform the plasm into an inert substance; not enough of it and the plasm could be unaffected. This fragility of the plasm, together with the cost of radium, was the reason why radioactivity was eventually discarded by Pirovano as an agent of mutation. Pirovano did some experiments with a machine made by the Parisian Banque du Radium, but considered it too strong for his purposes. The delicate mechanism of life had to be handled with care: the level of irradiation could not be adjusted and it was important to preserve a reasonable ratio of fertility. 49 Electro-magnets, on the contrary, could guarantee control over the degree of power used. Pirovano wrote that variations in the magnetic field induced an electrical current in the pollen: a frequent variation could move things around, like a rolling stone starting a landslide. Which machines were used to do that? Machine meets pollen In the introduction of his 1922 book, Pirovano acknowledges for the development of his machines four persons: Carlo Viscardi, an engineer, Egidio Mazzucconi, an electro-technician, the latter’s chief foreman Giuseppe Rodegher and another engineer, Corrado Landi, for the high frequency instruments. Unfortunately no additional information is given in the text, and the particular individual contributions are not discussed in the chapter devoted to the machines used. Nevertheless, the mutual relation between different machines and the kinds of experiments conducted seems to indicate a prominent role of Pirovano himself. Three types of electro-magnets are discussed and 48. The discussion of the question “What is life” comes just after the tentative explanation of the jonolisi process and the imaginary diagrams. The jonolisi explanation seems to highlight the possibility of manipulation and subversion of pre-determined natural order. The following discussion on natural limits that cannot be trespassed and the limits of scientific explanation brings the reader back to a more conventional level. 49. Pirovano compares the fertility of magnetized poppy plasm with the irradiated one, stating that the former’s percentage of born seeds is 19 times that of the latter. 82 / Electrical Hybrids Fig. 4. shown in various complete machines. The first one was used in open air, directly on the plant: the magnetic field was applied to the bud of the flower. Due to low intensity, the duration of the experiment was between two and three days. The second and the third one were meant to act instead on collected pollen with direct (second type) or alternating (third type) current. The second type is the one reproduced in Fig. 4. For our aims, it is not necessary to examine in detail each instrument used by Pirovano: a simple one is thus explained in its different parts below. On the right a little spark gap permits a measure of the effect: the gap is connected to a secondary coil wrapped around the primary coil A and insulated using silk and paraffin. Coil B could be lowered or lifted using crank M. Commutator C could change P and P’ polarity. The movement of Coil B allowed for a smooth insertion of the pollen between the two and the reduction of empty space afterwards. To produce the variation in the magnetic field, electrical current was quickly switched on and off. 50 Variations in the current had to be abrupt to obtain the final result. After a presentation of his instruments, Pirovano could finally discuss the results of his experiments, both on the induc50. Pirovano listed three different types of switch that could be used to operate his machines. Electrical Hybrids / 83 tion of mutations and in the “discipline of heredity in hybridization”. Had the hybrids finally been tamed? Pirovano’s electric mutations Pirovano’s methods permitted an almost endless amount of possible combinations between plants, intensity of magnetic fields and instruments. However, no systematic effort was made to present (or plan) his experiments, that were listed in a simple chronological order 51. Some of the experiments had a control sample: the pollen chosen for this role was kept into a protective storage box designed to keep humidity out for a time equal to that of the treatment. This control however (when present) was the only safety net the reader could expect from Pirovano’s book: in thirteen subsections a vortex of attempts was presented, differing in the plants used (a lot of different varieties of Cucurbita, Papaver, Althea, Lunaria, Helianthus, Cheirantus etc.) in the duration of the treatment and in the treatment itself (machine used, intensity of the field, type of current used etc.). Pirovano thought that results could come just from a fine tuning between the electro-magnetic action and the particular variety chosen for the experiment. To accomplish this, he made no effort to set the supposed mutagen agent apart, frequently combining different types of stimuli together. A typical example is found on p. 146, one of the many experiments conducted by Pirovano on opium poppy. Two pollen samples (a and b) were used: a) The pollen was exposed to ultraviolet light coming from a sparkgenerating device. The electrical current was alternate and interrupted with a switch. The distance of the pollen from the spark (3mm, about 0.11 inch.) was 20mm (about 0.78 inch.). The experiment lasted for 1 hour and 30 minutes. b) Same as a) with the addition of a magnetic field (details not specified). Pollen a) gave birth to a lot of deformed plants that did not survive for a long time; however among them was one abnormally large but sterile. Pollen b instead generated a dwarf variety (see Fig. 5) 51. Pirovano recognizes in the text the incomplete status of his data, for example on p. 170. 84 / Electrical Hybrids Fig. 5. From the data offered it was impossible to understand exactly in which way the alteration was obtained, or if the results were replicable. A lot of the claimed mutations were not as straightforward as a vast reduction in height: for instance, in an experiment discussed on p. 155 the pollen of a Cucurbita pepo (courgette) was exposed to a magnetic field (4750 gauss) for 30 minutes. Among the offspring of 40, the alleged mutation obtained was slight modification of colour in one exemplar and a slight modification of shape in another. Pirovano knew about the shortcomings of his experimental approach; nevertheless he thought that a lot of his results (like the image above) showed the possibility to reach in the future major horticultural improvements through the creation of new varieties. If mutation produced unnatural individuals that were unable to survive by themselves (while bearing desirable traits) the horticulturalist could supply the necessary aids, meeting the market’s demands. How could those results, that we can now regard as modest, inspire such a vision of extended plant manipulation and control? According to Pirovano’s theory, the barrier that had caused électroculture’s ineffectiveness had been overcome: electrical action on the plasm could allow for extended modifications. Limited results could be blamed on the difficulty to find the perfect amount of stimuli, different for each plant. A vast experimental work was waiting: greater experimental results were near. Electrical Hybrids / 85 Pirovano’s electrical hybrids Pirovano considered his results on hybrids his most important achievement. His discoveries, he thought, could bring a revolution in plant breeding: long screenings in the field, searching for promising individuals, could be replaced by some special operations performed over few grams of pollen. The chapter on hybridization once again reveals the mixed background and the peculiar biological explanations of the author. According to Pirovano, the hybrid had in itself “two confused faces”: every cell of the hybrid belonged either to the maternal line or the paternal one; every cell was, using his term, pure. The hybrid thus was guided in its development in two different directions, and had to reach an equilibrium 52. A fixed hybrid was nothing more than the reappearance of a pure species. At the same time however, an explanation of Mendel’s laws was given: how could Pirovano combine a conception of heredity as composed of separated factors with his conception of the species as an indivisible unity? A solution of this puzzle is not given in the text. Even if on p. 182 Pirovano wrote about the “distinct and independent unity” postulated by Mendel, he did not see any contradiction with his conception of the hybrid as the outcome of a fight between two different germ plasm. The confusion may have been helped by a mistake in the account of Mendel’s laws made on p. 194-195. Pirovano lists 3 different “Mendel’s laws”, stating that they are no more than a classification of the possible outward appearances of the hybrids, in the form “if… then”: 1) If all F1 plants resembles one parent, then among F2 plants ¾ will show the dominant character and ¼ the recessive one. 2) If all F1 plants have an intermediate trait, then among F2 plants ½ will show again the intermediate trait, ¼ the maternal one, ¼ the paternal one. 3) New traits appear. As the reader probably knows, those are not Mendel’s laws. The 52. The struggle for equilibrium was even more complicated in professional plant breeding. Pirovano maintained that a lot of traits sought in the market were antagonist in their behaviour, making the development of new varieties a true challenge for the breeder. 86 / Electrical Hybrids source of Pirovano is a book by Maiocco 53, the first Italian textbook of Genetics 54. In Maiocco’s book the laws are correctly defined: however the explanation of the first one (the principle of uniformity, from p. 38) includes a discussion that elucidates why the principle is named “of uniformity” and not “of dominance”. The reason being that in the experiments on heredity three different kinds of behaviour had been observed, all three of them showing uniformity but not dominance. The three cases are those described above: how could Pirovano mistake them for Mendel’s laws (that were already discussed and known in Italy many years before Maiocco’s textbook) is not clear. 55 If a hybrid plant was the result of two competitive forces then jonolisi could change its development by weakening in advance one of them. Chromosomes, wrote Pirovano, were the “builders of the species”, and jonolisi could act over them. One of the surprising results claimed was the ability of turning a recessive trait into a dominant one. The pollen of the plant bearing the usually-dominant trait could be treated with a magnetic field suppressing its guiding force. Not only, but in some cases it was possible to obtain fertile offspring from a hybrid cross that usually gave a sterile descent. Again, like in the mutation chapter, Pirovano submerged the reader in a flow of different experiments (grouped in 16 categories) with a great degree of variation in the experimental condition chosen. A cross between two different varieties of poppy, opium (used as the male plant) and bracteate was one of the experiments that gave an impressive result: a diagram on p. 217 shows that the usual outcome of this cross was a sterile F1 generation of plants all similar to the mother. With jonolisi however the result was different: half of the plants showed maternal traits while being fertile; the other half was sterile and of intermediate aspect. Other experiences on poppy showed an influence in the pigmentation of the flower according to Pirovano’s theory. Pirovano claimed also impressive results in his studies on courgettes. In one of his experiments he obtained a marked increase in productivity, and commented that as a proof of the immediate results that could be achieved with jonolisi in the improvements of cultivated plants. The offer that electrogenetics could make was huge: the complete 53. F.L. Maiocco, Le leggi di Mendel e l’eredità, Torino, Fratelli Bocco, 1918. 54. Volpone, op.cit. 55. In other sections (for instance on p. 200), Pirovano seems to be more familiar with Mendelian concepts; it’s possible that the confusion is limited to the laws’ names. Electrical Hybrids / 87 control of the hybrids’ behaviour and the induction of stable mutations. According to Pirovano, electrogenetics could become – if sufficiently studied and funded – a new source of varietal innovation and a perfect complement for the practices already used in the breeding sector. Contested results The book ended with a plea for collaboration between botany, electric engineering and genetics. As Volpone 56 has written, the plea was answered to some extent. Despite the unconventional biology of Pirovano, the book offered a lot of raw materials and suggestions for scientists interested in the interaction between electricity and plants. In the following years, however, the results claimed by Pirovano were contested: Savelli, from the Rovigo agricultural station dedicated to sugar beet cultivation 57 discussed in many papers the lack of proofs offered by Pirovano’s book and the subsequent publications of the electrogenetics laboratory in Belgirate, contesting also the identification of some plants used for generating hybrids. Savelli mentioned a cross between a courgette (cucurbita pepo var. melopepo) and a pumpkin (cucurbita maxima var. aurantiaca), claiming that the latter was not a cucurbita maxima at all, like the great Russian scientist Nikolaj Vavilov (1887-1943) had said to him after being showed a picture from Pirovano’s 1922 book. Savelli could also offer other pictures, sent by Nazareno Strampelli, demonstrating that unusual results in shape were not an unusual outcome of non-electrical cucurbita crosses. The main problem seems to be a generalized lack of knowledge about specific outcomes of hybridization on specific varieties. This lack of knowledge left always open the possibility of attributing results simply to the cross while denying a particular effect of the magnetic field. The presence of a control group was not enough to exclude this possibility; the use of a pollen-storing closet (lightly heated to evaporate humidity) added another interference. Already in 1925 the Journal of Heredity had published a short review of Pirovano’s book by L. H. Flint 58 not favourable to the Italian horti56. Volpone, op. cit. p. 82. 57. R. Savelli, Intorno all’ibridabilità ed alla partenocarpia di “Cucurbita”, Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano 34: 511-517, 1927. 58. L.H. Flint, Electrogenetics, Journal of Heredity 16(6): 215-216, 1925. 88 / Electrical Hybrids culturalist. Flint remarked the industrial and governmental support that the Belgirate laboratory had, while expressing doubts on the reliability of Pirovano’s data. The main issue was the already mentioned diversity in the nature of the electrical treatments, and the lack of a systematic effort in the study of the supposed electrogenetic phenomena. Even taking Pirovano’s results at face value, it was impossible to determine with certainty what exactly had an effect. Flint hoped that the Belgirate laboratory could produce more trustworthy data by following “a less pretentious and more carefully controlled program”. The industrialist and governmental support could also explain why reactions to Pirovano’s ideas from the “official” science became more and more hostile: in 1922 he was a private experimenter opening a promising field that could be further explored and developed by more conventional researchers. Some years later however he was the chief of a laboratory supported by the state and attracting private funds, claiming results that were not replicated by others and explaining them with a biology that became year by year more odd and unconventional, while genetics in Italy was still struggling to find academic institutionalization. In 1927 an institute was created in Rome, increasing this conflict. In 1934, the first (and only) congress of Elettro-radio-biologia was held in Venice. Pirovano was among the speakers, but it’s evident from the proceedings 59 that his position as an outsider had not changed: two other papers presented concerning agriculture (by the Italian B. Riccioni and the Indian S. S. Nehru) and electricity were more closely related to the électroculture tradition. The title of the conference was maybe more related to the presence in the honorary committee of Guglielmo Marconi and to the 12 reports on electricity and muscular tissues presented by A. Romano, professor of electro-radio-biology in Naples. The core of the conference was radiobiology, with some sparks of electricity appearing in the background. In 1957 the institute published a book summarizing and celebrating the results of the research facility. 60 Pirovano’s main theories remained unchanged, and he still claimed that variations observed by him could offer support in equal manner to Lamarckism, Darwinism, mutationism and hybridization. Every 59. S.I. Rad, Atti del primo congresso internazionale di elettro-radio-biologia, Primo Congresso Internazionale di Elettro-radio-biologia, Bologna, Licinio Cappelli, 1935. 60. A. Pirovano, Elettrogenetica: esperimenti su vegetali, Istituto di Frutticultura e di Elettrogenetica, 1957. Electrical Hybrids / 89 theory could have its place. Some additional experiments with X-rays were conducted, but Pirovano again expressed scepticism toward the practical utility of the mutations obtained by this mean. No matter how unconventional his biology, Pirovano was a very skilled plant-breeder. His 1957 book has some wonderful pictures of plants and flowers obtained both in Belgirate and in Rome. The variety Italia (the result of an ordinary cross) is still one of the best-selling grapes cultivar in Italy. The mission of the Rome institute (to create new variety of fruits) was accomplished, and Pirovano continued to be a central figure for the research facility even after his retirement 61. In the post-war years his biological ideas, almost unchanged, were entirely discarded, with the notable exception of a pro-soviet Italian scientist, Orfeo Turno Rotini. 62 Conclusion: mixed results for a mixed work Pirovano’s work was, in some respects, a hybrid in itself. It combined a typical breeder approach with a theoretical search for meaning and explanation of practical results. The breeder approach was evident in the acknowledgement of the horticultural tradition not only regarding practices, but also theories about how plants could be improved and which kind of entity a plant was (an organic unity that had to reach a difficult equilibrium and not a set of atomized components). The interplay between plant breeding and biology has been explored as a conflict between practice and theory; while this approach is useful to cast a wide-ranging picture it can at the same time hide the principles and theoretical ideas that breeders had. 63 Pirovano’s approach resembled a “whatever works” one: this led to an unsystematic combination of different stimuli and procedures that was maybe effective on the varietal innovation level but discredited 61. C. Fideghelli, Alberto Pirovano, Informazioni dai Georgofili, Firenze, Accademia dei Georgofili, 3, 2009. 62. Notable because, as Volpone (op. cit. p. 81-82) has written, Pirovano was supported during his scientific career by the fascist regime. According to Volpone, Rotini after a celebration of Pirovano in his 1953 “Taccuino sovietico” (soviet handbook) as an Italian Michurin or Lysenko, never mentioned him again, even when using some of Pirovano’s ideas in other papers and books. 63. This makes sense just if we accept to use the word “theory” in a loose manner, as a set of interrelated ideas with explanatory aims. 90 / Electrical Hybrids and complicated his theoretical efforts. Let’s think again about Pirovano’s experiences with radium: the strong effects observed could have been the start of a fruitful research program in the hands of a geneticist. To the breeder however it was unconceivable to put a process that produced a scarce amount of viable seeds at the core of a research program. The kind of clear, unambiguous data that Savelli and Flint were asking from the Belgirate laboratory could be obtained from a research program focused on the process of magnetic irradiation itself, and not on the final horticultural results. The unsystematic nature of Pirovano’s work is even more significant if compared to Nazareno Strampelli’s system of varietal innovation. Strampelli’s work was focused around results as well, but the search for certainty in the hybrids’ behaviour was considered more important than speeding up the process. Through his program, Strampelli was acquiring at the same time knowledge about the process (the specific behaviour of traits in wheat hybridization) and obtaining results (new wheat varieties). In Pirovano’s case, it was not possible to reach this compromise. I think the main reason of this failure can be found in the great range of possible variations in the electrical irradiation phase, something that has no obvious comparison in hybridization practices. From his equally ingenious and chaotic experiences, Pirovano drew theoretical conclusions too easily, without sufficient proofs and (perhaps more importantly in the years before the second world war) without an official university legitimation. If this theoretical boldness could be forgiven in 1922 as the tentative speculation of an amateur pioneer, later it was impossible to do so. Genetics was growing at a very fast pace, turning innovators into latecomers in very short amounts of time. Nevertheless, the hybrid nature of Pirovano’s work should prevent us to call him a “rebel”. The same features of his approach (discussed above) that made him an outsider in biology and prevented him from obtaining a legitimate role among geneticists secured him a long, successful career in plant breeding. New varieties, if judged useful, could be accepted without questioning the theoretical claims made. Their electrical identity could be conveniently forgotten. Pirovano however kept his faith in the effects of electricity because of the results obtained. For him they could not be explained away by hybridization alone. In his 1957 self-published book he was still asking on p. 140: Electrical Hybrids / 91 “il precitato Pero 610 è un bastardo fra due cultivar maturanti rispettivamente in ottobre ed in febbraio. Pur considerando la probabile natura poliibrida dei genitori, quale causa può giustificare la sua maturazione protratta a luglio?” (The already mentioned Pear-tree 610 it’s a crossbred between two cultivar maturing in October and February. Even taking the probable poly-hybrid nature of the parents, which cause can justify its maturation in July?) Pirovano’s work is now remembered mainly as that of a successful plant breeder. But even successful innovation in plant breeding has to face a question that can be difficult to answer: what exactly did work? Pirovano thought he had an answer; genetics however went toward a different direction. Mutations were studied as a legitimate topic of investigation in itself, thus using the most effective sources for obtaining them. The correlation found by H. J. Muller in 1926 between radiation and lethal mutations was not an unwelcome obstacle but a striking result. Many new varieties in the plant-breeding sector were later obtained through the same x-rays that Pirovano discarded after some experiences as “too strong” to produce useful variations. Still, induced mutation became a major source of varietal innovation, albeit attained with different means. Direct manipulation is definitively something we can regard as typical of contemporary agricultural research. So we should say that some of Pirovano’s ideas survived after all, just like his grapes, even if we still don’t know precisely what exactly worked and how. The hybrids did not become electrical in the end, but they were, nevertheless, mutated. Visualizing life: inside the protocol of the molecular genetics laboratory Daniela Crocetti DNA has rapidly acquired vast symbolic currency in contemporary society, interpreted as the “book of life”, or the biological key to who we are. 1 Genetic testing transforms invisible biological material into the digital representation of the gene sequence. Hidden processes such as electrophoresis, thermal cycling, among many others, translate physical parameters, such as length, into nucleotide coding. In this chapter we will be looking at the intersection of molecular genetics laboratory practices and the interpretation of DNA. The interpretation of DNA ambiguously refers to both the social interpretation and scientific interpretation, the significance of which can easily be intertwined. The scientific interpretations of DNA that we will be looking at are the visualization processes that lend to a diagnostic technique in the laboratory. In the end of the 1970’s sciences studie began to look to the laboratory to unravel the creation of scientific truths, 2 turning their attention to practices that reveal the boundaries of the scientific habitus, observing the scientific process as an artisan profession. Latour argues that by observing scientific practice we are not discussing whether a scientific fact is valid, but what scientist (and the network of actors involved in reinforcing a scientific fact) think this fact does and means. The meaning of the scientific object is where the scientific fact is transformed into a social object and practice. The scientific practices that contribute to the steps in the process are accompanied by social practices such as colleague interaction, hierar- 1. Susan Lindee, D. Nelkin, The DNA Mystique: The Gene as a Cultural Icon. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, 2004. 2. Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1962; Latour Bruno, Woolgar Steve: Laboratory Life: The Social Construction of Scientific Facts. Beverley Hills: Sage, 1979. 94 / Visualizing life chy and so-forth. However, as Latour 3 implies, one of the most significant social process in the laboratory is the attribution of significance and meaning to a scientific artifact. In the molecular genetic laboratory the digital bio-data results of the testing processes are translated into the social realm when practical significance is given to the material being manipulated. Genetic test results in-of-themselves have no innate meaning, they acquire meaning in context. This chapter intends to unpack some of the complexities of the genomic scientific artifact by looking at the laboratory techniques involved in molecular genetic testing. We do not mean to imply that there is a hidden meaning attributed to DNA in the laboratory practice, but rather demystify the hidden meaning attached to DNA in social discourse. The laboratory processes are, on one hand, visualization techniques that convert biological material into data with medical and scientific value, and on the other hand, protocols that utilize and combine a multitude of scientific theories that run from electrical theory, to wave theory, to thermodynamics, among others. These laboratory processes invoke scientific theory (from reification to useful models), tacit knowledge, and the contemporary symbolic value given to genetic testing. By walking through an average week at a medical molecular lab, we can break down the practices that convert a biological blood sample into a digital genetic sequence that may or may not have diagnostic relevance. One of the aspects we will be addressing is the myriad of scientific theories that contribute to each step in the visualization processes. What emerges on a superficial level is a world full of copyrighted machines, chemical solutions, and processes, which technicians utilize to convert the biological material to the “image” of genomic information. These practices, however, contain not only a complex network of scientific processes, but also the tacit knowledge that the technician acquires through the repeated practice and the understanding of the potential desired result. Ethnography in the laboratory setting attempts to revel the knowledge reflected in the practices, and also revel how practice effects the portrayal of knowledge. Kuhn and later Latour looked to the laboratory to unpack the creation of a scientific Fact through social practice. 3. Latour, Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Society, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1987. Visualizing life / 95 Here, however, we will also be looking at how other scientific technologies lend validity to the process of genetic testing, and how they contribute to the transformation process (or visualization process) from the material to data. The interpretation of this data is yet another issue, rife with discrepancies. Practice and tacit knowledge expose the embodied knowledge, the givens, and the already accepted scientific theories that contribute to the complexity of genetic testing. Medical practice essentially reflects a useful model of scientific theory, aimed at achieving a specific result. Therefore, one of the other aspects we will be briefly addressing is the apparent conflict between the mechanistic model of genetics that the practice of genetic testing tends to represent, and the complex models of genetics found in either the scientific theories of epi-genetics, or the social theories reflected in bio-ethical debate. Our attention is easily drawn to the last phase of genetic testing, in which the electropherogram brings us towards our chain of nucleotide letters, the second most common public image of DNA after the double helix. We are drawn in by the list of letters that represents genetic sequencing, because it makes what we intuit as complex, seem so simple. However, before we can read and interpret our genetic sequencing results, we must render DNA visible and useful. The power of representation The symbolic power of the gene, DNA and genetic medicine have been explored by historians such as Susan Lindee and Dorothy Nelkin, 4 who claim that the “DNA Mystique” has captured the medical and public fancy to a point where the genetic component of a cure or research program in itself becomes a marker of validity. This is possible because DNA is portrayed as the symbolic biological locus of heredity, the passage of traits from one generation to the next. People often say: “it’s in his genes”, when someone acts like their parents or family. In molecular biology the passage of complex traits is believed to be an intricate process involving much more than just DNA. 5 However, sym4. Nelkin Lindee, 2004. 