Pressures generated in vitro during Stabident intraosseous
Pressures generated in vitro during Stabident intraosseous
Pressures generated in vitro during Stabident intraosseous iniections Meechan J. M. Whitworth, R. A. M. Ramlee & J G' SctroololD€ntâl Sciêtrcd. NewcastleUni!æitv Newcastle upot Tvne uK with maximum ùÛa-cârtndge pressure development rniecL:on' ume w.F prorLcdlor slo$ Ùd raoid Whitworth JM, RamleeFAM, Me'chtn JG Pressùres and onÈway À\ovA (P < 0 05) conductedto .deteror inledbns in waroduringsrâbidên:inÙaosseous generâred mine sisûitcani diiterences behdeen categorles 2045' lnteûananêlEndôdonti.Jouthalsa,291-296 injætion. atr Rèsults Presures createdwhen iniecnng tn!Ô ÛrtraStabident the lhat Aim To test the hvpothesis r i c sue I n l o s e r e l e q sl t d n , b o 5 ' n c Ê d e d r o i n i e c r techôseous injection is a potetrtiatlv high-pressure rnÛa{P<0.001). East iojection producedsreate' rique, which cMies serious nsks of anaesthetic p.rrtu.ut than slow deliverv (P <! 05) "*iar" htsner IDjeciionpressur€srose more quicklv and to A s1ândardÀstra detrtal sr{inge was Methodology it leiels in smau vouûg sheepmatdiblesthan Larger' of locar moiliiled to meâsure the internal pressure intra_ old sheepmaùdibles.The absolutemaximuû anaesthetic cartridges during injection' Intra-cairidge was stùdv cfftridge pressu.edevelopeddurins the dos D r e , s u r ,w L - em e a s u r êâdr I s i n t e r v a l sd u : n B ka'ture 1.31 MPa which is lessthan thât needed!o ot i , s p ' , v i . o r " t v l 5 s r a n d r a P i dr < 1 0 s ' i n i e c r t n n s glass cartri'1ges ro/c zl xvto.oin" w'rh | :80o0o adrerahe Cônclusions Stabidentirtraosseous'qecrton'onor resistance) tisslr€ at inlo {no cartridge volùmeo instrucin the itucted iD ac.ordatrcewilh the manufactùrer: irto freshly prepâred Stabident perforâtion sites tions does noi present a serious risk of dâùserous anterior maùdibie ot freshLvcuiled voung aûd old sheep 'as repeated pre$ure build-ùpin local araestheliccadndges' (against tissue resistaqce) Each iniection pressÙres pressure l0 times oler 3 dats. Absolute maaimum Keywords: Nraosseous.locâlanaesthelic p'es mean injection of câtegorv Êenelated by each ;ùres at t s interals iD each series of injections ând )aoq atttpted1i Deûtnh{ 2001 R..eitud6 ocLùbù mean slanilsd deviations were calcûtated Ctves oi cartridscsto tâiL methodswhich tnâv causeanaeslhetic ct41 1990) MeechàD lntroduction (Meæhan & Mccabe 1986 lackrng' h otten pro although detailedeviden e SùlDlemeDtary injections Ùe olten reeded to l in (Mee_ ln(raoseoJs Inle'r:on .s d elTecr:veadiun pulps Ioundtv anaesthetizeirreversiblv inllded rh and '! dl 'LnOJ) \us'lein emersencyêndodorriLs chan 2002). These coûtrol Pain bv ilcreæitg drug U S A Ib \ 4 r d n r ' F L l n c S t a b r à e n\ lL ( 1 ' P a ù f a xD e n r a dose, biocking vùiatt nêÙal pathwâvs or simplv / r ' l r a n | \ u s d 6 i 8 n s o n " o l l h e p r J \ e nc o m m e r ' i " ' concusing sensorvneûd Sone ee high-pressure à l I n d c l i v e ' s r e m I l t F s v 1 9 9 8! a l l . ' r ' 1 a l ? n 0 r r ' siand a with bone soluliorlinto can'ellous anaeslhetic ârd dental slnnge and ultra_shorl(6 nml 27-gauge Dr loht M. WhitwÛrth School o' D'nlal CoÛ€sbonde!æ: needle-cortical pertoratorsaûd ûædlesde siæ-marcnea and toss sci€.c;. uewdstle Unive6iit, F.adlinelon Plâ'e New'ârdê iRamlee& \\'hitworth 2001) to avoidbackJlo\t +44 ùDonlvne NE2 4BW, UK (Tel : +44 791 222 7A2\ iu: tissÙe 1ow compliance ofdrug duringiniectioninto a ùk) 191 2i2 6117: €-nàil: i m.whit{orth@ncla' J0umr @200t rûrenafonâlEndododic rnc'id]onâlFndodÔilicJoÙmà|'33.291296,2005 E I PGs!rc on sràbidên injedion whitudb inskuctroN lecolmelrd slow The mmulactllEk delivery of on€ quârter cartridge of maestheti' sôlutioû but make no obs€Fations on the risk ol pressure build-up dÙing injætiot 'nto a croser This study wâs designedto a€stthe hvpothBis that th€ Stabidert iDtraosseoN technique is a potêntiallv high-pr6s,Ie technique, which cùies serious risks ôt anaesthetic cdtridge tailure. Materials 1 d'r' and methods Development of a syst€m to m€asure fhe internal pressure ofdental local am€sthctic cartridges during injection Où e{perjmental system was based on the modiÊed Astra sylinge model of Maita & Hooichi (1984) (Iis. r). B.ieliy, a standard Astra (Asûazeneca Maccles_ ffeld, iJK) dental syringe w6 modifled bv the additioD of a 2o'gaùge slâintes steel needle inserted ând secùed through the hoEing of the bdrel (Depart ment of lngineeriog, University ol N€w@stle,UK) This was connæted to a pressure transduær IRDP Ëlectronics. WoLverhampton. UKi pressure range 0 1000 psi (0-6.89 MPâ)l which was nounted on the syringe bùrel. This in turn wâs conrected to a mic.ôprocssoÈbasedstrain ânplitier (E525 Cyphec Â)P Electronics).fftted with a stlndârd R S 2 J 2: n r r l d c p t o . o m m u n n r t . o nw i r l l h e h l ! " terniûal progranme for Windows 95 (Hilgraele Inc.. Monroe. MI, USA), allowing the capture ot presure readiûgs from the strain âmplifier and pressure transdùcer. The presure transducêr and slrain amplifier were calibrated by the sùpplier p.ior to Pressurc m€asurement stmdard l@al amestheticcâ.tridges122ûl' oî 2% xylocaine with 1 : 80 ooo âdrenaline (Astrazeneca)l r{ere marked to indicate 0.25 cùtridge volumes belo.e loading irto the modi{ied Àstra sFioge {Astrazereca) carrying a StabideDtultra short (6 nm) 27-gauBe neede A sene<otpr6'ure rtrordinBcwas màdedLrrins thê injectionot 0-25 cartridgevolumesiDto: l. Âir (no tissueresktance). 2. Fresh Stabidentperforalionsites in the dentate anterior mandible ot: {a) two lreshlycûlledyoung(approxiûatelvI vea.old) 4 vearsold) tb) tso lreshlyculledold {approximately New pùnctur€ holes.needlesaûd ca.tridg6 were employedfor eachinjection. The presureswhich delelopedin the svringeca!tridse were recordedat 1 s itrtertâls drring a seri.s .l 10 slow lapproximâtelyr; d ând 10 .apid (as rapidl! s possible:<10 s) itjectioDsinlo air and irio shæp lnjectionsit eachseriesdere spreâdover I dâvs1o avoid operâtorfatigueand to allow disperealot local ârâesthetic$'ithit the specimeù-AU injectionswe.c made b! a slngle.Iemaleinlestigator (RAMRI Locâl anâ.stheticcâ.l.idges employedin this study $€re stôredaùd adûitistered at rôom temp€râture Sheep 'C) and rândibles {.re storedùùde. retrige.alioDl'l allos'edto eqùilibrateto foorn tempe.aturefor 2 I h hçloreinjection. 'lhe absolurenaximum presures senerateilbv each series of iùjecdons.meàt pressu.esand standa.d by: oenlalcarldgesynnge,modiilêd . p@s*rc lÉnsduær mounlêdI . addiuonai 20oausenædlê!re€nêdIhrcugh Fisur. 1 Sch€naôcdiagGn ollocal aùacstheti. presu.