5. Michel Morante, A History of Molecular Biology, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998. 96 / Visualizing life bolic logic pushes DNA, and genes, to represent even complex social traits such as behavior and identity. Lindee and Nelkin argue that genetic symbolism is powerful because it fits so easily into other social metaphors: that kinship is in the blood, that race is biological, that people have “natural” abilities, that physical disability is a sign of overall dysfunction, and so forth. They are quick to point out that these social metaphors are not based on scientific facts, but use scientific facts to reinforce the naturalization of social inequality. The overlapping symbolism in eugenic discourse and genetic testing makes the terrain of what genetics means and does uneasy. Lindee 6 discusses the positivist rhetoric surrounding genetics in Moments of Truth in Genetic Medicine, rhetoric that offers genetics as a potential miracle for every ailment. Genetic medicine is currently primarily genetic testing, which offers itself as a diagnostic tool that does not add any new therapeutic option to pathology treatment. However, diagnosis itself can be a fundamental aspect of treatment. Lindee points out how patient groups will lobby for genetic research, feeling that they are not being taken seriously otherwise. A genetic marker can put a disease or syndrome on the map of pathologies, creating funding systems, attention, etc. The genetic marker, however, has the primary function of imbuing pathology with biological reality. With a genetic marker one can say “I have this” with certainty, as opposed to referring to a set of symptoms. Of course this symbolic dance with undisputable biological truth and identity is what makes the genetic discourse so interesting and tricky. A genetic marker may often aid a linguistic shift from saying, “I have this syndrome” to “I am this characteristic” as can be the case with mental illnesses and physical differences (I have/am schizophrenic/ disabled etc.). Based on the social use and/or prejudice surrounding a medical diagnosis, patient groups might seek or shun genetic testing. In both cases, the genetic marker is imbued with the power of the final truth of biological explanation. 7 In some cases the genetic personhood metaphor has been extended to include complex social traits such as behavior and sexual identity. 6. Lindee, Moments of Truth in Genetic Medicine, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2005. 7. Ryna Rapp, Testing Women, Testing the Fetus, The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America, NY: Routledge, 2000. Visualizing life / 97 Popular science reporting is rife with discovery of genes for bi-polarism, homosexuality, compulsive behavior, and so-forth. Many molecular biologist argue that it is currently impossible to find a singular biological marker for complex traits that may or may not have biological components such as behavior. Utilizing Lindee and Nelkins argumentation, we could imagine that it is the DNA mystique itself that creates research funding for projects that are potentially scientifically un-sound and have no therapeutic value. Genetic testing can be broken into two primary categories, prenatal and post-natal. Pre-natal testing carries with it the negative association with the eugenics movement and the moralization of normality. Nikolas Rose 8 discusses the nuance of genetic diagnosis as being “potentially unwell”, highlighting the link between the predictive nature of genetics and identity. In a similar manner Margaret Lock 9 refers to the increase of genetic testing as the new divining, a new diagnostic tool that indicate probabilities, much like the ancient Greek oracles. Pre-natal testing reflects not only our expectations of what technology, or biomedicalization, should be able to do for us, 10 but also the expectation that we reject a perceived imperfection. 11 Ryna Rapp postulates that this “modern divining” incurs social pressure to do something about this advanced knowledge. Rapp indicates that potential mothers will be shamed or held accountable for choosing to continue a pregnancy where prenatal testing has revealed a genetic variance associated with syndrome categories. The laboratory setting we will be looking at deals primarily with post-natal testing. The genetic markers in question, that we will meet in the next section, evoke Rose’s conception of bio-sociality. The genetic markers are laden with the potential for the individual to be un-well, as well as identity implication. The genetic markers sought by this specific laboratory have, in a relatively short time, wed themselves with the definitions of the syndromes they represent. The markers therefore 8. Nikolas Rose, Carlos Novas, Biological Citizenship , in Ong, Aihwa, J. Collier, Stephen, eds., Global assemblages: technology, politics, and ethics as anthropological problems. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2004, 439-463. 9. Lock Margaret, Eclipse of the Gene and the Return of Divination, Current Anthropology, Volume 46, Number S5, S47-S70, 2005. 10. Ettore Elizabeth, Reproductive Genetics, Gender, and the Body, London: Routledge, 2002. 11. Rapp, 2000. 98 / Visualizing life affect the identity of the individual, and the identity of the diagnostic category. In genetic testing, DNA is visualized, converted from an invisible component in a blood sample to a visible digital representation. As Luc Pauwels 12 reminds us, these scientific visualization practices seek not only to render the invisible visible, but also to provide a scientifically useful representation of the biological material. DNA material is converted into bio-data through a complex series of processes that involve chemical additives, light wave technology and electro-processes. One of the final steps in genetic testing, genetic sequencing, utilizes DNA electrophoresis to separate DNA fragments by size. The end result of this process visualizes the DNA strand as a digital list of letters that represent the nucleotide sequence. Genetic testing (in its many guises, from adult diagnostic testing, to pre-natal testing, to forensic testing) provokes a wide variety of debate and conflict of opinion, largely centered on two axes. The scientific axis questions the accuracy and utility of a mechanistic representation of genetic material. The social axis questions the relationship of DNA to personhood and identity. The debate that surrounds genetic testing finds its home in this last step of the testing procedure, in the electropherogram of the nucleotide sequence. Can this digital representation really tell us who we are, what is right or wrong in our body, who we came from? The reductionist image of DNA irks our sensibilities surrounding our complex sense of identity, yet it also irks branches of science that insist on a complex model of the organism. Genetic testing seems to offer a biological model, which follows the Mendelian ‘one-gene one trait’ model, implying a mechanistic vision of DNA, life and the body. This is in contrast with Epi-genetics and other branches of molecular biology that view genetic material as part of a systemic process, in which the mere chemical structure of nucleotides does not in itself “code” for anything if taken out of its specific biological context 13. Epi-genetics points to simple factors, such as temperature and timing, which can drastically change the development of an organism while maintaining the same genetic material. Epigenetic but also bioethical, historical and sociological discussions around the 12. Luc Pauwels, Visual cultures of science: rethinking representational practices in knowledge building and science communication, Dartmouth: Dartmouth College Press, 2005. 13. Eva Jabolonka, Lamb, Marion, Evolution in Four Dimensions, Mass: MIT Press, 2005. Visualizing life / 99 practice of genetic testing question the limits of the mechanistic model of genetics. The sociological critique mirrors the epi-genetic critique; that life cannot be encapsulated in one biological process. Evelyn Fox Keller 14 indicates that from the beginning of the twentieth century the study of inheritance split into two separate studies, genetics (transmission/inheritance) and embryology (development). Historians such as Garland E. Allen 15 maintain that many contemporary uses of the term “gene” in both scientific and lay usage mirror many of the same connotations and implications of the original Mendelian concept. Allen links this to the attempt to redefine biology as a “hard”, experimentally-based science and the adherence to a philosophy of mechanistic materialism in the development of the discipline itself. Petter Portin divides the history of genetics into three periods. 1. the period of the ‘classical gene,’ based on Mendel’s original … (1900-1930); 2. the period of the biochemical or developmental gene… (19301955); and 3. the period of molecular genetics, beginning with the discovery of the structure of DNA and continuing through the Human Genome Project (HGP) …concerned with the molecular structure of the gene and its functioning in the transcription and translation (1955-present). 16 One could add a fourth period of Evo-Devo (Evolution-Development) and Epigenetics (environmentally influenced), both of which re-shift the focus of genetic study to embryonic development, and the impact of internal and external environment factors (such as environmental changes) on gene expression 17. In the era that Mendel’s research was rediscovered, we see biology shift from a descriptive discipline that is concerned with comparative anatomy and taxonomy to an experimentally based science. At the same time, there was the paradigm shift from evolution by special creation to Darwin’s theory of natural selection. 14. Evelyn Fox Keller, The Century of the Gene, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 2000. 15. Garland Allen, ‘The Classical Gene: Its Nature and Its Legacy’, in Rachel A. Ankeny and S. Lisa, Parker, eds., Mutating Concepts, Evolving Disciplines: Genetics, Medicine, and Society, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp. 11-13. 16. P. Portin, ‘The Concept Of The Gene: Short History And Present Status’, Quarterly review of Biology, 68, 1993, pp. 173-174. 17. Allen. 2002, p. 13. 100 / Visualizing life Allen maintains that the shift toward experimental biology was facilitated by younger researchers’ interests in embryological differentiation and development. 18 Yet he also maintains that this attempt to remodel biology as a “hard” experimental discipline was modeled not after the experimental physics of the early twentieth century, but after the classical positivist model that was canonized, at the time, in textbooks. He states that this encouraged adherence to an atomistic, mechanistic model as opposed to a holistic model. Allen summarizes mechanistic materialism as; 1. Parts are distinct from the whole, 2. The whole must be studied through a break down of its parts, 3. There are no “emergent” properties in the whole that come from the association of its parts, and 4. Systems change over time only due to external factors. He sums it up by stating: “Finally, the mechanistic worldview is basically atomistic, viewing phenomena in terms of a mosaic of separate, interacting, but ultimately independent parts”. 19 Allen points out the imbedded contradictions in the paradigm by stating: …that embryologists have know for virtually a century that development is not a mere unfolding of invariant form. …the Mendelian paradigm involved raising a variety of genotypes under the same, or controlled environmental conditions but did not consider it necessary to do the converse-…This “oversight” would seem to be no accident, but rather the result of a strong commitment to the mechanistic view of the gene as a stable unit (like the chemist’s atom) that invariably produces the same effect regardless of conditions. 20 Holmes indicates the continuation of the mechanistic model within the shift to the ‘molecular’ phase of genetics. The ‘molecular’ phase of genetic research was initiated by the ‘discovery’ of the structure of DNA in 1953 (Watson and Crick 1953). The structure of DNA gave rise to the idea that there was a one to one relationship between the gene (DNA sequence) and protein (amino acid sequence). This, Rheinberger argues, brought about molecular genetics which “transformed its boundary object, the gene, into a material, physiochemical entity” which was given “informational quali18. Allen, 2002, pp. 15-17. 19. Allen, 2002, pp. 16-17. 20. Allen, 2002, pp. 34-45. Visualizing life / 101 ties” (Rheinberger 2000, p.221). The particular view of genes located at definable positions on the chromosomes led researchers to use linkage and physical mapping as a research technology to locate the two genes. This discussion highlights that as with other genes, the technology used to ‘locate’ the genes led to the view that there was an actual physical DNA sequence identifiable as a gene ‘for’ the specific phenotype of interest. 21 It is the mechanistic and Mendelian shadow on genetic testing that disturbs what we understand genetic testing to mean. When we look for the gene ‘for’ the specific phenotype of interest are we saying that that gene defines the phenotype (manifestation of development in an individual)? Or as disability theory fears, are we saying that variations of genetic markers means a pathological person (or even an immoral person as implied by early eugenics)? We are intuitively afraid that the mechanistic model implied by genetic testing will over step its boundaries and define personhood by genetic markers. For instance, forensic genetic testing looks for the genetic sequence believed to be unique to the individual. This information is often contested for a myriad of reasons, but primarily because the genetic profiles constructed in the lab cannot be said to be unique to one person, or even unique to a hundred. The genetic sequence is certainly more unique than eye color or blood color, yet we do not know yet the great variety of similarity of bio-data between individuals. However, as in diagnostic genetic testing, forensic genetics already knows what it is looking for when it runs a genetic test, the marker of the suspect, like the marker of the suspected syndrome. As Staffan Müller-Wille 22 has observed, it is important to distinguish between the reification of a scientific object (even if it comes from scientific literature) and the “useful model” of scientific production. In most cases, genetic testing is not seeking to mechanistically define the individual through its genes, it is instead look for a genetic marker that will confirm what the medical team already thought was the case based on anecdotal information and other symptoms. Finding the ge21. Ingrid Holmes, Genetic Sex; “A Symbolic Struggle Against Reality?”-Exploring Genetic and Genomic Knowledge in Sex Discourses, Doctoral Dissertation: University of Exeter, 2007, p. 155. 22. Müller-Wille Staffan, Hybrids, pure cultures, and pure lines: From nineteenth-century biology to twentieth-century genetics in Studies in History and Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences, vol. 38 (4), 2007, pp. 796-806. 102 / Visualizing life netic marker of a suspected syndrome can greatly aid treatment by canceling-out the use of dangerous or useless therapies. That DNA, genetics, and genomics have taken on more symbolic meaning than the materials themselves can actually provide or perform is beyond a doubt. The reification of genomic information has lent itself on one hand to a positivistic faith in what this information can provide for humanity, and on the other, a plethora of bioethical quandaries about how to deal with the rise of the new quantities of biological data being gathered and stored. The laboratory practice of genetic testing evidences a certain need for the mechanistic model, while absorbing a myriad of techniques from different scientific disciplines. However, medical practice has a specific scope, and when this scope is serving patients, how can medicine deal with complexity? The crisis of determinism becomes a problem of practicality and practice. Data creation This representation of the average process of molecular genetic testing comes from a two-year period of intermittent observation in a University Hospital in Italy. The lab I frequented was the primary Italian lab that tested for a handful of genetic markers that indicate certain DSD (Divergence/Disorders of Sex Development) syndromes. The lab can be considered representative primarily of the testing protocol for these genetic markers, secondarily of Italian laboratory practice. As Mol 23 indicates in her own research, this laboratory setting is neither exemplary nor unique to the national context, but provides interesting insight into the practices involved. There is little space in this context to discuss the ethical conundrums of DSD treatment, 24 while the entrance of molecular testing into care protocol has had interesting and unexpected repercussions. Let it suffice to say that the gender identity implications underlying DSD diagnosis highlight the identity aspects of the genetic discourse. 23. Annemarie Mol, The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice, Durham: Duke University Press, 2002. 24. See Alice Dreger Domurat, Intersex in the Age of Ethics, Maryland: University Publishing Group, 1999; Morland Iain (ed.), GLQ Intersex and After, Vol 15, n. 2, 2009. Visualizing life / 103 In this lab they test for 6 genes that are implicated in CAH (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia), AIS (Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) and 5-alpha reductase (Syndrome name and genetic marker are the same). This lab receives blood samples from all over Italy, rendered doubly anonymous through a coding system. Molecular testing became routine for DSD in this university hospital in 2000. Since then, the DSD team has been expanding their research on the other DSD health factors implicated by the genetic markers. At this point, however, molecular testing primarily supports diagnosis accuracy and corresponding gender assignment. As we will briefly discuss later, the molecular testing has had the unexpected repercussion of diminishing irreversible non-consensual childhood surgery (one of the bioethical hotspots in DSD treatment). In a clinical context the visualization of biological data acquires a secondary component that is the communication of the genetic test results to the patient. As is the case in most medical genetic laboratories, in this lab the technician already knows what they are looking for before they start the testing process. The anecdotal and physical data acquired in medical interviews has already lead the medical team to suspect a diagnosis, or a potential genetic marker. The genetic test result adds a level of biological authority to the hypothesized diagnosis. Different types of visualization techniques can effect the interpretation of the accuracy of the data, rarely the interpretation of the results themselves. As we will discuss later, the combination of the presumed genetic pattern result and the tacit knowledge of the technicians leads to either a positive or negative result, not a grey-scale interpretation that may or may not reflect a scientific paradigm. Therefore what initiates as a mechanistic genetic testing protocol, evolves into a multiplemodel diagnostic process. Molecular diagnosis is a highly mechanical process, not a philosophical experiment on human variation. The laboratory procedure tries to isolate the molecular component that is associated with the diagnosis they are leaning towards. I accompanied different technicians through the steps that lead to the isolation of the genetic marker, who were clearly experts in laboratory procedure, not necessarily in gender or social theory. I was shown how to extract, purify, determine the concentration of, and then amplify the DNA. The DNA is then read and analyzed for the specific marker that is being looked for. Hidden in the blood is the significant biological object that will 104 / Visualizing life be read. However, this object must be manipulated in several ways before it is palpable as useful data. Is it always DNA as it is bonded to other chemicals, spun, heated and measured? For practical purposes in the lab, yes. One blood sample will go through the same procedure several times, to test for the different suspected markers but also to guarantee the accuracy of the result. One blood draw provides enough biological material to perform multiple tests, and leave stored material for future use. Blood comes in from all over Italy, and sometimes directly from one building over by foot. The day I arrived in fact we received local blood that had already been coded to protect the patients identity. The only remaining identifying factor was the suspect diagnosis. They brought me to the ward where they did the blood draws, four beds in a room, and on the way, we passed the psychiatrist and head endocrinologist, with the family of a child with a 5-alpha reductase diagnosis that we discuss later on because of how the genetic test result effected the route their therapy took. It certainly seems like a miracle to render DNA sequences visible, through this cleaning and replication process. It also requires a lot of patience. Throughout the various processes we added chemicals and centrifuged, taking always-smaller samples, rendering what had once looked like blood into a clear liquid like water. For the child diagnosed with 5-alpha reductase, the process of rendering visible the molecular material had changed his life in many ways: from the medicalization techniques he would live through, to the assigned-gender he would grow in. To extract the DNA we took 3ml of blood and added a patented solution (Cell Lysis Solution) to break the cells. Each technician had their area of speciality, their tacit knowledge and their quirks. My first informant had been with the lab for 30 years, from before the time in which you needed a specialized degree to be a molecular lab technician, and he was a local. He explained to me the progression of techniques and abandonment of others from radioactive processes to siphoning chemicals like one does with gasoline. They searched for sex hormones and growth hormones, now they look for genetic markers. He was very clear that he was a good technician: clean, organized and through, not particularly interested in the latest genetic theories. He seemed to portray the idea that it was all similar in the end; machines, solutions and protocol changed, but the process was the same. Visualizing life / 105 “Non so per che cosa, so fare le cose”. 25 He told me, I don’t bother with why they do things; I know how to do things. But this was obviously ironic, he had little things to say about everyone, he had perhaps been there as long as anyone, mastering the techniques as they changed. He implied that he always handled the extraction due to his tacit knowledge: the others left things a mess, an obstacle to accuracy. There were glass jars everywhere, like a glassmakers workshop, but everything was sterile with surgical plastic inside. Disposable products place the responsibility of sterility on the manufacturer, removing it from the lab. It was like returning to college chemistry: titration (drip), and centrifugation. Every step used different droppers with differing levels of accuracy, and different centrifuges for differing sample sizes. The first (extraction) process broke the cells to extract the DNA, through the use of a chemical solution and the centrifuge. The second step purified the DNA with a second chemical solution (Nuclei Lysis Solution) and again the centrifuge. To arrive even near the DNA one needs to know how to unpack it by inviting the unwanted material to separate away. Besides the glass jars, we had entered into the world of standardization and patents. The right tools for the job 26 are increasingly being decided outside of the laboratory, by manufactures and increasingly international protocols. One of the brochures reads: “In today’s world of DNA analysis by multiplex and real-time PCR, the importance of high-quality, purified DNA cannot be underestimated. Finding a suitable DNA isolation system to satisfy your downstream application needs is vital for the successful completion of experiments. This DNA purification chapter addresses general information on the basics of DNA isolation, plasmid growth and DNA quantitation (sic) as well as how purification by silica can help increase your productivity so you spend less time purifying DNA and more time developing experiments and analyzing data…For ease-of-use, Promega offers an array of conveniently packaged DNA purification products that can isolate DNA in less than an hour using much safer methods”. 27 We purified with a Wizard ® genomic DNA purification kit. As we 25. 3/3/10. 26. Adele Clarke, J. Fujimura eds., The Right Tools for the Job: At Work in TwentiethCentury Life Science, Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992. 27. Omega instructional brochure. 106 / Visualizing life followed the instructions from the kit, however, I found every step had its own non-written tacit-knowledge aspect: agitate like this, it should look like this when it comes off the bottom, etc. The first several rounds of centrifugation left the blood sample red, a clot floating in the CLS, which is dispersed and then put back together through the aid of a protein solution. Another round of the centrifuge cleans away the red blood cells and we are left with a clear liquid. The first “miracle” of DNA visualization is performed by Isopropyl alcohol (C3H8O) that reconsolidates the material and you can see the DNA floating on the bottom of the plastic vile. That is, you have created something you can look at under a microscope, to the layperson it just looks like a little dirt in water. When you remove the liquid there’s a little substance that seems like tiny strands of cotton. The cleaning process is replicated with alcohol and then the DNA is re-hydrated. The samples are then kept in different fridges based on their properties. On a different day in a different room we determined and amplified the DNA. The previously cleaned sample is “read” by a 260/280 nm wavelength. When DNA is isolated from organisms, frequently some protein remains present in the DNA solution. Protein is tightly bound to DNA and complete removal of protein is not always possible. To determine the concentration and purity of the DNA solution, the absorbance of UV light is measured in a spectrophotometer. Both protein and DNA absorb UV light, but they have different absorbance curves. The peak of light absorption is at 260 nm for DNA and at 280 nm for protein. When you would run a spectrum of absorbance with varying wavelength, you should see that both curves slightly overlap in the area between, and including, 260 and 280 nm. Thus, when a solution contains both protein and DNA, absorbance at 260 nm is mainly due to the DNA present, but a little bit by the protein. At 280 it is the other way round. By dividing the two absorbance values, one can calculate the purity of the DNA solution. If the solution relatively free of protein, then one can take the absorbance at 260 nm as a measure for concentration of DNA. The barely visible cotton strands of DNA are visualized in yet a different way, as light absorption, yet this bio-data still has no practical application, it needs to be further manipulated. In the amplification process different enzyme primers are added to a standardized chemical mixture in a process called the Polymer Chain Visualizing life / 107 Reaction, which multiplies the chain to seem infinite. 28 The entire process was infinitely standardized, not necessarily by medical protocol, but by the machines themselves and the companies that provided the chemical mixtures designed for the machines. The chemical compounds came in boxes with instructions as detailed and fairly identical to those followed in the lab. Names of processes were often parallel to the name of the machines, such as the Amplification PCR System 9700 Applied Biosystems. The polymer chain reaction method relies on thermal cycling, consisting of cycles of repeated heating and cooling of the reaction for DNA melting, and enzymatic replication of the DNA. 70º C opens the molecule, at 95ºC the primer attaches itself, and at 68ºC the chain forms. Primers (short DNA fragments) containing sequences complementary to the target region, along with a DNA polymerase (after which the method is named), are key components that enable selective and repeated amplification. As PCR progresses, the generated DNA is itself used as a template for replication, setting in motion a chain reaction in which the DNA template is exponentially amplified. PCR can be modified to perform a wide array of genetic manipulations. 29 The prepared solutions are complimented by a control and a water sample. Technicians often use their own bio-mater in the control process, as a way to make sure they have not contaminated the samples. Some labs do not let XY men participate in parts of the testing process due to fear of Y chromosome contamination. The amplified DNA is purified by yet another patented process, using the QIA quick spin kit and the QIAquick Nucleotide Removal Kit. The slogan in their instruction pamphlet reads “making improvements in life possible!”. The kit includes the right size tubes, so there is no need to have separate lab supplies. A small kit runs about 100$, almost something you could use at home. However their kit requires also the use of their “cube”. Their brochure reads: “Automated DNA cleanup. The QIAquick PCR Purification Kit and QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit can be fully automated on the QIAcube. The innovative QIAcube uses advanced technology to process QIAGEN spin columns, enabling seamless integration of automated, lowthroughput sample prep into your laboratory workflow. Sample preparation using the 28. 3/9/10. 29. Description synthesized from written lab instructions and oral instruction. 