€ tdtina syslen. litmâtonâl Endodonli. J oon 3L 3a, 291-296, 2005 ÊndodoûitJou'ial @2005Inrârôarionâl $fti@nh d dr€ on srabidsnrinjedion deviations were catculated with Microsott E\cel f'r Windows XP. Cunes of mean maximum nEa{d hidge pressue developmentwith flme were plott€d lor slow ùil rapid idections in Microsoft ExæI, and oftway ^NovA (coDfdence intewal P < 0 05) condD't€d to.letemine significmt di,Ierencesbetwæn the vmoùs câa€goriesof iDiectios. Mdimum pressùe recorditgs were @mpaEd with publshe{t Weibûl curves of local anâesthetic cartridge failure iMeechan st al. 1990) to Provideiûsight info the tikelihood of systen lailure rÊsulting ftom the intracârtriilse pressuressenerated dÙing use of the Siab_ ident intrâosseousmethod Results The ntatr ndimum md absolute maximum intracartridge Pressuresgen€rateddÙing iniecaioDsifto aa' and sheepnâtdibles are show! in Table 1 Mdimùm anil meaû mdimum intra-carbldge prs_ sures were alwâys greater duriDg irjectioE iDto tisue compard with air. where there was no exi"nai (P < 0.001) resistance duing inic.uo''MPalIr -- l0l Tâblè1 P'6sùesgenPraL"d Meânm6timum prêssu@(MPal in 3eri6 {sDl Absôluremôimum (MPâ) pressÙrc in sêries Râpid iljection alwavs generated highd absolut€ md mean mâximum intrâ{artridge prsMes thân their respe.tive slo& injection (P < 0 05) The'e were, howwer, no statisticallv sigtiflcæt dilTerencesbetween the meân maximum and absotute maximum inrracarûidee pressùes geDerateddurins slow iûjection Dto yoùs or old sheepmandibles, or .apid iniection idto youns or old she€Pmandibles Curvesilloitra!'ls the developmentof intra'câ'bidge prcssureÙirh ÙmPtor slow iniecrionszre shown i" Fig. 2. Slow itrj€.tion into air (ûo tissue resistanæl creatld a small nse ilr intra'cartddge pressure' whi'h peaked after approximatelv 4 s and remaiDed steadv throughout the iojectiot period- Âll iniections 'ntÔ tissue $€.e arsociatedwith similâr profrlesof pressùre inc.@se, Peakins between 7 and 10 s at lêvels betwætr 1.4 and 1.68 MPa. beforedecliningtowards the end of the injection Grcate. vaiation wæ sæn âûongst the rapid injectiom (Fig.l). Iûjecting as quickLvas pos$D€ without tissùe rsistance resulted in a pattern ol pressùe beha\iolr which wd similar to the dow irjection. Intra-cartridge pre$u.e rose to a peak àt approximâiely 5 s. and remained relativelv co!'shnr until the end ol the injection pedod Sharp increasesin presure wêre noted dûring the tust 4.{ s ot injeciioD against issue resistance wiih both the rate of developnentând peak valùe being greatestill the relatieelvsnaLLvoùng sheepmandibleDiscussion Pressuregenerationis .ele!an! to the €lIectivenessând safery of sme local anaesihetic melhods (Lht 't dl' 1988. Vancheluwe & Walion 1997) The intrari- 1.6 o.2 Fisurê 2 Me& danmm in[a@aidse presù€ {MPa) vesùs t'me (s). € 2005lniemarion:l onti. Jô!md €ndôd @ Presurc on sbbidsnt injsdion vr'hr'en' er ar Flgure3 I'teat maximÙmint.a{âr_ tridseprcssué{MP€)ve6us time G)- gamentary iniection mây, ior exmple, gene.ate hish p.essures, aspæiallyin combinaiionwith commer'ial pressuresyring6 (walnslev .tal 1989) Few data hdvê bepn âvailable on presrùrs senerareddurins iDtra{seous injection where sÔLutionis depositedintd a low compliâncetissæ spâce. have desclibedsvstedsl'r A tumber of researchers pressure local anaestheticsvstems(Pâshin measùring 1984, Rieu .t dl. & Horuichj Maitâ Leyst al. 19s1, interestwas Our spæific et 41 1989) 1989, Walnrsley neasured readilv pre$ure which wâs intrarartridse (1984) as de$ribed method by the Maita & ltôruichi Simulationmôdelsare wideLvenplovedin biomcdi 'Ihe iimited availabilitvof whole denrâte cal reseârch. lhe use ol an humân cadavermandiblesnecessitated model io the mâlnûâlian alternative.rnedium-siæd were mandibles ovine Fresh. dentate cunent research. was mandible anierior only the leadily sourced.and was efangemeD! shape