108 / Visualizing life QIAcube follows the same steps as the manual procedure (i.e., bind, wash, and elute) enabling purification of high-quality DNA. The QIAcube is preinstalled with protocols for purification of plasmid DNA, genomic DNA, RNA, viral nucleic acids, and proteins, plus DNA and RNA cleanup... A detailed protocol for using QIAquick spin columns on the QIAcube is provided with the QIAcube.” The technician counts as he lays out the sample in the machine with the buffers, he says that everyone develops different methods to make sure that they haven’t skipped any. At this point we have 20 samples for every patient tested. The plastic vials have gotten so small there is nothing left visible or even imaginable to the naked eye. At this point the extracted, purified, determined, amplified, re-purified DNA is loaded on the Agarose gel and “viene dato voltaggio” (literally: given voltage). This is where the physical entity of the DNA falls away and is transformed into digital data. One of the instruction manuals reads: “DNA electrophoresis is an analytical technique used to separate DNA fragments by size. Because you developed primers to amplify a specific segment of DNA, after PCR you should know the size of the amplified DNA fragment. DNA molecules which are to be analyzed by DNA electrophoresis are set upon a viscous medium, the gel, where an electric field forces the DNA to migrate toward the positive potential, the anode, due to the net negative charge of the phosphate backbone of the DNA chain. The separation of the DNA fragments from your PCR reaction is accomplished by exploiting the mobilities with which different sized molecules are able to traverse the gel. Longer molecules migrate more slowly because they experience more drag within the gel. Because the size of the molecule affects its mobility, smaller fragments end up nearer to the anode than longer ones in a given period. After some time, the voltage is removed and the fragmentation gradient is analyzed by comparing the PCR products to a ladder (DNA products of known size; see below) that is run simultaneously. As gel electrophoresis progresses, the DNA fragments in each tube migrate down the capillaries, the smaller traveling faster than the larger; this orders the fragments so that the smallest fragment exits first. As each fragment exits the capillary tube, it is hit with a laser beam that excites the fluorescent dye attached to its terminator nucleotide. A camera captures an image of this fluorescence. (Keep in mind that each of the four nucleotides has its own unique fluorescent dye and Visualizing life / 109 thus there are four possible fluorescent images.) The electropherogram (that interprets the electophoresis) is a graphical representation of data received from a sequencing machine. 30 The electro-process exploits what we know about charges in molecules to move and order them for measurement and visualization. As in all of the previous processes, chemical or electrical manipulation of the DNA is a means to an end, an essential part of the process, yet not essentially part of the bio-data itself. These manipulations of DNA have the aim to rend DNA visible, palpable and useful. The assumptions is that the essential material of DNA, what it needs to communicate to use, is not changed in anyway by these processes, but rather, exposed and emphasized. The final result of these chemical electrical manipulations is the series of letters we have come to associate with nucleotide sequences, or genetic patterns. Two technicians spend the rest of the afternoon reading the sequences to each other, first to identify possible contamination or mistakes, then to compare the sequences to “normal” sequences, 30. Sequencing a Genome: Inside the Washington University Genome Sequencing Center. 110 / Visualizing life and already established variant sequences that are associated with certain syndromes. The technicians who read the electropherogram are not just well trained technicians capable of recognizing errors in a long string of letters. They are scientists who are well trained in genetic theory as well. Ironically they are the first to tell you that a genetic marker indicates a spectrum of development possibility, not necessarily a problematic pathology. The meaning they give to the test results is primarily empirical: the digital data says these chemical properties are present in the DNA. Underlying this meaning is the belief that this digital data will help the medical team treat the patient. Data in action The communication of genetic test results relays meaning onto the digital rendering of the DNA, meaning that directly refers to scientific and social disputes. As we saw in the beginning of the chapter, the scientific dispute reflects the interpretation of genetic material as either independent/mechanistic or system-dependant. The social debates instead question the role of biological variation in disease and identity definition. In the last ten years the new figure of the genetic councilor has been instituted to explain genetic data to the patient. The genetic councilor often translates seemingly determinist digital genetic bio-data into the language of genetic probability and possibility. This particular lab does not have a referring genetic councilor. Therefore, the head geneticist at the lab told me that many parents (and adult patients) call her directly asking for further information, yet she does not have an official role in diagnosis communication. The geneticist implied that the other doctors (not trained in genetic testing) are more likely to portray the genetic results as deterministic biological truths. There can be an understanding gap between popular conceptions of Mendelian genetics (one gene: one trait), and molecular genetics that relies to some extent on a developmental model. The geneticist must explain two factors that have emerged in molecular genetics, the complex model of development that goes beyond the chromosomes, and the difference between a genetically-based syndrome and being unwell. Molecular genetics represents the genomic paradigm, in which Visualizing life / 111 the performance of the genes and their interaction with non-genetic factors are the objects of research. The genomic concept has difficulty mapping directly onto the dualistic social model. This philosophical issue can be instrumental in helping patients understand and accept a previously unheard of difference. 31 The practical work of the genetics lab plays out in various practical ways: diagnosis communication, statistical evidence of development and molecular markers, implications for postponing early irreversible interventions. Molecular testing is generally performed after birth, thereby the bioethical debates such as fear of eugenic elimination practices can be limited to chromosomal prenatal diagnosis and not molecular genetic testing as of yet. In a London research, a radical difference was found in pregnancy termination in case of Klinefelter’s syndrome diagnosis, based on whether a gynecologist or a genetic counselor communicated the chromosome test results. 32 Pregnancy termination rates were higher when the diagnosis was communicated by a gynecologist. These results have been repeated in several other countries. 33 Authors explain their findings by proposing that a genetic counselor is more likely to explain genetic indicators as representing a varied spectrum of development as well as having more updated information about genetically-linked syndromes. In fact, the Italian Klinefelter’s patient group promotes genetic research because they feel it will show how common and diverse the syndrome is. The geneticist of the lab said, “Parents call me asking, ‘they’ve found this genetic marker, what does it really mean?”. Genetic counselors are appearing in certain medical fields, such as cancer, but ironically not in this sensitive arenas where adults/parents must make decisions for children/patients. The statistical data on DSD and other geneticallylinked syndromes can be more up-dated in research fields that specifically treat these issues. This makes all the difference in communica31. Margaret Lock, Allen Young, Alberto Cambrosio, Living and Working with the New Medical Technologies Intersections of Inquiry, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. 32. S. Hall et al., Counselling following the prenatal diagnosis of Klinefelter syndrome: comparisons between geneticists and obstetricians in five European countries, Commun. Genet, 4, 2001, pp. 233-238. 33. Kim Yon-Ju, et al., Parental Decisions of Prenatally Detected Sex Chromosome Abnormality, J. Korean Med. Sci., 17, 53-7, 2002; G. Mezei et al., Factors Influencing Parental Decision Making In Prenatal Diagnosis Of Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy, Obstet Gynecol., 104(1), 2004, pp. 94-101. 112 / Visualizing life tion, from portraying the syndrome as a serious genetic illness to a genetic variation. The other implication of molecular testing for this lab is gender assignment, the focus of so much of DSD medicalization. Molecular testing provides much greater accuracy in diagnosis, even though even the geneticist indicated that many people diagnosed with DSD do not have any of the established genetic markers. 34 However when the genetic marker is present, it will distinguish the diagnosis from the once catchall category of PAIS (Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome). Historian and biologist Ingrid Holme wonders: Yet as the historical analysis of the shift between the one sex to two sex model indicates, 35 it remains to be seen whether the social sphere will respond by incorporating this new evidence into the tacit, everyday understandings of sex or seek to maintain the binary and fixed relationship(s) between men and women by governing them as males and females. 36 In a previously mentioned case, molecular testing revealed a 5-alpha reductase genetic marker, changing the original PAIS diagnosis. As noted by Gilbert Herdt 37, in the context of western bio-medicine, 5-alpha reductase is now given a male gender assignment, but this has not been the universal outcome across time and culture. In western biomedicine PAIS was generally assigned the female gender, but this was largely due to the perception of genital surgery outcomes (easier to create female genitalia than male). I saw them as they returned from of another series of tests, conducted primarily because they had agreed to raise their child as a boy. The geneticist indicated that they had always believed the child to be boy, but wanted to raise the child as a girl due to the genital appearance. As in many of these cases, the DSD team members were having trouble convincing the surgeons that they shouldn’t operate. After the genetic test result came in, a cautious model was invoked. The parents were counseled to raise the child as a boy with a micro34. Interview 8/3/10. 35. Thomas Laqueur, Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990. 36. Holme, 2007, pg. 2. 37. Gilbert Herdt, Mistaken Gender: 5-Alpha Reductase Hermaphroditism and Biological Reductionism in Sexual Identity Reconsidered, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 92, No. 2 (Jun., 1990), 1990, pp. 433-446; Gilbert Herdt, Third Sex, Third Gender: Beyond Sexual Dimorphism, in Culture and History, NY: Zone Books, 1994. Visualizing life / 113 phallus and postpone surgical intervention. In the meantime the clinicians would see if the child’s phallus responded to topical testosterone treatment. Due to faith in the implications of genetic markers, irreversible surgery was avoided. This case, among others, gave weight to the members of the DSD team who opposes irreversible early childhood genital surgery. In this case the parents’ dis-ease 38 with their child’s non-standard body was medicalized through counseling and hormones instead of the surgical manipulation of the body of their child. The belief in Western biomedicine that 5-alpha reductase indicates a male gender identity directly shifted care protocol in two key manners: the proposed acceptance of a boy child with a micro-phallus, and the advice to postpone surgical intervention until the patient is selfdetermining. The locus of gender identity was to some extent defined by the molecular genetic marker. Vernon Rosario hypothesizes that the complexity of genetic expression promoted by molecular research will lead to an equally complex model of sex and gender that he calls quantum sex. 39 However, historian Garland Allen references his own difficulty in relaying a nonmechanistic or non-deterministic model of genetics in teaching upperdivision college students. 40 One gene-one trait model is inaccurate, but easier to understand. The professional use of genetic counselors may help in the diffusion of a non-deterministic model. In fact, even experts sometimes express opinions that reflect the influence of appearance, behavior and phenotype on what they think about a patient’s genetic make-up. I heard contradictory comments in some cases, for instance, in the case of an XY adult, one technician commented, “poor thing she thinks she’s a lesbian, but really she’s a man”. The patient had an uncontested female identity throughout her life, combined with female sexual object choice. This same technician firmly believes that XY individuals with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome are women. Yet, the patient in question had a mixed molecular marker similar to 5-alpha reductase that is associated with potential male gender identity in the western bio-medical context. This technician will insist that XY chromosomes do not make you a man, yet 38. A. Kleinman, Interpreting illness meanings, Medical Encounter, 3(3), 5-7, 1986. 39. Rosario, Rosario, Vernon, Quantum Sex: Intersex and the Molecular Deconstruction of Sex, in Morland, ed., GLQ Intersex and After, Vol. 15, N. 2, 2009, pp. 267-284. 40. Allen, 2002, p. 43. 114 / Visualizing life sometimes a molecular marker is taken to indicate the same determinacy that chromosomes once did in gender determination. Despite occasional genetic opinions that could be perceived as deterministic, the geneticists generally advocate for a complex, developmental model. This genomic model generally refutes the deterministic language of the ‘gene for x social trait’, but rather, as Fox-Keller suggests, views genes as processes. 41 New genomic research continues to affirm an increasingly interrelational model of sex development. As Holme indicates: The view of the body as an active process is widespread in the discussions of the paradigm shift from studying single genes in genetics to studying genetic networks in genomics 42. In the hospital laboratory individual genes are targeted for very practical reasons in order to promote more accurate diagnosis. Conclusion Visual representations in science differ significantly in terms of how they relate to what they purport to represent (i.e. their representational and ontological status) …Visual representations in science may refer to objects that are believed to have some kind of material or physical existence, but equally may refer to a purely mental, conceptual, abstract constructs and/or immaterial entities. 43 The visualization processes that convert blood samples to electropherograms and genetic digital data are standardized procedures that invoke a myriad of scientific theories and techniques, as well as the social metaphors that DNA represents. The interpretation of DNA is contextually based, facilitated by the visualization process itself. In the laboratory setting, DNA is a physical object that must be manipulated before it can be read and acquire meaning. Ironically, DNA loses its physical identity, transformed into digital information, before it acquires meaning for this laboratory context. By taking a walk through the actual practice of genetic testing we 41. Evelyn Fox-Keller, Making Sense Of Life; Explaining Biological Development With Models, Metaphors And Machines, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 2002. 42. Holme, 2007, p. 171. 43. Pauwels, 2005. Visualizing life / 115 can see that the commitment to the deterministic model implied by the practice is ambiguous. 44 The laboratory practice relies on the assumed predictability of chemical interactions, aided by heat, speed, light and electricity. In digitally visualizing DNA we are manipulating its material support as well as its ontological status. Laboratory procedures rely on a mechanistic model, but the interpretation of the visualized genetic sequence is no longer faithful to deterministic reasoning. DNA becomes data, contextually based information. The DNA mystique, the positivistic rhetoric surrounding DNA and its cultural symbolic value has induced the need to visualize DNA in ever-increasing settings. Therefore, it is somewhat impossible to separate the social interpretation of DNA from the scientific interpretation. We look for genetic sequencing in the laboratory, because we have already decided it is an essential piece of information. We also believe that not only is DNA essentially unaltered by the visualization process, but that the digital result tells us exactly what we need to know about that genetic segment. However, the DNA mystique may be stronger in a social context than in the laboratory. One could argue that in the laboratory context DNA loses its super-status that it acquires in social debates, and becomes one of many biometric parameters. Genetic test results are a support to an already suspect diagnosis, and are interpreted in context of both biological and anecdotal evidence. The eugenic (and deterministic) risk increases when genetic tests are pre-natal, and there is no context in which to interpret the genetic information. The DNA mystique feeds off the increase of biomedicalization, and the increased reliance on biometric data in defining the healthy body. These practices seek to read the body through a digital interpretation of its material and function. The practices of the molecular genetic lab are aimed at producing this biological data. It is the context; the scope of the laboratory, the orientation of medical team, and the training of the practitioners, which gives meaning to this data. 44. Mauro Turrini, Se Vedo solo il Bianco e il Nero, non Vedo le Sfumature: Stili Visuali e Incertezza nei Labratori Clinici di Citogenetica, [If I only see the Black and White, I don’t see the gradations: Visual Styles and Uncertainty in Cytogenetic Clinical Laboratories] Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa 1/2011, 2011. Electrification in the Agricultural Development of India Rupsha Banerjee and Kamanda Josey Ondieki Introduction This paper aims at understanding how electricity, which for most of us is a taken for granted commodity, played a role in rural and agricultural progress, considering that even as we write a large part of the Indian population still resides in unelectrified rural areas. India covers a total area of 3,287,263 sq km with a landmass of 2,973,193 sq km and water 314,070 sq km having a coastline of 7000 km. The climate varies from tropical monsoons in the south to temperate in the north and has arable land of 48.83%. 1 India receives an average annual rainfall of 1,208 millimetres and a total annual precipitation of 4000 billion cubic metres, with the total utilisable water resources, including surface and groundwater, amounting to 1123 billion cubic metres as about 39% of the total cultivated area, is irrigated. India’s inland water resources include rivers, canals, ponds and lakes and marine resources comprising the east and west coasts of the Indian Ocean. By virtue of the sheer geographical size and the area that it covers, India is often referred to as a subcontinent, sharing its borders with China, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal and Pakistan. As of 2010, the GDP of India was growing at 10.4% per year, with the service sector making up 54% of GDP, the agricultural sector 28%, (with major agricultural products including rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, jute, tea, sugarcane, and potatoes) and the industrial sector 18%. India being a federal state since 1950, the Constitution laid down a demarcation between the legislative and the administrative power 1. CIA World Fact Book https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ geos/in.html, accessed: 6th October 2011. 118 / Electrification in indian Agriculture between the Center and the states; 2 however matters related to electricity, economic and social planning were joint responsibilities of both the Centre and the states as it came under the concurrent list. In the power sector, policy setting and implementation was divided between five ministries: the Ministry of Power (MoP), the Ministry of Coal, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energies (MNRE) and the Department of Atomic Energy, and government commissions and agencies. Central Electricity Authority (CEA) was a body under the MoP which co-ordinated energy efficiency and energy conservation measures, and the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC), under the MoP, acted as an advisory body to the central government on matters of national electricity policy, and specified technical standards and norms for grid operation and maintenance among other issues. 3 The State governments also had considerable responsibilities in the power sector as they were responsible for the implementation of national laws. They had the authority to set their own laws and regulations to be applied on their territory. 4 Role of Electrification in Agricultural Development Performance of the agricultural sector is fundamental to economic and social development and critically determines the success of efforts in poverty reduction. Therefore, access to power for agricultural use contributes to reducing poverty by increasing employment, incomes and real wages and by reducing food prices for rural and urban poor. Energy is required for activities like production of inputs (manufacture of fertilizer, seed, agrochemicals etc.), irrigation (lifting and transportation of water), mechanization of farm operation like land preparation, weeding and application of pesticides/ herbicides, harvesting, storage (including drying and refrigeration) and post-harvest processing and value addition. Sources of this include animate energy (human 2. India has 28 states and 7 Union Territories with the Prime Minister being the head of the state. 3. S. Chowdhury and m. Torero, Power and Irrigation Subsidies in Andhra Pradesh & Punjab, IFPRI, Washington, 2009. 4. Because of this setting, the implementation of power sector reforms differs in each state. Electrification in indian Agriculture / 119 and draught power), diesel oil or electricity. Over time, the share of diesel oil and electricity has increased steadily and now constitutes the major sources of energy for the agricultural sector. The role of irrigation in agricultural productivity growth following the green revolution in India is well recognized (Chowdhury and Torero, 2009). 5 Electrification of pumpsets for irrigation is the primary example of the direct way in which rural electrification brings about agricultural change (Samanta and Sundaram, 1983). 6 The use of other electrical farm equipment has been rather limited in India, and hence has not been discussed in many studies. As mentioned, since antiquity, farmers in India made efforts to overcome the vagaries of weather through exploitation of groundwater resources (Niez, 2010). 7 In the mid-1960s, planners recognized the need to raise agricultural productivity by adopting modern techniques of production. This resulted in transformation of India from a situation of food-deficit into a food surplus. Provision of adequate irrigation contributed significantly towards the success of the package of modern inputs that were promoted. Irrigation was a basic input on which the use of high-yielding variety (HYV) seeds, fertilisers, etc, depended significantly (Jain, 2006). 8 Access to electricity enabled water from great depths to be lifted and used. Electrified pumpsets even when charged the normal tariff could deliver groundwater in the most cost effective manner (Niez. 2010). The availability of electricity in rural areas probably has more indirect than direct impacts on agriculture. For instance it leads to changes in sources and modes of irrigation, which in turn affects the irrigated area of farms, cropping intensity and cropping pattern (wet crops can be grown and cropping in different seasons becomes possible). Some of the common changes include replacement of inferior cereals by superior cereals, increased use of high yielding strains, and growing of wheat instead of grams and other pulses in the dry season (Samanta and Sundaram, 1983).These changes may also trigger alterations in production factor proportions such as use of labour (human and ani5. Ibid. 6. B. B. Samanta and A. K. Sundaram, Socioeconomic Impact of Rural Electrification In India, Discussion Paper D-730 Energy in Developing Countries Series January 1983 Operations Research Group The Center for Energy Policy, 1983. 7. Alexandra Neiz, Comparative Study on Rural Electrification Policies in Emerging Economies, Information Paper, International Energy Agency, OECD, 2010. 8. J. Varinder, Political Economy of Electricity Subsidy:Evidence from PunjabMunich Personal RePEc Archive, MPRA Paper No. 240, 2006. Online at http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/240/. 120 / Electrification in indian Agriculture mal) and adoption of other agricultural innovations. The combined effect of all these changes would be measured in higher productivity and incomes, in turn leading to improvements in rural quality of life (see Figure 1). Another important point to note is that irrigation acts as an impetus to use of these inputs and can thus be viewed as a necessary condition for innovation. Increasing use of innovations such as high yielding varieties, fertilizers, farm mechanization and pesticides requires adequate controlled irrigation, barring which their effect on agricultural productivity would be negligible or even negative 9 (Foster and Tatman, 1937). The use of these innovations is in turn expected to increase crop yields. On the other hand, adoption of rural electrification depends on conditions like groundwater availability and absence of canal irrigation (Samanta and Sundaram, 1983). In addition, unlike residential connections, the effect occurs over a longer term in the agricultural sector. Installation of an electric pumpset may mean switching from the existing mode and source of irrigation. The farmer may be unwilling to dismantle or abandon current practices unless they physically deteriorate or become highly uneconomical. Risk averse farmers may wait to see the impact of the capital investment made by others before adopting. Background of Rural Electrification in India Rural electrification in India had a much checkered history considering the use of electricity in rural areas was virtually nonexistent until 1933. One out of every two hundred villages was served with electricity supplied through hydroelectric stations (Samanta and Sundaram 1983). With the rural electrification policy in India undergoing a series of changes, it manifested through shifts in the role assigned to electrification in the process of rural development in India, the story beginning a little before the Five Year Plans 10 were set into motion. 9. Ingredients of fertilizers dissolved in soil moisture have to be taken up from the soil by a plants roots. If there is not enough soil moisture concentrated salt solutions can damage the plant roots and if it is very dry, small crystals of salts can get in contact with the roots, burning them. C. Foster, E.C. Tatman, The Influence of Soil Moisture and Fertilizers on the Specific Electrical Conductivity of Tomato Plant Sap, American Journal of Botany, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1937, pp. 35-39. 10. The Five Year plans were the basis of the development agenda which was taken up by India after gaining independence in 1947. The economy of India is based in part Electrification in indian Agriculture / 121 Fig. 1. 122 / Electrification in indian Agriculture When India gained independence in 1947, the ones who were given the responsibility to run the nation were very aware that it was a herculean task which was ahead of them especially when it came to adequate infrastructural development of the country. An important element of this development was the spread of electricity in both the urban and rural parts of the country. Rural electrification was also an important step towards boosting agriculture production through the use of electricity for irrigation. However, rural electrification was looked upon just as a bi-product of the overall efforts of supplying electricity to all parts of the country. It is interesting to note that the power sector was governed by the Electricity Act of 1910 and Electricity Supply Act 1948, till about 2003. The former did not make any specific mention about rural electrification whereas the latter merely stated as an objective the need to extend electric supply to rural and remote areas. When the Electricity Supply Act of 1948 was passed, it was seen as a significant step as it led to the creation of the State Electricity Boards (SEB) 11 in every state, whose responsibility was to provide electricity to everyone including the remote areas and the new state electricity boards took over the power supply from the private utilities. This shift in responsibility of power supply from private to public sector was expected to have a positive influence on developing a policy to extend electricity to rural areas to bring about economic as well as social benefits (Samanta and Sundaram 1983). The concept of universal electrification, though noble was not followed by the SEBs as the areas for electricification were chosen based on commercial viability. Rural electrification, though it took a backseat with the SEBs, was an important development agenda as the farmers since time immemorial were making efforts to overcome the vagaries of the monsoon through exploiting the ground-water resources (Neiz, 2010). As a major political instrument to win votes, hurried, adhoc power supply extension programmes were taken up in almost all the states, and villages were declared electrified by just extending the electricity grid to the village on planning through its five-year plans, which are developed, executed and monitored by the Planning Commission. Currently the country’s 11th Five Year Plan is underway. 