and utilired. where tooth to specrrlâte are unable We comparableto the humù on the compârabilityof our own results with thôse llketyfrom injætion into the jaws oi iiving creatures. De.prre.on.iderdbleelTo'tro ôrandâ'diæ'nic' ri^n' soûe degree of operator vanâbilitv w6 ioevitable. lh.s was panjculaly ço lor rapio iniections necesi tatiûg trequent breaks and spreâding iniections over I days. It was r&e for even the slow iûiections tÔ be smoothlvand consistentlvdue tô the siven absoluteLy behaviour oi the cdtridse rubber pilnger' s'hi.h iypicalljr moved along the cartridse berel with a judderûg motion. Even a mechanicalsvringe driver could not deliver truly smooth iniections. ttowever. the iniectionswere clinicallv realbtic and the stânded denarion( 'ndi@te ân a..eptable l.\el ot consiJ_ @ Multiple cortical perlbrâtions and iojeclions did not resùlt in aoy clear pattern of presure reductionor incrêaseaslhe serieslrog.essed.Flùidwas not ûoted1() emergethrough perlorationsites providessomeol the first evidencc This inv€stigation generâted in locai anaesthcticcartridges on prelsùres iniecnôn during the lrseofcontemporârvintraosseous s'ere rccordings Presure techniqùesin the ùandible. ( 1 9 8 1 ) s'h' e l n i o t P a s h l e v c o m p ù r a b l e , 1 i lt bh o s e prcssurs into the iasa ol repo.tcdmaximuù injeclion MPa It was àtd 1 24 1 91 dogsin rhe raùgebet$cen iu less rvere highcsi pressùres noted thât iniectiot i'rlecnon int.à{sseous dhtensibledssues.$ith the highe.maxirDumpressure(2.1j8I'lPa)Lhaù developiug papilla r2.11 lttPa). periodotlal lisam'ùr incisive . â r d p a l a t e{ 1 5 1 M P a ) â n d i n t r a p u l p à l { 2 . 1 5N l P a ) h l1-19l\'lPâr i]liections.Other fesear.heb hâre nolcd even higher iùtra-cariridgc PressLre genc.ârinn (4 MPa)during rr !ùro simulalionoi inraliganreÔtârl ând inrao$eous irjecLiôns.Bv con!|ast. Shephdd the iùtrabÔnvprcssureDcr'âçe .t dj. (2001rùr€àsured during iùection of $vi,re oràtdibles. and reporred pressureiDcrcases an orderoll0lo$€r thaù the los'est intra'.ârtridle presure dùrins slow iniectioùagâ'nsf .ecordedit the prcsentstudy no resistance Some ot this itconsistencymust reflect detôls ol protocol.inclùdilg the iniectionrecipietrt.the vohrmc ot anaesthericdeln'ered.lhe rale of deposition thc measudùgsFreû. the tempefatureot the cartridge (Me€chan.l al. 199t) .;rl the site measured Lù additiot. the len$h and sâùgeotthe leedle influences pressuregeneratedin denlal local ânaeslheliccÙûidges(i\ieechât& Mccabe1986)- It cân be inlerred iniectionsvstemsdo not develop thât loca1anâesthetic consisteDtin.reasesin pressùreth.oùghout ID the whiôrcnn e. aL Fcsure on Srâbident inj€dion prserlt work, the small mandiblesotvoung sheepwere associaleilwith morè rapid and hisher peak pressureol inj€ction than la4er, mature sh€ep There is a næd to standùdize methods lor evaluating this importÙt elemeDtol local anaestheticdeliverv ând safetv. So$,ray (1983) stated thât anaesthetic cartridges were desi$ed to resist approximatelv4-1 MPa oi pressur€.Previous investigations (Meæhan & M'câbe causing 1986) haveshom that ihe rangcol pressDres fracture of 2.2 mL Xylocaine (Astrazeneca) dettâl ânaeslhetic cartridges ot the tvpe emploved h this s r u d yw e r eb e j o n dr h i r ! à 4 B Pr ( \ l l q 7 V P a The mdimum p! etrcoùntered, even whet injections were aiininistered as rapidlv as phlsicallv possible. wereno higherthaû 3-I 1 MPâ-lt is impor.ant to poitrtout that the operatoriû lhis studv was iemâleA previousinvestigationhas