11. The SEBs functions as autonomous institutions even though the jurisdiction over electricity is shared between the central and the state governments. They have the authority to set and collect electricity tariffs and are responsible for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. Electrification in indian Agriculture / 123 limit and getting one single connection (agriculture or domestic) energized in a revenue village (Sankar T.L, undated). 12 Nevertheless, power development became part of the first tubewell scheme in India for irrigation in Uttar Pradesh (a state in the Northern part of India and also one of the areas of the success stories of the Green Revolution). With the advent of the Grow More Food Campaign in 1939, 13 electricity was considered essential for lifting water from rivers or wells for agricultural purposes. Further before 1950, electricity was introduced in the states of Madras and Karnataka for pumping water for agriculture, mostly from open wells or tanks (Samanta and Sundaram, et.al, 1983). The 1st Five Year Plan (1951-1956) The first five-year plan was presented to the Parliament of India on 8 December 1951. Since it was the first one after independence, the emphasis was on agriculture and irrigation, which included investments in dams and irrigation. Of the total planned budget of INR 206.8 billion (US $ 23.6 billion in the 1950 exchange rate) 27.2% was allocated for irrigation and energy, 17.4% for agriculture and community development, 8.4% in industry and 47.24% in other sectors. Hence since there was so much of stress laid on agriculture and irrigation, power development in general and rural electrification in particular clearly could not be overlooked. The plan provided for an outlay of INR 270 million for rural electrification against 1.3 billion for power projects. As a promotion method of electricity usage in the rural areas, it was suggested that the government would provide assistance in the form of loans to enable people to take advantage of the power supply for productive purposes. It was expected that availability of electricity in rural areas would assist cottage industry particularly in the handloom sector. Though the plan realised the importance of rural electrification, most of the budget allocation was directed towards industrial development as opposed to agricultural development. By the end of the first five year plan, when a scheme of expansion of power facilities to provide employment was th 12. T.L. Sankar, Rural Electrification, (undated), www.adb.org/Documents/Reports/ ...36248.../36248-BHU-TaCR.pdf, accessed: 09/25/2011. 13. The Grow More Food campaign was launched by the British mainly overcome the effects of the Bengal Famine. 124 / Electrification in indian Agriculture introduced, the emphasis was on electrifying small, medium-sized towns and suburbs of the large towns already electrified. Exploiting irrigation potential by using power received low priority in practice; the reasons being shortage of power due to lack of infrastructure and funds as penetration into rural areas on a large scale meant heavy investments. Nevertheless, with the ending of the first five year plan, 39% of the villages were electrified in the population range of 5,000 to 10,000 as compared to 11% in 1950 (Samanta and Sundaram, et.al, 1983). The 2nd Five Year Plan (1956-1961) The total budget for the second five-year plan was INR 480 billion and focused on industry, especially heavy industry. Domestic production of industrial products was encouraged in the 2nd plan, particularly in the development of the public sector. The plan assumed a closed economy in which the main trading activity would be centered on importing capital goods. The plan also promised to electrify all towns with a population of 10,000 or more and 85 percent of those towns with 5,000-10,000 population. In addition, 8,600 villages with population less than 5,000 were to be provided with electricity. Although the plan realized the importance of extending services to rural areas, the magnitude of investment restricted such expansion (Samanta and Sundaram 1983). According to the plan, provision of electricity supply to villages and small to\wns with a population of less than 5,000 entailed heavy expenditure and hence had to be phased over a longer period. The financial planning integrated urban and rural schemes so that the surplus from the revenues realized from urban and industrial consumers would act to reduce rates charged to rural consumers. It was expected that with the increased speed in rural electrification, there would be a considerable increase in the number of electrified wells, for pumping water for irrigation, hence there was no particular effort or attention put in direct intervention regarding the process of agricultural development through electrification. Under the presumption that wherever electrification had reached, it would automatically facilitate irrigation, the consumption of electricity for irrigation was placed at 4% of the total budget of the second five year plan. Therefore a strategy of directly integrating electrification as a part of rural development was lacking. Electrification in indian Agriculture / 125 The 3rd Five Year Plan (1961-1966) The third one laid stress on village electrification than targeting either the agricultural or the industrial sectors. Like the first two, the plan failed to recognise the importance of rural electrification in the development of the rural economy. It explicitly stated that one of the important objectives was to develop efficient small scale industries in small towns and rural areas in order to increase employment opportunities. Though it mentioned that in several states of India, electricity was being used increasingly for irrigation pumping, it did not assign importance to electrification in agricultural development. Still it is interesting to note that by the time the third five year plans were coming to an end, there was a considerable amount which was spent on rural electrification for extending power supply to the agricultural sector, as a result of funds which became available from carryovers of some of the projects from the previous plans. The third plan spent about INR 12.5 billion on the power sector, of which 1.5 billion went for rural electrification (Samanta and Sundaram 1983). The period of the third five year plans was a volatile period for India, as on one hand the policy makers were trying to set the country’s development in motion, and on the other hand the country was trying to defend her borders from the not so friendly neighbours. The beginning of the third five year plan saw a war with China in 1961, which was followed by a war in 1965 with Pakistan. 14 The Three Annual Plans (1966-1969) If two wars within a span of three years were not enough, by the time the third plan was ending, India witnessed the first of a series of severe droughts having a direct impact on agricultural production. The situation was so grave that the government decided to suspend the Fourth Five Year plan for a few years until 1969. Instead it came up with annual plans for three years as a means of finding respite from the natural calamity which had shaken the agricultural sector to the core. There was an urgent need felt to have small scale irrigation to stabilise agricultural production and the National Development Council 15 14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/in_depth/south_asia/2002/india_pakistan/ timeline/1965.stm, accessed: 12th October 2011. 15. The National Development Council is the highest decision making body on development in India. 126 / Electrification in indian Agriculture took a decision to shift the emphasis on rural electrification to punpset electrification to promote the Minor Irrigation Program (Samanta and Sundaram, et.al, 1983). The severe series of drought, turned out to be a blessing in disguise for the agriculture sector, as the Minor Irrigation Program ensured that a source of irrigation was located in the farmer’s own field and under his control; thus a deliberate strategy being put into place to electrify pumpsets. Another significant development was the appointment of the Rural Credit Review Committee by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for providing credit for agriculture with the proposal of creation of an autonomous credit agency for rural electrification at the national level, with a view to undertaking a large-scale program of rural electrification to supply power for small scale irrigation. This led to the creation of the Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd. (REC) in July 1969 which designed the electrification process in different areas based on the classification of the level of development to be achieved. It now had two functional areas, namely, Special Project Agriculture (SPA) and Special Project Industries (SPI). The 4th Five Year Plans (1969-74) The fourth five year plans were formulated during the Prime Ministerial tenure of Indira Gandhi. This period saw yet another war in 1971 which eventually led to the creation of Bangladesh, an underground nuclear test and most significantly the Green Revolution. Though because of the war and the nuclear tests a lot of funds were redirected for defence expenditure, the aim of the fourth five year plan was establishing a better balance between generation, transmission and distribution, integrating agricultural development with power development. The National Commission on Agriculture, which was set up during this period, made a strong recommendation for stepping up rural electrification to make electricity available for pumpsets and rural industries in all villages by 1990. The Fourth Five Year Plan emphasized that the REC programs would give precedence to electrifying tubewells and pumps for irrigation. It was expected that area plans for small scale irrigation would be prepared to reach the optimum level and these plans would be closely linked with rural electrification programs designed to provide Electrification in indian Agriculture / 127 electricity to clusters of wells or tubewells. At the end of the plan, the number of pumpsets electrified was 2,1126,000 as against the target of 1,800,000; with an amount of INR 8.43 billion constituting about more than one-third of the planned expenditure on power (Samanta and Sundaram, et. al, 1983). The 5th Five Year Plan (1974-79) The process of rural electrification was integrated in the Minimum Needs Program (MNP) 16 introduced in 1974 as part of the Fifth Five Year Plans; the idea being to achieve economic growth with social justice. Stress was laid on employment and poverty alleviation justice with focus on self-reliance in agricultural production and defence. It was during this phase of the plan that subsidies in various areas were introduced as part of the MNP. In addition, the Electricity Supply Act was enacted in 1975, which enabled the Central Government to enter into power generation and transmission. Under MNP the target was to provide electricity to 40%of the rural population. For the first time the plan contained a specific target of electrifying about 1,300,000 pumpsets. About 81,000 additional villages were targeted to be electrified, taking the total number of electrified villages to 238,000. The plan was originally to coincide with the period 1974-1979, but ended in four years because of the change in government (Samanta and Sundaram, et. al, 1983). The new government which took over in 1978 suspended the five year plan and in turn introduced two annual plans for the remaining period. A Committee on Power was appointed by the Ministry of Energy, to examine the functions of the SEBs and Central Organizations engaged in the electrification process along with the functions of the Rural Electrification Program. 17 According to this Committee it felt that rural electrification should cover broader fields other than just power for agriculture like domestic and street lighting, and power for rural based industries. It was of the opinion that the so far the largest consumption of electricity in the rural areas was going for running agricultural pumpsets. It was further suggested that the State Electricity 16. It was introduced with the holistic aim of an overall development in health nutrition and infrastructure in the rural areas. 17. Point worth noting is that the new Government which was led by Morarji Desai was a non Congress Government who until 1978 has been in the center since independence. 128 / Electrification in indian Agriculture Boards should prepare on a block-by-block basis prospective program for rural electrification in consultation with the small scale irrigation development agencies as well as explore the feasibility of combining it with the Integrated Rural Development Program (Samanta and Sundaram, et.al, 1983). 18 The 6th Five Year Plan (1980-85) The beginning of the sixth five year plan marked the end of the Nehruvian era and the beginning of the economic liberalization in India. Nevertheless, the sixth plan continued the concept of the MNP and renamed it as Revised Minimum Needs Program (RMNP). The Plan emphasised the need for assured power supply as a vital input for accelerating minor irrigation programs. It stressed the need for closer synchronization between the rural electrification program and the development of lift irrigation to achieve rapid progress. It stated that there would be minimum restrictions imposed on power usage in irrigated agriculture. The plan proposed to electrify 2,500,000 additional pumpsets during 1980-1985 so as to have 7,500,000 electrified pumpsets by 1984-85. Special attention was paid in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh which had a large untapped ground water potential. 19 Rural electrification as an instrument of rural development assumed considerable importance during this period. The 7th (1985-90) and 8th (1992-1997) Five Year Plans The Seventh Plan marked the comeback of the Congress Party 20 to power. The plan focussed on the boost in food production by increasing the availability of irrigation facilities. It aimed at a significant reduction in poverty and improvement in the quality of life for the poor in the villages through better access to electricity. As the seventh five 18. This was done with the scope for developing non-agricultural demand through the establishment of village, cottage and small scale industries. 19. http://planningcommission.nic.in/plans/planrel/fiveyr/welcome.html, accessed: 09/25/2011. 20. The Congress was the single largest party in the country till 1994 when coalition governments became the order of day. Electrification in indian Agriculture / 129 year plan drew to a close, India went through both a political and economic turmoil 21 because of which the eighth five year plan was suspended for two years and replaced with annual plans. During the interim period of the 7th and the 8th plan, the annual plans were the starting point of the power sector reforms with respect to the new liberal economic model being adopted by India. The first step towards this was opening up the power generation to the private sector in 1991 without making any changes in the market or regulatory structure of the electricity industry. The reform had limited success as it did not add to sufficient generation capacity and failed to attract private investment because of the weak financial health of the SEBs. During the eighth five year plan, the power sector saw another wave of reforms. In 1996, a Common Minimum Action Plan for Power (CMNAPP) was framed which led to a significant change in the market and regulatory structure and pricing. Independent regulatory commissions were set up at the union and the state level, with the restructuring and the corporatization of the SEBs. The SEBs were unbundled into three enterprises namely generation, transmission and distribution which was better known as the Orissa model. 22 A state electricity regulatory commission (SERC) was created to separate the price setting from operations (Torero and Chowdhury, 2007). In addition, the plan acknowledged that though agriculture had been subject to wide year-to-year fluctuations due to the weather factor, wherever there was availability of irrigation and power on an assured basis, agriculture had performed well in terms of its response to the high-yielding varieties, intensity and diversification. With the objective of strengthening the trends particularly in the Eastern region and in the dry belt, the plan called for participation of private initiative in creating infrastructure like power plants, roads, bridges, medium and minor irrigation projects, and social housing among others. It laid stress on the promotion of cost-effective technologies for the develop- 21. Between the period of 1991-92, Rajiv Gandhi. India’s former Prime Minister and Congress’s Prime Ministerial candidate after the general elections, was assassinated by a suicide bomber followed by India going into a heavy foreign exchange deficit because of which the structural adjustment programs had to be got about to prevent the economy from collapsing . This marked the beginning of the liberalization and privatization in India. 22. It was named the Orissa model as this was the first state to acknowledge and implement these reforms. The other states were more or less reluctant to do so but with the act being passed they had no choice but to relent. 130 / Electrification in indian Agriculture ment of renewable and non- conventional energy resources and enlargement of the coverage of Integrated Rural Energy Project. 23 The 9th Five Year Plan (1997-2002) The ninth five year plan was formulated in the backdrop of India’s Golden Jubilee year of independence. The priorities were the agricultural sector and emphasis on the rural development along with generation of adequate employment opportunities and poverty reduction. The plan emphasized reforms of the power sector in the States, including reform of power tariffs, to make the State Electricity Boards financially viable. This was seen necessary to expand public investment and to create credibility among private investors selling power to State Electricity Boards (SEB). In addition, the Government of India introduced the Electricity Regulatory Commission Act 1998, as an attempt to depoliticise tariff setting by permitting states to establish independent regulatory commissions (Neiz, 2010). As part of the continuing reforms to the power sector, towards the close of the 9th plan, the federal government introduced the Electricity Bill 2001. The bill was intended to replace the previous Indian Electricity Act of 1910, The Electricity (Supply) Act of 1948, and the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act of 1998 (Torero and Chowdhury et.al, 2007). The 10th Five Year Plan (2002-2007) The tenth five year plan was probably the most important of all the five year plans formulated after India’s liberalization, as it was during this period that the Government of India rolled out a number of new schemes related to rural electrification. The first among the many was the passing of the Electricity Bill 2001 under the name of The Electricity Act 2003. The new act gave impetus for further reforms by allowing increased competition in the sector and making the state regulatory commission as a mandatory requirement. It allowed open access to distribution and transmission (Torero and Chowdhury, 2007). It provided the framework for the power-sector reform at the state level. Among other provisions, it required the 23. http://planningcommission.nic.in/plans/planrel/fiveyr/welcome.html, accessed: 09/25/2011. Electrification in indian Agriculture / 131 establishment of an independent electricity regulatory commission at the state level and the separation of its transmission activity from the state electricity board (Birner, et.al, 2011). 24 The Accelerated Rural Electrification Program (AREP), which became operational in 2002, provided for interest subsidies of 4% to the states for the Rural Electrification programs. The AREP proposed to cover electrification of un-electrified villages and household electrification with an approved outlay of INR 560 billion under the 10th plan. The interest subsidy was made available to the state governments and electricity utilities on loans availed from institutions like REC, Power Finance Corporation (PFC) and National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF). 25 The next one, the Rural Electricity Supply Technology Mission (REST) was initiated in 2002 with the objective of electrification of all villages and households progressively by the year 2012 through local renewable energy sources, decentralised technologies along with conventional grid connection. It adopted an integrated approach which aimed at identifying and adopting technological solutions, review of current legal and institutional framework and make changes where necessary, promote, finance and facilitate alternative approaches to rural electrification and co-ordinate with various ministries, apex institutions and research organizations to facilitate meeting national objectives (Bilolikar and Deshmukh 2005). 26 The year 2005 witnessed the launch of the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojna (RGGVY) 27 by the Ministry of Power and the Remote Village electrification (RVE) Program by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energies (MNRE) in 2005. The former aimed at 100% electrification of all villages and habitations of the country which meant electricity access to all households and free electricity connection to BPL (Below Poverty Line) households. In order to achieve the objectives, the RGGVY proposed creating Rural Electricity Distribution Backbone (REDB) with atleast one 33/11 KV substation in each block. 24. R. Birner, S. Gupta and N. Sharma, The Political Economy of Agricultural Policy Reform in India: Fertilizer and Electricity Supply for Groundwater Irrigation, IFPRI Research Monograph., Washington, DC, 2011. 25. Neiz, 2010. 26. Rajkiran Bilolikar and Ravi Deshmukh, Rural Electrification in India - an overview. MBA (Power) Management, National Power Training Institute, Faridabad. 27. Translated as Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification Scheme. 132 / Electrification in indian Agriculture There would be a Village Electrification Infrastructure (VEI) with at least one distribution transformer in each village/habitation along with Decentralised Distribution Generation (DDG) systems where the grid is not cost-effective or feasible (Bilolikar and Deshmukh, 2005). The latter (RVE) was initiated to supplement the efforts of the Ministry of Power (MoP) through measures of renewable energy sources by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energies (MNRE). The Remote Village Electrification programme (RVE) was responsible for electrifying un-electrified remote census villages (with a population of less than 100 inhabitants) and remote un-electrified hamlets of electrified census villages where grid connection was either not feasible or not economical as these areas were located in forests, hills, deserts or islands and where DDG projects were not implemented by the RGGVY of the MoP. Under the RVE programme, solar photovoltaic home lighting systems and power plants, small hydropower plants, biomass gasification systems in conjunction with 100% producer gas engines or with dual-fuel engines using non-edible vegetable oils and oil based engines, biogas engines, were the most commonly used by the MNRE. However, the vast majority, 95%, of remote census villages taken up for electrification under the programme were provided with solar photo-voltaic home lighting systems (Neiz, 2010). Electricity Subsidies in Indian Agriculture Farmers are interested in water, and electricity is only a means of accessing water. Along the same lines, a crop only requires the water and, unlike a computer, does not need to consume electricity. There are a large number of subsistence farmers whose livelihood and subsistence depends on agriculture. The only solution to their poverty is to provide water to their lands. They usually take risks while exploring the site for drilling a well and struggle to put together money for purchasing the pumpset. If he/ she has to pay for all these and also for electricity at the same cost as other users, the investment may result in negative return. Hence, while pumpset farmers are entitled for power at lower rate, the subsistence farmers will have to be given electricity at substantially lower rates. In many countries, subsidy is provided to agriculture in different forms especially for poor farmers as a means towards food security (Niez, 2010). Electrification in indian Agriculture / 133 Fig 2. Groundwater use for agriculture. Source: Tushaar Shah. What ails Indian Agriculture? A Reality Check on Our Irrigation Policy. International Water Management Institute - www.iwmi.org). In rural India, access to affordable and reliable electricity was expected to meet the energy requirements of the agricultural sector by energising irrigation pump sets as well as small and medium-sized industries, cold chains, health centres, schools, etc. Village electrification hence became popular with political groups and states vied with each other to get the 100% village electrified status (Niez. 2010). The country has increasingly relied on groundwater extraction for agriculture and is currently the largest extractor of groundwater, consuming 250 cubic km of groundwater annually. Between 1960 and 2000, irrigated area more than doubled mostly from tube well irrigation (Chowdhury and Torero, 2009). Population pressure on land and demands of intensive diversification of farming are cited as the main drivers of the groundwater boom since 1975 (Figure 2). The country now has over 20 million irrigation wells and 0.8 million are added each year. Every fourth cultivator owns an irrigation well and non-owners depend on groundwater markets. However, in irrigated areas that are dependent on diesel pumps, rising diesel prices are hitting small-holder farmers hard. Inputs like electricity constitute a significant share of agricultural subsidies in developing countries often driven by the influence of pressure politics (Jain, 2006). In India for example, the amount spent on electricity subsidies for agricultural users exceeds state spending on 134 / Electrification in indian Agriculture health or education. Electricity subsidies enable agricultural users to access electricity at prices below the marginal cost of supply, thereby lowering the cost of irrigation and groundwater extraction, an essential input in agricultural production (Badiani and Jessoe, 2011). 28 The emergence of electricity subsidies in Andhra Pradesh and other states in the late 1970s can be seen in the context of the Green Revolution, which started in the mid-1960s, and the debate about declining terms of trade that emerged in the 1970s. When electricity connections for pump sets were first introduced, they were metered, and farmers had to pay a volumetric price. In any case, subsidies in support of the Green Revolution were initially part of a strategy to achieve the national goal of food self-sufficiency. They gained prominence again in the 1970s as a political strategy to win farmers’ votes (Birner et al., 2011). As agricultural products and the need for a stable water supply increased during the green revolution, the farming workforce organized into a powerful political coalition (Badiani and Jessoe, 2011). The actual rate of electrifying pumpsets was modest in India until 1975 when a movement was launched in Karnataka seeking supply of subsidized power to agriculture as water supply for irrigation provided from surface irrigation sources was charged at highly subsidized rates. Karnataka sharply reduced the tariff for pumpsets. This measure, proved so popular as a political plank that states with large pumpset population embarked on a race of competitive concessional tariffs for pumpsets resulting soon in some states declaring “zero” tariff for power supply to agriculture. States such as Punjab, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh decided to provide free electricity to farmers to support their agriculture (Niez, 2010). The trend connecting elections and electricity pricing began in Andhra Pradesh in 1977, when the Congress party was the first in India to campaign on the basis of free power. Since the late seventies the Governments of the States have been under pressure from certain lobbies to provide “free power” supply to farmers. This has been used as a patent tool for mobilizing political support by different parties. However, the experience of “free power supply’ to agriculture has shown that it is not sustainable. By 1989, the Andhra Pradesh government was spending 25 percent of total expenditure on agricultural electricity 28. Badiani, Reena, K. Jessoe, Katrina, Electricity subsidies for agriculture: Evaluating the impact and persistence of these subsidies in India (draft version), 2011. Electrification in indian Agriculture / 135 subsidies, and politicians were required to maintain these subsidies to either gain election or remain in power (Dubash and Rajan, 2001; cited in Badiani and Jessoe, 2011). 29 For example in 2004, the Congress Party on Andhra Pradesh campaigned on free power (Dubash, 2007; cited in Birner et al., 2011). The same happened in Punjab where electricity was supplied without collecting any user charge in the second-half of the 1990s. The number of pumpsets electrified each year rapidly increased in the eighties & slightly decelerated in the nineties with the initiation of “Power Reforms” in several states. From 1995, the power reform process was initiated in India: the first step resulted in Electricity Regulatory Commissions (ERCs) at the state level, and it became necessary for SEBs to render accountants for a public debate (Niez, 2010). This practice of selling electricity at the subsidised rates to the agricultural sector reveals the state’s submission to interest group politics. These policies have been, by and large, non-discriminatory in nature (Jain, 2006). Currently electric power for rural pumpset usage is subsidized by all the states in India, the subsidy being estimated at 1.1% of GDP. Users are charged a highly subsidized, flat, annual fee that varies with pumpset size (Dossani and Ranganathan, 2004). State governments are authorized to set electricity prices, therefore electricity prices vary across states. There is also substantial heterogeneity in prices across time; this occurs because states respond to economic and political pressures by changing agricultural electricity subsidies (Badiani and Jessoe, 2011). Subsidy in electricity for irrigation in agriculture worked as a strong incentive for farmers to buy electric pumps, to use irrigation, and to shift production to irrigated crops. Partly due to rapid growth in irrigation owing to subsidized electricity, the total food grain production in India increased by more than two-folds in less than forty years between 1960 and 2000. Two states that played important roles in this increased production are Andhra Pradesh and Punjab, which also highly subsidize electricity for irrigation (Chowdhury and Torero, 2009). The expansion and uptake of tube wells for irrigation was largely expedited by subsidized electricity prices, which reduced the price of groundwater extraction. In turn, this growth in irrigation increased agricultural yields, lowered food prices and increased demand for ag29. Dubash, K. Navroz K. and Ranjan, Sudhir Chella, Power Politics: Process of Power Sector Reform, in India Economic and Political Weekly 36(35): 3367-3387, 2001. 136 / Electrification in indian Agriculture ricultural labor (Badiani and Jessoe, 2011). Despite several setbacks, subsidized tariff and cross subsidies have helped the economy in the villages. The leapfrog in the agriculture sector was contributed in no small measure by the availability of cheap / free electricity (Mishra 2008). 30 Previously suffering from food deficits, India became a food surplus country thanks to rural electrification efforts geared towards the agricultural sector (Niez, 2010). World Bank(2001) reported that electric pump owners in Haryana and Andhra Pradesh were found to have the highest average annual gross incomes followed by diesel pump users. Water purchasers and rainfed were the lowest on average while canal users fell in the middle. All types of electric and diesel pump owners on average tended to use various materials (fertilizers, pesticides, farm cultivation services such as tractors and animal draft, non-irrigation diesel, etc) more intensively than the canal, water purchasers and rainfed farmers. (Birner et al., 2011) identifies two schools of thought regarding electricity subsidies in India; one that is market-oriented and the other welfare-oriented. The argument that subsidies stifle public investments, and hence contribute to slow growth, is central to the marketoriented discourse. The overuse of groundwater is attributed mainly to the flat-rate tariff and free electricity, which give farmers no incentives to save water. The electricity subsidy is also seen as a major reason for distortions in the choice of cropping patterns, encouraging farmers to cultivate more water-intensive crops. They argue for privatization of the power sector, often referring to the experience of other countries. In the welfare-state-oriented story line, the major problem is described as an agrarian crisis, and farmers’ suicides are seen as its major indication. The crisis is attributed to unfavourable relations between input and output prices, which lead to indebtedness, and subsidies are considered as a legitimate and necessary instrument of relief. Overuse of groundwater is acknowledged as a serious problem, but it’s not ascribed to electricity pricing since the hours of power supply are limited. They also argue that farmers cannot apply excessive irrigation as it may lead to crop damage. The welfare-state-oriented discourse also attributes changes in the cropping pattern to the promotion of paddy 30. K. Rajiv Mishra, Looming crisis of Indian Power sector: A sustainable delivery model for rural electricity through local entrepreneurship development. A Report on Rural Electrification in India. IC2 Institute - University of Texas, Austin 2815, San Gabriel, Austin, Texas - 78705. Electrification in indian Agriculture / 137 cultivation by the government, rather than the electricity price. They argue that privatization efforts in India have not met expectations (e.g. cases “the Orissa model” and Delhi are frequently cited as examples). The other major argument holds that privatization serves the interests of multinational companies who do not care about the needs of the people, especially the poor. Although both discourses acknowledge that metering the electricity supply would be useful, they disagree on the feasibility and costs of this measure. Many in the welfare-state discourse coalition argue that the transaction costs of introducing metering are prohibitive. Electricity Subsidies - A Solution still seeking answers India from the time of independence has always opted for a mixed approach in its economy. Nevertheless, it can be said that till 1991 when the economy officially opened up to save her from going into a foreign exchange deficit, the approach was that of a welfare state. Therefore for most, the issues of subsidies and flat tariffs was a necessary measure which was seen as a government’s duty to provide for its citizens considering that agriculture was primarily rain fed in most parts of the country. All the same, as mentioned there was an argument from the market-oriented approach that subsidies were responsible for the stifling of public investments hence contributing to slow growth (Birner et.al, 2011). During the mid-seventies to early eighties, most of the SEBs shifted away from metering electricity sales to agriculture consumers and introduced the flat rate tariffs based on the capacity of the pumps (Sinha, 2003). 31 However, the mechanism of pricing in the form of subsidies and flat tariffs has come under a lot of speculation and predicament both from the supplier as well as the consumers. Depletion of Groundwater: It has been claimed that subsidized electricity fosters excessive use of water for irrigation, thus degrading a vital natural resource. The line of argument is that with the availability of subsidies farmers have been using their pumpsets to pump out as much of ground water as they can without any accountability 31. Sinha, Sidharth., Management of Power Supply to Agriculture (draft version), Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad, 2003. 138 / Electrification in indian Agriculture thus leading to depletion in ground water and adding to the already impending crisis on water availability. In addition, the pressures of the market and failing returns on food crops because of uncertainty of climate has made a large group of farmers diversify into cash crops which are water intensive, which requires them to use more water than what would be required for food crops (World Bank, 2001). In Punjab, for example, the number of electrically-operated tube wells has increased from 600,000 in 1990-91 to 750,000 in 1999-2000 (Jain, 2006). In Andhra Pradesh and Punjab, the cost of electricity for irrigation for the majority of the farmers is fixed per month since they pay a monthly fee based on pump capacity (Horse Power). It implies that at the margin, farmers incur almost a zero cost for irrigation in the shortrun. Farmers have incentives for production substitution and extend production to more water intensive crops. Since the fifties there is a significant shift of production patterns towards rice and wheat which are more water intensive in nature (Torero and Chowdhury, 2007). Quality of Supply: In 2000, agricultural users in India consumed 32.5% of electricity but contributed only 3.36% of revenues. The lack of revenue generated from agricultural consumers has caused State Electricity Boards (SEBs) to operate at an annual loss. In 2001, the SEBs’ rate of return on capital amounted to 39.5% (Tongia, 2003). To fund these subsidies, the states resorted to cross- subsidization and charged higher prices to the industrial and commercial sectors, where the prices charged often exceeded the marginal cost of supply. This increase in production costs encouraged the use of captive power plants by commercial and industry sectors, thereby lowering the base from which the SEBs funded these subsidies (Badiani and Jessoe, 2011). Distribution losses due to widespread theft has further aggravated the situation, resulting in inadequate and deteriorating quality of supply of electricity to farmers; frequent power outages and voltage fluctuations which have led to damage of equipments of the farmers and the need for constant repair (World Bank, 2001). The users’ irregularity in paying electricity bills and resistance to tariff revisions has led to difficulty in cost recovery leading to perpetuation in the problem of electricity supply. Other categories of customers, such as the domestic and industrial sectors have been burdened with heavy tax rates to support the deficits created by the provision of free electricity to agricultural consumers. Electrification in indian Agriculture / 139 As a consequence of this free power provision, utilities in these states have been unable to supply reliable electricity to their industrial sector, thus reducing their competitiveness vis à vis other states. In addition, controversies over the allocation of free power to farmers have worsened because farmers are using their electric pump sets for other purposes than irrigation (Niez, 2010). Power rationing to a large extent has led to SEBs being unable to handle the demand of electricity and often has become problematic for the farmers as they don’t have access to water during the times when irrigation is most required for the crops. As mentioned, with the fluctuations in the electricity leading to burnout of their equipment, farmers lose time in repairing and reinstalling motors and organising alternative sources of water for their fields (World Bank, 2001). As is said that if the right medicine is not available at the right time, a dying person cannot be saved; similarly, inspite of subsidies and in some states supply of free electricity, when the electricity is not available at the time when farmers need it the most, they resort to diesel pumps which end up being much more expensive thus raising the transaction cost of the farmers. Hence, in this scenario, the farmers do not mind paying for the electricity, as unreliable supply of electricity turns out to be costly in the long run. Metering Issues: One of the solutions suggested for rectifying the loss and wastage of electricity was through the metering of electricity where meters would be installed and farmers would be charged according to the meter reading. When a study was carried out in Haryana, 32 contrary to the assumption that farmers would be willing to try out this system, the farmers refused and among the several reasons that farmers rejected this proposition, the primary ones were: i) that it was necessary to house the meter in a safe waterproof place and the farmers were unwilling to construct the room or shed for the meter ii) the farmers apprehended that since the meter is installed they would be questioned for the extra consumption for other purposes and the unauthorised load would be detected; iii) they felt that the cost of reading the meters would be an extra financial burden to the utility (Sinha, 2003). 32. Northern state in India which has not only been one of the ground zero areas of the Green Revolution, but also of farmer political pressure on maintaining free and subsided electricity. 140 / Electrification in indian Agriculture Increase in socio-economic disparities: When the subsidies and the flat rate tariffs were introduced it was done with the objective of providing irrigation facilities leading to increase in food production amongst all farmer groups. However, under the state’s non-discriminatory electricity subsidy policy, the farmers having economic and political power have managed to get early access to electricity connections; the surplus arising from partial or full price concessions on sale of electricity to the agricultural sector benefit only these farmers. This trend has caused large socio-economic disparities and divided the agricultural society into the classes of haves and have-nots. The availability of either free or partially priced electricity has contributed towards increasing income inequalities within the agricultural sector by making the irrigation cost almost nil for the haves. Those who have access to inadequate, unreliable and poor quality electricity have to irrigate their crops through the use of diesel pump-sets. In the presence of very high and continuously rising diesel prices, this imposes a huge cost burden on farmers for producing the same quantity of output. It is due to this reason that the average cost of production has remained quite low for the haves whereas it is relatively high for the farmers in the other category (Jain, 2006). Studies carried out in states of Punjab, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh have shown that the major beneficiaries of the subsidies are the large and the medium farmers most of whom can afford to pay the full cost of power including the return on capital employed (Sinha, 2003). Approximately 39% of the subsidies accrue to large farmers who represent 15% of electric pump set owners and less than 2% of all rural households. Marginal farmers, who represent 39% of all electric pump owners, receive 15% of the subsidy (Torero and Chowdhury, 2007). As a result, the actual costs per unit that the small and marginal farmers incur for irrigation is usually higher than the large farmers see Fig. 3. Financial Solvency of the SEBs: The policy of providing non-discriminatory electricity subsidy to the agricultural sector has weakened the financial soundness of the SEBs (Jain, 2006). From 1975 there was a gradual deterioration of the finances of the SEBs arising initially due to subsidized power supply to agriculture, and later due to the increasing indifference of the top management of the SEBs in the rural areas. As a result, the entire governance system in rural distribution management collapsed. The agriculture developmental agencies did not till Electrification in indian Agriculture / 141 Fig. 3. Skewed distribution of irrigated land and subsidy. Source: S. Chowdhury and M. Torero (2007), IFPRI, Washington. the 1990s prepare and implement plans for ground water utilization, nor guide the farmers or the Electricity Boards to encourage pumpset electrification by way of appropriate cropping patterns and water use with economic rationality and environmental optimality (Niez. 2010). Thus, irrigation pumping for agriculture has been cited by many as one of the principle causes of poor cost recovery of SEBs and a prime cause of the poor financial health of the SEBs. (Bilolikar and Deshmukh, 2005). Even though the share of agriculture in electricity consumption has increased many folds, the share of agriculture in the revenue has essentially remained the same resulting in a significant deficit and therefore a significant increase in the subsidy. Reforms have not yet been successful and costs of supply have been going up reducing the possibility of cross-subsidization of agriculture from other sectors such as industry and commerce. A reduction in cross-subsidy has added to the odd further. There is a serious lack the financial resources, skilled personnel and management culture in the SEBs, for instance, to block persistent theft of power and recover the revenue losses that arise from the same (World Bank, 2001). Hence it appears that the SEBs in India 142 / Electrification in indian Agriculture Fig. 4. Power Supply to Agriculture: The Vicious Cycle. have entered into a vicious cycle where they cannot ensure quality, availability and reliability in power supply due to the mentioned limitations, low tariffs from farmers and the farmers unwillingness to pay higher tariff unless the SEBs improve their supply (Torero and Chowdhury, 2007). Possible Solutions to Problems related to Subsidies in Indian Agriculture There have been numerous speculations on the need for subsidies in the agricultural sector. As mentioned earlier the market–oriented approach has questioned the need and are of the opinion that they should be avoided as far as possible (Birner et. al, 2011). Nonetheless, in a country like India where majority of the farmers are subsistence farmers, doing away with subsidies will be like a death knell on them. There is no denying that, given the way in which the entire issue of electricity supply has been handled so far both in terms of management and efficiency, subsidies have resulted in losses rather than the objective that it was started out with, i.e., holistic agriculture development. Therefore, there have been various options which have been proposed to address the problems related to subsidies in Indian agriculture. Electrification in indian Agriculture / 143 Targeting of subsidies: It has been proposed that any form of subsidy should be meant and confined to the subsistence farmers and poor farmers with less than probably one hectare of land under cultivation using ground water in permissible areas (Niez, 2010). A price discrimination strategy is proposed based on the size of the farmers plot and on the implementation of a two part tariff mechanism. If low-demand consumers or high-demand consumers want to consume more electricity, they will need to pay a charge over the marginal costs for each unit above their fixed charge. Assuming that such a strategy is put into place, the foreseeable outcome will be a more progressive and efficient use of resources. Strategies to address costs related to the subsidy programs: State governments have proposed a range of strategies, including independent regulation, metering of agricultural pumpsets and raising prices (Dossani and Ranganathan, 2004). 33 Birner et al., 2011 suggests measures that include increase of agricultural tariff, reducing tax evasion, time restriction of supply, promotion of energy saving devices by both making them compulsory or using incentives, and reducing electricity theft. There is need to examine carefully the price that could be charged to all agricultural consumers or atleast to selected segment among the pumpset farmers (Niez. 2010) as irrigated agriculture is critical to the Indian economy. Hence a nuanced approach to reforming agriculture pumping tariffs is needed. However, a sudden and substantial shift away from current pricing of electricity for agriculture could jeopardize agriculture, an activity that is the primary source of livelihood in rural areas, accounting for 72% of India’s population (Bilolikar and Deshmukh, 2005). Therefore, what is required is scheduling power supply when it is needed most through reliable timed-delivery (determined by rainfall and soil moisture requirements) in accordance with the local agriculture needs and during off-peak hours to reduce costs. In addition, the agriculture subsidies can be provided directly to the consumer in the form of a smart card that incorporates low tariffs for the first block of ‘lifeline 34’ consumption (Bilolikar and Deshmukh, 2005). 33. R. Dossani and V. Ranganathan, Farmers’ willingness to pay for power in India: Conceptual issues, survey results and implications for pricing, Energy Economics 26 359-369, 2004. 34. It emerges from the concept of lifeline irrigation or life-saving irrigation by providing moisture at the most critical stage of phenological growth of the plant e.g. flowering or before the soil moisture content reaches the permanent wilting point (PWP) of the crop. 144 / Electrification in indian Agriculture Devolution of responsibilities and collective action at the grassroot level: This can be achieved by creating transformer-user associations or energy cooperatives, which can be possibly linked with groundwater-user associations (Birner et al. 2011). Joint ownership of pumps appears to be an important mechanism for enabling small and marginal farmers to gain access to an electric pump (World Bank, 2001). Farmer groups should be encouraged to demand quality supply from utilities, regulatory commission, and politicians and utilize community based groundwater management measures. Generation and distribution of power could also be decentralized to the local level by using a co-operative model, franchise model or involvement of the Panchayat Raj Institutions. 35 Technical solutions for soil and water management and institutional mechanisms for control of groundwater exploitation: There is a need for reduction of water-intensive crops and cultivation practices by introducing incentives for other crops or water-saving techniques. Expansion and improvement of surface irrigation and application of groundwater recharge measures should be encouraged. In addition, legislation should be in place to physically control the digging of new wells whether water is to be raised by electricity or any other means. There is an urgent need to prepare district-wise or even village-wise maps classifying areas into: i) where ground water can still be exploited; (ii) where ground water could be exploited only with permission which should be decided by approval of the village Gramsabha, 36 and (iii) where it is strictly prohibited as it is already over-exploited (Niez. 2010). Reliable services: A move towards greater cost recovery must be accompanied by reliable services that meet the needs of agriculture (Bilolikar and Deshmukh, 2005). For instance, a technical but costly way of addressing the problem of voltage fluctuation could be by using a voltage stabilizer to the power supply connection (World Bank, 2001). 37 In order to provide reliable services, the staff responsible for manage- 35. The Panchayat Raj Institutions or local-self governance institutions were as a result of the the 73rd and the 74th Amendments made to the Constitution of India in 1993 as a part of decentralization process which gave powers for the formation of autonomous governance structures in the urban and rural areas. 36. The legislative and executive body of the village Panchayat. 37. World Bank Summary Report (2001), India - Power Supply to Agriculture Volume 1 Energy Sector Unit South Asia regional Office. Electrification in indian Agriculture / 145 ment of electricity production, transmission and regulation should be given adequate training and incentives. Integration with other agricultural development programs: It is increasingly being realized that supply of electricity to agricultural pumpsets in rural areas cannot be arranged in the best interest of individual farmers and the farming community without incorporating efforts to educate farmers, in appropriate water management practices. For starter, this would require working out optimal cropping patterns area wise and if required even village wise by the Agriculture and Water Development departments of the state government (Niez. 2010). Integrating rural development programmes and broader powersector reform strategy with rural electrification could create a synergy for promoting agro-based industrial activities and productive use of electricity in rural areas (Bhattacharyya 2006). Policy options that enhance income of poor households: Both the welfarist and the market-oriented schools of thought broadly agree that the income situation in the agricultural sector is a major concern. Hence, it is important to identify policy solutions that do not further reduce the incomes of poor rural households, even in the short term. Therefore working on policy options that would increase the income of this community will have better prospects of success. (Birner et al. 2011). Conclusion The Government of India realized the importance of incorporating a strategy of electrification for agricultural purposes in its five year plans only after a series of severe droughts hit the country during the late 1960s. This need was further actualized during the Green Revolution that saw unprecedented improvements in agricultural productivity. It can undoubtedly be claimed that electrification played and continues to play a significant role in the agricultural production process. The main contribution has been in the electrification of pumpsets for irrigation. However, the amount spent on digging a well and purchasing a pump is an expensive affair for most smallholder farmers. In addition, charges for electricity consumed would make it difficult for them to recover their costs and still make a reasonable return after selling their produce. Hence, the electricity subsidies have acted as a buffer 146 / Electrification in indian Agriculture to ensure farmers get a decent income from their produce; but it soon became a political tactic to keep the farmer lobby groups happy and acquire votes. Furthermore, there have been issues regarding distribution of benefits, financial solvency of the SEBs and unreliable supply of electricity. With better targeting and cost recovery mechanisms, the subsidy programs have a potential to further enhance and sustain agricultural livelihoods. La terza mutazione metafisica Francesco Martini Introduzione Lo scrittore Michel Houllebecq, nel prologo al suo romanzo ‘Le particelle elementari’, 1 descrive ciò che egli chiama ‘mutazione metafisica’. Per dirla con le sue parole: [...] le trasformazioni radicali e globali della visione del mondo adottate dalla maggioranza [...] 2 Nello stesso prologo l’autore francese identifica le due grandi mutazioni occorse in Occidente: il Cristianesimo prima, che si andava sostituendo all’Impero romano proprio quando quest’ultimo era all’apice della sua potenza, e l’avvento della Scienza moderna dopo che avrebbe cominciato a minare le basi del Cristianesimo proprio alla fine del Medioevo, cioè del periodo durante il quale la visione del mondo cristiana era adottata universalmente dagli uomini, dalla società e dagli stati per regolare ogni aspetto della vita individuale e collettiva. Infine Houellebecq si spinge oltre e sempre nel prologo introduce il leitmotiv dell’intero romanzo, dichiarando che uno dei suoi protagonisti darà l’avvio alla terza e per certi versi più grande mutazione metafisica della storia, e cioè l’avvento di una nuova generazione di esseri (umani) clonati e perfettamente consapevoli della loro esperienza pregressa: in altre parole una nuova specie oltre l’uomo, nata dall’uomo, che avrebbe sconfitto definitivamente la morte. Al contrario di Houllebecq, la cui ispirata valutazione sui cambiamenti di paradigma all’interno del pensiero umano potrebbe aver at- 1. M. Houellebecq, Les Particules Elementaires, Flammarion, Paris, 1998. 2. M. Houellebecq, Les Particules Elementaires, cit., pp. 7-8. 148 / La terza mutazione metafisica tinto proficuamente anche dai lavori di Julian Huxley, 3 noi crediamo in primo luogo che la terza mutazione metafisica del pensiero occidentale sia già in atto, identificando tale evento con la nascita dell’età informazionale, 4 e secondariamente che tale stravolgimento nella visione del mondo, condivida in qualche misura, una reinterpretazione dell’ambito del sacro, così come avvenuto, se pur diversamente, per le due mutazioni precedenti. Come infatti il Cristianesimo reinterpreta l’ambito del sacro tipico della religione ebraica, così l’avvento della Scienza Moderna reinterpreta e ridefinisce l’ambito del sacro tipico della religione cristiana, che da motore causale di ogni fenomeno naturale e sociale, diventa mero fondamento religioso. Per dimostrare questa tesi partiremo dall’analisi della relazione che risulta tra le più caratteristiche della nostra era, e cioè la relazione uomo-computer. Vedremo come in realtà questa attinga molto più di quanto si possa essere portati a pensare, alla sfera del sacro e di esso ne reinterpreti le caratteristiche. Vedremo anche come tale relazione influenzi l’interazione diretta tra individui fino alla identificazione di un nuovo tipo di interfaccia ibrida, che si potrebbe davvero reinterpretare come uno dei luoghi/momenti principali per l’accesso ad una dimensione trascendente canonizzabile in un vero e proprio rito. Infine cercheremo di capire, da un punto di vista epistemologico, le implicazioni di una tale analisi nel contesto dello sviluppo tecnologico contemporaneo. Dobbiamo però subito precisare alcune cose che potrebbero dar luogo a fraintendimenti. Innanzi tutto, è bene ribadirlo, crediamo che la relazione uomo-computer e non il computer in sé come mezzo tecnologico, riveli caratteristiche interpretative ricadenti nel dominio del sacro, intendendo con esso quella categoria ermeneutica che a partire dall’Ottocento si è sviluppata fino ai giorni nostri e vede nel romanticismo tedesco e nel positivismo francese i suoi due momenti principali di rifondazione, sulle ceneri dell’interpretazione individualistica e personale del trascendente che era tipica delle grandi religioni monoteiste. In secondo luogo vogliamo chiaramente prendere le distanze da tutta quella retorica più o meno consapevole, che spesso ha investi3. Il grande biologo evoluzionista Julian Huxley, fratello maggiore del più noto Aldous, è del resto citato più di una volta nel romanzo (Houellebecq, 1999, pp. 157-162). 4. Per una definizione appropriata di tale concetto si può consultare proficuamente il primo volume della triologia di Manuel Castells, The Information age: economy, society and culture (M. Castells, The Rise of the Network Society, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, 1996). La terza mutazione metafisica / 149 to la tecnologia di un ruolo messianico se non addiritttura religioso. Lontano dunque dalle utopie tecnologiche tipiche del ‘Technological Sublime’ di Leo Marx 5 o dell’ ‘Electric Sublime’ di Carey, 6 o infine dell’ ‘Electronic Sublime’ di Carey e Quirk, 7 ci piacerebbe invece sottolineare come il cosiddetto ‘Informational Sublime’, coniato da Robert Pepperel in un editoriale su Leonardo, la prestigiosa rivista della MIT Press su Arte, Scienza e Tecnologia, 8 potrebbe costituire un utile spunto da cui partire. Riferendosi infatti a ‘La condizione postmoderna’ di Lyotard 9 (Lyotard, 1979) Pepperel sostiene che: In it he argued against totalizing systems of thought, such as Marxism, and argued instead for a plurality of ideas supported by the free flow of information through computer networks. It is a measure of the report’s farsightedness that its proposals raise few objections, even eyebrows, today. Poi aggiunge: In The Postmodern Condition, Lyotard also argued for a re-engagement with the sublime, that combination of excitement and anxiety we experience when confronted with the boundlessness of nature and the cosmos. Many of us have had the thrill of discovering a like mind through the Internet or some remote correlation to our own work on-line. As search engines grow in size and sophistication and social networks become places for exchanging ideas, the potential for such links multiplies. At the same time, we are drawn into a vast edifice of data that can overwhelm as much as it excites. Could we begin to feel some of the same awe at this boundless realm of information that earlier generations felt towards the extremities of the natural world – an information sublime? Ebbene quello che noi sosterremo è che non solamente, con le dovute differenze, la relazione uomo-computer – che è bene subito identificare come una relazione di comunicazione – potrebbe essere caratterizzata da quel sentimento del sublime che le antiche generazioni provavano al cospetto della natura, ma che un tale sentimento, perlomeno declinato nell’ambito informazionale, in effetti rientra a buon diritto nella sfera del sacro. Arriveremo anche a ipotizzare che in realtà una delle possibili cause di tutto ciò è da ricercarsi proprio nella condizio5. L. Marx, The Machine in the Garden, Oxford University Press, New York, 1964. 