shown that mâle operato6 can geDerate8r@te! prssÛes thatr females(Maita & Horuichi 1984). In thât studv (ùlaita & HÔnri'hi 28% sreâ!r9S4), maLescouldproduceapproxinateLv e. maximum lorce. If the forcesrecordcd in the prcsent study were inùeasedby 28%, this is still below that ûeededto lracture glæs câ cÙ be concluded' therefo.e, that glass Xvlocâine (Âstrazeneca) ânaesthetic carkidges we.e at no significant risk ot iracture during iûkaoseous injætion bv the Stabidenldetbod The forc€s reported in this investigation are less thÙ lhât reported duritg intrâligametta4' iDjcctions i\4'almsleyel al. l989l Inlrâlisameitarv injections ire considered â type ol intraosseous ânâesthesia rsmitb & Walton 1983). AltlDugh iùtràligamertaq' ûijec' anàesthesia may be cotsideredan intraosseoùs tbt from a physiological poilt of view. the trûe intrao$eoustechniquedilïe6 in a nechanical sense in that lessforceis generatedin the ca.tridgeltith lhe l'laslic Locâlanaestheti.cartridgesare known to tail b.lween3.Ol and 6.89 MPa.The peakintra{artridge njccuon F.esuredevelopeddurins slow intraosseous was<1-67 MPa,thus plasticcartridsesare at litde risk ol tailureduring Stabidentinjectionswhen the iniection is given slowly. Examitation ol Weibull dhtribution .un'es (Meæhanst 41.19901suggeststhât if hhaossrus injectionwas given very râpidly (peakpressure l.]l MPa). there may be a lO-15% risk oi plasti. ca(ridgetàilure.Plasticcartrideesfail dùe to dislo.tion ot lhe câdridse plunger wilh loss of an'esthetic dution. .ather than daûgeroustàilureotlhe cartridse Nalls1Meæhaner di. 1990). It can be susgestedthat tlanic and gls anaestheticcart.idgesmay be used rvirh safetyiD the Stabidentinbaosseoustæhnique, C2005]n&hdioiâ]EndodonlicJouftâ| plovided thât the mmufacturer's instructions ior slow injeclion ùe followâj. Within the timitations ot this slùdv, the working hypothesisthat the Stabidentintraosseoustechnique r â potentially high prssure technique which ce.ies serroN risk oiânaesthehc cdtridge failure was disproved Conclusions Stabidett intraoss€os injection conducted in accord anæ with the manu-facturer's instructions does not p - e s e nâl s û i o u s' l 5 ko l d â n s e r u Ùprr P $ u r b L r l du p n local anâ$thetic cartridges lt is importarlt to note that the.recomended needle letgrh atrd gâuge was used As the lorces prodùced withitr the cartridge û'iLt increâse with longer atrd naûower needles(Meechât & M.Cabe 1986) the presentresultr should not be ertrapolatedto coverall intrao$eousinjectioos Refelences l (2(r0l) A. NùsteinJ Becku Mrearêr GâllatinJ, Reader c o r p a r r o . o l L w oi n l t c o s € - â n - r l a , r < h Ù r or " " oandibular posteriortcetb. l"M1al ol 1lû AnktirdùDrrtal l3!1. 1476 34, .4rso.idlion L ' . ir i .M " r n j ê rl -I r N e nE A P r P v l H to vùios slutionslsing rhc inlraliganrenfluidresponse Lâryinjecliôtr.0!i, .ss?n.4Llle,Idliondj19 ii9-61' Mâita É. H.ruichi H (1984) Àlea.u.êmentor prcssures developêdin the slriûge du.ins denralinlilt.âlon araes_ rhesiâ.BriIisftD.nlnlJdxnlal156 199 111{) routest! loral aÙ'èsih' iucecha. iC 12O0ll Sùpplemeniary 15 83i-96 rindodoùti./rrddl siâ. trterndrional McechanJC,MccâbeJF(1986lA modelior inlestigalingthe p.obabilityoi t actùreÔfdentalldal ânacnheli'cartridges sririsl D4xal /o!nr.l 160. 316 8 L{Jcal ÀfecchanlC.MccabêlF CarrickîEt1990)Plasticdêntar anaesrhêticcr.tridgesra labo.aroryin!.nigârion B'ilislr DolLùllaumdl 169. t4-6 À{edhân JC. 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