6. J. W. Carey, Communication as Culture, Routledge, New York, 1989, rev. ed., 2009. 7. J. W. Carey and J. J. Quirk, “The Mythos of the Electronic Revolution”, in J. W. Carey, Communication as Culture, cit., pp. 87-108. 8. R. Pepperel, “Informational Sublime”, Leonardo, MIT Press, October, Vol. 42, No. 5, 2009, pp. 384-384. Le due citazioni seguenti sono disponibili alla stessa pagina qui indicata. 9. J. F. Lyotard, Le condition postmoderne, Edition de Minuit, Paris, 1979. 150 / La terza mutazione metafisica ne negata di modernità che affligge l’Occidente e che così bene Bruno Latour ha descritto nel suo ‘We have never been modern’. 10 A differenza dunque di quello che ha sostenuto Lyotard nel suo report sullo stato della conoscenza, 11 non solo la scomparsa delle ideologie di fatto non ci ha traghettato nella post-modernità ma al contrario, l’avvento dell’era informazionale, da una parte ha causato la scomparsa delle ideologie, e dall’altra ha portato alla ribalta l’esistenza degli ibridi, 12 cioè la testimonianza più diretta della nostra non modernità. Ed è proprio dall’anelito ad un concetto di modernità che constantemente ci sfugge, e che ci era stato lungamente promesso dalle utopie così ben rappresentate dai sublimi tecnologici, elettrici ed elettronici, che nasce quella tendenza al sacro che crediamo di aver riscontrato nella relazione tra uomo e computer. Anelito che si sostanzia in un desiderio di ‘conoscenza’ che inevitabilmente è destinato a rimanere inappagato, e che impone un ripiegamento su processi ambigui, arbitrari e spesso più casuali di quanto crediamo, di selezione e gestione delle informazioni che danno origine a veri e propri ibridi epistemologici, fatti di sensazioni e output di programmi, credenze e bit di testimonianze indirette e di tutta una serie di relazioni umano-digitali che danno adito a rifuggire in una dimensione trascendente che trova nel sacro il suo più immediato ambito di attuazione. In terzo luogo precisiamo anche che occuparsi della relazione uomocomputer, non è affatto riduttivo nei confronti della più generale relazione uomo-macchina. Questo perché i computer, ovverosia macchine elettroniche di elaborazione digitale dell’informazione, costituiscono il kernel di molti dispositivi tecnologici che caratterizzano, e in buona parte regolano, la vita di ogni giorno nelle società occidentali: per fare un esempio, si pensi solo che quando impostiamo un programma per il bucato su una lavatrice, stiamo in realtà comunicando con un computer (collocato sulla scheda elettronica presente ormai in ogni elettrodomestico bianco), che spesso è programmato secondo una logica fuzzy, e che si prenderà cura di tutto il ciclo di lavaggio. Infine, precisiamo anche che il nostro punto di vista non sposerà gratuitamente determinismi sociologici o tecnologici, né tantomeno si preoccuperà di far ricadere le analisi di questo lavoro entro confini in10. B. Latour, We have never been modern, Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 1993. 11. J. F. Lyotard, Le condition postmoderne, cit. 12. B. Latour, We have never been modern, cit. La terza mutazione metafisica / 151 termedi, quali ad esempio quello dell’Actor Network Theory. Piuttosto ci preoccuperemo di utilizzare strumenti, non solamente sociologici, che all’occorrenza possano essere più calibrati di altri nella spiegazione dei fenomeni che andremo a considerare. Il primo paragrafo descriverà la relazione uomo-computer, mettendo in particolare evidenza il ruolo di applicabilità del concetto di ibrido e introducendo la nuova metafora di ibrido epistemologico di derivazione informazionale o, in breve, di ibrido informazionale. Nel secondo paragrafo esamineremo, se pur sommariamente, le caratteristiche della sfera del sacro, così come definite nell’ambito disciplinare dell’antropologia, della sociologia e della religione. Nel terzo paragrafo parleremo inizialmente dei processi di comunicazione da un punto di vista culturale, esaminando la dicotomia proposta da Carey 13 tra Ritual View e Trasmission View. Quindi applicheremo una tale analisi alla relazione di comunicazione specifica uomo-computer, da un punto di vista informazionale e tenendo ben presente anche le evidenze di pertinenza del sacro, isolate nel secondo paragrafo. Nel quarto paragrafo metteremo insieme tutte le analisi condotte in precedenza in modo da delineare un quadro esplicativo del rapporto tra sacro e relazione uomocomputer. Nel quinto ed ultimo paragrafo stenderemo le conclusioni finali e daremo indicazioni per possibili sviluppi futuri del lavoro. 1. La relazione uomo-computer: un ibrido epistemologico Nel 1997 il supercomputer parallelo Big Blue costruito da IBM, ottenne per la prima volta nella storia delle sfide scacchistiche uomocomputer, la vittoria in un six-game match con il campione del mondo. L’avversario era Garry Kasparov, a detta di molti, uno dei più forti giocatori di tutti i tempi. Garry Kasparov non la prese bene. Subito dopo aver perso l’ultimo incontro, avanzò dei dubbi sulla leale conduzione del gioco da parte dei tecnici, che avevano controllato il buon funzionamento del computer durante tutto il match. In particolare, il campione russo sostenne che alcune mosse particolarmente originali di Big Blue non potessero essere ascrivibili a semplici output del programma di gioco, quanto piuttosto, a geniali suggerimenti inseriti ad hoc dai tec13. J. W. Carey, “A Cultural Approach to Communication”, in J. W. Carey, Communication as Culture, cit., pp. 11-28. 152 / La terza mutazione metafisica nici affiancati, segretamente, da qualche Gran Maestro Internazionale di scacchi 14. La rivincita, che inizialmente aveva richiesto Kasparov, non fu accettata da IBM che avrebbe voluto riprogettare la macchina prima di sottoporla nuovamente ad una sfida in un six-game. D’altra parte il campione russo rifiutò di sottostare a questa condizione. Le polemiche infine cessarono, ma il dubbio a molti rimase: Big Blue era davvero riuscito a superare il Test di Turing nel gioco degli scacchi oppure c’era stato un piccolo aiuto umano? L’episodio sopra descritto è esemplificativo della diatriba che fin dal 1950 agita gli animi dei filosofi, degli psicologi cognitivisti, dei logici e non ultimo degli informatici. Una diattriba che si può appunto far risalire alla metà del Novecento, anno in cui Alan Turing in un famoso paper dal titolo “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” 15 si pose per primo il problema dell’intelligenza delle macchine di elaborazione. Tale problema avrebbe dato origine a tutto un filone di studi che vennero inaugurati ufficialmente al Dartmouth College nel 1956, durante un seminario estivo organizzato da J. McCarthy, nel quale veniva coniato per la prima volta il termine di ‘Intelligenza Artificiale’. 16 Già Turing comunque nel 1950 aveva cercato di fornire una risposta alla questione, e sulla scorta della sua enorme fiducia nella logica e nella capacità di calcolo delle macchine, ideò un test che da allora in poi avrebbe preso il suo nome e che, in breve, ascriveva una qualche forma di intelligenza a qualunque dispotivo fosse in grado di passare per umano in un gioco di imitazione. 17 Sulla scorta però degli studi successivi nei campi più disparati tra i quali l’informatica, la linguistica, la psicologia e la logica solo per citarne alcuni, ci si rese conto che il Test di Turing era in realtà troppo debole, e quindi consentiva la creazione di falsi positivi: alcuni sistemi riuscivano a superarlo, perlomeno sotto certe condizioni, e tuttavia non potevano in alcun modo dirsi intelligenti, secondo almeno la connotazione che anche solo il senso comune 14. H. Feng-Hsiung, Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer that Defeated the World Chess Champion, Princeton University Press, 2004. 15. A. Turing, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”, Mind, New Series, Vol. 59, No. 236 (Oct.), 1950, pp. 433-460. 16. J. McCarthy et al., Proposal For The Dartmouth Summer Research Project On Artificial Intelligence, Internal Report, Stanford, 1955, disponibile a: http://www-formal.stanford. edu/jmc/history/dartmouth/dartmouth.html. 17. Per gioco di imitazione si intendono attività quali telefonate, quiz orali, chat online, partite di scacchi e in generale tutte le attività in cui è possibile confrontarsi senza conoscere l’identità dell’avversario. La terza mutazione metafisica / 153 attribuiva a tale caratteristica. 18 Per questi motivi John Searle nel 1980 concepì il Paradosso della Stanza Cinese, 19 un esperimento mentale non molto differente dal ‘paper machine’ Gedankenexperiment che Turing aveva descritto in un suo paper nel 1948, 20 con il quale voleva argomentare contro quella che lo stesso Searle definiva ‘Strong View of AI’ o ‘Strong AI’. In breve, usando la descrizione dell’esperimento che Searle riassunse concisamente nel 1999 per The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences: 21 Imagine a native English speaker who knows no Chinese locked in a room full of boxes of Chinese symbols (a data base) together with a book of instructions for manipulating the symbols (the program). Imagine that people outside the room send in other Chinese symbols which, unknown to the person in the room, are questions in Chinese (the input). And imagine that by following the instructions in the program the man in the room is able to pass out Chinese symbols which are correct answers to the questions (the output). The program enables the person in the room to pass the Turing Test for understanding Chinese but he does not understand a word of Chinese. Searle poi aggiungeva: [...] The point of the argument is this: if the man in the room does not understand Chinese on the basis of implementing the appropriate program for understanding Chinese then neither does any other digital computer solely on that basis because no computer, qua computer, has anything the man does not have. Con ciò sostenendo che per l’esecuzione di appropriati programmi, un computer, cioè una macchina di calcolo o ancora, una macchina per l’elaborazione delle informazioni, non ha niente di diverso da un uomo. La qual cosa ci autorizza ad affermare, che per Searle, a dispetto di Turing, l’essenza dell’intelligenza vada ricercata altrove. Aldilà comunque dell’intento originale dell’autore, che verteva sulla confu18. Sul ‘senso comune’ in relazione a processi culturali quali appunto quello dell’apprendimento e dell’elaborazione intelligente si veda ad esempio il saggio di Clifford Geertz ‘Il senso comune come sistema culturale’ (C. Geertz, 1983, “Common Sense as Cultural System”, in Local Knowledge. Further Essays in Interpretative Anthropology, Basic Books Inc., New York). 19. J. R. Searle, “Minds, brains and programs”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 3 (3): 417-457. 20. A. Turing, “Intelligent Machinery”, report for National Physical Laboratory, in Machine Intelligence 7, 1948; B. Meltzer and D. Michie (eds.), 1969; also in Collected Works (Volume 1). 21. J. R. Searle, “The Chinese Room”, in R.A. Wilson and F. Keil (eds.), The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999. 154 / La terza mutazione metafisica tazione della tesi secondo la quale l’Intelligenza Artificiale sarebbe capace di una comprensione simile a quella umana, basandosi esclusivamente sulla elaborazione di programmi predeterminati, 22 quello che a noi invece qui preme sottolineare è l’accostamento operato prima dal matematico inglese e successivamente dal noto filosofo americano, tra macchine di calcolo ed esseri umani. I due casi riportati sono a riguardo esemplificativi, in primo luogo poiché hanno dato adito in letteratura ad un dibattito che ancora oggi risulta attuale e fecondo, 23 e secondariamente in quanto, pur argomentando tesi divergenti, condividono entrambi l’idea che l’elaborazione di un insieme finito di istruzioni predeterminate, sotto opportune condizioni, 24 sia un compito che non riesce a differenziare un essere umano da una macchina di calcolo. In altri termini, l’uomo e il computer, durante la loro interazione, procedono sulla base di una comunanza di atteggiamenti o, se vogliamo, di una comune impostazione epistemologica, che di fatto si sostanzia in un analogo trattamento di qualsivoglia insieme di istruzioni predefinite, indipendentemente dal tipo di istruzione e dall’ambiente nel quale vengono eseguite. I matematici e i logici riconosceranno in questa ‘comune impostazione epistemologica’ nient’altro che il processo di astrazione alla base di qualunque dispositivo elettronico digitale, e cioè la Macchina di Turing Universale. 25 La cosa però che a noi preme porre in evidenza è il fatto che, almeno da un punto di vista razionale, cioè logico, i computer ‘elaborano’, dunque ‘ragionano’ più o meno come ragioniamo noi umani, ma soprattutto comunicano tra loro in modo analogo a quanto facciamo noi, cosa che tra l’altro affonda le proprie origini nella costruzione delle prime macchine elettriche, attività che a partire dalla seconda metà del XVIII secolo e soprattutto 22. Tesi che Searle stesso nel 1980 battezzò come ‘Strong AI View’ nel suo ormai famoso articolo Minds, Brains and Programs in the journal The Behavioral and Brain Sciences (cit.) in contrapposizione all’analoga definizione di ‘Weak AI View’ che lo stesso autore riservò invece a tutti gli studiosi che ritenevano (e ritengono ancora oggi) che l’unico apporto che le macchine di calcolo potessero fornire alla comprensione della mente fosse quello tipico di meri strumenti di elaborazione. 23. Un’utile base di dati, anche se introduttiva, per uno sguardo aggiornato sul dibattito attuale intorno al problema dell’Intelligenza Artificiale in filosofia della mente e nelle scienze cognitive, declinato secondo il Turing Test o The Chinese Room è la Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy disponibile al link: http://plato.stanford.edu. 24. Con ciò intendendo che tale insieme finito di istruzioni deve essere un ‘algoritmo’ ossia deve comunque essere una procedura finita, deterministica e terminante in un tempo finito (Frixione e Palladino, 2004). 25. Per una definizione di “MTU” si veda ad esempio: M. Frixione e D. Palladino, Funzioni, Macchine, Algoritmi, Carocci, Roma, 2004. La terza mutazione metafisica / 155 dagli inizi del XIX secolo ha caratterizzato buona parte dello sviluppo tecnologico occidentale. Risalgono infatti a quel periodo i primi studi sull’elettricità animale e sulla funzionalità nervosa del corpo umano, studi che sarebbero stati presi come base di partenza, sulla base di processi di astrazione analogici, per lo sviluppo di alcuni dei più famosi dispositivi elettrici. 26 A riguardo ad esempio, John Francis 27 suggerisce come le prime riflessioni sulla costruzione del telegrafo, avessero preso il via dagli studi, quali quelli che conduceva Galvani, sui sistemi nervosi presenti negli animali e negli esseri umani. Samuel Morse poi, è noto che più volte confrontò le linee telegrafiche con l’apparato nervoso, e Alessandro Volta costruì le prime versioni della sua ‘batteria’ prendendo a modello l’organo di produzione di elettricità di alcuni pesci. Se dunque come abbiamo appena visto, il funzionamento di un computer non è poi così distante dal tipo di ragionamento (logico) e dal modo di funzionamento (elettrico) dei quali gli esseri umani sono normalmente dotati, ha ancora senso la classica distinzione naturaleartificiale nell’ambito della relazione di comunicazione uomo-computer? Probabilmente, sulla sola base dell’analogia elettrico-computazionale che abbiamo descritto, tale distinzione conserverebbe la propria validità. Questo è anche uno dei motivi, ad esempio, che hanno condotto al fallimento degli approcci appartenenti alla Strong AI: la storia dell’Information Technology ha sconfessato le illusioni cibernetiche di Norbert Wiener, mostrando come la simulazione di alcune tra le più alte abilità cognitive umane, quali ad esempio il ragionamento logico matematico, non rendesse i computer neppure sufficientemente ‘intelligenti’ per riconoscere esattamente un volto o uno stato emotivo di un individuo, o per sostenere un normale colloquio con un essere umano, per compiere cioè alcune tra le attività più banali che ognuno di noi porta a termine ogni giorno. 28 Il paradigma computazionale di Wiener, che prevedeva di trattare gli animali, gli uomini e le macchine come sistemi cibernetici equivalenti, anche se auspicante la realizzazione di una conoscenza artificiale che riflettesse in pieno il complesso sistema 26. A riguardo si consulti l’ottimo volume di Laura Otis, Networking, Communicating with bodies and machines in the nineteenth century, The University of Michigan Press, Michigan, 2001. 27. J. Francis, A History of the English Railway: Its Social Relations 1820-1845, 2 vols., Longman, London, 1851. 28. È il cosidetto paradosso di Moravec. Si veda H. Moravec, Mind Children, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA), 1988. 156 / La terza mutazione metafisica del pensiero umano, 29 aveva portato alla realizzazione di sistemi di calcolo estremamente potenti ma anche fastidiosamente stupidi, ovverosia privi di quell’intelligenza di ‘senso comune’, per usare un’espressione di derivazione antropologica, così ben rappresentata da Geertz, 30 che gli uomini avevano sviluppato dalla notte dei tempi. Non stupisce dunque che la costruzione alla fine degli anni ‘80 di basi di conoscenza che incorporassero unicamente l’analogia computazionale uomo-macchina si sia risolta in clamorosi fallimenti, 31 e abbia portato numerosi studiosi (e imprenditori...) ad interrogarsi più a fondo sul modo di interazione tra utente e computer. Di lì a poco, con l’avvento delle GUI 32 e delle reti digitali di computer, la relazione uomo-macchina sarebbe radicalmente cambiata, costringendo, a nostro avviso, anche a ripensare profondamente la dicotomia naturale-artificiale che a partire dalla formulazione originaria di Herbert Simon 33 aveva percorso, bene o male indenne, tutto l’arco della seconda metà del Novecento, almeno fino alla coniazione del concetto di ‘ibrido’ da parte della Actor Network Theory. 34 A riguardo analizziamo la definizione di ‘oggetto artificiale’ di Simon, così come presente nell’ultima revisione al suo testo The Sciences of Artificial: 35 1. It is produced by human (or by intelligent beings) activity; 2. It imitates more or less nature, while lacking the whole characteristics of natural things; 3. It can be characterized in terms of functions, goals and adaptation; 4. It can be discussed both in terms of imperatives or as descriptives. 36 Si può notare come la caratterizzazione che abbiamo fornito della 29. N. K. Hayles, How we became posthuman: virtual bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1999. 30. C. Geertz, “Common sense as Culture”, cit. 31. A. Hatchuel and B. Weil, Experts in organizations: a knowledge-based perspective on organizational change, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 1995. 32. Graphical User Interface, le interfacce grafiche di interazione con l’utente che sin dalla seconda metà degli anni ’80 cominciavano a sostituire l’ambiente esclusivamente testuale degli elaboratori elettronici (Manovich, 2001). 33. H. A. Simon, The sciences of the artificial, (3rd ed.), MIT Press, Cambridge (MA), 1996. 34. B. Latour, We have never been modern, cit. 35. H. A. Simon, The sciences of the artificial, cit. 36. Questo criterio fa riferimento alla possibilità tipica degli oggetti naturali, sempre secondo Simon, di poter essere identificati in soli termini descrittivi, al contrario di quelli artificiali in cui comunque sarebbe presente una dimensione normativa. La terza mutazione metafisica / 157 relazione uomo-computer non rispetti esattamente i quattro criteri sopra descritti. In particolare la seconda, la terza e di conseguenza anche la quarta condizione mal si applicano agli ‘artefatti’, sempre coniati da Simon e definiti come ‘interfacce tra l’ambiente interno di un agente e quello esterno nel quale si trova il medesimo agente’, che costituiscono i luoghi, eventualmente virtuali, 37 ove si manifesta una tale relazione. Ad esempio, si pensi solamente al desktop di un normale pc: affermare che la scrivania virtuale, realizzata attraverso una GUI e connessa tramite un browser con milioni di potenziali archivi digitali, scrivanie virtuali, applicazioni per servizi web tra i più disparati (quali l’home banking, la prenotazione on-line di biglietti aerei e così via), contenuti multi-mediali e la lista potrebbe continuare a lungo, imita una scrivania naturale, significa in realtà commettere due errori vistosi; in primo luogo poiché nessuna scrivania ‘reale’ è neppure lontanamente paragonabile alla scrivania virtuale citata nell’esempio, sia per quel che riguarda la quantità di fruizione di informazioni, sia per la qualità, sia anche per i tempi e i modi. I più restii potrebbero sostenere che una scrivania virtuale siffatta assomiglia più ad un intero ufficio e su questo tono altri converrebbero di estendere ancora di più l’analogia: dunque si potrebbe facilmente affermare che una tale scrivania virtuale sarebbe analoga ad un ufficio, collegato in qualche forma (tramite tunnel sotterranei o prese d’areazione utilizzabili all’occorrenza per l’invio di documenti) 38 a numerose biblioteche, centri automatici di stampa, stazioni radiotelevisive on-demand ecc... Va da sé che una tale analogia è banalmente fuorviante. In secondo luogo poiché, anche nell’ipotesi di poter effettuare l’accostamento tra il desktop di un pc e una classica scrivania di un ufficio, quest’ultima rappresenterebbe comunque già un artefatto, che a sua volta difficilmente potrebbe essere messo in relazione analogica con oggetti naturali, se non quanto alla composizione materica. Per quanto riguarda invece il terzo criterio, sempre riferendosi all’esempio 37. A seconda dei casi, e comunque non è determinante ai nostri fini, i luoghi che rendono possibile l’instaurarsi di una relazione uomo-computer possono essere dei dispositivi fisici di input quali il mouse o la tastiera, desktop virtuali, pagine web, terminali di servizio, ecc... 38. A riguardo corre l’obbligo di rammentare i sistemi di posta pneumatica che insieme all’invenzione dell’ascensore e successivamente del telefono, diedero grande impulso, negli Stati Uniti d’America, allo sviluppo in altezza degli edifici a partire dalla seconda metà del XIX secolo in poi (F.A. Randall, History of The Development of Building Construction in Chicago, University of Illinois Press, Illinois, 1949, (2rd ed.) revised by J. D. Randall, 1990). Tuttavia, solo per fare un esempio, sarebbe alquanto difficile ipotizzare tubi sufficientemente ampi, da permettere il passaggio di tutti i volumi dell’Enciclopedia Brittanica. 158 / La terza mutazione metafisica del desktop di un normale pc, anche se è pur vero che in origine un tale ambiente virtuale è progettato secondo determinate specifiche di progetto che includono quindi obiettivi, funzioni e capacità di interazioni e adattamenti predefiniti, nel momento in cui un tale ambiente viene a contatto con l’essere umano, ecco che si vengono a creare tutta una serie di non funzioni, cioè funzioni non definite a priori, volte a perseguire nuovi obiettivi attraverso interazioni non predefinite, né predefinibili in alcun modo. Esemplificativa, a riguardo, è la relazione che si è stabilita nella primavera del 2011 tra la popolazione giovanile di alcuni stati del Nord Africa e del Medio Oriente e i due principali social network presenti sul World Wide Web: 39 nessun progettista di Twitter o Facebook avrebbe potuto mai immaginare che il loro lavoro sarebbe stato impiegato come una vera e propria ‘arma’ contro i regimi oppressivi da parte di una consistente fetta delle popolazioni, che erano stati sotto la dittatura di quei regimi per decenni. In questo senso si pensi alle nuove interazioni tra questi dispositivi e le popolazioni che hanno dato origine alla cosidetta Primavera Araba, interazioni che di volta in volta si sono plasmate in relazione alle diverse aspettative che gli utenti, o meglio, gli agenti, intrattenevano con quegli stessi dispositivi (computer, smart phones, tablet ecc...): da armi come già detto, a possibili luoghi di dibattito/scontro, da servizi di intelligence paralleli a sistemi di controllo strategico geografico e temporale, da strumento informativo che permettesse di conoscere l’atteggiamento degli stati esteri, a potente strumento di diffusione di notizie riservate verso paesi terzi, e potremmo continuare ancora. La conseguenza di tutto questo è che siffatte relazioni vengono a perdere quella sorta di obbligatorietà normativa prevista dal quarto criterio, e possono essere descritte, come abbiamo appena visto, in modo totalmente nuovo e cioè come ibridi di carattere prettamente informazionale. Con ciò intendendo, un’entità naturale e artificiale allo stesso tempo, incorporante l’impossibilità da parte degli esseri umani a dominare e purificare i risultati delle loro azioni, tramite essa esplicate, dalla aleatorietà, insicurezza, ambiguità, arbitrarietà, emotività che normalmente le affliggono e che la modernità ha sempre cercato di depurare in quanto componenti ‘naturali’ dell’essere umano, ma che in ogni caso risultano comunque contaminati da qual39. Sulla cosiddetta Primavera Araba del 2011 si può consultare l’approfondito dossier on-line a cura di Swissinfo.ch al seguente indirizzo: http://www.swissinfo.ch/ita/speciali/ primavera_araba/?cid=29392050. La terza mutazione metafisica / 159 che forma di cultura, anche solo quella del ‘senso comune’ definita da Geertz nel suo saggio ‘Il senso comune come sistema culturale’. In tale ottica si può inquadrare, se pur con le dovute distanze che appaiono comunque significative, il punto di vista che si rifà al concetto di ‘Interfaccia Culturale’ coniata da Manovich nel suo ‘Il linguaggio dei nuovi media’. 40 In particolare tale dispositivo è definito come segue: I will use the term “cultural interfaces” to describe human-computer-culture interface: the ways in which computers present and allows us to interact with cultural data. Cultural interfaces include the interfaces used by the designers of Web sites, CD-ROM and DVD titles, multimedia encyclopedias, online museums and magazines, computer games and other new media cultural objects. 41 E successivamente così precisato: The language of cultural interfaces is a hybrid. It is a strange, often awkward mix between the conventions of traditional cultural forms and the conventions of HCI — between an immersive environment and a set of controls; between standardization and originality. 42 Concetto dunque che, pur estremamente interessante, non riesce tuttavia a catturare appieno l’eredità dell’aspirazione al modernismo tipico delle società occidentali contemporanee. Questo poiché la caratterizzazione della relazione insistente tra uomo e computer, cristallizzata nel concetto di Interfaccia Culturale, è chiaramente declinata in ambito estetico e semiotico piuttosto che epistemologico e socioantropologico. E lo stesso concetto di ibrido impiegato da Manovich poco ha a che vedere con quello da noi utilizzato, mutuato da Latour e adattato ad un contesto più prettamente informazionale. Quello che infatti andiamo sostenendo è che la relazione uomo-computer è già di per sé un’enorme raccolta, organizzata e stratificata di dati culturali, mediati da atteggiamenti psicologici, culturali ed emotivi che di volta in volta variano da individuo a individuo, o addirittura mutano anche per uno stesso soggetto a seconda dei tempi e dei modi di consultazione. Il punto è che quando stabiliamo una relazione con un computer, in realtà stiamo rapportandoci con una enorme mole di sapere in parte 40. J. Manovich, The Language of New Media, MIT Press, Cambridge (MA), 2001. 41. Ibidem, pp. 80. 42. Ibidem, pp. 96. 160 / La terza mutazione metafisica naturalizzato, un sapere che potremmo definire socio-tecnologico, 43 che dobbiamo poter gestire per accedere a quella che Manovich chiama appunto ‘cultura’, e cioè tutti i più diversi tipi di contenuti digitali presenti on e off line, ovverosia un’altra enorme mole di sapere socio-tecnologico di origine, sviluppo e tipologia, molto spesso ignote. E in questo sta a nostro avviso l’aspetto caratteristico dell’aspirazione negata alla modernità: per quanti meccanismi di depurazione si possano implementare nella costruzione delle interfacce culturali deputate all’implementazione della relazione uomo-computer, tale relazione apparirà necessariamente spuria, contaminata cioè da quei caratteri non artificiali, quali l’ignoto, l’incertezza, la paura, l’ambiguità, la vaghezza e non ultimo la speranza, che costringeranno l’utente o meglio l’agente a rifugiarsi in un atteggiamento epistemologicamente debole che risulterà fondato non più sulla conoscenza, bensì sulla credenza. Il punto di vista moderno che, nell’ambito informazionale, si fondava sulla scissione del paradigma sintattico da quello semantico, 44 si è dimostrato una pura, questa sì, utopia. L’avvento dell’era informazionale ha sancito una volta per tutte come, in realtà, la depurazione della semantica dai paradigmi sintattici sia un’operazione fallimentare, e in maggiore misura proprio là dove tale depurazione appare più spinta e facilmente ottenibile, come appunto nella relazione uomo-computer. Il senso che tale relazione costantemente richiede all’attore umano produce dunque ibridi epistemologici di derivazione informazionale, fatti di sensazioni e output di programmi, credenze e bit di testimonianze indirette, e di tutta una serie di relazioni umano-digitali che danno adito a rifuggire in una dimensione trascendente che, vedremo, trova nel sacro il suo più immediato ambito di attuazione. 2. Breve introduzione al sacro I termini sacer e sanctus rivelano una comune radice indoeuropea, sak, che definiva un valore di pattuizione, indicando quindi una san43. È bene precisare che stiamo usando il termine ‘socio-tecnologico’ come sinonimo, forse più esplicativo, del termine ‘digitale’, anche se in entrambi questi lemmi viene comunque eclissata la componente ‘naturale’ a vantaggio di quella culturale sociale e tecnologica. 44. Per una interessante trattazione del paradigma sintattico, quale fondamento dello sviluppo del pensiero logico e matematico, si veda l’ottimo ‘Il computer di Platone’ di Luigi Borzacchini (L. Borzacchini, Il computer di Platone, Edizioni Dedalo, Bari, 2005). La terza mutazione metafisica / 161 zione in relazione a determinate offerte. 45 La cultura latina, nel corso del suo sviluppo, ha originato due coppie di termini antagonisti, sacer/ profanus e sanctus/sine sanctione, che rendessero efficacemente gli ambiti di applicazione del lemma originario. In particolare, con Sacer i latini intendevano tutto ciò che era collegato o dedicato agli dèi (atti, oggetti, luoghi ecc...), mentre con la parola sanctus sancivano l’ufficialità di ogni descrizione nell’ambito dell’appartenenza al sacro. A partire dal XIX secolo, si sviluppano poi tre tradizioni culturali che reinterpretano l’ambito del sacro. La prima è di origine tedesca e si rifà all’area protestante, declinando il sacro non più come descrizione di un esclusivo rapporto con un Dio, come era stato fino ad allora per le tre grandi religioni monoteiste, bensì come particolare esperienza vissuta, sempre da un punto di vista soggettivo, al cospetto di una totalità misteriosa, quale ad esempio la natura o l’arte. A questa tradizione è ascrivibile, ad esempio, il rapporto tra il movimento romantico e l’ambito del sacro. La seconda tradizione invece nasce in Francia, da Rousseau in poi, evolvendosi con il positivismo attraverso il pensiero di Saint-Simon e Comte, e vede nel sacro l’ambito privilegiato di consistenza delle forze di integrazione e coesione sociale che presiedono alla nascita e allo sviluppo delle società: in tal senso il sacro è ciò che spinge l’individuo all’azione, e costituisce il fondamento del suo legame sociale. 46 Infine, sulla base della nascente antropologia culturale, si sviluppa nell’Inghilterra vittoriana, mediata dalla tradizione francese, un’interpretazione del sacro che ne cambierà alla fine radicalmente lo statuto ontologico: da proprietà caratteristica di tutto ciò che è in qualche relazione con il divino, a sostanza trascendente e fondante di ogni religione; da potenza straordinaria di un Dio che si manifesta nella natura, cioè energia caricata di un’emanazione divina, accostarsi alla quale può risultare fatale, come ad esempio con l’elettricità, 47 a emanazione di potere ed eccellenza umana quale quella tipica del mana o del tapu polinesiani. 48 Infine, seguendo l’interpretazione di Durkheim (Durkheim, 1912) e della scuola sociologica francese, sviluppata in particolare dai suoi al- 45. G. Filoramo, Che cos’è la religione, Einaudi, Torino, 2004. 46. Ibidem. 47. È Robertson Smith, pastore della Chiesa presbiteriana scozzese, che in particolare utilizza la metafora dell’elettricità come metafora dell’energia divina che può donare la vita o la morte a seconda che si rispettino le prescrizioni fondanti per il suo uso. In G. Filoramo, Che cos’è la religione, op. cit, pp. 92. 48. G. Filoramo, Che cos’è la religione, cit., pp. 93. 162 / La terza mutazione metafisica lievi Hubert e Mauss, 49 sulla base della tradizione francese ma anche degli studi di ‘Comparative Religion’ e antropologia culturale, il sacro viene a possedere un carattere di universalità, assolutezza e irriducibilità (Filoramo, 2004) che ne fanno un elemento di ordinamento del reale. Esso è considerato, in quanto fatto sociale, indivisibile e contagioso. La dicotomia sacro/profano viene così a interpretare quella tra società e individuo, e consente di depurare dal sacro quegli aspetti individualistici e utilitaristici tipici invece della tradizione tedesca. Se dunque il sacro è un qualcosa di culturale e sociale, ne deriva che può essere ben rappresentato da qualsivoglia oggetto/luogo che ne incorpori la determinazione, ma è anche vero che tale determinazione si evolverà con l’evolversi della società. Su questa linea di pensiero si inserirà successivamente l’elaborazione di Callois e del Collegio di Sociologia 50 che vedrà nel sacro, a dispetto della crisi in cui versavano gli istituti che lo ‘amministravano’ un po’ ovunque, e cioè le chiese o confessioni, una componente fondamentale del rinnovamento sociale, una sorta di “inconscio sociale”, se pur antitetico alla coscienza sociale di Durkheim. In particolare come scrive giustamente Filoramo: [...] il nucleo centrale della nozione del sacro propria del Collegio è la sua ambiguità o ambivalenza, e cioè il suo essere insieme puro e impuro. Mentre il suo lato “destro”, positivo, lo connette all’ordine sociale, in quanto garante delle regole e delle interdizioni, il suo lato “sinistro”, negativo, lo lega al sovvertimento e alla trasgressione, alla logica parossistica e orgiastica del dispendio improduttivo. 51 Culmine di questa concezione sarà il testo ‘L’homme et le sacré’ di Callois 52 in cui, da una parte il sacro viene visto come potenza e forza indivisibile, onnipresente, pericolosa, efficace ecc..., e dall’altra viene contrapposto, dialetticamente, al profano, quale dimensione di sua degradazione, che al contempo ne permetta anche la creazione, il mantenimento e il mutamento. Per chiudere questa breve introduzione al sacro, dobbiamo anche aggiungere che già nel 1977 il sociologo David Bell, nel British Journal of Sociology, si chiedeva se stessimo assistendo 49. H. Hubert und M. Mauss, Mélanges d’histoire des religions, Félix Alcan, Paris, 1909. Mauss addirittura si spingerà oltre ed arriverà a definire la religione come “l’administration du sacré” (M. Mauss, “Les fonctions sociales du sacré”, in Oeuvres, Vol. 1, Minuit, Paris, 1968). 50. D. Hollier, Le Collège de Sociologie (1937-1939), ed., Gallimard, Paris, 1979. 51. G. Filoramo, Che cos’è la religione, cit. pp. 103. 52. R. Caillois, L’homme et le sacré, Gallimard, Paris, 1963. La terza mutazione metafisica / 163 ad un ritorno del sacro, 53 dopo il processo di secolarizzazione tipico delle società industriali. In generale, le risposte a questa domanda sono state positive. Chi ha sostenuto che il sacro, in quanto aspetto fondante del sociale, non fosse mai sparito ma semplicemente si fosse nascosto, eclissato, o trasformato, come ad esempio Ferrarotti; 54 chi invece andava affermando che il sacro si stesse addirittura rafforzando nella sua rilevanza sociale, in quanto garante di un determinato ordine del mondo e di valori rassicuranti e, al contempo, armonizzanti con la natura e l’universo, valori che lo sviluppo industriale e tecnologico stava profondamente minando. 55 In ogni caso usando le parole dell’insigne storico delle religioni Giovanni Filoramo: L’attuale disseminazione del sacro negli interstizi più diversi della società – in quel quotidiano che pareva essere stato completamente dissacrato dalle moderne discipline del sospetto come la psicoanalisi, ma anche in quelle sfere dell’agire sociale, come la politica e la scienza, che parevano essere diventate le più profane e, dunque, le più immuni dal contagio di questo virus particolare – per un verso è certo figlia del tempo: la pervasività del sacro, la sua capacità di metamorfosi, quel suo aspetto a prima vista parassitario che lo porta a vivere alle spalle dei fenomeni più diversi, ricordano la cultura del simulacro e del bricolage tipica del postmoderno. Per un altro verso, però, se la categoria del sacro è ritornata ad essere centrale nelle Scienze delle religioni è anche perché, in una società secolarizzata, il sacro costituisce una delle modalità possibili per dare ordine e coerenza ai significati socialmente condivisi: individui e comunità, infatti, che non si ritrovano più a condividere valori comuni, per dare senso alla loro esistenza, conferiscono a oggetti e simboli un valore assoluto, consacrandoli e, con ciò stesso, separandoli e assolutizzandoli. 56 Per quanto finora detto possiamo a grandi linee individuare due tendenze di fondo nell’esplicazione del sacro: la prima si rifà ad una visione individualista, in cui il sacro è declinato come rapporto del soggetto con fenomeni apparentemente inspiegabili, non gestibili e per certi versi incomprensibili, ma che in ogni caso instillano nel soggetto un senso di meraviglia, stupore, paura e insicurezza che si risolve in un anelito intellettuale ed emotivo verso una dimensione trascendente che possa fungere da conforto, che possa rassicurare e confermare l’individuo nella bontà o conformità del proprio atteggiamento nei confronti della propria esperienza. Dall’altro il sacro è considerato un mero fatto sociale: da collante e motivo ordinatore della comunità, a 53. D. Bell, “The Return of the Sacred?”, British Journal of Sociology, 28, pp. 419-449. 54. F. Ferrarotti, Il paradosso del sacro, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 1983. 55. J. Ellul, Les nouveaux possédés, Fayard, Paris, 1973. 56. G. Filoramo, Che cos’è la religione, cit., pp. 110. 164 / La terza mutazione metafisica fondamento di uno dei fenomeni sociali per eccellenza: la religione. In ciò risiede per certi versi il fondamento della morale e di buona parte delle regole sociali che disciplinano la collettività: il sacro, in questo caso, garantisce l’esistenza della società radicando le norme fondamentali comunitarie in una relazione di esclusività con il trascendente. In entrambe le accezioni considerate si vengono poi a creare determinati comportamenti formalizzati attraverso una precisa codifica simbolica ed esclusiva, denominati riti, che garantiscono l’accesso al sacro per i più disparati motivi: commemorazione, investitura, prevenzione da accadimenti negativi, evocazione ecc... Non indagheremo oltre il concetto di rito, che di per sé richiederebbe una trattazione a parte. Ai nostri fini sarà sufficiente identificarlo quale processo caratteristico di instanziazione, consumazione e riproduzione del rapporto tra individuo/società e sacro. 3. Il processo di comunicazione uomo-computer da un punto di vista culturale Come giustamente suggerisce Carey in ‘Communication as Culture’, 57 sulla base dei suoi studi su Dewey, un processo di comunicazione sorge per rispondere a bisogni che possono appartenere, a seconda dei casi, ad una visione rituale o trasmissiva dell’utilizzo di informazioni, intendendo così esplicitare i due modi principali per i quali gli essere umani sono portati a condividere messaggi, frammenti di esperienza, sensazioni, istruzioni ecc... La prima attiene alla sfera della formazione sociale e religiosa delle comunità e giustifica, sempre secondo Carey, la radice comune di termini quali ‘comunicazione’, ‘comunità’, ‘comunione’ ecc...; la seconda invece riguarda la funzione di trasmettere messaggi nello spazio esclusivamente a fini di controllo e regolazione di individui, gruppi di persone, società nel loro complesso, o per dirla con le parole dello stesso Carey: If the archetypal case of communication under trasmission view is the extension of messages across geography for the purpose of control, the archetypal al case under ritual view is the sacred ceremony that draws persons together in fellowship and commonality. 58 57. J. W. Carey, “A Cultural Approach to Communication”, cit. 58. Ibidem, pp. 15. La terza mutazione metafisica / 165 In modo epistemologicamente più corretto, possiamo anche dire che la Ritual View attiene al dominio della conoscenza sociale, ovverosia prevede che i processi comunicativi avvengano, [...] not in the trasmission of intelligent information but in the construction and maintenance of an ordered, meaningful cultural world that can serve as a control and container for human action. 59 Al contrario la Trasmission View, sempre secondo Carey, attiene alla pura trasmissione di informazioni e pertanto ricade nello statuto classico del paradigma comunicazionale dove, solitamente, un mittente invia una stringa di simboli opportunamente codificata, attraverso una canale di trasmissione, ad un destinatario che poi opportunatamente la interpreta, cioè la decodifica in modo da conoscere il contenuto del messaggio originale. Questa seconda chiave ermeneutica si rifà ovviamente agli studi di Teoria della Comunicazione di Shannon e Weaver, 60 e costituisce di fatto la modalità più immediata alla quale attinge non solo il senso comune, ma anche qualunque disciplina scientifica che si occupi di Comunicazione propriamente detta. La distinzione descritta da Carey e da lui utilizzata principalmente nello studio storico dello sviluppo del telegrafo negli Stati Uniti d’America, si rivela ai nostri fini estremamente utile nel momento in cui andiamo a declinarla nei confronti della relazione uomo-macchina, relazione che come abbiamo già detto, ed è bene ribadire, è fondamentalmente una relazione di comunicazione. 61 A tal fine si riportano nella Tabella 1 (Tab. 1) le caratteristiche salienti dei due differenti approcci, da noi estrapolati sulla base dell’analisi di Carey nel suo magistrale ‘A Cultural Approach to Communication’, opportunamente sistematizzate e rielaborate al fine di delineare uno schema teorico da poter successivamente utilizzare in modo comparativo nei confronti della relazione uomo-computer. È opportuno però precisare, come del resto fa anche Carey, che un processo di comunicazione potrà essere esaminato secondo i due differenti approcci, in modo tale da ricavarne sempre elementi di analisi utili ad una sua valutazione complessiva. In altre parole, in un qualunque 59. Ibidem, pp. 15. 60. C. E. Shannon and W. Weaver, The Mathematical Theory of Communication, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1949. Foreword by Richard E. Blahut and Bruce Hajek; reprinted in 1998. 61. D. Müller et al., “Communication without sender or receiver? On virtualisation in the information process.”, Poiesis Prax, 5, 2008, pp. 185-192. 166 / La terza mutazione metafisica processo siffatto coesisteranno molto spesso caratteristiche evidenziabili da entrambi gli approcci, anche se probabilmente, uno dei due, di volta in volta, avrà un maggiore potere esplicativo rispetto all’altro. Inoltre è bene subito dire che se pur originariamente concepita secondo un’ottica di TW, la HCR si è evoluta con l’evoluzione dei dispositivi hardware e software che servivano a implementarla. Ma si è evoluta anche, e non poco, con l’evoluzione 62 dell’atteggiamento culturale delle società occidentali, spesso acquisendo caratteristiche che, come vedremo, meglio si possono spiegare tramite un approccio RW. Tutto ciò premesso, possiamo rivolgerci immediatamente all’analisi della relazione uomo-computer. 63 Le prime HCR, fondate sulle interfacce testuali, restituivano una rappresentazione della realtà molto poco descrittiva e in gran parte normativa. Tramite i computer si potevano descrivere alcuni processi che erano rigidamente configurati per consentire limitate rappresentazioni, vietando tutte le altre. La realtà filtrata da un elaboratore digitale era semplicemente una sequenza di stringhe, espresse in formati predefiniti, che vincolavano l’essere umano entro i rigidi confini delle etichette. Agli albori dell’informatica, tutto o quasi era etichetta. Con l’introduzione degli ambienti grafici, la possibilità descrittiva della HRC si è ampliata enormemente, e nello stesso istante molti vincoli normativi sono caduti. Ma solamente con lo sviluppo di Internet si è avuta una rappresentabilità, virtualmente senza limiti, della HRC: pagine web, email, video, immagini, testo scritto, linkati insieme hanno dato origine ad una molteplicità rappresentazionale che addirittura ha superato i vincoli di ciascuna modalità, creando descrizioni della realtà molto più veridiche di qualunque altro dispositivo l’uomo avesse mai implementato. Si pensi solamente alla HCR fornita da Google Map: l’agente ha la possibilità di interagire dentro una mappa tridimensionale fotografica sfruttando punti di osservazione che difficilmente potrebbe sperimentare nella pratica. Il potere rappresentativo di una simile HRC consolida il paradigma della Ritual View: l’interazione uomo-computer diventa funzionale al consolidamento di una visione del mondo che serva da contenitore alla possibilità di esplora62. Il termine evoluzione è usato come sinonimo di ‘cambiamento’, e dunque senza alcun riferimento a valutazioni di carattere morale o sociale. 63. D’ora innanzi, per brevità di esposizione, indicheremo con l’acronimo inglese in maiuscolo HCR la relazione uomo-computer e con le sigle sempre in inglese RW e TW, gli approcci rispettivamente di Ritual View e Trasmission View. La terza mutazione metafisica / 167 Tab. 1: Ritual View and Trasmission View in a communication process. Dimensioni di Analisi del Processo di Comunicazione Tipo di Rappresentazione della Realtà Dimensione Spaziale Dimensione Temporale Obiettivo del Processo di Comunicazione Ritual View Descrittiva Transmission View Descrittiva/Normativa Tendezialmente Chiusa, Locale ad un determinato sistema. Storica Mantenimento di una comunità nel tempo Aperta. Multi e Transsistemica. Globale. Contingente Trasmissione di messaggi ai fini di regolazione e controllo Atteggiamento Culturale Religioso, Sacro Antropologico: scambio di conoscenza (Esplorazioni, Espansioni, ecc...), Profano Modalità di Interazione Narrazione, Dramma, Rito Message Oriented/ Computazionale (Macchina Universale di Turing) Information Output del Processo di Confirmation (Rappresen(Rappresentazione Comunicazione tazione di un determinato di messaggi) ordinamento sociale) Tipo di partecipazione al Immedesimazione Valutativo, Selettivo Processo di Comunicazione in un Ruolo Sociale Ambito Epistemologico Credenza Conoscenza zione umana. In tal senso vanno anche i dispositivi GPS, i rendering architettonici con i quali l’agente entra in contatto non appena si porta su un sito dedicato, o per cambiare ambito, i portali di news, dove viene messa in atto un paradigma rappresentativo tendente alla più ampia descrizione possibile, multi-contestuale, multi-mediale e multimodale della realtà. In questo senso la descrizione della realtà fornita da una HCR mira alla rappresentazione di un determinato ordine del mondo: ciascuna singola interfaccia deputata all’implementazione di una HCR crea un preordinato sistema in cui l’agente possa operare, in base alle preferenze dello stesso, e al suo modo di agire. La chiave di questi sistemi di interazione è da ricercare in alcuni concetti base incorporati nella HRC, che permettono la creazione di rappresentazioni conformi ad una certa visione ridotta e contestuale del sistema sociale di riferimento. Per usare le parole di Durkheim, che l’autore riferiva alla società nel suo complesso, ma che nel nostro caso ben si adattano alle HCR: 168 / La terza mutazione metafisica [...] society substitutes for the world revealed to our senses a different world that is a projection of the ideals created by the community. 64 Tali concetti sono quelli di personalizzazione, semplicità, contestualità, coinvolgimento e memoria. Grazie all’implementazione sotto varie forme di queste caratteristiche, l’agente si ritrova, tramite le HCR, in un sistema liberamente preordinato, che delega al medesimo agente un predefinito ruolo all’interno di un ordine socio-digitale, che si modifica di volta in volta, in base allo storico delle proprie interazioni. Quando, ad esempio, interagiamo con un portale di acquisti on-line, il sistema di riferimento è il supermercato, e il ruolo dell’agente è esclusivamente quello del consumatore. La HCR consente, e non a caso, di ricordare i propri acquisti, in virtù unicamente di essere utenti loggati e non anonimi. L’individuo quindi che si identifica, ritrova il patrimonio delle proprie informazioni, preordinate e pronte ad essere riutilizzate al meglio. La dimensione temporale del rito diviene evidente: l’identità digitale del singolo acquirente è conservata con il duplice scopo di fidelizzarlo e di consentirgli un riconoscimento basato sui ricordi personali. D’altra parte quando acquistiamo un libro su Amazon, l’interfaccia ci mette in condizione di poter acquistare altri libri attinenti, in base alle preferenze espresse da agenti che hanno compiuto lo stesso acquisto, a significare la nostra appartenenza ad un determinato gruppo di persone con analoghi gusti o necessità in merito di lettura. Di notevole interesse poi, sono gli store multi-mediali quali Itunes di Apple Inc. In questo caso l’HCR, davvero spartana, permette all’utente, con un semplice click del mouse o del touchpad, di acquistare qualunque contenuto disponibile sul portale, senza preoccuparsi di account, modi di pagamento, condizioni e modalità di consegna, reperimento del prodotto ecc... La contropartita è che l’agente si trova in un sistema chiuso: la musica scaricata da Itunes, protetta con il sistema FairPlay, è riproducibile solamente su lettori Apple, e cioè computer, cellulari o dispositivi mobile sempre di marchio Apple, ma non può essere utilizzata altrove. 65 Il rituale della scelta in questo caso viene compiuto in una comunità ben definita, chiusa all’esterno, che in ogni istante conferma l’agente nella sua appartenenza. 64. E. Durkheim, Sociology and Philosophy, Free Press, New York, 1953, pp. 95. 65. In realtà la musica scaricata da Itunes, può essere riprodotta sotto opportune condizioni, e dopo numerose cause per anti-trust alla Apple, anche su altri dispositivi, se pure con determinate limitazioni. Quello che a noi preme sottolineare, è che il sistema in origine, era stato concepito con la finalità che abbiamo descritto. La terza mutazione metafisica / 169 Di particolare interesse risulta anche esaminare la modalità d’interazione di una HCR. A riguardo si è passati da sistemi di interazione con gli elaboratori esclusivamente Message Oriented/Computazionali, sintetizzati nell’interfaccia a riga di comando, la famosa Human Computer Interface o HCI testuale, che ha dominato la scena informatica fino alla metà circa degli anni ‘80, o addirittura fino ai primi anni ‘90 in particolari ambiti lavorativi quali quelli delle banche, a sistemi misti, Narrativi e Message Oriented/Computazionali, che incorporavano nella HCR delle GUI articolate con cui l’essere umano potesse familiarizzare, senza avere timore di sbagliare comando o di non riuscire a impartirne neppure uno. Sono questi i dispositivi caratterizzati da sistemi operativi grafici, come ad esempio il MAC OS di Apple, o Windows di Microsoft nei quali, pur risultando disponibile un discreto livello narrativo, è comunque ancora ben presente un aspetto Message Oriented/Computazionale che spesso costringe la relazione HCR entro i rigidi termini delle istruzioni a riga di comando. 66 È solamente con la seconda metà degli anni ’90, che vede la crescita esponenziale di Internet e del World Wide Web in particolare, che la relazione HCR diventa non solo quasi esclusivamente narrativa, 67 ma ne travalica i limiti, spesso sconfinando in una modalità tipicamente drammaturgica che rivela sorprendenti analogie con veri e propri riti, cioè atti consumati nell’ambito del sacro. Per fare un esempio si consideri la modalità di accesso al principale social network oggi esistente: Facebook. Ebbene l’utente, non appena riesce a loggarsi, processo questo che in ogni caso può essere automatizzato in varie forme, leggi reso implicito, si trova ad operare in una pagine web multi-mediale dove sono in atto nello stesso istante numerose rappresentazioni, cioè drammaturgie e narrazioni, ad opera dei soggetti ‘amici’ dell’utente che si è appena loggato. Alcuni commenteranno qualche notizia che li ha particolarmente colpiti, enfatizzando il loro punto di vista e tendendo sempre a rafforzare la loro ‘originale’ interpretazione della realtà, altri racconteranno, sem66. Cosa questa più vera per i sistemi Windows che per quelli Mac, anche se, per numerose operazioni di configurazione e acquisizione delle informazioni, anche sui primi Mac, era necessario interagire in modalità a riga di comando (e lo è per certe cose, necessario tutt’oggi). 67. Con ciò intendiamo dire che ovviamente, in una qualunque HCR, sarà sempre presente in una certa misura, una modalità di interazione tipica dell’approccio TW, cioè Message Oriented, ma che tale modalità, negli odierni sistemi digitali è trascurabile se non per compiti o agenti altamente competenti e specializzati, quali gli amminastratori di sistema, i programmatori o gli hackers. 170 / La terza mutazione metafisica pre in modo multi-mediale, il proprio vissuto cercando di instillare o comunque causando implicitamente commozione, commiserazione, curiosità, fastidio, gelosia, apprezzamento ecc... in tutti coloro che vedranno o ascolteranno il loro racconto; altri ancora rilasceranno notizie più o meno originali assurgendo al ruolo di vere e proprie agenzia di stampa, cercando però sempre al contempo feedback al proprio lavoro non remunerato; molti cercheranno di coinvolgere più utenti possibili in iniziative e progetti più o meno orientati al business nei quali sono impegnati al momento, e potremmo continuare a lungo. In tutto questo, il nostro utente iniziale che si è appena loggato, comincia ad interagire con un’interfaccia virtuale, costituita dal dispositivo fisico con cui si è connesso ad Internet e dalla pagina web del Social Network, che lo catapulta in una modalità di relazione tipicamente narrativa, dove il classico paradigma Message Oriented/Computazionale non serve più a molto: quello che invece è fondamentale è la capacità da parte dell’utente di essere al contempo spettatore e attore dello spettacolo in atto. Ecco dunque che egli può improvvisarsi Amleto e dichiarare che c’è del marcio in Danimarca, oppure può confessare le proprie emozioni ad un pubblico di altri utenti attraverso la pubblicazione di video, audio e testo scritto che tutto insieme fornisca una rappresentazione adeguata del proprio status psico-emotivo. Il punto è che in realtà l’agente sta in ogni caso interagendo con una macchina, un Server Web, in questo caso, che a parte sessioni di chat-on line, non garantisce in alcun modo che la pagina web sia consultata in tempo reale 68, né che i suoi contenuti sia visionati o saranno visionati in futuro. Quello che però spinge il nostro agente ad interagire come se in realtà queste due cose accadessero è una sorta di fiducia, accompagnata da una buona dose di speranza, che in realtà quella pagina web sia una vero e proprio luogo/momento reale di condivisione emotiva e di scambio di informazioni, anzi in molti casi accade che il nostro agente riconoscerà quella pagina web come uno dei pochi (se non il solo) luoghi/ momenti in cui poter provare una simile esperienza. Tutto questo ri68. Facebook, se opportunamente configurato, può dare solo indicazione se la connessione di un utente è attiva, ma questo ovviamente non garantisce in alcun modo che l’utente stesso stia visionando i contenuti on-time: a causa del multitasking che ormai quasi tutte le piattaforme permettono, un utente potrebbe aver lasciato aperta la connessione e tuttavia essere impegnato in altre attività o addirittura non essere neppure più davanti al terminale di collegamento. La cosa è applicabile anche ai dispositivi di tipo mobile, in cui in ogni caso un utente potrebbe lasciare una connessione aperta senza accorgesene o comunque mentre non sta affatto consultando il proprio dispositivo. La terza mutazione metafisica / 171 suona potentemente con il concetto di Simulacro, così come teorizzato da Baudrillard, 69 con la radicale differenza, a nostro avviso, che ciò che l’agente sta sperimentando non è pura finzione, né tantomeno illusione racchiusa in un oggetto, bensì un’esperienza ibrida, fatta di credenze e conoscenze, di emozioni e stringhe di dati, in cui consuma un vero e proprio rito di investitura, consolidamento e rinnovamento del proprio ruolo sociale all’interno della comunità reale di riferimento. In tale accezione, la HCR diventa un dispositivo privilegiato di accesso ad una dimensione del sacro in ottica sociale (cfr. §2), che tuttavia non esaurisce tale ambito. Per capirlo è sufficiente esaminare l’accesso ad un motore di ricerca sul Web. Il punto di vista qui è radicalmente opposto e la dimensione narrativa/drammaturgica sembra davvero non riscontrabile, in quanto l’utente si limita a digitare una stringa di testo in una casella predefinita a tale scopo, inviando successivamente la richiesta al Server Web che gestisce il motore. Ma non è così. Un primo indizio su quello che stiamo affermando si può riscontrare dalla presenza del bottone ‘I’m feeling lucky’, sul portale del motore Google. Tale bottone, premuto dopo aver indicato una chiave testuale nell’apposito campo, produce un unico risultato che dovrebbe essere attinente con quanto andavamo cercando e che corrisponde al primo risultato selezionato dal motore in una normale ricerca. Il punto è che utilizzando tale bottone, Google non visualizza nessuna alternativa e rimanda direttamente al primo sito trovato. L’utente che utilizza il bottone ha un duplice vantaggio: in primo luogo non è costretto a sfogliare centinaia di migliaia di potenziali risultati e in secondo luogo, non ricevendo alcuna pagina di selezione, non viene bersagliato da pubblicità contestuale che potrebbe essere fonte di distrazione. Ma tale bottone è scarsamente utilizzato: meno dell’1% delle ricerche, che in ogni caso si stima facciano perdere all’azienda oltre 100 milioni di dollari l’anno di mancati introiti pubblicitari. Meno dell’1% delle ricerche significa comunque qualche miliardo di ricerche l’anno, che vengono condotte con la ‘speranza’ che il motore, sulla base di una chiave testuale indicata, estragga il risultato giusto al primo tentativo, magari con un po’ di fortuna. Speranza o fortuna che del resto è alla base della giustificazione addotta dai vertici dell’azienda, in un’intervista a marketplace. Per dirla con le parole di Marisa Meyer, vicepresidente allo sviluppo nuovi prodotti: 69. J. Baudrillard Le Système des Objets, Gallimard, Paris, 1968. 172 / La terza mutazione metafisica [...] Mayer: You know Larry and Sergey had the view, and I certainly share it, that it’s possible just to become too dry, too corporate, too much about making money. And you know what I think is really delightful about Google and about the “I’m Feeling Lucky,” is that they remind you that the people here have personality and that they have interests and that there is real people. 70 Google è quindi disposto a tollerare una perdita simile per ricordare ai propri utenti che stanno interagendo con un dispositivo fatto dagli uomini e per gli uomini. A riprova viene utilizzato il fattore fortuna: insomma l’idea è quella di far passare il messaggio che al primo colpo, se si è fortunati – e gli esseri umani a volte lo sono – potremmo davvero trovare il risultato giusto. La cosa a nostro avviso imbarazzante è che in ogni caso miliardi di ricerche ogni anno sono condotte con una simile irrazionale speranza dietro cui non può che nascondersi un atteggiamento fideistico che ripone un’incondizionata fiducia nelle capacità del motore di ricerca, indipendentemente dal contesto in cui si potrebbe operare. Un tale approccio comunque caratterizza anche le normali ricerche effettuate su qualunque altro motore. È questo il secondo indizio per affermare che anche dietro a quella che può sembrare una normale interazione Message Oriented/Computazionale, si nasconde in realtà una modalità rituale che sconfina nell’ambito del sacro. A riguardo si pensi che per una singola chiave digitata, i risultati che normalmente escono fuori assommano a diverse decine di migliaia se non milioni. Dinanzi ad una simile quantità di potenziali sorgenti da consultare, cioè dinanzi ad una moltitudine informazionale che spesso si rivela di origine, contenuto e modalità ignote, la HCR dovrebbe capitolare: la vita umana sarebbe troppo breve anche solo per esaurire i risultati di una sola ricerca. Per sfuggire a questo apparente paradosso, ecco che da una parte la HCR mette a disposizione alcuni utili strumenti, quali ad esempio il famoso PageRank di Google o algoritmi analoghi per gli altri motori di ricerca, che tentano di restringere i risultati, o meglio visualizzano prima i risultati considerati più affidabili, 71 e dall’altra l’agente si trova a dover operare, in modo 70. http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2007/11/19/face_of_google/. 71. Sarebbe da valutare, cosa che sarà svolta in altra sede e costituirà una degli sviluppi futuri al lavoro, anche il concetto di ‘rilevanza’ così come estrapolato dai motori di ricerca sulla base degli algoritmi di selezione che ne costituiscono la base operazionale. In questa sede ci basti sapere che tali algoritmi si fondano, sempre e comunque, su indicatori epistemologicamente deboli, cioè il cui ambito epistemologico ricade nel dominio della credenza o della testimonianza (si veda: N. Vassallo, Per sentito dire, Feltrinelli, Milano, La terza mutazione metafisica / 173 continuativo, una scelta sulla base della propria cultura e della propria condizione psico-emotiva. Scelta che da un punto di vista meramente probabilistico sconfina nell’estrazione casuale equiprobabile ma che tuttavia viene compiuta, spesso inconsciamente, come se fosse il risultato certo di una valutazione razionale. Già solo questo sarebbe sufficiente a identificare, nell’atteggiamento dell’agente, una forte componente appartenente all’ambito del sacro. Potremmo infatti affermare che l’agente, di fronte alla sconfinata potenzialità informativa del web, che lo mina nel profondo delle proprie certezze e lo lascia stordito ed estasiato, se non addirittura intimorito, reagisce con una sorta di investitura mistica nella HCR: l’unione ibrida della cultura dell’agente, del suo stato psico-emotivo e dei dispositivi software utilizzati per la selezione, creano di fatto un atteggiamento di pseudo-razionalità, con cui l’agente riesce a finalizzare la ricerca. Tale atteggiamento, davanti ad una totalità stupefacente e apparentemente non gestibile, è perlappunto?? una delle due modalità di manifestazioni del sacro che abbiamo indicato nel paragrafo precedente (cfr. §2) e costringe l’agente a rifugiarsi nel dominio epistemologicamente più debole della credenza, anziché in quello della conoscenza. In definitiva la HCR, se pure fenomenicamente ancora Message Oriented/Computational, diventa luogo/momento di esplicitazione di un rito che contempla numerose e differenti narrazioni/drammaturgie, instaurantisi indipendentemente dalla volontà dell’agente e dalla logica di programmazione degli algoritmi di selezione. La rilevanza di un certo risultato diventa così vera e propria epifania o meglio ierofania, che investe non solamente lo spazio della ricerca ma anche l’agire dell’essere umano, che si trova così coinvolto in una dimensione informazionale dove l’atto dell’interpretazione diventa compito fondativo per la costruzione di una propria ontologia epistemica in continua evoluzione. 4. La terza mutazione metafisica: l’era informazionale Secondo Castells l’avvento dell’era informazionale ha ridefinito le basi materiali dell’intera società. Come l’insigne sociologo precisa: 2011). D’altra parte non sottolineremo oltre che i risultati di un motore di ricerca spesso – sarebbe curioso investigare la porta? di questo avverbio – riescono a soddisfare le richieste. 174 / La terza mutazione metafisica Verso la fine del II millennio dell’era cristiana numerosi eventi di portata storica trasformarono il panorama sociale della vita umana. Una rivoluzione tecnologica, incentrata sulle tecnologie dell’informazione, cominciò a ridefinire, a rapidi passi, la base materiale della società. Le economie di tutto il mondo diventarono globalmente interdipendenti, introducendo un nuovo tipo di relazione tra economia, stato e società, in un sistema a geometria variabile. 72 E ancora: [...] In un mondo di flussi globali di ricchezza, di potere e di immagini, la ricerca dell’identità, collettiva o individuale, conferita o costruita, diviene la fonte essenziale di senso sociale. 73 [...] Disorientati dalle dimensioni e dalla portata del mutamento storico, la cultura e il pensiero del nostro tempo spesso abbracciano un nuovo millenarismo. Profeti della tecnologia esaltano la nuova era, applicando impropriamente a tendenza e organizzazioni sociali la logica a malapena compresa di computer e DNA. La teoria e la cultura postemoderne si lasciano andare a celebrazioni della fine della storia e, in parte, della fine della ragione, considerando persa la nostra capacità di comprendere e trovare un senso, persino nell’assurdità. L’assunto implicito è l’accettazione della completa individualizzazione del comportamento e dell’impotenza della società di fronte al proprio destino. 74 Fulcro di questo radicale cambiamento sono stati, e sono tutt’ora, il computer e lo sviluppo delle reti digitali, in particolar modo di Internet. La relazione uomo-computer diventa così il luogo/momento per eccellenza dove si manifesta l’interazione tra individuo e società: il computer in tale accezione assurge a termine medio di raffronto tra il singolo e la comunità, e incorpora caratteristiche volte alla realizzazione del processo di comunicazione tra di esse. Questa triade uomo, computer e società è alla base della rivoluzione informazionale e ridefinisce il senso di numerosi dispositivi ermeutici di carattere psicologico e sociale. L’interazione tra uomo-macchina e società è ciò che in realta sta cambiando il volto della civiltà umana, e non la macchina ‘computer’ di per sé, o l’utilizzo che ne viene fatto dagli individui o dalle diverse strutture organizzate socialmente. Lo studio dello sviluppo dell’era informazionale è insomma il luogo privilegiato di analisi di una mutua costruzione della società e della tecnologia, ovverosia della 72. M. Castells, The Rise of the Network Society, cit., pp. 1. 73. Ibidem, pp. 3. 74. Ibidem, cit., pp. 4. La terza mutazione metafisica / 175 co-costruzione 75 delle dinamiche instaurantisi tra agenti/utilizzatori di una determinata tecnologia e la tecnologia medesima. La società in rete, o informazionale che dir si voglia, 76 ha portato alla ribalta quella ‘cosa’ che già Wiener agli inizi degli anni ’50 aveva distinto dai due stati ordinari dell’esistente, materia ed energia, 77 e cioè l’informazione. Sostanza sfuggente, bisognosa di potenti strumenti interpretativi, ma anche mera quantità matematica tendente a rappresentare il disordine di un sistema (in modo analogo all’entropia). L’informazione permea ogni interstizio della società, ma soprattutto si sposta velocemente e genera enormi flussi di dati che ogni giorno, spesso in modo nascosto, bombardano i nostri sensi e il nostro cervello. Se Cartesio nel Seicento era arrivato al ‘Cogito ergo sum’, oggi potremmo ben dire di essere alla soglia del ‘Sono informato dunque sono’. La portata di questo fenomeno è enorme ed è sotto gli occhi di tutti: non importa elencare i singoli ambiti applicativi delle tecnologie dell’informazione. La nostra vita si sta trasformando in un continuo processo di selezione di informazioni, con l’unico criterio che abbiamo a disposizione: la razionalità o logica che dir si voglia. Questo però non è stato sufficiente a produrre quegli effetti benefici che già McLuhan si augurava negli anni ’60: The computer, in short, promises by technology a Pentecostal condition of universal understanding and unity: 78 E non lo è stato, a nostro avviso, proprio perché si è cercato nella relazione con una macchina ormai divenuta indispensabile quel riscatto alla limitatezza umana che quella stessa macchina ci sbatteva in faccia quasi ogni minuto della nostra esistenza. Limitatezza che ha portato, sempre secondo noi, l’interazione uomo-computer a sconfinare, secondo certe caratteritiche che abbiamo evidenziato nel paragrafo precedente, nell’ambito del sacro. In altre parole, proprio perché il computer non è stato capace di garantire quella pentecostale condizione di com75. N. Oudshoorn and T. Pinch, How Users Matter, eds., MIT Press, Cambridge (MA), 2003. 76. Sebbene noi preferiamo usare il termine ‘informazionale’, in accordo con Castells (M. Castells, The Rise of the Network Society, cit.) è chiaro che l’avvento dell’era informazionale di fatto corrisponde alla nascita della società in rete. Tuttavia, a nostro avviso, esempi di società in rete, se pure con caratteristiche assai diverse, si sono avuti numerose volte nel corso della storia: basta solo interdersi su quali dispositivi sociali concentrare l’attenzione al fine di rilevare le caratteristiche tipiche di una rete. 77. N. Wiener, “Cybernetics in History” in The human use of human beings: Cybernetics and society, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1954. 78. Citato da J.W. Carey and J. J. Quirk, “ The Mythos of the Electronic Revolution”, cit. 176 / La terza mutazione metafisica prensione e unità universali, l’individuo si è rifugiato in un atteggiamento mistico a difesa della propria limitatezza e soprattutto a difesa della limitatezza della produzione di certezze nella sua relazione con il computer. I paradigmi dell’Intelligenza Artificiale, non solo hanno sconfessato la presunta intelligenza degli elaboratori ma, purtroppo, hanno evidenziato anche che, quella che noi consideriamo spesso intelligenza, e cioè una logica capacità di calcolo e previsione, è in realtà una componente marginale del pensiero, o comunque una componente che non è sufficiente a sviluppare una facoltà di pensiero intelligente e questa, a tutt’oggi, è la sola cosa che i computer sanno fare! Il desiderio della modernità di riuscire a costruire una società tecnologicamente ‘pulita’ o ‘pura’ e totalmente funzionale all’essere umano è miseramente naufragato: la relazione uomo-computer, come abbiamo visto, non solamente non garantisce quella ‘conoscenza’ e ‘capacità’ per cui è stata progettata, ma addirittura ci obbliga a confrontarci con dispositivi concettuali, tipicamente umani quali il bottone ‘I’m feeling lucky’ del motore Google, dove la componente casuale domina incontrastata. L’età moderna, e in questo siamo decisamente d’accordo con Latour, non c’è mai stata proprio perché vagheggiava una condizione di riscatto dalla natura e quindi dall’uomo, che affidava allo sviluppo tecnologico, il quale tuttavia ha mostrato chiaramente quanto invece di quella natura umana da purificare ad ogni costo ci sia ancora nelle interfacce culturali digitali, e quanto questa componente influisca sulle scelte che siamo costretti a fare ogni giorno. L’ibrido epistemologico di natura informazionale è lì a testimoniarlo: quella sorta di mixité tra esperienza ed emozioni umane e capacità di calcolo e memoria digitale restituisce un paradigma epistemologico basato non sulla conoscenza, bensì su credenze più o meno suffragate da testimonianze digitali indirette, da sensazioni del momento, da elaborazioni computazionali anch’esse digitali e dalla propria capacità di validazione. Per usare le parole di Nicla Vassallo: Se apparteniamo all’e-generation, come mostra un recente studio dell’University College London, guardiamo le pagine web senza leggerle, manchiamo di analisi critica, pecchiamo di conservatorismo nell’affidarci ai motori di ricerca più commerciali, disponiamo di abilità tecnologiche di facciata. Del resto, l’essere “always on” induce, oltre una certa qual ignoranza, incapacità a concentrarsi a lungo, cali d’attenzione, dipendenza di vario genere, vuoti di memoria: ostacoli cognitivi non indifferenti a ricevere e offrire testimonianze nel mondo virtuale e in quello reale 79. 79. N. Vassallo, Per sentito dire, cit., pp. 113. La terza mutazione metafisica / 177 Tutto questo anche perché la relazione uomo-computer, da un punto di vista informazionale, ha radicalmente cambiato alcune categorie semantiche sia a livello individuale che sociale nei processi di comunicazione. Ad esempio, non solo la comunicazione si è scissa dal trasporto, cosa del resto che già Carey 80 aveva sottolineato riguardo alla tecnologia del telegrafo, ma anche dall’identità dei soggetti coinvolti nel processo comunicativo. E se per certi versi anche il telefono andava in questa direzione, tuttavia oggi l’anonimato dell’identità riguarda anche le macchine: in Internet comunichiamo spesso con dei Server Web in modo analogo a come facciamo con le persone. Inoltre, la comunicazione si è decisamente resa indipendente anche dal luogo: attraverso i dispositivi mobile, ciascuno può comunicare senza badare a dove si trovi, purché abbia una copertura del segnale. Anche sul tempo del resto, come sottolinea Castells 81, l’avvento dell’era informazionale ha inciso profondamente. In particolare nell’interfaccia uomo-computer la dimensione temporale perde di significato: il flusso informativo garantisce un eterno presente, in cui l’individuo spesso basa la propria scansione temporale non sul trascorrere dei minuti o delle ore bensì sulle differenze informazionali con cui ha a che fare. Il multi-tasking implementato su differenti piattaforme, moltiplica la percezione temporale dell’agente che sperimenta così la sensazione di una dilatazione temporale che di fatto impedisce la storicizzazione delle interazioni, se non per fini predeterminati dalle stesse macchine, quali ad esempio il consumo. E senza quest’ultima non ci può essere vera esperienza, ma solo contingenza. Ecco dunque che l’individuo, obbligato ad essere sempre connesso con le proprie interfacce culturali presenti su computer, smart phones, palmari, tablet, lettori audio-video ecc..., sperimenta una frammentazione del proprio patrimonio culturale personale e sociale che lo proietta in un limbo fatto di enormi quantità di informazioni che richiedono voracemente un senso che però stenta a manifestarsi. In questo caos umano-digitale, l’accezione rituale dei processi di comunicazione diventa predominante, fino a confluire, come abbiamo visto nel paragrafo precedente, in veri e propri riti tendenti alla conferma della propria individualità a dispetto della propria limitatezza, alla base dei quali si rileva una fiducia, cioè una fede, molto spesso incrollabile nella capa80. J. W. Carey, “A Cultural Approach to Communication”, cit., pp. 12. 81. M. Castells, The Rise of the Network Society, cit, chapter 7. 178 / La terza mutazione metafisica cità trascendente dell’interfaccia culturale. Da conoscenza a credenza, da certezza a speranza. Il Just in time informazionale che sperimentiamo ogni giorno ci costringe ad un costante impegno ontologico sulla determinazione di un senso alle nostre attività digitali: questo senso però, spesso, sembra sfuggire o addirittura ci relega in una posizione di anonimato, per evitare il quale necessitiamo di imporre la nostra individualità. Le interfacce culturali sempre più ci permettono di interagire in qualità di soggetti e sempre meno in veste di interroganti. Un soggetto possiede emozioni, è talvolta irrazionale, ha bisogno di certezze anche quando queste certezze non possono esistere. Le interfacce permettono quindi al soggetto di manifestare le proprie contraddizioni attraverso veri e propri riti che non hanno altro scopo se non, da una parte, quello di confermare l’agente sul proprio ruolo all’interno del sistema sociale di appartenenza, e dall’altra di farlo sentire meno solo. Le interfacce culturali sono diventate i nostri migliori amici, le entità a cui affidiamo le nostre speranze, i nostri sogni, le nostre paure e tutto questo per aspirare ad una redenzione che, inevitabilmente, le medesime interfacce non possono che procastinare. E in questo eterno rimando e ritorno, ecco che l’agente si ritrova in una dimensione atemporale e non localizzata, che molto assomiglia alla dimensione sociale sperimentata da coloro che vivevano dopo la terza mutazione metafisica nel romanzo ‘ Le particelle elementari’ citato all’inizio. Come a dire che, forse, la spinta al sacro, e alla ricerca di un senso, nell’enorme patrimonio informazionale con cui ci confrontiamo ogni giorno in parte trova le sue ragioni d’essere nella sconfitta o meglio, nella rimozione del concetto di morte che così bene si attua nella relazione uomo-computer. 5. Conclusioni e sviluppi futuri Il lavoro che abbiamo svolto, è bene precisarlo, contiene una forte componente di provocazione: le interfacce culturali sono ovviamente molto utili e grazie ad esse la società occidentale sta vivendo una mutazione che, a nostro giudizio ma non solo, è paragonabile alle due mutazioni metafisiche citate nell’introduzione. Nel breve spazio di una trentina d’anni, la relazione uomo-macchina è cambiata radicalmente e ha cambiato, e sta cambiando, la società in ogni suo aspetto: dall’economia, alla politica, dalla cultura alla religione. Quello che volevamo fare in questo breve saggio era solamente attirare l’attenzione La terza mutazione metafisica / 179 su determinate modalità evidenziabili nella relazione uomo-macchina, in modo da sollevare la questione delle ricadute in termini individuali ma anche sociali, che una tale relazione può provocare e sta provocando. Il nostro parere, aldilà dell’anelito al sacro e della conferma del soggetto agente nel proprio sistema di riferimento sociale, è che una tale relazione dovrebbe essere restituita alla sua vocazione più sincera e cioè quella di dispositivo ibrido attraverso il quale è possibile svolgere numerosi e svariati compiti. Non amiamo il funzionalismo, né tantomeno l’utilitarismo, ma nella pseudo-follia umano-digitale che crediamo di aver individuato una rivalutazione della Transmission View all’interno dei processi di comunicazione umano-digitali sarebbe quantomeno opportuna, ma soprattutto eviterebbe, un domani, di incorrere in sistemi di controllo analoghi a quelli implementati nel corso della storia da tutte quelle strutture sociali che, in qualche misura, hanno sempre amministrato il sacro: cioè le religioni. Per quanto riguarda gli sviluppi del presente lavoro, da un punto di vista epistemologico crediamo sarebbe interessante indagare i seguenti aspetti: – approfondire l’analisi della Ritual View e il conseguente anelito al sacro da un punto di vista epistemologico: andare a confrontare i dispositivi ermeneutici presenti in letteratura di teoria della conoscenza con il problema di garantire una determinata qualità informativa ai dati reperibili in rete. In questo senso sarebbe possibile, da una parte reinterpretare i diversi approcci (affidabilismo, causalismo, coerentismo ecc...) in una prospettiva informazionale e dall’altra esaminare le ricadute epistemologiche dei paradigmi presenti in Scienza dell’Informazione volti a garantire una determinata qualità informativa (firme digitali, certificati di qualità ecc...); – utilizzare lo schema astratto al quale si rifanno tutte le reti digitali, che prevede l’importante concetto di ‘livello di astrazione’, per l’analisi della relazione uomo-computer andando ad investigare se un tale concetto può essere di aiuto nella spiegazione dei fenomeni occorrenti alle interfacce culturali; – esaminare nell’ambito della Ritual View dei processi di comunicazione uomo-computer, il concetto di ‘informazione semantica’ e cercare di comprendere quanto questo concetto possa essere applicato alle teorie semantiche presenti in Teoria dell’Informazione; 180 / La terza mutazione metafisica – porre in relazione la vaghezza di natura informazionale, di cui abbiamo parlato nei paragrafi precedenti, con la vaghezza di natura epistemologica codificata in logica e filosofia del linguaggio. 82 Da un punto di vista storico e socio-antropologico potremmo invece considerare i seguenti sviluppi: – raffrontare le analisi condotte in questo lavoro, appronfondendole ulteriormente, con l’accostamento operato prima da Benjamin 83 e successivamente dalla Scuola di Francoforte 84 (Deutschmann, 2001) tra religione e capitalismo; – esaminare da un punto di vista storico il legame tra lo sviluppo dell’era informazionale e la nascita delle interfacce culturali; – andare a investigare le ricadute nell’ambito del lavoro e del denaro, della relazione uomo-computer così come da noi esaminata. Infine, per coloro ai quali questo saggio possa sembrare ardito, se non futuristico, coloro cioé che faticano a vedere aspetti dell’ambito del sacro nella relazione uomo-computer, concludiamo ricordando la famosa affermazione di McLuhan: “One thing about which fish know exactly nothing is water, since they have no anti-environment which would enable them to perceive the element they live in.” 82. Per una panoramica aggiornata sul tema della vaghezza nei due prescritti ambiti si può consultare: R. Dietz and S. Moruzzi, Cuts & Clouds, eds., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010. 83. W. Benjamin, Capitalis as Religion, translated by Rodney Livingstone in W. Benjamin, Selected Writings, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA) - London, Vol. 1, 1996, pp. 289-290. 84. C. Deutschmann, “The Promise of Absolute Wealth: Capitalism as a Religion?”, Thesis Eleven, 2001, 66:32. NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS Rupsha Banerjee, an Indian national, has a background in social work (MA, TISS India), and planning and development (M. Phil, IIT Bombay). She has served as applied sociologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Her research interest is on the socio-economic, technological, and institutional aspects of adaptation to climate variability and change in agriculture. She is currently a doctoral student at the International Center for the History of Universities and Science (CIS), University of Bologna, Italy. Giancarlo Calcagno is sssociate professor of the History of science and technology in the History Department, University of Bologna. He edited Ingegneri e modernizzazioni. Università e professione nell’Italia del Novecento (Bologna, Esculapio, 1996), and has published extensively on technological utopias, including: Utopie et technologie (in Vita Fortunati and Raymond Trousson eds., Histoire Transnationale de l’utopie littéraire et de l’utopisme, Paris, Champion, 2008). Christian Carletti is postdoctoral research fellow at the Interdepartmental Research Centre ASPI (Archivio Storico della Psicologia Italiana), University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. During the last few years his research has focused on the diffusion of an “electric culture” in the nineteenth century, paying special attention to the interactions among experimental practices, business ambitions, and social expectations. He is author of several articles, published in national and international journals. Marta Cavazza is Associate Professor of History of Science at the University of Bologna. Her research focuses on scientific institutions in seventeenth-and eighteenth-century Italy, especially in Bologna 182 / NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS and Emilia. Her publications include Settecento inquieto. Alle origini dell’Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna (Bologna, 1990); La corrispondenza di Pietro Mengoli (with Gabriele Baroncini, Firenze 1990), and numerous essays on gender in eighteenth-century Italy, in particular the presence of women in the scientific academies and universities, including «Women’s Dialectics, or the Thinking Uterus: An Eighteenth-Century Controversy on Gender and Education», in L. Daston, G. Pomata (eds.), The Faces of Nature in Enlightenment Europe (Berlin, 2003), pp. 237-257, and «Between Modesty and Spectacle: Women and Science in Eighteenth Century Italy», in P. Findlen, W. Roworth, C. Sama (eds.), Italy’s Eighteenth Century: Gender and Culture in the Age of the Grand Tour (Stanford, 2009). Daniela Crocetti is an independent STS researcher, associated with the Philosophy Department at the University of Bologna. She recently completed a doctoral project on DSD (Disorders of Sex Development), that looks at biomedicalization of the gendered body from historical and anthropological perspectives. The contemporary use of molecular genetic testing, from laboratory techniques to bioethics and disability theory, was a key aspect of her project. Her current research focuses on genomic technologies and how they relate to new models of defining pathology, the body, and identity. In 2007 she organized the Italian portion of an UK-based, EU analysis of transgender people’s experience with healthcare. She currently participates in the Italian research group ‘De Morbo’, that focuses on a multi-disciplinary study of disease and illness experience. Luca Iori holds a Master degree in Philosophy, and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the doctoral programme in Science, Technology, and Humanities at the University of Bologna. His dissertation deals with the role of agricultural genetics and plant breeding in 20th century Italy, focusing especially on the period before the second world war and the role of the Italian breeder Nazareno Strampelli (1866-1942). His dissertation research benefits from a collaboration with the University of Exeter. Luca Iori contributes with a philosophy column to the Italian fanzine “Youthless”. Francesco Martini holds a ‘Laurea’ in Management Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis on “Representation and certifi- NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS / 183 cation of data quality on the web”. A synthesis of the thesis abstract was published as a research paper in the Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Quality (ICIQ-04), MIT’s annual conference on Information Quality. He is now a Ph.D. candidate in the doctoral programme in Science, Technology, and Humanities at the University of Bologna. His doctoral project focuses on computer networks and the theory of knowledge, as it is usually defined by epistemologists. He also takes care of information technology as an IT Manager in a private company, and in his free time he studies the history and sociology of science and technology as a member of the CIS group at the of University of Bologna. Last but not least, he likes writing novels and plays. Kamanda Josey Ondieki, a Kenyan national, has a background in agricultural engineering (Bsc. JKUAT, Kenya), and technology management (Msc. Surrey, UK). He served for three years as associate professional officer in the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). His assignment as institutional innovation specialist involved research on institutional change, and the development relevance of international agricultural research. Currently he is pursuing a Ph.D. at the Division of Social and Institutional Change in Agricultural Development, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. Giuliano Pancaldi is professor of the History of science, and head of the International Center for the History of Universities and Science (CIS) at the University of Bologna. His books include: Darwin in Italy. Science across cultural frontiers (Indiana University Press, 1991), and Volta. Science and culture in the age of Enlightenment (Princeton University Press, 2003). He is currently working on a study of Lord Kelvin’s laboratory at the University of Glasgow, and on a book addressing the social history of the life sciences in a long-term perspective. “Bologna Studies in History of Science” Editor: Giuliano Pancaldi 1. Frederic L. Holmes, Eighteenth-century chemistry as an investigative enterprise, 1989, 144 pp. 2. John L. Heilbron, Weighing imponderables and other quantitative science around 1800, 1993, 337 pp. 3. Frederic L. Holmes, Between biology and medicine: The formation of intermediary metabolism, 1992, 114 pp. 4. Peter J. Bowler, Biology and social thought: 1850-1914, 95 pp. 5. I laboratori dell’università. Un incontro Bologna-Oxford, a cura di Anna Guagnini e Giuliano Pancaldi, 1996, 127 pp. 6. Robert Fox and Anna Guagnini, Laboratories, workshops, and sites. Concepts and practices of research in industrial Europe, 1800-1914, 1999, 214 pp. 7. Luigi Galvani International Workshop. Proceeedings, edited by Marco Bresadola and Giuliano Pancaldi, 1999, 215 pp. 8. The structure of knowledge: Classifications of science and learning since the Renaissance, edited by Tore Frängsmyr, 2001, 158 pp. 9. Electric bodies. Episodes in the history of medical electricity, edited by Paola Bertucci and Giuliano Pancaldi, 2001, 298 pp. 10. Natura, cultura, identità. Le università e l’identità europea, a cura di Giuliano Pancaldi, 2004, 213 pp. 11. Storia, scienza e società. Ricerche sulla scienza in Italia nell’età moderna e contemporanea, a cura di Paola Govoni, 2006, 304 pp. 12. Impure cultures. Interfacing science, technology, and humanities, edited by Massimo Mazzotti and Giuliano Pancaldi, 2010, 256 pp. 13. Electricity and life. Episodes in the history of hybrid objects, edited by Giuliano Pancaldi, 2011, 184 pp.